Mobile Marketing Overview

Mobile Marketing Week #12 April 16, 2014 Utica College PRL 408: Social Media Thomas Armitage


Mobile Marketing Overview. Week 12 for PRL 408 at Utica College. Spring 2014.

Transcript of Mobile Marketing Overview

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Mobile Marketing

Week #12April 16, 2014

Utica CollegePRL 408: Social MediaThomas Armitage

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In today’s lesson…

Overview Most popular activities Multi-screen Mobile site vs app App based marketing SMS Local search Mobile gaming Mobile commerce Location based services Platforms

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Past week’s articles

“How Location-Based Services Are Transforming The Mobile Industry” -

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Mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is…

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Mobile should overtake desktop this year

2.7 hours/day 80% of mobile

device time is spent in apps

(Marrs, 2013)

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Most popular mobile activities

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Most popular mobile activities 1) Games…61% 2) Weather…55% 3) Maps/search…50% 4) Social media…49% 5) Music…42% 6) News…36% 7) Entertainment…33% 8) Dining…25% 9) Video…21%

(Bosomworth, 2014)

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Most popular mobile apps

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Most popular mobile apps 1) Skype 2) YouTube 3) Instagram 4) Pandora 5) Facebook 6) Angry Bird Seasons 7) Cut the Rope 8) Doodle Jump 9) Fruit Ninja 10) Angry Birds

(Moscaritolo, 2013)

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(The New Multi-Screen World Study, 2013)

From smartphones and tablets to laptops and television, 90% of all media interactions today are screen-based…there are two distinct ways people move among screens to get stuff done: simultaneously and sequentially.

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Mobile site vs app

Do you prefer mobile sites or mobile apps?

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Mobile site vs app

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Mobile site vs app

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App-based marketing

92 of the top 100 brands have a mobile app.

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Responsive design

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“If you want to help the cause, you can text "Haiti" to 90999 to send a $10 donation to the Red Cross”

(Van Grove, 2010)

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Local search

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Mobile gaming

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Mobile gaming

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Mobile commerce

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Mobile commerce

40% of shoppers consult 3 or more channels before making a purchase

52% of Americans use their devices while browsing in-store (Warden, 2013)

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Location based services

Location-enabled mobile ads Location-based features/app Local search

In a Google survey, 76% of the respondents said they would like businesses' location or operating hours, and 61% said they would like to be able to "Click to Call" the business.(How location based services, 2013)

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Location based apps

Great tool for shopping and directions

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(Infographic, 2013)

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(Infographic, 2013)

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Best practices

(Marrs, 2013)

Be clear and concise Optimize for local Consider your audience Experiment with different strategies Benchmark your results

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Final paper

Background on Brand Target Audience Goals and Objectives Platforms Chosen (between 4-5) Tactics/Execution and Spend Other Items and Ideas Evaluation and Measurement Works Cited

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Final Paper

$20,000 budget, one year campaign. Local business wanting to take advantage of

social media. Minimum of 5 references (though most of the

work will be critical thinking as you apply your learnings and knowledge from class).

Always include an intro and conclusion. 8-10 pages in length, Calibri font, double

spaced. This does not include your cover page and reference sheet.

Make it an enjoyable read. This isn’t a research paper. It’s a deliverable to your supervisor.

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Final Paper

Spelling/Grammar/Formatting…..15 Background, Details on

Platforms…..40 Developing Campaign/Budget…..75 Formatting/Multimedia/Look…..10 References/Resources…..10


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Next week, we will discuss…

Customer Service, Leveraging Reviews Discuss Twitter activity with brands

To do: Blog comments Read articles from #UticaCollegeSM and

comment Google+ and Yelp presenters should be

ready to present

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Bosomworth, D. (2014, March 24). Mobile marketing statistics 2014. SmartInsights. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

How location-based services are transforming the mobile industry. (2013, May 22). Business Insider. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

Infographic: 2013 mobile growth statistics. (2013, October 1). DigitalBuzzBlog. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

Marrs, M. (2013, August 19). What is mobile marketing and why does it matter? WordStream. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

McGee, M. (2013, March 28). Email is top activity on smartphones, ahead of web browsing and Facebook. MarketingLand. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

Moscaritolo, A. (2013, May 3). The 10 most popular iPhone apps of all time. PCMag. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

The New Multi-Screen World Study. (2013). Google. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

Van Grove, J. (2010, January 13). Red Cross raises $5,000,000+ for Haiti through text message campaign. Mashable. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

Warden, C. (2013). 7 mobile marketing stats that will blow your mind. Convince and Convert. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from