MLC Cover Report V8b PDF

Preventine Ltd – UK We have pleasure to provide a brief overview of our Preventine MLC Larvicide for the reduction of Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Cholera & Typhoid The answer to Pyrethroid resistance build up on millions of Bed-nets. (A unique larvicide - with a difference) Preventine MLC is a complex saturated ionic aqueous solution containing minerals such as Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminium and Zinc, (avoiding known chemicals used on some treated bed-nets, insecticides and larvicides against which mosquitos have developed a resistance to - see ‘G’ below) The microscopic action of these natural mineral ions : I) break down the cell walls of Anopheles, Aedis Aegypti and Culex mosquito larvae and destroy the DNA structure, arresting the breeding cycle at instar 1-4 and pupae stage. II) break down 7 waterborne bacteria which once destroyed through change/ transition of their enzyme pathways (achieved within 3 hours of detention time at a 1:1000 dilution rate of MLC with water) III) achieve a remarkable reduction/elimination of Odor within that detention time. Odor over stagnant water, land-fills and open sewers are attractive to mosquito sensory systems to deposit eggs, but also to the common house fly. Ammonia NH3 is one of the most offensive odors, specially at intensive pig farms. At 1000 ml of pig effluent and 0.9ml in quantity NH3 was eliminated. Preventine MLC is not produced as treatment for Drinking water. Pure Pig manure - 211 trial is treated. Water clarity after 72 hours detention time. <<<<<<<<<< Kheshie Lagoon Accra - human effluent (mainly from Storm drains as sanitation is lacking - dark bucket) 4 hours - detention time >>>>>>>>

Transcript of MLC Cover Report V8b PDF

Preventine Ltd – UK

We have pleasure to provide a brief overview of our Preventine MLC Larvicide for the reduction of Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Cholera & Typhoid The answer to Pyrethroid resistance build up on millions of Bed-nets.

(A unique larvicide - with a difference)

Preventine MLC is a complex saturated ionic aqueous solution containingminerals such as Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminium and Zinc, (avoiding knownchemicals used on some treated bed-nets, insecticides and larvicides against whichmosquitos have developed a resistance to - see ‘G’ below)

The microscopic action of these natural mineral ions :I) break down the cell walls of Anopheles, Aedis Aegypti and Culex mosquitolarvae and destroy the DNA structure, arresting the breeding cycle at instar1-4 and pupae stage.

II) break down 7 waterborne bacteria which once destroyed through change/transition of their enzyme pathways (achieved within 3 hours of detention time at a 1:1000 dilution rate of MLC with water)

III) achieve a remarkable reduction/elimination of Odor within that detention time.Odor over stagnant water, land-fills and open sewers are attractive to mosquitosensory systems to deposit eggs, but also to the common house fly.

Ammonia NH3 is one of the most offensive odors, specially at intensive pig farms.At 1000 ml of pig effluent and 0.9ml in quantity NH3 was eliminated.

Preventine MLC is not produced as treatment for Drinking water.

Pure Pig manure - 211 trial is treated. Water clarity after 72 hours detention time.<<<<<<<<<<

Kheshie Lagoon Accra - human effluent (mainly from Storm drains as sanitation is lacking - dark bucket) 4 hours - detention time >>>>>>>>

Stagnant ponds, blocked drains, landfills (decaying food remains), discarded tires, pots pans are the habitat for oviposition.

We reduce odor, achieve total kill of Anopheles, Culex, A.Aegypti species Instar 1-4 + Pupa, eliminate house flies from completing the life-cycle, kill Coliform and bacteria in water touched by humans in one spray action.

Human and/or farm live-stock effluent consists to a level of 80-90% of water. Lagoons treated wih Preventine MLC produce clear water as solids separate and sink to sludge level. Such water is good enough for agriculturalal irrigation purposes, whilst the sludge is enriched with minerals for subsequent use to mix with soil, peat, sand as fertiliser. (Please refer to the extract of Dr. Lory’s peer supported study - Appendix page 8)

IV) Eliminate Coliform (E- Coli colony counts) for fecal contamination of water, including the deadly Escherichia Coli 0157:H7 strain, including Typhoid - see extract below.

Agar Diffusion test (Well Variant) Inhibiting the growth of 7 pathogenec bacteria.

Test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organismsZones of inhibition (mm) of MLC against test organisms

Test organisms 1% 2% 5% 10% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% MIC

E. coli R R R R 30 30 30 30 30


K. pneumoniae

R R R R 30 30 30 30 30

20%S. typhi R R R R 30 30 30 30 30 20%P. mirabilis R R R R 30 30 30 30 30


E. faecalis R R R R 30 30 30 30 30


P. aeruginosa R R R R 30 30 30 30 30


V. cholerae R R R R 30 30 30 30 30


R = Resistant

Preventine MLC is not produced as treatment for Drinking water.

Middle dish = Control untreated

V) House flies in tropical urban or village environments lacking sanitation.

Of significance to humans is that common flies are also prolific carriers of disease and thrive in environments where poor sanitation, standing effluent, provide excellent breeding habitat. Moreover, the temperature and humidity levels common to villages and shanty towns in tropical climates are often optimum for fly reproduction and survivability. In fact, A pair of flies beginning reproduction in April may be progenitors, under optimal conditions and if all were to live, of 191,010,000,000,000,000,000 flies by August. While this potential reproductive capacity of flies is statistically possible, it cannot be realized in nature. Nevertheless, with that potential growth in population simply as a reference, even a small percentage survival rate from these TWO adults will leave millions of their progeny to carry the necessary pathogens to bring sickness, or worse, to a village with poor sanitation and raw sewage. Minimizing the number which survive to adulthood and reproduce in these habitat will have a profound impact on human health and life in these villages and shanty towns plagued by insect borne disease transmission.

Extract of study: Timed Larva Development and Survival Data (misted water = Preventine MLC 1ml concentrate /1liter dilution rate. Larva and pupa in the control chambers continued to develop with approximately 80% surviving to adulthood.While it appeared that all larva and pupa were dead within 24 hours after treatment, it was clear that Preventine MLC caused complete mortality in the treatment chambers in comparison to the normal development observed in the control chambers.

Chamber number

First Pupal Stage Observed in >10% of larva at indicated time lapse

Treatment after indicated cumulative time lapse of 08:00:00

Percent larva entering first pupal stage after cumulative time lapse of 09:00:00

Percent larva in first or later pupal stage after cumulative time lapse of 13:00:00

Percent Adult Flies emerging from pupa after cumulative time lapse of 20:00:00

Percent Larval mortality after cumulative time lapse of 20:00:00

S1C01(200 Larva) 07:00:00 Misted water 60% 75-80% 80% 20

S1C02(200 Larva) 07:00:00 N/A 60% 75-80% 80% 20

S103(200 Larva) 07:00:00 Misted MLC 20% 20% 0 100

S104(200 Larva) 07:00:00 Misted MLC 20% 20% 0 100

EDUCATION is essential !

Examples The small waterbaggies are sold by ladies in the road. Assume that they have not washed their hands in hot water and soap but you need to open the bag with your mouth.

Drinking water taken from a river where cattle bathe.

Health risk : Cholera

Preventine MLC is not produced as treatment for Drinking water.

We provide a manual during thorough training for spray team supervisors to identify the species / sub-species. It teaches basic life cycle, identification of egg clusters, larvae position in water, important genera and the diseases they transmit via Anopheles/Aedes/Culex species: Malaria, Dengue, Filariasis, Yellow Fever.

The area of test procedures are documented with GSM accuracy to compare the attendance of Malaria cases at regional hospitals after a season.

Whether in the field or presentations, we explain the tools availble for intergrated vector control and the “add on” values we can deliver concerning waterborne Pathogens.

Large lagoons that

Very large expanses of effluent from humans and/or Farm stockLarge Refugee camps (Southern Sudan), wetlands, open mining sites in the rainy season, Dam construction can best be served by an air/truck transportable Hovercraft.

We recommend the EPS 2.2 prduced by EPS Corp in the USA that can take 1.5 tons of MLC / Water mix to spray and flies at 0.70 cm over obstacles on land and water.

Kpeshie Lagoon - AccraGrass adjacent to Mangroves provides an ideal breeding habitat (low level clean water) for Anopheles Gambiae that swarm in millions.

Dirty water- with Effluent. If we request our people to conduct scooping tests, MLC is sprayed on hands before taking local food

VI) PYRETHROID on bed-nets has caused a total resistance build up in many regions.

The PMI (Presidential Malaria Initiative) lauched under President Bush, announced proudly the delivery of the 1 BILLIONth bed-net.

There is no doubt that Bed-nets have over many years reduced worldwide Malaria deaths by some 20% but are we risking to reverse the gains achieved.

In the view of many medical Entomologists on the ground, this is already reflected in a drop of efficiacy of insecticides and larvicides now in use, even those listed in WHOPES

We are able to step up dilution from 1ml/Liter to 2ml/Liter to meet this serious threat.

We have introduced in Ghana a club, run by women, to use untreated netting, cut from 54” rolls for window, door frames and chicken coops. Latter are essential in villages where nourishment is taken from the forest, but chickens die when infestation of mosquitoes is high. Protein from Eggs and Chicken meat compliments the diet.

Foundations offer donations for flat-pack construction. The women have an income which provides in an African society status in the family. (Empowerment of Women in an African culture)

For our Pilot schemes we fly the flag for Ghana, the gateway to Africa.

Preventine MLC is not produced as treatment for Drinking water.

Samples taken from Kpeshie and Korlebu Lagoon, Accra confirmed extremely high levels of Coliform (E-coli) We carry a chemical test kit for the sake of our employees who are asked to conduct larval scooping tests to assess infestation rates.

Preventine MLC concentrate can be delivered by courier services in case of urgent need as a non hazardous shipment in accordance with 94/112/EEC and ISO 11014-1 from the United Kingdom together with user instructions and a Material Safety Data Sheet.The liquid is available in bottles of 100 ml for trials (subject to exchange of an NDA) 1 Liter, 5 Liter bottles and 25 Liter drums - The product has a shelf life of 5 years.

Our company delivers, if so requested, the complete kit: spray equipment and personal clothing for operators, specialist delivery vehicles etc.Please contact us for any enquiries or questions you may have.

W. Africa: Contact office at Heritage Tower, Cityspace, Floor 7 Accra Ridge - Ghana. Peter Troniseck, Chairman [email protected] ACCRA Office : +0233 -30 3931722Private E-mail: [email protected]

International Sales office :P.O.Box 4936, Poulters Lane,

Worthing, W. Sussex England - BN11 9YE

Central E-mail: [email protected] Admin/Logistics +44 (0) 1903 266 697

Ian Hackett [email protected] Sales +44 (0)1425 476 389

Barry Burns [email protected]

Central E-mail address [email protected] Ltd. Registered in England No 7859616

Appendix : Preventine MLC used on Plants, soils or as sludge.

Effects of Copper & Zinc for use of MLC on agricultural land and sludge.

We were made aware of concerns and requested a peer-supported study by the Life Science Dept. of the Missouri University USA. For an extract, see below. A full copy by the lead scientist Dr. John Lory is available on request.

1. COPPER : This material is substantially lower in copper concentration then many copper fertilizers!

One would need to apply 750L/ha of the undiluted product to approach an application rate of 15kg/ha (the approximate annual application maximum for copper in sewage sludge for sandy soils) Atmospheric deposition of copper exceeds the rate this material is likely to be applied to soils in many parts of the world.

Application in excess of 5L/ha per year of the undiluted liqid to exceed 0.1kg copper ha / year

2. ZINC.

The undiluted concentrate liquid has a zinc concentration of just under 0.7% which should be diluted (as directed 1:1000) before direct application to living plants but would cause no danger to plants if applied direct to the soil.

This material is substantially lower in zinc concentration then many zinc fertilizers. The diluted product is unlikely to significantly zinc loading in soils. One would need to apply over 4000 L/ha of the undiluted product to approach an application rate of 28Kg/ha. Atmospheric deposition of zinc exceeds this material applied to soil in many parts of the world.

One would need in exces of 72L/ha per year of the undiluted material to exceed 0.5 Kg zinc/ha per year

Preventine MLC is not produced as treatment for Drinking water.