Misuse of Alcohol

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Transcript of Misuse of Alcohol

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    Misuse of alcoholRJ

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    How many people in the world use alcohol?

    2 billion ( a billion is thousand times amillion or 10 to the power 9)

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    Is alcohol a problem in Sri an!a?

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    How does a typical Sri an!an alcohol userpro"ress (or deteriorate) in his alcoholhabit?

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    Starts as an occasional drin!er

    #hen wee!$end drin!er$especially i% he is doin" are"ular &ob and "ets wee!$ends o'

    Re"ular drin!er$ ?daily or more or less daily

    (may be they still en&oy drin!in" start with one

    dram* or two)

    a%ter sometime they de+elop,,,,,,,,,,,

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    -hat is tolerance?

    .%ter a session o% hea+y drin!in" can "et

    blac! outs* or memory blac!outs (whichmay also occur in occasional drin!ers a%tera bout o% +ery hea+y drin!in")

    -hat are blac!outs?

    .%ter some more time / may be years$ "etsdependent on alcohol

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    nce he "ets dependent on alcohol hisbeha+iour is all around alcohol how to "etthe net drin! how to nd the money to "etit hides alcohol in the bathroom etc

    3ets withdrawal e'ects / what are they?

    tops up* to a+oid withdrawal e'ectsmornin" drin!in" etc,

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    .lcohol withdrawal

    occurs a%ter cessation or reduction o%

    alcohol use that has been hea+y andprolon"ed

    a%ter days or se+eral hours o% abo+ede+elops

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    1) autonomic hyperacti+ity e,", sweatin"tachycardia

    2) increased hand tremor

    4) insomnia

    5) nausea or +omitin"

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    6) psychomotor a"itation

    7) aniety

    8) "rand mal seiures

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    :) .lcohol withdrawal can be with

    perceptual disturbances$ +isual tactile orauditory hallucinations and illusions

    illiputian hallucinations*

  • 7/23/2019 Misuse of Alcohol


    ;elirium tremens

    #his is a se+ere %orm o% withdrawal

    syndrome that occurs when the patient isphysically dependent on alcohol, #he%eatures are