Modern UI Architecture_ Trends and Technologies in Web Development

Modern UI Architecture “Latest trends and technologies involved in web development” Suresh Patidar (2nd September 2015)

Transcript of Modern UI Architecture_ Trends and Technologies in Web Development

Modern UI Architecture“Latest trends and technologies involved in web development”

Suresh Patidar(2nd September 2015)

Hello!I am Suresh Patidar

An Engineering Graduate (B.E.) in Computer Science

Have 9+ years of experience in product development using multiple technologies.

Passionate about Architectures, Design Patterns, UI technologies and User Experience.

Road Map

Road Map

▷ Shift from classical to modern web development

▷ Latest trends and technologies involved

▷ Challenges and Solutions of a modern web development

▷ Architecture, Frameworks and Design patterns available

▷ Coding Best Practices, Dos & Don’ts for client side

development using JavaScript & CSS

▷ Open House

Shift in Web Development

Shift in Web Development

▷ SOA, API and REST based development

▷ Clients, consuming services are growing rapidly

▷ Server side vs Client side views

▷ Client playing vital role by taking more responsibility

▷ High performance apps with low bandwidth utilization

▷ Server Side implementations are becoming a thin layer

Latest Trends and Technologies

Latest Trends and Technologies▷ Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Support multiple form factors including mobile and tablet browsers

▷ Web 2.0Shift from expert generated content to user generated contents

▷ Rich Interactive Applications (RIA)Shift from Static web apps to more interactive, desktop like web sites to simplify

consumer creation of contents.

▷ AjaxArchitectural shift to support RIA requirements

▷ HTML5Websocket



Application cache

Latest Trends and Technologies (cont.)▷ CSS3



Advanced Selectors and Media Queries

FlexBox, Border images and Multiple backgrounds


▷ Application testability and Unit TestingTDD


▷ Single Page Application (SPA)Create fluid and responsive Web apps, without constant page reloads

Challenges and Solutions

Challenges and Solutions▷ Using best practices

Following time tested design patterns

Code review

Proper and enough Commenting & Logging

Discourage suppressing errors and corner cutting in development

Have clear distinction between process improvement vs process discarding

▷ The User ExperiencePersonalized experience to users

Utilize the analysis/study done by various independent bodies

Multilingual Support

▷ The growing size of the code at client sideHave good architecture for client side

Write code in modular fashion. Encourage reusability and loose coupling

Have clear separation of concerns

Follow “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) approach to programming

Challenges and Solutions (cont.)▷ Hiding the differences in target platform

Platform detection for rendering features

Graceful degradation

▷ Selecting right set of Tools and TechnologiesHave clear visibility on application requirements

Consider future requirements and scalability

▷ Performance and SpeedFollow asynchronous loading

Load only relevant/required information

Keep user engaged

Use minification, caching and other optimization techniques

▷ Testing, Support and Upgrade

JavaScript and CSS let you do anything(No matter how Stupid)

The point is that we don't have

to do stupid things, just because

we can.

Architectures, Frameworks and Design Patterns

Application Architecture is like a playground for your code. It provides structures around otherwise unrelated activities

Architecture (JavaScript)

Modulemodule(n)1 : a standard or unit of measurement2 : the size of some one part taken as a unit of measure by which the proportions of an architectural composition are regulated3 a : any in a series of standardized units for use together: as (1) : a unit of furniture or architecture (2) : an educational unit which covers a single subject or topic b : a usually packaged functional assembly of electronic components for use with other such assemblies

4 : an independently operable unit that is a part of the total structure of a space vehicle5 a : a subset of an additive group that is also a group under addition b : a mathematical set that is a commutative group under addition and that is closed under multiplication which is distributive from the left or right or both by elements of a ring and for which a(bx) = (ab)x or (xb)a = x(ba) or both where a and b are elements of the ring and x belongs to the set

(Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

How does this apply to Web Applications?

Any module should be able to live on its own

Web application modules consist of HTML + CSS + JavaScript

Each module's job is to create a meaningful user experience

web application module (n)

1 : an independent unit of functionality that is part of the total structure of a web application

Module Rules▷ Hands to yourself

Only call your own methods or those on the sandbox.

Don't access DOM elements outside of your box

Don’t access non native global objects

▷ Ask, don’t takeAnything else need ask sandbox

▷ Don’t leave your toys aroundDon't create global objects

▷ Don’t talk to strangersDon’t directly reference other modules


Modules must stay within their own sandboxesNo matter how restrictive or uncomfortable it may seem

It ensures loose coupling among Modules(It doesn’t hurt when modules are required to be separated)


▷ It is an interface with which modules can

interact to ensure loose coupling

▷ Modules can rely on the methods to always

be there

▷ It acts like a security guard know what the

modules are allowed to access and do not on

the framework

▷ Take time to design correct sandbox

interface as it cannot change later

Application Core

Application Core

▷ It manages modules

▷ It tells a module when it should initialize

and when it should shutdown

▷ It manages communication between


▷ It handles errors. Uses available

information to determine best course of


▷ It should be extensible

Base Library

Base Library

▷ It provides basic functionality

▷ It provide browser normalization

▷ It provides general purpose utilities

Ajax communication, Xml and Json Parsing


▷ It provide low level extensibility

▷ Only the base library knows which browser

is being used

Architecture (CSS)Goals of a good CSS Architecture

▷ Predictable

Predictable CSS means our rules behave as we’d expect.

▷ Reusable

CSS rules should be abstract and decoupled enough that we

can build new components quickly from existing parts

without having to recode patterns and problems we’ve

already solved

▷ Maintainable

Adding new features shouldn’t require refactoring existing


▷ Scable

Scalable CSS means it can be easily managed by a single

person or a large engineering team

Popular Architectural Approaches

▷ DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) CSS

While coding css don’t repeat a property value pair

▷ OOCSS (Object Oriented CSS)

Separate structure and presentation

Separate container and content

▷ SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS

It is about identifying patterns in design and codifying them.

Its core is categorization of CSS in Base, Layout, Module, State and


Frameworks▷ MVC

View sits on top of our architecture with controller beside it

Model sit below controller

Views knows about controller and controller knows about models

View have direct access to models

▷ MVPRole of controller is replaced with presenter

Presenter sits at the same level as views, listening to events from both the

View and model and mediating the actions between them.

▷ MVVMIt allows us to create View-specific subsets of a Model which can contain

state and logic information, avoiding the need to expose the entire

Model to a View.

▷ MV*

Frameworks (cont.)Javascript frameworks CSS frameworks

Design Patterns▷ Patterns

Are proven solutions

Can be easily reused

Can be expressive

▷ Some commonly used design patterns

Constructor Pattern

Module Pattern

Singleton pattern

Observer pattern

Mediator pattern

Facade pattern


Constructor PatternObject creation

Constructor PatternBasic Constructor

Constructor PatternConstructors with prototype

Module PatternSelf contained module

Module Patternimport mixins

Module PatternExports

Singleton Pattern

Programming: Best Practices, Dos & Don’ts

JavaScript “Best Practices, Dos & Don’ts”

▷ Make it understandable

▷ Avoid globals

▷ Stick to a strict coding style

▷ Comment as much as needed but not


▷ Avoid mixing with other technologies

▷ Use shortcut notations

▷ Modularize

▷ Enhance progressively

▷ Allow for configuration and


▷ Avoid heavy nesting

▷ Optimize loops

▷ Keep DOM access to a minimum

▷ Add functionality with JavaScript,

not content

▷ Build on the shoulders of giants

▷ Development code is not live code

CSS “Best Practices, Dos & Don’ts”

▷ Always use CSS Resets

▷ Categorize your styles

▷ Follow DRY principle

▷ Avoid using ID based selectors

▷ Avoid inline styles

▷ Avoid using “!important”

▷ Define classes with meaningful names

▷ Classes should not be used for any

purpose other than styling.

▷ Avoid using large chain of selectors

▷ Avoid specifying tag names in


▷ Follow consistent naming


▷ Separate structure and


Few things worth mentioning here before completing the session

“A hammer is an excellent tool but it’s not used for everything !!!

““The secret of building large apps is never build large apps. Break your application into smallpieces. Then assemble those testable, bite-sized pieces into your big application”

-Justin Mayer

““The more tied components are to each other, the less reusable they will be, and the more difficult it becomes to make changes to one without accidentally affecting another”

-Rebecca Murphey

““The key is to acknowledge from start that you have no idea how this will grow.When you accept that you don’t know everything you begin to design the system defensively”

-Nicholas Zakas