Mobility Scenarios for the Future Internet: the 4WARD approach

Mobility Scenarios for the Future Internet: The 4WARD Approach Michael Söllner , Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland Carmelita Görg, University of Bremen, Germany Kostas Pentikousis, VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Jose Mª Cabero Lopez, Robotiker Tecnalia Spain Miguel Ponce de Leon, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland Philippe Bertin, France Telecom SS3: Mobility Challenges in the Future Internet


Presentation of the paper by M. Söllner, C. Görg, K. Pentikousis, J. Mª Cabero Lopez, M. Ponce de Leon, P. Bertin, "Mobility Scenarios for the Future Internet: the 4WARD approach", WPMC 2008, Sept 2008

Transcript of Mobility Scenarios for the Future Internet: the 4WARD approach

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Mobility Scenarios for the Future Internet: The 4WARD Approach

Michael Söllner, Alcatel-Lucent DeutschlandCarmelita Görg, University of Bremen, Germany

Kostas Pentikousis, VTT, Technical Research Centre of FinlandJose Mª Cabero Lopez, Robotiker Tecnalia Spain

Miguel Ponce de Leon, Waterford Institute of Technology, IrelandPhilippe Bertin, France Telecom

SS3: Mobility Challenges in the Future Internet

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� Requirements/Challenges for a Future Internet � 4WARD Approach� Towards a Network of Information� What Virtualisation can do � Connectivity and Architectural Challenges� Summary

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Major trends in the next decade and their relation to the Internet

� Technology Environment: Multitude of networked/distributed applications beyond Web2.0 – flexible and participatory – user and provider are widely interchangeable/dynamically attached roles

� Social-Economic Environment: Awareness of demographic change in an aging society (Europe and others)

– Significant percentage of people beyond the age of retirement– Few young people – need for efficient high-level education– Shortage of labour force – need for automation and increased efficiency

� “Information” centric rather than “bit” centric at the network level � Integrated support of mobility

– Wireless access, optical backbones– Communication everywhere– Infrastructure to support trade and industry– New services – new devices – new interactions

� Security that nevertheless keeps the generativity of the network intact� Low cost to access, deploy and operate evolvable and interoperable networking infrastructure


� Current evolution attempts by “patching the Interne t” often violating fundamental Internet design principles will lead to a dead end

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What is the 4WARD approachto Future Internet ?

� „Future Internet“ is used to denote the vision for a next generation of services,content and networks (next decade(s))

� 4WARD is focusing on the network aspects of the story� Clean-slate approach:

– "With what we know today, if we were to start again with a clean slate, how would we design a global communications infrastructure?"

� A clean-slate networking approach is an ambitious uphill race– Legacy, legacy, legacy,...– Services, services, services ... – No garage around - can a revolution be created in an European project?

� Status: – Project phase1 started 2008, for 2 years– Requirements have been set up,

screening and directing technical research to an innovative holistic approach,non-technical aspects (usage, socio-economics, policy, governance, regulation)

– A couple of scenarios have been developed to experience the Future Internet from a users and operator‘s perspective

– Further focus on consolidating the visions towardsdiverse, but dependent solution concepts and their assessment

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� Architectural framework coordination

� Concepts, terms, and basic framework constructs

� Architectural tradeoffs and design patterns

� Integration, evaluation and validation

Management of Virtual Networks (→Task 3.3)

Provisioning of Virtual Networks (→Task 3.3) (aggregate “slices” and form virtual networks)


Virtualised substrate

Virtual Network Virtual Network

Virtualisation of Resources (→Task 3.2) (partitioning of physical infrastructure into “slices” )


merge/network code



Generic path 1Generic path 2


merge/network code



Generic path 1Generic path 2





















































Generic Connectivity:

Network of Information:

Virtualization of Networks:

� Providing abstractions and a framework for a self-organising management plane.

� Design and implement a thin pervasive self-organising network management plane

In-Network Management:

New Architectural Principles and Concepts:

4WARD Research Directions

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4WARD Overall Technical Requirements *

The 4WARD Project will provide an Architecture Framewo rk, i.e. a family of dependent architectures (not a single architecture), satisfying the following requirements:

� Ubiquity: Aiming at a global communication system that has the potential to embrace the facets of current and future Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), i.e. telecommunications, data communications and the “internet of things”, on an ubiquitous basis.

� Diversity and Extensibility: Supporting diversity and a high degree of heterogeneity in different technologies, thus allowing for specialised and customised network architectures to support their specific requirements.

� Information-Centric Networking : Focus communication services for users and applications that are centred on the creation, search, lookup and retrieval, distribution, and management of information objects

� Mobility: Support mobility of its users or user components, information objects and related resources as an integral built-in functionality

� Inter-Provider/Domain Support : The 4WARD Framework shall allow to organise 4WARD networks in various administrative (physical or virtual) domains each governed by its own provider.

� Interoperability : 4WARD Networks based on possibly different architectures shall interoperate efficiently such that functionality and usage of services/resources/objects etc. is provided across network boundaries.

� Scalability: allow a very high degree of scalability regarding the number of involved components. The naming and addressing concept shall allow unambiguous identification of “zillions” of devices, (information) objects, and “things”.

� “Green” Network : designed, realised and operated in a way to make efficiently use of natural resources (which includes, of course, energy-awareness).

*) Extract from Deliverable 2.1 Technical Requirements

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Specific Mobility Requirements Identified

� Service provisioning for mobile entities: an integral built-in functionality that preserves reachability, connectivity, quality of service, and security relations as far as possible without (functional) deduction compared to fixed entities’ access.

� Mobile entities can be persons, application processes, terminal devices or abstract information objects, also end nodes, supporting intermediate nodes or network resources.

� Simultaneous attachment of mobile entities to multiple 4WARD Networks shall be possible at any location covered by 4WARD Networks (multi-homing).

� Service continuity : Means to maintain the (possibly virtual) communication relation of a user entity to a 4WARD network during relocation over space and time, according specified levels of quality of (service) experience that could range from “seamless” (handover without noticeable interruption), “loss-less” (without data or information loss) to “nomadic” (delay or disruption tolerant) experience.

� Separation of mobile naming and addressing : separate identifiers for mobile entities from locators of their actual location.

� Locality of network capabilities : provide a measurable notion of proximity and locality for userand network entities and their capabilities.

� Heterogeneous access and physical layer awareness : Mobility across heterogeneous access technologies, easily extensible even to future technologies and 4WARD architectures.

� Virtual network support : Mobility within the 4WARD Framework may be realised based on physical or virtualised networks.

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Overcoming Today‘s Complexity inMobile Scenarios

� Heterogeneous (Physical) Connectivity

� Roaming between operator domains � Tracking (reaching mobile terminals) � Handover between

heterogeneous technologies – Horizontal handover – Vertical handover

� Topology awareness

� Terminal mobility� Personal mobility � Service mobility � Session mobility

� Interoperability of various systems:– Cellular networks– WLAN, WiMax, Wireless Mesh– Adhoc networks, MANET, VANET– Wireless Sensor Networks– Fixed networks and broadcast

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A fresh look to communication systems:Networking of Information

TelephonyInterconnecting wires

4WARDFuture Internet

Interconnecting information

InternetInterconnecting nodes Future


Future Internet

Folding Point






Virtualization ofnetwork resources

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Jari‘s Collaboration Network:access to enterprise information,

office environment, business email

Jari‘s Home Network:access to private MP3,

photo and video collection;

monitoring home automationfunctions

Abstract View of Mobility Scenario: Jari in the centre of his „information space“

� Jari driving in his car, while beingconnected to various virtualcommunication networks

� The network of information(NetInf) keeps track of his dynamic communication relations

Jari‘s Virtual Information Object:

different roles, functions, network attachmentsand physical identities

Virtual Information Sharing System:

Disseminates video streams from broadcasters,

news, entertainment, MP3++, 3D virtual reality

Virtual Vehicular Traffic

Information System:moving with Jari‘s car;

providing context informationof roadside sensors,

and related route information

Virtual Community Network:

buddy list, presence, messenger, push-to-talk,

high quality VoIP and video/virtual reality services ,


[email protected]


Jari‘s telecom provider, „physical“ cellular service



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Jari, Who the Heck is Jari?

� Jari has a Skype, MSN, Yahoo, AIM, “you-name-it” VoIP client running on one of his devices

� Jari also has a mobile phone� A NetInf Information Object (IO) maps

the “real world” subject/object to its digital (physical) instantiation/realisation

� So when Maria looks up “Jari” in NetInf, she gets back the information object which points to Data Object (DO)

– His various IM/VoIP/… “identifier” or DO– His cell number (another “identifier” or

DO)– And other possible info (his web page,

travel plan, RSS feed, … )

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How it could work...

InfOb j„Jari“


mobile id


Skype id


DataObjMaria‘smobile id

DataObjMaria‘sSkype id

InfObj„Maria calls Jari“

DataObjVoIP callvia Skype

DataObjmobile call

persistent persistent


„virtual call object“able to switch betweendifferent „physical“realisations of genericpaths

Network of Information

Physical Generic Path Connectivity



dynamic dynamic


InfObjGP from A-B



path representationas InfObj

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A Multiaccess Communication Scenario

� The scenario applies to dissemination and non-dissemination objects

– Dissemination is defined not on an encoding or protocol basis

– Web, Internet radio/TV, RSS, and so on, are dissemination objects

– Internet banking, VoIP call, mailbox are non-dissemination objects

� Scenario (and topology figure) covers

– Web, BitTorrent, A/V streaming, VoIP, ...

– Communication with a multiaccess/multiapplication device (Maria)

– Communication with a user having multiple devices (Jari)

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How Mobility is integrated in 4WARD

• Network architectureprototypes

• Generic design patterns• Rules for deriving special

purpose architectures(components, functions, protocols)

• Guaranteed properties(interoperability, overarchingmobility)

• Means to create and operate (customized) virtual networks

• Maps new architectures, protocols to sharedphysical networkcomponents (nodes, links)

• Isolation of concurrentcomponents

• Virtual mobile networksvs. mobile virtualnetworks

Network of Information


New Architectural

Principles and Design


• „Generic Path“• Covering (physical)

end-to-end transport and network routing

• multipoint-to-multipointconnectivity

• multipath routing• efficient cooperative

transmission• physical mobility of

endpoints (dynamicadd, delete, move ...)and paths

• „Networked informationobjects“ irrespective of location and time

• manage distributedinformation

• search and name/addressresolution by „content“

• (physical) storage of data chunks

• procedures to route and rebuild informationcontent

• mobile / mobility objects

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What can virtualization do for us?

� Deployment and coexistence of innovative new approaches as well as legacy systems in a commercial setting– Temporary (migration) or permanently

� Empower service providers to deploy novel E2E services without requiring Internet-wide consensus– Overcome “deployment stalemate”

� Open up the market for new business roles and competition– Trading of infrastructure resources– Separation of infrastructure and service provider

� Flexible resource allocation– allows for better resource utilization

� Cost-efficiency by sharing infrastructure resources

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From Virtual Mobile Networks to Mobile Virtual Networks

� Virtual Mobile Networks– Purpose: sharing of physical resources between netw orks/providers,

decoupling of “service” evolution from evolution of “physical” technologies– Example: infrastructure sharing of cellular MVNO– Infrastructure-based network:

• static network where the only mobile entities are the end-users• sharing of access points/bas stations and wireless interface

– Infrastructure-less network: • mobility is intrinsic to the network. • Virtualization at:

– Node level: working as end-user and network resource, i.e. as middle node. – Access Point (AP) level: this is the attachment point to the network.– Wireless medium level: As a mean to let different VOs operate the same PHY substrate.

� Mobile Virtual Networks– Purpose: focus on sharing a common service/applicat ion,

keep complexity of communication relation out of ap plication space– Example: “Skype” over cellular, file-sharing over cellular– Mobility of physical resources that comprises mobility of end-users, network resources and whole

(moving) networks. – Mobility of virtual entities.

• A virtual network can decide to change its virtual topology depending on different metrics (neighbourhood relation, balance of traffic, CPU usage…).

• Only virtual entities move from one physical location to another.

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Architectural Challenge Ahead:Interoperability and Core Feature Integrity

• Many architectures of today do not relate core functions such as Mobility, Security and QoS with each other (e.g. IETF building block approach). Other architectures integrate them, but in a static, monolithic way (e.g. 3GPP).

• Example: IPsec simultaneously together with DiffServ and MobileIP seems not easily feasible

• The dynamic integration of Mobility, Security and QoS and interoperability is the focus of the architectural design of future communication system

Mobility PropertiesSecurity Properties

QoS Properties

Interworking Properties




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� 4WARD is aiming at an architecture framework for a Future Internet – evolving telecommunication, data communication and the „network of things“

towards a „network of information“– with integrated, overarching mobility, security and QoS capabilities as needed– with scalable concepts applicable from smallest scenarios to global scope– coexistence and interoperability of micro- to macro-operators – extensible to future needs

� Leveraging diversity at several stages:– multitude of architectures with customized focus and assured interoperability– virtualised networks enabling self-paced evolution of networking – generic path connectivity across technologies and scales (e2e, access to


� Detailed solution concepts and assessment in 2009� For more Information, see