Mobile nube web captures


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Transcript of Mobile nube web captures

Page 1: Mobile nube web captures


Mobile Nube Web Captures

Page 2: Mobile nube web captures

Login In

These are some screens of the current web system developed by me and my team.

As you will be able to see, there are many services already available that only need to be modified to work with the proposed solution

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Main Menu

This is the welcome screen, where you click on all the different services.

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This is the inbox, where all the incoming SMS are registered with the date, operator, phone number and text. In this case it also shows the Shortcode (that will not be needed for Mobiel Nube).

You can seach (buscar) for specific words and for a specific number and you can also Highlight some words, for easy access.

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This is the outbox, which is exactly like the inbox, but registers all the sms that are being sent out.

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This is how suscriptions are configured. It lets you enter the text and then you send it to your suscription base. The text being sent out is registered in detail.

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This is where additional applications can be configured and accessed.

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This screen shows all the Reporting options that the system has. The reports can be generated depending on multiple variables.