UNIT 1 TALKING ABOUT DAILY ACTIVITIES, HOBBIES AND INTEREST Every person has a lot of activities that he/she has to do everyday. They can be in the form of daily activities, hobbies and interest. For example, Ema always clean the house, goes to work, cook in the kitchen and so does her sister. How about you? A. Let”s Start Task 1. Answer these questions based on your opinion? 1. What is your hobby? 2. Do you have a hobby? 3. What do you usually do everyday? 4. Do you like watching TV? B. Let’s Listen and speak. Task 2. Listen to your teacher reading short dialogues, while you fill in each of the blanks with appropriate verbs 1 A : What do you usually do on your time ? B : I usually go_________ . 2 A : What’s your favorite sport ? B : I like __________ in the afternoon .) 3 A : What’s your hobby ? B : My hobbies are _______________ 4. A : Do you like_________? B : yes, I go to the ________every Sunday 5. A : What sport Do you like best B : I like __________. It is exciting. Task 3. Listen to your teacher dictating this letter, while you fill in each of the blank based on the letter you hear. I am Indonesian and I am sixteen years old. My hobbies are 1 _______________Beatles CDs I very interested 2 _______________: especially 3 _____________ I 4 ____________boys in England and South America. 5 _____________. Your faithfully , Task 4. Study the model of dialogue, and do the same way based on the following. Work in pairs, act them in front of the class. Dialogue 1: A : How was your weekend / holiday ? B : Fine / ok / pretty good A : Did you do anything special ? B : Well , I went to a football game A : Oh , which game did you go to ? B : Parsepar againts parsesam A : Did you enjoy / like it ? 1


modul ini ditulis Lisa Norhasanah, guru smk n 1 sukamara


UNIT 1 TALKING ABOUT DAILY ACTIVITIES, HOBBIES AND INTEREST Every person has a lot of activities that he/she has to do everyday. They can be in the form of daily activities, hobbies and interest. For example, Ema always clean the house, goes to work, cook in the kitchen and so does her sister. How about you? A. Lets Start Task 1. Answer these questions based on your opinion? 1. What is your hobby? 2. Do you have a hobby? 3. What do you usually do everyday? 4. Do you like watching TV? B. Lets Listen and speak. Task 2. Listen to your teacher reading short dialogues, while you fill in each of the blanks with appropriate verbs 1 A : What do you usually do on your time ? B : I usually go_________ . 2 A : Whats your favorite sport ? B : I like __________in the afternoon .) 3 A : Whats your hobby ? B : My hobbies are _______________ 4. A : Do you like_________? B : yes, I go to the ________every Sunday A : What sport Do you like best B : I like __________. It is exciting. Task 3. Listen to your teacher dictating this letter, while you fill in each of the blank based on the letter you hear. I am Indonesian and I am sixteen years old. My hobbies are 1 _______________Beatles CDs I very interested 2_______________: especially 3_____________ I 4 ____________boys in England and South America. 5 _____________. Your faithfully , Task 4. Study the model of dialogue, and do the same way based on the following. Work in pairs, act them in front of the class. Dialogue 1: A : How was your weekend / holiday ? B : Fine / ok / pretty good A : Did you do anything special ? B : Well , I went to a football game A : Oh , which game did you go to ? B : Parsepar againts parsesam A : Did you enjoy / like it ? B : Yes . I enjoyed it a lot / very much . I hadnt gone to a football game in a long time. 1. See science movie What did you see Monster from Mars 2. Go to a party Where was it At Marys apartment 3. Get together with my old friends from college What did you do? We went out for dinner and talked about old times 4. Take my family to the beach



Which beach did you go to? Kuta beach C. Lets Read and Write. Task 5. Read the text carefully From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evening and on weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some watch TV play computer games other participate in sports. It depends on individual interest. There are many different ways to spend our spare times. Almost everyone has some kind of hobby it means. It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model airplanes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but other doesnt cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money others are valuable only to their owners. I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousands doll A short time ago he bought a rare fifty cent piece worth $ 250! He was very happy about his purchase and thought the price was reasonable. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they are worth any money. However to my brother they are extremely valuable. Nothing makes him happier than to find a new matchbox for his collection. Thats what a hobby means; I guess it is something we like to do in our spare time simply for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is more important. Questions 1. What is a hobby? 2. When are most people free to relax and enjoy themselves? 3. What kind of hobby does every gone usually have? 4. What is the cost of every hobby? 5. Who collect match boxes? Task 6. Decide whether the statement is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) STATEMENTS 1. A hobby is something we like to do in our spare time. 2. All hobbies are expensive. They always spend a lot of money. 3. A hobby gives us the pleasure we do it for our leisure time. 4. His hobby is collecting model airplanes . It is a very cheap hobby. 5. Some hobbies are very expensive but others dont cost anything at all.



Gerund Gerund is verb ing form that have function as a noun or an adjective Gerund can be used as a subject , object , complement or adverb of others noun . Gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle. Gerund as a subject 1. Jogging is simple sport. 2. Cooking is a good hobby. 3. Swimming makes us healthy. Gerund as an object 1. I dont like smoking. 2. He enjoys riding a bicycle. 3. Do you mind joining as to the beach? Gerund as complement The position of Gerund as complement always after to be 1. Her job is sorting the mail. 2. My hobby is drawing Sebagai penjelas nuon / modifier 1. The waiting room is very large . 2. The reading books are on the table. To state larangan 1. No smoking. 2. No parking. Gerund after preposition 1. Are you interested in collecting stamps? 2. He gave up drinking water. 3. She wants to sleep after reading a novel.

Task 7 Rewrite these sentences using AFTER / BEFORE. Study the examples E.g. : Tthe director phoned his friend and them he went out

After phoning his friend, the director went out.The director went home but first he telephoned his secretary.

Before going home, the director telephoned his secretary.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I go to the post office but first I have to take a bath. My brother brushed his teeth and then. He went to bed. The secretary left the office but first she turned the light off. The secretary typed a business letter and then she went home. Our boss bought a photo copying machine but first he fried on it.

Task 8 Rewrite these sentences using without + Gerund. Study the example. E.g. : She ran five miles. She didnt stop She ran five miles without stopping. - My boss left his room. Nobody saw him My boss left his room without anybody seeing him. 1. They entered the office. Nobody greeted them. 2. She cleaned the room. Nobody asked her to do. 3. The client went away. She didnt say anything. 4. He translated the article. He didnt use a dictionary. 5. The man destroyed the building. Nobody agreed with him. Task 9 Rewrite these sentences using the phrases in brackets. Study the example E.g. - You cry the failure (it is no use) It is no use youre crying for the failure - See that film. it is good (it is no worth) It is no worth seeing that film. It is good 1. You pretend not to see me (it is no use) 2. I think about my homework (it cant help) 3. The secretary types letter (she is very busy) 4. We hope for help from our boss (it is no good) 5. Wait for fifteen or twenty minutes more! (would you mind) Task 10 Rewrite these sentences using the Gerund as a subject or complements see the example. E.g. . * Please try again. It is my advice to you. My advice to you is trying again. * Its difficult to learn a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is difficult. 1. She sleeps during the day. It is her habit. 2. We wait at the office. It is our suggestion. 3. It is not easy to forget a terrible experience. 4. It annoys the boss to hear the workers argue. 5. It requires time and effort to learn a computer . Task 11. Make a short paragraph about your hobby / your daily activities.



Guest HandlingWhen you have to welcome and serve guests, what do you do? What if they cannot meet the person they want to meet and want to leave a message? Do you know how to do them very well? Learn them in this unit. A. Lets start Task 1 answer the questions based on your experience 1. Have you ever received a guest at your house? 2. Do you ask him / her to have a seat? 3. Do you offer something to drink? 4. What do you say when you offer a cup of tea or coffee? B. Lets listen and speak Task 2 Listen to your teacher pronouncing the words below and repeat after him / has pronunciation . Then find their meaning in your dictionary. Words Appointment (pointment) (kb) Contact (kontkt) (kkt) Great (greit) (ks) Greet (greit) (kkt) Guess (ges) (kkt) Guest (gest) (kb) Offer (of) (kkt) Over (uv) (kk) Provide (pr vaid) (kkt) Serve (se = v )(kkt) Meanings

with a good


Task 3 Listen the report, and answer the following question. Number one is done as an example. 1. Does Mr. Siregar want to meet Fitri? (No, he doesnt . He wants to meet Mr. Assegaf? 2. Does he have an appointment with Mr. Assegaf? 3. Does Fitri let Mr. Siregar keep standing? 4. Does she offer something to drink to Mr. Siregar? 5. Who is the guest? 6. Whom does the guest want to meet? 7. What time is the appointment? 8. Is Mr. Assegaf in his room? 9. What does Fitri say to greet the guest? 10. What does she say to ask the guest to sit? Task 4 Study the following expressions There are some particular expressions usually used in handling guest .here are some of them. How to leave and take message through direct interactions. Could I leave a message? Would you like to leave a message? Could you take my message for Mr/Mrs ? Could I take your message for Mr/Mrs ? 2. How to use modal auxiliaries / would and will for request. What would you like to eat? Id like a hamburger Ill have s fried chicken and rice What would you like to drink? Id like to large fresh coke Ill have a coffee Would you like anything else? Yes, please. Id like some water


How to state preferences 443 = pilihan prefarans kb =. Offering (Asking for) a choice politely Stating preferences a. Prefer a. Prefer .. to Which do you prefer, the polyester or the silk? I prefer the silk to the polyester Which do you prefer, singing or dancing ? I prefer singing to dancing b. Like . Which do you like, red or green apples? Which do you like, jogging or cycling? c. Would rather .. Would you rather have a fresh cake / kowk = kola / or an orange juice Would you rather live in a big city or visit it123


b. Like better than .. I like red apples better than green apples I like cycling better than jogging koka 1. Would rather than Id rather have an orange juice than (have) a fresh coke Id rather visit big city than live there

4. How to welcome or serve guests H In an office H In a restaurant Greeting (good morning / afternoon / evening) Welcome to our restaurant What can I do for you, sir / Mam / Mr / Mrs / May I take your order please Miss ? Are you ready to order sir / Ma am? Could I take your name, please ? Can I take your coat sir / Ma am? Just a moment, please. I ll see if Mr / Mrs . Is Hope you enjoy the food free / available ? H In a hotel Have a seat , please Welcome to our hotel Would you like something to drink? Hope you enjoy your stay I m sorry sir / Ma am , Mr / Mrs .. is not in . Have a nice rest , sir Ma am Would you like to leave a message? Would you like some help with your luggage? H In a shop / a department store counter Here is your key Can I help you? Please , check your bill May I help you? Which one fixes you? Which one do you like? 5. How to take a message through direct interaction. Guest Seretary / front officer Responses Could I have a message Would you like to leave a message ? Yes sir / Maam With pleasure , sir / Maam All right , sir / Maam Ill give him / her your message Task 4 In pairs , study the dialogue and answer the question. Then act it out IN AN OFFICE Mr. Fahrur Regan wants to meet Mr. Aji Pratama but he has no Appointment .However , at first , he proposes his aim to the secretary. Secretary Mr. Regan Secretary Mr. Regan Secretary Secretary Mr. Pratama Secretary Secretary Mr. Regan Secretary = Good morning , sir. May I help you ? = Good morning , Id like to meet Mr. Pratama . = Have you have an appointment before ? = No , I havent . Ive just arrived back from swedan this morning could you check if he is free ? = Yes , sir . Please have a seat first , sir. (Then, the secretary calls Mr. Pratama) = Excuse me , sir . Mr. Regan is in my room now . He is expecting (ekspekt 224 berharap ) to meet you. = Please tell him , Ill be free at 12:30 . Im having a meeting with the headboard right now. = All right , sir . (Then , secretary speaks to Mr. Regan) = Im sorry , sir . Mr. Pratama is having a meeting with the headboard right now . He told me that he would be free at about 12:30 . Would you like to leave a message , sir ? = Uhm Please tell him Ill be back and meet him today at 12:30. = All right, sir ,Ill give him your message


Mr. Regan Secretary

= Thank you = youre welcome

Vocabulary = headboard (kb) = Pimpinan dewan redaksi Aim (kb) = tujuan , maksud Now, answer these questions. Number one has been done for you as example. 1. Who is the guest? (He is Mr. Fahrur Regan) 2. Whom does the guest want to meet ? 3. Does he have an appointment? 4. Does Mr. Pratama meet the guest immediately? Why? 5. What does Mr. Pratama want his secretary to tell the guest? 6. What does the secretary say to take the guests message? Task 5. In pairs rearrange these jumbled expressions into a good conversation Then, act out with your partner. IN A RESTAURANT 1. Waiter = Would you like anything to drink? 2. Customer = Yes. Id like a hamburger and a large order of chips , Please 3. Waiter = Yes, sir . and would you like anything else ? 4. Customer = Yes Ill have a mixed fruit salad 5. Waiter = All right , What would you like to dessert ? 6. Customer b = Yes , Id like a large fresh coke , Please . 7. Waiter = May , I take your order , Please ? 8. Customer = No , thank you . Thats all C. Lets Read and Write Task 6 Read this text carefully Guest Handling When the guest stay and eat at hotel, they actually buy some services and foods. They spend their money to pay for them. That is why they will always need helps and good services from the hotel staff. If they do not feel satisfied with certain matters, they will make complaints. If the hotel staff is unable to handle their complaint satisfactorily. They will never come again to the hotel. And of course sooner or later the hotel will lose its customers. It is, therefore, very important for the hotel staff to handle them professionally when this situation happens. But do you know how to handle and serve guests or customers as well as possible? Remember! Its key is Hospitality and good services towards them. It seems very easy to say, but it is really difficult to do. You must be friendly, polite and helpful to your guests or customers. This is easy when they are also polite and easy to deal with. But, what happens when the opposite is true? What happens when a guest is rude and abusive? It is an art to be nice to such people. You can learn this art. Training can help you to deal with rude and abusive guest. You must listen to the guest and sympathize with his or her problems. If you can handle difficult guests, it will give you a lot of satisfaction. Again, if you are able to handle them properly. A complaint will become a compliment. Answer these questions 1. What do guests or customers buy during their stay at they hotel? 2. What may happen if the hotel staff cannot handle them properly? 3. What is the key to make them comfortable and satisfied with hotel? 4. What will you get it you are able to handle the difficult guest well? 5. What does the word them in the first and last paragraph refer to? Task 7 Read this letter carefully and answer the questions that follow STARS ROAD INTERNATIONAL, Ltd. 3284A , Sky Light Avenue Melbourne Front Office Manager Siguntang Hotel 17 , must street , Palembang


Dear sir / Madam I would like to book a single executive room for three nights from August 17 th . Would you mind reserving a comfort suite room and providing a private set of facilities, please? I expect to arrive on Friday 17th around 7 am and check in at your hotel immediately. Please send me the bill of payment I have to pay as soon as possible. I would like to pay it in cash, then. Thank you for serving. Yours faithfully

Allan McGonagall Now, answer these questions. 1. Who sends the letter? 2. Whom is the letter written to? 3. What does the sender request? 4. How long the sender is going to stay? 5. What time will he check in? Task 8 Arrange these sentences to make a dialogue. A. Yes, Id like a room for tonight. May I help you? Do you have a reservation? No, I dont. B. Yes, we have reservation for a double room for tonight . Yes, it is . Just a minute. Is that Graham Hill, Mr. and Mrs.

C. Hello, I am calling from room 40. Id like to order dinner. Hello, room service. Id like roast beef. Ok , what would you like to order . D. May I help you? Room 12. Very well, sir. What room number is that? Yes, wed like to check out of our room now. And can you have some one get our bags from our room .

Task 9 Study the explanation below.Using infinitives with too and enough EXAMPLES: . a.The book is too heavy for Bob to lift (In the speakers mind the use of too implies a negative result. Too heavy = it is impossible for Bob to lift that box) b. Im strong enough to lift that box . I can lift it (Enough follows an adjective) c. I have enough strength to lift that box (Enough may precede a noun) d. I have strength enough to lift that box. (Enough follow a noun) e. The coffee is still too hot for me to drink. f. Well, this room is good enough to see the hill sight. g. John is too tired to study (Too means excessive .Too tired to study means that to study is something that wont / didnt / doesnt / shouldnt . happen) h. John is old enough to vote (Enough means sufficient .it follow the adjective or adverb that it modifies) NOTE: Enough can either precede or follow nouns. We have enough time. We have time enough. Task 11. Read to the situation described. Make a statement with too. SITUATION STATEMENT John is short. John is too short to reach the ceiling. He can reach the ceiling. Mary is very tired. Mary is too tired to watch TV. She can watch television.


The ceiling is high . We cant reach it.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Peter is very lazy. He doesnt work. The boy is young. He cant drive. Anne is sick. She cant go to class. The bananas are soft. We wont eat them. The shoes are small. I cant wear them.

The ceiling too high for us to reach.

Task 12. Practice the use of too and enough. See the examples.

The chalk is very short.We cant use it. The chalk is very short. We can throw it way. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The calk is too short to use. The chalk is short enough to throw away.

Mary is very sick. She cant come to class. John is well. He can come to class. The exercise is very easy. We can do it. It is very cold. You cant go swimming. It is very cold. We can go skating. The bananas are very soft. We cant eat them. The windows are clear. We can look through them. It is very warm. We cant go skiing. The lake is deep. We can swim in it. Diamonds are valuable. You shouldnt throw them away.

Task 13. In this task , each sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four underlined parts of the sentences are marked (A) ,(B) ,(C) , and (D). You are to identify the one underlined words or phrases that should corrected or rewrite . Cross , and correct your answer. Example = Good morning . Could I am help you , sir ? A B C D am help should help

1. I will like to book a return ticket for the next trip. 2. 3. 4.5. A B C D She will stay here for 2 night. A B C D Can we booking two seats for the live show tonight? A B C D Could I guest some tour programs to Bali? A B C D Did you have a reservation? A B C D


UNIT 3 Could I Take Your Message, Please Making and receiving call. Taking message in a phone call.

Do you have any idea about handling a phone call in the right way? Having knowledge of making and receiving a phone call a well as handling telephone message will surely be beneficial for you. Learn how to do those very well in this unit. A. Lets start Task 1 in small groups answer the following questions. 1. Have you ever made phone call? 2. What do you say first? 3. Have you ever received a call? 4. What do you ask the caller? B. Lets Listen and speak. Task 2 you will hear the following words in Task 3. Listen to your teacher and repeat after him her with a good pronunciation. Then find the meaning in your dictionary. WORDS MEANINGS Call (k : ll) kkt Cold (kauld) ks Engaged (ingeld3d) ks Later (leit2) ks Message (mesid3) kb

Task 3. Complete the missing words in the transcript below based on the information you hear. Dona is a 1 ___________ in our company. One day telephone rano and she answered it. May I 2 _________ to Mr. Aji Danuarta Please ? a caller said . Who is 3________Please? Dona as Mr.Allan Bagio , the caller said. Dona put her hand over the mouthpiece and spoke to Mr. Danuarta its Mr. Allan Bagio, sir. She said. He wants to speaks to you. What .. Again! Mr. Danuarta exclaimed. He wants to 4 __________. Those 5 __________ , doesnt he ? Yes, sir Dona savt , He 6___________ yesterday and he rang up 7 __________ last week , added Dona . We dont 8 ___________new typewriters. I told him that yesterday Mr. Danuarta said. What shall I 9 , sir? Dona asked. Say that 10 , Mr. Danuarta said. Dona spoke into the receiver. Mr. Bagio,she said, Im afraid cant speak to Mr. Danuarta now. Mr. Danuarta says that hes busy and doesnt want to be bothered. Vocabulary Mouthpiece (moudpi=s) (kb) = bagian telepon yang diletakkan didekat mula . Receiver (ri=si=v2) (kb) = bagian telepon yang diletakkan didekat telinga. Typewriter (taiprait2) (kb) = mesin ketik. Task 4 Study the expression below. Do you still remember =

How the secretary greet the caller? What the caller says to inform his/her purpose? What the secretary says to inform that the one the caller want to speak to is not in?


Here are words and expressions usually in formal telephoning. To make a call Greetings (Good morning / afternoon / evening) May I . Speak to , Please ? Im .. (your name) from . (your companys name) Im calling about .. your purpose) Could you put me through to Mr./Mrs .? Could I leave a message ? Could you take my message for Mr/Mrs..? To receive a call Greetings (Good morning / afternoon / evening) + name of your company. Can I help you / may I help you. Whos calling , Please / whos speaking, Please ? May , I have your name Please / could I have your number. Im sorry the line is engaged / Sorry , sir Maam .The line is . Ill put you through to Mr/Mrs Do you want to hold on or call again later ? Can I take your message ? Could you speak up , please ? its a terrible connection. Task Girl Anto Girl Anto Girl Anto 5 In pairs, read the dialogue = 769-549 = can I speak to Gita, Please? = Hold on a minute. Im afraid Gita is out. Can I take a message? = Yes Please. Tell her Anto phoned .Can you asked her to ring me? My number is 765-7265 = Ok. I will give Gita your message. = Thank you.

Task 6. Rearrange the sentences below to make a good conversation. Then act out with your partner. A B 1. Whos calling please ? a. Yes, please. 2. Hold on , please . Ill see if hes in his b. Fajar Harun of Husantara company. room. 3. Im sorry , sir . Mr. Febryan is in a metting c. Well , its alraight . could you tell him that with the Vice director. Im afraid , I can I want him to contact me as soon as put you through. possible. 4. Right , sir . Ill give your message to him. d. Good morning . Could you put me through to Mr. Ari Febryan. 5. Good morning. Cendana Company. Can I e. Thank you for helping . Goodbye. help you. 6. With pleasure. sir. May I have your f. Sure. + 62 031 345 678 - . Dor number, please ? forget to tell him. PRONUNCIATION NOTE Phone and fax numbers

English speakers normally group the number in three not in two as is commoneverywhere. Eg. 941 306 spelt 6669 44496- spelt = Nine one four , three oh six not one , four oh six. = Double six six nine, double four nine six not triple six nine four four nine six.

In spelling names . commonly English speaker use to unternational telephone aviationalphabets. Eg. You spell Apryan = Alfa Papa Romeo Yankee Alfa November. International Telephone and Aviation Alphabets


A Alfa B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrot G Golf H I J Hotel India Juliet

K Kilo L lima M Mike N O P Q R S T November Oscar Papa Quebeck Romeo Sierra Tango

U Uniform V Victor W Whiskey X Y Z X-Ray Yankee Zulu

Lets Read and Write Task 7 Listen to your teacher pronouncing the words below and repeat after him/her., Then , find the meanings of words in your dictionary. WORDS MEANINGS Conduct (kan2dakt) kkt Contact (kont2ekt) kkt Errand (er2nd) kb Interrupt (kkt) Leisure (le32) kb Prod (kb) Preferred (kkt) Respond (ri spond) kkt Respense (rispons) kb Task 8. Read the article and answer the questions How to keep phone calls short Telephoning is one of the methods by which people are most likely to speak. Unfortunately, we do not always have much time to spend on the phone. However, what can we do to face a long winded talker a person who makes us impossible to say goodbye? Here is some advice we may try to overcome such a problem. First, we should never ask questions like whats new? They give the impression that we have time to that. After Hello We ought to get right to the significant part of the call. We should over brief responses without prodding for further information. Then, we should time our call intelligently .It is important to set a time limit. Start with , Hi , Ive only got a few minutes , but I wanted to talk to you about .. or sorry, Id love to talk more , but I only have a couple of minutes before I have to run errands. Further , as soon as we finish conducting business , interrupt when the caller pauses or in mid sentence if necessary and indicate we have another call coming in which we need to take . Then offer a pleasantry saying, Thanks for sharing the information with me , I appreciate your letting me know , . It has been great talking with you. Otherwise , we might offer another means of communication for a future contact , such as If theres something else you need , Please call my secretary / fax me a note / send an email. The caller will feel he is well. Informed about our preferred communication method. Leaving us to respond at our leisure. Finally, end the conversation. However, It is going to be a wise alternative to use an answering machine or a voicemail box to screen the calls rather than avoid phone completely. Answer the following question . One has been done as an example. 1. Based on the article, what is the first thing we do keep the conversation short on the phone ? First , we should never ask question like whats new? 2. Why should we never ask questions like whats new? 3. What is the better thing to do after saying Hello? 4. Mention some expressions in the article that indicate a time limit? 5. When may we interrupt the callers talk? 6. What might we say to offer the future contact to the caller?


Task 9 Study this explanation How to keep conversation short on the phone.

First, we should never ask questions like whats new ? After saying hello , get right to the significant part of the call . Set a time limit. Interrupt when the caller pauses and indicate that you have another call coming. Offer another means of communication for future contact. End the conversation. Task 10 Match the words and expressions in column A with their similar meaning in column B. A B 1. The line is busy. a. Ill connect you. 2. Would you hold , Please. b. The line is engaged. 3. Ill put you through. c. One moment , Please. 4. A code. d. An office number. 5. An extension number. e. Could I have your name , Please? f. Im ready. 6. Whos calling, please? 7. Hold on , Please. g. A country or area number. 8. This is Anna burns. h. Is that all , sir ? 9. Go ahead. i. Could you wait , Please ? 10. Anything else , sir. j. Anna Burns speaking.

Task 11 Study the explanation below about pronoun. POSSESIVE ADJ No SUBJECT OBJECT (Follow by Noun) 1 I Me My 2 We Us Our 3 You Your Your 4 You You Your 5 She Her Her 6 He Him His 7 It It It 8 They Them Their

POSSESIVE PRONOUN Mine Our Your Your Hers His Its Theirs

REFLEXIVE PRONOUN (Berkanaan dg diri sdri) Myself Ourselves Yourself Yourselves Herself Himself Itself Themselves

Task 12 Study the explanation below. A clause is group of words containing a subject and a verb. An independent clause is a complete sentences. It contains the main subject and verb of a sentences (it also called a main clause). A dependent clause is not a complete sentence. It must be connected to an independent clause. A Adjective clause is a part of a sentence telling us what land of person or thing the speaker means. It is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It describes, indentifies, or gives further information about a noun (An Adjective clause is also called a relative clause) . Adjective clause are generally introduced or preceded by a relative pronoun such as = Who (for people as subjects). Whom (for people as objects). Which (for things as subjects or objects). Whose (to indicate possession) , and That (for people or things as subjects or objects). Here are examples : a. He / she is a webmaster.

He / she not only creates, but also maintains a website. A webmaster is a person who not only creates but also maintains a website. b. I thanked the women. She helped me.


I thanked the women who / that helped me.c. They will improve their competency and learn to interact with people.

They meet people in the working environment. They will improve their competency and learn to interact with people whom they meet in the workingenvironment. d. He / she is a web content editor. His / her job is to provide information about the site.

A web content editor is the one whose job is to provide information about the site.e. The student writes well.

I read her composition. The student whose composition I read writes well.f. The movie wasnt very good. We saw it last night.

The movie which / that we saw last night wasnt very good.Note = if the preposition comes at the beginning of the adjective clause only whom or which may be used . A preposition is never immediately followed by that or who. Task 13. Combine these sentences using the relative pronouns see the examples. 1. The man is our sales manager. He likes to wear a blue shirt. 2. Fitri is the new secretary here. She has a high typing speed. 3. Mr. Andi is our colleague. He has an advertising company. 4. The student are apprentices here. We talked to them yesterday. 5. Nanda is the candidate of our new accountant . We will see her tomorrow. 6. Putu is a mechanic . His job is to repair the car engines. 7. The man called the police . His wallet was stolen. 8. The new company recruits some applicants. It produces and trades machines. 9. The book was good . I was read it. 10. Dela gets a new job . The job is relevant to her educational background. Task 14. Study the explanation below about Reported speech. Direct speech : refers to reproducing another persons exact words. We use quotation marks. ( ) Indirect speech: refers to reproducing the idea of another persons words . Not all of the exact words are used: verb forms and pronoun may change. We do not use quotation marks . In an indirect statement. We add the conjunction that (eg . he said that ). The examples of past introductory verb: said, told, asked, replied, answered, etc. If the introductory verb is in the past form, then the tense form for indirect speech is change. In an imperative we use to infinitive (he told me to clean the window). 1. If the main verb of the sentence in the past (e.g.said) the verb in the noun clause is usually also in a past form. Notice the verb form change in. Direct Speech Indirect SpeechSimple Present : Subject + verb 1 vita said , I am study hard. Present continuoos : S + am , is , are + ving vito said , Im playing football. Present perfect : S + has, have + V3 Nadia said, I have written a letter for my niece. Simple past : S + V2 Rosa said, I listened to the music. Present future : S + will + V1 S + be going to +V1 Rio said, I will buy a mobile phone. Rio said, I am going to type my assignment. Modals : can , may , must + infinitive Putri said, I can swim very well. Ajeng said, I may go to the bookstore. Simple past : subject + verb 2 Vita said that she student hard. Past continous : S + was , were , +ving Vito said that he was playing football. Past prefect : S + had + V3 Nadia said that she had written a letter for her niece. Past perfect : S + had + V3 Rosa said that she had listened to the music. Past future : S + would + V1 : S + be (past) going to +V1 Rio said that he would buy a mobile phone. Rio said that he was going to type his assignment. Could , might , had to + infinitive Putri said that she could swim very well. Ajeng said that she might go to the bookstore.


2. If the main verb of the sentence is in the present (eg says) , no change is in the verb tense or modal in the noun clause.a. b. c. d. Direct Aldo says, I eat friend chiken. Riza says, I am reading a novel. Mrs. Harry says I cooked chicken soup. Mr. Indra says , will get the news on tsunami. Indirect Aldo says that he eats fried chicken. Riza says that he is reading a novel. Mrs. Harry says that she cooked chicken. Mr. Indra says that he will get the news on.


When you change a direct speech into the indirect form , you also change the adverb of time.Direct Indirect Then That day The next day, the day after, the following day. The.after, the following. Before. The day before. Two day before. There. That. Those. The..before, the previous. Indirect speech with the introductory Verb in the past tense He told me to go away She asked her to bring him a book He asked me (her, us, ect) not to do it He told me not clan it myself He said that he was very sorry He told me that he had lost temper the day before. He asked her where she was going I wanted to know how you had done that He asked me if/whether I was enjoying my self She wanted to know if/whether I could hear her She remarked what a lovely house it was She greeted me and asked me where I was going She exclaimed sadly that she had torn her skirt

Now Today Tomorrow Next .. ago Yesterday The day before yesterday Here This These Last

Essential patterns of direct and indirect speech.Direct speech Imperative (positive) Go away Bring me a book Imperative (negative) Dont do that Dont clean it yourself Statement Im very sorry I lost my temper yesterday Wh questions Where are you going ? How did you do this ? Yes / no questions Are you enjoying yourself Can you hear me ? Exclamations What a lovely Hello I where are you going ? Oh dear ! Ive torn my skirt.

Task 15 Change the sentences into reporteed speech (direct and indirect speech) with the appropriate adverb of time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. week. 8. 9. Ronald said, I want to go to Bali next year. Putri said, I got a new job today. Gita said, I am surfing in the internet now. Randy says, I am very hungry. Mrs. Harry said, I will watch Tv tonight. the teacher told me to shut the door Brian said that his father would go to Jakarta thefollowing Ari said to me not to go out then. Mr. Pras asked the students to close their textbooks dani says to Mira thet he will borrow books from the library



UNIT 4 I HAVE TO SEND THIS MESSAGE A. Lets start Task 1 Answer these questions based on your experience Can you call me at 5.00 this afternoon? Will you tell him my message, please? Have you ever write a short message? Lets listen and speak Task 2 Listen to your teacher read the dialogue while youre listening choose the right statement by crossing out your answer. 1. We have to talk on the telephone a. impolitely c. roughly b. well d politely 2. When we are talking on telephone we have __________ as long as our voice in daily conversation. a. to keep our voice c. to laugh b. to shout d. to decrease 3. We can catch your feeling while talking on the telephone from your . . . a. smile c. eyes b. voice d. words 4. While talking on telephone our listener can guess and learn . . . of our face a. the feeling c. the expression b. the voice d. the smile 5. We can make_________ on our dialogue on telephone through our voice a. bad mood c. good mood b. good impression d. smile Task 3 Read the following dialogue and practice it with your partner. Situation : Rita, an operator is receiving a call from Mr. Ryan. He wants to talk with Ritas boss, but he is Having a meeting. Rita : good morning, this is 714474, PT Kusuma, Rita speaking. What can I do for you ? Ryan : morning, PT Kusuma. Its Ryan calling. Let me speak to Mr. Ardo, your sales manager. Rita : would you please wait a moment, Mr. Ryan, Ill see if he is in his office. I am sorry Mr. Ryan, He is having a meeting with his staff now. Can I help you? Ryan : really, I want to talk with him about our workshop tomorrow. Rita : should I contact you to her secretary, sir? May be she can help you? Ryan : of course, you can. Rita : good morning, Anna, this is Mr. Ryan who wants to talk with Mr. Ardo. Would you have a talk please?

1. 2. 3. B.


Anna Ryan Anna Ryan Anna Ryan

: yes, Rita thanks. Good morning Mr. Ryan, can I help you? Mr. Ardo is having a meeting now. Would you like to leave a message? : yes, thanks. : whats the message, sir? : the work shop tomorrow is opened at 9.00 but Mr. Ardo is expected to arrive at 8.00 to check the preparation needed. I am Ryan, please contact me immediately. : yes, sir. Ill distribute this message as soon as possible. : thanks, Miss. Anna. Bye!

Task 4 states true, false, or not clear to the following statement No Statements 1 Rita is the operator in PT. Kusuma 2 PT. Kusumas phone number is 72444 3 Mr. Ardo rings the bell and wants to wants to speak with Mr. Ryan. 4 Mr. Ryan is the manager of PT. Kusuma 5 Anna is having a meeting with the Director.


C. Lets read and write. Task 5 Read and understand the text below. Then, answer the questions that follow Message. There is a message from Linda, the secretary of PT Manunggal Jogjakarta, telephone number 497651 to Mr. Bahtiar the manager of Pratama company, Jakarta. In that message Linda said Mr. Hilmans visit will be postponed until the next day, the 2nd February 2002. The message was taken by Nita, the secretary of Pratama Company on January 30, 2002 at 9.00. The message from To: Mr. Bahtiar. From / caller: Linda, PT Manunggal Jogjakarta, phone: 497651. Message: Mr. Hilmans visit will be postponed until the next day, 2nd February, 2002. Taken by: Nita, secretary of Pratama company Jakarta. Date: January, 2002. time : 9.00 Task 6 state true, false or not clear to the following statements Statements 1. Linda, the secretary of PT Manunggal sends a message to Mr. Bahtiar 2. The phone number of PT Manunggal is unknown 3. The address of PT Manunggal is very clear 4. Mr. Hilmans visit will be canceled 5. Mr. Hilman will visit Mr. Bahtiar on 2nd February 2002 6. Nita took the message three days before. 7. Linda and Nita work at the same office 8. The manager of Pratama Company lives in Jakarta 9. Mr. Bahtiar is the manager of Pratama Company Jakarta 10. Both Mr. Hillman and Mr. Bahtiar are good friends


Task 7 Fill in the following message form based on the following information Miss. Opie the sales manager of gandes luwes boutique, solo, phone number 520206 sent a message to Mr. Rizal, the manager of panorama clothing and accessories pasar Baru, Jakarta of 15 desember,2001 at.10.30. in that message she said that she would send 15 pieces of the newest product was received by angie, the secretary of Mr. Rizal, panaroma clothing and accessories, pasar baru, Jakarta. To : From/caller : Message : Taken by : date : Task 8. Study the text message below. Write down them out in full forms. Number 1 has been done for you.


2 2day 2morrow 2nite 4 ASAP B4 BFN BTW CU CM CN CNT 1.

TO today tomorrow tonight for ass soon as Possible before by for now by the way see you Come can cant

TEXT- MESSAGING GLOSSARY KNW Know L8 late L8R later LU Love you MSG Message MTG meeting MU miss you NXT Next OK okay PCM Please call me PIX PLS R pictures please are


Send Station Thanks Time Time of Arrival time of departure thank you thank you very much wait for want to excellent

L8 4 MTG. CU@10 I am late for the meting. I will see you at 10. 2. CU@STN KINGS 76, @7. HOPE U R OK. LU & MU 3 .PLS SND PIX OF UR HTL RM B4 2MORROW. THNX 4. CN U TELL ME TM OF NXT MTG ASAP ? TQ 5. IF U CBT CM 2 THE HTL, LET ME KNW ASAP. TQVM 6. UR REPORTS R XLNT. CU. L8R Task 9 Study the explanation below about punctuation Notice of the usage of capital letters 1. Capitalize names of people, places, courses, organizations, languages, and words formed from them. e.g.: Thomas Alfa Edison - The Foreign Secretary - Mr. and Mrs. Subagja - Indonesian - New York - English - Biology 212 (The name of a course) - Kuningan Street 2. Capitalize a person title before his/her name e.g.: - Major Jono - Professor Koentsoroningrat - Dr. Williams 3. Capitalize names of areas or countries e.g.: - Indonesian - America 4. Capitalize names of days months and holidays e.g.: - Friday - Idul Fitri - September - Christmas - New years day - Independence Day 5. Capitalize the first word of every sentence e.g.: - He said he loved her - Do you speak English? Task 10 indicate where you. Need capital letters in the following sentences. Then compare your answer with your friends. 1. is professor blunt working for the queen of england ? 2. is late geneva near mount blank ? on Sunday were going to the museum of natural history is Dr Indra chinese or japanese ? the suggestion was made by president sukarno on behalf of his family


4. 5.


UNIT 5 WHERE DID YOU GO ? In this unit you are going to learn how to tell your past activities and experience. Lets Start Task 1. Answer the following question. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What did you do on your last vacation ? Where did you go ? how long did you stay there ? Did you fell happy on your last vacation ? Did you have unforgettable experience on your vacation ? Lets Listen and Speak Task 2. You will hear the following words in your listening test Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/her with a good pronunciation. Then, get their meanings in your dictionary. Words Meanings Trip (kb) Travel (kkt) Journey (kb) Challenge (kb) Continent (kb) Triumph (kb) Triumphant (kb) Task 3. Listen to the text, Then decide whether the following statements is TRUE ( T ) or FALSE ( F ). Statements 1. Nick Sanders joined a long journey in mobil, challenge He travelled across forty one countries 3. He was the first participant who has ever travelled around the globe overland on a motor vehicle 4. He rode a regular production model Triumph Daytona motorcycle 5. He brought a digital camera on his trip Task 4. Listen to your teacher reading these question, while you find the right answer for each of them T F



1. I went there to get the ladder

( .. )


2. 3. 4. 5.

I went there to see the film She went there to post the letter He went there to buy the medicine They went there to borrow the books Study the explanation below

( .. ) (.. ) ( .. ) ( .. )

Task 5.

The past tense shows the past events and past activities The affirmative of simple past tense use the verb II form

S+ V2 In the simple past tense, regular verb end in edeg. Monitor Monitored Travel Travelled Supply Supplied Include Included

A lot of common English verbs, and some modal verbs, have irregular past tense forms. Unlike regular verbs, irregular verbs do not have past forms which can be predicted. e.g Have Had e. Can Could Take Took Must Had to Send Sent

We use did to make past tense questions and negatives eg. How many countries did Nick visit ? Nick didnt look tired The past continuous tense, the subject is followed by the auxiliary. Was/were and the verb is added with the ing form

S + was, were + V-ing when + clause ( past )Remember : - I, she, he, it was walking down the steer when he heard a loud noise : - You, they, we were walking down the street when he heard a loud noise Past Perfect

S + had + Verb-3 Past Perfect Continuous tense : S + had been + VingTask 5. Choose the correct words to complete the question and answers


argue lose 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

bake meet

break play

cut slice

get work

A : How did Tedi break his leg ? B : He Broke it while he was playing soccer. A : How did Sandra B : She it while A : How did Tami B : He it while A : How did Sasya B : She him while A : How did Robi her purse ? at the supermarket. a bloody nose ? with the boy across the street. the president ? in Jakarta. his finger ?


B : He

it while yourself ?

tomatoes. cookies for my daughter and his friends.

6.B:I Task 6.

A : How did you my self while

Work in pairs. Study and act the dialogue out with your partner. The answer the question that follow.

Husband Wife Husband Wife Husband Wife

: Have you meet Ana today ? : Yes, I have. She talked about her vacation in Lombok Island ? : What did she say about Lombok Island ? : She said she had enjoyed the time when she was there. : Did you ask how the weather was ? : It seem sit was cool in Lombok cottages in the morning, but nice and warm along the coast when the sun was shining. Husband : Did she say where she stayed ? Wife : She told me but I dont remember. Husband : Well, did she say whether the hotels were crowded ? Wife : Yes, apparently they were. She recommended that we may our reservation as early as possible if we want to go there. Husband : Well, we had better do some checking right now. Question : 1. Who went to Lombok Island ? ( Ana did ) 2. What did she say about her vacation there ? 3. What did she say about the weather in Lombok ? 4. What did she recommend to the couple ? 5. What should the couple do immediately ? Task 7. Arya Melia Arya Melia Arya Melia Arya Melia Put these jumbled expression into the right order. Then, act it out with your classmate. : Great. How long were you away ? : It was nice. I really enjoyed it. : So, what was the best thing you had when you were there ? : I was there for about there weeks. : Hi, Melia! How was your trip to Bandung ? : I had to join a special training for a novice manager. : Thats a long time! Did you have any business there ? : Oh, thats hard to say. Its Paris Van Java, you know. I guess I love all Bandung offers. Those made the there week training time too short to pass. Task 8. In pairs, take turns to ask and answer with your classmates following the plan below Student A : Greet B. Ask B about his/her last vacation. Student B : Respon to As greeting and tell about your last vacation. Student A : Ask where B travelled to in his/her last vacation. Student B : Tell where you travelled and the best or worst thing you had there. Student A : Ask how long B spent his/her vacation there. Student B : Tell A how you spent your holiday. Student A : Give your opinion about Bs last vacation. Student B : Take turn to ask As last vacation. Who A went with and where a travelled to. Student A : Give your opinion about Bs last vacation. Tell B about your last vacation. Student B : Give your opinion about As last vacation. Tell your own story about your trip You may use the following questions to help you tell your story.

Task 9.

Where did you go ? When did you go there ? How did you get there ? Whom did you go with ? Where did you stay ? What did you do there ? Did You buy something ? How long were you there ?


How did you feel ? Did you have a good time ? A. Lets Read and Write. Task 10. Read and study the following text and answer the questions that follow. Laurels Autobiographyth

Stand Laurel was born on June 18 , 1980, in Ulverston in North west England. He was two brothers and one sister and his father was a theatre manager. Stem went to the united states in September 1910 with Charlie Chaplin. The first Laurel and Hardi film was made more than a hundred film comedies. Laurel married Ida Kitaeva, a Russian singer in 1946. he live in Santa Monica, California, in 1965. He was dead on 75 years old. Question : When was he born ? Where was he born ? How many Brothers and sister did he have ? Whats his Father Occupation ? When did he go to the United States ? Task 11. Write your own biography. You may use these following questions to help you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

When were you born ? What did your dream of when you were a little child ? What have you done to make your dream come true ? What have you accomplished in your life ? How long did you prepare for that ? Task 14. Identify the underline word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten. Circle A, B, C or D. Then write the correct one. When I knocked at the door, They were watching on TV A B C D His father was reading a newspaper when he come A B C D John is taking a bath when his friends called him up A B C D At 7 : 00 last night, I was watching a soccer game. While I was watching the game. Maria was studying A B C and Susan worked. D Toni and Robert were visiting me on Sunday afternoon when it begins to rain A B C D When I get up, my leg was bleeding A B C D The students hadnt finished their work when the teacher asked them to hand in their assignment. A B C D When the lights went out, the security guards was sitting on a chair. Now he is standing by the light A B C D switch.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.



Have you got your future actions and plans ? Do you know how to tell others about your Plans ? Do you know how to make an appointment ? Learn these and more in this until. A. Lets Start Task 1. Answer the question based on your experience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you usually plan your activities everyday ? How do you arrange your future plans and activities ? What is your plans after graduating from SMK ? What are you going to prepare for getting a job ? How do your parents guide you to make your future plan ? B. Lets Listen and Speak Task 2. You will hear the following words in your listening task. Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/her with a good pronunciation. WORDS Date (kb) Count (kkt) Goods (kb) Report (kb) Work (kkt) Task 3. You will listen to five short dialogues. Choose the most appropriate. Statement based on the information you listen to. 1. a. They are going to watch TV b. They are going to the cinema 2. a. She probably will be working late at the office this evening b. She probably will go to work late the office this evening 3. a. He will check and the goods MEANINGS


4. 5.

b. a. b. a. b.

He will send the goods tomorrow. The building will be finished in two months The height of the building is going to be added up. They are going to have dinner tonight They are going to finish the report tonight.






Task 4. Listen to the dialogue carefully and choose the right statements by crossing out the right answer. Tommy has worked hard during the week, so .. this weekend. a. He will stay at home and sleep c. He doesnt want to go anywhere b. He will go to the mountain with his friend d. He will go shopping with his parents He will got to that village by bus, because .. a. It is not too far to go by motorbike c. He can go alone b. he lives hear the village d. It is more than 300 km from here They are five persons altogether, and .. a. All of them are boys c. Most of them are girls b.There is no boy at all d.All of them are old people They dont want to go with their girlfriends because .. a.It will be so crowded c.They dont have any girl friends b.The village is too far from some day d.They will stay in that village for some days Tommy will stay in his grand fathers house with his friends .. a.For about there days c.For about one week b.In a long time d.No more than three days Task 5. Work in groups, study the dialogue and answer the question. Then, act it out with your classmates. Teacher : What are you going to do after you graduate, Dipa ? Dipa : Oh, Im planning to go to collage Teacher : What do you plan to study ? Dipa : Im thinking of majoring in chemistry Teacher : Hmm, thats a good field, and what about you Rini ? Rini : I hope to go to Bali Teacher : Oh, really ? And what are you going to do there ? Rini : I think Ill just travel around for a while Teacher : Lucky you! Tina what do you think you are going to do ? Tina : Well, Im going to go to collage, but maybe I have to postpone it and get a job instead. I just dont have the money right now. Teacher : Yeah, I know what you mean. Money is tight these days. And you, Joko ? Joko : Well, if I get a scholarship, Ill study architecture in Gajah Mada University Teacher : And if you dont ? Joko : Well, then, I suppose Ill have to get a job first and still study architecture. Teacher : Well, guys, now Im so sure, all of you have planned your own future. Make it real and I wish you good luck. Answer the following question. Number one has been done as an example 1. What is Dipa going to do after she graduates ? ( He is going to go to collage ) 2. What does Dipa plan to study ? 3. What is Rini going to do in Bali ? 4. What is Tina going to do after she graduates ? 5. What is Joko going to do after he graduates ? 6. What will joko plan to do if he does not get a scholarship ? Task 6. Your classmate is going to visit you in the evening, but you are very busy. Look at your diary for the next few days and explain to him/her why you refuse him/her coming in the evening. Act out the dialogue with your classmate. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Study Mathematics Finish the English Writing Meet with Study Club Meet with the school Task Magazines team Friday Saturday Sunday Notes Go shopping with Watch favourite movies on Finish all homework for Everything has been Mother TV Monday arrange and fixed Your classmate : Can I came on Monday evening You : Sorry, I am going to study mathematics seriously


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Your classmate : Well what about Tuesday evening ? You : I am afraid I cant. I Your classmate : You : ( finally you and your classmate get a deal when she can come over visit you ). Your classmate : Can I come and join to watch your favourite movies on TV Saturday night ? You : Sure. Of course you can. Ill be very happy to watch the movies with you. Your classmate : Oh, really ? Thank you You : Anytime. C. Lets Read and Write Task 7. Read the text carefully and answer the question in complete sentences. Mr. Aaron Jones and his family have been living in Jakarta for about 3 years up to now. He works at the head office of an oil company. Which is located in the capital of our country. His position is a senior consultant. There will be a school holiday for his children next week and. Mr. John will have a vacation too. During that spare time he will do nothing but having much fun and recreation with his family. They plan to go around Java and Bali next vacation and they will have a trip around some tourism spots in those places. Mr. Aaron Jones and his family are going to leave for Bandung on Sunday morning, the first day of their journey. They will have one day our around Tangkuban Perahu, Cater warm water flow and enjoy the traditional music Kecapi and Angklung in the evening. The next day, Monday morning they will fly to Jogjakarta. They are going stay in this city for two nights. On their first day in Jogjakarta they will visit some tourism spots such as Prambanan, the ciwa temple, Borobudur the Buddhist temple and art galleries. Tuesday, their second day in Jogjakarta will be filled with some activities such as going to the beach, visiting museum, and going shopping around Malioboro to buy souvenirs such as silver accessories, Batik, carving or leather goods to send home to their native country. On Wednesday morning they will fly to Denpasar, Bali by the first flight. They will stay in that beautiful island within four days. There will be various tourism objects to see from the beautiful scenery including the fresh green carpet of the rice fields, the mountainous view and the beautiful lakes, to the entertainment dances, the art shops and galleries. The next morning Mr. Aaron and family will be back to Jakarta and begin their daily activities as usual. Question Is Mr. Jones a foreigner ? where does he work ? Who will have a holiday ? Does he plan to go anywhere ? Explain! What will he do during this first day of his journey ? Will they enjoy any traditional entertainment ? What are they ? Task 8. Now, check the statements whether they are TRUE ( T ) or FALSE ( F ) Give the evidence for each statement. Statements T F 1. On Monday morning Mr. Aaron will go to Jogjakarta by plane . 2. Prambanan is Buddhist temple and 50 is Borobudur. 3. There are many art galleries and Batik or silver shops in Jogja. 4. They will leave Jogjakarta for Denpasar by bus. 5. There are some interesting tourism spots in Bali.


Task 9. Study the following expressions What do you say when you get through to the person you want to speak to and fix a meeting ? here are some expressions that you find in the above conversation and are usually used in making an appointment. Suggesting a time to meet Responding to the suggestion Can/shall we fix/arrange/manage an appointment/a meeting. Would it be useful to meet up soon How about Monday Would Wednesday be suit able ? Would Thursday suit you ? Shall we say on Friday ? Ill (just) check my diary Thats fine I cant/wont be able to make Monday Ive got to


Task 10.

Match the expressions of changing arrangements in column A with the replies in column B. a. b. c. I suppose so. It would have been good to meet. Look forward to hearing from you when youre less busy The 21 . Ehm. Im going to beth holiday. on What about 29 The afternoon would be on problem. How about at three ? Wednesdays going to be difficult. Can you make it the next day Ok. The some day of the following week would be fine.

1. I cant make Tuesday. Ive got to go over to Sumatra to see a client. How about Wednesday. 2. I thing we said Thursday at 11. can you make it in the afternoon instead ? Were going to have to change our arrangement th for the 15 . Can we put it off till the 21 ? Ive st completely forgotten we have a departmental meeting that day. Im afraid Monday wont be possible after all. Im going to be very busy that day. What about the following week. Were going to have to delay our meeting. Im very busy at the moment. Can we leave it open for the time being ? Ill get back in touch when Im not so busy


4. 5.

d. e.


2. a.


Task 11. Study the following explanation The use of will We use will in these situations a. Statements of future facts e.g : The job will be finished by the weekend b. Decisions made at the time of speaking e.g : Ive left the door open. Ill go and shut it c. To express a prediction e.g : Ill probably be late this evening d. To show willingness e.g : Ill help you e. Promising to do something e.g : Thank you for lending me the money. Ill pay you back on Friday The use of be going to Planned future actions or events st e.g : They are going to open the new office on April 1 b. Future evens in a neutral way e.g : Mr. Jannaka is going to be the new director. c. Future events evident from something in the present e.g : Im tired of taking the bus to work. Im going to buy a car next month The use of The Present Continuous Tense We use the present continuous tense to express planned actions or events e.g : Im not working next week Task 12. Put the verb into the correct from using will or going to. The first two have been done for you as examples. 1. A : Ive just realised I havent got any money B : Dont worry thats no problem Ill lend ( lend ) you some. 2. A : Why are you turning the television on ? B : Im going to watch ( watch ) the news. 3. A : Ive got a terrible headache. B : Have you ? Wait here and I ( get ) an aspirin for you. 4. A : Why are you filling that bucket with water ? B:I ( wash ) my car. 5. A : Ive decided to re paint this room. B : Really ? What colour ( you/paint ) it ? 6. A : Look. Theres smoke coming out of that house. Its on fire! B : Oh, my god! I ( call ) the firemant immediately 7. A : What would you like to drink, tea or coffee ? B:I ( have ) tea, please. 8. A : Where are you going ? Are you going shopping ? B : Yes, I ( buy ) something for dinner ? 9. A : I cant work out how to use this camera. B : Its quite easy. I ( show ) you.


10. A : Did you post that letter for me ? B : Oh, Im sorry, I completely forgot. I ( do ) it now. Task 13. Write down your own future plan after you graduate. You may us the following questions to help you. What are you going to do after finishing your study ? Do you plan to go to college ? What are you going to study ? Why ? What are you going to prepare for what ? Do you plan to get a job ? What kind of job do you want to get ? Why ? Do you prepare something to get that ?

Task 16.Compose a writing about your visions for the next five years. Use the future expressions in your writing. Task 17. In pairs, rearrange these jumbled expressions into a good order. Then, act it out with your partner. Sonny : Im going to see a concert. Would you like to come with me ? Novia : No. Im not. What are you planning to do ? Sonny : All right. Ill pick you up at 7 tomorrow evening. Novia : Oh, Im sorry. I cant, Im going to work late tonight. I have to finish some reports Sonny : Well, how about tomorrow evening ? Are you doing anything then ? Novia : Sure, Id love to! What time will you pick me up ? Sonny : What are you doing tonight, Novia ? would you like to go out







REVIEW I Listening Section In this part you will listen to short conversation between two people. Choose the best answer to each question. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers. What does the man do ? a. He is a reporter c. He is a businessman b. He is an accountant d. He is a keeper What does the man imply ? a. He wants to check Mr. Assegaf c. He wants to speak to Mr. Assegaf b. He want to wait Mr. Assegaf d. He wants to make Mr. Assegaf free What does the man express ? a. He is ready to serve the woman c. He wants to buy a new LCD Projects b. He is asking for Information from the woman d. He wants to sell a new LCD Projects What does the woman imply ? a. She is asking a question to the man c. She wants to serve the man b. She is asking for information d. She wants to order a plate of fried What does the woman express ? a. The room is uncomportable c. She is giving an opinion b. She is pleased with the room d. She feels disappointed with there What does the woman say to greet the caller ? a. Good morning c. Good morning, Nusa Indah Galery b. morning, Nusa Indah Galery d. Whos speaking, please. What does the woman say to know who the caller is ? a. Hold on, please c. Whos speaking, please ? b. Would you like to wait or call again later ? d. Nyoman from Pustaka Denpasar. What is the synonym of hold on, please ? a. Ill put you through c. Call again later, please b. Just a moment, please. d. I prefer to call again later What does the man do ? a. The stays at the hotel c. He wants a single room b. He gets a reservation at the hotel d. Ha wants a book When will the woman probably check in ? a. On August 10 c. On August 16 b. On August 14 d. On August 17






Reading Section In this part, you have to choose the best answer to each question based on the alternatives.TELEPHONE What if you want to talk right now to a friend who lives for away ? The answer is simple. You pick up your telephone and press some buttons. Next, you hear a ringing sound one, two, three rings. They you hear your friends voice say. hello. Making a phone call seems so easy. But did you ever think about what makes it possible? When you talk on the phone, your voice is changed into an electric signal that can travel through wires. A plastic disk in the mouthpiece vibrates, when you speak. The vibration makes a pattern in an electric field between the plastic disk and a metal disk. The pattern is sent through wires as an electric signal. Just as a telephone can turn a voice into an electric signal, it can also change an electric signal back into a voice. When the signals pass through magnets in the earpiece, the magnets vibrate a disk that reproduces the speakers voice. When you make a local call, the call travels over wires from your house to the telephone companys routing station. From there, a computer automatically sends the call to the number you dialled. Did you know you can call someone on the other side of the world ? The call might even be sent into space! Satellites orbiting high above Earth connect calls between distant countries. Some international calls travel along cables under the sea. Cell phones work by sending a radio signal through the air to a cell tower. The tower sends the signal to the cell phone company, which relays it to another cell phone or through the telephone company to a wired phone.

Text I question 1 5 1. a. b. c. d. 2. What does paragraph 2 talk about ? How the call phone company relays the radio signal How the voice changes into an electric signal How you make a cell to your friend How the satellite connects calls What changes an electric signal back into a voice ? a. A wire c. A telephone b. A plastic disc d. A mouthpiece How does on electric signal travel ? a. It travels through wires c. It travels through a radio b. It travels through the air d. It travels through the sea What connects calls between various countries ? a. Cables c. Radio signal b. Towers d. Telephone companies What does it in paragraph 5 line 5 refer to ? a. The satellite c. The wired phone b. The cell phone d. The radio signalTAMAN SAFARI Keep your eyes and your cameras open as your visit to Taman Safari. The are many kinds of animals around the world there. Taman Safari is a some rain forest where many kinds of animals live in wild life. You can see all and from your own car, or cars provided by the authority. You can observe the characteristic of wild animals such as Tigers, Lion, Elephants, Bears, etc. Taman Safari can enrich your knowledge as well and giving you enjoyable scenery. Hotel and accommodations are also provided. Spend your holiday in Taman Safari and enjoy its wildlife




6. What we call not do in Taman Safari is : a. Enjoying the view c. taking children under 5 b. Taking some photograph from the card. getting out from the car 7. Which is not correct to describe Taman Safari\ a. It is a zoo c. It is a jungle b. It is a wild life area d. It is tourism spot 8. .. enjoy its wild life .. ( paragraph 3 ) The underlined word refers to : a. your holiday c. The animals b. Taman Safari d. The scenery FOR SALE




1998 cutlass supreme White w/light blue interior Low mileage, like a new Air automatic, power steering, brakes Am/Fm, cassette stereo $ 5000 or best offer By original owner (0274) 512251 weekdays (0274) 797450 weekends Ask for Poikan Aulia The word weekdays in line 9 is most nearly meant .. a. Everyday from 9.00 Am 6.00 Pm c. Saturday and Sunday b. Monday Friday d. Everyday except Sunday What colour is that car ? a. Blue c. Red b. White d. Black Speaking Section In this part, you should show your ability to speak in English Work in groups of three. Act it out with your partner Ayu: Well, have you decided what are you going to eat ? Erica : I havent made up my mind yet. What about you ? Ayu: Im going to try the sour flounder fish. It seems delicious. Erica : Ellen, what are you having ? Ellin : Im not sure. I really like the super burger. Erica : Well, I think I havent tried it yet. Ellin : Ok. Well try it Ida : What about you, Santi ? Santi : Well, Im not really all that hungry, so I think Ill just have a plate of strawberry ice cream. Ayu: Ida, is youre hungry, you should try the baked chicken. You wont believe the size of it! Ida : Really ? But is it good ? Ayu: Its really delicious. I just had it last night. Ida : Ok. It sounds good to me. Writing Section In this part, you should show your ability to write in good English. Find and summarize an article or a text about what people should do to have a successful in we on job interview.


UNIT 7 I AM A WEBMASTER If you are applying for a job, you have to be able to ask and tell about the job description as well as the educational background. Do you know how to do those very well? Learn those in this unit and you will be able to do them effectively. Lets Start Task 1. Answer the question below! What are you doing now? What school are you studying in? Are you happy studying here? Why do you choose this school? Which subjects are interesting for you? B. Lets Listen and Speak Task 2. You will find the following words in Task 3. In pairs, find the meanings of these words in your dictionary and repeat after your teacher. WORDS MEANINGS Appointment (kb) Agenda (kb) Bill (kb) Delay (kkt) Dependable (ks) Developed (ks) Incoming (ks) File (kkt) Meticulous (ks) Satisfied (ks) Outgoing (ks) Task 3. In this section, you will listen to three short passages about there jobs. Listen to the short passages carefully and then answer the question. You will listen to them twice. When you have finished listen again and check your answer. Passage 1 is for question 1 2 1. What does Fitri do ?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Where did she graduate from?

Passage 2 is for question 3 4

3. What does Bambang do? 4. Is Bambang a writer?Passage 3 is for question 5 5. What is Tias job? Task 4. Dimas are going to describe some jobs to Ilham. Listen to the dialog carefully. Find the job descriptions and guess what jobs are described. Then compare your answer with your classmates. Here is an example for you. JOB DESCRIPTION A person who cooks in a restaurant or a hotel JOB A chef

Task 5. Work in pairs and write simple job descriptions of these jobs. JOB JOB DESCRIPTION Mechanic Carpenter Shop assistant Receptionist Electrician Task 6. Study how to pronounce the words below. The Vowel Letter O The following words show how the vowel letter o can be pronounced in several ways. / / / / / / / / / / Job Know Good Customer Report Boss Going Food Complain Order Offer Also Cook Developed Before

/ / Company Coming Money

Task 7. Can you pronounce these words. Check your dictionary to find out how they are pronounced and try to pronounce them. Can you find the words having different pronunciations from the example above? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pilot Journalist Receptionist Accountant Novelist 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Appointment Choose Responsible Meticulous Polite

Task 8 After learning some job descriptions, you will talk about the educational background. The dialogue below talks about the educational background required to work on a cruise ship. (kapal pesiar ). Petrus : Have you decided about your future job, Ham ? Ilham : Yup! Ive decided to work on a cruise ship. Petrus : Wow It means you have to get a hotel diploma. Ilham : Thats right. Petrus : But, you told me that you didnt like cooking.


4. 5.

Ilham : Just want to let you know, working on a cruise ship isnt always about cooking. There are various jobs on board under the divisions of Housekeeping, Kitchen and Food and Beverage. Petrus : Do you need any training to work on a cruise ship. Ilham : Of course. I have to take at least a three month job training in the respective division. Petrus : Are there any other requirements ? Ilham : I have to take an English course because its very essential for a cruising crew member. This job really offers me a challenge I cant resist. Questions 1. What has Ilham decided ? 2. What job is he interested in ? 3. Is working on a cruise ship only about food and beverage ? Does he need only training ? What course does he need to take ?

Task 9 Study the expression below. Asking and telling about job descriptions and Educational Backgrounds


1. Job descriptions Asking about ones job description Formal Could you tell me what your duties are ? - I would like to know whether you know about your responsibility ? - Can you tell me what your task is ? - I would like to know about what you have to do ?

Informal What are you duties ? What is your responsibility ? What is your task ? What do you have to do ?

b.Telling about ones job description. # I receive guest and incoming phone calls. # A PR officer is responsible for building a good relationship. # My duties are to offer the menu and to take orders. # My task is to repair the cars engine. # I have to make financial reports. 2. Educational Background. Asking about ones educational background. Formal


- Could you tell me a little about youreducational background? Can you tell me where you graduated from? I would like to know about your major I would like to know where you study b. Telling about ones educational background I graduated from a secretarial collage I have a degree in technical engineering I majored in accounting

- What is your educational background? - Where did you graduated from? - What is your major? - Where do you study?


My major is medical wifery I study in a Hotel and Tourism School Task 10. Work in groups of four. Make a dialogue in which each of you asks about a job which your friends dream about and its supporting information (educational background and other requirement)

Example : Student 1 : What do you want to do in the future? Student 2 : I want to be a famous fashion designer like Ajie Notonegoro Student 3 : So, you have to take a major in fashion, dont you ? Student 2 : Sure, what about you? Student 3 : I prefer majoring in automotive engineering? Student 2 : Do you want to be a mechanic? Student 3 : Yes, A professional mechanic and racer. Thats my dream C. Lets Read and Write Task 11. What do you know about a webmaster ? Get more knowledge about from the text below. After you read the text, check your comprehension by answering the questions that follow. WEBMASTER : A CHALENGING JOB Do you have any idea about webmaster ? In this area of modern communications technology, having a job as a webmaster can be a consideration . A webmaster can literally be defined as an expert in the field of webbing. A webmaster is a person who not only creates, but also maintains a website. In maintaining a website, a webmaster needs to update all information as well as the profile of the company or the organization which belongs to the site. A webmaster has to master at least one of the four subdivisions, namely web designing, graphic designing, web development, and web content editing. The expert in the first division is called a web designer. He or she needs to design a website and be knowledgeable, at least, about. Hyper Text Markup Language ( HTML ) coding. In the graphic designing part, a graphic designer designs the lay out and creates an attractive image. However, a graphic designer may not always be a web designer. A web developer is an expert in the web development. He or she creates the websites programmes and deals with input and the process. He or she needs to know a programming language like ASP. A web content editor is the one whose job is to provide information about the site. An editor doesnt need to be technologically literate, but to have knowledge about sentence structure. Although the job can be divided into several parts, a webmaster might work individually or in team, depending on the websites scope. To be a webmaster, you do not have to major in computer science. If you have a relevant educational background, it will be a plus for you. However, the main thing is that you are eager to learn. You can provide yourself with an internet connected computer, take appropriate courses, and start practicing by creating a personal homepage. After that you can gain a lot of advantages from it. So, are you ready to be a webmaster ? Prepare yourself now Vocabulary : Appropriate (ks) : Sesuai Attractive (ks) : Menarik Eager (ks) : Berkeinginan besar Relevant (ks) : Relevan / sesuai Expert (kb) : Ahli Scope (kb) : Lingkup Question : 1. What does paragraph 1 talk about ? 2. What is the literal definition of a webmaster ? 3. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ? 4. Mention jobs related to webbing. 5. Are you interested in being a webmaster ? Give your reason. Task 12. Now, read this interesting text. This text talks about apprenticeship. Do you want to know more about is. APPRENTICESHIP Apprenticeship is a good activity for students who want to get work experience before they graduate from school. They will get the chance to work in a company although they have not graduated yet. The company will place them in the division which is related to their educational background. For example in a supermarket, students with a hotel and tourism background a placed the Fresh Section. They deal with the bakery and salad bar. In a bank students from an accounting programme, are placed in the administration department. They are assigned to execute stock inventory, fine and arrange in coming and out going letters. Indeed, the students will not be placed in the high position, but is still give many advantages to them. What do the students actually gain in being an apprentice? Of course the will earn money, but the valuable experience is the most important thing. In a apprenticeship programme, they will improve their competency and


learn to interact with people whom they meet in the working environment. By having more knowledge and network with a company, they will gat a dearer future after graduating from school. To be an apprentice, the students have to get an accompanying letter from the headmaster at school. This letter will inform the company that they are students who are willing to have a temporary job there. The companys Personnel department will inform about the requirement. Some company may give a test, but the others may not. Being an apprentice is very beneficial. It gives not only money, but also invaluable experience. So never be hesitant to take a chance for apprenticeship. Vocabulary Apprentice (kb) Accompanying (kb) : Karyawan magang : Surat pengantar Apprenticeship (kb) : Pelatihan kerja / magang Invaluable (ks) : Surat berharga

Task 13.Now, check the statements whether they are TRUE ( T ) or FALSE ( F ) Give the evidence for the false statement. STATEMENTS T/F EVIDENCE 2. To be an apprentice, you should be a graduate. F Paragraph 1, Lines 2 & 3 3. The company will place the apprentice in the division related to the educational background. 4. You get both money and experience from apprenticeship 5. Students do not need accompanying letter for apprenticeship. 6. Companies always give a test for the apprentice Task 14. Check your reading comprehension again by answering these question. What does apprenticeship mean? In a supermarket, where are the students with Hotel and Tourism background placed ? 3. If you are a student of an accounting programme and you want to be an apprentice in a bank, what are your possible task ? What do the students gain from being an apprentice ? Explain how to take a chance for apprenticeship. Task 15. Do you know a curriculum vitae (CV) ? People usually enclose a CV to apply for a job. Here is an example of CV. Bambang Gunawan +62 899 0909 0111 [email protected] EDUCATION : 2004 2007 Hotel and Tourism Academi Mandiri 2006 English for Tourism training 2005 Hotel training 2001 2004 Vocational School Pariwisata 2001 2004 Happy English English Course 2006 Present Waiter in Cozy Restaurant 2005 2006 Kitchen partner in Ambarrukmo Restaurant 2004 2005 Waiter in Luxurious Restaurant COMPETENCIES : Good morning of spoken and written English ( TOEIC score of 650 ) INTEREST : Sports Question 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 4. 5.

What is the writers highest education ? What is his present job ? What kind of training has he taken ? What is his personal interest ? CURRICULUM VITAE : Linda Kumalasari : Bandung, January 20, 1982 : Bandung : Female : Jl. Armada 20

Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Sex Address


Town, Country : Bandung, Indonesia Email, Address : [email protected] Formal Education : Harapan Bangsa Academy of Secretary, Bandung Work experience : - On the job training at LBH Parahyangan University, Bandung Worked as a receptionist - PT Nusa Permai Worked as a receptionist July 1, 2003 September 30, 2004 - PT Antara Worked as a receptionist October 1, 2004 March 31, 2005 - Melati Hotel Worked as a receptionist April 1, 2005 Now Hobbies/Interests : Reading, sports and travelling References:

Furnished upon request means supporting documents will be submitted after the job interview in thEcompany if the company ask for them. Task 16. Make your own CV

UNIT 8 WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME TO THE PARTY WITH ME, PLEASE? (GIVING INVITATIONS AND COMPLIMENTS) A. Let,s Start Task 1 Answer the questions based on your opinin 1. What would you say to invite someone to go with? 2. What would you say to compliment others people? B. Lets Listen and Speak Task 2 Study these expressions. You will hear the folllowing expressions in your listening task. Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/her. Offering an invitations Accepting an invitations I would like you to Thank you, Id be glad to go. We would be please if you could Thank yo. Yes, I would like to Would you like to. Yes, thank you Id be happy to go. Shall we Yes, I would. Thanks Could we Thank you so much for inviting me. How about That would be very nice. Thank you. Id like you to come to Yes, Id love to. Id like to ask you to come Sure Refusing an Invitation Great Im sorry, Ill be very busy tomorrow night with pleasure. I would love to. But. All right! Thats very kind of you, But O. K! Sorry, that wouldnt be posible. Thanks anyway Thats nice?great, butIm afraid I cant. How about Some people use complimets tobutter up somebody When speaking English, you say Thanks very often. or to flatter in order to increase a good Hill. You Please say thank you when people give you compliment someone, for example: on his/her general something, help you do something, wish you appearance, if you notice somethinng new about the something and give a compliment etc. persons appearance, when other people do their best Responding to compliments.


etc. Expressing Compliments Thats a lovely cake That was a nice lunch You look great You did it very well Nice work!

Thank you Thank you for your help Im glad you enjoyed it. Thanks. Do you really think so? Im glad you like it Im really very gratefull to you.

Task 3 Listen to conversations and while you are listening complete the conversation base on the information you hear. Then act them out with your classmate. 1. A: What a beautiful garden you have! B: ________________. I like gardening very much. And i spend a lot of time looking after it 2. A: Its really delicious._________________________ B: thank you. I spent the whole afternoon preparing all of these. I tried to do my best of course. 3. A: ___________________ come to our wedding party on Sunday? B: Thats a wonderful news i certainly. Well heres to both of you. 4. A: could you come and meet my parents B:__________________ 5. A: Is that your book? B: yes ,__________________? Task 4. study the following dialogues and then do the same way. Work in pairs and try to act them on front of the class Example : - Go dancing a tomorrow night ? - Work overtime. A: Would you like to go dancing tomorrow night ? (1) B: tomorrow night ? Im afraid I cant. I have to work overtime A:Thats to bad. B: Its. going dancing sounds like a lot more fun than working overtime. Maybe some other times. Task 5 Make a dialogue with this sentences. 1} - See a movie this weekend ? - Finish a term paper. 2} - Go out for dinner tonight ? - Attend a business meeting. 3} - See a play next Sunday ? - Work on my taxes. 4} - Go to a concert this Saturday evening ? - Take care of my sisters children Task 6. preform the dialogs 1. Vita = vit, your bag is really nice Rosa = oh, thank you. 2. putri = thats a beautiful dress that you have on! Rosa = oh,thank you. I just got it yesterday.C. Lets Read and Write Task 7. Read this setter carefully and answer these question that follow.

Dear Tony, How are you? Everything here is fine. Im very pleased at the moment, because my football team won last week. I went to the match with my brother Pedro, and we both enjoyed it very much. The score was 6-1! Well, thats a little bit of recent news from Malaga. Now heres the most important thing in this letter: What are you doing in September? Im on holiday then, and Id like to invite you to Malaga for a month. The weather is usually very good in September ( its not too hot ). We would go swimming and I could show you something of Spain. I hope you can come. My family and I think its a great idea, and we all want to meet you. Thats all for now, Best wishes to you nd your family Fernando Question!!! How is Fernado? Andwhy is he pleased? Who went to the match ? And whose team won?


How did they feel at the moment? And what was the score? When is Fernando on holiday ? How long does he invited Toni for? What was the weather like in September ? What suggestions does Fernando make? Task 8 decide whether the statement is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Give the evidance. STATEMENTS T/F 1. Fernando is very angry at the moment because his football team lost. 2. Fernando andhis brother went to the football match and they enjoyed it very much 3. Toni invited Fernando and his family to come to Malaga in September 4. Fernando would show Ttoni something of Spain if he come to fullfill his invitation. 5. Fernando had just heard that Tony is getting married and he sends him his best wishes. Task 8. Write an invitations for these situations. See the example A: Could you / would you like to come to pictures? B: - Oh thanks. Id love to (accepting invitation) Im sorry. Id love tu but i cant (refusing invitation) You invite your friend to play chess with you. He refuses. You invite a friend to comeand meet your parents. He accepts You invite another friend to go to the police concert next week. He refuses You invite a friend to come to a party at your house on Friday evening. He accepts. You invite a friend to come to the football match with you tomorrow. He accept.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Task 9. Complete the dialogue with a suitable expressin of compliments. Anisa Wow! Thats a (1)______________dress, Ayu. Is it new? : Yes, It is (2)_______________ Ayu The color and the model (3)____________on you. : Oh, do you really think so? I am reallyfond of this dress. Anisa Did you make ityourslf? : Certainly not, Anisa. My aunt gave it to me as a birthay gift. Ayu Did she? What a (4)______________you have! : Anisa : Ayu : Anisa :



LETS GO SHOPPING (Shopping and Bargaining) Shopping is an act or occasin of visiting a shop to buy things. Most peoplelike to do shopping very much. Some of them do it in supermarkets or department stores and others do it at tradicional markets. A. Lets Stara Task 1 Answer these questions based on your experience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.B.

Do you often go shopping? Where do you go shopping? What do youusually buy? Is shopping interesting? Do you buy things in low price?Lets Listen and Speak Task 2 Listen to the teacher dictating this short talk, while you fill in each of blanks with appropriate phrases

How to shop wisely When you go shopping,(1) ! always make a list .(2) And buy only (3) __________--. Try to bargain if you are shopping (4) . (5) things you don t need. Never go shopping for food (6) Always pay in cash, too. Be sure that (7) ____________. If you use a credit card all the time, (8) . And always find out how much something costs (9) . Does the price include the Value Added Tax, for example? Task 2. You will find the following words in Task 3. in pairs, find the meaning of this words in your dictionary and repeat after your teacher. WORDS Remember These Things MEANINGS


List Spend Affort Soon Debt Before Task 3 Listen to the text. Thendecide whether the following statements is TRUE or False(F). STATEMENTS Supermarket usually has only small and dark place Supermarket have wide selection of goods products. The room in supermarket are large, open and bright. the customer can not select the goods themselves The buyers in supermarket can serve themselves. T/F

Task 4. study the model of the dialogues and then act them in front of the class. Dialogue 1 A: I would like to buy this watch. B : Okay. That s twenty-six ninety five. A: Excuse me, but I don t think that s the right price. I think this watch is on sale this week. B: Oh. you re right. it s ten percent off. i m sorry. A: That s okay. B: with the tax, that comes to twenty-five dollars and forty seven cents.

Dialogue 2 A: I would like to buy these earings. B: Okay. that s twelve-fifty. A: Excuse me, but I don t t