Mo livestock kirksville 12 04-16 2


Transcript of Mo livestock kirksville 12 04-16 2

A Beginner’s Trinity

Take a class

Join a local bee club or association

Find a mentor

Problem with a class

Problem with a bee clubInundated with “experts”

Bogged down with committees

Encumbered with administration

Best thing about bee clubsNetworking!

Fount of resources

Great place to ask questions

Great place to ask for help

Problem with a mentorBest mentors probably very busy

Scheduling conflicts

Doesn’t need to train a “helper”

Doesn’t want commitment

Philosophical differencesA mentor is like a coach, they can get you in the

game but they cannot play it for you.

Where to find bee clubs?

“local associations” link

Read, Read, Read – Supply Catalogs Dadant 1-888-922-1293

Brushy Mountain

1-800-BEESWAX (800-233-7929)

Better Bee 1-800-632-3379

Kelley Bee 1-800-233-2899

Mann Lake


Two MagazinesBee Culture

The American Bee Journal

Barne’s and Nobles




Social Media

Too much information?Differing opinions and philosophies

Multiple answers

Lots of overlap and redundancy

Ignorance and arrogance (Facebook)

What’s the value?

Building a vocabulary

Learn the jargon

Clothing – Protection - Confidence

Use smoke!

1. Visit a beekeeperA first-hand hive inspection

See how the equipment works together

Take a free sting, see how it really hurts

Remember there is more “art” than “science”

Don’t say, “I was reading on the Internet…”

Don’t say, “Aren’t you supposed to…”

2. Where will you keep bees?Most beginners: backyard

Where in backyard?

Got neighbors? Bees swarm!

Full sun is preferred (my opinion)

Ask a beekeeper to come over and offer an opinion

3. How many hives?Two hives is recommended,

Four hives if you can afford it.

Value of comparison

No two colonies are alike

A colony (bees) lives in a hive (structure)

4. What kind of hives?Top Bar Hive

no standard dimensions

Langstroth – rectangular

10-frame is standard

8-frame is lighter

Different size boxes

Langstroth hives

5. Where will you acquire hives?

Buy new - $250 complete set up

Buy used -

Make them yourself*

If you decide to quit, what is your resale potential?

6. Where are you going to get your bees?

Buy a package $110 - $135

Buy a nuc $145 - $185

Buy a whole hive $250

Catch a swarm “free”

Remove bees from structure – “cut out”

Different sources will raise different expectations, yield different results,

require different management.

Bee Removals

First Year ExpectationsProbably feed sugar syrup to get started - $

Equal parts white granulated sugar and water

Get established, build comb

Honey harvest not likely

Bees may, or may not, flourish

Urge to micromanage everything

Bee may die over the winter