Monaro Post 10/10/12

35 Volume 6 Edition 60 ISSN 1834-0318 WEDNESDAY October 10, 2012 NOW ONLY $1.30 INC GST The state of our local roads Page 3 and 4 Aldi specials Page 5 INSIDE Sport from Page 31 In Archer’s hoofprints 28 Vale Street Cooma | P. 6452 1755 COOMA TM MASSIVE MASSIVE WEEKEND WEEKEND SALE SALE Coming soon Coming soon Watch this space for more details Olympian Ed Fernon is on a five-week trek from Braidwood to Melbourne, to celebrate the legend of Archer, the horse which won the first Melbourne Cup. Along the way, he is raising awareness of depression. The Monaro Post caught up with Ed and his mate Bruce Gorman in the bush on Sunday. See story page 2.


Monaro post 10/10/12

Transcript of Monaro Post 10/10/12

Page 1: Monaro Post 10/10/12



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4 Volume 6 Edition 60 ISSN 1834-0318

WEDNESDAY October 10, 2012 NOW ONLY $1.30 INC GST

The state of our local

roads Page 3 and 4Aldi specials Page 5

INSIDESport from Page 31

In Archer’s hoofprints

Buy a farm vehicle and mention this ad to receive a FREE open face helmet!ENQUIRE TODAY WITH ANDREW OR JAMIE (02) 6280 4491

w w w . c a n b e r r a m c c . c o m . a u | Service Centre: (02) 6175 4402 | email: [email protected]

Farm vehicles from $4,990

28 Vale Street Cooma | P. 6452 1755COOMA



Coming soonComing soonWatch this space for more details

Olympian Ed Fernon is on a five-week trek from Braidwood to Melbourne, to celebrate the legend of Archer, the horse which won the first Melbourne Cup. Along the way, he is raising awareness of depression. The Monaro Post caught up with Ed and his mate Bruce Gorman in the bush on Sunday. See story page 2.

Page 2: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 20122 News

Mobile: 0411 482 336



Mobile: 0418 620 626Cooma: (02) 6452 1598Sydney : (02) 9531 7550

Fax Cooma: (02) 6452 1583Fax Sydney: (02) 9531 7551Email: [email protected]

Professional and Reliable servicefor 30 years

Local * Country * Interstate Weekly service Sydney to Snowy Mtns

and all points in between

Contact for dogs:Lil - 6452 2835 the link toAdopt a Pet and

to the Cooma Site.Cost: $220 includesvaccination, desexing

& microchipping follow the link to

Adopt a Petand to the Cooma Site.

Cost: $160 includes vaccination,

desexing & microchipping

Contact for cats:Debbie - 6452 2765.

Female, dob 1/9/11Grey TabbyMale, dob 3/8/10

German Shepherd/Kelpie X

Oola is a very pretty cat who has a gentle nature.

She gets on well withother cats. She likes to be around people and

would fit into anyfamily with ease.


Ronon is a handsome dog who is a very friendly boy

who gets on well with other dogs, horses and poultry. Ronan is house

trained, walks well on leash, is VERY obedient

and easy to train. He would make a great pet for an active family with

older children or individual. 10822728

Ronan Oola

For Archer and the Black Dog InstituteFive weeks in the saddle, following the Bicentennial National Trail, sounds like a big task, but for Olympian Ed Fernon it’s a chance for him to give something back to the community.

Ed and his horse ‘Archer’ are walking the 1100km from Braidwood to Melbourne to commemorate the legendary walk of ‘Archer’ the horse who won the first Melbourne Cup in 1861.

Along the way, Ed hopes to raise funds for the Black Dog Institute.

Ed, a Master of Commerce student at Sydney University, recently competed at the London Olympics, achieving a personal best in the Modern Pentathalon.

His decision to make the ride and at the same time, raise awareness about depression, was inspired by his mother who has experienced severe depression for a long period of time.

After watching her struggle, Ed was motivated to

increase awareness of the illness and also raise funds for the Black Dog Institute.

His marathon ride began on October 1, after a gravestone was unveiled, marking the burial place of the original ‘Archer’.

He was accompanied on his first day by another former Olympian, Neale Lavis, a Braidwood resident.

Ed rode to Canberra, then onto Yaouk on Sunday where he was joined by local bushman Peter Cochran for the ride to Khancoban. From there he will be joined by other ‘host’ riders.

In Khancoban on Friday night, the local publican Mal Beattie has offered to host a gold coin donation barbecue at the Alpine Inn from 4pm.

Proceeds will go to Black Dog. We’re in the process of seeing if the local public school would like Ed to visit on Friday morning.

Ed should arrive in Melbourne a few days before the Melbourne Cup and hopes to take part in the Melbourne Cup procession.

It has gone into folklore that the original race horse Archer walked his way to Melbourne from Southern NSW before winning the very first Melbourne Cup in 1961.

Historians have now documented that Archer arrived in Melbourne from Sydney by Coastal steamer but Ed said taking the ‘tall tale’ route allows Archer to finally

complete his fabled ride.“I wanted to put some endurance into my fund raising

because when you have depression you need patience and determination to try to see your way through – it can be a long hard road. I want people to know there is help available and particularly in rural areas where people are sometimes reluctant to speak up about these things – I want to encourage change.”.

To donate to assist Ed, go to thelegendofarcher.

Twitter and facebook@legendofarcher

Pictured, Ed Fernon and ‘Archer’ a few kilometres east of Nalyappa last Sunday.

Emergency services reportPolice are preparing

a report for the Coroner following a fatal crash in the state’s south.

Just before 4pm on Monday October 1, police and other emergency services were called to the Monaro Highway – about 30km south of Cooma – following reports of a collision between a Honda

CRV wagon and a truck.

Early inquiries indicated the Honda CRV was heading north on the highway when it left the road, collided with the south-bound truck, which was towing a full load of wheat.

While both male drivers, aged 49 and 41, escaped injury, three women and a teenage girl travelling in the Honda CRV required treatment by paramedics at the scene before all were airlifted to Canberra Hospital.

A 74-year-old woman later died in hospital.

The 14-year-old girl suffered a fractured skull, while the other two women, aged 46 and 23, received with minor injuries.

Fire brigadeCooma Fire Brigade

attended the accident reported above.

On Wednesday they responded to two calls to the Sir William Hudson Nursing home where a faulty detector activated.

At 7pm on Thursday they responded to an oil spill n the road and on Saturday afternoon responded to a smoke alarm alert at a Sharp Street, Cooma, residence.

“Buddy” goes home“Buddy” the black Kelpie which adopted the

Baron Street, Cooma veterinary surgery as his home for a week, has gone home.

After his appearance in The Monaro Post last week, his owner James Dorahy, was able to locate him and bring him home. He had been missing for two weeks.

“Buddy”, whose real name is “Mungo” is James’ good working dog.

When he had been missing for so long, his family feared the worst.

Page 3: Monaro Post 10/10/12

News 3Wednesday October 10, 2012

EnquiriesKath Nichols 0409 220 987

[email protected]

Sip ‘n’SwingAn evening of music, food and wineSaturday 13 October 2012, 6:30pm

in support ofMonaro Early Intervention Service Inc

Le Voiture Cantina(The Car Club)

Bolaro Street Cooma North

ConneXion Big BandSouvenir glass and

complimentary wine on arrivalFurther drinks available from the bar

French style dinner

Tickets $70 per personfrom Mainstreet, 98 Sharp Street Cooma

Gather friends and family together,and book now

Residents voice concerns over conditions on Jerangle Roadby Lisa Ashurst

Unsealed roads can be problematic even at the best of times, especially if maintenance is sporadic, but the people who live along Jerangle Road have

voiced some very serious concerns regarding the current condition of the road and are upping the ante with their efforts to have something done to make the road safe for those who use it.

The road has always been a problem but according to the local community it has deteriorated to the point where travel on the road is plagued with risk, not only from the condition of the road itself, but also from other road users who resort to driving on the wrong side of the road in several places to avoid damage to their vehicles as they attempt to detour around the worst sections.

The Jerangle Road is more than 60 kilometres in length and winds its way cross-country from Bredbo through to Captain’s Flat and is in extremely poor condition, even critical condition in some places.

The local community is frustrated at what they perceive as neglect by the Cooma-

Monaro Shire Council to keep up with regular maintenance work.

One resident did acknowledge that Council has done some work on the road but says it is not enough.

“What they have done is fairly basic

really. You can see it but it’s just not enough. The road needs to be fixed, not just patched up in places!”

These sentiments are echoed by other residents who also feel that something major needs to be done about the condition of road, and done soon.

President of the Jerangle Road Progress Association, Mr John Phillips, is a long term resident of more than 50 years and says it has always been a bad road, bad as far back as he can remember.

“But over the years it has gotten a lot worse.” Mr Phillips said. “There are big holes, big rocks, severe corrugations and all the rain we had not so long ago has just made it a lot worse but some of the black spots have been there for months!”

Several residents mentioned the number of stock and logging trucks that travel the road regularly and believe they are a problem as they are big, heavy and they are also weaving across

both sides of the road where the road is as its worse and many residents claim near misses with trucks being on the wrong side of the road. But vehicles also do this and residents fear a fatality is just around the corner.

“Non-locals do this all the time. They drive on the wrong side and they will not move over and this forces the local drivers to move to the wrong side too!” another local stated. “It’s just ridiculous!”

Up to 1200 logging trucks per year use the road and around 100 four-deck stock trucks travel the road over a 12-month period.

The progress Association has made a number of approaches to the Council and while there have been some small successes, the major problems with the road are still present. A year ago the residents approached Member for Monaro, John Barilaro, in an effort to get things moving but despite Mr Barilaro driving the length of the road, residents are yet to see his report. Just recently though his office did release some information, at the request of this writer, which basically says the current fiscal crisis is preventing the State Government from committing to projects like the

Jerangle Road but mention that the NSW Government has announced a program of low interest subsidies through the Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme and that the NSW Government is investing $70 million

which will pay the first four percent of interest on significant loans the NSW councils can take out, specifically to pay for maintenance and infrastructure projects such as Jerangle Road. Mr Barilaro goes on to say that Jerangle Road is the Government’s top local road priority in the Monaro electorate. Despite various funding grants for regional road repair, it is still left in the

hands of the Cooma-Monaro Shire Council (CMSC) to determine their works programs and priorities for road investment in the region.

But Jerangle Road is down to the bedrock in several places and is getting more dangerous daily.

Damage to vehicles driving the road regularly is inevitable. They develop persistent rattles, suffer excessive tyre

wear and blow-outs, damage to paintwork and the local school bus is always in for repairs but school bus driver, Janine Hall of Captain’s Flat, says her biggest concern is safety.

“It’s a completely different type of driving” Mrs Hall said “as you have to watch out for everything and there are so many issues with that road.

Continued on Page 4.

Page 4: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 20124 News



The Way To Go









COOMA Twin Cinema 76 Commissioner Street

JINDABYNE Cinema Snowy Region Visitors CentreFriday 12th October – Tuesday 16th October 2012

HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA: Rated PG 1 hrs 35 Screening: Friday & Super Tuesday @ 6.30pm.Saturday @ 2pm & 6.30pm.Sunday @ 1pm & 5.30pm.

Friday 12th October – Tuesday 16th October 2012

Movie Info Line 64571 777

TAKEN 2 : Rated M 1 hr 34 mins Screening: Fri & Super Tues @ 6.30pm & 8.30pmSaturday @ 2.30pm, 4.30pm, 6.30pm & 8.30pm.Sunday @ 1.30pm, 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm.

MENTAL: Rated MA 1 hrs 54 Screening: Friday & Super Tuesday @ 8.30pm.Saturday @ 11.30am, 4pm & 8.30pm.Sunday @ 10.30am, 3pm & 7.30pm.

THE EXPENDABLES 2:Rated MA 1 hr 42 minsScreening:Friday & Super Tuesday @ 8pm.Saturday @ 3.45pm & 8pm.Sunday @ 2.45pm & 7pm.

KATH & KIMDERELLA : Rated PG 1 hr 26 mins Screening: Friday & Super Tuesday @ 6pm.Saturday @ 1.45pm & 6pm.Sunday @ 12.45pm & 5pm

EXERCISEPLEASANTLYDANCE SCOTTISH COUNTRYEasy lessons Thursdays 8pmor just watch and listen free

to fun and merry music

Eileen Pevere6452 5154

ContactGilbert Wallace

6452 2688

St Andrews Hall, Soho Street, Cooma

4Residents voice concerns over conditions on Jerangle RoadContinued from Page 5.

“I have to constantly monitor the journey, 1000 percent, because I have these children’s lives literally in my hands and it’s terrifying!”

The road is bad between Bredbo and Jerangle School and is even more seriously degraded beyond the school gate. Mrs Hall has been bogged on several occasions and strongly believes the Council has to have some duty of care.

“There are a number of elderly residents who use the road too and if something happens, how is an ambulance

supposed to have access if the road is undriveable? Elderly drivers need to be able to travel the road safely. We all do!”

The Principal of Jerangle Public School (currently on leave) has also expressed her concerns over the safety of the children travelling on the school bus, as well as with the shocking state of the road itself, the diminishing amount of maintenance work being carried out by the Council and believes it is disgusting that the school bus driver has to contend with such conditions.

Another resident also voiced her frustration at the state of the road and claims that speaking to the Council is a waste of time and effort.

“When it’s all said and done, they really don’t do anything much. People are so fed up, the resident added. “All we want is a decent road!”

While residents agree that it is a lifestyle choice and those who have moved into the area did so with the full knowledge they would be on an unsealed road, they did so with the expectation that the road would be regularly maintained.

“We thought Council would conduct regular maintenance measures with the road and they have not.” Another Jerangle Road resident noted.

Attempts to contact CMSC Works Manager, Arthur Wilkinson, were unsuccessful at the time of writing.

Page 5: Monaro Post 10/10/12

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Page 6: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 20126 News

1 Kosciuszko RoadJindabyne NSW 2627 Australia“Beers are better at the Banjo”“Beers are better at the Banjo”“Beers are better at the Banjo”

Kosciuszko brewed onsite and available on tapKosciuszko brewed onsite and available on tap

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What’s happening @ the BanjoWhat’s happening @ the Banjo




MONDAY NIGHTRibs, Rump & Beer $25

WEDNESDAYCurry & Kosci $20

FRIDAYNight Raffles

SATURDAYPunters Club

Bistro Open 7 Days & Nights “New Menu” availableBistro Open 7 Days & Nights “New Menu” availableCOURTESY


John Briscoe. Sketch by Brigitte Mackay

The 13th AnnualJohn Briscoe

Memorial Award

Judge: Liz Coates, Doctoral Graduate from the ANU School of Art.

Mr John Barilaro MP will open the exhibition at the

She has a substantial art career in her own right and is also interested in regional arts.

Raglan on Saturday October 13 2012 at 3pmEveryone welcome. All works will be for sale.

The exhibition ends Sunday, November 4 2012.Raglan Gallery 9-11 Lambie Sreet, Cooma

Open 9.30am - 4.30pmWednesday to Sunday or by appointment. 02 6452 3377

Abbey heading OS to celebrate her degreeAbbey Johnson plans to celebrate her

recent graduation from the University of Canberra by travelling overseas.

The 22-year-old, who attended St Patrick’s Parish School and Monaro High School, is heading to America and Europe. “It feels really good, it’s a big relief to graduate,” she said. Ms Johnson travelled to Canberra three times a week to attend classes and graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce on September 27.

She is currently working at Boyce Chartered Accountants in Cooma. Her parents Michael and Debbie Johnson travelled to Canberra to see her graduate. The University of Canberra hosted its mid-year graduation ceremonies in the Great Hall at Parliament House on September 27 and 28.

In four ceremonies, 1390 students graduated, with graduates from rural and regional areas among those collecting their degrees. University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Parker congratulated the students on their academic success. “The University of Canberra is focused

on preparing students for a successful and rewarding career and we are pleased to be attracting more students from regional areas,” P r o f e s s o r Parker said. “ T h e s e students make a valuable contr ibut ion to social and academic life on campus. While some s t u d e n t s decide to stay in the ACT to begin their careers, many also return home to make a professional contribution to their home towns.”

The University of Canberra has a number of programs to

support students from regional areas pursue

a tertiary education. The University

has a Regional Bonus Points Scheme to assist students from rural and regional NSW.

Under the S c h e m e , s t u d e n t s receive an a d d i t i o n a l five bonus points on

their ATAR when they

apply to study at the University

of Canberra. The University’s


programs also prepare students for university study.

University of Canberra graduates are among Australia’s most employable, with the University awarded the maximum five stars for ‘getting a job’ and ‘positive graduate outcomes’ in the latest Good Universities Guide. The University of Canberra has now received the maximum five-star rating for ‘getting a job’ for 12 consecutive years and top marks for ‘positive graduate outcomes’ for the past three years.

The guide also gives the University a four-star rating for ‘graduate starting salaries’, ‘teaching quality’ and ‘generic skills’. Regional students graduated ready for careers in areas including education, architecture, public relations, coaching science, management and law. More than 13,300 students attend the University of Canberra, which is the largest the University has ever been.

As well as students from rural and regional Australia, international students from 113 other countries are currently enrolled.

Cooma Local Court reportSean Barclay, 26 of Surry Hill in

Sydney was stopped on Kosciuszko Road Jindabyne on August 25 and when breath tested, recorded a low range PCA. He was fined $250 and disqualified from driving for three months.

James David Benton 25 of East Jindabyne was stopped on Barry Way in Jindabyne on August 16. A breath test registered a mid range PCA and he was fined $350 and disqualified from driving for six months.

Simon Buchanan, 27 of Eltham Victoria, was stoped on Gippsland Road in Jindabyne on July 5 and recorded a mid range PCA when tested by police. He was fined $500 and disqualified from driving for six months.

Luke David Carmody 27 of Jindabyne, tested positive for low range PCA when stopped in the Jindabyne Hotel car park on July 28. He was fined $250 and disqualified from driving for three months.

Regan Charles Carter, 33 of Jindabyne, was charged with intentionally and recklessly destroying/damaging property at the Lake Jindabyne Hotel on September 8. He also attempted to re-enter the licensed premises despite being refused admission. He was fined a total of $550 plus court costs.

Michael Dempsey, 25 of Elanora Queensland, registered a mid range PCA when stopped on Snowy River Avenue in Jindabyne on August 16. He was fined $400 plus court costs and disqualified from driving for six months.

Konstantin Mazaurov, 21 of Reid ACT was found to be driving without a licence when stopped in Cooma on August 20. He is also charged with giving a false name to the police and with failing to transfer the registration of the vehicle he was driving into his own name, following purchase. He was fined a total of $1150 for the three offences plus charged $83 court costs on each count.

Lucy Victoria Olivia, 21 of Lindfield in Sydney, recorded a mid range PCA reading when stopped on Cobbadah Street in Jindabyne on August 25. She was fined $450 plus court costs and disqualified from driving for eight months.

Mattias Oliver Passlack, 20 of Katoomba, recorded a low range PCA reading when stopped and breath tested on Snowy River Avenue, Jindabyne on August 26. He was fined $300 plus court costs and disqualified from driving for a period of three months.

Zachary Ian Robertson Shepherd, 23 of New Farm in Queensland, recorded a mid range PCA reading

when stopped on Kosciuszko Road in Jindabyne on August 22. He was also found to be unlicensed. He was fined a total of $900 for the offences and disqualified from driving for 11 months.

Liam Stanger, 30 of Cooma, was found guilty of having a dangerous dog outside its enclosure, with not having the dog muzzled and with hindering police as well as with damage to police property., all taking place on February 3. He received an 18-month good behaviour bond plus was sentenced to 150 hours of community service.

Alexander Taku Taiaroa, 32 of Jindabyne, returned a mid range PCA when breath tested in Gippsland Street Jindabyne on August 5. He was also found to be unlicensed. He was disqualified from driving for 12 months, fined $600 for the alcohol offence and $400 for driving while unlicensed.

Darren John Turner 31 of Cooma, was found armed with two samurai swords with intent to commit an indictable offence, with behaving in an offensive manner in public, in Commissioner Street, and with resisting police.

He was sentenced to 100 hours community service over being armed with the swords and 20 hours for each of the other two offences. The swords were forfeited.

Page 7: Monaro Post 10/10/12

News 7Wednesday October 10, 20127

The NSW Government recently released its 370-page draft 20-year vision for rebuilding public transport, roads and freight networks based on integrated modal and freight strategies. This master plan has been drawn up based on extensive consultation throughout the state over the past year. Key highlights of the draft master plan speci�cally addressing regional areas include:• rural highway upgrades will be considered;• better bus services and wider network integration with other travel modes;• initiatives to move regional freight more efficiently;• town bypasses for heavy truck traffic in growing regional towns;• working in partnership with councils to identify important rural roads for freight and public transport;• road safety strategies to reduce fatalities and injuries on country roads.

As a result of community interests raised in the 2022 Community Strategic Plan, Cooma-Monaro Shire Council is supporting the value of a regional fast train network integration, highlighting the need for appropriate regional air services and terminal facilities between the Cooma-Monaro region and Sydney, a Department of Transport supported bus connection between Canberra/Queanbeyan and Cooma and, for safety considerations, additional dual vehicle passing lanes on the Monaro Highway. It is noted the key to the development of the master plan is the critical link to population growth, business development, employment opportunities and investment through land -use planning with councils, transport specialists and customer consultations. Transport NSW is now seeking community comment to assist in strengthening the �nal transport plan for NSW. You are encouraged to view and comment directly on this master plan using the web link are due by 28 October 2012 and the �nal plan will be released later this year. To assist council in further representing community interests, it would be appreciated if a copy of concerns raised with the Department of Transport could be passed to council as well.

Vandalism concerns within Cooma Businesses have made several complaints to both police and council regarding an increase in vandalism throughout the business and surrounding township areas. Council has also noticed that vandalism, including gra�ti, has increased over the past few months and is reviewing its monitoring and enforcement roles with police.The cost to council involving vandalism activity around Cooma and in some residential and school areas has been in excess of $30,000 per annum. It is a timely reminder with school holidays and increasing tourist tra�c visiting Cooma and surrounding districts for the community to be vigilant and report any unusual or suspicious vandalism-related activity to police or council so that we can eradicate such practices of concern.

NSW rebuilding regional transport links and infrastructure

Eden-Monaro Education forum in Cooma

Member for Eden-Monaro, Mike Kelly held an open forum last Wednesday at the Cooma ex-Services Club to discuss education and to receive and answer questions people may have had about the education changes.

Dr Kelly gave a breakdown of funding spent in our local area, which included:• $112.3 million to build new school infrastructure

including libraries, halls and classrooms. $9.36 million ofthis was spent in the Cooma-Monaro Shire.• More than $10.5 million for skills training in the

region with funding for TAFEs and Trade Training Centres.• There are over 70 schools in the region, including

public, private and independent across primary, central and high schools.• UndertheBER,funded151projectsat70schools

acrossEden-Monaro,aninvestmentof$97million.• The National Computers in Schools program put

1900morecomputersintotheregion’sschools.Some significant investments in skills training included:a) $112,700forCoomaTAFEupgradesb) $88,900forupgradestoBegaTAFEc) $5.5millionforupgradestoQueanbeyanTAFEd) $404,800forMoruyaTAFEupgradee) $3 million for Sapphire Coast Training Centre –

BegaandEden-MarineHighf) $1.4 million for Trade Centre at Bombala High

SchoolMr Kelly discussed what the Gonski review panel had to

say about school funding. This was a concern for a number of people attending the forum.

The report showed that the existing school funding model is not working.The panel found the current system is complex and

fragmented, lacks transparency, and does not allocate resources efficiently – similar schools with similar needsare getting different amounts of money.This is contributing to a situation where the gap between our best and worst performing students is widening.On September 3, the Prime Minister announced the

Government’sresponsetotheGonskiReview–ANationalPlanforSchoolImprovement.ThePlanincludes:• Achallengethatby2025Australiaisinthetopfive

schooling systems in the world• Aneeds-basedapproachtoschoolfunding• Thatanyadditionalfundingwouldbeconditionalon

school improvementDr Kelly discussed the new funding system, SRS

(Schooling Resource Standard), this would include extraloadings for:

1. Low Socio-economic Status2. Students with a disability3. Indigenousstudents4. Thesizeoftheschool5. Ruralandremotestudents6. StudentswithpoorEnglishskillsThe two hours spent with Dr Kelly was well received.A number of questions to Dr Kelly revolved around

NAPLAN and concerns that the average systemdisadvantages small schools.

Dr Kelly was asked how they were going to regulate the quality of teachers, there were concerns about their level of education and training.

Additional questions to Dr Kelly were about Socio-economic problems and mental health issues.

Photographed with Dr Kelly and Ben Duggan was Anna Brown on the left. Anna was from Queanbeyan, she found the forum helpful and informative on education funded equality, more support for public schools.

Chris Minifie – from Karabar High School, Far right – Kristil Mobbs from Delegate public school, her concerns for Dr Kelly were whether quality of education is being provided to our public schools.



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Page 8: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 20128 Post & Rail

EDITOR   02 6452 0312Gail Eastaway - 0408 930 180

EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS   02 6452 0316Narelle Allen - 0403 352 867Lisa Ashurst    Chrissie Webb

ADVERTISING & SUBSCRIPTIONSTracy Frazer - 0429 321 869Louise Platts - Bombala/Jindabyne - 0428 586 688

DESIGN & PRODUCTIONKylie Hinton       Brooke Pritchard

PHOTOGRAPHYGail Eastaway         Tracy Frazer  Louise Platts       Narelle Allen 

Sport & Editorial: [email protected]

PUBLISHERMonaro Media Group Pty. Ltd.

Accounts: 02 6452 0318

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The Goss International Award for newspaper presentationHighly Commended 2010/2011

The Monaro Post is an independent, locally owned newspaper and welcomes all community input.  If you have a story or prepared article for consideration, please contact the editor during business hours on 6452 0312.

The publisher accepts no responsibility for anyadvertisement, notice or letter published.  Any advertisement, notice or letter is published at the risk of the contributor who accepts liability for any intended publication.All such contributors, by forwarding advertisements,notices or letters, agree to identify the publisher and warrant that the material is accurate and is neitherdeceptive, misleading, in breach of copyright, defamatory or in breach of any laws and regulations.

Please be aware that all material published in TheMonaro Post is subject to copyright.

Sales: [email protected]

Mick Joffe says thanksEditor,To everybody involved with the

book launch, the preparations, the publicity, the transport, the catering, cleaning and decorating and the entertainment.

I am so grateful to you all. Thank you from my heart.

You have shown the great caring and community spirit that is so alive in the bush today.

As a matter of fact, it drove the project from the start.

I was thrilled with the book launch, 100 percent and especially thrilled that you all knew what we were trying to achieve with Living Treasures of the Snowy Mountains.

We have certainly made a fuss over them while they are with us.

Bless you all.Love and gratitude to you all.

Yours fairdinkumly,Mick Joffe

RiposteLisa Ashurst

I’ve had a couple of persistent weeds in the backyard for about three years now and despite spraying them with chemicals, digging them up or just plain chopping them into tiny ragged bits in general, they keep coming back.

Which is something I don’t get. I mean, if it were you would you continue to sprout in a yard where people hate you, abuse you with profanity and do vicious things to you?

I know I wouldn’t but then I’m not sure how weeds think and maybe they see all of the above as a challenge. A yard to be conquered, so to speak.

Anyway, I have been gearing up to go into battle with them again this spring/summer season because they are unattractive, very prickly and left to their own devices they can grow quite tall and bushy and I don’t like them. But having already tried a few chemical weed killers and found them not as effective as I had hoped, I was all ready to go in for the chop again and then a random comment on Facebook lead to another random comment and the next thing I had was a nice natural solution via my sister who swears by it. White vinegar.

Ready to try just about anything I am all for the white vinegar thing if it works. It’s a lot friendlier than the commercial

chemicals, is natural, will not upset the fur and feathers (cats and chooks) and at 99 cents for a two litre bottle of Homebrand white vinegar in the supermarket it is a lot cheaper than the commercial weed killers so I figured I just couldn’t go wrong. Unless, of course, it fails to kill the prickly peril that’s popping up again down the back!

But desperate woman that I am, I’ve been to the shops and duly purchased the white vinegar and a spray bottle last week and did some very diligent spraying of these nasties while they are still at their flat-on-the-ground stage and I have to admit that after 24 hours they looked decidedly unhappy…but not exactly dead. After 48 hours they were going very pale (deathly maybe?) in places and after 36 hours I decided to give them a second dousing just to make sure they were getting the message and I do think that white vinegar just may be the very thing I’ve been looking for all these years!

I sure hope so. I never really liked doing the chemical thing and was on the lookout for a friendlier alternative that would actually work.

Thing is, my sister says it works and was willing to say so on Facebook so it must be true. The other thing is that it definitely appears to be having an effect.

Better grab a couple more bottles…

the postman calls

The Postman often hears of local people complaining about the condition of our roads – today’s article on the Jerangle

Road outlines the concerns that community has for its links to the outside


But a road that hasn’t had much attention lately is the Yaouk Road, specifically the Yaouk – Adaminaby


This road has always been a bit steep and windy, but a recent expedition

has shown it to be in a shocking (quite literally) state.

Residents out there say the road hasn’t been graded for more than 18 months. From the condition it’s in at present, it seems as if it has never been touched.

The bits of road in between the potholes would be difficult to walk on, let along

drive on. In comparison, the Shannon’s Flat Road is a highway.

Money might be a bit tough for local councils, but dangerous roads lead to accidents. They also impact on

businesses which need that access to survive.

Could flights between Canberra and Sydney become a thing of the past?

A report into fast rail network between the two cities last week stated a fast rail

would not happen.

This week, however, other experts are saying a fast rail network would get

people to Sydney more quickly and more conveniently than by air and if a fast rail network was established, flights would

diminish or completely stop.

It’s an interesting thing – and one Cooma should be aware of. Remember in 1986, when Cooma was to be on the Very Fast Train corridor from Sydney to Melbourne?

The Postman would be happy with a Moderately Quick Train between Cooma and Canberra, to get some of the traffic

off the highway.

Page 9: Monaro Post 10/10/12

17th October, 2012Photo: Pamela Thomas



ing a better co





Council has a position available in the Environment Services Division for a Planner in the Cooma office. Further information can be obtained by calling Natalie Fanning on (02) 6455 1777. An information package available on Council’s website: File Ref: IS/POS/195 Salary: $63,044 - $64,620 annualApplications Close: 4.00pm, Monday 15 October 2012JOHN VUCIC PO Box 714GENERAL MANAGER COOMA NSW 2630

Tenders are invited and will be received up until 4.00 pm, 18 October 2012 for the supply and installation of a photovoltaic power system at Cooma Festival Swimming Pool. Contract Number 7/2012.

A copy of the tender documents may be obtained from Council’s Engineering Division during office hours in person, or by telephoning (02) 6455 1801, or emailing [email protected]

The lowest or any tender, not necessarily accepted.


Nomination Forms for Local Citizen of the Year Awards are now available from:•Cooma-Monaro Shire Council – 81 Commissioner Street•Cooma Visitor Information Centre – 119 Sharp Street•Cooma Library – 61 Vale Street

To complete an ONLINE NOMINATION FORM go to categories include the following:•Citizen of the Year•Young Citizen of the Year•Sportsperson of the Year•Young Sportsperson of the Year•Community Event of the Year•Community Group of the YearCompleted Nomination Forms must be delivered to one of the above locations or posted to PO Box 714, COOMA NSW 2630. Nominations close 5.00pm Friday, 23 November 2012.If you require further information, please contact Sandra McEwan on (02) 6455 1777.



The NSW Department of Planning’s planning reforms have required all councils in NSW to develop a standardised local environmental plan (LEP). Cooma-Monaro Shire Council has been working towards the development and implementation of our new LEP and supporting studies and plans for some time. Following extensive discussions with the NSW Department of Planning, Council has been granted authority to publicly exhibit the Exhibition Copy of Cooma-Monaro Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Council will also shortly be exhibiting the draft Cooma-Monaro Development Control Plan 2012 (draft DCP 2012). This Plan will replace all existing Development Control Plans (DCPs) and has been developed in-line with the NSW Department of Planning Guidelines. Details of draft DCP 2012 will be made available on Council’s website, at Council’s Offices and the Monaro Regional Library when finalised. In the meantime, the current DCPs will still be effective for a maximum period of six months from the gazettal of the LEP if not replaced by the new DCP.

The draft Cooma-Monaro Local Environmental Plan 2012 (draft LEP 2012) will be publicly exhibited from Wednesday 3 October 2012 to Friday 30 November 2012 to enable opportunity for community input. The draft LEP 2012 and all supporting documentation can be viewed at Council’s Offices between the hours of 8.35 am and 4.45 pm - Monday to Friday, and the Monaro Regional Library between the hours of 9.30 am and 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday and 9.30 am and 1.00 pm – Saturday. This is an opportunity for residents and interest groups to view the draft Plan and make formal comment for consideration by Council.

The full set of exhibition material, including the draft LEP 2012 maps and instrument and required statutory supporting information is available on Council’s website at

Table 1: Public information sessions

Submissions Council strongly recommends that all residents and community groups review the draft LEP 2012 in relation to their property or area of interest. This is the appropriate opportunity to check how the draft LEP relates to your land and for you to advise Council what you think.Submissions regarding the draft LEP 2012 should either be made in writing to Council or via email to [email protected]. All submissions must be received before the close of business on Friday, 30 November 2012.

When making a submission about a particular property, please provide the street address and/or title (Lot and DP) details. Submissions should also clearly state which specific aspects of the draft LEP are being addressed.

When making a submission on specific themes or geographic areas we encourage you to clearly state which elements of the Plan you endorse or are not in favour of, and why. (Please include clause number/s where possible)

Submissions must include your name and address and be addressed as follows: Draft Cooma-Monaro Local Environmental Plan 2012 The General Manager Cooma-Monaro Shire Council PO Box 714 COOMA NSW 2630

Or by email to [email protected] Or fax (02) 6455 1799

All submissions will be acknowledged within seven days of receipt by Council, and will be considered and addressed in the final drafting and reporting of the Plan to Council.


Numeralla Community Hall Saturday 13 October 2012 10.00 – 12.00

Nimmitabel Community Hall Saturday 13 October 2012 3.00 – 5.00

Smiths Road Fire Shed Saturday 20 October 2012 10.00 – 12.00

Bredbo Community Hall Saturday 20 October 2012 2.00 – 4.00

Shannons Flat Community Hall Saturday 27 October 2012 10.00 – 12.00

Michelago Hall Saturday 27 October 2012 2.00 – 4.00

Cooma – Council Chambers TuesdayThursday

16 October 201225 October 2012

6.00 – 8.006.00 – 8.00

CALL FOR NOMINATIONSCouncil is inviting nominations for volunteer members of the following Committees for the period November 2012 to September 2016

The aims and objectives of each committee and nomination forms are available by contacting Council’s Customer Service Officer, Inga Williams on 6455 1777 or from Council’s website nominees must complete a nomination form; and advise which committee and vacancy they wish to be considered for.All committee members must comply with Council’s Policies, in particular Code of Meeting Practice Policy and Code of Conduct Policy.Nominations close on Friday 2 November 2012.


Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee

9 Community members with a commitment to arts and culture.

Community Services – Access & Equity Sub Committee

2 Community members with a commitment to access and equity issues.

Community Services – HACC Service Sub Committee

4 Community members with a commitment to Aged Care and Disability Services

Cooma-Monaro Tourism Advisory Committee

6 Community members with a commitment to tourism.

Koala Plan of Management Committee

2 Community members with a commitment to assisting with the formulation of a Koala plan of management.

Noxious Weeds Committee

Community members with a commitment to the control of noxious weeds. (Number to be determined)

Recreational Facilities Committee

6 community members with a strong commitment to sport and recreation.

Old Cooma Common Grassland Reserve Committee

4 Community members with a commitment to the enhancement of the Old Cooma Common Grasslands Reserve.

North Ridge Committee 10 Community members with a commitment to the enhancement of Cooma North Ridge.

Wirri-Nina Management Committee

3 Community members with a commitment to the running of the facility.

Yallambee Lodge Committee

5 Community members with a commitment to the provision of services to the Aged. Financial, Medical and Community Service background will be highly regarded.

Australia Day Working Party

4 Community members with a commitment for the organisation of Australia Day Celebrations.

Snowy Mountains Aboriginal Liaison Working Party

5 local Aboriginal Community members, 4 Community members with a commitment to health, youth, education, tourism and employment.

Page 10: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Mayor Dean Lynch

0419 295 954

CouncillorTony Kaltoum

6452 1730

CouncillorMartin Hughes0405 209 685

CouncillorCraig Mitchell0429 383 388

CouncillorRogan Corbett0412 722 505

CouncillorIgnazio Mondello

0407 714 460

Deputy MayorBronnie Taylor0427 546 299

COUNCIL CONTACT DETAILSPhone: 02 6455 1777Fax: 02 6455 1799Web: [email protected]

SENIOR STAFFGeneral Manager John VucicDirector of Corporate Services Stephen Molloy Director of Engineering Services David ByrneDirector of Environmental Services Peter Smith

CouncillorAngela Ingram0410 036 671

CouncillorWinston Phillips

0487 430 000WATER 0417 278 056 WASTEWATER 0419 251 378RECREATION 0427 011 144 ROADS 0447 415 150

After Hours Emergency Contacts

NatioNal tree DayNative Plant Giveaway in the Park





All are welcome with their toddlers

for stories, craft & songs

The grown-ups will enjoy a delicious FREEFREEFREE

espresso coffee! We can’t offer the kind of

‘blow your hair back’ experience these ladies are

enjoying, but we can offer great stories & fun!

Please be advised that work associated with watermain and water service reconstruction within Yareen Road and Wooran Street is programmed to be undertaken between 8 October 2012 and 23 November 2012, weather permitting.Watermain and water service reconstruction work along Yareen Road will occur between Wonga Street and the intersection of Wooran Street. This work is expected to be completed within three (3) weeks.Watermain and water service reconstruction work along Wooran Street is expected to be completed within four (4) weeks.The work may cause minor disruption to property driveway access at times and notification concerning individual driveway access will be given to affected property owners as the work progresses.Temporary road closures at the Yareen Road/Wooran Street intersection and Wangie/Wooran Street intersections will be required at particular times during construction to facilitate segments of the work.Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place for the duration of the work to assist in improving work site safety and the general safety of pedestrians and motorists. This necessary work is part of Cooma Monaro Shire Council’s continuing watermain replacement program.Work will be carried out between 7:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.Council apologises for any inconvenience this work may cause and asks residents and motorists to be mindful of construction crews and machinery that will be working on and around this project.

Any enquiries can be directed to Council’s Engineering Services on 6455 1801.


WaterMaiN reCoNStrUCtioN WorK oN yareeN roaD aND WooraN Street, CooMa

NotiFiCatioN oF PlaNNeD MaiNteNaNCe/CoNStrUCtioN WorKS Notice is hereby given that weather permitting, Council staff will be undertaking Repair/Construction work.

LOCATION: 128 to 130 Sharp Street, COOMA (in front of the Westpac Bank) PROPOSED DATE: From 03/09/2012 up to and including 12/10/2012 DESCRIPTION: Replacement of existing footpath Reposition of existing storm drain Installation of a concrete tree guard

This work is expected to have a direct impact on: Access to Premises Available Public Parking Pedestrian Movement

Council apologises for the inconvenience.Enquiries can be directed to Council’s Works Manager, Arthur Wilkinson on 6455 1830

Sharp Street, footpath maintenance Jerangle Road, maintenance grading, road realignment, table drain maintenance, heavy patchingBadja Road, pothole repairs

Billilingra Road, installation of culvertBobeyan Road, maintenance gradingWallace Road, gravel re-sheetingTom Groggin Road, maintenance gradingOngoing pothole repairs on rural roads.

Weather permitting the following roadworks will continue

SharP Street

Work is continuing on the footpath in front of the Westpac Bank in Sharp Street. The pavers are currently being laid and work is expected to be completed by mid-October.

CaleNDar oF eveNtSNotice to all Event Organisers, Coordinators & Committees If you would like to be listed on the Region’s most comprehensive Calendar of Events please provide your event details to the Cooma Visitors Centre. Promotion of Events will be provided once all relevant information is received from the organisers. The 2013 & 2014 Calendar of Events are now also open for inclusions. If you would like to be on the recipient list to receive a copy of the updated Calendar of Events at the start each month please e-mail your details to [email protected]

Cooma Visitors Centre, Ph: 64551742 or E-Mail [email protected]

Page 11: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 201212 News

Shop 4, Centennial Plaza Sharp St, Cooma Ph/Fax: 6452 6507

NEW SUMMER ARRIVALSThe races are fast approaching...

Shop local at Bella Moda Footwear for all your hats, shoes, bagsand fascinators, and they’re all

different styles and colours.

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An original film based on George A Romero’s 1968

cult classic




Photo competition winners announced!

NPWS investigating dead cockies near Creewah

Floodplain management grant for Bombala

The Cooma Library held a fun photographic competition over the month of September to coincide with the National Year of Reading and also Book Week, which was held during August. August was also Kids’ Month at

the Library.

Organised by Library staff member, Ira Hendriks, Primary and High School students were challenged to have themselves photographed in a funny, unusual or totally weird place while reading a book!

The more creative, the better, and there were some excellent entries which took out the prizes but the overall standard of entries was very high.

The presentations to the winners took place in the Library on Thursday 4 October at 3pm.

Some 20 cockatoos were found dead last month in the Creewah area near Bombala and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) urges anyone with information about this unexplained bird kill event to come forward.

NPWS Ranger for Bombala Sarah Ferguson says cockatoos and all other native animals are protected under the NSW Wildlife Act and it is illegal to harm them without a licence.“

Our investigation near Creewah was inconclusive but the evidence

suggests these cockatoos may have been poisoned, either accidentally or intentionally,” Ms Ferguson said.“

If people demonstrate cockatoos or other native animals are causing economic hardship then Parks can issue a licence

to reduce numbers, but this must be done humanely and under strict conditions.

”Ms Ferguson said cockatoos sometimes become a nuisance in cities and rural settings by damaging buildings or crops and she encouraged people frustrated by the animals to contact Parks.“

If these birds were intentionally poisoned the person responsible could face fines up to $11,000 per offence and possible

imprisonment for harming native wildlife.

“These 20 birds may have come in contact with h o u s e h o l d or farm chemicals and we remind people to be e x t r e m e l y careful with h a z a r d o u s substances.“

We urge anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or the Bombala Parks office on 6458 4080 and all calls will be treated as confidential.”

The Office of Environment and

Heritage supports the community in working together to help protect and conserve native animals including cockatoos.

Member for Monaro John Barilaro has announced that the NSW Government will provide financial assistance to Bombala Council to undertake a Bombala Flood Plain Management Plan.

“The NSW Government will provide $13,334 to Bombala Council to assist in developing a floodplain management plan,” Mr Barilaro said.

The funding forms part of $24.35 million in grants to 101 councils and other agencies throughout the State for floodplain management.

“It’s been estimated that flooding causes more than $200 million in losses in NSW annually and this is on top of the emotional stress that floods can cause,” Mr Barilaro said.

“With extensive flooding causing considerable damage in the Monaro region last summer, it is imperative that plans be undertaken to enable councils and other agencies to make informed decisions to reduce flood risk to existing and future development.”

“I am proud to be part

of the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government which is committed to support councils with funds and expertise to help them prepare and minimise the risk to their communities.”

The grants come from two major programs: the NSW Floodplain management Program; and the Floodplain Risks Management Grants Scheme which is part of the Natural Disaster Resilience Program.

Competition winners Jonathon McDonald, Lachlan McDonald, Bridget Stott and Florance McGufficke with competition organiser, Ira Hendriks.

Page 12: Monaro Post 10/10/12

News 13Wednesday October 10, 2012

HIGH COUNTRY SUBARU66 SHARP ST, COOMA 6452 1077 [email protected]


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Tanja becomes an Aussie

Council receives footpath petition with 500 signatures

Bob re-elected Bombala mayor

Tanja Beckmann has become the latest recipient of Citizenship, in a ceremony conducted by mayor Dean Lynch last week.

Tanja, who has had permanent residency in Australia since 2001, had been considering becoming an Australian Citizen for about 10 years and has now made the big

step. She said she thought it unlikely she would ever return to Germany, except on holiday.

Tanja is pictured with Mayor Lynch and her partner Ken Stanger at last

week’s ceremony.

Monday night’s meeting of Cooma-Monaro Shire Council included the receipt of a petition of more than 500 names asking for action on Cooma’s footpaths.

An accompanying letter,

signed by Ruth Blattmann of Cooma, stated “there have been far too many accidents from people falling on the uneven paths and curbs, to say nothing of the appearance that the town has, certainly one of

great neglect….

“Other country town are so lovely and the people in those towns are so proud of their CBD, It would be lovely if we could feel some pride as well.

“I know that there is a great

call on council finds for all types of work to be done, but maybe the interest on investments could be used to fix the footpaths. As a ratepayer and those who have signed the petition, I would like to see my

money go towards making our town one to be proud of”.

The Monaro Post will report the outcome of this agenda item in next week’s edition.

Councillor Bob Stewart has been returned as mayor of Bombala Shire Council.

Cr Stewart was re-elected unopposed at last Wednesday’s first council meeting after the September 8 elections.

Cr Brad Yelds was re-elected deputy mayor defeating Cr Dianna Hampshire who also

nominated for the position.Cr Stewart said after the council election that it

was “steady as she goes as far as I’m concerned, keeping a good eye on everything”.

“We have good financials, a good management plan, so were are in a pretty good state”.

The new Bombala Council, from left, back Mayor Bob Stewart, Cr Joe Ingram, Cr Steven

Goodyer and Cr Bill Bateman.

Front: Cr Sue

Haslingden, Cr Diane Hampshire and Deputy

Mayor Brad Yelds.

Page 13: Monaro Post 10/10/12


Company is a good thing in LandCruiser Country, that’s why we’re introducing the much-anticipated new LandCruiser 70 Double Cab. There is enough room for you, your mates, the cattle dog and even a tag along. The latest member of the LandCruiser line-up is still as powerful and indestructible as the rest of the LandCruiser 70 series. And with unbelievable grunt courtesy of Toyota’s V8 Turbo-diesel engine, together, you’re unstoppable. This is LandCruiser Country.

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Page 14: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Long days. Harsh environments. Extreme weather. It’s pretty tough out here, but the locals are as tough as their cars. So let’s meet these outback legends.

The King off the Road, the LandCruiser 200 comes in nine colour variants and four models with a 4.6L V8 engine or 4.5L V8 Twin Turbo-diesel engine. Built upon a rich heritage and uncompromising DNA the LandCrusier 200 is known as one of the toughest, best performing and most reliable 4WDs on the planet.

The FJ Cruiser combines over 50 years of 4WD heritage with a unique retro inspired design. There’s a 4.0 L V6 petrol engine with Dual VVT-i, Active Traction Control and six SRS Airbags. The FJ Cruiser doesn’t baulk at a challenge, it embodies rugged durability, dependability and grunt.

LandCruiser Country just wouldn’t be the same without the Prado. Choose from either a three-door option with two model variants or a five-door option with four model variants. Technologically advanced and designed from the ground up, the Prado takes you anywhere in rugged elegance and makes every journey a destination in itself.

Last but certainly not least is the LandCruiser 70 – a hard, honest worker. There are nine variants for you to choose from all powered by Toyota’s V8 Turbo-diesel engine delivering 151kW of power and a class-leading 430Nm of torque.

And there’s the newest much anticipated All-New LandCruiser 70 Double Cab featuring 5 seats. Tougher than tough, the LandCruiser 70 series goes almost anywhere and does almost anything.

In the face of extreme adversity the LandCruiser 200, FJ Cruiser, Prado and LandCruiser 70 are built to thrive. Whatever the outback throws at them it’s just another day in paradise. Visit your nearest retailer to test drive one today.

This is LandCruiser Country.



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Page 15: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 201216 News




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Sip ‘n’ Swing will help LilianaAs the demands on MEIS increase (enrolments have doubled

in the past three years) the current use of space in their vibrant and welcoming Hill Street location has reached capacity leading to the necessary purchase of the adjoining property.

They have appealed to the greater community to help in their fund raising endeavours. Your attendance at this Saturdays’ fabulous bi-annual Sip n’ Swing evening will directly support this goal, and the children and their families that rely on MEIS to help co-ordinate services they need to reach their full potential. Every child currently attending MEIS, and also their successful graduates has a story to tell.

One that involves overcoming adversity, showing courage and enthusiasm that is nothing less than inspiring.

The families of these amazing children are under no illusion that these results are directly credited to the awesome staff at MEIS, who have the patience and compassion to bring out the best in their small clients.

Although there are many local Cooma families that utilise the service, many families travel hours to access support which acts as an outreach service to areas including Michelago, Bombala, Jerangle, Jindabyne and Thredbo.

This includes Liliana’s family from Jindabyne, who travel to Cooma at least once a week to attend MEIS, the only service of its kind they have access to.

This is Lily’s story........ Liliana was born five years ago, weighing 683 grams. She was eight weeks premature suffering extreme

interuterine growth retardation. She was fortunate to survive birth. Her young life has been marked with feeding and growth issues.

Liliana has spent her years visiting Paediatricians, surgeons, therapists, dieticians and geneticists,

travelling for up to six hours just to access them.

Liliana also has cortical dysplasia. This means the cells in her brain are not in the correct location. She received an early diagnosis of global developmental delay, and was referred to MEIS when she was unable to meet her developmental milestones- sitting, crawling, walking or talking.

Through the support of MEIS she has now mastered these skills, plus many more. Lily’s mum Clare states that the tireless

dedication of MEIS, in coordination with Lilianas daycare and preschool, has enabled

her to develop the skills,both physically and cognitively, to start mainstream school next

year. Although Liliana will require some form of help

throughout her schooling, the four years that Liliana has spent at MEIS have proved invaluable, she is proof

that early intervention significantly improves the outcomes for young children with developmental delays.

The delight that Liliana experiences in her intervention services is obvious and contagious. One cannot help but be inspired by a little Lily in a tutu and Blundstones passionately involved in all aspects of her play session.

Gather your friends and family and get your tickets from Mainstreet now for a top evening of fine music, food and wine, knowing that you are contributing to such a special cause.

Remembrance concert

On Remembrance Day, 11 November, this year people from across the Snowy-Monaro will gather for a commemorative concert at Cooma Ex-Services Club.

Organised by Snowy Monaro Arts Council, with the support of Regional Arts NSW and South East Arts, the aim of the event is to bring people ‘together to remember’ and to celebrate the strength of the human spirit through music during times of conflict.

Ninety six years ago people from this district gathered when the Men from Snowy River Recruiting March made its way from Delegate through Cooma, Nimmitabel, Cooma, Bredbo and Michelago toward Goulburn to enlist for the First World War.

One of these Men from Snowy River, Ernest Corey, who joined the March at Cooma went on to be the only soldier to receive the Military Medal with three bars.

The Ernest Corey Memorial stands in Vale Street and Corey’s descendants are local residents today.

At the November 11 concert instrumentalists and vocalists will present a repertoire of music which has inspired, encouraged and brought joy to the hearts of people – from those on the front lines to those keeping the home fires burning, to those mourning loved ones. Among the many items are the Irish patriotic song “The Minstrel Boy”, the “Colonel Bogey March” and “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy”. s m a r t s c o u n c i l . b l o g s p o t . c o m . a u For further information contact [email protected]

Page 16: Monaro Post 10/10/12


s o










wednesday thuRsday fRiday satuRday sunday Monday tuesday6.00 News Breakfast. 9.30 Business. 10.00 Count Us In. 10.15 Cyberchase. 10.40 My Great Big Adventure. 11.00 Big Ideas. 12.00 Midday. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 Can We Help? 2.00 Question Time. 3.00 Children’s. 5.00 Eggheads. 5.30 Last Of The Summer Wine. 6.00 The Restaurant. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30 Gruen Planet. (PG) 9.05 The Chaser: Hamster Wheel. 9.35 Randling. (M) 10.15 At The Movies. (PG) 10.45 Lateline. 11.20 Business. 11.45 The Librarians. (M)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 Movie: These Old Broads. (2001) (PG) 2.00 Dive Olly Dive! 2.30 Sea Princesses. 3.00 Ghosts Of Time. 3.30 Toybox. 4.00 It’s Academic. 4.30 News. 5.00 Price Is Right. 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. 6.00 News. 6.30 Today Tonight. 7.00 Home & Away. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.00 Surveillance Oz. (PG) 8.30 Criminal Minds. (M) 9.30 Criminal Minds. (M) 10.30 Covert Affairs. (M) 11.30 Parks And

Recreation. (PG)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG) 11.00 News. 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 The View. (PG) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 3.00 Alive & Cooking. 3.30 Magical Tales. 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. 4.30 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 6.30 WIN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Big Brother. (PG) 9.00 Big Fat Gypsy

Weddings. (PG) 10.00 Embarrassing

Bodies: Tamworth. (M) 11.00 Who Do You Think

You Are? Martin Sheen. Return. (PG)

6.00 Breakfast. 8.30 Wurrawhy. 9.00 The Talk. (PG) 10.00 News. 11.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 11.30 The Insider. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Doctors. (PG) 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Huey’s Kitchen. 4.00 Totally Wild. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 News. 6.00 The Project. 7.00 Modern Family. (PG) 7.30 Last Man Standing. (PG) 8.30 The Good Wife. Return. (M) 9.30 Class Of. (PG) 10.30 News. 11.15 In Plain Sight. (M)

6.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Insight. 2.00 Dateline. 3.00 Letters & Numbers. 3.30 Al Jazeera News. 4.00 The Journal. 4.30 PBS NewsHour. 5.30 Global Village. 5.45 Countdown. 6.30 World News Australia. 7.30 Survivors: Nature’s

Indestructible Creatures. 8.30 Living With The

Amish. (PG) 9.30 Barack Obama:

Great Expectations. (M) 10.30 World News

Australia. 11.00 Movie: Go For

Zucker! (2004) (M)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.30 Business. 10.00 Telling Tales. 10.05 Me Voila! 10.15 La Mappa Misteriosa. 10.35 BTN. 11.00 Can We Believe The Science? Final. (PG) 12.00 Midday. 12.30 Minder. Final. (PG) 1.30 At The Movies. (PG) 2.00 Question Time. 3.00 Children’s. 5.00 Eggheads. 5.30 Last Of The Summer Wine. 6.00 Rivers With Griff Rhys Jones. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Catalyst. 8.30 Rake. (M) 9.30 Lowdown. (M) 10.00 Summer Heights High. (M) 10.30 Lateline. 11.05 Business. 11.30 The National Parks.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 Movie: Mitch Albom’s For One More Day. (2007) (PG) 2.00 Dive Olly Dive! 2.30 Sea Princesses. 3.00 Ghosts Of Time. 3.30 Toybox. 4.00 It’s Academic. 4.30 News. 5.00 Price Is Right. 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. 6.00 News. 6.30 Today Tonight. 7.00 Home & Away. (PG) 7.30 Brynne: My Bedazzled Life. (PG) 8.00 How I Met Your Mother. (PG) 8.30 Beauty And The Geek Australia. (PG) 9.30 The Unbelievable Truth. New. (PG) 10.15 Celebrity Juice. New. (MA15+) 11.00 Whitney. New. (M) 11.30 Cougar Town. (PG)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG) 11.00 News. 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 The View. (PG) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 3.00 Alive & Cooking. 3.30 Magical Tales. 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. 4.30 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 6.30 WIN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Big Brother.

(PG) 8.30 Big Brother

Confidential. (PG) 9.00 AFP: Australian

Federal Police. 10.00 Inside. (M) 11.00 Australian Families

Of Crime. (MA15+)

6.00 Breakfast. 8.30 Wurrawhy. 9.00 The Talk. (PG) 10.00 News. 11.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 11.30 The Insider. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Doctors. (PG) 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Huey’s Kitchen. 4.00 Scope. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 News. 6.00 The Project. 7.00 Modern Family. (PG) 7.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. 8.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 10.30 News. 11.15 Trollied. (M) 11.45 Letterman. (PG)

6.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide. 1.30 William Shatner’s Weird Or What? (PG) 2.25 Murdoch: Breaking The Spell? (PG) 3.00 Letters & Numbers. 3.30 Al Jazeera News. 4.00 The Journal. 4.30 PBS NewsHour. 5.30 Global Village. 5.45 Countdown. 6.30 World News Australia. 7.30 Gourmet Farmer. 8.00 Destination Flavour. 8.30 Two Greedy Italians…Still Hungry. 9.35 One Born Every Minute. Return. (M) 10.30 World News Australia. 11.00 Happy Hookers. (M) 11.55 Movie: Dear Wendy. (2005) (MA15+)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.30 Bali Remembered. 12.00 Midday. 12.30 Movie: St Louis Blues. (1958) 2.00 Tibetan El Dorado. 3.00 Children’s. 5.00 Eggheads. 5.30 Last Of The Summer Wine. 6.00 Grand Designs. 6.50 Minuscule. 6.55 Election Announcement: ACT Greens. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30 ACT. 8.00 Miranda. (PG) 8.30 New Tricks. Return. (PG) 9.25 Waking The Dead. (M) 10.20 Lateline. 10.55 Bali Remembered. 11.25 The Trophy Room. (PG) 11.55 Rage. (MA15+)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Bali Bombings 10 Year Anniversary Memorial. 12.10 Movie: Ghost Dad. (1990) (PG) 2.00 Dive Olly Dive! 2.30 Sea Princesses. 3.00 Ghosts Of Time. 3.30 Toybox. 4.00 It’s Academic. 4.30 News. 5.00 Price Is Right. 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. 6.00 News. 6.30 Today Tonight. 7.00 Home & Away. (PG) 7.30 Better Homes And

Gardens. 9.00 Movie: The Bourne

Ultimatum. (2007) (M) 11.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive:

Shipwrecked Family. (M)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG) 11.00 Bali Bombings: 10 Year Anniversary. 12.00 News. 1.00 The View. (PG) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 3.00 Alive & Cooking. 3.30 Magical Tales. 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. 4.30 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 6.30 WIN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Big Brother. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 8.30 Movie: Cast Away.

(2000) (M) Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, Nick Searcy, Lari White, Michael Forest.

11.30 WIN News.

6.00 Breakfast. 8.30 Wurrawhy. 9.00 The Talk. (PG) 10.00 News. 11.00 Bali 10 Years On. 12.30 Everyday Gourmet. 1.00 The Doctors. (PG) 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Huey’s Kitchen. 4.00 Lightning Point. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 News. 6.00 The Project. 7.00 Modern Family. (PG) 7.30 The Living Room. (PG) 8.30 Superstars Of

Comedy. (M) 10.30 Movie: Choke. (2008)


6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 2012 US Vice-Presidential Debate. 1.30 WorldWatch. 2.30 Living Black. 3.00 Letters & Numbers. 3.30 Al Jazeera News. 4.00 The Journal. 4.30 PBS NewsHour. 5.30 Global Village. 5.45 Countdown. 6.30 World News Australia. 7.30 Coast. 8.30 Jerusalem: The Making Of A Holy City: Judgement Day. (PG) 9.30 As It Happened: The Man Who Saved The World. 10.30 World News Australia. 11.05 Movie: The Spectator. (2004) (MA15+)

6.00 Rage. 10.30 Rage. (PG) 11.30 7.30 ACT. 12.00 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand. (PG) 12.30 Australian Story. 1.00 Collectors. 1.30 Eggheads. 2.00 Movie: The Pink Panther. (1964) (PG) 4.00 Basketball. WNBL. Round 2. 5.00 The Wonder Years. 5.30 Nigella Kitchen. Final. 6.00 Landline. 6.30 Gardening. 7.00 News. 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 8.20 Sinbad. (PG) 9.05 Hustle. Final. (M) 10.05 Jonathan Ross. 10.50 United States

Of Tara. (M) 11.20 Rage. (MA15+)

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning Show: Weekend. 11.00 The Woodlies. 11.30 Ghosts Of Time. 12.30 Sea Princesses. 1.00 V8 Xtra. 1.30 Motor Racing. V8 Utes. Round 5. From Mount Panorama Circuit, Bathurst. 2.30 Possum’s Club. 3.00 Movie: Lemonade Mouth. (2011) 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 News. 6.30 Movie: Despicable

Me. (2010) (PG) 8.30 Movie: Tomorrow

Never Dies. (1997) (M) 11.00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive:

Edge Of Death. (M)

6.00 Bubble Guppies. 6.30 Dora. 7.00 Today: Saturday. 10.00 Mornings: Saturday. 11.00 Kids’ WB. 11.05 Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 11.30 Dogstar. 12.00 Wakkaville. 12.30 Flea-Bitten. 1.00 Horse Racing. Spring Carnival. Caulfield Guineas Day. From Caulfield Racecourse, Melbourne. 5.00 News. 5.30 Fishing Australia. 6.00 News. 6.30 Australia’s Funniest

Home Videos. (PG) 7.30 Rugby League.

Trans-Tasman Test. Australia v New Zealand.

10.00 Movie: Heist. (2001) (M)

6.00 Children’s. 8.00 K-9. 8.30 Totally Wild. 9.00 Scope. 9.30 Good Chef Bad Chef. 10.00 Hot 30. (PG) 12.00 Radar. (PG) 1.00 The Living Room. (PG) 2.00 Everyday Gourmet. 2.30 Huey’s Kitchen On Tour. 3.00 Yes Chef. 3.30 Taste Of Travel. 4.00 Love To Share Food. 5.00 News. 6.00 Simpsons. (PG) 6.30 David Attenborough’s Life In Cold Blood. 7.30 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors. 8.00 Bondi Vet. (PG) 8.30 Movie: X-Men: The Last Stand. (2006) (M) 10.35 To Be Advised.

6.00 WorldWatch. 10.45 FIFA World Cup Qualifier. Argentina v Uruguay. 1.00 Making Of Lost Town Of Switez. 1.40 Lost Town Of Switez. (PG) 2.00 Spare Change. (PG) 2.10 Sex & Sensibility. 3.20 Impressionists. 4.30 PBS NewsHour. 5.35 Rex In Rome. (PG) 6.30 World News Australia. 7.30 Rebuilding The Past. 8.30 Prohibition. (PG) 9.30 Boardwalk Empire. (M) 10.30 Boardwalk Empire.

(AV15+) 11.35 Movie: A Million.

(2009) (M)

6.00 Rage. 6.30 Children’s. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Business. 10.30 Offsiders. 11.00 Asia Pacific. 11.30 Songs. 12.00 Landline. 1.00 Gardening. 1.30 Travel Oz. 2.00 Sinbad. (PG) 2.50 Movie: Nureyev’s Don Quixote. (1973) 4.35 A Little Of Don Quixote. 5.00 Wild Russia. 6.00 Auction Room. 6.30 Compass. 7.00 News. 7.30 Great Southern Land:

Living On The Edge. 8.30 Movie: Jack Irish:

Bad Debts. (2012) (M) 10.10 The Slap. (M) 11.05 Single-Handed. (M)

6.00 Judd Jackson. 6.30 Creflo Dollar. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 11.00 Kochie’s Business Builders. Return. 11.30 Movie: Anne Of Green Gables: The Sequel. (1987) (PG) 4.00 Better Homes And

Gardens. 5.30 The Great Outdoors. 6.00 News. 6.30 Sunday Night. 7.30 Anh Does Vietnam.

(PG) 8.30 Killing Time. (M) 9.30 Strike Back. (AV15+) 10.30 Strike Back.

(AV15+) 11.30 Parking Wars. (PG)

6.00 Children’s. 7.00 Today. 10.00 Wide World Of Sports. 11.00 Fishing Champ’s. Return. 11.30 Lockie Leonard. 12.00 Stormworld. 12.30 Fresh Prince. 1.00 Gilligan’s Island. 1.30 The Middle. (PG) 2.00 Old Christine. (PG) 2.30 NRL One Community Awards. (PG) 3.30 House Husbands. (PG) 4.30 Getaway’s European Tour. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 Antiques. 6.00 News. 6.30 Big Brother. (PG) 7.30 60 Minutes. 8.30 House Husbands. (PG) 9.30 The Mentalist. (M) 10.30 Person Of Interest. (M) 11.30 Flashpoint. (M)

6.00 Religion. 7.00 Totally Wild. 7.30 Totally Wild. 8.00 Getting Around. 9.00 Hot 30. (PG) 12.00 iFish. 1.00 Escape With ET. Return. 2.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 2. Townsville Crocodiles v Perth Wildcats. 4.00 Meet The Press. 4.30 Bolt Report. 5.00 News. 6.00 The Project. 6.30 Merlin. Return. (PG) 7.30 Modern Family.

Return. (PG) 8.00 The New Normal.

New. (PG) 8.30 Homeland. Return. (M) 9.30 Vegas. New. (M) 10.30 F1. Korean GP.

6.00 WorldWatch. 8.30 PopAsia. 10.30 Football Asia. 11.00 Champions League Magazine. 11.30 Speedweek. 1.00 Superbikes. Highlights. 1.30 Al Jazeera News. 2.30 The Light Bulb Conspiracy. 3.30 Deepwater Disaster: The Untold Story. (PG) 4.30 Living Black. 5.00 Cycling Central. 6.00 Thalassa. 6.30 World News Australia. 7.30 Lost Worlds: Battle Castle – Dover. (PG) 8.30 Immortal. 9.30 Heidi Fleiss: The Would-Be Madam Of Crystal. (MA15+) 10.50 Movie: Om Shanti Om. (2007) (M)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.30 Business. 10.00 Science. (PG) 11.00 Landline. 12.00 Midday. 12.30 Egypt Unwrapped. (M) 1.30 Meerkat Manor. 2.00 Auction Room. 2.30 Jennifer Byrne Presents. (PG) 3.00 Children’s. 5.30 Last Of The Summer Wine. 6.00 Restoration Man. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.20 Media Watch. 9.35 Q&A. 10.35 Lateline. 11.10 Business. 11.35 Collision. (M)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 Movie: The Killing Secret. (1997) (M) 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 3.30 Toybox. 4.00 It’s Academic. 4.30 News. 5.00 Price Is Right. 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. 6.00 News. 6.30 Today Tonight. 7.00 Home & Away. (PG) 7.30 The X Factor. (PG) 9.15 Scandal. New. (M) 10.15 The Amazing Race.

(PG) 11.15 Up All Night. (PG) 11.45 Suits. (M)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG) 11.00 News. 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres

Show. (PG) 1.00 The View. (PG) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives.

(PG) 3.00 Alive & Cooking. 3.30 Surprises. New. 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. 4.30 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 6.30 WIN News. 7.00 Big Brother. (PG) 8.30 The Mentalist. (M) 9.30 Person Of Interest.

(M) 10.30 CSI: NY. (M) 11.30 Memphis Beat. (M)

6.00 Breakfast. 8.30 Wurrawhy. 9.00 The Talk. (PG) 10.00 News. 11.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 11.30 The Insider. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Doctors. (PG) 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Huey’s Kitchen. 4.00 Totally Wild. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 News. 6.00 The Project. 7.00 Modern Family. (PG) 7.30 New Girl. (PG) 8.00 Ben And Kate. (PG) 8.30 Can Of Worms. (M) 9.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 10.30 News. 11.15 One Tree Hill. (PG)

6.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Movie: Crossed Tracks. (2007) (M) 3.00 Letters & Numbers. 3.30 Al Jazeera News. 4.00 The Journal. 4.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial. 5.00 The Crew. 5.30 Global Village. 5.45 Countdown. 6.30 World News Australia. 7.30 MythBusters: Soda

Cup Killer. (PG) 8.30 Derren Brown:

The Experiments: Gameshow. (M)

9.30 Black Mirror. (MA15+) 10.40 World News

Australia. 11.10 The World Game.

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.30 Business. 10.00 BTN. 10.25 PMs’ National Treasures. 10.35 My Place. 11.00 Big Ideas. 12.00 Midday. 12.30 Q&A. 1.30 Compass. 1.55 Picture Perfect Homes. 2.10 Restoration Man. 3.00 Children’s. 5.00 Eggheads. 5.30 Last Of The Summer Wine. 6.00 Time Team. 6.50 Policy Launch: Liberal Party. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand. Final. 8.30 Life At 7. 9.30 QI. (PG) 10.00 Jennifer Byrne Presents. 10.30 Lateline. 11.05 Business. 11.30 Four Corners.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 Movie: The End Of Eden. (1996) (M) 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 3.30 Toybox. 4.00 It’s Academic. 4.30 News. 5.00 Price Is Right. 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. 6.00 News. 6.30 Today Tonight. 7.00 Home & Away. (PG) 7.30 The X Factor. (PG) 8.45 Winners & Losers.

(PG) 9.45 50 Greatest Plastic

Surgery Shockers. (M) 11.45 Hung. Final. (MA15+)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG) 11.00 News. 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 The View. (PG) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 3.00 Alive & Cooking. 3.30 Surprises. 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. 4.30 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 6.30 WIN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Big Brother. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 9.00 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 9.30 Two And A Half Men. 10.00 To Be Advised. 10.30 Survivor: Philippines.

Return. (PG))

6.00 Breakfast. 8.30 Wurrawhy. 9.00 The Talk. (PG) 10.00 News. 11.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG) 11.30 The Insider. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Doctors. (PG) 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Huey’s Kitchen. 4.00 Once Upon A Dream. New. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 News. 6.00 The Project. 7.00 Modern Family. (PG) 7.30 I Will Survive. (PG) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 10.30 News. 11.15 Numb3rs. (M)

6.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Movie: Après Vous. (2003) (M) 3.00 Letters & Numbers. 3.30 Al Jazeera News. 4.00 The Journal. 4.30 PBS NewsHour. 5.30 Global Village. 5.45 Countdown. 6.30 World News Australia. 7.30 Who Do You

Think You Are? Len Goodman. (PG)

8.30 Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.30 World News

Australia. 11.05 Movie: Little Red

Flowers. (2006) (M)

RATING ADVICE: (PG) Parental Guidance Recommended (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence PLEASE NOTE: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.

Your Prime Time TV Guide October 10–16





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The man who found the Southern Cloud

The celebrations of the Aviation Pioneers Memorial at Southern Cloud Park would not be happening if it had not been for ex-Snowy carpenter Tom Sonter.

It was Tom who found the wreckage of the Southern Cloud on October 26, 1958.

It was matter of chance, just like the reason Tom was working for the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme in the first place.

In July 1958, Tom was on a train in New Zealand when he saw a piece of paper on the train floor.

On the paper was an advertisement for contractors to build the Deep Creek Camp and Thiess Village fro the Snowy.

Two week slater, Tom and a friend travelled to Australia and started work, erecting the camps.

Tom worked seven days a week, so it was chance that saw the workers with the day off on October 13, the day Prime Minister Bob Menzies officially opened Tumut 1 power station.

A keen bush walker, Tom didn’t go to the opening, instead walked to the top of Round Mountains, from where he could see and photographed Deep Creek Gorge.

At the time, the contractors lived at Deep Creek camp and travelled to Theiss Village by truck each day.

From the back of the truck, Tom had notice Black Jack mountains and he decided he needed to climb it.

On October 26, he took the morning off to walk to the mountain, which was about three of four kilometres away.

He walked along Toolong Range through sappy trees and decided he would not have time to reach the mountain, and, despondent, turned back for camp to work that afternoon.

He took a different route back to the camp, trying to get a good look at the gorge.

He couldn’t get a good view and stopped, considering the situation.

It was then he noticed a small mound of dirt sticking out, which he thought looked out of place.

He walked over to and saw a bit of metal sticking out.

He thought it could have been a mine shaft and was leaning on the mould when he looked down and realised he was leaning on the tail of an aeroplane.

He thought then, that the plane’s whereabouts could possibly be known locally, but had a look around the area,

He found a can cap and then saw

on the metal the name AB Rowe, with two rivets, which he recovered and took back to camp with him.

Back in camp, he mentioned his find and the other contractors guessed he had found the plane which had been missing for 27 years.

There was speculation that the place had been carrying fold as cargo, so Tom was pressured to tell and show, others what he had found.

Tom said his boss, and his boss’s boss had both insisted he show them what he had found.

But Tom refused, because he didn’t think it right for people to scavenge the site.

Shortly after, when Tom was

about to get on a plane, Sergeant Bill Holmes stopped him at the airport and asked him to join the police and aviation officials to show them what he had found.

He said six of them returned to the crash site on October 28 and the Southern Cloud mystery was solved, at least partially.

The discovery raised questions as well as answering many.

He said the crash site was very overgrown with saplings and leaves, but said there were crushed bones ‘everywhere’.

‘Sgt Holmes carried out a bucket of bones” he said.

Tom wasn’t in the region when the recovery operation happened, but kept an eye on what was

happening.When a memorial to the Southern

Cloud was opened at Tumbarumba in March 2008, Tom was in attendance.

A book written by Macarthur Job OAM in 2010 “Into Oblivion the Southern Cloud enigma”, gives a good account of the accident, the recovery and the ramifications.

This Saturday, Tom Sonter will return to Cooma to unveil a plaque commemorating the 50th anniversary of the memorial.

He will be available to sell and sign copies of the book “Into Oblivion” with the proceeds going to the Lions Club.

The unveiling will be at about 12pm.

This photo shows Snowy workers with some of the wreckage of the Southern Cloud. The Tumbarumba Historical Society is keen to identify all of the men in the photo. Two have been identified, a carpenter called

“Speedie” (second from right) and behind him another carpenter called “Morley”. Please contact The Monaro Post on 64520312 if you can help.

Aviation Memorial 50th Anniversary

Page 18: Monaro Post 10/10/12

On March 21, 1931, the aircraft Southern Cloud disappeared while on a flight from Sydney to Melbourne, carrying a pilot and seven passengers.

An exhaustive search was conducted throughout south-east Australia, but no trace of the plane was found.

This was Australia’s first major airline disaster.

Twenty-seven years later,

during the construction of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme, a Snowy worker stumbled across the skeletal remains of the aircraft in the Toolong Range, not far from the Snowy’s Deep Creek workers’ camp.

The historyThe Australian National

Airways Avro X aircraft, VH-UMF, “Southern Cloud” was lost with all on board in March 1931 on a regular airline flight from Sydney to Melbourne.

The wreckage was not discovered until October 1958 and the fate of the aircraft, its crew and passengers ascertained.

The loss of the “Southern Cloud” was regarded as one of Australia’s most baffling air mysteries. It was the subject of a major official search for eight days and an unofficial one for 10.

The crash of the “Southern

Cloud” claimed the lives of six passengers and two crew: Travis “Shorty” Shortridge (pilot), Charlie Dunnell (co-pilot/engineer), Charles Hood (stage producer), Bill O’Reilly (accountant), Julian Margules (electrical engineer), Hubert Farrall (businessman), Elsie Glasgow (maid), Clara (Claire) Stokes (artist).

The mystery was finally unravelled 27 years later

when the Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme was in construction.

On October 26, 1958, carpenter Tom Sonter a left his camp 24kms from Happy Jacks and came upon rusted metal.

The riddle of the Southern

Cloud had been solved. The resultant salvage operation resulted in a memorial being erected at the corner of Sharp and Boundary Streets, Cooma, by the local Lions Club.

A concrete structure featuring large wings, the memorial contains parts of the crashed plane.

When it was first opened, the memorial also had a coin-

operated recorded message which detailed the loss and recovery of the aircraft.

After several malfunctions kept the neighbours awake, this facility was eventually removed.

On Saturday March 15,

2008, four Cooma Lions Club members, Russell Fox, Ken Boate, John Field and Tony Mackenzie, drove to Tumbarumba to attend the opening of the Southern Cloud Memorial Lookout.

This roadside picnic area and scenic lookout is 28km south of Tumbarumba on the Tooma Road.

It features a number of interesting information boards

and a distant view of the Toolong Range where the Southern Cloud crashed.

There was a large crowd of locals and visitors present and the lookout was owned by aviator and philanthropist, Dick Smith, who helped fund the project.

This event was followed by the opening of the Southern Cloud display in the Tumbarumba Historical Society Museum at the Visitor Information centre.

This was also opened by Dick Smith.

The Cooma Lions read out and presented a letter of congratulations from the Cooma Lions Club.

The club’s album of

Southern Cloud material aroused much interest.

The club has made available to the Tumbarumba Museum and the National Museum of Australia copies of the Cooma Lions Club film “The Southern Cloud”.



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POLO FLAT RD, PO BOX 220, COOMA NSW 2630P: {02} 6452 1584 F: (02) 6452 7001


Charter PresidentJOHN MACK 1959-1960





6452 1433Mack’s Auto & Tyre Centre90 Sharp Street, Cooma


Southern Cloud Memorial celebrating 50th anniversary

The Southern Cloud Memorial as it is today. Inset photos show Cooma Lions Club members at work in 1961-62 constructing the memorial.

Aviation Memorial 50th Anniversary

Page 19: Monaro Post 10/10/12

















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wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday monday tuesday6.00 Children’s. 7.00 Spicks & Specks. (PG) 7.30 Undercover Princes. (PG) 8.25 The Roast. 8.30 Don’t Blame The Dog. New. (PG) 9.20 Tropfest. (M) 9.30 Kitchen Cabinet. Return. 10.00 Mock The Week. New. (M) 10.30 Great Food Truck Race. 11.10 The Roast. 11.15 Sunday Best: Strummer. (M)

6.05 Iron Man: Armored Adventures.

6.30 Deadly 60. 7.00 Stoked. 7.25 Total Drama Action. 7.50 Kaeloo. 7.55 News On 3. 8.00 Karaoke High. (PG) 8.30 Desperados.

Charlie challenges Gabby to a shootout.

8.55 The 3 Factor. 9.00 Close.

6.00 Kingswood Country. (PG)

6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG) 8.30 Rosemary & Thyme.

(PG) Laura and Rosemary go to Stagford Lodge Prep School to investigate dying roses.

9.40 Pie In The Sky. (PG) 10.40 Pie In The Sky. (PG) 11.40 The Bill. (M)

6.00 Scrubs. (PG) 6.30 How I Met Your

Mother. (PG) 7.00 How I Met Your

Mother. (PG) 8.30 Hardcore Pawn. (M) 9.00 Hardcore Pawn. (M) 9.30 American Pickers.

(PG) 10.30 American Pickers.

(PG) 11.30 Rude Tube. (M)

6.00 Top Gear. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 7.30 Two And A Half Men.

(PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men.

(PG) 8.30 2 Broke Girls. (M) 9.00 2 Broke Girls. (M) 9.30 Movie: Into The Blue.

(2005) (M) 11.40 Conan. (M)

6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 7.30 Border Force. (PG) 8.30 RPA. (PG) After hitting

his finger with a hammer at work, a man is shocked to learn he has a melanoma under his fingernail.

9.30 Silent Witness. (AV15+) 10.45 Law & Order. (M) 11.45 The Closer. (M)

6.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.30 Get Smart. (PG) 7.00 Cops. (PG) 7.30 Coal. New. (PG) 8.30 Burn Notice. (M)

An old friend of Sam’s asks for his help in catching a pedophile hiding in Miami. Michael continues to match wits with the mysterious Gilroy.

9.30 Movie: A.I. Artificial Intelligence. (2001) (M)

6.00 Simpsons. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Everybody Loves

Raymond. 7.30 Simpsons. 8.00 Futurama. Final. (PG) 8.30 Simpsons. 9.00 Futurama. (PG) 9.30 Futurama. (PG) 10.00 Cleveland Show. (M) 10.30 King Of The Hill. (PG) 11.00 King Of The Hill. (PG) 11.30 Late Late Show. (PG)

6.00 Globe Trekker. 6.35 Come Dine With Me:

Greece. 7.30 Cycling. Tour Of Beijing.

First Stage. Highlights. 8.30 The Bridge. (M) 9.35 Movie: Birdwatchers.

(2008) (M) Claudio Santamaria.

11.30 Movie: Zozo. (2005) (M) Imad Creidi.

6.00 Children’s. 7.00 Spicks & Specks. (PG) 7.30 Dangerous Drivers’ School. (PG) 8.15 On Track. 8.25 The Roast. 8.30 Warehouse Comedy. (M) 9.00 Gruen Planet. (PG) 9.40 Alan Carr: Chatty Man. (M) 10.25 The Chaser: Hamster Wheel. 10.55 We Can Be Heroes. (M) 11.25 The Roast. 11.30 Mock The Week. (M) 11.55 Eataholics. (PG)

6.05 Iron Man: Armored Adventures. (PG) 6.30 Deadly 60. 7.00 Stoked. 7.25 Total Drama Action. 7.50 Kaeloo. 7.55 News On 3. 8.00 Karaoke High. (PG) 8.30 The Killian Curse. (PG) 8.55 The 3 Factor.

Follows a group of up-and-coming Australian kids who excel in their chosen field.

9.00 Close.

6.00 Kingswood Country. (PG)

6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The Royal. (PG) 8.30 Inspector Morse.

(M) After Harry Field, an artist, raconteur and forger, is mysteriously killed, Morse takes over the investigation.

10.40 Dangerfield. (M) 11.40 The Bill. (M)

6.00 Scrubs. (PG) 6.30 How I Met Your

Mother. (PG) 7.00 How I Met Your

Mother. (PG) 7.30 Swamp People. (PG) 8.30 Turtleman. (PG) 9.30 Operation Repo. (M) 10.00 Operation Repo. (M) 11.00 Jail. (M) 11.30 Bear Swamp

Recovery. (M)

6.00 Top Gear. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 8.30 Movie: 21. (2008)

(M) Jim Sturgess, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth, Laurence Fishburne.

11.00 Two And A Half Men. (M)

11.30 Eclipse. (PG)

6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 7.30 Animal Hoarding. (PG) 8.30 Embarrassing Bodies:

Pelvic Floor. (M) 9.30 Super Nanny UK. (PG) 10.30 My Strange

Addiction. (M) 11.00 My Strange

Addiction. (M) 11.30 Friends. (PG)

6.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.30 Get Smart. (PG) 7.00 Cops. (PG) 7.30 Extreme Fishing. (PG) 8.30 Movie: A Civil Action.

(1998) (M) John Travolta, Robert Duvall, James Gandolfini, William H. Macy. A cynical lawyer becomes entangled in an epic legal battle.

10.55 White Collar. (M) 11.55 White Collar. (M)

6.00 Simpsons. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Everybody Loves

Raymond. 7.30 Simpsons. (PG) 8.00 Simpsons. (PG) 8.30 Star Trek: The Next

Generation. 9.30 Star Trek: The Next

Generation. (PG) 10.30 Star Trek: The Next

Generation. (PG) 11.30 Late Late Show. (PG)

6.00 Globe Trekker. 6.35 Come Dine With Me:

Greece. 7.30 Cycling. Tour Of Beijing.

Second Stage. Highlights. 8.30 How To Start

A Revolution. (PG) 9.30 Movie: 9 1/2 Dates.

(2008) (M) 11.20 Movie: In Another

League. (2005) (M)

6.00 Children’s. 7.00 Spicks & Specks. 7.30 Great Food Truck Race. 8.10 Audrey’s Kitchen. 8.15 Video Killed The Radio Star. (PG) 8.45 Pineapple Dance Studios. (M) 9.30 Transsexual Summer. (M) 10.15 True Story: Titanic. Final. (PG) 11.05 The Roast. 11.10 Archer. (M) 11.30 Portlandia. Final. (PG) 11.55 Friday Night Lights. (M)

6.05 Iron Man: Armored Adventures. (PG)

6.30 Deadly 60. 7.00 Stay Tuned. 7.30 Prank Patrol. 7.55 News On 3. 8.00 Splatalot. 8.30 Good Game: SP.

Hex, Bajo and robot Darren look at the latest in the Australian video game scene.

8.55 Bugged. 9.00 Close.

6.00 Kingswood Country. (PG)

6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 8.30 Escape To The

Country. Jules Hudson heads to Dorset to help a couple of urbanites make a new life with their young family in the country.

10.45 Homes Under The Hammer.

6.00 ’70s Show. (PG) 6.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG) 7.30 Motorcycle Racing.

X-Fighters International Series.

8.30 Full Throttle Saloon. (M) A lightning storm hits the saloon.

9.30 Movie: DOA: Dead Or Alive. (2006) (M)

11.20 Punk’d. (M) 11.50 Blokesworld. (MA15+)

6.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG)

6.30 Movie: Looney Tunes: Back In Action. (2003) (G)

8.30 Movie: Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise. (1987) (M) Robert Carradine, Curtis Armstrong, Timothy Busfield.

10.30 Movie: Porky’s. (1982) (MA15+)

6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 7.30 The Great Barrier

Reef: From Reef To Rainforest. (PG)

8.30 Movie: Legends Of The Fall. (1994) (M) Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Aidan Quinn, Julia Ormond.

11.15 Sensing Murder. (M)

6.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.30 Get Smart. (PG) 7.00 Cops. (PG) 7.30 American Digger. (PG) 8.00 Flip Men. (PG) 8.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M)9.30 Basketball.

NBL. Round 2. Sydney Kings v Melbourne Tigers.

11.30 Puppetry Of The Penis: Live At The Forum. (MA15+)

6.00 Simpsons. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Everybody Loves

Raymond. 7.30 Glee. (PG) 8.30 Snog, Marry, Avoid?

(PG) A group of people have make-unders which radically change their looks.

9.10 Excused. (PG) 9.40 Movie: Stardust.

(2007) (PG) Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer.

6.00 Globe Trekker. 6.35 Come Dine With Me:

Greece. 7.30 Cycling. Tour Of Beijing.

Third Stage. Highlights. 8.30 Tropic Of Cancer. (PG) 9.30 Movie: The Equation

Of Love And Death. (2008) (M)

11.15 Movie: Ring 2. (1999) (M)

6.00 Florrie’s Dragons. 6.15 Tilly & Friends. 6.30 In The Night Garden. 7.00 Spicks & Specks: 200th Episode Spectacular. (PG) 7.30 Beauty And The Beast: The Ugly Face Of Prejudice. (PG) 8.15 On Track: Tinchy Stryder. 8.30 Movie: Puberty Blues. (1981) (M) 9.55 Movie: Tropic Of Cancer. (1970) 11.20 Metal Evolution. (M)

6.25 Prank Patrol Road Trip.

6.50 You’re Skitting Me. 7.15 The Dukes Of

Broxstonia. 7.25 Good Game: SP. 7.50 News On 3. 7.55 Vampire Knight.

(PG) 8.20 Astro Boy. 8.40 Voltron: Defender

Of The Universe. 9.00 Close.

6.30 Down To Earth. Final. (PG)

7.45 Heartbeat. (PG) 8.45 Inspector Morse. (M)

After the chef at Sergeant Lewis’s favourite Greek restaurant is found dead, and a baby goes missing, the Greek community in Oxford closes ranks.

11.00 Black Sheep Squadron. (PG)

6.30 Mighty Structures. 7.30 Megastructures

Breakdown: Navy Tanker. 8.30 Mega Hunters.

(M) Take a look at some of the most riveting moments of animal predation.

9.30 Mega Brew. 10.30 Extreme Machines.

(PG) 11.30 Unsolved Mysteries.


6.40 Movie: The Benchwarmers. (2006) (PG) Rob Schneider, Jon Heder, David Spade.

8.30 Movie: School For Scoundrels. (2006) (M) Billy Bob Thornton, Jon Heder, Jacinda Barrett.

10.30 Glory Daze. 11.30 Conan. (M)

7.30 Antiques Roadshow. 8.30 CSI: NY. (M)

After three defendants are gunned down on the eve of their trial, Mac is forced to make good on a promise he made to a reluctant witness.

9.30 CSI: Miami. (M) 10.30 CSI: Crime Scene

Investigation. (M) 11.25 Law & Order. (M)

6.30 Talkin’ ’Bout Your Generation. (PG)

7.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 8.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 8.30 Movie: The Gods

Must Be Crazy. (1980) (PG) Marius Weyers, Sandra Prinsloo, N!xau.

10.55 48 Hours: Ransom. (M)

11.55 Ross Kemp: Return To Afghanistan. (M)

6.00 Sabrina. (PG) 6.30 Everybody Loves

Raymond. 7.00 Everybody Loves

Raymond. 7.30 I Will Survive.

(PG) 8.30 Star Trek: Voyager.

(PG) 9.30 Star Trek: Voyager. 10.30 Star Trek: Voyager.

(PG) 11.30 Hot 30. (PG)

6.00 Designer People. 6.30 One Man And His

Campervan. 7.00 The Grape Escape. 7.30 Cycling. Tour Of Beijing.

Fourth Stage. Highlights. 8.30 Protectors. Final. (M) 10.35 Movie: Next Door.

(2005) (AV15+) 11.55 Movie: The Dinner

Game. (1998) (M)

6.00 Florrie’s Dragons. 6.15 Tilly & Friends. 6.30 In The Night Garden. 7.00 Spicks & Specks. (PG) 7.30 Don’t Blame The Dog. (PG) 8.20 Tropfest. (PG) 8.30 Sunday Best: Six Million Dollar Conman. Final. 9.45 Louis Theroux. (M) 10.45 Dangerous Drivers’ School. (PG) 11.35 Alan Carr: Chatty Man. (M) 12.20 Randling. (M)

6.10 6.20 Grizzly Tales For

Gruesome Kids. 6.30 Horrible Histories. 7.00 Wolverine And The

X-Men. 7.25 The Avengers. 7.50 News On 3. 7.55 The 99. 8.15 Fruits Basket. (PG) 8.40 Ouran High School

Host Club. (PG) 9.00 Close.

6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Ballykissangel. 8.30 Escape To The

Country. Denise Nurse is in Somerset to help a couple find a grand house with a paddock to accommodate llamas.

9.30 60 Minute Makeover. 10.30 Homes Under The

Hammer. 11.45 The Lakes.

6.30 Movie: Jaws 2. (1978) (PG) Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Joseph Mascolo.

9.00 Movie: Jaws 3. (1983) (M) Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, Louis Gossett Jnr, Lea Thompson.

11.00 Most Shocking: Top 20. (M)

6.00 Big Brother. (PG) 6.30 16 And Pregnant. (PG) 7.30 Don’t Tell

The Bride UK. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 9.00 The Big Bang Theory.

(M) 9.30 Movie:

Lethal Weapon 3. (1992) (M) Mel Gibson

11.50 Chuck. (M)

6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Yes Minister. 8.00 To The Manor Born. 8.30 Movie: Fallen. (1998)

(M) Denzel Washington, John Goodman, Donald Sutherland. A detective discovers the serial killer he is tracking is a demon, with the ability to transfer its soul from one person to another.

11.00 Sensing Murder. (M)

7.00 Trick My Truck. 7.30 Extreme Fishing. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Star Trek:

Insurrection. (1998) (PG) Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn.

10.40 48 Hours: Live To Tell – An Officer And A Hero. (M)

11.40 Ross Kemp: Return To Afghanistan. (M)

6.00 Sabrina. (PG) 6.30 Everybody Loves

Raymond. (PG) 7.30 Simpsons. (PG) 8.00 Futurama. (PG) 8.30 Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 Futurama. (PG) 9.30 Cleveland Show. (M) 10.00 Bob’s Burgers. (M) 10.30 The Office. (PG) 11.00 The Office. (PG) 11.30 Everybody Loves

Raymond. (PG)

6.10 Unbeatable Banzuke. 6.40 Iron Chef. 7.30 Cycling. Tour Of Beijing.

Fifth Stage. Highlights. 8.30 Cinema’s Exiles.

Part 1 of 2. 9.30 SOS. (M) 10.30 Movie: A Short Film

About Love. (1988) (M) Grazyna Szapolowska, Olaf Lubaszenko.

6.00 Florrie’s Dragons. 6.15 Tilly & Friends. 6.30 In The Night Garden. 7.00 Spicks & Specks. (PG) 7.30 Mega Builders. 8.10 On Track: Robyn. 8.30 Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family In America. (M) 9.30 Rake. (M) 10.30 Kitchen Cabinet. 11.00 The Roast. 11.05 Pineapple Dance Studios. (M) 11.50 Breaking Bad. (MA15+)

6.05 Iron Man: Armored Adventures.

6.30 Deadly 60. 7.00 Stoked. 7.25 Total Drama Action. 7.50 Kaeloo. 7.55 News On 3. 8.00 Karaoke High. (PG) 8.30 Sadie J. Sadie leaves

behind Kit and Dede when she thinks that Whitney has invited her to a party.

9.00 Close.

6.00 Kingswood Country. (PG)

6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG) 8.30 Waking The Dead.

(M) A psychotic killer is the key to an investigation.

9.40 Criminal Minds. (M) 10.40 Criminal Minds. (M) 11.40 Movie: Catherine

Cookson’s Tilly Trotter. (1999) (MA15+)

6.00 ’70s Show. (PG) 6.30 How I Met Your

Mother. (PG) 7.00 How I Met Your

Mother. (PG) 7.30 Ultimate Factories:

Tanks. (PG) 8.30 MythBusters. (PG) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) 10.00 American Dad! (M) 10.30 Family Guy. (M) 11.30 American Dad! (M)

6.00 Top Gear. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 8.00 Top Gear. (PG) 9.30 Movie: Demolition

Man. (1993) (M) Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock, Nigel Hawthorne.

11.40 Nikita. (AV15+)

6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 7.30 Customs. (PG) 8.30 Inside The Human

Body: First To Last. (M) 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies:

Embarrassing Teenage Bodies/Bother Down Below. (M)

10.30 Hoarding: Buried Alive. (PG)

11.30 Friends. (PG)

6.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.30 Get Smart. (PG) 7.00 Cops. (PG) 7.30 Whose Line Is It

Anyway? (PG) 8.30 An Idiot Abroad. (M)

Karl Pilkington heads to India to visit the Taj Mahal.

9.30 Strassman: Live – Vol. 2: The Chuck You Tour. (M)

11.00 Motor Racing. F1. Korean GP. Replay.

6.00 Simpsons. 6.25 Micro Nation. New.

(PG) 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Everybody Loves

Raymond. (PG) 8.00 Raising Hope. (PG) 8.30 Supernatural. (M) 9.30 Movie: 28 Weeks

Later. (2007) (AV15+) Jeremy Renner.

11.30 Micro Nation. (PG) 11.35 Late Late Show. (PG)

6.00 Living Black. 6.40 Come Dine With Me:

Greece. 7.35 Inspector Rex. (PG) 8.30 Lulu: The

Bankrobber’s Wife. (M) 9.30 The World Game. 10.30 True Horror: Dracula.

(AV15+) 11.20 Movie: I’m All Good.

(2008) (M)

6.00 Children’s. 6.30 In The Night Garden. 7.00 Spicks & Specks. (PG) 7.30 Dirty Jobs. 8.10 Doctor Who’s Greatest Moments. 8.30 Good Game. 9.00 Archer. (M) 9.20 Tropfest. (M) 9.30 The Strange Calls. Final. (M) 10.00 Transsexual Summer. (M) 10.50 The Roast. 10.55 The Real Filth Fighters. 11.15 Metal Evolution. (M)

6.05 Iron Man: Armored Adventures. 6.30 Deadly 60. 7.00 Stoked. 7.25 Total Drama Action. 7.50 Kaeloo. 7.55 News On 3. 8.00 Karaoke High. (PG) 8.30 Pixelface. Set within

the fictional world of a computer game console, the group faces their own triumphs, tragedies and funny mishaps.

9.00 Close.

6.00 Kingswood Country. (PG)

6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Islands Of Britain:

The South. 8.30 Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 9.10 Keeping Up

Appearances. 9.50 Homes Under

The Hammer. 11.00 Property Ladder.


6.00 ’70s Show. (PG) 6.30 How I Met Your

Mother. (PG) 7.00 How I Met Your

Mother. (PG) 7.30 MythBusters:

Speed Camera, Exploding Nitro Patches. (PG)

8.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 10.00 Cash Cowboys. (PG) 11.00 Cash Cowboys. (PG)

6.00 Top Gear. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory.

(PG) 7.30 Teen Mom. (PG) 8.30 Sun, Sex And

Suspicious Parents. (M) 9.30 Movie: Whip It!

(2009) (M) Ellen Page, Drew Barrymore, Kristen Wiig.

11.50 Roller Derby X-Treme.

6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 7.30 Yes Minister. 8.00 To The Manor Born. 8.30 The Closer. (M)

Brenda is called to investigate the murders of two Hispanic teens.

9.30 Rizzoli & Isles. 10.30 The Mentalist. (M) 11.30 Law & Order. (M)

6.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.30 Get Smart. (PG) 7.00 Cops. (PG) 7.30 Undercover Boss

USA. (PG) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only.

(M) 9.00 Cops: Adults Only.

(MA15+) 9.30 Ross Kemp: Return

To Afghanistan. (M) 10.30 Can Of Worms. (M) 11.40 Better Off Ted. (PG)

6.00 Simpsons. 6.25 Micro Nation. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. (PG) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30 Friends With Benefits.

(M) 9.00 Snog, Marry, Avoid?

Return. (PG) 9.40 Geordie Shore.

New. (MA15+) 10.40 Melrose Place. (M) 11.40 Micro Nation. (PG) 11.45 Late Late Show. (PG)

6.00 Globe Trekker. 6.35 Come Dine With Me. 7.30 Lost Worlds: Iceland’s

Killer Volcano. (PG) 8.30 The First World War

From Above. (PG) 9.30 Movie: Sin Nombre.

(2009) (AV15+) 11.15 Movie: Oysters At

Nam Kee’s. (2002) (MA15+)

RATING ADVICE: (PG) Parental Guidance Recommended (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence PLEASE NOTE: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.

Your Prime Time TV GuideOctober 10–16

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News 21Wednesday October 10, 2012




82 Sharp St, Cooma NSW 2630Ph: (02) 6452 3183Fax: (02) 6452 3134

[email protected]




Retailer of boots with over 100 styles in stock

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5:30pmSaturday: 9am - 1pm

94 Sharp St, Cooma | Ph: 64522 855


20th October 2012, Adaminaby Sportsground - Starting at 9am

All event ribbons to 5th place. Prizes awarded throughout the day.Everyone who pre-enters goes into the draw to have their entries refunded for the day.





or Cooma Rodeo Facebook PageAll funds raised will go towards the improvement of the Campdraft Facilities at the

Adaminaby Racecourse and the construction of a Permanent Equestrian Arena in Cooma.








Mature Mob visits old Parliament HouseTulips, tulips and more tulips interwoven with other beautiful spring blooms welcomed the Mature Mob group of 53 folk last Thursday, October 4, to the Tulip Top Gardens on the Federal Highway north of Canberra.

The day was magnificent with wonderful warm spring weather and everyone enjoyed strolling through the grounds, relaxing, and chatting.

After lunch it was on to the Old Parliament House Rose Gardens located in the heart of the Parliamentary Zone on either side of Old Parliament House.

The Gardens have been restored to their former glory, enhanced with the introduction of features such as seating pavilions, pergolas, rose arbours, pathways, gateways and the refurbishment of the tennis courts and bowling green..

On the steps of the House Mature Mob were greeted by a staff member from the National Capital Authority who then provided an informative and interesting tour and talk focussed on the history of the Gardens.

Many of the roses have been donated by rose societies, companies, individuals, and Parliament House staff and MM members of the Cooma Garden Club were delighted to sight their donated Sunny South Rose.

A final highlight to the day was a delicious spread of afternoon tea prepared by the Friends of the Old Parliament House Rose Gardens at a Kiosk in the Senate section of the Gardens.

The Friends are committed to the

development and promotion of these gardens of national significance.

Many of their members have become horticulture volunteers, assisting to ensure the Gardens are always looking their best.

Friends, including Cedric Bryant (Canberra Professional Garden Designer), mingled with the group and talked about…..roses!

Thus ended another wonderful day full of laughter, education, on-board competitions and lots of chatter!

The next Mature Mob outing is a Monaro Mystery Tour on Thursday, December 6. Contact Heather (6454 4305) for bookings.

Mature Mob is an Initiative of the Anglican Parish of Cooma

Briscoe memorial award this SaturdayThe 13th Annual John Briscoe Memorial Award opens this Saturday.

The Raglan Gallery and Cultural Centre is proud to host the 13th Annual John Briscoe Memorial Award which will be opened by Mr John Barilaro at 3pm this Saturday, October 13.

This is the Monaro’s most prestigious art prize and always attracts art work of a very high standard.

First prize is $2,000 donated by the Briscoe family trust.

A local prize of $1,000 has been donated by James and Barbara Litchfield and other prizes will be awarded.

Liz Coates who has a doctorate from the ANU school of art is this year’s judge.

Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy the exhibition and the opening. All work is for sale.

The Raglan Gallery and Cultural Centre is located at 9-11 Lambie St. Cooma NSW and is open Wed-Sun 9.30am-4.30pm.

Page 21: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 201222 Grassroots

Tickets on sale now -

SaTurday 20 & Sunday 21

OcTOber 2012

Murrumbateman Field daysWith less than a month to go until the

Murrumbateman Field Days opens its gates this October 20 and 21, the premier small farm field day event is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever.

This year, the field days will host over 420 exhibitors showcasing the latest equipment, machinery and supplies to run a small farm.

There will also be everything one could ever need for the car, garden and workshop as well as, local food and wine, fashion, jewellery and the entertainment line-up for the weekend is great.

“With more than 150 new exhibitors on site this year, the Murrumbateman showground will be bursting at the seams with displays and demonstrations, tastings, a local art show, and exciting attractions such as the largest tractor pull in New South Wales, chainsaw art and an animal petting zoo,” Field Days Manager Mr Kim Williams said.

Now in its 34rd year, the Murrumbateman Field Days continues to draw large crowds, and this year more than 15,000 people are expected to flock to the region.

“It is an event that really appeals to everyone, with so much on offer for the whole family. The kids will be kept entertained with amusement rides and an adventure trail, while their older

siblings can test their skills on the aero bounce.”The food and wine from the region will be a

prominent feature in ‘Spotlight on the Region’, which has grown this year to include more food and wine stalls as well as, arts and crafts, clothing and other local businesses.

The focus on local businesses underpins the success of the field days, with the whole community involved in the running of the event.

“The community essentially owns and runs the field days, with groups coming together to pull together the biggest event on the Murrumbateman calendar. From all the catering for the food and drink outlets, to the parking and traffic control, to setting up and designing the layout of the site – this event just wouldn’t exist without local support.”

For more information or to buy your tickets online visit www.mfdays.comDates: Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 OctoberVenue:Murrumbateman Recreation GroundHours: 8am-5pm Saturday and 8am-4pm SundayAdmission: Adults: $15 per day, Concession: $12 per day & Children under 16 are free.Parking: Free.

Rural women eager to educate others about ag and rural Australia Leading women in Australian

agriculture say the main issue facing the industry is the disconnect between producers and the consumers of their products.

The results of a survey into the role of women in regional and rural Australia have been released by the Rural Industries R&D Corporation (RIRDC) prior to the announcement of the national winner of the 2012 RIRDC Rural Women’s Award next week. The data, compiled from the responses from the Award’s alumni group, provides insight into the issues facing today’s women in primary industries as well as reflecting on their own experience in agriculture.

The former recipients of the Rural Women’s Award indicated there are four areas that needed greater focus and attention:

• P r o d u c e r / c o n s u m e r disconnect (83%)

• Aging workforce (66%) Profitability of farms (or small businesses) (62%)

• Bureaucracy/red tape (55%)

Rural Industries R&D Corporation Managing Director, Craig Burns, said recent events and trends in the sector highlight the need for one voice and vision promoting the great work of people in agriculture.

“As we get closer to the 2012 Rural Women’s Award announcement, it’s inspiring to see past winners continuing to be advocates for life in rural Australia – not just in their own communities but for all Australians,” Mr Burns said. “The finalists for this year’s award are all exceptional women, working hard for their industries. I’m

excited for them to share their story with Australia and eager to see how they’ll engage further with their communities and consumers in the future.

“These women will continue to grow their networks and advocate for a vibrant and dynamic rural Australia.” Since participating in the Rural Women’s Award program, now in its thirteenth year, the Alumni have overwhelmingly experienced a growth in their own personal confidence, as well as their ability to have a real impact in their industry and sector.

2011 National Award winner, Caroline Robinson, said it was an honour to be a part of such an enthusiastic and switched-on network. “Since winning the Award, I have met and worked with some extraordinary women, all with a great passion and

vigour for our agricultural future,” Ms Robinson said. “The RIRDC Rural Women’s Award really is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to women doing great things in this country – we have so much to give and there are so many women doing remarkable work for their industries, as well as their families and communities.” Thrilled with the opportunity to be a part of the RIRDC Rural Women’s Award program, one woman said her most significant achievement was “seeing other women succeed.”

The RIRDC Rural Women’s Award is an initiative of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation in partnership with the state and territory agencies responsible for agriculture, primary industries and resources. The RIRDC Rural Women’s Award is proudly

supported by the Award’s Platinum Sponsor, Westpac Agribusiness, its national partner, the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and the Award’s media partners, RM Williams OUTBACK Magazine, ABC Radio and Rural Press Ltd.

2012 Rural Women of the Year Award finalists were: - Annette Smith – natural resource management advocator, QLD - Mary Retallack – viticulture consultant, SA - Catherine Marriott – Beef industry consultant, WA - Fiona Ewing – salmon industry community engagement officer, TAS - Danica Leys – lawyer and AgChatOZ co-founder, NSW - Tania Chapman – citrus industry leader, VIC - Barbara Koennecke – aquarium industry pioneer, NT

Page 22: Monaro Post 10/10/12

News 23Wednesday October 10, 2012

Monaro Farming Systems invites you to the

1st Shearing, Merino Genetic Evaluation Trial

When: Tuesday 16th October 2012

Where: “Knockalong”, Shearing Shed, Tombong Rd, Delegate (coming from Bombala….drive down main street of Delegate, turn Right just out of town at “Tombong” sign, drive 9km, turn Right down “Tombong Rd”, travel 11km, “Knockalong” on LHS, travel up hill toshearing shed)

Time: All day……Shearing starts 7.30am

What: View the 24 teams from Monaro and Yass region and average fleece test results from all teams will be available….19 bloodlines represented

Barbeque Lunch provided….

RSVP for catering purposes to Nancy Spoljaric, [email protected] or 0428 516 297

BOUDJAH Flock No. 504969 One year old Merino Rams

Ph:Michael Green (02) 6452 6651

MAIN RANGE Flock No. 506212 One year old Merino rams

Ph: GW, MT & SG Tozer (02) 6456 4405

Rams penned for inspection from 10am. Sale Commences at 1pm.

SNOWY PLAIN Flock No 382935 One Year old Merino rams

Ph: Michael Hedger (02) 6456 3856All rams Gudair vaccinated

For prior inspections or further detailsplease phone above.


Tuesday 23rd October, 2012Cooma Showground 1pm




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How the Monaro’s African Lovegrass battle really beganCooma-Monaro Shire Council’s Weeds Officer,

Roger Roach interviewed cousins, Jack, Colin and Max Povey to find out the real history of African

Lovegrass on the Monaro

The Poveys were all early, local graziers from the Colinton area, situated 60km south of Canberra and 20 km north of Bredbo.

It is here that African Lovegrass first got a foothold on the Monaro. At Colinton Max, Colin and Jack’s grandfathers and after them, their fathers owned and worked the land since the 1850’s.

Their land, including the properties “Collingwood, Glenroy, Rockview, Rosedale and Ravenswood” totalled over 8,000 hectares or 20,000 acres. Today some of these properties are owned by 7th generation families of Poveys.

During recent interviews, these men they outlined their fathers’ discovery of African lovegrass and their attempts to control and eradicate this new, invasive weed. Their properties comprised of open flats, rising to granite and slate hills with sparse, stunted trees.

The families grazed Merino sheep and Shorthorn cattle in what was traditionally a 475mm, or 19 inch rainfall area and in a time that these men described as “tough years”.

African Lovegrass is a native of South Africa. It is a hardy, drought tolerant perennial grass which thrives on low fertility soils.

Despite efforts to control African lovegrass, it can be found throughout New South Wales and is a major agricultural and environmental threat. African lovegrass readily colonises overgrazed and disturbed sites and without management will invade adjoining lands. Its ability to produce a large volume of seed means it can quickly form dense monocultures.

Max recalls that African lovegrass was first detected on his father’s property “Ravenswood” in the late 1920s where it was growing near their shearing shed.

This beautiful, green grass that nobody could identify grew rapidly following summer rains and the sheep ate it, so they figured it mustn’t have been too bad. At this stage the Poveys had no understanding of the invasiveness and low protein values of this new grass species.

In those early days sheep travelled in on the railway from the Riverina and drovers passed through with large mobs heading to lease blocks in the mountains.

It was in these sheep that the ‘Lovegrass’ was thought to have originated.

The Povey families employed workers at that time specifically to chip out Bathurst Burr and Star thistles but not African lovegrass.

1939 to 1944 were drought years with the occasional good season and it was only then that African lovegrass was identified as an extremely invasive, low protein grass. The farm worker’s role soon evolved to chipping out African lovegrass as well.

Colin first identified African lovegrass in front of the Colinton Post Office where they tied the horses up along the nearby fence.

Colin believed that the horses were eating and passing the viable weed seeds through their gut as it was found germinating growing through the manure.

The Post office was located in the paddock at the intersection of Bumbalong Road and the Monaro Highway where today there is only a couple of old dead pine trees left. Colin’s family property “Glenroy” was right beside the post office.

One of Colin’s first jobs when he left school in 1952 was to go around chipping the scattered African lovegrass plants and if there were too many they would plough them in with an old Ferguson tractor and a 2 furrow Mollboard plough.

In the late 1940s serrated tussock was also starting to establish nearby to their land in the Tinderries which added to the huge work load. In the mid 1950s, chisel ploughs and harrows were being used extensively to plough in African Lovegrass infestations and then sowing

crops or pasture, but if there was a poor strike of crops or pasture, African Lovegrass would take over the disturbed soil.

Max said that they tried deep ploughing the shearing shed paddock to bury all the seeds, “18 times over the years but to no avail” as African lovegrass still dominated the paddock.

There was no chemical available for African lovegrass until Dalpon was manufactured in the 1950s. Dalpon was a white powder that was packaged in sacks as opposed to tins as it had a high salt content and would rust the tin containers.

When mixed with water, Dalpon would kill everything but was very hard on the gear being used, rusting the spray parts very quickly.

Both Colin and Max commented that over the years they saw African Lovegrass slowly creep up the highway and said that if they had the chemical options that are available today then they may have been able to contain African Lovegrass as all the

landholders were doing their bit to contain it. Colin noted that after a series of drought years, African

lovegrass would spring up in places where it had not been before following the first decent rains.

Both Jack and Colin remarked that at the end of the 1980s, drought saw African lovegrass take off again.

Jack said that Serrated Tussock is easy to control compared to African lovegrass. All these men stated that it was the worst weed that they had had to deal with in their farming life.

Max observed his father putting days and days into trying to control African Lovegrass before chemicals were made available, to the point that it worried him no end. Jack said they wore out a lot of mattocks over the years trying to beat African Lovegrass.

Jack’s advice to everyone is “if you see a small patch control it today, don’t leave it until tomorrow”.

Colin offered the same advice to everyone with small patches of African lovegrass “Get on top of it early because if you don’t it will take over and leave you with very few other grass species”.

Max’s last comment “tell the people with only a small amount to get rid of it before it is too late as there is no going back once African Lovegrass takes over”

Pictured, Max, Jack and Colin Povey.

Page 23: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 201224 News


Fatz Cutz Quality Meat22 Bombala St, CoomaPh: 6452 1634








Admission: $15, Pensioner - $5, race book - $4Member: $25/double, $15/single

Members tickets to be purchased prior to race day from Anne Tier - 6458 3649BBQ, afternoon tea & bar facilities available. NO BYO ALCOHOL.

General Admission

MarqueeMarqueeTables of 10 - $35 per person (includes entry to races & race book)

Bookings for tables by Tuesday 16th October with Graeme - 6458 8091 or Anne Tier - 6458 3649

Seafood platters - $60 eachBooked by Friday 12th October with Graeme at the Delegate Hotel - 6458 8091

Bar facilities available in Marquee. NO BYO ALCOHOL.

Bombala RacesBombala Races

• Jumping Castle

• Face painting

Bus Available Children’sEntertainmentLeaving for the races from:

Delegate Hotel - 12 noonBombala RSL - from 12 noon & every half hour thereafter.

• Ladies • Gentlemen • Couple

• Junior Male & Female

Fashion On The Field Total Prize Money $500



Shop 2, 69 Massie Street, CoomaP. 6452 2334 • F. 6452 2134 • E. [email protected]


Friday night saw a wine-tasting at the

Alpine Hotel to raise funds for the Cooma

Crew’s around Australia ride nexy

year.The ride will be used to raise money for the Steven Walters Childhood Cancer

Foundation.Pictured at left, are Jack Nott, Steve

Shirvington and Kevin Dunne.

At right, Brian Coyte shows Craig Mitchell

the motorcycle he and wife Dale will take on

the ride.

Wet weather dampens dog show

The annual Cooma Dog Show was a damp affair last weekend, as steady rain on Friday night drenched the Cooma

Showground and the exhibitors camped there.However, the show went ahead.

Pictured above, dogs wait in line during an obedience class.Above right, Annica the Cocker Spaniel with owner Fiona

Quinlan and her father Bill O’Shannessy.Right, a dog flies over an obstacle in another test.

Raising a glass to raise funds for childhood cancer

Page 24: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Blatantly HonestProperty


0430 096 [email protected]

THANK YOU FOR YOUR QUESTIONSAs so many readers have many questions they would like answered, and many being the same orsimilar question. I thought it would be a good opportunity for YOU the reader to ask me whatever questions you have on property investment and I will provide you blatantly honest answers.If you have any questions please email me on [email protected], I will treat every question confidential and your name will not be attached to the question/answer.Please find below the three questions I received this week…

Q1. How do I start investing in property with no savings?A1. To get started with investing in property, you can either utilise savings or do what most astute investor do and use the banks money to build their wealth.If you have a family home you can utilise the equity, by transferring a small amount of equity from your family home into the investment property with as little as 5% deposit plus costs. For a property worth $400k that would be approx. $34k. This is a simple way to get your wealth creation underway. By not utilising the equity it is like burying a bag of cash in your back yard. The equity is not lost it is just transferred into another property so you now have two growth assets.

Q2. What does investment model mean?A2. There are a number of different property investment models. The easiest way to explain this is by just giving you the examples.• Established Properties • New House Land or duplexes, town houses, apartments• Renovating• Development• SMSF Self-Managed Super Fund• Land Banking• NRAS – National Rental Affordability Scheme• Buy and Hold• Flip- Pay Deposit and sell before completeIn my opinion the safest, affordable and most successful model for most people is investing in New House and Land in and out of SMSF. But there is many factors to take into consideration. Gone are the days you can buy anywhere and expect to gain growth.

Q3. What is the best capital city to invest in right now?A3. In my opinion right now – Perth is the Hot Spot; it has had a long correction and now is at 7 O’clock on the property clock, the perfect time to buy. WA is the driving force behind the resource booming continuum and Perth is the major benefactor, but like always you need choose the right locations within Perth for maximum capital growth.

I urge you to ask me whatever question you have at [email protected] or call 0430 096 823.

Have a great day!

Peter Ingram Prosperity Property AdvisorsAustralia’s Blatantly Honest Property Investment Advisors 

Monaro Property Muster - Wednesday October 10, 2012

property musterMONARO

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If it’s a large home in a great location and an easy care garden you seek,

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separate toilet with wash basin as well as large laundry and

ensuite to main bedroom.There is a large deck at the rear and verandah along the front. Lower level features a large

bedroom with internal and external private access and new kitchenette,

bathroom and separate toilet. The large double garage and

storage are also on the lower level.

$365,000David or Elle Stanmore 0408499961

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Fergusson Real Estate & Property’s, Annika de Koning has been recognised as one of the state’s most outstanding professionals in property management - nominated as a finalist in the prestigious 2012 Real Estate Institute of New South Wales (REINSW) Awards for Excellence.

Celebrating the highest achievers in real estate across NSW, Annika is one of four finalists vying for the Young Agents, Residential Property Management Achievement award.

Fergusson Real Estate & Property Principal, Shannon Fergusson says it is a huge achievement for Annika to be one of only four finalists in property management as the awards represent the top accolades for the industry’s best performers.

“Annika demonstrates the highest level of customer service in her role as Property Manager in this business. By maintaining regular contact with the vendor and tenant she proactively manages our rental properties. She also has an impressive track record of renting properties in less than 10 days, which is a great benchmark in the industry.”

This recognition is even more significant, given that Annika joined Fergusson twelve months ago to establish the Property Management arm of the business, says Shannon.

“Annika bought the property management skills that she had attained in Sydney, to her home-town of Cooma. Over this time, she has set-up the property management side of the business, built up a great portfolio of rental properties and added new listings every week.”

‘Annika really has excelled in her profession. She took on the challenge of starting up the rental

portfolio and has followed through with real ownership of this area. We think Annika has a real shot at taking out this award but regardless of the outcome, we’re really fortunate to have such a dedicated Property Manager in Cooma and in our business.’

Fergusson Real Estate & Property, a market-leading real estate agency in the Cooma-Monaro and Snowy Mountains region was just one of a small handful of regionally-based real estate agencies recognised in the REINSW Awards.

“Across the award categories, most of the finalists come from large metropolitan agencies based in Sydney, Newcastle or the Central Coast, so it great to see a regional family-based business from Cooma getting

some recognition,” says Shannon.

Judged by an independent panel of industry experts, the winners of the 2012 REINSW Awards for Excellence will be

announced on 13 October at the REINSW annual Gala Dinner.

“It’s such a nice feeling to be recognised in the industry and it makes me want to keep working hard for my

clients,” says Annika. “It is hard to explain to people all that my job entails, but I love what I do and it is so rewarding to be acknowledged for that.”

Fergusson property management confirmed as one of the best

Page 25: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 201226 Grassroots


MPG IND 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 32 MC

4/10/12 976 1176 1110 1074 1069 1040 1012 949 900 809 567 537 478 589

1 yr Ave 1135 1401 1322 1265 1245 1210 1169 1085 950 828 613 563 496 656

compared to now -159 -225 -212 -191 -176 -170 -157 -136 -50 -19 -46 -26 -18 -67

5 yr Ave 1025 1399 1219 1064 1026 994 957 887 770 687 524 464 410 603

compared to now -49 -223 -109 10 43 46 55 62 130 122 43 73 68 -14

10 yr Ave 935 1260 1117 993 952 923 893 839 742 672 522 459 411 539

compared to now 41 -84 -7 81 117 117 119 110 158 137 45 78 67 50

Jemalong Wool - Market Reporting

Source: Australian Wool Exchange







































































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First shearing, Merino genetic comparison wether trialMonaro Farming Systems (MFS) last year, initiated a “Merino genetic comparison trial” at “Knockalong”, Tombong with the aim to reinvigorate objective measurement of several bloodlines across the Monaro and Yass regions.

Twenty-four teams delivered 15 wethers per team to “Knockalong” and they have now been running as one mob for the last 12 months.

The teams include seven from the Yass, Bookham, Crookwell region, and 17 teams originating from the Nimmitabel, Bombala, Jindabyne, Cooma, Bungarby, Berridale and Jerangle regions with a total of 19 bloodlines being represented.

The sheep were yarded and drafted a month ago for mid-side sampling in preparation for the first shearing

which will be held at “Knockalong” shearing shed, on Tuesday October 16.

Alan McGufficke, a member of Monaro Farming Systems, is managing the trial and emphasises the fact that “many of the participating teams in this trial have also participated in trials across the State giving strong linkages to the National Genetic Evaluation Systems”.

With the current market values experienced in the wool and sheep Industry, it is more important than ever for a profitable farm business to have a clear understanding of where their commercial flock is positioned in genetic terms in relation to the Industry benchmark.

The trial runs for three years and measurement data will include fibre diameter, greasy fleece weight, yield, bodyweight, condition / fat score and carcass yield.

MFS will again donate $1000 to the Monaro Education Foundation (MEF) which is a locally established charity helping local youth achieve their educational goals.

MFS thanks Gordon Litchfield Wool and Jemalong Wool for their continued support of the trial.

MFS invites everyone who is interested to attend the first shearing on Tuesday October 16, starting 7.30am at the “Knockalong” shearing shed, Tombong Rd, Delegate to see the team’s first hand and view the average fleece test results for each team.

For further information or if you would like to attend, please contact Alan McGufficke on 0429 448 078 or the MFS project officer Nancy Spoljaric on 0428 516 297. Please rsvp for catering purposes.

Worm bustersDrench resistance is the bane of Australian

sheep producers and this season has sparked renewed interest in targeted worm treatments as a possible way to defer resistance and reduce drench use.

By leaving a percentage of a flock untreated, less-resistant worms will remain available to contribute to future worm populations.

These worms then dilute the resistant worm population surviving in the sheep that were drenched, ultimately deferring drench resistance and reducing drench use. It is these sheep that are able to tolerate worms (usually adult ewes in good condition) which are the obvious animals to leave undrenched.

But the key is the development of a matrix providing a guide to the proportion of a flock needing to be drenched, ensuring a balance between worm control efficiency and sheep production.

Much of the research into the effectiveness of targeted worm treatments has been conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia (DAFWA), with funding from Sheep CRC. According to Dr Brown Besier, principle veterinary parasitologist with the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, the key issue being investigated included determining the proportion of a flock left to be untreated to get a useful level of dilution of resistant worms.

Dr Besier specifically chose to work with only adult sheep because they are naturally more resistant than younger sheep. “Then we drenched all the sheep in the mob that were in the poorest condition and under a fat score of 3, deliberately not drenching the sheep already in good condition.”

Initial results have suggested that the optimum percentage to leave untreated is 5-10 per cent of a healthy flock.

Gold test now for that cowVets from Australia’s peak industry association, the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA), are encouraging farmers to ensure they use the best available in cattle pregnancy testing.President of the AVA’s cattle special interest group, Dr Sam McMahon said that inaccurate pregnancy testing can be a problem for many farmers.

“On some farms as many as 30 per cent of animals pregnancy-tested by non-veterinarians were later found to be incorrectly assessed. This can lead to substantial productivity losses for both producers and buyers.

“The National Cattle Pregnancy Diagnosis scheme is administered by the AVA’s cattle special interest group, Australian Cattle Veterinarians. It provides farmers with peace of mind, accountability for the work undertaken, and prevents

losses through inaccurate manual and ultrasound pregnancy testing.

“It is Australia’s golden standard for cattle pregnancy testing, and the only nationally recognised and audited tail tagging system for the identification and certification of cattle pregnancy status,” she said. The AVA says that inaccuracy in pregnancy testing can be expensive for producers, so it makes good business sense to get it right the first time.

“The scheme also gives certainty to buyers and prevents incorrect assessment of cattle that can have serious economic implications for farmers.

“Under the National Cattle Pregnancy Diagnosis scheme, only accredited vets are able to apply the colour-coded tags, so when you buy or sell a cow or heifer with a tag, you know

that they have been tested by an expert.

“Use of ultrasound alone for pregnancy testing has limitations which means that a pregnancy can be missed. Vets are able to address these limitations through accurate manual checking of non-confirmed pregnancies.

“Another advantage of using a qualified vet for this work is that they are more likely to pick up any other reproductive issues on the farm and provide solutions for the producer,” Dr McMahon said.

For more information on this quality scheme visit

Page 26: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 2012 Directory Guide 27


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Page 27: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 201228 Directory Guide

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Horsing around at DalgetyBy Robin Daley

Nearly half the 118 competitors at the Dalgety Show Society’s third Annual Team Penning event last Saturday were women.

Amid constant rain the horsewomen of the Monaro and beyond proved they were every bit as good as men when it came to handling their horses and the cattle.

But it was the very young junior riders who stole the day with many riders barely big enough to sit a horse.

It was great to see these little kids urging their ponies to start acting like stock horses and get to and block the cattle.

None of these kids showed any fear riding gamely around the arena with 20 head of cattle milling around them.

Experienced rider Neville Clark rode inside the arena with the kids to lend a helping hand and keep a watchful eye on the kids.

The Team Penning and Team Sorting events were run in the Dalgety Show Society’s new portable cattle yards

A cheque for $15,000 to purchase these yards was presented to the Society in May this year by Member for Monaro, John Barilaro.

The money was provided by the NSW Government’s Community Building Partnership program which gives non-profit organisations the opportunity to seek funds for infrastructure improvements.

The new yards were a boon with many competitors commenting on how great they

were and how solidly made they were.The yards were made by National Stockyard

Systems from Rutherford NSW using steel manufactured by One Steel Australian Tube Mills.

Over in the sheep pavilion the Show Shear again had a good roll up of shearers keen to promote their profession.

Shearers from around the Monaro came to test their skills against each other.

At the presentation of prizes, Dalgety Show Society president, Richard Wallace thanked Dalgety graziers, Brendon and Maryanne Rudd, Mick and Jo Miners and Desleigh and Nick Kirshner for generously provided the cattle for the team penning and team sorting, and Brendon and Maryanne for providing the sheep for the Snowy River Show Shear competition.

He also thanked the many generous sponsors of the Snowy River Show Shear competition.

He then thanked the many people who lent a hand to make the day a great success, from the people in the secretary’s office, the canteen and bar, at the Show Shear pavilion and the people who helped put up the yards and then dismantle them the next day.

“And there were a lot of people who did other jobs that needed doing and we are very grateful to them as well,” Richard said.

He also thanked Leslie Clark from Adelong who did the commentating and the many people who helped Leslie with the scoring.

Richard added that the event would be on again in 2013.

Adaminaby fun dayThe Adaminaby Pony Club and Cooma Rodeo Committees will hold their A & C Fun Day on Saturday October 20, at Adaminaby sportsground .

It will feature a full program of fun horse events, with lots of ribbons and prizes plus a general auction.

Barbecue all day plus a raffle.

A full listing of events and auction items and entry forms can be found at

All funds raised will go towards the improvement of the facilities at the Adaminaby Sportsground and the construction of a Permanent Equestrian Arena in Cooma.

Two make the academy

Two Cooma rugby league players have been selected in the Far South Coast Monaro Academy squad.

Joel Smith (above left) and Blaine Thomas (above right) were selected after trials held at Bega last Saturday.

Future NRL stars are assured

from the 2012/13 group with four players already withdrawing due to NRL Club commitments.

Lachlan Carey, Thomas Cronin, Adam Lucas (Canberra) and Ben Halfpenny (Melbourne) have all been selected for higher honours and will be unable to represent the area in Academy colours.


Page 28: Monaro Post 10/10/12

C & C SELF STORAGESELF STORAGE SHEDS AVAILABLE• various shed sizes available• very reasonable rates• fully secured premises• long or short term rental• Packing boxes, plastic sheets and wraps now available for all your packing requirements

For enquiries phone Cathy:

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1. C & C Wassink - Self Storage

2. Cooma Sand & Concrete

3. High Country Kitchens

4. Elgas

5. Snowy Sheds

6. Monaro Wool Services

7. Monaro Freight

8 . Monaro Panel Beaters

9 High Country Truss & Frames

10. Summit Smash Repiars



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Ph: (02) 6452 2412 Fax: (02) 6452 1537

General Road Freight ServiceCOVERING

Sydney • Melbourne • Cooma Canberra • NSW Snowy Mountains

If you wish to advertise in the Polo Flat Feature,

contact the friendly sta� at

The Monaro Post on 6452 0313

Cooma Sand and Concrete also specialise in sand, gravel, road building and land scaping, not just concrete.

They supplied the concrete for the Cooma to Bega power line and the reconstruction of the upper Tumut switch yard at Cabramurra.

The recent upgrades at Cooma Sand and Concrete have significantly improved the concrete batching process allowing for a faster service.

Ready Mixed Concrete has been supplied to many and varying job sites including bridges, chairlifts, tunnels, dams, roads, water tanks and buildings to name a few. They have the ability to meet any specification required including any exacting engineering requirements.

Concrete mixes vary from plain dull grey, exposed aggregates, pattern stamped mixes, coloured concrete, pool spray and high specification engineering concrete.

They have the ability to produce large daily volumes for industrial or commercial works and small volumes for the residential market.

The choice is yours, whether you are after sand, gravel, soil, heavy haulage, bulk tipper work or ready mix concrete, it’s all available at Cooma Sand and Concrete and can even be delivered.

Cooma Sand and Concrete commenced operations in 1972, and from its current site in Polo Flat since 1979. They have been working in the Monaro Region from Bredbo to Thredbo ever since.

If you are looking to hire a low loader, earth moving equipment or water tanker for your stock or general construction site, look no further, call Cooma Sand and Concrete for all your sand, concrete and gravel requirements.

Phone 6452 1660 or drop in at 80 Polo Flat Road between 7am and 4pm.

Cooma Sand and Concrete - Ph: 6452 1660

Page 29: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wool Marketing - Not just wool selling

Wool Buyers & Wool BrokersOffice & Wool Store

54-56 Polo Flat Road, Cooma NSW 2630Phone: 6452 4494 Fax: 6452 4464

or Ben: 0428 445 064

Bombala WoolstoreCnr Forbes & Badgery Street, Bombala NSW 2630

Fridays 9am - 5pmPhone: 6458 3720

High CountryKitchens



Mobile: 0413 133 681Phone: 6452 7833Fax: 6452 7933

68 Polo Flat RoadPolo Flat

Cooma NSW 2630

High Country KitchensHigh Country Kitchens


Mobile: 0413 133 681Phone: 6452 7833Fax: 6452 7933

68 Polo Flat RoadPolo Flat

Cooma NSW 2630

Cooma Sand & Concrete Pty LtdCooma Sand & Concrete Pty Ltd

Quality Construction Material Suppliers

(02) 6452 1660Polo Flat Rd, Cooma

• Concrete • Earthmoving• Gravels • Heavy Haulage

• Plant Hire • Roadbase• Sand and Soils • Truck Hire

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For friendly servicecall general enquiries

Ph. 131 164 (24 hours)

or 6452

For friendly servicecall general enquiries

Ph. 131 164 (24 hours)

or 6452

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When it comes to clean, efficient energy... you can’t beat

Suppliers of bulk and cylinder LP gas for commercial or domestic applications

servicing the Monaro and the Snowy Mountains

LTD 1 Kaiser Street, Polo Flat

Phone: 131 161 appliance salesJindabyne Plumbing SuppliesLot 23 Baggs Rd Leesville, Jindabyne 6456 1842

For appliance salesCooma Plumbing SuppliesCnr Commissioner & Bradley Sts, Cooma 6452 2559

MONARO PANEL BEATERS• Quality • Service • Commitment • Pride

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41 Holland Rd, Polo FlatPO Box 46 Cooma 2630

P: 02 6452 3360F: 02 6452 3422M: 0428 360 637

E: [email protected]


POLO FLAT ?If you wish to

advertise in the Polo Flat Feature,

contact the friendly staff at

The Monaro Post on 6452 0313.

If you wish to advertise in the

Polo Flat Feature, contact the friendly

staff at The Monaro Post

on 6452 0313.

High Country Kitchens - Ph: 6452 7833

High Country Kitchens’ high demand and interest in custom designed kitchens and cabinets, has Norman Moers and his staff busy.

Norman has been in the cabinet making and furniture industry for the past 20 years and has worked in the local area for a vast majority of it.

He saw the demand for custom made kitchens and felt it was time to venture out on his own.

Cabinet making and furniture has been in his family for years and he feels he knows what works when it comes to designing for a specific space.

Norman and his staff also have a specially designed show room which allows customers to see firsthand what is possible.

Norman’s strong principle is how a kitchen is designed and installed.

From quality made kitchens, laundries, wardrobes and vanities, HCK can cater for your needs.

From commercial to residential, High Country Kitchens cover the whole Monaro region and are more than happy to provide you with a free quote.

Contact Norman and his team.

For more information, call in or contact Norman on 6452 7833.

Page 30: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Casual M

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Monbeef Pty Ltd curre

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Casual CleanerA casual cleaner is required at Fred Billmans-Bathroom Centre. Approximately 4 hours a

week. Experienced cleaner preferred.Please contact Chris Mould on

6452 1500 or email [email protected]








Wednesday October 17, 2012








Talk to us about your sale.

Will Dixon: 0427 025 809 Office: 6452 7747


FREE ACCOMMODATION (3 bedroom unit) in lieu of 1 day mid week

o�ce and housekeeping duties at Cooma Tourist Park,

O�ce/ computer skills required.

Ph: 0400 560 402

FREE ACCOMMODATION (3 bedroom unit) in lieu of 1 day mid week

o�ce and housekeeping duties at Cooma Tourist Park,

O�ce/ computer skills required.

Ph: 0400 560 402

The Monaro PostWe’re local, supporting locals.Keeping the local dollar here!

Check out our page now by following the

links from our website


Saturday 20th October 2012Dinner 6.30pm


WE NEED YOUR NUMBERS NOW!Also looking for old Scorebooks!Are you attending? Let us know.

Chippy: 0402 470 422Mark: 0408 419 373Mick: 0401 434 184

Raglan Gallery & Cultural Centre2012 Annual General Meeting will be held at

5pm Thursday 18th October 2012at the Raglan Gallery and Cultural Centre

9-11Lambie St Cooma.


2013 marks 30 years of Bushpigs history and we want you to be apart of it.

The Jindabyne Rugby Union Club will be hosting

its annual AGM at the Lake Jindabyne Hotel 7pm Wednesday 31 October 2012.

The club is looking for new committee members to

provide support for both the juniors and seniors.

All Welcome. For more information contact

Brett on 0419 343 400

MC TRUCK DRIVER F/T Positions.X2 Casual Relief Drivers x2

A leading Qld based vegetable growing company is expanding it’s business and requires

competent drivers to deliver our produce.Commencing approx 11th Nov

These positions are to be based in Cooma NSW. Trip is from Cooma to Ma�ra return,

driver change. Cooma to Sydneyreturn 5 days per week.

Relief driver positions 1 day per month + Good Hourly RatesPh 0427 277 158

WORK WANTEDMonaro Mowing Services.

Lawns mowed, gardening services.Mower repairs, cheap rates,

pensioner rates.Contact: 6452 7655 or 0439 593 034


training in CoomaWednesdayOctober 24

Contact Suzanne on 0402 443 791

FOR SALEGood laying large Fowl & Bantams

$15 to $20

Ph: 6458 5231

Page 31: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 201232 SportCheck out


Cryptic Clues

Quick Clues


8. Puce made storyteller feel strange (8)9. Beast that lurks in the Afghani male (6)10. Beach needs a little more casual footwear (6)11. Seeing as how its anything but frosting (8)12. Reduced to having done the ironing? (9)13. See 18-across16. Accommodation of the best fake and drab variety (3,3,9) 18 and 13-across. Always a lofty London newspaper (2,3,5)19. Wandered o� par, right in the act (9)22. Pinched and allowed to be thrown down in a challenge (8)24. Inclined to be given a hint (6)25. Setting o� delirium without a doctor (6)26. Hot, cross and broken, but carried out completely (8)


1. Lowering half the dead under ground level (10)2. Ruptured eardrum without a butcher (6)3. Police raids breaking up game (9)4. Part of South Africa in a position to be totally rid of citrus? (6,4,5)5 and 21-down. Assault can rattle even a generous old gentleman (5,5)6. Master is master of pranks (8)7. See 23-down14. Segregates components of chocolate (6,4)15. Motoring country is in �ower (9)17. Tail can't work in the ocean (8)20. Use half of them on the game (6)21. See 5-down23 and 7-down. Current unit to channel industrial pollution (4,4)


8. Naval unit (8)9. Young hen (6)10. Competitors (6)11. Death announcement (8)12. Stu�ng and mounting animals (9)13. Refreshment booth (5)16. Deputy (6-2-7)18. Foul smell (5)19. Travel with (9)22. Get o� a horse (8)24. Kingdoms (6)25. Large wasp (6)26. Producing poison (8)


1. Commensurate, interchangeable (10)2. Big game expedition (6) 3. Gradual increase in loudness (8)4. Disinclined to talk (15)5. Shoot, twig (5)6. Soil deposited by a river (8)7. Low dam (4)14. Having the same meaning (10)15. Pigment, dye (9)17. Salve (8)20. Clear part of the blood (6)21. Paste used to seal window panes (5)23. Religious picture (4)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9







New skills for ridersSnowy River Pony Club had

their first rally day back after winter on Saturday September 22.

To try something different and teach the kids a new skill, the club organised a team penning training day at a club members farm in Numbla Vale.

Eleven children turned up on the day and were fortunate to have brilliant blue skies, warm temperatures and no wind.

Club president Jo Miners and property owner Nick Kirshner instructed the riders on the rules of team penning but first the riders had to muster the cattle, bring them into the yards and mark them with colours ready for the

team penning to commence. The children arranged for teams

of three and alternated between groups throughout the day so everyone got involved even some of the parents had a go.

It was a great day with the riders learning a new skill and having fun on their horses.

If you are interested in joining in the fun, contact the club secretary on [email protected]: Jane Miners, Jack Miners, Tara Miners, Georgia Heeley, Maddy Kirshner, Ella Veleba, Lili Veleba, Keeley White, Keegan White, Gem McGuffick, Georgia Walters.

Phoenix social golfWell it was dry, extremely dry,

hot, yes extremely hot and of course it was windy.

You guessed it, it was Friday afternoon and the Friday golf was on.

Eleven keen golfers faced the conditions and enjoyed the exercise and the camaraderie of playing golf with their friends.

All are welcome – golfers, non-golfers, etc.

The winner last Friday was our new member Jake Schofield. Runner-up was Dorothy Bilbow, third was Lorraine McGregor.

The ball nearest the pin on the 11th green was Lorraine McGregor.

This coming Friday we will be playing the front nine and the greens should be perfect after the rain which has made the grass grow,

Remember, tee-off from noon until 1.30pm.

Coming up on November 6, is our Melbourne Cup day at the golf club.

Further news on that next week.

Page 32: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 2012 Sport 33

6452 420362 Bombala Street, Cooma

Late appointments and immediate rebates. No referral necessary.

Hydrotherapy SessionsGym,Sports Physiotherapy

AcupunctureWomen’s HealthBack and Neck PainOrthopaedic Injuries

Hall of FameHAYLEIGH DAVISHi, my name is Hayleigh Davis! One of the highlights of my Little Athletics career was my overseas trip to the US in 2007 when I was 14. A group of us, including Mum, went on a tour of Arizona – we toured around schools and participated in their after-school athletics events. At the end of the tour, we all competed in a state-equivalent competition in the events of our choice. I had chosen the 200m, 400m and Long Jump and, excitingly, won medals in all 3.

One of the most memorable results of my Little Athletics career was winning Silver in the final of the 400m at the Australian National Championships in 2010. I also enjoyed making it through to the finals of the 400m and Hammer-Throw events in the under-15s in State Level Athletics winning Gold in that same year.

Another exciting moment was when I missed out by a few points on winning 3rd in the Multi-Event (which includes 90m hurdles, long-jump, discus, 100m and 800m) at the Australian Little Athletics Championships in Melbourne in 2008. Mum says that if I’d won the 800m (my favourite event at the time) but in which I’d come second on the day, that I would have come 3rd. You can tell that I’ve still got that competitive streak! 2008 was a busy year for me and I also enjoyed competing at the Pacific School Games in Canberra in the 200m hurdles, hammer-throw and the 400m.

I didn’t realise how much Athletics was in our family until I found an old athletics singlet in my Nan’s cupboard when I was helping her with a cupboard clear-out. My Mum also enjoyed participating in Little Athletics when she was younger, as do my brothers now. My coach was always Tom Stead, who is still committed to coaching within Cooma Athletics both on Thursday afternoons and on three other afternoons a week during the Season! Tom deserves much of the credit for my success as do my family for always supporting and encouraging me.

Favourite Food: Pad Thai.Favourite Song: 30 Seconds to Mars by The KillFavourite tv Show: Gossip GirlFavourite Movie: I’d have to think about that...who iS your idol? Cathy Freeman is really inspirational.

She managed to break through the bias against many Aboriginal people in sport. She made it to the top and yet was still so humble about her achievements.

what do/did you enjoy about little athleticS? I found Little Athletics to be a really good way to have fun.

As I did it from a very young age I had many friends who took part too so it was a very social activity & sport.

It’sagreatwaytoexerciseandkeepfitandIplantoget back into Athletics in the Seniors more as a way of keeping fit.But,youneverknow!

what advice would you give to little athleteS? Keeptrying!Itdoesn’tmatterwhereyoucomeaslongas

youenjoyyourselfandhavefun.That’swhatmycoach, Tom,usedalwaystellme.

Numbers down due to school holidays

Ladies bowls

Our second night of competition for 2012/13 season suffered from a lack of numbers as it corresponded with the first week of the school holidays.

The numbers were so low that normal competition was cancelled and a makeshift program was call.

The highlight of the night was 60m Hurdles. Our Hurdles got a thorough work out on the night, (as they have being in storage for about 12 months).

Most of our newer athletes had never tried out at Hurdles before and took to it like ducks to water. There were some excellent times on the night, U/10 Boy Jordan Davis would had

been within a whisker of breaking the record of 11.30 sec, but collided with the first Hurdle and lost his stride pattern and unable to correct it for another two hurdles flights. His time of 12.21 sec shows he is on track to give this 18-year-old record a nudge as the season progresses.

Another outstanding run over the Hurdles on the night was produced by Nick Zusak (U/10 boy new athlete) who skimmed over the six fights of Hurdles in 12.85 sec, the second best time of the night. Nick’s younger brother Christian also showed his ability by flying over the Hurdles when he recorded the fourth best time with 13.88 sec.

Not to be outdone by the boys, U/9 Girl Lucy Thornton creamed the six flights with ease as she clocked the third fastest time with 13.12 seconds.

So, as the season progresses we are in for a treat of quality Hurdling and maybe some new records established on the way.

We have a strong field of U/10 Boys this season and the evidence on the night over the 200m with three of the boys within

three seconds of each other.

With Nick Zusak stoping the clock at 37.81 sec with Jordan Davis hot on his heels in 3.48 sec and Phillip Webb pushing hard into third placing just a few metres behind with 40.56 sec.

While at the High Jump, when time had to be called for the end of competition, two athletes remain on level terms at 1.07m; they were Nick Wassink and Nick Zusak, both

jumping well. The girls competition was very close with Maggie Constance clearing the bar with 0.95m, Summer Rees just five centimetres behind and Brittany Wilkinson just another five centimetres behind Summer.

Our younger High Jumpers went through an on track program at the High Jump, learning the different types of jumps and then progressed into a training season of learning to do the Flop

landing style of Jumps, with great success. They will progress to full competition within a few weeks.

There were only three throwers able to clear 20m on the night at the Discus, Nick Wassink 21.08m, Kirt Wassink 20.74m and Jordan Davis 20.44m.

Summer Rees and Angela Constance keep on improving their Discus throw style they will both be aiming for 20 metres by Regional Championships. This

week Summer Rees managed 11.96m and Angela 9.97m.

U/7 Girl Clara Thornton and U/8 Selena Sheen also performed well at Discus at their first night with Clara letting fly with 6.97m and Selena managed 5.56m.

Training is on at 3.30 pm Monday (Track), Tuesday (Horizon Jumps, Wednesday (Throws).

Well what a contrast in weather to what we had at the weekend, almost picture perfect.

Tuesday was the final of Championship Fours, with Margherita Zasso’s team of Daphne Buckley (subbing) for Maureen D’Amico, Dot Jackson, Lorraine West got off to a flying start but by end 10 Una Roberson’s team of Gwen Caldwell, Margaret Power, Julie Upton were playing the winning shots and there was only a few shots the difference.

Unfortunately Una’s side dropped six shots on end 14 which gave Margherita the boost to get ahead and over the line to be the winners. Congratulations to all the girls.

It was played with great team spirit and friendship.

The other game was a social game of triples

with Olga Jebbink playing a swinging lead for Leonie Snell and Roulie Steinfort against Olga , Mary O’Bermaier and Kath Sach.

Once again this was pretty close at end 12 saw scores even at 7 all. From here on Leonie’s team hit the straps to pick up 11 shots in 2 ends which consolidated the game, Kath’s team picked up a 4 on the 16th but unfortunately it was not enough to bridge the gap. Ladies next week is the Minor Pairs and all players must play find a substitute or forfeit .

Draw is M. Phillips, S. Sellars v D. Russell, B. Longhurst. J. Upton, G. Connelly v M. Power, M. O’Bermaier. H. Walker, K.Sach v O. Jebbimk. R. Steinfort.

Morning tea 9.30 play at 10am.

Page 33: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 201234 Sport

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Cooma club championshipsGolf report by Garry Atkinson

With rounds one and two of the club championships played over the weekend the golf club was alive with activity and some good scoring.

The steady rain on Saturday gave way to strong winds on Sunday so all golfers resolve was tested in the varied conditions.

With the strong smell of a tasty barbecue on the wind golfers were keen to finish their rounds on both days.

On Saturday David Crawford took out A grade with a fine 71 nett from Mark Rainsford with a 72 nett on a countback.

B grade was won by Wayne Ryan with Dave Ware coming in second and in C grade David Abraham had a 74 nett with Darren Hedger carding a 75 nett. Ball winners went down to Adam Robinson with a 75 nett.

In the longest drive stakes – Graham Russell hit a very long ball in A grade on the eighth hole, John Gargett took out B grade and that regular winner Ken Ganya hit the longest ball in C grade.

Nearest the pin on the ninth went to Garry Atkinson and Dave Stewart on the 17th.

Sunday saw round two of the club championships played with A grade taken out by Bryan Alexander with a fine 67 nett in very windy, cold conditions.

Christian Stockl came in second with 69 nett.

In B grade John Gargett had a 67 to win his division from Prawit Prakotasung with 69 nett.

In C grade Greg Abraham had a 74 nett with Ken Ganya scoring an

80 nett to take out second place. Nearest the pins and longest drives were not at hand at the time of writing this report.

Wednesday October 3, saw lovely spring conditions suit Norm Marshall who took out A grade with a great round of 42 stableford points.

Charlie Beaumont won B grade with 37 points on a countback from Campbell Childs and C grade saw Gordon Western take out the winner’s prize.

Ball winners went down to Prawit Prakotasung with 36 points. Peter Dawson won nearest the pin on the ninth hole and Mark Rainsford was the closest on the 17th.

Next weekend sees rounds three and four of the club championships to be played in hopefully better conditions with a single medley stableford on Wednesday. Don’t forget the Cooma Open coming up on October 27 and 28. With over $1000 in prizes on offer this event is the premier weekend for golf in Cooma. Thanks to Subarbu for their ongoing support of this great event.

A couple of reminders for all golfers with the Phoenix Friday Nine-hole social competition on offer again this Friday and the Thursday afternoon junior golf clinics will kick off this spring on October 25 at 4pm.

Also proposed is a six-hole Sunday afternoon junior and family afternoon each week beginning at 2pm with a shortened course.

See you on the greens.

Rain delayed Fours matchesRain last Saturday delayed the start of the

Men’s Fours at Cooma Blowing Club but these started on Sunday with two matches in the morning and three on the afternoon.

Mike Mannile, Garry Taylor, Kim Weston and Mark Buckley made an early start against Peter Harris, Jack Sajina, Brian Seears and Pail Cannell to lead 7/1 before Paul’s team got going to win a few ends, but this was short-lived as Mark’s team dominated from end 13 to won 17/10.

In the other morning game Mick Mayhew, Kevin Jackson, Don Jarvis and Neil McGregor battled with Mario Frezza, Sergio Roncelli, Tony Gray and Ignazio Mondello to have the scores 10/10 after 12 ends.

Neil’s team then extended their lead to 18/11 and looked like winners with three ends to go.

Six shots to Ignazio’s team put them right in it with one end to play, but Neil’s last bowl got them home 19/17.

John Vincent, Steve Seears, Geoff Venables and Gordon Cox started just a little better against Steve Lapham, Guilio D’Amico, John Schoon and Wayne Lodge in the first of the afternoon games before both teams settled down for the run home and with the scores 17/16 in Gordon’s favour on end 19 it was anybody’s game, but six shots to Wayne on end 20 decided the result 22/18 in Wayne and co’s favour.

Allan Crowe, Ken Bowden, Dennis Steinfort

and Nelson Wallace had a dream start against Mick Mayhew, Kevin Jackson, Don Jarvis and Neil McGregor to lead 17/3 at the halfway point and did not falter in the run home to win 26/9.

The final game between Mick Mannile, Garry Taylor, Kim Weston and Mark Buckley versus Mel Storta (subbing for Jason Thompson), Jim Lumsden, Colin Roberson and Paul Schulz was expected to be a close one and it turned out to be so.

Paul’s team had an early lead 12/5 but it was slowly overhauled fr Marks team to lead 15/14 on the end15. To have slender grip on the match 19/18 with one end to play.

This end alone developed into a real dog fight with the lead changing on several occasions with Mark getting the winning shot on his last bowl. The semi-finals will be played on Saturday 20yh commencing at 9.30am with (skips names only) Wayne Lodge V Nelson Wallace and Peter Caldwell (who received a forfeit into the semis) versus Mark Buckley.

The final will be decided in the afternoon, subject to the weather.

With daylight savings commenced, business house bowls will commence on Friday November 2.

Get your teams organised and to the club as soon as possible.

Cooma ladies golf newswith Midge Theron

On Wednesday October 3 the weather warm and ideal for golf saw12 ladies take to the fairways in the nine-hole Stableford.

The winner Joan Bracher playing in brilliant fashion burnt the course up scoring 22 points.

Runner-up to Joan, also playing well, was Julie Upton with 20 points.

They both played superbly. I happened to play with them that day so can vouch for how well they

managed the course. Also playing well was Dorothy Bilbow who won

the first ball with 18 points and with a great shot to the fourth green also won NTP.

Balls were also won by Clare Nowland with 17 points and Gaye Wilson with 16 points. Well done Ladies. Results of the Pat Hain Eclectic Trophy, Monthly Medal and the first round of the Ladies Championships will be in next week’s Golf News . Until then TTFN

Coolamatong golf newsMichelle and Mary win Championship

This weekend the ladies played the Pairs Championship, due to the horrible weather conditions it was reduced to 18 holes.

Congratulations to Michelle and Mary winning the Scratch Division one shot ahead of Jan O’Halloran and Carolyn Major. Jan and Carolyn won the Handicap Division.

Wednesday’s winner Donna Tuckwell. Runners up Marcelle Burton on account back from Mary Obermaier.

Nearest the pin went to Jan and the putting competition won by Marcelle on a count back from

Mary. Sunday for the men was Stableford and the winner Tony Kiek with 41 points.

Runners up Werner Siegenthaler, Wayne Tuckwell and Steve Young.

Nearest the pin on the 6th Wayne and on the 8th Steve. Wednesdays winner Justin Carter with 44 points ahead of Herman Obermaier, Ross Thompson, Werner Siegenthaler and James Alexander.

Nearest the pin on the 6th Tony Kiek, 8th Werner and on the 12th Brad Reid.

Saturday 13th is the Berridale P & C fundraiser and Sunday is the second round of the Coolamatong versus Bombala match.

Mini basketball presentationsThe Cooma miniball and Aussie Hoop basketballers will have their presentation day on Friday October 12, commencing at 4pm at the stadium.

Games for players four years to 12 years will be played, a demonstration on drills and skills

will be held before all players receive their awards for 2012.

All players receive a free sausage sizzle, drinks and iceblocks, while the barbecue and canteen will be available to all present.

Page 34: Monaro Post 10/10/12

Wednesday October 10, 2012 Sport 35


Come Along Early To Place Your BetsCome Along Early To Place Your BetsJoin us from 9am for a CHAMPAGNE BREAKFAST

Followed by FUN & GAMES SWEEPS, PROMOTIONS GALORE & of course the LIVE COVERAGE on the BIG SCREENS of the running of The Cup from 3pm.


Big Cash Prizes To Be WonFREE ENTRY

Big Cash Prizes To Be WonFREE ENTRY

Heats on Fridays - 12th & 19th with the Final on November 2Heats on Fridays - 12th & 19th with the Final on November 2



Coffeys Cavaliers are holding a reunion on October 19 and 20 to celebrate a milestone in local cricket.

Coffeys Cavaliers cricket club will celebrate their 25th anniversary that weekend.

About 270 players

are known to have either bowled, batted or fielded for the local club in both A and B grades, with games played from Jindabyne to Jerangle and a many in between.

Over the years, the teams have won many premierships in both A

and B grade, including 88/89, 94/95, 97/98, 98/99, 99/2000, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 07/08, 08/09.

Two B grade titles were won in 88/89 and 1993/04.

Coffeys Colts won the competition in 2006/07,

In 1990/91, Coffeys/Jerangle won the title, Jerangle being a renowned producer of good cricketers, including Clyde “Taffy” Phillips, who many believed could have played for Australia.

The committee

is looking for a big response to the reunion to make it a weekend to remember.

Coffeys Cavaliers, ‘at home’ after a hard

day on the cricket pitch.

The Cooma Swimming Club commences its season on Wednesday October 10 at 6pm.

The first night will be an introduction night and fun swims.

The committee will be on hand to explain the new procedures for time trial nights, carnival

entries, registrations and will answer any questions that members have regarding the club.

Cooma will hold a carnival on Saturday November 24 and will once again hold a 24-hour swim, so please come along and join in.

The South East Regional Academy of Sport (SERAS) is seeking nominations from talented young athletes from across the region who would like to nominate for a scholarship in various sports programs being offered in 2013.

Nominations for scholarships in 2013 close on Friday October 12. Squad sport programs being run by the academy in 2013 include Golf, Lawn Bowls, Netball, and Snowsports.

There are also scholarships for coaches and umpires who come from the above sports. Athletes from other sports can nominate for a scholarship in the Individual Athlete Program.

Athletes with a disability are eligible to apply for an individual scholarship.

Each scholarship is valued at approximately $1,750 and includes sports specific training camps, athlete education, physiotherapy screenings, fitness testing, personal development, strength and conditioning, and other benefits for squad sports.

Individual scholarships have a monetary component as well as providing athletes with access to other components of the scholarship programs.

Nominations for squad sport programs can be completed on-line at the SERAS website ( For a nomination form please contact the SERAS office on 6201 2824.

Cavaliers to return in force

Swimming Club

SERAS scholarships

Page 35: Monaro Post 10/10/12



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Horsing around at Dalgety

Peter Ward, Bobundara, hard at it at the Snowy River Show Shears competition

The junior riders showed they knew a thing or two about Team Penning at Dalgety last weekend. See full report on Page 28.