Mobile Trend Part 1 : The Everyday Sale

06 June 2014 judo 2014 © · Registered number 7959933 Mobile Trend Series Part 1: The Everyday Sale


Everyone’s telling the same story. Mobile’s exploding. It’s revolutionising consumer habits. It’s redefining the shopping experience. This is all true, people are doing incredible things with mobile, but it cuts both ways. In this series I’m going to look at the way mobile is impacting different markets. To start with, let’s take a look at the ordinary, everyday retail transaction. Let’s order a pizza.

Transcript of Mobile Trend Part 1 : The Everyday Sale

  • 1. 06 June 2014 judo 2014 Registered number 7959933 Mobile Trend Series Part 1: The Everyday Sale

2. Mobile Trend Series Part 1 The Everyday Sale Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Everyones telling the same story. Mobiles exploding. Its revolutionising consumer habits. Its redefining the shopping experience. This is all true, people are doing incredible things with mobile, but it cuts both ways. A successful mobile platform will gain customer loyalty like no other medium, but a poor mobile solution will alienate prospective customers with just as much passion. Image from 3. Mobile Trend Series Part 1 The Everyday Sale Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 In this series Im going to look at the way mobile is impacting different markets. To start with, lets take a look at the ordinary, everyday retail transaction. Lets order a pizza. VS. 4. Round 1 Opening hours Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Papa Johns app opens with their logo and the spinny loading wheel not a great association. 5. Round 1 Opening hours Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 We sit and stare for 15 seconds until the logo disappears, as though ashamed to be seen alongside that conversion killer, the loading wheel. 10 more seconds of loading. To put that in context, Gomez report that 57% of users abandon a mobile transaction after just 3-seconds waiting. 6. Round 1 Opening hours Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 How does Dominos stack up? Theres no spinny wheel for a start. Just a photo of pizza, reminding us why were here and that its worth waiting for. Not that we have to wait long, the home page loading in just 2 seconds. 7. Round 1 Opening hours Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 A 2-second load time places Dominos in the heavyweight rankings of Amazon and Groupon. Econsultancy have revealed that a page load time improvement from 8 to 2 seconds leads to a 74% increase in conversion. This means with a 23-second lag for the Papa, I am already 212% more likely to complete my order with Dominos and all Ive done is open the app. 8. Round 2 Add to basket Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Unfortunately, the rest of Papa Johns app is consistent with the home page. The data fields are small and fiddly, without even empowering the user with a pinch and squeeze zoom option. This is made all the more frustrating by the needless blank screen space. 9. Round 2 Add to basket Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Both apps need my location to link me to the right store, but their approaches are so different. Papa Johns asks me to provide my postcode, pick my country, or just select a specific store myself. Why give me the choice? Pick the best approach and offer it exclusively. 10. Round 2 Add to basket Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Dominos gets it. They provide an appealingly large interface for me to enter my postcode then they do the work finding my store for me. (The data entry field also slides up so I can still see it above my keyboard.) 11. Round 2 Add to basket Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 I cant help but feel that Papa Johns dont really want my mobile business. Their menu is poorly formatted with small blurry pictures some of which dont load -, tiny text and fiddly buttons. 12. Round 2 Add to basket Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Whereas with Dominos Im in no doubt this app was designed with me in mind or my phone at least, as though theres any distinction between the two at this point. 13. Round 2 Add to basket Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Theres no filing my nails to try and click a tiny buy button. Instead their menu is formatted with large pictures, seamless movement between pages and single taps of clear and simple buttons. 14. Round 3 My details Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 You need to capture my data a lot of data from where Im sitting / walking / dashing for the bus. I get that you need this stuff. I do. But help me by making it as simple as possible. Ive already given you my postcode, so dont ask me to type it again. And while youre at it, use my postcode to give me a drop down of addresses to select my own minimise my data entry work. Papa Johns does none of this. Dominos does it all. Image from 15. Round 3 My details Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 How daunting does Papa Johns data capture form look to someone on the move? All those tiny fields to be completed with no zoom, no auto-shifting to next fields or auto-scroll down the page. 16. Round 4 Checking out Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Deep breath. Heres where so many mobile transactions are abandoned. Im on the move. Im trying to complete this purchase on a bumpy bus ride. Accordingly, I get a digit of my card number wrong. How do the respective apps deal with this? Image from 17. Round 4 Checking out Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Papa Johns makes us wait & wait (& wait & wait), until eventually an error message is returned. Curiously theyve also wiped the data fields, meaning I cant see what data I entered and therefore cannot rectify my error. Instead I have to type it all out again, wasting my time and risking another error. 18. Round 4 Checking out Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 With Dominos, as soon as I click place my order I receive an error message advising I check my card number. I can see my mistake and rectify it. The payment goes through and I can then follow my orders progress with a mobile-friendly real-time tracker. 19. Conclusion Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Commentary aside, the stats clearly show whos providing the best experience: Papa Johns Dominos No. of taps/clicks:* 44 26 Mandatory data entry fields:* 11 7 Total time to complete order:* 06:25 01:49 *When attempting to order a large cheese & tomato pizza with 2 extra toppings. 20. Conclusion Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Producing a great mobile solution requires careful consideration of your customers journey. Papa Johns app shows no sign of this. Image from 21. Conclusion Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 When Im customising my pizza, Im advised to click the ADD button above. Except there is no ADD button, only a BUY button that seems to do the job. Its these kind of inconsistencies that make the journey through Papa Johns app a real slog along an overgrown path full of dead-ends and diversions. Papa Johns app has made interacting with their brand more difficult, frustrating and time consuming the exact opposite of what a good mobile solution should do. Image from 22. Conclusion Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 If youre considering a mobile platform make sure that you, like Dominos, plan your customer journey thoroughly. Make it a straight and smooth road with the shortest route to the checkout. Take-away companies need to use mobile as an opportunity to offer the best version of their existing customer journey. Image from 23. Thanks for reading and Stay tuned! Card payments for mobile apps judo 2014 Next time, Ill be looking at whats going on outside the regular retail opportunity to see whos stretching the boundaries to provide consumers with a brand new experience. Learn more about judo at * Judo payments has no affiliation with Dominos Pizza or Papa Johns were only interest in good mobile solutions. The tests in this article were carried out using a Nexus 4 with Android version 4.4.2