Mock trial as stroytelling

Mock Trial Competitive Storytelling for an Audience of Jurors


Mock Trial Overview

Transcript of Mock trial as stroytelling

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Mock Trial

Competitive Storytelling for an Audience of Jurors

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What are trials?

Held when parties in a dispute disagree on the facts Disagree on the facts of the story

A chance for parties to persuade a judge or jury their version of the story

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How are trials like storytelling?

Each side tells a slightly different story through: the opening statement (grabber) that presents the basic facts of the story and what each

side will prove

direct and cross examination of witnesses which fill in the evidence needed to prove each side of the story. This includes evidence and expert testimony etc.

The closing statement (zinger) which is the culminating point of the trial where all facts and arguments have been building up to.

The outline of the story is governed by each side’s version of the truth.

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Persuasive storytelling in the trial should …

Be told about people who have reasons for they way they act

Account for or explain all of the known and undeniable facts

Be told by credible witnesses

Be supported by details

Accord with common sense and contain no implausible elements

Be organized in a way that makes each succeeding fact increasingly more likely

Defense lawyers must often tell “Counter-stories” that negate the above aspects of the other side’s cast. Think of the Broadway show Wicked

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How does Mock Trial work?

A team can range from 6-13 members. Holicong may field two teams this year.

Teams are broken up into different roles for the trial.

Each team is guaranteed two trials. Each team member will have a role in at least one trial.

Team members do the majority of the work on their own. However, they receive assistance from teammates, Mr. Maigur and Mr. Kelly, and the team of lawyers who volunteer their time.

Teams prepare for about two months and then compete at the Bucks County Court House in front of a real judge and a panel of lawyers.

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Team roles

Plaintiff Lawyer 1

Lawyer 2

Lawyer 3

Witness 1

Witness 2

Witness 3

Timekeeper who works for both trials

Defendant Lawyer 1

Lawyer 2

Lawyer 3

Witness 1

Witness 2

Witness 3

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Sequence of the Trial

Opening Statement Plaintiff/Prosecution

Opening Statement Defense

Direct Examination Witness 1 Plaintiff/Prosecution

Cross Examination Witness 1 Defense

Direct Examination Witness 2 Plaintiff/Prosecution

Cross Examination Witness 2 Defense

Direct Examination Witness 3 Plaintiff/Prosecution

Cross Examination Witness 3 Defense

Direct Examination Witness 1 Defense

Cross Examination Witness 1 Plaintiff/Prosecution

Direct Examination Witness 2 Defense

Cross Examination Witness 2 Plaintiff/Prosecution

Direct Examination Witness 3 Defense

Cross Examination Witness 3 Plaintiff/Prosecution

Closing Statement Plaintiff/Prosecution

Closing Statement Defense