Molecules of cell adhesion and extracellular matrix ...laminin, vitronectin and hyaluronate (Fig. 1)...

Summary. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignancy of the oral cavity with a poor 5-year survival rate, due in large part to the presence of metastatic disease at initial diagnosis. In recent years, a number of studies have examined the oral tumor microenvironment to asses the potential dynamic balance between extracellular matrix deposition and proteolytic degradation as well as the cellular adhesion molecules that mediate adhesion to matrix and regulate tissue cohesion. The objective of this review is to provide a brief overview of the major matrix components, adhesion molecules and proteolytic enzymes in the oral tumor microenvironment and to summarize recent findings regarding the role of these complex molecular players in oral tumor progression. Key words: Oral cancer, Cell adhesion, Protease, Extracellular matrix Introduction The human oral cavity is comprised of an extensive mucosal surface histologically subdivided into masticatory mucosa on the gingiva and hard palate; a lining mucosa on lips, cheeks, alveolar mucosal surface, floor of the mouth, inferior surfaces of the tongue, and soft palate; and a specialized mucosa on the dorsal surface of the tongue (Ross and Pawlina, 2005). The lining mucosa is organized similarly to the epidermis of the skin as a stratified squamous epithelium comprised of four layers; the stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, and stratum corneum. Surface keratinization varies by mucosal subsite and is absent in buccal mucosa and the floor of the mouth, is partially present on some areas of the gingiva and parts of the palate, and full keratinization is seen in most parts of the hard palate and overlying gingival attachments to bone (Adams, 1976). Epithelial cells make contact with adjacent cells via cell surface adhesion molecules and are separated from the loose subepithelial connective tissue, or lamina propria, by a dense basement membrane. Adhesion of epithelial cells to neighboring cells and non-cellular components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is an essential process in histogenesis, necessary to develop normal structure and function (De Arcangelis and Georges-Labouesse, 2000; Daley et al., 2008; Muller et al., 2008). Molecules governing cell adhesion and migration have profound effects on cell survival, proliferation, differentiation and motility. The dynamic cellular rearrangement that occurs in embryonic development requires disruption of tissue integrity, accompanied by ECM proteolysis and deposition. The turnover of extracellular matrix via cellular deposition and proteolysis occurs not only in developmental tissue remodeling, but during wound healing and tumor cell invasion and metastasis as well. The majority of oral cancers originate from squamous epithelia of the oral tongue and floor of the mouth (Werning, 2007). Oral cavity cancer results in over 80,000 deaths annually and is one of the top ten most frequently diagnosed cancers worldwide (Parkin et al., 2005). Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignancy of the oral cavity with approximately 23,000 new cases detected yearly in the U.S. (Jemal et al., 2008). The 5-year survival rate of OSCC remains at a low 50%, predominantly due to the presence of regional and/or distant metastasis at the time of initial diagnosis. A more detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms that coordinate OSCC progression and metastasis may result in identification of improved diagnostic and treatment strategies. Recent years have seen an intense focus on the study of molecules involved in cell adhesion, extracellular Review Molecules of cell adhesion and extracellular matrix proteolysis in oral squamous cell carcinoma Zonggao Shi and M. Sharon Stack Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA Histol Histopathol (2010) 25: 917-932 Offprint requests to: M. Sharon Stack, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, 1 Hospital Drive, M213C Medical Sciences Bldg. Columbia, MO 65212, USA. e-mail: [email protected] Histology and Histopathology Cellular and Molecular Biology

Transcript of Molecules of cell adhesion and extracellular matrix ...laminin, vitronectin and hyaluronate (Fig. 1)...

  • Summary. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) isthe most common malignancy of the oral cavity with apoor 5-year survival rate, due in large part to thepresence of metastatic disease at initial diagnosis. Inrecent years, a number of studies have examined the oraltumor microenvironment to asses the potential dynamicbalance between extracellular matrix deposition andproteolytic degradation as well as the cellular adhesionmolecules that mediate adhesion to matrix and regulatetissue cohesion. The objective of this review is toprovide a brief overview of the major matrixcomponents, adhesion molecules and proteolyticenzymes in the oral tumor microenvironment and tosummarize recent findings regarding the role of thesecomplex molecular players in oral tumor progression. Key words: Oral cancer, Cell adhesion, Protease,Extracellular matrix

    Introduction The human oral cavity is comprised of an extensive

    mucosal surface histologically subdivided intomasticatory mucosa on the gingiva and hard palate; alining mucosa on lips, cheeks, alveolar mucosal surface,floor of the mouth, inferior surfaces of the tongue, andsoft palate; and a specialized mucosa on the dorsalsurface of the tongue (Ross and Pawlina, 2005). Thelining mucosa is organized similarly to the epidermis ofthe skin as a stratified squamous epithelium comprisedof four layers; the stratum basale, stratum spinosum,stratum granulosum, and stratum corneum. Surfacekeratinization varies by mucosal subsite and is absent inbuccal mucosa and the floor of the mouth, is partially

    present on some areas of the gingiva and parts of thepalate, and full keratinization is seen in most parts of thehard palate and overlying gingival attachments to bone(Adams, 1976). Epithelial cells make contact withadjacent cells via cell surface adhesion molecules andare separated from the loose subepithelial connectivetissue, or lamina propria, by a dense basementmembrane. Adhesion of epithelial cells to neighboringcells and non-cellular components of the extracellularmatrix (ECM) is an essential process in histogenesis,necessary to develop normal structure and function (DeArcangelis and Georges-Labouesse, 2000; Daley et al.,2008; Muller et al., 2008). Molecules governing celladhesion and migration have profound effects on cellsurvival, proliferation, differentiation and motility. Thedynamic cellular rearrangement that occurs in embryonicdevelopment requires disruption of tissue integrity,accompanied by ECM proteolysis and deposition. Theturnover of extracellular matrix via cellular depositionand proteolysis occurs not only in developmental tissueremodeling, but during wound healing and tumor cellinvasion and metastasis as well.

    The majority of oral cancers originate fromsquamous epithelia of the oral tongue and floor of themouth (Werning, 2007). Oral cavity cancer results inover 80,000 deaths annually and is one of the top tenmost frequently diagnosed cancers worldwide (Parkin etal., 2005). Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is themost common malignancy of the oral cavity withapproximately 23,000 new cases detected yearly in theU.S. (Jemal et al., 2008). The 5-year survival rate ofOSCC remains at a low 50%, predominantly due to thepresence of regional and/or distant metastasis at the timeof initial diagnosis. A more detailed understanding of themolecular mechanisms that coordinate OSCCprogression and metastasis may result in identification ofimproved diagnostic and treatment strategies. Recentyears have seen an intense focus on the study ofmolecules involved in cell adhesion, extracellular


    Molecules of cell adhesion and extracellular matrix proteolysis in oral squamous cell carcinomaZonggao Shi and M. Sharon StackDepartment of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA

    Histol Histopathol (2010) 25: 917-932

    Offprint requests to: M. Sharon Stack, Department of Pathology andAnatomical Sciences, 1 Hospital Drive, M213C Medical Sciences Bldg.Columbia, MO 65212, USA. e-mail: [email protected] andHistopathology

    Cellular and Molecular Biology

  • matrix, and proteolysis in oral cancer research. Theobjective of this review is to provide a summary of newfindings in this area to highlight the complex role(s) ofthese key molecular players in oral tumor progression. Extracellular matrix components

    The meshwork of proteins, proteoglycans andglycosaminoglycan surrounding cells in multicellularorganisms is collectively referred as ECM, the majorconstituents of which include collagen, fibronectin,laminin, vitronectin and hyaluronate (Fig. 1) (DeArcangelis and Georges-Labouesse, 2000; Daley et al.,2008). These large macromolecules form a supportiveframework for cells embedded therein and serve asligands for matrix-binding integrins on the cell surface.ECM proteins also sequester growth factors within thematrix. Matrix components are produced by various cellsincluding epithelial and stromal cells within a specifictissue type. Changes in composition and structure of theECM, due to altered expression, secretion, or processing,often accompany oral tumor progression and have beenwidely investigated.Collagen

    Collagens are the dominant component of ECM andare the most abundant proteins in mammals. Assembledas hetero- and homo-trimers, there are over 20 distinctcollagen types described to date, some with tissue-specific localization (Lyons and Jones, 2007). In thebasement membrane of oral epithelia, collagen I andcollagen IV are the most common types (Garrone et al.,1997). Collagen I and III primarily make up the dermisand collagen IV, VII and XVII are found in the dermo-epidermal interface (Garrone et al., 1997).

    Collagen I and III are increased in the stromaadjacent to benign alterations in malignantly transformedkeratinocytes. These collagen types are also associatedwith well differentiated OSCC, as the destruction offibrillar structures is more pronounced during thetransition from moderately to poorly differentiatedsquamous cell carcinomas (Stenback et al., 1999).Collagen IV is disrupted and discontinuous in invasiveOSCC but not in carcinoma in situ (Giannelli et al.,2001). Transcriptional profiling has identified both typeI and IV alpha1 and alpha2 chains as differentiallyexpressed in OSCC relative to normal oral tissue (Chenet al., 2008; Ye et al., 2008), suggesting the potentialutility of these gene products as diagnostic or prognosticindicators. Interestingly, enhanced expression of minorcollagen isoforms including collagen V and IX has alsobeen identified using microarray analysis in OSCC (Soket al., 2003; Schmalbach et al., 2004). Downregulationof collagen XVII in basal cells in mild dysplasias andupregulation in suprabasal keratinocytes in moderate andsevere dysplasias, as well as in the central cells of gradeII and III squamous cell carcinomas, has beendemonstrated using immunohistochemistry and in situ

    hybridization. Furthermore, overexpression of collagenXVII is found at the tumor invasive front (Parikka et al.,2003), suggesting a correlation between expression ofcollagen XVII and tumor progression. Fibronectin

    Matrix fibronectin is a dimeric matrix glycoproteinwith rod-like structure composed of three homologousrepeats or modules, Types I, II, and III. Each moduleconstitutes an independently folded unit and is referredto as Fn1, Fn2 and Fn3 respectively, joined by shortconnector sequences (Faralli et al., 2009). Fibronectin isubiquitously expressed throughout the ECM andpromotes cell-matrix adhesion through interaction withintegrin α5ß1, although binding to integrins α4ß1, α5ß1,αvß1 and αvß6 has also been reported (Johansson et al.,1997).

    In OSCC, fibronectin expression is prevalent both inthe tumor stroma and at the invasive front, and theexpression of fibronectin in primary tumors associatedwith metastatic cases is increased when compared withthose primaries not associated with metastases (Haradaet al., 1994). An isoform of fibronectin designatedoncofetal fibronectin is absent in normal adult

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    Fig. 1. Overview of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in OSCC.Structural features of the major ECM protein components and their rolein OSCC are depicted.

  • epithelium but is present in cancer stroma, as detected byimmunohistochemistry. Intense oncofetal fibronectinexpression at regions of invasion is also observed (Bildeet al., 2009). Oncofetal fibronectin is a strong indicatorfor poor prognosis in OSCC (Lyons and Cui, 2000;Lyons et al., 2001).Laminin

    Laminins are high molecular weight heterotrimericglycoproteins present in basement membrane composedof α, ß and γ chains encoded by distinct genes (Ghoshand Stack, 2000). To date, 5 α, 3 ß and 3 γ chains havebeen reported, assembling into sixteen different lamininheterotrimers (Scheele et al., 2007). Laminin isoformsare secreted by a wide variety of cells in a tissue-specificmanner (Lyons and Jones, 2007) and considerable dataexist regarding the involvement of laminin isoforms inoral epithelium and in OSCC. Laminin-5 (laminin-332),composed of α3, ß3 and γ2 subunits, is the majorlaminin isoform in oral squamous epithelium. Laminin-5is an integral constituent of hemidesmosomes, that formstable cell-matrix adhesions in normal epithelia(Goldfinger et al., 1998). The major laminin-5-bindingintegrins are α3ß1 and α6ß4 (Scheele et al., 2007).

    As laminin-5 has been shown to be both an adhesiveand a pro-migratory factor, the function of thisglycoprotein remains somewhat controversial (Ziober etal., 2006). The 460 kDa precursor of laminin-5undergoes specific proteolytic processing after secretion(Kainulainen et al., 1998) and in keratinocytes in vivomore than 50% of the laminin-5 is fully processed.Unprocessed laminin-5 can promote kerationocytemigration while cells in contact with processed maturelaminin-5 form stable attachments to the matrix (Zioberet al., 2006). Mechanistic analysis of these apparentlycontradictory phenomena showed that processing of theα3 subunit secondary to plasminogen activation andplasmin formation resulted in dramatic changes incellular behavior (Goldfinger et al., 1998, 2000).

    In OSCC, overexpression of laminin-5 has beenidentified in three distinct transcriptional profilingstudies, suggesting the potential utility of laminin-5analysis as a diagnostic tool or to predict localrecurrence at surgical margins (Chen et al., 2008; Ye etal., 2008; Mendez et al., 2009). Laminin-5 geneexpression is also strongly correlated with poor survivaland thus may find use as a prognostic indicator as well(Mendez et al., 2009). This is supported byimmunohistological and cell biological studies showinghigher expression of laminin-5 at regions of infiltrationand invasion (Katoh et al., 2002; Kuratomi et al., 2006;Lindberg et al., 2006; Gasparoni et al., 2007; Bilde et al.,2009; Kulasekara et al., 2009). In addition, OSCC cellsthat are highly invasive in vitro show an increasedmotility on laminin-5 when compared with less invasivecell lines (DiPersio et al., 1997). Together these datasuggest that laminin-5 may play a key role inprogression of OSCC.


    Vitronectin is a glycoprotein mainly synthesized bythe liver but widely found in loose connective tissue,blood vessel walls, and in the stroma of lymphatic tissue.It is a monomer in circulation, but converts intomultimeric form when deposited in ECM (Seiffert,1997). Vitronectin binds to plasminogen activatorinhibitor-1 (PAI-1) via its somatomedin B domain, thuscounter-regulating proteolysis initiated by plasminogenactivation (Xu et al., 2001). Vitronectin contains anRGD sequence, through which it binds to membranebound integrins, mainly αv integrins, anchoring cells tothe extracellular matrix. The somatomedin B domain isalso the site of interaction between vitronectin andurinary-type plasminogen receptor (uPAR), and thisinteraction has been implicated in cell migration andsignal transduction (Wei et al., 1994; Zhou et al., 2003).

    Analysis of vitronectin expression in primary OSCCrelative to metastatic cervical lymph nodes shows asignificant decrease in vitronectin levels in peri-tumorstroma at sites of invasion (Harada et al., 1994).Conversely, fibronectin deposition is enhanced at thetumor invasive front, suggesting deposition of aprovisional matrix (Harada et al., 1994). Loss of matrix-associated vitronectin is supported by a proteomicanalysis of serum biomarkers for OSCC (Bijian et al.,2009). In this study, sera from control mice werecompared to those bearing tongue tumors using a varietyof analyses. Results show enhanced levels of host-derived (i.e. murine) vitronectin in serum of tumorbearing mice (Bijian et al., 2009). Cell surface adhesion molecules

    Cell surface adhesion molecules function asreceptors for components of the ECM or membrane-associated counterparts from adjacent cells, enablingcell-cell and cell-ECM communication. The mostcommonly expressed adhesion molecules are integrinsand cadherins, that function as membrane biosensors todetect changes in the extracellular environment andtransmit these signals intracellularly. Additional proteinsincluding CD44 and urinary type plasminogen activatorreceptor (uPAR) also play a role in cell adhesion.Integrins

    Integrins are a family of heterodimerictransmembrane cell adhesion proteins comprised of αand ß subunits that are responsible for binding of cells toECM components. Integrins are widely distributed andhave been found on virtually every cell and tissue(Virtanen et al., 1990). To date, 16 α subunits and 8 ßsubunits have been identified, resulting in 24 integrinheterodimers (Fig. 2) (Lyons and Jones, 2007). Manyintegrins can bind to several different matrix ligands, andgenerally, one ligand is often recognized by severalintegrins (De Arcangelis and Georges-Labouesse, 2000).

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  • Through cytoplasmic tail interactions with adaptorproteins and signaling components, integrin-mediatedadhesion to ECM proteins provides a functional linkbetween the cytoskeleton and the extracellularenvironment. In addition to adhesive and migratoryfunctions, integrins can also affect cell growth,differentiation, gene expression, angiogenesis, proteaseproduction, and apoptosis (De Arcangelis and Georges-Labouesse, 2000; Daley et al., 2008; Muller et al., 2008).

    In the normal oral mucosa, expression of α2ß1,α3ß1, α6ß4 and α9ß1 integrins is prevalent, withstaining found in suprabasal as well as basaldistributions (Thomas and Speight, 2001). Althoughaltered integrin expression profiles have been reported inmany cancers, no one specific integrin has beenimplicated in transformation to the malignant phenotype.Indeed, changes in integrin expression vary bothbetween and within different tumor types (Thorup et al.,1997). In tumor tissues, altered integrin profiles as wellas altered integrin distribution within specific tissueshave been observed; however integrin expressionprofiles in OSCC have not been extensively evaluated.Focal loss of staining for α2ß1, α3ß1, αvß5 and α6ß4has been reported, but does not correlate with prognosis.In a recent study, α3 and ß5 integrin expression wasassociated with metastasis to cervical lymph nodes whileß5 expression correlated with disease-specific death(Kurokawa et al., 2008). In addition, variable loss orreduced expression of ß1 integrins and integrin α6ß4 isfound in poorly differentiated tumors (Lyons and Jones,2007). In contrast, an additional study showed that highlevels of α3, α6 and ß1 integrin are associated withimproved prognosis (Ohara et al., 2009). Furthermore,acquisition of αvß6, a fibronectin-, vitronectin-, andtenascin-binding integrin associated with wound healing,has been reported in OSCC (Breuss et al., 1995; Jones etal., 1997; Thomas et al., 2006). This is supported by invitro data showing that forced expression of this integrinincreases OSCC cell motility and promotes invasiveactivity (Ramos et al., 2002). These results highlight thecomplex roles of integrins in oral tumor progression. Cadherins

    Cadherins are transmembrane proteins that functionin cell-cell adhesion via formation of adherens junctionalcomplexes with cadherins on adjacent cells. Thecytoplasmic domains of cadherins connect via cateninsto the actin cytoskeleton, linking cell-cell contact tocytoskeletal function (Wheelock et al., 2008) (Fig. 3).Cadherins are essential for cell sorting duringdevelopment and differentiation. The cadherinsuperfamily contains over 30 members (Takeichi, 1993;Charalabopoulos et al., 2004), however the mostcommonly expressed cadherin family members are E-cadherin found in epithelial tissue, N-cadherin in cells ofneural origin and P-cadherin found predominantly inplacenta.

    In stratified squamous epithelia, E-cadherin is

    prevalent, desmosomal cadherins are also abundant, andP-cadherin expression has been reported (Thomas andSpeight, 2001). Cadherin function is essential for controlof growth in gingival epithelium in culture (Kandikondaet al., 1996) and loss of E-cadherin function inducesabnormal stratification of cells (Lewis et al., 1994). Inmany carcinomas, loss of E-cadherin expression isassociated with tumor progression, such that well-differentiated tumors retain E-cadherin while poorlydifferentiated lesions show loss of expression (Takeichi,1993; Mahomed et al., 2007). Loss of E-cadherin hasbeen observed in mild and moderate dysplasia inaddition to in situ and microinvasive carcinomas(Santos-Garcia et al., 2006), suggesting that loss ofexpression may be an early event in tumor progression.Reduced E-cadherin staining is associated withinfiltrative growth, a more invasive histological staining,and metastasis to cervical lymph nodes (Schipper et al.,1991; Schipper et al., 1994; Diniz-Freitas et al., 2006;Hung et al., 2006; Foschini et al., 2008). In this regard, itis interesting to note that downregulation of E-cadherinfunction results in increased proteinase expression inoral epithelial cells (Munshi et al., 2002). Indeed, weakor absent E-cadherin expression correlates with both ashorter disease-free interval and shorter overall survivaltime (Mattijssen et al., 1993; Bosch et al., 2005; Diniz-Freitas et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2009).

    Acquisition of expression of N-cadherinaccompanies progression of many carcinomas and maybe associated with loss of E-cadherin, often resulting in amore invasive mesenchymal phenotype (Wheelock et al.,2008). Although N-cadherin has not been extensivelyevaluated in OSCC, a recent immunohistochemical

    920Cell adhesion and ECM proteolysis in OSCC

    Fig. 2. Integrins expressed in OSCC. The diagram depicts integrinsubunits identified in OSCC, their binding partners, and matrix ligands.

  • analysis of E- and N-cadherin expression in OSCCshowed reduced E-cadherin immunoreactivity inprimary tumors and lymph node metastases (Pyo et al.,2007). While N-cadherin staining was negative innormal oral epithelium, 37% of primary tumors and 36%of lymph node metastases exhibited positive N-cadherinstaining. While not correlated with tumor grade or stage,an association was observed between positive N-cadherin staining and loss of E-cadherin expression,providing preliminary evidence for cadherin switching inOSCC. This is supported by a recent study showing thatN-cadherin staining is correlated with lymph nodemetastasis in SCC of the tongue (Li et al., 2009). It hasbeen reported that methylation of the 5’ CpG island inthe E-cadherin gene promoter coordinates reciprocalexpression of E- and N-cadherins in OSCC, providing aninteresting area for future investigation (Chen et al.,2004).CD44

    CD44 and its variants are a family of transmembraneglycoproteins that bind hyaluronan, ECM proteins andgrowth factors (Thomas and Speight, 2001; Ponta et al.,2003; Lyons and Jones, 2007). Alternative splicing of asingle CD44 gene generates at least 20 isoforms ofCD44, with additional variability added by post-translational glycosylation (Gunthert, 1993; Screaton etal., 1993). CD44 isoforms share common N- and C-termini with the standard version of CD44, generated bythe splicing combination of exons 1-5 and exons 16-19.The large number of variant forms arise via extensivealternative splicing insertion of exons 6-15 between theN- and C-terminal common domains (Georgolios et al.,2006). The N-terminal domain of CD44 encoded byexon 1-5 harbors the docking sites for matrix ligands

    (Underhill, 1992).Multiple CD44 isoforms are found in the normal oral

    epithelium (Oliveira et al., 1998; Mack and Gires, 2008),generally organized in a differentiation-relatedexpression pattern with higher expression in the basaland suprabasal layers (Mackay et al., 1994; Hudson etal., 1996; Oliveira and Odell, 1997; Georgolios et al.,2006). A number of studies have evaluated OSCCtumors; however consistent results have not beenachieved. Decreased expression of CD44 variants hasbeen reported comparing carcinoma of the tongue toadjacent non-cancerous epithelia (Califano et al., 2000;Carinci et al., 2002) and this is supported by a study oflower lip and tongue carcinomas, that exhibit a decreasein CD44 positivity with increasing histologic grade(Cruz et al., 2009). Similarly, CD44v6 is down-regulatedin the transition from normal epithelium, benignepithelial dysplasia, and carcinoma in situ to invasivecarcinoma (Sneath and Mangham, 1998). However, in amore recent report analysis of CD44s and CD44v6 isunable to distinguish between normal, benign andmalignant epithelium of the head and neck (Mack andGires, 2008). Interestingly, it has been speculated thatlow expression of CD44 may be related to enhancedtumor cell invasiveness; an observation supported bydata showing that low CD44s levels in tongue tumorsare related to poor survival (Gonzalez-Moles et al.,2007). Low levels of tumor-associated CD44 may berelated to shedding of the receptor, as a recent studydemonstrated elevated levels of soluble CD44 in oralrinses of oral cancer patients relative to those withbenign diseases of the upper aerodigestive tract(Franzmann et al., 2007). The metalloproteinaseADAM-17 may participate in CD44 ectodomainshedding, as indicated by a study combiningimmunohistochemistry and western blotting, that

    921Cell adhesion and ECM proteolysis in OSCC

    Fig. 3. Cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion.The diagram depicts cell-cell adhesionmediated by cadherin dimmers on adjacentcells. Also shown are cytoplasmic componentsof the adhesive complex α, ß, γ and p120catenin.

  • implicated in a number of non-proteolytic adhesivefunctions. Ligand- (i.e., uPA-) occupied uPAR can binddirectly to the adhesive glycoprotein vitronectin (Wei etal., 1994; Waltz et al., 1997), providing a functional linkbetween adhesive function and proteinase regulation. Inaddition, following the initial observation that uPAR cancomplex with and modify the function of cellularintegrins (Wei et al., 1996), a number of studies haveconfirmed this observation in a variety of cell types(Chapman, 1997; Ghosh et al., 2000; Ossowski andAguirre-Ghiso, 2000). Studies have shown that the roleof uPAR as a non-traditional ‘lateral’ integrin ligand,binding a site distinct from the integrin-matrix contactsite, may be to modulate integrin function. Indeed,uPAR/integrin association can modify integrin signalingthrough both focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and Src toregulate downstream signal transduction pathways (Fig.4A) (Wei et al., 1994; Aguirre Ghiso et al., 1999;Nguyen et al., 1999, 2000). In oral keratinocytes andOSCC cells, uPAR binds to α3ß1 integrin, activating aSrc/MEK/ERK signaling pathway (Ghosh et al., 2000,2006, 2010). This leads to transcriptional activation of anumber of target genes associated with tumorprogression including uPA, multiple kallikreinproteinases, and laminin-5 (Ghosh et al., 2006, 2010;Pettus et al., 2009). Furthermore, uPAR interaction with

    922Cell adhesion and ECM proteolysis in OSCC

    showed a correlation between high levels of ADAM-17and CD44 cleavage (Takamune et al., 2007).uPAR

    The urinary-type plasminogen activator receptor(uPAR, CD87) was originally identified as a surface-anchored binding protein for urinary type plasminogenactivator (uPA), a serine proteinase involved inactivation of circulating plasminogen to the broadspectrum proteinase plasmin (Blasi and Carmeliet, 2002;Shi and Stack, 2007; D’Alessio and Blasi, 2009). Thepresence of uPAR at the cell membrane enablesgeneration of efficient and focused pericellularproteolytic activity. As such, this system has been widelyimplicated in many physiologic and pathologic processesincluding fibrinolysis, matrix remodeling, cellproliferation, invasion and migration as discussed furtherbelow (Dass et al., 2008).

    The uPAR is a highly glycosylated cell surfaceprotein (apparent molecular weight 55-60KD) expressedby both epithelial and stromal cells and is anchored tothe outer layer of the plasma membrane via aglycosylphosphatidylinositol linkage at the C-terminus(Blasi and Carmeliet, 2002). In addition to its role inregulation of pericellular proteolysis, uPAR has been

    Fig. 4. uPAR/integrin association in OSCC. A. Model for uPAR/α3ß1 integrin association and regulation of gene expression. Matrix induced clusteringof α3ß1 integrin recruits uPAR to sites of integrin aggregation. Formation of a uPAR/α3ß1 complex modulates α3ß1 integrin signaling, leading toalterations in transcription of genes associated with OSCC progression. α3ß1 integrin (purple); uPAR (red); uPA (yellow). B. Four-colorimmunofluorescence analysis of uPAR/α3ß1 integrin interaction in murine orthotopic oral tumors. SCC25-uPAR cells were injected into the murinetongue, allowed to form tumors and analyzed for co-localization of uPAR (red), α3 integrin (purple) and activated phospho-ERK (green) (Ghosh et al.,2009). Multiple areas of colocalization are observed (merge), suggesting that uPAR/α3ß1 integrin association observed in vitro can also occur in vivoand may modulate gene expression.

  • α3ß1 regulates focal adhesion dynamics and Rho familyGTPase activation in oral cancer cells, providing amechanism for uPAR-regulated alterations in motilityand invasion (Shi et al., 2010). Evidence for co-localization of uPAR, α3ß1 integrin, and activated ERKin vivo was provided by analysis of orthotopic murinetongue tumors formed from OSCC25 cells thatoverexpress uPAR, using a 4-color immunofluorescenceanalysis. These results show multiple areas of co-localization between uPAR and α3ß1 integrin in areasalso exhibiting ERK phosphorylation (Fig. 4B) (Ghoshet al., 2010). Similar results were obtained from analysisof human OSCC tumors, demonstrating a significantpositive correlation between staining for uPAR, α3integrin and phospho-ERK (Ghosh et al., 2010).Together these data provide in vivo evidence to supportthe hypothesis that uPAR/α3ß1integrin associationregulates gene expression and oral tumor progression.Proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors

    Approximately 550 proteolytic enzymes are encodedin human genome (Overall and Kleifeld, 2006). Manyparticipate in ECM remodeling, a process controlled notonly at the level of proteinase expression, but post-translationally as well. Most matrix-degradingproteinases are secreted as zymogens, requiringactivation to attain catalytic competence. Furthermore,proteinase inhibitors also function to regulate matrixproteolysis. It is generally accepted that zymogenactivation, proteinase activity and proteinase inhibitionare well-regulated in normal tissues, such that a balancebetween matrix deposition and degradation ismaintained. Under pathological conditions, such asoccur during tumor progression from in situ to invasivecarcinoma or to distant metastasis, uncontrolledproteinase activity may catalyze matrix degradation andthereby facilitate progression. A number of proteinasesfrom multiple mechanistic classes have been identifiedin the oral tumor mileu, as well as changes in expressionof proteinase inhibitors. In addition to ECM proteolysis,matrix degradation may release growth factors andmatrikines embedded within the ECM to regulate tumorcell growth (Tran et al., 2005). Proteolytic processing ofadhesion molecules, receptors, cytokines andchemokines may also regulate tumor progression. Plasminogen activators (PA) and inhibitors (PAI)

    The serine proteinase urinary type plasminogenactivator (uPA) binds to uPAR, whereupon it efficientlycatalyzes activation of circulating plasminogen to thebroad-spectrum proteinase plasmin. The activity of uPAis controlled by PA inhibitor (PAI)-1 and -2, members ofthe serpin family of proteinase inhibitors (Binder et al.,2007; Croucher et al., 2008; Dass et al., 2008).Interaction of PAI-1 with uPAR-associated uPAprecipitates internalization via the low densitylipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) system

    (Binder et al., 2007; Lillis et al., 2008). Fibrin overlayzymography was initially used to detect uPA activity insulcus or gingival epithelium and blood vessels onfrozen OSCC sections. Further analysis with tissueexplants of corresponding tumors revealed the co-expression of uPA and PAI-1 (Barlow and Southam,1992). Recently, a novel method was developedcombining laser capture microdissection withplasminogen-casein zymography to analyze uPA anduPA-PAI-1 complexes in oral cancer and adjacent non-cancerous epithelium, showing that tumor tissue uPAactivity is highly increased compared with adjacent non-cancerous tissue (Curino et al., 2004). Positiveexpression of uPAR is found in approximately 40% ofcases in a retrospective immunohistochemical study, andpositive expression correlates with poor histologicalgrade and poor prognosis (de Bock and Wang, 2004;Bacchiocchi et al., 2008). Similarly, immunohisto-chemical analyses correlate expression of both uPA anduPAR with invasion and metastasis to regional lymphnodes (Nozaki et al., 1998). More recently, analyses ofpaired tissue samples from OSCC and normal oralepithelia using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA) for uPA, uPAR, PAI-1, and PAI-2 show thatconcentrations of all four proteins are significantlyhigher in tumors than in normal oral tissue. Strongcorrelations are observed between uPA, uPAR, and PAI-1 with clinical and pathological indices of canceraggressiveness (Baker et al., 2007). An additionalELISA study shows significant elevation of uPA inprimary tumors as well as in tumor positive lymph nodesrelative to normal oral mucosa, and protease levelscorrelate with increased likelihood of tumor relapse(Hundsdorfer et al., 2005). Somewhat counterintuitiveare studies showing that high levels of PAI-1 positivelycorrelate with cancer invasion, angiogenesis and poorclinical outcome, while loss of PAI-1 is associated withless aggressive tumor growth (Yasuda et al., 1997; Dasset al., 2008). A PAI-1 promoter 4G/5G polymorphismmay account for its high expression in cancers. A studyon the 4G/5G polymorphism in the PAI-1 gene in oralcancer patients found that the mutant 4G allele is morecommon in early stages of oral carcinogenesis comparedto healthy controls (Vairaktaris et al., 2006). Maspin

    Mammary serine proteinase inhibitor (maspin) is anadditional member of the serpin superfamily firstidentified as a candidate tumor suppressor gene inhuman breast cancer (Zou et al., 1994). Maspin sharessequence homology with both inhibitory and non-inhibitory serpins, yet is more closely related tononinhibitory clade B serpins. The reactive center loop,a crucial structure for targeting proteases, is shorter thanthat of most inhibitory serpins, but it is responsible forpromoting cell adhesion (Khalkhali-Ellis, 2006). Maspinexpression is found in the cytoplasm, ECM andassociated with membrane (Khalkhali-Ellis, 2006). The

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  • involvement of maspin in tumor progression is complexand remains poorly understood. However recent datasuggest that maspin may interfere with cell detachmentvia interaction with the uPA/uPAR system, providing anovel mechanism for regulation of focal adhesionturnover (Yin et al., 2006). Immunohistochemicalanalysis of maspin expression in OSCC shows thatmaspin is better associated with tumor differentiationgrade and functions as a prognostic indicator (Iezzi etal., 2007). Maspin expression patterns are differentiallylocalized in oral tumors, with strong staining in themiddle third of the epithelium indicative of mild-to-moderate dysplasia while strong staining in the upperthird correlates with carcinoma (Vered et al., 2009).Maspin expression is not correlated with recurrence inearly stage tongue cancer (Cho et al., 2007). However,negative maspin immunoreactivity in carcinoma cellsshows promise as a predictor of cervical lymph nodemetastasis (Marioni et al., 2008).Matrix metalloproteinases

    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of23 structurally related zinc dependent metallo-endopeptidases that are encoded by distinct genes.MMPs are involved in a wide variety of physiologic andpathologic processes including embryonic development,tissue remodeling, wound healing, tumor invasion andmetastasis. Classification based on molecular structureand putative substrate specificity subdivides the familyinto collagenases (MMP-1, MMP-8, MMP-13),gelatinases (MMP-2, MMP-9), stromelysins (MMP-3,MMP-10, -11), membrane-type (MMP-14, -15,-16, -17,-24, -25) and other MMPs (Thomas et al., 1999; Sorsa etal., 2004). MMPs are secreted, by both stromal andepithelial cells, largely as inactive zymogens that requireremoval of an N-terminal prodomain that inhibitscatalytic function (Thomas et al., 1999). Tissue inhibitorof metalloproteinase (TIMP) activity was first identifiedon the basis of collagenase inhibitory activity in humanserum and in human fibroblast conditioned medium. Todate, four TIMPs have been identified varying inmolecular weight between 21-29 kDa (Sorsa et al., 2004;Verstappen and Von den Hoff, 2006). TIMPs regulateMMP activity by forming high affinity, non-covalent,stoichiometric 1:1 complexes with active MMPs. X-raycrystallographic studies have shown that TIMP-1 andTIMP-2 have a wedge shape structure that fits into theactive site cleft of MMPs in a substrate-like manner(Visse and Nagase, 2003). In addition to functioning inMMP inhibition, TIMP-2 also plays a role in theactivation of proMMP-2 via formation of a trimolecularproMMP-2/MT1-MMP/TIMP-2 complex. TIMPs areincreasingly recognized as multifunctional proteins dueto evidence showing that they are involved instimulating cell growth, apoptosis and immunologicalinteractions (Verstappen and Von den Hoff, 2006;Stetler-Stevenson, 2008).

    MMP-1 (collagenase) mRNA expression is found in

    head and neck cancer cells within tumor islands and inadjacent stromal cells while normal stromal cells haveno expression (Polette et al., 1991). Expression is higherin tumor tissue relative to matched normal oral tissues(Baker et al., 2006). Analysis of mRNA levels in tumorsrelative to normal gingival tissue suggests that MMP-1as well as MMP-10 have potential utility as oral cancermarkers (Yen et al., 2009). This is supported by anadditional molecular profiling study of tongue tumorsrelative to normal mucosa, indicating a high level ofincrease in MMP-1 expression (Estilo et al., 2009).Subtractive hybridization and microarray analysescombined with immunohistochemistry identifiedincreased expression of MMP-1, -3, -7, and -10 asassociated with reduced survival (Chiang et al., 2008). Aspecific polymorphism of MMP-7 (-181A/G) isassociated with increased risk of early stage oral cancer(Vairaktaris et al., 2007) and protein levels are associatedwith survival of OSCC patients (de Vicente et al., 2007).Gelatinase levels (MMP-2 and -9) are also elevated inmalignant oral tissues relative to adjacent normal tissueand evidence for zymogen activation has also beenreported (Kim et al., 2006; Patel et al., 2007). Oralcancer patients with increased MMP-2 and MMP-9activity have shorter disease-free survival than thosewith lower activity in a study based on carefullymicrodissected specimens and gelatin zymography(Yorioka et al., 2002). Furthermore, levels of MMP-2and -9 are higher in patients with lymph node metastasis(de Vicente et al., 2005; Gao et al., 2005). Expression ofboth MMP-9 and TIMP-2 has predictive value for tumormetastases and poor survival, whereas TIMP-2 is theonly independent predictor of poor prognosis in early-stage OSCC (Katayama et al., 2004). Overexpression ofMMP-10 and MMP-11 in oral cancer is correlated withpoor cancer differentiation and local invasiveness, butnot to lymph node metastasis (Thomas et al., 1999).High MMP-13 expression is also associated withaggressive oral tumors and may have value as aprognostic indicator (Luukkaa et al., 2006). In addition,expression of the membrane-anchored MMP designatedMT1-MMP (MMP-14) is also a predictive factor forlymph node metastasis, particularly when evaluated inconjunction with laminin-5 expression (Kawano andYanagisawa, 2006). We have performed a preliminaryanalysis of the effect of MT1-MMP expression on tumorgrowth in vivo (Stack laboratory, unpublished results). Inthis study, SCC25 cells were generated that overexpressMT1-MMP and were compared to vector control cells(SCC25-vec) in an orthotopic murine tongue tumormodel (Fig. 5). Analysis of H&E sections shows thattumors formed from SCC25-vec cells exhibitcircumscribed nests of well-differentiated SCC. Incontrast, tumors formed from SCC25-MT1-MMP cellswere moderaterately differentiated SCC. SCC25-MT1-MMP tumors also exhibited sheets of tumor cells withan infiltrative pattern of growth, including tumorinfiltration of underlying muscle. These data support theconclusion that MT1-MMP may play a role in OSCC

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  • progression. Kallikreins

    Human kallikreins (KLK) are a large family ofproteinases subdivided into two categories: plasmakallikreins and tissue kallikreins (Borgono et al., 2004).The former is encoded by a single gene on chromosome4q35 and is an enzyme that releases bioactive peptidebradykinin from high molecular weight kininogen(Pampalakis and Sotiropoulou, 2007). In contrast, tissuekallikreins are encoded by the largest uninterruptedcluster of serine protease genes (15 in total) in thehuman genome, located on chromosome 19q13.4

    (Clements et al., 2004; Pampalakis and Sotiropoulou,2007). Tissue kallikreins possess either trypsin-like(KLK1, KLK2, KLK4, KLK5, KLK6, KLK8, KLK10-15) or chymotrypsin-like (KLK3, KLK7, KLK9) activityand are widely involved in ECM degradation(Pampalakis and Sotiropoulou, 2007). KLKs areexpressed in a wide range of tissues and many tissuesco-express multiple KLKs.

    Tissue KLKs have been widely investigated aspotential cancer biomarkers. KLK3 (also called prostatespecific antigen or PSA) is a well known biomarker forprostate cancer screening, diagnosis and recurrencemonitoring (Grubb and Kibel, 2007). Similarly, in earlystage ovarian cancer patients, pre-surgery serum KLK6

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    Fig. 5. Overexpression of MT1-MMP alters progression of murine OSCC. SCC25 cells expressing empty vector (A, B - SCC25-vec) or MT1-MMP (C,D- SCC25-MT1-MMP) were injected into the murine tongue and H&E sections of resulting tumors were analyzed. Tumors formed from SCC25-vec cellsexhibited circumscribed nests of well-differentiated SCC. Tumors formed from SCC25-MT1-MMP were moderaterately differentiated SCC and cellsexhibited sheets of tumor cells with an infiltrative pattern of growth. Tumor infiltration of underlying muscle and increased mitotic figures were alsoevident. A, C, x 200; B, D, x 400

  • and KLK10 detection increases the sensitivity of CA125in diagnosis (Borgono et al., 2004). The role of KLKexpression as a potential biomarker for OSCC has notbeen examined. Despite substantial advances in theapplication of KLK family members as cancerbiomarkers, their specific role in cancer pathogenesisand progression remains largely unknown (Emami andDiamandis, 2008). However, many kallikreins aredirectly or indirectly involved in the degradation ofECM proteins, and therefore likely facilitate tumorinvasion and metastasis (Borgono et al., 2004). InOSCC, expression of KLKs has not been extensivelyevaluated. However, a recent cDNA microarray analysisof highly aggressive OSCC cells that overexpress uPARidentified enhanced expression of four human tissue

    kallikreins, KLK 5, 7, 8, and 10 (Ghosh et al., 2010;Pettus et al., 2009). This was confirmed by immuno-histochemical analysis of orthotopic murine tumors aswell as human OSCC tissues (Fig. 6) (Pettus et al.,2009). The functional significance of KLK expression inOSCC is currently unknown. ADAMs

    Metalloproteinases in the a disintegrin andmetalloproteinase (ADAM) and structurally relatedADAM-with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) familyare membrane associated proteins consisting of aprodomain, a metalloproteinase domain, a disintegrindomain, a cystine-rich domain, an EGF-like domain, a

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    Fig. 6. Example of enhanced KLK staining in orthotopic murine oral tongue tumors. Tumors generated from SCC25 cells in which expression of uPARwas down-regulated with siRNA (A, B – SCC25-uPAR-KD) or was upregulated (C, D – SCC25-uPAR+) were immunostained with antibodies againstKLK5 as described in (Pettus et al., 2009). Enhanced expression of KLK5 is evident in tumors formed from SCC25-uPAR+ cells (brown stain). A, C, x 200; B, D, x 400

  • transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic tail (Sealsand Courtneidge, 2003; Rocks, Paulissen et al., 2008).ADAMTSs are largely secreted and have a characteristicthrombospondin type I motifs, but no EGF-like,transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains (Rocks et al.,2008). There are 13 ADAMs and 19 ADAMTSs thathave been identified in human (Seals and Courtneidge,2003). ADAMs often function as sheddases, catalyzingectodomain cleavage of a wide variety of adhesionmolecules, growth factors and cytokines. For example,processing of cell surface growth factors such as TGF-αand heparin-binding (HB)-EGF can lead to enhancedcell proliferation (Rocks, Estrella et al., 2008; VanSchaeybroeck et al., 2008). These proteases also controlcell adhesion, migration, and proliferation by acting onvarious membrane-associated and extracellularsubstrates (Turner et al., 2009). Some ADAMTSsprocess proteoglycans in the ECM, thereby modulatingthe tumor microenvironment (Turner et al., 2009).

    Aberrant regulation of ADAMs and ADAMTSs hasbeen reported in many cancer types, and both positiveand negative regulation of progression have beendescribed (Turner et al., 2009). Expression in OSCC hasnot been extensively evaluated. ADAM10 expression isfound elevated in OSCC relative to matched non-malignant tissue (Ko et al., 2007). An antisenseoligonucleotide against ADAM10 reduced growth in anOSCC cell line, suggesting that ADAM10 expressionmay regulate tumor cell proliferation (Ko et al., 2007). AcDNA microarray study found ADAM-12 upregulationin OSCC and it was further confirmed by real-timepolymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistryon fresh-frozen tissues (Kornberg et al., 2005). ADAM-17 expression correlates significantly with lymph nodemetastasis and recurrence in OSCC. In addition, pairedimmunohistochemical and western blot analyses provideevidence that ADAM17 may participate in CD44ectodomain shedding in OSCC (Takamune et al., 2007,2008). Furthermore, ADAM-17 siRNA stronglyinhibited TNF-α induced OSCC invasion (Takamune etal., 2008).Cathepsins

    Cathepsins are largely intracellular lysosomalproteases, but several cathepsins have extracellularproteolytic activities. Most cathepsins are cysteineproteinases, however several members of othermechanistic classes have also been identified includingserine and aspartic proteinases (Kuester et al., 2008).The activity of cathepsins is regulated by proteinaciousinhibitors designated cystatins, as well as some serpins.Both intracellular and extracellular substrates have beenidentified.

    Immunohistochemical analysis of oral cancerspecimens shows a strong causal relationship betweenthe expression levels of cathepsin B and D and tumorinvasiveness and metastasis (Vigneswaran et al., 2000;Kawasaki et al., 2002). In a follow-up study, the

    potential contribution of cathepin B to cellularinvasiveness was evaluated in OSCC cells in vitro(Wickramasinghe et al., 2005). Downregulation ofcathepsin B diminishes the invasiveness and motility ofthis cell line, suggesting cathepsin B as a potentialtherapeutic target (Wickramasinghe et al., 2005).Cathepsin L expression is found in dysplastic lesions aswell as in OSCC and may be used to identify thosedysplasias that may progress (Macabeo-Ong et al.,2003). An additional study has identified cathepsin O asa potential marker of OSCC metastasis using cDNAmicroarray analysis of tongue tumors and normal tonguetissues (Carinci et al., 2005). Several studies have linkedcathepsins with apoptosis in OSCC. By blocking theactivity of cathepsin B, cystatin M was shown to rescuetumor cells from TNF-induced apoptosis (Vigneswaranet al., 2003). Cathepsin inhibition also blocks sheddingof the Fas death receptor (Johansson et al., 2006).Subsequent studies showed that TRAIL-induced celldeath is mediated through cathepsin B, suggesting acomplex role of cathepsins in tumor progression vstumor suppression (Nagaraj et al., 2006).Conclusion

    In recent years, increasing attention has been paid tothe role of the tumor microenvironment as an activecomponent in regulation of tumor progression andmetastasis. Deposition and degradation of the ECMmodulate the mechanical properties of a tumor and thesurrounding stroma and thereby control gene expression.Proteolysis can also release matrix-bound growth factorsand alter the function of adhesion molecules, therebycontributing to changes in tissue cohesion. Furtherdetailed clinical and mechanistic analyses of the precisefunctional interplay between matrix macromolecules,adhesive proteins, proteolytic enzymes and theirinhibitors in oral tumor progression has the potential touncover new diagnostic and/or prognostic indicators aswell as promising new molecular targets for novelpatient-directed therapeutics. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by research grantCA085870 from the National Institutes of Health (to M.S.S.)


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    Accepted December 10, 2009

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