ILLUSTRATED CONCEPTS IN TROPICAL AGRICULTURE A series prepared by the Department of Agronomy and Soil Science College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawaii MOLYBDENUM DEFICIENCY INHIBITS NITROGEN FIXATION BY LEGUMES MO Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes involves the mineral nutrition of two kinds of individual organisms-the host plant and the associated rhizobia. Thus, the nutritional requirements of the rhizobia-host combina- tion are determined by the organism that has the higher individual re- quirement. In several respects, requirements for the bacteria are more stringent than for the host plant. A case in point is the requirement for molybdenum. In plants, Mo is an essential mineral nutrient involved in the reduction of nitrate. In rhizobia, it is a part of the enzyme nitrogenase that is responsible for N fixation. Levels of Mo that may be adequate for a legume supplied with N, either as fertilizer or from the soil, may not suffice when that same legume is dependent on symbiotically fixed N. The Mo status of soils has not been intensively studied in the tropics, but the studies that have been made suggest that many highly weathered soils are deficient. Molybdate is sorbed by soil-apparently by mechanisms much like phosphate sorption. However, molybdate sorption is much more sensitive to soil pH than phosphate sorption is. Therefore, liming is an effective means of increasing Mo availability to plants. Requirements for Mo fertilizer in Hawaii seem to be high in comparison with recommendations reported from Australia. This can be explained if Hawaii soils sorb molybdate in proportion to their capacity to sorb phos- phate and sulfate. The photographs above illustrate some of these concepts. The soil, a manganiferous Oxisol, Wahiawa series, has a high capacity to sorb P (standard P sorption was 870 JLg Pig soil) and is known to be Mo-deficient for alfalfa. Furthermore, the soil required a large application of Mo (>2 kg/ha) to sustain maximum alfalfa production. 1 Upper left: Soybean growing without Mo fertilizer on a Mo-deficient soil. Note the apparent N-deficiency symptoms exhibited by the leaves. Upper right: Soybean without Mo but with N fertilizer. Soybeans were a normal green color, indicating adequate N. Lower left: Soybean growing with Mo and without N resulted in effec- tively nodulated soybean plants and superior growth. Lower right: Nodulated soybean roots from plants growing on Mo- fertilized soil. lYounge, o. R., and M. Takahashi. 1953. Response of alfalfa to molybdenum in Hawaii. Agron. J. 45:420-428. Robert L. Fox and A. Sheldon Whitney-No. 12, 1978


Page 1: MOLYBDENUM DEFICIENCY INHIBITS NITROGEN ...MOLYBDENUM DEFICIENCY INHIBITS NITROGEN FIXATION BY LEGUMES MO Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes involves the mineral nutrition of two


A series prepared by the Department of Agronomy and Soil ScienceCollege of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

University of Hawaii



Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes involves the mineral nutritionof two kinds of individual organisms-the host plant and the associatedrhizobia. Thus, the nutritional requirements of the rhizobia-host combina­tion are determined by the organism that has the higher individual re­quirement. In several respects, requirements for the bacteria are morestringent than for the host plant. A case in point is the requirement formolybdenum. In plants, Mo is an essential mineral nutrient involved in thereduction of nitrate. In rhizobia, it is a part of the enzyme nitrogenase thatis responsible for N fixation. Levels of Mo that may be adequate for alegume supplied with N, either as fertilizer or from the soil, may not sufficewhen that same legume is dependent on symbiotically fixed N.

The Mo status ofsoils has not been intensively studied in the tropics, butthe studies that have been made suggest that many highly weathered soilsare deficient. Molybdate is sorbed by soil-apparently by mechanismsmuch like phosphate sorption. However, molybdate sorption is much moresensitive to soil pH than phosphate sorption is. Therefore, liming is aneffective means of increasing Mo availability to plants.

Requirements for Mo fertilizer in Hawaii seem to be high in comparisonwith recommendations reported from Australia. This can be explained if

Hawaii soils sorb molybdate in proportion to their capacity to sorb phos­phate and sulfate.

The photographs above illustrate some of these concepts. The soil, amanganiferous Oxisol, Wahiawa series, has a high capacity to sorb P(standard P sorption was 870 JLg Pig soil) and is known to be Mo-deficientfor alfalfa. Furthermore, the soil required a large application of Mo (>2kg/ha) to sustain maximum alfalfa production. 1

Upper left: Soybean growing without Mo fertilizer on a Mo-deficientsoil. Note the apparent N-deficiency symptoms exhibited by the leaves.

Upper right: Soybean without Mo but with N fertilizer. Soybeans were anormal green color, indicating adequate N.

Lower left: Soybean growing with Mo and without N resulted in effec­tively nodulated soybean plants and superior growth.

Lower right: Nodulated soybean roots from plants growing on Mo­fertilized soil.

lYounge, o. R., and M. Takahashi. 1953. Response of alfalfa to molybdenum in Hawaii. Agron. J.45:420-428.

Robert L. Fox and A. Sheldon Whitney-No. 12, 1978