Mitigation and Improving SHA-1 Hash Standard Using ·...

Mitigation and Improving SHA-1 Hash Standard Using Collision Detection Approach Zeyad Al-Odat, and Samee Khan 1,2 1 North Dakota State University (NDSU), 2 National Science Foundation (NSF) [Zeyad A Al-Odat] [North Dakota State University [NDSU Dept 2480, PO Box 6050] [[email protected]] [7017303344] Contact [1] Eli Biham and Adi Shamir. differential cryptanalysis of des-like cryptosystems. Journal of CRYPTOLOGY, 4(1):3{72, 1991. [2] Xiaoyun Wang and Hongbo Yu. How to break md5 and other hash functions . In Eurocrypt, volume 3494, pages 19{35. Springer, 2005. [3] Xiaoyun Wang, Yiqun Lisa Yin, and Hongbo Yu. Finding collisions in the full sha-1. In Crypto, volume 3621, pages 17{36. Springer, 2005. [4] Marc Stevens, Elie Bursztein, Pierre Karpman, Ange Albertini, and Yarik Markov. The first collision for full sha-1. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017:190, 2017. [5] Florent Chabaud and Antoine Joux. Differential collisions in sha-0. In Advances in CryptologyCRYPTO'98, pages 56{71. Springer, 1998. [6] Xiaoyun Wang, Hongbo Yu, and Yiqun Lisa Yin. Efficient collision search attacks on sha-0. In Annual International Cryptology Conference, pages 1{16. Springer, 2005. [7] Stephane Manuel and Thomas Peyrin. Collisions on sha-0 in one hour. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5086:16{35, 2008. [8] Marc Stevens. New collision attacks on sha-1 based on optimal joint local- collision analysis. In Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, pages 245{261. Springer, 2013. [9] Marc Stevens. Counter-cryptanalysis. In Advances in Cryptology{CRYPTO 2013, pages 129{146. Springer, 2013. [10] Marc Stevens and Daniel Shumow. Speeding up detection of sha-1 collision attacks using unavoidable attack conditions. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017:173, 2017. [11] Stephane Manuel. Classification and generation of disturbance vectors for collision attacks against sha-1. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 59(1-3):247{263, 2011. References We introduce collision detection and an improved version of SHA-1 standard , which helps to protect weak primitives from any possible collision attack , we proposed two designs to help protect and improve SHA-1 standard, the first one employ near collision detection approach which previously proposed by Marc Stevens , and the second one is our proposal of detection of SHA-1 collision attack using two block calculation scheme. Abstract Both of the above mentioned approaches were tested and verified for part of the published disturbance vectors. Table 2 represents two messages that collide to the same hash value output Introduction Enhanced SHA-1 Architecture: The idea of counter SHA-1 collision attack can be depicted in figure 3 below , the input message is processed and checked using collision detection mechanism. Collision Detection Mechanism : we are presenting two approaches for SHA-1 counter collision attack as seen in figures 4 and 5, by which we can detect any possibility of collision occurrence by only checking one message, and here comes the challenge , detect the collision from only one message, after that invalidate the output hash in case of collision. Methods and Materials We presented Counter Cryptanalyst method to protect SHA-1 hash function from collision attack ,and improve the hash computation to support entities that still using SHA-1 hash standard. The proposed approaches can be further improved to get more secure and trusted SHA-1 hash function ,also help speed up the process of computing the hash values , as the new approaches may consume more time to calculate the hash than original one. This work used to protect digital signature as seen in figure 7 below. Can be further improved in term of speed and memory. Discussion and Future Work We are presenting two methods to improve SHA-1 standard against collision attack, the first approach relay on Marc's approach for detecting SHA-1 collision attack , the other approach take advantage of two block Collison attack to help speed up the process of detecting collision. Truncated SHA-512/160 is suggested to replace suspicious message's hash outputs. Conclusions SHA-1 Standard® : SHA-1 standard follows Merkle-Damgard (MD) structure , in which it takes the message of length less than 264 and divide it into blocks and process them sequentially as can be seen in figure 1 below. SHA-1 Collision Attack : The main goal of SHA-1 collision attack , is to find two or more messages that lead to the same output hash. A two block Collision Attack can be depicted in figure 2 below. " = (W &’() W i-13 W i-8 W i-3 ) " = (W &+() 1 ) W i+13 W i+8 W i+2 Results Figure 1. SHA-1 Structure Model (MD). Figure 2. SHA-1 Collision Attack. Figure 3. General Architecture of SHA-1 Collision detection Figure 4. First Approach Figure 5. second approach Figure 6. Example of two messages with the same hash output Figure 6. Another Example of two messages with the same hash output Figure 7. Protect Digital signature Acknowledgment We would like to thank the Center for Computationally Assisted Science and Technology (CCAST) of NDSU.

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Mitigation and Improving SHA-1 Hash Standard Using Collision Detection ApproachZeyad Al-Odat, and Samee Khan1,2

1North Dakota State University (NDSU), 2National Science Foundation (NSF)

[Zeyad A Al-Odat][North Dakota State University [NDSU Dept 2480, PO Box 6050][[email protected]][7017303344]

Contact [1] Eli Biham and Adi Shamir. differential cryptanalysis of des-like cryptosystems. Journal of CRYPTOLOGY, 4(1):3{72, 1991.[2] Xiaoyun Wang and Hongbo Yu. How to break md5 and other hash functions . In Eurocrypt, volume 3494, pages 19{35. Springer, 2005.[3] Xiaoyun Wang, Yiqun Lisa Yin, and Hongbo Yu. Finding collisions in the full sha-1. In Crypto, volume 3621, pages 17{36. Springer, 2005.[4] Marc Stevens, Elie Bursztein, Pierre Karpman, Ange Albertini, and Yarik Markov. The first collision for full sha-1. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017:190, 2017.[5] Florent Chabaud and Antoine Joux. Differential collisions in sha-0. In Advances in CryptologyCRYPTO'98, pages 56{71. Springer, 1998.[6] Xiaoyun Wang, Hongbo Yu, and Yiqun Lisa Yin. Efficient collision search attacks on sha-0. In Annual International Cryptology Conference, pages 1{16. Springer, 2005.[7] Stephane Manuel and Thomas Peyrin. Collisions on sha-0 in one hour. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5086:16{35, 2008.[8] Marc Stevens. New collision attacks on sha-1 based on optimal joint local- collision analysis. In Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, pages 245{261. Springer, 2013.[9] Marc Stevens. Counter-cryptanalysis. In Advances in Cryptology{CRYPTO 2013, pages 129{146. Springer, 2013.[10] Marc Stevens and Daniel Shumow. Speeding up detection of sha-1 collision attacks using unavoidable attack conditions. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017:173, 2017.[11] Stephane Manuel. Classification and generation of disturbance vectors for collision attacks against sha-1. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 59(1-3):247{263, 2011.


We introduce collision detection and an improved version of SHA-1 standard ,which helps to protect weak primitives from any possible collision attack , weproposed two designs to help protect and improve SHA-1 standard, the firstone employ near collision detection approach which previously proposed byMarc Stevens , and the second one is our proposal of detection of SHA-1collision attack using two block calculation scheme.




Enhanced SHA-1 Architecture:TheideaofcounterSHA-1collisionattackcanbedepictedinfigure3below,theinputmessageisprocessedandcheckedusingcollisiondetectionmechanism.

Collision Detection Mechanism : we are presenting two approaches forSHA-1 counter collision attack as seen in figures 4 and 5, by which we candetect any possibility of collision occurrence by only checking one message,and here comes the challenge , detect the collision from only one message,after that invalidate the output hash in case of collision.

Methods and Materials

We presented Counter Cryptanalyst method to protect SHA-1 hash functionfrom collision attack ,and improve the hash computation to support entitiesthat still using SHA-1 hash standard. The proposed approaches can be furtherimproved to get more secure and trusted SHA-1 hash function ,also helpspeed up the process of computing the hash values , as the new approachesmay consume more time to calculate the hash than original one. This workused to protect digital signature as seen in figure 7 below. Can be furtherimproved in term of speed and memory.

Discussion and Future Work

We are presenting two methods to improve SHA-1 standard against collisionattack, the first approach relay on Marc's approach for detecting SHA-1collision attack , the other approach take advantage of two block Collisonattack to help speed up the process of detecting collision.Truncated SHA-512/160 is suggested to replace suspicious message's hashoutputs.


SHA-1 Standard® : SHA-1standardfollowsMerkle-Damgard (MD)structure,inwhichittakesthemessageoflengthlessthan264anddivideitintoblocksandprocessthemsequentiallyascanbeseeninfigure1below.

SHA-1 Collision Attack : The main goal of SHA-1 collision attack , is to findtwo or more messages that lead to the same output hash. A two blockCollision Attack can be depicted in figure 2 below.

𝑊" = (W&'()⊕Wi-13 ⊕Wi-8 ⊕Wi-3 )

𝑊" = (W&+()≫ 1 ) ⊕ Wi+13 ⊕ Wi+8 ⊕ Wi+2


Figure1. SHA-1StructureModel(MD).

Figure2. SHA-1CollisionAttack.

Figure3. GeneralArchitectureofSHA-1Collisiondetection

Figure4. FirstApproach Figure5. secondapproach

Figure6. Exampleoftwomessageswiththesamehashoutput

Figure6. AnotherExampleoftwomessageswiththesamehashoutput

Figure7. ProtectDigitalsignature
