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    t Time/Counters




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    address locations

    First line 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

    troug 8F

    !econd line C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

    troug CF

    "ogic status on control lines:

    E # 0 $ccess to "C% disa&led # 1 $ccess to "C% ena&led

    '/( # 0 )riting data to "C% # 1 'eading data *rom "C%

    '! # 0 +nstructions # 1 Caracter

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc




    Code ,-e Command to "C% instruction 'egister

    1 Clear disla screen

    2 'eturn ome

    4 %ecrement cursor,si*t cursor to le*t

    6 +ncrement cursor,si*t cursor to rigt

    5 !i*t disla rigt !i*t disla le*t

    8 %isla o** Cursor o**

    $ %isla o** Cursor on

    C %isla on Cursor o**

    E %isla on Cursor &lining

    F %isla on Cursor &lining

    + !79" +/ %E!C'+T+

    1 ;ss ## 0 to select command register '!>1 to

    select data register

    5 '/( + '(>0 *or )rite '(>1 *or delete6 E +/ Ena&le

    %90 +/ 8#&it data &us

    8 %91 +/ 8#&it data &us

    ? %92 +/ 8#&it data &us

    10 %93 +/ 8#&it data &us

    11 %94 +/ 8#&it data &us

    12 %95 +/ 8#&it data &us

    13 %96 +/ 8#&it data &us

    14 %9 +/ 8#&it data &us

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


    10 !i*t cursor osition to le*t

    14 !i*t cursor osition to rigt

    18 !i*t te entire disla to te le*t

    1C !i*t te entire disla to te rigt

    80 Force cursor to te &eginning o* te *irst line

    C0 Force cursor to te &eginning o* te second line

    555 TIMER

    $ll +C timers rel uon an eternal

    caacitor to determine te o**#on

    time inter@als o* te outut ulses.

    $s ou recall *rom our stud o*

    &asic electronics it taes a *inite

    eriod o* time *or a caacitor ,C to

    carge or discarge troug aresistor ,'. Tose times are clearl

    de*ined and can &e calculated gi@en

    te @alues o* resistance and


    Te &asic 'C carging circuit isso)n in *ig. 4. $ssume tat te

    caacitor is initiall discarged.

    (en te s)itc is closed te

    caacitor &egins to carge troug

    te resistor. Te @oltage across tecaacitor rises *rom Aero u to te@alue o* te alied %C @oltage. Te carge cur@e *or te circuit is so)n in *ig.

    6. Te time tat it taes *or te caacitor to carge to 63.B o* te alied @oltage

    is no)n as te time constant ,t. Tat time can &e calculated )it te simle


    t = R X C

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


    Definition of Pin Function:

    'e*er to te internal 555 scematic o* Fig. 4#2

    Pin ! "G#oun$%: Te ground ,or common in is

    te most#negati@e sul otential o* te de@ice

    )ic is normall connected to circuit common,ground )en oerated *rom ositi@e sul


    Pin & "T#i''e#%: Tis in is te inut to te

    lo)er comarator and is used to set te latc

    )ic in turn causes te outut to go ig. Tis iste &eginning o* te timing seuence in monosta&le oeration. Triggering is

    accomlised & taing te in *rom a&o@e to &elo) a @oltage le@el o* 1/3 ;= ,or

    in general one#al* te @oltage aearing at in 5. Te action o* te trigger inut

    is le@el#sensiti@e allo)ing slo) rate#o*#cange )a@e*orms as )ell as ulses to &e

    used as trigger sources. Te trigger ulse must &e o* sorter duration tan te time

    inter@al determined & te eternal ' and C. +* tis in is eld lo) longer tantat te outut )ill remain ig until te trigger inut is dri@en ig again. ne

    recaution tat sould &e o&ser@ed )it te trigger inut signal is tat it must not

    remain lo)er tan 1/3 ;= *or a eriod o* time longer tan te timing ccle. +* tis

    is allo)ed to aen te timer )ill re#trigger itsel* uon termination o* te *irst

    outut ulse. Tus )en te timer is dri@en in te monosta&le mode )it inut

    ulses longer tan te desired outut ulse )idt te inut trigger sould

    e**ecti@el &e sortened & di**erentiation. Te minimum#allo)a&le ulse )idt

    *or triggering is some)at deendent uon ulse le@el &ut in general i* it is

    greater tan te 1u! ,micro#!econd triggering )ill &e relia&le. $ second

    recaution )it resect to te trigger inut concerns storage time in te lo)ercomarator. Tis ortion o* te circuit can ei&it normal turn#o** delas o*

    se@eral microseconds a*ter triggeringD tat is te latc can still a@e a trigger inut

    *or tis eriod o* time a*ter te trigger ulse. +n ractice tis means te minimum

    monosta&le outut ulse )idt sould &e in te order o* 10u! to re@ent ossi&le

    dou&le triggering due to tis e**ect. Te @oltage range tat can sa*el &e alied to

    te trigger in is &et)een ;= and ground. $ dc current termed te trigger current

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    must also *lo) *rom tis terminal into te eternal circuit. Tis current is ticall

    500n$ ,nano#am and )ill de*ine te uer limit o* resistance allo)a&le *rom in

    2 to ground. For an asta&le con*iguration oerating at ;= > 5 @olts tis resistance

    is 3 ega#omD it can &e greater *or iger ;= le@els.

    Pin ( "Out)ut%: Te outut o* te 555 comes *rom a ig#current totem#ole

    stage made u o* transistors 20 # 24. Transistors 21 and 22 ro@ide dri@e

    *or source#te loads and teir %arlington connection ro@ides a ig#state outut

    @oltage a&out 1. @olts less tan te ;= sul le@el used. Transistor 24 ro@ides

    current#sining caa&ilit *or lo)#state loads re*erred to ;= ,suc as tical TT"inuts. Transistor 24 as a lo) saturation @oltage )ic allo)s it to inter*ace

    directl )it good noise margin )en dri@ing current#sining logic. Eact outut

    saturation le@els @ar maredl )it sul @oltage o)e@er *or &ot ig and

    lo) states. $t a ;= o* 5 @olts *or instance te lo) state ;ce,sat is ticall 0.25

    @olts at 5 m$. erating at 15 @olts o)e@er it can sin 200m$ i* an outut#lo)

    @oltage le@el o* 2 @olts is allo)a&le ,o)er dissiation sould &e considered in

    suc a case o* course. -ig#state le@el is ticall 3.3 @olts at ;= > 5 @oltsD 13.3

    @olts at ;= > 15 @olts. 9ot te rise and *all times o* te outut )a@e*orm are

    uite *ast tical s)itcing times &eing 100n!. Te state o* te outut in )ill

    al)as re*lect te in@erse o* te logic state o* te latc and tis *act ma &e seen

    & eamining Fig. 3. !ince te latc itsel* is not directl accessi&le tis

    relationsi ma &e &est elained in terms o* latc#inut trigger conditions. To

    trigger te outut to a ig condition te trigger inut is momentaril taen *roma iger to a lo)er le@el. see Gin 2 # TriggerGH. Tis causes te latc to &e set and

    te outut to go ig. $ctuation o* te lo)er comarator is te onl manner in

    )ic te outut can &e laced in te ig state. Te outut can &e returned to a

    lo) state & causing te tresold to go *rom a lo)er to a iger le@el see Gin 6 #

    TresoldGH )ic resets te latc. Te outut can also &e made to go lo) &

    taing te reset to a lo) state near ground see Gin 4 # 'esetGH. Te outut @oltage

    a@aila&le at tis in is aroimatel eual to te ;cc alied to in 8 minus 1.;.

    Pin * "Reet%: Tis in is also used to reset te latc and return te outut to a

    lo) state. Te reset @oltage tresold le@el is 0. @olt and a sin current o* 0.1m$*rom tis in is reuired to reset te de@ice. Tese le@els are relati@el

    indeendent o* oerating ;= le@elD tus te reset inut is TT" comati&le *or an

    sul @oltage. Te reset inut is an o@erriding *unctionD tat is it )ill *orce te

    outut to a lo) state regardless o* te state o* eiter o* te oter inuts. +t ma tus

    &e used to terminate an outut ulse rematurel to gate oscillations *rom GonG to

    Go**G etc. %ela time *rom reset to outut is ticall on te order o* 0.5 I! and

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    te minimum reset ulse )idt is 0.5 I!. eiter o* tese *igures is guaranteed

    o)e@er and ma @ar *rom one manu*acturer to anoter. +n sort te reset in is

    used to reset te *li#*lo tat controls te state o* outut in 3. Te in is

    acti@ated )en a @oltage le@el an)ere &et)een 0 and 0.4 @olt is alied to te

    in. Te reset in )ill *orce te outut to go lo) no matter )at state te oter

    inuts to te *li#*lo are in. (en not used it is recommended tat te reset inut&e tied to ;= to a@oid an ossi&ilit o* *alse resetting.

    Pin 5 "Cont#o+ ,o+t-'e%: Tis in allo)s direct access to te 2/3 ;= @oltage#

    di@ider oint te re*erence le@el *or te uer comarator. +t also allo)s indirect

    access to te lo)er comarator as tere is a 2:1 di@ider ,'8 # '? *rom tis oint

    to te lo)er#comarator re*erence inut 13. Jse o* tis terminal is te otion o*

    te user &ut it does allo) etreme *lei&ilit & ermitting modi*ication o* te

    timing eriod resetting o* te comarator etc. (en te 555 timer is used in a

    @oltage#controlled mode its @oltage#controlled oeration ranges *rom a&out 1 @olt

    less tan ;= do)n to )itin 2 @olts o* ground ,altoug tis is not guaranteed.;oltages can &e sa*el alied outside tese limits &ut te sould &e con*ined

    )itin te limits o* ;= and ground *or relia&ilit. 9 aling a @oltage to tis in

    it is ossi&le to @ar te timing o* te de@ice indeendentl o* te 'C net)or.Te control @oltage ma &e @aried *rom 45 to ?0B o* te ;cc in te monosta&le

    mode maing it ossi&le to control te )idt o* te outut ulse indeendentl o*

    'C. (en it is used in te asta&le mode te control @oltage can &e @aried *rom

    1.; to te *ull ;cc. ;aring te @oltage in te asta&le mode )ill roduce a

    *reuenc modulated ,F outut. +n te e@ent te control#@oltage in is not used

    it is recommended tat it &e &assed to ground )it a caacitor o* a&out 0.01uF

    ,10nF *or immunit to noise since it is a comarator inut. Tis *act is noto&@ious in man 555 circuits since + a@e seen man circuits )it Kno#in#5K

    connected to anting &ut tis is te roer rocedure. Te small ceramic ca

    ma eliminate *alse triggering.

    Pin . "T/#e/o+$%: in 6 is one inut to te uer comarator ,te oter &eingin 5 and is used to reset te

    latc )ic causes te outut to

    go lo). 'esetting @ia tis

    terminal is accomlised &

    taing te terminal *rom &elo)

    to a&o@e a @oltage le@el o* 2/3;= ,te normal @oltage on in

    5. Te action o* te tresold

    in is le@el sensiti@e allo)ing

    slo) rate#o*#cange )a@e*orms.

    Te @oltage range tat can sa*el &e alied to te tresold in is &et)een ;=

    and ground. $ dc current termed te tresold current must also *lo) into tis

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    terminal *rom te eternal circuit. Tis current is ticall 0.1I$ and )ill de*ine

    te uer limit o* total resistance allo)a&le *rom in 6 to ;=. For eiter timing

    con*iguration oerating at ;= > 5 @olts tis resistance is 16 ega#om. For 15

    @olt oeration te maimum @alue o* resistance is 20 egams.

    Pin 0 "Dic/-#'e%: Tis in is connected to te oen collector o* a nn transistor

    ,14 te emitter o* )ic goes to ground so tat )en te transistor is turnedGonG in is e**ecti@el sorted to ground. Jsuall te timing caacitor is

    connected &et)een in and ground and is discarged )en te transistor turns

    GonG. Te conduction state o* tis transistor is identical in timing to tat o* te

    outut stage. +t is GonG ,lo) resistance to ground )en te outut is lo) and Go**G

    ,ig resistance to ground )en te outut is ig. +n &ot te monosta&le and

    asta&le time modes tis transistor s)itc is used to clam te aroriate nodes o*

    te timing net)or to ground. !aturation @oltage is ticall &elo) 100m; ,milli#;olt *or currents o* 5 m$ or

    less and o**#state leaage is

    a&out 20n$ ,tese arameters

    are not seci*ied & all

    manu*acturers o)[email protected] collector current is

    internall limited & design

    tere& remo@ing restrictions on

    caacitor siAe due to ea ulse#

    current discarge. +n certain

    alications tis oen collector outut can &e used as an auiliar outut terminal)it current#sining caa&ilit similar to te outut ,in 3.

    Pin 1 ", 2%: Te ;= in ,also re*erred to as ;cc is te ositi@e sul @oltage

    terminal o* te 555 timer +C. !ul#@oltage oerating range *or te 555 is =4.5

    @olts ,minimum to =16 @olts ,maimum and it is seci*ied *or oeration

    &et)een =5 @olts and = 15 @olts. Te de@ice )ill oerate essentiall te same o@ertis range o* @oltages )itout cange in timing eriod. $ctuall te most

    signi*icant oerational di**erence is te outut dri@e caa&ilit )ic increases *or

    &ot current and @oltage range as te sul @oltage is increased. !ensiti@it o*

    time inter@al to sul @oltage cange is lo) ticall 0.1B er @olt. Tere aresecial and militar de@ices a@aila&le tat oerate at @oltages as ig as 18 ;.

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    O)e#-tin' Mo$e:Te 555 timer as t)o &asic oerational modes: one sot and

    asta&le. +n te one#sot mode te 555 acts lie a monosta&le multi@i&rator. $

    monosta&le is said to a@e a single sta&le state##tat is te o** state. (ene@er it is

    triggered & an inut ulse te monosta&le s)itces to its temorar state. +t

    remains in tat state *or a eriod o* time determined & an 'C net)or. +t tenreturns to its sta&le state. +n oter )ords te monosta&le circuit generates a single

    ulse o* a *ied time duration eac time it recei@es and inut trigger ulse. Tus

    te name one#sot. ne#sot multi@i&rators are used *or turning some circuit or

    eternal comonent on or o** *or a seci*ic lengt o* time. +t is also used togenerate delas. (en multile one#sots are cascaded a @ariet o* seuential

    timing ulses can &e generated. Tose ulses )ill allo) ou to time and seuencea num&er o* related oerations.

    Te oter &asic oerational mode o* te 555 is as and asta&le multi@i&rator. $n

    asta&le multi@i&rator is siml and oscillator. Te asta&le multi@i&rator generates a

    continuous stream o* rectangular o**#on ulses tat s)itc &et)een t)o @oltage

    le@els. Te *reuenc o* te ulses and teir dut ccle are deendent uon te 'Cnet)or @alues.

    ne#!ot eration: Fig. 4 so)s te &asic circuit o* te 555 connected as a

    monosta&le multi@i&rator. $n eternal 'C net)or is connected &et)een te

    sul @oltage and ground. Te Lunction o* te resistor and caacitor is connected

    to te tresold inut )ic is te inut to te uer comarator. Te internaldiscarge transistor is also connected to te Lunction o* te resistor and te

    caacitor. $n inut trigger ulse is alied to te trigger inut )ic is te inut

    to te lo)er comarator.

    (it tat circuit con*iguration te control *li#*lo is initiall reset. Tere*ore te

    outut @oltage is near Aero @olts. Te signal *rom te control *li#*lo causes T1 toconduct and act as a sort circuit across te eternal caacitor. For tat reason te

    caacitor cannot carge. %uring tat time te inut to te uer comarator is

    near Aero @olts causing te comarator outut to ee te control *li#*lo reset.

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    Monot-3+e Mo$e:

    Te 555 in *ig. ?a is so)n ere in itKs utmost &asic mode o* oerationD as a

    triggered monosta&le. ne immediate o&ser@ation is te etreme simlicit o* tis

    circuit. nl t)o comonents to mae u a timer a caacitor and a resistor. $nd

    *or noise immunit ma&e a caacitor on in 5. %ue to te internal latcingmecanism o* te 555 te timer )ill al)as time#out once triggered regardless o*

    an su&seuent noise ,suc as &ounce on te inut trigger ,in 2. Tis is a greatasset in inter*acing te 555 )it nois sources. Must in case ou donKt no) )at

    K&ounceK is: &ounce is a te o* *ast sort term noise caused & a s)itc rela etc.

    and ten iced u & te inut in.

    Te trigger inut is initiall ig ,a&out 1/3 o* =;. (en a negati@e#going triggerulse is alied to te trigger inut ,see *ig. ?a te tresold on te lo)er

    comarator is eceeded. Te lo)er comarator tere*ore sets te *li#*lo. Tat

    causes T1 to cut o** acting as an oen circuit. Te setting o* te *li#*lo also

    causes a ositi@e#going outut le@el )ic is te &eginning o* te outut timing


    Te caacitor no) &egins to carge troug te eternal resistor. $s soon as te

    carge on te caacitor eual 2/3 o* te sul @oltage te uer comarator

    triggers and resets te control *li#*lo. Tat terminates te outut ulse )ic

    s)itces &ac to Aero. $t tis time T1 again conducts tere& discarging te

    caacitor. +* a negati@e#going ulse is alied to te reset inut )ile te outut

    ulse is ig it )ill &e terminated immediatel as tat ulse )ill reset te *li#*lo.

    (ene@er a trigger ulse is alied to te inut te 555 )ill generate its single#

    duration outut ulse. %eending uon te @alues o* eternal resistance and

    caacitance used te outut timing ulse ma &e adLusted *rom aroimatel onemillisecond to as ig as on undred seconds. For time inter@als less tanaroimatel 1#millisecond it is recommended tat standard logic one#sots

    designed *or narro) ulses &e used instead o* a 555 timer. +C timers are normall

    used )ere long outut ulses are reuired. +n tis alication te duration o* te

    outut ulse in seconds is aroimatel eual to:

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    T = !4! R C "in econ$%

    Te outut ulse )idt is de*ined & te a&o@e *ormula and )it relati@el *e)

    restrictions timing comonents ',t and C,t can a@e a )ide range o* @alues.

    Tere is actuall no teoretical uer limit on T ,outut ulse )idt onl

    ractical ones. Te lo)er limit is 10u!. 7ou ma consider te range o* T to &e10u! to in*init &ounded onl & ' and C limits. !ecial ',t and C,t tecniues

    allo) *or timing eriods o* das )ees and e@en monts i* so desired.

    -o)e@er a reasona&le lo)er limit *or ',t is in te order o* a&out 10Nilo om

    mainl *rom te standoint o* o)er econom. ,$ltoug ',t can &e lo)er tat

    10N )itout arm tere is no need *or tis *rom te standoint o* acie@ing a

    sort ulse )idt. $ ractical minimum *or C,t is a&out ?5FD &elo) tis te

    stra e**ects o* caacitance &ecome noticea&le limiting accurac and

    redicta&ilit. !ince it is o&@ious tat te roduct o* tese t)o minimums ields a

    T tat is less te 10u! tere is muc *lei&ilit in te selection o* ',t and C,t.

    Jsuall C,t is selected *irst to minimiAe siAe ,and eenseD ten ',t is cosen.

    Te uer limit *or ',t is in te order o* a&out 15 ega om &ut sould &e less

    tan tis i* all te accurac o* )ic te 555 is caa&le is to &e acie@ed. Tea&solute uer limit o* ',t is determined & te tresold current lus te

    discarge leaage )en te oerating @oltage is =5 @olt. For eamle )it a

    tresold lus leaage current o* 120n$ tis gi@es a maimum @alue o* 14 *or

    ',t ,@er otimistic @alue. $lso i* te C,t leaage current is suc tat te sum

    o* te tresold current and te leaage current is in ecess o* 120 n$ te circuit

    )ill ne@er time#out &ecause te uer tresold @oltage )ill not &e reaced.

    Tere*ore it is good ractice to select a @alue *or ',t so tat )it a @oltage droo* 1/3 ;= across it te @alue sould &e 100 times more i* ractical.

    !o it sould &e o&@ious tat te real limit to &e laced on C,t is its leaage not

    itKs caacitance @alue since larger#@alue caacitors a@e iger leaages as a *act

    o* li*e. "o)#leaage tes lie tantalum or are a@aila&le and re*erred *or

    long timing eriods. !ometimes inut trigger source conditions can eist tat )illnecessitate some te o* signal conditioning to ensure comati&ilit )it te

    triggering reuirements o* te 555. Tis can &e acie@ed & adding anoter

    caacitor one or t)o resistors and a small signal diode to te inut to *orm a ulse

    di**erentiator to sorten te inut trigger ulse to a )idt less tan 10u! ,in

    general less tan T. Teir @alues and criterion are not criticalD te main one is

    tat te )idt o* te resulting di**erentiated ulse ,a*ter C sould &e less tan tedesired outut ulse *or te eriod o* time it is &elo) te 1/3 ;= trigger le@el.

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


    At-3+e Mo$e :

    Figure ?& so)s te 555 connected as an asta&le multi@i&rator. 9ot te triggerand tresold inuts ,ins 2 and 6 to te t)o comarators are connected togeter

    and to te eternal caacitor. Te caacitor carges to)ard te sul @oltage

    troug te t)o resistors '1 and '2. Te discarge in , connected to te

    internal transistor is connected to te Lunction o* tose t)o resistors.(en o)er is *irst alied to te circuit te caacitor )ill &e uncarged

    tere*ore &ot te trigger and tresold inuts )ill &e near Aero @olts ,see Fig.10. Te lo)er comarator sets te control *li#*lo causing te outut to s)itc

    ig. Tat also turns o** transistor T1. Tat allo)s te caacitor to &egin carging

    troug '1 and '2. $s soon as te carge on te caacitor reaces 2/3 o* te

    sul @oltage te uer comarator )ill trigger causing te *li#*lo to reset.

    Tat causes te outut to s)itc lo). Transistor T1 also conducts. Te e**ect o* T1

    conducting causes resistor '2 to &e connected across te eternal caacitor.'esistor '2 is e**ecti@el connected to ground troug internal transistor T1. Te

    result o* tat is tat te caacitor no) &egins to discarge troug '2.Te onl di**erence &et)een te single 555 dual 556 and uad 558 ,&ot 14#in

    tes is te common o)er rail. For te rest e@erting remains te same as te

    single @ersion 8#in 555.

    $s soon as te @oltage across te caacitor reaces 1/3 o* te sul @oltage te

    lo)er comarator is triggered. Tat again causes te control *li#*lo to set and te

    outut to go ig. Transistor T1 cuts o** and again te caacitor &egins to carge.

    Tat ccle continues to reeat )it te caacitor alternatel carging and

    discarging as te comarators cause te *li#*lo to &e reeatedl set and reset.Te resulting outut is a continuous stream o* rectangular ulses.

    Te *reuenc o* oeration o* te asta&le circuit is deendent uon te @alues o*

    '1 '2 and C. Te *reuenc can &e calculated )it te *ormula:

    f = !6"4.7( C "R! 2 & R&%%

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    Te Freuenc * is in -A '1 and '2 are in oms and C is in *arads. Te time

    duration &et)een ulses is no)n as te KeriodK and usuall designated )it a KtK.

    Te ulse is on *or t1 seconds ten o** *or t2 seconds. Te total eriod ,t is t1 =

    t2 ,see *ig. 10. Tat time inter@al is related to te *reuenc & te *amiliar


    f = !6t o# t = !6f

    Te time inter@als *or te on and o** ortions o* te outut deend uon te @alues

    o* '1 and '2. Te ratio o* te time duration )en te outut ulse is ig to te

    total eriod is no)n as te dut#ccle. Te dut#ccle can &e calculated )it te*ormula:

    D = t!6t = "R! 2 R&% 6 "R! 2 &R&%

    7ou can calculate t1 and t2 times )it te *ormulas &elo):

    t! = 4.7("R!2R&%C

    t& = 4.7( R& C

    Te 555 )en connected as so)n in Fig. ?& can roduce dut#ccles in te

    range o* aroimatel 55 to ?5B. $ dut#ccle o* 80B means tat te outut

    ulse is on or ig *or 80B o* te total eriod. Te dut#ccle can &e adLusted &

    @aring te @alues o* '1 and '2.


    Tere are literall tousands o* di**erent )as tat te 555 can &e used in

    electronic circuits. +n almost e@er case o)e@er te &asic circuit is eiter a one#

    sot or an asta&le. Te alication usuall reuires a seci*ic ulse time duration

    oeration *reuenc and dut#ccle. $dditional comonents ma a@e to &econnected to te 555 to inter*ace te de@ice to eternal circuits or de@ices. +n te

    remainder o* tis eeriment ou )ill &uild &ot te one#sot and asta&le circuits

    and learn a&out some o* te di**erent inds o* alications tat can &eimlemented. Furtermore te last age o* tis document contains 555 eamles

    )ic ou can &uild and eeriment )it.

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


    C O M



    N C

    N O


    $ rela is an electricall oerated s)itc and actuall te

    redecessor o* te transistor. !olenoids are relas also &ut te

    @er large tes )ic carr uge amounts o* current. 'elas are

    te smaller tes. 'elas come in tree tes: electro mecanicalsolid#state and so#called &rids )ic are a com&ination o* te

    *irst t)o. Tere are also some secialiAed tes tat *all into

    neiter categor &ut + )ill deal )it tem later in tis tutorial. "ets

    tae electro#mecanical tes *irst te are a@aila&le in tree main

    modelsD armature lunger and reed. Te $rmature 'elas are te

    oldest &ut elegant. lent turns o* @er *ine magnet#)ire are )ound

    around an iron core to *orm an electro#magnet. Te mo@a&le metal armature as

    an electrical contact tat is ositioned o@er a *ied contact attaced to te rela*rame. $ sring olds te armature u so tat te mo@a&le and *ied contacts are

    normall searated ,oen. (en te coil is energiAed it attracts te i@otingarmature and ulls it do)n closing ,mae te !!T contacts and comletes te

    o)er circuit.

    Tis rela dri@er &oosts te inut imedance )it

    a regular 23?04 transistor. ;er common dri@er.

    +t can dri@e a @ariet o* relas including a reed#

    rela. Transistor 1 is a simle common#emitter

    amli*ier tat increases te e**ecti@e sensiti@it o*

    te 12 @olt rela coil a&out a 100 times or in

    oter )ords te current gain *or tis circuit is100. Jsing tis setu reduces te rela sensiti@it

    to a *e) @olts. '1 restricts te inut current to 1

    to a sa*e limit ,te imedance is eual to te @alue

    o* '1 lus 1N. %iodes %1 and %2 are EF damers and *ilter o** an saring

    )en te rela de#energiAes.

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


    9-#$-#e info#m-tion

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc




  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc



    T)o Caacitance o* 103 ico *arad

    T)o Caacitance o* 100 micro*arad

    ne Caacitance o* 104ico *arad

    ne Caacitance o* 24ico *arad

    ne Caacitance o* 22 ico *arad

    ne Caacitance o* 10 micro*aradne Caacitance o* 1000 micro*arad

    ne Caacitance o* 0.4 micro*arad

    Tree Caacitance o* 0.01 micro*aradne Caacitance o* 0.22micro*arad

    ne Caacitance o* 10 micro*arad


    C'7!T$" 1 # 11.05?2 -A Ceramic crstals *or icrocontrollerC'7!T$" 2 O 3.5?54 -P Crstal *or decoder

    Trans*ormer # 230; rimar to 0#12; 500m$ !econdar Trans*ormer

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


    C+'CJ+T %+$

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc




    s*r dtm*data>0?0D //dtm* data on 0

    s*r lcddata>0a0D //lcd data on 1

    s&it lcdrs>085D //lcdrs on 3S0

    s&it lcdr)>086D // 3S1

    s&it lcden>08D //3S2

    s&it lcd&us>0aD //1S

    s&it eoc>0?3D //0S4

    s&it acen>0&1D//2S5

    s&it rl>0&5D //2S4

    s&it rl1>0&4D //2S3

    s&it rl2>0&3D //2S2

    s&it rl3>0&2D //2S1

    s&it ring>0&0D //2S6

    @oid dela,unsigned intD // to ro@ide dela

    @oid )dc,@oidD //to cec ass)ord

    @oid eader,@oidD //to disla colgroL name

    @oid rname,@oidD //disla roLect name

    @oid rddata,@oidD //cec de@ice code *or door oen closecannel1 Q cannel


    @oid disono*,unsigned carunsigned carD //disla on or o**@oid disdoroen,@oidD //disla door oen

    @oid disdorclos,@oidD //disla door close

    @oid init,@oidD

    @oid lcdinit,@oidD

    unsigned car datacon@,unsigned carD

    @oid dis)do,@oid D

    unsigned car c1cnt>0c2cnt>0dtm*cod*lag>0*lag1>0cnt>0D

    Rde*ine mesg1 G !.;.C.E. GRde*ine mesg2 G +%'E G

    Rde*ine mesg3 G 9+"E G

    Rde*ine mesg4 G CT'" %' GRde*ine mesg5 G%E;E"E% 97 # G

    Rde*ine mesg6 G'+7$ ;E% G

    Rde*ine mesg G'+C-$ T+($'+ G

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


    Rde*ine mesg8 G'+T+N$ T+($'+ G

    Rde*ine mesg? GETE' $!!('% G

    Rde*ine mesg10 G$!!('% N G

    Rde*ine mesg11 GC-$E" G

    Rde*ine mesg12 G%' E G

    Rde*ine mesg13 G%' C"!E GRde*ine mesg14 G-N FF G

    Rde*ine mesg1? G'+< G

    @oid dela,unsigned int n // 10 msec dela

    unsigned int iD

    unsigned int LD




    V V

    @oid eader,@oid

    unsigned car iD

    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen lcdcomnd,0W80D //cursor at line 1osition 1



    dela,25D V

    lcdcomnd,0C0D //cursor at line 2osition 1


    lcddatar),mesg2iHD dela,25D



    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen

    lcdcomnd,0W80D //cursor at line 1osition 1

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc






    lcdcomnd,0C0D //cursor at line 1osition 1






    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screenlcdcomnd,080D





    lcdcomnd,0C0D //cursor at line 1osition 1






    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screenlcdcomnd,080D





    lcdcomnd,0C0D //cursor at line 1osition 1




  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc




    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen


    @oid disdoroen,@oid

    unsigned car iD

    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen

    lcdcomnd,080D //cursor at + line + osition

    *or,i>0DiU16Di== //disla ass)ord o




    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen


    @oid disdorclos,@oid

    unsigned car iD

    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen

    lcdcomnd,080D //cursor at + line + osition

    *or,i>0DiU16Di== //disla ass)ord o




    dela,100Dlcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen


    @oid )dc,@oid

    unsigned car is)d10HD lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen






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    )ile,eoc>>0D //)ait *or e ressed

    dtm*cod>dtm*data Q 0*0D //recei@e data

    s)diH > datacon@,dtm*codD






    i*,s)d0H>>002 Q s)d1H>>00a Q s)d2H>>00a Q s)d3H>>00? Q

    s)d4H>>003 Q s)d5H>>005 Qs)d6H>>004 Q s)dH>>002 Q

    s)d8H>>004 Q s)d?H>>003 //cec ass)ord,00 is o or not



    acen>0Ddis)do,D //disla ass)ord o




    @oid dis)do,@oid

    unsigned car iD

    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen

    lcdcomnd,080D //cursor at + line + osition

    *or,i>0DiU16Di== //disla ass)ord o






    @oid disout,@oid

    unsigned car iD

    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screen

    lcdcomnd,080D //cursor at + line + osition

    *or,i>0DiU16Di== //disla ass)ord o

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc






    lcdcomnd,0W01D //clear disla screenV

    @oid rddata,@oid

    rl1>1D //motor sul

    rl2>0D //motor direction c)/cc)









    dtm*cod>dtm*data Q 0*0D


    i*,dtm*cod>>00C //door close ,R


    rl2>1D dela,200D




    lcdcomnd,001D rl>0D





  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc



    unsigned car datacon@,unsigned car tem


    tem>0W00Delse i*,tem>>080


    else i*,tem>>040


    else i*,tem>>0C0


    else i*,tem>>020


    else i*,tem>>0$0

    tem>005D else i*,tem>>060


    else i*,tem>>0E0 tem>00D

    else i*,tem>>010


    else i*,tem>>0?0


    else i*,tem>>0d0 //code *or X

    tem>00&Delse i*,tem>>030 //code *or R




    @oid lcdinit,@oid

    lcdcomnd,038D //initialiAe "C% 2 line 5X matri

    lcdcomnd,00eD // disla on cursor on

    lcdcomnd,001D //clear lcd

    lcdcomnd,006D //si*t cursor rigtV

    @oid init,@oid

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc






    acen>0D rl>0D




    @oid main,@oid

    unsigned car i>0e12H>0>0rc@cod>0data&>0D





    rc@cod > dtm*data Q 0*0D


    eiH>eiH Y 030D

    dela,8D // 8 )/o no. dis



    i*,,e0H>>03? Q ,e1H>>033 Q ,e2H>>030 Q

    ,e3H>>031 Q ,e4H>>03? Q ,e5H>>035 Q ,e6H>>03? Q

    ,eH>>035 Q ,e8H>>030 Q ,e?H>>030

    rl>1D //?301?5?500

    )ile,eoc>>0D //)ait *or e ressed dtm*cod>dtm*data Q 0*0D //recei@e data

    data& > datacon@,dtm*codD



  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc






    V else







    lcdda lcddatar),e?HD

    dela,250D V








    tar),e3HD lcddatar),e4HD





  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc



  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc


    ;-'e Futu#e A)ect

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc



    Tis microcontroller &ased em&edded sstem is uite use*ul Q economical *or

    todaZs automatic and remote alications. Te main teme o* tis roLect is to

    control te oeration o* door using a seci*ic mo&ile one tat act as te e *orte sstem. 9 using te &asic idea o* tis roLect )e can also construct man

    use*ul sstems.

    !ome o* its alications are:

    1. -igl secure sstem:

    +t is &asicall designed *or securit urose.

    For eamle: +n &ans )ere te locers o* customer a@e dou&le locing sstem.

    +n tat case one o* te loc can &e tis sstem.

    2. 9EW: ersonall 9ranced Teleone Ecange:

    9 using tis roLect )e can construct

    ersonall &ranced teleone ecange +n man o* te 9EW )e see in te

    o**ices reuire one oerator to di@ert te incoming calls to te resecti@e internal

    teleone line. -ere it does not reuire an suc oerator to oerate tis ecange.

    Te erson *rom a remote section can ress te etension num&er to get connected

    to te resecti@e num&er. +n tis te o* 9EW onl 12 etensions can &e used.

    3. Controlling aliances remotel:

    +n certain cases )en )e need to control an ind o* aliance ma &e at

    ome or at o**ice tis sstem is o* great utilit. ne can also /FF a

    de@ice &e*ore in and )en reuired.

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc



    Tis roLect consists o* a control unit troug )ic ou can control our

    door. +t contains one teleone line and a "ocal Control !ection.Te door )ic is to &e controlled must &e connected to teleone line

    troug control unit. Control unit is et )it a su**icient &acu.

    Te main art o* te circuit is ser@ed & +C T880 tat acts as a %TF

    decoder. Tis +C taes %TF signal coming *rom te one and con@erts te

    signals into resecti@e 9C% num&er.

    Te main teme o* tis roLect is to control te door o* omes and o**ices

    using a mo&ile one *or securit urose Q tis is tried to &e satis*actoril

    acie@ed. -ere te securit is maintained & gi@ing a seci*ic code tat )ill&e no)n & te user onl.

    +t is a uniue sstem in itsel* Q is sel* comlete in case o* securit as

    reuired. Furter ' Q % in tis direction )ould ield muc more ad@anced

    sstem )it etra *eatures.

  • 7/24/2019 MOBILE CONTROL DOOR.doc




    1. icro Electronics $nalog Communication -and&oo# +TE"


    2. Electronics roLects# '..arston

    3. Teleone roLects *or Electronic Eeriments

    4. #$ms Q "inear +ntegrated Circuits# 'amaant