Mom can i get a hammie

Before you watch this presentation read the paragraph below Dear mom, after our trip to Newfoundland can we discuss getting a hamster. I will pay for everything, clean the cage, and there is even a “silent spinner”(wheel that doesn’t make noise) so please give me a chance. Pleaseeee


This was sent to me by my 11 year old. How could I say no?

Transcript of Mom can i get a hammie

  • 1. Before you watch this presentation read the paragraph below
    Dear mom,
    after our trip to Newfoundland can we discuss getting a hamster. I will pay for everything, clean the cage, and there is even a silent spinner(wheel that doesnt make noise) so please give me a chance.

2. Hamsters
Dear mom,
Can i please get a hamster
In this power point I will show you everything Ilearned and the solutions to all the reasons you wont let me get me a hamster.
3.Budgetat petsmart
Cage = $0.00 we have a tank already
Food = $3.59 to $7.99
Hamster = $11.99 to $15.99
Water bottle = $3.99 to $7.99
Food bowl = $0.99 to $12.99
Silent wheel = $9.99
Salt lick & bark chew = $3.48
Bedding = $6.49 to $26.99
total =$34.04 to $58.43
If there are any other expenses than please tell me so I can plan out how to pay for it
4. 5. grooming
6. water
Hamsters require a constantly available water source. Water is very important to a hamsters well-being and they must have clean water at all times. If you observe your hamster throughout the day you will notice it going for short drinks numerous times.
7. Cage Cleaning
A hamsters cage should be cleaning on a weekly basis to avoid disease and infection. The wood shavings within the cage should be changed. You can buy a large bag of wood shavings made for hamsters from your local pet store at a fairly low cost. Hamsters are known for hiding food that they intent to eat later, even if they do not share their cage with another hamster. Items such as fruit and vegetables will quickly rot if the hamster does not get back to them, for this reason it is essential that you remove all uneaten food when you clean the cage.
Hamsters are known for hiding food that they intent to eat later, even if they do not share their cage with another hamster. Items such as fruit and vegetables will quickly rot if the hamster does not get back to them, for this reason it is essential that you remove all uneaten food when you clean the cage.
8. Hamster Videos
9. Life span = 1.5 to 5 years
Hamsters are one of the easiest animals to care for and breed in captivity which is a main reason why hamsters are so popular among pet keepers
Hamsters have pouches in their cheeks which they use to store food.
Hamsters are known to be the best pets for children
When hamsters are handled carefully from a young age they rarely bite
10. Types of hamsters
Russian dwarf hamster
Chinese dwarf hamster
Syrian hamster
Teddy bear/golden hamster
Winter white hamster
Fancy Russian dwarf hamster
11. Reasons why I want a hamster
Obviously they are ADORABLE
I love hamsters
They are good pets
I miss Emily
I love playing with them
I want to start taking more responsibility and it will help
Ive wanted a hamster since Emily died
Oh and I do know the responsibilities of taking care of a hamster properly
12. Isnt he ADORABLE
17. Hey mom
You know how I always say I'll do it but I never do itwell this time its different I need to start taking responsibility and whats better to do that with than a hamster
18. Me before a hamster
19. Me after a hamster
20. I promise to clean the cage every week, play with it every day, walk Peaches every day, clean Puddys litter and most of all love them forever
Before you make up your mindPLEASE watch this video XD!!!!