Mixed tape game priscila garza #7

PRISCILA GARZA 8°C Priscila loves to be in facebook, not only because of looking at pictures but because she gets in contact with her friends and family by facebook chat. Laura likes getting informed by the internet. Marcela likes getting inform by the computer of the famous peoplde Montse likes twitter because she can see what the artist write Regina likes twitter, she can see what paul

Transcript of Mixed tape game priscila garza #7


Priscila loves to be in facebook, not only

because of looking at pictures but because she

gets in contact with her friends and family by

facebook chat.

Laura likes getting informed by the internet.

Marcela likes getting inform by the computer

of the famous peoplde

Montse likes twitter because she can see what

the artist write

Regina likes twitter, she can see what paul

wesley writes,



Ileana likes to be in bbm because she talks to

many people

Pauluina chatsss

Adriana likes to wath movies on the computer.

Frida loves to play game4s in the computer,

Valeria likes to play songpop in facebook.

Isabel likes itunes because there4 she could

hear music.