Mobile Office KOffice For Maemo5 - Maemo Summit2009

1 MOBILE OFFICE BASED ON KOFFICE FOR MAEMO 5 Suresh Chande(schend), Maemo Devices R&D 11 th October, Maemo Summit 2009, Amsterdam


KOffice for Maemo 5 is an Open Source project to be available on It is the UI Layer on top of KOffice Open source project making KOffice suitable for Mobile devices. This makes KOffice on Maemo 5 the first Office to be available in the mobile devices which can handle both ODF and MS Office formats. Currently only Document and Presentation is available. we invite contributors to join this project and as well as KOffice to make this end user ready.

Transcript of Mobile Office KOffice For Maemo5 - Maemo Summit2009

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Suresh Chande(schend), Maemo Devices R&D11th October, Maemo Summit 2009, Amsterdam

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Office Applications (Document, Spreadsheet & Presentation)

Office applications are used in:Schools and Universities Governmental Organizations & Enterprises

Office tools are used for documenting with rich formatted text and multimedia. Desktop Office in 2007 had a market of 12B$ [Gartner]


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Mobile Office user expectationsMobile users need to View these documents and sparingly Edit themUser Encounter Office applications via Email attachments or via BrowserUsers may like to make Minor Edits or Comments to the documents on the move.Users want office applications Free of CostUsers are also Willing to Pay minimal for Office applications on the mobile

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KOffice on N810KOffice demonstrated by Marijn Kruisselbrink on Diablo Platform at FOSDEM

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KOffice - Overview KOffice A QT based Office application suite for desktop environment. Established in 2001 KOffice has a suite of 12 office applications including: KWord, KPresenter, KSpreadKOffice renders ODF & MS Formats~70 Active contributors over year contributed towards 2.0 release, June 2009

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Nokia's Contribution to KOffice

Initial Understanding of how community worksConsulted experts from community and setup project with KO GmbHBegan by adapting and bridging KOffice to mobile limitationsStarted testing of KOffice core engine for supported features & created a large test suite

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Nokia's Contribution to KOffice

Ported KOffice applications namely KWord & KPresenter to Maemo 5 EnvironmentMaemo 5 specific UI Wrappers developed on top of KOffice Contributed towards towards existing Microsoft Office format filtersDeveloped basic framework for Microsoft Office 2007 Filters

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KOffice on Maemo 5



•KSpread (Next)

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KOffice for Maemo 5 Demonstration

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Next Steps in the collaborationMaemo 5 KOffice UI will be open sourced with GPL License at (soon): Application can be downloaded from Maemo Extras-devel (soon)Developed basic framework for Microsoft 2007 Filters will contributed back to community main trunk (soon)More effort needed to mature available features from Mobile devices

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Questions ?••••••••••••• Thank You

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KOffice Application SuiteKOffice Workspace, also named KOShell, consists of a friendly workspace to allow you to work on several KOffice applications at the same time. KWord is a frame-based word-processing and desktop publishing application.KSpread is a scriptable spreadsheet program which provides both table-oriented sheets and support for complex mathematical formulas and statistics. KPresenter is a presentation application. KIVIO is an easy to use diagramming and flowcharting application with tight integration to the other KOffice applications.

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KOffice Application Suite

KEXI is considered as a long awaited Open Source competitor for Microsoft Access, Filemaker and Oracle Forms.

Karbon14 is the scalable vector drawing application in KDE.

Krita is a painting and image editing application for KOffice.

KPlato is a project management application.

KChart is the KOffice chart drawing application.

KFormula is a formula editor for KOffice.

Kugar is a KDE tool for generating business quality reports which can be viewed and printed.