MO Report

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  • 7/25/2019 MO Report



    4ABHA LAKRA (1511302)

    APRAJITA VERMA (1511311)

    CHETAN DIXIT (1511316)

    SHUBHAM SHUKLA (1511359)

    YOESH CHOUDHARY (151136!)




  • 7/25/2019 MO Report



    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY*****************************************************************************************************2


    OVERVIE+ O# THE COMPANY*****************************************************************************************3



    A.4'$& $ H-/'$& 78 &,-.'************************************************************************ 5

    +HAT AND +HY T: '$8 $ :$; ' -T: ,$. -&/ ': ,$, U&'/ ; '-&/? /@// ; -

  • 7/25/2019 MO Report



    This report studies the evolution of Genpact-Headstrong Big Data Centre of Excellence (CoE) from

    2!2 to present" Big Data CoE is one of the four departments under Advanced Technology CoE

    (ATCoE)" #TCoE $as setup after the ac%uisition of Headstrong &' Genpact in a' 2!! and is an

    intrapreneurial initiative to develop technical expertise in advanced technologies"

    The focus of the report is onl' Big Data CoE and it anal'ses development of Big Data CoE through

    the four stages of development" The CoE evolved from its conception to entrepreneurial stage

    collectivit' stage finall' to the formali*ation stage" #t each stage the CoE exhi&ited different

    structural design and internal culture" The report also descri&es the focus areas of the team as $ell

    as challenges faced during each stage and ho$ the' led to next stages of development"

    +inall' the report loo,s into current pro&lems faced &' the department and suggests

    recommendations for the same" resentl' the department faces high attrition rate and

    interdepartmental conflicts $ith the Genpact anal'tics department" The report recommends

    integration of the Big Data CoE and #nal'tics team" .ntegration $ould lead to development of a

    strong technical arm for Genpact" The report also suggests utilising .ntellectual ropert'

    components developed &' the Big Data CoE and resources tacit ,no$ledge of the #nal'tics

    Department to develop a roduct (.ntellectual ropert') $hich $ould esta&lish Genpact/s credi&ilit'

    in the Big Data0#nal'tics industr'"


  • 7/25/2019 MO Report



    1ara had &een $or,ing at Genpact Headstrong Capital ar,ets for over 'ears" 1he had 3oined

    Genpact after her Bachelor of Technolog' degree having &een selected in the compan' campus

    recruitment drive"That evening over a cup of s$eet coffee she reminisced a&out her $or, experience and the

    changes she had seen in her department- the Big Data Centre of Excellence (CoE)"

    4Ho$ it &egan for me 'ou as,56 exclaimed 1ara &efore telling us her stor'"

    +our months into Genpact 1ara learnt of a ne$ initiative (#dvanced Technologies CoE) driven &'

    Emilia 7ice resident Genpact" To 1ara the CoE $as an opportunit' to learn and $or, on ne$

    technologies that $ere doing the rounds of the industr'" 1he volunteered and $as selected to &e a

    part of the Big Data CoE under the $ider um&rella of #dvanced Technolog' CoE"#nd hence &egan her 3ourne' in the corporate $orld8 in an intrapreneurial initiative at Genpact




    Genpact (9:1E; G) stands for 4generating &usiness impact6" Genpact designs transforms and runs

    intelligent &usiness operations" .t operates in models that foster gro$th and manage cost ris, and

    compliance" Genpact/s long list of clients include more than one-fourth of the +ortune Glo&al

  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    the heritage of operational excellence as an extension of the clients/ &usiness = reflected &' $hat $e

    &elieve are the &est client satisfaction scores in the industr'" [1]


    Headstrong is a consulting (strategic as $ell as operations) .T services and outsourcing compan'

    $ith more than three decades of domain expertise in capital mar,ets and securit' industries" .t is a

    glo&al compan' $ith presence in seven countries spread across 9orth #merica Europe and #sia-

    acific" .t originall' started as an .T consulting firm in !>F! &' the name of Doll artin orld$ide

    and $as later renamed as Aames artin #ssociates" .t entered into a merger $ith #r3un alhotra led

    Techspan in 2 and its name changed to Headstrong"

    Headstrong has deep domain ,no$ledge and proven expertise in verticals li,e asset and $ealthmanagement mortgages reference data securities financing prime &ro,erage derivatives and

    compliance and ris," Iange of services span the complete value chain from high-end consulting to

    application outsourcing to product development to operations management" Headstrong has &een

    rated the 9o" ! overall vendor in +inancial ar,ets .nformation Technolog' Jutsourcing &' the

    prestigious Blac, Boo, of JutsourcingK Iesearch Group" .t $as cited a top leader in financial

    outsourcing in The 2! Glo&al Jutsourcing ! @ist8 $as ran,ed in the 2! +inTech list of the

    $orldLs &est financial services companies8 $as recogni*ed the Best id-si*ed Business rocessJutsourcing (BJ) Compan' of the :ear at the third .nternational .CT #$ards hilippines 2>8

    and has &een %uoted in numerous specialist reports &' anal'sts li,e Gartner Everest +orrester

    Celent Ta&& Group and To$erGroup" [2]

    A.4'$& $ H-/'$& 78 &,-.'

    .ndia/s third largest ac%uisition happened in a' 2!! $hen Headstrong $as ac%uired &' Genpact


  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    revenues paid &' Genpact" The' $ere of the vie$ that deal could &e a &ig success if the' managed

    to undergo successful integration"[4]

    Headstrong had domain expertise in $ealth management asset management derivatives prime

    &ro,erage reference data compliance and mortgages and Genpact hoped to leverage this to gain

    competenc' in capital mar,ets industr'" Headstrong had large investment &an,s (> out of top !) as

    its clients $hich $ould &ecome clients of Genpact after ac%uisition"

    Benefits for Genpact:

    ! Headstrong office is ver' near to Genpact HM in 9oida $hich $ould facilitate staff training

    and easier cultural assimilation2 .t $ould help in arresting the slide of financial services at Genpact &' &olstering Genpact/s

    capa&ilities in &urgeoning capital mar,ets" This ac%uisition leaves ver' little room for an' giant provider to ac%uire Genpact" Genpact/s Jnshore deliver' is strengthened in the 1 N and Aapan = three of the ma3or

    gro$th mar,ets for BJ< Headstrong adds some genuine .T consulting muscle" [5]

    +HAT AND +HY T: '$8 $ :$; ' -

  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    Headstrong also helped Genpact diversif' &usiness offering &esides BJ 1ervices" Jne of the

    ne$sletter released in #pril 2!! &' the organi*ation %uoted ramod Bhasin sa'ing - PHeadstrong

    is a complementary high-growth b%siness& b%ilt by talented leaders& that is an excellent it

    strategically& inancially& operationally and c%lt%rally With this ac%isition& we are gaining critical

    domain and technology expertise in the complex& b%t highly attractive& capital marets ind%stry

    vertical This expertise - combined with o%r capabilities in b%siness process management (*+,)

    and mart .ecision ervices that encompass analytics and reengineering - will create a %ni%ely

    power%l val%e proposition or clients/"[7]

    .n line $ith the goal of diversif'ing &usiness offerings the top leaders decided to venture into

    #dvanced Technologies" #dvanced Technolog' is essentiall' a technolog' that is still immature &ut

    promises to deliver significant value or that has some technical maturit' &ut still has relativel' fe$

    users" #mong current examples; artificial intelligence agents speech and hand$riting recognition

    virtual realit' and D visuali*ation smart cards real-time colla&oration enhanced user

    authentication data mining and ,no$ledge management" [8]Nasper @aine $ho had &een CEJ of Headstrong encouraged Emilia 7ice resident to esta&lish the

    Advanced Technology Centre o Excellence (ATCoE)"

    #TCoE $as a department $here all capa&ilities regarding the ne$ technologies $ould &e focussed

    and it $as an um&rella structure for different #dv" Technologies namel'- Big Data Cloud

    Computing o&ilit' and Business rocess anagement (B)" Emilia and her small teamproceeded to conceptualise define and manage the CoE"


    Emilia and her team stepped for$ard $ith immense enthusiasm" The CoE $as an initiative no&od'

    in the organi*ation had $or,ed in &efore" .t $as essentiall' an intrapreneurship initiative $ith

    handpic,ed mem&ers to develop technical capa&ilit'There $as no ,no$ledge repositor' or esta&lished &usiness processes that could &e follo$ed" This

    created an environment of high uncertaint'" Therefore once #TCoE and its constituent CoEs $ere

    finalised the team developed four focus areas;!" Team Building2" Iesource #lignment (setting up @a&orator')


  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    " Centralising ,no$ledge from across different organi*ational divisions" .nternal ar,eting of the CoE

    # &asic reference architecture (as given &elo$) $hich included products and services from different

    categories $as used to identif' necessar' technical competence"


    Emilia $or,ed tirelessl' to lin, &oth Headstrong and Genpact leaders and esta&lish performance

    measures for the department" Because the CoE $as experimental no revenue targets $ere imposed"

    The primar' intent $as to encourage learning in an independent and interference free setup"

    Headstarts (college graduates-lo$ cost emplo'ees) $ere selected to &e part of the CoE" .ndividual

    constituent CoEs (in this case Big Data CoE) $ere simpl' given guidelines in terms of reference

    architecture @a&orator' set up $ere encouraged to develop+roo o Concepts(# proof of concept

    (JC) is a demonstration the purpose of $hich is to verif' that certain concepts or theories have

    the potential for real-$orld application" JC is therefore a protot'pe that is designed to determine

    feasi&ilit' &ut does not represent delivera&les")[9]The decision ma,ing and planning in the conceptuali*ation stage $as done using a model similar to

    the Carnegie odel"

    Carnegie Mode for !ecision "a#ing;

    Emilia $as good at figuring out $hat to do $hen things $ere uncertain" 1he did this $ith the help

    of her team (a,in to a special tas, force)" 1he ,ne$ that organi*ation-level decisions involve man'

    11ource; http;00$$$"ongridventures"com0$p-content0uploads02!20!0Big-Data-@andscape"3pg


  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    sta,eholders and are &est made together as a group (post discussions and &argaining) rather than an

    individual/s decisions"#t that time separate leadership from Genpact and Headstrong existed" # coalition &et$een the

    leaders #ccount Heads Emilia/s team $as necessar' to decide 4hat and Ho$ the CoE $ould

    $or,6" +ormulating a strateg' for survival and a roadmap for CoE operations $as necessar'"Ho$ever the different leaders had different interests and perspectives" #n area of conflict $as

    deciding the performance metrics" # fe$ managers $anted to esta&lish revenue &ased scorecards to

    3udge performance over time- after all revenue matters the' said" Emilia and a fe$ others felt

    differentl'" The CoE $as an experimental initiative it needed an encouraging and free environment

    to thrive" #pplication of revenue metrics the' felt $ould put undue pressure and the creativit'

    strea, and enthusiasm could fi**le out" Both sides &argained discussed and eventuall' decided on a

    satisficing &ehaviour" To achieve several goals of creativit' and measura&le metrics a minimal 2O

    tili*ation score $as incorporated in each mem&er/s annual scorecard" This parameter simpl'

    re%uired the team mem&ers to devote 2O of their efforts in pro3ects that generated revenue" The

    metric $as not mandator' and in a&sence of Billa&le pro3ects $ould onl' hit the performance

    marginall'"1o $e see that in an uncertain scenario $here the potential solutions too $ere un,no$n decisions

    $ere ta,en &' coalitions searching for solutions and finall' deciding on a satisficing &ehaviour" #s

    a direct result of the team/s passionate efforts the CoE evolved into the next stage of its life-c'cle"


    The Big Data CoE &egan operating $ith the four focus areas defined in the conceptuali*ation stage"

    !" $ea" %&idingstarted $ith Emilia and her team appointing a 1enior rincipal Consultant

    (Aimi anner) in-charge of Big Data CoE" Aimi handpic,ed a team of ? Headstarts

    (Compan' 3argon for college graduates) to &e part of the team" .t $as a small team $hich

    $as encouraged for self-learning and operated in a rather ad-hoc manner" 9o score card or

    performance metrics $ere esta&lished and the team mem&ers $ere given the opportunit' to

    experiment and familiari*e themselves $ith the upcoming technolog' in the mar,et"

    2" 'eso&rce (ign"ent re%uired setting up a Big Data @a&orator' $ith servers computer

    s'stems and special net$or, connections (the CoE $as the onl' team to &e given free

    internet access $hen ordinaril' access $as controlled to ensure client-data securit')" The la&

    $as located in a separate space- a$a' from interference of the mainstream operations of the

    compan'" The @a&orator' $as setup in a room called Iemote Jperations Centre or IJC"

  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    The room li,e most la&oratories $as &uilt to &e conducive to creativit'- no cu&icles glass

    panelled $alls $hite des,s- much li,e a space mission control room" 7er' gee,'Q

    " )no*edge centrai+ationfrom across departments $as done $ith $ee,l' presentations

    training of select fe$ personnel from different accounts &rainstorming sessions to identif'

    ideas for roof of Concepts" Hori*ontal coordination among the team mem&ers and different

    department $as promoted as an indispensa&le need for the generation of ne$ ideas"

    " ,nterna Mar#eting of the CoE $as done &' Emilia/s o$n team" Both Genpact and

    Headstrong leaders engagement managers and indirectl' their clients $ere targeted" Emilia

    and her team interacted $ith these sta,eholders" +re%uent calls video conferences $ere

    made to generate traction and interest to$ards the CoE" This traction $as necessar' to get

    client pro3ects in the next stage of the CoE" onthl' ne$sletters $ere released internall' in

    the organi*ation to &ring attention to the developments and achievements of the CoE" #lso

    4guided trips6 to the la&orator' $ere organised for the target sta,eholders to impress upon

    them the excitement of a Centre of Excellence"


    The CoE $as &uilt along the lines of a start-up and operated in an organic structure"There $as minimal hierarch' $ith onl' t$o reporting levels" The Big Data CoE had all the

    characteristics of an organic design-!" !ecentrai+ation Jther than a fe$ fundamental guidelines not much order $as

    enforced" The team had the freedom to decide the technologies to pursue the roof of

    Concepts to develop the num&er of $or, hours and timings in a da'" This $a'

    ,no$ledge and control la' $ith the team mem&ers" The' $ere encouraged to gain

    ,no$ledge on their o$n ta,e care of da'-to-da' pro&lems themselves using theirdiscretion to ma,e decisions"

    2" /"po*ered 'oesBig Data $as an advanced technologies and the team had no prior

    experience $ith it" The team mem&ers had the responsi&ilit' to &uild on the ,no$ledge

    of the technolog' &ut $ere not assigned specificall' defined tas,s" Their roles and

    responsi&ilities $ere continuousl' ad3usted according to the shifting needs and the team

    mem&ers $or,ed in tandem $ith each other"


  • 7/25/2019 MO Report



    S,(.5-T: ,$. -&/ ': ,$,

  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    The information gathering process &egan ver' earl' $ith a fe$ telephonic conversations $ith r"

    1amuel Hei,,inen 1r" rincipal Consultant at Genpact" r" 1amuel $as our oint of Contact

    $ithin Genpact"

    The group decided to interact $ith people $ho had &een a part of the different stages of the

    evolution of CoE to gather a comprehensive understanding of the life c'cle"

    r" 1amuel $ho had &een a part of the CoE since the collectivit' stage $as a vital source of

    information" He explained in great lengths the efforts he and the entire team had made to ensure the

    CoE $as a success" He $as also a&le to provide information from a manger/s perspective $hich is

    &roader &ecause of interaction $ith a multitude of people &oth in top and lo$er levels of the


    1ara a senior associate $as a ma3or contri&utor to our understanding of the evolution of the CoE"1he had &een a part of the CoE since the Entrepreneurial stage and had had the opportunit' to

    o&serve results and conse%uences of decisions ta,en &' the management" The report attempts to &e

    a narration from her recollection of events and anecdotes and hopefull' does 3ustice to her help"

    .nteractions $ith &oth r" 1amuel and 1ara happened during the t$o visits to the Genpact office"

    Ho$ever the' $ere &oth immensel' ,ind to help us $ith our %ueries over the phone as $ell"

    #nother important contri&utor $as a consultant Daniel" Daniel though currentl' not a part of

    Genpact ho$ever $as a part of Emilia/s special tas, force" He $as a crucial part and $itness to the

    ver' origin of the Big Data CoE and its 3ourne' from conception to consolidation" Jur interaction

    $ith Daniel $as through telephone calls as he is &ased out of a different cit'"

    e have used aliases instead of emplo'ee names to ensure confidentialit'"

    TEAM+ORK> U&'/ ; '-&/? /@// ; -

  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    person 3otted do$n important points" #nd the information $as rela'ed to the entire group for a

    comprehensive understanding" ith all the information in hand the group sat do$n to discuss $hat

    the' had o&served and learnt" Each one of prepared rough drafts of the report $hich $ere then

    collated to into one document" The tas,s such as formatting adding references creating figures and

    charts $ere divided among the mem&ers to increase utilit' under the constraints of time"


    !" Genpact RCompan' Jvervie$/ accessed < #ugust 2!

  • 7/25/2019 MO Report


    " The Hindu Business @ine Bureau #pril 2!2 RGenpact to ac%uire Headstrong for Is"

    22 cr/ accessed < #ugust 2!