MON TANA STATE COLLEGE OF T HE UNIVERSITY MONTANA. … › msu-exponent › objects › ... ·...

1£xpnucu1 MON TANA STATE COLLEGE OF T HE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA. VOLUME VIII. BOZEMAN, MON'l'ANA FRI D AY, JANUARY 19, 1917. -- NI SS E l'PS LETTER DI S PEL S ____ SHORTHORr;r:-PREP-:-BAS - l<ETBALL Nort h D akota Is Defeated FEAR OF DI F FICU LT Y GAME " Any !ears that may haYf' arisen of B M t a Debating Team a possibility oI a break in relations y Qfi an ht?twesn the Stare college and univer- ) a re!rnlt of the admission or _\ gond ing wa:-: 1+,\· 1 hf' again'>l thP fir};[ :-:lloi tltorn team in a lively ganu· ol baskt.•lhall. la st Saturday nfternoon. hnt. tlie fact that one o( lllPll. l,iUNTP NA M.£N !N UPHOLDING THE AFFIRMATIVE OF THE MILI- TARY SERVICE QUESTION CONTENDED SWISS SYSTEM WAS MOS, EFFICIENT ONE WHICH COULD BE ADOPTED, IS Fl RST TIME IN FIVE YEARS THAT DAKOTA TEAM HAS BEEN BEATEN AT HOME HAS DEFEATED SOME OF BEST TL _,5 IN WEST, AMONG THEM ARE OREGON A ND (hi" to the Rocky l\Iountain I haYe been dh;pelled. The S«lie<.:kebach, was dhmhlecl in the first Salt Lake sporl writer who saw rough few minules of play by having ahead when l1e told of lhe de- collar bone broken, Lim shonhnrns fiant ste11 taken the Ro(•ky Monn- wpn from Lbem by . :1 eomparnti\t:I.> tain conference ff\"idPntly had a "Imm narrow marg-in; Lhe scOl'l' ht•ing 21 Lo htm<'h:' ll was rumorecl lhat the uni- 12' NUMBER lo. Oklahoma Quintet Will Visit M. S. C. and Meet the Bobcats THE BOBCATS WIL L PLAY THE! R FIRST INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME OF SEASON TOMORROW WHEN THEY MEET THE OKLAHOMA NORMAL TEAM IN THE COLLE GE DRI LL HAL L -THE OKLAHOMA SQUAD CONSISTS OF TEN ME N AND IS' MAKING A 7,000 MILE TOUR OF THE WEST. HAVE B EEN BEATEN BUT F OUR TIMES IN L AST F IFTY GAMES PLAY E D- THREE OF THESE DEFEATS ON TR IP-ARE SMA LL AND VERY FAST. "fontaua state, represcn_led by Luce I but :-;pend most :.i Langobr. was victorious In the 11f its t1111(' Ill work on 11npr0Yements, <l 'f\ate '"ith the Nortll Dakota Aggies s111::h ai-; roads. bridges. and the de- at r•argo last Friday. The decision 'dopment of harbors. \'el'sity would not be permitt.ed by the Tht.• C'uurse Har· P41cific Northwesl C'Onftrencc lo com- Pf ·, who wa!'! lCllllJOntrily nut 1if town pete with the State colleg-e, but this aul did nol seem to get together, for rumor wa:o' absolutely without fournJa- moi-;t part., in usual _st.yle. With .1he Robtarn maier- rado. :'tall.' \\'yoming, Cahornia. 01·e- tion. flie Lwu teams lmed up as tallows: ially '' ith e\•ery a Leflm on gon, \\ ash111gLon .Idaho, 1\lontana, Coal'h nennion reC"eivt.•rl a letter Short <'Curse- Burgess. Thsine1. and a par with any in the will line braska. and 7\liss•rnri. c! he judges \...-as two to cme for Mon- In rebuttal the affirmative tollow- L;i.n.t The :\1ontana men spoke on ed tht> general line of argument used rhl' affirmative si<IC' oi tht> question, in their main speeche::;, showing the tbat United St;1.tes should ineffidency and jmpractkability at· the from. Xlssen. or the 11nh·ersily. lasl Bolen, fOrwars: Redfield and Lull up against the inyading 01;,lahorna twill cover over 1000 miles and will week this school on guards; McReynolds and BurgesR <'en- Normal basket tossers 'vhen they ap- on thC' nnHl something like two tile admission to the conference. He ter. pear in the drill hall tomorrow night. months. expressed the hope that relations Preps: Scbeckenbacb. \\"illiams Unlike previous seasons. whi(;h start- The invaders are not Uig fe!lo·.,·s and L. Kelley, forwards: Reel ancl .T. eel with an el't::;y garue with som€ les· b11t depend 11pon speed and Kelley. gnards; Norton. cenier. ser team, tlle present season will see pas8i11g as an attack. Coach BE.-nnion ad"' t a 5 y:-tem of uniYers<!l military Swi:;s The negaliYe attacked modeled aftei tlrnl or Swil- tl1e plau or an industrial army and that universal military ser- 1' ie :'.\1onLana men. in their main 1 \·ice i1" the only $)"Stem for the l.rnited tu·s. ad,,ocated the Swiss sys- SrnteR. t n; of military as thC' most Dakota Rarely Defeated e( l 1 'Ill that be adopt- A \'idorr O\"PT' Xorth Dakota i::> a lw;, .,;hawed that system gn•at honor for the school. This is c ., t tw appliecl to the CnitC'd States. the first time for five years that ,. onutr)·, .uguecL is n\ry '\orll1 Dalrnta has been derealecl au 1 1i0.-.rly 1 nepart'd for w;.11· The old bt;>l' own floor. Jn tllat time the Pargo m•htia was a failure. and the team has rlebate<l some o( the best (( l Bill plan for tbe reorganization u..·ams in tlle countn-. among which of the army is inadeqnate. 'T'he Swiss were Oregon and California. "'jitf'm woulu place LOUntry in The i\fontana men were ,·ery well s state of readiness for war or peace. entPriainecl while in :\Th;s Al- would be even more harmonious than formerly. RECORD ATTENDANCE IS THIRD PRODUCTION OF EXPECTED AT THE CLUB TO SHOW SHORT COURSE IN HAVRE Many Conferences an Conventiotis to "The Guide a F our Act Orama be Held at College in Connection Will Be Shown Here With F armers' Week Far mers' Wee k,. one or tho toughest a (·urtaiu- rah:er. "\\"halever delay there has been in starting the season the Bobcats have spent profitably in drilling until now tiler are going in mid-season form rind rearly for any team in thP C"o11nt1·y. They will ha'l--e to ste1i ou1 tn rake the measure or the Oklahoma l.a1y:::., howeYer, r1s they haH" some 1ea11l. ''Ording to all reports. They were champions of Oklahoma last year a11d ha•e beaten the Colcrado <'ha1n11s thi::= vea1· Of Lhe last ;'}fl garue!' 11h1ye1l has not announced the college lineup and judging from the keen competi- tion shown at each pra<'tice it ·will be no easy matter to select a team. CHANGES BEING MADE IN TOURNAMENT DIS TRICTS they have lost but four. The> (·haue,es that have been ItHH.lE' Programs giving lht.• li:-;t of h:ctnre,; \'\'yoming uniYersity nosed out a with lE'SJteC'l tr, the distrkts nre now neon. .;tate, entertained them at dinner on and the lectiirers who wil1 1ake part "'!'he Gulde Post" wlll \)e the third victory OYer them as did lwo :lnw!l tinishell and in\·itations wi11 be sent to berta Borthwick, iormerly uf )frJnlana Oakotans Say War Unlikely Priday eveninf;. The Dakota debate in the (·ourse for fi'nrmer.:ii' proclllC'!iOn of the CoJlcge Dranrnt.ic S('hools hi Oregon. TheRe Oregon n11l !his week to all high schools to DaKota argued that I team gave a banquet in honor of the \\"eek. lrnvP beEn circ11latel1 oYti:l' the club. This play will be protluce1l in schools haYe 110 football teamH {mt partici11ate in the diYision tournament:-: ii" 'C-rf'al milita.ry- sen·ke is nnconstt- 11ontauanH Saturday Luce aud Lan- state and It .exper·tecl that the al- the Bozeman opera honse on Feb- ('oncentrate on basketball with the re+ wlJich will bP. held on the 23d and 2-tth tut and uudemocr •. lil' a11d would g-ohr returnen to Bozt:>man tendanre at thit:l meeting will be near· :\. during \"\'eek. su1t that wonderful tt?ams of February. This }'ear dii:;triclin·.?: ha;.. £ ... !' •11.t.: a s11irit of in the nwrnin2'. after a :::bort Vi8it ia Bil- Iy double that of former years. SeYen TJ1e play ,\·as writteu hy Cna developed. 'Tl'nveling Leam:-. with a be-eu hase(l .not on. the nnm!Je .. of oouotry \Yar, _aid is im- lings. state COll\"entious ancl a nnmher of n. Herrick and Quaw. at the re- reputation are the Bobcats' filHll"ite sc·honls in the territory, lmt on tltt." r abk. The bfstem of Switzerland The debating s 1 qund ha& classes and sl)ecial q11est G( tlw drnncellor. purpose meal and ihe blu P ancl gold numh•·.·I' whieh r1.1e actually m netlkient, exvensi\ e, and not adapt· 1 lost onr- of its speakers in 11 r eour:.;es will be held in counecLlon is co show the relation of the college g;umes. F'm· in:;;tan<·e, year i!:! {hi?' .able to the United States. Jn place Of Lawrenc·e lays. His tilace in. the with the Farmers' short <>our!'\•·' and to the rural communities ol lhe statt:>. at·f' eager !"or th.e fray. Great dii:ltrirt there were ele,·en seniC'e the atUrmath·e ail- ('Ontei:;t with South Dakota will prob- Fa-" l\'<rl<et congresc_ On Long T our tt' i n mdusLrfal arm)· of fh·e he taken by Llewellyil Llll'P. \vb1"c·l1 ,,,.,·11 It snows lhe ronrrast between the The Oklahoma squad, rousisting of srbc:'il hm only four er them en11-re1l he· 11eltl sdenfi1k farmer <ind rhr> 1m11rogre!:i- ten men. are making a recorfl tri{i. teams in their tournament. To remedy .red thousand. army would Hays had to s<.:hool on account here in connection with the t_·ongre!"s oue After tile play b gin·n m 'Th€'ir route takes them t.broue-h Colo· tlli:;. the four teams from thb dis- military training for a few of trouble with his eyes. are· :\fontan:1 Srnte Grange . .Jann- Bozeman. il will be pre8ented in ffict have been consolidated with the FROSH TAKEN INTO BY BUTTE Hi GH Naughty Does Plan Torture ary 2:;.27; Bee Kee1wrs .Tnn- tw.n· :rn-:H; Gallatin Co. Sheep e1 H. F'ebruary 1-'.1; Montnna \Torkers C'Onference. January 2:-l-21: Parent-Teachers associacion . .TtJnuary 3lcFeb. ! : Horse School. February il·G: Havre, Montana. in ronnPt·tion with the extension department. E leven Will Go to Havre UYer thinr iwople will wke pnrt in the 1ilay in 1302.emau, hut ouly the f>leven princival cbararters will go ro Boys Out-Fought Freshman Basket Shooters in Fast Game the Competent Executioners have been En- g ag ed For the Ann ual Mid· School for eleYator men . .Tanuar_,. 29- Havre. who take the leadin:; Feb. 3: Dairymen ·s r-on \·en lion .. Jan- parts in the prolluction a re ULtHt·h·· uary 31-l<'eb. 1: Montana Shorthorn Oorder. Manha .Johnson, Grace- \li::·- Yea r F rac as. B1 eeders' :isRociation . .Janm\ry 30-31. [Yer, Ruth Edith F"ow\er, .lan-1 The animal ln1sband1·y department elle Lnnd. Lee p},rk. Gregor 7\fc- will g-ive a separate !'or bOyE! Millnn. Hal Ste,1;-art. .fohn \\"hitel-Ji1te. ,chool 1 d f1·om i:; to 20 old, consiHtin.e: anil D:n-ld Gray. All people register•"ll - ouuoug H an Th.- anuuul Ol;E: iu:Liation :::.n d <:ele- of dail,. instrnction in stocl{ jude:ing. i'or Farmers' Week will be aclnHttell n uom the frosh basketball team bl'ation will b<:' held on February 2d on 11 1an.t \Jl'Opagation. grain judging, Fr e. and a sruall admission fee will in their en('ountel' last F'rictay night the 1op finer at tiif> Aggil" building. dairying. poultry raising. with a stock be drnrged for lbe others. in. by a score of 2-l to 1!'1 Tbe Committeea ha•:p been appointed to ar- judging cnn1est al the end of the This the pioneer expc>rimeut in 11 r earliags were handirapped Uy the range thP torture prC'goram for boti1 week. state of using dramatic:-. to 1 1oint j oss of their two regular guards. Har· afternoon and erening and the entire Students who lmow or those likely 1 out w the farme r the benefits of agri- ris and Reicheldt, who were caught junior (•la% will act the '"fi:H'J'f; LO bf' interested in Farmers' e;11ltural education. The agricultural grade. at the eatH." are requested to give lhe nnmes I college 01' 1\linnesow has ::H .. similar ·Butte high watt fOrC"ed to extend The follo,·:ing <·ha.irm("'n 01 tlw ,·ari· uddresses to rhe head offire of the ulays out through the state with great to wiu in tipite of the Cact ou5 have heeu appointed: department of agricnlture that pro- success. Ir this" play is successful, the tlAa.t t.he fre:o"hman teamwork was far Doris lnB"ram. chairman of entertain- gram:-. may be sent to them. dramatic club will co-operate with the Plow grade. ment committee: EtLa Norcutt. chair· (Continued on Pa g-e Fonr. J extension departmeni next year, and Butte made up in fight and llt-P ) man of day to1ture stuuts, and Stelb _ _______ put 011 agricultural plays in several what they tacked in weight and were C"hairman of the evening pun· I - I t t lt1\Yll:i 111 L rn s a e. iblf" to keep in the lea.d throughout. isbment committee. I NEW GAS PLANT ON ------- Hotte played well togetbe1· but the As much as could be glca1ied as to I found their teamwork broken r he new features in !his y(l'ar's in ilia- w N USE '.'by the uuusua4 sba11e or the floor, tion was !hey will be ab>olutcly the HILL NO I 1 HAMILTON HALL t being 90 feet long and about a U1ird worst e\"er and that their exact nature LS wide. The freshmen suffered hard mu:st be ke:pt a secret Lo preclude the WILL ENTERTAIN U('-k on many shots which would bave interference of the faculty. Up to Date Mac hine Has at Last Bee 1 i f'oUed in. 'l'be Does is an organizaLion con- __ Gas Pres s ure stoo<l ou1.. as the shini ng light sii:;ting of all the regular ro11r yeAr In All Labs . 'ar the freshmen both in floorwork women antl founded on the }Jrinci· rnd in the scoring column. Bush at pie that either a successful or unsuc- ·aard and C"rinn at worked c·on- cessf11l C'OmJ)letion of the first semes- The new gas machine whit'h ;istentlr good. l\lyers and Driscoll ter and the attendant. exams cal11:1 for been recently installed on the hill was h ared honors as stars for Butte. The some form of cel ebration. rosb are predicting a dPcided victory vb. en they meet Butte in a return ; here Tuesday. .January :30. put into overation ihe ear ly part or As Far As Has Bee n Asc erta i ned No Outside rs W ill Be Ad mit ted to t he En t ert ain m ent Stags Prepare For Slaughter Whole Class Will Devise Awful Ma- chines for t he Year's Brandin g of t he F awns distdet. Sub-tournaments be pl:-1red at Great Falli::. Glas- gow. and \"alier. f'rom tlles,... ::;ix will go to I-Ja'i-re and 11lay off the tinals and the three best tealas will qualify 1'01· the State Tournamem. Tourney In Butte or Helena I feretot"ore has ne\"er lrnd an: re-at eompetition in lier dhision so she has _b<."en changed to tbe district which comprises the Learns or Butte. Helena. Anaconda 1 Di! Jou. The tournament will be pbye<l A meeting oi" the Stags wa:. held in in either Butte or Helena and three Professor Tcllman·s room l•'riday teams will come to Bozeman from thrn whc-n Arthur Haem elected vice- district. Owing to the loss of n.liJ=>· president and lhe ,·ariom; committees soula from tJ1e \Vestern district, Butte were named to attend to the dif[erent Central. Deer Lodge. Jefferson a!t'l pat'ls of the program. The C'ommittees G!'anitl". ha'"E> been changed to that named were D1·ummcncl, ·hairnurn; I didsion. 'l'hey will send one teall'. to l\facMillan. i\lcSpaclden, C. Borton. as the State meet. entenainment Snow. chair- l'hP r maining distrit:t::i ha\Te J1.<?en man. Don Cook. Roy Hagt-n. jfcCabe. left unclwngecl and they will hol1l feed ..:ommittee; Laden berg . chairman, t.c.urnaments in the following places. Craig lngram, Pbat Dahl. Decamp. Fhuhead distrkl in Kalispell; South- Bnrke. electrk committee; Streets, I eru district in Three Forks: Yellow· c-hairman, Manning, O'Connor. Ribe- stone distrk1 in Laurel. and Eastern lin. program c:ommiltee. Hlld Buther. distrid in City. This arrange. 1·111.J lO look after a hall The menl it to obtain six- tu1·e committee consists of the enlire l teen of the bes; re1wesentative teams sophomore c:las1' with Sta1dt>-y from all ove-r the state. Ther wil! as chairman. compete for the state chnm1>ionship lt was decided that thP senior:-; bl;' lll Bozeman under the of the required to pny U1e- t'f'gular college on the ";"th. Sth. Hth. anrl ment. Several ru n are col+ 111th ol :\larch. Sc-me requests have leqting and a. prornpi payment of thE-> already Ileen received by Coach Ben clues wi\l be appreciated. nion for olfkials, and it is possible The following blood curdling notice rhat son1e ol' the first squad men of was posted in Montana Hall h15't \Yed- lhe will be sent 011t to art nesdny. as ret'erees and nmpireR in the dis- T ake Heed Ye Unanoin t ed trier to11r1rnmeuts. The fateful tlay is drawing nigh. \\"hen g\nating eyes shnll wat<:h men die Lineup. BUTTE FRESHMAN FI ELD CROPS ST U DE NTS TO TEST SEED S the ·week. The departments whirh 1.1sP I This evening one of the t.nost elabOl'· l gr1::; in their work now ha\'C tl•e sup lite balls ever given on the hill wlll ply which wa!i cul 01r by the destruc- take place at Hamil ton hall. Com+ tion of lhe former machine in the fire mittees have been appointed, and ex- \Vhen groaning. growling. moaning, Y. W. C. A. P LANS ;andel Bush which cleHtroycd lhc Chemistry build- tensive plaas are in progr ess. Rum· Howling. tortured souls shall try. FOR TOWN HOUSE A new seed gerrninator h;.ii:; ing. ors are about that such famous char- But no mercy sha ll be given Left Guard :ulJivan .. Right Guard ly been added to the equipment of Al l or the old machinery cxce;it the acters ns George \Vashington. Martha 'T'he venom oC n thousand hngs l'nlenshed b)i; scorning, vengeful St ags, Center Price the field crops laboratory. This makes storage tank was located in the base- \Yashington. Count Vere de Ver. Graf lWo germinators which nre used L.r menl of Lhe old building a11d thus was \·on Valkellvarg, nnd Joan of Arc will Crum I the classes taking work in this labor- a total loss. It was t hought advisab le be prese n t. aLory. ga('h studeut is aHHigned LO w pur<'hase an enti re n ew system The gra nd ma r ch wh ich will begin Till oozing. swelling. bruising, welling o·scuss POSSl!31LITY OF HAVING Y. W_ H OUS E DURI NG SC HOO L YEAR 1917·18 friscoll . Pitts a in U1e germinator and ii; ex· rat11er t h an attempt to utilize the tank shor tly aft er 9 o'cl ock will be led by Life- bl ood blinds and gags. Left Forwa rd 1 peeled to mal<:e gennination uf of the old system, two we ll k nown ce lebrelies and will Sti ll no mercy shall be givrn. Monday evening, January l:l, a · ·.addie, Crowley Huntsberger lw nirious seeds studied during the The new machine ls located in a 'ls her ····--·····---·····-·······- ............. O'Brien t'ourse. Calculations are then nrnrle small brick buildi ng jus t west of thP Right Forward to determine the number of dable shops and the supply tank is sunk seeds per pound of the differen t kinds in the grou nd n ear it. 'T'he machl ne I' C C. Widener, 'OS, C. A. Tr uitt and of seeds. numbe r of planls ob- is the lates t type ot the Mathews man- . o:r 1\lalsor attended a meetiag of t he tal ned per Rquare foot wi th d iffer- ufacture and has a capac..·ity of 300 Cu nicipal Engineers in Hel ena th e ent rates of seed ing per acre are cobu rn ers. Con n ections were ma de into 'rsf of the weuk. Mr. \V ide ner is puted fr om tbese data. These are th e old g as ma in s and the on e to the r esideat of the assoc ia ti on of t he point..H wh icJ.1 are of specia l inter- old buildi ng was cut off but provision 'l!';fitute of Muni cip al E ngi nee rs. es t from th e stan d point of studyi ng was made fo r easy access to the main Seven mi ll io n a.c r es of land ha s beeu rant ed the s tate of Nevada for the e nefit of public schools and the state fora ge cr op seeds in the laboratory. for the new building. T he enti re ins t a ll a ti on cost in the neigh borhood Professor Conkling is a tt e ndin g a uf $1.600 and being of the la test con· meeting of municipal e ngin eers at s tru c tlon is one t hat t Le coll ege may I Ulis wee k. well be pro ud of. starl one of the merri<JRI of evenings known at the baJl. TREBLE CLEF CLUB TO APPEAR JANUARY 31 . The Trehle Cl er or Gir ls Glee club (·onsisls of eigh teen memlJ.ers and is receiv ing valu abl e tr ai n ing under the direclion or P rofessOr Cu rri er. They are Lo mak e t he ir ne xt pu blic ap- pearance to ge th er wi th th e Men 's G-l ee clu b. on "' We dn esd ay aflernoo n of Fa rmer i:.t' \\' ee k. A ra,- of hoJ)e begins to dawn. The firsl t pay. the first is drawn Gn linstlinA", lwrrying, bustli ng SC'nrr.vinic Stri\·e to be :\ t•awn. Some mercy may be g;ven. Pa) Stag ctue>s 10 i\fnntzcr. \\.h!T or meeting or the C"abinet of the Y. \\', C'. A w<ls held at Hamilton hall. The most i mportant plans cliscu::;8ed were _those with regard to the possibility of h aving a ·y_ \Y. house during the sc hool year of 1917·18. A committee was appoi n te d to investigate this mat· ter and an nouncement will be made later after more definite 11lans are fixed . Aft er a rr anging for a meeting :lfis• :\Jollie Allen, '16, ill,tructor in l at the home ot Mr s. W. R. C. Stewart home economics in th<' Beaverhead on Thur s day eve ning, Janu ary 18 . to high spent Snn1rday and Sun- be In cha rge or Miss Mary Rowe. th e day in Pt 1'( 1 mnn. at llamil- J board adjourned to meet a gai n ou L on ll :."tll. ".\londny af ternoon at 4 o'clock.

Transcript of MON TANA STATE COLLEGE OF T HE UNIVERSITY MONTANA. … › msu-exponent › objects › ... ·...

Page 1: MON TANA STATE COLLEGE OF T HE UNIVERSITY MONTANA. … › msu-exponent › objects › ... · from. Xlssen. or the 11nh·ersily. lasl Bolen, fOrwars: Redfield and Lull up against




North Dakota Is Defeated FEAR OF DI F FICU LTY GAME

" Any !ears that may haYf' arisen of

B M t a Debating Team a possibility oI a break in relations

y Qfi an ht?twesn the Stare college and univer­) ~i!y, A~ a re!rnlt of the admission or

_\ gond ~ho\\ ing wa:-: ma~Jl. 1+,\· 1 hf'

Pl'Pp~. again'>l thP fir};[ :-:lloi tltorn

team in a lively ganu· ol baskt.•lhall. last Saturday nfternoon. hnt. cle~piTP

tlie fact that one o( th~ir bc~1 lllPll.







(hi" ~chool to the Rocky l\Iountain

I i~onlereuce. haYe been dh;pelled. The S«lie<.:kebach, was dhmhlecl in the first

Salt Lake sporl writer who saw rough few minules of play by having hi~

~eo.s ahead when l1e told of lhe de- collar bone broken, Lim shonhnrns

fiant ste11 taken b~~ the Ro(•ky Monn- wpn from Lbem by . :1 eomparnti\t:I.>

tain conference ff\"idPntly had a "Imm narrow marg-in; Lhe scOl'l' ht•ing 21 Lo

htm<'h:' ll was rumorecl lhat the uni- 12'


Oklahoma Quintet Will Visit M. S. C. and Meet the Bobcats








"fontaua state, represcn_led by Luce I h.ot~r~ t1~1"h ~la~..-. but wot~ld :-;pend most :.i ~ Langobr. was victorious In the 11f its t1111(' Ill work on 11npr0Yements,

<l 'f\ate '"ith the Nortll Dakota Aggies s111::h ai-; roads. bridges. and the de­

at r•argo last Friday. The decision 'dopment of harbors.

\'el'sity would not be permitt.ed by the Tht.• ~hart C'uurse buy~ mi~st·d Har·

P41cific Northwesl C'Onftrencc lo com- Pf ·, who wa!'! lCllllJOntrily nut 1if town

pete with the State colleg-e, but this aul did nol seem to get together, for

rumor wa:o' absolutely without fournJa- th:~ moi-;t part., in ~heir usual _st.yle. I· With .1he Robtarn it~proving maier- rado. :'tall.' \\'yoming, Cahornia. 01·e-

tion. flie Lwu teams lmed up as tallows: ially '' ith e\•ery Jll'~tct1ce. a Leflm on gon, \\ ash111gLon .Idaho, 1\lontana, ~e-

Coal'h nennion reC"eivt.•rl a letter Short <'Curse- Burgess. Thsine1. and a par with any in the pa~t will line braska. Knn~as and 7\liss•rnri. The~·

c! he judges \...-as two to cme for Mon- In rebuttal the affirmative tollow­L;i.n.t The :\1ontana men spoke on ed tht> general line of argument used

rhl' affirmative si<IC' oi tht> question, in their main speeche::;, showing the ~e.:;olved tbat United St;1.tes should ineffidency and jmpractkability at· the

from. Xlssen. or the 11nh·ersily. lasl Bolen, fOrwars: Redfield and Lull up against the inyading 01;,lahorna twill cover over 1000 miles and will h~

week this school on guards; McReynolds and BurgesR <'en- Normal basket tossers 'vhen they ap- on thC' nnHl something like two

tile admission to the conference. He ter. pear in the drill hall tomorrow night. months.

expressed the hope that relations Preps: Scbeckenbacb. \\"illiams Unlike previous seasons. whi(;h start- The invaders are not Uig fe!lo·.,·s

and L. Kelley, forwards: Reel ancl .T. eel with an el't::;y garue with som€ les· b11t depend 11pon speed and ~nappy Kelley. gnards; Norton. cenier. ser team, tlle present season will see pas8i11g as an attack. Coach BE.-nnion ad"' t a 5 y:-tem of uniYers<!l military Swi:;s ~ystem. The negaliYe attacked

~.._..rvil'e modeled aftei tlrnl or Swil- tl1e plau or an industrial army and ~howecl that universal military ser-

1' ie :'.\1onLana men. in their main 1

\·ice i1" the only $)"Stem for the l.rnited ~~ tu·s. ad,,ocated the Swiss sys- SrnteR. t n; of military :;en·ic~ as thC' most Dakota Rarely Defeated

e( l 1 'Ill ~:stem that ~oulU be adopt- A \'idorr O\"PT' Xorth Dakota i::> a

c· lw;, .,;hawed that thi~ system gn•at honor for the school. This is c ., t tw appliecl to the CnitC'd States. the first time for five years that ,. onutr)·, the~· .uguecL is n\ry '\orll1 Dalrnta has been derealecl au

11i0.-.rly 1nepart'd for w;.11· The old bt;>l' own floor. Jn tllat time the Pargo

m•htia ~ystero was a failure. and the team has rlebate<l some o( the best (( l Bill plan for tbe reorganization u..·ams in tlle countn-. among which of the army is inadeqnate. 'T'he Swiss were Oregon and California. "'jitf'm woulu place th~ LOUntry in The i\fontana men were ,·ery well s state of readiness for war or peace. entPriainecl while in F<lr~o. :\Th;s Al­

would be even more harmonious than formerly.


SHORT COURSE IN HAVRE Many Conferences an Conventiotis to "The Guide Post'~ a Four Act Orama

be Held at College in Connection Will Be Shown Here With F armers' Week Fa r mers' W ee k,.

one or tho toughest game~ a~ a (·urtaiu­rah:er.

"\\"halever delay there has been in starting the season the Bobcats have spent profitably in drilling until now tiler are going in mid-season form rind rearly for any team in thP C"o11nt1·y. They will ha'l--e to ste1i ou1 tn rake the measure or the Oklahoma l.a1y:::.,

howeYer, r1s they haH" some 1ea11l. ~("

''Ording to all reports. They were champions of Oklahoma last year a11d ha•e beaten the Colcrado <'ha1n11s thi::= vea1· Of Lhe last ;'}fl garue!' 11h1ye1l

has not announced the college lineup and judging from the keen competi­tion shown at each pra<'tice it ·will be no easy matter to select a team.


DISTRICTS they have lost but four. The> (·haue,es that have been ItHH.lE'

Programs giving lht.• li:-;t of h:ctnre,; \'\'yoming uniYersity nosed out a with lE'SJteC'l tr, the distrkts nre now

neon. .;tate, entertained them at dinner on and the lectiirers who wil1 1ake part "'!'he Gulde Post" wlll \)e the third victory OYer them as did lwo :lnw!l tinishell and in\·itations wi11 be sent to berta Borthwick, iormerly uf )frJnlana

Oakotans Say War Unlikely Priday eveninf;. The Dakota debate in the ~hort (·ourse for fi'nrmer.:ii' proclllC'!iOn of the CoJlcge Dranrnt.ic S('hools hi Oregon. TheRe Oregon n11l !his week to all high schools to

DaKota sptaker~ argued that I team gave a banquet in honor of the \\"eek. lrnvP beEn circ11latel1 oYti:l' the club. This play will be protluce1l in schools haYe 110 football teamH {mt partici11ate in the diYision tournament:-:

ii" 'C-rf'al milita.ry- sen·ke is nnconstt- 11ontauanH Saturday Luce aud Lan- state and It i~ .exper·tecl that the al- the Bozeman opera honse on Feb- ('oncentrate on basketball with the re+ wlJich will bP. held on the 23d and 2-tth

tut on~l and uudemocr •. lil' a11d would g-ohr returnen to Bozt:>man ~londay tendanre at thit:l meeting will be near· ruar~· :\. during r~armers· \"\'eek. su1t that ~ome wonderful tt?ams of February. This }'ear dii:;triclin·.?: ha;..

£ ... !' •11.t.: a s11irit of militarl~m in the nwrnin2'. after a :::bort Vi8it ia Bil- Iy double that of former years. SeYen TJ1e play ,\·as writteu hy ~{rs. Cna developed. 'Tl'nveling Leam:-. with a be-eu hase(l .not on. the nnm!Je .. of

oouotry \Yar, th·~r _aid is \~ery im- lings. state COll\"entious ancl a nnmher of n. Herrick and ~Hss Quaw. at the re- reputation are the Bobcats' filHll"ite sc·honls in the territory, lmt on tltt."

r ~ abk. The bfstem of Switzerland The ~lontana debating s1qund ha& coufe1·enL·o~, classes and sl)ecial q11est G( tlw drnncellor. ll~ purpose meal and ihe blu P ancl gold lrn~kie::; numh•·.·I' whieh r1.1e actually plarin~

m netlkient, exvensi\ e, and not adapt· 1 lost onr- of its speakers in 11 r 1ier~011 eour:.;es will be held in counecLlon is co show the relation of the college g;umes. F'm· in:;;tan<·e, la~t year i!:! {hi?'

.able to the United States. Jn place Of Lawrenc·e lays. His tilace in. the with the Farmers' short <>our!'\•·' and to the rural communities ol lhe statt:>. at·f' eager !"or th.e fray. Great r·~nlls dii:ltrirt there were ele,·en

~f unh~r::;a! seniC'e the atUrmath·e ail- ('Ontei:;t with South Dakota will prob- Fa-" l\'<rl<et congresc_ On Long T our tt' i n mdusLrfal arm)· of fh·e ·tbl~• he taken by Llewellyil Llll'P. ~Ir c'o~n,·e'n-t1"ons \vb1"c·l1 ,,,.,·11 It snows lhe ronrrast between the The Oklahoma squad, rousisting of srbc:'il hm only four er them en11-re1l

he· 11eltl sdenfi1k farmer <ind rhr> 1m11rogre!:i- ten men. are making a recorfl tri{i. teams in their tournament. To remedy

h.~u .red thousand. Thi~ army would Hays had to tea,~e s<.:hool on account here in connection with the t_·ongre!"s 8i~e oue After tile play b gin·n m 'Th€'ir route takes them t.broue-h Colo· tlli:;. the four teams from thb dis-

re<·~iv€' military training for a few of trouble with his eyes. are· :\fontan:1 Srnte Grange . .Jann- Bozeman. il will be pre8ented in ffict have been consolidated with the


Naughty Does Plan Torture

ary 2:;.27; ~'fontana Bee Kee1wrs .Tnn­tw.n· :rn-:H; Gallatin Co. Sheep Bre~1l· e1 H. F'ebruary 1-'.1; Montnna TCxten~1or \Torkers C'Onference. January 2:-l-21: Parent-Teachers associacion . .TtJnuary 3lcFeb. ! : Horse School. February il·G:

Havre, Montana. in ronnPt·tion with the extension department.

E leven Will Go to Havre UYer thinr iwople will wke pnrt

in the 1ilay in 1302.emau, hut ouly the

f>leven princival cbararters will go ro

Boys Out-Fought

Freshman Basket Shooters

in Fast Game

the Competent Executioners have been En­

gag ed Fo r the Ann ual Mid·

School for eleYator men . .Tanuar_,. 29- Havre. Tho~t> who take the leadin:; Feb. 3: Dairymen ·s r-on \·en lion .. Jan- parts in the prolluction a re ULtHt·h··

uary 31-l<'eb. 1: Montana Shorthorn Oorder. Manha .Johnson, Grace- \li::·-

Yea r F raca s. B1 eeders' :isRociation . .Janm\ry 30-31. [Yer, Ruth ~oble. Edith F"ow\er, .lan-1

The animal ln1sband1·y department elle Lnnd. Lee p},rk. Gregor 7\fc­

will g-ive a separate eour~e !'or bOyE! Millnn. Hal Ste,1;-art. .fohn \\"hitel-Ji1te.

,chool 1

d f1·om i:; to 20 year~ old, consiHtin.e: anil D:n-ld Gray. All people register•"ll - ouuoug H an Th.- anuuul Ol;E: iu:Liation :::.nd <:ele- of dail,. instrnction in stocl{ jude:ing. i'or Farmers' Week will be aclnHttell

n uom the frosh basketball team bl'ation will b<:' held on February 2d on 111an.t \Jl'Opagation. grain judging, Fr e. and a sruall admission fee will

in their en('ountel' last F'rictay night the 1op finer at tiif> Aggil" building. dairying. poultry raising. with a stock be drnrged for lbe others.

in. Butt~ by a score of 2-l to 1!'1 Tbe Committeea ha•:p been appointed to ar- judging cnn1est al the end of the This i~ the pioneer expc>rimeut in

11 rearliags were handirapped Uy the range thP torture prC'goram for boti1 week. th~ state of using dramatic:-. to 11oint

j oss of their two regular guards. Har· afternoon and erening and the entire Students who lmow or those likely 1 out w the farme r the benefits of agri­

ris and Reicheldt, who were caught junior (•la% will act ~·s the '"fi:H'J'f; LO bf' interested in Farmers' ~Veek e;11ltural education. The agricultural

~lnw grade. at the eatH." are requested to give lhe nnmes ~ntl I college 01' 1\linnesow has ::H .. ~nt similar

·Butte high watt fOrC"ed to extend The follo,·:ing <·ha.irm("'n 01 tlw ,·ari· uddresses to rhe head offire of the ulays out through the state with great

i~r~elf to wiu in tipite of the Cact ou5 committc~ have heeu appointed: department of agricnlture that pro- success. Ir this" play is successful, the

tlAa.t t.he fre:o"hman teamwork was far Doris lnB"ram. chairman of entertain- gram:-. may be sent to them. dramatic club will co-operate with the

Plow grade. ment committee: EtLa Norcutt. chair· (Continued on P a g-e Fonr. J extension departmeni next year, and

Butte made up in fight and llt-P ) man of day to1ture stuuts, and Stelb _ _______ put 011 agricultural plays in several

what they tacked in weight and were Solber~. C"hairman of the evening pun· I - I t t lt1\Yll:i 111 L rn s a e.

iblf" to keep in the lea.d throughout. isbment committee. I NEW GAS PLANT ON -------Hotte played well togetbe1· but the As much as could be glca1ied as to I ·rr1~h found their teamwork broken r he new features in !his y(l'ar's in ilia- w N USE '.'by the uuusua4 sba11e or the floor, tion was !hey will be ab>olutcly the HILL NO I


HAMILTON HALL t being 90 feet long and about a U1ird worst e\"er and that their exact nature

LS wide. The freshmen suffered hard mu:st be ke:pt a secret Lo preclude the WILL ENTERTAIN U('-k on many shots which would bave interference of the faculty. Up to Da t e Mac h in e Has at Last Bee 1i

f'oUed in. 'l'be Does is an organizaLion con- l ns~a ll e d. __ Gas Press ure

f·itt~ stoo<l ou1.. as the shini ng light sii:;ting of all the regular ro11r yeAr In All Labs.

'ar the freshmen both in floorwork women antl w~s founded on the }Jrinci· rnd in the scoring column. Bush at pie that either a successful or unsuc-

·aard and C"rinn at c~nter worked c·on- cessf11l C'OmJ)letion of the first semes- The new gas machine whit'h hn~

;istentlr good. l\lyers and Driscoll ter and the attendant. exams cal11:1 for been recently installed on the hill was h ared honors as stars for Butte. The some form of celebration. rosb are predicting a dPcided victory vb.en they meet Butte in a return ; here Tuesday. .January :30.

put into overation ihe early part or

As Fa r As Ha s Bee n Asc erta ined No

Out si de rs W ill Be Ad mit ted t o

t he En tert ain m ent

Stags Prepare For Slaughter

Whole Class Will Devise Awful Ma-

chines for t he Year's Brandin g

of t he Fawns

Xorllu.~rn distdet. Sub-tournaments ~"ill be pl:-1red at Great Falli::. Glas­gow. and \"alier. f'rom tlles,... ::;ix i~ain~ will go to I-Ja'i-re and 11lay off the tinals and the three best tealas will qualify 1'01· the State Tournamem.

Tourney In Butte or Helena I feretot"ore :'.\fis~oula has ne\"er lrnd

an: re-at eompetition in lier dhision

so she has _b<."en changed to tbe ).finin~ district which comprises the Learns or Butte. Helena. Anaconda a.nc1 Di! Jou. The tournament will be pbye<l

A meeting oi" the Stags wa:. held in in either Butte or Helena and three Professor Tcllman·s room l•'riday teams will come to Bozeman from thrn whc-n Arthur Haem wa~ elected vice- district. Owing to the loss of n.liJ=>· president and lhe ,·ariom; committees soula from tJ1e \Vestern district, Butte

were named to attend to the dif[erent Central. Deer Lodge. Jefferson a!t'l pat'ls of the program. The C'ommittees G!'anitl". ha'"E> been changed to that

named were D1·ummcncl, ·hairnurn; I didsion. 'l'hey will send one teall'. to l\facMillan. i\lcSpaclden, C. Borton. as the State meet. entenainment committe~; Snow. chair- l'hP r maining distrit:t::i ha\Te J1.<?en

man. Don Cook. Roy Hagt-n. jfcCabe. left unclwngecl and they will hol1l feed ..:ommittee; Laden berg. chairman, t.c.urnaments in the following places.

Craig lngram, Pbat Dahl. Decamp. Fhuhead distrkl in Kalispell; South­

Bnrke. electrk committee; Streets, I eru district in Three Forks: Yellow· c-hairman, Manning, O'Connor. Ribe- stone distrk1 in Laurel. and Eastern lin. program c:ommiltee. Hlld Buther. distrid in :\tile~ City. This arrange.

1·111.J lO look after a hall The ~or- menl n1n1':e~ it no~sible to obtain six­

tu1·e committee consists of the enlire l teen of the bes; re1wesentative teams

sophomore c:las1' with l~nie:.-t Sta1dt>-y from all ove-r the state. Ther wil!

as chairman. compete for the state chnm1>ionship lt was decided that thP senior:-; bl;' lll Bozeman under the nuspke~ of the

required to pny U1e- t'f'gular a~sl~ss- Stat~ college on the ";"th. Sth. Hth. anrl ment. Several ru n are cilr~allr col+ 111th ol :\larch. Sc-me requests have

leqting and a. prornpi payment of thE-> already Ileen received by Coach Ben clues wi\l be appreciated. nion for olfkials, and it is possible

The following blood curdling notice rhat son1e ol' the first squad men of was posted in Montana Hall h15't \Yed- lhe t..•ol\eg~ will be sent 011t to art

nesdny. as ret'erees and nmpireR in the dis-T ake Heed Ye Unanoin t ed trier to11r1rnmeuts.

The fateful tlay is drawing nigh.

\\"hen g\nating eyes shnll wat<:h men die




the ·week. The departments whirh 1.1sP I This evening one of the t.nost elabOl'· l gr1::; in their work now ha\'C tl•e sup lite balls ever given on the hill wlll

ply which wa!i cul 01r by t he destruc- take place at Hamil ton hall. Com+ tion of lhe former machine in the fire mittees have been appointed, and ex- \Vhen groaning. growling. moaning,

Y. W. C. A. PLANS ;andel Bush

which cleHtroycd lhc Chemistry build- tensive plaas are in progress. Rum· Howling. tortured souls shall try. FOR TOWN HOUSE A new seed gerrninator h;.ii:; r~cenl· ing. ors are about that such famous char- But no mercy sha ll be given

Left Guard :ulJivan ..

Right Guard Iyer~

ly been added to the equipment of Al l or the old machinery cxce;it the acters ns George \Vashington. Martha 'T'he venom oC n thousand hngs l'nlenshed b)i; scorning, vengeful

S t ags,


Price the field crops laboratory. This makes storage tank was located in the base- \Yashington. Count Vere de Ver. Graf

lWo germinators which nre used L.r menl of Lhe old building a11d thus was \·on Valkellvarg, nnd Joan of Arc will

Crum I the classes taking work in this labor- a total loss. It wa s thought advisable be prese nt. aLory. ga('h studeut is aHHigned LO w pur<'hase an enti r e n ew system The grand ma r ch wh ich will begin Till oozing. swelling. bruising, welling



YEAR 1917·18

friscoll . Pitts a in U1e germinator and ii; ex· rat11er t h an attempt to utilize th e tank shortly afte r 9 o'clock wi ll be led by Life-blood blinds and gags.

Left Forwar d 1

peeled to mal<:e gennination test~ uf of the old system, two we ll k nown cele brelies and will Still no mercy shall be givrn. Monday evening, January l:l, a

· ·.addie, Crowley Huntsberger lw nirious seeds studied during the The new machine ls located in a

'lsher ····--·····---·····-·······-............. O'Brien t'ourse. Calculations are then nrnrle small brick buildi ng jus t west of thP

Right F orward to determine the number of dable shops and the supply tank is sunk

seeds per pound of the differen t kinds in the grou nd near it. 'T'he machln e

I' C C. Widener, 'OS, C. A. T ruitt and of seeds. Tl1~ number of planls ob- is t h e latest type ot t h e Mathews man­

. o:r 1\lalsor attended a meetiag o f the tal ned per Rquare foot wi th d iffer- ufacture and has a capac..·ity of 300

Cunicipal Engineers in Helena the ent rates of seed ing per acre are com· bu rner s. Con nections were made in t o

'rsf of the weuk. Mr. \V iden e r is puted fr om tbese data. These are the old gas mains a nd th e on e to the

~ r esideat of the associa tion of the point..H whicJ.1 are of specia l inter- old bu ildi ng was cut off but provision

'l!';fitute of Municipal E ngi nee rs . es t f r om th e stan d point of studying was m a de for easy access to the main

Seven mi ll ion a.c res of la nd has beeu ranted the s tate of Nevada for the enefit of public schools and the state nh·ersit~

forage cr op seeds in the laboratory. for the new building. T he en t ire

ins ta ll a tion cost in t h e neigh borhood

Professor Conkling is a ttending a uf $1.600 and being of the la test con· meeting of municipal engineers a t s tru ctlon is on e that tLe college may

I f,..l~na. Ulis week. well be proud of.

starl one of the merri<JRI of evenings known at the baJl.



The Trehle Cler or Gir ls Glee club (·onsisls of eigh teen memlJ.ers and is receiv ing valuable train ing under the direclion or P rofessOr Curri er . They are Lo make t heir n ext pu blic ap­pearance together w ith th e Men 's G-l ee c lu b. on "'Wednesd ay aflernoon of Fa rme r i:.t' \\'eek.

A ra,- of hoJ)e begins to dawn. The firsl t pay. the first is drawn

Gn linstlinA", lwrrying, bustlin g SC'nrr.vinic Stri\·e to be :\ t•awn.

Some mercy may be g;ven.

Pa) Stag ctue>s 10 i\fnntzcr. \\.h!T or


meeting or the C"abinet of the Y. \\', C'. A w<ls held at Hamilton hall. The most important plans cliscu::;8ed were

_those with regard to the possibility of having a ·y_ \Y. house during the sch ool year of 1917·18. A committee was appoin ted to investigate this mat· ter and annou ncement will be made later after more definite 11lans are fixed . Af ter a rranging for a meeting

:lfis• :\Jollie Allen, '16, ill,tructor in lat the h om e ot Mrs. W . R. C. Stewart home economics in t h<' Beaverhead on Thursday evening, Janu ar y 18. to high ~C'hool spent Snn1rday and Sun- be In cha rge or Miss Mary Rowe. the day in Pt 1'(1 mnn. ,-i~iti11~ at llamil- J boa rd ad journed to mee t agai n ou

Lon ll :."tll. ".\londny afternoon a t 4 o'clock .

Page 2: MON TANA STATE COLLEGE OF T HE UNIVERSITY MONTANA. … › msu-exponent › objects › ... · from. Xlssen. or the 11nh·ersily. lasl Bolen, fOrwars: Redfield and Lull up against




outgrowth or .\tonthly Exponent, Establisl1ed Jan ary l, 18tl5.J



nw \Yl'1..' .Jy F:-:po!l1·JH .~ .... 1rilt·?· 1 :-:I.hi n1 1,.·.11 •qiri::-P. 11::. t'l11c>t puqio~e

1~ 1 11 r, sl'nt to its r(•ade1"' ;;Cll " 1; • an ,t('fUrar~ an ct 1. ~mplett" rt.'cord or

Ule tl::.·Ye!opn11::nt!' ln u lle!=t a Hair~ ctu ng lbcit period and to t>:xert its influ·

.:iu:t: [tir th .. :11 huildit1i; c_ f :'\lolllana ~!cdt"' co!l0ge The pa1.1t·r is t'1e result \I!

\\•llmt<.ry (ff<•rt 1nn 101rh h.,- th1;· "'l11d1nts who compose the staff

l'ubli t·\"L'l~ F'rid<:. 1~r the to1 1cgt- rr:1r Uy ;1 btall d1o~P1 rrom !lit•

tLHil'lll "-'r till~ )ltmt:Ul~J ~tate l'olh,..,e ol Agrkulrnre anil .\lN:IHUll<' Art~,

::ir thP l'niYersilr or ~\1Vill<1U~ .. Ho7.<.•lll .a. i\lont:.l:la

F: l('TC<l as ~P(OtH1-cln"'!-i u1;.1ttr,r nt Bozt:'man. :'llonlana.

under Act r Cong ·e~~ or !\larc·h ~. 1:-. i!l .

Headquarters For Quality




Wind Roughened 11 MUSICIANS TO GIVE


Two Do\ Pt:"i· Yer..r

i3.tudents become Snbs<·i·ibers 1111011 1 ayna·rit of the Tf':1 <'Pnts Per Copy

regular neuvity fet' I

Greenhouse Visitors are always \Vekon1e

Faces TREAT IN ASSEMBLY Tlie '-'iH•thin!.!". '-'l1ft":ni11tt .• ind

liL;.d111;.,: l 1t·am fl1r wind ~·i1u~h­·11.:d face~ is


I hf)n111:..!hh 11H.:dicatl:d. d;1int1h· )('rfll Jh: 1. . L(l"\ ltl 1ppl.\•. (.; Iii ~i"l:t"'\ 11r :-.tick\. f ;l111t!

ft r l·i1app~d baud-- a~ \H.•11 :t:-.

r th.· face


I Sh:de;,t£ of School of Music Will A p- J'.;DITOR·l:'\-C'HlEF'

rec11 in Recital This Evening

-Car Will Run. BPSIXESS MA:-iAGrm




SPOR rs WHITER Tht> n.:'<.·iull tu lw gh 011 in thL" ~H:,·

:-:1;:1lllllY hall lhi,.; e'''?ning hy the ~tu·

Ii ·nt~ al tl\f· )fo111ana Stah < olleg~ SOCIRTY REPORTER ~1 1,011! n1 ll'n;;ic• will f11n11sh .ino1hPl'


I dt>li~I1tful treat lO mu::;it: lmers 0r ASSlSTA:"J'J BC~JKf<~SS MANAGER

and n•llt>~l rh( Jl'-N.'Trtm will ASSJSTA:\T SPORT~ \YRITl~H. _

11!1 lilt nee at ' 1--; u'C'lnC'I\. Car~ will I tlPF.CIAL \\~RJTJ~R .

!jp; \"l tlw fl<•ZtlllH!I hotel l'or tlH' rol SPJiJ('JAL \YRlTElf

Phone 95 W. 315 So. Tracy.

E. L. COLE, ·1 i

HAROLD DH'KSUN, 'lb 1,------------------------------­C. a. STRANAl lAN. ·1x Th

0 DON ,,ANGOHR. ·1• e allatin Lumber Co. . DA VlD TH 0 M .._S, '171 FRED !ffLLQl'K, '1<

J;;DITJI FO\\"Ll-:R. T1

FRED \\"ALL. c~~. 'lo

GR~~GOR ~L\C Ml! LA:><, 'l!I

....... ALDERT .J HORTUi'. ·1,

.JUl-1 '1 \\". ~II AR. l>

Headquarters for the Famous Owl Creek and Peerless Bea-r Creek Coal.-Your trade will be appreciated .

npposite Court House . Telephone ;.io. 20

le;...,_. ~t 7 311 allfl 1.~.o o"<:lock. Tile l'0111J lete }IJ"Ogram follow • .... ssJSTA?\T Hl'SI:\ESS MANA<.lJ!;R - -··········· L. L . BlilNEPE, 'l~

Program ASSISTA?\T ('JR('l'LATlOK ~IA:'\AGEH JACJ.; Sll'IBAT. '18

Rose Drug Co .l1elotl ill F .. '"" vianos. (Hubin- -=====-=========================-• h· 1,} '\Ymiire1l <'oblei,e-h. C'hristh1 • General Reportorial Staff


1\ Jt k Gordon Sewell ·1:,,


. Electrical_ )Jachin_ery. bes_t C\1k Tanned Leather anc.1 exvert

'' orkn1ansk1p does Jt. Ladies he:> el~ a specialty. Lnw pric-es

CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR SHOP 7 E. i\!a1n Jn~·n Knmar. Prop.

!.t11lah:r fr11m .TlweJ~·n !00rAl'<1'. Lura (.(1 Rn.v Fnw\e-r. '11'1

'•. 1tty.

.---------------:--:111d_, n \ ll.n 1 \\·11l1""11J1unp1 l. ).f1;·t~1


A.ll -t::d Jf<w rarJin. ·~n

IInrold 8rl'\'.art. 'lfl

Ru~,.;dl Templeton 'HI

:'lbtrtln Ue\ rtes. ·;,:o

Georgia I lannal.l. ':tu

Oscar J. 8olberg, :to "THE BEST CAFE'' I



A.1u n.n Skt•t('ht>" l \'1.- C:. Smith J, t a I

! \, .. ._.::ill(' Fl•1\\cr~ tb1 The f'hn~~. ,.iY·

non. l·:YH1i.1c· ~t r trnm Tannhilu~er

t \\-1-t£?.ner·Lisz1 J 8thel Youn~.

\\.i!! o thE· \Yi~p t $pn1::-!< • l·~d11a

I F1ansham.

:\lnr411ise-:"lliuuet, 1wo piano!". I Lack 1

:'-lt!tlra Hnll. .\lartlrn .Jnhn:-1011

lllH.luu , 111~ tnt?mbergl. Hnr·Ph~e 1 Ki1:-1·hne

'\ d1n·n(• H lla1 mirnn tl 'hopin I;

\ urdn ).Lgnotrn tPnlUlni1 ::'ll\'·ti •


I A!lehtid1• h· 111:.:.

P.11-qJp vi ~J.rin1! fSi111ii11.,), Fr.i.J :'11.

I :\lonrne. ;-:· nHl:> ver·s avai•.nt cles ailes t Hahn).

'rnn(._e:::: Kyle. \\'oodlaml Sketche~ ~ l\[acDowell) ,

13) F'rom an lndin.n Loclge, th) Uncle

1lt•mn:-. 1c-1 To a \\-nle-r Lily. Edwiu

1 l,p]!\

\ Shadow~ nt l·~n:inilll! 1:\lilil<.1ttil. ~tin. j ~ :\larc1uis.

>-.:onnrne I Grieg· The Pcm1padourP.

l·'nn (Cadman), Edna F'nrn ~hnm.

C Ie=i. \'E"~ hotel at -; : 30 and S: 50.


The net~d of morti ad0riuate a<·<·ommodation:-- 101· the e\'er im:n~:-1~111g

:-tnduu hody at ).lontana ::3t:--tle 1~ t•mr1h,1sized e\ t' r~ day Uy tht: erowded

condition of the libr::iry rooms. 01te11 times during_ the Ua}. t'\·e1-r sent

i;::; takeu and wany students endea,·or to read prtpers and mag:1zi11es or

do rl::'ferl'11 1·e \t·ork \\ hile $landi ng up nr leaning a~ainH the wall:::. At time-s

PVen 1he a\ ailable "lc-aniug" ~pnee is tal\en up.

\\-hik ~llCb ('Unt1itiOU.._ r Xist it is UllfortHnau• !hat 1·hair spu(•t' tnU~T lJI:"

tali:t-•n ntl liy O\'er·t oa1 .... hat:-;. aud ~imilar :n tielf'g of d1Jthi11!{ tor whieh no

rack~ or hooks al' ~llH kind arP prm·jc]p1I \. c·oat and hHt rack. plaL"ec1 111

lht"' lwllway 011t:,;uJ, of the library. \qiu!ll lJl! c.t .~1~ H,..efui u1.l1.lii..nH1.


~l'he lul!(.1wing i~. au e:xq•n1 Lro~n the bieunial rt.~lion of the l 'niYersi ty I nl l tah rt'l:ently clcl?Yf'ft:tl by Pre~it.h:•nt .John A. \\.itltsoe before the hoard

of r egents ol the litab Institution:





1 I\ inleb; .\ar«i-11-. IJ)~Cintil • .

11 Tulit"· C inuanu,, ,md l) de-

We Cater to College



I Tracy

I GREENHOUSES Phone 46 ---


Sawyers Lipt1J11~ l1eriecti1Jn lnffee 3 pound tin~

1 p1:iu1Hl tins

\\inter Ranana Apµle~ per bux

Ram[," \pple, per h<1x .


85¢ 30c

... $1.75 $1.50

J. 1~. SA "'YER, Cash Merchant


.. I would sugge~t that increasing!_, greater frE>eUom be ghl:'n

thP !\ttHlent::; so that they may be lJlaced on their honor in a ll im­

Jiortllll matters. S111tlenls are too often looked Ull011 as necessao

PYils. when thi:y ~lrl in !·al't the great real-'on why unh er!-'itie:-. a l'e

nrg_anizt:'cl. Thi!) an integral part or the L~uiV(>!l'Sity. Srnc\ent1'

shoul<l Ile e:xr1~c1ell quite as full) as are 1;1L'lllt\ members to liYe

11µ lo the l'L·~nht:vn:; 01 lile L'nh·ersity and it set:lll:-'; a notion of

bygone day~ that stuiltnts :"honld 1wed h!?rrbmen to guide tlwm

into re:'-J•1.::d 11ir !;HY \'\:hether ol the state L~r the l-ni\-ersity. Tltere

(·an be no re:l:se;n \\hy l.he faculty nf thl· in:.->t1!lllio11 shcm ld b<.'


11 -------! I Ideal Fur~~~;~~'~'k Company I

After you

have suffered from eye aches

'·I"· wl11k .\ot1 \\Ill appr~ciak t lw i111111en . ...:c rdief that comec; : r1 t l , Wl':'lrm;..:- 1 ,f pr' 1pcrl:·

d g\a-..~es.

\nd all the ache:-- and pain~.

\•1d wht:n.: d1s..:c..1mfort for iP rl:• was is nu\\' ab::iol11te cyt


'1 hi~ cnang--L· ran be bruught •'bou1 111 a n . .:ry shc1rt time. in­rlced--and we are ready to tt1Hlenak1• it al ~,n- tim(' you I"





<'IL I 11tlle tb~ <llsciµllne N lht..• st111knts in a F-tud~nL b11dy

('Ol1Jl•OSP<l o. r~1tlH-r matu re, intellige m men and women, who stritHl

fur ri~J1ti:::ousr.e;os. and "ho. in their organized <:.ipa<.·11~· <":iu 11i~1·i

pline an,· of thrir fellow~ who !'ail Lu abid!! hy l'niYersily regula­

tions. ~Ioreo,·er, the greater the fn•etlom, within rt'a~o11, that

slndent:i are gin.u. tht• better will be th C'ir trainitl!:. ror dtizenshit>

in a cop11! .. :. which is go,·erned by its citizen~ ...


l A ,1·u..·k fl'Pul lonight tht· ju11ior a.n - ======---==-=======================-~· ""11!·1nnint:_ tn lZiYe :1 •. lw .. rd t.imes I C)v"1· o1iu 1·01is t101·e "eer1 ,,!,·en Olll 1-, ----~~~~...-.~~~~~~,.;mar~ llS>~- ._, -1

__ "' o ,- ,, v ~ for an a1)pro1wintio11 at the ncxr !i•g-

11 ut ihu !Jnll Hall. 1 hts will be h\' the ·y· emplonnent bureau offke islaturt• 101' thP t.·~tnb li shmt·nt 11f :1 I JI :'\ 1 l 1 I I ad t. w 1 - - t Pred1Ct1u1h iii the mlt·rnatll\ll:tl .1r1111e"- (li the \\drld 1..•11

a ri~a Y ' 1 l _ rn .Y 1 ~ r · . 111 s c ance I during the past two momhs. The joba school of 1-tw

1 a111l :.1U)llod~. that colllf':.-> dre~~ed 1111 (:onsistofst erulvalld Odllwurk- :\li<:hi- t tht l~uniwan \\HI. da: autht1r 111ft1 ... !l) ;!"din \IC111r; hy- j

t(' ,JJltd. ii;; l·ali!•_' to gn 3 '\: Y ri!m}>li.·tl ··an llaily · :-..i· l' · f >11irinwli'-'111 <111 hi :-- l1ath nf dl':llh fnr th e third time. l1ri1,:o

•· 11. Th1·1·~ \\ill bl~ gc:11cl rnu~i<.' and the · · · · 1 ~::; "1U P:-;ydwlogy-\qkn a \lC'l'-

1 d<.tlh.l \'.ill 1J..:' m .. tlc a r...-al gn-togetll(?l I . -- $011 i~ moon blind he cnn't ~ee 1·olol'S, 2_; C~Ill" JllHlpa1.J. nu\ '14--1 I~< Z~lll:llL ~hnn.-tna

d: 11 " Tl·" iu ·r·i of allini'-i~ion will!.'as doe~ uot sell n;.. stiidc nt di - cn n be?'' i be titt,- r·Mtls a <·ou\ile. re('tories; they a re di::;trilnted gratifi lns trutto1-- :\lcon blind·~ we·re cli~· The lHI Lll.. C'Otllains 32 1_, pe\\ritte11 page ... and 1:-;. pnntccl

'r'h !j. tlw H:·:-.t lim1 tbat r cl:!n(·t I ,a all \\ho up ply for them. All. how· c11ssing Ybion JH1w. I'll i:-xplain that Ill honk kt iorm: il'h t2 iir~t t'ff.:r t u gain 'll'tt;ry \\.·a~ made

Lf !-':lC'h l:i t·l =ira<·tPr lrns liPi 11 ll"l(I {'!\ c q--r. Hre urged io donate ;t t lea:st te n whE>n w<o1 g:C- l tn thr 1~mm!on1->."- r•;x . •

~Lt• h ·n -0

~oll~f' length 01

l imt:-. • ·p'. 11 s u1 tlH• :-or 11d nt't'. luan fund on re· ' ::-~ep t en1bcr 22 . 1y14: the ~ecund (l ff er !--,crn t'm her 191 5: thL'

nit L· r·l.\: .. -·d) 1 ·~ • 11 .1 l~'.1\r'> :l u"l)ll of thc> book, ~ncl n Lidy i:;um i~ .-\ regi~tration o f 1 ~.Ii'i; Htndents at f third offer i~ made and will be s.cnt t\, the cnuntricc. at war

g•.rtl lirr.(>. •.:xpected to h"" rc·~.,l~zed f{_IJ' the ai d of I Col11mb.ia uniY rsity this r::lr .:1gcii n : la1111ary 1_s, and unc rup_, will l1e :-.ent ltl f'\ t"n 1 H~utra l 1.:01111try

:1cel!y Hlh\f'nt~ Ex('hauge. make:-: 1t till· lal'~Pi-;t 11111\'(·l'Hity ui th e uf the wurld

H. A. Peas~ & Cr. I i\:£W YEARS Tllo 1·111\er,,i(y--;;;- Kan,a• had "I worlJ. The Author

i.1 f CLUTION ;-1 1 ·\·er~i1y Mt.Hiler~: and F'athers ' -- i Sbinc Better \\ ..... t•k f\ecembl-'r 11 tn 113 to s-ee the Boost nnd 011? world bC'osts wit11 ~ou. ~.-....--.~~~~~~~~~.......-..._....._..~ .

Pre~s Bett er rebular work or the iustin;tion so that , ~noc k and you're on tht' ~helf;

Clean Better mothers and r:1ther~ of sttll.lcnts o r ol ,, or the world get~.; slrk ot the () ll C' looked thoughtful fo1· a moment antl Thanksgiving dinner ;\f otion µirtur

tbc11 nnswered ver y s impl y: ' No.""- also marked tbeir holiday. .l ewe]r, and { )ptntIH tri:'t ...

The l [allmark '1 .. rc \Valkcrs Shining Parlors

T!·.r 1er I Tollu\Y;'lY·~

11ro~11ec t h<' ~tu dcnts mov become ac­

"'l'"in1eri'~ .. :i1h the 1 -1~in:~~ity "witb its

I ,\·orkinJ-; clo th e~ on "--n:1ily l\F1nsr1. n .

who'll 1\ll Ot'k.

Ancl wishes he'd k k k himself.

~~~~~--~~~- I

Boost for your O\•:n achi;:-\'cmentl':,

Booi::. t. ror the things :ml.dime .

For t11 ,~ on e who is t'o11nd on the t ori-­

most rung,



Pictures Selling

Half Price



l rn('l•.' E11a Th:11 f1:\low \\ho ~ t<'\YS

In_ lhat li1t!P rnuncl IH'.U~L' nll tilt' 1011

flt th(• hill l1:1'i. writt111 a book nl.><1ut ).[a rs .

f s the BOOSTER, every 1 hne.- t-~ .:-.. .

l·nd1.• J-:1, ·~n 1·11 h1;·t it's a rs ke Expert Testimony.

\\.h:1t rl0t·~ i'P k110\' :•bout ihem for. YcmHg- 1\tr ~. Cornell wns t!. brid e 01

l"~n <.·nt atr:t'i--7 lie> ain't bt·Pll out of I b11l n. Mhort timr. One aftel'noon Khe

I to\\n 1:;; ~f'.'Yl·ral ~C'an;. Ptirk. ".ouf.iclrcl fo he r frie nds at o pink t eil

tnAt ~hr was ~\1re her lrnsb·1n d never

I{·r- \\·ho 1 :in u 11 uu• the> pJ :1~ ed pol<er n t hi~ <.'luh.

meanin .g t'f ·~ "ru11i1d roh:n·' ··now," r~tteriP<l n1w 0f 1he wom•'n

CTrig-ht Boy 1·Jea~c. mj~s. ii'~ whe r "rliri ~r11 finrt out?"

thr> b11ri.;:lar wns 1\oin' lii:::t n·:g!H when "011:· 12::xplni11 cl i lH• young- brid f'.

th e~· n:'lbl•t·•l l·iru. n il'fnlo Cnm·!<:r "I nH"l :oi: l'OllL)le o f tbe member!:> of

_ his: r!nh the other day and J a~kfl<l

·r1 1'r·: ',. Iv rif ,~, n1 f,t '\lll :t!-1\ J them '!.'; u !'r·ny •l?.:i,· p11'-1'r'P 'l"Ju•y

Arizona WildcaL An Arbor-- All ):t ichigan's jooi

Bub- Our srhool c·e1 ta.111ly rnl,es an


engmeers ha• e o rdered corduroy tn:

int reti Ill 11s gradu tes. sers They aro of uniform de~Ib'll n

U11b \nl'y h o w is that ? I nre made to orc!cr Bu h 1 JU St r e<'erved a blank to be __

f ill ed out, ,·-nn t1ag to know \\hen nnd Cup for Am herst F ra ts

where I died a nd ,~•hat ll'om lu an ~nllea.\ o r to quitken inter

I in scholastic achie,·ements

!mar.i n a hC'aP of l ,200 J)ounds of I hprs t All en T Treadway, of tht• C'I

C"hicken, 11no pou nds o r llreR ~ink'. 1no OF lS-~ti . has \irti~cnted a eup to

ga llon~ of g r :=tYy, fifty bu~hel~ pot.:.1· rollege, which i~ to be known :t.d J

toes:, t en «a< eon ncd corn. ei~llteen j ·· Tl'eadwny Trophy," and awarded s

lJu:,;hr lc:: npph~s. 300 pumpkiu pi.,.s, 3.- n nally to th e fr t lel'nity or non- rra t

ooo 1·ookie!-:, 1:10 gallons tP!.l. tifty gnl· nit)' gro .. 1p mnking th" !'t.1 st !-d1ola

Ions jelly a nd soo pounds o ( br ead. ::n·e.ragt: eath ) ear. . he tottd iti

Suci~ w as the fiv e- ton mounu\in ct v.-h i1 11 ohail .-:obrula te lhe ny,anl

f1.;<.)cl \ Oll!"~!mcr! hy thf' 980 inmates ot to be determinaj by .l joint l'Offi

!hr .!a 1 · l:~tin :.tkb.igan il•iFfln fo r tb e:r lei' \ I r,.1 ulr~ , ,il C'-. .. ,1•; i: ...

Page 3: MON TANA STATE COLLEGE OF T HE UNIVERSITY MONTANA. … › msu-exponent › objects › ... · from. Xlssen. or the 11nh·ersily. lasl Bolen, fOrwars: Redfield and Lull up against

See the Full Dress Suits t ,,

1 n ... 1 ·r tht.: 1..ollegc trade.


a ..._·IH< p 'nit nor

,.:'. ( llt. .dtht11 ~h

t' l'. pric1.' reclt('-

Holloway's Qua 1 lty Corner



Reed's Bootery I


/ ~ Soddy Jh I I

E xtra Trousers Free ith c.:\·cry Thi!:! 111-lT \\111 clo:-.c in a \ 1..:ry .... 1il,rt tim~

'ti 1lff\0


A rew of tl1e " • •. rratenitY men .. outh cn<l ot the hall an cmhl•·m 01 I \\('TE> ho!-'l" at a 1110:-.t inlormal evening I the Uoulfon pin \ anatH~L·d wilh

\n -extr:i pair '-'i tr1 ll ... l·r ..... t!mn:--t cluublc .... tht.• hft: c1 'l

~ •. Hday at their llome on South elcuric· lights \vhiC'h 111rnislt~1l light l6ra11d. :\lusll' arnl ~tory telling were !or !-'C'Ycral monnl1ght dan<:t:s 'fht l OJOycil and a light t;11J1JH:I' was served hoH~ "ere .'.\lc"H~ L'arr. Uuquet r. ?ater in the e\'1..•uin~. Cndt:m. Cole. :\lannrng. ll1t· son. Ing

ram. ~trand ~nut llonnl' Tlll (Imper :\Ir . \ F. S1 oJll'~ t::uti·rta.11e1l !n· 1 unc::-> ,,·ere L'apw111 a111I .:\11 s. Clarl\,

1 mall.\ Tt,(•stl<l L \ mng lht.' .\lplla Professor and )Jrs. \.lkinson, :md

1 l'h1 l!Il'b <1Ucl ~It. t hast..'. one 01 tht:ir F'rofeHsor and :\[rs. Arn(:-tt. Punt"!1

FROM OHR THE ~ l llS l,1lrnnt::ss, s. \lus1 · l\":l:-. • 11 ll l , nil \ as :.t~rYeJ dnnng rht- l'\"L'llillg. Her in tile t'\ellill~. mo~t dl•lidous

r•' resh111c11ts wer1 :<l'I Vf'•I IJy tllP hn'"­ll'~S

.\11s Hub.\ :!ml '11!-'s l "rsula 11otlf?,:s· kiss entl'rta1u~cl nnmlJcr t. thl'.I triend at r\, dn•s!-- 1111 p:irty Sa1ur chn· en: ung guf'.:-b wen,, \ll'P::;t•nl tu t'l ioy most

... la hr.rd tc rPfresbments.

~tis• Drannkk. who ha' been a '' n I 1 :..:ruphPr at thP <'Olll'kP l"nr :;ome tinH CSt ldt·nt A<·ti 1·itit'S ·tt lhe State C'ui

wa:-:; g-i\t I "t;inwdl party and !-ihO\\'t ~:1;~\\~1.J u~ ~een by the :\It ntnna liy ''isl' Leah I In rl man aud :qi$~

Xmuk <.1t thP home nf :\!is~ Hartman ~ r onclaY t!H•ning. The lime w~is spt.•nt I Students Agitated Ove r H ele n a Affa ir. !-'(H iall~ anrl with music", ref1.·l:'shlllf'nt~ A,tt>I' rl"sig:11int:. from his 11ost a~ ._ .. , ri· ~PnPci at 3 late honr manager of the A. S. l :\1. untler com

pul~ion by th li fat:ulty. ,John Patter ~011 was reqnei-tecl not to t;iH• up hb I


11, 11a 1111 11 1 1 .... ,_, 't.. . • 1111 I 11·•• \ ,, arr" ed

6 EO. H. WI LLSON GO. "On the way to the post office"

'.\fiss•~:- '.\Jan!':rln•1 \\ olsh arnl hath· f'rine 1'\earns entf'rtnined at an e1<1bor­~llL· spread at ll~uniltu11 hall \\'erlne~·

day atternoo11. A numller or gnPst:­were present anti tl1e h11H:h wi.1s :-;.en ed cafeteria style

~liss Harkins' juniur c-uokiug daRs Wl·fl· guest~ al a dinner party in lhe

home economics departmen t Thur:,;­Uay evening. The dinner ""~ prt>­pi.ned by :\Tis:;es Alic:t' ~lc<.'om:. C:~raC't'

.:\ldn•r and Ucnlah Hallf'r nnd wa~

no• to ('01-;1 rnore 1han 20c i1er pl ate. Tht.> g-irh- sPaterl wt·rt:' Beulah HalltJr

Ali<"e :\lc.:Cone. lktly Emhoff. Ruby lfodg-~kiss. )frs. Frl'cl Orown, :..rr::-. .\frGr<;w ~larthn Johnson. ~h-lrit."

Flood, :\ l edrn H<ll l , Heh.:n Gray , Loui~t-> Lan~nhr. BlnnC"he Oor1ler. :\finnif:" Bab­bit. )of~ rtl~ Kuhn~. ancl h'(.'lle Ahrn


offite unlil the students should rll' 1j A G M KEY

mancl it, and hi'"' resignation \Hts IH..11 C nc<'ept~ cl by the pra('fi<.:nlly u11:1n • •

:\I is:-; :\lollh.: \lh·n. a nwmber 01 la!'-1 venr·~ gradnming c:Ja:-;~ and nt pre~ent lwa1l or the hom1 l 1·011omin~ depart IJH'lll fll the l 1il11111 hi ch srlwcil, \ i--it· t·d n i1•n1b a 1 familto11 1all l ~1 v. f·(.'k­t..'ll.d :\lbs Allen u.1nu• oYer to atteml thP Bou ton chrn('e Friday evenlug.

Lal"t Friday e\·t>nini: one- of th..: moi.t l•lahor tr- fr.rnwl ·Jrlair:-; 01 tli1' ~·p;lf

wa::;; the dance g:i\ en hy LE>"" Bouf­foll-,. at 1 1r Elk:-o' l11111w Tht:' hall \', l" h ... 'rt 1if1 lly 1h.·<·orated fo1· the oc-

Sa111rrlay e' ening tht l'h1 U<imnrn girl~ wt.·rP ho:-;tl·~ges at :1 "-lnnber pa1·

l.\ a1 thr rraH•rnity h1111n· on ~muh Tra< ~ Therr Wt r'-' ~1ll1·ut t\H·nry-fi,··

f·a.., 1cin \ t'.tha• <'f'iline. "ith large !:!:11·Is pre~t-nt antl a ~oocl 1inw wag lw•l nouffon emblems in thP <'t?nter nnd l"iy all. A fine ltrf'UkraH was !'en i:cl .-i 111 .r ·ml of th ·Piling made a low huu1 10 ···dm·k. whh 1 t1r< 1\'t-'(l to b1~

suit li)...hl all O\f'r thP hnll. Al 1he Pl' of the main feature~ nF hP pariy

'.I Enginee ring ll FROSH WILL PLAY ·= = N=o=te=s = =· SHORTHORNS TODAY

mous vot e or the !:;t uden t body at th(' I mass meet ing held al noon touay h The Pr1· nter the auditorium. I

In addition. tb1,;. students !Ji.tS~l' I 1 •1 I ti( ns uskiug that tht: foculty ('Om11_1il·

t('(' 1111 .. thktks n.·•·onsi<l<.-r it auan ------ - ------- --'-0_7_W_ E_ S_T _ _ M_ A_I_N __ s_T_ R_E_ E_'T _ _ _ u (I, n!!. l 'att.:-rson to resign trom an

..\. S. L :\1 ntril'e ~rnd JH'Otts11w

against what the s11tdC'llL commission C'har ged was clisc·rimlnation Ill 1hc·

Jllllli~hnwnt metecl out to thL1 1q1pe1 c·la:-~men wl11,,1 took part in the nnan­thorized b:u;k.f'tball ganw with 1-klt·nP

l-liirh ~chool.

The nlling sentime1H oc the mas~ \ll(·l·line, was that Patter~nn should re

i!?. 0111 h :- of 1·1-. h11t that lite srn-1 n1 .. were ,1 ... ren11inf'dly oppo~ed to

hi 1 •111c. ·on·~d by lhP lac.:nlly to get u1q of a !->tlldPnt oifite w thmll 011 ~11Jti11g The ,~oters who had e lected him. Opit1ion wai. diYicled <ts to whether tht' s111<le111s had any juris di<"tinn (1ver 1he 01her 11layers. but it

wp ... prnct kally unnnimOlut that the


plti"-lt • r l'"l·lllt'il1 \'4 ·rk. i-.. 1ar 1 ·1··.it:r h.vidlui. h1,\d ... tL;:. r·fl\ <·fill~ 'If Ph r a!lcl i" )f (IJltf~.! iar .... ail-· tlian \\t ,.tJ. \nd ta 1 ...

11 ~ 11 ... :: 1·a'{.T tfiit·iuic) in \;"\ <:n wa\ int() ~~un,idt!rati1m, it ·,· n !(, :h· cheop<.-t lath "u (:in ll"'C ...:,<.:n:ral ;,;i 1 1d~ f1 •r \·ar

ii ti... kind" 1f \\ nrl... \\ t al~ r furn . ..,Ji t'1p 111ateri: J... '"t·r ti L' pl3<ter


A POPULAR PRESE NT I f'n, """'r .I A Ttialer recently re· ceivt-"d n letter from Joe Truman. a

\\ cddm~ 'ir Uirthda_\ 'int: i ~r:11lna1t' 10111 tht: ",rin~ depnn




A ~ l" :\f. alone had the r igh t to I (or<·1llly 011st one of it~ officers

Glee C tub Pl a ns a Trip

Cunrerts will he given In Buue. <;reat F'a11s. An<lt·onda. Heleua. and Tlet.·1 Lodg:t., hy the men's g lee C'lub

I Bozeman Farmers' Creamery I

J u<levine & Sons

All Hinds of Frozen Products I o{ ment in J!Jl:t '.\Ir Trnnwn l..; now at

rhe ~TPn1ana Powt>r l'on11mur's plan t 01 th•• l"nin:n;ity on a trip plann~d

for thl sprinl.!.. an·crdinK to cont ract~

sf'c. 111Pd lat-ii wet-k by the m;mager Prot(,.,;sor :\ J Lt=•11ne~. During the holid3y senson the m&11ager \'lsitl'd

seYeral of thf' l'ilies ol the state au<l I Schlechten

Montana Scenes


January Clearance Sale


of m ens Sui ts. Coats U nder-


$ 18.75 fur ~22.;o and ~2.;.nn


$ 1 -1.65 im S1;-.;" and '20.00

< >n.rcoat ....

$2.00 f.,r S_i and ,·3._;o flab

$ 2 .50 Ilea'} \\'inter Sweater

Chambers=fisher Co.

Listen! Have you heard them?


Remember th a t if "it's new" yun can surdy g et it on a Col­umbia record.

Let u s mail you a mo nth ly ihl rclling you a ll about the

t . 1{ rorcls to come, it 's yon rs 111c aski ng.

\\ 'e deem it a pl ea~urc t<l de-111011 st ra te-

T H E GRAFAN OLA <.ncl \\ e want yo u t o com e

a..: , ,f· t.:11 a~ vou ~vi s h to hea r :• 1 ... dcct 11C\v reco rds.

1·1> " Records and Gra fa ­no las br in g mnch that is good for the hom e. - I f necessary. sold u ll tend>.

Roecher' s Drug

Store Presc riptions a Specialty

al ('a 1\'011 Ft..:IT) .\llf'r graclnation

elPdrin1l en~i11~erin~ w11h lhP \\.l·st­

inghw1:;;t- compauy ~·nil latt.•r "~ls l'lll-

Frr~htnt>ll ancl shur1horn~ will dm-i:

this afternoon at 1 · :~u. in whuL prol\1

h.•es to be a n:•ry intf'rp:,;lin~ gaml· c1r lmske tba,11.

Jlloypcl at the 11u1111dng plant for thf:' Tht> lreshmf'n. with a t·kau ~l:lll" nrnde arrangl·nwnt..;, for rhe co111 .. ·en~. in1gatio11 ol P1.t·kl~ Pt.~ai n1ll1;>y. one think the shorthOl'lli:> will lieea~y pi('k· It i~ also pbn1wd w make week-end of th1 111 .. nts 01 !hP ~\Juutnt1a Power in~. Tlw shonhoi ns ha,·e l.;ePn '' iirl trips to towns in lhe Bi t te r Root and 1'

<.:onqmny ine hard . and Rrf:' in p r ime c·o11 <litio1._ Flathead ''alleys. Org-anization::; hil\"C I \\'hile in ('o lege ). I r T r uman was! In Ren P.nrgeRs and l loward l far- rna<k the cont1at.:t~ in the ,·a rious ci t

a promitH•IH memher or the dramatic per. !hey li<l\L· two real star~ Bis· ies. Thie c·cnccrt to be held in Great duh and ns~ociatPd wilh m::iny of the -: inet. L ull. Redfield ancl 1101" 11 <tre> Falb has be 11 t;lWranteed by the Unl­r.1he1 a cti vities. abu showi ng w~ lt. · l b l 'd f l · h

T he fres hmen who m a;. he ~aicl to \'ersny l' u · 1 1e 1nesi ent <> "" 11 <: is a graduate tif ) fontan a State col

Mr A. T> Siewa r t a reiH'~sl:'ntative h<lH"' An a ll-st flr aggr1::gat1on. nrt> 111av- lege.

or t he \ \'es tingl1ouse EJe(.·trir ('Ompany ing in t>xcellent fo r m. spol~P to the eh:ctrk- club la~t Friday The t\\"O tenms will 11rnh:.1hl: lilH· morning. ll is ta l k ('(llJ('el'llt'll lhl~ :;tu- np as t'ollov.-s Fr"":-;hme11-B11sh an<I dent (.'Ou r se offered by the \Yesti ng- Piu:-;.. Forwards: Harris .i1Hl O'llriPn

h ouse <'nmpany. Hr explaitwd rhat ~uards· Crum. center. 1hb uimpany otfl•r:-. a ~11Pc·ial <·oursc· Shonhc1rn~ Oi::;::dnt'l ancl Hariwr

i11 l'l rlric·ity for f"Oll<"'{!C- gr~11\11atf•:-:

when~ they mav gyt . n11·tical t..'),.!Wri­P!Hr• h<-fm·p ..:. 1 «11rin~ a 110!-:!tion . Tlie

tl1'lt.·11r .. itt"l• 11:-iicl u i-;nwll salary while.· l<!ki11!.! 1 ll ... • c·oun.•f·. Th~ lect\ll"l' wa!-. illu,;trau•<I with l<1nl ru slidt~s of the

1, \\-f':stingh011se pln111 antt the wu1 k ht•· iug don t.-- there.

A nnrul;Pr ()f )!Onhtn;.. Statl' c·ullegc

lt:rwatd~· ltedfiehl ancl Lull 1!.d:1rd~

1"1n.{es$ <'en ter.

More Working Capital, More Profit

T he C'lub ree ls highly eneouraeed in th e fact that th eir concertb have been j sough t bv many of t he <:ities in whkh t hf'y ha,·e sang for t he pas t two year!'

A ppoint Comm iss io n t o A pportion Budget

Al va Baird. J oe T ownsend a n d PrC' fei:;sor Harry Smi th hm;iness mana ger oi the nni\·eri.ity, will maKe 1111 th1• Otid~l l cull mis!>ion whi<-h w ill ntl­JH1nion tht..' fmHh• of tiil· A. S. l' . ~I

a mong t he ,·arious ac t h•ities For next T1u.:y wen :11111oin1ttd hy tbr ex

een the 1·ommi tlf'(> ol rhl;'- :;.tud<.>11t hod) grarluau~s ha\·e tak1·n this <·011r:-p and 1··nr11HAf'S iu tltf' f:al!ati11 ,·:d\.-y nntl .ll a s11i~<·ial 11wetin2. )"CAHf'r<lnr. 'The others exnec1 to <I'" ~<11•11 as they 11-'o-t\I"' in other paris ol" thP ~lat hn\(• ht>1·11 commh~~iun al'lf'r hearing the 4 st' the college. at great disAd\·antagl· owi11~ to th\• nHttes cf mana_i..;-('t':> ol eal·h ac:ti\'ily or

\fr. Stewan was f"IN:tt•d au l10n0r· fal' l Thai tTPi l il facilitiPs h:nt· 11n1 the money the ~· w ill require 1or ne"t <try nwmUer ot' thP dl•tll'kal sOl·iety IJePn ~uc-h as to warrnllt thc·m 11 ~oi _

ahead <Jnd eq11ip11i11)! and tlt->\elo,1mp,

SHORTHORNS HOLD tht1 ir 1armR in 1he m::1 11 11('r i11 ''hh.-h

I hi kh0l1ld h(· dOllt".

E G 1

·\ 1en·nt };uney c.·o n dtH·tecl l;y 1 lu~ LITERARY M EJJN _\lomana Ex1H?r inie nt St<tlion, the re· __

1 HU i ts of which a re lJ UlJ Jish d as bu llet·

in Xo. 11 1 or t ha t station , µuin ts O\l t

An en1hu:. ias t ic rnee l ing of i he s J1o r t the faC' t that th e bes t equipped farms, coul'BE:! li1:rar y socie ty was h eld T i (l llOSE' w ith at least 20 le r ren t or day e ,·enrng. Seve ra l m a tte r s of 1m- . . . 1

porlanee . tnc lndfng a n a m e ntlme n t to 1he1r tolal captt a l reserred for equ ipµ

the ('OJH;til u tion . th e s ele<'tio tt of a 1 ing nnd canying on the work o f lhe

pc:nnant. a rra ngeme nt s rm· n soc·lal a nd farm) have a labor income a lmost

aJ~o a Ua n l'e. wtre decide d upon. double that or the a vt"> rnge fn r m o t

--- I tb e r egion. P1·otessor .John H. Holst m a de a very F'a r me r i:; through out th e 8 tatc b:1re-

ln ttr<'~ling t a lk . in which h e u rg d ba d to pa y SUC'h higb 1n t er e!31 rat t" .. , thnt ri ll who can pos~i bl y do so, Jo in \ th a t tbev have nm fe ll j u!3 tified in th<• l'l a~s wh il-h i~ being organize d in I going in. debt to an 'r greater C' Xl e nt de ba ting. l ·

. j than was a~so l ~t ~ ly . neces:;:i l') ...

A rec-eptio n eommi itee to look after Henewed mtetcst Ill th e s ulJJeC't uf

vear dt><'id1,.·$ what 11(!-rc·en tage or ti~,

total iund t.~a(·h ~ball be given. T'ht system was in::;ta llecl last year Tl11 (•omm bsion w ill not hcg-in

i ng~ uutil next :--emt<stP1'.

Ma t Me n W ill Report Fo r Practice

Regu lar

Regular turnouts for th e Yn rsl t ~

wrestling team will com menc<' thb wee1c , accord ing to Ca ptain l l.;.1 rohl Jon €'s. The m nt worl< will be h eld every dn.y. including Saturday. nn cl C'rtJJtain Jone s p lans to have his t~am

in good s hape ror t h e firs t ma t c h wh ich wi.11 be he ld during F e brua ry.

All frei;:; lnnen who are interes ted in lhl s form of a th le ti cs have bee n tlr f!'Nl



Cor. Mafo and T racy Stss.


Montana State College of Agricul­ture and Mechanic Arts

Prac t ical courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, D airy, Hor­ticultu ral, Home E conomics, Industrial Chemistry, E conomic Biology , Music ar.d Art.

Bea uti fu l grounds. commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model ki tchen a nd sewing rooms, music and art studio.

J. M. Hamilton, President. Bozeman, Montana.




Staple a nd Fancy Groceries

Prices Always Right


Auto Delivery. Telephone 88. t 11~ young fo l k s d u r in g farmers' w eek farm credi t has s prung up in all 1rn n~

to revort a t the gy mnas ium . T u rn out~ wil l be held fro m 6 to 7 o'c lock on Tuesday , \Vedue~day , ThurRd ny

and Friday v nln P'S and from 3 10 41 o'cloc k on Satu rday aftern oons. OP Monday the squad w ill work out fro m I 4 to 3 o'c lock . '--- ------------------------------'

was a lso na med . o f th€ counny, and promi :-:. es to lend

- - - I to s uch a c tion a s will pe1111i t th <' ex Ra ymond Beach wa s el e N e d. to s ue- te nding or (' l'C-< lit lo agric ulture o n I

c·ted Sam Thompson o n the soc ial r om - ~omewherP n ear rh e i,; ame basi~ th at mi t t~<' by t he firs t-yea r s t11rl e n1 s. Mr . d d

1 . d

1 8uch

Tho m pson because o f illness d id not 18 e.xt en e to otte r in U!' tr (' I-) .

return this semes t er . aC'lion cannot help lntt l.JC' of grellt beneri t tO {he farlllillg jntt.~rt.•s(S Of t)lt'

'The hnsk C'f ba ll t Pa m was rissu re tl s t ate. r f heart,- ~11ppor1 111 their ~a ll \f' with the f re~hnwn. F ridny arternr101 'f hP I Proft'!>;~l11 \\' )..1 l0Lll 1t;n. 01 the

sPn?rn l colJI" g~ Fong~. spok e by in\ tta t 1on b efore th e lltn.h

TJ1e n•·x· I.II t'(llW \I ill l •.. lit rn 1:!~ r!lllll(lry 3 Oil t he lill bJcct t)f "C'on


College Expenses BY SHAVING YOURSELF-­

WE HAVE SAFETY RAZORS AS LOW AS 25¢-(The price of a shave) -OTHERS FROM $100 AND UP


Owen h ouse H ardware Company

ntf'P t ing wac: <'k·~\'d liy tht"l '-in .. n uf I S t a le rollege lh e m is try dt-rmrtment 1

f'a n n Prs ABl"Ol'intinn a. f ~alt I i" ... •

1 c! ny evening. the 30tb I elnK·tlve F'oo<l Law Aclm ln i>tr:i twu i·'----------

Page 4: MON TANA STATE COLLEGE OF T HE UNIVERSITY MONTANA. … › msu-exponent › objects › ... · from. Xlssen. or the 11nh·ersily. lasl Bolen, fOrwars: Redfield and Lull up against


-=::==~~====~=========================== dJ!"tr hntiol' ------------,

SEED CORN SITUATION TJ,( 111111l 1 £'1' 0! .;.;.ampli"S Of =-P~d r~­

relYdl fol' tt'M durin;..:: the :-:f'!tr

"'"'1o·mtt rl to ; C13:-1.

"~~~.": ~:~.~ ... ~:~:::.: ~ ... ~ h.~.~.. I St.ti• l.

Uy ·h~a a.,. up-lo-\1;111~ wo1knwn.

r' .. ~ 1i lO

€ l a ''.' Tb J:a,. ii ~r , t"'t

tt rui. t

Th ;i

pl;.u l t.' ht>in:; mach lo! I IH.• !'.'t't'

ontl !-.hort cour~l:' for R1·1~ttn1en an1l

~eeri deal('f:-- Thi~ is ltl he gh·eu hy


Gallatin Trust Bank Building. unqdt.'" C1 ··orn n lali

Stal!' l"ir.\ln l,1bo1awn and \\ill

ht. n• ·o1 (1 u, 11 "i1h , arm~r \\-l~C'k

1-'h-Vr<ll 11\('ll rrt•lll \";ll'iOllS p,\l'L~ or lh

slate took this woni;: laRt yeur A n111rs.P of :;.e-ed st nrly pli:mnt>rl t:>~)kvinl

Jy for c l eYator men will he ct new

fi:ature or tllis rour~c.

;r."lior~· l:i t )t'ill' wt1S -;-~l.s<i Th,s

is mta·ll helow !ht. wmt,inl 1t.·st. wlikh i~ '111 to !):", ,

NOTICE 'l'llr1 1· lHrndr\"ll ~.11n11k"- (1f .iriu i~

1-rnu~ !;an.~ heen rereh t::il for te::;t~ ·1 ]l(' l'!iminaiin11 01 · hor:;e 11\ay" nl t:rPck letter f1"'nernit~· initiations wa~ 1·ccommenck•<1 :'\londa,· at 1he e-lc;h!h

111 1~r.1 r:HL'rnity C'on(crence held in :-\f>w York Tnirty-seY(•n m1tional

I jE. W.


Thompson I ' l


T'"11de1 \fat1 -i1al fhnk 11f Galla-

The following members or thC' so11h­onw1 e c·I; ~s lrnH• fniled to pay their da:-~ du(:-;; to date.

J.1me$ 1"itzgerald Ella Simes.

'1111:-: 1r lti!'- mnntli. I hi~ 11ulic-ale~

1 l1at thL• winlcr l'll!'-h of St.'L•d t..-~.1 ing j ...

j11:-;t lle!.!:innlng. Tht.• third a11nual. report trom the

,.,·ere representt>c1.-l·:x-::'tatt.' Gr:-iiu laboratory ha::. jusl Uet:n iraterni ti e~

Jll"t.'Pareil and will soou be reac.iy !l,.'1" change. ~=====-~~~~

ATTENDANCE COURSE ! l 111 Valley. RECORD College Students a Spec.ialty. (('ouLilllti..'d from Page One.) -----------------1 The co~1pl· ~) jl'""gr:1m fnr J;"'11·mers .. \\",_•rk fol\0\1 ...


!u thP t'o ll o\1i11g prog1arn, t he nu111Pr:1l 111' \ettt:•r at

REPARING till~ h~tt of lllL' h.•uurP indkate:-< 1lie C"lass ur as}il'llllJl~ 1Jt.t\"l' ''rl• \\ atl...'li, L"lock ur ruom ~1ht'l'L· thl' lnl't'tillg will lie held. Tile nuniPrkal

le\\ dn i1'\Cd up. \\ e do it I tlt:signation l)f thL· rnoms. i:;; a~ 1olhrns 0

11rnmpil) ;ind guaranll'c -.,ame {ll C'attlt> barn; (~I .Ag1icuhurnl .\~<;trnhl,1 .. :d

l:rnh~ll !1.:'ll'e~ replaced I noor; t3) Oairr, grou11d_ tlr.H": l4) ll~Hlicultu:·~ .. gn ~1· l

Leslii;; E. fiage Jeweler and Optician


Dental a11tl Oral S11rgeon

Commercial H~111k lh1il<ling

floor, c:,1 A;..:.ri1nomr. t1rst tlood; ((.ii Poulrt) Ilol:-1

ff) Cn·amcry. {") Animni lluslJandr~ iirst ·1l111· tu

Home.• 1;;conumic.'ti. ~e<·ond floor.

'rhe t~11tirl' progrnm Jollow~.

Monday, January 29.

!~: 1 n a. nl.

I t21 l'..:t~ ol lalerli!ii·d l'roJH:i (:il Poultry llrPt•ds. anrl Dre(•(ling (!~ l Farm ilulll·t' 7\lnkmg


1 I l J111l .... i11g and Feetliug Fa.tteuiug Uogs . ;:\let 'llord


SchaJlpe :Hartin

Phone 38frW ----- 11.n l'l's:->ihilitit:..: for J>lnnt Breeder~ in Mon

---------------.. uurn . \Vbil.comh

I OPEN (4l Hnt l'l'1l.; and Accessories in Farm Garden

.. A ·· account with this ing St1.t\1 • 11 '1'_11,:~

10.11 a. m.

11 1~1 AI1,~1li :=:on ... ;'.lank antl pay all yow co ege ( 11 C'ontrol ot Lice ana Ticks

I expense.. hv check. This will ll ~ Cooler r R Parker. H. >ieaman-enahle you to keep accurate (:1 ) F'ann Plnnnin~ . ·. . . C•1n ·

I acco11nt of your expenditures. l l~l 2 a. m.

GALLATIN TRUST & {~I Ame1•u11 .Attl~nt1n11 to ProclttC'tion of Flax SA VIN GS BANK j and Flax l·"ihre

W. S. Davidson. Cashier. ··- I: I ;;.3 l'· m ~I ill'·

l-Coal, Wood Lumber

Kenyo11=Noble Lumber Co. 320 West Mam St.

rtil Candling, t:ratlill!!: :tncl Pn.rlciug Eggs Schu1• (l\ .Tnde:inL and T1'pprling Breeding ::::i\·inc,

\fcChord &

:~ f1u 11. m.

\ :?) l•'at 11lt'r:." 1.:\·r•~ r}i r~) l'n-01wra11 1 Or1in ,\larl:.etin~

i::n tir;ti11 s1~rnd<1rdi-;

Assembly-8:00 p. m.

Farmer:.' Orgauizalion:.. The Amerk:rn Sode() of l':Quity

()ec 1

)lf'\'a,\ At 111~ ·11

.. Tl. t' 11·1i.1 LO\~ ri

Th•" <:1'"lll2l

Th· F'ann(•. ~ l'nion

. .Ta~ G1 ;,-iin l'f)·O!lt ral iYe and I£dm·ational

'l'h~· ~fc..•u1an~1 FarmPr~· FpJeratinn

Tuesday, January 30.

Snl 't1.11 Rnld • ..:ot

A WORD TO THE BASKET- 1~1 Agrit·ul111ral ;1et11ocls A<la['led to Dry c;on

BALL PLAYERS rlilion- . Giesek1·r t )) Poul tr.\· llt 11:-iiug Sc·hop111·

\\'e: ha\'<.~ fnr _'.l'll·ur i1hpecti11n :;, FePrl RequirPments for Dairy Cows..... Marth 11) l3f'!'f t'nllit' .Judging aucl Feeding Arn(lotl

the pure g-um extra thick Suction 10-11 L m.

Sole Ila ket Ball Shoe» \\ e 131 lni:..:i.tled l'a~t11res Atki11~0 (3 I Scarcity uf !'\itrogc•n. Lime antl PhO~Jlhorus in

'lontana Soils ... . Burke al so li:11 < the extra th id< ptllT tfil Sucep:,,::;ful Farm Or~auizcuion 1..'Ul'l'ii>r

Publ1et.· .S.nh:' t rltlll ~hoe~. r l) neer Cattlr· .Judging und F'e~rtiiug-C'nn·

shoe' are the \Tr) best we cuuld t inued

11·12 a. m .,

get \\'L wvulr! he pleased to 121 Mcai Proiluf'tiOn 1 · t?i-3.~ p. Ill.

h:t\'c you ca ll and examin e these ~~: In<'ulJator Practit'e Scho1111" Breeding and )fanageruent """'Of neef Cattle


]. H . HARRIS & CO.



Commercial National 1! Bank

Capital Stoc" $r50,ooo I Surplus and Profits .. $250,000

] . H. Baker, Cashier. I Rozcma11 · - - Montana

(I) Trimming Pe""t and Horns. \\"a~hing, e tc .. Arnelt, Tretsveu & McChor<f

:i:30 p. m. 121 The Sliwk~row£>rs' ~'farkl!t Problems .. 12l H~t·f C'attlf' Produrtion t:!> l' r0~1·rss 111 ~feat :\Iark(~till!!

~ 00 p, Ill.


Shorthorn Hn"l:'tkr:-;' 11anquet and Meeting.

Y./edt\esday, Januar·y 31

9-10 A. 1!

BuidekappP1 Kenn edy


Drill Holl 6-~ p. m.

!2) Hrl1·tling \\.hnt Cnn he Done a111l \'\'"hat Can nuL 1.Je Done MPndtlson

t?il Feeding l.Jaying Hens Sch·1ppe 11) Da iry C'attle .Judging aml Feeclin~

Manin. ·rrt-tsven & 1lc811ord 13) C'nntro l of C:rnin Smuts .Swingle->

10-1 1 a. m. (2) \\'eccl~ Atki11so11

--------------. (il Small f<rn it for thf' F'arm ...... Slarrin.~ \~) ThP Farm \\+a1er Supply. The Alkali Content

Correct Fit i$ one l ll Lill' poinb uf I buying ,1"'"' al \Villson's, for Ollr .'-lttk"illlL'n knu\"\. h11w \!) iit ,IJ11L., :t1HI ,ell Y•JU shoes that mack tq fit. t lur shth.:~

anti rt ;,; i•:ffen .......... Cobleigh 1 I) !lain• (' n1tlt· J ml.e;ing and Feeding-Con~

tinued ........ Martin, Tretsven & Mr('hori\ 11+12 R. m.

l2l Lh·esturl.; Veeding and l\!arketing I l5·3:00 t>. m.

(6) Poultry 1-\illlng and Picking .... Sl'ilO\qic· (I) Judging, F'eed ing a11d Management of Creed

Ing Dairy Cattle ........ Tretsven & 1\lcChon1 3:00 P. m., Asse mbly

Fedel'al Farm Loans President Ilamilt o11 Legal Aspe<' l !:i of Statp F'arm Loan s S. C. For rl A Bank(•r·~ \ ' i ~w of Fflnn Lo:-in ~ .Morri s

8:00 p. m ., Assembly J!Jdncn1ion a i.~aclor in Business Success

I ..................... . . ................... Ciiaucellor l'llioLL

( :°d F.u m Co:;t A<·t·ounls .. 1:.'0'X 1l1 SheL'Jl .ludglll_g and l'' l'ontinuecl

... . .. . .... Arnett aud ,Joseph I (:{1 \\"hl'llt Rust :jituation in :\1ontana . ..... ..Swrngle

n-12 a. m. . 1'.:1 n· 1 11 AbL1Ut Shet.~1' Dr. llenr~ C. Gardner

Or I· \.\('nSil)n \\·nrk ol State!' HelatiDns Olfice, Lloyd 1 ;uo.;;.:oo p, m.

Gallatin \"alley Breed~r$· As~n. 8:00 p. m.

~tudent Play

Friday, February 2.

!l-10 a. m. 1·~1 't'h1• F11ndarue11la l PrinciJ>leR oC Crop Produc-

tion Illustrated ..... \\'hitcomb f:\J 1h''.t~ltured Akohnl ..... Burke (7l F'arm Cheese !\laking (de monstra tion in

eo!lt:>:;e \!reame1·y .i.\Iarlin 1 l l and Feecliug

Hartman and Riley 10-11 a. m .

{21 U1·y Farm Crop Rotation .......... Atkinson 11 l Potato Yarieties ~ud Seed Selection _ \Yhipplc 1.•) F'arm V.'ater Supply-Tbe Ranitary Aspe<-t. Cobleigll ( 11 Hnrses-Jurtging and F'eecling-Continucd.

11-12 a. m . 1~1 .\I. :·k12tiug ProuurP and Pf'rishables. Meudelson

1: 15-3:30 p. m.

(lJ Meat Demonstration ·-···········-··········-···-········ 8:00 p. m.


Saturday, February 3.

!l-1!.l a. m. (:~J Types of \\"beat in rtelulion to Market.

l'lassification-Tllustrated \\"h itl'.(lmb 1 -,, P~111ltn Di.:-:Pasf's and Hygiene .... Schoppe 11 .\l.11t<.'tine; Pt.i:ir~· Prod11l·t:s ...... ~\1artin '1 J Jlo) ~· ti tock .Tudgimr ContL'St . .McChord

.., Animal Di:::ea,es ....... \Velcb 10.11 a. m.

i 11 Potato Culth .ition F'unn Bu::;int:~'"'.:i Re · 11o) ,· .J.1th:ing Coutest-·Conl inned

" Anim:tl llisea~es 11·12 a. ID .

Whinple .Chase


1;riug-ing tht:: Collt.gL· 10 the F'nrmer .Abbey J 00-~:00 p. Ill.

I 1 1 ll1·monstraticn in Handling Stock ....... . i\fcChord. Trets\·en and Hartman


r:\leelings in Home rncouomics Rooms, Second Floor Agricultural Building.)

Monday, January 29.

9-10 a. m. Pre' cntahle Diseases

lO·ll a. m. ('nuven1enl Kitchen:;

11-12 a. m. .Feeding the Famil)"

f<'oc)U J ,esson l·00-3 :00 p. m.

T uesday, January 30,

9·10 a. m. ! lornc 2'\11rning 01•mc.'ustration

10-11 a. m l\laking the Small llo111e Altnu·iive

11 12 a. 111 . l·:riterrninments in Rural Comnrnnitil•$

1 : 00·3: 00 p. m. FlH 1LI Lesson

Wednesday, January 31.

H·00-10:00 n. m Child \\"c.iHnre

10:00·11 :00 a. m. l :ll\'." to Dress \Veil

11:00.12.:00 a. m .1tusic in the Home

J ·OO·:l:OO 11 . 111

Thursday, F ebruary 1.

~ :00- 10 :00 a. m. l'hild Welfare

10:00·11:00 '" Ill.

IJirorC'e- a Pre\·enta.ble Disease 11:00-12:00 a. m.

:\kntaua s r.0s1 ASS?t l :00-3:00 p. Ill.

3 :00 p, 111.

Thp F:-imil> Dudgel

.Miss Rowe

i\Iiss Rausch

....... Miss For<l

Mis~ QgilYi t'

.\liss Rolfe

!\[i~ Qnaw

~1iss Qgil\ ie

:\fiss Rausch


All bey

~lis$ Ogilvie Rausth. Howe, llnrktus

Friday, February 2.

9:00-10:00 n. m. Ti1e ll om(' Medici ne Chest . l\tiss Rowe

JO: 00-11: 000 n. m. .. Miss Ballinger

11:00·12:00 a. m.

The fiallatin Laundry Company ! Is giving b<. tter tervice this ' ! _ ?.r than ever on I accol;lnt Ol the suc.:css obtained ~ in _e cdopti,r.g I a strictly cash syMem. 1' •• ake arrange;nents \\:ith 1

your landlady to take care of your laundry when I same is delivered , otherwise it \vill be returned

1 to laundry. We are here to serve you. I

fhe 6allatin Laundry Company I ------ ___ _J


A! $20.00 Garments ycu will be interested in

THE HUB Ed. and Lou Howard.







That"s what they say about our candies

SUGAR, BO'\VL Phone 71-J 104 W. Main

Cook By Wir~ Use an Electric Grill .


Will Press Your Clothes.


Montana Power Company

Apples That Are In Season lleliciuu~. C)>..irfl. iant.."y. per box ...

'· rrtlllt'..;. ( rolckn. per IHY'\

S.tay1ua11 \\.iuesap::-, extra fancy.

\\rag111..'r..;. fanc:,

Spitzl·llhl"r.:,· ...... c'tra fam.: .v

Bald\\ i11:; 1 ia n r.' .

Black Twigs. ex tra fancy .

. $2.50

.. $2 w $2.10

..$175 $150 t" $175

. $1.75 $2.25



If an Apple a day will keep the doctor away, WHY not let us put a box in your cellar at these attract­

ive prices?

Thos. H. Rea & Company PHONE 24.

The Bozeman liotel


Ceretana Means Quality In Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today.

arc mack llll ..,<.:1hih lc, ycl

there's a11 air nf dislmctiYcnc.'i::l

and hi g!o q ualil; "' idenl in CYCI") p :i.i 1 \Ve CHr\· Ill ... tnd;:

,;hoes rnr floe extra IOlli; s li m

foul and ti c short ht I '"l. he

sick;-; 11f 1..u1!r"lc, a ll the sizes in hclwceu .

Advertis ing ls a Branch of Salesmanship .. Stoue

Thursday, February 1.

9-10 a. m. l·~ood I .esson

.Miss Harkins / . __ T_h_e Bozeman Milling Compan __ Y ___ I Miss Oglll'ie _

The Educ•atinn of \Vo1nen 1 :00·3:00 p. on.

The Vvillson Co. "It' Bozema l'l ~~C"t: '66 ..

1 (2) Use of Barnyard Manure (5) lllcubatlon (3) Milk Product.ion, Factors iu, Cost of (1) Sheep .Judging nnd F edlng .Arnett

... Giesekrr Schop pf'

Martin and Jo~t:'flh

I IO·ll n. m.

!2) Grain rnspection ... Alkin~on I 't) \\"J11d CrPak~ rind Sheltt'"r nC'lts on the


Saturday, February 3.

SetLing lhe Table

~:00-111:00 a. m. l0:00-11 :00 a. 111.

l1 : 00·12: 00 a . m. Readin ~ in the Home

l : OO 3:00 p . m. Food Leai:io n

I Miss Ra uscb I

Miss Chase I


1.+ \Tnnh l~ozem '111 :\vc111!le \\ashing- Called for anc.l Deliverer!

' Prices Re~s<lllable ............. Miss Ogllvia i L------------------------------