Mitosis/Cell Division Review

Mitosis/Cell Division Review


Mitosis/Cell Division Review. A. B. C. D. E. Meiosis . Produces gametes or sex cells (sperm and egg cells) Occurs ONLY in the reproductive organs. Products of Meiosis = 4 new cells. AND. Divides the chromosome number in half. For Example: . Parent Cell. 4 daughter cells. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Mitosis/Cell Division Review

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Mitosis/Cell Division Review

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Meiosis -Produces gametes or sex cells (sperm and egg cells) -Occurs ONLY in the reproductive organs

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Products of Meiosis = 4 new cells

ANDDivides the chromosome

number in half

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For Example:

Parent Cell

4 daughter cells

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2 Sets of Divisions

1st division is exactly like mitosis except sister chromatids stay together

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Before the 1st division takes place DNA MUST replicate

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Prophase I• Chromosomes condense

• Homologous chromosomes pair together

• Crossing over occurs

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Crossing Over

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Metaphase I• Homologous pairs are moved to the equator (middle) of the cell

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Anaphase I • Homologous pairs separate

•Chromatids remain together

•Genetic material has been recombined

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Telophase I

•Chromosomes gather at poles•Cytoplasm divides

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DNA replication DOES NOT


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Prophase 2• New spindles form around chromosomes

• Crossing over – does not occur!

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Metaphase 2• Chromosomes align along with equator (middle) of the cells

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Anaphase 2

• Sister chromatids (now called chromosomes) divide and move to opposite poles

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Telophase 2•Chromosomes gather at the poles

•Nuclear envelope forms and cytoplasm divides

4 new daughter cells, each genetically DIFFERENT, are formed and are all haploid

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Sexual Reproduction• Haploid cells join to make diploid cells

• Increase in genetic variation

• Leads to change or evolution

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Females: meiosis occurs before birthEach month, one egg is matured

and released for possible fertilization

Males: meiosis begins at puberty and continues until death

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Asexual Reproduction•Single parents pass genes to offspring


Prokaryotes, yeast, hydra

Faster to produce offspring, but no genetic variation

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GENETIC VARIATION • The chromosome a gamete will receive depends on the way it lines up at the equator



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The Importance• Lead to the evolution of a species• Increase survival

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CANCER• Cells have checkpoints to determine if they are healthy enough to divide

• If those checkpoints are faulty, cells can divide and grow uncontrollable – can form a tumor and lead to cancer

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What’s the problem with more cells?

1.) Steal nutrients from healthy cells which eventually die

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2.) Can travel from their original location


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Causes of Cancer• Exposure to chemicals or toxins

• Radiation

• Viruses

• Your Own Genetics