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© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved The Art of Feminine Magic For Entrepreneurs Class #5: How To Manifest Like A Woman And Master The Art Of Making Things Happen

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© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

The Art of

Feminine Magic For Entrepreneurs

Class #5:

How To Manifest Like A Woman And Master The Art Of Making Things Happen



© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Manifestation Mastery: The Exact Steps To Manifest What You Need Or

Want, Anytime

Step 1: Decide. Step 2: Ask. (Turn it over to Spirit.) Step 3: Receive the way. Step 4: Act in alignment. Step 5: Expect to get what you want. Step 6: Set up your environment.


© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

“Step 0” : Personal Responsibility

The ability to create your life exactly as you wish to live it is entirely possible, but it is not without requirements. The first is taking complete responsibility for everything in your life.

The first step to freedom is personal responsibility. One of the biggest challenges you face on your journey of becoming a Divine Feminine Magician of your business and life is breaking free of the victim mentality of societal conditioning. In the world of being an employee, this can show up as feeling a sense of entitlement towards our employer. In the world of the self-employed, this shows up as looking at what’s in FRONT of you and deciding that what you see is your reality. No matter what your circumstances, you are always at choice. In your business, you get to choose when you work, who you work with, how much you get paid, and so on. You can have anything you want as long as you’re willing to take complete responsibility for your results. Taking responsibility puts you at CAUSE, instead of being at EFFECT. NOTE: Taking personal responsibility does NOT mean that you are to blame for someone else’s actions – don’t go there! Personal responsibility means taking ownership of YOUR choices, decisions, actions, responses and reactions to situations, past and present. This gives you the power to heal old wounds, let go of baggage and dramatically change your life – no matter what has happened to you in the past!


© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Step 1 :

Decide. Manifestation starts with a decision. The REAL reason why most manifestation attempts fail before they’ve even begun is because most people don’t know how to make a decision. In the manifestation process, to decide means to cut off every other option – to be fully in your yes or fully in your no. This kind of conviction is what Spirit is looking for from you to bring you what you need to move in the next direction! Manifestation requires letting go of something, and that’s because you are leaving the old way and stepping into a new way of BEING. Questions to consider:

• What do you need to separate yourself from in order to truly embrace where you’re going?

• What are you resisting? NOTES:

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© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Step 2 : Ask.

In order to manifest, you have to know where what you want ultimately comes from. One of my mentors says, “Know your supply.” Everything comes FROM Spirit, from Source, the Universal Intelligence. What you desire comes to you THROUGH people. Source is unlimited abundance. There is no lack. The key is, you have to have faith that Source or Spirit or God or The Lady will deliver it to you. What you are really doing here is turning your request OVER to the Universal Intelligence. Remember, the fourth key of Feminine Magic: it takes faith. You are not doing this alone! Be deliberate about your asking. Why? Because you are asking all the time, by way of your BEING – your energetic state. NOTES:

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© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Step 3 : Receive The Way.

The Law Of Polarity states that you cannot have a longing or a desire without the way for that desire to manifest also being present. The minute you make a decision and turn it over to Spirit, opportunities to create what you want are going to start appearing before you – in your consciousness and present reality.

Within these opportunities are the way to create what you want. But you might not be able to see the outcome immediately.

Your job is to receive the opportunities and NOT talk yourself out of them!


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© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Step 4 : Act.

When the opportunity appears, act on it with full faith and without hesitation. To manifest what you want, you aren’t always going to see what’s in front of you. In fact, MOST of the time you’re not going to be able to see the immediate outcome what’s in front of you. You are out on a limb. It feels like a risk and it IS a risk. You must act in faith and in alignment with the truth that the Universe is for your growth, for more life, with means that it supports your expansion, the supply is unlimited and wants you to have what you want. The most important practice you can master in order to manifest anything with ease and lightening speed is acting on your intuition. Yet, one of the biggest challenges for spiritual entrepreneurs in manifesting is knowing how to listen to the Divine over the voice of ego or fear. How can you tell the difference between intuition and the ego?

• How does it feel in your body? Does it bring your energy up (lightness) or down (heaviness)?

• My favorite: first thought, best thought.

o Before the fear, doubt and “yeah but”s, you received the truth in a glimmer from your inner wisdom.

o Remember, fear and doubt are never truth!


© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Step 5 : Expect To Get What You Want. J

One of the biggest reasons why people try to use the Law Of Attraction and fail to get what they want is because they don’t expect to get what they want. Desire without expectation is wasted energy. Often the reason WHY people fail to stay in a state of expectation is because they have a limiting belief that gets in the way of expectation. For example, you may desire something, but have a belief that you can’t have what you want unless you work hard or you’ve “paid your dues.” You don’t really expect to receive it because it’s not in alignment with your belief that life has to be hard. So you don’t.

In order to manifest what you want, you must reframe your beliefs to truly EXPECT the results you desire.

“Expectation is an active form of attention with intensity. It may be likened to the actions of a cat that waits patiently at the mouse hole. The cat expects to catch his prize at any moment; he expects to get the mouse because he believes he will get it eventually. If the cat did not believe and expect to catch the mouse, his interest and attention would lack intensity, and his energies would not be called forth. When you believe in the probability of success in your undertaking, you experience an intense interest in your work. This interest is strengthened with expectation and anticipation.”

–Raymond Holliwell


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© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Step 6 :

Create Your Environment To Support Your Goal.

This is where you are really taking your creative power into your own hands. Remember the third key of Feminine Magic and the importance of environment: environment creates ease… or struggle. What elements of your environment do you need to change?

• Your physical space may not be what it needs to be.

• You may have to stop filling your head with fear-based images from media and TV.

• You may need to study, or surround yourself with inspiration so you can stay connected to what you want, or stay in the energy of the new way.

• You may need to bring some new PEOPLE into your life – people who are further along

the path than you and will hold you accountable to your goals, like a mentor or people in a mastermind.

• You may have to set up a SYSTEM to make sure you take the aligned action.

When you set up your environment, you are truly taking the path of least resistance! NOTES:

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© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

What To Expect When You Go For What You Really Want: The Terror Barrier

By now you are aware that the practice of Feminine Magic is actually the process of becoming a new person. Who you are now is not the woman you need to BE in order to make your next big leap. The process of manifestation is simple but not easy. Otherwise everyone would be making a million dollars! So what makes this process a challenge? Anytime you change who you’re BEING at a core level, you are changing the status quo. This is a direct affront to the parts of your mind that have the job of keeping you safe. When you start busting out of that paradigm, your subconscious is going to freak out! How “the terror barrier” will show up for you will vary depending on the situation and where you are in your growth. Sometimes, it’s sheer terror. Other times, it’s resistance. The important thing is to be aware that it is completely normal and part of the process. AND… to keep going. Understand, too, that many times, the opportunity you will be required to act on will be THE thing that scares you or triggers you the most. It’s what you must move through to get to that next level of you. Sometimes it's speaking your truth, or feeling your self worth, or letting go of guilt and shame and grief. Sometimes the opportunity is disguised as misfortune, or something going wrong, or something falling out of your life. The opportunity that will arrive to get you to the next level will be a stretch. It will require you to make an investment, to take a big leap, to move through that fear. And you're going to be uncomfortable, and you have to be, because you cannot cling to what's comfortable, and step into the opportunity at the same time. This is your personal journey of growth. So how do you move through “the terror barrier”? This is where all of your practice of Feminine Magic comes into play. You empower yourself to walk through the terror barrier by constantly and consciously adjusting your self-image, and surrounding yourself with support (your environment).


© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

What To Do When It ’s Not Happening: How To Get Back On Track

First things first: what are you RESISTING?

• Manifestation always requires letting go of something, and that’s because you are leaving the old way and stepping into a new way of BEING.

• What do you need to let go of? What do you need to step into? Experience GRATITUDE.

• The practice of gratitude is one of the fastest ways to change your state of BEING. You cannot be in a state of freaking out and a state of gratitude at the same time!

• Remember to focus on being grateful for what you have and collecting evidence that

what you want is on its way. Allow yourself to WAIT IT OUT.

• Sometimes the best way to move through terror, fear, or being triggered is to allow yourself to feel your feelings.

• Fear and panic will never last forever. When you are empowered with awareness, you

can easily get back to aligned action after the fear passes.

• When you work with your fears and triggers often enough, they will have less and less of a hold on you until you can move through them very quickly!


© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Exercise : “The Big Give” One of the ways you activate receiving is by GIVING. Giving and receiving are opposites. In order to receive, you must GIVE. When you need to manifest something, and the energy feels stuck or stalled, try this… The exercise is simple: reach out to people in your circle and ask, “How can I help you?” For example:

“Hello, this is Elizabeth, and I’m just reaching out to touch base with you. We met ever so briefly at XYZ workshop and you came to mind this morning. So I wanted to reach out to you and ask if there is any way I can support you on your journey today.”

You are NOT there to sell them anything! You are there to be of service to them and assist in any way you can to help them achieve success. That said, one of the ways you can be of service is through your business and the transformation you offer. If after talking to them it seems that they can use your services, invite them into a strategy conversation – schedule it later. NOTE: This is NOT the overgiving and undervaluing that sabotages so many spiritual entrepreneurs. This is the creation of an energetic balance of giving and receiving. Remember that boundaries are necessary – you are not being asked to work for free or give away proprietary info. This is an exercise in giving freely and without expectation of anything in return from those you are giving to. However, know that by giving, you are automatically activating the Law of Receiving. The opportunities you receive will likely come from a different source entirely, but come they will!


© Copyright 2008-2012, Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It… Your exercise for this module is simple: Decide what you wish to manifest. Write it down. “The outcome I wish to create is 4 clients in the next 30 days for a total of $20,000 in new business.” “I am so happy and grateful now that I am working with 4 new awesome, ideal clients, and my bank account is overflowing with $20,000 in new income.” Make a list of all the opportunities that are in front of you right now. As soon as you make a decision, the way will start to show up. First, ideas will immediately start to pop into your mind. Need some ideas? Ask yourself, “What are the opportunities in front of me right now?” Or, brainstorm ALL of the ways in your consciousness that you could create what you want. Nothing is too outlandish! Aim for a list of 50. You will get tired. Keep going, because that’s when the really juicy ones show up. Put your list away for a day or two. Come back to it. Get a friend to help you think of more ideas. Be on your guard for when they show up throughout your day, which they will. Once you have your list, you also have the way. Circle the best 3-4 ideas to take immediate action on. Decide, and act in alignment!