Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

VOCABULARY PRACTICE ( PARTS OF THE BODY ) A. Choose the correct answer. 1 . A dentist's job is to treat and to help keep our __________ cavity free. A. feet B. teeth C. ears D. eyes 2. Shoes and socks are worn to protect the __________. A. hands B. eyes C. feet D. ears 3. After the singer sang her song, everybody clapped their __________. A. arms B. hands C. toes D. nose 4. Some people have straight __________ but some have curly ones. A. legs B. nose C. fingers D. hair 5. Aiman broke his………so he cannot walk. A. leg B. hand C. arm D. nose 6. Lisa kissed her baby sister on her __________. A. cheek B. elbow C. foot D. knee 7. Puan Tina is wearing a wide shawl over her _______________. A. head B. shoulder C. waist D. hand 1



Transcript of Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

Page 1: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI


A. Choose the correct answer.

 1. A dentist's job is to treat and to help keep our __________ cavity free.

A. feet B. teeth C. ears D. eyes

2. Shoes and socks are worn to protect the __________.

A. hands B. eyes C. feet D. ears

3. After the singer sang her song, everybody clapped their __________.

A. arms B. hands C. toes D. nose

4. Some people have straight __________ but some have curly ones.

A. legs B. nose C. fingers D. hair

5. Aiman broke his………so he cannot walk.

A. leg B. hand C. arm D. nose

6. Lisa kissed her baby sister on her __________.

A. cheek B. elbow C. foot D. knee

7. Puan Tina is wearing a wide shawl over her _______________.

A. head B. shoulder C. waist D. hand

8. This silver watch will look beautiful on your _____________. Try it on!

A. foot B. finger C. wrist D. arm

9. Mr. John wears a tie around his __________.

A. neck B. hair C. head D. arm

10. Washing our __________ before and after eating is a very healthy practice

A. knees B. legs C. hands D. hair


Page 2: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

B. Answer the riddles.

1. Between your head and shoulder.


2. The part of the body that detects sounds.


3. We walk on these.


4. The part of our body that give us sight.


5. Contains the face.



Page 3: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI


A. Choose the best answer.

1. You wear this to sleep.A. shoes B. pyjamas C. skirt D. towel

2. A thick long- sleeved shirt that keeps you warm.A. sweater B. pinafore C. boots D. shawl

3. Schoolgirls wear this to school.A. pinafore B. shawl C. jersey D. coat

4. A pair of strong shoes that cover the foot up to the ankle.A. slippers B. sneakers C. boots D. socks

5. A short sleeveless jacket that is worn over a shirt.A. vest B. coat C. dress D. singlet

6. A long piece of cloth that is worn around the shoulders.A. ribbon B. shawl C. towel D. tie

7. A long piece of leather or cloth that is worn around the waist.A. shawl B. belt C. rope D. skirt

8. They cover both legs separately.A. trousers B. skirt C. sweater D.dress

9. Like a dress, but with no top part.A. shirt B. skirt C. blouse D. shorts

10. Madam Tan took out a tray of cookies from the oven using a pair of ______________.


Page 4: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

A. gloves B. mittens C. shorts D. spectacles

B. Match the pictures with the words in the box.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.


salwar kameez dress bow tie cheongsam vest

kurta shorts scarf sandals tracksuit

Page 5: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

7. 8.

9. 10.



A. Name the instruments.


A. guitar B. piano C. trumpet D. flute



Page 6: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

A. cello B.piano C. organ D. violin


A. accordion B. tambourine C. guitar D. piano.


A. guitar B. sitarC. drum D. viola


A. drum B. cello C. guitar D. flute


A. bassoon B.cello C..harp D. guitar


Page 7: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

B. Categorize the musical instruments.






bassoon clarinet

flute oboe

piccolo recorder

bass drum bongos

congas maracas

tambourine tabla

banjo cello guitar

sitar viola harp


Brass Strings Percussion Woodwind

saxophone tuba

trombone trumpet

French horn

Page 8: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI


duet medley choir

orchestra composerconductor


C. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. A person who writes music. ________________________

2. Words of a song. ______________________

3. A large group of musicians led by a person. _______________________

4. A big group of people singing. _______________________

5. Performance of two people. _______________________

6. Only one person sings. _______________________

7. A mixture of songs. _______________________

8. A person who directs a group of

musicians. _______________________

D. Guess the instruments below.

1. A. guitar B. drum C. cello D. gong

2. A. tuba B. guitar C. violin D. drum


Page 9: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

3. A. trumpet B. viola C. guitar D. tuba


A. sitar B.piano C. guitar D. drum


A. flute B. recorderC. trumpet D. piano


A. Fill in the blanks with the given words .

cup radio needle wood scissors saw axe spoon knife saw

1. Damia switched on the ……………….. and listen to the news.

2. Mother mends my dress with thread and ………………………..

3. The boys built a fire with some ……………………..

4. Salwa eats with fork and ………………………..

5. Hakim cuts the fruits with a ………………………

6. Mother used a pair of …………………… to cut cloth.

7. Ah San drinks his coffee with a ……………………..

8. My uncle chops the firewood with an …………………….


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9. She puts the goldfish in the fish …………………………….

10. They need an ……………………….. to cut the wood.

B. Match the words below with their similar meanings.

eve tall near bad replay gay allow wide

knife smart under hit weep aid plan old

1. help - ...……………….. 9. evil - ............................

2. beat - .............................. 10. close -..............................

3. cry - ............................... 11. flat -.............................

4. high -................................ 12. close -.............................

5. permit - .............................. 13. idea -.............................

6. answer - .............................. 14. ancient -..............................

7. broad - .............................. 15. below -.............................

8. dagger - ............................. 16. clever -............................

C. Write the correct words in the blanks.

1. There are many people sitting on the wooden the park.

2. There is a the porch. I like to sit and read there.

3. Fizo, please dust the ................................and arrange the books .


swing bookshelf dining table footstool

bench trolley cot hanger

Page 11: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

4. The bell boy puts the luggage on the ........................... Then he pushes it to the elevator.

5. The baby is sleeping soundly in the .............................

6. Mrs. Rani hung her husband’s coat on a .................................. Then she put it into the cupboard.

7. My sister and I lay the ............................... every day for dinner.

8. My grandmother is resting her feet on a ............................................

D. Choose the best word to complete the sentences.

1. He is using a ________________ to transport the chicken feed to the barn.

A. cart B. trolley C. basket D. wheelbarrow

2. Mr. Tan built a fish ____________________ in the garden.

A. lakeB.pool C. pond D. container

3. The farmer keeps the cows in the _________________ at night.

A. pen B. coop C. aviary D. cowshed

4. He is cleaning the clogged drain with a ____________________.

A. mop B. broom C. brush D. sponge

5. He ____________ some pictures of giraffes at the zoo with a camera.

A. took B. drew C. pasted D. collected

6. The vegetables were stir-fried in a large _____________.

A. wokB. sieve C. steamer D. strainer

7. The pupils are going to the Science _____________________ for

their science lesson

A. laboratory C. auditorium


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B. theatre D. room

8. Father used a ___________________ to hit the nail into the wall.

A. pliers C. wrench

B. hammer D. screwdriver


Complete the table below

No. Male Female Young1 Cock2 Billy goat3 Tiger4 Stallion5 Gander6 Leopard7 Drake8 Lion9 Peacock10 Ram (sheep)11 Bull12 Dog13 Fox14 Bear15 Deer

Animals and their movements.

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

flutters slithers waddles crawls fliesgallops leaps hops swings wandersswims dives struts steals swoops

1. A horse __________________. 2. A butterfly ___________________.

3. A snake __________________. 4. A monkey ____________________.

5. A kangaroo ________________. 6. A frog _____________________.

7. A cow ___________________. 8. A bird ____________________.


Page 13: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

9. A duck __________________. 10. A tortoise ________________.

11. A cat _________________. 12. An eagle ________________.

13. A swallow ______________. 14. A Turkey _______________.

15. A fish _________________.

Name the homes for the following animals.

Hive Nest Kennel Den StableCoop Web Pen Shell Lodge

No. Animal Home

1 Lion

2 Sheep

3 Chicken

4 Bird

5 Dog

6 Spider

7 Beaver

8 Snail

9 Horse

10 Bee


Page 14: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

Fill in the blanks with the names of animals that make the following sounds.

Snake Frog Owl Snake Frog

Elephant Donkey Bees Elephant Donkey

No. Animal Sound

1 Moos

2 Trumpets

3 Hoots

4 Quacks

5 Bleats

6 Brays

7 Croaks

8 Bells

9 Hums

10 Hisses

Circle the correct answers. 14

Page 15: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

1. The cow has given birth to a _________________.

A kid B calf C cub D duckling

2. The farmer keeps all his chickens in a ___________________.

A den B stable C coop D kennel

3. Ali felt frightened when he heard the _______________ roaring.

A mouse B fish C goat D tiger

4. Frogs and turtles are _________________.

A mammals B reptiles C insects D amphibians

5. The owl ________ throughout the night.

A chirps B croaks C hoots D brays

6. The kangaroo is carrying a ________ in its pouch.

A kid B joey C cub D gosling

7. A butterfly flutters but a bird ____________.

A flies B crawls C swings D glides

8. The ___________ will change into a frog.

A kid B tadpole C kitten D duckling

9. The elephant has a pair of white____________.

A ears B tusks C eyes D legs

10. A camel has a _________ on its back.

A paw B horn C hump D shell


Name the occupations described below. Use the words given.

barber optician butcher lawyer floristpilot mechanic veterinarian author plumber


Page 16: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

No. Description Occupation1 A person who write books2 A person who treats sick animals3 A person who repairs and fixes vehicles4 A person who flies an aeroplane5 A person who tests people’s eyes and sells spectacles6 A person who cuts and sells meat at a market7 A person who sells flowers8 A person who repairs pipes and taps9 A person who cuts men’s and boys’ hair10 A person who advises people on legal matters


aviary laundry court hangar warehouseharbour lighthouse orchard kindergarten church

No. Description Building/ Place1 A place where fruit trees are grown2 A place where clothes are washed or ironed3 A place where birds are kept4 A place where Christians pray5 A place for pre-schoolers to learn and play6 A place where legal trials take place7 A place where aeroplanes are kept8 A place where goods and things are stored9 A tower with a flashing light to guide the ship10 A place where ships load and unload goods


Fill in the blanks correctly.

bus helicopter aeroplane motorboat ferrylorry train raft trishaw sampan

1. I went on a tour of Melaka on a ____________________.


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2. A _____________ can take passengers and vehicles across the island.

3. The guides rowed their ______________ along the river.

4. The men are loading some timbers into the _______________.

5. Pak Ali uses his ________________ when he goes fishing in the sea.

6. The pilot landed the __________________ safely during the storm last night.

7. The blades of a __________________ spin very fast and help to lift it off the ground.

8. I have a monthly pass so I do not have to buy the ____________ ticket every day.

9. The boys made a _______________ with some bamboos to cross the river.

10. Sara went to the railway station to take a ________________ to Kota Bahru.


Fill in the blanks correctly.

curry sausages rubber coconut rootssoup gravy hibiscus mangrove pizza

1. The ________________ is the national flower of Malaysia.

2. My aunt uses fresh ____________________ milk to cook chicken rendang.

3. Ali has a cold. He is having some chicken ___________________.

4. Cut the _________________ into eight wedges so each of us may have a slice.

5. My uncle put some ___________________ and chicken patties on the grill.

6. There are many _______________ swamps in Malaysia.

7. We can get latex from ________________ trees.

8. The ______________ of a tree provide it with water and minerals to grow.

9. Siti poured some __________________ over her mashed potatoes.

10. Oh! The mutton _______________ is very spicy, mother.


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1. I brush my teeth every morning.2. It sometimes rains at night.3. Sarah always walks to school.4. The boys often play in the field.


Underline the right answers for the following sentences.

1. Puan Alice ( cook, cooks ) every day.

2. My mother ( jogs, jog ) every Sunday.

3. The children sometimes ( play, plays ) football in the rain.

4. The bus sometimes ( comes, come ) late.


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5. Adam ( read, reads ) his books before going to bed.

6. Thalia and Thanna ( drinks, drink ) milk every night.

7. I ( enjoy, enjoys ) reading and singing.

8. Salleh always ( washes, wash ) his shoes.

9. My cats always ( wake, wakes ) up at six.

10. Everyone ( brings, bring ) their own dictionary during English lessons.

11. All the teachers in my school __________( owns, own) a car.

12. One of the boys __________( does, do) not go to the library.

13. Almost all the girls in my class___________( knows, know ) how to play netball.


Fill in the blanks as shown.

e.g. Murad always does ( do ) his homework after school.

1. I often _____________(buy) things from this shop.

2. He ____________( cook ) himself.

3. The bus usually _____________( leave ) here at nine o’clock.

4. My friend ____________( speak ) Japanese but he ________( do ) not know how to write it.

5. Do you often ____________( watch ) television?

6. Khalid ____________( swim ) in the pool once a week.

7. The farmers ______________( use ) tractors to plough the land.

8. Puan Noor _____________( teach ) us English and Science.


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9. Aida and her family always ____________( go ) to Penang during school holidays.

10. The man should _____________( collect ) the rubbish in the morning.

11. We _____________( like ) learning something new.

12. Pigeons ___________( fly ) but snakes __________( glide).

13. I usually _____________( read ) a book when I ________( be ) free.

14. Ducks ____________( have ) webbed feet.

15. Ali can _____________( do ) his work quietly.

16. Rashid _____________( want ) to be a doctor while I _________( want ) to be a lecturer.

17. It seldom _____________( rain ) here in March.

18. She does not _____________ (live) here anymore.

19. You _____________ (be) my best friend.

20. _____________ (Do) anyone _______________ (know) the answer?


Choose the correct answers for the following questions.

1. I ___________in Melaka.A. live

B. lives

2. Cats ________milk and fish.

A. likeB. likes

3. Adam and his friends always _________ together.A. swimsB. swim

4. Almost all women __________shopping.


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A. lovesB. love

5. Fazli _________to school by bus.A. goesB. go

6. Halim’s father ___________as an engineer in Kuala Lumpur.

A. worksB. work

7. Encik Wong always _________the newspaper before taking his breakfast

A. read

B. reads

8. My teacher __________ very hardworking and kind.

A. is

B. are

9. Babies always __________when they are thirsty or hungry.

A. cry

B cries


Underline the verbs in the following sentence.

1. I cycle to school.

2. She always brings her own food to work.

3. They seldom come late to school.

4. We often have a great time together.


Page 22: Modul Melaka Gemilang BI

5. Sofia never likes History.

6. The sun shines brightly during the day.

7. We must always take our breakfast before going to school.

8. The Earth moves round the sun.

9. The maid always mops the floor in the morning.

10. That school bus is always late.

11. You must always brush your teeth.

12. She does her homework after 8o’clock every night.

13. He has a big house and a brand new car.

14. We must study hard in order to succeed in life.

15. Butterflies are beautiful creatures.


1. I am reading while he is running.

2. We are playing now.

3. Siti is sleeping on the sofa.


Circle the right answers.

1. Tina ( is reading, are reading ) a book now.


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2. Malek and Musa ( is eating, are eating ) their cake at the table.

3. Puan Alia ( is cooking, am cooking ) lunch for her family.

4. It ( is raining, are raining ) now.

5. Julia ( is crying, are crying ) while Janet ( is singing, are singing ).

6. The puppies ( is playing, are playing ) in the basket.

7. I ( am doing, is doing ) my work now.

8. The sun ( am shining, is shining ) brightly.

9. My sister ( are closing, is closing ) the windows.

10. They ( is wearing, are wearing ) their shirts before going to the field.

11. I ( is watching, am watching ) television while my family ( is sleeping, are sleeping ).

12. The child ( is playing, are playing ) happily in the park.

13. The girls ( is singing, are singing ) sweetly on the stage.

14. The children ( is dancing, are dancing) gracefully in front of the audience.

15. A bee (is buzzing, are buzzing) around the sunflower.


Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous Tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. It ______________________( not rain ) now. We can go out to play.

2. Maria has just phoned us. She __________________( join ) us for the picnic.

3. The phone ______________________( ring ). Go and answer it!

4. I’m ill today. I _________________( not go ) to school today.

5. Listen! Someone ______________________( call ) for help.

6. Do not disturb him. He ___________________( do ) his homework.


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7. Don’t get down from the bus yet. It _______still _____________( move).

8. The dog _____________________( bark ) fiercely because there is a stranger at the gate.

9. Please hurry up! Your father ________________________( wait ).

10. Can you hear what the speaker ___________________( say )?


Choose the correct answers

1. Look at the clouds. They ______________this way!

A. is coming

B. are coming

2. It is very hot today. The sun ___________brightly.

A. is shining

B. are shining

3. Someone _____________for you outside. See who it is.

A. are calling

B. is coming

4. I _____________for my brother. He _________me to school today.

A. is waiting, is driving

B. am waiting, is driving

5. Look at that boy! He ____________a bag from that woman.

A. is snatching

B. are snatching

6. You ___________it again! Please behave.

A. are doing

B. is doing24

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7. Please keep quiet. The baby ______________.

A. is sleeping

B. are sleeping

8. The children ________________happily in the park.

A. is playing B. are playing


Underline the spelling mistakes and write the correct spelling in the space provided.

e.g. I am bakeing a cake now. baking

1. A boy is runing in the field. _______________

2. Mother is prepareing some sandwiches. _______________

3. David and Allan are playying football. _______________

4. The boys are swiming in the river. _______________

5. Shahila is cycleing with her friends. _______________

6. A baby is cryying. _______________

7. The frog is leapping towards the children. _______________

8. The baker is bakeing the bread. _______________

9. Puan Tan is sweepping the dried leaves. _______________

10. The girls are danceing while the boys are singging. _______________


1. Where did you go yesterday?

2. I went to Singapore yesterday.

3. Who took my pencil?25

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4. Alan did the work himself.


Underline the right Verb.

1. Deva ( breaks, broke ) the vase yesterday.

2. Uncle Tom ( catches, caught ) a big fish just now.

3. Puan Tay ( teaches, taught ) us English last year.

4. My mother ( sews, sewed ) a dress for me last Chinese New Year.

5. Somebody ( takes, took ) my book .

6. I ( eat, ate ) beef steak for dinner last night.

7. The cat ( jumps, jumped ) on the table and ( steals, stole ) a fish on the plate.

8. He ( walks, walked ) slowly as he ( is, was ) so tired.

9. It ( is, was ) late at night when Wahid ( finishes, finished ) his work.

10. Yesterday Salmah ( is, was ) late because she ( oversleeps, overslept ).

11. We ( draw, drew ) many pictures last weekend.

12. The men ( paint, painted ) the fence quickly.

13. There ( was, were ) many people at the seaside.

Complete the table.

Present Pastis was







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Choose the correct answer.

1. I __________the bread just now.

A. eat

B. ate

2. The cat ______the milk hurriedly as it was thirsty.

A. licks


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B. licked

3. My aunt ________ me a ghost story last night.

A. told

B. tells

4. Puan Wong __________some eggs yesterday.

A. buys

B. bought

5. He __________his work quietly as his parents were sleeping.

A. did

B. does

6. The birds ___________away last night.

A. fly

B. flew

7. She _________the letter in her room and then she ________because it was a sad news.

A. reads, cries

B. read, cried

8. I ____________to Kuala Lumpur in December last year.

A. go B. went


Underline the Verbs in the sentences.

1. She called the police when she saw the stranger in front of her house.

2. I walked quickly as it was very dark.

3. The monkey climbed the tree and tried to pick some rambutans.

4. He waited patiently for the bus.28

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5. Cik Kamala drove slowly as the traffic was heavy.

6. We did the work until my mother called us to stop as it was lunch time.

7. Encik Alan and Encik Samy fell asleep in the waiting room.

8. The dog chased the boys.

9. He jumped into the river and swam towards the drowning girl.

10. Fuad bought a new watch yesterday and he lost it this morning after showing it to us.


1. While Puan Santha was cooking, Encik Raju was mowing the lawn.

2. Hadi was walking when he saw the accident.

Sentence 1 : The actions were done at the same time.

Sentence 2 : An action was going on in the past when something suddenly



Put in the Past Continuous Tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. We ____________________( play ) badminton at 7 o’clock last evening.

2. The women ______________________( quarrel ) all this morning.

3. While the baby ___________________( sleep ), Puan Chan ____________

__________( sew ).

4. I _____________________( walk ) when it started to rain.


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5. They ____________________( stand ) at the gate all evening.

6. She ______________________( cry ) when her mother came home.

7. The wind ____________________( blow) strongly throughout the night.

8. She _____________________( shop ) in town all yesterday afternoon.

9. The boys ______________________( laugh ) when the headmaster entered.

10. While I ___________________( dust ) the shelves, he _______________

( sweep ) the floor.

11. Harun ____________________( bathe ) when the doorbell rang.

12. The men ______________________( repair ) the bridge when we passed them.


Circle the right answer.

1. While I ( was walking, were walking ) , a girl screamed.

2. While Wahid and Raj ( was washing, were washing ) the plates, the lights went off.

3. The telephone rang while Andrew ( was mopping, were mopping ) the floor.

4. I saw my teacher when my mother and I ( was shopping, were shopping).

5. When the boys ( was sleep, were sleeping ) , the fire broke out.

6. Talib ( was eating, were eating ) while Chong Wey ( was writing, were writing ).

7. They ( was preparing, were preparing ) the food for their guests when the stove exploded.

8. When Encik Tajol ( was driving, were driving ), a dog dashed across the road.

9. He hurt his ankle while he ( was playing, were playing ) football.

10. Yesterday, it ( was raining, were raining ) heavily and Aina was alone.


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Circle the right answer.

1. At 6 o’clock yesterday I ______for you at the cinema.

A. was waiting

B. were waiting

2. Sheila _______for her pen when she discovered that she had it in her pocket all the time.

A. were looking

B. was looking

3. They ________television when the police arrived.

A. was watching

B. were watching

4. As Asha _______down the steps, she tripped over a brick and fell flat on her face.

A. was running

B. were running

5. When we reached his house yesterday, he and his wife ______loudly.

A. was laughing

B. were laughing

6. Anna _____down and _______ a book while I ____________my sums.

A. was lying, reading, was doing

B. were lying, reading, were doing

7. As Jagjit ____ to school, he saw a lorry crashed into a shop.

A. were going

B. was going

8. While Salmi and her parents ________, Farah’s family ________away.31

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A. were eating, were walking. B. were eating, was walking


Underline the Past Continuous Tense in the sentences.

1. She was watching television when suddenly she screamed.

2. The boys were playing in the field while the girls were dancing in the hall.

3. I was cycling when I heard someone calling me.

4. The cows were grazing on the hill while the farmer was ploughing the paddy field.

5. The sun was shining brightly and the children were enjoying themselves at the beach.

6. He was whistling happily when suddenly a dog appeared out of nowhere.

7. Puan Haslina was choosing the carrots when her son cried.

8. I was cooking while my sisters were washing the clothes.

9. It was Sunday and Suraya was doing her work quietly in the room.

10. The police arrived as the thief was trying to climb the gate.


1. I shall visit my uncle tomorrow.

2. He will do his work this evening.

We use shall with I and WeWe use will with He, She, It, You and They

The Simple Future Tense is used to show future actions.


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3. I am going to the town.

4. Bob is going to buy a new bicycle.

We use the going to form when we have decided to do something.


Fill in the blanks with shall or will.

1. Ali ____________be twelve years old this coming March.

2. I ______________talk to you tomorrow.

3. We ___________wash the floor next Sunday.

4. Miss Dewi __________teach us dancing next month.

5. You ___________come to my house, won’t you?

6. The boys ______________paint the fence after playing football.

7. Tina and Gary ________________bring the food for the party.

8. I ____________make a speech before we eat.

9. Minah and I ______________decorate the class today.

10. The cat __________sleep in the new basket.

11. He ___________the ticket tomorrow.

12. You __________finish your work at home.

13. Mr and Mrs Teow _________move to their new house next week.


Rewrite these sentences as shown.

1. I shall buy a car next month.

I am going to buy a car next month.

2. Sarah will see a dentist next week.


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3. You will show me your work tomorrow.


4. He will come to my house next Monday.


5. Yahya will bring his painting this evening.


6. We shall clean our class after school.


7. The dog will be bathed this evening.


8. We shall eat chicken rice tonight.



1. He has just cut down the banana tree.

2. I have already eaten.

3. The boys have completed their forms.


Put in the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. Here’s your umbrella. Daud has just returned ( just return ) it.

2. “ Please may I borrow your pen?” I __________________( leave ) mine at home.

3. You can have the newspaper. I _____________________( already read ) it.

4. Mr Sukhdev Singh _______________ (do) his job well.

5. We can go home now. The bell __________________( just ring ).34

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6. You can eat now. I ___________________( already take) mine.

7. Sheila can’t go home. She ______________________( not finish ) her work.

8. Encik Razale _______________ (fly) to Sabah just now.

9. Munah ________________( be ) ill for a month.

10. The cat ______________________( steal ) a fish.


Underline the correct answer.

1. I can’t go now. I ( have not finished, has not finished ) my work yet.

2. Adam is full. He ( has just eaten, have just eaten ) some cakes.

3. We have to wait for our teacher. She ( has not come, have not come ) yet.

4. She won’t be going with us tonight. She ( has already seen, have already seen ) the movie.

5. He doesn’t know anything about your aunt. He ( have not seen, has not seen ) her since last Sunday.

6. The boys can go as they ( has completed, have completed ) their work.

7. Your bag is there. No one ( has taken, have taken ) it.

8. I ( has done, have done ) my part. Now it is yours!

9. ( Have, Has ) you eaten? No, I ( have not eaten, has not eaten ).

10. ( Have, Has ) you ever seen a leopard? Yes, I ( have seen, has seen ) it before.


1. When I had done my homework, I watched television.

2. The train had left when we reached the railway station.

The Past Perfect Tense is used for the first action and the Simple Past Tense for the second action.


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Change the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect Tense.

1. The plane ___________________( leave ) when they reached the airport.

2. The rain ______________________( stop ) when the baby woke up.

3. He drove off after he __________________( say ) goodbye to us.

4. Shah bought the coat after he __________________( try ) it on.

5. After Puan Minah _____________________( cook ), she laid the table.

6. Shamil said that he __________________( lose ) his pen.

7. After she ___________________( write ) the letter, she went to bed.

8. I washed the plates after I _________________( taken ) my lunch.

9. When they ____________________( finish ) reading, they put the books back on the shelves.

10. They __________________( arrive ) at my house before I finished cooking.


Rewrite the following sentences as shown.

1. “I have lost my pen.” ( She said that..)

She said that she had lost her pen.

2. “ I have finished my work.” ( Paul said that ..)


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3. “The boys have gone out.” ( Puan Khatijah said that..)


4. “ Who has taken my ruler? “ ( Hasnah asked us..)


5. “ I have had my bath.” ( Tom said that..)


6. “ We have not seen it yet.” ( They said that ..)


7. “The girls have cleaned the room.” ( She told me that ..)


8. “I have seen the film.” ( He told me that ..)



Circle the correct answer.

1. He _____ late last night.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

2. As Ali ____________ he _______a snake.

A. is walking, sees B. walked, saw


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C. was walking, saw D. have walked, saw

3. “ Have you _______?” I ______my mother asking my father.

A. ate, heard B. eating, was hearing

C. eat, had heard D. eaten, heard

4. The boys always _______ together to school every Wednesday.

A. walks B. walking C. walk D. are walking

5. Timothy ___________his homework when suddenly it _____to rain.

A. is doing, starts B. does, start

C. do, started D. was doing, started

6. Water ______very important to all living things.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

7. He _______to bring his book to school yesterday.

A. had forgotten B. has forgotten

C. was forgotten D. have forgotten

8. Puan Aina ______just ______the assembly this morning.

A. is, missing B. has, missed

C. was, missed D. have, missed

9. Adam _____________while Tina _______________now.

A. sleeps, sings B. is sleeping, is singing

C. has slept, has sung D. slept, sang

10. He ___________ slowly while his friends ________yesterday afternoon.

A. is walking, are cycling B. walked, cycled

C. walks, cycle D. was walking, were cycling38

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11. The teacher ______just _______the class when the headmaster _______

A. have, entered, came B. had, entered, came

C. has, entered, come D. was, entering, comes

12. The boys ______to the town after school yesterday.

A. go B. gone C. going D. went

13. I _____twelve years old this year.

A. is B. am C. was D. are

14. My father _______to Penang on next Tuesday.

A. am going B. is going C. are going D. was going

15. We ______do what our parents want us to do.

A. are B. is C. shall D. will

16. Sarah ______ buy a new dictionary after this.

A. will B. shall C. going D. is

16. If we ______to succeed in UPSR, we ______to work harder.

A. wants, have B. want, has

C. wanted, had D. want, have

17. “Please may I borrow your umbrella?” “ I have ______mine.”

A. leave B. left C. leaves D. leaved

18. It ___________raining now. You better ______ inside.

A. am, get B. is, got C. is, get D. is, gets

19. They _______represent our school in football.

A. are B. shall C. will D. should


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Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes. Use each word only once.

in after near without at

1. They will come to visit us _________________December.

2. The dog ran _______________the man.

3. It is raining and he has gone out _______________an umbrella.

4. Don’t stand ____________the fire.

5. Puan Amnah shouted angrily _________ the boys for breaking her vases.

at beyond into for from

1. Mrs Chan poured some hot water __________________the teapot.

2. The van was travelling ____________full speed.

3. There is a small valley ____________those hills.

4. Sarah stayed with us _____________a month.

5. Adam took the letter _____________thepostman.

in on off up with

1. The old woman walked __________the hill to her hut.

2. She seems to be _______ a hurry.

3. The thief jumped _________ the train and escaped.

4. I received your letter _________ 23rd of July.


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5. The carpenter pulled the nail __________ a hammer.

until down into in for

1. I will wait for you ___________4o’clock.

2. He put the boxes _____________the cupboard.

3. Sheila walked _______________the lane towards the mansion.

4. Addin has been absent from school ____________two weeks.

5. The cat was sitting ________the middle of the road.

for with since under by

1. Puan Aida bought the roses __________thirty ringgits.

2. I travelled home __________bus last night.

3. The girls haven’t spoken to their father ___________Tuesday.

4. My brother is sweeping the dried leaves ___________a rake.

5. His grandmother used to put her money ___________her pillow.

at behind through beside against

1. Don’t lean ________________the wall. It has just been painted.

2. The train passes __________________the tunnel.

3. His school is ________________a river.


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4. I know you are hiding _______________the door!

5. The dog is waiting patiently for its master ________the gate.

Collective Nouns

1. a _____________ of bees

2. a _____________ of players

3. a _____________ of mice

4. a _____________ of chickens

5. a _____________ of biscuits

6. a _____________ of stones

7. a _____________ of books

8. a _____________ of wolves

9. a _____________ of singers

10. a _____________ of soldiers

11. a _____________ of birds

12. a _____________ of teachers

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. A ___________ of musicians performed at the town hall last night.

A. class B. company C. band D. team

2. The labourers left a _______________ of stones by the roadside.

A heap B. clump C. group D. staff

3. There is a _____________ of chickens in the chicken coop.

A herd B. gaggle C. brood D. litter

4. I received a _______________of stamps from my pen-pal last week.

A bale B.. pile C. group D. collection


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5. A ____________ of scouts are camping in the jungle.

A. party B. colony C. troop D. troupe

6. The tourists climbed a ___________ of stairs before they reached the temple.

A. flight B. pile C. fleet D. string


Singular Nouns Plural Nouns1 glass2 box3 glass4 knife5 lady6 ox7 child8 goose9 deer10 woman

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable answer.

1. A new born ____________ is called a _____________.

A tiger ……cubs B tiger’s……cub C tiger…….cub

2. These ________ belong to the ____________.

A knives……scouts B knifes……scout C knive……scouts

3. The dentist extracted two of my _________________ yesterday.

A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths

4. Mrs. Lim took her two ______________ to the funfair.

A. child B. childs C. children D. childrens

5. The ___________ in Australia are reared for their wool.


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A. sheep B. sheeps C. sheep’s D. sheepes

6. Puan Halimah bought a pair of _______________ at the supermarket.

A. scissors B scissor’s C scissor


Choose the correct answer.

1. He bought a huge bunch of _________ for his family.(grapes, pears, apples)

2. There are many ___________ trees in Pak Abu’s orchard.( papaya,rambutan, pineapple)

3. Jessie loves to drink _________water every day. (durian, coconut, starfruit)

4. ___________ are round, sweet and juicy. (Bananas, Starfruits, Oranges)

5. The _________________ blooms only in the morning. (daisy, bougainvillea, morning


6. The _____________ is the king of fruit in Malaysia. (ciku, durian, mangosteen)

7. Do you know that the ________ is a type of water-lily? (lotus, rose, tulip)

8. The ____________ is our national flower. (ixora, jasmine, hibiscus)

9. A _____________ has a sweet smell but has thorns on its stems. ( rose, balsam, lily)


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10. The _____________ tree is huge but has lots of yellow flowers. ( flame-of –the forest,

angsana, durian)


Underline the correct answer.

1. We need (some, a little) chairs for this room.

2. How ( many, much) should I pay for the tickets?

3. There were only ( a little, a few, many ) people at the meeting.

4. We need ( a little, a few) more minutes to finish the work.


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5. (A large numbe, A large amount of) water was wasted because of the burst pipe..

6. The children had ( many, a lot of, a few) fun at the zoo.

7. There is ( plenty of, several) food left after the party.

8. There are (several, much) boys waiting outside the office.

9. The woman gave the children ( some, a little) sweets.

10. There was so (many, much) noise that we could not hear the music.