MONEY SAVING Dentist Sjfg - Wellesley Township Heritage ... · PDF fileMONEY SAVING A Bank...

A*\ Vol. 7. N o. 51 Wellesley, Thursday, September 26th, 1907. J. W . GREEN? Prop. MONEY SAVING A Bank that hn5 c onducted a r »n M'rwtl™ business for over Ttt EN TY-FIVfi years and 1 ms ■ teadi'y increased its ASSETS until they rvi'v amount to over BIX MILLION DOLLARS, Is surely a SAKE in* * Ii tut ion to bn entrn-ied with y. ur Savings, We will receive your depo*ii» from |1. upward*. allowing you in- -tt»rcst thereon ut current rute*fr>m date of deposit to iL»ie of with Irawul. (.'-omp'.mn Jed I times a year. Absulfite Security to Depositrs. Capital Authorized * 1,OOO.MOO or I’apitHl 1 W Up Da.VMMi.Mt Reserve undivided profit^ 350,n>n <« Assets 6,000,000,<X The Weslerft Bank cf Canada. WelK’ tley Branch. W B. WEST, Mumger. H. HILTS Dentist Sjfg Wellesley. ■Oi'popilc the Furniture Omac tb> DR. W. .1. SCHMIDT, D E N T I S T t»flh -t nii-.-tuirs, opp vsitc t!ie Pest IHller. King street,'Berlin, Out. CLEMENT Ar CLEMENT. KirrUun. S»>lirlt,if«. V.-nri,.* !'i■ t.i!.•. /*. v«r*urer>< U.Hi.rt" l.mui nn » Iter. ijrer Wlifte it i Co-. <\.r, Jin „• F oui.lfj Htr••«.-*». ItKHI.I.V. F. P. rLTMKteT. K. C E. W. 4-1 tv m SCELLE.N * want I. A. Scrtlfu, II.a .. I„ II, I. J. A, W,rir. Jin-lit iu lli.itirt-tjr. (ferrUtor-i. tolb iror* . i- . Motej HKuI'lN- 1 *ilt W-GLMSTER, M. D. C. H. WKW .i-t.ev. ti 4 .l SUv»r telcin'i-t. *-•>■* »■ suT(ft.>n T.-tonto 0 *ttivr»i Mount*'. ,.»ui OoriiKtr lor VVUtllw County. ^\)e fetter C fQSS Customers Are Quicri TO DISCERN ACTUAL MERIT. The .dot he?1 we sell you are j made by modern "methods itml | ]iutM«3 W the merit to mitre favorable lirst impresHious-rtnd enhance them iu real service. See our stock of pat- terns tor Spring- and Summer Wear ED . PFEFFER, Your 'P ailor* Lisbon. Special Reductions in All Lines. [2 I ...... ------ ............ _________I Albion Hotel WELLESLEY. II. KE:::rT/>’u.»i:i:. ih -H'hikh k. Every Modern Accomodation (It >ie>*st Liquors B^st Siabhng. (tari ■IV; i.--..nll: Hui-J fur -:i>. 'll .11 •-a 5 ^ «* > ) G£) |J slOfr ? ! j h i $ !•* ; W ;.i is = S ! * # raQ | - I . ? g o - Suffering From EYE STRAIN EYER TROUBLED THAT WAY? If bo commit u skilled optic* tlan. W e‘II be gliul to attend to your case and'cun guarantee the best resmlts. Eyes tested and glasses adjusted to relievo the htrain. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Eyes tested Free J Welsh & Son Direct Importer*!. STRATFORD. Marriage Licences. Confidentia TIME TABLE. Of Hie Preston and Berlin Elec- trie Railway? Timetable No. ineffective Oct. 6th Leave lb-rim for Preston, Hus tieler uml Unit A. M__S.£W. H.1 C ,, iu 06, it 0. 1. P ...M l .U 5 t a. 115, :i ur*. 4-03. 5.05,6 03. 7.05, h.0.*i, 10.05, 'J 05, Exlm express ear will leave Berlin for C. P- II- station, GuJt, curry- ing passengers and, Imggtigc, ut b •t'J u.m, and d Leave Preston Junction for Ber- lin, Hespeler and Cult A M-—(9.20. Hespelerunly),(«.;W Halt onlv), 7.30, tj.-Sft,, 1J.33. P M .— 12.35. 1 35. 3.3D, 3.35, 4.35, 3 35, 0,33, 7 35, K35, 11.3.*, 10.35 ^xtra express cun* will leave Pres tonSpringH at U.OS a .in ., uml 0 35 p.ui. {<>r 13 P. R. station Halt. Leave Unit for Berlin, Preston and Hesjicder:— A. M —7.00, 8 00, U 03, 10 05, 11.051 P. M —12 05. 1 03, ¥.05, 3.03. 4.03. 5 Oft. 8 0ft, 7.05. 8.05. l>.05, 10.05, (11 05, Preston only.) Extra oxnress car xtill leave C. P. 11 station going north un nrrU'ul of the 10 25a. in. and 7.14 p.iu. traum. ■ Irfjive lleKiHjler for Preston, Galt nu.l Berlin:— A. id.-^0.33, o.iO, &.10. 10 10, 11,33, P M.—Van4, 1 . 1 ft, a .15, 3 15, 4. 15, 5.15. 8.15, 7. IB, b. 13, ft. 15, 10.15. 10.30, Preston only). ST CLEMENT??. Mr. John Mowirrjr. of Berlin, vi«itcd bis ]»arenta here on Sunday,” Mrs. V. Heric and son Anton vis- it«Hl ut Carlsmho for one week. Mr. Pol*r F. Bchnnmior haa left fur Milwiiukpe, wla.. and intends to stay fur a few weeks. Mrs. Admn Meyer is at preseni visiting relatives In Chicago. Mcssas. John and Alex. Htumpf sficnt Sftmlny in Berlin. Jit. and Mr*. Ed. Danhlcr, Wnt- prlotj. visited with Mr and Mrs, John Gies on Snnduy. Mr. Albert Bot'grl. Clu pstowtviH. iti.'d his parents. Mr. uml Mrs Jno Boegel. The marriage of Mr. George For well t'» Mis* Celia .Si-luuiilt took plnco nt Zurich, Uiit., on Tni^dny, the 24th inst. Both ar*1well known li>rnlly, this being the former’s na- tive town. The new boose being built bv Mr John Ilemuan on the old M?bool prnjiorly will bo rapidly pushed to completion. The local cidoi mill wjll be ojier- nt»-il this week Beginning with next wp<*k the mill will bo operated daily with thu exception of Saturdays. preached in tLe Lutheran church on Sunday fo,f Kov. Mr.Klein, who was preaching in North Eastho]M>. Mias L ttnltur spent Sunday with her sister in Milverton. The tmnivorsuiy services of the Linwood Motholist chnrcli held Irfst Sunday were very sacceasfnl. The church wns beautifully decor- ated with fruit, grain, vegetables and evergreens artistically nrrang- od with flower* of every color thus making the church look like the very ganloti ot E«lcn. The preach- er for the occasion was. Rev. Mr. Penhall, of Monktun. who posscKs- cs a pleasing peroonality and in a forcible, eloquent and cunvlQCca* hlo siMiAki’ r. He delighted the large audiences that assembled on both occasions. Ho will he wel- comed at any time he can come hero in the future. Dr. Hawke sung a solo at the morning meeting and Miss Dolly -\lcK4»y sung in the evening, both efforts being highly appreciated. HESSE STB ASS, Mr. E. Moser soil a bolt to Motermun Muntz, uf Bridgeport, for which he received a high price. Mr. Henry Scholl ha* purchased a now buggy froni liamwuud und Freeborn. Mri*. Krueller und Mrs. Mosrr paid a bmincHM trip to Iterhn one day Isat week. C^iiitc « number of the Hesse St rasa aheep w'cm to have found a homo with Mr. Scbwelfwr of Oioss. hill. W liop u ibis will be a enfli cient warning to other* who Id their sheep pustaro on the public road. Mr. and Mr*. Henry I4crtli visit- ed nt thelioinoof Mr. C. Gcrth. Quite n largo crowd of vimni people from Berlin were ontertaiti- 4?d at the home of Mr. F. Krueller’? the other evening. A very enjoy able time was spent in dancing. BAWKE8 VILLB. Mr. Tanner, of Wiarton, is vinit- >ng Mr*. J. Tuunor for n few weeks Mr. Ben Ballard, Toronto, sjaict Sunday under the parental roof. Misses Estlier Spies mid Ethel i Froudlovo were in Waterloo on j Sunday, ( Jliss Ida GoctK and Miss Lottie j Wilkinson, spent Sunday with Ifriends iu Linwood. Dr and Mrs. WHdnnhamroer puid a short visit to friends in Waterloo 'on Monday. j Mr. l^ittcrson is visiting friends in Listowel at pmient, , Mrs. McAllister, who Jin® been i J (siting her sister, Mrs. Topplet, of ; Tavistock, for Koine time, returned of hush, now house, common barns, homo to-day. j nlxiQt two miles from Canboro. | On Bandar, Hojit, 2Uth, both onr' Prlc(>- *3”700- This * ^taiuly ft Sabbath schools aro having rally- tions being offored, the guasts, numbering ono hundred partook of n dainty luncheon, which was served on tho lawn, Tbo groom's gift to the bride was a pearl cres- cent. The happy couple lett on tlm evening train, amid showers of rice and good wishes, for u trip to Southampton, Owen Bonnd and other places. Tho bride wore a travelling suit of grey with, pale bine silk und but to match. The presents which wore numerous, uml costly fhow tho esteem in which tho bride anl groom aro held. The lecture given in the Method- ist church on Friday evening last by Ilov. Wm. Usher, of Liu wood, was well ut tended and highly ap- preciated. Mr. Usher showed by means of n iirst-class apparatus about 70 excellent views taken bv himself in Romo, Naples, Pompeii aud various purls of Lower Egypt. DO YOU WANT A FARM ? lira following are among tho Canboro township cheap farms of- fered for sale this fall: A 159 acre farm near tho viilngn of Cuuboro; good house, new log stable, good drivo house, now horse stable, but wants a now barn. The * price is f 1,500. It is one of tho nirast farms in Canboro township; A beautiful 150*aerea about one mile from tho village, with 30 acres good bush, buildings very common. For a qnick sale : $1.70fl. Another farm.just adjoining this. 130 acres, very common building?, for *8,900 if m U by r>ctober 1st. A very nice lud-acrc farm about a mile «ml n half from Canboro vil- lage, 100 acres cleared, very nice nenrly new buildings, tor *1,700. This farm is kept in very nice style. Another lftO-aoro farm with lots great bargain. Then there are a few very good |00-acre farms with good buildings day services. Tl., Mi-.,-- (iins,-m-h. ol St ilml of bB, h, pri„v, ! 1 ," J frl" “U ' rC "n **"' i fn ,« r/.i'llO to tUltl ,,IUtO « few 2ti0 acre farms that can be pur- Lixwooa Mr. Calvert, manager of our In cal lunk. was vjsiling a friend in NYnlton over Bumisy. - Miss Laura Gnets, of Milverton, Hpont Humlav with hor parents in this village, j Misses Lola tfpuhr, Eifln Fish, Muy and Irene Berlet spont feunduy with friends in Walton. 'LL '..... *-3 of Thronin', is visiting friends in town this week. Mr. Geo, Adams aiul liis sister, of Ciena thin, allied on old frlcmlB here on Monday. I)r. Ilawkc- was ut Millbank on Monday evonilig singing nt tho Harvest Home in comicetion with the English church. Mrs. Grimm, of Milverton, was in town last week culling on her many friemhs. Mr. Walter Cried man arrived homp last Thnrtedu> from Guelph hospital whom ho underwent an operation for apiicndioitts u little less than two weeks ago. We think this is remarkably good work to bo accomplished iu so short a time. V<.>- Jlr. R B, Hamilton was at Monkfat) on Sunday supplying for Rev. Mr. Penhull who wn» preach - ing the anniversary Kcrmans in the Linwood Methodist church. Rov. Mr. Schultz, of Elmira, unlny last. Dr. Wcidcnhamuicr was at tho Berlin and Waterloo Hospital on j Monday wliero ho perforated an 0{>crutinn on Miss Edna Conrud, of Waterloo. He was sssdstcd by Drs. Webb and Fisher. According to last reports Miss Conrad was doing nicely. Mr. K. (4. Winn left Tuesday morning on a trip to Saskatoon. A number ot our young jieople took i ; tho Harvest- Home in Lin- wood on Monday night. Mr. Louis Sctgneun, of Berlin, was in tho village tho beginning of tho week. a ,-r.rv nre‘ t.v Kcuiteinhor wedditiz was rolcmnlMjd on Wednesday Hie IMliinst.. nt Hillside cottage, the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Ahrens, where their daughter. Sadie Albertu, was married to Mr. Auron Schweitzer, of Berlin. A little after two o ’clock tho Bridal party entered the drawing room to the strains of tlm wedding march rendered by Miss LAtic Urbach. Tho ceremony waa per- formed by tho Kev. G. L). Diunnt, of Berlin, assisted by Rev. \V. W . Usher, of Linwood, under a bell in tlio bay window which wus decora ted with ever greens. The charm- ing young bride was given away by her father and was unattended, btie was prettily gowned in cream silk eolieuna, long veil und carried a boqnot; of flowers. Two little girls, relatives <>f the grooms, dp-ssod in pink silk' acted as flower girls and ribbon bearer. After the service Miss Jccn McAllister, sung a beautiful solo. Thu cougrutula- chased very cheap. Parties wishing to learn moro of those farms aro invited to write to visit John Hill, Canlxiro. Many prominent Wellesley section far- mers, Kuril ns Messrs. H. Hostetler, U. Buchhrit, D. R. Gauche, A. Streicher and others have scon this land. Korenilof them have bought und uny of them can tell you the nature of tho Canboro soil, PHILIPSBURG. (Crowded wrtltl Mr. and Mrs. (! Kraliling of 81. Agatha were visiting at the home of Mr. and Jlrs. H Luntz on Sun- day. Among others who visireci in tim vlllago recently were Mike von RoseviP, Dr, SandH und Prof. Artiveuj, all prominent members of the Hostler’s Association, of Waterloo county. Messrs. Henry Roth, Henry Hoff- man and George Weilo, of Ham- burg called cn friends here on Sun- day. Mr. Jacob Hunting, uf Alliston ituiflo a short call on friends hero on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Heldman, of Berlin and Mr. Henry Rummer, of Erbsville, were visiting at "'Wm. Hold man’s on Sunday. Mr. Daniel Milbrundt.. wlio fof tlie last two years stayed with his son Mr. Angust Milbratidt has left te-luy for Michigan where he in- tends to spend the remainder of his dnyx. Mr. Milbramlt has made many friend* during hi* two years stay in our midst.

Transcript of MONEY SAVING Dentist Sjfg - Wellesley Township Heritage ... · PDF fileMONEY SAVING A Bank...

Page 1: MONEY SAVING Dentist Sjfg - Wellesley Township Heritage ... · PDF fileMONEY SAVING A Bank that hn5 c onducted a r »n M'rwtl™ business for over Ttt EN TY-FIVfi years and 1ms teadi'y

A * \

V o l . 7 . N o . 5 1 W e l l e s l e y , T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 6 t h , 1 9 0 7 . J . W . G R E E N ? P r o p .

MONEY SAVINGA Bank that hn5 c onducted a r »n

M 'rw tl™ business for over Ttt EN TY-FIVfi years and 1ms ■ teadi'y increased its ASSETS until they rvi'v amount to over BIX MILLION DOLLARS, Is surely a SAKE in** I i tut ion to bn entrn-ied with y. ur Savings,

We will receive your depo*ii» from |1. upward*. allowing you in- -tt»rcst thereon ut current rute*fr>m date o f deposit to iL»ie o f with• Irawul. (.'-omp'.mn Jed I times a year.Absulfite Security to D epositrs.

Capital Authorized * 1,OOO.MOO or I’apitHl 1 W Up Da.VMMi.MtReserve undivided profit^ 350,n>n <«Assets 6,000,000,<X

The Weslerft Bank cf Canada.WelK’ tley Branch.

W B. WEST, Mumger.

H . H I L T S

Dentist SjfgW e l l e s l e y .

■Oi'popilc the FurnitureO m a ctb>


t»flh -t nii-.-tuirs, opp vsitc t!ie Pest

IHller. King street,'Berlin, Out.

CLEMENT Ar CLEMENT.KirrUun. S»>lirlt,if«. V.-nri,.* !'i■ t.i!.•. /*.

v«r*urer>< U.Hi.rt" l.mui nn »Iter. ijrer Wlifte it i Co-. <\.r, Jin „•

Foui.lfj Htr ••«.-*». ItKHI.I.V.F. P. rLTMKteT. K. C E. W. 4-1 t v m

SCELLE.N * wantI. A. Scrtlfu, II.a .. I „ II,• I. J. A, W,rir. Jin-lit iu lli.itirt-tjr.

(ferrUtor-i. t o lb iror* . i- . M otej

HKuI'lN-1 *ilt

W-GLMSTER, M. D. C. H.WKW.i-t.ev.

ti4 .l SUv»r telcin'i-t. *-•>■* »■suT(ft.>n T.-tonto 0 *ttivr»i M ount*'.

,.»ui OoriiKtr lor V V U tllw County.

^\)e fetterC fQSS

CustomersAre Quicri

TO DISCERN ACTUAL MERIT.The .dot he?1 we sell you are j

made by modern "methods it ml | ]iutM«3W the merit to mitre favorable lirst impresHious-rtnd enhance them iu real service.

See our stock of pat­terns tor Spring- and

Summer Wear

ED. PFEFFER, Y o u r ' P ailor*

Lisbon.Special Reductions in A ll Lines. [2

I...... ------ ............ _________I

Albion HotelWELLESLEY.

II. KE:::rT/>’ u.»i:i:. ih -H'hikh k .

Every Modern Accomodation (It >ie>*st Liquors

B^st Siabhng.

(tar i ■ IV; i.--..nll: Hui-J fur -:i>. 'l l .11

•-a5 ^ «* > ) G£)

| J o »

s lO fr ?! j h i $ ! • *; W ; . i i s

= S! * # r a Q | - I . ? g o -

Suffering FromEYE STRAIN

EYER TROUBLED THAT WAY?If bo commit u skilled optic*

tlan. W e ‘II be gliul to attend to your case and'cun guarantee the best resmlts. Eyes tested and glasses adjusted to relievo

the htrain.


J Welsh & SonDirect Importer*!.

STRATFORD. Marriage Licences.


T IM E T A B L E .

Of Hie Preston and Berlin Elec- trie Railway?

Timetable No. ineffective Oct. 6th Leave lb-rim for Preston, Hus

tieler uml UnitA. M__S.£W. H.1C,, iu 06, it 0.1.P . . . M l . U 5 t a. 115, :i ur*. 4-03.

5.05,6 03. 7.05, h.0.*i, 10.05, 'J 05,

Exlm express ear w ill leave Berlin for C. P- II- station, GuJt, curry- ing passengers and, Imggtigc, ut b •t'J u.m, and d Preston Junction for Ber­

lin, Hespeler and Cult A M-—(9.20. Hespelerunly),(«.;W Halt onlv), 7.30, tj.-Sft,,1J.33.

P M .— 12.35. 1 35. 3.3D, 3.35, 4.35, 3 35, 0,33, 7 35, K 35, 11.3.*, 10.35

^xtra express cun* will leave Pres tonSpringH at U.OS a .in ., uml 0 35 p.ui. {<>r 13 P. R. station Halt. Leave Unit for Berlin, Preston

and Hesjicder:—A. M — 7.00, 8 00, U 03, 10 05, 11.051 P. M — 12 05. 1 03, ¥.05, 3.03. 4.03.

5 Oft. 8 0ft, 7.05. 8.05. l>.05, 10.05, (11 05, Preston on ly .)

Extra oxnress car xtill leave C. P. 11 station going north un nrrU'ul of the 10 25a. in. and 7.14 p.iu. traum. ■Irfjive lleKiHjler for Preston, Galt

nu.l Berlin:—A. id .-^0.33, o.iO, &.10. 10 10, 11,33, P M.—V an4 ,1 . 1 ft, a .15, 3 15, 4.15,

5.15. 8.15, 7. IB, b. 13, ft. 15, 10.15. 10.30, Preston only).


Mr. John M ow irrjr. o f Berlin, vi«itcd bis ]»arenta here on Sunday,”

Mrs. V . Heric and son Anton vis- it«Hl ut Carlsmho for one week.

Mr. Pol*r F. Bchnnmior haa left fur Milwiiukpe, wla.. and intends to stay fur a few weeks.

Mrs. Admn Meyer is at preseni visiting relatives In Chicago.

Mcssas. John and Alex. Htumpf sficnt Sftmlny in Berlin.

Jit. and Mr*. Ed. Danhlcr, Wnt- prlotj. visited with Mr and Mrs, John Gies on Snnduy.

Mr. Albert Bot'grl. Clu pstowtviH. iti.'d his parents. Mr. uml Mrs Jno Boegel.

The marriage o f Mr. George For well t'» Mis* Celia .Si-luuiilt took plnco nt Zurich, Uiit., on Tni^dny, the 24th inst. Both ar*1 well known li>rnlly, this being the former’s na­tive town.

The new boose being built bv Mr John Ilem uan on the old M?bool prnjiorly will bo rapidly pushed to completion.

The local cidoi mill wjll be ojier- nt»-il this week

Beginning with next wp<*k the mill will bo operated daily with thu exception of Saturdays.

preached in tLe Lutheran church on Sunday fo ,f Kov. Mr.Klein, who was preaching in North Eastho]M>.

Mias L ttnltur spent Sunday with her sister in Milverton.

The tmnivorsuiy services of the Linwood Motholist chnrcli held Irfst Sunday were very sacceasfnl. The church wns beautifully decor­ated with fruit, grain, vegetables and evergreens artistically nrrang- od with flower* o f every color thus making the church look like the very ganloti ot E«lcn. The preach­er for the occasion was. Rev. Mr. Penhall, o f Monktun. who posscKs- cs a pleasing peroonality and in a forcible, eloquent and cunvlQCca* hlo siMiAki’ r. He delighted the large audiences that assembled on both occasions. Ho will he wel­comed at any time he can come hero in the future. Dr. Hawke sung a solo at the morning meeting and Miss Dolly -\lcK4»y sung in the evening, both efforts being highly appreciated.


Mr. E. Moser so il a bolt to Motermun Muntz, uf Bridgeport, fo r which he received a high price.

Mr. Henry Scholl ha* purchased a now buggy froni liam wuud und Freeborn.

Mri*. Krueller und Mrs. Mosrr paid a bmincHM trip to Iterhn one day Is at week.

C iiitc « number o f the Hesse St rasa aheep w'cm to have found a homo with Mr. Scbw elfwr o f Oioss. hill. W l io p u ibis will be a enfli cient warning to other* who Id their sheep pustaro on the public road.

Mr. and Mr*. Henry I4crtli visit­ed nt thelioin oof Mr. C. Gcrth.

Quite n largo crowd of vimni people from Berlin were ontertaiti- 4?d at the home of Mr. F. Krueller’? the other evening. A very enjoy able time was spent in dancing.

BAWKE8 VILLB.Mr. Tanner, of Wiarton, is vinit-

>ng Mr*. J . Tuunor for n few weeks

Mr. Ben Ballard, Toronto, sjaict Sunday under the parental roof.

Misses Estlier Spies mid Ethel i Froudlovo were in Waterloo on j Sunday,( Jliss Ida GoctK and Miss Lottie j Wilkinson, spent Sunday with I friends iu Linwood.

Dr and Mrs. WHdnnhamroer puid ■ a short visit to friends in Waterloo 'on Monday.j Mr. l^ittcrson is visiting friends in Listowel at pmient,

, Mrs. McAllister, who Jin® been i J (siting her sister, Mrs. Topplet, of ; Tavistock, for Koine time, returned o f hush, now house, common barns, homo to-day. j nlxiQt tw o miles from Canboro.

| On Bandar, Hojit, 2Uth, both onr' Prlc(>- *3”700- This * ^ t a iu ly ft Sabbath schools aro having rally-

tions being offored, the guasts, numbering ono hundred partook of n dainty luncheon, which was served on tho lawn, Tbo groom 's gift to the bride was a pearl cres­cent. The happy couple lett on tlm evening train, amid showers of rice and good wishes, for u trip to Southampton, Owen Bonnd and other places. Tho bride wore a travelling suit of grey with, pale bine silk und but to match. The presents which wore numerous, uml costly fhow tho esteem in which tho bride a n l groom aro held.

The lecture given in the Method­ist church on Friday evening last by Ilov. Wm. Usher, o f Liu wood, was well ut tended and highly ap­preciated. Mr. Usher showed by means o f n iirst-class apparatus about 70 excellent views taken bv himself in Romo, Naples, Pompeii aud various purls o f Lower Egypt.

DO YOU WANT A FARM ? lira following are among tho

Canboro township cheap farms o f­fered for sale this fa ll:

A 159 acre farm near tho viilngn o f Cuuboro; good house, new log stable, good drivo house, now horse stable, but wants a now barn. The * price is f 1,500. It is one of tho nirast farms in Canboro township;

A beautiful 150*aerea about one mile from tho village, with 30 acres good bush, buildings very common. For a qnick sale : $1.70fl.

Another farm.just adjoining this. 130 acres, very common building?, for *8,900 if m U by r>ctober 1st.

A very nice lud-acrc farm about a mile «m l n half from Canboro v il­lage, 100 acres cleared, very nice nenrly new buildings, tor *1,700. This farm is kept in very nice style.

Another lftO-aoro farm with lots

great bargain.Then there are a few very good

|00-acre farms with good buildingsday services.

T l., M i-.,-- (iin s ,-m-h. ol St ilml o f bB, h, pri„v ,! 1 ," J frl" “ U 'rC " n **"' i f n , « r/.i'llO to tUltl ,,IUtO «

few 2ti0 acre farms that can be pur-

L ix w o o a

Mr. Calvert, manager of our In cal lunk. was vjsiling a friend in NYnlton over Bumisy. -

Miss Laura Gnets, of Milverton, Hpont Humlav with hor parents in this village, j

Misses Lola tfpuhr, Eifln Fish, Muy and Irene Berlet spont feunduy with friends in Walton.

'LL'..... *-3 o f Thronin', isvisiting friends in town this week.

Mr. Geo, Adams aiul liis sister, of Ciena thin, allied on old frlcmlB here on Monday.

I)r. Ilawkc- was ut Millbank on Monday evonilig singing nt tho Harvest Home in comicetion with the English church.

Mrs. Grimm, of Milverton, was in town last week culling on her many friemhs.

Mr. Walter Cried man arrived homp last Thnrtedu> from Guelph hospital whom ho underwent an operation for apiicndioitts u little less than two weeks ago. We think this is remarkably good work to bo accomplished iu so short a time. V<.>-

Jlr. R B, Hamilton was at Monkfat) on Sunday supplying for Rev. Mr. Penhull who wn» preach - ing the anniversary Kcrmans in the Linwood Methodist church.

Rov. Mr. Schultz, of Elmira,

■ unlny last.Dr. Wcidcnhamuicr was at tho

Berlin and Waterloo Hospital on j Monday wliero ho perforated an 0{>crutinn on Miss Edna Conrud, o f Waterloo. He was sssdstcd by Drs. Webb and Fisher. According to last reports Miss Conrad was doing nicely.

Mr. K. (4. Winn left Tuesday morning on a trip to Saskatoon.

A number ot our young jieople took i ; tho Harvest- Home in Lin- wood on Monday night.

Mr. Louis Sctgneun, o f Berlin, was in tho village tho beginning of tho week.

a ,-r.rv nre‘ t.v Kcuiteinhor wedditiz was rolcmnlMjd on Wednesday Hie IM liinst.. nt Hillside cottage, the home o f Mr. and Mrs. August Ahrens, where their daughter. Sadie Albertu, was married to Mr. Auron Schweitzer, o f Berlin. A little after two o ’clock tho Bridal party entered the drawing room to the strains o f tlm wedding march rendered by Miss L A tic Urbach. Tho ceremony waa per­formed by tho Kev. G. L). Diunnt, o f Berlin, assisted by Rev. \V. W . Usher, o f Linwood, under a bell in tlio bay window which wus decora ted with ever greens. The charm­ing young bride was given away by her father and was unattended, btie was prettily gowned in cream silk eolieuna, long veil und carried a boqnot; of flowers. T w o little girls, relatives <>f the grooms, dp-ssod in pink silk ' acted as flower girls and ribbon bearer. After the service Miss Jccn McAllister, sung a beautiful solo. Thu cougrutula-

chased very cheap.Parties wishing to learn m oro of

those farms aro invited to write to visit John Hill, Canlxiro. Many

prominent Wellesley section far­mers, Kuril ns Messrs. H. Hostetler, U. Buchhrit, D. R . Gauche, A. Streicher and others have scon this land. K orenilof them have bought und uny of them can tell you the nature of tho Canboro soil,

PHILIPSBURG.(Crowded wrtltl

Mr. and Mrs. (! Kraliling o f 81. Agatha were visiting at the home o f Mr. and Jlrs. H Luntz on Sun­day.

Among others who visireci in tim vlllago recently were Mike von RoseviP, Dr, SandH und P rof. Artiveuj, all prominent members o f the Hostler’s Association, of Waterloo county.

Messrs. Henry Roth, Henry Hoff- man and George Weilo, o f Ham­burg called cn friends here on Sun­day. •

Mr. Jacob Hunting, uf Alliston ituiflo a short call on friends hero on Sunday.

Mr. Ed. Heldman, o f Berlin and Mr. Henry Rummer, o f Erbsville, were visiting at "'Wm. Hold man’s on Sunday.

Mr. Daniel Milbrundt.. wlio fo f tlie last two years stayed with his son Mr. Angust Milbratidt has left te-luy for Michigan where he in­tends to spend the remainder o f his dnyx. Mr. Milbramlt has made many friend* during hi* two years stay in our m idst.

Page 2: MONEY SAVING Dentist Sjfg - Wellesley Township Heritage ... · PDF fileMONEY SAVING A Bank that hn5 c onducted a r »n M'rwtl™ business for over Ttt EN TY-FIVfi years and 1ms teadi'y

Wellesley Maple LealH»UE» EVERT TnCIWl'iAT HWe don’t

ask you to buy. We do ask you to SEE the Tudhope


Office: N e st tiie A lhk>n Hotel


Trace J-Lir-rus.*4 Ps*:-.T*5C'i*TrtiC.->~5 L r,h f’M trt>wrlr4!-f | i .cmbxt f r e e _ib JUi*Uki.>&<~' ••

: -. U'-Pr-Ur 'll* t i l l - ! - ,• .1 .‘lo.iu L. vO. lArvlM

OnfCnInraa.......... t>- ►»•Half rnii.inn...,,. . iff l1* *O u .n .r IVilnmn., . 1r- J *(nir-K leltili Coluu.ii i* "> 3IhrulrAiotml I «nl tin. I Buvtnoal o™fc flV< m .ls l « r B p r-ci h ti.*cl lion.L***! Xcvtlr. • :m,-. -ur.-t S •-i.ii-- t. ■> ■ * rlik. |>*i lin* f.n • i . i r • ..H

in .ir i tvn.All «■ 1 xbltfl ot *«vi (,>r *

viuil W 111 tilt oilin nut ljt*r lliJia )1 nrmft,K»trty »dr». tt for llifr* (iMMtCnn*.Satocrl pi ion $l.()0 u y«ir, in ad­

vance. Otherwise .25. •

All kinds of single anddouble barenss, trunks, valises, suit cases, andLadies’ satchels of all descriptions and styles,

}carry combs, brushes,, . f. I niJ-oi. 3 l>ir>*d«N.|N«iIir-i* i [:o.:iu^ “ 'Uew Tort

u . . . . . B U f t , W w h b u a f t j » i. L C .Wc trill show you just the style of carriage you want for the road —for every day use— anti for the family. Tudbopcs make them all.

And remember, too, that Tud­hope Carriages arc guaranteed by the best known makers in Canada.


etc. ’Factory harness i* constantly kepi

in Stock wul Hold at FuetoryPrice*.

Special attention paid to collars and anytning in the harness line.

Repairing a Sjie.'ialtyPllu!uar«ufc 0«r, n I'

O f - OttraannWELLESLEY.

You Have ConfidenceYourEDITORIAL NOTES.

The Stratford Herald gave rail way nows lust week thnl Was wide ly spread in ttc Wellesley section. A fter stating that the road wonfi’ likely » un (over the route whirl, the surveyor* found to bo nliuos imjKJssible) from Welle*-ev to Wal lenstein, the Herald calmly .state- that the article is only a hit ol barml*?** gossip which is not at al reliahle. That * certainly an cn-‘ way to make sensational reading.

Fortunate i* tho bnsiniMS rnt w iio hns won tho reputation fur dependability, and for giv­ing the beat and most satisfying bargains.

orlnnat© is tho public 'th a t deal in such a store. ^

Christian Jantzi.Treat* all Diseases o f Domestic

AnimuN.DKJfTtSTKT a sp e M iu ty .

•tcsi'lence— third hou-o south of Mis*. Latin ran church.

W elle* lev .

Job Print

H qttd Kelterborn

BUTCHERMerchant- Tailor,

LINWOODxrhntlt hf* bnsines* up along thi

line, and it '* still grow ing.This your his stock o f Suitings,

* simplv Elocant. prices are •i low and the workmanship is ns cod an tile best.


Diarrhoea Remedy

The fact is thc**e is nothing v night for the Welle*’ey district at present in the wa v of a much-needc* lailwny. A couple o f years ago tin C\ P. R . declined a <‘13.000 bonnt alremlyvoted, and now only a fpi weeks ago tho U T. lit. ilocidet not to include Wellesley in t^sy* tem. It is trne iW G . T . It. i.l ready gets the. bulk Ol tho Wille* Icy trade*o has not » * much induce­ment fo build to this place And it js ahCKtrne that the C . P. R. i “ thinkinu” o f npecting SPutlon with LinvyvK’d, ]K-s»iplT by way i W e l le * V y H u t tho fact remain that W etloloy has either to n qnictly with it* hamla folded Wait iog. Mueawln. h ie , for romcthlri to turn up. nr iiurgoticallr tub- hold it o lf and turn something up

Dealer in a sl kink* i ne m Fresh nnd Suit M w h .

Suuimer Bn usage mid Wieners on Hiiiul.

Highest Prico for Iiioe* and Fur V k .al Halves W .anteu.

Fat Cattle, Sheep. U<»gs, Etc. Bonehr

A few denes o f this remedy will in variably run? ou ordmarr sutark of diarrlicif**.

It has been Tun'd in nin>- epidemic* o f drBeutvry with perfect accocca.

It can always bi1 depended npcvu CTen In tho nion* r vers attneka ot cramp colic and < bolero morbus.

Ix is i quailr nieiNyufu] for nurntnei diarrheva nnrt cbeRTu infantum itt children, nnd Ik tin* minus o f -.inni; the lives o f runny eUildwu Ltw,‘h year

Wtieu r»slae-*d with ujuer and sweetened, it is pteanat ir* lake.

Evray man nf n fniady sliould Vodp tills r ;uu‘dy in fun home Buy it now. It may s u e lifa.

Pbtce, M C » s.

ALBERT I— Agent fur*—



Jream Separators,BvvwosbSewing Machines,

/ Iso B Lgtfie* etc , feT wile. CROSSUILL, «>NT.


sr xr SICK CHILDRENFor It Cares for Every Sick Child

In Ontario whoso Parents Cannot ^ flord tp Pay

For Treatm ent.

dr *r «rTb* H'*p{Ul for Rick Children, Oodegn

unwt. Toronto, nppeale to the fstban *nd mothers ol Ontino lor laocU to ru*.intaia the tlioHMod sick children that it nurses wi thiu Lie w*U« «r*ry jrosr.

7 ; Th* Harpital (a notj& b . ■ local ioaULatioo—

but Provincial, Ths jS b f H * 2 j aick child from any

place In Ontario wbe

In working out tho two mflwaj .Helicons which havc failed the fuel hu* been clearly s*hown that a rui way to Wellesley either from Bud cn or Waterloo would rox-civo good- I‘.Lying hnsiucH*. Building even i short railway i» however a prott, big undertaking lor a rural sectioi and certuiuly is not a propositioi which look* phhjt to the Wellesley HCCtiou. Bnt there urn men here of brains and energy ami confident* who will not stoji ow n nt makinj an effort thcmselvca if no ofhet wny is fi und for giving this riel eectiim tho on Hot it groa+ly ik-ihIh T he xchcnio proposed by the Maplt Leaf a few week* ago to capitah/A the Tond by stock, bonus umi bonding the roadbed is looked upon with much favor by many hen- w ho believe that Borliu anil Wutcr loo would, if appealed to, give it strong support.

can’t afford to par b u the Mine jwirt- lefrea u the child living in Toronto and b treated Iron.

The Hcapital bed last jrvar In fU beda and cote 701 paUaate. id ! of these »era from 180 places oat- aids of Toronto.

The coat La 88 oen’.i per patient per day.

EARLY CLOSING ISK>7,Wo tho undersigned merchant*

am1 bnHinpRs men o f the village ol Wollesiey horeny promise anil agree to close on r respective place* o f busi-

•'* . *. ■*,ef*y*lr n h i 4«h ik m . CVOTTevening- commencing May 2mt- W cdm sday, Baturduy, and cren inga before public holidays .except.


For eon* ti pot Ion there is nothing quite ho mco us CbamborlauiV atomaeh nnd Li ver Tablets. They nl- ways produce a ploasnnt movement of the bowel* without any disagree­able effect. Price, 3$ cunts. Sam­ples free. For sale by A . S. 8nan- ttoriL.wtiiieaioy.



W c arc giving 20 jier cent off all Heady Made Clothing and Tweeds at John Bpahr'a. F. BIVOUR, Wellesley, PIm m send rnntrlhjitlonr to J. !>M1

TtobcrtHon.ChairniAn, cr to Douglas David •*m, S«c. Treat. of TUa HLspktal for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto.

Page 3: MONEY SAVING Dentist Sjfg - Wellesley Township Heritage ... · PDF fileMONEY SAVING A Bank that hn5 c onducted a r »n M'rwtl™ business for over Ttt EN TY-FIVfi years and 1ms teadi'y


See, W . Kelterborn's Urge dis­play of Fall Goods.

Mrs. James McDonald, o f Park- hill, Is visiting friends in town.<f A larjre number of Tavistock peo­ple attended tho show here un Tuesday .t

Milverton‘s Fall Show occurs to- day and to-morrow. Wellesley will ho well represented on tho grounds, T M rs. Normnn Fleteehhimer and «un Winnifred, are visiting nt the family linmo here this week

Spcdlul bargains for llie next throe months before giving tip bus­iness, at John Spuhr’e.

Mr. E. J . Pfnffer. the popular Lisbon tailor, has his fall stock •*f suitings, etc., on band row . Watch for his advertisement nrx‘ week.

Mi'S Adeline Floisohhumir. who has hwn visiting in Stratford for some weeks, has returned home.

Yon are cordiu’ lr invited to a nnd tho Ro^o Millinery opening nt W. Kelterborn’s on Satnrday. Sept. 2 Sth

Mias Edna Fleischhatter, who- U nl tending school in Bnrlimrton, is home for hpr holidays. Her friend Mi«s Morner, of Sehringvillc. is h r

r guest this week.Mr*. .1. C. Hang!) and sop, nt

Stratford, nnd Mrs. A E. MpJ>*n1. ii nd two sons, of the same pUce, -rent the beginning o f the week in W cl’ eeley, the guest o f Mr*. Froil Flclschhaner.

Mr, Jas. Livingstone. e\-M P o f Baden, brother o f Mrs. Koug .-u-companied by 1 is daighter. Mrs. McCool, o f Yalo. Mich sjient Sun­day in Wellesley with Mr. ami llogg .

\Y. Kfclterhorn Hunminres his hall Opening of Fall Block, am! Millinery, commencing Satnrdur. Sept. Sf»th.

Among the visitors from a dts- tance to the Wellesley show on Tuesday wero Messrs Ferdinand Walter, Beilin ; Geo. Moore. W ater­lo o ; W . B. Dingman. o f the Strat­ford Herald ; and W . S. Ru^ b', suuretary o f the South Etusthop*-' A g ‘l Society.

Mr- Jas. KeTr, principal o f the Wellesley school, was quite fcecessfrtl with hi* vegetable ex ­hibit at tho show Out of thirteen entries made by him ho captured elovoh prizes.

Afi the Band Was marc hing home from the fair ground* on Tuesd-iv evening a arnurty with n flashy bnKgy. and two girls, deliberately drove Ida tumo horse into tho fear o f the proceaaion and out atone side, nenrly running over several of tho players Ho Reexnod de­lighted with bis foolish and clan­gorous RCt.

In Ladies stylish Dress Goods and Nobby Coals, we are leaders. W. Kultorborn.

Tho Beilin Business College 1> enjoying a Bplendid attendance. It is fully -to pur cent greater than nt tho corresponding time lust your. New students arc entering every week. Every graduate o f this school cun be placed in a position. The handsome college catalogue will bo sent free to any address

• ,t tiT r> r « ’rtrA U UiO co M iv - •Tho oonotut on Mondny evening

drew a crowded house. The South­land Bextette gave a very enjoyable program of plantation melodies, and solos, duets, etc., hut it is quite evident that tho people have not yet got over their old-time prefer­ence for a “ Jiuifax concert on fair n igh t. "

LIBERAL CONVENTION.A convention o f the Liberal

electors of tho North Riding of Waterloo will be held at the Muiic- Al Society’* HaR, Elmirn, on Than*- day, 3rd October. 1907, at 10:30 o c'lqyk In the forenoon, for the selection of Liberal candidate* for thte approaching Dominion uml Provincial elections, and for the uauauction of such other business us may bo brought before tho con­vention,J O. H a Iu h t , R . » . FfoH,a e c y .N . W .R .A - Pres. N .W .R . V

THE FALL SHOW.L arue ArrRtctiAXOE — Tnx Best

H o m e *.— T he Bi<j<ik«t G a te .— R ain Mars tiik Intrust.

"A lth o u g h intermittent rain with a high, cold wind. spoiled much of the pleasure for the visitors, the WoIJcsdey fall show held on Mon­thly unci Tuesday o f this week was one nt the largest and most snews*. ful in its history, from u financial point o f view. The attendance was nearly «s good ns other years, and the entries were afi numernns •n spite of the putting out o f the travelling exhibits in tho ladies' de­partment.

Tho show of cattle was qnite m ill tor this district uml tho ani

mate were n it considered to be in the best ■•show condition,” proha. bly as a consequence o f the late dry grazing season.

Sheep aim made a small iltejday It bough Hastings Bros, famous

fl «ck were represented ud well a* some of Kelly’s.

The hog show was a very good me Including oormi specimens as iiood an could be found on the con­tinent.

In horses tho display vraa the icsd ever neon here.hundreds stand mg in the ruin to Watch tho difH ult judging It w h s thought that

the Hue she w of horses last year •vould not bo beaten for a long time, hut tho advancement in this line o! breeding is marked so that tb 's rear's horse show was away ahead >f any previous effort.

The poultry show was a very b'gh-clrt'* one, tho birds in all the classes being o f the highest qunlity. P.-nltrv fanciers are getting to b m ore and more numerous n teh yeur. and thin department o f the show was unusually interesting this year.

An agreeable feature o f the show n the hall was tho splcnded dis­

play of rootw, vegetables, fraits and .Trains. It vrua generally thought that this was an unfavorable year for those products until the superb rail numerous entries proved the xcellence of the Wellesley district

soil in nU ‘•off” yeur.The Indies’ilBfflrtment,too.proved pleasant surprise. Of conrse the

nn tries were not so numerous, but rho opinion was generut that the work shown was o f a very high order, an 1 the intoro-st was much ■rreatrr than in other year* when travelling entrien collected from all source* and hippodromod from show tn allow, usually swept away the prices

There was a noticeable nhsencc of pianos, organs, phonographs, sewing machines, etc,, in the hall, and hut for tho display made by Reiner Br'is. & Go.. W . Keltorborn and o o k or two others, nothing whatever o f this hi ml was to he seen. If this continues tho direct or* will require to provide *:i:nc- thing to take its place another year

Not u gambling fakir o f any kind was seen on the ground* ur in ihe village dnring the day.

Thu ram. which became colder and heavier as the afternoon ad­vanced, drove tho people under cover ami the crush in the hull was intense. Thu h dels, too, were crowded, and we regret to say thut oviueiirwn LH t-*Ltnni.,r liliukiiiKwas painfully evident aium g the Young men and other bov* who ■uTiio to the village to spend the lay. This was particularly notice- ihle in the evoniug when it w«s added to by dozens o f sober y ju n g fallows who were siiuply ' acting Irunlc" on tho street for tho lun of t, But j1 the concert the boozed

buys mude things dlsagrot able for the audience until the heat o f the loom made their loud of ■ liquor bevvy to carry and many o f them quieted down in sleep. Wellesley, on Sept. 14th, to Mr

ftutl Mrs. E. Iv Reiner, u son,In Wellesley, 3rd Hue, or Rapt.

110th, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Noah Wagler, a daughter.

Mr. LawTenoe Doering, an old- time Wellastoyfte, is shaking hamte with hla many friends in town.

k%1Suler’s 5 cl;col \nS JThe Bchnol that does honest. “

thorough work *nd whoso gradaaU’H get positions.Fall Term opens Ee*pt. 3.

Handsome new ratalog for postal.

# b ^ : r i _ i i m 4 J B u sifiess£^ olleg e J* W. S. EDLEB. Principal. <


Wellesley Stock Farm

Adjoining thfi V illugeof Wellwloy,



^ n n o u n e e i r i e n t .

Mr. Herliert Kaufman,, o f the News-Record staff, Berlin, is oq - jnying o week's holiday* at homo.

This Fine Farm is to be disposed Of as the proprietor intends to re­main permanently on his Can^oro property.

Thu 1nnd eemprWi aheui 13ft atm* on .li« ea»t boundary o f It*- viitepa of H rlls - 1<-V. Cnnlsii>» moat Mi'i'llont mil, i» woll wittnod uml hixbly eultiratipd. Hint ihr-rr i» a^nut tt-n nrrM-if i»,wsl 1’ iuti, nl*0 a cni*i v-itmx .irctiand. A ccrnddomtita pnr- tiun or thr fmm teelllaiM<- for vUtegalma

Tlo- boMM U a flrO-1-lnps t*o-Morry build tug ate,at 23*70 with » teijX" frame *ununar kitrli«n and n<H>dilied, eto. Hard and wft water,

Tlii> Item Bid ding i» n<-w and jnodrrn. Cointnt floor nnd watc-r tank fed bv wind­mill. Item 0,'i*T5 ftDl. Mrmr »brd nniita tCK'iO ftvt. Prialn* »l.r.| k>*Wl for !. A rfplc-ndld p«C alnbla f,et with llro-ptn.if food tejitiag rinotn. AIw otln-r »malt outbuilding*. '■ * 'J

MFor full pnrtionrfirs apply toE .B . Ratz, Wellesley, or to

? JOHN HILL,” Proprietor, Can boro, J. >nte

Farm for Sale.P»«» VaH » « » a«rt-»r, nf -h* townabla nf WrlIr»lr-» l'»l

Sripii Iian»c lianlt teira. on! tin IM for a. *rraa I"1* »V »* , » t f ,« »rr*n Iwrlvf

WfWwl In«h. » « l , w l lijr a IlfVi-r- «• ■nrlnir wAlrr.

S||*T, »-*qui--V I-Uirnr.A. B BOBEHTSOX.

Final Court o f Revision.A / O T IC E S» lu r- l-i alvan that a <‘t>nri wil

* v l»o h *M . M i n u M to thr "Votur-, Lt»' Act,'’ l.y Ilia. Ifnill.t Hie Ju/lc« of till-Ooun,«| Court of Du- Co. tif IV « t« r lM St St. C tenunl •in tb * Aril .lar of jo t , at H o'nlook,a. cn., a t Srbm-idt-f - liall, to hra» auil itet*r- miua ilia a«vef«t i umidaintp <>( error anil umfoluna In Ih r Votara' Idat ol 1lw llutii- clivaHly of W t U o li f T n a tt lilp fo rlPT.

All lr», in« liltahioa* at I In- Courtare mqiilrad lo altrod at th« fimo- aud I laci>.......... ■“w rrfm a&Bt:_________ Clark nf tbrauM Uanlolpalitjr.

Milk Business and Dairy Farm for Sale.

Ninety ncf«s adjoining thu town of Dunvillu, Goad holdings Splendid water. Natural gn* well on the farm. Foil sandy and Pluck loam, especially suited for fruits nnd canning tuotory produce, (fac­tory one mile distant.) Revcnne Inst year i* more thun half the urico asked for it. Terms eai*y. If not sold by Now 1st will be rented. Reason* for soiling.

IhlX 73, U ttXYlLLE.

C.D. KOEHLER MerchantTailor,


A Lecture on Cheap Cloth fib for tho noxt-Tnlrty Days!

The bnlanco of my Sl>r«ng Block must bo cleared out. Hnd I there­fore offer special inducement* for tho next thirty duys.

This is m y half-yearly clearing sale.

Cull and be Convinced.

High Class Drcssmafcing<Our Dressmaking Parlors are now open.

MIBB WATTS is in charge and will bo pleased to moot tho ladies of Waterloo county.

<>nr Full Drew) Good* are now coming to hand. We have justopened several cnnes of very fmo Dress Good*. Uur stock is now well aborted In Broad Cloth*. Vicunas, Panamas, Plaids in all tho shadaa o f Browns, Tans. Navy Green*, etc.

Now is a good tiino to hook yonr ordor for a now dross, salt, skirt or waist.

Uur new imported IACKET5 arc also on display. Como in and look through. W o ahnll be pleased to show you through.

SMYTH BROS.27 King Street,

B E R I i l N T

Cash and one Price Cheap Cash Store

^ School Books, Stationery. Etc. ®

School OpeningSchool Books. School Supplies.

t_Uiivo you scon onr Picture Post Curd Exercise Books nnd Scribblers? A Picture Post Card with each Book!

A ll kind* of Scribblers, Exercitu; Books and School Supplies A

------Foa Bale At------ ^

D ru£ 3 tore- ®___________ W ELLESLEY. J

Pure Drccs, Medicines, Stock Food, Elc. ®

^BTTG-G-IESfeW e have now affine display of buggies to

pick from in the old Deering wareroom opposite the Drug Store.

Intending purchasers should see our stock betore they buy.

W e also sell tho Adam* and Chatham Wagons, tho Wilkinson, Floury, Pari* and Cockshutt plow*, tho Stratford and W oodstock windmills, the Raymond, Now Williams and Ringer Sowing Machines, tho Bissoll Disc nnd Land Roller, the Tubular G uam Separator and Separator O il.

Hammond & FreebornAgents tor all kinds of Agricultura Implements

Vehices, Etc.W E LLESLE Y

Page 4: MONEY SAVING Dentist Sjfg - Wellesley Township Heritage ... · PDF fileMONEY SAVING A Bank that hn5 c onducted a r »n M'rwtl™ business for over Ttt EN TY-FIVfi years and 1ms teadi'y

to Meet Your Requirementswith a full stock of Fall ard Writer Goods purchaaad in the closest markets for SPOT CASH— our customers thus receiving the benefit.

Jn DRESS COt TiS vi> uro x-howinp^lho very Intent wonvea and similes of Dniuj FasIhihi ;i1 M-'diTiito I’ i^uie*..A C- mii’clv FtVrk of FLOOR OIL.CLOTHS. I IXOLEIf JIB. CARPET SQUARES, HUflS. to seli+t from.<L;r hTAPLE l.'HV GOODS ilcpurt nidit lx lnrK«*r ntiil more comprehensiee than I'vrr.FALL AND WISTEH CLOTBJXH now complete, comprising: V.imT.1* Saits fr •:»> $.* .‘ t> up ; Y<»nthri nn»t B\vs‘ Suits from up ; Men’s

Men's Tweed pants from *1.50 up; Hows’ Tweed Pauls from i>Q > up mOVERCOATS WATERFROUF COATS —A Imil'C variety to choosj fr an tV’uvi :,t tit * F.i>r give Us a Call.

SPECIAF NOTICE : Our MlDLINERY OPENING will be held Sept. 27th and 28th,And T . r extend a cordial invitation to the Ladies of Wellesley and l iei/i/lv to attend the same. Our JiffSS A K A M 7('ll Aaga/nc} in charge, 7 he latest nf-tc-datc A V .v Vo*6 and / ’arts Millinery ideas :A /l he sJio- ki in our stock.

iff' * $ * $ * * * $ 3 ! * * * $ $ * * HkOn common fences the oMitlnaom

r fS'K'r wrlw slay* arc«uro lo bcu4an dth*lock* t \ to ,0#c tli'-lr grip under continual prtw-.i V f ' 'Li-t «ir# p f your Isors*»* or entile. And one*

' tlir-y do. tho top wire. *oor» followed by L* i \ iho*o below, will swm and destroy Che

SfJjSy )e )y ellloiohcyof rourfeiw *. *•j "aX N «b)og like that «vn bappen to our

B K & j V T > ' jfA/V/ s Dillon HInjrt-Slay F««M . Tho ihort.J T < S A s C r V t t h-<rii mcel wire in nurhinKC st*jr»

m y Z H J f I s J ( s \s cannot bend when tho Inhmd wire* oreI y y\ y ' r / ___^ weighted ilonu, owine to their being eg

* sdsi l tafti l Jointed at eweb rlm ml wtru- Pre**urr of a horw on I he lop wire bring* “lilnRi-r liilhO snnj* into action

a n d fb e rn it* shorn (n>m bending. *od » ln.u pr* =«ureN relievedibefonccitpitnga bock Into plaw ngjfldn.^ w,nu| llijjh Oulwin Hard Ptm l «nd colled to provide, fur expnnirtoa and «©ntnw-twn >*/ hoot and m id. un<l an* erinipwl ui the iiitanxM.’tion ot 1 he nmyti aad *lr*nd* t*j prevent the rtoj ■ frujn -lij pii.g nldcwny*—UiertlOXC no lock* uro Utitlnl,Huy th*IXIInn Ki"|ce-Suy Fcrcc. It\i “twice as slriwig." Twiw &* (rood an InveAUncnt. C*L*lt*cu« tree.

Tho Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Untiled, Owen Sound, Onl.


Fort SA L E cy- BCOlCSELLERS iK D R E W S C E iu fS

has there been sho.wn as large and good an assort­ment of 1007 goods as we have this year end at prices so low.

d« V-tr 1 -*'Vicl;:' - v ;-y or bead j ..ur subwrhii'j

W ellcsjcy Maple Ijvnf Holiscrilmr*. w h o order extrii popieei fo r (hit t friend* in tlm United Ptrilfls nun hereafter pay 5U centw iidditioHahikr the government now eouiiH’ls n* t< ]»nt a one-cent pahtago slum p or seh single copy to a United Slatet* a d d r e s s .

rM BW m r* Give us a call and be co: vinced,

| H K FORLER'S^ Wellesley, Ont.

i s r t t x t vChopping Mill

IN W ELIiBSETC. D. BeckerHns just placed a lino rhopiier

In lm Plaining mill uear the Sell on!.First-class work

Promptly done. Open every day.

Give me a trial.All Kinds Of Plaining,

Moulding, Etc.Done to order

Estimates given and Contracts taken

for Buildings.O. D. BECKER.


MORE MILKTlw cow tor the dairymen i.« the one that can nufee tbc most profit

Sa milk, hatter, or cheese for the food cnn*u:ucd. A lar^c number a t cows arc Uq« for dairy pnrpixcs that don't yield sufficient milk to jtay fa r their keep. They consume ns much as profitable ones and require namuch time and care i;» their milking. A l*‘ many a good '• NIilLcr " lias gone to the butcher* block owing to mijirvjwrr care and fewiing. Many of the milk prudnaug qaulitica of the feed arc lost ©wing to im­proper digestion and asdmuaiKu, This can Ire overcome by the addition of Clydesdale iitock Food to the ordinary fet*l m it puts- the stomach in such shap:? as to help her to tiig<~ t ntul assinuJatt her fixsl. Iiesldcs en­abling hrr i ) cat in >rc ci» it, a* it is nindt* more ajmqtlsing. This m.ikca hrr cnjHhkuf secreting more milk, and. to many instances, richer milk. If ii ciuM lt« demon*!rain! that more bushels of wheat could be grown on a piece o f ground than ordinarily, mid without injury to the land, in f tet ini proving it, and at an w i n profit, wouldn't you "take np the prurpotition. Clydesdale Stock Fosxl will add to the milk pro­duction, av.d with extra profit, and without injury to the *' M ilker/’ be- eau!«> it gr.x* a tone r.n.I slcckm-s tu the that cannot otherwise be had. The t»p of C!ydcs*hde Carlsdine Antiseptic will keep the stable? in a healthy condition ensuring heslthilr milk. If after using the above. ypiT find Ywtt n?r not satisficii. your money will lie c hccrfully ref under! by our denier. Clydesdale Sfock Food is sold in yonr district b y ;

In Advance(Otherwise SI.25)

Job Printingrs Circularss Pamphlets

OfiB.ce Stationery1513.1111 X1 u i m o .

Or any thing in the'lire JOB PRINTING

Wellesley Machine Shopand Cider Mil,

All Kinds of Bicycle Repairs Kept on Hand-

CIDER MAKING begins September 9th.Promptly And Correctly Done At Reasonable

Rates •H .-ving purcli.-iH-d tli«»al*m * k id t i* * , , to im cd y e r d i" * db> tlw l».t*« Jo liu 3 ,

t e c to nMDounco th a t tlic »liop 1* u r Im d iv** umml.

Engines and threshing Machinery < C ^ __ Rvpauvd and put in Srst plu* wnditicn.

I.awn Mowers Sharpened.Saw gumming, filing, setting and straightening

Cultivator teeth, plow points binder and mower girths and knives, shears,

V - axes, etc., sharpened and repaired.

It Covers the Field,A fvw dnaeft of tbta romedy will la-

vuri-ably enru au ordiusry atUck of diarrhim.

i t can always he dependfd upon, rvim ia the ixmre Bevcre attaclw of cramp colic and cholera morbus.

It is (Minallr successful for summer dlarrboia and cholera infantum in children, and ia the means of aiming the live*of many children each. year.

When reduced with water and HWeeloned it U pleasant to lake.. Every man ef a family should keep

this remedy In hia home. Bay It now. P rice, "Ac . V L arge Su e , see.

Fays to Advertise in the

Maple Les