Modern Languages | University of Lethbridge

4 Does the idea of being an international globetrotter appeal to you? Are you the kind of person who would love to live and study in a foreign country? Do you believe the key to solving world issues lies in communication and understanding cultural differences? Faculty of Arts & Science Modern Languages What do you love?


Does the idea of being an international globetrotter appeal to you? Are you the kind of person who would love to live and study in a foreign country? Do you believe the key to solving world issues lies in communication and understanding cultural differences? Express your passion in Modern Languages.

Transcript of Modern Languages | University of Lethbridge

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Does the idea of being an international globetrotter appeal to you? Are you the kind of person who would love to live and study in a foreign country? Do you believe the key to solving world issues lies in communication and understanding cultural differences?

Faculty of Arts & ScienceModern Languages

What do you love?

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Modern Languages at uLethbridgeStudying languages is about far more than just learning how to communicate in another language. It’s about exploring other identities and values through language, literature, history and culture in a global community.

The Department of Modern Languages offers instruction in three languages: French, Japanese and Spanish (beginner to advanced). Small class sizes, cutting-edge language-learning technology and the diverse expertise of our instructors ensure you’ll find studying languages to be a lively and satisfying experience.

You’ll also be introduced to culture(s) of the countries where the studied language is spoken through lifestyle and pop culture, history, music, film and literature.

Classes are taught in the language being studied — so, Japanese courses are taught in Japanese and Spanish courses in Spanish. You can specialize in one language or study a combination.

Off-Campus Study Opportunities. All uLethbridge students can enjoy the life-changing experience of a study visit to Quebec or abroad. Recent examples include: France, Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina, Spain and Japan. Course credit acquired at the host university may be transferable back to the University of Lethbridge. Our off-campus study coordinators can help you plan your experience.

Linguistics. Linguistics focuses on the universal aspects of language and speech production. It addresses questions such as, “How do languages evolve?” “How do we learn a language?” or “What is a dialect?” Linguistics courses are delivered in English.

Modern Languages Degrees. The Department of Modern Languages offers majors in French or French/Spanish for the 40-course Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) degree programs. Alternatively, you can choose to do a general major in the humanities and select French or Spanish as one of your three streams. You can also opt for your chosen language(s) as your BA major for the Combined BA/BEd or BA/BMgt Degrees.

Communicate in another language — explore other identities and values through language, literature, history and culture in a global community.

Modern Languages Courses. Course selections for the program will vary, but may include:

Minors. You can declare French, Japanese, Spanish or linguistics as your BA, BSc or BASc minor, by completing the number of courses required for the program.

Adding a minor to your degree is a great way to explore academic interests beyond your major. A minor is a set of courses comprising a secondary focus of interest. It is generally not related to your major. A minor may be required or optional. Minors are not available in all programs. Learn more at

Honours Thesis. If you are majoring in French and your GPA is high enough in your fourth year, you can opt to complete an undergraduate thesis course. This is an excellent opportunity for you to earn an “Honours Thesis” designation on your degree.

Learn more about Modern Languages at uLethbridge, visit

Our Faculty & Their ResearchFaculty members at the University of Lethbridge are happy to involve undergraduate students in their research projects. Our faculty members often collaborate with other departments, community members and employers on research projects — giving you the opportunity to get additional hands-on experience.

Research Interests:• Computer-Assisted Language

Learning • Second Language Acquisition &

Pragmatics• Marginal Cinema in Latin America• Race Representations in Latin

American Literature• Rhetoric in Theresa of Avila • Women Writers in Early

Modern Spain• The “Golden Age” of Spanish

Theatre• Gender, Identity & Violence in

17th Century French Literature

• 19th Century French Literature • Literature & Psychoanalysis• Québec Literature • Teaching French Culture• French Comedy• Turn-of-the-Century French

Women Writers • French in North America• Bilingualism• Blackfoot Grammar• English Dialects• Sociolinguistics • Phonetics & Phonology• Early Modern French Studies

• French Immersion• Culture and Civilization I• Modern Literature & Literary

Analysis• Advanced Language I• Comparative Stylistics &


• Fundamentals of Spanish Communication

• Hispanic Literature & Literary Analysis

• Linguistics I: Phonetics & Phonology

• Phonetics & Diction

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Learn a language — discover the world in Modern Languages.

• Library Science• Translation & Interpreting• Government• Foreign Affairs• Publishing• Travel & Tourism• Technical Writing • Terminology

• ESL Instruction • Public Relations• Marketing & Advertising• Localization• Non-Governmental Organizations

(NGOs)• Politics• Web Design, Blogging or Editing

Your Future ProspectsSkills Acquired. Studying languages and linguistics is one of the best ways to improve your ability to express yourself, orally or in writing, not only in your chosen language(s), but in English as well. You’ll also develop your ability to conduct research, your attention to detail and your analytical skills. You’ll broaden your understanding of the world and learn to think “globally,” rather than “locally.” All of these capabilities are highly sought after and can be applied to practically any working scenario.

Related Fields. Your undergraduate degree allows you to pursue a career in many fields where languages are important, like:

Graduate Studies. The University of Lethbridge’s School of Graduate Studies offers graduate programs, at the Master and Doctoral levels, spanning over 60 disciplines — so why not consider pursuing grad school right here in Lethbridge! Whether you choose to do your advanced studies at uLethbridge or another institution, know that your undergraduate degree has set you on the path to post-graduate success.

Professional Disciplines. In addition to grad school, your undergraduate degree provides an excellent foundation for education, law, journalism, speech language pathology and audiology.

“I feel so lucky to be in a university where the student-professor connection is very natural. At uLethbridge, you are not just a number — you are an important individual and an integral part of the community.” - Selin, BA ‘14

Discover uLethbridge and apply today, visit

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University of Lethbridge4401 University DriveLethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 403 329 [email protected]/languages

Academic AdvisingSU060Students’ Union Building403 329 [email protected]/artsci/advising

*This brochure should be used in conjunction with the University of Lethbridge calendar, which is the final authority regarding program requirements and academic regulations.

Applied StudiesApplied Studies is a special opportunity offered to all uLethbridge students as a way to earn course credit for career-related paid, volunteer or community service work experience. This program is specially designed to allow you to integrate principles learned in the classroom in a practical work setting.

For more information on Applied Studies,

Co-op Education & InternshipsThe Faculty of Arts & Science is proud to offer you the chance to participate in our co-op program — the only one of its kind in Alberta to offer co-op to all majors in arts and science. Co-op allows you to gain work experience directly related to your studies and make invaluable contacts in the workforce, all while earning a competitive salary. Completion of the program allows you to receive a co-op designation on your degree and, most importantly, a kick-start to your career the minute you graduate.

For more information on Co-operative Education & Internships, visit:

Research & Independent StudiesIn addition to your regular courses, you have the opportunity to participate in Independent Studies. You’re able to contribute to departmental activities by volunteering on research projects or through employment as a research assistant.

If your GPA is high enough, you can also enrol in undergraduate thesis-based courses where research is a component of your studies. There are field school opportunities available in some disciplines, as well as many opportunities to study abroad.

For current research or independent studies opportunities, contact the department directly.

Put Your Knowledge to WorkWhether you’re looking for a more in-depth learning experience by assisting with research projects or by testing your knowledge in a real-life setting, we can help. Combined with your required coursework, the programs outlined below will provide you with a solid foundation for further studies and an excellent framework for a challenging and rewarding career — whatever direction you decide to go.

Academic AdvisingYour decision to explore a university education is the first step toward a great future — now let us help you navigate your degree options at uLethbridge and set you on the road to success. Do you have questions about what field of study best suits you? Would you like help with program and registration planning and just can’t find the answers? If so, you should speak to an academic advisor today — advisors have the answers to these questions and many more.

To learn more about the support services available to you through our academic advisors, visit: