Model reduction of steady fluid-structure interaction...

Model reduction of steady fluid-structure interaction problems with reduced basis methods and free-form deformations Toni Lassila * , Gianluigi Rozza * Institute of Mathematics Modelling and Scientific Computing Helsinki University of Technology Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing ´ Ecole Polytechnique F´ ed´ erale de Lausanne 10th Finnish Mechanics Days, Jyv¨ askyl¨ a, Finland December 3-4, 2009 Toni Lassila Model reduction of steady fluid-structure interaction problems with reduced basis methods 1 / 19

Transcript of Model reduction of steady fluid-structure interaction...

Page 1: Model reduction of steady fluid-structure interaction · Toni Lassila, Gianluigi Rozza† Institute of Mathematics †

Model reduction of steady fluid-structure interaction problems with

reduced basis methods and free-form deformations

Toni Lassila∗, Gianluigi Rozza†

∗Institute of Mathematics

†Modelling and Scientific Computing

Helsinki University of Technology Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

10th Finnish Mechanics Days, Jyvaskyla, Finland

December 3-4, 2009

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Fluid-structure interaction problems in cardiovascular modelling

Model reduction for fluid-structure interaction problemsI Step #1: Free-form deformations for parametric shape deformationI Step #2: Reduced basis method for efficient fluid solution

Test problem for fluid-structure interactionI Stokes fluid + 1-d elliptic wallI Parametric coupling of fluid and structureI Fixed-point algorithm for the reduced system

Conclusions and future work

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Motivation for FSI: Cardiovascular Modelling

Images courtesy of A.Quarteroni (EPFL)

Patient physiology → medical imaging → computational model → simulation

Interests:I Modelling the onset of pathologies (aneurysms, atherosclerosis)I Simulation and planning of surgeriesI Modelling of drug release and transfer in blood flow

Cardiovascular system is a complex flow network with different time and spatial scales

Arterial walls flexible with relatively large displacements

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Fluid-Structure Interaction in Cardiovascular Modelling

Fluid-structure interaction = coupled Navier-Stokes + nonlinear

elasticity ⇒ high computational cost

Arterial wall moves ⇒ free boundary problem

Full 3-d solution only in small sections of cardiovascular system

Even highly parallel codes take days of computing time

Modelling of full cardiovascular system (heart, main arteries,

peripheral circulation) requires multiscale approach and reduced

order models

Need way to reduce both complexity of state equations and geometric

complexity of free boundary problem

Simulation by G.Fourestey (EPFL)

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What Is (Parametric) Model Order Reduction?

“Model Order Reduction (MOR) is a cross-disciplinary field that strives to

systematically reduce a complicated ODE or PDE model to a simpler and

computationally more tractable model, while preserving the most important

dynamics of the model.”

In our case the objective is: given a finite-element discretized parametric PDE

problem to find the fluid solution uh such that

A(µ)uh = fh, (dim uh = N )

where µ ∈ D is a low-dimensional parameter vector, find reduced basis matrix

Z ∈ RN ×N and reduced state uhN (µ) = Z T uh(µ) with N N s.t. solution of

the reduced system

Z T A(µ)ZuhN = Z T fh

gives an approximate solution within some acceptable tolerance for a specific

range of parameters

||ZuhN (µ)−uh(µ)||< ε ∀µ ∈D

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Test Problem of Steady Fluid-Structure Interaction

η displacement of wall from rest

position Σ0

K spring constant to displacements in

the normal direction

τ interface traction caused by the fluid

Stokes fluid + 1-d membrane [G98,M05]



∇u ·∇w dΩ−∫

Ω(η)p∇ ·w dΩ =


fF ·wdΩ ∀w ∈ (H10,Σ(η)(Ω(η)))2,∫

Ω(η)q∇ ·u dΩ = 0 ∀q ∈ L2(Ω(η)),

u = u0 on ∂Ω(η)\Σ(η), u = 0 on Σ(η)

Wall: ∫Σ0

K(x)η′φ′ dΓ =


τ(p,u)φ dΓ ∀φ ∈H10 (Σ0)


τ(p,u) =[pn−ν

(∂u∂n + ∂u





]on Σ(η)

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Model Reduction Strategy for Fluid-Structure Interaction

Standard Fluid-Structure Interaction Reduced Fluid-Structure Interaction

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Reduction Step #1: Geometry Parameterization

T (·; µ ′)


Ω(µ ′)


T (·; µ)

Assume there exists a reference configuration for the fluid domain Ω0

Choose parameter space D and parametric map T (x; µ) : Ω0×D → Rd

For each parameter vector µ ∈D we get parametric domain Ω(µ) = T (Ω0; µ)

Many parameterization choices: boundary splines, free-form deformations,

point-based T-splines, transfinite mapping, . . .

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Free-Form Deformations for Shape Parameterization [SP86]

T (x; µ)Ω(0)

P0i ,j

Pi ,j



Choose a L×M lattice of control points P0i ,j around the reference shape

Introduce parameters µ`m as displacements of each control point

Perturbed control points Pi ,j = P0i ,j + µ i ,j define a parametric domain map

T (x; µ) =L−1





i ,j + µ i ,j


Tensor product Bernstein basis polynomials form a partition of unity

b`,m(x1,x2) =





)(1−x1)L−`−1x `


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Parametric Stokes Equations in Fixed Domain

Parametric domain Ω(µ) obtained as the image T (Ω0; µ) of fixed reference domain

Transform the PDEs on Ω(µ) to parametric PDEs on Ω0

Parametric transformation tensors for the viscous term νT (x; µ) := J−TT J−1

T det(JT )

and the pressure-divergence term χT (x; µ) := J−1T det(JT )

Weak form of the parametric Stokes equations on a fixed reference domain:

Find u(µ) ∈H10 (Ω0)×H1

0 (Ω0)×D and p(µ) ∈ L2(Ω0)×D s.t.



∂xi[νT ]i ,j


∂xj+ p [χT ]k,j



)dΩ0 =


det(JT )[fF ]k dΩ0,

∀v ∈H10 (Ω0)×H1

0 (Ω0)∫Ω0

q [χT ]k,j∂uk

∂xjdΩ0 = 0,

∀q ∈ L2(Ω0)

Free-boundary problem is now reduced to low-dimensional parameter

space D .

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Parametric Coupling of Fluid and Structure

Fixed-point algorithm

1 [Fluid substep] For a given µk solve the fluid problem in Ω(µk ) to obtain (u(µk ),p(µk ))

2 Compute assumed interface traction τ =[p(µk )n−ν

(∂u(µk )

∂n + ∂u(µk )T





]3 [Structure substep] Solve for assumed wall displacement η ∈H1

0 (Σ0) using assumed traction∫Σ0

K(x)η′φ′ dΓ =


τφ dΓ ∀φ ∈H10 (Σ0)

4 [Parametric projection substep] Solve minimization problem

µk+1 := argmin


∫Σ|η(µ)− η(µ

k )|2 dΓ

to obtain next parameter value. Displacement η(µ) is obtained using T (x; µ).

5 Iterate until ||µk+1−µk ||< εtol .

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Reduction Step #2: Reduced Basis Methods for Parametric PDEs

Problem: FE solution (uh(µ),ph(µ)) ∈ X h×Qh too expensive

to compute for many different values of µ.

Observation: Dependence of the bilinear forms A (·, ·; µ) and

B(·, ·; µ) on µ is smooth ⇒ parametric manifold of solutions in

X h×Qh is smooth

Solution: Choose a representative set of parameter values

µ1, . . . ,µN with N N

Snapshot solutions uh(µ1), . . . ,uh(µN ) span a subspace X hN for

the velocity and p(µ1), . . . ,p(µN ) span a subspace QhN for the


Galerkin reduced basis formulation

For any parameter vector µ ∈D find reduced solution uhN (µ) ∈ X h


and phN (µ) ∈Qh

N such that

A (uhN (µ),v; µ) +B(ph

N (µ),v; µ) = 〈F h(µ),v〉 for all v ∈ X hN

B(q,uhN (µ); µ) = 〈Gh(µ),q〉 for all q ∈Qh


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Comparison Between Finite Element and Reduced Basis Methods

FE basis functions

Locally supported

Generic, work for many problems

A priori estimates readily available

RB basis functions

Globally supported

Constructed for specific problem

A posteriori estimates required to

guarantee approximation stability

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How to Choose Parameter Snapshots µ1, . . . ,µN?

Greedy Algorithm [GP05,RHP08,RV07]

1 Large (but finite) training set of parameters Ξtrain ⊂D

2 Choose first snapshot µ1 and obtain first approximation space for velocity X h1 = span(uh(µ1))

and pressure Qh1 = span(ph(µ1)) and

3 Next snapshot is chosen as

µn = argmax



where ∆(uhn−1(µ)) is an efficiently computable upper bound for the error

εn(µ) := infuh

n−1(µ)∈X hn−1


4 Construct next spaces X hn = span(uh(µ1), . . . ,uh(µn)) and Qh

n = span(ph(µ1), . . . ,ph(µn)).

Repeat from until upper bound of error ∆ sufficiently small

Finally we perform Gram-Schmidt to obtain a basis ξ vnN

n=1 for the velocity

space X hN and a basis ξ p

n Nn=1 for the pressure space Qh

N . To stabilize the

reduced velocity-pressure pair it is necessary to add the so called “supremizer”

solutions to the velocity space [RV07]. Total RB dimension is therefore 3N.

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Are There Computational Savings in Practice?

Assembly of RB system can depend on N ⇒ no computational savings are realized

Assumption of affine parameterization

A (v ,w ; µ) =Ma


Θma (µ)A m(v ,w), B(p,w ; µ) =



Θmb (µ)Bm(p,w)

leads to a split

A (ξvn ,ξ v

n′ ; µ) =Ma


Θma (µ)A m(ξ

vn ,ξ v

n′ ), B(ξpn ,ξ v

n′ ; µ) =Mb


Θmb (µ)Bm(ξ

pn ,ξ v

n′ )

so that the matrices Am and Bm do not depend on µ and can be precomputed (offline stage)

After precomputation, RB system assembly and solution independent from N (online stage)

When parameterization nonaffine, use Empirical Interpolation Method [BMNP04]

For any µ ∈D find reduced velocity uN (µ) and reduced pressure pN (µ)

s.t. (Ma


Θma (µ)Am

)uN +



Θmb (µ)Bm

)pN = F(µ)



Θmb (µ)[Bm]T uN = G(µ).

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Results of Model Reduction for the Test Problem

Iteration Coupling Step size Cumulative

step # error ||µk+1−µk || time

1 1.664e-6 4.187e-4 3 s

50 9.981e-8 3.661e-5 120 s

100 7.835e-8 1.488e-5 239 s

150 6.861e-8 1.323e-5 359 s

200 6.073e-8 1.193e-5 478 s

250 5.433e-8 1.076e-5 597 s

286 5.047e-8 9.987e-6 683 s

Table: Fixed-point iteration convergence

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3−1.5






1.5x 10


Channel length x1





DisplacementAssumed Displacement

Figure: Displacement vs. assumed displacement at the

end of the fixed-point iteration

Inflow velocity v0 = 30 cm/s, blood viscosity ν = 0.035 g/cm·s, spring constant K = 62.5 g/s2

Snapshot solutions: Taylor-Hood P2/P1 finite elements with N = 18 423 degrees of freedom

Free-form deformations: 6 parameters to deform channel wall

Reduced basis dimension: N = 16

Reduction in fluid system size: 383 : 1

Reduction in geometric complexity (compared to nodal deformation): 27 : 1

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Model reduction applied to steady fluid-structure interaction problemI Reduction #1: Geometry parameterization with free-form deformationsI Reduction #2: Reduced basis methods for fluid solution in parametric domainI Parametric coupling via fixed-point algorithm

Future workI Implementation of a posteriori error estimates for reduced Stokes equationsI Proof of fixed-point iteration convergenceI Elasticity equation for the wallI Navier-Stokes equations for the fluidI Unsteady problems

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Thank you for your attention.

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parametrized elliptic coercive partial differential equations. Arch. Comput. Methods Engrg., 15:229–275, 2008.

RV07 G. Rozza and K. Veroy. On the stability of the reduced basis method for Stokes equations in parametrized domains.

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SP86 T.W. Sederberg and S.R. Parry. Free-form deformation of solid geometric models. Comput. Graph., 20(4), 1986.

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