ML OF GIS Hill TRADEJA/ATER KILLS IN HOI James McCreery Co. · MLOF GIS Hill Court Dismisses Juror...

ML OF GIS Hill Court Dismisses Juror for Ex¬ pressing an Opinion. WOMAN SAYS HE TALKED Declares Terry Hinkle Told Her Young Women Who Shot Stokes Would "Be Sent Up, All Right." The trial at the two nhow **ti >'' «*' i sad LflKaa Graham, ehargad mtih ptlnfl the Ufe Of W B D. Ptokes Inst 4i-.-.-tr-'iiv interrupt«***, jreater- ' lar. us. In the Criminal of the Bupr. me '"-¡r*. bj the a th> ror for pl*ej**dlc**. Mr« trida vit in which aha swore that Ko SU Weal UOth «treat, tnrot No n. had two girl defend« when tho wat «Ünlntr arilQ t'.icir si«s*-ttnent| trial basjaa ThrrP WSJ S hrrrl«*«. conference In JtSStlCft .ourt opened be- District attorney «tackaer, who is pr04 tad ' lark I«, .lordon n: M Moor* «oum-i far noes was | and Diifle her statement lintSer oatb «Vhe all hand.-« returned to oonrt Hinkle «S aumrr. thai by ».vice Marcus. Who| told him that he had dlf'teyed the tasrtruc- of the- eoort In dipo.ueslng tl The Justice enntiottai t to do HkewtM It wa.« hcaeA to retain the «¦¦¡«.¦ver J-.irora. in order not to delà*/ proceeding*« by a BÜStrial. An effort was made to cure a twelfth mror from several members el of talesmen who happened I be lr. f*OUrt, but none of them could qual'.fv it will hf, selected from the remainder of «h« panel to-dav. ami Mr Moors will coottatis Uta cicas sssirrlnstioa of Mr. Btoh he ha/1 not com;>l««ted when rourt adjourned on Prl«iay. In mbstanee. Mrs Holme? stated in her n pad dined -with the Hin¬ kle* on Frliiav nluht. at the invitation Of Mrs Hinkle. at the latter s apartnvnt, in the Hendri« k Hudson. In West 110th Iff Hinkle ram.« in la*«\ she said. an>1 spolosjlsetl for splalafng that he was SSTVtni fls a .''iror In thfl OfS BJB-Con« *hA r,«.p Mrs. Holmes told him she knew .. the ca.-e, and thereupon Hii!- r.lained the. <*a«e to her and i the hlsroiv of the two «¿Iris on trial, she declared T! affidavit continued: ftltarwart Mrs. Hinkle npoko up. and BAM t S omen were brazen thing» end ficht to ho tarr-d ;tnd fathered, and that fhe wo'ild take pleasure in doinK It Her huaband icspor.ded. and sud: Ton -e»d to worry ai.out they «jrl tap, all rlsht.' Mrs H;r.k!e said it "¦¦as a pity that a man like Mr. Stokes f-hould be accused of thing«, iiku that by Ihsas w" men, to which Mr. Hink'- re e<3 that the whole ,- that th« srasaeo defendants were not satisfied with th".r Station in life, und «ver.- anx:- rid- in nutomo:>i¡fs and have fine clothes, willing- to do to get them.' " ri that Mrs Holmes la identified -or Woman m. vement, ar.-i I ikf-n a lively interest In public, ma'- ... conpcier.« e t, Mr. Hinkle that am'. «-... micht result, it was said. her lawyer, dvtsed !;er to tell Mr J©r- Palllaai'a «>f!i-^ ." bring the ttei the .1 BtOOd I'l' -.!'«¦ Marcus The ai him. Hinkle picked t and hurried from the Later or. lie ilen:.-d that .iso with Mrs. Holmea. He 1 w who lp an ac-pialntance of in lied ;it ni r Friday sj'Ok- in «"ft n Mrs. Holmes and my wife I deny moat emphatl« as to I |[fl t lih- rty 1 rt sa t a court had Insti not to do sa. 1 vrlsh to .-ay fun her tliat In my mind I had not d any opinion -¦¦ MONEY AND EXCHANGE. MONET MARKET M call ant with a ral r for sixty elvable names; 4M XCHANGJ ninety-day irket 1.« Id BJ ¦ark) ^Bar. Six ' aPJSr' I-S4 4 Hfi «S» !«:. 4 8 H 4" to at, :<.«» I-"..; ton, par; com- im; St K !.!: TRINOS N ..-. V -ik. ex« -, 11.- >, t-al- ;. , *." SILVER MARK ET Bar 1 loaed ;it 25 11 lid. <;<»I,I> PREMIUM. In *¦' MEXICAN EXCHANGE SUNDAYS NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Mailed anywhere m the United States ,0 .i .ear. ¡S*1«--*** See Them Light Your New House with "Miller" Electric, Gas or Combination FIXTURES LIMPS ll,<- Deals** At* lleaullful <'n;ilit4 line. The \»«,»rl iin-ut Imluil.-« \ti ««(jl.-v For Wedding and Holiday Gifts Port ' at. Uaeful "Miller" Smokeless Oil Heaters r>"t',.rh, ikOUtd hOVt Mill'' ffOOdt for ani. - can buy fron Edward Miller t&Co./V.^w;' «v.... abed ISM. t/.- f Tin« Ad. I TO TRADEJA/ATER FOR LAND Stover Offers Silver Lake for i Use as a Reservoir. Turk « ommissioner Ftover ha* Informed romml'jslimsi Thonpaon of the water Ds- partment that Silver Lake ami on«* other body of «rater In Silver lynk»* Park, Statrn Island, "HI t».' turn.«l mer t»> the Water Department f.«r reservoirs, provided cer- taln lands outaMe the prenant bo-.ndarics of the park are oded to the Park Depart¬ ment The proposed exchance comes n? a result of ¦ conference of the two commis¬ sioners on the suh.i<"-t. Ofdlnsj to < oinmlsslonor Stover thin would preatly increase the size of the (»irk At present it has an expanse of «abtut tlfty-slx aeren. By carrytnK out the proposed'plans the park would bs 2,'>7 aerea in extent. "It is now up to «ommissioner Thomp¬ son." said Park «'ommissioner Plover. "Tho Tnrk P.-partment. however, will not gire ':i> Silver Lake, without som» thin« In exchange, and that something 1 have rlear- ly «Spoken of to the Water Commicalooer. "At i resent 1 have a fund of ty,\osm avail¬ able for tha »levelopment of Bitter l«Hk<*» Park, and I hope to have things ander way la a short time looking to its betterment Kven thougtl Bthrar I>ake, according to the proponed bang«, woum not ho available for use. It would create ns a reservoir the same sort of open space In Silver Lake Park the reservoir does In rentrai Park. The land that would ho ceded to the Park Department would mors than make up for the loss of the lake and the otbar small bodjr of water." Th*> rommission«-r said that thara was a small waterway on the land he wanted In ax« bangs for his lake, and this he could make Into a small lake. Work II te begin at once on a small - nouas la Silver Lake Park Com¬ missioner Stover spent a large part of *"**e- ter-Jay In Staten Island with a committee of Its citizens looking oxer the park. a ARNOLD BENNETT A GUEST Harveys Give Farewell Dinner for English Novelist. lolonal George Harvev and Mrs Harvey gave I farewell dinner In the St. Regis last night for Arnold Fennet*. the English novelist, who sails for home to-morrow. afore than one hundred guests, prominent In literary and social circles, were present. John A. Dix. Governor of New York, pro¬ fite principal toast, "To the distin¬ guished guest of the evenlng-a pleasant voyage an«i speedy return. May the flow¬ ing well which feeds his fountain never run dry." Speeches were made by ro]onel Henry Wattereon, Dr. st. clair afeKatway, Lanías Ctosser Hale. Kate Douglas Wtggin Rlgg«. Josephine Dodge Daskam, Augustus Thom- -. n Wells and John Kendrick Rang." Among the guests were Governor and afra Dix, Prank H. H.teh«cock, Postmas¬ ter Genera!; Mr. and Mrs T. .1 Oakley Rhinelander. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, Mis^ Morgan, Mr and Mrs. Rex Reach. Mrs «Robert (Soelet, Mr. and Mrs. John W Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. J Borden Harrinrin, Mrs Burke-Rocba, Prank A. Vanderllp, Mr and Mrs Don C Seltz, Mrs Ladonburg, Win Carlton, Mr* Binary, Mr. and Mrs "Thomas V, Lamont, win s. Harten, Mr. and Mr* Alexander <'. Humphries, Mr. and Mrs- Albert Blgelow Palne. Mr. and Mi unln Guinness, Mrs. Theod re Dralaer, J Mrs. Roben. Unitorwood Johnson, . Bridges, Mr and Mr> Mark Lee Luther. Mr. and Mrs. Jame Oppenheim, JiiMus Miles Forman. Mr und Mrs Ethan Allen. Miss Marie Van Vorst, Han Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Zane Orey, Mr and ¦. ma Mboon, Mr. ¦ d M r Edward Stanford Martin. Mr. and Mrs. H Doran, Chester s Lord, Frank Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ehnore More, Miss Katherine Jewell Dverts, Miss Elisa« beth cutting. Van fasse! Butphen, M1 Elisabeth Jordan. Miss Am i' Paret, Mr. and Mr.- Henry NTUis AMen, Prank Cralg, Melville B Btone and Mr. and Mn ford Hill. TO DISCUSS TAX RATE REDUCTION. John J Hopper, Charles T. Root and Mornay Williams will speak on the qnrp- tion of the gradual reduction of the rate ..,« »." on all bull'lings in the city at an Inf« ference to be held in the auditorium of the Merchants' Association, No. W . St, to-morrow noon. George White will "preside, REALTY BONDS. (Heportr 1 try Pi-abody & Co., No. 42 Broadway.) Am R< fold Broadway Ry Co -.:,-. Ry Co, -d m. «;.eel» Ry «'<».. lalî» 1 I' M \ I 1' II v. of N Y, Mr B. MortSSf« 20 vr ¦» II H P >-ni»r XVI; fold m S Y Ry "-¦ T* B R I i-¦¦¦' ri-, t <l«h. RBALTT Acharaos, T B «'o.¦ h Ce, pf.. ». Quai «'o ia I Co <*ity li;\' Itlnf i'', pf... 7 «'Hv & ib Homei Oo ¦« <^i.. 12 i Co. 12 pf. lo N Y Mit« ... 13 1st pf. 7 «1 A. pf. ;. - Trust Co.. 20 a . n . 6 . I B- fl -, « - 4 <! I rt .*. Bid Ai-kf-d. {«-«4 M i"2 jo- to M .«-.-, M ¡».i 100 SOU «¦-. 7.I .- M 101 !'.-» - «.»-. MM M i.: ¡rOSd lnifreyt ' ;¦: g B Q \ Q r jai* Q J '.' M 2<v> IM 245 97 s ZU s; L'"tl MU lui« 190 SS« 103 387 «jf n<o lin 75 va ;i '¦' ¦ trrUhm 1 llilO. tl-ar valu* GUARANTEED STOCKS. ils- JCfflngh 111 Bi Ai-kfiJ Lswi o.idway. ' CO., No .106 178 «v. .180 > .108 209 rti'i Alb A Alh A Vt «;2 '.V 180 I Aug ,'. AI It O A M M .. b a 7t .-1 pi Chai a «; 103 teta 61 do ctl S M 130 Pltti 188 \ a «-. M 188 P 170 CtPR-4 IM [, 7,'i n 8 M *>¦» -" Brk !*«.'. I II \ie ¡MO v W. 1«XI 142 ltd r w -. tu-; 4M Pt&<3 -I .200 <; i: Ra-BCo 286 «; K Mili « ..110 Or H Vj 112 v t" * 111 C L 1 .!». K I. K t I K a A C 1 ,f 11«' -.1 «Miami 20« I. K M i: LH N i> a C.110 M «<»al l! pf )<»> U CosL.000 7.t 140 «.2 10» 7S M ta .TOO 14«. 220 M Ids es iw no Did loo isa ta 130 7f, M 88 1!«. 198 M 110 152 2:i" 112 127 isa 280 4* lis lis l- i«2 M 7.', Uni 81 1«!. I42< :«¦ 125 ieo 130 1)0 Man * i^avr Manhattan . ¦¦.. Vr M II A - H Mobil« ,v H pf ai MAO Itll t Ct, 77 Mor * | «-.o do j r. f. ]«o M ri'.-, s. y. [68 «»4 »-xln Ut Na»h Ai».. i<-; a. Low 218 N«-v- Lon N. 208 n y a n ,\p 2»o KYBAM H pf.lOB M it Tel. !».- N V I. AL A-.. Il») North «;ir .un H).149 N<»r» h |N I-.T1M North N A- w pf.. olony lO*w*| I : Pemli Va lej 128 '!'". A !: Vj 170 r m a- i. i; m d», i»i. p n ¦-¦¦ a c i«.-. ).-,n L K. .170 f M K A" Y P T A A r r | v' M ¦ A u g. «; & «. ni,. I: v. \ Of i A 8di A\^ :i l:\ Sixth A\- \ m Tel. o ios I s I, i: 1*1 pf ll-o di H ... .-.. prêt i«-*» a N Y '.T^) R a- n;o '¦; Bl 1. 130 ire«) i-'< VI RI lUppci <»,»,» M'A. BRI« I1C1 v. r c A B... Vy of N Y Vi A Mat» Rid Asked. 219 .191 ios .309 loi ,208 .148 12.1 11«* 1«VI 270 Ban ifco Vy in C. 125 ISO .117 ¡"i 10 .111 0'. 238 123 1»,». 140 117 .lfiO 135 140 124 7.1 n 70 170 ITS lo». 100 220 Ä«i5 112 m 12a IM 167 D2 li¬ li«! 215 70 140 144 IM) »«15 70 140 1 SB IM r.-5 l«-8 190 140 M IIH IM H)o 110 IM M 40 IM !7«) -i ..'¦" 243 , 14 -:¦ 1.2 Iwantii .103 ¡*ü KILLS HIMSELF IN HOI Former Yale Student Made Care¬ ful Plans for Suicide. CUTS THROAT WITH RAZOR Body Found When Lawyer Gets Letter from C. B. Clark, Telling of Intentions. Carefully planning his act. which. aceord- Inn to his friends, he had threatened **.**«¦ eral times b.-f,>re, Charles B Clark, of the class of Pn\ at Tain Unl*»*ers!ty. cut hi« throat with a razor at the Hotel Hermitage, Seventh avenue, n««*ar 42d street, early >es- terday morning, and was found about four hours later, when his lawyer. Ashhel P. Pitch, to whom he bad arrttten of his in¬ tention the night before, railed IIP the hotel A member of the fale Club who had known Mr. «lark for a nnmher of years said that the net was a result of his mel¬ ancholic disposition. Mr. Clark, this acquaintance explained, had made a plucky fi«rht niratnst a weak¬ ness which seemed to be hereditär«'. For about four years before his father died he had successfully fought it off, but the death of his father had been the means of plunRintr hltn Into the ml-lst Of It again. About two yarará ago, he said, he had bass asked to leave tii.- TsJe Club be. aus.- of this Ttiillng. and had pon.- West for i time, on the advice of his physl« tan There tie ha-1 undergone a COTS which had enabled him to abstain from it fot the last eigh¬ teen months. Clark was nevertheless of a particularly nervous disposition, be went on. smoking sometimes S«. to ISO «-Igarettes B day, and often drinking lèverai cup« of strong COf« fea for breakfast, with nothing else. He bad besides some trouble with his hip, Which made him lame He was a sandy little fellow, though. In spite of it all,'* said his friend I sup¬ pose at last the strain became too much for him The proprietor of the Algonquin Hotel, where «"lark had lived stnre last August, received a note from him In yesterday morning's mail, dated -it the Hermitage. It read: "Dear «'ase: I don't want to do the trick in your hotel, so came orar bata. Lo >k after my valu.i bl» : This had been posted apparently at the same time as the H tr.-r to Mr. Fitch which led to the dir-roverv of the Mr. Fitch's brother, associated with him In 'he law firm of Fitch. Ifott A- »"-tant, ¡aid that the letter gave no retMOfl for the act, and merely nmarked that something w-as lia¬ ble to happen " Mr Clark, he added, had made a will several months ago, «rhlcb was still on file in the office. Immediately on the receipt of the letter Mr. Fitch called up the hotel and found that an attempt had been made t.. reach Mr. «'lark about an hour before by tele- phono, but without SU. ' - SS. This was doubtlsaa In ac4*ordance w.tti the call for i».so o'clock mornlns srhlcb irk had left at the desk WhSb engaging the room the night before A porter was sent up to the mom when Mr. Fitch's call came, an<l he found the body on the ll'.or of the bathroom, fully dad. A sear«-h of the rooms by Coroner Holts« hauser revealed an open letter running: Please i acuse « he trouble have Just comunícate erlth the FaJe Club, Ko ,11 West i4tii street and they will look after me. Please have no notoriety," and another card, on which was written "A P. Fitch. No n Nassau street, 10 Th.- dead man's mother, Mrs- ."i.-.r- «lark, lias lived at th<- .Murray Hill Hotel for the inst tant yean On asarlas son's act yesterday she weal ta the noms Of bar Sister, Mrs W I! Moue, at No III Bavst Ktk street. Queries there were re¬ ferred t.. Edgar T Wells, living at 'he \<>- semlte, No. HO l'ark avenue, un uncí»- of Mr «lark, who said that his nephew had remained at college only three years, leav¬ ing without bis degree His father« b< was Edmund s .'buk, formerly "f the lina ,.-- Danforth «'lark A Co., drygooda mer¬ chants of Boston. The Clarka had lived ¡n Framlnchain, B suburb "f Boaton, since Colonial tim«-s. young Clark had entered the New York once of hl firm, Mr \»'«-lls r«- marked, after leaving college, and had gone fr<>ni there Into tii«- real eatate buai- His father had left him an Inde- for some past he had b.. n engaged U c..-uiation lie had ri" Ides why be shouia haw- killed himself, he said. MARTIN EMPHATIC ON STAND Witness at Cummin? Trial Denies Con¬ nection with Carnegie Trust Co. Bradley Martin, Jr., 1 of the Nln< Ward Bank, a ho was ¦ a Itn th.- trial of William J Cummins, eon- ¦' ted of larceny, while an official <.f the arMfria Trust Company, «.¦...-. again s wit- .... «j y the Bui reme « "oui I took occasion t.» deny hotly that \ ]. e-prearid« nl of the Can igh his name wai used on stau.. .-.My i oft« n used "n n rv, but it was unauthorized and fiiiudul« at, Martin was testifying In the a by the Nineteenth Ward Bank, now the Becurity Han.., to recover 111,000 on a note uiade by Mrs. Anna Estelle Kldd, mother« ln-law of the ¡at.- Chartm C Dlcklnaon, '- m of the '-il ii' sie comí Kldd never received any Mneid« ration for th<« note, n being promisod that the paper would be paid out of the pr- im mer secretan of un« whlcb in turn was secured by notes m ade b) Cummins and others. None of ti.-- pap« r was s Jury save s «-> di t I *:.¦.'' 0 against Mn, Kldd. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MIMA 1U. AI.M \N.\c. Sum .-> 7 OX; > « i ¡ ;;. HIGH WATER, A M l M h ... .... Il 4", 12 .".il 11. .1 '¡a'-. . WIRELESS REPORTS. ; |4M Il Oh ..t lu Hool il i. .¦> .. >i «lerda) US et repoi '. .i .,. t INCOMING STEAMERS. TO DAI \ rwet, i m. I * ipolli ItS.. A * Ma. a in,'.i w 4ri I : | ,. il IS I to Mi Uli Il Hamb am «i.ulan« .i Pilar seLarriatuj . .- OUTER APPAREL MILLINERY^* ...V*3 FOR WOMEN, MISSES W.JUNIORb ARE HOLDING Important Sales AS FOLLOWS: Smart Street Frocks at $35j38&s42 Very exceptional values in plain and fancy-tailored models.FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $75. Afternoon and Evening Wraps at $65, s75, '85 to $150 Imported Models and Adaptations FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $300. Dinner and Evening Gowns At Greatly Reduced Prices A Sale of Hats at $10 FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $33 Dress and Semi-Dress Hats At Reductions of One-third FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $75 Smart Tailor-made Suits at $35 Plain and fancy models. FORMERLY $50 TO $65 French Chiffon Blouses at $25 New Pars models, in shades to match tailored costume». Fashionable Fur Sets at $42 and up Luxurious Fur Coats at$125 and up Purchases made between now and December 1st will be charged on bills rendered Januarv 1st fifth flwnue at 46th Street AMUSEMENTS. I AMUSEMENTS. «JthAv .4.1.1-n«h D'lyMts.3.Best8eats$l Br.a WINTER GARDEN RSS tu^oblo MAT. TO-DAY, 50c, 75c, BEST SEATS, SI BI«; NEW MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. AROUND THE WORLD "VERA VIOLCTTA* <>nhy Dealy», Annette Kellermann NEXT Thi Imperial nu Pop Prlc+i -.1 \. Balalaika iinhi-.ira. Beata Now. AND INDERFI L STAR CA8 Mutine«. I lu,itU«ßi\ Ine Hay. I VBM IM, W B*way. B-/«-i B15. I MAXINE Thea.. 39th.'wav A «Sth Avs. LlnlU M.i« T-m'"-, Thank«.*'*. Sai. ELLIOTT'S Kvh.H 1.V M*ta.To'«V,ThnkSS;..8<St. LITTLE BOY BLUE THE IRISH PLAYERS operetta. LI I I kl- BUI «VLUb To-nl-rht, Wad. a W7eA. Mat., Thank«. ni »wur.iior s- k ot i ¡«-."-Bryant Mst. a NIahl, 'Ths JallOsts'" 4 ..Tha 1 PLAYHOUSE I, ; g ,. M,i To4Vw.T*itkï| Bat \?\ of xt* W.#"«rn1 Wo; Id"; FH. jfc Bat. umir>i<T * %iik n Ain .,,.n Mat. * Main. Ih» liuliilin- fu-il. K.ith- BOUGHT AND PAID IOR £.¦ nTHoullluw" a -Tua Workboue. WsM.** _ irni/ram for n»x' fNk. Bastí now Men., Com.r-.COMEDT.41.* I atjrnag. fehr^W'Ä A*¿vf IbunT^b. ííaS" BUSTY PULLS THE STRINGS ;%<:% *,3SJ¡L*ñs¿ .¿§* MATINEE THANKBaiVINO DAT *J?VI: Tn* Jlf''t1*t" * Ml'"'1 Mi******?: CASINO. I«'y, :u«ih. Bv.8:10 Mata.T*» MTB ST. THEA., 39th. naar B*way Krgo.t:7A\ LAST 7 tUC tfICC mil T7 MataTom'w., TUC Uli ! j f| U TIM1 Int MJJ TfALIA . s-» ,2 M I 11 C ItliLLl ÜB BBOADWATThaa Hat S- a B*y. Erea I DALY'S ' ;.'¦¦¦.?.?¦¦ :'^»'^THENEVER H0MtSM! !A** VIOJ-jA AHmALb^N MAMHATTANO^HouWjiirh* 8th Av. Ev.l Henryl and Eiceptlonal Company I *-"* w^*" Mts. Tora'w.Thsnka»lv'a A S«t. J THE LADY OF COVENTRY ffij " SOTHERN ,V.,\ MARLOWE i: keapearean repertoire Priesa25r.f 1.50. '.*."' HERALD SQR. " " ¦ * ¦'*¦''h Bys.s:ib. I to-nioh "H am let' ikas Bat.|fTÊ8T END, l'J.Vb. W of 8th Ave Bvêe h .u WIFE HUNTERS '!'\M.':\r: ^,fm... SIMON: '"M ¦<. Mexico, Nov. 22 Am H ¦.«atoa, N'iv 23 ..So Pas Till Its'HA V. NOVEMBEB M, rl hat Soul nampton, No» 23 *(.*r of Grenada Trinidad, Ño« ih.Trinidad */..i. .; i N L-",. I" r-i ira« N v 22 .i:«-'l Quebe. M ... i- i-, Sa IS.. .Hain 1. Am mello. Ri Soi IS. ranluni ..Haw :. in«, Ño« L.'. ..-.. pad »all. OUTGOING STEAMERS. DAI Venc»l For. Lli «all« in "" »in I2:i Ouetx 11:80 a m I "" m 1- (Hl 111 :1:1m p m 1 totf am, Holl Am l" '*>. a ni ¡- l io p m Bav - 1:00 p m WEDNESDAY, NO*. BMBER To 'i. Cunard 8 10 n !' 00 a m i: M B i' 8 00 a tu 00 h m .... Red . B:I0 I m 12:'*» ni irh « l«l, Çhrde i" '«.a m 12:00 m Il Bl i. Ward 12 oai m ;i On p rn * Mi ':. H.iii I. Vin ,'l;iMi p m Austrian.. k nvilli. Clyd« - 1 ¦oo p m su.-; Marc «. Oalvatrtea, Ma i OS a a TMURSDAT, NOVEMBER 0 Mam i"r. h, ii ? i»i a m i" or» ¦ ra !, 7 h -i m 10 00 a m 10:00 a m 12:00 m m Monte«. id<,. ..2:00a m 8 00 ¦ m m, r'olotn r P Co ¡' 80 -i. 12 i«o m ¦- % .- S.-00 .i in iL'i>" m ,,|. nhafen, B V - 2 M p m . o p m iwlcl M '..- "" p h. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Ctoaa in M, Y P.M. "r -ii N.iv 30, «1:30 rali Jai Ina, I'lilllp- K De«: 1, 1:30 iorangl .I«*c 2. C.30 Japan, ¦ ne» (via pre«« of India Da », SJO i. iiiii.i. Philip- « ¦.. Sbli >..¦ Hani Dae a «V30 Hawaii « .-' m ii .. larra.Di 11. 6 30 rea. ., Philippine« tria s-.iiti. Mini tanta I'«*e 11, 6:30 1 ... A'llb«! ,Dee M. Ml ; Bemoan 1 i ...... !" H, I :«0 Marque«« - Praa Mart].. ' Dee B, 6-30 Hand.Dss '-.'¦ I 30 SHIPPING NEWS Port of Ncv; York, Monday, November 27, 1911 Al'.HIVI.I» no «ii Qlorgie (Nor), Pert An- : ilantl Prull <'o. uni, fruit, i ai ti.« iur at Ia ra, i-1 -,..¦, No«, .ii,! er .. 21, i I.ii:«. u Itb s and liar ut 1 ¿i ii, .' Il I i.mii .rt; Se ira «H-- rl. ..ii Lina, v* Itn 28 .,- h..- Iaht, 2Sth HI«.,.- I tori \ni«.nl.» '... i: inen im: -i Una -.. with ,.t ., :.«i n m , Ilri ..i« .I. Mahl« ii Trini la 18 and Bar- 20, t Ii. with 20 lt.- llar 81 11 -*> ,ii« tVII m «.' 1 II i '. ina and Quanta 8 .... I a | 14 \ «'.-'¦... .,i .i .! dut. Ii '.«. 1 ton la inn ¦ t..i.«r si I, M id Uifc Cui.aid - j Oe, LU. «Aitu Ui «.«bla and «jagen and nul?*. Arrived a' the Har at i:<Bl a m. Itoamer Transport iRri, l'olastlne Oetoher IS, Mi DtevMeo 28 nn.i St i.u»-ia November l«. Is the n Be Une, with quebracho «rooa .\i rlvril ¡a ti,»- Har at 7 a in. inter «Cymric «nn. Liverpool November 17. to the whit- sar Line, with mdse Arriv« the Bsr 8 '.'4 n m Bterunei hi oriente, fiaheston November "-'. to the Bouthern raeiti«* <'o. with mdse in Quarantine at 8:18 a is Steamer Manna Hats, Baltimore, to the New York and Baltimore Trsaspoitatlon Co, irlth mdoe. Passed in Quarantine at 7:18 i n Bteamer Momus, N»-w Oriesni Novembei 23, to . he Bouthern Paclfl Ca, arlüt passenger! ai mdae Passed In Quarantine at 7:08 Hi i. it» rmuds No* embñ 25, Banden with u«! passengers, malli an.I mdae. trrived si the Bsr 10 Ptaamsr Argentina lAuati, Trísate N vetnber ¦4. Patrsa 8, Palermo 8, Orsg 11 and Halifax 24, to Plielpa H-"-» 8 Co, «rtNi <.** first cabin, IS8 «*¦- on»i '-atiiii and T.'.:. iteerage psasnnarra and mdae, in «Quarantine al 840 p n Bteamei Naasovts (tfert, Santos November 4. Rio »i« Janeiro .> and Barbadoa 18, to Fun i, Bdye a Co, with mflse. Anchored In Q'iarantlrie at 0:24 i> m Bteamer Beauraaca, « 'lentuego, November 13, igo 21 and Nsssau 28, u> the New Tort il i Msll Ba Co, wlti issongsrs, mslli and mdae Paaaed In Bandy Hook al 10:28 p Busmer Carib, Gootgetown, s C, November 24 .md Wilmington, N «'. ü". to lbs Clyde Be Co with passengera and snAss. Anchored <»ff Am¬ ir»«" Channel Lightship at fl:30 p m. Btea Bi Mli leí Bi », «'. I n Beptember 17. i. tob, - », Port BaM 24 an tlgiers N «ember 2. to t';" Americsn Asiatic «'o, with nidae; vessel to C P Bumner a Cs, Arrrl ti Bar al i p m Bteamer Allemannls "'.en. Purl as Prince, el to the Hamburi Americas Une with leeenjteVs, malla and mdae. Outside the Bsr si 8:38 p m sir.iv Hook, N I, Not TI, 8*80 p m Wl souih-soiiiiieas». iaht bresss; t.irtiv cloudy; », , en hor light mo SAILED. --....¦< Delaware (Br), Manchester; Clear fl.-id (Br), Flushing: Hsmllton, Noria Newpcin Nswi; Katahdlo Brunawlck. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. AHI!I\ ED id, Nov 2T Marengo Hr». Hull tot Hem V»»rk. Plahcuard, Not -7. I'M p si Mauretanla (Br), Now sort for «r i»ol (and pro Antwerp, Not i'-. T:S0 a. m Lapland (Belg), New rfe i la Dovor Annra. Not 28, H a in Wn, 7.1a il'rl. NOW Tort f..r Uaboa, tTrglrr. etc Havre, No« -.">, 8 s ¦ La Bretagne (Fr), Nen Tort 28 Cameronla Mri. Now York Mi M»»ville \rl No« -7 ('.jil (Bf), N'-w V rk and NOT folk Qlbraltar, No 27 PrlnseM Iren- (Oer), (Isa Tort for Naplee and Qenoa (and rmxvededj London, Not il Mlnneeraska (Br*>, Ne« st Michaela, No« -7 Oro*ava (Br), Bouthamp New Tort % la Kingston, pi. Plymouth, Nov 2T. 8:18 p m Prealdent Oraat lOr), Sam York for Cherbourg sad Hsm I. ¡i | »und ].:¦¦. 'i Bremen, Nov it. .1 m Barbaroaaa (Oer), Neu rort I'nnta Delgada Mot 28, il u m Roma fr) and Uabon foi ' nn Bald Notr .7 Cm ahoga iBr), New York via Algtera. : tntonl (Bpan), San v k lia ''adir; 24th. Btorfond (Nor), Nés Tort » lyrea, N n Marj (Br) Roaarlo, Nov it Atrktan Monarch (Br), Née, n st t.»i. i., an La Lin de Janeiro, Nov 34 ui Pris .. Br), Nos Tort Brlatol, No« 28 New York dtj» (lin. Nei k (Br), To ,.i i Ne« I for Y.iko'iiiii.. Nov 27 Thami « (Br), Ni ¦ To ¦¦¦ Aniiterdam. Not |B l'rins Willem lu (Dutch) < w liidk -. l'en« ueia un, Havi »y, N S W, Nov. %t ii-n et AHM- i .i" Pown, BAILED l'i.. theui Hierl Ne» Y»», k -.'i afghan l'un' ¦ iir.. v Y irk i i Plat «. N"v H 'viol île «i.i No« -H. m Priai rriedrlc! tVI Italm 1er Uk-iii. u anj south aii.i/tun). New rk James McCreery & Co. 23rd Street 54-th Street MEN'S HABERDASHERY, m Both Stören UNUSUAL SALE SHIRTS, NECKWEAR ANIj PAJAMAS. On Tuesday and "Wednesday, November the S8th and 29th. 400 dozen shirts, plain, plaited and soft bosoms. 1.0(1 ralue I SI GOO dozen Scarfs, made of Enr/Usli and French Silks. 50fl each i «In«««. I .m and I ".0 75 dozen Pajamas, made of Imported Madras. 1.35 value 2.00 23rd Street 34th Street xi$^3 «¿Vat «it?^ Ship-shape for early Christ¬ mas shoppers. That's us. Last January our buyers began scouring Europe for all sorts of unusual novelties. Odd pieces mostly, two or three of a kind, for our notion was to get together a great variety of the most attractive sort of presents, not many of any one sort, and not too costly. Quaint, ingenious, practical things for man's personal com¬ fort at home, traveling, motor¬ ing, at his office desk. Also really charming things for women, which it will be a relief to men to find in a man's store. Dainty work baskets, vanity hags, trinket boxes, all sorts of distinctive gifts to please her. Just an idea of the scope of the stock: Traif-llna Hn.-k«. anil watch«* Stan« ar\A m«»«l i-lock«". TVatrh Btanil.« i.a-!!<««' beaded ta««. Ladles' vellí Or«*ra a'a*«-«.« M»'ai ealaaSere t«*Htlier stationary raMii»»t« Leatfteff phot" rases an«« frame«. Ketal rlffarf-tff a* «»<->«.«. p.h recorreré, «o bbmbI easaa Maaleara aeta an«i .-i«»« t «atiw t.or.k uotaaa, ComMnatton J«w«*i. g\n\<. and .!* ram.. Travellns rnedfctoa chests. .i«-w-««! eaeea Trump mark««!» ¦..1!.« uttr'«.»«. Key rlialn« !': isks in leat*twr and ni-kM cases. M"ta! llKhu-m. BltveS mat- li box'1«,. Novettj* pencil«. i^r tf.h.i«-co pi-mrh«*s with briar ripe. '; asa -c»¡ette t-'xe«. Musical <?!o- Most of them just unpacked and shown in our stores to-day for the first time. Roc.lrs Peet v-v Company, Three Broadway Stores at at at Warren St. 13th St. 34th St AMUSEMENTS. | The Hill Wunder of the World THE BHiaOEN UCRTUnY el BStVfJCol i:vat I Sharp. Mat« \v. ,Thaaaa*a «t p.«t at 2 Re it« on .--'.i - to 1 >r .;.. pr| . ¦ .m.,- ,,, j_« .-,,, Mill I âP¥'Ç i'««'V-.m!-ti'ti. st eVears 20 nRLLAbrX a -.: ajad., Thanka*« \- Sal obokobARLIHS DI8RAEL1 "Triumph f-.r author and actor." Bra sm. '"-"CnUlU rhaat« B'waj S IS St. m. uunan M ,.. xhuw .«< s,,t ¦_».«,-,. «There nuata in tin« nun.- COHAN 'i he Hi llllaat I te. eaa a THE LITTLE MILLIONAIRE icrnis B'way. 4.1th i-:«. - «»i.» *.!.«.¦-w-.i. Ad I Uli Thu . $1 10 CRISP WITH HUMOR, PLOT IS FUNNY. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK TH£RED WIDOW Hl W.»ejca in Advance VOLPE SYMPHONV .SiM-irt» «it Ni-w \ «irk. B ABNOLI1 VOLPE < i.n.lii«-t«ir 1(1 IMII I'll «. *>>/.. l.irii-i,lr- Hull. IOM..III \T 8:18. SYMPHONY \ Y 1 k W Ml I It IHMIKM II. »pductor. Tin: t:\ 11 !.Y THE vTRE, N«-\t sini.M, \fi li,-«-. :t. at :i. I«.« II MI.Ot.YKKY PBOOKAM. ytnnhonj and Kelectlona "Kuk.ii.« On« III a lor« rtea Hlnkl«, s».,ran.' Mr. John Barn«« w 11«, Tenor \mi lonn H.11 n»«. well«, '-""' I " et« t.. pi ..' r.-.4 ifllea mi.1 S 1 w :iuii m .....m m y INEMACOLOR K i"1 h, n'r H v«.«« -.' ::.i a s «a i.ioKiois M.\\ i-iiiini « 1 |,,s HITURE'S WINDERS ! Ä? .S8BII Mi i;«ii. \,vV \ t'-i \ -i' ZTth, Bai ana .Hi \ kork for Po i'* ñu». N01 28 n if n ii.iiri.ur iBr), Nr» tork lui \\ Kinr«ul«. Nov 'J7 .. ».ni<ien» Br). New York fur htaiiehastsa. They Wear Red=Man ' »I.I.ARS. All Styles. .RT. ,-v VVI1 SON AMUSEMENTS. VI« VOBK8 I EADING nil ukf» GARRICK Kxtra Matine,- I hunk-uiv mr Day. WM. H. CRANE The Senator Keep* House ' CIIDI9E Lmrin«- MtaTon Matinee« This U-ek-Tnm n Unir« Set. LAST 5 NIGHTS LA MAT!: EE8 JOHN DREW ,.,.,, Hi ZStES ETHEL BARRYMORE In THE WI rNESS F< FBNi*l LYPFIIM MISS PILUE BiJRKE Mata T i 15. la»! S NikIii». Laal t Hat, rHF. HI > KMaW WEXTTCMDA1 NAZfMOVA i'hk m \kiom i rr«. Clll Trial formerly ruLiun i«ti WÍLLIAM COLLIER ,KSV** DID If rflnlV 11- r<»-M IRR<>W MAT rs $1 5* EXTRA I H VNKX.H «v«, MAT IIURS. The Quaker Girl HUDSON " i EXTRA TIHVKM.IVIM, M\l I III RS HELEN WA E the price THIS AKT ERN« »ON ! : I Perfi-flEfSb A' TORS' THF. Sf'ARKI'ROM. FI.-NP T*l«h FRANK KM« Hit IK.DDIC "'"" »-'i Bi «W nnrnld Thankealvta* ROSE SUHL Jli KNICKERBOCKERS DONALD THE BRIAN SIRfcN Bf*. Niallt. Per. Hi.FARETVFI.I vir.HT CRITERION Matinee» TliU R'scfc. I «JSSS llmr» <t «Sat. PASSERS-BY New Amsterdam ",. .* Mutine-« Thl« Ueek- I "in «».'. Thai«, *-*t. K m a- Brtsnger'a M .. lava ^¿the PINK LADY j IRFBTV v LUMSKI1 uta »lj DUSTIN & WILLIAM I ARNUM rip!«. THL LITTLEST REBEL UAIi.ll i nissa THOMAS A WIRE .. IHN BARH NEXT MONDAI ',vr,_ tLSIE FER01S0N NEW YORK KITTY GORDON THE ENCHANTRESS Joe Weber's ^j; ..5 THE WIFE DECIDES "». (il OKI^*~ THE THREE ROMKOS A N. I ,1 UNCLE SAM METROPOLITAN icVt lii-iiiorri.« K\r. * R Lu til.n Deal Inn OiTldi v. .'true* Amato, 'i" Ses » Unir«. iliMiiksKltinK Matines Vatatai Mme i Ml "'r' .»rît man. K\a Il Tr«n r. M in»* Oadakl, n .'. MM M Ko**1 Audlelo Mil In. I.i« It H Ko<-nlR«kiniler -. i*»r' v M - * Dldur, Cond vit. Mat. Mda. m . «i "*.'" «i., u.-1. Rpai i; mm «¿t* ot Bad «vil hi; |*.ii Irl, .-. llottrm* . I'!»'*- Next Week: Mon. Iv* R'-" l*uKiiii<-< I. Mm.. Olurk; MM v ':. Haeaw llll,I «,re|r| M « A '. *bt*' Mr, ', H IRIH1AS l'l \ S < urn,-ale I »«.inn. Mondai; Evenina. t>** 1 FLO NZALEV -»Jl \KTIT-I I .., ,.r|,.*| Ml M- . U'mIm« \fl I'» '". *'J ALDA a Tl (a At \m§J SCHUMANN-HEINK ,ri1 i.»«-** Boats T...-. to |-j »'H' ' * Man ia< \i.;h \ - K RTKREOI'1 If« >S K< ... ... a M\l>l-M>\ AVEMK IIHOKMH' «II «*p «III V| I. \\|l M \|ll»(l\ til*" and M IDMIHMION MO » noLomiL ;,^.:,;v^.r* "D'ljrjiat. tar. Walter f. Kell». 'r' «. ALHAMBRA >okwokth, »'*.*.'.»??? "D'il Mat.tHrHa Frremont llenloo. <*.» ¿ BELASCO Vf* DAVID BEI A- " Pi - ' ¦».*1AHM .v Of WARFItXU ..îSrïSïSfe. | i enreria.*t *>«> *4 I u meal» Mull. Tae«kdaj \fi I«. "-«..J MINti RKI RAJ Mass, i R \n< i> :^<-. to *!. Knabe r .. < urii,Kle Mull -v ' 8 f-A REPUBLIC w m v w rim 'i . aj THE WOMAN H\> IN «> Murr« \ «n l'\'"'!.ottti--- i-.'.i st .oí»* nu ÄCAÜEMY ;;: n'r:.: sakso; MiaXE CI>EMATOûBAJPII tUU

Transcript of ML OF GIS Hill TRADEJA/ATER KILLS IN HOI James McCreery Co. · MLOF GIS Hill Court Dismisses Juror...

Page 1: ML OF GIS Hill TRADEJA/ATER KILLS IN HOI James McCreery Co. · MLOF GIS Hill Court Dismisses Juror for Ex¬ pressing an Opinion. WOMAN SAYS HE TALKED Declares Terry Hinkle Told Her

ML OF GIS HillCourt Dismisses Juror for Ex¬

pressing an Opinion.


Declares Terry Hinkle Told HerYoung Women Who Shot StokesWould "Be Sent Up, All Right."The trial at the two nhow **ti >'' «*'

i sad LflKaa Graham, ehargad mtihptlnfl the Ufe Of W B D. Ptokes Inst

4i-.-.-tr-'iiv interrupt«***, jreater-' lar. us. In the Criminal

of the Bupr. me '"-¡r*. bj the a th>ror for pl*ej**dlc**. Mr«

trida vit in which aha swore thatKo SU Weal UOth «treat,

tnrot No n. hadtwo girl defend«

when tho wat «Ünlntr arilQt'.icir si«s*-ttnent|

trial basjaaThrrP WSJ S hrrrl«*«. conference In JtSStlCft

.ourt opened be-

District attorney «tackaer,who is pr04 tad ' lark I«,

.lordon n: M Moor* «oum-i farnoes was |

and Diifle her statement lintSer oatb «Vheall hand.-« returned to oonrt Hinkle «S

aumrr. thai by ».vice Marcus. Who|told him that he had dlf'teyed the tasrtruc-

of the- eoort In dipo.ueslng tlThe Justice enntiottai t

to do HkewtMIt wa.« hcaeA to retain the «¦¦¡«.¦ver

J-.irora. in order not to delà*/ proceeding*«by a BÜStrial. An effort was made to

cure a twelfth mror from several membersel of talesmen who happened I

be lr. f*OUrt, but none of them could qual'.fvit will hf, selected from the

remainder of «h« panel to-dav. ami Mr

Moors will coottatis Uta cicas sssirrlnstioaof Mr. Btoh he ha/1 not com;>l««tedwhen rourt adjourned on Prl«iay.In mbstanee. Mrs Holme? stated in her

n pad dined -with the Hin¬kle* on Frliiav nluht. at the invitation OfMrs Hinkle. at the latter s apartnvnt, in

the Hendri« k Hudson. In West 110th

Iff Hinkle ram.« in la*«\ she said. an>1spolosjlsetl for splalafng that hewas SSTVtni fls a .''iror In thfl OfS BJB-Con«*hA r,«.p Mrs. Holmes told him she knew

.. the ca.-e, and thereupon Hii!-r.lained the. <*a«e to her and i

the hlsroiv of the two «¿Iris on trial, shedeclared T! e» affidavit continued:

ftltarwart Mrs. Hinkle npoko up. and

BAM t S omen were brazen thing»end ficht to ho tarr-d ;tnd fathered, andthat fhe wo'ild take pleasure in doinK ItHer huaband icspor.ded. and sud: Ton

-e»d to worry ai.out they «jrltap, all rlsht.' Mrs H;r.k!e said it

"¦¦as a pity that a man like Mr. Stokes

f-hould be accused of thing«, iiku that byIhsas w" men, to which Mr. Hink'- re

e<3 that the whole ,- that th«srasaeo defendants were not satisfied withth".r Station in life, und «ver.- anx:-

rid- in nutomo:>i¡fs and have fine clothes,willing- to do to get

them.' "

ri that Mrs Holmes la identified-or Woman m. vement, ar.-i

I ikf-n a lively interest Inpublic, ma'- ... conpcier.« e t,

Mr. Hinklethat am'. «-...

micht result, it was said.her lawyer,

dvtsed !;er to tellMr J©r-

Palllaai'a «>f!i-^." bring the

ttei the.1 BtOOd I'l'

-.!'«¦ MarcusThe

ai him. Hinkle pickedt and hurried from the

Later or. lie ilen:.-d that.iso with Mrs. Holmea. He

1 w wholp an ac-pialntance of in lied ;it

ni r oí Fridaysj'Ok-in «"ft

n Mrs.Holmes and my wife I deny moat emphatl«

as to

I|[fl t

lih- rty 1 rt sa t a court

had Insti not to do sa. 1 vrlsh to

.-ay fun her tliat In my mind I had notd any opinion -¦¦



with a ral rfor sixty


names; 4MXCHANGJ



1.« Id BJ¦ark)^Bar.

Six '

aPJSr' n« I-S44Hfi«S» !«:. 4

8 H4" to at, :<.«»

I-"..; ton, par;com-

im; St

K !.!: TRINOS N ..-. V -ik. ex«

-, 11.->, t-al-

;. , *."


1 loaed ;it 25 11 lid.<;<»I,I> PREMIUM. In *¦'



Mailed anywhere m the United States,0 .i .ear.

¡S*1«--*** See ThemLight Your New House with

"Miller"Electric, Gas or Combination

FIXTURES LIMPSll,<- Deals** At* lleaullful <'n;ilit4 line.

The \»«,»rl iin-ut Imluil.-« \ti ««(jl.-v

For Wedding and Holiday GiftsPort ' at. Uaeful

"Miller" Smokeless Oil Heatersf«

r>"t',.rh, ikOUtd hOVt Mill'' ffOOdt forani. - can buy fron

Edward Miller t&Co./V.^w;'«v.... abed ISM. t/.- f Tin« Ad. I

TO TRADEJA/ATER FOR LANDStover Offers Silver Lake for

iUse as a Reservoir.

Turk « ommissioner Ftover ha* Informedromml'jslimsi Thonpaon of the water Ds-partment that Silver Lake ami on«* other

body of «rater In Silver lynk»* Park, Statrn

Island, "HI t».' turn.«l mer t»> the Water

Department f.«r reservoirs, provided cer-

taln lands outaMe the prenant bo-.ndarics ofthe park are oded to the Park Depart¬ment The proposed exchance comes n? a

result of ¦ conference of the two commis¬sioners on the suh.i<"-t.

Ofdlnsj to < oinmlsslonor Stover thin

would preatly increase the size

of the (»irk At present it has an expanseof «abtut tlfty-slx aeren. By carrytnK out

the proposed'plans the park would bs 2,'>7

aerea in extent."It is now up to «ommissioner Thomp¬

son." said Park «'ommissioner Plover.

"Tho Tnrk P.-partment. however, will not

gire ':i> Silver Lake, without som» thin« In

exchange, and that something 1 have rlear-

ly «Spoken of to the Water Commicalooer."At i resent 1 have a fund of ty,\osm avail¬

able for tha »levelopment of Bitter l«Hk<*»Park, and I hope to have things ander way

la a short time looking to its bettermentKven thougtl Bthrar I>ake, according to the

proponed bang«, woum not ho availablefor use. It would create ns a reservoir thesame sort of open space In Silver Lake

Park the reservoir does In rentraiPark. The land that would ho ceded to

the Park Department would mors than

make up for the loss of the lake and the

otbar small bodjr of water."Th*> rommission«-r said that thara was a

small waterway on the land he wanted In

ax« bangs for his lake, and this he couldmake Into a small lake.Work II te begin at once on a small

- nouas la Silver Lake Park Com¬missioner Stover spent a large part of *"**e-

ter-Jay In Staten Island with a committeeof Its citizens looking oxer the park.



Harveys Give Farewell Dinnerfor English Novelist.

lolonal George Harvev and Mrs Harvey

gave I farewell dinner In the St. Regislast night for Arnold Fennet*. the Englishnovelist, who sails for home to-morrow.

afore than one hundred guests, prominentIn literary and social circles, were present.John A. Dix. Governor of New York, pro¬

fite principal toast, "To the distin¬

guished guest of the evenlng-a pleasantvoyage an«i speedy return. May the flow¬ing well which feeds his fountain never

run dry."Speeches were made by ro]onel Henry

Wattereon, Dr. st. clair afeKatway, LaníasCtosser Hale. Kate Douglas Wtggin Rlgg«.Josephine Dodge Daskam, Augustus Thom-

-. n Wells and John Kendrick Rang."Among the guests were Governor and

afra Dix, Prank H. H.teh«cock, Postmas¬ter Genera!; Mr. and Mrs T. .1 OakleyRhinelander. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth,Mis^ Morgan, Mr and Mrs. RexReach. Mrs «Robert (Soelet, Mr. and Mrs.John W Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo

Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. J Borden Harrinrin,Mrs Burke-Rocba, Prank A. Vanderllp, Mr

and Mrs Don C Seltz, Mrs Ladonburg,Win Carlton, Mr* Binary, Mr. and Mrs"Thomas V, Lamont, win s. Harten, Mr.and Mr* Alexander <'. Humphries, Mr. andMrs- Albert Blgelow Palne. Mr. and Mi

unln Guinness, Mrs. Theod re Dralaer,J Mrs. Roben. Unitorwood Johnson,

. Bridges, Mr and Mr> Mark LeeLuther. Mr. and Mrs. Jame Oppenheim,JiiMus Miles Forman. Mr und Mrs EthanAllen. Miss Marie Van Vorst, HanRhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Zane Orey, Mr and

¦. ma Mboon, Mr. ¦ d M rEdward Stanford Martin. Mr. and Mrs.

H Doran, Chester s Lord, FrankWallis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ehnore More,Miss Katherine Jewell Dverts, Miss Elisa«beth cutting. Van fasse! Butphen, M1Elisabeth Jordan. Miss Am i' Paret, Mr.and Mr.- Henry NTUis AMen, Prank Cralg,Melville B Btone and Mr. and Mnford Hill.

TO DISCUSS TAX RATE REDUCTION.John J Hopper, Charles T. Root and

Mornay Williams will speak on the qnrp-tion of the gradual reduction of the rate

..,« »." on all bull'lings in the city atan Inf« ference to be held in theauditorium of the Merchants' Association,No. W . St, to-morrownoon. George White will "preside,

REALTY BONDS.(Heportr 1 try Pi-abody & Co., No. 42 Broadway.)

Am R< foldBroadway Ry Co

-.:,-. Ry Co, -d m.

«;.eel» Ry «'<»..lalî»

1 I' M '¦ \I 1' II v. of N Y, Mr B.MortSSf« 20 vr¦»

II H P >-ni»rXVI; fold mS Y Ry "-¦

T* B R I i-¦¦¦' ri-, t <l«h.

RBALTTAcharaos, T B «'o.¦

h Ce, pf..».

Quai «'o iaI Co

<*ity li;\' Itlnf i'', pf... 7«'Hv & tí ib Homei Oo ¦«

<^i.. 12i Co. 12

pf. loN Y Mit« ... 13

1st pf. 7«1

A. pf. ;.- Trust Co.. 20

a .n .6 .IB-fl -,

« -


Bid Ai-kf-d.{«-«4 Mi"2 jo-






«.»-.M MM i.:

¡rOSd lnifreyt '

;¦: gB

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Iwantii .103 ¡*ü

KILLS HIMSELF IN HOIFormer Yale Student Made Care¬

ful Plans for Suicide.


Body Found When Lawyer GetsLetter from C. B. Clark,

Telling of Intentions.Carefully planning his act. which. aceord-

Inn to his friends, he had threatened **.**«¦

eral times b.-f,>re, Charles B Clark, of the

class of Pn\ at Tain Unl*»*ers!ty. cut hi«throat with a razor at the Hotel Hermitage,Seventh avenue, n««*ar 42d street, early >es-

terday morning, and was found about four

hours later, when his lawyer. Ashhel P.

Pitch, to whom he bad arrttten of his in¬tention the night before, railed IIP the hotelA member of the fale Club who had

known Mr. «lark for a nnmher of yearssaid that the net was a result of his mel¬ancholic disposition.Mr. Clark, this acquaintance explained,

had made a plucky fi«rht niratnst a weak¬ness which seemed to be hereditär«'. Forabout four years before his father died he

had successfully fought it off, but thedeath of his father had been the means of

plunRintr hltn Into the ml-lst Of It again.About two yarará ago, he said, he had bassasked to leave tii.- TsJe Club be. aus.- ofthis Ttiillng. and had pon.- West for i

time, on the advice of his physl« tan There

tie ha-1 undergone a COTS which had enabledhim to abstain from it fot the last eigh¬teen months.Clark was nevertheless of a particularly

nervous disposition, be went on. smokingsometimes S«. to ISO «-Igarettes B day, andoften drinking lèverai cup« of strong COf«fea for breakfast, with nothing else. He

bad besides some trouble with his hip,Which made him lame

He was a sandy little fellow, though. In

spite of it all,'* said his friend I sup¬

pose at last the strain became too muchfor himThe proprietor of the Algonquin Hotel,

where «"lark had lived stnre last August,received a note from him In yesterdaymorning's mail, dated -it the Hermitage. Itread:"Dear «'ase: I don't want to do the trick

in your hotel, so came orar bata. Lo >kafter my valu.i bl» :

This had been posted apparently at thesame time as the H tr.-r to Mr. Fitch whichled to the dir-roverv of the Mr.Fitch's brother, associated with him In 'he

law firm of Fitch. Ifott A- »"-tant, ¡aid that

the letter gave no retMOfl for the act, and

merely nmarked that something w-as lia¬ble to happen " Mr Clark, he added, hadmade a will several months ago, «rhlcb was

still on file in the office.Immediately on the receipt of the letter

Mr. Fitch called up the hotel and foundthat an attempt had been made t.. reachMr. «'lark about an hour before by tele-phono, but without SU. ' - SS. This was

doubtlsaa In ac4*ordance w.tti the call fori».so o'clock mornlns srhlcb irkhad left at the desk WhSb engaging theroom the night before A porter was sent

up to the mom when Mr. Fitch's call came,an<l he found the body on the ll'.or of the

bathroom, fully dad.A sear«-h of the rooms by Coroner Holts«

hauser revealed an open letter running:Please i acuse « he trouble have

Just comunícate erlth the FaJe Club, Ko,11 West i4tii street and they will lookafter me. Please have no notoriety," and

another card, on which was written "A P.Fitch. No n Nassau street, 10Th.- dead man's mother, Mrs- ."i.-.r-

«lark, lias lived at th<- .Murray Hill Hotelfor the inst tant yean On asarlasson's act yesterday she weal ta the nomsOf bar Sister, Mrs W I! Moue, at No IIIBavst Ktk street. Queries there were re¬

ferred t.. Edgar T Wells, living at 'he \<>-

semlte, No. HO l'ark avenue, un uncí»- ofMr «lark, who said that his nephew had

remained at college only three years, leav¬ing without bis degree His father« b<was Edmund s .'buk, formerly "f the lina,.-- Danforth «'lark A Co., drygooda mer¬

chants of Boston. The Clarka had lived

¡n Framlnchain, B suburb "f Boaton, since

Colonial tim«-s.young Clark had entered the New York

once of hl firm, Mr \»'«-lls r«-

marked, after leaving college, and had

gone fr<>ni there Into tii«- real eatate buai-His father had left him an Inde-

for some

past he had b.. n engaged Uc..-uiation lie had ri" Ides why be shouia

haw- killed himself, he said.


Witness at Cummin? Trial Denies Con¬nection with Carnegie Trust Co.

Bradley Martin, Jr., 1 of the Nln<Ward Bank, a ho was ¦ a Itn

th.- trial of William J Cummins, eon-¦' ted of larceny, while an official <.f thearMfria Trust Company, «.¦...-. again s wit-

,«.... «j y the Bui reme « "oui Itook occasion t.» deny hotly that\ ]. e-prearid« nl of the Can

igh his name wai used on stau..

.-.My i oft« n used "n n

rv, but it was unauthorized andfiiiudul« at,Martin was testifying In the a

by the Nineteenth Ward Bank, now theBecurity Han.., to recover 111,000 on a noteuiade by Mrs. Anna Estelle Kldd, mother«ln-law of the ¡at.- Chartm C Dlcklnaon,

'- m of the '-il ii' sie comíKldd never received any Mneid« ration forth<« note, n being promisod that the paperwould be paid out of the pr-

im mer secretan of un«whlcb in turn was secured by notes

m ade b) Cummins and others. None of ti.--

pap« r was s Jury save s «->

di t I *:.¦.'' 0 against Mn, Kldd.


MIMA 1U. AI.M \N.\c.Sum .-> 7 OX; > « i ¡ ;;.


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\ rwet, i '¦ m.


ipolli ItS.. A* Ma. a in,'.i w4r i

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I to MiI«

UliIl Hamb am

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Pilar seLarriatuj . .-



Smart Street Frocks at $35j38&s42Very exceptional values in plain and fancy-tailoredmodels.FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $75.

Afternoon and Evening Wrapsat $65, s75, '85 to $150

Imported Models and AdaptationsFORMERLY SOLD UP TO $300.

Dinner and Evening GownsAt Greatly Reduced Prices

A Sale of Hats at $10FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $33

Dress and Semi-Dress HatsAt Reductions of One-thirdFORMERLY SOLD UP TO $75

Smart Tailor-made Suits at $35Plain and fancy models. FORMERLY $50 TO $65

French Chiffon Blouses at $25New Pars models, in shades to match tailored costume».

Fashionable Fur Sets at $42 and upLuxurious Fur Coats at$125 and up

Purchases made between now and December 1stwill be charged on bills rendered Januarv 1st

fifth flwnue at 46th StreetAMUSEMENTS. I AMUSEMENTS.

«JthAv .4.1.1-n«h D'lyMts.3.Best8eats$l Br.a


AROUND THE WORLD "VERA VIOLCTTA*<>nhy Dealy», Annette Kellermann

NEXT Thi Imperial nu Pop Prlc+i-.1 \. Balalaika iinhi-.ira. Beata Now.

AND W« INDERFI L STAR Mutine«. I lu,itU«ßi\ Ine Hay.

I VBM IM, W SÍ B*way. B-/«-i B15. I MAXINE Thea.. 39th.'wav A «Sth Avs.LlnlU M.i« T-m'"-, Thank«.*'*. Sai. ELLIOTT'S Kvh.H 1.V M*ta.To'«V,ThnkSS;..8<St.

LITTLE BOY BLUE THE IRISH PLAYERSoperetta. LI I I kl- BUI «VLUb To-nl-rht, Wad. a W7eA. Mat., Thank«.

ni »wur.iior l« s- k ot i ¡«-."-Bryant Mst. a NIahl, 'Ths JallOsts'" 4 ..Tha 1PLAYHOUSE I, ; g ,. M,i To4Vw.T*itkï| Bat \?\ of xt* W.#"«rn1 Wo; Id"; FH. jfc Bat.umir>i<T * %iik n Ain .,,.n Mat. * Main. Ih» liuliilin- fu-il. K.ith-BOUGHT AND PAID IOR £.¦ nTHoullluw" a -Tua Workboue. WsM.**

_irni/ram for n»x' fNk. Bastí now Men.,

Com.r-.COMEDT.41.* I atjrnag. fehr^W'Ä A*¿vf IbunT^b.ííaS" BUSTY PULLS THE STRINGS ;%<:% *,3SJ¡L*ñs¿ .¿§* gïMATINEE THANKBaiVINO DAT *J?VI: Tn* Jlf''t1*t" * Ml'"'1 Mi******?:

CASINO. I«'y, :u«ih. Bv.8:10 Mata.T*»MTB ST. THEA., 39th. naar B*way Krgo.t:7A\ LAST 7 tUC tfICC mil T7MataTom'w., TUC Uli ! j f| U TIM1 Int MJJ TfALIA

. s-» ,2 M I 11 C ItliLLl ÜB BBOADWATThaa Hat S- a B*y. Erea I làDALY'S ' ;.'¦¦¦.?.?¦¦ :'^»'^THENEVER H0MtSM! !A**VIOJ-jA AHmALb^N MAMHATTANO^HouWjiirh* 8th Av. Ev.l

Henryl and Eiceptlonal Company I *-"* w^*" Mts. Tora'w.Thsnka»lv'a A S«t. J

THE LADY OF COVENTRY ffij " SOTHERN ,V.,\ MARLOWEi: keapearean repertoire Priesa25r.f1.50.

'.*."' HERALD SQR. " " ¦ * ¦'*¦''h Bys.s:ib. I to-nioh "H am let'ikas Bat.|fTÊ8T END, l'J.Vb. W of 8th Ave Bvêe h

.u WIFE HUNTERS '!'\M.':\r: ^,fm... SIMON: '"M¦<. Mexico, Nov. 22 Am H

¦.«atoa, N'iv 23 ..So PasTill Its'HA V. NOVEMBEB M,

rl hatSoul nampton, No» 23

*(.*r of Grenada Trinidad, Ño« ih.Trinidad*/..i. .; i N L-",. I" r-i

ira« N v 22 .i:«-'l l»Quebe.

M ... i- i-, Sa IS.. .Hain 1. Ammello. Ri Soi IS. ranluni

..Haw :. in«, Ño« L.'. ..-.. pad



Venc»lFor. Lli «all«

in "" »in I2:iOuetx 11:80 a m I "" m

1- (Hl 111 :1:1m p m1totf am, Holl Am l" '*>. a ni

¡- l io p mBav - 1:00 p m

WEDNESDAY, NO*. BMBER To'i. Cunard 8 10 .« n !' 00 a m

i: M B i' 8 00 a tu 1» 00 h m

.... Red 1» . B:I0 I m 12:'*» ni

irh « l«l, Çhrde i" '«.a m 12:00 mIl Bl i. Ward 12 oai m ;i On p rn

* Mi ':. H.iii I. Vin ,'l;iMi p mAustrian..

k nvilli. Clyd« - 1 ¦oo p msu.-; Marc «. Oalvatrtea, Ma i OSa a

TMURSDAT, NOVEMBER 0Mam i"r. h, ii ? i»i a m i" or» ¦ ra

!, 7 h -i m 10 00 a m10:00 a m 12:00 m

m :¦ Monte«. id<,. ..2:00a m 8 00 ¦ mm, r'olotn r P Co ¡' 80 -i. 12 i«o m

¦- % .- S.-00 .i in iL'i>" m,,|. nhafen, B V - 2 M p m

. o p miwlcl M '..- "" p h.


N.iv 30, «1:30H« rali Jai Ina, I'lilllp-

K De«: 1, 1:30

iorangl .I«*c 2. C.30Japan, ¦ ne» (via

pre«« of India Da », SJOi. iiiii.i. Philip-

« ¦.. Sbli >..¦Hani Dae a «V30

Hawaii « .-' m ii .. larra.Di 11. 6 30rea. ., Philippine« tria

s-.iiti. Mini tanta I'«*e 11, 6:301 ... A'llb«!

,Dee M. Ml; Bemoan 1

i ...... !" H, I :«0Marque«« - PraaMart].. ' Dee B, 6-30

Hand.Dss '-.'¦ I 30


Port of Ncv; York, Monday, November27, 1911Al'.HIVI.I»no «ii Qlorgie (Nor), Pert An-

: ilantl Prull <'o.uni, fruit, i ai ti.« iur at I a ra,

i-1 -,..¦, No«, .ii,! er.. 21, i

I.ii:«. u Itb s andliar ut 1 ¿i ii,

.' Il I i.mii .rt; Seira «H-- rl. ..ii Lina, v* Itn 28

.,- h..-:¦ Iaht, 2Sth

HI«.,.- I tori \ni«.nl.»'... i: inen im: -i Una -.. with

,.t ., :.«i n m

, Ilri ..i«

.I. Mahl« ii Trini la 18 and Bar-20, t Ii. with 20

lt.- llar 81 11 -*>

,ii« tVII m «.' 1 II i

'.ina and Quanta 8

.... I a | 14 \«'.-'¦... .,i

.i.! dut. Ii '.«.

1ton la inn ¦ t..i.«r si

I, Mid Uifc Cui.aid - j Oe, LU. «Aitu Ui «.«bla and

«jagen and nul?*. Arrived a'the Har at i:<Bl a m.Itoamer Transport iRri, l'olastlne Oetoher IS,

Mi DtevMeo 28 nn.i St i.u»-ia November l«. Is then Be Une, with quebracho «rooa .\i

rlvril ¡a ti,»- Har at 7 a in.inter «Cymric «nn. Liverpool November 17.

to the whit- sar Line, with mdse Arriv«the Bsr n« 8 '.'4 n mBterunei hi oriente, fiaheston November "-'.

to the Bouthern raeiti«* <'o. with mdsein Quarantine at 8:18 a isSteamer Manna Hats, Baltimore, to the New

York and Baltimore Trsaspoitatlon Co, irlthmdoe. Passed in Quarantine at 7:18 i nBteamer Momus, N»-w Oriesni Novembei 23, to

. he Bouthern Paclfl Ca, arlüt passenger! aimdae Passed In Quarantine at 7:08

Hi i. it» rmuds No* embñ 25,Banden with u«! passengers, mallian.I mdae. trrived si the Bsr n« 10Ptaamsr Argentina lAuati, Trísate N vetnber

¦4. Patrsa 8, Palermo 8, Orsg 11 and Halifax 24,to Plielpa H-"-» 8 Co, «rtNi <.** first cabin, IS8 «*¦-on»i '-atiiii and T.'.:. iteerage psasnnarra and mdae,in «Quarantine al 840 p nBteamei Naasovts (tfert, Santos November 4.

Rio »i« Janeiro .> and Barbadoa 18, to Fun i,Bdye a Co, with mflse. Anchored In Q'iarantlrieat 0:24 i> m

Bteamer Beauraaca, « 'lentuego, November 13,igo 21 and Nsssau 28, u> the New Tort

il i Msll Ba Co, wlti issongsrs, mslliand mdae Paaaed In Bandy Hook al 10:28 pBusmer Carib, Gootgetown, s C, November Wilmington, N «'. ü". to lbs Clyde Be Cowith passengera and snAss. Anchored <»ff Am¬ir»«" Channel Lightship at fl:30 p m.

Btea Bi Mli leí Bi », «'. I n Beptember 17.i. tob, - », Port BaM 24 an tlgiers N

«ember 2. to t';" Americsn Asiatic s« «'o, withnidae; vessel to C P Bumner a Cs, Arrrlti Bar al i p mBteamer Allemannls "'.en. Purl as Prince, el

to the Hamburi Americas Une with leeenjteVs,malla and mdae. Outside the Bsr si 8:38 p msir.iv Hook, N I, Not TI, 8*80 p m Wl

souih-soiiiiieas». iaht bresss; t.irtiv cloudy;», , en hor light mo

SAILED.--....¦< Delaware (Br), Manchester; Clear

fl.-id (Br), Flushing: Hsmllton, NoriaNewpcin Nswi; Katahdlo Brunawlck.


id, Nov 2T Marengo Hr». Hull tot HemV»»rk.Plahcuard, Not -7. I'M p si Mauretanla (Br),Now sort for U« «r i»ol (and proAntwerp, Not i'-. T:S0 a. m Lapland (Belg),New T« rfe i la DovorAnnra. Not 28, H a in Wn, 7.1a il'rl. NOW Tortf..r Uaboa, tTrglrr. etcHavre, No« -.">, 8 s ¦ La Bretagne (Fr), NenTort

28 Cameronla Mri. Now YorkMi M»»ville

\rl ,» No« -7 ('.jil (Bf), N'-w V rk and NOTfolkQlbraltar, No 27 PrlnseM Iren- (Oer), (IsaTort for Naplee and Qenoa (and rmxvededjLondon, Not il Mlnneeraska (Br*>, Ne«st Michaela, No« -7 Oro*ava (Br), BouthampNew Tort % la Kingston,

pi.Plymouth, Nov 2T. 8:18 p m Prealdent OraatlOr), Sam York for Cherbourg sad Hsm

I. ¡i | »und ].:¦¦. !¦ 'iBremen, Nov it. .1 i» m Barbaroaaa (Oer), Neu

rortI'nnta Delgada Mot 28, il u m Roma fr)and Uabon foi '

nn Bald Notr .7 Cm ahoga iBr), New Yorkvia Algtera.

: tntonl (Bpan), Sanv k lia ''adir; 24th. Btorfond (Nor), NésTort

» lyrea, N n Marj (Br)Roaarlo, Nov it Atrktan Monarch (Br), Née,

n st t.»i. i., an LaLin de Janeiro, Nov 34 ui Pris .. Br), Nos

TortBrlatol, No« 28 New York dtj» (lin. Nei

k (Br), To,.i i Ne« I

for Y.iko'iiiii..Nov 27 Thami « (Br), Ni ¦ To


Aniiterdam. Not |B l'rins Willem lu (Dutch)< w liidk -. l'en« ueia un,

Havi»y, N S W, Nov. %t ii-n et AHM-

i .i" Pown,BAILEDl'i.. theui Hierl Ne» Y»», k

-.'i afghan l'un' ¦ iir.. s» vY irk

i i Plat «. N"v H 'viol île «i.iNo« -H. n» i» m Priai rriedrlc!

tVI Italm 1er Uk-iii. u anj southaii.i/tun). New Y« rk

James McCreery & Co.23rd Street 54-th Street




On Tuesday and "Wednesday,November the S8th and 29th.

400 dozen shirts, plain, plaited andsoft bosoms. 1.0(1

ralue I SI

GOO dozen Scarfs, made of Enr/Usli andFrench Silks. 50fl each

i «In«««. I .m and I ".0

75 dozen Pajamas, made of ImportedMadras. 1.35

value 2.00

23rd Street 34th Street

xi$^3«¿Vat «it?^

Ship-shape for early Christ¬mas shoppers.

That's us.Last January our buyers

began scouring Europe for allsorts of unusual novelties.Odd pieces mostly, two or

three of a kind, for our notionwas to get together a greatvariety of the most attractivesort of presents, not many ofany one sort, and not too costly.

Quaint, ingenious, practicalthings for man's personal com¬

fort at home, traveling, motor¬ing, at his office desk.

Also really charming thingsfor women, which it will be a

relief to men to find in a man'sstore.Dainty work baskets, vanity

hags, trinket boxes, all sorts ofdistinctive gifts to please her.

Just an idea of the scope ofthe stock:

Traif-llna Hn.-k«. anil watch«*Stan« ar\A m«»«l i-lock«".TVatrh Btanil.«i.a-!!<««' beaded ta««.Ladles' vellíOr«*ra a'a*«-«.«M»'ai ealaaSeret«*Htlier stationary raMii»»t«Leatfteff phot" rases an«« frame«.Ketal rlffarf-tff a*«»<->«.«. p.h recorreré,«o bbmbI easaaMaaleara aeta an«i .-i«»«

t «atiw t.or.k uotaaa,ComMnatton J«w«*i. g\n\<. and .!* ram..

Travellns rnedfctoa chests..i«-w-««! eaeeaTrump mark««!»

¦..1!.« uttr'«.»«.

Key rlialn«!': isks in leat*twr and ni-kM cases.M"ta! llKhu-m.BltveS mat- li box'1«,.Novettj* pencil«.

i^r tf.h.i«-co pi-mrh«*s with briar ripe.'; asa -c»¡ette t-'xe«.Musical <?!o-

Most of them just unpackedand shown in our stores to-dayfor the first time.

Roc.lrs Peet v-v Company,Three Broadway Stores

atat at

Warren St. 13th St. 34th St

AMUSEMENTS.| The Hill Wunder of the World

THE BHiaOENUCRTUnY el BStVfJColi:vat I Sharp. Mat« \v. ,Thaaaa*a «t p.«t at 2Re it« on .--'.i - to 1 >r .;.. pr| . ¦ .m.,- ,,, j_« .-,,,

Mill I âP¥'Ç i'««'V-.m!-ti'ti. st eVears 20nRLLAbrX a -.: ajad., Thanka*« \- SalobokobARLIHS DI8RAEL1"Triumph f-.r author and actor." Bra sm.

'"-"CnUlU rhaat« B'waj S IS St.m. uunan M ,.. xhuw .«< s,,t ¦_».«,-,.

«There !« nuata in tin« nun.-

COHAN'i he Hi llllaat I te. eaa a

THE LITTLE MILLIONAIREicrnis B'way. 4.1th i-:«. - «»i.» *.!.«.¦-w-.i.Ad I Uli Thu . $1 10CRISP WITH HUMOR, PLOT IS FUNNY.RAYMOND HITCHCOCK

TH£RED WIDOWHl W.»ejca in Advance

VOLPE SYMPHONV.SiM-irt» «it Ni-w \ «irk.B

ABNOLI1 VOLPE < i.n.lii«-t«ir1(1 IMII I'll «. *>>/..

l.irii-i,lr- Hull. IOM..III \T 8:18.


W Ml I It IHMIKM II. »pductor.Tin: t:\ 11 !.Y THE vTRE,

N«-\t sini.M, \fi li,-«-. :t. at :i.I«.« II MI.Ot.YKKY PBOOKAM.

ytnnhonj and Kelectlona "Kuk.ii.« On«III a lor« rtea Hlnkl«, s».,ran.'

Mr. John Barn«« w 11«, Tenor\mi lonn H.11 n»«. well«, '-""' I" et« t.. pi ..' r.-.4 ifllea mi.1 S

1 w :iuii m .....m m y

INEMACOLORK i"1 h, n'r H v«.«« -.' ::.i a s «ai.ioKiois M.\\ i-iiiini « 1 |,,s


Mi i;«ii. \,vV \t'-i \ -i' a« ZTth, Bai ana .Hi\ kork for Po

i'* ñu». N01 28 n if n ii.iiri.ur iBr), Nr» torklui \\

Kinr«ul«. Nov 'J7 .. ».ni<ien» Br). New York furhtaiiehastsa.

They WearRed=Man

' »I.I.ARS.

All Styles..RT. ,-v VVI1 SON


VI« VOBK8 I EADING nil ukf»

GARRICKKxtra Matine,- I hunk-uiv mr Day.

WM. H. CRANEThe Senator Keep* House '

CIIDI9ELmrin«- MtaTonMatinee« This U-ek-Tnm n Unir« Set.LAST 5 NIGHTS LA MAT!: EE8JOHN DREW ,.,.,, HiZStES ETHEL BARRYMOREIn THE WI rNESS F< FBNi*l



la»! S NikIii». Laal t Hat,


WEXTTCMDA1 NAZfMOVAi'hk m \kiom i rr«.

Clll Trial formerlyruLiun i«ti



HELEN WA E the priceTHIS AKT ERN« »ON ! : I Perfi-flEfSbA' TORS' THF. Sf'ARKI'ROM.FI.-NP T*l«h FRANK KM« HitIK.DDIC "'"" »-'i Bi «Wnnrnld Thankealvta* D«


CRITERIONMatinee» TliU R'scfc. I «JSSS llmr» <t «Sat.

PASSERS-BYNew Amsterdam ",..* Mutine-« Thl« Ueek- I "in «».'. Thai«, *-*t.K m a- Brtsnger'a M .. D« lava






A N. I ,1


METROPOLITAN icVtlii-iiiorri.« K\r. * R Lu til.n

Deal Inn OiTldi v. .'true*Amato, 'i" Ses »Unir«. iliMiiksKltinK Matines Vatatai

Mme i Ml "'r'


man. K\a "« Il Tr«n r. M in»*Oadakl, n .'. MM M Ko**1Audlelo Mil

In. I.i« It H Ko<-nlR«kiniler -. i*»r'v M - *

Dldur, Cond H«vit. Mat. Mda. m . «i "*.'"

z» «i., u.-1. Rpai k« i; mm «¿t* otBad

«vil hi; |*.ii Irl, .-. llottrm*. I'!»'*-

Next Week: Mon. Iv* R'-"l*uKiiii<-< I. Mm.. Olurk; MMv':. Haeawllll,I «,re|r| M « A '. *bt*'Mr, ',

H IRIH1AS l'l \ S< urn,-ale I »«.inn. Mondai; Evenina. t>** 1

FLO NZALEV-»Jl \KTIT-II .., ,.r|,.*| Ml M- .

U'mIm« \fl I'» '". *'J


Tl (a At \m§JSCHUMANN-HEINK,ri1 i.»«-**

Boats T...-. to |-j »'H' ' *

Man ia< m«

r« \i.;h \ - KRTKREOI'1 If« >S K< ... ... a

M\l>l-M>\ AVEMK IIHOKMH' «II «*p

«III V| I. \\|l M \|ll»(l\ til*"


noLomiL ;,^.:,;v^.r*"D'ljrjiat. tar. Walter f. Kell». 'r'«.

ALHAMBRA >okwokth, »'*.*.'.»???"D'il Mat.tHrHa Frremont llenloo. <*.»

¿BELASCO Vf*DAVID BEI A- " Pi - ' ¦».*1AHM .v OfWARFItXU ..îSrïSïSfe.

| i enreria.*t *>«> *4I umeal» Mull. Tae«kdaj \fi I«. "-«..J


Mass, i R \n< i>:^<-. to *!. Knabe r ..

< urii,Kle Mull -v'8 f-A



w rim 'i . ajTHE WOMAN

H\> IN «> Murr« \ «n l'\'"'!.ottti---i-.'.i st .oí»*

nuÄCAÜEMY ;;: n'r:.: sakso;MiaXE CI>EMATOûBAJPII tUU