mobile-iris voting system(1)

VOTE THROUGH MOBILE-IRIS RECOGNITION AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE VASIM HASINA.S III YEAR,ECE SARANATHAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TRICHY. ABSTRACT With the advancement of electronics, mobile communication technology leads us to a fast moving world. In this scenario, we have lot of responsibilities, one of it is voting for our country, but even we don't have time for it, and also our votes may not useful to our nation, because of fake votes and cheating process during the election. This problem is rectified by the latest voting system as “VOTE THROUGH MOBILE” which is discussed in this paper. The mobile voting system uses the efficient techniques, iris recognition and cryptography for the secured voting process. The iris recognition and cryptography avoids the fake votes and cheating process. The election commission spends lot of money, for each election unnecessarily, which will be minimized by this system.. 1.INTRODUCTION: Mobile voting system use the iris recognition and cryptography techniques, for voting purpose, the encryption 1

Transcript of mobile-iris voting system(1)

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ABSTRACTWith the advancement of electronics, mobile

communication technology leads us to a fast

moving world. In this scenario, we have lot of

responsibilities, one of it is voting for our

country, but even we don't have time for it,

and also our votes may not useful to our

nation, because of fake votes and cheating

process during the election. This problem is

rectified by the latest voting system as “VOTE

THROUGH MOBILE” which is discussed in

this paper. The mobile voting system uses the

efficient techniques, iris recognition and

cryptography for the secured voting process.

The iris recognition and cryptography avoids

the fake votes and cheating process. The

election commission spends lot of money, for

each election unnecessarily, which will be

minimized by this system..

1.INTRODUCTION:Mobile voting system use the iris recognition

and cryptography techniques, for voting

purpose, the encryption algorithm is uploaded

in the mobile phone. As like the eye scanner

which scans the iris is fixed in the mobile, so

the mobile phone having camera is preferred

for that. To obtain the voting the voters eye

iris is recognized. During the transmission

from the source (mobile) to destination

(election database system) the data is

encrypted using the encryption algorithm. The

data sending and receiving is doing with the

help of the mobile networks.

In our system the voting can be done in

our place remotely without standing in a queue

for a long time with less expensive techniques.

computerized. In general, Phone Voting

System (MPVS) provides mobility feature.

Internet voting there is a wide range of


Without eliminating the security

threats like buying a vote and Coercion, online

registration, secrecy of ballot, anonymity of


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voter and double voting this latest technology

can’t be allowed.

An efficient and reliable system is

essential for the trustworthy and successful

implementation of this technology. The

proposed system uses mobile phone device

having: small in size, low power, low-price as

compared to computers and Direct Recording

Electronic voting System, Electronic Voting

Machine’s, provide mobility feature and

security. Proposed system uses Global System

for Mobile Communication technology which

is a secure and globally used mobile

technology in the current situation. Mobile

phone also uses Subscriber Identity Module

technology which provides user identity

privacy, user identity verification and

subscriber data secrecy providing more

security to the proposed system.

The key features of our proposed

Mobile Phone Voting System is:

1. Eligibility: only authorized voter can

cast their vote.

2. Uniqueness: Each user can cast their only

one vote.

3. Integrity: Valid vote should not be modified

or deleted.

4. Fairness: The election result should not be

accessible before the official time ended.

5. Secrecy: No one should be able to find how

voter cast their vote.


Voting through the mobile phone it is

the new and advanced area of research. We

take the review of some IEEE papers which

presented in past.

[1] Proposes mobile phone voting system

developed on modular square root and blind

signature system uses confidentiality of voter,

secrecy of ballot, voter anonymity and no

computation cost and communication

overhead. CA (certificate authority) involves

as third party that is distribution of certificates

to voters is the responsibility of CA for

authentication purposes, delayed occurred

which make the process slow.

[2] Proposed GSM based mobile phone voting

system is used to cast vote without registering

for voting in advance and going to polling

booths. System prevents repetition voting but

It has big disadvantage to security, proposes

system does not used any cryptographic


[3] Proposed mobile phone voting system

based on public key encryption algorithm

RSA. It contains three parts: access control;

voting and election administrator server. First

part holds validation and identification for the


Voting part done by ciphering voter data using

RSA algorithm and last part is the election

administrator server classifies ending result

using decryption RSA private key for received


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encrypted data. There is no any online

registration, more expensive computational

cost and communication overhead due to RSA



Our propose system provide online

registration of voter and also offline

registration is available for voter in case of

failure of online registration. After registration

voter will cast their vote and result will

display. For proposed system it required five


Mobile Phone, Election Commission Server


Election Commission Databases (ECD);

Vote Collecting and Result Phase Server

(VCRPS) and

Election Commission Office (ECO).

Proposed system consists of three steps:

A. Online registration phase

B. Voting phase

C. Vote collection and result phase

A. Online Registration Phase:

In this phase we will provide the one

highly secured website for registration


After that user have to SIGN IN there

and fill its whole information including NIC

and SIM card number. After pressing submit

button, server send one public key to them

which encrypt the whole information and send

over the server. And then server sends one

secret symmetric key to user. User must have

to keep this key secret. Because this key is

required on day of election. Election

commission server should keep two updated

databases. First database consists of public

NIC’s and second database contained SIM

cards from the concern authorities for user

verification and authentication purposes at the

registration time. Short Message Services

(SMS) is used throughout voting process

without the need of internet. ECS will create

two key, first one is a public key and second

one is a private key. The ECS will keep only

private key secret and will put public key on

its server.

Fig.1. Online Registration phase


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Fig.2.Flowchart for Registration phase

1) In the first step user will send their

National Identity Card No + SIM Card No +

Symmetric Key which encrypt with public key

of ECS to ECS server.

2) When ECS receiving data they will

decrypt this data with his private key.

3) ECS will verify the user’s NIC and

SIM card number with its two latest databases,

one consist public NIC numbers and other

database consist SIM card numbers.

4) If ECS verified that user is authentic


5) ECS will send PIN encrypted with

user symmetric key to the user. This PIN will

be used for the authenticity of the voter in the

latter stages of the election process.

6) Receiving this user will decrypt the

PIN with his/her symmetric key. User should

securely keep their PIN from disclosing to

others because it’s disclosing will

compromised confidentiality.

7) When Mobile phone user got PIN

then Mobile phone user will send

acknowledgement message to election

commission server .Mobile phone user will

become certified as mobile phone voter. Here

online registration phase will be completed.

8) This is offline registration phase

which will be used in case someone registers

his/herself on genuine user credentials.

9) When the genuine user registering

his/herself with election commission server,

ECS will send registration problem message of

can’t be register through online registration

phase and will requested his/her to come to

ECO for correction of their registration as

someone already register his/herself on

genuine user credentials.

10) In this case user should go to

election commission Office. The previous

registration will be canceled and genuine user

will be register.

11) Election commission office (ECO).

B. Voting Phase:

1) In this phase, ECS will send

candidate list to authenticated voter according

to their constituency via SMS encrypted with

voter symmetric key.

This will ensure that the candidate list

message only send to the authenticated voter


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list. This method also prevents unauthorized

voter to cast their vote...

2) After that voter will receive the

SMS of candidate list on voting day.

3) In this step voter will select their

candidate from the candidate list. After

selecting their candidate voter will then send

the message to ECS with public key, candidate

PIN encrypt both with user symmetric key and

again concatenate NIC number and send to

ECS via SMS.

4) ECS will find user symmetric key

using NIC number. Then it will decrypt the

remaining SMS part with user symmetric key.

ECS will mark only the PIN part of the

message for the record purposes and to avoid

double voting. The remaining encrypted

candidate list message will be forwarded to the

vote collecting and result phase server.

Fig.3.Voting phase

Fig.4. Flowchart for voting phase

C. Vote Collection and Result Phase Server

1) Before the start of the election, we used

time lock mechanism which will not accept

vote after time end on VCRPS. It will keep the

vote in encrypted form until the official time

of the election ended. Implementing this

restriction on this server, the decryption of the

votes will be started after the end of the

election time. The third party will not see the

result before the official time ends, thus it

prevents to seeing of the election results.

2) After ending of voting phase, vote will be

decrypt by using ECS private key.

3) At end of the process, votes will be counted

and the results will be officially display to the



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Fig.6.Flowchart for result phase

2.2 SECURITY ALGORITHAM:Security is provided to our proposed system by

using RSA algorithm.

A simple explanation of the RSA

algorithm is that it was made for public-key

cryptography, which is based on factoring

large integers. The steps involved are RSA

algorithm are key generation, encryption, and


A. Key Generation: Whoever wants to

receive secret messages creates a public key

(which is published) and a private key (kept

secret). The keys are generated in a way that

conceals their construction and makes it

'difficult' to find the private key by only

knowing the public key.

B. Encryption: A secret message to any

person can be encrypted by his/her public key

(that could be officially listed like phone


C. Decryption: Only the person being

addressed can easily decrypt the secret

message using the private key.


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Mobile Voting System (MVS) is a system that

will operate in parallel with the existing

manual and automated voting processes. It will

enable legitimate voters to cast their vote from

wherever they please using their mobile

devices unlike other means that require the

voter to appear at the polling station and a

graphical display will be available on a site

(attached to the system) for all stakeholders to

view progress, hence ensuring transparency.

There are systems such as DRE (Direct

Electronic Recording) voting machines that

record the vote without that vote being

transmitted over the Internet or another

network in e-voting. The interface of a DRE

machine can be a touch screen or a scanner

that scans the ballot paper where the voter

marked the vote.

The vote is then registered and stored in the

voting machine. Then there is voting over the

Internet that uses a PC with an Internet-

connection to cast the vote and send it to be

stored in another remote computer. Personal

Digital Assistants (PDA’s), telephones or

mobile phones can also be used to cast a vote


Besides its hype and advantages over

traditional voting systems, MVS reliability,

security and transparency are still issues that

limit its deployment in many countries.

Mobile Voting still faces a number of risks

and challenges.

Risks:1. Third parties: Unauthorized intervention of

third parties in the voting process.

2. Errors and technical malfunctions:  More

difficult to detect and identify the source of

errors and technical malfunctions.

3. Unreliability: Possibility that fully digitized

system would fail to produce results and lack

physical back-up records, making a public

recount difficult or impossible.

Challenges:1. Security: In the context of remote e-voting,

special attention should be given to the process

guaranteeing a free and secret vote. Only

entitled voters are allowed to cast a vote and

this requires that every voter be authenticated

(e.g. by using a PIN -Personal Identification

Number or TAN -Transaction Number or by

the use of digital signature) and their right to

vote verified. In order to prevent multiple

votes being cast or other misuse, a record must

be made and checked in order to establish

whether the voter has already cast a vote.

There must be an electronic separation


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between the vote and the identification of the


2. Reliability: Mobile Voting Systems have to

interact with some database server, or some

other server, over a network.

3. There might be instances when this network

goes down during the voting process to Keep

the network stable and available during the

voting process is a challenge that MVS

application developers need to consider.

Mobile Voting Systems are composed of

several interacting agents, the Vote Collector,

the Vote Manager, the Vote Authority, the

Candidate, and the Voters. The Vote Authority

(VA) is responsible for registering candidates

for elections and commissioning Vote

Managers. The Vote Collector (VC) is a

mobile agent mandated by a stationary Vote

Manager (VM) agent to collect votes from

stationary voting agents (VOs). The

arrangement of the system in such components

can ensure a stable system suitable for voting.

Usage of Mobile Voting Systems:

Today, the development and widespread use of

information technologies is changing the way

people view voting processes and, ultimately,

the way they vote.

Mobile Voting Systems offer multiple

advantages over traditional paper-based voting

systems-advantages that increase citizen

access to democratic processes and encourage


Reduced costs - E-voting system reduces the

materials required for printing and distributing


Increased participation and voting options -

E-voting offers increased convenience to the

voter encourages more voters to cast their

votes remotely, and increases the likelihood of

participation for mobile voters.

Greater speed and accuracy placing and

tallying votes -E-voting's step-by-step

processes help minimize the number of

miscast votes. The electronic gathering and

counting of ballots reduces the amount of time

spent tallying votes and delivering results.

Greater accessibility for the disabled and

the sick - Because they support a variety of

interfaces and accessibility features, e-voting

systems allow the physically challenged

people to vote independently and privately.

Flexibility - E-voting can support multiple

languages, and the flexible design allows up-

to-the-minute ballot modifications.


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3.1.Phone to Phone voting system requirements

1.Voter can send short text message from his/her smart phone to specific smart phone running voting software A (Android version).

2.Upon receipt of the short text message

containing the ID number of the best poster

(only one should be selected), the said ID

number will be entered in a Tally Table with

attributes Candidate ID count.

3.The phone number of the voter will be

remembered in a Voter Table with attributes

Voter Phone No, Candidate ID, so that no

voter can use the same phone to vote twice.

4.The administrator at the smart phone running

voting software A can issue a special

command, which will terminate the voting.

The voting software A will display the Tally

Table in decreasing number of votes so that

the first winner will be displayed first and so

on. At the end the Voter Table will be


3.2.Phone to PC voting system


:1.Voter can send email from his/her smart phone to specific PC running voting software X (Linux version).

1. 2.Upon receipt of the email containing the ID

number of the best poster (only one should be

selected), the said ID number will be entered

in a Tally Table with attributes Candidate ID,


2. 3.The phone number of the voter will be

remembered in a Voter Table with attributes

Voter Phone No, Candidate ID, so that no

voter can use the same phone to vote twice.

3. 4.The administrator at the PC running voting

software X can issue a special command,

which will terminate the voting. The voting

software X will display the Tally Table in

decreasing number of votes so that the first

winner will be displayed first and so on. At the

end the Voter Table will be eliminated.


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3.3.Phone to Phone or PC voting system



1. An integration of the above two approaches,

so that a voter can either vote by sending short

text message to a specific smart phone, or by

sending email to a PC.

2. The voting software A on the smart phone will

forward e-mail to PC, so that the PC will

receive all the votes.

3. The final tally will be done by voting software

X, which will display the final results.

4. Both voting software A and voting software X

will eliminate its Voter Table at the end.


Iris recognition is an automated

method of biometric identification that uses

mathematical pattern-recognition .

Iris recognition uses video camera

technology with subtle near

infrared illumination to acquire images of the

detail-rich, intricate structures of the iris which

are visible externally.

Databases of enrolled templates are

searched by matcher engines at speeds

measured in the millions of templates per

second per (single-core) CPU, and with

remarkably low false match rates.


Iris biometrics systems do not use

laser-scans to capture the image of the human

eye. Instead, an infrared photo or video camera

is used at a set distance to capture a high

quality image of the iris. Working in the

infrared range provides many advantages

when compared to the visible range: Iris

ridges, nerves, and crypts are more evident the

border between the iris and the pupil is more

pronounced; and users are not exposed to

annoying flashes.



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The main purpose of this process is to

locate the iris on the image and isolate it from

the rest of the eye image for further


Some other important tasks that are also

performed in this iris segmentation block

include image quality enhancement, noise

reduction, and emphasis of the ridges of the

iris. Several proposals have been made by

different authors for iris location and

segmentation, wherein most consider iris

detections finding two circumferences that

model the iris boundaries.

Here, the iris location varies depending on

preset external and internal forces until an

equilibrium state is reached.


The normalization becomes necessary

when considering that the pupil varies in size

for different light intensities. After

normalization, the phase information is studied

by applying different Gabor filters. This was

followed by the codification of this

information in terms of the quadrant where the

phase belongs however, Wilds, performs the

extraction using Laplacian or Gaussian filters

by obtaining several images of different scales

for posterior comparison .


Although some authors have studied other

matching algorithms the most employed

matching algorithm has been the Hamming

distance, as was initially proposed by


The Hamming distance is described by the

following equation: where is the vector length

and are the component of the template and

sample vector, respectively, which are XOR in

the equation. If the distance obtained is below

a predefined threshold level, the studied

sample is considered to belong to the user

whose template is being studied. Selection of

the threshold level usually depends on the final




It includes Three Main Stages

2.3.1) Image Acquisition and Segmentation

2.3.2) Image Normalization

2.3.3) Feature Coding and Matching



Cryptography is one of the essential

technologies used in building a secure VPN.

Different applications of the same basic


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algorithms can provide both encryptions that

keep data secret and authentication that

ensures the two security peers in a VPN are

who they claim to be.

Data confidentiality may be provided

by one of two categories of encryption

algorithm, namely symmetric cryptography

and asymmetric cryptography. Symmetric, or

conventional, cryptography requires that the

sender and receiver share a key, which is an

item of secret information used to encrypt and

decrypt data. The process by which two peers

agree upon a key over an insecure medium can

be problematic as, until the key is agreed, the

peers have no way to communicate in secret.

Asymmetric, or Public Key, cryptography

solves the key exchange problem by using two

keys, either of which may be used to encrypt a

message. The encrypted data may then only be

decrypted by means of the other key.

Messages may be received securely by

publishing one of the keys (for example, in the

footer of an e-mail message) as a Public Key

and keeping the second, the Private Key,

secret. Anyone wishing to send a secure

communication may then encrypt the message

with the recipient’s Public Key and, providing

the Private Key has not been disclosed, only

the intended recipient will be able to decrypt

the encrypted text and recover the original


Cryptography or cryptology;

From Greek, "hidden, secret"; and  "writing",

or "study", respectively is the practice and

study of techniques for secure

communication in the presence of third parties

called adversaries.]These adversaries are often

referred to as Eve in cryptography, while the

sender and recipient of messages are called

Alice and Bob respectively. Cryptography is

about constructing and

analyzing protocols that prevent third parties

or the public from reading private messages.

Various aspects in information security such

as data confidentiality, data

integrity, authentication, and non-

repudiation[5] are central to modern

cryptography. Modern cryptography exists at

the intersection of the disciplines

of mathematics, computer science,

and electrical engineering. Applications of

cryptography include ATM cards, computer

passwords, and electronic commerce.

The originator of an encrypted

message (Alice) shared the decoding technique


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needed to recover the original information

only with intended recipients (Bob), thereby

precluding unwanted persons (Eve) from

doing the same.

Cryptographic algorithms are designed

around computational hardness assumptions,

making such algorithms hard to break in

practice by any adversary. It is theoretically

possible to break such a system, but it is

infeasible to do so by any known practical

means. These schemes are therefore termed

computationally secure; theoretical advances,

e.g., improvements in integer

factorization algorithms, and faster computing

technology require these solutions to be

continually adapted. There exist information-

theoretically secure schemes that provably

cannot be broken even with unlimited

computing power.

Cryptography also plays a major role

in digital rights management and piracy of

digital media.

5. SCOPE:In our proposed system registration

process done through website which minimize

time, energy and cost. Voting done through the

SMS provides mobility option to the voter.

Because of RSA security double voting will

prevented dandy offer choice to the public to

cast their vote through their cell phone. If this

system is implemented using cloud computing

then it has a scope to use in government



This paper proposes mobile phone

voting system avoiding double voting in case

of casting ballots first from mobile phone and

then from pooling booth, it is more useful,

efficient and reliable in mobile phone voting

process. This system does not require any

internet facility, decreases expensive hardware

cost and it requires only mobile phone and

SIM card.


1. Rivest, Ronald L. (1990). "Cryptography". In J. Van Leeuwen. Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science 1. Elsevier.

2. Bellare, Mihir; Rogaway, Phillip (21 September 2005). "Introduction". Introduction to Modern Cryptography. p. 10.

3. Menezes, A. J.; van Oorschot, P. C.; Vanstone, S.A. Handbook of Applied Cryptography. ISBN 0-8493-8523-7. Archived from the original on 7 March 2005.

4. Biggs, Norman (2008). Codes: An introduction to Information Communication and Cryptography. Springer. p. 171.

5. Overview per country". Crypto Law Survey. February 2013. Retrieved 26 March 2015.