MLA QUICK REFERENCE AND CITATION GUIDE - Editing Exchange · MLA Quick Reference and Citation Guide...

MLA Quick Reference and Citation Guide MLA QUICK REFERENCE AND CITATION GUIDE Overview ....................................................................................................... 2 In-text citations: General notes ...................................................................... 2 Placement of in-text references .............................................................................. 2 Providing page numbers ......................................................................................... 3 Citing multiple sources............................................................................................ 3 Secondary citations ................................................................................................ 3 Citing works by the same author............................................................................. 3 Citing works by authors with the same surname..................................................... 4 Citing quotations ..................................................................................................... 4 Footnotes................................................................................................................ 4 In-text citations: Examples ............................................................................. 5 Reference list: General notes ......................................................................... 7 Format .................................................................................................................... 7 Capitalisation .......................................................................................................... 7 Order of entries ....................................................................................................... 7 Subdivisions............................................................................................................ 8 Authors’ names ....................................................................................................... 8 Place of publication................................................................................................. 8 Publisher’s name .................................................................................................... 8 Other kinds of source lists ...................................................................................... 9 Reference list: Examples ................................................................................ 9 Periodicals .............................................................................................................. 9 Books.................................................................................................................... 10 Encyclopaedias and dictionaries........................................................................... 14 Websites ............................................................................................................... 14 Technical and research reports ............................................................................ 15 Working papers..................................................................................................... 15 Meetings and symposia ........................................................................................ 15 Theses and dissertations ...................................................................................... 15 Audiovisual media................................................................................................. 16 Blog posts and internet message boards.............................................................. 17 Legal and public documents ................................................................................. 17 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................... 18

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MLA Quick Reference and Citation Guide


Overview ....................................................................................................... 2

In-text citations: General notes ...................................................................... 2

Placement of in-text references .............................................................................. 2 Providing page numbers ......................................................................................... 3 Citing multiple sources ............................................................................................ 3

Secondary citations ................................................................................................ 3 Citing works by the same author ............................................................................. 3 Citing works by authors with the same surname..................................................... 4

Citing quotations ..................................................................................................... 4 Footnotes ................................................................................................................ 4

In-text citations: Examples ............................................................................. 5

Reference list: General notes ......................................................................... 7

Format .................................................................................................................... 7 Capitalisation .......................................................................................................... 7

Order of entries ....................................................................................................... 7

Subdivisions............................................................................................................ 8 Authors’ names ....................................................................................................... 8 Place of publication ................................................................................................. 8 Publisher’s name .................................................................................................... 8

Other kinds of source lists ...................................................................................... 9

Reference list: Examples ................................................................................ 9

Periodicals .............................................................................................................. 9

Books .................................................................................................................... 10 Encyclopaedias and dictionaries........................................................................... 14

Websites ............................................................................................................... 14 Technical and research reports ............................................................................ 15 Working papers ..................................................................................................... 15 Meetings and symposia ........................................................................................ 15

Theses and dissertations ...................................................................................... 15 Audiovisual media ................................................................................................. 16 Blog posts and internet message boards .............................................................. 17

Legal and public documents ................................................................................. 17 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................... 18

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MLA referencing is widely used in humanities disciplines such as English and foreign

languages and literature, and cultural studies. MLA referencing uses a brief

parenthetical citation—typically, the author and page number but not the date—and a

works cited list at the end of the document.

Please note that British/Australian English punctuation is used throughout this guide.

The rules for punctuation in American English are slightly different. Many Australian

universities, but certainly not all, prefer that you adapt American referencing styles to

adhere to British/Australian rules of punctuation. If you are not sure what your

university or department prefers, ask your tutor or supervisor.

Referencing correctly according to a particular style (whether that be APA, MLA, IEEE

or any other style) involves presenting the publication information required exactly in

the way proscribed by the style. This means knowing which publication information is

required, how and where it should appear in the reference, what punctuation is

necessary and where this should be placed.

Thus, when formatting your references/in-text citations to a particular style and

reviewing example references/in-text citations, pay close attention to the order of

information, how each detail is displayed, and the punctuation used and where this is

placed (i.e., whether publication titles should be placed within quotation marks [if so,

are they single ‘ ’ or double “ ”?], italicised, have a capital letter for all the main words

in the title or just the initial word, and so forth).

In-text citations: General notes

An in-text citation in MLA style includes only enough information to enable readers to

find the source in the list of works cited. The publication date is omitted. If the author’s

name (or title of the work, if that is how the source is listed) is mentioned in the text

and you are referring to the entire text, you do not need to include a parenthetical

citation. If the author’s name (or the title) is mentioned in the text, but you are referring

to a specific passage of the text, only the page number(s) should appear in the

parenthetical citation.

Placement of in-text references

Place the parenthetical citation where a pause would naturally occur (preferably at the

end of a sentence), but as near as possible to the material documented.

Martin argues that ‘it is important to learn how to reference correctly’ (78).

The director of Editex argues that correct references are important (Lines 78).

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Providing page numbers

Page numbers should be provided for direct quotations and when paraphrasing or

referring to an idea in another work.

The page number for a direct quotation is contained within a separate in-text reference

immediately after the direct quotation if the author’s name is mentioned in the

sentence. For example:

Orsini argues that ‘it is important to learn how to reference correctly’ (78).

If the author’s name has not been mentioned, it would look like this:

If the author’s name is mentioned but his or her ideas are paraphrased rather than

quoted directly, the page number is placed where a pause would naturally occur

(preferably at the end of a sentence), but as near as possible to the material


Orsini argued that correct referencing is important (78).

Citing multiple sources

Multiple sources cited within parentheses are separated by a semi-colon and must be

presented in alphabetical order. For example:

(Jackson; Tremlett)

However, long parenthetical references should be avoided in MLA. To avoid excessive

disruption, cite multiple sources in a footnote instead.

Secondary citations

Secondary sources should only be used when the original source is not freely available

(for example, not available in English or out of print). The original text should be cited

as follows:

Watkin Tench (qtd. in Smith)

Citing works by the same author

If an author has multiple publications in the list of works cited, include the title (if brief)

or a shortened version in the parenthetical citation. For example:

(Bajatierra, Cronícas 14)

If the author’s name appears in the text, include only the title (and page number if

necessary) in the parenthetical reference.

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Citing works by authors with the same surname

When citing works by different authors with the same surname, their first initials must

be used to distinguish between them, even if the years of publication are different. For


(R. Carr; E. H. Carr)

Citing quotations

In shorter quotations, the author’s name should precede the quotation, and the page

number should be listed at the end. For example:

Orsini argues that ‘it is important to learn how to reference correctly’ (78).

Quotations that extend for more than four lines when they are run into the text should

be formatted as block quotations. The citation can be formatted in a manner similar to

the above, with the closing punctuation for the block quotation appearing before the

page number. For example:

Pérez Collado explained the following:

The group that went, we went as a man. We went, not as soldiers, because

we did not consider ourselves to be soldiers, but as a group. And I tell you,

there were ten of us, as we considered that there were ten of us, nine men

and a woman! (p. 57)


Two kinds of footnotes may be used in MLA:

Content notes provide comment, explanation or information that the text cannot accommodate. They should only be used if they provide essential justification or clarification of what you have written, for example, to give full publication facts for an original source for which you have cited a secondary source or to explain why you worked from secondary material.

Bibliographic notes are used for references containing several sources or for evaluative comments on sources.

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In-text citations: Examples

Standard Citations As part of the sentence In parentheses

1 author Gellhorn argued that … (14) (Gellhorn 14)

2–3 authors Radosh, Habeck and Sevostianov’s work asserts that … (Radosh, Habeck and Sevostianov 2–3)

4+ authors Casanova et al.

As Casanova, Moreno, Solé I Sabaté and Villarroya explain…

(Casanova et al.)

(Casanova, Moreno, Solé I Sabaté and Villarroya)

Organisation The European Institute of Social Security ... (42) (Eur. Inst. of Social Security 42)c

Special citations As part of the sentence In parentheses

No known author or editor In Roman Catholicism in Spain … (63) (Roman Catholicism 63)b

Newspaper article, no author

In ‘A Girl of the Spanish People: A Story from the Special Correspondent of Woman To-day’ …. (6)…

(‘Girl’ 6)1

Two or more works by the same author

Freud notes in Ego that … (14)

Freud explains … (Totem 23)

(Freud, Ego 14)d (Freud, Totem 23)

Website with no author ‘Guernica’ (‘Guernica’)

Classical works As seen in Wollstonecraft, … (185; ch 13, sec. 2) (Wollstonecraft 185; ch 13, sec. 2)a

(Bible, Ezek. 1.5–10)

(line 11)

United Nations resolution/report

United Nations Security Council (United Nations, Security Council)

Secondary sources Vilar … (qtd. in Shubert 2) (Vilar qtd. in Shubert 2)

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Authors with the same surname

E. H. Carr famously said… (R. Carr; E. H. Carr)

Film or documentary Last Train (Last Train)

Australian Bureau of Statistics statistics

Australian House of Representatives (Australia, House of Representatives )

Notes: a If you are citing a commonly studied prose work that is available in several editions, add the chapter number or any other identifying

information you can. In citing commonly studied verse plays and poems, omit page numbers and cite by division (act, scene, canto, book, part)

and line) separated by full stops. If you are citing only line numbers, use the word ‘line’ or ‘lines’ for the first citation only. For unpaginated

sources, use the chapter number or similar designation. b The full title (if brief) or a shortened version is used unless the title appears in your text. c It is better to use a long name in the text, but if you give the name in a parenthetical citation, shorten terms that are commonly abbreviated. d If

an author has multiple publications in the list of works cited, include the title (if brief) or a shortened version in the parenthetical citation.

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Reference list: General notes


Use the title ‘Works Cited List’, rather than ‘References’ or ‘Bibliography’, and centre it above

the list.

The list should be double spaced and unjustified at the right margin, with a hanging indent

of 1.27 cm. There should not be a line space between entries. For example:

Hogan, James P, dir. 1937). The Last Train from Madrid. Ashfault’s Classic Movies, 2008.


Low, Mary, and Juan Breà. Red Spanish Notebook: The First Six Months of the Revolution

and the Civil War. London: Purnell, 1937. Print.

Radosh, Ronald, Mary R. Habeck and Grigory Sevostianov, G. Spain Betrayed: The Soviet

Union in the Spanish Civil War. New Haven: Yale UP, 2001. Print.


For all titles in the works cited list, capitalise the first word, the last word and all principal

words, including those that follow hyphens in compound terms. Principal words include

nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and subordinating conjunctions (after,

although, as if, as soon as, because, before, if, that, unless, until, when, where, while). When

they fall in the middle of a title, do not capitalise articles (a, an, the), prepositions (e.g.,

against, as, between, in, of, to), coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet) or

the ‘to’ in infinitives.

When capitalising titles in languages other than English, follow the specific capitalisation

rules of that language.

Order of entries

Works cited must be ordered alphabetically.

To cite two or more works by the same author, give the name in the first entry only. After

that, use three hyphens followed by a full stop and the title of the work. The works listed

under the same name are alphabetised by title. If the person named edited, translated or

compiled the work, place a comma after the three hyphens and include the appropriate

abbreviation (ed., trans. or comp.).

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Preston, Paul. Juan Carlos: A People’s King. London: HarperCollins, 2004. Print.

---. Juan Carlos: Steering Spain from Dictatorship to Democracy. London: Norton, 2004.


If two or more entries cite co-authors that have the same name, alphabetise by the last

names of the second authors listed.

If the author’s name is unknown, alphabetise by title, ignoring any initial ‘A’, ‘An’ or ‘The’.


If you wish, your list of works cited may be subdivided into primary and secondary sources,

or into different research media or genres, or it may be arranged by subject matter, period

or area.

Authors’ names

Give the author’s name exactly as it appears in the publication (for a book, refer to the title

page; for a journal article, refer to the beginning or end of the article) but reverse it for

alphabetising and add a comma after the last name. Only use initials for the first name if the

publication uses initials. For works with multiple authors, reverse only the first author’s name,

then add a comma and present the other names in normal order.

Radosh, Ronald, Mary R. Habeck and Grigory Sevostianov. Spain Betrayed: The Soviet

Union in the Spanish Civil War. New Haven: Yale UP, 2001. Print.

When an author is an organisation, omit any initial article and do not abbreviate its name.

United Nations Security Council. 49th Sess. The Spanish Question. Res 1946/7. 26 June

1946. United Nations. Web. 28 Oct. 2012.

Place of publication

If several cities are named, give only the first. It is not necessary to identify a state, province

or country after the city name.

Publisher’s name

You only need to give enough information about a publisher to enable readers to find the full

name of the publisher themselves. Use shortened forms that omit articles (A, An, The),

business abbreviations (Co., Corp., Inc., Ltd.) and descriptive words (Books, House, Press,

Publishers). If it includes the name of one person (e.g. W.W. Norton or John Wiley), cite the

surname only (Norton, Wiley). If it includes the names of more than one person (e.g.

McGraw-Hill), cite only the first surname (McGraw). Use standard abbreviations (Acad.,

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Assn., Soc., UP) wherever possible. If a publisher’s name is commonly abbreviated as an

initialism that is likely to be familiar to your readers (e.g. MLA), use the initialism.

Other kinds of source lists

The ‘Works Cited List’ contains all the sources that you cited in your text. Titles for other

kinds of source list include:

‘Annotated Bibliography’ or ‘Annotated List of Works Cited’ for a list that contains descriptive or evaluative comments on the sources

‘Works Consulted’ for a list that is not confined to the works cited in the document

‘Selected Bibliography’, ‘Selected List of Works Consulted’ or ‘Suggestions for Further Reading’ for a list that suggests readings.

Reference list: Examples


Follow the same citation rules for journal articles by two or three authors, and four or more

authors, as you would for books by these numbers of authors.

Journal article, in print

Ackelsberg, Martha A. ‘“Separate and equal?” Mujeres libres and Anarchist Strategy for

Women’s Emancipation’. Feminist Studies 11.1 (1985): 63–85. Print

Journal article, in print, accessed online

Jackson, Gabriel. ‘Multiple Historic Meanings of the Spanish Civil War’. Science & Society

68.3 (2004), 272–276. JSTOR. Web. 5 May 2011.

Jackson, Gabriel. ‘Multiple Historic Meanings of the Spanish Civil War’. Science & Society

68.3 (2004), 272–276. JSTOR. Web. 5 May 2011. <>.

Note: Do not include the URL unless the reader would not be able to locate it otherwise or

your instructor requires it.

Reviews and abstracts

Tremlett, Giles. Rev. of The Spanish Holocaust, by Paul Preston. The Guardian, 9 Mar.

2012: 33. Print.

Jackson, Gabriel. Multiple Historic Meanings of the Spanish Civil War. Science & Society

68.3 (2004), 272–276. Abstract. Print.

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Note: If you have retrieved the abstract online, omit ‘Print’ and add the name of the website

in italics, the medium of publication (‘Web.’) and the date accessed.

Newspaper article, in print

Rello, Mateo. ‘Concha Pérez and Anarchy’. Solidaridad Obrera 17 July 2006: xx. Print.

Notes: Do not include articles (a, an, the) before the names of English-language

newspapers but do retain them before non-English-language newspapers.

Abbreviate the names of all months except May, June and July.

Do not give the volume and issue numbers.

If an edition is named on the masthead, add a comma after the date and specify the edition

(e.g. ‘natl. ed.’, ‘late ed.’).

If a section is paginated separately and given a section number or letter, but it is not part of

the page number, put a comma after the date and add the abbreviation ‘sec.’, the letter or

number, a colon and the page number (‘sec. 11: 1.’).

If an article is not printed on consecutive pages, write only the first page number and a plus

sign (‘6+’).

Newspaper article, online only

James, Steve. ‘Let the People Truly Speak’. Yorkshire Times. Yorkshire Times, 11 June

2012. Web. 20 June 2012.

Notes: Include both the title of the newspaper and the publisher, even if they are the same.

Include the access date.

Books Book, one author

Gellhorn, Martha. The Face of War. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1959. Print.

Note: Apart from reversing the order, the author’s name appears exactly as it does on the

title page.

Book, two or three authors

Low, Mary, and Juan Breà. Red Spanish Notebook: The First Six Months of the Revolution

and the Civil War. London: Purnell, 1937. Print.

Radosh, Ronald, Mary R. Habeck and Grigory Sevostianov. Spain Betrayed: The Soviet

Union in the Spanish Civil War. New Haven: Yale UP, 2001. Print.

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Book, four or more authors


Casanova, Julían, et al. Victimas de la guerra civil. Madrid: Temas de Hoy, 1999. Print.


Casanova, Julían, Francisco Moreno, Juliá Santos, Josep Maria Solé I Sabaté and Joan

Villarroya. Victimas de la guerra civil. Madrid: Temas de Hoy, 1999. Print.

Book, editor or editors in place of an author

Acier, Marcel, ed. From Spanish Trenches: Recent Letters from Spain. London: Cresset,

1939. Print.

Fyrth, Jim, and Sally Alexander, eds. Women’s Voices from the Spanish Civil War. London:

Lawrence, 1991. Print.

Book, edition other than the first

Orwell, George. (1954). Homage to Catalonia. 6th ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954.


Hemingway, Ernest. For Whom the Bell Tolls. Rev. ed. London: Arrow, 2004. Print.

Note: Identify the edition by number (2nd ed., 3rd ed., 4th ed.), by name (Rev. ed. for

‘Revised edition’; Abr. ed., for ‘Abridged edition’, or by year (2008 ed.)—whichever the title

page indicates.

Book, republished

Hemingway, Ernest. For Whom the Bell Tolls. 1940. London: Arrow, 2004. Print.

Note: Include the original publication date before the publication information for the book

you are citing.

Chapter in edited book

Shawcross, Edith. ‘The Hand that Rocks the Cradle’. Would I Fight? Ed. Keith Briant and

Lyall Wilkes. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1938. 81–102. Print.

One volume in multi-volume work

Alexander, Robert J. The Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War. Vol. 1. London: Janus, 1999.


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Book, no known author or editor

Roman Catholicism in Spain. Edinburgh: Johnstone, 1855. Print.

Book by an organisation

European Institute of Social Security. Yearbook of the European Institute of Social Security

1974–1977. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1979. Print.

Note: Omit any initial article (A, An, The) and do not abbreviate the name.

Book, author as publisher

Spanish Ex-Servicemen’s Association. Franco’s Prisoners Speak. London: Spanish Ex-

Servicemen’s Association, 1960. Print.

Book, translator in addition to author/editor

Laplace, Pierre Simon de. A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. Trans. F. W. Truscott

and F. L. Emory. New York: Dover, 1951. Print.

Truscott, F. W. and F. L. Emory, trans. A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. By Pierre

Simon de Laplace. New York: Dover, 1951. Print.

Laplace, Pierre Simon de. A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. Trans. F. W. Truscott

and F. L. Emory. New York: Dover, 1951. Print. Trans. of Théorie analytique des

probabilités. Paris: Ve. Courcier, 1814.

Note: State the author’s name first if you refer primarily to the work itself. If your citations

are mostly to the translator’s comments or choice of wording, begin the entry with the

translator’s name. Although not required, some or all of the original publication facts may be


Foreign-language book

Casanova, Julían, Francisco Moreno, Juliá Santos, Josep Maria Solé Sabaté and Joan

Villarroya. Victimas de la guerra civil [Victims of the Civil War]. Madrid: Temas de Hoy.

1999. Print.

Notes: Always cite the English translation of a work if the translated version, rather than the

original version, is the one you have used.

A translated title can be added in brackets if it seems necessary.

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Electronic book (e-book)

Shubert, Adrian. A Social History of Modern Spain. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990, Google

Book Search. Web. 15 May 2012.

Note: If you are citing an electronic-only book (as opposed to the electronic version of a

print book, as in the above example), omit the print publication information and include the

publisher or sponsor of the site (if unknown, use ‘n.p.’) and date of publication online

(unknown, use ‘n.d.’).

Book, no date of publication

Kollontai, Alexandra. The Workers Opposition. London: Solidarity, n.d. Print.

Kollontai, Alexandra. The Workers Opposition. London: Solidarity, [1978?]. Print.

Kollontai, Alexandra. The Workers Opposition. London: Solidarity, [c. 1978]. Print.

Note: If the book does not indicate the date, supply it if you can, using square brackets to

show that it did not come from the source. If you are uncertain about the accuracy of the

date, add a question mark. If the date can only be approximated, add a question mark.

Classical works (including scholarly editions, commonly studied works and scripture)

Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Ed. Carol H. Poston. New

York: Norton, 1975. Print.

Poston, Carol H., ed. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. By Mary Wollstonecraft. New

York: Norton, 1975. Print.

The Bible. Introd. and notes by Robert Carroll and Stephen Prickett. Oxford: Oxford UP,

1998. Print. Oxford World’s Classics. Authorised King James Vers.

Notes: If your citations generally refer to the text itself, give the author’s name first. If your

citations are generally to the work of the editor, give the editor’s name first.

If the edition is based on a named version of the text, such as in The Bible example above,

the name of the version can be added at the end.

The name of the publisher is not required for books published before 1900.

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Forthcoming publication

Seidman, Michael. ‘The Victorious Counterrevolution: The Nationalist Effort in the Spanish

Civil War’. 4 Oct. 2012. TS.

Seidman, Michael. ‘The Victorious Counterrevolution: The Nationalist Effort in the Spanish

Civil War’. 21 Nov. 2012. Page Proofs.

Note: Any entry in the works cited list must reflect the status of the source you read. Any

background information about future publication would only be given in an annotated

bibliography (see Other Kinds of Source Lists for these guidelines.

Secondary citation

Shubert, A. A Social History of Modern Spain. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990. Print.

Encyclopaedias and dictionaries Encyclopaedias and dictionaries

Rodgers, Eamonn, ed. Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Spanish Culture. London:

Routledge, 1999. Print.

Notes: Indicate the relevant edition number, if there is one, after the editor’s name.

When citing widely used reference books, especially those that frequently appear in new

editions, do not give the place of publication and the publisher. Indicate the edition after the

title (‘62nd ed. 2008.’, ‘2004 ed.’)

Encyclopaedias and dictionaries, individual entries

O’Donnell, Hugh. ‘ABC’. In E. Rodgers (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Spanish

Culture. Ed. Eamonn Rodgers. London: Routledge, 1999.

Online encyclopaedia

‘Spanish Civil War’. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 1 Mar 2013.

Note: If there is no website date or date of last update, replace the date with ‘n.d.’.


Nelson, Cary. ‘The Spanish Civil War: An Overview’. Modern American Poetry. University

of Illinois, 2001. Web. 8 May 2003.

Note: If no date is available, use ‘n.d.’.

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Technical and research reports

Human Rights Watch. The Human Rights Watch Global Report on Women’s Human

Rights. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1995. Print.

Human Rights Watch. The Human Rights Watch Global Report on Women’s Human

Rights. Human Rights Watch, 1 Aug. 1995. Web. 8 May 2007.

Note: When a report is in print form, indicate the location and publisher after the title as you

would for a book. When a published report is retrieved online, indicate the publisher, the

date of publication, the medium of publication and the date accessed.

Working papers

Balcells, Laia. (2012). ‘Violence and Displacement in Civil War: Evidence from the Spanish

Civil War (1936–1939)’. Barcelona GSE Working Paper Series 603. Barcelona: Barcelona

Graduate School of Economics, 2012. Print.

Meetings and symposia Published conference proceedings

Frank, Willard C. ‘The Soviet Navy and the Spanish Civil War’. Proceedings of the Citadel

Conference on War and Diplomacy, December 2–4 1975. Ed. David H. White. Charleston:

The Citadel, 1976. 67–73. Print.

Note: Treat like a book, but add pertinent information about the conference (unless the book

title includes such information).

Unpublished conference paper

Serrano, Inmaculada. ‘Return after Violence: Rationality and Emotions in the Aftermath of

Violent Conflict’. IV Graduate Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies in Social

Sciences. Instituto Juan March, Madrid. 17–18 June 2010. Presentation.

Theses and dissertations Thesis or dissertation, published

Archibald, David. ‘The Spanish Civil War in Cinema’. PhD thesis. U of Glasgow, 2004.

Glasgow Theses Service. Web. 12 Mar. 2007.

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Note: Cite a thesis that has been published in print as you would a book, but add pertinent

thesis information before the publication facts.

Thesis or dissertation, unpublished

Phipps, Kelly. ‘Gender and the Language of Struggle: Republican Representations of

Women in the Spanish Civil War’. Honours thesis. Brown University, 2003. Print.

Audiovisual media Podcast

Wadhams, Steve, prod. ‘Voices of Canadian Veterans of the Spanish Civil War’. As It

Happens. CBC Radio, 9 Nov. 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Note: The person cited first depends on the emphasis desired.

Television broadcast

‘Battleground for Idealists’. The Spanish Civil War. Prod. John Blake, David Hart, David

Kemp and Steve Morrison. Granada. 1983. Television.

The Spanish Civil War. Prod. John Blake, David Hart, David Kemp and Steve Morrison.

Granada. 1983. Television.

Blake, John, dir. The Spanish Civil War. Prod. John Blake, David Hart, David Kemp and

Steve Morrison. Granada. 1983. Television.

Notes: If your reference is primarily to an episode, start your entry with the name of the

episode. If your reference is primarily to the full series, start with the series title. If your

reference is primarily to the work of a particular individual, cite that person’s name before

the title.

Any other pertinent information, such as performers, narrators, number of episodes, may be

included. Information relating to a particular episode follows the title of the episode.

Information pertinent to a series follows the title of the series.

Film or documentary

The Last Train from Madrid. Dir. James P. Hogan. Paramount, 1937. Film.

Notes: If your reference is primarily to the work of a particular individual, cite that person’s

name before the title.

You may include other data that seem pertinent, such as the names of the screenwriters,

performer and producer, between the title and the distributor.

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Radio programme

Bragg, Melvynn, host. ‘The Spanish Civil War’. In Our Time. BBC Radio 4. 3 Apr. 2003.


Notes: If your reference is primarily to an episode, start your entry with the name of the

episode. If your reference is primarily to the full series, start with the series title. If your

reference is primarily to the work of a particular individual, cite that person’s name before

the title.

Any other pertinent information, such as performers, narrators, number of episodes, may be

included. Information relating to a particular episode follows the title of the episode.

Information pertinent to a series follows the title of the series.

Online video

Blake, John, David Hart, David Kemp and Steve Morrison, prod. ‘The Spanish Civil War—

Episode 01: Prelude to Tragedy’. Watch Documentary. 21 Dec. 2010. Web. 1 Jan. 2012.

Note: If the work also appeared in another medium, you may also include that information.

Begin the entry with the relevant facts about the original source followed by the title of the

website (italicised), the medium (Web) and the date of access.

Blog posts and internet message boards Blog

Fogarty, Mignon. Grammar Girl. Grammar Girl. Web. 15 Oct. 2015.

Blog post

Fogarty, Mignon. ‘Fictitious? Fictional? What’s the difference’, Grammar Girl. Grammar Girl,

31 Aug. 2015. Web. 15 Oct. 2015

Legal and public documents

In general, if you do not know the name of the author, cite the name of the government (e.g.

Australia), followed by the name of the agency, using an abbreviation if the context makes

it clear (e.g. Dept.). Do not use initialisms or acronyms.

It is preferable to include a long name in the text.

When giving the name within parentheses, shorten terms that are commonly abbreviated

(e.g. Natl., Inst.).

United Nations report

United Nations. Women. Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice. New York:

United Nations Women, 2011.

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United Nations resolution

United Nations. Security Council. 49th Sess. The Spanish Question. Res 1946/7. 26 June

1946. United Nations. Web. 28 Oct. 2012.

Australian Bureau of Statistics statistics

Australia. Bureau of Statistics. Women’s Safety Australia, no. 4128.0, Canberra: Australian

Bureau of Statistics, 1996. Web. 24 May 2008.

Parliamentary debates

Australia. House of Representatives. Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). HR 4. 15 Mar.

2012. 3142. Print.

Royal Commission, Inquest or Inquiry

Canada. Royal Commission on the Status of Women. Report of the Royal Commission of

the Status of Women in Canada. Ottawa: Royal Commission on the Status of Women,

1970. Print.

Australia. Human Rights Commission. Inquiry into the Equal Opportunity for Women in the

Workplace Act 1999 and Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency.

Canberra: Australian Human Rights Commission, 2009. Print.

Legislation (Act)

Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act. Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of

Western Australia. 1920. Print.

Note: Do not italicise or enclose in quotation marks the titles of laws, acts or similar in the

text or in the list of works cited.

Legislation (Bill)

Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Amendment (Cth) Bill. 1st Reading.

Parliament of Australia, 2012. Web. 13 Feb. 2013.

Miscellaneous Personal communication

Morris, Heather. Personal interview, 18 Apr. 2015.

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Unpublished data

Orsini, Maisie. Editor Instruction Manual. 2015. TS. Editex, Adelaide.

Note: The title or description of unpublished material is italicised. The abbreviation ‘TS’ is

used for work prepared by machine. ‘MS’ is used for a work prepared by hand.


Pingree, Geoff. ‘What Spain Sees in Robert Capa’s Civil War Photo’. Time. Time, 25 July

2009. Web. 27 July 2009.

Pingree, Geoff. ‘What Spain Sees in Robert Capa’s Civil War Photo’. Time 25 July 2009:

20. Print.


Women Before the Revolution. Barcelona: Publications of the Feminist Secretariat of the

POUM, 1937. Print.

Lecture, lecture notes, study guide or course materials

Preston, Paul. ‘The Spanish Holocaust: Hate and Extermination in the Spanish Civil War’.

Swansea University. 12 July 2011. Lecture.

Feldmeth, Greg D. ‘Key Events and Battles: Spanish-American War’. My History Class, 31

March 1998. Web. 8 May 1999.