Mohamed E. M. K. Abdelaziz - Toward a Versatile Robotic...

Toward a Versatile Robotic Platform for Fluoroscopy and MRI-Guided Endovascular Interventions: A Pre-Clinical Study Mohamed E. M. K. Abdelaziz, Dennis Kundrat, Marco Pupillo, Giulio Dagnino, Trevor M. Y. Kwok, Wenqiang Chi, Vincent Groenhuis, Françoise J. Siepel, Celia Riga, Stefano Stramigioli, Guang-Zhong Yang Submitted: March 1, 2019. Accepted: June 20, 2019 To be published in: 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) To cite this paper: M. E. M. K. Abdelaziz, D. Kundrat, M. Pupillo, G. Dagnino, T. M. Y. Kwok, W. Chi, V. Groenhuis, F. J. Siepel, C. Riga, S. Stramigioli, G.Z. Yang, “Toward a Versatile Robotic Platform for Fluoroscopy and MRI-Guided Endovascular Interventions: A Pre-Clinical Study”, in 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019. © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery

Transcript of Mohamed E. M. K. Abdelaziz - Toward a Versatile Robotic...

Page 1: Mohamed E. M. K. Abdelaziz - Toward a Versatile Robotic … · 2019-08-05 · Toward a Versatile Robotic Platform for Fluoroscopy

Toward a Versatile Robotic Platform for Fluoroscopy and MRI-Guided Endovascular Interventions: A Pre-Clinical Study

Mohamed E. M. K. Abdelaziz, Dennis Kundrat, Marco Pupillo, Giulio Dagnino, Trevor M. Y. Kwok, Wenqiang Chi, Vincent Groenhuis, Françoise J. Siepel, Celia Riga, Stefano Stramigioli,

Guang-Zhong Yang

Submitted: March 1, 2019. Accepted: June 20, 2019

To be published in:

2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

To cite this paper:

M. E. M. K. Abdelaziz, D. Kundrat, M. Pupillo, G. Dagnino, T. M. Y. Kwok, W. Chi, V. Groenhuis, F. J. Siepel, C. Riga, S. Stramigioli, G.Z. Yang, “Toward a Versatile Robotic Platform for Fluoroscopy and MRI-Guided Endovascular Interventions: A Pre-Clinical Study”, in 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019.

© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.

The Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery

Page 2: Mohamed E. M. K. Abdelaziz - Toward a Versatile Robotic … · 2019-08-05 · Toward a Versatile Robotic Platform for Fluoroscopy

Toward a Versatile Robotic Platform for Fluoroscopy and MRI-GuidedEndovascular Interventions: A Pre-Clinical Study

Mohamed E. M. K. Abdelaziz1, Dennis Kundrat1, Marco Pupillo1, Giulio Dagnino1, Trevor M. Y. Kwok2,Wenqiang Chi1, Vincent Groenhuis3, Francoise J. Siepel3, Celia Riga2, Stefano Stramigioli3, Guang-Zhong Yang1,4

Abstract— Cardiovascular diseases remain as the most com-mon cause of death worldwide. Remotely manipulated roboticsystems are utilized to perform minimally invasive endovascularinterventions. The main benefits of this methodology includereduced recovery time, improvement of clinical skills andprocedural facilitation. Currently, robotic assistance, precision,and stability of instrument manipulation are compensated bythe lack of haptic feedback and an excessive amount of radiationto the patient. This paper proposes a novel master-slave roboticplatform that aims to bring the haptic feedback benefit on themaster side, providing an intuitive user interface, and clinicalfamiliar workflow. The slave robot is capable of manipulatingconventional catheters and guidewires in multi-modal imagingenvironments. The system has been initially tested in a phantomcannulation study under fluoroscopic guidance, evaluating itsreliability and procedural protocol. As the slave robot hasbeen entirely produced by additive manufacturing and usingpneumatic actuation, MR compatibility is enabled and wasevaluated in a preliminary study. Results of both studiesstrongly support the applicability of the robot in differentimaging environments and prospective clinical translation.

I. INTRODUCTIONCardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a global health threataccounting for one third of all deaths (17.9 million eachyear) worldwide [1]. CVDs are disorders and diseases af-fecting the heart or blood vessels, which lead to heartattacks and strokes. However, with the combined efforts ofsurgeons, radiologists, cardiologists, physicists and engin-eers, endovascular interventions have become a mainstay oftreatment for vascular diseases. These minimally invasiveand image-guided treatments are performed by manipulatingthin and flexible instruments (catheters and guidewires) totargeted blood vessels combined with different treatmentoptions including stenting, embolization and ablation. Theseprocedures not only reduce the recovery time of patients,they also decrease operating time, hospitalization, and overalltime to recovery. Recently, there has been a growing interestin robotic platforms that can perform the tasks mentionedabove. Compared to manual interventions, these systemscan improve precision, stability, and comfort, eliminatingphysiological tremor and reducing radiation exposure bothfor patients and operators.

Research supported by the UK EPSRC (EP/N024877/1). 1M. E. M. K.Abdelaziz, D. Kundrat, M. Pupillo, G. Dagnino, W. Chi, G. Z. Yang are withThe Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery, Imperial College London, UK.(e-mail: [email protected]). 2T. M. Y. Kwok and C. Riga arewith the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, ImperialCollege London, UK. 3V. Groenhuis, F. J. Siepel and S. Stramigioli are withRobotics and Mechatronics, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands.4G. Z. Yang is also affiliated with the Institute of Medical Robotics, ShanghaiJiao Tong University, China.

Fig. 1: Novel robotic platform with versatile, MR-safe slave robot (right)and intuitive master device (left) for endovascular interventions.

A. State of the ArtA variety of robotic systems for endovascular or cardiaccatheterization were reported in research or translated tocommercialisation. In general, such systems show low levelsof robotic autonomy [2] and consider a master-slave set-up for teleoperated manipulation of instrumentation. Com-mercial systems targeting different fields of application inendovascular and cardiac cases comprise the Magellan andSensei R© X2 platforms (AurisHealth, Redwood city, CA,USA), the Amigo platform (Catheter Precision, Mt. Olive,NJ, USA), the R-oneTM robot (Robocath, Rouen, France),or the CorPath R© GRX platform (Corindus, Waltham, MA,USA). The corresponding master, with human machine in-terfaces (HMI), make use of conventional stationary joy-sticks, hand-held joysticks, or 3D input devices with forcefeedback capabilities. Commercial platforms enable electro-mechanical manipulation of customised (steerable) cathetersand guidewires in up to 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) andwere successfully used in clinical scenarios [3]–[6]. Novelmaster devices were proposed to improve the transparencyof teleoperation. Exemplary, motion due to manipulation ofstandard catheters was sensed without user feedback andreplicated to a slave robot [7]. More recently, magnetorhe-ological fluid was used in combination with a catheter tomimic friction and generate user feedback [8]. Slave robotsgenerally show alternative concepts with different electro-mechanical mechanisms for driving and clamping of instru-mentation as reported in [9]–[11]. Device compliance withMR environments is restricted to [12], [13] and focuses onsteerable catheters. For the sake of completeness, the readeris kindly referred to a comprehensive review of devices [14].

B. Limitations & ContributionRelated work has highlighted a range of emerging cathet-erisation platforms for endovascular or cardiac applications.

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However, devices show a number of limitations regardingclinical translation: (1) Use of different standard cathet-ers and guidewires with reported devices is limited andgenerally requires manufacturer-specific instruments. Thisimpedes a cost-effective and versatile application. (2) Usab-ility of the teleoperation set-up neglects established manualprocedures. HMIs rarely imitate the human motion patternsof the procedure, e.g. joysticks. Also, many systems lackforce feedback, or, when present, it is provided throughcommercial interfaces or joysticks, not properly capturingsurgeons’ skills. (3) Collaborative instrument handling, i.e.quick and easy transition between manual and robotic ma-nipulation is currently disregarded. Robotic assistance ispredominantly required for challenging cannulation tasks orinstrument deployment. (4) Fluoroscopy is still consideredthe gold standard for robotic assistance. X-ray exposureis only reduced for the user. This limits use to pediatricpatients. (5) Future directions are towards MRI-based inter-ventions to reduce ionizing radiation exposure [15], [16].MR-compatible devices are exclusively reported for cardiaccases with steerable catheters.

In order to overcome the aforementioned limitations, thiswork proposes the design and preliminary evaluation of aversatile robotic master-slave platform and navigation frame-work for manipulation of standard endovascular instrumentsin multi-modal imaging environments, e.g. fluoroscopy andMRI. Inspired by previous work [17], [18], a novel mastermanipulator is introduced as HMI. The device imitates thehuman motion pattern of translating and rotating instrumentsduring catherisation. Furthermore, the user can perceivehaptic and visual feedback related to the device or proceduralstates. The design of the slave robot, in particular addressesthe aspect of versatility from two directions: 1.) The roboticinstrument interface enables intuitive use and fast exchangeof standard endovascular instruments (catheters, guidewires)to extend the range of potential clinical applications. 2.) Takeadvantage of additive manufacturing and pneumatic actuationto establish full compliance of the slave robot with MR safetyguidelines facilitating robotic assistance in different imagingenvironments. This in particular targets clinical cases ofpediatric MRI-guided catheterization, as exposure to x-raysis not recommended or possible. The proposed platform isevaluated in combination with a navigation framework ina study on manual and robotic vessel cannulation underfluoroscopy and an MRI-compatibility test. Results stronglymotivate versatile robotic platforms that take emerging trendsin medical imaging into account and improve outcomes forpatients and clinical users.

II. CLINICAL REQUIREMENTSClinical requirements were established by reviewing prior art(e.g. [7], [19]), analysing various endovascular proceduresand interviewing vascular surgeons. Such specifications canbe summarised as follows. The system should be versatileand capable to perform different vascular interventions (i.e.lower limb peripheral, aortic, iliac, carotid, visceral, upperlimb peripheral, cardiac and coronary interventions). This re-

Fig. 2: Conceptual design and prototype of the proposed haptic master withelectro-mechanical set-up and sensing: (a) Top and (b) front view of theCAD model.

quires the system to accommodate a wide selection of instru-ments (i.e. catheters and guidewires) available on the market[20] and precisely manipulate them. The system shouldinclude a navigation system to visualize the surgical siteand provide image and haptic guidance to minimise contactsbetween the manipulated instrument and the endothelial wall.The system should be compatible with different imagingmodalities, including x-ray fluoroscopy and MRI. The systemshould be teleoperated to remove or minimize the exposureof surgeons to x-rays. The surgeon should be always incontrol of the procedure and his/her motion skills shouldbe captured by the system and properly translated to thesurgical site. The system should be hands-on, easy-to-useand have a small footprint to be well integrated within theclinical workflow. In terms of safety, the procedure should bequickly revertible to manual, and the surgeon should be ableto take over in a few seconds. Thus, the system should havea quick and simple method to dock and release cathetersand guidewires. Finally, the system should not be harmfulfor both patient and operators.

III. ROBOTIC DESIGNThe design of the robotic platform addresses the clinical re-quirements reported above. This section describes the masterand slave, while the next section reports their integration withthe navigation system and the control architecture. The readeris kindly referred to the supplemental video for details on therobotic design and presentation of motion sequences.

A. Haptic Master DeviceThe concept of the proposed haptic master for teleoperatedintervention was initially reported in [18] and fundament-ally revised in this contribution with regard to mechanicaldesign, usability, and user interaction. Design objectivesof the device, presented in Fig. 2, target to mimic andmap the established manual intra-procedural handling ofstandard catheters and guidewires to the master device forimproved teleoperation transparency and intuitive user assist-ance. Hence, a cylindrical user handle attached to a roboticstage represents the core component of the HMI and imitates

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Fig. 3: Conceptual design of the proposed slave robot: (a) Top and (b) side view of the CAD model, and (c) magnified details of quick release instrumentationmounting and mechanism for introduction of rotary motion to catheter and guidewire.

the clinically established interaction and executable DOFof standard catheters and guidewires. More precisely, thehandle mounts a torque-resistant linear bushing that slideson a slotted shaft (custom-made component, Bosch RexrothGmbH, Lohr am Main, Germany). This enables the userto grip the handle and introduce displacement xM alongthe shaft axis. Simultaneously, the mechanical design of thebushing allows for angular displacement θM of the shaft.Thus, two DOF can be executed, i.e. feeding/retraction androtation. Haptic feedback is generated in corresponding DOFwith a linear and a rotary BLDC motor (1247 and 1226 B012,Faulhaber GmbH, Schonaich, Germany) that use appurten-ant motion controllers with CAN interface (MCLM/MCBL3006, Faulhaber GmbH, Schonaich, Germany). The cus-tomised shaft enables stationary mounting of both motorsand improved dynamics due to reduced moving mass andless space incorporation. In detail, torques perceived bythe user yield to τM “ iGiPτD with gear transmissioniG “ 16, pulley transmission iP “ 1, and drive-sided torqueτD. Forces of the linear actuator along the shaft axis aredescribed by fM with maximum stroke lengths of ˘20mm.Disturbances due to mechanical friction are neglected. Afteruser displacement, the linear motor homes the stage back tothe initial (central) position, providing the user with sufficientstroke to carry on with the linear manipulation. The masterjoint state is described by

qM “


xM, θM, 9xM, 9θM, fM, τM


P R6. (1)Complementary to the electro-mechanical design of the

HMI, the contribution proposes an integration of safe, re-liable, and robust user interaction. Thus, user actions arecontinuously monitored during manipulation. The user inten-tion related to the direction of linear motion xM is detectedwith uniaxial force sensors (FSS1500NSB, Honeywell Inter-

national Inc., Charlotte, NC, USA). The latter measure inter-action forces in between handle and stage. Acquired voltagesare processed with a moving average filter of window sizeof N “ 10. If threshold σF is exceeded on one of thesensors, the intended direction is set in accordance with thesensor location. Additionally, contactless detection of handleinteraction is implemented with two pairs of subminiatureIR LEDs (VSMY2850G, Vishay, Malvern, PA, USA) andphototransistors (SFH 3015, Osram AG, Munich, Germany).Sensor pairs are mounted in parallel to the cylindrical handleto detect user contacts in the area covered by red conesshown in Fig. 2. Lastly, visual feedback is provided forindication of system conditions (idle, ready, error) and gen-erated by modulation (sweeping, continuous, or flashing) ofhousing illumination. Likewise, capacitive illuminated touchbuttons at the front of the device enable an intuitive selectionof the desired slave mode, i.e. manipulation of catheter orguidewire. The overall dimensions of the current prototypeare p190ˆ 90ˆ 64qmm3.

B. Slave Robot1) Robot DesignTo address the clinical and technical requirements presen-

ted in Sec. II, a versatile pneumatically actuated robot with 4-DOF was developed to manipulate off-the-shelf angiographiccatheters and guidewires by emulating the haptic masterdevice. Each instrument is driven by two pneumatic linearstepper motors to translate the instrument, one pneumaticrotational stepper motor to rotate the instrument, and twopneumatic J-clamps to clamp while translating the instru-ment. The robot base measures p500ˆ 140ˆ 100qmm3.The conceptual design of the slave robot is shown in Fig. 3and comprises the following platforms:

‚ Catheter Feeding Platform (P1): Linear stepper motor

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(LM1) carrying two J-clamps,‚ Catheter Following/Rotation Platform (P2): Linear step-

per motor (LM2) carrying a rotary stepper motor(RM1), a catheter hub docking station, and a guidewirefeeding platform (P3),

‚ Guidewire Feeding Platform (P3): Linear stepper motor(LM3) carrying two J-clamps,

‚ Guidewire Following/Rotation Platform (P4): Linearstepper motor (LM4) carrying a rotary stepper motor(RM2) and a guidewire torque device docking station.

For each instrument, the feeding platforms (P1 and P3) serveas an axial drive clamp, positioned at a defined distancefrom the instrument’s corresponding entry point. This pre-vents buckling of instruments during remote (robot-assisted)manipulation as depicted in Fig. 4 (a). An example of thecatheter insertion motion sequence is illustrated in Fig. 4 (b).

To address the requirement of seamless switching betweenremote (robot-assisted) and manual operations, quick releaseadd-ons for the catheter (spur gear with Luer taper) andguidewire (guidewire clip) were developed to introducerotary motion and to facilitate quick and safe dock/release.The magnified views of Fig. 3 illustrate both add-ons. Thesupplemental video presents the introduction of the catheterand guidewire to the robot in more detail.

2) Stepper Motors & ClampsThe pneumatic stepper motors used herein are adaptations

of the motors designed, illustrated and discussed in [21],[22]. The linear motor (miniaturized variant of T-63) con-sists of two sealed, dual-acting pistons acting on a rack.The pistons and rack have a teeth pitch of 1.2mm anda teeth depth of 2mm resulting in a step size of st “1.2{4 “ 0.3mm. The motor measures p32ˆ 30ˆ 16qmm3

excluding the rack. The rotary motor (miniaturized versionof R-80) consists of two sealed, dual-acting pistons placedin a cross configuration acting on a geared axle. The gearedaxle has 9 teeth with a circular pitch of 40˝ resulting ina step angle of sa “ 360˝{ p9ˆ 4q “ 10˝. The motormeasures p25ˆ 25ˆ 20qmm3.The pneumatic J-clamp is aminiaturised, 3D printed double-acting cylinder. The clampcomprises two sealed chambers acting on a J-shaped pis-ton with a protruding rod. Depending on which chamberis pressurised, the piston outstrokes or instrokes, with astroke of 3.8mm. The clamp measures p31ˆ 25ˆ 19qmm3

excluding the piston. The theoretical force exerted by thepiston is F “ P ¨A “ 79ˆ 10´6P (equivalent to 7.9N at 1bar).

3) Pneumatic ControlThe robot is controlled by a pneumatic valve manifold,

where each stepper motor (linear and rotary) is independentlyoperated by a pair of 5/2-way directional control valvesMHA2-MS1H-5/2-2 (FESTO AG and Co. KG, Esslingen,Germany). In the case of clamps, one valve controls a pairof clamps. In total, 14 valves are composed and driven bycustomised driver boards that interface digital outputs ofemployed real-time hardware (see Sec. IV). An oil free aircompressor, Bambi PT15 (Air supplies, Nottingham, United

Fig. 4: (a) Illustration of catheter buckling during feeding due to unsupportedlength in free space. (b) Example of the insertion sequence. (1) Starting fromthe initial static position, (2) P1 clamps the catheter. (3) P1 and P2 moveat the same speed (to avoid buckling) and for the same predefined entirestroke. (4) P1 releases the catheter and returns to the initial position, (5)while P2 stays still. (6) P1 clamps the catheter again. (7) P1 and P2 advancesimultaneously half of the defined stroke. (8) P1 releases the catheter.

Kingdom) is used to deliver pressurised air to the valves.4) Robot KinematicsFor control purposes, the slave robot can be decomposed

to two coupled robotic manipulators described by joint stateqS,j with j “ t1, 2u. More explicitly, the state of the catheterdriver is given by qS,1 “ pxS,1, xS,2, θS,1q

TP R3 and of the

guidewire driver by qS,2 “ pxS,3, xS,4, θS,2qTP R3. Clamp-

ing is described with binary vector qCL “ pγS,1, γS,2qT.

Kinematic parameters are described in detail in Fig. 3 andthe composed joint state of the slave robot yields to

qS “`

qS,1, qS,2

˘TP R6. (2)

The proposed robotic system is capable of rotating bothinstruments infinitely in both directions, but this does notapply to translation. The executable insertion and retractionstrokes are dependent on the states of each instrument.During insertion, the achievable strokes are:

scat,ins “ lrack ´ pxs,2 ` b1q. (3)sgw,ins “ xs,2 ´ pxs,4 ` b2q; (4)

where scat,ins and sgw,ins are the executable insertion strokesof the catheter and guidewire respectively. b1 is the width ofplatforms P1 and P4, b2 is the width of platform P2, lrack isthe total length of the rack as shown in Fig. 3. For retraction:

scat,ret “ xs,2 ´ pb2 ` xs,4q. (5)sgw,ret “ xs,4 ´ b1; (6)

where scat,ret and sgw,ret are the achievable retraction strokes

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of the catheter and guidewire respectively. Boundary condi-tions of positions xs,2 and xs,4 are:

pb1 ` b2q ă xs,2 ă lrack ´ b1; (7)b1 ă xs,4 ă pb1 ` b2q. (8)

5) FabricationThe parts of the slave robot were printed with Objet

500 Connex3 (Stratasys Ltd., Eden Prairie, MN, USA) inmaterials VeroClear and VeroBlack (standard quality, glossyfinish). The seals were laser-cut from 0.5mm silicone rubber(Silex Ltd, Bordon, UK). The moving parts were lubric-ated and the motor/clamp housings and covers were gluedtogether. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) fasteners were usedto assemble components and pairs of epoxy glass rods(∅ 10mm) and PEEK rods (∅ 6mm) were used to guidethe platforms (Misumi Europa GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany).

6) MRI-CompatibilitySince the robot is composed of materials that are elec-

trically non-conductive, non-metallic, and non-magnetic, itcomplies with the MR-Safe classification of the AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard F2503. Apreliminary MR study was conducted as presented in Sec. V-C.

IV. CONTROL ARCHITECTUREThe system control architecture is based on the integrationof the robotic system in Sec. III with subsequently de-scribed navigation system, which includes real-time image-guidance and haptic feedback. This configuration providesthe following benefits: (1) the surgeon is always in controlof the procedure, by teleoperating the slave robot throughthe master manipulator; (2) real-time navigation and hapticfeedback guides the surgeon throughout the procedure in-creasing the instrument manipulation accuracy and minim-ising endothelial damages to the vessel wall, thus potentiallyimproving the overall safety of the procedure.

The control architecture employs a host-target structurebased on a PC (host), and two real-time controllers withFPGA (targets). The PC (Windows 7, Intel i7-6700, 3.4GHz,16GB RAM) runs the navigation system GUI (30Hz), whilethe two real-time controllers (compactRIO 9022, NationalInstruments, Austin, TX, USA) run the control algorithms(1 kHz) for the haptic master device (1st target) and the slaverobot (2nd target). The host PC and the targets communicatevia Ethernet. User inputs are captured by the master manip-ulator, and processed by the control algorithms to generatecorresponding motion commands on the slave robot whichreplicates the input into the surgical field. The overall systemarchitecture is summarised in Fig. 5 (a) and further describedbelow.

A. Navigation SystemThe navigation system, introduced in [18], has two mainfunctions: (1) receive and display in real-time the intra-operative video of the surgical scene on a GUI; and (2) gen-erate dynamic active constraints with safety margins (adapt-ively enforced in real-time to constrain the catheter motion)for vision-based haptic feedback. A real-time video stream

of the surgical scene is acquired using an image grabber(DVI2USB3, Epiphan Video, Ottawa, Canada) from a vas-cular imaging system - in this study we used a fluoroscopicsystem for interventional radiology procedure (Innova 4100IQ, GE Healthcare, Chicago, Il, USA). The video streamis displayed on the navigation system GUI and processedto generate vision-based haptic feedback. The matchingpattern algorithm (NI Vision 2018, National Instruments,Austin, TX, USA) introduced in [18], was improved to trackboth catheter and guidewire in a fluoroscopy video streamproviding tip position (in pixels) and orientation (in degrees).The vessel wall is dynamically tracked using the vesseltracker algorithm described in [18]. Data from instrumentand vessel trackers are used to generate and render vision-based haptic feedback to the master device. The clinical userperceives a viscous friction which increases proportionally tothe instrument-vessel distance (i.e. the closer the instrumentis to the vessel, the higher is the generated force feedback).The viscous friction is modelled for both DOF as:

9xM “1

κdκνIM,t (9) 9θM “


κdκνIM,a, (10)

where IM,t and IM,a are surgeon inputs, i.e., currents ofthe linear and rotary motor when a force is applied on theuser handle, 9xM and 9θM are control outputs (i.e. nominalmaster motor velocity), and κdκν ą 0 is the damping of thevirtual contacts, i.e. κd is generated by the proximity of thecatheter tip to the vessel wall, and κν by the direction andorientation of motion of the catheter with respect to the vesselwall. A comprehensive description is provided in [18] andsummarised as follows: (1) The viscous friction is minimumif the instrument is located in the centre of the vessel andnot pointing toward the vessel wall, (2) The viscous frictionincreases if the instrument-wall distance is closer and movingtoward the vessel wall.

B. Robot ControlMaster velocities related to user input and navigation inEq. (9) and Eq. (10) are mapped to the slave robot with

9qS,j “









1 01 00 1





St 00 Sr







, (11)

where matrix S P R2ˆ2 applies input scaling for translationand rotation with user-adaptive scalars St P Rą0 and Sr P

Rą0, B P R3ˆ2 describes a selection matrix to sync bothlinear motors during feeding and retraction, and j “ t1, 2u.According to the user selection, velocities are computed foractuators driving the catheter pj “ 1q or guidewire manip-ulator pj “ 2q. Hence, nominal frequencies of pulse-widthmodulated (PWM) signal pairs for dual-valve control (seeSec. III-B) of each linear motor i yield to fS,i “ 9xS,i{st withi “ t1, . . . , 4u and for each rotary motor to fS,k “ 9θS,k{sawith k “ t1, 2u. Phase shift φ “ 0.25 within signal pairsand duty cycle η “ 0.5 are constant parameters of thecorresponding period [21]. The maximum frequency for safeoperating conditions of actuators is set to fmax “ 35Hz

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Fig. 5: (a) Control architecture and (b) experimental set-up for fluoroscopy-based trials, where (1) Vascular phantom, (2) Pulsatile and continuous flowpump, (3) Slave robot, (4) C-arm, (5) Force/Torque sensor

which allows linear actuator velocities of 9xmax « 10mms´1

and angular velocities of 9θmax « 300 ˝ s´1. The 12-channelPWM output is implemented on FPGA level for reliabletiming.

V. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATIONA. Clinical Workflow and Set-Up for Robotics ProcedureThe main system architecture is shown in Fig. 5 (a). Themaster device is placed in the control room of the CathLabtogether with the host PC running the navigation system. Thelatter is connected to the vascular imaging system to grab thesurgical video, display it on the navigation GUI, and performimage processing as described in Sec. IV. Pneumatic valves,real-time controllers and air compressor are placed in thecontrol room as well. Plastic tubes to connect valves andslave robot are passed through the wall between the controland patient rooms. The robotic slave is located on the surgicaltable in the patient room as depicted in Fig. 5 (a) close tothe patient. This configuration presents two major benefits:(1) it allows the surgeon to perform the procedure from thecontrol room, thus not being exposed to radiation when x-ray guidance is used; (2) it allows to perform an MRI-guidedprocedure by locating the entire hardware in the control roomexcept of the MR-safe slave robot. When the robotic set-up is completed, the surgeon enters the patient room andmanually accesses the arterial system as in a conventionalprocedure (e.g. through the femoral artery). Once, vascularaccess is gained, the instruments (catheter and guidewire) areconnected to the slave robot, and the surgeon performs thesurgical procedure using the master device from the controlroom. If needed, the procedure can be reverted to manual ina few seconds, by quickly releasing the instruments from theslave, as shown in the supplemental video.

B. X-Ray Fluoroscopy Pre-Clinical TrialsThis section discusses the experimental set-up and methodsundertaken to validate the robot in a number of simulatedclinical scenarios, which involved a series of arterial cannu-lation maneuvers performed by a qualified vascular surgeon,both with the robot (i.e. using the clinical workflow above)and manually (i.e. using conventional techniques withoutthe robot) under fluoroscopy guidance. Experiments wereconducted in a research angiography theatre (Northwick ParkHospital, London, UK). The experimental set-up was asshown in Fig. 5 (b). A vascular phantom, a semi-radiolucent

soft silicone full-scale model of a normal adult human aorticarch (Elastrat, Geneva, Switzerland), was rigidly coupled to6-DOF force-torque sensor (Mini40, ATI Industrial Automa-tion, Apex, NC, USA) to measure forces (25Hz) applied tothe vascular model during the procedure. This apparatus wasplaced underneath an x-ray imaging system (Innova 4100 IQ,GE Healthcare, Barrington, IL, USA) to simulate a patientlying on the angiography table to undergo an endovascu-lar procedure. The robot was then positioned and orientedrelative to the phantom to simulate access into the arterialsystem via the femoral artery. The phantom was connectedto a pulsatile pump to simulate normal human blood flow.To reduce the effect of a learning curve, the operator wasgiven a familiarization period of 6min to manipulate theguidewire and catheter within the setup both manually andwith the robot. A single guidewire (Radifocus Guide WireM .035” 180 cm angled, Terumo, Tokyo, Japan) and catheter(Beacon Tip 5 Fr VanSchie2, Cook Medical, Bloomington,IN, USA) were used throughout the experiment. The operatorwas then asked to perform, in turn, by manipulation of wireand catheter, cannulation of 3 arteries with increasing diffi-culty in the following order: the left subclavian (LSA), leftcommon carotid (LCCA) and right common carotid (RCCA)arteries. Each task consisted of traversing the descendingaorta, navigating the aortic arch, and finally cannulating theartery. At the start of the experiment a coin toss was usedto determine whether the first maneuver would be robotic ormanual.

The operator performed cannulation of the nominatedartery 4 times with the determined modality (i.e. robot ormanual); each time, guidewire and catheter were returnedto a standard starting position in the descending aorta. Thetask is repeated with the second modality. Attention wasthen turned to the next artery, and the above sequence wasrepeated. Modality was not changed upon moving to a newartery, so that at least one artery would be cannulated with therobot first, and at least one would be cannulated manuallyfirst. During each maneuver, fluoroscopy was activated bythe operator using a pedal. The feed from the video displayof the imaging system, the time taken for the maneuver,and fluoroscopy time were recorded. Within each sequenceof 4 arterial cannulations, the first maneuver was excludedfrom the analysis, to minimize the effect of a learning curve.For each artery-modality pair, means and standard deviations

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Manual Robotic Manual Robotic Manual Robotic

Mean force pNq 0.37 ˘ 0.21 0.18 ˘ 0.09 0.59 ˘ 0.22 0.28 ˘ 0.12 0.68 ˘ 0.33 0.35 ˘ 0.18Maximum force pNq 1.01˘ 0.41 0.37˘ 0.04 1.45 ˘ 0.09 0.68 ˘ 0.22 1.85˘ 0.89 1.10˘ 0.29Cannulation time psq 6.7 ˘ 4.5 50.0 ˘ 28.3 32.0 ˘ 2.8 65.0 ˘ 10.8 58.3˘ 24.9 43.7˘ 15.0Fluoroscopy time psq 9.7 ˘ 7.3 134.0 ˘ 48.6 69.3 ˘ 31.6 302.0 ˘ 56.0 86.7 ˘ 31.4 189.3 ˘ 9.0

TABLE I: Results of fluoroscopy pre-clinical trials (mean ˘ SD). Bold values indicate statistically significant results (p<0.05) according to Student’s t-test

were compared for: time taken for cannulation, fluoroscopytime, mean overall force, and mean maximum force. Resultsare summarised in Tab. I and discussed in Sec. VI.

C. MRI Preliminary StudyTo demonstrate the versatility and MRI compatibility of theslave robot, a preliminary study was conducted in an MRIscanner. The robot was placed in an Achieva (3T) MRimaging system (Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands)equipped with a SENSE-Torso coil with 16 elements andplaced adjacent to a plastic phantom of abdominal aorta filledwith water (Elastrat Sarl, Geneva, Switzerland). The phantomwas placed inside the coil at the isocenter of the scanneras shown in Fig. 6 (a). With this setup, an MR-conditionalguidewire (EPflex GmbH, Dettingen, Germany) was initiallymanipulated manually and then robotically. The guidewireconsists of passive negative paramagnetic MR markers atdiscrete steps of 5 cm, which provide MRI visibility. Theimages were acquired using a 2D imaging sequence with alarge slice thickness to project the guidewire and anatomyonto a plane, emulating a fluoroscopic projection. The 2Dimaging sequence used was a real time 2D Turbo Spin Echo(TSE) with the shortest possible echo spacing. The MRIacquisition settings were:

‚ Echo Time (TE): 35ms‚ Repetition Time (TR): 536ms‚ Field of View (FOV): p300ˆ 142qmm2

‚ Slice thickness: 100mm‚ Slice Orientation: coronal‚ Dynamic scans: 100‚ Total scan duration: 55.2 s

VI. DISCUSSIONA. Fluoroscopy Pre-clinical Trials ResultsResults reported in Tab. I show a reduction of forces appliedto the phantom when the robotic system is used, comparedwith a conventional manual technique. Using the robot, themean overall force exerted on the phantom is significantly(Students t-test) reduced by about 20% when cannulatingLSA, and by more than 30% for LCCA and RRCA. This iscorroborated by the analysis of maximum forces, which res-ulted in a reduction of up to 77% when LCCA is cannulatedrobotically. This may be related to the vision-based controlarchitecture that automatically slows down the velocity ofthe robot when the instrument approaches the vessel wall(see Sec. IV).

From the clinical point of view, this is an importantconsideration, as dangerous collisions between instrumentsand vessel wall are minimised, thus increasing the overall

safety of the procedure. On the other hand, this has theeffect of increasing the procedure time when comparedto manually performing the procedure, as reflected by themeasured fluoroscopy times. This was expected, as the trialswere conducted by a trained surgeon with relevant experiencein manual catheterization but no formal training with therobotic platform. Therefore, a direct comparison of manualvs robotic procedures on this metric may not be fair at thisstage. However, the results show that the robotic proceduremean fluoroscopy times were between 2 and 5 minutes. Webelieve that these times are acceptable and that this is apromising result, especially considering that the surgeon canoperate the robot from outside the angiography room andtherefore not exposed to radiation. Also, it is worth notingthat the fluoroscopy time refers to the entire procedure,including the traversal of the descending thoracic aorta, thenavigation of the aortic arch, and finally the cannulation ofthe target artery (LSA, LCCA, RCCA).

When comparing fluoroscopy with cannulation time (i.e.the time spent to cannulate only the target artery), it appearsthat when the robot is used, a high proportion of the time isspent navigating the descending aorta and the aortic arch.These relatively simpler tasks can be done more quicklymanually. However, when a more complex task such as can-nulation of the RCCA was performed, the robotic proceduretime was comparable with (slightly shorter than) the manual.This suggests that the robot can be potentially employed incomplex phases of the procedure (when manipulation accur-acy and safety are more relevant than time), while manualmanipulation can continue to be used for less critical phasesthat can be accomplished equally well and more quickly inthis way. The proposed system lends itself to this approach,given its capability of quickly switching between roboticand manual manipulation. Overall, these trials demonstratedthat robotic cannulation of the LSA, LCCA, and RCCA isfeasible using the proposed platform. Surgeons skills aresuccessfully captured by the master device and mapped tothe slave robot to accomplish the cannulation.

B. MRIFig. 6 (b) and (c) show the projected MRI image of themanual and robotic retractions of the guidewire, with nogeometric distortions detected during the robot manipulation.Fig. 6 (d) show the image difference between Figs. 6 (b)and (c). The bright spots in the subtraction image might becaused by collisions of the guidewire with the anatomy andsusceptibility artifacts of the passive negative MR markers.The average signal intensity of the brightest patch and thestandard deviation of the background (noise) were evaluated

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Fig. 6: (a) Experimental MRI set-up. Projection of abdominal aorta and iliac arteries with (b) manual and (c) robotic guidewire retraction. Magnified viewsshow the passive MR markers of the guidewire (black spots), (d) Difference image.

for each image. The computed signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)show no significant change for both interventions («26 dB).The image sequences are presented in the supplementalvideo.

VII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKA master-slave system platform and a navigation frameworkfor manipulation of standard endovascular instruments indifferent imaging environments has been developed. Theproposed system was evaluated pre-clinically by cannulat-ing three target arteries (LSA, LCCA and RCCA) underfluoroscopy guidance. Results show a reduction of forcesapplied when the robotic system is used compared to manualinterventions. This was followed by a preliminary MRIcompatibility experiment. The system shows its capabilityof manipulating instruments under MRI which not onlypotentially eliminates x-ray exposure, but also highlight itspotential to improve manual MRI-guided treatment. In fact,based on [23], performing manual interventions under MRIcreates additional challenges such as risk of musculoskeletalinjury, which can, in turn, increase the possibility of medicalerrors and risk for the patient. Furthermore, this system pavesthe way to paediatric MRI-guided endovascular interven-tions. In future, the dynamics and latency of the master-slave system will be evaluated, different feeding and rotationmechanisms will be explored. Finally, a pre-clinical MRIstudy will be performed.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTWe would like to thank the King’s College London MRIeducational facilities staff: Dr. Ramesh Valapil, Mrs. Inka-Mari Granlund, Dr. Felipe Godinez; EPflex FeinwerktechnikGmbH, Dettingen, Germany for guidewire samples; Ying Xufor help with experiments and Jiwoo Choi for the photos.


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