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101 Ways to Make More Money with AdSense The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Display Ad Revenue Display advertising is the primary monetization strategy for many online entrepreneurs, in part because there are extremely low barriers to entry (both technical and otherwise). While some larger Web properties have entire sales teams dedicated to selling ad inventory directly, smaller sites tend to rely on ad networks to provide the demand. More often than not, that involves using Google’s AdSense platform. AdSense is a revenue stream that takes only a few hours to activate; the ease of capturing that first dollar of revenue is a big draw to the platform. But optimizing AdSense to make sure both your visitors and advertisers get the most out of your site is a much more involved process that requires creativity, analysis, and an ongoing willingness to experiment. Below are 101 tips, tricks, suggestions, and resources to help you get more out of AdSense. Jump to Section Tips and Suggestions: Quick Tips, Experiment Ideas, Technical Tips Resources: Alternatives / Supplements, Inspiration, Newsletters, Forums, Resources, and Expert Advice Further Reading: AdSense Plug-Ins, Further Reading, What Not To Do Quick Tips If you are just starting out, there are several things that you should absolutely do in order to get the most out of AdSense. The official guides offered during the signup process are fairly limited, not offering any particularly noteworthy advice. You may already be implementing many of these, but there are likely some pieces of low hanging fruit among the following. 1. Max Out Ad Units Max Out Ad Units. We’ll start off with an easy one: AdSense lets you have up to three standard ad units on a page, so you’d be wise to take advantage by maxing out. 2. Max Out Link Units Max Out Link Units. Link units are a wildly underused AdSense option; placing up to three of these on a page should give you a quick, meaningful boost. For sample implementations of link units, check out these example pages. 3. Pay Attention to Link Units Pay Attention to Link Units. This point is worth reiterating. While many publishers focus primarily on traditional ad units, link units have the potential to out-earn leaderboards and rectangles. 4. Set up a Custom Search Engine Set up a Custom Search Engine. This is another way to get more AdSense units on your site; custom search engines will generally see very high RPMs (though traffic is relatively light). 5. Enable Placement Targeting Enable Placement Targeting. This allows advertisers to include your website in their campaign, either by name or by targeting an interest group. Placement targeting should be enabled by default, but if you’re using DFP you may need to take a few additional steps. 6. Set up Custom Channels Set up Custom Channels. Setting up custom channels will allow you to get better insights into what’s working and what isn’t, and will make testing down the road easier. It’s pretty easy to get these up and running, and worth making the up front investment to do so. 7. Allow Text & Images Allow Text & Images. One of the primary choices within AdSense involves either restricting an ad unit to “image only” or MonetizePros MonetizePros Home Home Deals Deals Guides Guides Tools Tools Reviews Reviews Encyclopedia Encyclopedia converted by

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101 Ways to Make More Money with AdSenseThe Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Display Ad Revenue Display advertising is the primary monetization strategy for many online entrepreneurs, in part because there are extremely low

barriers to entry (both technical and otherwise). While some larger Web properties have entire sales teams dedicated to selling ad

inventory directly, smaller sites tend to rely on ad networks to provide the demand. More often than not, that involves using

Google’s AdSense platform.

AdSense is a revenue stream that takes only a few hours to activate; the ease of capturing that first dollar of revenue is a big draw to

the platform. But optimizing AdSense to make sure both your visitors and advertisers get the most out of your site is a much more

involved process that requires creativity, analysis, and an ongoing willingness to experiment. Below are 101 tips, tricks,

suggestions, and resources to help you get more out of AdSense.

Jump to SectionTips and Suggestions: Quick Tips, Experiment Ideas, Technical Tips

Resources: Alternatives / Supplements, Inspiration, Newsletters, Forums, Resources, and Expert Advice

Further Reading: AdSense Plug-Ins, Further Reading, What Not To Do

Quick TipsIf you are just starting out, there are several things that you should absolutely do in order to get the most out of AdSense. The

official guides offered during the signup process are fairly limited, not offering any particularly noteworthy advice. You may

already be implementing many of these, but there are likely some pieces of low hanging fruit among the following.

1. Max Out Ad UnitsMax Out Ad Units. We’ll start off with an easy one: AdSense lets you have up to three standard ad units on a page, so you’d

be wise to take advantage by maxing out.

2. Max Out Link UnitsMax Out Link Units. Link units are a wildly underused AdSense option; placing up to three of these on a page should give

you a quick, meaningful boost. For sample implementations of link units, check out these example pages.

3. Pay Attention to Link UnitsPay Attention to Link Units. This point is worth reiterating. While many publishers focus primarily on traditional ad

units, link units have the potential to out-earn leaderboards and rectangles.

4. Set up a Custom Search EngineSet up a Custom Search Engine. This is another way to get more AdSense units on your site; custom search engines will

generally see very high RPMs (though traffic is relatively light).

5. Enable Placement TargetingEnable Placement Targeting . This allows advertisers to include your website in their campaign, either by name or by

targeting an interest group. Placement targeting should be enabled by default, but if you’re using DFP you may need to take a

few additional steps.

6. Set up Custom ChannelsSet up Custom Channels. Setting up custom channels will allow you to get better insights into what’s working and what

isn’t, and will make testing down the road easier. It’s pretty easy to get these up and running, and worth making the up front

investment to do so.

7. Al low Text & ImagesAl low Text & Images. One of the primary choices within AdSense involves either restricting an ad unit to “image only” or

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allowing both text and image ads. Permitting text ads to show gives AdSense a deeper pool of ads, and will almost certainly

increase your click rate and earnings.

8. Use Standard UnitsUse Standard Units. While AdSense lets partners choose from more than a dozen ad units, there are a few units that are

more common with advertisers. Using these common ad sizes–300×250, 728×90, and 160×600–will give AdSense a deeper

pool of advertisers from which to choose.

9. Monitor Fi l l RateMonitor Fi l l Rate. Make sure that you’re serving ads and not blank space on your site. Monitoring fill rate is an easy way to

do this; if there are any discrepancies, here are five reasons why AdSense and Analytics may not match.

10. Supplement AdSenseSupplement AdSense. The terms and conditions of AdSense allow for only three ad units per page. In many cases, pages can

comfortably accommodate more than three ads per page without overwhelming visitors and leading to a bad experience. If

you think your site could use more ad units, there’s nothing to stop you from supplementing your AdSense units with ads

from a competing provider. (For more on supplementing AdSense with additional ad networks, jump to this section.)

11. Place Units Above the Fold (ATF)Place Units Above the Fold (ATF) . This one might seem obvious: the higher up on a page your ads are, the more they’ll be

viewed (and the more you’ll earn).

12. Relative Positioning MattersRelative Positioning Matters. While placing ads above the fold is generally advantageous, the relative positioning of ads

(i.e., what they’re next to) is more important than their explicit location in the page. Scroll down to #24 on this list for an

example of an ad that’s above the fold, but likely out of sight within the first few seconds of a visitor being on the page.

13. Beware of Overdoing ItBeware of Overdoing It . When chasing AdSense earnings, it’s easy to get carried away and make decisions that are

detrimental to the user experience in order to generate some additional revenue. While there may be a short term win, you’ll

ultimately hurt the long term earnings potential of your site by eroding your traffic base. Here is the example Google gives of

what not to do (on the far right):

Here’s an example of a site that goes pretty far overboard with above-the-fold ad placements.

14. Check Your In-Dashboard HealthCheck Your In-Dashboard Health . Within AdSense partners will see a “scorecard” widget that shows their revenue

optimization score. This tool is pretty generic, but it’s worth confirming you have the highest possible score there.

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Experiment IdeasThe crucial element of success with display ad monetization is an ability and

willingness to experiment. Through trial and error, you’ll eventually come up with

combinations, layouts, and styles that deliver a higher level of earnings for your site.

Because each site and audience is unique, it’s impossible to provide universally

applicable suggestions. We can, however, provide some ideas for experiments to get you

off and running.

15. Replace Your 300×250 With a 300×600Replace Your 300×250 With a 300×600. This relatively ad unit offers an opportunity to devote more real estate to ads.

Moreover, the larger size allows you to run more compelling ads with better calls-to-action (which hopefully translate into

higher click rates).

16. Replace Your 728×90 With a 970×90Replace Your 728×90 With a 970×90. Similarly, there’s a larger size of leaderboard that helps the ads to stand out more to

both new and returning visitors.

17. Famil iarize Yoursel f with Google ExperimentsFamil iarize Yoursel f with Google Experiments. It’s now easy to run A/B experiments within AdSense; there’s no reason

not to have at least one experiment going at all times.

18. Famil iarize Yoursel f with the Concept of “Statistical Significance.”Famil iarize Yoursel f with the Concept of “Statistical Significance.” When running experiments, it’s important to

avoid jumping to conclusions based on insufficient data. (There are several free tools out there if you need a hand.)

19. Change the Colors of Your Ad UnitChange the Colors of Your Ad Unit. This sounds like a simple suggestion, but this experiment idea can take on hundreds

of variations and become a very lengthy process. Finding the optimal combination of text color, background color, and border

color can take quite a while but result in a big jump in earnings.

20. Try the Ugl iest Color Combo You Can Come Up WithTry the Ugl iest Color Combo You Can Come Up With . It probably won’t increase your click rates or earnings, but

there’s a chance that going against your guy will result in higher visibility and an increase in clicks.

21. Change the Link Unit ColorChange the Link Unit Color . Link units will default to the traditional blue color normally associated with links, because

this setting generally has the best performance. But in many cases a bolder color will work better, especially if links on your

site are a color besides the standard blue. (For example, on we would try out orange link units.)

22. Put a Put a Link Unit Under your Nav BarLink Unit Under your Nav Bar . This is within the terms of service, and will become a top earner immediately.

23. Insert Banner Ads Into Your TextInsert Banner Ads Into Your Text. Ads inserted into content can be very effective at attracting attention (and thus

engagement). Here’s an example of a 300×250 ad that appears between two paragraphs of an article:

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24. Move Your Leaderboard DownMove Your Leaderboard Down . It’s common practice to put the leaderboard (728×90 ad unit) at the very top of the page,

with the goal of making it be the very first thing people see. The drawback there is that as soon as visitors scroll down–which

most do almost immediately–the ad unit is gone. Here’s an example of such an implementation:

That leaderboard is just about worthless; in order to view any of the content (not even the entire headline is above the fold) visitors

need to scroll down and put the 728×90 ad unit out of view.

Here’s a better implementation, with the leaderboard much lower on the page:

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25. Ditch The LeaderboardDitch The Leaderboard. Almost every site that uses AdSense features a 728×90 leaderboard ad unit. While this size is very

popular, it isn’t always the best performer because it is inherently separated from the content. Ad units that can be integrated

into a site’s content, such as a 300×250, often perform better.

26. Shift Right to LeftShift Right to Left. All else being equal, content on the left side of your site is viewed more than content on the right side

(due to the fact that most of the world reads left to right). If you have a skyscraper on the right side of the page, try moving it


27. Re-position Right Rai l AdsRe-position Right Rai l Ads. If you have a section of your right rail dedicated to ads, try moving it up and down relative to

other content and measure the impact on earnings. For example, the screenshot below from CNN shows four of the “zones” in

the right rail, with an ad in the first slot. An experiment could involve moving it to “zone 2″ and measuring the impact.

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28. Al ign Ads With ContentAl ign Ads With Content. In the image above, the 160×600 ad is adjacent to the intro video. Most visitors will skip to the

start of the article, which puts the ad out of sight. Moving the ad down might actually be better in this case.

29. Put Ads in the Comments SectionPut Ads in the Comments Section . The comments section of a site is generally well below-the-fold, but typically received

a very high level of engagement (which, of course, is good for ad visibility and earnings potential). is one

example of a site that has implemented this layout:

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30. Shut Off Other Revenue StreamsShut Off Other Revenue Streams. We’d generally encourage running other types of monetization efforts besides

traditional banner ads and link units, such as Outbrain. But it’s worthwhile to experiment with shutting these other efforts

off and analyze the impact on AdSense performance. If low paying monetization implementations are cannibalizing higher

paying opportunities, you could make more money by removing the laggards.

31. Place Link Units in Side Rai lsPlace Link Units in Side Rai ls. As mentioned above, link units are a great opportunity to increase the number of ads per

page without hurting the overall user experience. There are a number of 90-pixel-tall link units that can fit easily into a

sidebar, including variations that are 200, 180, and 160 pixels wide.

32. Make Your Ads “Omnipresent.”Make Your Ads “Omnipresent.” By setting your CSS so that ads follow visitors around, you can increase their visibility on

your site. We’ve got a primer on this topic for more details.

33. Try an Above Article Mini BannerTry an Above Article Mini Banner . Placing text ads at the beginning of an article can result in high visibility for visitors

expecting to begin reading a piece of content. Here’s an example:

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Technical TipsIn addition to the forward facing design elements highlighted above, there are a number

of “behind the scenes” tweaks that can be made to help the entire ad serving process

run more smoothly. Maximizing your site’s speed, planning around the mobile

appearance, and taking advantage of available reporting and analytics, you’ll be able to

squeeze out some additional revenue.

34. Optimize for Mobile TrafficOptimize for Mobile Traffic. The percentage of your traffic coming from mobile

devices is probably larger than you suspect, and it’s growing rapidly. Check out the ad experience for your mobile visitors; if

it’s sub-optimal, there may be some quick wins you can pick up.

35. Find a Mobile Friendly Ad PartnerFind a Mobile Friendly Ad Partner . Many ad networks now adjust ads automatically to render in a logical way in mobile

browsers. To the right is a ad rendering on our site on an iPhone. There was no

additional work required here; the same code that powers traditional desktop ads is powering

this mobile-friendly ad.

36. Put Top Performing Ad Unit First in HTMLPut Top Performing Ad Unit First in HTML. Since ads are filled on a first come, first served

basis by AdSense, having your best performer first in the HTML will ensure that it gets the best

ad available.

37. Use Use Asynchronous Ad CodesAsynchronous Ad Codes. There is a major benefit to having the ads and the rest of your

site content load separately; this is an easy technical fix that will improve user experience and

ad click rates.

38. Max Out Your Load SpeedMax Out Your Load Speed. Slow loading ads drag down not only the performance of your

AdSense, but of your overall site.

39. Al low Multiple Ad Sizes For Your Ad UnitsAl low Multiple Ad Sizes For Your Ad Units. AdSense users are now able to give increased flexibility to ad units, allowing

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creative of different sizes to appear there and dynamically adjust the surrounding space to eliminate blank areas of your site.

This would be very important when running experiments such as replacing a 728×90 with a 970×90.

40. If Possible, Use Responsive AdsIf Possible, Use Responsive Ads. Google now offers responsive AdSense code, meaning you can equip your site to

dynamically change the size of ad units displayed based on the user’s screen.

41. Try out Mobile Anchor AdsTry out Mobile Anchor Ads. AdSense now offers mobile partners a “mobile anchor ad” that sticks to the bottom of a screen

when a user scrolls.

42. Famil iarize Yoursel f With AdSense ReportingFamil iarize Yoursel f With AdSense Reporting . AdSense features an extremely detailed, flexible reporting interface.

Understanding all the data available to you there can help you become a much better optimizer.

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Alternatives / SupplementsWhile many publishers tend to stick with one ad network, there’s no reason to limit

your monetization opportunities. There are a number of additional networks out there

that are capable of creating value, either as supplements or alternatives to AdSense.

Unfortunately, a lot of the ad networks competing with AdSense have some pretty

significant drawbacks, ranging from irrelevant ads to actually installing malware on

your sites. Do your homework on these other options before you start.

43. Supplement With Supplement With This is one of the best non-AdSense networks out there, offering flexibility, control, and even

access to a support team (of real humans!). This network can run side-by-side with AdSense.

44. Try Out Try Out Chitika (But Don’t Expect Much).Chitika (But Don’t Expect Much). This network is very easy to get up and running, as approval takes literally a

few minutes. But the earnings potential is limited; you’re unlikely to get CPMs that come even close to AdSense.

45. Don’t Use Cl icksorDon’t Use Cl icksor . Though this ad network is somewhat popular, it’s not very impressive. The interface is difficult to use,

you’ll get low quality ads, and you may end up with malware.

46. Give Sponsored Content a ShotGive Sponsored Content a Shot. Companies like Taboola and Outbrain offer publishers a way to monetize traffic by

featuring content from other Web properties on your site.

47. Turn Text Into AdsTurn Text Into Ads. Networks including InfoLinks allow publishers to turn their text into ad units. This will likely be a

pretty small RPM boost, but for some publishers it will work very well.

48. Bring Ads to NewslettersBring Ads to Newsletters. If you have an email newsletter, you have another potential host for banner ads on your hands.

While AdSense doesn’t offer this solution (yet), there are a few other partners out there. For smaller publishers, check out

49. Other Creative ImplementationsOther Creative Implementations. Display advertising has evolved a lot in recent years; there are now more opportunities

than ever before. Try out some of the more creative solutions that fall under the display advertising umbrella.

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InspirationWhile we encourage you to get creative in your experiments and optimization

strategies, there’s also no need to reinvent the wheel. Whenever you’re online, whether

for business or pleasure, you should have your monetization hat on. Pay attention to

implementations others are working; if it’s in use on their site, there’s a chance that it’s

working pretty well for them (though it’s also very possible that they don’t think much

about ad revenue optimization and have a sub-optimal strategy in place).

To get you started, below are several sites with AdSense implementations and strategies that we admire. Spend some time

reviewing, and try out some of the best ideas you gather from this exercise:

50. Digital InspirationDigital Inspiration . In addition to being a creator of some great content Amit Agarwal is pretty bright when it comes to

monetizing his site. He’s pretty active in experimenting, so be sure to check back often to see which ad techniques are in


51. eHoweHow . Beyond the standard banner ads, this site is pretty creative with ads within the content. (Here’s an example.)

52. PerezHil ton.comPerezHil Believe it or not, this celebrity gossip site actually does a pretty good job integrating display ads.

53. DiscussCookingDiscussCooking . This is a great site to check out if you’re looking to monetize forum traffic.

54. This site features a wide range of content and relies primarily on ad networks to generate revenue. Check out

numerous link units scattered throughout the content. (It may take you a while to figure out what is an ad and what’s a

regular old link.)

55. Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune. As we pointed out in a feature story, this newspaper has embraced online monetization with some

creative and aggressive strategies.

56. If you’ve ever used to get a needed program, odds are that you’ve clicked on an ad. This is

partially attributable to the creative used by advertisers, but the layout of the site is certainly accommodating.

57. WikiHowWikiHow . This how-to site inserts text ads into articles in order to increase engagement.

58. This site uses multiple display ad networks, including AdSense text ads positioned below the answers


59. From text ads to banners of various sizes to corner pop-ups, this site has a number of different ad

implementation on display.

60. This site does a good job incorporating multiple types of AdSense ads, keyword blocks, and

multiple sponsored content partners, while maintaining a high quality appearance.

61. We’d be a bit concerned about the lack of content above the fold if we were running this site, but this is a

good example of effective use of link units.

62. AdSense Success StoriesAdSense Success Stories. This official Google page highlights some inspiring AdSense success stories.

63. (More) AdSense Success Stories(More) AdSense Success Stories. This collection of success stories is even better; there are details about the specific

changes made to each to boost earnings.

64. How I Made $13,490.50 With AdSense Last NovemberHow I Made $13,490.50 With AdSense Last November . This inside look at has some

great insights into building a successful AdSense site.

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65. Other AdSense OptimizersOther AdSense Optimizers. You probably noticed that a number of the sites suggested above are “how to” or encyclopedia

type properties. These types of sites–ones that get huge amounts of traffic, monetize primarily through display ads, and

feature relatively thin content–tend to be good at AdSense optimization. That’s because a big chunk of their traffic is “one and

done,” landing on the site from a search engine and exiting after only a few seconds on site. So in order to be profitable, they

need to be effective at getting these transient visitors to click on ads.

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Newsletters, Forums, Resources, and Expert AdviceThere is a ridiculous amount of content out there on the topic of AdSense. While most

of it is completely worthless (the countless articles with titles like “How to Quadruple

Your AdSense Earnings in 30 Seconds”), there are a number of high quality resources

that offer up actionable advice. Some of the best tools, newsletters, and forums include:

66. Inside AdSense BlogInside AdSense Blog . The official Google AdSense blog features a ton of content

for publishers, including tutorials and tips for maximizing earnings.

67. AdSense ExpertsAdSense Experts. This forum is designed for advanced AdSense users to share

strategies. (You’ll have to pass a test before you can join to demonstrate you know

enough to be able to contribute to the conversation.)

68. AdSense Community on Google+AdSense Community on Google+. This unofficial Google+ community has more than 1,000 members, and serves as another

place for AdSense publishers to bounce ideas off their peers.

69. A Blogger’s Guide to Earning More with Google AdSenseA Blogger’s Guide to Earning More with Google AdSense. John Saddington’s 32-part series on AdSense strategies is a

great read.

70. JenSenseJenSense. This blog isn’t updated regularly anymore, but the Optimization Bootcamp section contains some very valuable

evergreen information.

71. AdSense in Engl ish Google Product ForumAdSense in Engl ish Google Product Forum. This forum is one of the more popular places on the Web where AdSense

users congregate to share advice and ask questions of one another.

72. AdSense Forum on WebmasterWorld.comAdSense Forum on This is another forum with a large user base; questions asked here will

generally be answered very, very quickly.

73. AdSense / PPC / SEO Forum on WarriorForum.comAdSense / PPC / SEO Forum on The Warrior Forum is a great place to ask any question about the

Web, including discussions on AdSense troubles or opportunities.

74. AdSense HeatmapAdSense Heatmap . This “oldie but goodie” is one of the most important images any AdSense publisher can reference. Make

yourself familiar with this document!

75. AdSense AcademyAdSense Academy. Google’s official AdSense academy features six different learning modules designed to teach you

everything there is to know about AdSense.

76. AdSense WebinarsAdSense Webinars. Google holds regular webinars covering a wide range of topics, and has them available for playback


77. Quora Google AdSense SectionQuora Google AdSense Section . Quora is a great resource for just about any topic, and Google AdSense is no exception.

78. AdPushupAdPushup . This service, currently in beta, is designed to help website owners test different ad layouts on their site. For more

on the idea here, check out our interview with AdPushup’s founder.

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79. Where to Place My Ads?Where to Place My Ads? This service is gearing up for a beta phase, so it’s hard to evaluate the usefulness. If it’s able to

accomplish its stated objective, it would help determine the optimal positioning of ads.

80. AdSense Certi fied PartnersAdSense Certi fied Partners. There are a number of AdSense approved partners who have the experience and training to

help publishers increase their revenue.

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Further Reading: AdSense Plug-InsFor publishers using WordPress or other content management systems, there are

various plug-ins that can make it easier to inject ad code and run experiments.

Since we haven’t reviewed many of the AdSense plugins available, below we link to

some folks who have (and who have some useful feedback on the products they tested):

81. 5 WordPress AdSense Plugins tested5 WordPress AdSense Plugins tested. Thomas Maier reviews Ad Injection,

AdRotate, Google AdSense Plugin, Simple Ads Manager, and Quick AdSense.

82. Google’s Publ isher PluginGoogle’s Publ isher Plugin . Emil Protalinski gives a good overview of one of a new plugin offered by Google.

83. Beware Of “Free” Google AdSense WordPress PluginsBeware Of “Free” Google AdSense WordPress Plugins. Dan Vuksanovich highlights some of the shady aspects of

AdSense plugins, and reviews one he found to be wholly legitimate.

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Further ReadingTo round out the AdSense tutorial, below are some of the best articles from around the

Web with valuable insights about earning more from ads.

84. Beginner’s Guide to Google AdSense for Publ ishersBeginner’s Guide to Google AdSense for Publ ishers. Jacob Klein has a

thorough overview of AdSense that goes well beyond beginner level (despite what

the title may indicate).

85. 3 AdSense Design Best Practices to Consider When Optimizing3 AdSense Design Best Practices to Consider When Optimizing . John Saddington provides an overview of how the

design elements of AdSense impact click rates and earnings.

86. An SEO Guide to Adsense, Ads and PlacementAn SEO Guide to Adsense, Ads and Placement. Cyrus Shepard offers a primer in the relationship between ads and search

rankings, a critical factor to consider in the site layout process.

87. Optimizing Google AdSense Link UnitsOptimizing Google AdSense Link Units. This intro to link units has a number of quick suggestions to boost revenue.

88. F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web ContentF-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content. A review of Web content consumption patterns will help you to better

position ads and organize your site.

89. Understanding the F-Layout in Web DesignUnderstanding the F-Layout in Web Design . This additional explanation of the F layout concept drives home the impact

design can have on performance.

90. Increase your AdSense Income with Google DFPIncrease your AdSense Income with Google DFP . This article by Amit Agarwal gives an overview of a quick experiment

that had some success on his site.

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91. How Much Traffic Do You Need To Make $100,000 With Google AdSenseHow Much Traffic Do You Need To Make $100,000 With Google AdSense. This look at the economics of an AdSense

site is useful for putting the revenue opportunity into perspective.

92. Google’s Economic ImpactGoogle’s Economic Impact. This lengthy PDF report is an interesting skim; it highlights some success stories and gives a

sense of the massive reach of AdSense.

93. 5 Simple AdSense Layout Examples5 Simple AdSense Layout Examples. Spencer Haws has some specific ideas on page layout strategies that work well with


94. Best Ad Networks (2014 Update)Best Ad Networks (2014 Update) . This feature is one of the most popular pages on our site, giving an overview of many of

the largest ad networks out there.

95. 10 AdSense Terms & Definitions Every Blogger Should Know10 AdSense Terms & Definitions Every Blogger Should Know . This one is pretty self explanatory: 10 terms you’ve

probably heard, but might not understand.

96. 8 Tips To Run an Effective AdSense Experiment8 Tips To Run an Effective AdSense Experiment. Before you dive in to the experiment process, read some of our tips for

getting the most out of it.

97. Seven AdSense ExperimentsSeven AdSense Experiments. In addition to the experiments highlighted above, check we’ve got a few more in this feature


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What Not To Do (AKA, How to Get Banned)We’ve spent most of this article laying out what publishers should do when it comes to

getting the most out of AdSense. We’ll wrap up with a brief review of what not to do

(beyond the obvious ones like click fraud) when experimenting and optimizing your

display ad revenue stream.

98. Disguise Your AdsDisguise Your Ads. This one is difficult to define, since there are countless

potential implementations and variations of ads on a site. As a rule of thumb, your

ads should never be deceptive. It should always be clear to visitors that ads are ads; if you give the impression they’re clicking

to a different section of your site, you’re misleading them and may be subject to penalty.

99. Run Too Many AdsRun Too Many Ads. The restrictions on ad units remain somewhat low; publishers can only include three ad units per page

(in addition to link units and search boxes). For many partners, it would be easy to include four or more ad units without

cluttering up the page–but unfortunately you’ll have to resist that temptation.

100. Talk About Your AdsTalk About Your Ads. Google won’t let you share too much about your successes or struggles; according to their terms,

publishers aren’t allowed to share confidential information such as CPMs or CTRs. There is some ability to discuss relative

performance (e.g., the percentage change in earnings resulting from a change you made), but avoid disclosing specific

amounts and rates.

101. Think Short TermThink Short Term. For most publishers, there are opportunities to generate some additional earnings immediately that

come at the expense of the user experience and the long term prospects of the site. It’s important to keep an eye on other

metrics that may be impacted by your AdSense experiments, such as time on site and bounce rate.

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Bottom Line

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While there are millions of websites out there that use ad networks to monetize their existing traffic, there are very few that put

significant thought and effort into the process. Even modest improvements in a few key performance metrics can lead to

significant jumps in bottom line earnings, especially over time as traffic grows. Optimizing remnant display ad inventory is a big

investment, but comes with equally large potential.

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