MLA Documentation Powerpoint

MLA Documentation Format


Information about MLA documentation format

Transcript of MLA Documentation Powerpoint

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MLA Documentation Format

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Whereas before I allowed myself to play fast and loose, now I am meticulous,

demanding, exact…Sue Grafton

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The formal acknowledgment of the sources you use in your paper, enables your readers to judge the quality and originality of your work.

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Different academic disciplines use different documentation styles.

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MLA is recommended by the Modern Language Association and is required by most teachers of English and other languages as well as teachers in other humanities disciplines.

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Two parts required…

Parenthetical references in the text

A list of Works Cited

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One optional…

Content Notes

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Parenthetical References in the Text

These are keyed to a Works Cited list at the end of the paper.

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Typical Reference

Consists of the author’s last name and a page, paragraph or section number.

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Example: The colony’s religious and political freedom appealed to many idealists(Ripley 12).

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Two or more sources by same author?

Shorten the title of each work to one or two key words and include the appropriate shortened title in the parenthetical reference after the author’s name.

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Sample MLA Parenthetical References

Each reference requires different information. Consult your handbook carefully, making sure you are under the MLA section.

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Preparing the MLA Works Cited List

1. Begin the Works Cited list on a new page after the last page of text, numbered as the next page of the paper.

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2, Each item has three divisions—author, title, and publication information. The separation between major divisions is marked by a period and one space.

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3. List entries alphabetically according to the author’s last name. List the author’s full name as it appears on the title page. Alphabetize unsigned sources by the first main word of the title.

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4. Do not indent the first line of each entry, indent subsequent lines fives spaces..

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5. Double-space within and between entries.

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Content Notes Definition

Multiple bibliographical citations or other material that does not fit smoothly into the text.

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Where to put them?

Can be footnotes at the bottom of the page or as endnotes on a separate sheet entitled “Notes”, placed after the last page of the paper and before the Works Cited list.

Double-spaced within and between entries.

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Sample Research Paper

Page 422 of your Axelrod text has a model. Study it carefully.

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The Key to Success?

Paying attention to details and reviewing assignment criteria carefully.

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Does this writer care or not care?

Assume the reader is checking your Works Cited list first and your internal parenthetical documentation before starting to read your paper. What will be the impressive of the writer when they are done.