Mitt Romney's Agenda

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Transcript of Mitt Romney's Agenda

  • 8/14/2019 Mitt Romney's Agenda


    M I T T R O M N E Y

    Revitalizing the American Spirit

    Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romneyhas been widely recognized for his leadership andaccomplishments as a public servant and privateentrepreneur. Governor Romney received his B.A. withHighest Honors from Brigham Young University in 1971.

    In 1975 he was awarded an MBA from Harvard Business

    School and a J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School.

    Governor Romney first gained nationalrecognition for his role in turning around the2002 Winter Olympics. With the Games mired inscandal and facing a financial crisis, he took over as

    President and CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee

    and led one of the most successful Olympics in history.

    Prior to his Olympic service, Governor Romneybuilt a successful career helping businesses growand improve their operations. He founded BainCapital, one of the nations most successful venture

    capital and investment companies. Bain Capital helped

    grow hundreds of companies including Staples and

    Dominos Pizza.

    Elected in 2002, Governor Romney presided overa dramatic reversal of state fortunes and a periodof sustained economic expansion. Without raisingtaxes or increasing debt, he balanced the budget every

    year of his administration and ensured every citizen had

    quality healthcare through market-based reforms.

    Governor Romney has been deeply involved incommunity and civic affairs, serving extensively inhis church and with numerous charities including City

    Year, the Boy Scouts, and the Points of Light Foundation.

    MITT ROMNEY.Strong. New. Leadership.

    T H E R O M N E Y

    AgendaGovernor Romney will transform our nation

    by governing with conservative principles and

    calling upon the strength of the American

    people to lead a promising, prosperous future.

    Protecting American Taxpayers by ...I OPPOSING ANY EFFORT TO RAISE OUR TAXES Governor Romney was the first 2008 presidential candidat

    sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge promising to oppose any effort to raise taxes.

    I LOWERING TAX RATES FOR EVERYONE Governor Romney supports making investment income and savings

    interest tax-free for middle-class Americans.

    I ABOLISHING THE DEATH TAX Governor Romney knows taxing the American people three times when you e

    a paycheck, invest it, and pass it on to your children is unfair. Thats why he will work to abolish the death tax.

    I CUTTING SPENDING Governor Romneys management philosophy is grounded in common-sense: spend less

    and balance the budget so future generations of Americans are not saddled with the burden of our nations debt.

    Solving New Global Challenges by ...I BUILDING A STRONGER MILITARY Governor Romney will increase the size of our armed forces and dedicate

    necessary funds to support them.

    I PRESERVING & PROTECTING OUR BORDERS Governor Romney believes we must secure our nations bord

    enact strong reforms to stop illegal immigration, and prevent amnesty for illegal immigrants.

    I BECOMING ENERGY EFFICIENT & INDEPENDENT Governor Romney has called for a bold research initiativ

    an Energy Revolution to end Americas dependence on foreign oil and provide the nation with energy security.


    strengthen old alliances, as well as form new ones, in order to address the continuing threat of terrorism.

    Strengthening the American Family by ...I DEFENDING TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE Governor Romney supports a constitutional amendment to define

    marriage as the union of one man and one woman and lobbied lawmakers to pass the Federal Marriage Amendme

    I STOPPING ACTIVIST JUDGES FROM TAKING THE BENCH Governor Romney will only appoint judges

    committed to upholding the U.S. Constitution, not adding to it by legislating from the bench.

    JoinBecome a part of our nationalsupport network and stay on topof all the campaign action. HelpGovernor Romneys effort to bringstrong, new leadership to the

    White House by joining Team Mitt.

    Every member of the teamincreases our chances of victoryin 2008. Sign-up today! Fill outthe form to the right, cut alongthe dotted line and return in anenvelope to:

    Team MittP.O. Box 55899Boston, MA 02205-5899

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