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Transcript of Modals

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should Should is an auxiliary verb - a modal auxiliary verb. We use should mainly to:

• give advice or make recommendations

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• talk about obligation

• talk about probability and expectation

• express the conditional mood

• replace a subjunctive structure

The basic structure for should is:

subject + auxiliary verbshould

+ main verb

Note that:

• The auxiliary verb should is invariable. There is only one form: should

• The main verb is usually in the base form (He should go ) .

ook at the basic structure again! "ith positive! negative and #uestion sentences:


should not main verbbase

+ $e should "ork.

- %ou should not go.

& Should "e help&

Structure of can

The basic structure for can is:

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subject + auxiliary verbcan

+ main verb

The main verb is al"ays the bare infinitive 'infinitive "ithout to (.

subjectauxiliary verbcan main verb

+ ) can play tennis.

- $e cannot play tennis.


& Can you play tennis&

Notice that:

• Can is invariable. There is only one form: can

• The main verb is al"ays the bare infinitive .

The main verb is al"ays the bare infinitive 'infinitive "ithout to (. We cannot say: I can to play tennis.

Use of can

can for possibility and ability

We use can to talk about "hat is possible! "hat "e are able or free to do:

• *he can drive a car.

• ohn can speak *panish.

• ) cannot hear you. ') can't hear you.(

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• Can you hear me&

Normally! "e use can for the present. ,ut it is possible to use can "hen "e makepresent decisions about future ability.

. Can you help me "ith my home"ork& 'present(

,. *orry. ) m busy today. ,ut ) can help you tomorro". 'future(

can games for present ability

can for requests and orders

We often use can in a #uestion to ask somebody to do something. This is not areal #uestion - "e do not really "ant to kno" if the person is able to dosomething! "e "ant them to do it/ The use of can in this "ay is informal 'mainly

bet"een friends and family(:• Can you make a cup of coffee! please.

• Can you put the T0 on.

• Can you come here a minute.

• Can you be #uiet/

can for permissionWe sometimes use can to ask or give permission for something:

. Can ) smoke in this room&

,. %ou can't smoke here! but you can smoke in the garden.

'Note that "e also use could, may, might for permission. The use of can forpermission is informal.(

could Could is an auxiliary verb! a modal auxiliary verb. We use could to:

• talk about past possibility or ability

• make re#uests

*tructure of could

subject + auxiliary verb + main verb

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The main verb is al"ays the bare infinitive 'infinitive "ithout to (.

subjectauxiliary verbcould main verb

+ 1y grandmother could s"im.

- *he could not "alk.


& Could your grandmother s"im&

Notice that:• Could is invariable. There is only one form: could

• The main verb is al"ays the bare infinitive .

The main verb is al"ays the bare infinitive 'infinitive "ithout to (. We cannot say: I could to play tennis.2se of could could for past possibility or abilityWe use could to talk about "hat "as possible in the past! "hat "e "ere able or

free to do:• ) could s"im "hen ) "as 3 years old.

• 1y grandmother could speak seven languages.

• When "e arrived home! "e could not open the door. '... couldn't open thedoor.(

• Could you understand "hat he "as saying&

We use I 'positive( and couldn't 'negative( for general ability in the past. ,ut"hen "e talk about one special occasion in the past! "e use be able to 'positive(and couldn't 'negative(. ook at these examples:

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general specific occasion

+ 1y grandmother could speak*panish.

man fell into the river yesterday. Thepolice were able to save him.

- 1y grandmother couldn't speak*panish.

man fell into the river yesterday. Thepolice couldn't save him.

could games for past abilitycould for re#uestsWe often use could in a #uestion to ask somebody to do something. The useof could in this "ay is fairly polite 'formal(:

• Could you tell me "here the bank is! please&

• Could you send me a catalogue! please&

must for subjective obligationWe often use must to say that something is essential or necessary! for example:

• ) must go.

*tructure of must Must is a modal auxiliary verb. )t is follo"ed by a main verb.

The basic structure for must is:

subject + auxiliary verbmust

+ main verbbase

The main verb is al"ays the same form: base

ook at these examples:

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subjectauxiliary verbmust

main verbbase

) must go home.

%ou must visit us.

We must stop no".

ike all auxiliary verbs! must cannot be follo"ed by to . *o! "e say:

• ) must go no".not ) must to go no".

2se of must )n general! must expresses personal obligation. Must expresses "hat thespeaker thinks is necessary. Must is subjective . ook at these examples:

• ) must stop smoking.

• %ou must visit us soon.

• $e must "ork harder.

)n each of the above cases! the 4obligation4 is the opinion or idea of the personspeaking. )n fact! it is not a real obligation. )t is not imposed from outside.

)t is sometimes possible to use must for real obligation! for example a rule or ala". ,ut generally "e use have to for this.We can use must to talk about the present or the future . ook at these

examples:• ) must go no". 'present(

• ) must call my mother tomorro". 'future(

We cannot use must to talk about the past . We use have to to talk about thepast.

must not for prohibition

We use must not to say that something is not permitted or allo"ed! for example:• 5assengers must not talk to the driver.

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*tructure of must not Must is an auxiliary verb . )t is follo"ed by a main verb .

The basic structure for must not is:

subject + must not + main verb

The main verb is the base verb.

We often contract must not to mustn't .ook at these examples:

subject auxiliarymust + not main verb

) mustn t forget my keys.

%ou mustn t disturb him.

*tudents must not be late.

N,: like all auxiliary verbs! must 6 NN7T be follo"ed by to . *o! "e say:

• %ou mustn't arrive late.not %ou mustn t to arrive late.

2se of must not Must not expresses prohibition - something that is not permitted not allowed .The prohibition can be subjective 'the speaker s opinion( or objective 'a real la"or rule(. ook at these examples:

• ) mustn't eat so much sugar. 'subjective(

• %ou mustn't "atch so much television. 'subjective(

• *tudents must not leave bicycles here. 'objective(

• 5olicemen must not drink on duty. 'objective(

We can use must not to talk about the present or the future :

• 0isitors must not smoke. 'present(

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• ) mustn't forget Tara s birthday. 'future(

We cannot use must not to talk about the past . We use other structures to talkabout the past! for example:

• We "ere not allowed to enter.

• ) couldn't park outside the shop.