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2. SHOULD BE STARTED ON 29 TH JANUARY COMPLETE THE EXAMINATION ON OR BEFORE SIXTH FEBRUARY.PREPARE AND PUBLISH FORM P1 IN THE SCHOOL NOTICE BOARD BEFORE JAN. 22 COLLECT EXAM CD ON 23/01/2014ALL TEACHERS WHO HANDLE ICT IN TENTH STD SHOULD WORK AS INVIGILATORS BY AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, KASARAGOD2 3. USE ONLY SYSTEMS HAVING 10.04.12 VERSION OF UBUNTU TO CONDUCT THE EXAMINATION .DO NOT USE 10.4 OR 11.4 OR 12.4 AND ABOVE.SO, EITHER INSTALL 10.4.12 OR UPDATE THE OS TO10.4 12.USE A TEMPORARY REG NO. STARTING WITH 99 + FOR DIVISION 'A' 01, DIVISION 'B' 02, DIVISION 'C' 03 AND SO ON + CLASS NO.(FOR EXAMPLE: 990101 OR 990201 OR 990301 etc..)3 4. 1 INVIGILATOR FOR 3 TO 5 COMPUTERSNORMAL EXAM TIME IS 9.30 am TO 4.30 pmHOWEVER FOR SCHOOLS HAVING MORE CANDIDATES 8 am TO 12.30 pm AND FROM 1 pm TO 5.30 pmSITC/JSITCS SHALL INSTALL THE EXAMINATION SOFTWARE ON 28/01/2014KEEP BOTH INVIGILATOR CODE AND PASSWORD SECRET. BY AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, KASARAGOD 5. BEFORE THE REGISTRATION OF EXAMINATION BY CANDIDATE, THE INVIGILATOR SHOULD COMPLETE FORM P2 AND GET THE SIGNATURE OF EXAMINEE. INVIGILATOR SHOULD ENTER THE MARKS OBTAINED BY EACH STUDENT IN PRACTICAL EXAMINATION IN FORM P3 .SOON AFTER THE EXAMINATION THEY SHOULD BE SUPPLIED WITH FORM P4 AND GET IT COLLECTED DULY FILLED IN. 6. COLLECT DAYWISE BACKUP FROM EACH COMPUTEREXPORT ALL RESULTS FROM CLIENT SYSTEMS TO SERVER COMPUTERTHEN CONSOLIDATION OF THE MARKSHEET CAN BE GENERATED FROM SERVER COMPUTER.SUBMIT THE RESULT CD, PRINT OUT OF THE CONSOLIDATED MARK SHEET AND FORM P5 TO DEO ON BEFORE 8 TH FEBUARY 2014 IT@SCHOOL PROJECT KASARAGOD 7. IMPORTANT NOTES All Systems including laptops should be loaded with Ubuntu 10.04.12, the official O/S for IT Practical Examination. Check whether is a free space of 2 GB in home folder. Do not use Net book for Examination Check whether all Applications (related to Tenth std) are working properly. Take the back of lampp related softwares installed earlier. (kalolsavam software) Check whether system date and time is correct. BY AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, KASARAGOD7 8. AFTER EACH EXAMINATION, THE INVIGILATOR SHOULD LOGIN AFRESH FOR ANOTHER REGISTRATION. IF YOU FAIL TO LOGIN, CHECK THE LANGUAGE SET UP IN THE KEYBOARD. 99% OF THE MESSAGE FAILED TO LOGIN EXAMINATION IS DUE TO THE RESULT OF WRONG KEYBOARD PREFERENCES. EITHER IT IS SET TO REGIONAL LANGUAGE IN ANY OTHER LANGUAGE. THE REMEDIAL MEASURE FOR SUCH ERROR IS TO DELETE .gconf FOLDER FROM THE HOME FOLDER.8 9. Another problem noted during the last time was generating Blank mark-sheet.It is an error of frequent and interrupted power failure (It may cause severe database error. Working table may be corrupted).To solve this problem, you need to take the backup of result soon after such occasion.For this Open terminal sudo nautilus. There will be a folder by name 'results_backup' which is updating automatically during each registration and attempt of examination. 10. HERE DATE WISE FILE NAME WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY GIVEN BY THE SOFTWARE. SO YOU CAN GET DAY WISE BACKUP EASILY FROM THAT FOLDER.SOLUTION FOR GENERATING BLANK MARK SHEET IS:STEP: 1. BACKUP RESULT FROM OPT FOLDER 2. REINSTALL EXAMINATION SOFTWARE 3. IMPORT SCHOOL DETAILS 4. IMPORT BACK UP RESULT BY AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, KASARAGOD 11. If you are compelled (Not at all preferred) toclick the recover data option which is available in chief's Menu, you must wait until there comes a message that recovery is done. Do not cancel the recovery process on the way atany cost, because such attempt will result in complete lose of database. BY AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, KASARAGOD 12. If power failure occurred and the problem - not generating the marklist, you can do the remedial method as suggested earlier. If you get a message examination is already running while you are trying to login, but is not seen it anywhere, check whether workspace have been changed. In such occasion, logout the system and login again. After installing the Examination software, you must restart the system compulsorily. Do not uninstall the exam software through synaptic package manager. If Incorrect AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, password message comes, delete .gconf BY folder from home and logout the system. KASARAGOD12 13. DUTY OF SITC Collect Model IT Practical materials on 23/01/2014 Install ubuntu 10.04-12 operating system to all systems Appoint invigilators for model IT Practical Examination All Teachers who teach ICT for 10 th standard may be appointd as invigilators. Use a temporary Reg.No. starting from 99+division(01)+class No.(01) for example for division A=01 B=02 temporary No. is 990101 14. 1 invigilator is for 3 to 5 computers Strictly publish the schedule ofcandidates in P-1 proforma. Schedule timing is 9.30 to 4.30(bigger schools 8 to 12.30 and 1 to 5.30) On 28/01/2014 SITC/JSITCs must install the examination software. (one day before the starting day) Keep the invigilator code and password secret. BY AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, KASARAGOD 15. Before the registration for examination by candidatethe invigilator should fill up the P-2 proforma from the student. Invigilator should enter the marks in P-3 format. Collect feedback in form P-4 Collect daywise backup from each computers. Export all results from client systems to Server.Take the Consolidated mark list from theServer computer. Submit the result CD and print out tothe DEO on before 8th Febuary 2014 Submit Consolidation of P-4 in P-5 16. FREEQUENTLY ASKING QUESTIONS BY INVIGILATORS AND TROUBLE SHOOTING All Systems including laptops should be installed ubuntu 10.04 an official OS for IT Practical Examination. Check all the working systems Whether the said OS has been installed. Check system date. Schedule the students in each computer- Proforma P1 is to be prepared. BY AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, KASARAGOD 17. Netbooks are not to preferred. Invigilators should now login in every registration of examination. 99% of not to login examination is an error of keyboard preference. Either is set to local regional language or any other. Remedial measure is to delete .gconf folder inside the home folder. 18. Blank marksheet is an error due to interrupted power failure. It may cause severe database error.As a result Working table may be corrupted. First of all you can backup result which is in /Opt path.(to open opt right click open terminal sudo nautilus There is a folder called results_backup which is updating outomatically during every registration and attempt of a examination. Datewise filename was automatically gives software itself. So easily you can get daywise backup on that folder. Solution for the blank marksheet. Steps: 1. backup result from opt folder 2. re-install examination software 3. import school details 4. import result 19. Note: suppose you clicked the Recover Dataoption in chiefs Menu you should wait until the recovery is done. Do not cancel the process until it is completed. It will cause complete loss of a database. So be careful.BY AUGUSTINE BERNAD MTC,IT@SCHOOL, KASARAGOD 20. If power failure occurrs , problem of not generating the marklist may arise. Then youshould do the remedial method as mentioned earlier. If the the message examination is already running is displayed but window is not visible anywhere.It means the program is running in another workspace. You should logout the exam software and logout the system. After installing the Examination software you should restart the system. Do not use 11.04 and 12.04. Do not uninstall the exam software from synaptic. If Incorrect password message is displayed on login delete .gconf folder and logout the system. 21. WISH YOU ALL A TROUBLE FREE IT PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONTHANK YOU21