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LICENTIATE THESIS Luleå University of Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engeneering, Division of Structural Engineering - Timber Structures :|:-|: - -- ⁄ -- : Modular Long-Span Timber Structures - a Systematic Framework for Buildable Construction Anders Björnfot

Transcript of Modular Long-Span Timber Structures999783/FULLTEXT01.pdf · Database (CKD), sammanlänkade med en...

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Luleå University of TechnologyDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engeneering, Division of Structural Engineering - Timber Structures

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Modular Long-Span Timber Structures - a Systematic Framework for Buildable Construction

Anders Björnfot

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Luleå University of Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Division of Structural Engineering – Timber Structures


Anders Björnfot Luleå, August 2004

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Universitetstryckeriet, Luleå © Anders Björnfot Thesis no. 2004:34 ISSN: 1402-1757 ISRN: LTU-LIC--04/34--SE

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I - Preface


I. Preface This thesis relates my wonderful journey through the dimensions of quantitative and qualitative research - terms I was quite unfamiliar with as late as a year ago. The journey can be illustrated by a swinging pendulum. This thesis represents the research pendulum settling into equilibrium, the midpoint of my journey, before once again being set into motion towards its final destination. Even though the journey has been troublesome at times, the ride has still been smooth and I am expecting the future to hold the same in store. I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to the wonderful people at the Division of Timber Structures (now the Division of Structural Engineering – Timber Structures) for the harmonic research environment provided, allowing me to embark upon a journey full of surprises and joy. I also wish to acknowledge and extend my gratitude to L.E. Lundbergs Stipendiestiftelse for funding this research project. I have had the pleasure of working together with many wonderful people, of whom I especially wish to acknowledge;

• Lars Stehn, head of the Division of Structural Engineering – Timber Structures, for his invaluable support and for providing a warm and friendly research environment.

• Henrik Janols – Eventually the conspiracy will be solved!

• The people at the Division of Structural Engineering (none mentioned – none forgotten).

• My family and friends for supporting me in times of hardship.

• Kaj Linnsén, Svensk Hallteknik AB, for being available and continuously supporting this research project.

• Finally, a warm thank you is extended to all my Norrathian friends who have brought me so much fun in times of darkness.

Luleå, August 30th, 2004 Anders Björnfot

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“…what should have been done in haste yesterday

is better done in calm tomorrow…”

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II - Abstract


II. Abstract One of the identified reasons for the low amount of timber construction in Sweden is a general lack of knowledge about timber engineering and how timber can be used to its full advantage. One way towards an increased use of timber in construction is the development of a cost-efficient and easy to comprehend building system. Efficiency in construction has recently been under hot debate following the success of lean production in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, the attention of construction has been directed towards the manufacturing industry in an attempt to learn successful methods. Three main principles, modularity, lean construction, and buildability, emerge as potentially useful in order to streamline construction. The aim of this research project is to create a knowledge-based framework for long-span timber construction. This framework should be able to store knowledge and experience about timber construction as well as aid in the design and production of buildable timber structures. A buildable structure is here defined as a structure constructed in competition with all other materials and sub-system choices, i.e., by this definition a constructed structure is buildable and therefore competitive. The research is based on a case study of the design and production of long-span timber structures performed at a Swedish design company. The case study includes interviews, and a survey of 60 constructed long-span timber structures. A literature review of the industrialisation principles reveals that modularity has been a key concept in the evolution of the manufacturing industry. Therefore, the long-span timber construction industry should emit a bottom-up view where product modularity guides the construction processes. A systematic framework, Experience Feedback System (EFS), is created to store buildable construction knowledge based on modularity. The EFS is based on two distinct systems; Experience Based System (EBS), and Construction Knowledge Database (CKD), connected by a feedback loop for buildable construction feedback. The EBS utilises neural network theory containing buildable knowledge and experience of long-span timber structures, providing aid in early design. The CKD is based on the Design Structure Matrix (DSM), providing management of innovative construction and aid in detailed design. Due to the adaptability of neural networks and the developed 3-D DSM hierarchy representing the structural system, the systematic framework is potentially useful for the design and development of other types of structures and materials choices in the future.

Keywords Assembly, Buildability, Design structure matrix, Modularity, Lean construction, Structural design, Timber structures

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III - Sammanfattning


III. Sammanfattning En av de identifierade orsakerna till den låga andelen trä i dagens Svenska byggande är en allmän avsaknad av kunskap om trä och hur träets egenskaper kan tillvaratas på ett effektivt sätt. En möjlig väg mot ett ökat byggande i trä är en utveckling av ett kostnadseffektivt och lättförståeligt byggsystem. Efter framgången med lean production i tillverkningsindustrin så har effektiviteten i byggandet varit under het debatt. Byggindustrins blickar har riktats mot tillverkningsindustrin i syfte att lära sig framgångsrika metoder. Tre huvudprinciper framträder som användbara för att effektivisera (industrialisera) byggandet; dessa är modularisering, lean construction och byggbarhet. Målet med detta forskningsprojekt är att skapa ett kunskapsbaserat ramverk för hallbyggnader i trä baserat på dessa huvudprinciper. Detta ramverk borde även kunna lagra kunskap och erfarenhet som stöd vid projektering av byggbara träbyggnader. En byggbar byggnad definieras här som en byggnad producerad (byggd) i konkurrens med alla andra material och delsystem; denna definition innebär således att en producerad byggnad är byggbar och därför konkurrenskraftig. Forskningen i denna avhandling bygger på en fallstudie utförd hos ett Svenskt konsult företag. Syftet med fallstudien, bestående av intervjuer och en kartläggning av 60 producerade hallbyggnader i trä, är att undersöka hur hallbyggnader konstrueras och produceras. En litteraturstudie av huvudprinciperna för industrialiserat byggande visar att modularisering var en nyckelfaktor för tillverkningsindustrins starka utveckling. Därför borde även byggindustrin nyttja en produktfokus där byggprocessen styrs av modulariserade produkter, en s.k. ”bottom-up view”. I denna avhandling har ett systematiskt ramverk, Experience Feedback System (EFS) skapats. Syftet med EFS är att lagra byggbar konstruktionskunskap baserat på modulariserade produkter. Ramverket består av två delsystem, Experience Based System (EBS) och Construction Knowledge Database (CKD), sammanlänkade med en feedback loop för återföring av byggbar konstruktions kunskap. EBS utnyttjar neurala nätverks teori för att lagra kunskap och erfarenhet om träbyggande. EBS är ämnad utnyttjas som projekteringsstöd i tidiga skeden av byggprocessen. CKD baseras på matrismetoden Design Structure Matrix (DSM). CKD ämnas utnyttjas som stöd vid detaljerad projektering, samtidigt som CKD är ett stöd för innovativt byggande. Anpassningsförmågan hos neurala nätverk och den utvecklade 3-D DSM hierarkin (representation av stomsystemet för hallbyggnader i trä) innebär att det systematiska ramverket även borde vara utvecklingsbar för andra typer av byggnader och materialval i framtiden.

Nyckelord Byggbarhet, Design structure matrix, Montage, Projektering, Lean construction, Modularisering, Trä byggnader

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IV - Contents


IV. Contents I. Preface.............................................................................................. I II. Abstract ........................................................................................... III III. Sammanfattning ................................................................................ V IV. Contents .........................................................................................VII V. Definitions .......................................................................................IX 1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background......................................................................................................1 1.2 Aim and objectives ...........................................................................................2 1.3 Research questions ...........................................................................................3 1.4 Limitations .......................................................................................................3 1.5 Disposition and contents ...................................................................................4

2. Research method ................................................................................ 7 2.1 Researchers background ...................................................................................7 2.2 Research strategy..............................................................................................7 2.3 Data collection methods ...................................................................................8 2.4 The case study ..................................................................................................9 2.5 Validity and reliability.....................................................................................10

3. Timber construction knowledge......................................................... 13 3.1 Introduction and frame of reference ................................................................13 3.1 Long-span timber structures ............................................................................13 3.2 Structural design .............................................................................................16 3.3 The assembly process ......................................................................................16

4. Systematic framework ....................................................................... 19 4.1 Introduction and frame of reference ................................................................19 4.2 Industrialisation of construction ......................................................................20 4.3 Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) ....................................................................21 4.4 Experience Based System (EBS) ......................................................................22 4.5 Neural networks theory ..................................................................................23 4.6 The Design Structural Matrix (DSM)..............................................................24

5. Experience Feedback System (EFS) .................................................... 27 5.1 Introduction and frame of reference ................................................................27 5.2 EFS design......................................................................................................27 5.3 EFS simulation ...............................................................................................28 5.4 Network validation and limitations .................................................................29

6. Construction Knowledge Database (CKD) .......................................... 31 6.1 Introduction and frame of reference ................................................................31 6.2 The structural hierarchy..................................................................................31 6.3 The structural and sub-system DSM................................................................32 6.4 Design evaluation using summation ................................................................33

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IV - Contents

6.5 Assembly evaluation using partitioning............................................................34 7. Discussion ........................................................................................ 37

7.1 Frame of reference..........................................................................................37 7.2 Systematic framework.....................................................................................38 7.3 EFS tools and methods ...................................................................................40 7.4 Modularity in theory and practice ...................................................................41 7.5 Framework applications and future research ....................................................42

8. References........................................................................................ 45 Appended papers Paper I “A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in

Construction: an Exploratory Case Study” by Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn was submitted for publication in Journal of Engineering Design, August 2004.

Paper II “Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach” by

Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn was published in the proceedings from the 12th Annual Conference on Lean Construction (IGLC-12), Elsinore, Denmark, August 2004.

Paper III “A Systematic Framework for Long-span Timber Structures” by

Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn was published in the proceedings from the World Conference of Timber Engineering in Lahtis, Finland, June 2004.

Appendices Appendix A – Survey data Appendix B – Neural networks validation data

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V - Definitions


V. Definitions The definitions relate the author’s meaning when using the terms throughout this thesis. Assembly

The work performed when joining structural sub-system, or elements, together into a finished structure or sub-assembly (Ballard and Arbulu, 2004).

Buildability A measure of the ease of constructing a structure. In this thesis buildability is seen as a goal rather than a means of streamlining construction. Buildability is related to principles and methods such as constructability, manufacturability, Design For Assembly (DFA), Design For Manufacturing (DFM), and productivity.

Buildable A buildable structure is in this thesis defined as a structure constructed in competition with other materials and sub-system choices, i.e., the structures investigated in the survey are, by this definition, buildable and competitive.

Building system A building system contains necessary information for the complete design of a structure, often divided into technical and administrative sub-systems such as; structural system, heating, transportation, etc.

Construction Construction is used as a global term representing every activity, company, practitioner, resource, etc., used, or participating, in the design and production of a structure.

Construction process The construction process refers to all activities in construction from the early stages of bidding and schematic design to design development, and finally production.

Design Design is referred to as the process of giving structural elements their physical properties, cross-section, material choice, etc.

Designer A designer is referred to as the construction participant who converts information from schematic design to construction documentation required for production.

Design Parameter A design parameter is a geometrical or geographical parameter required to design the physical product, e.g., load properties, roof pitch, spacing, etc.

Design Structural Matrix (DSM) The DSM is a matrix method useful as means of reducing complexity and analysing products and processes by holistic and detailed division of a product into sub-entities (Browning, 2001).

Final assembly Final assembly is the assembly activity in where the structural sub-systems are connected to each other, retaining their final places in the structure.

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V - Definitions


Framework A set of ideas, principles, agreements, or rules that provides the basis or the outline for something that is more fully developed at a later stage.

Functional requirements Refers to the actual demands used to give structural elements their physical properties and function. Common functional requirements are; load-carrying capacity, sound insulation, fire resistance, etc.

Industrialisation Industrialisation is here seen as a means for efficiency in construction by eliminating, or at least drastically reducing, on-site none value adding activities in construction (Koskela, 2003).

Lean thinking Lean thinking describes the basic ideas of the Toyota production system, guided by optimisation of flow and value towards the end costumer (Bertelsen and Koskela, 2004). Lean thinking applied to industries retains the industry name, i.e., lean construction for construction etc. Lean construction is often seen as “common sense”, focusing on maximising value, minimising waste and transformation of inputs into outputs to promote flow (Koskela, 2003).

Long-span structure The definition of a long-span structure used here is; “a one-storey structure with relatively long span (> 12 to 15 m) and large free spaces between columns” (Girhammar, 1988)

Machinery In production, machinery refers to the main resources used during assembly. For the assembly of long-span timber structure these are mainly tower cranes, and sky-lifts.

Modularity Modularity is a system attribute related to product structure and functionality (Miller and Elgård, 1998), i.e., a set of modules connected to each other by interfaces define the product modularity. Modularity is therefore not a goal by itself, but a means which should be used considering the products whole lifecycle (Nørgaard, 2002).

Module A well defined and self-contained building block, sub-system, or collection of elements/joints, with considerable functionality compared to the end product (Miller and Elgård, 1998).

Neural Networks Neural Networks is inspired by the structure and information processing of the brain; one of the most important applications is pattern recognition. Neural networks have the capability to adapt to forecasting environments via self learning based on training examples and are primarily used to resolve complex, and non-linear problems (Alkan, et al., 2004).

Pre-assembly Generally defined as the assembly of all or part of an object in some place other than its final position (Ballard and Arbulu, 2004).

Prefabrication Defined as the fabrication (providing desired properties such as dimensions, density, etc., by means of mixing, cutting, etc.) of all or part of an object in some place other than its final position (Ballard and Arbulu, 2004).

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V - Definitions


Production Production is the material conversion process in construction. Production starts with construction documentation and ends with a fully assembled structure.

Productivity A measure of the efficiency in production; relation of inputs/output required to create a product.

Sky-lift Machinery (resource) used to aid in the assembly of long-span timber structures.

Standardisation Standardisation is generally defined as a systematic ordering and rule-induction aiming for the best possible technological and economical solutions in recurring problems.

Streamline A term used with the same meaning as industrialisation, i.e., a term for efficiency in construction.

Structural system

The load-carrying technical sub-system for a structure. The structural system for long-span timber structures is composed of six sub-systems and their connecting interfaces.

Sub-assembly Refers to the assembly of elements/joints into a finished sub-system, i.e., the final assembly of a sub-system. This activity can be performed at the construction site or in factory conditions.

Sub-system The functional components of the structural system. In this thesis the sub-systems of the long-span timber structure are seen as natural modules.

Supplier The construction participant supplying the construction site with material used for production.

Systems engineering (SE) A discipline, which describes the link between several methods used in the design of a system. For construction, SE provides both problem solving principles and a holistic approach to design.

Tower crane Critical resource required during assembly of long-span timber structures.

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1 - Introduction


1. Introduction This chapter contains the introduction to the research presented in this thesis, i.e., background, research area, aim, objective, research questions, limitations, frame of reference, disposition, and contents. This chapter also provides the motives, both scientific and practical, for this research. 1.1 Background In the last year the Swedish government assigned a commissioner to investigate how incentive can be given to increase the amount of timber in construction (Ds2004:1, 2004). One of the identified reasons for the low amount of timber in construction was identified as a general lack of knowledge about timber engineering and how timber can be used to its full advantage in construction. On the issue of lack of knowledge, one Swedish author writes, ”clients requesting an industry structure – for example a sawmill– quickly receives a tender for a structure with a steel structural system and steel sheet walls. Clients who instead request a structural system in timber, usually end up in trouble already in the tender phase” (Hansson, 1995). The timber industry has the responsibility for increasing the required knowledge and to provide the construction sector with new products. The contractors that construct timber structures are few and the marketing of timber is to a large extent done by the timber producers who, instead of further developing timber construction, compete amongst each other. To change this situation there is a need to develop new strategic relations between the participants in the timber industry (Fredriksson, 2003), develop the communication process between these participants (Cigen, 2003), and develop cost efficient and easy to comprehend timber building systems, competitive with both steel and concrete. In recent years, industrialisation has been a widely debated issue in construction research (e.g., Ballard, et al., 2001; London and Kenley, 2001). The questions that most often emerge are; “why can’t construction become as efficient as the manufacturing industry?” and “how can maximum efficiency in construction be achieved?” The attention of construction has therefore been directed towards the manufacturing industry in an attempt to learn, or in some cases even copy, successful concepts (Gann, 1996). After all, the manufacturing industry moved from craft-based production to mass production almost a century ago, while construction is still left in a craft-based era (Crowley, 1998). Implementing industrialisation in construction is a means for eliminating, or at least drastically reducing, on-site craft-based activities (Koskela, 2003). Industrialisation can thus be seen as a streamlined process promoting efficiency and economic profit. Considering the goal of industrialisation, there is a wide variety of literature dealing with the industrialisation approach in construction, (e.g., Crowley, 1998; Gann, 1996; London and Kenley, 2001; Naim and Barlow, 2003). Two main principles aiming for industrialisation are found in the construction literature; lean construction, and buildability. A third main principle, modularisation, is a key issue in the engineering management literature applicable to the manufacturing industry (Gann, 1996). Authors have recently begun to critically debate the

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1 - Introduction


direct implementation of lean production in construction and attempts at applying industrialisation concepts from the manufacturing industry on construction have posed some difficulties (Green, 1999; Naim and Barlow, 2003; Winch, 2003). Industrialisation of construction is in this work based on the principles of modularity, lean construction and buildability. To understand, adapt, and develop industrialised construction, the main theoretical approach must be based on an integrated and holistic systems approach. It is also necessary that these principles be allowed to develop systematically by jointly considering the levels of construction; design, operations, and the production system (Koskela, 2003). The building investments on the Swedish market totals to about 80.000 million SEK (about 9.000 million Euro) per year (Johansson, 2001). In Sweden the majority of structures constructed of timber are one-family homes where 80 to 90 % are constructed in timber (Bergström and Stehn, 2004). Among long-span structures, timber is the least competitive amounting to only 5 to 10 % of the produced structures while the remaining 90 to 95 % are constructed in either steel or concrete. A constructed structure is considered buildable if it has been constructed in competition with other materials and structural designs; therefore a buildable structure is competitive for the situation it was constructed in. In general, the construction process involves two distinct phases; design and production. Both phases are equally important when constructing buildable structures, i.e., if the design is not cost effective the structure may not end up being constructed at all, and if efficient production methods are lacking, a buildable design may soon become an economic nightmare. For buildable design of any structure, systematic integration of design and production is important. Today there exist no systematic tools for evaluating the competitiveness of timber building systems. Much of the knowledge available on timber building systems is stored by individual participants on the construction market. A framework (or basis for development) integrating construction knowledge based on industrialisation principles, providing a holistic view of the structure at all levels of design and production, may very well be one way towards a deeper understanding of industrialised construction and an increased use of timber in construction 1.2 Aim and objectives The aim of this research project is to create a knowledge-based framework for long-span timber construction. This framework should be able to store knowledge and experience about timber construction as well as aid in the design and production of buildable timber structures. The foundation of the framework is the theoretical industrialisation principles; modularisation, lean construction, and buildability. The idea is to provide a tentative foundation useful for understanding how implementation of the principles can promote an industrialisation of construction. The framework should also be usable in practical design as a tool for evaluation of structural designs and promotion of new innovative construction

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1 - Introduction


solutions. Thus, the main objective of this thesis is to create the basics of a systematic framework for long-span timber construction, possible of managing both theoretical and practical construction knowledge, incorporating industrialisation principles. The systematic framework should also be general; general as in extendable to other types of structures in the future. 1.3 Research questions Based on the above aims and objectives, the research is divided into three research areas; one research question is developed for each research area. The foundation of this research is based on long-span timber structures. RESEARCH AREA 1 – TIMBER CONSTRUCTION KNOWLEDGE

How are long-span timber structures in Sweden designed, and what construction knowledge is required for buildable design and production? RESEARCH AREA 2 – INDUSTRIALISATION OF CONSTRUCTION

What is the role of modularity, lean construction and buildability in the struggle for industrialisation of construction? RESEARCH AREA 3 – SYSTEMATIC FRAMEWORK

How can construction knowledge and industrialisation principles for long-span timber structures be integrated? 1.4 Limitations The type of structure chosen as the foundation in this research project is long-span timber structures since the author of this thesis, and the research environment this research has been performed in has an inherited basic understanding of timber construction, particularly the design and production of long-span timber structures in Sweden (see further Chapter 2). Also, the amount of functional requirement affecting a long-span timber structure is in general fewer than other types of timber structures and their relations to associated sub-systems are relatively straight forward. The research presented in this thesis is limited to the design and production phases as seen by one company, no other structures have been investigated since long-span timber structures is but a case to build the systematic framework on. In design, the focus is placed on the physical product, i.e., the structural system composed of its sub-systems and interfaces, while the focus in production is on assembly activities. The functional requirements considered are limited to; load-carrying capacity in design and geometrical restrictions in production. No analysis is performed of the construction process or the

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1 - Introduction


impact of different participant roles or management issues, even though the construction process provides a foundation for analysis and discussion. 1.5 Disposition and contents The global frame of reference used in this thesis helps to organise the research and point out the most important areas, Figure 1.1. In this thesis, the frame of reference is further used to organise and present the findings. The three research areas, as identified above, are the core of the frame of reference. Step 1 in Figure 1.1 is referred to as Research area 1 – Timber Construction Knowledge, step 2 as Research area 2 – Industrialisation of Construction, and steps 3, 4 and 5 as Research area 3 – Systematic Framework. Step 6 finally discusses the results obtained in this research project. The research presented in this thesis is based on three papers referred to as Paper I, Paper II, and Paper III. Table 1.1 presents the disposition and contents of this thesis.


Industrialisation of Construction

Timber Construction Knowledge

Figure 1.1 The global frame of reference used for this thesis. Paper I – “A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in Construction: an Exploratory Case Study”

Authors are Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn. This paper was submitted to the Journal of Engineering Design in August 2004. Anders contribution to this paper is the case study, the survey, the literature survey, the analysis of the empirical data, as well as writing the majority of the paper and drawing pictures.

Modularity Lean Construction


Structural system for Long-span

Timber Structures


Systematic Framework





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1 - Introduction


Paper II – “Industrialization of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach”

Authors are Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn. This paper was presented on, and published in the proceedings from the 12th Annual Conference on Lean Construction (IGLC-12) in Elsinore, Denmark, August 2004. Anders contribution to this paper is the case study, the literature survey, the analysis of the empirical data, as well as writing the majority of the paper and drawing pictures. Paper III – “A Systematic Framework for Long-span Timber Structures”

Authors are Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn. This paper was presented on, and published in the proceedings from the World Conference of Timber Engineering in Lahtis, Finland, June 2004. Anders contribution to this paper is the case study, the survey, the analysis of the empirical data, as well as writing the majority of the paper and drawing pictures. Table 1.1 The disposition of the contents in this thesis.

Chapter Content Step Paper

1 Introduction This chapter. - I II

2 Research method Discusses the research strategy and research methods used in this thesis. This chapter also presents the case study used in this research.

- I II

3 Timber construction knowledge

Identifies the most important parameters for buildable long-span timber construction based on results from the case study.

1 I II

4 Systematic framework

Presents literature surveys on industrialisation principles and knowledge-based systems. Also develops the systematic framework using the DSM and neural networks.

2, 3 I II III

5 Experience Feedback System (EFS)

In this chapter, buildable structural designs for long-span timber structures are simulated using neural network theory.



6 Construction Knowledge Database (CKD)

Describes the expert system for design and production. Also evaluates long-span timber structure design using DSM methods.

4, 5


7 Discussion Discusses the results obtained in this research project. This chapter also elaborates on future research.


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2 – Research method


2. Research method This chapter contains the research method used in this research project, i.e., research strategy and data collection methods. This chapter also describes the case study used in this research, providing a starting ground for understanding the contents and disposition of this thesis. 2.1 Researchers background The author’s inherited basic understanding of the design and production of long-span timber structures has affected the research strategy. This understanding emanates from the research environment where the research has been performed. The head of the research group has more than 10 years of experience as a designer of long-span timber structures. Also, two previous research project concerning long-span timber structure design has been performed at the research group (Johansson, 2001; Olsson, 2001). The research group is responsible for the education of university students in the art of timber construction, focused on long-span timber structures and timber frame houses, where the author has taken part during the last three years. 2.2 Research strategy The main research strategy of this research project is theory based, i.e., the prime interest of the research is the conditions under which the area operates, not with the generalisation of the findings to other settings. The overall research process is iterative, or investigative, where each area of research is founded on knowledge obtained from previous research areas. This type of research setting is conformant to research strategies presented in (Miles and Huberman, 1994). Due to the author’s previous knowledge about timber construction, the first area of interest is long-span timber construction knowledge (Step 1). The results from this area prompted further research into the area of industrialisation in construction (Step 2). The initial empirical and theoretical findings founded the idea of a systematic framework (Step 3) and were also used to simulate the framework (Step 4 and Step 5). In the research areas there is mix of qualitative data, e.g., design specific information, and quantitative data, e.g., process specific information. The focus in research area 1 is on quantitative data where qualitative data has been used to enable a deeper understanding while research area 2 is focused solely on qualitative data. Initial research into research area 3 is of qualitative nature with an increased focus on quantitative data during the development of the systematic framework. The formulations of the research questions, the setup of the iterative research process, and the mix of required qualitative and quantitative data are the basis of deciding suitable data collection methods. Guidance on deciding suitable research methods are given in (Yin, 1994). The form of the research question, indicate what the researcher wants to answer.

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2 – Research method


How questions are generally explanatory making experiments, histories, and case studies desirable, while what questions are more exploratory in nature favouring surveys and archival analyses (Yin, 1994). The research strategy and data collection methods used for each research area are given below. The purpose of research area 1 is to describe how long-span timber structures are designed, and then collect core quantitative and qualitative knowledge for buildable long-span timber structure design. The first part of the question (how) is thus explanatory and focuses on contemporary events, i.e., how the structural system is designed today. The second part of the question (what) is exploratory in nature, also focused on contemporary events. The research in this area is open, open in the sense that all available information about long-span timber structures is collected; therefore no control over behavioural events is required. The appropriate research strategies for this research area are a Case study and a Survey. The purpose of research area 2 is to explore the role of modularity, lean construction, and buildability in the struggle for industrialisation of construction, and finally discuss how industrialisation for construction can be achieved. This question is thus explanatory in nature. No control over behavioural events is required since this study is broad, encompassing many different areas. This study looks back in history in both construction and manufacturing; therefore no focus on contemporary events is necessary. The appropriate research strategy for this research area is a literature survey. Research area 3 aims at the development of a method/tool for integration of construction related knowledge and principles for industrialised construction. Methods/tools used in both manufacturing and construction are of interest as well as design oriented methods from other research areas. This area is thus exploratory in origin with the aim of developing a method/tool for integration. No behavioural control is required and there is no focus on contemporary events. The appropriate research strategy for this research area is a literature survey. 2.3 Data collection methods A Literature survey is used to examine an area of interest by reviewing literature etc. In all cases where literature has been reviewed, an iterative approach was chosen, i.e., the investigation of an area of interest resulted in further information of interest; a snowball (chain) strategy approach (Miles and Huberman, 1994). The literature survey is also used to find and relate the necessary theory for the research, providing a theory based strategy. Surveys are used to obtain hard facts (what) about contemporary events or artefacts. Commonly surveys are used as a complement to interviews where more general empirical information is required (Miles and Huberman, 1994). In this research project the survey is included in the case study as a method to obtain quantitative data for research area 1, i.e., a

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2 – Research method


survey based on a contemporary artefact, the long-span timber structure. The survey highlights what is normal or average (the typical case). Case study, like other research strategies, is a way of investigating an empirical topic by following a set of pre-specified procedures. In general there are three types of case studies; exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory (Yin, 1994). The case study used in this research is explanatory. Furthermore, there are four general designs for case studies; the case study chosen in this research is a single case, holistic case study (Yin, 1994). A single case study is analogous to a single experiment, and the conditions that justify a single experiment also justify a single case study. The rationale for the single case in this research is that the long-span timber structure is neither critical nor unique for the actual area of research. The usefulness of the single case in this research is the testing of existing theories and the case is chosen based on revelatory basis. The unit of analysis in the case study is the structural system for long-span timber structures, which is a single unit of analysis. No data collection methods can be said to be the “best” for case studies. The main method of data collection in the case study used for this research is interviews complemented by the survey. 2.4 The case study The purpose of the case study is to describe how long-span timber structures are designed and produced in Sweden. The case study is based on two phases, interviews and a survey. Furthermore, the case study collects empirical data from one Swedish design company, since competitive knowledge of long-span timber structures is but a case used for the systematic framework. The implication of empirical data from a single case company is discussed in Section 2.6. The results from the case study are presented in Chapter 3, and used for analysis in Chapters 4 to 6. Nine design companies construct long-span timber structure in Sweden; four large companies construct roughly half the annual long-span timber structures while the remaining structures are constructed by five specialised design companies. These specialised design companies each construct roughly an equal share (around 10 annually) of the long-span timber structures. The chosen case company has three employees (two designers and one secretary) and has been competing in the Scandinavian construction market since 1986. The managing director (MD) has 30 years of experience as a designer while the other designer is newly employed with a fresh view on long-span timber structure design. The company can be characterised as a construction management firm, offering structural design, and management of on-site assembly for long-span timber (and to some extent steel) structures. The extensive company knowledge of design and production together with the MD’s broad knowledge of the Swedish construction industry was prevailing when choosing the case company. As pointed out in the introduction (Chapter 1); understanding construction requires a holistic view, integrating knowledge of design and production.

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2 – Research method


The MD and employees at the case company were continuously interviewed over a six-month period. The aim of the interviews was to collect general experience and knowledge about long-span timber structures, including specific information about the structural system and the design and assembly processes. Each interview yielded a growing understanding, resulting in further interviews and the survey. The initial interviews were open, i.e., unstructured and focused on collecting as much information as possible using the basic question; “how are long-span timber structures designed and assembled at your company?” Further interviews were more specialised, focusing on either the design or production phases but still retaining their openness, e.g., “how is a buildable roof system chosen in a certain situation?” The survey consisted of 60 long-span timber structures constructed by the case company from 1994 to 2001, Table 2.1. In the table STRUCTURE indicate the purpose of the structure,

OBS. indicates the number of observations for each type of structure, and TIME FRAME indicate when the structures were constructed. This survey amounts to around 10% of the total amount of long-span timber structures constructed in Sweden during this time frame. The structural system was studied by reviewing design choices, calculations, drawings, and other documents. The assembly process was studied by reviewing time

schedules, quality control plans, drawings, and other documents of interest as well as a rich supply of photographs. The aim of the survey was to collect core quantitative knowledge and experience. 2.5 Validity and reliability Validation is arguing for truthfulness in research findings and strategy (Miles and Huberman, 1994). In this research one company is used to represent a general view of long-span timber design in Sweden. The choice of one company for the case study is not seen as a hindrance for validity and generality due to the MD’s extensive experience and the small market for such structures in Sweden. The interviews have been conducted over a long time span (6 months) and performed together with both experienced and inexperienced designers. All interview participants were after the interviews, and analysis, given a chance to verify the collected data. Based on the author’s inherit knowledge and the MD’s extensive knowledge, the case study is representative for long-span timber structure design in Sweden. Undertaking the same case study at another design company would most probably provide comparable results. From a systems perspective the design solutions among different companies are almost identical, the differences are mainly concerned with the detailing of interfaces and connections.


Storage 23 (38) 1994 - 2000

Sport 30 (50) 1994 - 2001

Industry 6 (10) 1995 - 1999

Agricultural 1 (2) 1995

Table 2.1 The 60 survey cases.

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2 – Research method


Reliability is about demonstrating that the study can be repeated, and with the same results (Yin, 1994). Reliability is difficult to achieve in qualitative research, which basically indicates that an outsider with no prior knowledge should be able to get the same result following the same research strategy. The researcher should instead aim for the results to have an actual meaning (Fredriksson, 2003). Reliability for the research presented in this thesis is mainly based on the MD’s extensive experience as discussed above. Also, the case study results have been validated using a form of triangulation (Yin, 1994); comparing results from interviews and the survey with the researchers inherit basic knowledge of long-span timber structure design.

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3 – Timber construction knowledge


3. Timber construction knowledge This chapter contains identification and descriptions of the timber construction knowledge needed for buildable design and production of long-span timber structures. This chapter presents the results from the case study based on information provided in Paper I and III. 3.1 Introduction and frame of reference For buildable design of any structure, knowledge and control of the design and production phases are important. The design and production of a structure is to a large extent influenced by functional requirements and economic considerations in material choices, structural system, production methods, etc. Figure 3.1 illustrates the frame of reference for this section. The following sections present the results from the case study.


Figure 3.1 The frame of reference and the research question for timber construction knowledge. 3.1 Long-span timber structures The research presented in this thesis focuses on more common types of long-span timber structures, Paper 1 (Figure 3). Commonly, long-span structures are used for storage, industry, sports, and agriculture. Sport arenas and storage facilities are the two most



5 4


Industrialisation of Construction

Timber Construction Knowledge

Modularity Lean Construction


Structural system for Long-span Timber



Systematic Framework

Structural system

Sub-systems Interfaces




l re







Assembly How are long-span timber structures in Sweden designed, and what construction knowledge is required for buildable design and production?

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3 – Timber construction knowledge


common types of long-span structures in Sweden. Storage facilities (and to some extent sport arenas) are often designed without any insulation and are therefore defined as “cold structures”, whereas insulated structures are entitled “warm structures”. A “cold structure” has the most straight forward type of structural system often composed of only the load carrying system (horizontal and vertical) covered by a non-insulated shell of sheet metal. The case study reveals that the structural system, Figure 3.2, is the most important

technical sub-system for long-span timber structures, even though its cost is only 8 to 10 % of a cold structure and 30 to 40 % of a warm structure. A thorough design of the structural system is the foundation for buildable design of other technical sub-systems, e.g., heating, ventilation and sanitation. The construction feedback required for buildable design should therefore be product focused, expressed in terms of the structural sub-systems. A

designer wants to know what sub-systems the structural system should be composed of, given specific conditions. The structural system for a long-span timber structure contains the load-carrying sub-systems; roof system, roof-purlin system, column system, stabilising system in roof, stabilising system in wall, and wall-purlin system. Table 3.1 briefly describes the sub-systems illustrated in Figure 3.2 (roof system is illustrated in Figure 3.3).

Roof system Roof-purlin system

Wall-purlin system

Column system

Table 3.1 Brief descriptions of sub-systems, the most common sub-systems in bold.



Straight jointed beams placed at regular intervals, perpendicular to the roof system. In warm structures an insulated roof is often used for diaphragm action.

Column Transfers vertical forces to the foundation and horizontal forces to the stabilising system in roof.

Only rectangular columns considered.

Stab. in roof Steel bracers, transferring horizontal forces to the stab. system in wall.

Diaphragm action in roof (warm structures) Single steel bracer Steel bracers over two roof beams

Stab. in wall Steel bracers, transferring horizontal forces to the foundation.

Diaphragm action in walls (warm structures) Single steel bracer Cross of bracers

Wall-purlin See description of Roof-purlin. Same as Roof-purlin.


le Crossed purlins

on support

Pinned joints

Roof beams

Stabilising system in wall Stabilising system in roof

Figure 3.2 Illustration of structural sub-systems.

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3 – Timber construction knowledge


In the case company, design of each structural sub-system is based on economic considerations. In general, many different sub-system choices are possible, and each sub-system may be buildable for a specific condition. Considering economy, the most important sub-system is the roof system, Paper I (Table 1). Consequently the roof-system also has the most sub-system choices, Figure 3.3. The survey results, Appendix A, reveal that the roof systems, curved beam, arch, and three hinged frame are rarely used; they are only considered buildable on specific request by the client. Most structural designs are based on successful projects the designer has worked with or heard of. After all, using the design of a successful structure should enable buildable designs or at least have the potential. From this reasoning, the most common sub-system designs obtained from the survey (Appendix A) are also considered to be the most buildable.








• “Apex interface” illustrates the roof, roof-purlin, and stabilising in roof interface.

• “Foundation interface” illustrates the foundation, column, and stabilising in wall interface.

• “Column interface 1” illustrates the column, roof, and stabilising in wall interface on the facade.

• “Column interface 2” illustrates the column, roof, and stabilising in wall interface on the gable.

Figure 3.3 Illustrations of roof systems and structural interfaces for long-span timber structures

(**Most buildable roof system**).

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3 – Timber construction knowledge


3.2 Structural design

he case company design process indicates that the information available in early design is

able 3.2 Left; available design information. Right; required design information.


Toften limited to the basic structure geometry, i.e., width, length, and free height. The geographic location of the structures is also often known, providing the magnitude of snow and wind load affecting the structure. Design information, besides choice of sub-system, required by a designer is; roof pitch, column spacing, and roof-purlin spacing. Table 3.2 presents the design parameters available as well as the information required for complete structural design. T

1 1. Roof system sing system in wall . Length of structure 5. Stabili

2. Width of structure 2. Roof-purlin system 6. Roof pitch

3. Free height 3. Column system 7. Column spacing

4. Snow and wind load in roof 4. Stabilising system 8. Roof-purlin spacing

esides sub-system choices, there are normally only three design parameters available to a


.3 The assembly process

he case company assembly process of long-span timber structures is generally supported by two types of resources; workforce and machinery. In this case the machinery used is

Bdesigner in early design: roof pitch, column spacing, and roof-purlin spacing. The parameters length, width, and free height are usually predetermined by the client based on type of structure and location. The snow and wind load magnitudes are predetermined by geographic location and influenced by the above mentioned design parameters. Free height primarily influences the wind load level. The width and roof pitch primarily

influences the choice of buildable roof systems. Table 3.3 presents a chart (based on rule of thumb) used by the case company for selection of buildable roof systems in early design. The column spacing is to a large extent influenced by snow load. The wind load and in roof and wall. Appendix A

lists a selection of design parameters (length, width, roof pitch, column spacing, and roof-purlin spacing) and sub-systems (roof and roof-purlin) obtained from the survey.

the length/width ratio influence the choice of stabilisatio

3 T

ROOF SYSTEM WIDTH ROOF PITCH Truss 14 - 24 4 – 7 ° Pitched beam ≤ 15 m 4 – 6 ° Tied rafter with three hinges 15 – 35 m ≥ 10 ° Pre-stressed tied rafter 30 – 70 m ≥ 14 °

Table 3.3 Chart for choice of buildable roof system.

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3 – Timber construction knowledge


tower cranes and sky-lifts. The sequential assembly process described in Paper II (Figure 4-6, Table 4) can be used to create detailed time schedules ordered by sub-systems, activities, and time, or as in Figure 3.4, a time schedule ordered by assembly resources.

RESOURCE WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 Man 1 Man 2 Man 3 Sky-lift 1 Sky-lift 2 Crane 1 Crane 2

Figure 3.4 schedule, sorting the assembly by time and resources.A detailed time

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4 – Systematic framework


4. Systematic framework This chapter contains a literature surveys on the industrialisation principles modularity, lean construction, and buildability as well as knowledge-based systems. This chapter also describes the systematic framework used for integration of construction knowledge and modularity. 4.1 Introduction and frame of reference Learning and the source of knowledge in construction is mainly based on experience feedback from successful projects. The method used in this thesis is to systematically store buildable construction and production knowledge in a framework enabling feedback from successful projects. And as pointed out in the theoretical framework in Paper II, the framework should be structured on the principle of modules. Figure 4.1 illustrates the frame of reference for this chapter.


Figure 4.1 The frame of reference and the research questions for the systematic framework. Modularity is used as the foundation for the systematic framework - Knowledge Based System (KBS). The long term goal for the systematic framework is generalisation, i.e., the framework should be useful for any type of structure in the future, useful in early and detailed design, useful for inexperienced and experienced designers alike, and useful as support aid for modular construction.

What is the role of modularity, lean construction and buildability in the struggle for industrialisation of construction?


Construction knowledge

Industrialisation principles

Successful projects





5 4


Timber Construction Knowledge

Industrialisation of Construction

Modularity Structural system for Long-span Timber

Structures Lean Construction


Systematic Framework


How can construction knowledge and industrialisation principles for long-span timber structures be integrated?

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4 – Systematic framework


4.2 Industrialisation of construction The literature review in Paper II identified modularity as a key concept in the struggle for industrialisation in timber construction, and possibly for construction in general. In construction, modularity is applied at the product level and realised in design development and production. Modularity was related to lean construction and buildability via the construction process, described by four characteristics, Figure 4.2. The majority of recent production and construction literature was in Paper II identified as being concerned with streamlining processes, i.e., the implementation of lean thinking and similar concepts which emit a top-down view on construction, Paper II (Figure 3). It was instead argued that the timber construction industry should emit a bottom-up view where product modularity guides the production processes, i.e., value (or buildability) for the product in design is a requirement for overall product and process value.

• The effects provided by product modularity promote buildable designs.

• The use of the lean construction philosophy promotes a buildable process.

• Lean construction advocates, but does not necessarily promote, modularity.

• Product modularity promotes a lean construction process.

Figure 4.2 The proposed path for industrialisation of construction. Figure from Paper II. Modularity in construction has frequently been viewed as the use of simple building blocks, (Rampersad, 1996) or volumetric pre-assemblies (Figure 4.3) (Dawood, 1996;

Murtaza, et al., 1993). Today, the sense of the term module has evolved so that a module contains specifications of a building block and interfaces, as well as considerable functionality compared to the end product (Miller and Elgård, 1998). Modules are defined by grouping elements (e.g., beams, nails, etc.) together and then identifying interactions among elements and between modules; the interactions required are both geometric (physical) and functional (Marshall and Leaney, 2002). Based on the module definition, the Figure 4.3 A volumetric pre-assembly.

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4 – Systematic framework


volumetric pre-assemblies, Figure 4.3, are a number of modules fitted together into volumes, e.g., floor module, wall module, roof module, etc. The volume can therefore be considered a form of modularity – a system attribute related to product structure and functionality (Miller and Elgård, 1998). Based on the reasoning above, the sub-systems for the long-span timber structure, Figure 3.2, can be argued to be a form of natural modules, i.e., groups of elements that naturally complement each other and benefit little from being separated (Marshall and Leaney, 2002). Product modularity has in theory been shown to provide many product and process benefits, a selection of these are listed in Paper II (Table 1). The main advantages of product modularity for construction was found to be; reduced complexity, increased variety, possibility of out-sourcing, multi-functionality, reconfigureability, and reuse. The task in this chapter is to develop a modular product focused systematic framework (a knowledge based system), and a related toolset providing a holistic system view, a detailed element view, and physical and functional interactions among elements and modules. 4.3 Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) are often entitled expert systems. A KBS should enable designers to explore design problems and solutions, combining human design expertise with design knowledge which can be stored in advance (Dolšak, et al., 2003). Using this basic KBS definition, expert systems has been used in many applications, e.g., productivity adjusted construction scheduling (Mohamed, 2001), retaining wall selection (Yau and Yang, 1998), modular construction decision support (Murtaza, et al., 1993), and design for buildability (Poh and Chen, 1998) only to name a few. Common for all these expert systems is knowledge storage and problem evaluation. One of the most common methods for knowledge storage and acquisition in expert systems is Case Based Reasoning (CBR). The CBR approach employ nearest neighbour matching, rather than exact matching (Luu, et al., 2003), requiring neither knowledge acquisition nor numerical transformation since the knowledge base is represented by previous cases (Yau and Yang, 1998). This makes CBR appropriate for experience rich domains with well defined features (Yau and Yang, 1998), and complicated interrelations (Luu, et al., 2003). CBR has been used in many different expert systems for construction (e.g., Elbeltagi and Hegazy, 2001; Luu, et al., 2003; Poh and Chen, 1998). Expert systems utilizing CBR are frequently evaluated with rule induction utilising IF-THEN rules (e.g., Dolšak, et al., 2003; Mohamed, 2001; Yau and Yang, 1998). The theory of Neural Networks (NNs) is inspired by the structure and information processing of the brain; one of the most important applications of NNs is pattern recognition (Lundqvist, 2004). NNs have the capability to adapt to forecasting environments via self learning based on training examples (Tzafestas and Tzafestas, 2001), performed by adjusting the values of the connections between elements (Demuth and

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4 – Systematic framework


Beale, 1998). NNs are used primarily to resolve complex, and non-linear problems (Alkan, et al., 2004), that can be expressed numerically (Su, et al., 2000; Yau and Yang, 1998). The number of applications for NNs are countless, e.g., marine vessel stability (Alkan, et al., 2004) and mechanical gear design (Su, et al., 2000). Integrating NNs with expert systems is a conceptually rich process with many possibilities and alternative combinations, one such combination is exemplified in Figure 4.4.

N e u r a l N e t w o r k P r o b l e m E x p e r t S y s t e m

Figure 4.4 Expert system and NN integration. From (Tzafestas and Tzafestas, 2001). 4.4 Experience Based System (EBS) Rule induction using IF-THEN rules are generally inappropriate for complex system modelling due to the high information content. Describing the structural system, Chapter 3, in terms of IF-THEN rules would, if even possible, create an immersive web of rules quickly losing any means of interpretation. As an example; the choice of buildable roof system, as described in Figure 3.4, is not based on any apparent set of design rules. The lack of well defined design rules, promotes the use of Neural Networks (NNs) as a suitable method for initial design aid. The difference between case based reasoning and NNs is slim. As a matter of fact, NNs operates case based, meaning that the neural network learns each case it is allowed to train with and, instead of evaluating cases, uses the raw data from each case for evaluation. The neural network requires further aid from an expert system to be useful for detailed design aid, and to provide designers with modular construction and production decision support. Based on the above reasoning, the integrated use of NNs and an expert system as proposed in Figure 4.4 is found useful to structure the systematic framework on. Since the basic use of the framework is to convert construction experience into knowledge useful for design, the systematic framework is entitled Experience Based System (EBS), Figure 4.5. Paper III describes the EBS.

Experience base Systematisation Final structure Evaluation

Figure 4.5 The Experience Based System (EBS).



Structural system ∑ Construct



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4 – Systematic framework


The EBS, contains two distinct systems; Experience Feedback System (EFS) and Construction Knowledge Database (CKD). The EFS is based on neural networks, further described in Section 4.5 and Chapter 5. The CKD is the expert system, providing systematic storage of quantitative and qualitative construction knowledge. Methods commonly used in general design are often based on fuzzy logic (Roozenburg and Eekels, 1995). One of the most frequently used fuzzy methods is Quality Function Deployment (QFD), frequently used in both manufacturing and construction, where the main goal is increasing product quality and providing costumer with products they desire (Stehn and Bergström, 2002). Common for QFD and other fuzzy design methods, e.g., Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) (Weck, et al., 1997), value engineering (Al-Hammad and Hassanain, 1996), and axiomatic design (Suh, 1998), is the requirement of qualitative (fuzzy) input from users/professionals which are then converted to quantitative measures based on a rating system. In this research, feedback (professional input) from constructed long-span timber structures has been identified as the main source of design and assembly knowledge, Chapter 3. Also, the expert system is required to be able to express product modularity in the form of holistic and detailed functional interactions. QFD and other studied design methods based on qualitative inputs are unable to effectively manage this complexity. The method found, able to handle this complexity, is the Design Structural Matrix (DSM), further described in Section 4.6. The aim of the CKD is the evaluation of design and assembly experience resulting in the construction of buildable structures and fresh feedback for the EFS. The proposed framework has many potential uses. An inexperienced designer would want to start with the EFS which aids in initial structural design, then use the expert system (CKD and evaluation) for detailed design before finally constructing a buildable structure. An experienced designer would use his own construction experience (or the EFS) for initial structural design and then use the evaluation phase of the expert system for detailed design. 4.5 Neural networks theory The most common neural network used in practice is the multilayered feedforward neural network (e.g., Alkan, et al., 2004; Murtaza and Fischer, 1993), illustrated in Figure 4.6. If

a neural network is trained correctly and with enough input/target pairs, simulations of the network with other inputs will give good estimations of probable targets (Demuth and Beale, 1998). An illustration of neural network training is presented in Figure 4.6. In general, the more input/target pairs presented to a neural network, the better are the results obtained from its training. After the

Input Neural Network

Output Compare


Adjust weights

Figure 4.6 Training of a neural network. Figure from (Demuth and Beale, 1998).

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4 – Systematic framework


network setup, the output pattern is compared with the desired output pattern and the weights are adjusted by the back propagation training algorithm (Alkan, et al., 2004); back propagation is the most common method used for network training (Tzafestas and Tzafestas, 2001). The difficult and time consuming matrix calculations associated with neural networks are preferably handled by computers programs. There are many ways of initiating and training a neural network (Demuth and Beale, 1998). For this research, the neural network found most appropriate to use is the Generalised Regression Neural Network (GRNN). The GRNN is a radial basis network which is often used for function approximation (Demuth and Beale, 1998). The usefulness of the GRNN for early design aid in the experience feedback system is shown in Chapter 5. 4.6 The Design Structural Matrix (DSM) The basics of the Design Structural Matrix (DSM) are discussed in Paper I. In design, the Systems Engineering (SE) framework is often referred to (Arnold, et al., 1998). For efficient system design, the main design principle of SE advocates a holistic system overview combined with detailed interactions among system parts. The DSM “displays the relationship between components of a system in compact, visual, and analytically advantageous format” where the aim is to “illuminate the structure and aid in the design of products, processes and organisations” (Browning, 2001). Therefore the DSM can be considered to be a SE method (Austin, et al., 2000; Austin, et al., 1996; Browning, 1998; Browning, 2001) as well as providing a base for modular decision support (Martin and Ishii, 2002). There are four general applications of DSM, which are either static or time-based (Browning, 2001), Figure 4.7. Since the objective is to model a static product, i.e., the structural system for long-span timber structures, the component-based DSM is used in this research. The activity-based DSM is also touched upon, in order to incorporate production knowledge based on assembly activities. The motivation to use a component-based DSM is to facilitate both systematisation and innovation; understanding about a product is a prerequisite for innovation (Browning, 2001).

Design Structure Matrices (DSMs)


Figure 4.7 The DSM taxonomy. Figure adapted from (Browning, 2001).

Component-based DSM

People-based DSM

Activity-based DSM

Parameter-based DSM

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4 – Systematic framework


A DSM is a uare matrix with identical row and column labels, resembl sq ing a basic square

igure 4.8 Example of a DSM and its interpretation.

here are four general ways to analyse a DSM, partitioning, tearing, banding, and

A B C D E Row Column “Design sum”

matrix, also called a N2 diagram, Figure 4.8. In the figure, elements are represented by their characteristic letter in the diagonal. An off-diagonal mark signifies the dependency of one element on another. Reading across a row indicates outputs, i.e., what other elements the element influences. Scanning down a column reveals input sources, i.e., what other elements the element depends on (Browning, 2001). Meanwhile, an empty square in the matrix represents a lack of relationship.


A A Element

B B Element

C C Element

F Tclustering (Browning, 2001; DSM, 2003). The aim of the DSM evaluation is to show how the DSM can be used to evaluate the design and assembly processes for long-span timber structures. Summation of off-diagonal DSM marks was found to be a straight forward and holistic evaluation tool able to reveal structural design and assembly. (Martin and Ishii, 2002) also used summation of requirements and constraints among modules to evaluate designs. In this thesis, simple row and column matrix summation is used to produce so called “design sums”, Figure 4.9.

A A 0 0 3 3

B B 2 2 1 3

C C 3 3 1 4

D D 1 1 2 3

E E 2 2 1 3

3 1 1 2 1 igure 4.9 DSM example illustrating the evaluation of “design sums”.

he “design sums” are sums of all row and column entries indicating the importance of a specific part of the system. Consider each element (A to E) in Figure 4.9 as parts of a


Element D D

E E Element




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4 – Systematic framework


product. Each off-diagonal mark represents a relationship between the parts. Summation then provides information related to the importance of parts, e.g., part B is dependent on the designs of two other parts while affecting the design of one other part, and part C provides design relevant information to three other parts while affecting the design of one other part. Using this information, “design sums” are calculated, Figure 4.9. The “design sums” indicate that the design of part C is the most important, while the remaining parts have an equal importance for the design of the product. The concept of “design sums” is further elaborated on in Paper I and Chapter 6.

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5 – Experience Feedback System (EFS)


5. Experience Feedback System (EFS) This chapter describes how the Experience Feedback System (EFS) is designed as well as a discussion on how the EFS can aid in the design of buildable long-span timber structures. 5.1 Introduction and frame of reference The goal of the EFS is to store experience feedback from successful timber structures and evaluate this information using neural networks. Using a trained EFS, simulations of buildable timber structures should be possible based on actual conditions. Figure 5.1 illustrates the frame of reference for this section. The required design information was pointed out in Table 3.2. The experience feedback used for the EFS is based on buildable long-span timber structures obtained from the survey, Appendix A.


Figure 5.1 The frame of reference and the research question for the EFS. 5.2 EFS design The aim at this stage is to show an example of how the GRNN can aid in the design of long-span timber structures using quantitative and qualitative data. The GRNN is initiated, trained, and simulated using the neural networks toolbox in MATLAB (version 6.5). For training a neural network, it is recommended to divide the inputs/target pairs into three sub-sets; training, validation and test (Demuth and Beale, 1998). Half of the inputs should be used to train the neural network, one fourth to validate the training, and



5 4


Timber Construction Knowledge

Industrialisation of Construction

Modularity Lean Construction


Structural system for Long-span Timber



Systematic Framework


Construct structure


How can construction knowledge and industrialisation principles for long-span timber structures be integrated?

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5 – Experience Feedback System (EFS)


the remaining cases to test the network. The general EFS design for network training and simulation is illustrated in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2 The EFS design. In Figure 5.2, p denote network input, W the input weights, a the network output, and t the training targets (required information for design). The network weights and outputs are automatically generated by the network during training and simulation. Due to the network only providing an example of the EFS, only a selection of the design parameters and sub-systems from Table 3.2 are used; length, width, and snow load are used as inputs and roof system, roof-purlin system, roof pitch, column spacing, and roof-purlin spacing used as targets. The wind load has a minor impact for the design of the used targets and is therefore omitted at this stage. The feedback, obtained from Appendix A, has two purposes; to add targets to the target database and to update the simulation limitations. 5.3 EFS simulation A MATLAB program was written, which randomly divides the inputs into sets of training and validation (the test set has in this case been used as the validation set). This procedure allows the GRNN to be verified multiple times using random sets. During network

training, using 75 % of the inputs, the weights are updated until the network outputs approximate its associated targets, Figure 5.2. Following validation, the whole network (using 100 % of the inputs) may be simulated, providing valuable, early, information about buildable design of long-span timber structures. Figure 5.3 presents a neural network simulation. The design parameters used in the example are for an

Adjust W1, W2, W3

GRNN Compare if a ≈ t











t1 t2 t6 t7 t8

ifa ≠t


Construct Structure

Add to target databaseUpdate limitations



************************************************************ Enter characteristic snow load [kN/m2]: 2.2 Enter the length of the structure [m]: 63 Enter the width of the structure [m]: 32 ************************************************************ Suggested column spacing: 7.0 m Suggested roof pitch: 15 degrees Suggested roof-purlin spacing: 2.4 m Suggested roof system: Pre-stressed tied rafter Suggested roof-purlin system: Crossed on support************************************************************

Figure 5.3 Example of EFS simulation.

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5 – Experience Feedback System (EFS)


average long-span timber structure in Sweden, Appendix A. The network simulations should only be seen as suggestions on how to design buildable long-span timber structures. Therefore the GRNN should not be used as a tool to solve complicated structural designs; rather the suggestions should be used as a first aid in design, enabling innovative designs if used in combination with the information provided in Chapter 3. The GRNN is unable to effectively handle unique, innovative, cases due to it’s strive towards “mean designs”; unique and innovative designs are instead possible to handle using the expert system, Construction Knowledge Database described in Chapter 6. 5.4 Network validation and limitations

omparing the simulation in Figure 5.3 with expected sub-systems and design parameters Cobtained from the survey, Appendix A, shows that the EFS does well in simulating a buildable long-span timber structure. In depth validation of the training is done by performing a regression analysis of the network response and the corresponding targets as well as an error analysis of the validation set. The MATLAB training program was run multiple times consistently yielding a regression coefficient (R2) of approximately 1.0 indicating a good network response. An error analysis of the validation set was performed by 30 runs of the training program. The simulated (S) values are compared with the expected targets (T) of the validation set; refer to Appendix B for numerical and graphical illustrations. The comparison shows that for the economically most important sub-system, the roof system, the error in the validation set (the percentage of S/T pairs not equal or not approximately equal) is about 20%. This percentage indicates that the network does reasonably well at simulating quantitative as well as qualitative data; the simulations provides the expected answer four out of five times on average which is reasonable for a complex neural network. A neural network used for modular construction decision making also showed an error of approx. 20% using qualitative data (Murtaza and Fischer, 1994). Limitations imposed by the input/target pairs used for training must always be considered. The limitations on the input parameters, Table 5.1, are obtained by finding

the lower and upper limit of the input parameters given in Appendix A and matching these with the target parameters used to train the network. Appendix B presents box-and whisker plots of the limitations. Using inputs which the network hasn’t been allowed to train with is possible but severely limits the network confidence. Best approximations are obtained close to the means.

Min. Mean Max.

Snow load 2.0 2.2 3.0

Length 44 63 72

Width 22 32 38

Table 5.1 EFS limitations.

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6 – Construction Knowledge Database (CKD)


6. Construction Knowledge Database (CKD) This chapter describes how the Construction Knowledge Database (CKD) is designed and evaluated. The information in this chapter is based on Paper I. 6.1 Introduction and frame of reference This chapter shows how the Design Structural Matrix (DSM) is used to systematise the design of long-span timber structures and how the DSM can be used to evaluate design and assembly activities. The systematisation is shown for the structural system, and also exemplified for the most buildable roof system, the pre-stressed tied rafter. The frame of reference for this chapter is illustrated in Figure 6.1.


Figure 6.1 The frame of reference and the research question for the CKD. 6.2 The structural hierarchy Based on the case study results, the structural system for long-span timber structures is divided into three levels where each level must fulfil a number of functional requirements, Table 6.1. Each element and joint must be designed to handle the same functional requirements as the sub-systems themselves, whether it is fire resistance, load-carrying, or geometric requirements for streamlined assembly. A complete systematisation of the structural system requires a holistic structural system view detailing interactions among sub-systems as well as detailing interactions among the elements and joints on the sub-



5 4


Timber Construction Knowledge

Industrialisation of Construction

Modularity Lean Construction


Structural system for Long-span Timber



Systematic Framework

How can construction knowledge and industrialisation principles for long-span timber structures be integrated?


Structural system



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6 – Construction Knowledge Database (CKD)


system level. Two DSM interpretations are used to systematise the structural system and its sub-systems. The first DSM, global structural DSM, illumines the structural system (level 1 in Table 6.1) and describes the relationships between sub-systems. The second DSM is required to relate the relationship between the elements and joints within a sub-system (levels 2 and 3 in Table 6.1). The relationships between sub-systems and elements/joints are related by the functional requirements considered herein, i.e., the requirement of force transfer (load-carrying), and the requirement of geometrical fit for streamlined assembly. Table 6.1 The hierarchy used to interpret the structural system for long-span timber structures.


1. Structural system Load-carrying Geometry Interactions

Illustration of the structural system, and the relationship between its sub-systems and functional requirements.

2. Sub-systems Load-carrying Geometry Interactions

Interactions among the elements and joints within the sub-systems, also considers interactions among functional requirements.

3. Elements and joints Detailed design The physical design of the elements and joints within each sub-system.

6.3 The structural and sub-system DSM The six sub-systems forming the structural system, Figure 3.2, are represented as natural modules in the structural DSM, Figure 6.2. The off diagonal letters in the DSM represents physical interfaces (four of which are illustrated in Figure 3.3) connecting the sub-systems to each other. As an example from the DSM; the roof-purlin system (B) must be connected to the roof system (A), represented by the BA interface. A structural DSM more useful for detailed design is presented in Paper I (Figure 6), presenting detailed force transfers and geometric restrictions among sub-systems and interfaces.


A Roof A AC

B Roof-purlin BA B

Figure 6.2 The structural DSM representing sub-systems and interfaces.

Column C CA C CG

Stab. in roof D DA D

Stab. in wall E EA E EG

Wall-purlin F FC F

Foundation G G






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6 – Construction Knowledge Database (CKD)


Each diagonal entry within the structural DSM, Figure 6.2, contains a sub-system DSM detailing the design of a sub-system or an interface/joint. There are a total of 13 (the foundation excluded) different sub-systems and interfaces within the structural system. Creating detailed sub-system DSM’s for all sub-systems is a demanding task; therefore the roof system is used herein as an example. The pre-stressed tied rafter is one of the most common roof-systems and also contains a large number of elements and joints, Figure 6.3, making it an illustrative example of sub-system systematisation and evaluation.

Figure 6.3 The detailed sub-system DSM for the pre-stressed tied rafter. The detailed sub-system DSM, Figure 6.3, illustrates both force transfer (F) and geometry (G) for the pre-stressed tied rafter. The DSM is created row-wise, cell by cell by asking the questions; “does any load transfer between the sub-systems occur?” and “does any geometrical constraints exist between the studied sub-systems?” This detailed sub-system DSM is symmetric in both force transfer and geometry, since the pre-stressed tied rafter is a sub-system composed of smaller systems working in parallel, i.e., elements A1 to A6 are one system working in parallel with a system composed of elements A1, A4, A5, and A6. 6.4 Design evaluation using summation Evaluation of design is performed using “design sums” as explained in Chapter 5. “Design sums” for the detailed structural DSM, are presented in Paper I (Table 2). The

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8

Top chord A1 A1 F G




Diagonal A2 F G A2 F



Apex chord A3 A3 F G



Tension chord A4 A4 F G

Apex joint A5 F G F

G A5

Chord joint A6 F G F


G A6

Apex chord – diagonal joint A7 F G

F G A7

Top chord – diagonal joint A8 F G

F G A8

A3 A4


A7 A6

A8 A5

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6 – Construction Knowledge Database (CKD)


“design sums” indicate that the roof system is the most important sub-system; the importance of the roof system was already emphasised in the case study findings, Chapter 3. The “design sums” can be used to create design schemes; Figure 6.4 shows how summation is used to create a design scheme for the pre-stressed tied rafter, Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.4

ign nd heme ure 6.3

e pre-stressed tied rafter is focused on the optimisation of the top chord, completely in

.5 Assembly evaluation using partitioning

sequ ase study, Paper II (Table 4), is omposed of 11 steps; the final seven are illustrated in Figure 6.5. The main activities

ned DSM is presented in Figure 6.5. The order of work is interpreted by ading the partitioned assembly DSM row-wise from top to bottom, i.e., the first activity

is the first row, etc. As an example from the partitioned assembly DSM; the activity,

“Des sums” a design sc for the pre-stressed tied rafter DSM, Fig . Case study results obtained from the case company design process reveal that the design ofthline with the design scheme presented in Figure 6.4. 6 The ential assembly process obtained from the ccperformed are sub-assembly, placement, and final assembly. Sub-assembly of the sub-systems is a sub-system specific activity, Table 6.1; therefore assembly of sub-systems are handled by the sub-system DSM’s. The structural DSM, Figure 6.2, can be used to model the assembly process. Placement of the sub-systems is specific to each sub-system; therefore placement (P) is entered into the diagonal of each sub-system in the structural assembly DSM, Figure 6.5. Final assembly (FA) of each sub-system takes place in each interface, entered in the off-diagonal “interface” cells of the structural DSM, Figure 6.2. Partitioning the structural assembly DSM highlights the assembly order. Partitioning is the process of reordering the DSM rows and columns such that the new DSM arrangement does not contain any feedback marks (Browning, 1998), i.e., partitioning tells us in which order to perform tasks to reduce iteration cycles, possibly resulting in streamlined and faster assembly. The partitiore

• Choose top chord cross-section (A1) • Jointly design:

) • ord (A1) is optimised •

al (A8) • )

Row Column “sum” A1 4F / 4G 4F / 4G 8F / 8G A2 3

- Diagonal (A2) (A3) F / 3G 3F / 3G 6F / 6G - Apex chord

- Chord joint (A6A3 3F / 3G 3F / 3G 6F / 6G A4 1F / 1G 1F / 1G 2F / 2G Redesign until top ch

Jointly design: A5 2F / 2G 2F / 2G 4F / 4G - Apex joint (A5)

- diagonal (A7) A6 3F / 3G 3F / 3G 6F / 6G - Apex chord A7 2F / 2G 2F / 2G 4F / 4G - Top chord - diagonA8 2F / 2G 2F / 2G 4F / 4G Finally choose Tension chord (A4

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6 – Construction Knowledge Database (CKD)


placement must always be performed before the activity final assembly, i.e., placement and final assembly of the roof system is not possible before placement and final assembly of the columns etc. Comparing the partitioned structural assembly DSM with the case study assembly steps, Figure 6.5, shows good resemblance; the DSM is successful in modelling and evaluating both the design and assembly process for long-span timber structures.



Sub-s stem Acti ties DSM ntry A y vi e P FA

Placement C B FA P 4 Colum

Fi y n

nal assembl CG C FA P F A

5 Roof Placement A D FA P

Roof-purlin Placement B, D E FA P FA 6

in roof bly BA A FA Stab. Final assem , D F P

Placement A G FA 7 Roof

Final assembly AC


AFinal assembly CG


Roof-purlin B, D G Placement FA 9

Stab. in roof Final assembly B C A, DA FA P

Placement E A F A P 10 Stab. in wall

FA Final assembly EA, EG B P

11 Wall-purlin Placement F D FA P

Final assembly FC E FA FA P


Figure 6.5 The placement and final assembly activities systems. The activities are

implemented in an assembly GS-DSM.

for the sub-

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7 – Discussion


7. Discussion This chapter discusses, and summarises the results obtained in this thesis. This chapter also elaborates on EFS applications and future research. 7.1 Frame of reference The aim of this research project is to propose a knowledge-based framework for long-span timber construction. This framework should be able to store knowledge and experience about timber construction as well as aid in the design and production of buildable timber structures. The three research questions explored in this thesis are presented in figure 7.1.


Figure 7.1 The frame of reference and research questions of this thesis. The research in this thesis concerns the design and assembly of one construction product, the long-span timber structures. A case study, combining the use of interviews and a survey, was used to collect a combination of qualitative and quantitative data from one case company. Other research strategies could have been used for this purpose, but case study research was found the most useful due to its ability to combine survey quantitative construction data with a qualitative understanding of long-span timber construction using interviews. The importance of understanding construction was pointed out already in the introduction as a lack of timber construction knowledge. Founding the knowledge-based framework on empirical data from one company is not seen as a hindrance to validity nor reliability, mainly due to the case company MD’s extensive knowledge of construction. Also, the use of triangulation between inherit



5 4


Industrialisation of Construction

Timber Construction Knowledge

Modularity Lean Construction


Structural system for Long-span

Timber Structures


Systematic Framework


1. How are long-span timber structures in Sweden designed, and what construction knowledge is required for buildable design and production?

2. What is the role of modularity, lean construction and buildability in the struggle for industrialisation of construction?

3. How can construction knowledge and industrialisation principles for long-span timber structures be integrated?

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7 – Discussion


author knowledge, interviews, and survey, provides reliability for the results presented. The use of modularity in timber construction further ensures the generality of the knowledge-based framework. After all, modules only differ by their functionality but are handled in the same fashion regardless of product. 7.2 Systematic framework The developed systematic framework, presented in Paper III, called an Experience Based System (EBS), Figure 7.2, contains the two components; Experience Feedback System (EFS), and Construction Knowledge Database (CKD). The EBS manages buildable long-span timber construction knowledge by storing experience feedback from successful (buildable) projects. A buildable structure is in this thesis defined as a structure constructed in competition with all other possible materials and designs. In this thesis, buildable structure designs are obtained by feedback from successfully constructed long-span timber structures, using an holistic systems view integrating design and assembly as explored by research question 1 (How are long-span timber structures in Sweden designed, and what construction knowledge is required for buildable design and production?) in Paper I. Empirical buildable data for the EBS was obtained from the survey, Appendix A. Modularity was in the literature review found to incorporate much of the construction advice given by both lean construction and buildability. Modularity was in Paper II argued as one of the main driving forces for an industrialisation of timber construction, based on the exploration of research question 2 (What is the role of modularity, lean construction and buildability in the struggle for industrialisation of construction?). The proposed systematic framework is based on modularity, providing a useful tool in promoting industrialised construction.

Figure 7.2 The Experience Based System (EBS) containing the Experience Feedback System

(EFS) and Construction Knowledge Database (CKD).


Method Neural networks theory Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Summation Partitioning/clustering

Purpose Store experience Simulate experience

Holistic structural view Detailed structural view

Design evaluation Assembly evaluation



Structural system ∑ Construct



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7 – Discussion


The example EBS proposed in this thesis utilises known design parameters (length, width, and snow load) which are simulated in the EFS, resulting in buildable design parameters (spacing, roof pitch, etc.) and sub-systems (roof, roof-purlin, etc.) providing a initial suggestions for buildable designs. The wind load has been omitted at this stage since the wind load does not provide any major information required for the buildable sub-system choices in this case. The outputs from the EFS (sub-systems) are used as inputs for the CKD. The CKD systematically stores relevant knowledge about the sub-systems, preserving the holistic structural system view and providing detailed functional interactions among sub-systems and associated elements/joints. Varying types of analysis can be performed on the CKD for aid in design and production, producing schemes useful for both design and assembly. When the current design is evaluated, and the designer is confident that the chosen structural system is buildable, detailed design can commence. Finally production takes place and new or alternative knowledge is adopted and transferred back to the EFS, enabling systematic learning and a framework more, and more suitable for buildable long-span timber structural design. In the introduction it was stated that an industrialised timber building system may be a way towards competitive timber construction, and that a framework integrating construction knowledge and industrialisation principles may very well be a way towards an increased amount of timber in construction. The proposed systematic framework takes on this challenge. The framework integrates industrialised construction principles in the form of modules and stores timber construction knowledge in a system, providing less knowledgeable practicing engineers with buildable timber construction knowledge, as explored by research question 3 (How can construction knowledge and industrialisation principles for long-span timber structures be integrated?). The proposed framework has many potential uses. An inexperienced designer would want to start with the EFS which aids in initial structural design, then use the expert system (CKD and evaluation) for detailed design before finally constructing a buildable structure. An experienced designer would use his own construction experience (or the EFS) for initial structural design and then use the evaluation phase of the expert system for detailed design. The framework provides a holistic, yet detailed, view of the structural system and is relatively easy to use, once created. The initial setup of the DSM’s is complex and time consuming, requiring complete holistic and detailed knowledge of the studied product. In general timber construction, many functional requirements and component interactions must be considered. But, when the modular hierarchy, and relations among associated functional requirements, has been determined, there is no need to redo the process. For example, the choice of another roof system does not influence the modular hierarchy or the structural DSM. The sub-system DSM will simply be switched for a new sub-system DSM, not interfering with, or disturbing the DSM hierarchy. Therefore, the DSM is a forgiving method able to break down a complex structure into smaller parts while preserving the holistic structural view. The modular process thus also supports an innovative approach in construction, enabling flexible choices of sub-systems and the possibility of performing swift DSM analysis using summation, partitioning, or other matrix tools.

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7 – Discussion


7.3 EFS tools and methods Neural networks theory, and especially the GRNN, is found useful as a system of experience storage and buildable structure evaluation in early design. The GRNN is also easy to create, use, and work with in a MATLAB environment. One should be aware that accurate neural network approximation for complex system evaluation requires many cases for its training. Using 58 cases the network performed well, but more input/target pairs, in a close range, should provide more truthful approximations. During network simulations, the limitations on input ranges imposed by training cases are especially important. Careful analysis of validation and training sets should be performed. Finally one should be aware that the simulations only provide suggestions of buildable sub-systems and design parameters. Simulations using neural network provides “mean” designs, therefore the EFS is unable to effectively handle unique and innovative designs. To support innovative construction, the obtained results should be evaluated using either the DSM or inherit construction knowledge. The DSM is used as a holistic tool for systematic consideration of design and production. In design, the holistic approach of the DSM provides a means to avoid sub-optimisation by applying functional requirements and geometric constraints on design. Note that there is a difference between a holistic product view, as presented by the DSM, and a holistic construction process view. A holistic construction process view is more complex (participants, companies, products, etc.) but the holistic product view has potential to reduce this complexity by increased product knowledge. A complete modelling of the structural system requires the holistic structural system view detailing interactions among sub-systems and detailed interaction among the elements and joints on the sub-system level. For more complex (demand of more functional requirements) structures, a 3-D DSM hierarchy composed of the two types of DSM’s (structural and sub-system) is useful in representing a holistic view of the structural system and its sub-systems, Figure 7.3.

Figure 7.3 The 3-D DSM hierarchy of the structural system, from Paper I (Figure 5).



















FR 3

FR 1

FR 2

FR 3

FR 2



A Sub-system 1 B Sub-system 2 C Sub-system 3 D Sub-system 4 D1 Element/joint 1 D2 Element/joint 2 D3 Element/joint 3 D4 Element/joint 4

FR 1

FR Functional requirements

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7 – Discussion


The structural DSM displays detailed interactions among sub-systems for each functional requirement, while the sub-system DSM describes one specific sub-system in detail. The sub-system DSM displays detailed interactions among elements and joints for each considered functional requirement, while the diagonal entries contain detailed information on the considered element or joint. Different types of DSM’s, e.g., activity based DSM, time based DSM, etc., can be integrated in the proposed 3-D DSM hierarchy making it possible to structure, store, and manage knowledge concerning the whole construction process in a holistic and easy to access system, e.g., work scheduling, module manufacturing, production methods, etc. 7.4 Modularity in theory and practice Modularity is strongly connected to lean construction and buildability and was in Paper II argued to be a key concept for an industrialisation of construction. Lean construction is frequently viewed as a form of “common sense” in construction, or the use of “best practices” in the management of construction activities (Bertelsen and Formoso, 2004). The basic idea behind lean construction is minimising waste, maximising value, and the management of transformation to promote flow (Koskela, 2003). Commonly used lean “best practices” in construction are Just-In-Time (JIT), Total Quality Management (TQM), Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM), and Human Resource Management (HRM) (Shah and Ward, 2003). Buildability is closely related to design methods such as Design for Assembly (DFA), Design for Manufacturing (DFM), and manufacturability. Buildability can thus be seen as “best practices” on the product level, i.e., the design of a product considering how it is to be produced (Ferguson, 1989; Stewart, 1989). Both lean construction and buildability thus manage numerous “best practices”, aiming for an industrialisation of construction. Modularity was in Paper II argued to aid in the

implementation of lean construction and to promote a high productivity by enabling buildable designs, e.g., buildability is, by the modular approach, promoted already during design by enabling accurate fit between elements within a module and between the modules themselves. The lack of timber construction knowledge was one of the identified reasons for the low amount of timber in Swedish construction. The main advantage of modularity is the reduction of complexity, which in the long run has the potential of increasing construction knowledge, and possibly opening up new market shares for timber in Swedish construction.

Process management

Lean Construction

From the above reasoning there are two ways of viewing the construction process; top-down or bottom-up, Figure 7.4. The construction industry is generally project based with single product production



Product management



→ U


Top → D


Figure 7.4 Top-down vs. bottom-up view.

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7 – Discussion


where every structure is viewed as more or less unique and tailored to the end client. The construction industry, and its reuse of technology, can be compared to the design of new products in the manufacturing industry, but due to the project based site production the characteristics of the production system may change, causing new problems to emerge (Koskela, 2003). Therefore the timber construction industry should emit a bottom-up view where the design of the product guides the production processes, i.e., value (or buildability) for the product in design is a requirement for overall product and process value, and in the end; a requirement for end costumer value. A common misconception in construction is that industrialisation equals prefabrication; instead industrialisation for the construction industry should be linked with modularity incorporating both prefabricated and standardised products. 7.5 Framework applications and future research

he potential of using a knowledge-based framework for integration of modularity and

framework useful for more general types of buildings and materials would have potential

• Develop a systematic knowledge-based framework for buildable and innovative

Tconstruction knowledge has been shown in this research. At this date, the developed framework is not commercially applicable, but the framework has been shown to be useful for a designer as an early, but limited, tool for design aid. Further development and validation of scientific assumptions are necessary before the framework will be useful as a scientifically based method and useful to the construction industry in practice. The DSM and neural networks was found useful for long-span timber structure design, but the question regarding EBS generality still remain; is the DSM and neural networks extendable to other types of buildings and material choices? At the same time, the impact of modularity on construction must be investigated. Modularity was in theory shown to provide many positive benefits, but how should modularity be implemented in practice and what is the profit of modularity in construction? To achieve the benefits of modularity, areas limited in this research must be further investigated, e.g., construction tolerances, supply-chain management, strategic and business process development, quality control issues, etc. Also, how should the construction process be structured and what roles should construction practitioners adopt? These roles must be investigated and evaluated considering the whole timber construction supply-chain, from the raw production of timber at saw-mills, to component manufacturers and finally the end costumer - it’s the end user who provides product value. Aof a larger impact and a deeper understanding of how lean construction or industrialisation tools/concepts can be developed for buildings. Future possible routes for research relating to a knowledge-based framework and industrialised timber construction are:

construction of multi-storey timber structures based on modularity. This implicitly means to integrate more functional requirements into the framework,

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7 – Discussion


e.g., fire resistance, sound insulation, etc., and develop a methodology, and tool, for evaluation of interactions and trade-offs among functional requirements.

Develop a methodology and a tool for quantified evaluation and compariso• n of

• ework to the construction process, via the use of e.g., an activity

• or a modular construction platform.

• r efficiency in timber housing or is there

• y different types of values being discussed in construction

• edish construction industry? If so, what are

structural designs. The evaluation should preferably be linked to buildability and productivity.

Link the frambased DSM. Thus making it possible to create schemes useful for more than design and assembly, i.e., detailing requirements on prefabrication, standardisation, production methods, etc.

Find a suitable level of standardisation fWhat is the relationship and optimum trade-off between standardisation and innovation for buildable construction?

Is volumetric pre-assembly the future foa possible trade-off between complete and partial on-site pre-assembly and prefabrication?

There are manliterature, i.e., product value, process value, customer value, etc. How should value for timber housing be defined?

Is lean thinking the future for the Swthe hindrances and key success factors related to a successful implementation of lean construction in Sweden?

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A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in Construction: an Exploratory Case Study

By: Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn

(The paper has been edited to fit this thesis

format, but the contents remain the same)

Björnfot, A., Stehn, L. (2004) A DSM approach to design and assembly integration in construction: an exploratory case study, submitted for publication in Journal of Engineering Design, August, 2004.

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


A DSM approach to design and assembly integration in construction: an exploratory case study

A. Björnfot and L. Stehn

Div. of Structural Engineering – Timber Structures, Luleå University of Technology, S-

971 87 Luleå, Sweden, e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT In the manufacturing industry, modularity is a key concept which has helped lead the way towards widespread industrialisation. Therefore, the foundation for an industrialisation of construction could be a modular approach. The aim of this paper is to locate a method/tool able to jointly consider modularity and the integration of design and production considerations in construction. This integration was investigated by an exploratory case study of a common construction product; the structural system for long-span timber structures. The Design Structural Matrix (DSM) was found to be a holistic tool for systematic consideration of multiple functional requirements. The DSM was also found able to express product modularity and aid in detailed design and production management by providing a holistic system view, a detailed element view, and physical and functional interactions among elements and modules using a 3-D DSM hierarchy. Keywords: modularity, design structure matrix, industrialised construction, timber

structural system, design and assembly evaluation

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


1. INTRODUCTION Mass production, utilising standardised parts and prefabricated components, has been a prevailing concept in the automotive industry for almost a century (Crowley, 1998). Standardisation and prefabrication are commonly linked together with modularity, defined as “the division of a whole into sub-entities, which to a significant extent are compatible and independent” (Sarja and Hannus, 1995). Modularity is widely used in many different applications, e.g., manufacturing and software design; a good example of industrial success is Volvo Corporation, where the integrated modularity has been guiding the company’s transformation (Kusiak, 2002). Modularity can be argued as a key concept in the manufacturing industry, guiding manufacturing towards widespread industrialisation (Gann, 1996), effectively incorporating concepts like manufacturability (Sharma and Gao, 2001) and theories of lean and agile production (Naim and Barlow, 2003). In recent years, industrialisation has been a widely debated issue in construction research (e.g., Ballard, et al., 2001; London and Kenley, 2001). Implementing industrialisation in construction is a means for eliminating, or at least drastically reducing, on-site none value adding craft-based activities (Koskela, 2003). Industrialisation should therefore be seen as a streamlined process promoting efficiency and economic profit. The attention of construction has been directed towards the manufacturing industry in an attempt to learn, or in some cases even copy, successful concepts (Gann, 1996); mainly focusing on the implementation of lean thinking in construction (Koskela, 2003). However, authors have recently begun to critically debate the direct implementation of lean thinking in construction (e.g., Green, 1999; Naim and Barlow, 2003; Winch, 2003). In this view one should be aware of the differences between construction and manufacturing. From the point of view of production and operations management, the uniqueness in construction is not extreme, but to understand, adapt, and develop industrialised construction, the main theoretical approach must be based on an integrated and holistic systems approach. It is also necessary that these principles be allowed to develop systematically by jointly considering the levels of construction; design, operations, and the production system (Koskela, 2003). However, industrialised construction may become more complex and vulnerable due to the changed characteristics compared to traditional site production (Koskela and Vrijhoef, 2001). In Björnfot and Stehn (2004) it was argued that the foundation for an efficient industrialisation of timber construction should be based on a bottom-up product focused view involving modularity. In this paper, the structural system of long-span timber structures and its most common structural sub-system, the pre-stressed tied rafter, is used as examples of typical construction products. The aim of this paper is to locate a method/tool able to jointly consider the integration of design and production in construction. Engineering design and management tools are reviewed and analyzed in a timber construction context. The empirical data used in this paper is based on a case study performed at a leading Swedish

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


design company. The case study is composed of interviews and a survey of 60 previously built long-span timber structures. The case study results are used both for structural modelling and verification of design evaluations. 2. ENGINEERING DESIGN IN CONSTRUCTION Modularity in construction has frequently been viewed as the use of simple building blocks (Rampersad, 1996), or volumetric pre-assemblies (Figure 1) (Dawood, 1996; Murtaza, et al., 1993). Today, the sense of the term module has evolved so that a module contains specifications of a building block and interfaces, as well as considerable

functionality compared to the end product (Miller and Elgård, 1998). Modules are defined by grouping elements (e.g., beams, nails, etc.) together and then identifying interactions among elements and between modules; the interactions required are both geometric (physical) and functional (Marshall and Leaney, 2002). Based on the module definition, the volumetric pre-assemblies, Figure 1, are a number of modules fitted together into volumes, e.g., floor module, wall module, roof module, etc. The volume can therefore be considered a form of modularity – a system attribute related to product structure and functionality (Miller and Elgård, 1998). Based on

the above reasoning; structural sub-systems (e.g., floor, wall, roof) can be argued as a form of natural modules, i.e., groups of elements that naturally complement each other and benefit little from being separated (Marshall and Leaney, 2002). Successful modelling of product modularity requires; a holistic system view, a detailed element view, and physical and functional interactions among elements and modules.

Figure 1 A volumetric pre-assembly.

2.1 Engineering design Methods/tools commonly used in engineering design are often based on fuzzy logic; Roozenburg and Eekels (1995) presents a number of common fuzzy engineering design methods. One of the most common is Quality Function Deployment (QFD), frequently used in both manufacturing and construction, where the main goal is increased product quality and providing costumer with products they desire (Stehn and Bergström, 2002). Common for QFD, and other fuzzy design methods, e.g., Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) (Weck et al., 1997), value engineering (Al-Hammad and Hassanain, 1996), and axiomatic design (Suh, 1998), is the requirement of qualitative (fuzzy) input from users/professionals which are then converted to quantitative measures based on a rating

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


system. The main source of design and assembly knowledge in construction is feedback (professional input) from constructed structures (Fischer and Tatum, 1997). An ideal construction method/tool is required to be able to express product modularity in the form of holistic and detailed functional interactions. QFD and other studied design methods based on qualitative inputs are unable to effectively manage this complexity. The method found able to manage functional requirements and a wide array of element interactions is the Design Structural Matrix (DSM). 2.2 The Design Structural Matrix (DSM) The DSM displays the relationship between components of a system, and offers design evaluation using well known matrix tools (Browning, 2001). It also seems that the DSM fulfils the requirements of product modularity providing a holistic and detailed view of interactions between modules and system elements. The DSM has indeed been used to model and analyse product modularity (e.g., Martin and Ishii, 2002). Examples of other uses of the DSM includes; analysing re-work in design (Austin et al., 2000), product development cycle time reduction (Browning, 1998), and construction process modelling (Austin et al., 1996). A DSM is a square matrix with identical row and column labels. In the component-based DSM, Figure 2, elements are represented by their characteristic letter in the diagonal. An off-diagonal mark signifies the dependency of one element on another. Reading across a row indicates outputs, i.e., what other elements the element influences. Scanning down a column reveals input sources, i.e., what other elements the element depends on. Meanwhile, an empty square in the matrix represents a lack of relationship.

Figure 2 Example of a DSM and its interpretation. In this paper the component-based DSM is used to model and evaluate the modularisation potential of a timber structural product. Row and column summation is used to analyse and evaluate the integration of design and assembly considerations in long-span timber construction. A high number of requirements (a summation of off diagonal DSM marks,


Element A A

Element B B

Element C C

Element D D

Element E E




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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


e.g., Figure 2) on a part of a system should indicate the need for increased attention during design, e.g., focus during design of the product in Figure 2 should be element C, involving the consideration of four requirements. Martin and Ishii (2002) also used summation of requirements and constraints among modules to evaluate the design of a water cooler. 3. RESEARCH METHOD In this paper, the structural system for a common type of non-insulated long-span timber structure, Figure 3, is used as an exploratory example of design and assembly modelling. The reasons for choosing long-span timber structures as the research framework are twofold; the first being the second author’s 10 years of experience as a practicing designer of timber structures, while the second is a pure product perspective. The structural system for long-span timber structures is relatively easy to comprehend. Also, the amount of functional requirement affecting such structures is generally fewer than other types of structures and their relations to associated sub-systems are relatively straight forward. Therefore, the long-span timber structure is considered a revelatory case for exploration of integrated design/assembly considerations in construction. 3.1 The case study A single case study at a Swedish design company was used to study the design and assembly of long-span timber structures. The chosen case company is one of five specialised long-span timber design companies and can be characterised as a construction management firm, offering structural design, and management of on-site assembly for long-span timber (and to some extent steel) structures. The company has three employees and has been competing in the Scandinavian construction market since 1986. The managing director (MD) has 30 years of experience as a designer. The extensive company knowledge of design and production together with the MD’s broad knowledge of the Swedish construction industry was prevailing when choosing case company. The single case study is based on two phases, interviews and a survey. The aim of the interviews was to collect general experience and knowledge, including specific information about the structural system and the design and assembly processes. The MD and employees were continuously interviewed over a six-month period. Each interview yielded a growing understanding, resulting in further interviews and the survey. The survey consisted of 60 long-span timber structures constructed by the case company from 1994 to 2001. The survey thus amounts to around 10% of the total amount of long-span timber structures constructed in Sweden during this time frame. The structural system was studied by reviewing design choices, calculations, and drawings. The

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


assembly process was studied by reviewing time schedules, quality control plans, drawings, and other documents of interest as well as a rich supply of photographs. The choice of one company for the case study is not seen as a hindrance for validity and generality due to the MD’s extensive experience and the small market for such structures in Sweden. From a systems perspective the design solutions among different companies are almost identical, the differences are mainly concerned with the detailing of interfaces and connections. The case study results presented in this paper have been validated by comparing results from interviews and the survey with the authors inherit basic knowledge of long-span timber structure design. 4. RESULTS FROM THE CASE STUDY Every structure is defined by its building system, Figure 3. Interviews with the MD indicated that the structural system is the most important technical sub-system since a thorough design of the structural system is the foundation for efficient design of other technical sub-systems e.g., heating, ventilation and sanitation. The purpose of the structural system is to carry the vertical and horizontal external loads from the structure to the foundation. The structural system designed by the case company is generally non-insulated and composed of the load-carrying sub-systems (Figure 3); roof system (primary load-carrying system in roof), roof-purlin system (secondary load-carrying system in roof), column system, stabilising system in roof, stabilising system in wall, and wall-purlin system. The structural system also contains a number of different physical interfaces where these sub-systems join.

Building system


Technical subsystems

Structural Heating

Figure 3 Hierarchal representation of a building system and illustration of a typical

long-span timber structural system.

system system Roof Column Roof-purlin Stabilising in roofStabilising in wallWall-purlin



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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


4.1 Long-span timber structure design The case company structural sub-system selection is mainly based on economic

considerations. The most important sub-system is by far the roof system, constituting up to 70% of the total cost, including material and assembly (personnel and machinery) of the structural system. Table 1 summarises the costs of the structural sub-systems based on case company experience, given as €/m2 (building area). The importance of an optimised roof system from a material viewpoint is obvious. The design of the roof system is also important from a production viewpoint, as assembly of the roof system requires many sub-assemblies and the use of expensive machinery (mobile cranes) for final assembly.

4.2 The pre-stressed tied rafter One of the most common roof systems used by the case company is the pre-stressed tied rafter, Figure 4. The pre-stressed tied rafter contains a large number of elements and joints making it an illustrative example of sub-system characterisation and systematisation. This roof system is represented by the four structural elements and four joints, Figure 4. Considering economy, the case study results indicate that the top chord is the most important element of the pre-stressed tied rafter.

Figure 4 The structural elements and joints of the pre-stressed tied rafter. 4.3 Case results discussion The goal for the case company is a low cost utilising material and structural optimisation together with an accurate fit for smooth assembly. Structural optimisation and accurate fit

Apex joint

Chord joint

Top chord Top chord – diagonal joint

Apex chord Tension chordApex chord – diagonal joint


Sub system Total Cost

[ €/m2 ] Ratio [ % ]

Roof 26 70 Roof-purlin Column Stab. in roof Stab. in wall Wall-purlin

9 30

Total 35 100

Table 1 Total costs based on case company experience.

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


requires holistic views at the structural level (optimising, and fitting, the structural system as a whole) and of internal interactions at the sub-system level (optimising, and fitting, the sub-system elements and joints). The structural system, composed of its sub-systems and joints, can be seen as a modular system where structural sub-systems can be freely altered while preserving the function of the final structure. Since the structural systems purpose is to fulfil its load carrying function; interaction between all elements and joints is required. The structural sub-systems used by the case company can therefore be argued as forming natural modules, using Marshall and Leaney’s (2002) definition. Due to the required holistic structural view, the design and assembly phases are jointly considered. In this paper the design phase is limited to the design of vertical and horizontal load-carrying capacities, while the production phase is limited to geometric considerations for on-site assembly. 5. DSM STRUCTURAL MODELLING A complete modelling of the structural system requires both the holistic structural system view detailing interactions among sub-systems as well as detailed interaction among the elements and joints on the sub-system level. This calls for a DSM hierarchy composed of two types of DSM; structural DSM and sub-system DSM, Figure 5. In the Structural DSM each DSM layer displays detailed interactions among sub-systems (A, B, etc.) for one functional requirement (e.g., FR1). This creates a form of 3-D DSM hierarchy where each diagonal entry in the structural DSM describes one specific sub-system in detail, the sub-system DSM.

Figure 5 The Hierarchical DSM disposition of the structural system. The sub-system DSM has the same hierarchy, but instead displaying detailed interactions among elements and joints (D1, D2, etc.) for the considered functional requirements.



















FR 3

FR 1

FR 2

FR 1

FR 3

FR 2

A Sub-system 1 SUB-SYSTEM DSMB Sub-system 2 C Sub-system 3 D Sub-system 4 D1 Element/joint 1 D2 Element/joint 2 D3 Element/joint 3

FR Functional requirements


D4 Element/joint 4

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


Each diagonal entry in the sub-system DSM contains detailed information of an element or joint connected to the studied sub-system. To accommodate for more complex structures, or products, containing more sub-systems or elements, the DSM can be extended by another row and column for each sub-system or element/joint. More functional requirements can be considered simply by adding another DSM layer to the DSM hierarchy, FR2, FR3, etc. 5.1 Structural DSM The row and column labels as well as the DSM entries in Figures 6 and 7 are obtained

om the case study. TheDSM interactions are interpreted as described in Figure 2. Using


frexperience gained from the survey, the DSM’s are created row-wise, cell by cell by asking the questions; “does any load transfer between the sub-systems occur?” and “does any geometrical constraints exist between the studied sub-systems?”


Roof A A F F F F F

Roof-purlin FB B F

Column C G C F F F

Stab. in roof D D F

Stab. in wall E F F E F G F

Wall-purlin F F F F

Foundation G G G

Roof to column AC F F AC G G

Roof-purlin to roof BA F F BA

Stab. in roof to roof DA F F G DA G

Stab. in wall to roof EA F F G G EA

Wall-purlin to column FC FG FC

Column to found. CG G F CG G

Stab. in wall to found. EG F G EG

F h uc ra SM for ong pan tim er s uct es, both force

transfer (F) and geometry (G). igure 6 T e str tu l D l -s b tr ur illustrating

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


Load transfer between sub-systems or elements/joints is indicated by an F, and a

s an example from Figure 6; the column system (B) transfers forces (F) to the roof

.2 Sub-system DSM

he sub-system DSM illustrates interactions among the elements and joints within a

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8

geometric constraint for on-site assembly is indicated by a G. Empty cells in the matrix consequently imply no functional relationship. The structural DSM in Figure 6 is a representation of the structural system presented in Figure 3, illustrating interactions between modules. For ease of interpretation, the F and G functional layers are mapped in the same DSM (compare with FR1 and FR2 in Figure 5). Asystem (A) and roof-purlin to roof interface (BA), while receiving forces from the roof-purlin to roof interface (BA). The DSM for the geometric constraints (G) is symmetric around the diagonal. Symmetry for the geometric constraints implies that, for example, changing the cross section of the top chord of the pre-stressed tied rafter (roof system) conveys a change in the cross section of the columns, and vice-versa. Lin and Chen (2002) also found a symmetric DSM efficient in modelling constraints between modules. 5 Tmodule. The pre-stressed tied rafter is used as an example of detailed sub-system modelling. The row and column headings of the pre-stressed tied rafter DSM in Figure 7 can be realised by studying Figure 4. This DSM is read the same way as the global DSM and is actually the diagonal entry A in Figure 6 (hence, the column/row entries are labelled A1 to A8).

Top chord A1 A1 F G G G G F F F

Diagonal A2 F G A2


Apex chord A3 A3 F G



Tension chord A4 A4 F G

Apex joint A5 F G

F G A 5

Chord joint A6 F F F G G G A6

Apex chord to diagonal F G GA7 F A7

Top chord to diagonal A8 F G G

F A8

igure 7 The sub-system DSM for the pre-stressed tied rafter. F

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


5.3 Structural and sub-system evaluation

he use of summation for DSM evaluation is showed for both the structural DSM

able 2 Calculation of “Design sums” for the structural and sub-system DSM’s.


Tpresented in Figure 6 and the sub-system DSM presented in Figure 7. The functional requirements and the geometric constraints of each sub-system, interface, element, and joint are summed both row- and column-wise. The row and column sums are then added together forming “design sums”, Table 2, indicating the importance of sub-systems/interfaces and elements/joints. This table only shows examples of how row and column summation can be performed for the sub-systems and the elements of the pre-stressed tied rafter. T

w Column “Desig Column “DesA 5 A1 4 F / 4G 6F / 4G 11F / 8G F / 4G 4F / 4G 8F / 8G B 2F / 1G 1F / 1G 3F / 2G A2 3F / 3G 3F / 3G 6F / 6G C 3F / 4G 5F / 4G 8F / 8G A3 3F / 3G 3F / 3G 6F / 6G D 1F / 1G 1F / 1G 2F / 2G A4 1F / 1G 1F / 1G 2F / 2G E 4F / 1G 1F / 1G 5F / 2G F 2F / 1G 0F / 1G 2F / 2G

ince “design sums” integrates design and assembly considerations, the roof system (A)


n the product level the difference between modular manufactured products and

Sshould be the most important sub-system for a long-span timber structure. The roof system transfers forces to five other sub-systems while forces from six sub-systems must be considered during its design. The roof-system is also important from an assembly viewpoint, geometrically constraining the design of four other sub-systems/interfaces. With the same reasoning, the most important element of the pre-stressed tied rafter is the top chord (A1), meaning that during design special attention should be given to this element. The results obtained from the summation are supported by the case study findings; the roof system is in reality the most important structural system from an economic viewpoint, Table 2, and the top chord is a vital component of the pre-stressed tied rafter. 6 Oconstructed buildings is not as large as it may seem. In this paper the structural sub-systems of the long-span timber structure was argued to be modules based on Marshall and Leaney’s (2002) definition of natural modules. Thus the uniqueness of construction, from a product viewpoint, is not extreme, as previously pointed out by Koskela (2003). Therefore, the foundation for an industrialisation of construction could be a modular

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


approach (Björnfot and Stehn, 2004). Koskela (2003) argued that industrialisation of construction should be based on a holistic and integrated approach of design, operations, and production. The aim of this paper was to find a method/tool able to jointly consider the integration of design and production in construction. This integration was explored by a detailed study of a common construction product; the structural system for long-span timber structures and the pre-stressed tied rafter. The empirical data for the modelling was obtained from a case study used for structural modelling and verification of design evaluations. The DSM was found to be a holistic tool for systematic consideration of multiple

he usefulness of the DSM in practical design can be exemplified by pre-stressed tied

functional requirements. The DSM was also found able to express product modularity by providing a holistic system view (structural DSM in Figure 6), a detailed element view (sub-system DSM in Figure 7), and physical and functional interactions among elements and modules using a 3-D DSM hierarchy, Figure 5. The DSM can aid in detailed design and production management by the use of simple matrix tools; in this paper summation was used to evaluate the importance of structural sub-systems and components based on the integration of design (force transfer) and assembly (geometric restrictions). A high number of requirements on a part of a system indicate the need for increased attention during design. Using the proposed “design sums”, it is possible to order every sub-system

or element by importance. Figure 8 presents a hierarchical list, based on the “design sums” in Table 2, showing the order of importance for the pre-stressed tied rafter. The same reasoning can be used to structure a design scheme for the structural system as a whole (not shown in this paper). Case study results indicate that actual design of the pre-stressed tied rafter is performed according to such a design scheme. Using “design sums” in this fashion provides a reliable and straight-forward way of evaluating integrated design and assembly considerations in long-span timber construction.

• Choose top chord cross-section (A1)

2) )

• rd (A1) is optimised

) onal (A7)

• A4)

• Jointly design: - Diagonal (A- Apex chord (A3- Chord joint (A6) Redesign until top cho

• Jointly design: - Apex joint (A5- Apex chord - diag- Top chord - diagonal (A8) Finally choose Tension chord (

Figure 8 Example of design scheme for the pre-stressed tied rafter.

Trafter. As indicated by case study results, the pre-stressed tied rafter is not prefabricated as a whole; instead assembly of prefabricated and standardised elements and joints is done on site before final assembly. The effectiveness of the roof-system is governed by a material and structural optimised design in combination with a modularised assembly, i.e., an integration of design and assembly considerations. What is interesting is that this feature was so easily captured using the DSM, Figure 7. In this case it is evident from the

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


“design sums” in Table 2, that the design of the whole structural system is governed by the design of the roof system, where the top chord cross section governs the rest of the structure. If the width of the top chord and the columns doesn’t match, standardised joints may be unusable, resulting in rework or the development of a new type of joint. The geometric constraints may, already at the design stage, solve many undesired problems during assembly, e.g., extra work fitting elements together or in the worst case scenario, forcing a redesign resulting in increased production costs. Using the DSM to management design and assembly issues, such as those stated above, makes the DSM compliant with the ideas of lean thinking in construction, and especially the practices in waste management (Ballard et al., 2001). The potential of the DSM to systematise and integrate design and assembly

.1 Acknowledgements

his research was in part supported by Lars Erik Lundbergs Stipendiestiftelse. The


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considerations for long-span timber structures have been shown in this paper. Even though the global and sub-system DSM’s, may look complicated; once generated there is no need to redo the process. Seen from our experience of structural timber products, once the DSM hierarchy is created it has the potential to become a useful tool for both experienced and inexperienced designers of, in theory, any engineered product. During design, trade-offs between functional requirements is often required; the DSM can aid in design by providing support for trade-off evaluation. Modularity in construction can be further used to link the product to the construction supply-chain, e.g., implementing supplier and manufacturer information. Row and column summation was shown as a relatively easy way of design and assembly evaluation, providing reliable and detailed design schemes. Schemes useful for more than design and assembly can be created by further advancing the DSM philosophy, e.g., streamlining prefabrication, standardisation, production methods, etc. 6 Tauthors gratefully acknowledge this and the skilful help of the MD and employees at the case company. 7 A

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Paper I – A DSM Approach to Design and Assembly Integration in construction


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Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach

By: Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn

(The paper has been edited to fit this thesis

format, but the contents remain the same)

Björnfot, A., Stehn, L. (2004) Industrialisation of construction – a lean modular approach, in the 12th Annual Conference on Lean Construction, Elsinore.

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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach



Anders. Björnfot1 and Lars Stehn2


The concept of industrialization and lean thinking in construction has drawn quite a bit of interest in recent years. Authors have recently begun to critically debate the direct implementation of lean thinking in construction; instead the focus should be related to transformation, flow, and value. This paper is based on a literature review of modularity, lean construction, and buildability. Modularity is then extended to the production phase where simulated assembly scenarios are used to explore and exemplify modular effects during production of long-span timber structures. The literature review suggests that modularity is related to product management, with process management effects, while lean thinking is a process management principle. Both principles are focused on the creation of buildability which is argued to be more of a goal than a means of efficiency. The simulation scenarios indicate possible modular benefits associated with, e.g., organization, out-sourcing, pre-assembly, prefabrication, and development. Modularity is thus argued to advocate management of production in the form of lean construction. The focus for timber construction should be on modularity; i.e., a bottom-up product focused view enabling product value. Such a view has potential to be a driving force in the struggle for industrialization in construction.


Assembly, buildability, constructability, industrialized construction, lean thinking, modularity, production, timber structures.

1 M.SC., Div. of Timber Structures, Luleå University of Technology, 97187 Luleå, Sweden,

Phone +46 920 492067, FAX +46 920 491091, [email protected] 2 Ass. Prof., Div. of Timber Structures, Luleå University of Technology, 97187 Luleå, Sweden,

Phone +46 920 491976, FAX +46 920 491091, [email protected]

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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach



Industrialization can be seen as a structural means for eliminating, or at least drastically reducing, on-site activities in construction (Koskela, 2003). Industrialization is thus a streamlined process promoting efficiency and economic profit. Regarding the goal of industrialization, there is a wide variety of literature considering the industrialization approach in construction, e.g., supply chain management (London and Kenley, 2001; Naim and Barlow, 2003), lean construction (Gann, 1996; Crowley, 1998), buildability (Poh and Chen, 1998), scheduling (Austin et al., 2000), re-engineering (Winch, 2003), and standardization/prefabrication (Dawood, 1996; Gibb, 2001). Two main principles aiming for industrialization are found in the construction literature above; lean construction and buildability. A third main principle, modularity, is a key issue in the engineering management literature applicable to the manufacturing industry.

In the manufacturing industry modularity has been shown to reduce the number of suppliers from thousands to a few hundred (Crowley, 1998). A good example of industrial success is Volvo Corporation, where the integrated modularity has been guiding the company’s transformation (Kusiak, 2002). Modularity is said to be a key concept in the manufacturing industry and has helped lead the way towards widespread industrialization (Gann, 1996). In Björnfot and Stehn (2004) it was argued that industrialization for the construction industry should be linked with modularity, incorporating both prefabricated and standardized products.

The concept of lean construction is concerned with the application of lean thinking in construction (Green, 1999). Authors have recently begun to critically debate the direct implementation of lean thinking in construction (Green, 1999; Naim and Barlow, 2003; Winch, 2003). Reengineering of construction should, instead of applying the whole lean paradigm, focus on its foundation, i.e., transformation, flow, and value (Koskela, 2003). A third principle mentioned together with industrialization in construction is buildability. Buildability has been focused on a wide variety of tasks in construction, e.g., production methods (Fischer and Tatum, 1997), the construction process (Griffith, 1986), and organization of production (Stewart, 1989; Ferguson, 1989). In lean construction, organization of production is termed as work structuring (Ballard et al., 2001).

In Björnfot and Stehn (2004) it was shown how product modularity can guide the design process for long-span timber structures, aiding in the design and providing guidance in optimization problems. Modularity also confers process related effects and can thus ease the implementations of lean construction principles. The motive for the research presented in this paper is to show how modularity in construction can be utilized for an efficient industrialization of construction. The aim of this paper is to explore the industrialization principles; modularity, lean construction, and buildability by attempting to understand their relations and implications on construction. The construction process is in this paper regarded as the transformation process, i.e., flow of information and material in design and production respectively. As simplifications, no analysis is performed of the construction process or its flows, and product value is considered to be a vital part of the value for construction as a whole, without any deeper analysis of its implication. Effects

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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach


of modularity in construction is finally explored and exemplified by simulating possible assembly scenarios for long-span timber structures, using current production practices. The empirical data used for the simulations is based on a case-study performed at a Swedish design company.


Paramount to this paper is the construction industry and the conventional “design & build process” (D&B), Figure 1. The process description is based on Swedish conditions and used during construction of long-span timber structures. The explored industrialization principles are related and linked together using the different phases of the construction process. The case study is used to in practice explore the implication of modularity in construction and specifically, its relations to lean construction and buildability.

Figure 1: The considered construction process.


Modularity in construction has frequently been viewed as the use of simple building blocks (Rampersad, 1996), or volumetric pre-assemblies (Murtaza et al., 1993; Dawood, 1996). Today, the sense of the term module has evolved so that a module contains the specifications of a building block and interfaces, as well as considerable functionality compared to the end product (Miller and Elgård, 1998). Based on this definition, the volumetric pre-assemblies are a number of modules fitted together into volumes. The volume is thus a form of modularity, which is a system attribute (Miller and Elgård, 1998). Modularity can therefore not be defined from the modules themselves instead modularity is related to product structure and functionality, and should be used considering the products whole lifecycle (Nørgaard, 2002).

One of the most important aspects of modular products and their realisation is the potential for efficient flexibility and responsive manufacturing through flexibility/agility (Marshall and Leaney, 1999), and reduced process complexity (Marshall et al., 1999). The term mass customization is often mentioned together with flexibility and argued to be a key aspect of modularity (Marshall et al., 1999). The basic drivers behind the wish for modularity, Table 1, are found in (Blackenfelt, 2001) summing up the drivers given in (Miller and Elgård, 1998; Marshall and Leaney, 1999). Nørgaard (2002) uses the product lifecycle when sorting module drivers; however the drivers are basically the same.

Program phase


Production phase


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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach


Table 1: The module drivers and their relation to the three main problems approached by modularity.

Module drivers

Commonality Concentration of risk Repair Variety Separate development Replenishment

Internally planed change Parallel development Component reuse Externally driven change Pre-assembly Material recycling

Upgradeability Separate testing Incineration Addability Out-sourcing (buy) Landfill

Reconfigureability In-sourcing (make)

Variety versus commonality Organization of development and production After sale of product

In the literature, measured quantitative effects of modularity in construction are rare. There are clearly effects of modularity that are difficult to measure in quantitative terms, i.e., variety and complexity as well as process related effects in development, manufacturing, and production. Murtaza et al. (1993) report construction phase cost savings of 10 % using modularity and Gotlieb et al. (2001) report schedule and cost savings of up to 25 %.

The literature review suggests that modularity is both a product and process attribute, and should be developed by a linked methodology (Marshall et al., 1999). The modular process covers all the modularity effects in the product value-chain; only by performing product modularity can the benefits be realized. For the construction process;

• Variety through modularity aims at the reduction of internal complexity and increased external variety, i.e., provide a means for an open building system.

• Development aims at the development of new modules for increased external variety. In construction this can emerge as out-sourcing of modules for increased supplier competitiveness or development of multi-functional modules.

• Production aims at the design and use of products in such a way that a streamlined production can be achieved.

• After-sale aims at the use of modules after structure lifetime, disassembly and recycling of modules as well as extension of structure lifetime by reconfiguring.


The primary goal of the lean concept is the elimination of waste or in other terms, creation of value (Green, 1999). Lean thinking concentrates on the two main conversion activities; design and construction, where information and material flows are the basic units of analysis (Crowley, 1998) - “lean thinking concentrates on going into the “black

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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach


box” and studying the processes with the objective of smoothing out interfaces, removing non-value adding activities, or in some cases completely rebuilding the processes and generating new processes” (Halpin and Kueckmann, 2002). The basic purpose of lean thinking is thus the management of conversion processes to promote flow, figure 2.

Design process

Figure 2: In construction, the lean concept is the management of the conversion process.

The main practices of lean thinking most often referred to in the literature is; just-in-time (JIT) and total quality management (TQM) (Gann, 1996; Green, 1999; Halpin and Kueckmann, 2002). The practices, total preventive maintenance (TPM) and human resource management (HRM) were added by Shah and Ward (2003). A literature survey by Shah and Ward (2003) identified a number of key practices associated with JIT, TQM, TPM, and HRM summing up the above key characteristics, Table 2.

In construction the information conversion process may be related to design development while the material conversion process is associated with production. For the application of leanness in construction (e.g., Ballard et al., 2001; Bertelsen and Koskela, 2002; Koskela, 2003) it is argued that construction should be based on; maximizing value, minimizing waste, and the transformation of inputs into outputs. Lean construction is thus a methodology aiming at streamlining the whole construction process while product requirements are realized during design, development and assembly. The solutions to the value/waste generation proposed in e.g. Ballard et al. (2001) incorporates many of the concepts from the lean practices, Table 2, the modular practices, Table 1, and further many arguments based on the concept of buildability/constructability.

Table 2: Key lean practices in JIT, TQM, TPM, and HRM. Adopted from Shah and ward (2003).

Key lean practices

Lot size reduction Preventive maintenance Benchmarking Self-directed teams Continuous flow Maintenance optimizat. Quality programs Flexible workforce Cellular manufacture. Safety improvement Quality management Bottleneck removal Scheduling strategies Process measure. Reengineering New equip./technology Cont. improvement



The terms buildability (European term) and constructability (American term) both describe a similar area of interest in construction (e.g., Griffith, 1986; Tatum et al., 1986;

Information conversion

Production processMaterial conversion

Finished building

Work Resources

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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach


Fischer and Tatum, 1997). The definitions of buildability found in the literature are most often concerned with the design of the building, i.e., the most common definition; “the extent to which the design of a building facilitates ease of construction, subject to the overall requirements for the completed building” (Griffith, 1986; Poh and Chen, 1998). This definition suggests that there is more to buildability than the product which also Griffith (1986) observes, linking both technical and managerial aspects to buildability.

An interesting connection is the relation between buildability and manufacturability, the design for assembly (DFA), and the design for manufacturing (DFM) methodologies. Manufacturability can be seen as buildability in manufacturing (Sharma and Gao, 2002). DFA and DFM, are methodologies aiming at reduced complexity in assembly, and reduced assembly costs; therefore their relationships to modularity is strong (Rampersad, 1996). Based on the above definitions it is not unlikely that buildability has its origins in the manufacturing industry. The relationship between the three methodologies and the diversity in their definitions does not provide any clear guidance on what buildability really is, as an example; buildability has also been associated with quality (Pheng and Abeyegoonasekera, 2001). Though, it is clear that buildability has a distinct relationship to productivity. This relationship is not fresh, as an example Poh and Chen (1998) describe a method for evaluation of buildability aimed at an increased productivity.

The main argument in the buildability literature is the use of standardization and prefabrication for increased buildability (Stewart, 1989; Ferguson, 1989; Poh and Chen, 1998). Prefabrication and standardization have advantages as well as disadvantages (Bock, 2001). Even though both standardization and prefabrication are important for an industrialization of construction, they will by themselves not revolutionize construction; instead they should be seen as an effect of the buildability approach.


The differences found between the three disciplines can be argued to be minimal and their goals the same, i.e., an industrialization of construction. Many authors also seem to mix the principles. Table 3 illustrates the applications of the three principles for the construction process based on the similarities and differences summarized as:

• Modularity is both a process and a product discipline offering a wide variety of advantages in the whole construction process. In construction, modularity is applied at the product level and realized in design development and production.

• Lean construction is a process management discipline offering management during the whole construction process, aiming at streamlining production.

• Buildability is a process and product based principle. In contrary to modularity; buildability is more of a goal than a means for product and process efficiency.

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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach


Table 3: The application of modularity, lean construction and buildability in the construction process.

Methodology Used in… Provides effects in…

MODULARITY Schematic design Design development

→ →

Design development Production

LEAN CONSTRUCTION Program phase Schematic design Design development

→ → →

Schematic design Design development Production

BUILDABILITY Schematic design Design development

→ →

Design development Production

Based on the literature review and the summarization we argue that the following four characteristics are the core of industrialization in construction, Figure 3;

• the effects provided by product modularity promotes buildable designs,

• the use of the lean construction philosophy promotes a buildable process,

• lean construction advocates, but does not necessarily promote, modularity, while

• product modularity does promote a lean construction process.

Two ways of viewing the construction process is top-down or bottom-up, Figure 3. The majority of recent production and construction literature in this area is concerned with streamlining processes, i.e., the implementation of lean thinking which emits a top-down view on construction. In the mechanical industry products are often tailored towards the end customer while the production is volume based. The production of new products is also often based on previous products, enabling reuse of previous technologies and processes. Economic profit in the mechanical industry is therefore based on streamlining processes and enabling their reuse, i.e., a top-down view. In contrary to the mechanical industry, the construction industry is project based with single product production where every structure is viewed as unique and tailored to the end client. The construction industry, and its reuse of technology, can be compared to the design of new products in the mechanical industry, but due to the project based site production the characteristics of the production system may change, causing new problems to emerge (Koskela, 2003). Therefore we, in this paper, argue that the timber construction industry should emit a bottom-up view where the design of the product guides the production processes, i.e., value (or buildability) for the product in design is a requirement for overall product and process value, and in the end; a requirement for end costumer value. Product modularity has in theory been shown to provide many process based benefits; we further argue that modularity is a key concept in the struggle for industrialization in timber construction, and possibly for construction in general.

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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach


Process management

Figure 3: Left; the three principle relations. Right; top-down vs. bottom-up views in construction.


The case study is based on two phases, interviews and a theoretical survey of the production of long-span timber structures. The case company has three employees and has been competing in the Scandinavian construction market since 1986. The company focuses on long-span structures, offering design and assembly of the structural system. The managing director (MD) has 30 years of experience as a designer. The MD was interviewed with the aim of collecting general information about the assembly operations during the production of long-span timber structures. Long span timber structures were chosen for the easy to comprehend structural system and the straight-forward assembly process. The survey is based on a general type of long-span timber structure used for ice hockey. The aim of the survey was to collect core quantitative production knowledge and experience relating to the case company production practices. The production was studied by reviewing time schedules, quality control plans, drawings, and other documents of interest as well as a rich supply of photographs.


The specific long-span timber structure, width and length, 36×65 m2 (118×213 sq. feet), considered in this paper was constructed in southern Sweden during 2003. All quantitative data was compared to the MD´s broad and general knowledge of the production of hundreds of similar structures. The described assembly process can thus be argued as a general process for the production of long-span timber structures in Sweden. The considered structural design is shown in Figure 4;



Lean Construction Top →



Product management



→ U


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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach


Roof system – pre-stressed tied rafters, spacing 7.3 m. Roof-purlin system – crossed purlins on support, spacing 2.3 m. Column system – 16 columns in façade and 12 columns in gable, spacing 7.2 m. Stab. system in roof –bracers over two roof modules. Stab. system in wall – single bracers. Wall-purlin system – crossed purlins on support, spacing 1.2 m.

Figure 4: The sub-systems used in this case study.


In production there are two general types of resources used; workforce (labor) and machinery (equipment). For long-span timber structures the machinery used are tower cranes and sky-lifts, Figure 5 (picture 4 and 5). The activities during production are divided into three stages. Sub-assembly is the activity in which the elements are assembled into a finished module. Placement is the activity in which the module, or its constituent elements, is moved on the construction site. Final assembly is the activity in which the module is connected to other modules within the structure.

Figure 5: Illustration of the assembly process for long-span timber structures.


3 4


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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach



pan timber structures



In general, the assembly process of the structural system for long-stakes four weeks. The current sequential assembly process is presented in Table 4. Thefoundation is cast in place by a separate contractor prior to the start of the assembly. In Table 4; Sub-system denote the sub-system being worked on, Activities denote the activity performed, Resources denote the resources used, and Time denote the elapsed time.

Table 4: The sequential assembly process for long-span timber structures.

Description Sub-system Activities Resources

1 Set up on site. All required material is delivered to the site on day one. Se

3 men 1


(set up) t up tower crane


2 ↓

Organisation of materials; beams, bracers, steel details, etc., Figure 5 (1).

All Placement 3 men 1 tower crane

1 day

3 ↓

Sub-assembly of roof modules on ground, Figure 5 (1). f ly Roo Sub-assemb 3 men 4 days

4 ↓

Sub-assembly, placement, and final assembly of façade columns, r crane

t Figure 5 (2). Column

Sub-assembly Placement Final assembly

3 men 1 towe1 sky-lif

1 day

5 ↓

on ground, Figure 5 Roof ane t

2 days Lift up and temporary bracing of roof modules (2).

Placement 3 men 1 tower cr1 sky-lif

6 ↓

aration of final assembly with roof “packages”, Figure 5 (3).

rlin Stab. in roof

ly Placement ane

t 3 days Prep Roof-pu


Final assembly

3 men 1 tower cr1 sky-lif

7 ↓ roof “packages”, Figure 5 (4). anes

ts 1 day Placement and final assembly of Roof

Placement Final assembly

3 men 2 tower cr2 sky-lif

8 ↓

Column ne

ts 1 days

Sub-assembly, placement, andfinal assembly of gable columns and gable beam.

Sub-assembly Placement Final assembly

3 men 1 tower cra2 sky-lif

9 ↓

- roof, Figure 5

lin Stab. in roof

ly 2 days

Complementary assembly of roofridges and stab. in(5).

Roof-purSub-assembPlacement Final assembly

2 men 2 sky-lifts

10 ↓

mbly of the stab. in façade and gable, Figure 5 (6).


2 sky-lifts 1 day Asse Stab. in wall

Sub-assembPlacement Final assembly

2 men

11 Figure 5 (6). Wall-purlin


2 sky-lifts 3 days Assembly of wall-purlins,

Sub-assembPlacement Final assembly

2 men

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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach



The first two days during assembly are generally required for set up on site, unloading of materials, and organization of workforce and materials. The step-by-step assembly process in Table 4 indicates a sequential type of production. Viewing the sub-systems as natural modules in the traditional step-wise assembly process has many potential advantages. Detailed time schedules based on modules and activities may be created by ordering the assembly process after modules, Figure 6. The time schedule is created by performing a day-by-day study of Table 4 and taking note of the current sub-system under work and the activity performed. The time schedule should be read row-wise, i.e., each row contains information about the required activities and time spent on each sub-system. The resources required for each activity can then be obtained from Table 4, e.g., the sub-assembly of the roof system requires four days during which three men are occupied (step 3 in Table 4). Simulations, using the time schedule, of probable scenarios during the assembly of long-span timber structures are used to exemplify the possible effects of modularity in construction and how modularity can confer both construction leanness and buildability.

Sub-system Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Figure 6: Time schedule sorted by modules, based on Table 4.

• Set up. Some components of the roof module are misplaced or were never delivered. Time schedule loss is incurred and one tower crane which has to be on site from day one is left idle (step 1 and 2 in Table 4). By having each component checked and attached to a module the chance of misplacing items and thereby incurring delays is reduced.

• Roof module. During design, considering the time schedule, it is decided to out-source the roof module for design, manufacturing, and sub-assembly enabling supplier competitiveness and possible cost savings in the program phase. In assembly, the prefabrication of the roof module result in time schedule savings

2 Set up

2 1 2 2,3 Roof

2 1,2,3 1,2,3 Column

2 1,2,3 1,2,3 Roof-purlin

2 1,2,3 1,2,3 Stab. in roof

2 1,2,3 Stab. in wall

2 1,2,3 Wall-purlin

1. S


2. P


3. Final assem


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Paper II – Industrialisation of Construction – a Lean Modular Approach


of four days (step 3 in table 4). The cost savings in site production can also be compared with partial prefabrication and on-site pre-assembly. By the modular approach issues like out-sourcing, pre-assembly, and prefabrication can be used and analyzed in a new light enabling both time and cost savings.

• Column module. The columns are delivered to the site with steel details attached. The sub-assembly part of the column modules is therefore reduced and the time and resource savings incurred can instead be used to work on the placement of the roof system (in Figure 6; work is reallocated from the column to roof during week 2). A modular approach can enable the reallocation of resources on the construction site.

• Roof-purlin module. A new connector innovation is developed with plug-and-play characteristics, resulting in rapid final assembly. This reduces the overall time required for assembly of the roof “packages” as well as the complementary assembly of the module resulting in time and resource savings. A modular approach may further streamline the assembly by the development innovations.

Similar scenarios may be created for the other sub-systems. Possible effects of a modular approach; organization, out-sourcing, pre-assembly, prefabrication, and development, are all ways of streamlining production - a way towards an industrialization of construction.


The goal of industrialization in construction is the reduction of on-site activities (Koskela, 2003). As shown during the simulations, one of the benefits of modularity is the reduced complexity in choosing whether to remove activities, or to reallocate resources. Modularity was theoretically shown to aid in a lean process and to create buildability by promoting a high productivity. The modular approach enables easier management of the lean main practices by just-in time deliveries, scheduling, quality, and flexibility etc. Buildability is, by the modular approach, promoted already during design by enabling accurate fit between elements within a module and between the modules themselves (Björnfot and Stehn, 2004). Buildability during production is further enabled by the simplified organization of materials and resources.

Due to the adverse participant relations and the segregated construction process, the Swedish timber construction industry is, at this date, not mature enough to handle the implementation of lean practices as is. The focus for timber construction should therefore instead be product modularity, i.e., a bottom-up product focused view. Such a view has potential to be a driving force in the struggle for industrialization of construction.


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A Systematic Framework for Long-span Timber Structures

By: Anders Björnfot and Lars Stehn

(The paper has been edited to fit this thesis

format, but the contents remain the same)

Björnfot, A., Stehn, L. (2004) A systematic framework for long-span timber structures, in the 8th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Lahtis.

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Paper III – A Systematic Framework for Long-Span Timber Structures


A Systematic Framework for Long-Span Timber Structures

Anders BJÖRNFOT, M.Sc. Div. of Timber Structures Luleå Univ. of Tech., Sweden e.mail: [email protected] Lars STEHN, Ass. Prof. Div. of Timber Structures Luleå Univ. of Tech., Sweden e.mail: [email protected]

Anders has a M.Sc. in civil engineering from Luleå University of Technology 2001. Anders is now working as a Ph.D. student at the division of Timber structures. Ph.D. in Structural Engineering 1993, Head of the division of Timber Structures at LTU. Lars Stehn has 10 years of experience as a designer of Timber structures.

Summary Modularisation is a key concept in the manufacturing industry and has helped lead the way towards widespread industrialisation. In Sweden, timber has had limited use as a construction material for many years. This is particularly evident for long-span single storey structures used for non-domestic purposes. System Engineering (SE) and modularity principles using the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) and neural networks theory are used to describe a systematic and theoretical framework for construction. The study and analysis are based on a case study at a Swedish design company, together with a survey of 60 long-span timber structures. The potential of DSM to systematise long-span timber structures has been shown in this paper. It is also evident from the analysis of one structural sub-system that industrialisation for the construction industry should be linked with modularisation, incorporating both prefabricated and standardised products. Keywords: timber structures, modularity, design structure matrix, systematisation,

industrialised construction, structural system

1. Introduction Modularisation is a key concept in the manufacturing industry and has led the way towards widespread industrialisation [1], effectively incorporating concepts like manufacturability and theories of lean and agile production. Incorporating modularisation in construction and shifting the construction industry towards a more industrialised approach has the potential to introduce many positive effects. Research has shown an

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increase in safety, productivity, and quality using standardisation and pre-assembly [2]. The construction industry has, despite recent improvements, still much to learn from the mechanised industry. A construction renewal needs a holistic, integrated view; not only should the production and structural system be changed, but all levels of design, operation, and improvement of the production system should be changed jointly [3]. The aim of this paper is to describe a systematic theoretical framework utilising modularity,. System Engineering (SE) and modularity principles using the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) are used to form the basis of this framework. This paper will also show the application of neural networks theory in systematization. One type of structural timber roof system, pre-stressed tied rafter, is used to simulate the design and assembly of long-span timber structures. This work is based on a case study performed at a leading Swedish design company, together with a survey of 60 previously built long-span timber structures.

2. A systematic framework The introduction can be summarised as; to understand, adapt, and develop industrialised construction, the main theoretical approach must be based on an integrated and holistic systems approach. It is also necessary that these principles be allowed to develop systematically by jointly considering the levels of design, operations, and the production system. When considering modularisation, the design of buildings and other manufactured products have much in common. In general, a building is constructed of numerous building elements, often standardised and connected to each other, e.g. floor, walls, and roof. Each building element, e.g. a floor [4], is designed from a set of functional requirements. Likewise, the design of a manufactured product, e.g. the modules of a water cooler [5], depends on a set of functional requirements.

2.1 The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) For artefacts (objects such as buildings), Systems Engineering (SE) provides both problem solving principles and a holistic approach to design so as to avoid sub-optimisation. SE can be extended to the whole lifecycle of a system, providing early-on management of user requirements, systems requirements, architectural design and component development to system verification, validation, and operational capability [6]. The SE method used in this paper is the Design Structure Matrix (DSM). DSM displays the relationship between components of a system, illuminates the structure, and aids in the design of products, processes, and organisations [7].

2.2 Experience Based System (EBS) The competition between structural systems and materials on the Swedish construction market is rough where timber has had limited use as a construction material for many years. One reason is a general lack of knowledge about timber, both as a construction material and how timber can be used to its full advantage in construction. It is thus important that a framework for timber construction incorporates construction experience. Fig. 1 illustrates the basics of the framework. The feedback obtained from previously constructed structures is stored in an Experience Feedback System (EFS). The EFS, based on neural network theory, is a database providing a constant loop of experience feedback from constructed long-span timber structures. Structural design and production

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Paper III – A Systematic Framework for Long-Span Timber Structures


knowledge are systematically stored in another database; Construction Knowledge Database (CKD) based on the DSM, Fig. 1. From the CKD, the whole structure is designed and evaluated. The framework is called an Experience Based System (EBS).

Evaluation Final structure Experience Systematisation


Fig. 1 The EBS structure considered in this paper.

2.3 Scope and limitations

Fig. 2 A long-span timber structure situated in Sweden (only the structural system is shown).

The construction and production of a structural system for non-insulated long-span timber structures will be reviewed and analysed in this paper, Fig. 2. Due to the holistic scope of SE, the design and production phases cannot be separated. In this paper the design phase is limited to the structural design of vertical and horizontal load-carrying capacities, while the production phase is limited to geometric considerations for on site assembly.

3. Research method The case study in this paper is based on two phases, interviews and a survey. The case company has three employees and has been competing in the Scandinavian construction market since 1986. The aim of the interviews was to collect general experience and knowledge about long-span timber structures, including specific information about the structural system and the design and assembly processes. The survey consisted of 60 long-span timber structures constructed by the case company from 1994 to 2001. This survey amounts to 10% of the total amount of long-span timber structures built during this time frame. The aim of the survey was to collect core quantitative knowledge.

4. Results from the case study

4.1 Design parameters In general, two types of design parameters influence the design of the structural system, geometrical and geographical, Table 1. There are normally only three design parameters

E F S Structural

system ∑ Construct



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Paper III – A Systematic Framework for Long-Span Timber Structures


free to a designer: roof pitch, column spacing, and roof-purlin spacing.

Table 1 Geometrical and geographical design parameters.

Geometrical parameters Geographical parameters Parameters Definition Parameter

s Definition

Roof pitch Pitch of the roof beams Snow load Amount of snow on roof Length Length if the structure Wind load Wind magnitude on roof /facade Width Width of the structure Free height Free indoor height Parameters Can be varied by designer Column spacing Column/roof spacing Parameters Predetermined by client/geography Roof-purlin spacing Roof-purlin spacing

4.2 Structural system The structural system contains four different physical interfaces where the sub-systems join, Fig. 3 and Table 2a. The most important sub-system is by far the roof system, constituting up to 70% of the total cost, including material and assembly (personnel and machinery) of the structural system. Table 2b summarises the costs of the different sub-systems, given as € /m2 (building area). The importance of an optimised system from a material viewpoint is obvious. The design of the roof system is also important from a production viewpoint, as assembly of the roof system requires many sub-assemblies and the use of expensive machinery (mobile cranes) for final assembly.

Fig. 3 Illustration of the structural system.

Table 2 a) The average long-span timber structure. b) Overview of the total costs.

a) Most common sub-systems

Roof Tied rafter with three hinges Pre-stressed tied rafter

Roof-purlin Crossed purlins on support Column Rectangular Stab. in roof Steel bracers over two roof

beams Stab. in wall Single steel bracer or a

cross of bracers


Sub system Total Cost [ €/m2 ]

Ratio [ % ]

Roof 26 70 Roof-purlin Column Stab. in roof Stab. in wall

9 30

Total 35 100

Column system

Stabilising systemin wall

Roof-purlin Roof system

1 2



Stabilising systemin roof

Joints between sub-systems1. Roof-purlin ↔ Roof 2. Stab. in roof ↔ Roof 3. Roof ↔ column 4. Stab. in wall ↔ Roof

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Paper III – A Systematic Framework for Long-Span Timber Structures


5. Experience Based System (EBS)

5.1 Experience Feedback System (EFS) The generalised regression neural network (GRNN), used for function approximation [8], is used as the basis of the EFS. From Table 1, the geometrical design parameters length and width are used together with the geographical design parameter snow load as input to the neural network. The result, when simulating the network, should be proposals for the five sub-systems together with spacing and roof pitch, Fig. 4. When using the GRNN, the three inputs; length, width, and characteristic snowload are asked for. The GRNN then simulates the network with the given inputs and gives the outputs a1 to a8, Fig. 4. Using the EFS may give a designer valuable early aid in design of long-span timber structures.

p1 – Length w1, w2, w3 – Weights Output

Fig. 4 The basic functionality of a neural network and the inputs/outputs for the EFS.

5.2 Construction Knowledge Database (CKD)

Fig. 5 The components of a pre-stressed tied rafter.

The structural system, composed of its sub-systems and joints, can be seen as a modular system where technical sub-systems can be altered while preserving the function of the final structure. How can a holistic SE view be maintained during such a complicated design? The DSM is a tool with the power to combine a holistic view with detailed interactions. According to the results in Table 2a the pre-stressed tied rafter is one of the most common systems in Sweden and it is used for a more detailed study of modularised systematisation.

Apex joint

Chord joint

Diagonal Top chord Top chord –

diagonal joint

Apex chord Tension chordApex chord – diagonal joint

p2 – Width p3 – Snow load a1 – Roof system a7 – Spacing a2 – Roof-purlin system a8 – Spacing a3 – Column system a4 – Stabilizing system in roof a5 – Stabilizing system in wall a6 – Roof pitch


Input GRNN

Neural Network










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Paper III – A Systematic Framework for Long-Span Timber Structures


The DSM result in Fig. 6 is a systematisation of Fig. 5 and should be interpreted as follows: letters along a line signify a physical connection between the studied element and another element within the sub-system, letters up and down a column means that this element is influenced by another element. Empty cells in the matrix imply no physical relationship and letters along the diagonal contain information about the respective element or joint. In Fig. 6, an F denotes the load transfer between elements and joints, and a G denotes the geometric constraints for assembly. According to the sums (∑) in Fig 6, the most important element of the pre-stressed tied rafter is the top chord influencing, and influenced by, both the design and assembly of four other elements or joints. What this means is that, during the design of the pre-stressed tied rafter special attention should be given to the top chord. It is possible to structure the complete design of a sub-system, and even the whole structural system, in this way.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 ∑

Top chord A1 A1 F G F




Diagonal A2 F G A2 F




Apex chord A3 A3 F G


F G 3F


Tension chord A4 A4 F G 1F


Apex joint A5 F G F

G A5 2F2G

Chord joint A6 F G F


G A6 3F3G

Apex chord - diagonal A7 F G

F G A7 2F


Top chord - diagonal A8 F G

F G A8 2F


∑ 4F4G








Fig. 6 Detailed DSM interpretation of a pre-stressed tied rafter. In design, the holistic approach of the DSM provides a means to avoid sub-optimisation by applying functional requirements and geometric constraints on design. Also, the best use of systematic R&D findings regarding, e.g. connection and reliability-based timber engineering research, can be linked to DSM. In Fig. 7, examples of R&D findings are linked to the pre-stressed tied rafter DSM. All references given in the figure is from the latest CIB - W18 proceeding [9], supplying the latest advancements in timber research.

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Paper III – A Systematic Framework for Long-Span Timber Structures


Fig. 7 Examples of R&D finding and their link to DSM detailed design.

6. Discussion & Conclusions The main theoretical approach to understand, adapt, and develop industrialised construction must be based on an integrated and holistic systems approach. Further, it is necessary that these principles be systematically developed by jointly considering the levels of design, operations, and the production system [3]. By taking an integrated view of the appropriate construction requirements, in this case the structural and production system, this study shows that the benefits of modularity in construction can be realised. Based on the case study and the theoretical DSM systematisation, the pre-stressed tied rafter is but one example of an industrialised product. This sub-system is one of the most common roof systems in Sweden because it is optimised as a module from a material and structural viewpoint, thereby being a viable economic choice. Since only one geometric design parameter, roof pitch, can be varied during its design, Table 1, optimisation is done within the sub-system, i.e. the roof system is designed by considering all of the functional requirements and geometric constraints in Figure 6. The pre-stressed tied rafter is not prefabricated as a whole; instead assembly of prefabricated and standardised elements and joints is done on site before final assembly. The effectiveness of the roof-system is thus governed by a material and structural optimised design in combination with a modularised assembly, utilising standardisation and prefabrication. Using the DSM (Fig. 6) presented in this paper yields an optimised pre-stressed tied rafter can be obtained where the top chord cross section governs the rest of its components. This can be observed from the geometric constraints (G) in Fig. 6 which imply that, for example, the diagonal must have the same width as the top chord. If the widths are not equal, standardised joints cannot be used (A8 in Fig. 6) resulting in the need of extra work on site or the development of a new type of joint for this application. And maybe even more interesting is that the available standardised glulam cross sections (A1 and A2 in Fig. 6)

Structural reliability

Ranta-Maunus and Kevarnimäki (2003)Hansson (2003)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Top chord 1

Diagonal 2

Apex chord 3

Tension chord 4

Apex joint 5

Chord joint 6

Apex chord - diagonal 7

Top chord - diagonal 8

Wood / timber

Köhler and Fabre, (2003); Glos and Denzler (2003) Connections/Joints Rautenstrauch and Hartnack (2003)

Johnsson (2003) Jensen et al. (2003) Jorge et al. (2003) Ellegaard (2003) Ballerini and Giovanella (2003)

All references are from the 2003 CIB – W18 proceedings [9]

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Paper III – A Systematic Framework for Long-Span Timber Structures


may be unusable implying requirements on the supply of customised standardised glulam cross sections. In the same way, other design oriented question and implications of design choices may be simulated with the provided DSM. In design, the holistic approach of the DSM provides a means to avoid sub-optimisation by applying functional requirements and geometric constraints on design. Only considering one part of a system, i.e. the examples given in Fig 7, is a form of sub-optimisation that violates the principles of SE. This does not mean that such research should be avoided; rather this research should be placed into an SE perspective. The usefulness of a component-based DSM from a production viewpoint is the assembly stage. By advancing the component based DSM and by using an activity based DSM the production system as a whole may be incorporated and developed. To get the most out of the modularity approach a lean construction process should be considered, thereby supporting [3].

7. References [1] Gann, D.M., “Construction as a Manufacturing Process? Similarities and

Differences Between Industrialized Housing and Car Production in Japan”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol.14, No. 5, 1996, pp. 437-450.

[2] Gibb, A., “Standardization and Pre-assembly – Distinguishing Myth from Reality Using Case Study Research”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2001, pp. 307-315.

[3] Koskela, L., “Is Structural Change the Primary Solution to the Problems of Construction”, Building Research & Information, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2003, pp. 85-96.

[4] Idrus, A.B., and Newman, J.B., “Construction Related Factors Influencing the Choice of Concrete Floor Systems”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2002, pp. 13-19.

[5] Martin, M.V., and Ishii, K., “Design for variety: Developing Standardized and Modularized Product Platform Architectures”, Research in Engineering Design, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2002, pp. 213-235.

[6] Arnold, S., Brook, P., Jackson, K., and Stevens, R., Systems Engineering – Coping with Complexity, Pearson Education, London, 1998, 374 pp.

[7] Browning, T.R., “Applying the Design Structure Matrix to System Decomposition and Integration Problems: A Review and New Directions”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2001, pp. 292-306.

[8] Demuth, H., and Beale, M., Neural Network Toolbox, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, 1998.

[9] Görlacher, R., CIB – W18 Proceedings, International Council for Research and Innovation in Buildings and Construction, Working Commission W18 – Timber Structures, Karlsruhe, 2003.

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Appendix A – Survey data

Appendix B – Neural networks validation data

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Appendix A – Survey Data

A - 1

Appendix A – Survey data This Appendix contains the case study data obtained from the survey. The data is based on the case study in Chapter 3 and used for the EFS neural network described in Chapter 6. A.1 Input and target listings The indexes used to present the survey date are given in Table A.1. Table A.1 Indexing used for the inputs and targets in Table A.3 and Table A.4.


Nr Index Nr Index P Roof pitch

S.L Snow load RP Roof-purlin system S Column spacing

L Length of structure R Roof system S-P Roof-purlin spacing

W Width of structure

A neural network works with numerical data. To implement the targets roof-purlin system and roof system a conversion must be used since a sub-system can not be expressed numerically. For these sub-systems the neural network is presented with a number representing the actual sub-system used, Table A.2. After the network simulations the same conversion is used to convert back to the sub-system. In Table A.4 a zero indicates that no information of this parameter is known and the case representing the zero will be excluded when initiating the GRNN for that parameter/sub-system. Table A.2 Conversion used for the roof and roof-purlin systems.


1 Tied rafter with three hinges 1 Crossed on support

2 Pre-stressed tied rafter 2 Pinned joints

3 Pitched beam 3 Combination of above

4 Three hinged frame

5 Truss

6 Arch

7 Curved beam

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Appendix A – Survey Data

A - 2

Table A.3 Results from the survey – inputs for the EFS.

Nr S.L L W Nr S.L L W

1 3 18 13 30 2 70 38

2 2 70 30 31 2.5 85 16

3 2 34 17 32 3 117 47

4 2 60 38 33 1 46 32

5 2 60 17 34 2 44 28

6 1 31 20 35 2 65 38

7 2 30 24 36 2 70 37

8 2 53 30 37 2 66 35

9 2 73 30 38 2 72 38

10 2 39 29 39 2.5 49 32

11 3.5 66 24 40 3.5 66 38

12 2 67 23 41 3 40 18

13 2 90 26 42 2 65 40

14 2 66 27 43 2.2 69 39

15 2.5 39 20 44 1.5 160 88

16 1.5 18 14 45 3.5 72 38

17 4 48 22 46 3 97 51

18 1 44 23 47 2 100 48

19 1.5 87 37 48 3 70 32

20 2 55 20 49 1.5 44 25

21 3 20 12 50 3 72 34

22 2.5 36 12 51 2 71 46

23 2 24 20 52 0.8 65 40

24 3 67 23 53 3 35 10

25 1.4 70 40 54 3 105 67

26 2 80 26 55 3 36 24

27 2 45 25 56 2 42 21

28 2 65 24 57 1.5 90 40

29 2 82 29 58 2.5 123 114

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Appendix A – Survey Data

A - 3

Table A.4 Results from the survey – targets for the EFS.


1 4.5 14 0.6 1 0 30 7 15 2.5 2 1

2 7.2 15 2.6 1 3 31 6 6 1.5 0 0

3 4.8 0 2.1 0 1 32 7.5 5 2.5 3 2

4 6.6 15 2.5 2 1 33 7.7 10 2.3 0 1

5 6 3 0 3 0 34 6.3 22 1.2 1 2

6 6 14 0 2 0 35 7.2 15 0 2 0

7 6 15 0.9 1 1 36 7 14 0 2 0

8 5.1 5 2.4 0 0 37 7 15 0 2 0

9 6 41 2.9 1 1 38 7.2 15 2.5 2 3

10 6.5 14 0 1 0 39 6 10 0 0 0

11 6 15 2.1 1 2 40 7.4 15 0 2 0

12 4.8 18 0 4 0 41 5 15 0 1 0

13 6 15 0 1 0 42 7.2 15 2.4 2 2

14 6 26 0 4 0 43 7.7 0 0 6 0

15 5.5 6 2.5 0 1 44 8 6 2.6 0 1

16 8.7 2 0 0 0 45 7.2 16 0 2 0

17 7.2 15 0 1 0 46 7.3 6 1.9 0 3

18 7.2 18 2.4 1 2 47 8 15 2.3 5 1

19 6.2 15 1.4 2 1 48 7 15 0.8 1 1

20 7.9 22 3.2 1 3 49 7.2 4 0 3 0

21 6.5 6 0 3 0 50 6 15 2.1 1 2

22 6 6 0 3 0 51 7.2 15 0 2 0

23 6 12 0 1 0 52 7.2 15 2.4 2 2

24 6.1 15 0 1 0 53 7 5 2.5 0 1

25 7.2 15 0 1 0 54 18 6 2.4 0 0

26 7.4 15 2.4 1 2 55 6 14 0 0 0

27 6.4 15 0 1 0 56 6 4 0 0 0

28 6 15 0 1 0 57 6 4 0 0 0

29 6.8 15 0 1 0 58 12 6 2.6 7 1

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Appendix B – Neural networks validation data

B - 1

Appendix B – Neural networks validation data This Appendix contains values and graphs used for analysis of the GRNN validation set. B.1 GRNN – Validation simulations Table B.1 Simulation (S) and expected target (T) values for the GRNN validation set. Refer

to Appendix A and Chapter 6 for explanation of used indices.

S P S-P R RP Nr S T S T S T S T S T 1 5.5 6.0 6 15 2.3 1.9 1 1 1 3 2 6.8 6.0 15 15 2.4 3.2 1 1 1 1 3 7.2 7.2 5 15 2.5 2.5 2 1 1 2 4 6.0 6.0 14 15 2.4 2.4 2 2 1 2 5 7.2 7.2 15 15 1.2 2.4 3 3 3 2 6 7.6 7.7 6 6 0.9 0.8 1 1 1 1 7 7.3 7.2 41 41 1.5 1.5 2 2 3 1 8 8.2 4.5 10 10 0.9 2.6 3 2 3 3 9 8.0 8.0 15 15 2.6 2.6 2 1 1 2

10 5.2 6.1 10 10 2.3 2.3 3 3 1 1 11 7.0 7.0 6 6 3.2 3.2 2 2 1 1 12 7.2 7.2 14 14 1.5 1.5 1 1 3 3 13 7.0 7,0 15 15 2.5 2.5 1 1 1 1 14 7.2 7.4 15 15 2.9 2.4 1 1 1 1 15 6.0 6.0 15 15 0.9 2.6 1 1 1 1 16 6.7 6.0 3 14 1.4 1.4 1 1 1 1 17 7.2 7.2 15 41 2.5 2.5 2 2 1 1 18 6.4 7.2 6 15 1.9 1.9 7 7 2 2 19 7.0 7.2 15 15 2.4 2.4 2 2 2 2 20 7.7 7.7 15 15 2.1 2.1 1 3 1 2 21 6.4 6.5 15 15 2.4 2.4 1 1 3 3 22 5.5 5.0 15 15 2.5 2.5 2 5 3 3 23 7.2 7.0 3 22 0.9 0.8 1 4 1 2 24 5.2 6.1 15 15 2.4 3.2 2 2 1 1 25 7.4 7.4 22 14 2.4 2.4 3 3 2 1 26 7.0 7.0 26 26 2.4 1.4 1 1 1 3 27 8.0 8.0 12 15 1.2 2.4 1 1 2 1 28 6.0 6.0 15 15 2.5 2.5 1 1 2 2 29 6.6 6.4 15 15 2.3 2.5 3 3 3 3 30 7.2 7.2 22 22 2.5 2.9 1 1 3 1

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Appendix B – Neural networks validation data

B - 2

B.2 GRNN – Validation Table B.2 Comparison data of the validation set using Table B.1.

Column spacing

Roof-purlin spacing Roof pitch Roof

system Roof-purlin

system Inputs used 58/58 29/58 56/58 44/58 25/58 S/T pairs 30 30 30 30 30 S/T pairs equal 14 17 21 24 18 Approx. equal 8 6 2 - - Not equal 27 % 23 % 23 % 20 % 40 %

Inputs used refer to the number of cases used for network training (Appendix A). S/T pairs refer to the number of validation pairs. S/T pairs equal refer to the number of pairs exactly equal. Approx. equal refers to the number of S/T pairs equal based on the author’s experience. Sub-system simulation can only provide equal or non-equal values (Table 3.2). Not equal refer to the percentage of S/T pairs not equal or not approximately equal.


0 5 10 15 20 25 304








0 5 10 15 20 25 300,5







0 5 10 15 20 25 300






Figure B.1 Graphical comparison of simulated vs. target value – design parameters.

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Appendix B – Neural networks validation data

B - 3


0 5 10 15 20 25 300





0 5 10 15 20 25 300,5







Figure B.2 Graphical comparison of simulated vs. target value – sub-systems. B.3 GRNN – Limitations


0 1 2 3 4 0 40 80 120 160 WIDTH

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

The box-plots are created using STATGRAPHICS Plus 5.0, illustrating the network input distributions. Dots outside the box intervals represent outliers, here interpreted as unique cases which shouldn’t be used for simulations. Good approximations during network simulations are achieved using values inside the outer limits.

Figure B.3 Box-and-whisker plots illustrating limitations using the GRNN.

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Doctoral and licentiate theses Division of structural Engineering – Timber Structures

Luleå University of Technology Doctoral theses 2001 Nils Olsson: Glulam Timber Arches – strength of splices and realibility-based

optimisation. 2001:12D, pp. 205. 2004 Helena Johnsson: Plug Shear Failures in Nailed Timber Connections – Avoiding

Brittle and Promoting Ductile Failures. 2004:03D, pp. 182. Licentiate theses 2001 Helena Johansson: Systematic Design of Glulam Trusses. 2001:07L, pp. 149. 2003 Ylva Fredriksson: Samverkan mellan träkomponenttillverkare och stora byggföretag

– en studie av massivträbyggandet (in Swedish). 2003:14L, pp. 101. 2003 Sunna Cigén: Materialleverantören i byggprocessen – en studie av

kommunikationen mellan träkomponentleverantören och byggprocessens övriga aktörer (in Swedish). 2003:69L, pp. 115.

2004 Anders Björnfot: Modular Long-Span Timber Structures – a systematic framework

for buildable construction, 2004:34L, pp. 118.

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