mm M liii«•,mmm....

•,mmm. ffiss- m mm. mm If «*& **srt. Fattier Wofiinger's Remedies Cflflwer Disease M__ .' Urn* an»H» «t»*« •»? 2"**' * **" '•'" ^ ^ *«^||g*fgifi-d /; 11 L ih MMMeuMMi* J. 8. SCHLEY Iiacbif jf Vielin, - »«_*itr«, or Trie fjiwii***'* foi' k •£'**«##*#< ; j£* terfilnw«nli, «f«.. pallor5*«or<?h**!raforefrnpui *£comr*n^ ' Violin* oifnk-. Studio* *'<'Cwr.KW"4; at*.. HOT*** WItH sm, ***** stMtii TifWf SrtWir ']i'r..ii rjniniM 01 A**ll*^Vs<«mp«?yt«|iio(J)«rU!or«otliilT College, £u*iw'»y, "IftSS ANNA T. ,0;A,'tt,eV.> W r ' •l«-«lftP«wer» Block. R^,^,,.,.y. A very sad accident oceurreed: at; .***J^»W. £%»***Mond»j» MdThur»4,v». : Clllden rSeieuWy. Two young women', returning from Amenta, were on the public car going /.rom I'jtfden to Galy CMrtkiwd ud VjpvmrifiMit thortwghi* «nd j way,- and..,as'' they wer.e..en ler.i.nK ,t.he. -tSEa^S9l(^^S^^S^S'%£2SSS : !'*<>^«*' '^l^- ear r -Co.;tdea. with a stone; iti*KJhwMtglil* and t*r**„ _ „.. ,.,,,-„ •wrctal bf*nc_M Without **ir* .ctt4*i»« StwcUJ A. atrraiar. OrcaUri M*t.faaf. Snd«nUn.» r «faaratM*U<»« liii«pflie t % benefit*.-^ffprdetf k* the; csoqajuiaiJ. ,«w .1$! .$hv._ Austin ' bi# present b^me^tead wouM betttalWpJeda»f .extended to bis, fcear and -ttjcre'extep* a f f e farpi. ; - :$k4n:-&**9p*m& fcnoW» that MrAustin: 't»ui|4»ed' imMbfC in the place, in§tr^ti<MJ«,«er^iftyeJi, through the Uf*ly^»ppoInf«4 agent, Hi-;, 'Mark-'-'Blak©-, tp h a y e tni'l»0a*<ei' : tftbrpM^tly rehavtkUiA at the load's eipeoise. Eto#rald fele tor Oui a WiUlim Si, cTpwrisefid,, thi rd * SOD; has beeu c**l;'ed -Gi»tt*'i';\ "...'•.• A man oam«<I jS^prgje %tt^'- »j!?ed Stradballjr Sail, is alleged; to have committed *a»ci«i#, i>|t jtftooibg iiito self .in tiie gun «)o% rWte the tana^ ly: #*rf iithmh, "Hfe: « t ;n«til r 4 of BaltiDglAM. At. tb« iuqu«»t tb« medical erl3«B<& *«jHV-U^ ^tw w tb*t the , wound; wft^ ; ; ^(-Ijj^ted; hiit 'that. it^m^ht^ha^^BO: acci^eiT^' The jttfj feuat thjftt the *dec«Mte»d its ; first ap- -4.&d frotn. th> efftx-ts of a gun'Shpi' :c!df 11 f frpih "the'triC' l%h|i. Mi ? j wpupd, which w^;J^fijpfliistedi (jut rfij^l >fiii}ia!l, in the emplrtym^nt ^flthey.-cottlil"- n<5t w»j iwhfetbeff'it: was the"' Electric TJ^Kt tompap^, " ha^j ftccWeoW P* suicldiiL ; ^ .. ' ;•:''•'\ (vvjisitih to lower; oh> 1,200 candfe] ^ r . ^^""".^ urc 7 lamp in Dublin street, when by,-j ;, •• - W,5>LpQRC>, inadyertanr* his hanils com pie ted ;, ".'"Mr. ;a^'--M'riL..A'i^ad'.Jpii$&,'i(>(/jBa.o--' trie circuit,: and he ; was yi(>le>v(y ! ; v ^ f House, Gorifey, vrhp i ? p ^ thrown Uvthe KTcnind. sV'.f retaining;, ceb'tly ;marriW,,' ^niertaipeii. their; Car!: GARLOW. iw uVwn'has had T an, #ic »jr^ J ,,I^^lD«r#^"«ejfiaai*: 1 - ! * .irouii'j'Qf the recent railway I >'%tt*k»V: tkM> » b u a t « « • m p l o r * d oa I th« W*l«rfor^^*o4 limerick IU11 way i*v#;h«efl. ^hajkftiaF aa iner«u« of two shUi ib^i -j>er ^eefe &1fotr w*tfe«.,,. D.LEARY, 'OTLSIEE. €*fr<*nj |4<% -Cw'taEfcas by- a -jpew ey lo^k |^ik# New Alt Kin4* «r Dicing apd O««*iog '.;fei42ft. V*r» ea£r*4.or *n.<t" ifc- ' IMetseig. - 0 . ANTWIM. fV^derick Joseph Rdbb, r tcblrd,8<>t ol John'_ Bobi?,/ of"/ Bfel^wpti.-;haa;,beeii?| ca)led !to the! Irush Bar ^ ^b^j obtained the pare: of- £2J." j»t t"hft':t- Ci>Iiv M?JPLJL . AND |%A?0* STS Hon^r Examination J i e l d ^ f c Q c t o ^ l g o ^ ^ 70i; ,^ m**m*t Atom er, and t^e^;fa2^;accx)rtiin&i>, ; v /BuiKha. J' ;accordingly ARMAGH ftjr. Dunbar Bftrton,>t P., addreM- Building. i ll-yopwiii the Worth of l^piir 'S , Vou can |aw, with;, relerence to the conuog 1 .... _ I .ln.'bis'.gTasp thi r"..nduotx;..r«_., -;.'A-t ,the_ .saipe- nVometit.. two ;g>'h'tl(>ip«'n ." were' rjunierfyjis friends, '-to. the nuHii>e.r of nearly- ;-i Here thrown 60 "^Ue driver .escaped' : terioua injury; ftui^ the po<?r',^tr«. »us ^^M irfinti Cittii* tit iikHg In l*f««i to our School wilt •*» tW »y». «H» iHMcf proooqBced by •cWetiji* th« beat *m Jayanted. M«4«l «wM«J«fd*r W*rtd's ^jiilR«*xiwwf*trc*jw>Tfl» tK.-j^AfrirB, iW^W Pfiffert^Bl&fi . &o«bt*t«r K,v Wanted to Exeharige f i.»U'-:r,.i.j-ii,#«#a."i I «M ._ Spn'Dg Wigan and Some Monoy, 0 for Ms»<>n Work, Call or Addr^. f # Kenwood Aw; «W—^" 1 ill mini-MW'ii" 1' 11 )«.iui| -• 11 mil 1 11 , . Bunked Wftiita, - Taha Eltyator. Ttl-4* Roch«»t*f,^.-Y-. - fWta*M«Mg ir» ««ar»MHr», HatTiOH PtACI THOa B. MOOHEY Joyce Undertaking Rooms i|*W*«ltaia $t»»«, FARM FOR SALE Abo** 40 acre*, nearly three »crw ol ck4»lmt tlaiber. Tbla Itna lituafed awnt four Mfiei aajit of Q«nava,and three aitaa *mk ol Waterloo. A food ore h«ni, Wra and }»«•« Would txchange for city . property or veil and gtva 80 years time >er |»rrttnl»r« enouTrt it 23 Gl*s«ow atrwt, Roch««ter, 3S»'Y.' . .-.,', nmmmfmmmmm passing, rers': two huB.dredy at' their hos- an>.l on-i'.,)f .thtCm", •'.'vlr ii P,'\.pi table" residence. A 'most ehjoyabVc- f : ". Ir4j,.a"nci ;,.ftvpnin'^ ; "wa§:- speh:t„ .Excelleut .IAV^'-.'^.. '.'o tht> "lia'nl- E^tid BiU, thftt etery BUt^rinao Ifnew that the agrarian ain»« pi the Iriah Na^ionaista Were'very diflferent nay, were absolutely opposed—to -;-tbos^;v:Q»-.t h ^ -t c ipt^r- X^dr^fbr^aeurV,;"; while the Ont^fcPjjfby h^-nsrtfin receflt yeftra ahown it»4?^mWiUtng or unable tograpiJe with the most difficult prpMetma of the land queat- lo.n";-'. Jtl(e-;4id v - not '')UiU; "t l ^eip-^ T |p.rv»t: was .. ..unnecessary.—that ;the: .'«roppiing' w'aa. Hepmin tn*p*cl chklleirBe the city in :prir,e>,, rrge til ****** 91 f »Ut« St 'J-.' ". I! IH'IIIIIIIII Srwlnu M»c»«»nc»,ClcHbt» "U ru>*<r» "' Carpet Swtrpcri to repair. M«p-:M.tww:r»,.-'gliatrs-' and Sc»ssor> IJrou|*d. New and, ..Sccood ;ll»i»«i; v S,«rwring MachHR** t »ery icheap, R*ft» for all MiathiDes. " ^ °" 06ANBBB|f§«T t»C DM. MASH, Geo" H. Gay ford, ,' 3* Npr*r< y 'B».**m;''»jire«.l, ". >la». recent \y ,pynft3i£ril;\ - ,-•: 7ZPT , '7^!'- *^ y r ' ,V *~ V ' *'" " "^ ? -fX^riedV to the rescui»', and was .4bout. 4 was ^supplied, iad the dancing was., k^it*,j4i|ina^.t»»i^»iA'nex>ualy,. r -^^ 'A N;e»:: Lirte-of -.'Fine Cirriau^;.LW><i_o»ga 4 ,' Surrey*. Landaus, Brpjighaiosy, PhSt^ooi, je*c,' . , , , w 'taS-ta better, prtpajreii th*o CTCJ iiclosm to «cr»t UpQn t h e ' people 8 I hi. p«tron» rrr t*e d»v or aoar. Aarmjp ./Fo«i the iand,' whiehf wpre | ^^™&i*&4»> I drivti. jp(tb each tutnoml. nanie wu* JUlcox Mfr£jougJMj% ,p»d s he wa« a native '.of Omey island., >rbe beto^|«^ jtoara^ectable fanat yj , Ti>* •ejlrch «rft«r^ JtiyDcb^han j* B til I being pjro«eeuw*d vi(rorously, but not a t*ipe 0| t hiin; h»* been found:, A uuniber of tha ^tlgQ constable* have bean on ths ai«rt, to watcb the in> coming «wid o v t g b i n g trains and atearaert, a«,;ii fri^;repqrted that be had been seen la 6lljp>. to"'"ca.lch'. ^the.sproi'ikte in-'His^haoils, -..'iep^; up ,|iced. Jtwur., .when,, with presence -of naind, ; his",',• - ,-< •/• •;"-, ^^"'-"'.--•'- -.---^~' • ^ocrpi.":!'^^ •'p^y^qtied i ''h1ai. J ''. Rdgyraa the^- quickly 'struck with, his stick: r the-; ^ wins" o,u| '• of; o_n'e •-«/; - MulhaU'a r thus .^rt,.^j the ;el3r<:^i.' y MMdfEB. con£ic»^e4 (prthe bonen^ oj! the land lords, Ihftt M=',**«$ .Mr, Barton and hL8 party desire to con tin ue. hands, #63 Jt.'^^art/th^.MuJh'aTj. didtoo ; t;re-._ o«"i ve. the e.nure curretit of the cablet i but only .a leakage, which; however,. was su|9{C^^t,y--)f k he. ; i^;-qoV,b849ii".so prpvldentfally relieved, to havg.had % fatal effect.* - -' ' - , : "•;••-'-•- •*. ;T rv."'~~v : -' ;: "-"' ••-•-> -' v i-, ..-.'•'•-".; < --' lo V^** . '• .-:•• ^ : - : " i".^' : '9ft-^-9"-^'• ."' '+ 1 A'*M4d«a!d^tht''U^^p.^?t^ini»'is^.. Secretary Mp'rley 'has ,*..e,nt dqwj.i: c es of a peculiarly strikingchsraoter, an Inspector to KiW^aaf t, v with a furred in iierry. An; elderly wom- yiew to iadtiiig proper^inquiry >e- jasu; named Mrs. Mci>»ugblin, belongs garding the representations; of the^ ipg to.^^ tbe_£acnoing cl|uia^-riaitt her failure of the^^ jxitato crop in/the EU- j horaej in an outlying portion oi the JHIGTW^OPft|AtU, » 5»4- State Str^t^ ' ,Rocfci«er... J». If ± ' * W e regifiB|; %Q anncjtiace the death pf Daniel Connolly, for naany years teacher of !i|ucJcod«i ffatiphai SobiBpl. The deceased, who was lather of Rev. : Terence Connolly, 0,G ; , Cpdtehill, 7-f • "" DUBLIN Edward .Chut<>\{J , kinSQn,. son of the Right Hon. John Atkinson, ex- Attorney General; was playing .with a small rifle, unaware that It was; had>ceache4the age 0! 75years. His! 1°^^. when. the'ftrealrni; went off,) fwnerai waa: largely Mtebded by the ^ nd the .bullet lodged;^.the, youn^ lads forehead: dysart Union. The residence of Mr. Augustus W a r r e n , Clef^k of the Jfilr«i3Jbv t T nipn; at Brcidmhiil, wns burglariously entered, and a sum of twenty(ffve shilling*, with ^deposit receipt (or| eleven pounds, was extracted from•••» box Waterside Pariah, in comp*ny "with her Hon, to attend a Miaaibn that was being given by the Redemptor- l#t JPathers; iaj St. Columbia Chtfrch, Waterside. : - She - remained at the Ghurch for a some what lengthened periodi,"waiting; U),approach the con- prieata of NotfchX<ejFtirim. BABBLE md GRANITE WORK. «TW||irllS, Gf^f ES AND .Tills JteMMTBAs o r SCOTCH GRAJHT*, " tU #i*08TAti »ti H6tKi-Mr-»,f,;y 3#th Cr«0ii^ Son, ^rS-80! FB *M. —*m Undert^kera . Galwnia Another Reduction in Price. ,, "BaHttrlaf Wines are;, ^jneatait of-Tejuy^^ Mm Tor many of the 111* of humankind, our «lm has haabeen;^o -g*t the p*m% and Whsve -the price so low that all can ntjjiry tfcebfenefiuj *rivad from their u»e. 6M>It*Alt¥, „'••".-' --'-; Pott, Sherry sadAbgeik* * %t.M#ctw& IWt, Sherry. Awrtlias, «ic* tlvaspergal L MBftert Qtteeii Whlakey, equsi to many l ^ i f t f ' t S " ftfJB"*^fcfcpw*tape* g»t *a^rrH.£WS;*^8RVJ&- : ;S -:• - Cor, J^fiisto ^. illli'i.'. - \ ; ' i 3 IBMTI * co. wXS bifjjti L-^Af«ai»,*75 -1 . .. --W. J(», :^£nai He was treatad by Edward and William HamlttoD, the .'.'• ,,' .;|JlAyo,.' ' ; -• , ''• bullet was extjracted^and the. boy ia Muchxregret 'ha» been occ^sipnecl' progressipg faybrabiy.v"^ ~':\-. i n BullyhlMidla, by the nftws of thef '-' ' ' \ .'-.:. T ,.V„^ . , \ derolse of the^Sev, Bernard MoJDer-i ' kiL,bARk r t tnpt^, CO,, K^errjin, at the early * VSTilliarn A : Murphy, 11 A;. TiG.-b,, age S7 yearl, X5 of which he hadi'second son of Jghh C .Murfpy, of «pent ift the a'^re^^mihiatr)'.^-^e't)berstoTO, CO. Kildare, has' been wa^RflfttMbfBjiJlyb^Mnla* ••'; l calied to the Iriah iSar.. , , An old, ^edri^en. woman, named •'.' ~ ^ v ; ((Siimartln, in* 'bufQed to ti<ath at* ; ' ; KIUKBN^Y; ; Kllfree^ near Baaiaghaderrih; •.''.' '•'• , A •'.farmer; named J>.ies Brenhan, .- v.; -••"-• * "'•• -•* , of Cruttehclouchi when returning. . B0».COW'MON., v r-5'„r" ;"-'--'-' The, r^maU'n|'.:Ql'.thefi$tr^rrDbini- nick tfere renaoved from-Knotk- CrOKhery, tor intermeat in Cerrian * .-Sr; Sterling b'«rlail : gro.tmd> -..-, _ / ' - / ' ".••••" '; . .' •."-; ••'"/ 1*he light rail way: propbaed. to be made- from Ballaghadereen to ('as- tlerea, of which the Roscommon Kntrance had be^h effected!Jesst&naJ, Whitih she. ultimately;did, j and/-was .'(' » sional of .Father O'Brien, when she took a lain ting fit. By order oi :Ea- through the* windowst ol theparloh] a n d w a s bnh^r knees at the obnfes At pian lately jn the employment of v^ oaal <?f 184 ifew(ar» Uktck, J0HH E MA«P'SiSO-K;-- (FormerlT with L". $. *t«iir,) . , Offlci, 38l#tfttiSt. 5ifirttlf,BU{. '. . RcsMent'i pt. $t,"Joseph'.Su ,. / rcltphoat Mo. j^l<t Open Oat) aad j^lfht- John H Afchtoci. f froop.Castleoomer, fell from his cart, ;and the'wheel passed over his leg, which was broken.; it was set bv "Mr. Worreii haa been arrested. ;,. v ".-„-. ' * •,- CORK, I. A stafeiej piggery and; a t?aJua,hlo f horse apd trap, the property^pf the ; .vCarrnelit^ Pathera, itinsale, were buraed * res!en,tly. The'orgih of the fire is unknown. A large heap of potatoes,, containing some fifteen loads, wna also destroyed... The total j lotts is estimated at least to be -about i.70. , 'A-farmer named Patriok; Barry was eyioted recefitl^ t>ofja a' pArt of: the iahdi'bf Byiytbugahe, n6af Mtdietbn, for, npn-paymtsnt; pf rent, «rnj)unt'ng to -•£$& andooats, due to ) ther'O'Brien she was assisted to s | seat, and afterward the outside of Abe Church, but she expired In a few rnintttes.- Ehe Church was orowded at the time, aiid the sudden event caused- the utmost 'sehsatitSn.'^ The••' deceased was respectably connectexi, one. 6f her sons" being a lawyer in tbe ; United Stat€ss.^The remains of the decoftsed were oonveyed into the presbytery, froth Fhich they were removed In a hearse in the evening to her residence, at Malubuoy, near Egliuton. ' - ;.••' .'_•- ,• .-9 Otd. Tried »r,d *«l»*bLC<)«,p«nie*. LiSMI PfCiPrij P*ra RtttS fttlSIHliw -^tr.anbe ; »«t«it«..:llt. *' •atqeaaawayjN.y,.. DOWN. In v a\ewtoWuard| Union, Grace ifthdibrd, Mf* Peter Pebn Gas- j ifcGoyan,; a lunat^b, a g ^ 4 & ^ e ^ keil, ot the Carlton Club, JLondoh. Was^ound d e ^ In he^ceJU Shthftd LONOPORDV In the. Cbiirt>6f Appeal;: Dublin^ A small lortepfipoUee^prdteoted the^ ;t?feri three; ye#rs.-" a>a^ inriaite o}-t|i# tory. the Ui^;Ch^9C|tlor, Justice bailiffs: during^^ th^ courie of tW eyir ^^tutioi^ as;r aH'ha|teleas- luaitM Grand Xury axpr^li^themselTef in B favofabop^ tlw^'a^i hii i^ltf the,t^nant ' ''\ ;,> ptiihad U> ibk^tJptfiL The Mayo libhglo^ lahdio^ *'. '' _,---i ; '- \~~^ :-,..'-"Vi ••.-'. ^rth^-Jhrir I^WTefuaed theft'a»nci* ; ''^i^ { .'i^ ! , '.' --KUtRKVv : '; " < **^*|Ci^ B v^"decision"• ; of- -th;ec S -l^aid 1 JMec hariles'Tools* ,' ''. ' ' ' " ; : - "".'•• . •" Builders' Hardware, Manufactureris/ Supplies, Two : Do0«a ^*8T 6r So; S^JPACJI; "^; tioa to the undertaking. diiimlssiig Ais, reaidonce, Cfaiiixsh it* Strokestown, » t the tige of 30 years. The deceased At 4be »*#*„ rjoeeUtig of the Rps- '\ ! §mmfa&9P common Board 41 Q^ardlans, Mr. lapplica^n to fix a fair wht of a^ GwrgwPhimpav Mi atreei ^i-de-'-- *^f-i : #***&& ^ r ^°: # '*^--^ nrti^v-'^fti^Wit.- :iW,. Wj^iW 1 *^?^ ;Tb«' u * , J4 wai. ha|d;-imdee dx^ga, to:''tN 1 ^ r k ^ a K ^ t i > ^ * ' 1 ^^^ *%A^I*e^- ^pjanaa^a, iori W«lye rjMntJba.,^r nanied Farreil, who aligned the 5Wf : lathe flattiiae thi| contf^fc?riaa;i holding, in the prea^,^^tgvtblB t>«eft|pv*h:. to'a, J0^»l--.fl|aa< : | busbarid of the present tenant; and .•'.Wthv%tog*; : ^d^ annoande the 'death ol Mfe Thbmaa : B m » « ^^«?l ion ^t^ J&may, whtehoc^rrirfat^a^heVs \^ bte ^ * ^ : ^ P • q ^ ^ ^ ? • • W ua, - •ly.'Wor.r«.'/Th«S' ,: contenw9a pij.'^he. part of the, iaadlow} .wto that the had been complaining forborne time M^« # ^^Wn^kV but |hV pm, and as he Wasafflicted^ by: that )ease;eprttairted the tisual agHculturv fell 'disease, consumption, noJmpe f* 1 cttvenari ^' *?^-^, ^P^ co ' 1 ; was entertain^l for his recovery. *«^ed that the land came within the H e passed pescehtlly away, fortified * ^ p t ^ t ^ e a t e 4 ; b y a ^ t i o n ^ o t the % the rites of the CatholicChurch: ^* of ; W ^;N^»:^ aa ' ; . - - « : . '-, ..... ;. -: ; -- ^ : ^ , - i-' f Lfco Court dismissed the appeali: on the A ^knbW W ^pcqted &lE!i& habitant of Enilagh, Ballymote, " thA V ^ e lftpd l ^ ^^M^f ^rt^d away rete*tly, in the person ir ork ^ s ^^^ c ^ ur f f P™ ift of S3-; yeara." - ^•.*aa,',,h>.-. ;pijrfeet|- •••' '• • , 0u _ . ;•,-'••;, hie^th up to ashort time agbaj?ai • . ; Al : ••'.• ," ti *•;• ,. " v -;. pr^ervedhia mental fa^tiea unto: ^ a f «f^« of *•. d^ctora^ j^red to the eh* tteeeased, who!!^^!^ aSte ^^ k ^^^ , ^ was father of Mr. WL Davey, the Hotel,. Baiiymole, was much _____ #jiv»nie4;;;io^ the v ttelghberhood/evj^i j MBtAfH mm of whicli *a» glyett by ^ W - intelligence of the a$ 9 ighment o* *TS-** tiV ? T^r^ 111 ^!^ farm of Batlyrnaglaasb, to Mr t<*h**a Ma rem_; a ^to Baftytnote) ^ ^ ^^. ^ l trft|foMgt0W0t Abbey. ; . f having^reached that nei^Uborhood, a Before Cotiery, Esq., M. f»,,) demonstration was got up to eel** J»F.i the Mayor of Sligo, was swotn] 'brate the event, and oonHres werd to A petition has been brepir^d, ibd '••.'!. •' - I - ""' -"*!• ' •-•*' '* ' -J •-- »T". .' 'i and belongedto,ji^ place called White- v Mpther^I I 0i0Nf^ ff A*L; tO PWdCUKli M RS. UUl N SliOW S •'..^as-.'-^n^.'Ji! |Kerr*y r ; asking for, powe** ,to Mr. R 0«her, >,P,, and Mr, John R Tiernaa were eo-bpted directors. to a ; .y«s%iee) of the _*eace for the opjtnty oijSfigo. - A ' ; '' ; ;;'., ; - John Blak* Powell, eldest son of Jjphti ff&jfHO, of Ballytiirwt oounty Sllgo, has been c*IW be seen on the Kills around, acconj« painied by the joyous manifestatioiia be^ittihg the occasion, ffae health and happiness of Mr. and Mra. Aua- tin and family having been hfiaortx*, a h o j conatruct a lihe rail.way" ttfy !J».lowBad ; -td Tar--. the solictors and barrlatert at the iaj^D^tb^:Qu>^^a^a '/ "•' People outside of Tralee will learn; jwitltJ'j«ftprti| : :*hat. ;0»'-»»^#.l_i.,^;- danger pf being deprived of itaS&le- brated ball court, whiich haa jflyeS champions to the, world. The step ia con templated b | th^iindUMfd of the plaoe in his own ifits^4jtpr reasons it is not necessary to here enumerate, F^robably a 'rfaeIn, the rent Vis at the bottom of the move. ' •""',-::._ LiatERlCK >-J " ••- i r :At the. last :; C»«tiecQnQel)-- ;Petty Sessions, a summons at the suit of the Shannon Fishery Company and Mr. Jolm Massey ^estroppj against the Board of Works, for not haying a.H3j*ej»n n cartala eej-weir» at Caatleoonnell (the tenan t of whioh la Mt. Anthony Mackey), #aa diai Tnisaed without prejudice, on a legaj point. The old oor^x)rate rnonopoly whose hold G'Cocasl once broke, ap- pears to lmtt>;$& lt« ; grasp. again on the Shannon fisbirles, M wln^d^!«|^ ol A»drer:Rutt#dg« •na i the;R«Np; lohh '.j^.'%M.f/f«r^>&rtboe_ ;: - Gilchrist, Hector and Curate, respec- tively, of- Sattaifhy,! 'pt^#Mifoi&: br«aliinginto th*? pariah/ehurch and boid|ig i^glotjia^ aiarvfee tbereia. The plaintiffs were the Represen ta- ti va B^y^ o i t h f Prot#»»apt; Chuiroi -The.ciae wa« adjourued. -''.:-, V ' MONAOHAN. '•'._. Robert Si, Ci^hell,; thi^isdjl pt the iafe # i l t i _ m CawpbeilJ^^oiVjT*o«i Hi|l t Cputtty Monaghan, haa boea caljed to> the Irh^'Bar: - Tw«srry.rivK: -Citir»-> A. «OTT_»., . I1AIUU5 Eai J .Aw».,Ha><_»aa. TaH|kla1lAt3 rr'h. . TiPPERARY. <Wp~ X JF« Hpgan, t*e Membet for Mid-Tlpparary, is expected back froni Australia shortly, and will* bring with him, in «!1 probability, a book o r hia impr«ssibns; pn the Colonies. Tike comaalttss:;*)* the Royal Hum- ane Society hava con^red a special certific-te Mot-toa/nanr «»"'W.' ,- v ;'.- -' : ; : T^pl*E..'^ : -;l'> -;' -,-. The funeral of Mra. Magniirey of Scpt^haa^j-'^-who/. died;-' «t Jb«r _PB*1- ; dence rooently, fraa largely attended. He^utenj Mass #«« cplebratedf by tha V'ery Bar, J&aies Mc_aroy, B R : If w« strive to be at rest wbsa take onr bc4fly food; with whaA paaoa and trwaqnttlity afconld not onr a*al« Who oommonioatas Himself to tut ift piiayfrl •"-$!&. Paiaica*.' ; Obediaaaa will opsn for as with par feot seenrity, tha gate "nf ;.-.Bf*iTe_,, ; oloaed for as of ol4 by oontem,.* for Qod's oommand, and still olosad to those who are gnilty of the ssmeonme. 8f." I«SAt|-Ti8 tOTOtA. " Make the ssoriftoe of yonrself and of your children to Clod, and if you see that God calla them do not resist Ida •west wi!l.—8T. OATKBra« or SwuA- Wowett « • in its awral' worK what .-.'S .4.- thi WHEEUER * WI1U50K M F C CO 10 Exchange St., RocJbetter, X Y '&&GMit^Km^tMH&zfaK&B^^^^*^**^^0K"'**^^^^B^^^^^&"&^^&''. A'

Transcript of mm M liii«•,mmm....

Page 1: mm M liii«•,mmm. ffiss-m mm. mm If «*& **srt. Fattier Wofiinger's Remedies Cflflwer Disease M__ .' Urn*


ffiss-m mm.

mm If



Fattier Wofiinger's

Remedies Cflflwer Disease

M__ .' Urn* an»H» «t»*« •»? 2"**' * **" '•'"

^ ^ *« ||g*fgifi-d

/; 11L ih


J. 8. SCHLEY Iiacbif jf Vielin, - » « _ * i t r « , or Trie fjiwii***'* foi'k •£'**«##*#<

; j£* t e r f i l n w « n l i , «f«..

pallor5*«or<?h**!ra for efrnpui *£comr*n^

' Violin* oifnk-. • Studio* *'<'Cwr.KW"4; at*..

HOT*** W I t H s m ,

* * * * * stMtii TifWf SrtWir ']i'r..ii rjniniM


A**ll*^Vs<«mp«?yt«|iio(J)«rU!or«otliilT College, £u*iw'»y,

"IftSS ANNA T. ,0;A,'tt,eV.> W r' • l«-«l f tP«wer» Block. R ^ , ^ , , . , . y . A very sad accident oceurreed: at;

.***J »W. £%»***Mond»j» MdThur»4,v». : Clllden rSeieuWy. Two young women', re turning from Amenta, were on the public car going /.rom I'jtfden to Galy

CMrtkiwd u d VjpvmrifiMit thortwghi* «nd j way,- and..,as'' they wer.e..en ler.i.nK ,t.he. - t S E a ^ S 9 l ( ^ ^ S ^ ^ S ^ S ' % £ 2 S S S : !'*<> «*' '^l^- earr-Co.;tdea. with a stone;

iti*KJhwMtglil* and

t * r * * „ _ „.. ,.,,,-„ •wrctal bf*nc_M Without **ir* .ctt4*i»« StwcUJ

A . atrraiar. OrcaUri M*t.faaf. Snd«nUn.» r «faaratM*U<»«


t % benefit* .-^ffprdetf k* the; csoqajuiaiJ. ,«w .1$! .$hv._ Austin f» ' bi# present b^me^tead wouM be tttalWpJed a » f

.extended to bis, fcear and -ttjcre'extep* a f f e farpi.;- :$k4n:-&**9p*m& fcnoW» that M r A u s t i n : 't»ui|4»ed'imMbfC in the place, in§tr^ti<MJ«,«er^iftyeJi, through the Uf*ly^»ppoInf«4 agent, Hi-;, 'Mark-'-'Blak©-, tp haye tni'l»0a*<ei':

tftbrpM^tly rehavtkUiA at the load's eipeoise.

Eto#rald fele tor Oui a

WiUlim Si, cTpwrisefid,, thi rd * SOD;

has beeu c**l;'ed

- G i » t t * ' i ' ; \ "...'•.• A man oam«<I jS^prgje %tt^'- »j!?ed

Stradballjr Sail, is alleged; to have committed *a»ci«i#, i>|t jtftooibg iiito self .in tiie gun «)o% rWte the tana^ ly: #*rf iithmh, "Hfe: m» «t;n«tilr4 of BaltiDglAM. A t . tb« iuqu«»t tb« medical erl3«B<& *«jHV-U^ tw w tb*t the , wound; wft^;; ^ ( - I j j ^ t e d ; hiit 'that. i t ^ m ^ h t ^ h a ^ ^ B O : a c c i ^ e i T ^ ' The j t t f j feuat thjftt the *dec«Mte»d

its ; first ap- -4.&d frotn. th> efftx-ts of a gun'Shpi' :c!df 11 f frpih "the'triC' l%h|i. Mi? j wpupd, which w^;J^fijpfliistedi (jut rfij^l >fiii}ia!l, in the emplrtym^nt ^flthey.-cottlil"- n<5t w»j iwhfetbeff'it: was the"' Electric TJ^Kt tompap^ , " h a ^ j ftccWeoW P* suicldiiL ; .. ' ;•:''•'\ (vvjisitih to lower; oh> 1,200 candfe] ^ r . ^^""".^ urc7 lamp in Dublin street, when by,-j ;, •• - W,5>LpQRC>, inadyertanr* his hanils com pie ted ;, ".'"Mr. ;a^'--M'riL..A'i^ad'.Jpii$&,'i(>(/jBa.o--' trie circuit,: and he ;was yi(>le>v(y ! ; v ^ f House, Gorifey, vrhp i ? p ^ thrown Uvthe KTcnind. sV'.f retaining;, ceb'tly ;marriW,,' ^n ie r t a ipe i i . their;

Car!: G A R L O W .

iw uVwn'has had


an, #ic »jr^J,,I^^lD«r#^"«ejfiaai*:1

- 4 « !* .irouii'j'Qf t h e recent railway I >'%tt*k»V: tkM> » b u a t « « •mplor*d oa I th« W*l«rfor^^*o4 l i m e r i c k IU11 way i*v#;h«efl. ^hajkftiaF aa iner«u« of two shUi ib^i -j>er ^eefe & 1 f o t r w*tfe«.,,.



€*fr<*nj |4<% -Cw'taEfcas by- a -jpew

ey lo^k |^ik# New Alt Kin4* «r Dicing apd O««*iog

' . ;fei42ft. V*r» ea£r*4.or *n.<t" ifc-•' IMetseig. - 0

. A N T W I M .

fV^derick Joseph Rdbb,r tcblrd,8<>t ol John'_ Bobi?,/ of"/ Bfel wpti.-;haa;,beeii?| ca)led !to the! Irush Bar ^ ^ b ^ j obtained the pare: of- £2J." j»t t"hft':t-

Ci>Iiv M?JPLJL. AND |%A?0* STS

Hon^r Examination J i e l d ^ f c Q c t o ^ l g o ^ ^ 7 0 i ; , ^ m**m*t Atom er, and t^e^;fa2^;accx)rtiin&i>, ; v /BuiKha. J ' ;accordingly


ftjr. Dunbar Bftrton,>t P . , addreM-


i ll-yopwiii the Worth of l^piir

'S , Vou can

| aw , with;, relerence to the conuog 1 . . . . _ I

.ln.'bis'.gTasp t h i r"..nduotx;..r«_., -;.'A-t ,the_ .saipe- nVometit.. two ;g>'h'tl(>ip«'n ." were'

rjunierfyjis friends, '-to. the nuHii>e.r of nearly-

; - i

Here thrown 6 0 "^Ue driver .escaped' : terioua injury; ftui^ the po<?r', tr«. »us

^ ^ M irfinti Cittii* tit iikHg In l*f««i to our School wilt •*» tW »y».

«H» iHMcf i« proooqBced by •cWetiji* th« beat *m Jayanted. M«4«l «wM«J«fd*r W*rtd's

^jiilR«*xiwwf*trc*jw>Tfl» tK.-j^AfrirB,

iW^W Pfiffert Bl&fi . &o«bt*t«r K,v

Wanted to Exeharige f i .»U'- :r , . i . j - i i ,#«#a."i I «M . _

Spn'Dg W i g a n and S o m e Monoy, 0 for Ms»<>n Work,

Call or Addr^. f # Kenwood A w ; « W — ^ " 1 ill mini-MW'ii" 1' 11 )«.iui| - • 11 mil 1 11 , .

Bunked Wftiita,

- Taha Eltyator. Ttl-4* Roch«»t*f,^.-Y-. -fWta*M«Mg ir» ««ar»MHr», i» HatTiOH PtACI

THOa B. MOOHEY Joyce Undertaking Rooms

i | * W * « l t a i a $t»»«,

FARM FOR SALE Abo** 40 acre*, nearly three »crw ol ck4»lmt tlaiber. Tbla Itna !» lituafed awnt four Mfiei aajit of Q«nava,and three aitaa *mk ol Waterloo. A food ore h«ni, Wra and }»«•« Would txchange for city

. property or veil and gtva 80 years time >er |»rrttnl»r« enouTrt i t 23 Gl*s«ow atrwt, Roch««ter, 3S»'Y.' . . - . , ' , nmmmfmmmmm

passing, rers':

two huB.dredy at' their hos-an>.l on-i'.,)f .thtCm", •'.'vlr i i P,'\.pi table" residence. A 'most ehjoyabVc-

f:". Ir4j,.a"nci ;,.ftvpnin' ;"wa§:- speh:t„ .Excelleut .IAV '-.' .. '.'o tht> "lia'nl-

E^tid BiU, thftt e tery BUt^rinao Ifnew that the agrarian ain»« pi the Iriah Na^ionaista Were'very diflferent

nay, were absolutely opposed—to -;-tbos ;v:Q»-.t h^ -tcipt^r- X^dr^fbr^aeurV,;";

while the O n t ^ f c P j j f b y h^-nsrtfin receflt yeftra ahown it»4?^mWiUtng or unable t o g r a p i J e with the most difficult prpMetma of the land queat-

lo.n";-'. Jtl(e-;4idv- not '')UiU; "tl eip-^T|p.rv»t: was .. ..unnecessary.—that ;the:

.'«roppiing' w'aa.

Hepmin tn*p*cl chklleirBe the city in :prir,e>,, rrge til

****** 91 f »Ut« St ' J - . ' ". I! IH'IIIIIIIII

Srwlnu M»c»«»nc»,ClcHbt» "U ru>*<r» "' Carpet Swtrpcri to repair.

M«p-:M.tww:r»,.-'gliatrs-' and Sc»ssor> IJrou|*d. New and, ..Sccood ;ll»i»«i;vS,«rwring MachHR**t »ery icheap, R*ft» for all MiathiDes. " °"



DM. MASH, Geo" H. Gay ford, ,' 3* Npr*r<y'B».**m;''»jire«.l, ". •

>la». recent \y ,pynft3i£ril;\ - ,-•:

7ZPT,'7^!'- *^y r',V *~V' *'"" "^? -fX^riedV to the rescui»', and was .4bout.4 was supplied, iad the dancing was., k^it*,j4i|ina^.t»»i^»iA'nex>ualy,. r - ^ ^

'A N;e»:: Lirte-of -.'Fine Cirriau^;.LW><i_o»ga4,' Surrey*. Landaus, Brpjighaiosy, PhSt^ooi, je*c,'

. , , , w 'taS-ta better, prtpajreii th*o CTCJ iiclosm to «cr»t UpQn t h e ' p e o p l e 8 I hi. p«tron» rrr t*e d»v or aoar.

Aarmjp ./Fo«i the iand,' whiehf wpre | ^^™&i*&4»> I drivti. jp(tb each tutnoml.

nanie wu* JUlcox Mfr£jougJMj% ,p»d s he wa« a native '.of Omey island., >rbe beto^|«^ j toara^ectable fanat yj ,

Ti>* •ejlrch «rft«r JtiyDcb^han j * B til I being pjro«eeuw*d vi(rorously, but not a t*ipe 0 | t hiin; h»* been found:, A uuniber of tha ^tlgQ constable* have bean on ths ai«rt, to watcb t h e in> coming «wid ovtgbing trains and atearaert, a«,;ii fri^;repqrted that be had been seen l a 6lljp>.

to"'"ca.lch'. the.sproi'ikte in-'His^haoils, -..'iep^; up ,|iced. Jtwur., .when,, w i t h presence -of naind,; his",',• - ,-< •/• •;"-, ^ "'-"'.--•'- -.---^~' • ^ocrpi.":!'^^ •'p^y^qtiedi''h1ai.J''. Rdgyraa the^- quickly 'struck with, his stick: r the-; ^ wins" o,u| '• of; o_n'e •-«/; • - MulhaU'a r

thus .^rt,.^j the ;el3r<: i.' y


con£ic»^e4 (prthe bonen^ oj! the land lords, Ihftt M=',**«$ .Mr, Barton and hL8 party desire to con tin ue.

hands, # 6 3 Jt . '^^art / th^.MuJh'aTj . did too;t;re-. _ o«"i ve. the e.nure curretit of the cablet i but only .a leakage, which; however,. was su|9{C^^t,y--)fkhe.;i^;-qoV,b849ii".so prpvldentfally relieved, to havg.had % fatal effect.* - -' ' -

,: "•;••-'-•- •*. ; Trv."'~~v :- ' ; :"-"' ••-•-> - ' v i - , . . - . ' • ' • - " . ; < - - ' l o V ^ * * . '• .-:•• ^ : - : " i". ' : '9ft-^-9"-^'• ."' '+ 1 A'*M4d«a!d^tht''U^^p.^?t^ini»'is^..

Secretary Mp'rley 'has ,*..e,nt dqwj.i:ces of a peculiarly strikingchsraoter, an Inspector to KiW^aaf t, v with a f u r r e d in iierry. An; elderly wom-y i e w to iadtiiig proper^inquiry >e- jasu; named Mrs. Mci>»ugblin, belongs garding the representations; of the^ ipg to. ^ tbe_£acnoing cl|uia^-riaitt her failure of the ^ jxitato crop in/the EU- j horaej in an outlying portion o i the


5»4- State Str^t^ ' ,Rocfci«er... J». I f ± '


We regifiB|; %Q anncjtiace the death pf Daniel Connolly, for naany years teacher of !i|ucJcod«i ffatiphai SobiBpl. The deceased, who was lather of Rev. : Terence Connolly, 0,G;, Cpdtehill,

7-f • "" D U B L I N

Edward .Chut<>\{J,kinSQn,. son of the Right Hon. John Atkinson, ex-Attorney General; was playing .with a small rifle, unaware that It was;

had>ceache4the age 0! 75years . H i s ! 1 ° ^ ^ . • when. the'ftrealrni; went off,) fwnerai waa: largely Mtebded by the ^n d the .bullet lodged;^.the, y o u n ^

l a d s forehead:

dysart Union. The residence of Mr. Augustus

Warren, Clef k of the Jfilr«i3Jbv tTnipn; at Brcidmhiil, wns burglariously entered, and a sum of twenty(ffve shilling*, with ^depos i t receipt (or| eleven pounds, was extracted from•••» box

Waterside Pariah, in comp*ny "with her Hon, to attend a Miaaibn that was being given by the Redemptor-l#t JPathers; iaj St. Columbia Chtfrch, Waterside. : - She - remained a t the Ghurch for a some what lengthened periodi,"waiting; U),approach the con-

prieata of Not fch X<ejFtirim.


«TW||irllS, Gf fES AND .Tills JteMMTBAs o r SCOTCH GRAJHT*, "

tU # i*08TAt i »t i H6tKi-Mr-»,f,;y

3#th Cr«0ii^ Son,

^rS-80! FB * M .



. Galwnia Another Reduction in Price.

,, "BaHttrlaf Wines are;, jneatait of-Tejuy^^ Mm Tor many of the 111* of humankind, our «lm has haabeen; o -g*t the p*m% and Whsve

-the price so low that all can ntjjiry tfcebfenefiuj *rivad from their u»e.

6M>It*Alt¥, „'••".-' --'-; Pott, Sherry sadAbgeik* * %t.M#ctw& IWt, Sherry. Awrtlias, «ic* tlvaspergal

L MBftert Qtteeii Whlakey, equsi to many l ^iftf'tS" ftfJB"* fcfcpw* tape* g»t

*a^rrH.£WS;*^8RVJ&- :

; S -:• - Cor, J ^ f i i s t o ^ . i l l l i ' i . ' . - \;'



* co.


bifjjti L-^Af«ai»,*75 -1 . .. --W. J(», :^£nai

He was treatad by Edward and William HamlttoD, the

.'.'• ,,' .;|JlAyo,.' '; -• , ''• bullet was extjracted^and the. boy ia Muchxregret 'ha» been occ^sipnecl' progressipg faybrabiy.v"^ ~':\-.

i n BullyhlMidla, by the nftws o f thef '-' ' ' \ .'-.:.T,.V„^ . , \ derolse of the^Sev, Bernard MoJDer-i ' k iL,bARk r t tnpt^, CO,, K^errjin, at the early * VSTilliarn A: Murphy, 11 A;. TiG.-b,, age S7 yearl, X5 of which he hadi'second son of Jghh C .Murfpy, of «pent ift the a'^re^^mihiatr)'.^-^e't)berstoTO, CO. Kildare, has' been wa^RflfttMbfBjiJlyb^Mnla* ••';l calied to the Iriah iSar.. , ,

An old, ^edri^en. woman, named •'.' ~ ^ v ; ((Siimartln, in* 'bufQed to ti<ath at* ; ' ; KIUKBN^Y; ; Kllfree^ near Baaiaghaderrih; •.''.' '•'• ,A•'.farmer; named J>.ies Brenhan,

.- v.; -••"-• * "'•• -•* , of Cruttehclouchi when returning. . B0».COW'MON.,vr-5'„r" ;"-'--'-'

The, r^maU'n|'.:Ql'.thefi$tr^rrDbini-nick tfere renaoved from-Knotk-CrOKhery, tor intermeat in Cerrian * .-Sr; Sterling b'«rlail:gro.tmd> -..-, _ / ' - / ' ".••••" '; . .' •."-; ••'"/

1*he l ight rail way: propbaed. t o be made- from Ballaghadereen to ('as-tlerea, of which the Roscommon

Kntrance had be^h effected!Jesst&naJ, Whitih she. ultimately;did, j and/-was .'(' » sional of .Father O'Brien, when she

took a lain ting fit. B y order o i :Ea-

through the* windowst o l t h e p a r l o h ] a n d w a s bnh^ r knees at the obnfes At pian lately jn the employment of v ^ o a a l <?f

1 8 4 ifew(ar» Uktck,

J0HH E MA«P'SiSO-K;--(FormerlT with L". $. *t«iir,) .

, Offlci, 38l#tfttiSt. 5ifirttlf,BU{. ' . . RcsMent'i p t . $t,"Joseph'.Su ,. / rcltphoat Mo. j^l<t Open Oat) aad j^lfht-

John H Afchtoci.

f froop.Castleoomer, fell from his cart, ;and the'wheel passed over his leg, which was broken.; i t was s e t bv

"Mr. Worreii haa been arrested.

;,. v ".-„-. ' * •,- C O R K ,

I. A stafeiej piggery and; a t?aJua,hlo f horse apd trap, the property^pf the ;

.vCarrnelit^ Pathera, itinsale, were buraed * res!en,tly. The'orgih of the fire is unknown. A large heap of potatoes,, containing some fifteen loads, wna also destroyed... The total j lotts is estimated at least to be

-about i.70. , 'A-farmer named Patriok; Barry

was eyioted recefitl^ t>ofja a' pArt of: the iahdi'bf Byiytbugahe, n6af Mtdietbn, for, npn-paymtsnt; pf rent, «rnj)unt'ng to -•£$& andooats, due to

) ther'O'Brien she was assisted to s | seat, and afterward t» the outside of Abe Church, but she expired In a few rnintttes.- Ehe Church was orowded at the time, aiid the sudden event caused- the utmost 'sehsatitSn.' The••' deceased was respectably connectexi, one. 6f her sons" being a lawyer in tbe;United Stat€ss. The remains of the decoftsed were oonveyed into the presbytery, froth Fhich they were removed In a hearse in the evening to her residence, at Malubuoy, near E g l i u t o n . ' - ;.••' .'_•- ,• .-9

Otd. Tried »r,d *«l»*bLC<)«,p«nie*. L i S M I PfCiPrij P*ra RtttS fttlSIHliw

-^tr.anbe;»«t«it«..:llt. *' •atqeaaawayjN.y,..

D O W N .

In va\ewtoWuard| Union, Grace ifthdibrd, Mf* Pe ter Pebn Gas- j i fcGoyan,; a lunat^b, a g ^ 4 & ^ e ^

keil, ot the Carlton Club, JLondoh. Was^ound d e ^ In he^ceJU Shthftd L O N O P O R D V

In the. Cbiirt>6f Appeal;: Dublin^ A small lortepfipoUee^prdteoted the^ ;t?feri three; ye#rs.-" a>a inriaite o}-t|i# tory. the Ui^;Ch^9C|tlor, Justice bailiffs: during ^ th^ courie of tW eyir ^ ^ t u t i o i ^ as;r aH'ha|teleas- luaitM

Grand Xury axpr^li^themselTef in B favofabop^ tlw^'a^i hii i^ltf the,t^nant ' ' ' \ ; , > ptiihad U> ibk^tJptfiL The Mayo l i b h g l o ^ lahdio^ *'. '' _,---i; '- \~~^ :-,..'-"Vi ••.-'. ^rth^-Jhrir I^WTefuaed theft'a»nci*;''^i^{.'i^

! , '.' --KUtRKVv : '; "<**^*|Ci^Bv^"decision"• ;of- -th;ecS-l^aid1

JMec hariles'Tools* , ' ' ' . ' • ' ' " • ; : - " " . ' • • . •"

Builders' Hardware, Manufactureris/ Supplies,

Two :Do0«a ^*8T 6r So; S^JPACJI; "^;

tioa to the undertaking. diiimlssiig Ais,

reaidonce, Cfaiiixsh it* Strokestown, » t the tige of 30 years. The deceased

At 4be »*#*„ rjoeeUtig of the Rps- '\!§mmfa&9P common Board 41 Q^ardlans, Mr. lapplica^n to fix a fair wht of a GwrgwPhimpav Mi atreei ^i-de-'-- * ^ f - i : # * * * & & ^ r ^ ° : # ' * ^ - - ^ nrti^v-'^fti^Wit.- :iW,. Wj^iW1*^?^ ;Tb«'u*,J4 wai. ha|d;-imdee dx^ga, to:''tN 1 ^ r k ^ a K ^ t i > ^ * ' 1 ^ ^ ^ * % A ^ I * e ^ -^pjanaa^a , iori W«lye rjMntJba., r nanied Farreil, who aligned the 5Wf:lathe flattiiae th i | contf fc?riaa;i holding, in the prea^,^^tgvtblB t>«eft|pv*h:. to'a, J0 »l--.fl|aa< : | busbarid of the present tenant; and . • ' . W t h v % t o g * ; : ^ d ^ annoande the 'death ol Mfe Thbmaa : B m » « ^ ^ « ? l i o n ^ t ^ J&may, whtehoc^rrirfat^a^heVs \ ^ b t e ^ * ^ : ^ P • q ^ ^ ^ ? • • W u a , -

•ly.'Wor.r«.'/Th«S',:contenw9a pij.'^he. part of the, iaadlow} .wto that the

had been complaining forborne time M^« # ^ ^ W n ^ k V but |hV pm, and as he Wasafflicted^ by: that )ease;eprttairted the tisual agHculturv fell 'disease, consumption, noJmpe f*1 c t t v e n a r i ^' * ? ^ - ^ , ^ P ^ co'1; was entertain^l for his recovery. *«^ed that the land came within the He passed pescehtlly away, fortified * ^ p t ^ t ^ e a t e 4 ; b y a ^ t i o n ^ o t the % the rites of the CatholicChurch: ^ * o f ; W ^;N^»:^ aa

' • ; . - - « • : . ' - , . . . . . ; . - : ; - - ^ : ^

, - i-' f Lfco Court dismissed the appeali: on the

A ^ k n b W W ^pcqted &lE!i& habitant of Enilagh, Ballymote, " t h A V ^ e l f t p d l ^ ^ ^ M ^ f rt d away rete*tly, in the person i r o r k ^ s ^ ^ ^ c ^ u r f fP™ i f t

of S3-; yeara." - ^•.*aa,',,h>.-. ;pijrfeet|- •••' '• • , 0 u _ . ;•,-'••;, hie^th up to ashort time agbaj?ai • . ; Al

:••'.• ,"ti*•;• ,. "v-;. p r ^ e r v e d h i a mental f a ^ t i e a u n t o : ^ a f «f^« o f * • . d ^ c t o r a ^ j^red to the e h * tteeeased, w h o ! ! ^ ^ ! ^ a S t e ^ ^ k ^ ^ ^ , ^ was father of Mr. WL Davey, the Hotel,. Baiiymole, was much _ _ _ _ _ #jiv»nie4;;;io^ thevttelghberhood/evj^i j MBtAfH mm of whicli *a» glyett by ^ W - intelligence of the a$9ighment o*

f « * T S - * * t i V ? T ^ r ^ 1 1 1 ^ ! ^ farm of Batlyrnaglaasb, to Mr t<*h**a Ma rem_;a^to Baftytnote) ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ l t r f t | f o M g t 0 W 0 t

Abbey. ; . f having^reached that nei^Uborhood, a Before B» Cotiery, Esq., M. f»,,) demonstration was g o t up to eel**

J»F.i t h e Mayor o f Sligo, was swotn] 'brate the event, and oonHres werd to

A petition h a s been brepir^d, i b d ' • • . ' ! . •' - I - ""' - " * ! • ' •-•*' '* ' -J • - - »T". . ' ' i

and belonged to, ji place called White-

v Mpther^I I

0i0Nf^ ff A*L; tO PWdCUKli

M RS. UUl N SliO W S

•'.. as-.'-^n .'Ji! |Kerr*yr; asking for, powe** ,to

Mr. R 0«her, >,P,, and Mr, John R Tiernaa were eo-bpted directors.

to a;.y«s%iee) of the _*eace for the opjtnty oijSfigo. -A';'';;;'.,;-

John Blak* Powell, eldest son of Jjphti ff&jfHO, of Ballytiirwt

oounty Sllgo, has been c*IW

be seen on the Kills around, acconj« painied by the joyous manifestatioiia be^ittihg the occasion, ffae health and happiness of Mr. and Mra. Aua-tin and family having been hfiaortx*, ahoj

conatruct a lihe rail.way" ttfy !J».lowBad;-td Tar--.

the solictors and barrlatert at the i a j ^ D ^ t b ^ : Q u > ^ ^ a ^ a '/ "•'

People outside of Tralee will learn; jwitltJ'j«ftprti|::*hat. ;0»'-»»^#.l_i.,^;-danger pf being deprived of itaS&le-brated ball court, whiich haa jflyeS champions to the, world. The step ia con templated b | th iindUMfd of the plaoe in his own ifits^4jtpr reasons it is not necessary to here enumerate, F^robably a 'rfaeIn, the rent Vis at the bottom of the move. '

•""',-::._ LiatERlCK >-J " ••-i r :At the . last:;C»«tiecQnQel)-- ;Pe t t y Sessions, a summons at t h e sui t of t h e Shannon Fishery Company and Mr. Jolm Massey ^ e s t r o p p j against the Board of Works, for not haying a.H3j*ej»n n cartala eej-weir» a t Caatleoonnell (the tenan t of whioh la Mt. Anthony Mackey), #aa diai Tnisaed without prejudice, on a legaj point. The old oor^x)rate rnonopoly whose hold G'Cocasl once broke, ap-pears to lmtt>;$& lt« ;grasp. again on t h e Shannon fisbirles,

M w l n ^ d ^ ! « | ^ ol A»drer:Rutt#dg« •naithe;R«Np; lohh '.j^.'%M.f/f«r^>&rtboe_;: -

Gilchrist, Hector and Curate, respec­tively, of- Sattaifhy,! 'pt^#Mifoi&: br«aliinginto th*? pariah/ehurch and boid|ig i^glotjia^ aiarvfee tbereia. The plaintiffs were the Represen ta-ti va B^y^ o i thf Prot#»»apt; Chuiroi -The.ciae wa« adjourued. -''.:-,

V ' MONAOHAN. '•'._.

Robert Si, Ci^hel l , ; thi^isdjl pt the iafe #ilti_m CawpbeilJ oiVjT*o«i Hi|lt Cputtty Monaghan, haa boea caljed to> the Irh^'Bar: -

Tw«srry.rivK: -Citir»-> A. « O T T _ » . , . •

I1AIUU5 EaiJ.Aw».,Ha><_»aa. TaH|kla1lAt3 •

rr'h. . T i P P E R A R Y .

<Wp~ X JF« Hpgan, t*e Membet for Mid-Tlpparary, is expected back froni Australia shortly, and will* bring with him, in «!1 probability, a book or hia impr«ssibns; pn the Colonies.

Tike comaalttss:;*)* the Royal Hum­ane Society hava con^red a special certific-te Mot-toa/nanr «»"'W.'

,- • v;'.- -' :;:T^pl*E..'^:-;l'> -;' -,-. The funeral of Mra. Magniirey of

Scpt^haa^j-' -who/. died;-' « t Jb«r _PB*1- ; dence rooently, fraa largely attended. He^utenj Mass #«« cplebratedf by tha V'ery Bar, J&aies Mc_aroy, B R

: If w« strive to be at rest wbsa w» take onr bc4fly food; with whaA paaoa and trwaqnttlity afconld not onr a*al«

Who oommonioatas Himself to tut ift piiayfrl •"-$!&. Paiaica*.' ;

Obediaaaa will opsn for as with par feot seenrity, tha gate "nf ;.-.Bf*iTe_,,;

oloaed for as of ol4 by oontem,.* for Qod's oommand, and still olosad to those who are gnilty of the ssmeonme. 8f." I«SAt|-Ti8 tOTOtA. "

Make the ssoriftoe of yonrself and of your children to Clod, and if you see that God calla them do not resist Ida •west wi!l.—8T. OATKBra« or SwuA-

Wowett « • in i t s awral' worK what


. 4 . -


WHEEUER * WI1U50K MFC C O 10 Exchange St., RocJbetter, X Y

'&&GMit^Km^tMH&zfaK&B^^^^*^**^^0K"'**^^^^B^^^^^&"&^^&''. A'