M,n VALENGIENES enterprising nn'r.'h:iiii who know thing* eekBi "What i- standard advert hungt" Thnc...

"-—"~ YOV MAT HBVEH lii r snori.it SOU BVEB- Want Job -rintia^ Give us a call. The San Jose Scale. ICr. ii. 8. Boreu, Hi' 1 Hcnterj and treasurer of the .1. \';iu I.IIHI li> NIUN,I'\ Compau). HI Pomona. Hi.' Standard Vcl-.rtl-.lnic- An enterprising nn'r.'h:iiii who wantato know thing* eekBi "What i- standard advert hung t" Thnc OM babul one suitable ami sensi 0 fill HI AN\ ruiM. FROM A Visiting Card <-— TO A ,-"% •» Full Sheet Poster. called "ii in.' today correct uumerotM miestatementa in ihe.|,i,. answer in iln- query—namely, press about the San Jose Scale, that standard advertising i- the which li.is recently made Us ep-l beat advertising. H>ereii no one pearanee in many orchard! in Norih I criterion for puMicit) The amr- Carolina. In ilie lirst place, Mr.' ,.),,,„) iniisi be (joverned In Ins liorensaid that the nursery here laIMethod of making boainess an- entire.) unaffected by the scale.: |„,uuecincnis l>_\ the character of ihough the insect lia.l ruined *-">. j|,j s «-ama, bis environment and the rchardforthe Van I. indie) !,.|. IN< f , M „,,|,. win, which be ev- C pauy atSouthern lines. Ipecta todeal. Having selected as •.Vsia generally known," said his advertising medium a nrbt-claa Mi. Boreu, "the Oral appearance ami truatworth) newspaper, hi ..I the scale iu the I'nited Btatos must use his own judgment and «as in California, about S3 yean ideas—or those of other peopU— ago, but it was spread iu this State audio, experience Bad oat what ami othei Southern States by Wil wr j of advertisingbringathe quick i: mi Parry, II nurseryman In New ,.,, an.l heal return-. Then he will Jersey. Iu North Carolina it Bret have reached the atandard soaght appeared in the orchard of Mr. if,,,. But as to the standard adver Whippie, of Southern lines. There tising medium, there oau be DO isutHic of iin- scale in Oulltord ( |uestionthat ii Unpopular news- i nt.v. but we have received let- paper.—Philadelphia Record. ter* from all over the State asking ... foi .i formula for ii- destruction. ••In an orchard the scale will be lii-i mi peach trees, if BIIJ are there, though ii may attack all kinds ..i fruil or other trees. A (•real man) people havesenl n- ei«' eggs, thinking the) were ilie s.in ,l,»sc scale. 1'iit a crickett'a eggs in- hall as large as a grain of wheat, > bereus the -.ale is a mill utegrav speck, resembling ashes; iiiid i In- fitcl that ii an insect can lie determined b) microscopic Sew Discovery". It "ill promptly me ilieworsl cough, heal the in TYPE AM) PRESS. WHO WANTS IT? SPEAK QUICK. Tin: l!i:n ixiiitt recently pur- i chased two printing offioa outtits w i I.MI \( nova w BLDOH . R. AXD BRANCHES AXD ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY Of SOI TH CAROLINA. (SMUUUR BCBBDCUC. TKAISs'liOIMi^U'TH. HATKII .Inn.'I 1-M». St 5 if AN «(o and lias a quantity of surplus ma- jgSSEitS* terial that will be sold cheap luswTsrtof. m. . , , , l- v aoekf M.-unt There is u cylinder press la'gc | !<•»,. n.. enough to print n nine column ' i> K»).I,.-.IIU- paper, in splendid condition, and .. ,, ,, ... , ArtivMsbon 7 » a Quantity <>t Small I KM. Long I.VI.I.M-i..„„ ,, '. ... - , l.v Ma.iii.il. I rimer, Brevier uinl -Xonpariel .\r Wilmington In. nisi, a reams wuausoimi. V.5. r.S. y.E.1. AM I'M I' M ii » 9 «a ,-j H 10 m MM 1 no in .«t -.- ll 'i IS. ii ••: 4 »l I in i r. I'M AM 7 II S II »« 5 x THE RAVAGES OF GRIP. Thai moderu scourge, the Grip, poisons theair with Ita fatal genus, so that no home Is sate from IU ravages, but multitudes have found a sure protection against this dan- gerous malady in I>r. King's New Discoverv. when you feel a sore- ness HI your lames and muscles, have chills and fever, with sore i hio.it.pain iii the hack of the head, caiarrhnl s) mptomaand cotlgll vou may know y Cup. and that you need Dr. Kiug'i body type. We can complete outfit large enough for a six or seven column paper. Specimens nl'the body ty|ic arc I i.v Qomai own in this advertisement, the &{Kffi5> typo Wing taken from I he case just; *•"»• *'<" « as it runs, so it shows lor itscll'!! »'*!a"»»ftos ..... m> - * .1 | l.v Majninlla how well it prints. I m. is the t.. MSiton Small Pica eiao of which there '«:,,.,„ wn „„, 1 pair of cases. | aockj Hout Arrlvi- Tarbofa Ti.cn here ia a paragraph BSt from LTHOOEI Mount the Long Primer size. We have 4|ArWeMsa I ,ir- of these cases. In baying this j Tr „„ tvpeyo'i do not get something that M k«T««W>lilon»n p«, Uallfu I 19 pjn. tr itublmrn u bin c tin f.i Ei-S J* $i a elf d *3 u AM I' M .1 T 43 It SO t 45 IS. 10 hi t II »1 AM fill ; on » o s M n is S to 0 45 It SI r M A M I" M I'M t at •< i n .ti ' - i it n 30 -- r i : :: IU DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. M KI in IUIST. —Services every Sun - day, morning and evening. Prayer meeting Wislmwday evening. Rev. N. SI. Watson, pastor. Sunday school I p. m. W V. Harding, su- l crinteiidcnt PKEHBYTKRIAX.-Services third Snmlay, morning a ml evening. Rev. J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday- school.'I p.m. J. R. Moore su- perintendent. CATHOLIC.—No regular services. Knsi'oi'Al..—Sunday school 9M a. in. W.Il.Browii,superintendent. Divine serviir and sermon every Sunday morning and evening. Ev- ening prayer Wednesdaysat7:30P. M.. and Litany Kridavs at 10 A. M., Hev. I. A. Cantield, Minuter iu Charge. BAPTBr.—Services every Sun- day, morning and evening. Pray- er meeting Thursday evening. Rev. A. W. Setzer, pastor. Sundav- school 9:30 a. ru. C. 0. Rountree, siipcriiitendent. ..• .'i I 4i 1J0» 1 M LOIX1B3 thi ip »s we will sell these lets. i-,l "• *> p in. simiUy 4 1\ ii m. rtrrlvf .' We carry a t'uil line uf tiio celebrated Greo. S. Parker Fountain Pen It is a big hit in lountain pen mak ing, and is clist ncLive Parker tex- ture. Not only does it feed the ink perlectly, bur. prevents soiled fingers mi Inspection. It multiplies very rap hi I). ami »ill hill ail) tree inside oi a year. Xo tree is good for fruit- inji after the scale makes its up ppur.liice. and il will lake diligent work to save it. When il is found that II tree has lost all vitnlit) from the Insert il should lie cut low ii at ouce. •The iw»l usual »a) if«irr>inn tin- scale froui uue pine to another is h) iiinls. It i- miinewhal gum in), and sticks t" Ihe feel of the birds. As sonii as the scale i- seen in in on haul i; is imperative toad '.it once, and the following formula. ' which «-i- adopted l>> il nmil lee t ii ibe control of crop ix-sis. apiHiiuteil in IS'.I.'I. makes the bcsl .pniy Ihal I know of: llissolve III t«.. quarts oi walci one ipim I "t ii' one i|iiarler poll lid of by heating lo Ihe Isdl Then add one pint of ll ami sin \ ii'lenlh l"l li\ i.i ..up haul ing poin kcr n, from tin ina\ he i '!'• Ihu I membranes, hill the disease genus ami prevent the ilrea.leil nl Icr I'llWts of the malady. Price60 eets ami 1.00. Money back if not cured, A trial bottle free at J. I.. Woolen's Drug Store I'riii'italil Trucking. w lnlc iln- present truck season lias I'li-ii an Uuprolltable one in man) sections of the south. Ihe Xcw llern section baa been favored, ami good substantial financial re turns have rewarded the efforts of Iruekers in this section. I'.inilir" loiinly truck growers lime had a good season, their cab- ii.,ge- nud potatoes bringing in good ret ll ins. Two instances out of man) such successes are worth) of note. On three quarters of au acre, a I'.itulii'o truck grower, raised oal liageswhi.li netted him9250, and A. F. & A. M. -- Greenville Lodge, No. 284, meets first and sooiiin.i NV. k nraiu'i. Kiwi | third Monday evening. R. Wil- H|' m, Halifax I 15 j. m. ar-lli..,,,.. Off \J I \f lfa,iaa On,, , ri>r-s...|lan.lNr.-kalslM|,m. OrMlMtHlSH ,l * l "•*'• J. «• KCI1SS, »CC wom on'.aid oast asnle, lint a goo.i Kl „.,„„ ; v ,., m H ,. lllrnh , k .,„»,.,Kin.i.. T ,: I.O.O.F. Covenant I^alge.No. -rv, . ,i.lo type, capable of BUI n wear. IH8. fSS^BAV , JPWSSi! IT. Meets every Tuesday evening. II... i -,l.,,g a l,..l0M,,all.r.Br,vi,r I":;.';!,*;;, „, »..„,„„„„ nr.,,,1, Wave Waa> £* 0M *' * 0l '" "' *"****> . ,. . •.. r >.„ul r .lvi„l,r,-teli.i|,i„,i,,g | S.^.SSSt^a^.SaaTit .5 K ' " f ''— Ti,r ,,iv « r '""'Ke. s- It may nul come liol ones in » IUMIBN IOSI ,„,|7 «,,,„. .l..i!y «..-i.t sun.h>». 9,'l,inecls every Friday evening. Dr. |.|. itimily i»eivin fi'Mi'iyiiiK type a* rrM,i l.-,,v.-. Twbara,dsllr r»,'.|.i siir.iay \V, H, Ba"well Jr. 0 OTi R. L. Can, K.of R. and S. Zeb Vance Council, No. s everv Thursduv cven- i-rlnl''. «li. -< .in u>i- inn ••! nil •'! llsirn nally. pxi-rpr similar. m a m. amvinc , ... ., \ir;i_rtl, ti.ru iiiiik.. li>ii>l"i I'-I-II-HI'I- Wlill,'|Snnlli«,-l.|sliia m, r.-nirnlntkavi-- -mil l.li.-Ul Ing. >\ . 1(. Wilson, K. »1. It. Ijlllg, Sec. JB.O. 0, A. II,—Meets everv O. loun- aallor. A. •>. A.—Egyptian Council, Xo. II, meets every lirr.t and third Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. M. ft. Tiiruage, Worthv Chief; 1). 8. Smith, See. I. O. H.—tirccnvilie Conclave No. 540. meets every second and fourth Monday nights iu Odd Fel- lows Hall. W. 11. Wilson Arehon; 1). S. Smith Sec. ,. „„„„„.,. i „,.. another trucker baa dug barreta HMii)! A cotiiinoi. j fiHH V |nin;|i llllil |iu|linu Iho Pll<l "I I die li*»*t' Uu'k into ii"* niiktuiv i moiitliT tii|t m. t> in t> m, r*'iuriilne, tt-sve* I'ly- I'uri", K. 0 i . i w.t.. ,.r -,.,.- ..ftluM V..1, nii»iith «1a!ly. eii-i-iif Siimlrtj". 7 Si'ii m. ami Min-I ., . , i v R US Ail I' ffhTawl'r"»in3 I ' U> ' °° *"' MT|T * Tar,K ' r " ,no '' •*'"• "'" M,n -' ,C " A '""' > will I«-'M.! I will, Ihr t\| I nil Train «>ti MidlandH r Bmit.-li |<MTW UoM*- ! lti'.Hi, IllCCt > dally. r*irpt Sunday. 7 tn a in. ariivln* , «,- IhflriM* It'a in. r.-liinilnit iMTOi " mlihli.-KI l"P- « a in.urrlv.- ttUoUlOOroIOtta m. J IAIIIIT StM' ain .-n Nrt-hillle llrani li la*T« k> ,f . . * ml lit y H a in. 1*' \< in, arriv.* Na-ln ilie i «'"- vt I pn, N.i-hvill- || H a in arrh.al Rorkt, O, F. ball. I i. J. WlMMlward.C, Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or- der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Tills. They reg- ulate the bowels anil product* A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, l>il- iousness, constipation and kin- dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS m '' '.i m. .in .i at UoMsbOM ''' : > n.. !•" Train <>n Nu-Mille llranch Icavi , Mftint nl '.* fc) a in. 1t» i. in, »rri - W l" 11> m |lM, MoOBl M lAam, loopn, ilnlly MOtpt Suml^y Train i»n •linlon llram h |MfTW tt'itr«Bir fot CIlDlOBdallT.Pktfpt Si.iMlay. » ).<« m anil 4 I.V : ::i. r.-f'.i int..- It-ti'. - i !jn!"ii at IOO a ID Kiel I'll, a in | Train Mo 7-inn«1r* ploaw ..minMli.m at Wd il.ui lor all iv'.iit- Nortt.'tally. M'I rail ti. ..i-b m< i fid. II. M. KMKKSOX. tien'l Paaa. Agenl I. It. KKN'I.Y. Gen'l Manager. T. M. KMKItSOX. Traffic Slauaga The Daily Reflector again. Thi* mixes Ihe oil neruia iieully, so thai il will never seuai ute and may IK 1 dilulcl easily at !•".--.1'iiir. Thi.*uii\iiircshould lie ilihit.il In ice it~ bulk " nil «n icr, or aiajiii fourteen limes as much us water us keroseue. The kenwenc eniiilsh.n is successful in destmying cattle lice and sheen ticks, as well a* all rarities uf plant lice, scale, eti tirceusboro Her .ml. The Right tart of Advertising. The luiincnse aud relentless com |M*ti I Ion in sales in the mercantile ttiirl.l has arotiseil a corresponding I i limpet it ion in Ihe met h.ids uf ad \erlisiug, A-a result advertisers in.' inakiug it a point to eudenvori to lie extremely original; imt tblal of potatoes mi an acre, these pota- toes selling at ftUM) per laurel In Ihe iinrlliern markcl.—New Hern Journal. A Singular Hlaic. A singular thing happened at Mr. K|iliriain llarrell's yesterday. He had a hen lies: made in a liu\ listened to a tie. ing the afternoon ihe heneanu Ihe eggs iu Ihe nest in a hurry, for the straw in the nest burst into names. Alter the lire she returned in herposl and eoutinueato warn the eggs. What earned the Are is a mystery.—Wilson Xe»s. every I trice Arc I nut. Gives the home news afternoon ut the small ol 2-* cents a month, you a subscriber? I vou ought tt» bo. The Eastern Reflector TWICE-A WEEK Is only .-M ii year and oon- tains ihe news every week, ami gives information i»< (he laniier.s.t'specially those grow- ing tobacoo, thai Is worth many times more than the subscription price. Of Interest to Inventors. I'. A. SnoW S <'i.. one nl" Iln uldealand most successful linns of patent lawyers, whoae ofHee* are opposite the I'nited States I'.iteut office In Washington, I». <'.. and uhohaveprocured patents for inure lhan 17,000 inveiitnrs. say that, owing tn ihe Improved conditions. in Ihe I'nited Stales I'alcnl Office, patents may now be more prompt* Ij procured than at any previous lime iu their experience oftweuty- live rears. Kvery evidence of coin pclilion in this life, ill Ibis day of business methods versus philanthropic en- terpi i-*e. conn's to us a* a street i* a inislakeii ami iir.ililles. s|rlv I, , . . , -.. , ,, baluitoa weary soul. No less than four distinct andaeparateooncerni, corporations or organixatlons, arc after ihe Korth Pole and deieriniu »sl iii get il. With so many as four Oompanles dealing in the Xorlh Poh), we the people may hope to gets .nl the lieuclits without paying extra and axtortlonate iri bale lo a Monopoly.—Raleigh I'• si. ing. There is no endless power of orlgiuality in the mind of man. A uuiforniit) of thoiighi and act Ion dnmiuates mankind, who are in nalily imitators; their doings are merely repetitions of what has iii-cn .lone before, s., the persla- lent advertiser wh.» is eager fur '.utisfactory reaultswill gain ihein I - st bj git lug solid, cheery and instructive Information to his pa Irons through the i Hum "i a newspaper which the public reads, and iu which il has thcutuinsl eon lidenec. Ughtnlng seems In lie unusually destructive tab summer, la near Ij ever) paper tspubilaaed one or more Instances of ii* faial work. Persons are aaddeal] kiihsi—lit- erall> in Ihe I winkling of an eye- anil valuable propert) deatrnjdd nearly everyday, and it is nu won der that so many panona are great l.v frighti'iied when a stnnn an, proai lies. And the worst of it is lliat lightning seems to be a dead- ly ilangei that no human pn— lion ran eerlaiul\ pro\ ide against. —Chatham lieeonl. Hutklcn's Arnica Salve. The beat salve in the world for ('ills, liruiscs. Sores, fleers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sires, Tatter, Chap- ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ami all Skin Kriiptions. and positively inn's Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction nr money refunded. Price '.'."i cents |HT DOS. r'or saleliy Jno. t. Woolen. KSTA1II.ISI1KD 1875. WHOLESALE .- & ;-RETAIL Prepared buokwheat, faucy Ponce molasses, side meal, hams, should- ers, coffee, sugar. Illour, toliacco, snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots, linr-1 Blgcn butter, mountain butter, full -f.[cream eheeae, maocaronii aauaagei oai nukes, hominy flakes, cotton- secil meal and hulls, cotton seed bought at 12| cents per bushel. I), a! KKUUV QABDBN SEEDS. STAXPAUI) SewingJMAt.'HINE-" 100 BAGS SALT. BEDSTEDS, BCBEA.US. MAriHlaSSKS, CHAIRS, Etc aTBOOK BOTTOM PBICEB.O Come to sec One of Bostou's municipal eia- cials. whnis i^peeially iuteresled iu Ihe establishment of One ice water fountains in that city, hired a man lo watch one of the drinking places the nther day from l> A. M. to in p. V., for the purpose of ai oertainlng whether or not it waa well pali'iini/.e<l. Itctween Ibc hours named exactly B838 persons drank at the city's expense. The fountainbai four faucets. it BAB, SAM'L Phone 55. M. FCHTJLTZ. OLD DOMINION LINE THE UH1VEQSITV OF I). C. Widest patronage and fullest equipment in its history. Faculty 88; Students IW| 8 Aiadcmic Courses; ;| Kleclivc Courses; 8 Pro- fcssi.iiial Schools, iu Law, in Med- icine and in Pharmacy. New build- ings. Water Works, .Splendid Li- braries, LalMinitories, Etc. Aliliul Cluiit opu ti wenen. Til- tin $601 rear; Board $11 Month. Anple opportunity lor selt-kilp. Sckolirshlps ad Lous lor thi needy. Free tuition tor teachers. Sw«r School lor Teicners. 24 instructors, 14] students. Total enrol I lent 544, >'"i Claim.' aililri".- PBESIDBHT ALOKRMAX, Chapel Hill, K. C. KIVEK SERVICE Steamers leave Washington on MoudayH, Wednesdays and Fri- days at U A. II. for (ireenville, water permitting, toTarboro. Hetiirning leave Tarlmro at 5 A. SI., Greenville » A. II. on Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Selling hows subject to change de- pending on stage of water. Connecting at Washington with Steamers for Norfolk, llnltimnrc, PhilalH'Iphiii, New York and Bos- ton, and for all points for the West with railroads at Norfolk. Shippers should order freight by tin- ( M.l I i.iuiiiiiim S. S. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from Phila- delphia; Bay Line from Baltimore; Merchants' aud Miners' Line from Beaton. JNO. N. MYERS' SON, Agt. Washington, N. C. J. J.CHKHKY, Agt., Greenville^ N. C. NogoodaetloU.no good exam- ple ever dies. It lives forever iu our face. WhJle the frame nioiil dcrs and disippcars, the deed leaves an indelliblc stamp and moulds the thought and will of In- Ian item-rations. Time is mil the ini-asure of nolde works; the C0BV ing ages will share of their.joy. A single i irluons aetlon has elevated a whole village, a whole cily, a whole nation. It is from small seeds dropped into the ground (hat the linest prislui'tions grow, aud il is from Hie iii)M>ni dictates of conscience and the inspired priii eiple of duty tluil Ibc Imcst growths of cbanicter have nrisen. - (iohlslioro Argun. DKAI.KIt IS— Heavy and Fancy lilllllr.nlL) flREENVILLEJ N. 0. s i A p GottOD lU^iug uinl V\w alwayH —(in h;iu . Knf-h K<NHIH k«-pl .••iiHliinlly on liaml. r<miilry prodllflVboflft and mild, A trial > ill ron\ iucoyoii. D. W. HARPEE. mm insTiTUTE, RALEIGH, N. C. One of Ihela-st female BOhooll iu the South, mid ibc cheapen! for ad' vantages given. Send foriidalogiic. JAMES DINWIDOIE. M. A. I , i,. «»:i.a.'...; n : ralk.i- PG3aO^^ATti^lS^ ' , -• N " A, " It^lCHTf-rDfSilll -I, , 1. UIi.rrpLuto. AUfl e * ' ' i .'i 1.1 >h .oi n .ION. D.C. ALL KINDS OF SECOHD HAND 6000s Bought and 5uld - .—>»"" Commission. t'n-t offC1ol.ilnc,Mbo««in«1 Hat*. ; « ; 1 •' w> tan til-put* »1 lM|n da amt p»>liim lh«» nn>nr>T In ' («• !'.«la>- HrfeTrtV'tM-i. rhatif.-'l WE CLEAN AH PRESS SUITS FOR 50 CTS. S11U- cleaned l'fr<I ami IV «l f»" 1I.4B W9 naJMrtM IM lo loafe i>«»* will no" I-a.li>*' Dflalli 11-anwl M ( U in. .1 .11 \ [>r."l |l M: STS4M STi WORK, KAT.F.Ilill, N. «'. J. E. COREY, -DKALEK nr- —A GKNEKAL LINE OF— HOR8B^^ -^MILLINERY. Also,1 nice Line of Hardware. I can now be found iu the brick store formerly occupied by J. \V. Krown. COME TO SEE ME. J. R. COKEY. H.W.WHICHARD (SoMMKir lo W, R Wluob.nl.) - r.=i'.KK IK— Whichard, N. C. The Stock complete in every .le- partmenl and prices as low as Ihe lowest. Highest. mdVk'ct prices paid for country produce. Jf&\os WccM —FOB— THE EASTERN REFLECTOR D. J. 'WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS : $1.00 per Year in Advance. VOL. XVI GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY. JUNE 27, I899. NO 52 US IU Tuesday "^•and^" Friday -AT- $1 A n ELECTION CASE. Teitlmony For the Defense. ll was 11 little more limn niontli axothal aeveral etttxena nf Oreon- vide van arraigned before V. B. ('..iiiiiiissioucr W. P. Orin.in.l on the charge of harlug Interfered with the clccli.ui nl I'arkcr's X Ko-'.ds. or pnviiict X->. I in llreen- ville lowusbip. At thai time the lesliinony for Ihe Hovel nincnt «:is licaid nud Ihe111.se poatpoued un- til June 22ml. Ilpaa reauaitng Iho case Ibc bearing of lestimoiiy for the defense began. Till: ltKll.K. run lins iM'tore told that the people thus arraigned went to that pre duet to prevent, and did prevent, n threatened riot, and that the pub- lit may see that lliis is triie\ve|iuli Hah the testimony of the defense. W. .1. BH1I.EV. I was piillli.il.le.' at precinct So, I in last election, got there n little before ran "i>. Left polls after the votes were counted and returns signed. House in which election was held was 15x26, the room we were in was 15x12 mid «as in back end of bouse, iwo doors to room, one in part ll inn and Ihe oilier in end from road. Partition door was not opened during day. Think there was a window Oil cae'i side of voting mom. Itallots were received al window on Mouth side. I sat at window and receiv- ed votes from voters, W'c got to work nl 7 o'clock and even thin; went on all rigid until nlmut 10 o'clock when a colored man nanicd Henry Cory came to vole. We could nut find the miinc and lol.l him be could UOl vole. Not inileli wnssaidiilsi.il il and we passed on. About 11 o'clock a negro came and called oui bis name as Itoherl sinion after 1 called out Robert Hell. Hill Barnbill caught bold of know What lliey were n J> to. Itrowu asked if the} were not abnii; lo have row. told him I did UOl know, lie said Minder lliey go driving a uegr I. We staid there aud people came on voting unlil in the evening. Everything went quietl) until about :to'clock when i Iher nc gio came up and called himself Joe Hryanl. Mo ire looked on book and couldn't Ii •! Ihal name inii f.iiind Jo Brown. Bwwnwh had been keepingthc'i nkwaaout. Moore .-ailed him. 1' came iu, looked at the negro and said I know him, his name is Joe Brown. I asked what name he registered under and he said Joe Bryant. I told him lie could not vole. Home contended thai be had righl to vote under name of Brown. He never asked to vote as Browu, In fact never insisted on voting. No vote taken by Board as lo whether he should vole. I don't know if he handed his vote In. Voting continued nniil near night when l'icUcu caine to liaek door and he and Brown had some words about the election. Kicklen said we have carried the election and we are here to have a fair count, and said he hadngall. f blood lo spill to see a fair oounl. Brown said he had a gallon in him and any one that wauled il had lo ] get it. If he had a gun or other |f | W W U *' esKW WHITE New Heavy Welts MMMMal BEAUTIFUL VALENGIENES Mecklen LACE INSERTION nfe Hid near » in !ow w nb ^ Interfere with any one voting. I>id imt have •-ousiiliaii.il. « nil .in \ it: eilorisl man alioiil voting there or here, Was working almul 511 in i i lorj and did n«l «IJ nnj thi iglu iii. ,.i IIIKIIII lolin After going Uu-k in evenii I -tn'.c.l until voli were i iiinksl. Hail coiiversili m with Bm n. |)i ! liol si) oi do iin.vlbiiig lo nil) elclioii oflicer i" dcier liim ludis ch irgeofdul) . C inveiwiliiK. » »«<• I*. * II \\:i> i:i evening lift el' - Imck. I weal 'o dooraflcr votiug liuil nl....ii ceased ami was lolling I*., iw n t be ni'vi - from dillcrenl \< iris ofe it) heiu-dfi-om. T.dd liiiiilbal II it lingloii hail gi\en up n- dc ti-,:-1 and Iii. we hud Ihe eUvlioii i, on-! sha I i . of iloabl. Id v ii a •' .1 w lull we were lining nit M\ rcpl) w ivi' wcr no! ere u keep mi) fiotn vntinir, bill In hnvo n faircbi'iion mid ccthai we hud n fair c mill. Ma) have used remarked alsiul spilling Id I. lull 'li'i so iii defense of the elect ion a- we did nol in..ii--. to •" swindled .. ;. .1 il . Ill m It II III III) "I If llis ci-.-.l He rights of iln- inc.i iii ii bud mil ii ill IU- 1 l.i vol He elide 11 iglii. n .'.- ....- i . In) I' lek d v - k-enil young ladies ill - ;l trout 111, ;:! ' l-k, I. I.. I !.;:-. || [1|V IIIC Nil I II •''' lio , i! i), left here |l i A i lliiii aii-l i i mall I Well) .;: I ' illlll ' u-e IIHUII lo !iu> '• I rouble I in ,-.,:, e I mi tteap m Ii i iflel r. IheiT. VV'elll lliel'c wild i he p tisl pn ' in-- i i .1 il.lc nud IIIIUII i when g.il oil iioi in oil. leu- » illi ill '• »:;•. I' »oe»e«eoe>»»»< !-»>»»»»»»»» iPayiiii. •'.' 'ices| III mi: i-f In I ii II ii.-t. In ..:.!.- and il. We ,• 1 I White White Whit White him and shook him aud told him ltoberl Bell, but he said Robert Stilton. Mantling Moore said to Mr. Brown we can't lind ltoberl BtatOB on the lsiok but we lind ltoberl Bell. I naked him what name be registered under and he said Iciliert Slatoii. Mr. Brown asked him "hat name he went iiiuler ii. the i-oiiiuiiinity. I.coui das rieining said he wenl iinder the name of Robert Bell. His brother, Warren, said his name was Stilton. I told him ho had no rigid to vole then as bis name was not on the book. He Bald some call me Slaton, some Hell and some Red, .Icssc Mo) c said his linn run an account with him as Robert Slaton. Some one said holdoniin III we can 'phone and see how his naiiie is on Ihe lax Imoks. We slopped and he and Hill Bamblll walked off. Don'l think I saw him again Unit day. He never offered or asked to vole as Holier! Hell. During this controversy ninny while and colored men gathered around the window, some contend ing that be ought lo vote, others that he ought not, More than I w ice as many negroes present as Whites, I, Joe Atkiiuaiu and Man- ning Moore told them tosland back. White people were Inwards W. S. Fleming's dwelling, negroes on op- posite side. I stuck vote lie ham' cd me in my vest pocket after (M left. Browu told me give him Un- vote aud he would put it in BOX. I refused, slating he bad no righl to vote as his name was not on lmoks. Ho action taken by Board as to bis right to vote. Voting commenced again and after u while I Mf HOIIIC folks with guns. Brown naked me what thai inenut, told him 1 did "not know, Imt that the lirst man 1 saw wilh gun was a negro. He said he was great mind lo lake down nnine of every man he caught out there with gun. In short while people went toward Hiiflin House store, both while and black. Don'l weapon I did nol see it. Went on until close uf polls. There wee uo intimidation there that day and nobody prevented from voting except those whose names were not on books, Xo objection to any one voting c: .-pi the Ihl mentioned. Kutire colored vote registered was 103 and while vole 117-ITS colored voles were easl and 131 while votes, liflceii eo'ored and sixteen while did not vole. Of Ilie colored who failed lo vote three are dead and some were gone, none ol the lil'leen came and offered to vole. After supper we we... lo coilUt-| Alldrews. Mack ins votes. Brown look them oal 0 f IM,\. In lirst box were Iwc | voles folded up. they were thrown I-' 11 ""' nt. Brown insisted lliey should |or •> ' I French French French Frc nch ni) npii , in if v c had then- would liav t' Ii" : •' our ( . - i. pn ielite I II in IT llu ' i hours .i lien Willie Wi i.mis wi.lk- j cd i |• tin .lull .1 IT i -'i ol ' in.-.i I III tec! from Ihe poll.. II" Wll i' ilnted mil I-- me b) it P HUM a- I!." mv i i ' Iln ere lied ' :-•* In "ill >le Uinl iii" ii ill - lo 'I'i iv Ihe ilistiii'l.iii i eleinenl. I I lol ; hi .- - luil I had In nud sni ! if h" lia-l tiiil'le I ;" Id, -i i- -i iliiu-j for him n I nl I l!i.il Iln iln .;- I Imck I-' Ire -* ilie. int- til 'tis-.. I were Os.-ai I wauls, licol I'artic), 11. ;c. Outlaw, u-j Ed almul I-- light, i-'ennelh hiive liglll. A iliilliot. I we in ill I''!' 1 "' loseelbccounl) \ --...ut- ''" ! 'cave ijiii I ii I.I "\ M) voting precincl I'.irkcr's X Roads Went thereIM'IWCCII sand :i o'cl.N-k. Icl'i .i ii—s I el. - ..' sunset. \i In i: I got tin:., everything was jpiin i "ti .|nietl) mid col 11 ll lied so II Iii H'MIIII half jm-i len or elei en. ii,i.,i % it Token lr- By Peddlers. T..\ n I II . •" -ii i" i get era! ) . iii'e.l sup n isili to over their : ll w hell Ilie eollil- i n ' i'i i' •• are liiken in, a* lliey of- i, ' in hill pel's w ho infesl i:., |,i, :. Iiellli - in ICg) pi i. ol Ihe plague, Ihe I i»n folk- .mi, a •upel'iol' wa) nud h-aw ll'i- ,. He left lirel o.iick. proliubl) s,„- in following pi (> ,.„.,.,. him. I fell snlislied we were gel , |i„| ij„.y ,|, ling i id of Ilie di-liirliiii den.cut (()Wn |Mi]i ^ uu , ainlllieic ivoiild In no i'in ilo-r j., ,•_„.,_ ,.,„,»•.;,, j,,. il„- eill-lllli iri.ui.li'. Iliinil one report •:' gnu , : .„...,. jj, e j .,,,. 1,,,,1'eeusil) luken io t him llu ir .om.: i \ cousins. When ie.il In. The ,i- iiisil) diipcil; iM-himl -i ri- I'i mi i.dil lin.i ' lea .e il v as h dcM't' in \ rote •• him and pre -.,.;•. . In I : i mi ni I I ben IH 1 coanted, When we linislicl Brown said llnn'l ellow fellow -:ii.l wasn't going lo Ihe.n al Slalon's mill where lliey Vote llliywil) "nud walked oil', lown met, they had donblc-burrel shol road, prcsentl) came luck with 1 went lo election almul i' double barrel gun, bmke'il. », .. .'lock and remained until in two curt ridges and said I was unset. No irouble while I was going to rote this fellow or kill or !,.,! there, everything passed offi|iiiul- In- kllleil.*' to me, I signisl one. siguc.1 and handed it I i.ild l'.io-c Johnston lie wenl lo the Brown madeont report and hum Dudley ulso'ly. no iiiiimidaiion. II wnsgencr- whnl I saw nnd to Drown!all) rumored Ihal negroes were 'phone office and sent over to town i re.en-.iiu. -going there thai day ar I. that'after help. A ftcr this right many who made proli'st on n lcgainm.-,,» a ....... I and Dudlev took! Ibi'.vlind been advised lo do so. men mine from lown, all wenl on Is i .(cs. pencil and marked oul our name, lol.l him I would sign no such returns. He then made oul more which we nil signed, lie gave me ll. n. JORDAN. Mornlug of election 1 saw live negroes going towards election, the live Whieliard refer- to. quiet and elcciion was all righl as fur as I know. Iu Ihe evening (here wasHome controversy iiboul nnol her vole, after Ihal everything went on all right. Thai morning cr thiui Ihe hitch-i feel from |«'-l lo polls RoU-rl Bell came up lo •. I Kvoidd have I n lioiible. Don'l was IIIKIIII "I foot from n imlovviiiul j (|,i n l; | wenl neaicillic polls then .liil mil ni'ire until «nl for. ^ as usknl In go and say whal hi- name is in neiglilHirll I. Wenl up lo wll bin 2" feel uf door mid saw :- mi Dildlc) sliuidillg iu door, and I said his name i- Holier! Bell. Don'l know what he is registered b), crowd there, iu>-il> nc I eon Id nol go nearer lb m ."'.I "ir. I 'rowil w •-- some .i'i;. It w.i- iili i-|| ' . ;....' crowd from ' irceii nc. I saw nearly all who had guii". only remember Arthur, Sugg. Mctiick. Kick len, Browiiaml I'leiuiiig. Mctri.k was doing e\ er\ thing Ihal 11 fesd could act In make people laugh, Wll* going ihrougli the mniinul ol arms. I had heard of law protecting polls against carrying gnus there, and when I MIW Ro'ierl Brown gdng|each and o\ci\ i.iw l.nrgc groes. vil; ." •i feel, nud never «a« mi) m c i . " i'i' gun neiii-er tImn Ihal. Did nol enlei fi n w il .i ii I oi c in Iheii righl In v l.i " I lie llci nullity box «as i miuled ill nil !' o'clock. No ilisiiii'bnmc v Idle .ile was In-iii ounl d. I...mil'. - l-'li inii... r I|I1<'SIIHI me lot In) tin \ genlleman in I bill pn.-in.l nnd •iieof i .- liesl men iii Ihe neigh 'nu!: I lold me Ihal if we did nol remain there would Is 1 Inuiblc. , Slule lift ' il) "! Ti'l I'.ISI i I.I , \:- I ll NTS , I'll i\t. ,1. I "iir.M i makes unlit ihal lie is .enior partner ol Ihe linn of I'mnl; .'. i 'lienc) .v i u , ing l.us in - in Hi I "011111) ni il SI III ,n i ...„i i-...,i Si "" < nvc """•" :lm ""' " went on all right, Thai morning one lor Hcg.slcrol Dels ..mil,. |" , | . li| , VW(-| . ( , ,,,„.,-„„,,„ miU . (tom I , ww ; , ,.„,„,.,„, „,„„ ihcolhcr. Never heard any one I .,„.•,„„. ,.,,,.„ , , IVV tl.«:.». THey', willl ,„,„ ,.„uir,, agnins, Iree. say if the person carried Iln ,,,.,.,1 ..nfour or live limes after turns with protest to fSrecnville - , | went to clecl i E. D. I»ll'Kl.hN. they would,,', get there nl.ve. JV ^o'clock, saw one uegrosit. .VI»tU 11 otdmk election day I Some «,- ! - . ) mini made I lie rounds in Si.ili -- ilie Inking nrdei - !'. : ila/i d "ii' a . [H.l- n i -. cli .. which he -id I.,- n-cil I'm cooking on ii- -,i.\. . inside it. Ile called II re- old) nu ! Ihe ladies : ::•. II il lilrf nil piirclmsei -. II ,.|.! hui died- ... dollm-s' worth ,,ii:.,..- nit'right I ere tit t m n nnd his) l-"i Ida) nnd Saliinla) Ihe ii !- were dcliveri il b) Ihe wagon load ,:,i the money collected. We linvi In lid nl iwo iiislunccM in \ hid. Ihe ware, » hieh e\ciled Ihe adiaiiiiUoii of Ilie ladies, wn s<-l on il l..ve and liurnl u)ieii ii" »'ii . it got imt an.I all Ihe reiiiriiH aie in.) in, Km evi n if I lie ie . ii ; '" 1 :, j !. seliled. ti was ol colll-se il :. ..-i An i cent, higher i in „f r, I, ii. ihu diiih r would hove nforesuid, n il in ;c.l I'm il. and MIUII Inimeiisc i Ihal -aid firm «iii |si) Ilie sum IIM: IUNIII:I:H IIUI.I.M: f. I'Clill Hull M -" piiilil ueiil ml) ca'tiii.t Room wassmallmul if such remark had been made think 1 would heard it. Cross examination.--My politics since, at and previous to election wns Democratic. Was appointed as Democrat. Wns nol a member of White (oivernnienl Union. Knew Robert Bell, had worked with me one year. Didn't know- that he bad right to vote unless his name was on book. He re- peated bis name aeBobeii Btaton, There was no undcislnndiiig thai .lieu would come from lown if need- ed. I did not send, coiisenl in- direct any telephone nicssnge lo In- sent lo Greenville and did nol know one hail bean w'lil. Saw a dozen or more armed men there, among I hem were .1. I.. Sugg, raid Melrick. It. W. Brown, \- «'. Arthur, Jim llyinan. I never kuew Joe Hryanl before thai day. His name on lax li-l and where he traded was Bryant. Asm.i.v wn nu \ uu. I vote ni precinct No. I, live live mill's north Of there. On morning of election aw Bvenogroee with guns going in direction of election. They were going down railroad. Railroad is IIMI or UO nl ting about ion yards from election place. ... N. IIAKI.lt. Live ill prcciiicl No. I. wenl thereabout 10 o'clock election day and left ali.ml 3. Heard them arguing IIIHIIII Bell's Voting, crowd gathered by window, more blacks I hail whiles. I wenl towards House store. Heard some .un- say "I'll bed— if I don'l kill or lie killed." Looked around anil saw Barnes! Carney coining toward House store from polling place. He went lo a buggy and got ll double barrel breach loading gun, dropped ii across his arm ami broke it) then went back towards polls, lie wenl Within IHslepsof )|( , .ij,],,-, house, crowd of Colored people gol around him nnd lol.l him lo stop. I wenl up in ciowilaiul lold .1. I- started Ir in Court House p .Its do.m lo Five Points. In const'- iiucuce of whu' I heard 1 went lo cr.is» roads to prevent trouble and noi iniike any. J. B. Llgblfool and W. .t.lorl'ctt wenl with me. I carried shot gun because there was disiui-1 mnc.-, for in\ ."Mi pro- I eel ion and proteetiou of all. tlol there between 11 and Iii o'clock, stayed an hour or •. came back to Greenville and returned therein evening unont I o'clo.'k. There was ihWnssloii among lioth white and bluet, standing oil' III group- One darkey who had great deal toauj seemed lobe ring leader among darkeys. Kepi III) eve on him. lie made leniark Ihal « hal lli. -o d w hlte men came oul there for. \it-i •hoit while In came near where « were ami cii lot tiddressed a re i llnll's 111 -.1'.. ulisc I ;oil iii III) presence, Ibis lilh da) nf A. D.. ISM>. - i A. W. lil.KASON. ; '_ , N.-lii \ I'lildie. Hall's i 'al a I I'll i lire is luken in- rualh . and acts dire.ll'. on Ihe I'i.Id. Sold b) druggist-., r.V. Hull's'Kninil) I'lll-arc ih. o. I ..'si ,. .| i.\ I he llsi l„«ar.l.-,Mll-l lold htiu nol "."i.-.ii j,,„.„.,.,, , ,.,._ ; ;,. Nli y It wn- -iii| s „,, 1 . 1 , i„i«.|i,reiiieniul i- I bavi incasnred it. I stood I here all duj IKi-emls lo watch and did nol lei nn.vliisl) go any nearer I linn Ihepnsl IO|HIIIS. Then 1 was ao one except Ruls-i; Hell nnd aaiWher negro kepi from iiloml and iiiucou. suiTuccs of ill voting. Ihey were prevcntcil '»> system. 'I'V, poll holders. With this except Ion | it was the .|iiielest clc. lion I ever -.IH. The presence of Ihe an 1 ineii bad Hie effect of preserving order there. They were requested i.. ion,:.in there for Ihe purpose of| keeping order. I don't know but! what |here would linvelieeii mini lack ..ii 1io\ Ihcal lilghl. I was one of the men ihal made Ihe re 1,111-1. ll was 120 to I'.'A fwl from j,,,),,.,. p.,ilH «< Ihe country, lie polls iov.il in front "t I'I* - ._.,,! .inHx^sioii ol'n pair uf telegraph . ",.. The old well near aiudoa liueiiuiu's sptll'Min'ra coil el lelr 'I" unipli •' ire. Uu - «|liippiil In in llu i in- liiiiuls uf Ihe i in!- nf |KlsKlgc :....... ,i- I lux coiue Hun The Tramp Worked It. ,\ ii.,, ipnie; ll) pluj• I i .month , | ,,i, ,,,, MII ,c ol ihe romlui lor. ol Ihe Soiilliern milwii) nud T - pmlsi |i|« working t!" 1 sunn -nine in iki n \\ - ; uoi waul in ben >•ler-ioiid however, as intimating that the Iu iii,- <ia.it bless 'em. are more cui.il). liiii'ul than Ihe nan. The) me ii. t. Let » puleiil medicine liikit wine nl..ii i and propose lo given prize with inch Isilllc of ineiliciuc, and Ihe men will fall over each oilier lo buys nrtbey will go lo Ihe circus and IM'I oil the fakir's own gome. The ladle* get I'i Hill ll, . . ecu—'. Imt tllC) arc I nt Icr mid w i-i r tha.i the Stale--, ilie l.an.lui.ii'.. men. ' ' 'i i. - t. I \|. el, ii- . il real Klemlng's I" is |2 Ie HUI feet. . I . W III I I . Live in i Ins nv Ilie. Did aol I., I'.iil.ci' - \ RiMldsonda) ofelei' Il.ui. Did nol leavec irpumli Mm ii- oi i.... ii I nl..] Ho n.tin al III i-'"!. Twin . ninl rode l.j em.) slilgvn In ' llilllii . Uu i I I- i"i Ihinkii : emplo)C III Iln l: 111 ...: I ill i,| 11|, V, , -I. i II I in..il Tell i -i.'o i on |.ai i Vollet ilie ill en AYCOCK. ! I.I.MINli .x MOORE. A I rciKM'.VS -\ i I •'* - n\ Ilie, N.I'. I»l -I ll'" I ''I ' I I I' ' .1. Illlll I Little whal I had eaen, 11 ••'| nmr k to Mr. Suggoi Sir. Bngg to Know! P WI Was around about half hour before Hreenvllle | tillt ( .i,,,,-, remciaber remark, t.uirt il..u-eall day. Heaaswiih crowd came. Home oue snid to him they had had I me all day. tiovciiinienl inl.- i'i;n:i; IIIIOWN. cnoiiglioi him there thai day nnd nol pros n t" White. H 1 ' V. PRICE, Civil Ellin.! and Suncjoi. i . . rod l.'i .IKA0I -I aVI -. i i". ^ a»l I i"i til I vole at Parker N Roads, gol lie belter leave. A I'I or some hi -i there about no'clock, left between laiion he left. Don'l kno» his I and A. Was near w indovv when name, [went part of wa\ do* n Bell.or Btaton came up to vote, road, about M or "B yaiils. WhiU iirovcrsy was going on I never got nearer lo window wilh there was crowd aronnd wiwlow,|fnu IhanSO tolO yard*. Did nol men from Greenville n nbnul iiiinuli- .viirds from voting place. They mostly colored, some had hticks[-ee an) it, n. nt ..in.-. Went lo .io— mads o'clock, nu..lined lllwill I n-.l i... «capon. .it. i i -. •, i ; oi .l.i'. ol election rhi* llngbc Hncklea'a Arnica Salve. I .. ll, -I KUIVC in Ilie world foi . , I'.i ii,-. .. Son .. I Id I-. Sail II, IVver sore-. Tel ter, (Imp I MM I iim ds, Chilblains, i oi H-. and .11 Skill I'i liptioilS, and pi-ii i i I) . inc. I'i'. . or uu pa) required. " . i urunlectl to give pel fed - nl Is fin ii money II luinlcil. I'iiei _'.. cents per box. fot ailel 1 Woolen. Illlll.nu ,X tiilliillll. i irl xi II KI'IIK. Mills It, lane, i II II \ VIA * ." Ai'i«n;'.i \. VI LAW, i,II .... .11.-. ' '. i . Dr. D. L. .1 . ni:\ I'i: r, Orii »\ il 1 - . '• ' lyJno.lofli.e mo .1. i *!iT^V*i.~j Itolili SSousstoic V. r «.s

Transcript of M,n VALENGIENES enterprising nn'r.'h:iiii who know thing* eekBi "What i- standard advert hungt" Thnc...

  • "-"~

    YOV MAT HBVEH lii r snori.it SOU BVEB-

    Want Job -rintia^

    Give us a call.

    The San Jose Scale.

    ICr. ii. 8. Boreu, Hi'1 Hcnterj and treasurer of the .1. \';iu I.IIHI li> NIUN,I'\ Compau). HI Pomona.


    Standard Vcl-.rtl-.lnic-

    An enterprising nn'r.'h:iiii who

    wantato know thing* eekBi "What i- standard advert hung t" Thnc OM babul one suitable ami sensi

    0 fill HI AN\ ruiM. FROM A

    Visiting Card _\ the character of ihough the insect lia.l ruined *-">. j|,js -ama, bis environment and the rchardforthe Van I. indie) !,.|.IN< f ,M,,|,. win, which be ev-

    C pauy atSouthern lines. Ipecta todeal. Having selected as .Vsia generally known," said his advertising medium a nrbt-claa

    Mi. Boreu, "the Oral appearance ami truatworth) newspaper, hi ..I the scale iu the I'nited Btatos must use his own judgment and as in California, about S3 yean ideasor those of other peopU ago, but it was spread iu this State audio, experience Bad oat what ami othei Southern States by Wil wrj of advertisingbringathe quick i: mi Parry, II nurseryman In New ,.,, an.l heal return-. Then he will Jersey. Iu North Carolina it Bret have reached the atandard soaght appeared in the orchard of Mr. if,,,. But as to the standard ad ver

    Whippie, of Southern lines. There tising medium, there oau be DO isutHic of iin- scale in Oulltord (|uestionthat ii Unpopular news- i nt.v. but we have received let- paper.Philadelphia Record. ter* from all over the State asking ... foi .i formula for ii- destruction.

    In an orchard the scale will be

    lii-i mi peach trees, if BIIJ are there, though ii may attack all kinds ..i fruil or other trees. A (real man) people havesenl n-

    ei' eggs, thinking the) were ilie s.in ,l,sc scale. 1'iit a crickett'a eggs in- hall as large as a grain of wheat, >bereus the -.ale is a mill utegrav speck, resembling ashes;

    iiiid i In- fitcl that ii i an insect can lie determined b) microscopic Sew Discovery". It "ill promptly

    me ilieworsl cough, heal the in



    Tin: l!i:n ixiiitt recently pur- i

    chased two printing offioa outtits

    w i I.MI \( nova w BLDOH . R. AXD BRANCHES




    HATKII .Inn.'I 1-M. St 5 if


    (o and lias a quantity of surplus ma- jgSSEitS* terial that will be sold cheap luswTsrtof. m. . , , , l-

    v aoekf M.-unt There is u cylinder press la'gc | !r. King's New Discoverv. when you feel a sore- ness HI your lames and muscles, have chills and fever, with sore i hio.it.pain iii the hack of the head, caiarrhnl s) mptomaand cotlgll vou may know y Cup. and that you need Dr. Kiug'i

    body type. We can complete outfit large enough for a

    six or seven column paper.

    Specimens nl'the body ty|ic arc I i.v Qomai own in this advertisement, the &{Kffi5>

    typo Wing taken from I he case just; *" *' - * .1 | l.v Majninlla how well it prints. I m. is the t.. MSiton Small Pica eiao of which there ':,,., wn, 1 pair of cases. | * aockj Hout

    Arrlvi- Tarbofa Ti.cn here ia a paragraph BSt from LTHOOEI Mount

    the Long Primer size. We have 4|ArWeMsa I ,ir- of these cases. In baying this j Tr tvpeyo'i do not get something that M kTW>lilonn p, Uallfu I 19 pjn. tr

    itublmrn u bin c tin

    f.i Ei-S J* $i 4 a elf d *3 u AM I' M .1 T 43 It SO t 45 IS. 10 hi t II 1

    AM fill ; on o s M n is

    S to 0 45 It SI r M A M I" M I'M t at < i n .ti ' - i it n 30 -- r i ::: IU


    M KI in IUIST. Services every Sun - day, morning and evening. Prayer meeting Wislmwday evening. Rev. N. SI. Watson, pastor. Sunday school I p. m. W V. Harding, su- l crinteiidcnt

    PKEHBYTKRIAX.-Services third Snmlay, morning a ml evening. Rev. J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday- school.'I p.m. J. R. Moore su- perintendent.

    CATHOLIC.No regular services. Knsi'oi'Al..Sunday school 9M

    a. in. W.Il.Browii,superintendent. Divine serviir and sermon every Sunday morning and evening. Ev- ening prayer Wednesdaysat7:30P. M.. and Litany Kridavs at 10 A. M., Hev. I. A. Cantield, Minuter iu Charge.

    BAPTBr.Services every Sun- day, morning and evening. Pray- er meeting Thursday evening. Rev. A. W. Setzer, pastor. Sundav- school 9:30 a. ru. C. 0. Rountree, siipcriiitendent.

    .. .'i

    I 4i 1J0 1 M


    thi ip s we will sell these lets. i-,l " *> p in. simiUy 4 1\ ii m. rtrrlvf


    We carry a t'uil line uf tiio


    Greo. S. Parker

    Fountain Pen It is a big hit in lountain pen mak ing, and is clist ncLive Parker tex- ture. Not only does it feed the ink perlectly, bur. prevents soiled fingers


    Inspection. It multiplies very rap hi I). ami ill hill ail) tree inside oi a year. Xo tree is good for fruit- inji after the scale makes its up ppur.liice. and il will lake diligent work to save it. When il is found that II tree has lost all vitnlit) from the Insert il should lie cut low ii at ouce.

    The iwl usual a) ifirr>inn tin- scale froui uue pine to another is h) iiinls. It i- miinewhal gum in), and sticks t" Ihe feel of the birds. As sonii as the scale i- seen in in on haul i; is imperative toad

    '.it once, and the following formula. ' which -i- adopted l>> il nmil

    lee t ii ibe control of crop ix-sis. apiHiiuteil in IS'.I.'I. makes the bcsl

    .pniy Ihal I know of: llissolve III t.. quarts oi walci one ipim I "t

    ii' one i|iiarler poll lid of by heating lo Ihe Isdl Then add one pint of

    ll ami sin \ ii'lenlh l"l li\


    ..up haul ing poin kcr n, from tin ina\ he i


    Ihu I membranes, hill the disease genus ami prevent the ilrea.leil nl Icr I'llWts of the malady. Price60 eets ami 1.00. Money back if not cured, A trial bottle free at J. I.. Woolen's Drug Store

    I'riii'italil Trucking.

    w lnlc iln- present truck season lias I'li-ii an Uuprolltable one in man) sections of the south. Ihe Xcw llern section baa been favored, ami good substantial financial re turns have rewarded the efforts of Iruekers in this section.

    I'.inilir" loiinly truck growers lime had a good season, their cab- ii.,ge- nud potatoes bringing in good ret ll ins.

    Two instances out of man) such successes are worth) of note.

    On three quarters of au acre, a I'.itulii'o truck grower, raised oal liageswhi.li netted him9250, and

    A. F. & A. M. -- Greenville Lodge, No. 284, meets first and

    sooiiin.i NV. k nraiu'i. Kiwi | third Monday evening. R. Wil- H|' m, Halifax I 15 j. m. ar-lli..,,,.. Off \J I \f lfa,iaa On,,

    , ri>r-s...|lan.lNr.-kalslM|,m. OrMlMtHlSH ,l*l "*' J. KCI1SS, CC wom on'.aid oast asnle, lint a goo.i Kl.,; v,.,m H,.lllrnh,k.,,.,Kin.i..T,: I.O.O.F. Covenant I^alge.No. -rv, .,i.lo type, capable of BUI n wear. IH8. fSS^BAV,JPWSSi! IT. Meets every Tuesday evening.

    II... i -,l.,,g a l,..l0M,,all.r.Br,vi,r I":;.';!,*;;, , .., nr.,,,1, Wave Waa> * 0M*' * 0l '" "' *"****>

    . ,. . ..r>.ulr.lvil,r,-teli.i|,i,i,,g| S.^.SSSt^a^.SaaTit .5 K' "f ''Ti,r ,,ivr '""'Ke. s- It may nul come liol ones in IUMIBN IOSI ,,|7 ,,,. .l..i!y ..-i.t sun.h>. 9,'l,inecls every Friday evening. Dr.

    |.|. itimily ieivin fi'Mi'iyiiiK type a* rrM,i l.-,,v.-. Twbara,dsllr r,'.|.i siir.iay \V, H, Ba"well Jr. 0 OTi R. L.

    Can, K.of R. and S. Zeb Vance Council, No. s everv Thursduv cven-

    i-rlnl''. li. -< .in u>i- inn ! nil '! llsirn nally. pxi-rpr similar. m a m. amvinc , ... ., \ir;i_rtl, ti.ru iiiiik.. li>ii>l"i I'-I-II-HI'I- Wlill,'|Snnlli,-l.|sliia m, r.-nirnlntkavi-- -mil l.li.-Ul Ing. >\ . 1(. Wilson, K. 1. It.

    Ijlllg, Sec. JB.O. 0, A. II,Meets everv

    O. loun-

    aallor. A. >. A.Egyptian Council,

    Xo. II, meets every lirr.t and third Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. M. ft. Tiiruage, Worthv Chief; 1). 8. Smith, See.

    I. O. H.tirccnvilie Conclave No. 540. meets every second and fourth Monday nights iu Odd Fel- lows Hall. W. 11. Wilson Arehon; 1). S. Smith Sec.

    ,. .,. i ,.. another trucker baa dug T barreta

    HMii)! A cotiiinoi.

    j fiHH V |nin;|i llllil |iu|linu Iho Pll in t> m, r*'iuriilne, tt-sve* I'ly- I'uri", K. 0 i . i w.t.. ,.r -,.,.- ..ftluM V..1, niiiith 1a!ly. eii-i-iif Siimlrtj". 7 Si'ii m. ami Min-I ., . , i v R US Ail I' ffhTawl'r"in3 I 'U> ' *"'MT|T* Tar,K'r" ,no'' *'" "'" M,n-' ,C" A'""' > will I-'M.! I will, Ihr t\| I nil Train >ti MidlandH r Bmit.-li |il- iousness, constipation and kin- dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS

    m '''.i m. .in .i at UoMsbOM ''' :> n.. !" Train n Nu-Mille llranch Icavi

    , Mftint nl '.* fc) a in. 1t i. in, rri - W l"

    11> m |lM,

    MoOBl M lAam, loopn, ilnlly MOtpt Suml^y Train in linlon llram h |MfTW tt'itrBir fot

    CIlDlOBdallT.Pktfpt Si.iMlay. ). in Ihe I winkling of an eye-

    anil valuable propert) deatrnjdd nearly everyday, and it is nu won der that so many panona are great l.v frighti'iied when a stnnn an,

    proai lies. And the worst of it is lliat lightning seems to be a dead- ly ilangei that no human pn lion ran eerlaiul\ pro\ ide against. Chatham lieeonl.

    Hutklcn's Arnica Salve. The beat salve in the world for

    ('ills, liruiscs. Sores, fleers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sires, Tatter, Chap- ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ami all Skin Kriiptions. and positively inn's Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction nr money refunded. Price '.'."i cents |HT DOS. r'or saleliy Jno. t. Woolen.

    KSTA1II.ISI1KD 1875.

    WHOLESALE .- & ;-RETAIL Prepared buokwheat, faucy Ponce molasses, side meal, hams, should- ers, coffee, sugar. Illour, toliacco, snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,

    linr-1 Blgcn butter, mountain butter, full -f.[cream eheeae, maocaronii aauaagei

    oai nukes, hominy flakes, cotton- secil meal and hulls, cotton seed bought at 12| cents per bushel. I), a! KKUUV QABDBN SEEDS. STAXPAUI) SewingJMAt.'HINE-" 100 BAGS SALT. BEDSTEDS,



    One of Bostou's municipal eia- cials. whnis i^peeially iuteresled iu Ihe establishment of One ice water fountains in that city, hired

    a man lo watch one of the drinking places the nther day from l> A. M. to in p. V., for the purpose of ai oertainlng whether or not it waa well pali'iini/.e'"i Claim.' aililri".-

    PBESIDBHT ALOKRMAX, Chapel Hill, K. C.


    Steamers leave Washington on MoudayH, Wednesdays and Fri- days at U A. II. for (ireenville, water permitting, toTarboro.

    Hetiirning leave Tarlmro at 5 A. SI., Greenville A. II. on Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Selling hows subject to change de- pending on stage of water.

    Connecting at Washington with Steamers for Norfolk, llnltimnrc, PhilalH'Iphiii, New York and Bos- ton, and for all points for the West with railroads at Norfolk.

    Shippers should order freight by tin- ( M.l I i.iuiiiiiim S. S. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from Phila- delphia; Bay Line from Baltimore; Merchants' aud Miners' Line from Beaton.

    JNO. N. MYERS' SON, Agt. Washington, N. C.

    J. J.CHKHKY, Agt., Greenville^ N. C.

    NogoodaetloU.no good exam- ple ever dies. It lives forever iu our face. WhJle the frame nioiil dcrs and disippcars, the deed leaves an indelliblc stamp and moulds the thought and will of In- Ian item-rations. Time is mil the ini-asure of nolde works; the C0BV ing ages will share of their.joy. A

    single i irluons aetlon has elevated a whole village, a whole cily, a whole nation. It is from small seeds dropped into the ground (hat the linest prislui'tions grow, aud il is from Hie iii)M>ni dictates of conscience and the inspired priii eiple of duty tluil Ibc Imcst growths of cbanicter have nrisen. - (iohlslioro Argun.


    Heavy and Fancy

    lilllllr.nlL) flREENVILLEJ N. 0.

    s i A p

    GottOD lU^iug uinl V\w alwayH (in h;iu .

    Knf-h Kh .oi n .ION. D.C.


    SECOHD HAND 6000s Bought and 5uld

    - .>"" Commission.

    t'n-t offC1ol.ilnc,Mboin1 Hat*. ; ; 1 ' w> tan til-put* 1 lM|n da

    amt p>liim lh nn>nr>T In ' ( !'.la>- HrfeTrtV'tM-i.



    S11U- cleaned l'fr*' Dflalli 11-anwl M

    ( U in. .1 .11 \ [>r."l |l

    M: STS4M STi WORK, KAT.F.Ilill, N. '.

    J. E. COREY, -DKALEK nr-



    Also,1 nice Line of Hardware.

    I can now be found iu the brick store formerly

    occupied by J. \V. Krown.


    H.W.WHICHARD (SoMMKir lo W, R Wluob.nl.)

    - r.=i'.KK IK

    Whichard, N. C. The Stock complete in every .le-

    partmenl and prices as low as Ihe lowest. Highest. mdVk'ct prices paid for country produce.






    US IU Tuesday "^and^"




    Teitlmony For the Defense.

    ll was 11 little more limn niontli axothal aeveral etttxena nf Oreon- vide van arraigned before V. B.

    ('..iiiiiiissioucr W. P. Orin.in.l on the charge of harlug Interfered with the clccli.ui nl I'arkcr's X Ko-'.ds. or pnviiict X->. I in llreen- ville lowusbip. At thai time the lesliinony for Ihe Hovel nincnt :is

    licaid nud Ihe111.se poatpoued un- til June 22ml. Ilpaa reauaitng Iho case Ibc bearing of lestimoiiy for the defense began. Till: ltKll.K. run lins iM'tore told that the people

    thus arraigned went to that pre duet to prevent, and did prevent, n threatened riot, and that the pub- lit may see that lliis is triie\ve|iuli Hah the testimony of the defense.

    W. .1. BH1I.EV.

    I was piillli.il.le.' at precinct So,

    I in last election, got there n little before ran "i>. Left polls after the votes were counted and returns signed. House in which election

    was held was 15x26, the room we were in was 15x12 mid as in back end of bouse, iwo doors to room, one in part ll inn and Ihe oilier in end from road. Partition door was not opened during day. Think there was a window Oil cae'i side of voting mom. Itallots were received al window on Mouth side. I sat at window and receiv- ed votes from voters, W'c got to

    work nl 7 o'clock and even thin; went on all rigid until nlmut 10 o'clock when a colored man nanicd Henry Cory came to vole. We could nut find the miinc and lol.l him be could UOl vole. Not inileli

    wnssaidiilsi.il il and we passed on.

    About 11 o'clock a negro came and called oui bis name as Itoherl sinion after 1 called out Robert

    Hell. Hill Barnbill caught bold of

    know What lliey were n J> to. Itrowu asked if the} were not abnii; lo have row. told him I did UOl know, lie said Minder lliey go

    driving a uegr I. We staid there aud people came

    on voting unlil in the evening. Everything went quietl) until about :to'clock when i Iher nc gio came up and called himself Joe Hryanl. Mo ire looked on book and couldn't Ii ! Ihal name inii f.iiind Jo Brown. Bwwnwh had been keepingthc'i nkwaaout. Moore .-ailed him. 1' came iu, looked at the negro and said I

    know him, his name is Joe Brown. I asked what name he registered under and he said Joe Bryant. I told him lie could not vole. Home contended thai be had righl to vote under name of Brown. He never asked to vote as Browu, In fact never insisted on voting. No vote taken by Board as lo whether he should vole. I don't know if he handed his vote In.

    Voting continued nniil near night when l'icUcu caine to liaek door and he and Brown had some words about the election. Kicklen said we have carried the election and we are here to have a fair count, and said he hadngall. f blood lo spill to see a fair oounl. Brown said he had a gallon in him and any one that wauled il had lo ] get it. If he had a gun or other

    |f | W W U*'



    New Heavy Welts





    Hid near in !ow w nb ^ Interfere with any one voting. I>id imt have -ousiiliaii.il. nil .in \ it: eilorisl man alioiil voting there or here, Was working almul 511 in i i lorj and did nl IJ nnj thi iglu iii. ,.i IIIKIIII lolin

    After going Uu-k in evenii I -tn'.c.l until voli were i iiinksl. Hail coiiversili m with Bm n. |)i ! liol si) oi do iin.vlbiiig lo nil) elclioii oflicer i" dcier liim ludis ch irgeofdul) . C inveiwiliiK. i:i evening lift el' - Imck. I weal 'o dooraflcr votiug liuil nl....ii ceased ami was lolling I*., iw n t be ni'vi - from dillcrenl \< iris ofe it) heiu-dfi-om. T.dd liiiiilbal II it lingloii hail gi\en up n- dc ti-,:-1 and Iii. we hud Ihe eUvlioii i, on-! sha I i . of iloabl. Id v ii a ' .1 w lull we were lining nit M\ rcpl) w ivi' wcr no! ere u keep mi) fiotn vntinir, bill In hnvo n faircbi'iion mid ccthai we hud n fair c mill. Ma) have used remarked alsiul spilling Id I. lull 'li'i so iii defense of the elect ion a- we did nol in..ii--. to "swindled .. ;. .1 il . Ill m It II III III) "I If llis ci-.-.l He rights of iln- inc.i iii ii

    bud mil ii ill IU- 1 l.i vol He elide 11 iglii. n

    .'.- ....- i . In) I' lek d v - k-enil young ladies ill -

    ;l trout 111, ;:!

    ' l-k,

    I. I..

    I !.;:-. || [1|V IIIC Nil I II '''lio , i! i), left here |l i A i lliiii aii-l i i mall I Well) .;: I ' illlll '

    u-e IIHUII lo !iu> ' I rouble I in ,-.,:, e I mi tteap m Ii i iflel r. IheiT. VV'elll lliel'c wild i he p tisl pn ' in-- i i .1 il.lc nud IIIIUII i when g.il oil iioi in oil. leu- illi ill ' :;. I'

    oeeeoe>< !->

    iPayiiii. '.' 'ices|

    III mi:

    i-f In I ii

    II ii.-t. In

    ..:.!.- and il. We

    , 1 I

    White White Whit White

    him and shook him aud told him ltoberl Bell, but he said Robert Stilton. Mantling Moore said to Mr. Brown we can't lind ltoberl BtatOB on the lsiok but we lind ltoberl Bell. I naked him what name be registered under and he said Iciliert Slatoii. Mr. Brown asked him "hat name he went iiiuler ii. the i-oiiiuiiinity. I.coui

    das rieining said he wenl iinder the name of Robert Bell. His brother, Warren, said his name was Stilton. I told him ho had no rigid to vole then as bis name was not on the book. He Bald some call me Slaton, some Hell and some Red, .Icssc Mo) c said his linn run

    an account with him as Robert Slaton. Some one said holdoniin III we can 'phone and see how his naiiie is on Ihe lax Imoks. We

    slopped and he and Hill Bamblll walked off. Don'l think I saw him again Unit day. He never offered or asked to vole as Holier!

    Hell. During this controversy ninny

    while and colored men gathered around the window, some contend

    ing that be ought lo vote, others that he ought not, More than I w ice as many negroes present as

    Whites, I, Joe Atkiiuaiu and Man- ning Moore told them tosland back. White people were Inwards W. S. Fleming's dwelling, negroes on op- posite side. I stuck vote lie ham' cd me in my vest pocket after (M left. Browu told me give him Un- vote aud he would put it in BOX. I refused, slating he bad no righl to vote as his name was not on lmoks. Ho action taken by Board as to bis right to vote.

    Voting commenced again and

    after u while I Mf HOIIIC folks with guns. Brown naked me what thai inenut, told him 1 did "not know, Imt that the lirst man 1 saw wilh gun was a negro. He said he was great mind lo lake down nnine of every man he caught out there with gun. In short while people went toward Hiiflin House store, both while and black. Don'l

    weapon I did nol see it. Went on until close uf polls.

    There wee uo intimidation there that day and nobody prevented from voting except those whose names were not on books, Xo objection to any one voting c: .-pi the Ihl mentioned. Kutire colored vote registered was 103 and while vole 117-ITS colored voles were easl and 131 while votes, liflceii

    eo'ored and sixteen while did not vole. Of Ilie colored who failed lo vote three are dead and some were gone, none ol the lil'leen came

    and offered to vole. After supper we we... lo coilUt-| Alldrews. Mack

    ins votes. Brown look them oal

    0f IM,\. In lirst box were Iwc | voles folded up. they were thrown I-'11""' nt. Brown insisted lliey should |or > '

    I French French French Frc nch

    ni) npii , in if v c had then- would liav t' Ii" : ' our (. - i. pn ielite I

    II in IT llu ' i

    hours .i lien Willie Wi i.mis wi.lk- j

    cd i| tin .lull .1 IT i -'i ol ' in.-.i I III tec! from Ihe poll.. II" Wll i' ilnted mil I-- me b) it P HUM a- I!." mv i i 'Iln ere lied ' :-* In "ill >le Uinl iii" ii ill - lo 'I'i iv Ihe ilistiii'l.iii i eleinenl. I I lol ; hi .- - luil I had In nud sni ! if h" lia-l tiiil'le I ;" Id, -i i- -i iliiu-j for him n I nl

    I l!i.il Iln


    .;- I

    Imck I-' Ire -* ilie.

    int- til 'tis-..

    I were Os.-ai

    I wauls, licol

    I'artic), 11.

    ;c. Outlaw, u-j Ed almul I-- light, i-'ennelh hiive liglll. A

    iliilliot. I we in ill I''!'1"' loseelbccounl) \ --...ut- ''" ! 'cave ijiii

    I ii

    I.I "\

    M) voting precincl I'.irkcr's X Roads Went thereIM'IWCCII sand :i o'cl.N-k. Icl'i .i iis I el.-..' sunset. \i In i: I got tin:., everything was jpiin i "ti .|nietl) mid col 11 ll lied so

    II Iii H'MIIII half jm-i len or elei en. ii,i.,i% it

    Token lr- By Peddlers.

    T..\ n I II . " -ii i" i get era! ) . iii'e.l sup n isili to over their

    : ll w hell Ilie eollil- i n ' i'i i' are liiken in, a* lliey of- i, 'inhill pel's w ho infesl i:., |,i, :. Iiellli - in ICg) pi

    i. ol Ihe plague, Ihe I in

    folk- .mi, a upel'iol' wa) nud

    h-aw ll'i- ,. He left lirel

    o.iick. proliubl) s,- in following pi(> ,..,.,. him. I fell snlislied we were gel , |i| ij.y ,|, ling i id of Ilie di-liirliiii den.cut (()Wn |Mi]i^ uu,

    ainlllieic ivoiild In no i'in ilo-r j., ,_.,_ ,.,,.;,, j,,. il- eill-lllli iri.ui.li'. Iliinil one report :' gnu ,:....,. jj,ej .,,,. 1,,,,1'eeusil) luken

    io t him llu ir .om.: i \ cousins. When

    ie.il In. The ,i- iiisil) diipcil;

    iM-himl -i ri- I'i mi i.dil lin.i ' lea .e il v as h dcM't' in \ rote him and pre -.,.;. .

    In I : i mi ni I I ben

    IH1 co anted, When we linislicl

    Brown said llnn'l ellow fellow -:ii.l wasn't going lo

    Ihe.n al Slalon's mill where lliey Vote llliywil) "nud walked oil', lown

    met, they had donblc-burrel shol road, prcsentl) came luck with 1 went lo election almul i' double barrel gun, bmke'il. ,

    .. .'lock and remained until in two curt ridges and said I was unset. No irouble while I was going to rote this fellow or kill or

    !,.,! there, everything passed offi|iiiul- In- kllleil.*'

    to me, I signisl one. siguc.1 and handed it

    I i.ild l'.io-c Johnston lie wenl lo the

    Brown madeont report and hum Dudley ulso'ly. no iiiiimidaiion. II wnsgencr- whnl I saw nnd

    to Drown!all) rumored Ihal negroes were 'phone office and sent over to town i re.en-.iiu. -going there thai day ar I. that'after help. A ftcr this right many who made proli'st on n lcgainm.-,, a .......

    I and Dudlev took! Ibi'.vlind been advised lo do so. men mine from lown, all wenl on Is i .(cs. pencil and marked oul our name, lol.l him I would sign no such returns. He then made oul more which we nil signed, lie gave me

    ll. n. JORDAN.

    Mornlug of election 1 saw live negroes going towards election, the

    live Whieliard refer- to.

    quiet and elcciion was all righl as fur as I know. Iu Ihe evening (here wasHome controversy iiboul n nol her vole, after Ihal everything went on all right. Thai morning cr thiui Ihe hitch-i

    feel from |'-l lo polls

    RoU-rl Bell came up lo . I Kvoidd have I n lioiible. Don'l was IIIKIIII "I foot from n imlovviiiul j (|,inl; | wenl neaicillic polls then .liil mil ni'ire until nl for. ^ as usknl In go and say whal hi- name is in neiglilHirll I. Wenl up lo wll bin 2" feel uf door mid saw :- mi Dildlc) sliuidillg iu door, and I said his name i- Holier! Bell. Don'l know what he is registered b),

    crowd there, iu>-il> nc I eon Id nol go nearer lb m ."'.I "ir. I 'rowil w -- some

    .i'i;. It w.i- iili i-||

    ' .;....' crowd from ' irceii nc. I saw nearly all who

    had guii". only remember Arthur, Sugg. Mctiick. Kick len, Browiiaml

    I'leiuiiig. Mctri.k was doing e\ er\ thing Ihal 11 fesd could act In make people laugh, Wll* going ihrougli the mniinul ol arms. I had heard of law protecting polls against carrying gnus there, and when I MIW Ro'ierl Brown gdng|each and o\ci\ i.iw




    ."i feel, nud never a mi) m c i . " i'i' gun neiii-er tImn Ihal. Did nol enlei fi n w il .i ii I oi c in Iheii righl In v l.i " I lie llci nullity box as i miuled ill nil !' o'clock. No ilisiiii'bnmc v Idle .ile was In-iii ounl d. I...mil'. - l-'li inii... r I|I1.

    - i A. W. lil.KASON. ; '_ , N.-lii \ I'lildie. Hall's i 'al a I I'll i lire is luken in- rualh . and acts dire.ll'. on Ihe

    I'i.Id. Sold b) druggist-., r.V. Hull's'Kninil) I'lll-arc ih.


    I ..'si

    ,. .| i.\ I he llsi lar.l.-,Mll-l lold htiu nol "."i.-.ii j,,..,.,, , ,.,._ ; ;,.Nli y

    It wn- -iii| s,,1.1, ii.|i,reiiieniul i- I bavi

    incasnred it. I stood I here all duj IKi-emls lo watch and did nol lei nn.vliisl) go any nearer I linn Ihepnsl IO|HIIIS.

    Then1 was ao one except Ruls-i; Hell nnd aaiWher negro kepi from iiloml and iiiucou. suiTuccs of ill voting. Ihey were prevcntcil '> system. 'I'V, poll holders. With this except Ion | it was the .|iiielest clc. lion I ever -.IH. The presence of Ihe an 1 ineii bad Hie effect of preserving order there. They were requested

    i.. ion,:.in there for Ihe purpose of| keeping order. I don't know but! what |here would linvelieeii mini lack ..ii 1io\ Ihcal lilghl. I was one of the men ihal made Ihe re

    1,111-1. ll was 120 to I'.'A fwl from j,,,),,.,. p.,ilH < Ihe country, lie polls iov.il in front "t I'I* -._.,,! .inHx^sioii ol'n pair uf telegraph . ",.. The old well near aiudoa liueiiuiu's sptll'Min'ra coil el lelr

    'I" unipli ' ire. Uu - |liippiil In

    in llu

    i in- liiiiuls uf Ihe i in!- nf |KlsKlgc

    :....... ,i- I lux coiue

    Hun The Tramp Worked It.

    ,\ ii.,, ipnie; ll) pluj I i .month , | ,,i, ,,,, MII ,c ol ihe romlui lor. ol

    Ihe Soiilliern milwii) nud T- pmlsi |i| working t!"1 sunn -nine in


    n \\ - ; uoi waul in ben >ler-ioiid

    however, as intimating that the Iu iii,-

  • I*

    i (Mi mm. the dlaturbaneaa and Ibey compel iHiicrenco of Opinion NoBarTo mivjrnnnuii TP ledhiml avetlmgtonuds.S .... R..,~t. JLLU OUKEXVII.I.K. X. C. of the be* aud inosl law abidiug , ,HU., ,,. .,,,,,. headinc The

    citizens of thai preciucl fearing aljj tou Kuterpriaeofthk week has

    D J WHICH \UD. Bd.AOwner. renewal of the trouble requested a I uu editorial which we copy in full

    - - - -, - - = Dumber of the gentlemen fromfaa followa: Entered at Ihe Port Office at'dreeuvilletoreuiaiu'tm the elee A sni.sciih.-r from tutiish pi

    Greenville. B.V., an Bet ' l'* ,.,,ci-c.l. I be votcawerc e led Mail Mailer.

    iflice teJIa as thai nearly all Ihe l'..puli.-t- in his neighborhood bor ni and read his copy of 'l"l- En- aud Ihe return* sigued. Thai there

    wax no inliinidalioii ariulerfereuce ,,.,,,. BIM| :l,iinii ihat they like 11

    uf auy kind with unj oue. tvery letter than their own party pnpera. hudy voted a* he pleased ilhoulj We are uot surprised a) 11 i ~. as

    l,-i ... in mice, thai h was ilh The Knterpriae given the new*. i. :..., and does nol altempi todistortund Ibcse exception* a ijuiel election

    against a minil-ci .d the good eiti llmi,, full vote. Ihe fusion li-kel

    wns ..f Pitt rtuinty charged with a ;l,lll,:;l|;l,,,.m.l|l, ,

    conspiracy to intimidate ami detei |.;10rVoii ' ibos

    TUESDAY, Jl'SK -" |s!,i'-


    The case ol the I'nited State*

    ci rlain voter* and electi Ihccrs

    lu i-i everything in order to give il a political tinge. Mosl of the I'opulistaiu the county were once

    fact* hate HuiMcrihera toThc Enterprise and


    WINTKUVILI.K, June33, ':>< I.. II. Rouotree. of Aydeu, wee

    here yeeterda). Regular preach lug wrvieea si

    at the linplisi church lierc today

    ami Sunday. r. T. Kittrell assists >! F. Man

    ningX i'o. in their store Hntur day*.

    \ read] markel fur fruil lo can;


    I'.\ I nilcil Slate- District Judge P.O. Fleeter la dying al bis I le.

    ! in Topeka, Kan. The steamer Dnnnbe, ashore at

    ; Dcumuii's Island, It.!',, is break log up. and her cargo is n total 1.ISS.

    Bj a \.'ii' of almost .; lo i Ihe voter* of Rhode Island rejected the proposed revision of the Slate Con- sliliilion.

    Daniel Patrick, a negro, who as united Miss Bessie Ireland on Monday. was ly ached Wednesday ai Beranton, Mi--.

    A #13.1.000 cottou mill. I., be


    NEW YOKK COTTON FLTUHB1. Opo'g, High Low I'lose.

    Aiigu-t 561 501 :,S .VHi] Ootober M3 CMS M Ml ReeeipU i.tioo


    May anil .lime. Opening. (lose. Tone.

    TRINITY COU/EGB. Forty-fifth year opens Wednes-

    day, September 6tb, bargee! en- dnwiucnl of ant\ College in the South. I'onipletest (iyiniiasiiiin in tin- stati-. Board 96.00 t 110.00


    Opu'j Wheat.

    Julj 7i-

    316 iIlU'Ain).

    High Low


    Opening. Ilign law close.

    I tin-l v Steady per liionlh. Loan Scholarships lot worth) yOUBg men. Young woin-

    . en admitted to all classes. Semi ll08e- for Catalogue to

    I'ltKSlDKXT KIMiO. Iliirbain, B.C.

    of their rights and ,ll",,"~ tl,.- I'hui^duy ami

    KVII brought mil ami established were among our mosl regular and aUFarker's X Roads precinct in the |H.V1|1,| ,i. ,imd ol a douW by promptly paying patrons. Of

    , urn -r .sould like lu have Ihoir ii.urn- ..a the siilwerlptiou 1 k

    again, lull ii that i- n"i p it!. v.-.in ul I..1-1 glad lo know that Ihej are -nil reader* of Ihe paper,

    n- stvle of -o|iu!isl |iarly. n-'i in i single |, in lice introduced by I hem into

    , without i-i'ii' rllu-r linn i , .lln|.,._.. .. _. md we have always

    von- as Rolicrt Hell, bill Stauu

    plied "mi, my name is Robei Si i

    ton." A large cowl ".' negiis-s

    and a ronaidemble nnralier of

    whites gathered up near the win

    don. some -.tying bis uaiuc was

    Si.iion and ".I.e.-I hi! il waslk-U.

    .\ brother of the \ rteppiug up

    said ! am his brother, lay aaiue i-

    Warren Staton

    Robert Staton

    and ih. ile - - . -

    oft \. llli s well

    ill dischargi :-> f>r II>

    lo a\ in Ibis eoi ecli I e

    .,, n tuh i lhal l'tb Mr.

    Spe IIN in il Mr. I ' iiioiid have

    show II a spirit fairness luring

    tin- ri-inat'kuble. rial.

    Musical Punishment.

    Did y.ni ever hear ... '-play ing a

    IKVII frank in suying so. Hut we have novel believed il g IpilitiCH .,1 the straight forward thing lo do i |iillei the I'npulisl platform '! i - in..-i distinctiveplnnksantl then Maine Ihe ineinliersof that parly

    ml Inn ing il and coining head

    lung iul -. M 'believe lhal more of them would be hack with ii- today ii a diifeicnl course had been pursued, But nietulu-rsofthe

    ,uh. i t *


    line of thobeal fciualeschools in the BoUtb, and the cheapest fur ad

    I vantagM given. Send forcatalogue.


    wheel- " ill do well to made from llii- limber.


    .liibn W. liaii-s, president of the A meriean Si eel ami W i ret ionipany, is antioiinceil a-a candidate for the I'nited States Senate from Illinois.

    to succeed Shelby M. Cullom.

    Spain has appointed la.'s Mali nils, former Consul al Baltimore, Md.. as Consul flcneral al Manila.

    The War lieparlmeiit has con

    ti-acieil with Speddcn .t Co., of Hall.more, for a vessel, to cost Mil,


    il.i.ii by The Oranac V, Obser- ver.

    The -mi I ravels on its own rays-

    course. An i'iirtlu|iiake is only nature's nun. for the Qnartormaaler'e De-

    lit of colic. partnient al Korl Mclleury. Many hold the ladder of virtue The Ke Vork city council

    for others to climb. adopted n resolution miking duly The barber does all head work'.3rd a holiday, in couimciaorntiou

    with his bands. of Ihe anniveraarj ofthcbattlc ol Summer our people are al home Santiago.

    and suininei abroad. "

    I J. C. COBB ft SON. t 1* M19I Br TUP" *^ I

    l-'-l-MI ' A LtrlBW, I !.

    ; VEAmEr : w

    t ,*

    Aftcr two )rin I'rcnihiiiis have been paid

    IS THK




    [ ii iif[|B" Mnf it o

    same parly have a right lo hold Kven the stingiest man isextrav

    v d,Herein opinions i uest ions i'f|ugunt in giving advice, iu.l his name is eiiii.tg.H.1 e policy uud .-.mrsesofprocwlurp. Ho Many uae religion a the varnish

    1 inlheNi-u \--ii In. i- an in , .. ,. ... " "' w ,, ,.,i ......:-.. ivK...uiv!i,l!-'""1""'" "' '''"'"';' nrl,e" ho pollah their eharaeters.

    then asked how he ha.1 registereil u,^,...,.,, \,,N ,i.,biue\: -As l,!,V1' ***"* unottier. The bar of public ..pi i has

    ,M.al I was seated 1l I I'id'- i- m ib.-a , Ideal > j kls.k.,l II.OM, many a ,.,. I I for thought. In time- past. u .v,,,. ._,,. ,vlla, kl.,

    nlu-u there was u Populisl party, i IMam unlil we get II from n girl's

    , , -i ' 'own lips. nthe regtstrati "'";" I th,-..pinion thai ihe private*, in Men who lav out walks for oth>

    nicul agaiiis be lowei ru "" , ,, i ... that Darn were an earui-sl and lltll-.ii . S,. Ins) \v.i 1 in

    ami be repliinl llolwri Staton. The eli-i-ti iflicer nl Ihe window plank of tin ciicc'n In |iai then told blmas no .ueh name was rude -. - I aithmj fi-el !

    ', he could mechanically neat au iiecoiiipaiu

    not voleaudlheucgrowalkedawaj.

    Ueiieveruskedlolwallow.iltovole vV(i|(1 ,hi, , Bl(, iim, ,,.,,.l.-.il.y

    or oifcied lo vote iis Rubei Ik the pleusuiil voice of uu ollieer be |

    That Ihenegroeslargely niiliium side mi "So yon

    bered the whites aud thai many ol I Ile .' he asked me. with |U)1| iiiiuseil an . \'liiri uul ice,

    Free Kemein

    I invite one ami all to give me a

    vi*.s-*S-- -s M4*i*4MMM

    M.I. KIMW OF

    SECOND HAND POOPS Bought sad Sold

    ,^,nn Commission. CfH 1 (.' 'I,,, .-,-I,,,,- ,11,1 1IBUBS|KC

    . I..lly M> 1 an illni.iH.nl lkri.siN .ml n-liirn th- mniwy In s I.,

    !.V^T. ll.-fi.tf1M rx fiiiC


    ^uis- riHle. Uy."l ind l'rtnarl for Si ' cimnitiO'i* Miem t 1 i...k ir fi-.lljnew. I.tt'th Ut-< tU-nwAHh' 1 ! iuwd siii.l M- 9>-

    , im i:w m mm, It VI Ellin, N. ('.

    i|fMusasBMrinfesVsW 111 IWsWeisi'l

    C.T. 5 Points. 5


    W. 11. WIIITK, W.T. Kl.EMIXO,

    I We have jusl opened in the Thee-

    j nix bii 1 Id ing with an entirely new I mid complete stock of

    Dry Hoods, Notions. Hoots' Shoes, Hats, Hardware' Crockery, Kami I in piemen Is, Meat. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, I aid. Tobacco, etc., ill fact every 8TA1*LK ARTICLE carried iu a general stock.

    We Also Sell HAY, OATS, OOBN, COT. TON HEED lll'l.l.s .\XI

    MEAL AND lil'AXO. Our prices on every thing vv ill be

    full ml as low as a good article can lie sold ul. Ynuurc cordially in- vited !> visit 0in store.

    Highest pricet. jinid lor all kind ol country produce.


    The Four Greatest. Boys Knee

    Pants. 10 Cts Pair.

    Silk Bosom Shirts.

    50 cts Piece.

    Mens all-wool Snits.

    $2.50 up.

    Boys 2-piece Suits.

    65c Suit.

    FRANK WILSON, Tl^e Kjijg Clotijiep


    Bhwkberries are ripe. I'ulkland will have a big picnic

    next Friday.

    Pint of the Beaaon, Kruii Jam, at 8. M. ScbulU.

    A man of polish isn't apt to wear bis (lollies shiny.

    Preferred creditorsthe one* who never prenenl bills.

    Awnings ami hammocks appear logo up with the mercury.

    The up-to-date hairdresser l.a the newest kinks al hi ends.



    These Arc Some of Them.

    Tin I.'SDAV. JIM: -JJ. I80'.l.

    \\*. T Lee returned to Scotland Neck Ibis morning.

    J. .1. (berry returned Weduea day evening from New York.

    Will Tl.igpen lc! lulled Ibis nioriliug froni Seven Springs.

    II. Harding and II. II. Harris* returned Wednesday evening lioin Itounoke Kupida.

    Miss llessleHarris, of Ayden, is visiting yirs. II. ('. Ivlvvanls iu Souib Greenville.

    Prof. 1'. P. Hobgood, of Oxford, vvbo lias been Upending a lew days here, lefl this morning.

    Mm. ,1. 11. Edward!, ol Scotland Neck, arrived Wednesday evening to v i~il berfather, VV, II. Marring ton.

    Miss Mary Medley, of Wilson and Miss Julia Caste\. of (lohls- boro, wbo were hereallci.diiig Ii,- Fleming While marriage, lefl HiU morning for their homes,


    1 1 s. , in Carolina. Dont Komet **- KlN'sroN, N. ('.June '.' ;. ISJMI. Happen, . ElHTOH BBPI.WT.ill:

    Mv attention has |u-i been ail Molina- titled f..i ci.-.i i ic lights

    Ctl loaslatc.nci.t which appeal el :,i"' "llr; *" IH""1' M 1:l> ''> iu y paper! bra day- ago in a large majority.

    reference lo the slack niail wrviei- llollble daily paxscngei I ruins OTT. /ItTTITj) T>'^^ XT' /~* f\f\ B\fli between Waabiugt. . C. and bave IK-CI. put 011 the \. .\ N. C. PUJllttEW '."'. IJMfilL '."'. ITUUUJS

    sj.cciil la.li.id In- ..cell (luldidloro and


    PBII E, Ii. I'l'illoll and III- ill . iil'Wil.-.in. have sepai.iled and are engaged in a -nil over the cuslody

    of their children.

    iiiccuvdie. \. 1'. mnkii me..lion of the Irregularity of the Mon-boail receipt of Ihe Wusbiiiglnii N. ,,,,,;,,, ,, w|,,|

    Thelloaril.il' Ablern.en elcileil , have lo swallow us much as seven , the lii-sl Monday iu June go >| p,,,),,,]^ j.enenil i.'slon.live pro|K-rlics are wonderful. I .lull the points men! ioued I will I bunk held In Hcolliuid Nek. July I- -JI . S|n n- bus it-pH-uliuiilies. A It seven art- marvelous, yonlopn'Mbdilhis h. a-.i ii;i.r.iMiM\i; i.i\i; riioM i \,I;\M.I: I SI:\ I:\ SPRINGS Iil'M>ll,i- ill |M,!,.i-!iii! 4 I hi- iUlUVl* i .1

    explanation. El..] ,' ' ; '' _"

    . {LiiinlierCn. tobuild Ihe'r road lo New*comes from Aumn .n II P. Slraii-cand II. W. Wbel ^ .^

    bee retiirnwl Thiihulay evening from I'avetU-v ille where Ibey went j toallcn.i Ihe llrand LiwlgcKllighlsl Colored Mini llrownud.

    m*-? i Mv trade last week | was very satisfactory ^

    HII-.IW bat is so popular with some men is that it is easy lo talk through.

    Attention it called to the notice of mnd sale by 11. M. Mooring. Sheriff, to.salisfvcNccuri.insugainst II. II. Ivcs.

    Greenville would be in a betti line of progress if some of the in vestments were put iu buildings.

    T'a\ listing time goes out with the lasl day of June. And those who fail to list will la- subject to double tax.

    "One good turn deserve* anoth- er. " Those who have been cured by Hood's Saraapartlla are glad to tell others about il.

    These are Is.tb long days aud short days, lf you dou'l know where Ihe short conies in feel in your pocket, or come feel in our*.

    Mr. .loscphus Cox tells us that be finished his corn crop and laid it by on the JJnd. Thai is an in ilicaliou of good fanning. Ihe kind Mr. < 'ox does.

    The election case coming sud- denly to an end Friday evening, and terminating so satisfaclory to

    alely fond of the Weed there is no

    possible chance to get hurl from using tobacco on which Paris green has been applied.

    The genera) direction for the use of Paris green is one heaping table spoon full to an ordinary si/.e

    bucket of water, This should be factory'constantly stirred in order lo pre-

    vent the green from settling to the bottom of the bucket. There are many devices I'uriipplying it ami all of them seem to do Ihe work

    well. The dry powder gun is a plciidid implement, its is also the

    tin squirt gun, while the ocninion sprinkler is Ihe most general in use. is the cheapest and after all may do the work well enough if used by

    a careful band.

    All Please Pay.

    We did nol go to the trouble and expense of .linking out subscription bills aud mailing thein to those

    who owe us fur TilK DAILY Id: Ki.KiTi.u just fur fun of the thing. All who received these bills have

    and "terminating so satisfactory toL^ ,.01,,H,mi,.,| and we certainly

    ;;1\Si:";nbliX,'moreV^,;he WOUld appreeiale ll.cir doing .0. Sending the paper on credit is hard enough on us, but when we have ti

    testimony, hence we do uot go on with it.

    Oot the Wrung Man.

    POp-tlll now siys thai the potato

    drummer, Woodward, who was chastised with horse whips at Washington Thursday morning, can establish his innocence. Il seems that his assailants got hold of Ihe wrong mini and the thing is going to make a big stir la-fore it is ended.

    go to extra expense in sending out

    bills and then are kept wailing br Ibe money makes il still worse. We will thank every one who re- ceived a bill if they send the money by return mail.

    of Pythias

    A. A. Andrews and family, who have lii-en spending some weeks at their old home... Oerhain, return- ed to lirccnv ill.- Thursday ev en ing. All areglad to sec tbeiu back

    Mis. Lucy Hi riiuril aud children, who have been visiting Mrs, M. A. Jarvis, left this morning tat Ral- eigh. Mrs. Jarvis accompanied her lo Kaleigb for a visit there.

    BATI'BDAY, Jl'N'K IH, 1800,

    O. L. Joyner weal to Washing- ton ibis morning.

    J. P. King, of Henderson. Ii on a v isit to relatives here.

    Rev. A. w. Sci/.cr returned Frith!) evening from Scotland Neck.

    Miss Mai Harvey, of Kinston. came over this morning to visit friends.

    Kegislerof Heeds T. I!. Moore and wife left Friday evening for Seven Springs.

    Misses Clara Hampton and Eva llassell. nl Plyinin.lli. are visiling Miss Jamie Bryan.

    Mrs. W.T. Lee and child, who bave beeu visiting here, relumed to Scotland Neck today.

    Pan!Bryan, of Scotland Neck, who has beeu v isit ing llailey Moore, returned home ibis morning.

    Little Miss Sadie Cheaaon, of Plymouth, CUie Friday evening lo visit her sister, Mrs. I'.. II. Tali.

    W. F. Uraughan, of l-Mgeconibe. vvbo baa been visiling hi- daughter, Mm. Zcno Moore, returned home today.

    Solicitor L. I. Moore returned Friday evening from Wilson. LittleMise Wells came with him to visit relative!.

    Friday afternoon ,. colored m...., j

    other example of Ihe fearful comli

    linn of Ihe bridges In Ihecoiiuty.j A coi if-pi.ndeul wi ile-. " I lie bridge at thislilucc is nearly iiu rruiav aiicinoou a c.noiei. ......, t '

    named Anthony Vines, about 21 '':,-M''1'' Ihe Ibv. I., o. Wyche, v.-ars old, vvc. svvi ling in a ""* I""1"- "vor "' 1,;"1 ""J

    marl bole on the old Uruberl '''"'- '" l-'11 """"-1' "' lleardsley place. From mine " cause he began lo sink and called

    for help. Will IkirreP, uitolher colored in... bo was standing ou the bank of the marl hole, held a pole lo Anthony to try to help him mil. The puic broke and Will was

    thrown into the water. Will suc- ceeded iu swimming mil bin before any further aislauce could be rendered Aulhouj he was drowned. A.mlber man named lliiu-s di -I

    down iu the holeuud recovered Ine


    Tassels and Blossoms.

    Mr. W. R. Whichard sends 'Ini:

    RlU.-l.KCMU word (hat be lias corn tasscisaud cotton blossoms a plenty. They are not iu hi- garde., patch,

    either, bul are dotted aboul all over his Bold, Wesaw hla cotton crop a few days agoa.nl can testify lhal be has the pretties! field of il to be seen between his borne and


    plclely don II. Hi- and Ilia hoi sc came very mar being drowned. I"iil< il;- I,ridge i- speedily re paired, Ihe county ill have i. damage suit on il- hands,"

    Washiugloii Messenger.

    | and I still have a good 1 | ly number of those | g choice bargrins left. */i^*-f

    v.'v'^- gb 'T^-^


    ,/s"l..| ||AU1W>V^ rt*


    Picture teUtailorrthat I tiou Sttiltl s Of women will re- i ";in/r A Htory f niontlily suf- f-ritiin* just be-

    fore mv! durinu meii*rutiona story of acli,f! rdilng pain**, torture ID back. In ml. Uttbl HIMI nl>lomcn


    will curs IIWM suilcrars-rsK.ilali Ihtir iiitf.ces .ul - nvf oul All 'fe mj o IrObWw " llrug-UU .-ll II for JI s hctt'e. meeus-s-' - IWIO.AUU.H

    f "

    Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Notions Furnishings, &c.


    Mr. Mulomou Pool Musuu, oft'ol li'.-i ,r '. bliuiin'- olli iul lorcc, uild

    i ' I . .. '.I'.I.'S 11. Ma-oii. ol

    . a ..I. WUS married Iu Mi Mary Kvu n'llagan, of I Iu r ham, N.C., June 31.

    Miss tl'llagan was rcinil In (Ircenville. V.i'.andis a .laugh which I i lelcrmiiie to sell at any price, fume ami sec ...-iu the IcrofMr. John in, i.oi,.' lu . it, a - -o - .i II n which i.-..v,' |.ru i' ''il. i" II. ni My -l.-.'!- 1- i.-fl.-hill". I. .'IT. I III) '!< lsi." vii.mii r. ,\i i. il..; I" m,> IOS rnubuni. I's.

    DiaDeoala '' ,,i. ..n.l sal. llvci iisVPaSv IriHil.l. I MI I'o.i i. i .. ,ra wlili ilj -i a, n.i -'""isiii.-. n Si . i|.;.iill.i in i,l, in- -H''ii- :ai-t lir.nl> J. I'., i . II .. Mali. -I: I Viilmi'i \t<

    us be had riaisliufj Hue dale.

    CHI's on lhal

    Seicii Mile Run.

    Mr. M. II, li.uris. oirbico.l.icll-

    iii lhal on \\Clnc-day In- horse liiuipcd a high gale and got oul of Ibe I..I and ran -even miles before

    JVJ.W-.ta ' ..I.- rVJ beingetotaml. The hm.

    Heavy and '-aic m Spring Line ni'

    lilll I N\ II.II, N. I

    ;:^;V:i:::!;,;;'n..::r;!,,,:.';,,: ,;: aaiib,th, 1.......... (ci-llv \m -froiitf iin.1 mil' V U,.|,IM, I'" '."IIU'I -. I 1" 111" '. X'-


    Jfcod'A c-SalSu/kiliffa

    llnn.,-. fill. .."' Ho-. I ', lhrii..n I ~ wiltr.iliii, i..i.j.."i, in.i - in I ,i '

    1 oil,ai I! egging and In- alw.iv -

    A. W.l-on. Wcdnc-.lay after j "" lll!' ' ,iiin, Mi-s Myiib-Ke.i. ilaiighter Freahgondakepi renataull) un

    ofMr.T.K. Keel, fonneily ..I Ibis lUUMi. loi.nl.v product- butlgt and

    11 LIMA'S. Wlllli: lilMlDS. \e.

    Come to soe them.

    couniy. wa- married lo Mr Byuum, ol Uoyeton,

    Jan.. old. V trial will conv Inee you.

    D, .V. HAKDEE.

  • * """w


    Want Job Print Give us a call. m.3? !*EE* iSWXtdBHMatnaB.



    Visiting Card


    TO A

    Full Sheet Poster.

    I jacloss a conlinciil 01 nil ocean will

    IM.' famous. Bui > do not believe! dial his inveuliuu ill possess -rent coiunierchtl value or that hi* name will go luto the list of those boe dimiiverie* haw been great 1) uml permauentl) benelh'ial Ionian-

    kiail. Tin- doubt I* Imae I on the facl lUui while nature baa no law ih:ii prohibit* I raveling IhrotlKh

    thi' air. it certainly ha> a law that inii-i -nil- I Mtrh traveling with

    conditions I bill will wilder it ex prosit e, ami, ! the average man or woman, mil simply unattractive,

    but repulsive. The law of gravi latiuu, iii our opinion, stands an au

    - . : inlable hurriei l Hiuneii, i"i: - 1,-k!, typo being taken from tho case just nlmiit to la-iiu whirled as ii runs, so it ihowi lor itself

    ill, i.n.- ..i how well it prints. This is the Small Pica size of which there is I pair of cases

    Ar ll< Arm

    Lr II Ar w

    Wll-.n ,ky Manal 'T.trt,,r.

    i Tirbur. ,. ky Muiinl iMon

    I- M ^ U

    A M n n 4i i> m

    i > >. ll is ui 'i nl ;,., ii} mill-, an hoiii."' Along UIHIIII Ihe lime tin- was written.

    I hii Id Webster, in il pnlilie -I"'" >' . . the same idea. I1

    ,- |iio|ioed. he mid. I" i uii i rains ,-i , in - "- . iro : rail- al Ihe

    I K1 |,m. IUIir.1 I i:> |, in. itr- i- ,. - - .,>! Swk.1 5OSi or.t , IKII : pm. Kiii-i,,ii: Mmn. ll.-liinilnci.-.iv.-. Ki.tun J , . i .,-,, ..j,-- M ,i'. irrtvlni llallfu ii ills am, w.-M.,ii ii vi a,II. datf) ,v-:.i ajndaj

    T,-.,i.. n WaahlaalM Branoli k-nif Wirt lnai4i i* |,iam in I.' SI ( ra, arrltfi i urn H tn .ii ! I ill i m, monunj law, I'arnn a fi BIN! a *i p in arrivf n'anhiiiaiua 11 ,i,i; Up DLdaily ea, i-i Suaday.

    Tr.titi laarn, Tarbatfl rlallj i >;' San4a| ,, .*.:> j, ni, SBBday III :'" .,rn\.. I'l;- .... ,n,,i>ii,: i|. in . i'i|,in. onir i. IratM I'll l.llis anil others iMUUdeu as lollows ln.,iilli,1i,'.l.,'\,,'l'l -III'.ho : -.'.i in :.iil -mi l,,.,,;,,,,!,,., -,l ,,i,n, in I,.hn .laylmain. atr.i,-. Tiirl."!., ',.i,n. IIKiam. '"lieglDDlOg .11 .1 pllle Ml .11,1111

    Tr.iin ,ni Mi.iuu.i v i- iir... i, I.-,..- ,i,.i.i- Elks line a corner between K. M. burn dally. ,i,.-|l Sunday. '. IO i m. arririna lilv,,,, .,,,,1 \V* l' lliv,,,, -,,! v..n. smlllili.1,1 , iii.r.luri II il.:o,- -inlllili.1,1 IMXoll.lim n.l. I UXOII .111(1 11111- i.ini.i,rrii.-:, :,M.,.ri'ii J III. ninjj in a westerly direction panil-

    Tran ,,n Naihrltla Rrancli i.-.o,- Rork| j-i ,.;,i, ., u,-,ll(.ii .ll,.,i *,"-, ,,U guuni alow am i i. arrli, N.,-1 IVII .- i< i w nu .i iii.im n. aiu< yuisisi n>IOan,4iH|,m sprlni 11 i -- i nan,, la Ihenri' with I be luaueh to I". M.' ,.in i:. r.in ir,_-1.. spuna ii, i- Io iiirri along Ihe .it'-i In,in whii ii Ihe slealii was Io la' geiierateil. and tin- wuler " , . Iiabl) i > / in Ihe iulei lime and ilia- hang up the hole mill Vci in spite of this English sritw

    and Hauiel, niilro.ul irausporliitioii i iH'inii .i" pliaheil ilh n fail

    ilcgrec ,,i am . uml -" H " til '"' with The I'osl, In "nineteen

    somelhiiig," oi p,,il,l> uoi mil il Ihe MM! .'."no. -..iii.l. ,.|\ will IH''

    wondering Ihnl Ihe writer "i rii!


    rtl i(n little imilfcr, Bn riei . ii- _ p iiw ' I lie ftp :o. I

    U .. ., ni, -ti !ir. prlnling ; , ; I- ,- . ii a [iMimi llial

    ,y '- (riv, ti for buying lype SB - no . lIli'Ml lol.

    Train on Ulnton Rranrli Itsivii iv.ir-.iw (,,i l ll'tlil, .l.tl.V. . \, ,-l ' -l-li'llO. - I...I III .,11.1 I I*. i. ni. r,'|i|ii,:nu'I,',,','- Cllnlun al T , inily si ,i year ;in

    tains (ho news every and iiivi s inlbrinalion

    tariiicr.'.t'spL'ciallv ihosi iiii; tobacco, iluii

    many times more

    suliscri|ition price.

    The Daily Reflector

    State of Noiih Carolina, > I'I.I Count). i

    i Superior I ourl. i Special Proceeding

    P. A. Wayne. Ailuir of S\ IvcsterCox,

    \s. ] Petition to Lovely L. Wayne. ; sell laud to I'lia-. II. Cox, | iii.tkoacl- Kinuia .1. l'o\. aud Samuel Cox. i

    ll appealing in I hi- proceeding b> altidavil Io the sali-faclion of llicioiirl. that I has. II. l'o\. Kin ma J. lox aud Samuel fox, three of the above named defendants, ar*' iion residents of ihe state of North .loyncr, containing (30) thirty-1* connecting at Washington with Carolina, and after due diligence nine acres more or leas, to satisfy Steamers for Norfolk, Balttwore,

    said Mortgage Deed. | Philabelpbla, New York and Bos- This 7tB day of June lSOfl. . ; ton and for all points for the West

    W. Ii. Wniiii. Mortgagee. . & railroads at Norfolk. It. P. Tv.-ii\, Att'y. Shippers should order freight by

    'the Old Dominion S. H. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from I'hila-

    do, pa; > all Ihe taxes and slill gets nothing for his labor and products that I feel I hi- statement can he challenged and. III fact, fanning properly, managed can lie made to yicid a. big returns, investiueul considered, a-any business I know of. I buii' hid tuopersonal SU|M>I'' [thereto; \ ision over my Ihrui this year aml| It is therefore ordered thai puh

    in Tin: BAHTGKN Ilia i.i.i-iiii;. a newspaper publish

    I III: UAVAliKS OF tlBIP, I hal model II -ciii -i . Ihe I " p,

    poisons i In-air with it- filial germs, so Ihnl no home i- safe from H- i.i v.i -, lull mull it iidc- have found asuivproieciioi. iigainstthis dan mailc aoinothingover U. bushels|U p'roii-iiinhuly in Dr. King's New ofhiiil ui.il oata, Ii" tons of !"-' '>Wheuj erln sort hav, mid will make at lea*l 1,300 ,...-., y..,., iMiiie. ami .i.u.d. rf , M ,)e. ImVI lllllls .mil level, ullh - iliroat.jHiin in the lawk nftbe head, t Iwits my factor) all to bol eal.inh.il -y nip'oiii-aiid a >IUI,IH,I u low. Ill .nhlilioll to this, a- you cough you limy know you have Ihe know, my poultry I* it purl of my

    l.ii iiiiug opi'i.iiion. aii'l I will rai-c till- V,'. ethaO 2,000 chickens.

    cannot IK- found within Hie State; and it further, iu like manner ap- pearing that a cause of aetion ex- isis in favor of the plaintiff and againsi the defendants herein.with respect to properly situated iu this] State and county and Ihnl the said I'lias. It. CnX, I annul .1. Cox ami Samuel Cox arc necessary parties

    Steamer* leave Washington on day of July, IN'.l'.l, the following Mondays, Wednesdays and l'ri- real properly, to wit : Lying and ,|.lvs .,{,; A. M. for Greenville, being iu Ihe County of Pin and in | Wrt"|OI- permitting, loTarlsiro. Furrovillfl township, adjoining Ihe Returning leave Tarlsiro al .r A. lands of Jason .loyner. Cornelius M., lirwnville !l A. M. mi Tiles- Joy uer and others, and known as ',i.iviti Thursdays and Saturdays. the lot I let lie Lewis drew in the';Sailing hours Bubject to change de- division of the lands of Luther pending on stage of water.


    ivcck, 'Hi to die




    Grip, and that >on need I'r. King' Nc |ii-i.,v,iy . ll Will | Iiptl)

    .cine III,-woi-sl cough, heal the iu iil.ii i membranes, kill Ibe disease duck* and turkeys all of which arc germs and prevent thetlreiidcd al !fwl from my own farm products.*1

    icr effect* of the milady. Price 30 \\c believe Mr. Holt has ottered nt- and "l .00. Monej hack il no) | cured. A I rial Iwltle free nl J. L. Woolen's Drug Store



    The l.ii.iluiaik bears every day of white Republican* lu Iredell who will support the comitllutloual amendment. A piomiuenl Itepub luau lays he kuon* of bill one white Republican iu Ibe count) up to iln-nine, oiu-hie of the office- bidding Class, who has declared himself iine. MeCotter, against It. C. MeCnt-l Icr. Annie liaslierry and othen*. heir* al law, Ibe undersigned Ad-1 minis)ralor will sell for cash Is- I fore the I on rl lloiiseihsir in QrOMt- ' \ ille on Monday . the 71 Ii day of August, IBM, the following' de- scribed piece or panel of laud si! ualed in the ciiuuly of 1'itl ami in Contentnea township and known in the division of the lands of Mary

    ilelphia; Hay Line from Baltimore) Merchants' and Miners' Line from Boston.

    JNO. K. MYBB8' SON, Ant. Washington, N. 0.

    J. J. CHERRY, Agl., (ireenvilln, K. C.

    against them for the relief demand I |,;. M.Cotter as I/it No. S: Begin n "> the complaint. I ning at a slukeonlbeliriftnn Road

    Done at my offloe In Greenville, |4tb corner of Lot No, " and runs K.C., this iuil day of May, 18W,

    D. C. M.Miut', skinner A Whcdbee, C s. C,

    Plaintiff's Ait'vs.

    I In- Ruling I'aaslon.


    (lives (lie homo

    alii riioon at tin

    cciils a inoiilli.

    news every

    small price

    ol IT)

    nil. yon a sunscriDor

    vou OUU'llt to lie.




    The woman who is lovely in face. foiiu and temper will always have friends, hoi oucwhououhl he al tractiveIDIMI keen her health, If he la weak, sickly and all run doii -h,. w ill be nervous and Irrilu hie. II -he has countl|HllIon or kidney trouble, her impure hi I will cause pimples, bMrthea, *khi eruption!and a wretched oomplsx- ion. Llictric llnici- is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys anil Io punt, the !!,,,l. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, vel

    l'veg.,1 toliily upllie n,ma lilllehcly skin, mil complexion. ll will make a good looking, charm ing, w an of it run down invalid. Only BO (Wills at Jno. L. WoOtM'l Drug slorc.

    IfoshUDd Dishing i ni, loom - I ,,iile olll. ijllick!

    Wife W bat's Iheumtterl "The lens,'i- on lire, and we

    will hebnrul Io death If wehesitnte a in ,incut. Run. run fol your Bier"

    "Yes. I'll l,e on! iu a minute,

    so ihnl it will look decentwheu tin i Iii ,-111,'n gel here." r uiii n mil i In Iquirer.


    I'liiler and by virtue of au act ol Ihe Lcgi-latme of North Caro- lina, entilhsl "an act Io provides Dispensary for the town and town ship of Bethel, PHt county, [forth Carolina," ratilied the Slh day of March, 1800, and in nursuanoe of the laws governing ehs'lious, the Board of Commissioners of Pill county do hereby give notice that there will la- held on the first Thursday in Angus!, MM, at the polling place in llethel township, 1'itl coiinly, an ehs'liou upuii Ihe ,|iies|i,,ii of c-lahlisliing a llispcu -ary ins.iul township, liisiks of

    icgisiiatioii will i,c opened uml okisad, challenges will !* heard uml saiii eiis'iioii condnctad in erordance S i I ll Ihe laws of North I iirolinn.

    All id"-, wlioareiu l.ivor of a Dispeoesr) shall vote a wrillen or pnniisi ticket with the words "For I >is|H'ii-.uy," and those wishing to vole against Dispensary , shall vole a i illiii or printed ticket vi ilh the words "Against Dispensary,

    lly onler of the Hoard of Coin mi-sioneis of rut County, mads iii rih ciav of June, 1800,

    T. R. MwKfc, Clerk.

    83 W. 173 pokM 11 a corner on Ihe Creek, thence down said Creek to u point from wbi.'h running a line N. '-, K. 130 |MileH|lo a Snssafia- 00 the old liriflin hedgerow, thence with said hislgerow aud (iriflins Road 3S pole- lothelieginniiig.suli jn'l to au asHcssmeut of #'J.V(MI ilue Ixit No. 3, containing 18 acres, more or less. JACOB MiCiirriiu, l". ti. James, Adm'r.


    NOTICE. On Monday, the 7th day of Au-

    gust, A. 1)., ISM, I will sell at Hie Court Honscdoor in (ireenvillc to the highest bidder for caah, one tract ol land iu I'itt county contain- ing one hundred and fifty acre* and hounded as follows: Situated in I'itt OOUnty in Conlcnliica township on Ihe North Kasl side of Conlent- DM creek, adjoining the land* of Sharp llloiiut and .lacoh MeCotter and Contentnea creek, containing; one hundred and lift)' acres, more or less, -.ml lauds lieing the same devised to said II, II. Ivcx liy Ihe last w ill anil testament of Horace Ires subject to the life estate of Mary II. Ive* Io satisfy an execa lion iu my I.and- lor collection against II II. lies and which ha* !., i i . n ii on said land as the properly of Bald B. II. Ive*.

    This ,th dav of June, IMS. 0, M. MOOBIHO,



    H0RSE McMillan and Burrows say that if Alger dorau't resign voluntarily, tbey have the means tocompel Mr. McEinley Io ask for his resignation. Some think that Mr. McKinley will do that without any compulsion, not only because

    of bis friendliness towards Senator McMillan, but because of his dis- like for l'ingree on account Of his free criticisms, on several occasions

    of McKinlcyism. At any rate, every laxly is again hoping thai the end of Algorism in Ihe War De-

    partment is near. Hon. B. M. Eiiiley, the popular

    Comptroller of the State of Texas, is enjoying > visit to Washington. Asked how things were in the lone star slate, he said: "Texas It en- joying a fair share of prosperity. The crop prospects are line, ai.d Ihcre is a greater demand for our unimproved laud than there has ban for a long time. The next Census will show that we have a

    population largely in excess of three million, which iu intelligence

    morality and thrift will vie with Ihe citizenship of any Mate in the

    Union. GOT, Say res is making a Hue record, and his admiuislration is popular with all classes. There h|but little going on politically, and we will not have any cxcilemenl iu thai line until next year. The slate is overwhelmingly for W, J. Bryan for President, and a solid delegation pledged to him will I*' sent to the ne\i democratic Nation ill Convention.

    Judge Nash and Boss Hanna's man Dick, were hobnobbing iu

    enough to creel thc.-orl of building required. Theouly onethat suited Director Merriam was Rilbmilted by a man who became rich as well as familiar vvilhjohs while holding

    office under I he old Government of the District of Columbia. It was accepted, and a leaso made for live years, which is likely lobe extend

    ed Io seven or eight before Ihe Census work is completed, al an annual rental of 125,000. The ground npon which this building is to IH- erected has been used as a coal yard for years. Ihe rental hardly being enough to pay the taxes, ami it is claimed that I1V0,- IIUO is Io lie s|ient in creeling the building. Even If thai amount were tube expended, the lease would still be a very profitable oue when

    il is considered that money is going bagging, when the sceiuily is an good as this, at I per cent., but an expert who has seen Ihe rough plan for the building says, il will DO) cost much, if any more than S50,-

    (lilt). Not a little surprise was ex

    pressed iu Washington, when it

    was learned that Hen. Wood had for the time, Ifnol absolutely and finally, declined the oiler of 810,000 a year made him by the Street Railway and Electric Light Trusl Which has been buying up nearly

    all of the si reel railways and all of the electric lighl companies of

    Waahington, to become its Presi- dent, and announced his early re- sumption of his duties as Military

    Governor of Santiago. Inasmuch as General Wood was fresh from a Conference with Mr. McKinley when he made llial annuunccinenl, it is Inferred thai he was received some definite promise of further preferment of some sort. If he will

    remain in thearmy. He is now a Brig, Gen. of Volunteers, but thai pays less thun one fifth of the salary Offered htm. His rank in the regu- lar army is what it was when he was made Col. of the Rough Riders




    |t|-| , *!! .1 |, ill -I " | ., _ , m I here i- an ar i

    iilhat th, miiiii lei i .:> and Ibe) mosl all d >.

    11 iilin.. vv ill lie a n-l ll Mil 'e r.-ere:it.o.i. He will rcl urn !',:, :l.l

    Ihe editor wiP, and be "ill remem- ber thai he goto little rc*l in order thai he may work ihe harder. He v II! print Ili* p.tpor i i^lil along for H ll ,i! Merely lu let people who enjoy il have il for the price. ( Mil er men will sil up and curse Ihe I- I|H i - i.v il i- ll fraud and a take

    Ina Ihey forge! llial ihey aic tti : Hand- ami l.il-i -. Ol' III least frauds mid fake* insl a- much as it; aic! lie will let angry -ub-eiiticis

    kick to him I a use the kids did I not .I,-liver Ihe paper when if Ihey would lull 'iiink. Ihey know that it isaloi.e I i his advantage lu have i III-III deliver.d. - I'aiib.'thi r's

    i'lirugo, Danville. Vu.

    A Hie Irauil.

    Due of the biggest thai ha- -truck

    llii- low n in a long time, wa* the | sticker I bat sold the white looking

    |-,t-. kettle* and pan-, lie war milled them not Io break or burn.

    [Complaints an- gaiorenrnliiid tos u now llial nearly all who have used a pot, now has a broken pot,

    We should look up ihe pot mail ami have him refund our money,

    ,,i else pot" him in iuil a- a fraud.- spring Hope Hessciiger.

    ' , . , !.,,..!. II I ,- Ulllll .1 I VI... .

    \y. IM'K, n.r.MiNt. \ M nini;. \ I roHNKY* A I I. I'v,

    lircenv ille, N. I". in.,i f furSlati otcioit

    r, I. .-.

    of U

    all * I ' r. rMvin:,

    Civil tnRineei and Suneyot. tunvevs roa oi SINAOC, BEWI I AOI A* I


    1,,'li.nii .v liiU'mm, Mill* It, Kure,

    faclion or nioiiey 2a nents per box. L. Woolen.

    efuntied. Price I'or salebv Jno.

    Dr. .1.11. Me Mlllleu wa- s.-ni for and dieed the WOlinds, but did liol probe fol Ihe bullet Ihai lodged over Ihe

    'heart, thinking Iheopcnition might prove fatal morning and i- doing a could be expected.Ex

    Mr, Spruill Is up thi- ll a

    11 I I \M .. II in:.

    Win. T. and Jno. |". Stiles ol ' Wichita, Kansas, are I wins lilly '

    foiu year* of age. t'li .-> nini ricd I win sister*, live in Ille -a lue house | ami arc engaged tu Ihe same bu-i

    ileus, inniiiiigjoinll



    (ireenv ille, N. C.

    Dr. D. L. .1 wi,. 1M.MISI.

    ' ircoin i, ' . X ^vvr^>->-* i lie sailie illl-l I ( I reel, I o.c. ,\ . . *r-"ak. _*- w

    y a real eslalcloilii'c ovei ,1. I J"rfs]t4w-t-f Cobb ft Sons store '..TrA