Mod 23 Identifying the Story Elements




Transcript of Mod 23 Identifying the Story Elements


Dear Learner,


Did you have fun writing summaries of fiction stories in the previous module?

Today, you will be reading stories as you identify their basic elements.

A short story is similar to your favorite dish. It needs the best ingredients for you to enjoy its delectable taste.

This module will help you identify the elements of a short story so that you can easily chew, digest, and savor the stories that you will be reading.

The elements of a short story are the setting, characters, plot, point of view and theme.

Read the fable, The Hares and the Frog and then fill out the story pyramid with the appropriate details that are asked for.

Adapted from: World of Reading 6Are you done? Were your answers like these?

Read the following and answer the questions below.

1. Who are the characters of the story?2. Where did the story happen?

When did it happen?

3. What are the events in the story?

4. Who is telling the story?

5. What is the story about?

What are the elements of a short story?

The five (5) elements of a short story are character, setting, plot, point of view and theme.

a. The characters are the people, or sometimes the animals, that participate in the action of a short story. Characters may be classified as major or minor, depending on their role and significance in the building of the storys plot.A character may be a protagonist or the hero in a short story or an antagonist or the villain.

b. The setting refers to the time and place in which the action of a story occurs. It is one of the major elements of a short story.When thinking about setting, you can use the following questions.1. When did the story take place?

the time of day or year? the weather?2. Where does the story take place?

is it set indoors, outdoors, or both?3. What sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations are aroused by the setting?

4. Is the setting described in detail or is merely suggested?

5. Do the events occur in one time and place?

6. What mood or feeling does the setting create?7. What is the writers message? How does the setting

help communicate this message?c. The plot refers to the actions and events that take place in a story. Each event has a conflict or struggle which may be between or among characters, within one characters mind, or between a character and nature, or society.

The plot generally includes the following parts:

1. The introduction which includes the setting and the important characters.

2. The conflict or problem which is the basis of the plot.

3. The climax, or turning point, which is the peak of interest and strength in a plot.

4. The resolution or conclusion, which focuses on the ending of the story.

d. Point of view refers to the person who tells the short story. The two basic points of view are first person and third person.

When one of the characters is the one telling the story using his/her own words, the story is in the first person point of view. Words, such as I, me, or myself are used.

When the story is told by someone who is not actually involved in the events, the story is in the third person point of view. The happenings are usually told by a narrator.

e. The theme is the main idea or message of a story. It shows the important matter covered in the story that ranges from friendship, love, reconciliation, cooperation, and many more.

Read the story, The Sphinx.

Complete this graphic organizer of the elements of the short story.


A short story has five important elements; characters, setting, plot, point of view and theme.

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.THE WIZARD OF OZBy L. Frank Baum

Little Dorothy Gale of Kansas dreams frequently of what lies over the rainbow. One day, a tornado hit her farm and carries her away. At the end of the rainbow, she finds herself in picturesque Munchkinland, home of a fascinating people, the Munchkins.

The Munchkins considered Dorothy as a heroine because in landing, her house accidentally killed the Wicked Witch of the East. The Sorceress of the North advises Dorothy that only the great Wizard of Oz can help her get back to Kansas. Dorothy must find the Munchkins again in order to get directions to Emerald City. She gets directions to Munchkinland from the Scarecrow who joins her. They make it to the side of the bridge where Munchkinland is located, and meet the Tin Woodman and the Lion. The four travelers find the Munchkins and get directions to the Emerald City.

When Dorothy and her friends finally meet the Wizard, he demands that they kill the Wicked Witch of the West before he will grant them their wishes. The friends go to the Witchs castle. The witch plans to kill the four friends by shrinking them into nothing in a cauldron of magic water. The witch threatens the Scarecrow with fire but Dorothy protects the Scarecrow by pulling the Witch back into the full cauldron to extinguish the fire. The magic water puts out the fire and shrinks the Witch into nothing.

Back at the Emerald City, the Wizard of Oz throws a party in honor of the four friends and grants everyones wishes. He gives the Lion a medal to represent courage, the Tinman a heart to show his large heartedness, and the Scarecrow a diploma for a Doctor of Scarecrow to signify graduation from advanced study. The great Wizard of Oz escorts Dorothy back to Kansas in his rocket ship.-

the-wonderful-wizard-of-oz (accessed June 2005)1. What is the setting of the story?2. Who are the characters?

3. Who is the protagonist or the hero of the story?

4. Does the story have an antagonist or a villain? If it does, who is it?

5. Give a short explanation of the plot based on the following:

a. Introduction (beginning)

b. Conflict (problem)

c. Climax (running point or the highest point of the story)

d. Resolution (ending of the story)

6. From whose point of view was the story told? Why do you think so?

7. What is the theme of the story?

Read the story about the little match girl. Complete the graphic organizer with the elements of the short story.THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL

It was Christmas. It was snowing heavily and the wind was blowing hard and cold. A poor little girl dressed in rags was wandering on the street. In her hands, she held a box of matches. She approached strangers and begged them to buy the matches. Her hands were frozen in the cold. A match might have warmed them up. Oh! Could she dare to light one? Finally, she took out a match and struck it. The little flame was very hot and she held her hands over it. Then, as if looking through a magic lantern, the poor girl saw the most beautiful Christmas tree in the world. It had hundreds of little candles glowing on the green branches. The light from the match died and so did the candles. The little girl pulled out another and again struck it. The match lit and suddenly, there was bright light everywhere. The little match-girl found herself face to face with her dear old grandmother, who was as kind and as loving as ever, but somehow more and more happy than the little girl had ever seen her before.

Her grandmother gathered her into her arms, and together they stepped through a splendid, shining gate and into a place where it was never cold. She need not struggle anymore. She was now in a place where there was no hunger and suffering.

Hans Christian Anderson

Adapted from Side by Side 6

Rex Bookstore

Lets Do thisTitle of the Story:Roars and Screeches


lion, cougar, vultures


Place:local watering hole



1. Introduction:

A young lion and a cougar who were both thirsty arrived at the local watering hole at the same time.

2. Conflict:

The young lion and the cougar argue about who should satisfy his thirst first.

3. Climax:

The argument between the two became heated. Their emotions turned to rage. Their roars and screeches could be heard for miles as they moved closer and closer to battle.

4. Resolution:

The two stopped their argument and walked away when they saw a flock of vultures circling overhead.

Point of view:

Third person


Understanding must always reign to avoid conflicts.

Lets Do More

PlotLets Test Ourselves1. The story happened in Munchkinland.

2. The characters of the story are Dorothy, the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow, the lion, the Wicked Witch of the West, and the Wizard of Oz.3. Dorothy is the protagonist of the story.

4. The Wicked Witch of the West is the villain of the story.

5. Introduction: A tornado hit Dorothys farm and carries her

at the end of the rainbow.

Conflict: She has to kill the Wicked Witch of the West for her to go back to Kansas.

Climax: Dorothy and her friends fought the Wicked Witch.

Ending: The Wizard of Oz escorts Dorothy back to


6. Third person is the point of view of the story.

7. To succeed in an endeavor is possible when there is cooperation among members of the group.

Lets Enrich Ourselves








Plot: Conflict


Plot: Resolution


Plot: End


Point of view






Place: Nearby pool of water


Characters: hares and frogs


Plot: Conflict -


Plot: Resolution




Point of view: third person


The Sphinx

A long, long time ago, the city of Thebes in Egypt was guarded by a sphinx. The sphinx is a creature with the head of a woman and the body of a lion. It also has the wings of an eagle.

It was once said that the sphinx asked every passerby a riddle. Not only did she ask every passerby by a riddle b she also terrorized him/her. If the passerby could not answer the riddle, she then clamped down her claws on them and ate them up.

It was a cloudy day but Oepidus could see clearly yonder. He rode his horse leisurely. The hoofs of the horse went clop-clop. When Oepidus came upon the sphinx, she commanded him, Stop! No one passes by me!

Oedipus answered the riddle correctly and was able to escape the clutches of the sphinx.

The Hares and the Frog

Adapted from Aesops Fables

The hares once gathered together and talked about the unhappiness of their lot. Open as they were to dangers on all sides, they lacked the strength and the courage to hold their own. People, dogs, birds, and beasts of prey were all their enemies. Rather than endure such bad treatment any longer, they one and all decided to end their miserable lives. Desperately, they rushed in as a body towards a nearby pool of water, intending to drown themselves.

A number of frogs were sitting on the bank. When they heard the noise of the hares, the frogs leaped into the water and hid themselves in the depths.

Then one of the older hares cried out to his companions, Stop, my friends, and take heart. Let us not destroy ourselves, after all. See, here are creatures who are afraid of us, and who must, therefore, be still more timid than we ourselves are.

Roars and Screeches

(Adapted from an old fable)

An old fable tells a story of a young lion and a cougar. Both were thirsty. One hot afternoon, they happened to arrive at the local watering hole at the same time. They immediately began to argue about who should satisfy his thirst first.

The argument became heated, and each decided he should be the first to quench his thirst. Rulership of the territory was at stake! Pride was an issue! As they stubbornly confronted each other, their emotions turned to rage. Their roars and screeches could be heard for miles as they moved closer and closer to battle.

Then they both noticed strange shadows skirting across the ground. Both looked up at the same time. Circling overhead was a flock of vultures, waiting for the loser to fall! Quietly, the two beasts turned and walked away. The thought of being devoured was all they needed to end their quarrel.


Ryle and Zyles Birthday

Birthdays are one of the most celebrated events in our lives. On February 06, 2009, the twins, Ryle and Zyle celebrated their first birthday at their grandparents residence in Malalag, Davao del Sur. Theyre the sons of my sister, May.

The childrens party made the toddlers happy. They participated in various games prepared especially for them.

A big lunch banquet was shared by about seventy people. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food. Huge cakes, given by the twins grandparents, were placed on the buffet table to honor the celebrators.

It was truly a memorable affair. The guests went home with balloons and some tokens.

The hares decided to drown themselves to end their miserable lives

- An old hare stopped his companions when he saw the frogs leaped and hid in the water.

Theme - One should not give up when he is afraid. If not, dont worry for there are more activities similar to this in the succeeding pages.

The hares realized that there are more timid creatures than them.

Complete the worksheet to show the elements of the story you have just read.

Title of the story:










Point of View


Beginnings in Literature, America Reads, Classic ed.

(Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, and Company, 1991)

-adapted from Phoenix World of Reading 6

Gods Little Lessons for Teachers (Colorado

Springs, CO: Cook Communications Ministries, Intl., 2001)

-adapted from Phoenix World of Reading 5

Oedipus stopped and stared at the sphinx in awe.

Come closer, said the sphinx.

Oedipus shook like a leaf. He clutched his cloak and the reins of his horse. He was afraid that the sphinx would clobber him.

He came a little closer.

The sphinx said, Ill allow you to pass but you must answer my question first. The sphinx asked him, What being has four legs in the morning, and three in the evening?

Can you give me a clue so that I may give you the correct answer? Oedipus asked.

No! The sphinx thundered.

Oedipus did not clarify the question anymore. Actually, he already knew the answer. He just wanted to make sure.

Man, Oedipus answered.

And why is that? the sphinx asked.

As a baby, man crawls on all fours. When he is older, he walks on two legs. When he is older, he walks on two legs. When he is very old, he leans on a stick, Oedipus explained.

Thus, Oedipus was able to escape the clutches of the sphinx.

-adapted from Side by Side 6

Rex Bookstore








Oedipus asked clues from the Sphinx.

The sphinx asked Oedipus to answer a riddle.

Oedipus was riding his horse when he passed by the sphinx.

Time: long, long time ago

Place: city of Thebes

Sphinx, Oedipus

The Sphinx

The Little Match Girl


Time: Christmas

Place: street


poor little girl



A poor little girl was wandering

on the street selling matches.

She did not go home for she had not sold a match yet.


Her hands were frozen in the cold.


Her grandmother took her and brought her to a place where there was no hunger and suffering.

identifying the story elements

A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development

Module 23



To the Learner

Lets Learn This

Lets Try This

Lets Study This

Lets Do This

Lets Do More

Lets Remember This

Lets Test Ourselves

Lets Enrich Ourselves

Answer Key





