Mobius and the Echoplex Digital Pro

Mobius and the Echoplex Digital Pro March 2012 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Parameters 2.1 8ths/Cycle 2.2 AutoRecord 2.3 Channel 2.4 ControlSource 2.5 FeedBkCont 2.6 Insert Mode 2.7 Loop/Delay (InterfaceMode) 2.8 Loop Copy 2.9 LoopTrig 2.10 MoreLoops 2.11 MuteMode 2.12 OverdubMode 2.13 Overflow 2.14 Quantize 2.15 Presets 2.16 RecordMode 2.17 RoundMode 2.18 SamplerStyle 2.19 Source# 2.20 Switch Quant 2.21 Sync 2.22 Threshold 2.23 Velocity 3 Functions 3.1 Dump 3.2 Feedback 3.3 GeneralReset 3.4 HalfSpeed 3.5 Insert 3.6 Load Mobius and the Echoplex Digital Pro 1 of 16 11/4/12 3:59 AM

Transcript of Mobius and the Echoplex Digital Pro

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Mobius and the Echoplex Digital ProMarch 2012

Contents1 Introduction2 Parameters2.1 8ths/Cycle2.2 AutoRecord2.3 Channel2.4 ControlSource2.5 FeedBkCont2.6 Insert Mode2.7 Loop/Delay (InterfaceMode)2.8 Loop Copy2.9 LoopTrig2.10 MoreLoops2.11 MuteMode2.12 OverdubMode2.13 Overflow2.14 Quantize2.15 Presets2.16 RecordMode2.17 RoundMode2.18 SamplerStyle2.19 Source#2.20 Switch Quant2.21 Sync2.22 Threshold2.23 Velocity3 Functions3.1 Dump3.2 Feedback3.3 GeneralReset3.4 HalfSpeed3.5 Insert3.6 Load

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3.7 LoopDivide3.8 LoopTriggering3.9 LoopWindowing3.10 MultiIncrease3.11 Multiply3.12 Mute3.13 NextLoop3.14 Overdub3.15 PreviousLoop3.16 Record3.17 Rehearse3.18 Replace3.19 Reset3.20 Retrigger3.21 Reverse3.22 SamplePlay3.23 StartPoint3.24 Stutter3.25 Substitute3.26 SUS Commands3.27 SUSNextLoop3.28 Undo4 Synchronization4.1 Auto Start Point4.2 Beat Sync4.3 Brother Sync4.4 Global/Local MIDI Clock4.5 MIDI Sync Indicators4.6 MuteQuantMIDIStartSong4.7 QuantMIDIStartSong4.8 QuantStartPoint4.9 ReAlign4.10 SongPositionPointer and Continue4.11 StartSong, StopSong, Continue4.12 Stop Sync4.13 SyncStartPoint4.14 SyncRecord4.15 Tempo Select5 MIDI Control5.1 MIDI Data Wheel5.2 MIDI Pipe

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5.3 MIDI Virtual Buttons5.4 SysEx5.5 Transmitting MIDI Commands6 Parameter Presets7 User Interface7.1 Smart Buttons aka Double Clicks7.2 Visual Tempo Guide8 General Concepts8.1 Event Gravity

1 IntroductionMobius obviously derived much of its design inspiration from the Gibson EchoplexDigital Pro with Loop IV software, commonly known as the "EDP". If you are familiarwith the EDP, this document will describe the EDP features that Mobius does anddoes not implement. The sections are arranged in the same order they appear in theEDP manual, so if you are reading something in the EDP manual you should be ableto easily find the corresponding section here.Note that we will not cover new features in Mobius that are not in the EDP, nor is thisan exhaustive reference manual. It is intended only to help people already familiarwith the EDP to transition to Mobius.In many cases a parameter will be described as "Not applicable". Typically these arerelated to the constraints of the EDP as a hardware device that are not relevant to asoftware application.

2 Parameters2.1 8ths/CycleMobius calls this Subcycles.The algorithm for using the subcycle count to determine the MIDI output tempo issimilar, but Mobius also uses the Out Sync Max Tempo and Out Sync Min Tempoparameters to constrain the tempo range.

2.2 AutoRecordThis parameter is not implemented but you can achieve the same result by setting theEmpty Loop Action parameter to Record.

2.3 ChannelNot applicable.

2.4 ControlSource

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Not applicable.

2.5 FeedBkContNot applicable.

2.6 Insert ModeOn the EDP, this parameter lets you redefine what the Insert button does on the EDPfootswitch. It is not implemented in Mobius because most people use MIDIfootswitches with many buttons and you can bind any MIDI message to any function.

2.7 Loop/Delay (InterfaceMode)This parameter is not implemented, but you can get similar behavior with scripts andbindings. The most important thing that InterfaceMode provides is a second feedbackcontrol that is used during Overdub, Multiply, and Substitute. This second feedbackcontrol is enabled in the EDP by setting Loop/Delay to EXP, also known asExpertMode.Mobius has two feedback controls, one named Feedback and the other namedSecondary Feedback. You can enable secondary feedback for all modal editingfunctions with the Enable Secondary Feedback preset parameter.Instead of setting Loop/Delay to Stu for StutterMode, Mobius has the Stutter function.

2.8 Loop CopyMobius has a similar parameter named Empty Loop Action which may have thesevalues:

NoneRecordCopyCopy Timing

2.9 LoopTrigNot applicable.

2.10 MoreLoopsMobius calls this Loop Count.

2.11 MuteModeMobius calls this Mute Mode. It is the same except that Mobius adds the Pauseoption to make the Mute function behave like the Pause function.

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2.12 OverdubModeThis parameter is not implemented. If you want what the EDP calls SUSOverdub youcan use the Mobius function Sustain Overdub or add Overdub to the list of functions inthe Sustain Functions preset paramter.

2.13 OverflowNot applicable.

2.14 QuantizeMobius calls this Quantize Mode. Escaping quantization by executing a functionagain after it has been quantized works the same way.

2.15 PresetsNot applicable.

2.16 RecordModeThis parameter is not implemented. If you want what the EDP calls SUSRecord usethe Mobius function Sustain Record or add Record to the list of functions in theSustain Functions preset parameter.The equivalent of RecordMode=Safe in Mobius is setting the Record ResetsFeedback parameter to true.

2.17 RoundModeMobius calls this Overdub While Rounding.

2.18 SamplerStyleThis parameter is not implemented but you can achieve similar results with theparameters Switch Location, Switch Duration, and Return Location.

SamplerStyle=Run -> SwitchLocation=Restore + SwitchDuration=PermanentSamplerStyle=Start -> SwitchLocation=Start + SwitchDuration=PermanentSamplerStyle=Once -> SwitchLocation=Start + SwitchDuration=OnceReturnSamplerStyle=Attack not implemented

A result similar to SamplerStyle=Attack can be achieved by checking the SwitchVelocity Sensitive preset parameter.

2.19 Source#

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Not applicable.

2.20 Switch QuantMobius calls this Switch Quantize.On the EDP the Undo function is always a confirmation action for the three Confirmoptions. In Mobius, you use the Confirm function and Undo behaves normally allowingyou to remove functions that have been "stacked". If you want Undo to be aconfirmation action add it to the global parameter Switch Confirmation Functions.During the switch quantization period, Record, Overdub, Multiply, and Insert can beused to rerecord loops or do a sound or time copy. Most other functions can also bestacked, they are simply executed after the switch.

2.21 SyncMobius calls this Sync Source. What the EDP calls Out User Start Mobiusimplements with a pair of parameters. First you set Sync Source to Out, then youcheck the Out Sync Manual Start parameter.Mobius does not implement the In sync mode, instead it provides MIDI Beat and MIDIBar which are similar and don't have to be based on the Subcycles (8ths/Cycle)parameter.

2.22 ThresholdMobius calls this Record Threshold.

2.23 VelocityMobius calls this Switch Velocity Sensitive.

3 Functions3.1 DumpDumping loops over MIDI is not implemented but you can save loops to files using theSave Loop function, or one of several items from the File menu.

3.2 FeedbackMobius calls Feedback a track control rather than a function but it behaves the same.You can undo loop passes that apply feedback, and you can set the global parameterNo Feedback Undo if you would rather not make layers if the only change wasapplying feedback.

3.3 GeneralReset

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Mobius calls this Track Reset. A long press of Multiply will also perform a Track Resetif the current loop is in Reset mode.

3.4 HalfSpeedIn Mobius, the function that toggles half-speed is named Speed Toggle. You mustbind a trigger directly to this function, you do not use it by setting Insert Mode. Like theEDP you can "arm" half-speed mode while a loop is in Reset mode.Speed Toggle may be given a binding argument that specifies a number of semitonesup or down, so it can be used to toggle between any speed interval.In addition there are two other functions that change speed without toggling.Halfspeed forces the loop into half-speed if it is not already there. Speed Cancelcancels half-speed if it is active.

3.5 InsertIn Mobius, the Insert function always does an insert, it is not redefinable using theInsert Mode parameter. Insertion should behave the same as it does on the EDP. Allof the alternate endings work the same including Record to perform an "unroundedinsert". In addition most Mobius functions that aren't found on the EDP will end theinsert and be executed immediately after the rounding period.On the EDP, a long-press of Insert will convert the Insert into a Replace. Mobius doesnot support this.

3.6 LoadLoading loops over MIDI is not implemented, but you can load loops from files usingseveral items in the File menu.

3.7 LoopDivideWhat the EDP calls LoopDivide isn't a function, it's really a way of thinking about howthe Quantize parameter can be used. Mobius supports quantization of all functionswhere quantization makes sense.

3.8 LoopTriggeringWhat the EDP calls LoopTriggering is implemented in Mobius by a set of numberedfunctions: Loop 1, Loop 2, Loop 3, on up to Loop 8. Mobius does not implement theLoopTrig parameter, you simply bind any MIDI button to any loop.In the EDP, a long-press of one of the loop trigger functions will reset the loop. Mobiusdoes not support this.

3.9 LoopWindowingLoopWindowing is not implemented, but we have plans to do something similar in the

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near future. A consequence of this is that the Undo parameter has no restrictionsabout what it can undo. For example, with LoopWindowing you cannot undo anUnrounded Multiply, once you do an Unrounded Multiply it sets the loop window sizeand Undo can only shift backward by the size of the window. In Mobius, you can undothe unrounded multiply and return to the original layer without changing its size.

3.10 MultiIncreaseWe don't consider this a function, it is more like an adjustment to the way Multiplymode is ended. Mobius supports this though it isn't called a function and you can'tbind a trigger to it. It is simply what happens if you keep executing Multiply during therounding period.

3.11 MultiplyMobius implements Multiply but in a slightly different way. There are twoimplementations of multiply selected with the Multiply Mode parameter. For thebehavior closest to the EDP select Normal. Mobius supports all of the alternateendings including Record for an "unrounded multiply".Long-pressing Multiply to convert it to a SUSMultiply is not implemented.We have not attempted to exactly duplicate the EDP's Multiply, and insteadimplemented what made the most sense to us. The main difference between the EDPand Mobius appears to be where the start point of the loop is left after the Multiply.The EDP leaves it where the Multiply began, while Mobius "rounds backward" so thatthe start point is the beginning of the cycle in which the Multiply began. We prefer ourimplementation.The distinction is subtle and most people won't notice, especially if you are quantizing.This has been a source of frustration for a few users over the years who believe thatthe differences are more important than this but we have not been able to preciselydefine what the differences are. If you can describe exactly what you think thedifferences are, please contact us.

3.12 MuteMute in Mobius works mostly the same as the EDP. Mobius has an extra Mute Modeparameter value named Pause that makes the Mute function behave the same as thePause function.The Insert (SamplePlay) and Multiply (Realign) alternate endings for Mute mode aresupported.In the EDP, the Undo alternate ending to Mute will unmute and use the opposite valueof the Mute Mode parameter when determining where the unmuted loop should beginplaying. Mobius does not implement this.In the EDP, a long-press of Mute converts it to a SUSMute. Mobius does notimplement this.

3.13 NextLoop

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Mobius calls this Next Loop. It works mostly the same. Switch Quantize can be usedto quantize the ending or enter a "confirm" mode. The EDP AutoRecord, LoopCopyparameters are implemented in Mobius as the Empty Loop Action parameter.

3.14 OverdubOverdub in Mobius is the mostly same as the EDP except that Mobius does notsupport the OverdubMode parameter. Overdub and Sustain Overdub are bothfunctions but they must be bound to different triggers. In Mobius, Overdub may bequantized by setting the Overdub Quantized preset parameter.In the EDP, a long-press of Overdub converts it to a SUSOverdub. Mobius does notsupport this.

3.15 PreviousLoopMobius calls this Previous Loop. It works mostly the same, see NextLoop for adiscussion of the differences.

3.16 RecordThe Record function in Mobius is mostly the same as the EDP. Mobius does notimplement the Record Mode parameter. Record and Sustain Record are availablefunctions but they must be bound to different triggers. A long-press of Record will do aReset and the Record Threshold parameter can be used to wait for an appropriatesignal level. All of the alternate endings are implemented.There are some differences in the way synchronized recordings work. SeeSynchronization for more information.

3.17 RehearseThis function is partially implemented, but there are a few differences. We areconsidering removing support for this function.

3.18 ReplaceMobius implements this function.

3.19 ResetMobius implements this function.

3.20 RetriggerMobius calls this Restart.

3.21 Reverse

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Mobius implements this function. In the EDP, you can only use Undo back to the pointwhere the Reverse happened. Mobius does not have this restriction, you can undo allthe way back to the first layer while remaining in Reverse mode.On the EDP, a long-press of Reverse will convert it to a SUSReverse, Mobius doesnot implement this.

3.22 SamplePlayMobius does not implement this function but you can achieve similar behavior with thenumbered loop trigger functions (Loop 1, Loop 2, etc.) combined with the SwitchLocation and Switch Duration parameters. When Switch Duration is set to Once theloop plays to the end then goes into Mute mode. If you set Switch Location to Start thebehavior is the same as the EDP's SamplePlay. If you want this behavior withoutpermanently setting Switch Location and Switch Duration in the preset, you can usescripts to set them temporarily.

3.23 StartPointMobius implements this function. A long-press of the Start Point function will do whatMobius calls Sync Start Point which is the same as what the EDP callsQuantMIDIStartPoint.

3.24 StutterIn the EDP this is accessible from the Insert button when Interface Mode is set to Stu.In Mobius this is a normal bindable function.During stutter mode, repetitions of the current cycle will be inserted whenever the endof the cycle is reached. Mobius stutters the cycle you were in when the function wasperformed. The EDP manual suggests that the stuttered cycle should be the oneAFTER the current cycle. We prefer stuttering the current cycle because you can getto the next one just by quantizing.

3.25 SubstituteMobius implements this function. To use the Secondary Feedback control, set theEnable Secondary Feedback preset parameter to true.

3.26 SUS CommandsMobius does not have InsertMode=Sustain but the functions Sustain Multiply andSustain Insert are bindable functions as are most other "modal" editing functions.All of the following EDP functions that are accessible with MIDI have normal Mobiusfunctions. The first bold name is the EDP name, the second name is the Mobiusname.

SUSRecord - Sustain Record

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SUSOverdub - Sustain OverdubSUSMultiply - Sustain MultiplySUSUnroundedMultiply - Sustain Unrounded MultiplySUSInsert - Sustain InsertSUSUnroundedInsert - Sustain Unrounded InsertSUSMute - Sustain MuteSUSReplace - Sustain ReplaceSUSSubstitute - Sustain SubstituteSUSReverse - Sustain ReverseSUSSpeed - Sustain Speed ToggleSUSNextLoop - Sustain Next LoopSUSMuteRetrigger - Sustain Mute Restart

Mobius also supports sustain variants for these functions.

Sustain Previous LoopSustain RehearseSustain Stutter

3.27 SUSNextLoopMobius implements this function, see NextLoop for a discussion of the differences inthe loop switching functions.

3.28 UndoMobius Undo is similar to Undo on the EDP. Mobius does not have the distinctionbetween "Long Undo" and "Short Undo". In Mobius, Undo behaves the most likeEDP's "Long Undo".Mobius Undo will first remove any scheduled events (quantized functions), then it willcancel any modal functions (Multiply, Insert, etc.), then it will roll back to the previouslayer.Undo can be used to escape what the EDP calls "SamplePlay" and what Mobius calls"SwitchDuration=Once" because it removes the Return event scheduled at the end ofthe loop.Undo is not by default a switch confirmation action for the various Confirm values forthe Switch Quantize parameter. If you want to use Undo for this you must add it to theSwitch Confirmation Actions global parameter.The long discussion of Undo memory management in the EDP manual does not applyto Mobius.On the EDP, Undo will move the Loop Window backward. Mobius does not implementloop windowing so Undo simply returns to the previous layer.

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4 Synchronization4.1 Auto Start PointMobius does not currently support what the EDP calls Auto Start Point. When anyform of synchronization is on, Mobius will periodically adjust the loop so that it stays insync with the MIDI clock. This "drift correction" is disabled when Overdub or anotherrecording mode is active. If correction were allowed during recording, it could causegaps in the recording which you would hear as clicks.If drift correction is disabled and an overdub is left on for several iterations of the loop,the loop can go out of alignment with the MIDI clocks. What Auto Start Point does isautomatically set the start point of the loop rather than correcting it, but only if thefeedback level is low enough that the old content of the loop will be inaudible.Currently in Mobius, if you leave overdub on, the loop will gradually go out of syncwith the external device. This may be corrected by leaving overdub and performing aRealign.

4.2 Beat SyncWhat the EDP refers to as "beat sync" is not implemented since it relies on hardwarespecific to the EDP. Mobius can synchronize with other devices using MIDI.

4.3 Brother SyncWhat the EDP refers to as "brother sync" is not implemented since it relies onhardware specific to the EDP. Mobius has a similar concept called Track Sync thatcan be used to synchronize loops in multiple tracks.

4.4 Global/Local MIDI ClockMobius implements a similar system called the External Loop that works not only withMIDI but with sync pulses from the plugin host and other sources of sync pulses.

4.5 MIDI Sync IndicatorsThe EDP will send MIDI note messages at various synchronization points such as theloop start point, global MIDI start point, cycle start point, and sub-cycle start point.Mobius does not.

4.6 MuteQuantMIDIStartSongMobius calls this Mute MIDI Start.

4.7 QuantMIDIStartSong

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Mobius calls this Sync Start Point.

4.8 QuantStartPointMobius calls this MIDI Start. It applies to both MIDI slave sync and plugin host sync.

4.9 ReAlignMobius calls this Realign. When Mobius does the realign is controlled by the RealignTime parameter. Setting this to External is closest to the EDP, the realign will happenwhen the "external loop" reaches its start point, a concept the EDP calls the "globalMIDI start point".When the Sync Source parameter is Out what Realign does is controlled by the OutSync Realign Mode parameter. Setting this to MIDI Start will cause Mobius to send aMIDI Start message at the Mobius loop start point. Setting this to Restart will causeMobius to restart its loop when the external loop reaches its start point.The EDP also has the MIDIMuteReAlign function which Mobius calls Mute Realign.

4.10 SongPositionPointer and ContinueMobius does not respond to MIDI Song Position and Continue messages. If you aresynchronizing with a hardware sequencer or drum machine you need to restart thepattern from the beginning for Mobius to properly track where the "global start point"is.

4.11 StartSong, StopSong, ContinueMobius should send MIDI Clock, Start and Stop messages in mostly the same way asthe EDP. We haven't done an exhaustive analysis of the differences, but a few areobvious.Mobius does not send MIDI Start when the Undo function is executed when the loopis in Reset mode. You can however execute the MIDI Start function.

4.12 Stop SyncOn the EDP, pressing overdub when the track is reset and Sync=In toggles receptionof incoming sync. It also toggles adherence to the tempo specified by TempoSelect.We assume a side effect of this is that you lose the ability to "arm" overdub modeduring reset.Mobius does not support this feature.

4.13 SyncStartPointMobius does not send MIDI Start when the Undo function is executed when the loopis in Reset mode. You can however execute the MIDI Start function.

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4.14 SyncRecordThis feature from page 5-52 of the manual is how recording is done whenSyncMode=In and Quantize=Off. The recording begins immediately after the button ispressed but it is rounded up at the end so that the loop will be an even multiple of theMIDI beat length. Mobius does not support this.

4.15 Tempo SelectOn the EDP, pressing Undo while in reset mode when Sync=Out activates TempoSelect mode. While in Tempo Select mode, the Feedback knob sets the tempo andthe Overdub function cancels Tempo Select rather than it's usual behavior of armingOverdub mode.Mobius does not support this feature.

5 MIDI ControlMost of the things you can do with MIDI in the EDP you can do in Mobius. SinceMobius doesn't have a hardware interface, it is almost always used with a MIDIfootswitch or control surface. Every function and almost every parameter can bedirectly controlled with MIDI. So what the EDP calls "DirectMIDI" is just the normalway of controlling Mobius. We won't draw comparisons with every section in the MIDIControl chapter but a few need to be mentioned.

5.1 MIDI Data WheelMobius does not support a single continuous controller for editing the currentlyselected preset parameter. Instead you bind different controllers to each parameter.

5.2 MIDI PipeMobius does not implement this, and it is normally not necessary since the computerrunning Mobius is rarely a "MIDI Thru" device.

5.3 MIDI Virtual ButtonsSince Mobius does not have a hardware front panel most of these are not applicable.You can however bind MIDI messages to a few functions that control the InstantParameters user interface component. These let you scroll up and down theparameter list to select one of the, then scroll through the list of possible values for theselected parameter.

5.4 SysExMobius does not support SysEx data dumps but most things can be saved to andloaded from files. The Mobius project is the closest thing to a SysEx dump.

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5.5 Transmitting MIDI CommandsMobius does not send out MIDI Note or Controller messages when functions aretriggered from the user interface. If this were absolutely necessary you could dosomething similar with scripts.

6 Parameter PresetsThe Mobius concept of a preset is almost the same as the EDP. Mobius has manymore parameters than the EDP and doesn't implement some of the parameters theEDP has. Mobius presets have names to make them easier to identify.You can select presets with menus in the user interface and also with any MIDImessage. There are however no functions for editing presets using MIDI. You canonly edit presets by interacting with the popup preset editor window.

7 User InterfaceObviously the Mobius user interface is quite different than the EDP user interface. Afew of the same visual elements are there such as the Mobius Loop Counter which issimilar to what the EDP calls the Loop Display. But we have no desire to make theMobius user interface resemble the EDP front panel.All of the EDP documentation regarding "knobs" and "jacks" is of course notapplicable. Mobius has controls that correspond to all the EDP knobs and jacks.Most of the things that are displayed in the EDP front panel using LEDs are displayedin a different way in the Mobius user interface. We won't describe all of those, but afew user interface elements deserve special mention.

7.1 Smart Buttons aka Double ClicksThis is also known as "double clicking" and applies only to the MIDI messages thattrigger individual loops. The following EDP features are not supported, but you canget similar behavior from scripts.Double-click Loop Trigger/Copy. Triggering a loop twice when SwitchQuant is onwill do a LoopCopy from the current loop to the triggered loop.Double-click Loop Trigger/Record. Triggering a loop twice when the loop is in Resetwill start the Record function.Double-click Loop Trigger/Multiply. Triggering the current loop twice while it isplaying will start the Multiply function. Presumably Quantize must be on.Double-Click Loop Trigger/StopRecord. If the loop is in Record or Multiply mode,and you send the MIDI note for the current loop, the record or multiply is ended.Mobius kind of supports this, the loop will be ended and the loop will be restarted.Long-press Loop Trigger/Reset. If you long-press the MIDI note that triggers a loop,the Reset function is performed.

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7.2 Visual Tempo GuideMobius uses the Beaters display component to flash a light on each subcycle, cycle,and loop start point. If you are using MIDI slave sync, the beat and bar counters aredisplayed above the loop counter.Mobius does not currently have flashing lights to convey the global MIDI start point,when a sync correction happens, or when an AutoUndo happened.

8 General Concepts8.1 Event GravityEvent "gravity" refers to the EDP's behavior of quantizing events back to a previousquantization boundary rather than moving to the next one if you are within a fewmilliseconds of the last boundary. Mobius does not implement this. When you arequantizing you need to be sure to press the trigger at least a little bit ahead of thequantization point.

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