Mississippi palladium. (Holly Springs, Miss.) 1852-06-24 [p ]. · advantage in Fluor Albus,...

7- - X ? PATENT MEDICINES. EEITEIB 021 3A3YDe ATO ETAS. J"gf We take tie liberty now at the opening THE NEW OFFICE to inform our friends and the public, that we arc well prepared to do Job Printing with Neatness and Dispatch Our material are Ati. vxv and comprise a great variety of beautiful Type, Ornaments, and Cuts. GABKIEt B. KTONEV ry AT BUSINESS AGAIN! tS V And Respcctfnllf T?. Informs his old ca3tomer9, his friends every- where and the public, that he has purchased the entire interest of Messrs. Forraan & Sawyer, late proprietors of that most extensive and superb structure known as the HOLLY SPRINGS - " THE SPRING SESSION- - OPENS On Monday" the 16th February, 1852. Faculty. REV. G. "VT. SILL A. M. Principal and In- structor n the Ancient Languages, Higher Math- ematics, and A stronomy. REV. CHARLES S. DOD. A. IT. Lecturer Chemistry ami Natural Philosophy, and In- structor in the Natural Sciences, Elocution, and IVtmranshin. SOUTHERN ADVERTISER r A Southern Journal, published weekly to advocate Direct Trade, Mancfact-ur- e, Agriculture, and the DeTclope-me- nt Ot Southern Resources, I j r I- -J fTts ,lt f-.i- r cirira j -- zz-i of tVe Lreere ; Are- - ir r; i ia c-- JxLt t v-Efi- J in & drtin. i rc-Z- Urf t k. cac.avrs fcttrt. Fracs Ir I fill Lirt. ..Li TI.-T- - C- - s.t tca l.e s-- s 2te c Th it tt- - f v L -- .r z 17L t rhLzc x ? . la tie i!.- - p.l? 5 tie tly TLrr a ? s.suf J scar. WLt tx cas a TL li-l- t tLef'a to eit. Tt.re tl rai:! teVr f;u3e. Ar- - aca?T-3e- ew- - "TLt il sc-- i if tie b!eft. Acl tie ki t-- tie fpltres. j TLrc tic irr-i- e Tears. TL-T- -f tie sfi sirs t.aX dova i Fr:a 2.e zz3.rz?.Jb '.a. A'Z iZi xri tL pt rfsxs Of Eis's cts trri, V:a e ari br-a-at- y O. fry. sixties la :li rr--- i siir vioi c ? ' ti.r r rt f tii-- wr. t dead , a few Iiy Esce h' r ct.t-.i- Jti rorye Lt- - JL tdtjxe JJcmo- -' rw. j ltercrrrr I if ' ialr. vloisa eil- - ew w-es- t--y llif Ea-- e 4 Dt-I!- . we ! ara 2i I t . c&r Is j U-- bl i!,Lc?ah the bo- - . . - - ; TL.lt tLrauil was a ?1 M abpd I- - rears ae. sad n.i-irijTKt- r ti sc ki fcoase T rx:T3s ;.e fc t :.r.t-- r rft the ' s'hA a.i--t 1 2 cVJ k c UcJar tLeitlon of force, one with another, upon 1t frkais af:er cvasi-l-- ; rowers of darkness! it a C&TTy&I. Itt W rfsTvt itnrri.if nnrl vpnpr. Si by ril-u- c ws .1 . 1 V -- ill' T s f "- - i their Professions! We have in our aT..i;i. i re cianwe:, ,. 1 . ... The Poor Boy 'a CoIJee. "The printing See," says the New York Globe, "has indeed proved a better . , to e5ev irour bov fraduated - - - - - 0 t j 0- - Inore usual tad cct:sjicueu3 members of ocktj las matured intelleci aai turned iLto practical and useful channels, awak-;e- j. more elevated thoughts than any cf the liierary colleges ia the country. on How many a drone lias passed through these eoLeges whh no proof of Lis f loess, oiher than Lis inanimate peace of parch- - j iment. l...f more inanimate than Lis leatfcer crploraa ; mere ts sometfctcg m tne I ery sXnio-pLt- re of a printing o&ce caka- - j lated to awraken the rind and inspire tie i a iV,irsi fr Lnowled're. A bov vho com- - meters in tiis land of a school will have talents I rocht oat ; if he has no mind to he dravn out, the boy himself will be cr.xezi cut. STEAMBOAT. In pursuance to a call published in ibis paper, a pxjrtion of the citizens of lasrt Saturday, and after some preliir.i- -' nary arrangementi;, books were open-'cd.an- d the necessary amount for buil- - dieg a Steamboat was soon subscribed si 1,000 we believe. Capt. Mat-- : thews, a large stockholder and a gen-,tk-nia- ii of considerable Steamboating experience, has been selected tosuper- - intend the building, and has now gone rVJi tli ward for l!at pui jJbt. Fulton. Monitor, June 22. DAN CINQ WITH SPURS. Mr. Kendall, writing from Paris to ti.e Xew Orleans Picayune, states that a. fight occurred at Louis Napoleon's grand ball, between a Frenchman and Spaniard, because the former tore with his spur the dress of a lady with jwhoni the Don was dancing. Mr. K. jacds: "It was a poor place to intro- duce such articles as spurs; yet I pre- - svme there were at least a thousand pair attached to the heels of the French cxid other officers present," KO ANSWER YET! The Nashville American has for some time kept standing a call for a list of the Northern Whig State Conventions which have endorsed, as a finality, the Compromise measures of the last Con- - cress. We have not vet seen an an swer. In our judgment the great error of 9lA 4T. nminiKt tiT-n- ti.: in T nlirlelionc K ita'ovsy. distrust and bitterness tlieir stren;ta beinz wasted ia a war- - iare, oi sixr rpox sect, rather than a united, vigorous and heart v concentra- - - -- i - ---- i ate au clergvmen who act worthily of no aims or no secia- - ictiangs . . .... amuuion, . , ,. r1an f'j2ra. e love tne truly good,' whatever sect he may belong. Esisct. It Is otnnipotent. Tlie clouds 'this moment beirar. in a few rears may stand forth the admiration of angels ! Who Las not felt the life-givin- g power of energy ? It causes the desolate wilderness Vt bloou like the rot it whitens the ocean navigates rivers levels mountains paves a highway of iron from one State to another, an d wends its war with the ve- - j; of u htnin'j from one end of the ?!nd to the other. What is man without wvi ftwi , a viva. Cxurcayia Foetcses It is calculated that out of every hundred persons who Lave jrone to California, tfty have been mined. lortv eo better than they would . Lave been Lad they remained at home, Cve a Lole better, four something better id. aad one has made a fortune. That iTius w t tail pivwiuuu ui tuc vau- - fnua adventurers. WealA is not acquired, as many pcrpoR suppose, by fortunate speculation and entcrrmze, but by the daily practices ol industry, frugality, and econo- - my- He who relies upon these means will I have seen persons . who gathered i -- 1 - r w a en young and innocent children for the same reason lest some rude hand may de tFil them of their beauty. To be continually subject to the breath ot slander, will tarmh the purest virtue, as a constant fmosnre to the atmnsnliprp gcld ; but, in either case the real value of boil conunues the same, although the cur jreccy may be somewhat impeded. In Italy, Piedmont excepted, every higher in France, higher still in Hun rary, higher still in Poland, hijrher still ia Hesseor Baden, Wly is an errand boy like an old horse iFntBPi auetion? Because he'll jro for mtat he'll tck. What Scripture name would achild mention in calling his mma. , Dy'e give it , Ans 0r (0, 7 A wag reading in a shop window, "ta ble bear sold here," stepped in and asked U the tear was the man s own brum. I Thx Puss. It truth ; re- - ! presses error, cm-press- es knowledge, and . PhilotokeH 'ot Females Friend, FoiT'the cure of Painfi:! sr"j .Tff ordered ' Menf.truation, JliscHlfiagcbr Abortion 4 '"and the relief of all thoiO Sympathetic " ! ' r,-- .: "r i.eiou auctuuui aucuuiiub vu iiirjj- - nancy". IN setting forth the merits of this invaluable ' remedy, the proprietor has been actuated by the certainty resulting from experience, that the most gratifying effects will be found attendant its use. 'Besides those complaints which hare been named, the rhiloU'ken may be used with advantage in Fluor Albus, Prolapsus Uteri, Gra- vel, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, and even in consump- tion. In some of these, auxiliaries mill be re- quired to perform a cure, and in others, it can act only as an auxiliary, or a palliative to remove the temporary suffering. The Fhilotokcti is not offered as a cure for all the ills which flesh is heir to, but as a remedy and preventive lor a certain class oi complaints in which it is warranted to do all that is here set forth, or that medicine directed vkh experience and skill can do. ID' Remember, that an ounce of Preventive worth a pound of cure." N. B. Purchasers, to avoid imposition, willl-- careful to observe my written sign iture on tie outside label of each bottle, to counterfeit hU:h forgery. T. C. K1SLLY, Proprietor, Ucinburg, S. C. O" Trice $1 per bottle; $0 per dozen. Forsaleby SCOML Jk MEAD. 111 Chart res street, N. O., General 'Wlioksale A gents for the southern S:ats, to whom all orders must be addressed. ID-So- ld by . ATaisot. Holly Sprinpa. Mis- sissippi. 46-- 4u Dr. Rogers' Lirertrcrt and Tar, A SAFE and certa"n cure for conscn.p'ica cf - the Lungs, spitting of bleed, cerghs. cciJj. asthma, paiu in the side, bronchitis, Looping cough, and all Pulmonary affections. Extracts from Certificate Which can be seen in full Lv callirg on the Acnt ana gemtig a pauipniet. Mr. Adam Harris, Assistant Surgon U.S. Na- vy Hospital, N. Y says: Dr. Kogers' l iver- wort and Tar cured a case of the inot distress- ing Asthma of twentv-si- x team standing. " Signed, ADAM HARRIS. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, savs : I had the consumption ! attended wi.h "the most cough, and discharged srvtral quarts of blood from the lung, and all my friends aud phvsician pave me up to die, vet a few bottles of Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tir re- stored iue to perfect liea!:h! ! GABRIEL WHITEHEAD. Sworn to and subscriled thi 2t"u dav .f No- vember, 1S46. HENRY E. SPENCER, Mayor tf Cincinnati. Mrs. Chi!d (resides on sixtst., two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati.) says : 1 had the pulmo- nary consuiiipthiii, attended with a inot-- t distres- sing cough, which reduced me to a mere skeleton, and alihongh under the care of an able physi- cian (Prof. Harrison) I continued to pro- - iiMe, and gave up all hope of recovery ! At this crisis 1 was petsuaded to trv Ur. ringers Liverwort and Tar, which entirely lieale.1 my lungs and reton-i- l me to perlect hcauh, by tne use ot a few tHrf:les. Signed, AN.N CHILD. Dr. Wm. Richards, of Cincinnati, says: Al though it may sceia unprofessional, 1 feel con strained to state that I us-e- d Dr. Rogers" Liver- wort and Tar in the case of Cbarle Wade, who was quite low w itL Pulmonary Conf-uiupiion- . with tlie happicot effect, after the uual n uiedivs had failed. Signed, Wm. RICHARDS, m. p. The following is tiri'ten from Elizalwihtown. Ky. : Your Dr. Rogers' Liverwort a'id Tar t;ivii great sati-facti- on in this place. Dr. LloWa"i pre- scribes it, and pronounces it one of the best ul-iciue- s in use. . E. II. HAYCRAFT, Druggist. Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Tatriot. Gallia coun- ty, O., writes. Dr. Logers' Liverwort and Tr has been the means t.f snatching my wife frm a premature grave! Signed, 11. WJStMAN. Mr. Merr. weather, of Dcnmaik, Tenn., write: Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar has met with great success. A younjj man of this place, by every one to be in the last stage of con- sumption! was entirely cured bv its use! Signed. D. MEliRI WEATHER, Dr'pst. Mr. H. E. Drake, Druggist, of Xenia.O., Ftas: A gentleman of 1113' acquaintance, who a ap- parently in the lust it,a;;e of consumption, wa restored to perfect health by the um? tfif ir. Ro- gers' Liverwort and Tar. The cure as 1 mvt extraordinary tne. nr. Wilson, (on old school physician of high standing,) of Patriot, O., writes: I have n tlie family physician oi Mrs. W iseman for twelve years, and during that time she hat suffered with diseased lungs, hich filially settled into Pulmo- nary consumption! She was ntir. lv cured by the use of nr. Roger's Liverwort and Tar. It. II. WILSON. M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT I That wherever Dr. Eoffers' Syrnp of Lirerwort and 'Tar has been introduced, it 1 sujereding every other Cough Medicine before the public. This is wholly owing to its truly wondeilul me- dicinal virtues. BE WARNED IN SEASON I And neglect not that cough which is dally wea- kening your constitution, iiritatinif your lhroa and lungs, and inviting on that drwid disease, consumption, when so soothing and healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers' Syrup f Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits and base initiations! The genuine article is signed Axr w Rogess, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price. $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold wholesale and retail by SCOVIL k MEAD, 113 Chartres St., bet. Conti and St. Louis, N. O. Sole Agents for the Southern Slates to whom all orders and applications for Agencies must be addressed. Sold by E. A. Talbot. Willis & Dougherty, W. T. Long i Co., Holly Springs, Miss.; Moorman E Ayres, balem ; Koolt, tirigg fc Co., Lamar. Jew David's or Hebrew- - Piaster, THE GREAT REMEDY, For Rheumatism, Gout, Pain in the Side, Hip, Back, Limbs and Joints, Scrofula, King's Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tu- mors, Stiff Joints, and all Fxed Pains whatever. Where this Plaster is ap- plied, Pain cannot exist. THESE Plasters possess the advantage of up in air-tig- ht boxes hence they retain their full virtues in all climates. Have yon Frienda goin; to California) By all means advise them to take along a supply of this plaster, it may save them hundreds of dollars, if not their lives, as the exposures which they have to endure in the mines is sure to bring on disease, which might be easily cured by the use of this celebrated plaster, for the want of which many have been obliged to quit their la- bors and fall into th hands of the physicians, who, by their extravagantly hifrh charges, soon take away the hard earnings of the bravest la. boring man. By alceping in tents or on the ground. Rheumatism, Spinal Disease, Stiff Joints. Lame Back or Side, and all like diseases, are rare to trouble them, and many times entirely lay them up, when the simple application of thi plaster would give them immediate relief, and enable them to proceed with their labors withoet delay. It has been very beneficial in cases of weak ness, such as Pain and Weakness in the Stemach Weak iambs, Affections of the Spine, Femah Weakness, &c. No female, subject to pain and weakness in the back or side, should be withovo it. Married ladies, in delicate situations, find great relief from constantly wearing this Plaster Ihe application 01 me t iaater between the sLoulders has been found a certain remedy for colds, coughs, phthisic, and lung affections, ia their primary stages. It destroys innammauoa by perspiration. Betrare of counterfeits and base imiiatw. Veal-e- n and purchaser generally are cautioned against buying "f any but our regular Agents; otherwise tkey trill be imposed upon teith a tcorthleo article, as many base counterfeits of tMs article are in existence REMEMBER! . Tie genuine is oold only by no, and our adoertked Agents, throughout the nth. No Pedlab rs al-low- xb to kux it. In future the genuine iri!l hare the signaUre of E. TAYLOR am the new steel-pU- tt engraved label on the top of each boj te csKaferjrit wtiri will he orateeuted as foroeru. - ' ' SCOVIL MEAD, - I 113 Chartres St., New Orleans. Sole General Agents for the Southern States, t whom all orders and applications for agencies, must be sddresssd. .' Sold by Willi & rosttyt& A. TalbaCfT T. Louj h Co., Holly Springs, Kiss. ; Usormaa 4 Ayret, Bslem Rook, Erics A Co., Lamar tliat snrrotind the lioaseless boy to-da- y are B.8.ocr4USper5(njj gnj 15 myjjgd to a palace. r. ,v f,f , rr.rTV, Th boy tat Is We have purchased a" excellent assortment ot blank card, and of suitable paper for Circulars, Bill Blanks and other kinds ot Jo&work. come and try us. Popular Keinedies for Sale by in BY TALBOT & GARTllELL- - A ixEX'S Xerve and Bene liniment, lY. .Mexican JZustang " in Sims and Ero's Horse " Rheumatic " .Arabian " Fahi.estock's Rubefacient " Hays' . Gretn Slotfntain " Dalley'a Pain Extractor, Davis' Pain Killer, K awes' " of lTphnmPile Electnary, Jew David's Plaster, Thompson's Eye Water,- - Mitchell's Eye Salve, Olmstead's Ayers' Chfrty Pectoral, Efctnee Jamaica Ginger, Rands' Sarsaparilla, at Townsend's " Smith's (OOfcinal) do Guysott's SarapariWa and Yellow Dock, Fahnestock's Vermifuge, Jahiiestock Liquid Opodeldoc, Fahnestock't Cough Balsam, Jaynes' Expectorant, Jayues' Alterative, Jaynes' Vermifuge, Jaytw' P;iTUi" Balaam. Jaynes' Hair l)ye, J avnes Hair Tonic, Jaynes' Sanative Pills, Jaynes Ague " Silencer's " llom-t'- s " Peters And a good supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Putty, tc , Ac. March 4th, l?a2-45- -tf AGAIN offer to the Planters of North Mis- sissippi, I my celebrated and much improved cotton seeds for sale, at the reduced price of fifty cents per b'lhel. I have now on hand seven different improve ments of tlie latest improved, and much celebra ted cottons, several of which I imported last spring, from the best seed farms, and most cele- brated improvers and cotton planters in the south, viz : The Jetliro, Banana, Hogan, (or Prolif. ic Pomegranate) Drop, Sugar Loaf, together with theProut and Mag- nolia. All of these cottons arc improvements over the common cottons of the couutry. My favorites however, from my past experience, are the Sugar Loaf, the Lanana, and the celebrated silk or Je-thr- o. The Sugar ixaf was originally sent frofn South America, by our Consul at alpraiso, to his brother in South Alabama. The lianana is believed to be an improvement from Mr. Prout's celebrated cluster, and the Je-thr- o is an improvement of Col Vick, of Vicks- - burg, from the 1 ettit Uulf seed, but improved upon and brought into notice by Col. J. V.Jones, of Atlanta, Georgia. A bale of thife cottoii took the first premium at the World's Fair in Loudon, last year. The history of the Sugar Loaf is so well known for its prolific quality making a bale or more on every acre of good land, of a good season, on which it is planted! and its early maturity, com ing in from two to three weeks earlier than other cottons, and its easy picking qualities, 25 per cent, cheaper than other cottons, and its fineness of staple. tc. The Banana is a very short liiubed cotton growing in a solid cluster round the main stalk, and is much celebrated for its prolific qualities. The Jcturo is also highly celebrated lor its pro lific qualities, and it extraordinary line, long and this seed, wbatlinade from one bushel last sea- son, I will not sell them at $5 per bushel ; but I will GIVE a few to my friends who purchase seed of me, that they may try them for themselves, and next season I will have them at 5'J or 7 j cts. per bushel. 1 have paid out hundreds of dollars in the last few years for improvements in animals, vegeta- bles, implements, tc, and I do not regret my out-la- v. 1 have not paid out my money for the pur- - ikjsc of speculation, or selling again, but for my own nse, for I have sold but little, but give away much. 1 wiU hereafter keep the best, and sound est of my first and select pickings for myself, and such gentlemen as believe in improvement, and can tee cause to patronize nie, at such reduced prices, that the improvement will double, and in lany instances fta tUL.1) pay them for their outlay the first eaoc, and if they are not an im provement I want nothing. Any of the above mentioned seeds can be had at my Gin eight miles south west of Holly Springs, and three miles uorth west from Waterford. at 50 cts. per bushel, except the Jetliro, which 1 will give to those purchasing others. 1 could procure letters and certificates enough to fill a newspaper, in the praise of my cotton seed ; but 1 deem it unnecessary, as some of the most respectable citizens of this and adjoining Counties, have been planting some of my seed now for two years, and one would always prefer talking with a man and hearing from his own hps, than to read his certificates. 1 would refer to CoL J. L. Foster, Col. Joel Wynn, Col. Arthur, vr. ilalone, Sam i .Pointer, Esq., Jcltnes McKeu- - non and bcruei's, Esqs., David Hamilton and John Bradford, Esq s. ; ortoH Deans, Esqs., Col. It. o. Ureer, K. tsrewu and 1 arbrough, Esqs., and all who purchase seed of me. Manr of those pent ler.jen I have not n since the gathering of their crops ; but I Know the Seeds gave Satisfaction if they were on good land, notwithstanding the drouth. I would alro refer those who are not ac- quainted with the pedigree of those eecds, to the Southern Cultirator. Augusta, Georgia, the Soil of tlie South, and the Patent Office Reports, for the history of those improved seeds. 46-t- f JUHJS UALtUUK. March 15th,'lS:2. . HAT DEPOT. ON THE SOUTH SIDE of the Public square, where C1J II ioijd Hats and Caps of all Kinds, to suit the dif ferent seasons of the year, at 15 per cent. LOWER in Price, and 50 per cent. ' BETTER in Quality, AST OF THE LATEST NoRTHEW AND SOUTHERN Fashions, aj of which will be sold Low for Cash in had. Come one! Come all!! and examine my stock, as I am determined to adhere to the motto, "quick sales and small profits. O" All kinds of oldhata repaired and put m good order. 22-- tf. B. A. Ml LKS. SADDIaIXG & HARNESS THE undersigned "Would respectfully to the citizens of Marshall County that they have aain associated themselves in me above business, at ineir om imu u South side of the snuare in Holly Springs, where ' they are manufacturing every variety of Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Saddle-- bags,' Girths, Sircingles, and Fine Hajircss for Carriages and Bnggies, together with com- - plete Wagon harness, Gin and Mill Bands, made to order. Our articles are - newly made out of fresh roa- - materi&l. Much care is taken to nave our wor neatly and substantially executedwhich we war- rant ... to ffive - satisfaction. . . . v e keep on hand for sale a goou assortment ox Saddling Hardware and trimmings of evert description, Patent aad Enamelled Leather for Carriage trimmings, and a large, supply of upper, sole, harness, skirting, bridle, mill and gin-ban- d Leather. ' In the sale of our goods we will oner them at lower prices than such articles bare been sold for, or can be offered at bj ary other establish- ment in the south west, j I - . . Hides and Tan bark taken in exchange for any of the articles we selL NILES & WALLACE. : Holly Springs, March 18th, 1352 tf. MASTODQH LIVERY STABLE. Situated on the North side of the public square, Holly Springs, Miss, and extending 132 fret 40. from Centre street to Market street. " This Establishment is in every respect safe, comfort- able ami conveniently arranged and is connec- ted with the Marshall House. The undersigned has had ten years experience the Livery Static business, and flatters hun- - self, that he will be able to give eutire satisfac- - tionto all who mav favor hhn with their custom. He has on hand a fall supply of Superior Ilamfs and Saddle Horses, that are gentle and safe, and at the same time, spirited, qu:ek-movi- n and good travellers. He is also well provided with Carriages, Hacks and Maggies style and truality not surpassed by any in this region; hidnvers and hostlers are experienced, careful and diligent to please. Travellers and others can be accommodaled in the best manner on the shortest notice. His stable. is furnished with abundauce of provender of the best quality. Tie deems it unnecessary to say any thing about prices, as he is determined to serve "Lis customers at Uno rates and on at good term a any other Sluble ia this place, and if he don't do it teell, He Will Charge Nothing! Come one, come all and try him ! If you come once you will be well pleased and come again. ffjr'Breakiiig, Nicking and Docking horses, all practiced with skill at this Establishment. Also, several good second Land Buggies, for sale, low for cash. GABRIEL B. STONE. DecemberSfh, 1851 33-- tf. District Chancery Court of the State of Mississippi at Holly Springs. George N. Stewart and Thaddeus Sanford, Trustees fcc, Brown Brothers tco., and In Vacation Cleveland Aco. Hyde May 10, 1652 ts: j o. BILL, Thomas N. Niles, Augustus Jaggar, et al. UPON opening the matters and things of this It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Augustus Jaguar; one of the defend ants in this case, is a non-reside- of the .Slate of Mississippi, and is ww beyond the limits thereof so that the ordinary process ot this court cannot be served upon him. It is therefore ordered by the courtj that unless said Defendant, Augustus Jaggar, shall appear before the ice chancellor of the state of Missis sippi, at the court room in the town of Holly Springs, on the first Monday in July next, and plead, answer or demur to complainants Bill, the I II ." .I - - i - l 'III several allegation merein contained win oeiaKen for confessed, as to him, and such order or decree made therein as shall seem to the court equitable and just. It is further ordered by the court, that a copy of this order be published in the "Mississippi Palladium," a newspaper printed in the town of Holly borings, once a week for one month sue cessively, and that another copy of the same be posted upon the lrout door of the court House of juarsnau couniy, jiiississippi. HANNIBAL HARRIS, cut. Trotter, Williamson & Totten, Sols, for compl'ts. May 27th, I?52. TALBOT ft 6AUTRELL A RE now receiving their large and extensive XjL Spring stock of Drugs, Chemicalsr Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Ac, to w hich they invite the at- tention of Physicians, Planters and the commu- nity generally. The following articles comprise, in part, their stock Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Lard Oil, Spt's Turpentine Sperm Oil, . Alcohol, Train Oil, Aqua Ammonia Neat's Foot Oil, Carb. Olive (Fine; Oil, Eng. Calomel, Old Corn Am. Castor " Quinine, Gunpc wder Tea, Golden Chop Young Hyson " Silver Leaf " Ne pins Ultra " Oolong " Broom s .floor, w isp. Pine Cutlery, Sogars. good brands ; Smoking Tobacco, Scaf-arlat- ti and Oregon ; Powder, Shot and Caps ; a large lot of pure white Lead; Glass Lamps, win- dow Glas and Putty Fine Braudv, (old Otard) Madeira. Sweet Port and London Dock, Port Wines for medicinal pur- poses. - Pepper, Spice, Ginger, . Afn Cayenne, Indigo, - Madder, Copperas, Logwood grd Ext. Logwood, fcc. S0T l'hysician's Furniture, and Labels constant- ly on hand. Terms reasonable. 46-- tf W'! & DOUGHERTY, are now receiv the largest stock of Drugs, Pure Medicines, Chemicals, Per fumery, Stationery, Cutlery, Cigars, Tobacco, Chewing and Smoking,' and Port, 3Iaderia,and White WINE, ever before brought to this market, which they will sell on very reasonable terms, either whole sale or retail. They keep many articles not be- longing to the Drug business legitimately. f" Gi ve them a CaU.JJ O Gazette and Jeffersonian copy. March 4th, 1852-45--tf . ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. T. LONG &, CO.. keeps constantly on W., hand asupplv of A. I. LOUSEXBEKNY. Patented Abdominal Supporters forsale at their old stand, for " the use and benefit of which they will refer all who need them, to the Physi- cians of Sommcrville and country, to wit : L)oc-to- rs Higgason, Maury, W. B. &, A. B- - Washing ton mlliams, t inuev. Macon & Juler, all o 'this town) ; fc Docts. A L Green, and JS Palmer of this county r Also Doctors Gabbert, and Booth of Afenphis. iowell, and .Turner of BrownsviZe, and others in New York city; a part of whom heve given their certificates, in which they state that their success in the use of A I Lounsberry's Supporters, is without a pa- - raae:in tne cure oi iToiapsus L ten. Dec Slhlfrol-- '? .1. . - Just Received THE Odd Fellows text book, by Taschal Don an elucidation of the theory of Odd Fellowship, elegantly illustrated. ror bale at LOUDS. Feb. 19,1852. tf. , New Music t New Music! New Music!! - Just Received, CJENTIMENTAL Waltz, by Miss Emily L. Loud, Koh-LNoo- r, or -- Mountain of Light Waltz, ditto.; New Orleans Polka, by Miss Emi ly ju. Lxua; jnarcne unentale, , e, by Thomas Loud.' For Sale at LOC'D S PIANO ROOM. August 15th, 1831 . 17-- tf Fresh Hops, "TEST received by TALBOT L GARTRELL O Feb, 19, '52-t- f. . ALSO ' Fine Olive Oil . , Cayenne Pepper, ' Ground s Race Ginger, " : ' ' Gray's Ointment, ic. Arc 0 La JUST Received, and for Sale by TALBOT & GARTRELL. February 5, 165241 tf. O P - SCCH AS PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS; CARDS. Neatly aad Promptly Executed, E.. " ' ,AT .IBS . r; MJSSCSrPPI PALLAD-UM,- " OFFIC& J Orders Respectiully Solicited, Holly Springs, January 8th, 1852. WASHINGTON, D. C. on THE importance of such a Journal as the above needs no exposition. The ma terial and substantial interests of the South have been too lornr neglected. The Cot- - tojt Plant" is established to promote these interests, keeping entirely aloof from party politics. A complete foreign and domestic correspondence has been arranired. The best talent of the country w ill contribute to our columns, which will present a me- dium of general communication, corres- pondence, and information for the friends is of the measure we advocate. The proper steps have been taken in Europe and to lay the foundation of a direct for- tiori is trade at the South, and to introduce our coarse manufactures into the Continen tal European market. One object of the 'Cottox Plast' will be, as the organ of di- rect trade, to stimulate the South to carry out this important measure. W e call upon the southern merchants generally to send us their business cards, that we may lay them before the country, to enable the friends of Southern Com 1 merce, Manufactures, etc., to discriminate properly in their desire to promote South em enterprise. I he importance of Washington city as a point of location for such a Journal, es- pecially in regard to opening fcreign corres pondence and promoting our loreign rela tions, is apparent. 1 he opportunity of see- ing here, also, members of Congress from every district ot the country, presents means of general not to be found elsewhere. To the Cotton, Sugar, Rice, and Tobac co Planters, we look confidently for sup port; and to the menus of 'Direct Trade throughout the South we sav, 'show your mith by your works. The regular issue of the 'Cottox 1'lakt will commence in June next. Advertise ments are particularly requested to be for warded early. Business letters addressed to C. G. Baylor, Washington City, D. C. Correspondence from all interested in the cause we advocate is solicited, particu- larly as to the crop, as we with to give cor- rect information on a subject which is of so much importance to the Planter, and in representing which he has been so often in jured. l'oslmastcrs are requested to act as agents for us, and to all who approve our cause, we look for good feeling, kindness, and support. Terms: S2 a year, in advance. We, the undersigned, Senators and Rep resentatives, cordially recommend the above Journal to the confidence and support of the South. Thomas J. Paisk, Sampson W. Harris, S. 11. Mallory, W. H Smith, W. Brooke, Thos. II. Averett, Jere. Clemens, A. G. Brown, Wm. K. Sebastian, D. Wallace, D. R. Atchison, J. A. Woodward, Jackson Morton, T. L. Clingman, J. McP. Berrien, E. W. Chastain, S. U. Downs, James L. Orr, Solon Borland, ' Andrew Johnson, Wm. C. Dawson, V. E. Howard, James C. Jones, George S. Houston, Wm. II. Polk, Junius Ilillj-er- , E. C. Cabell, A. II. Stephens, A. W. Venable, David Outlaw, II. W. Johnson, James Johnson, L. St. Martin, Wm. T. Ward, Paulus Powell, Joseph XV. Jackson, John McQneen, John A. Wilcox, B. D. Nabers, R. II. Stanton. NEW -- VOLUME. FAMILY PAPER FOR ODD-FELLO- GAZETTE OF THE UNION AKD LED UK Literary Miscellany for. all Classes. Volume"Xri7--185- 2 TIT E commence on the 1st of January, the Six-I- I teenth Volume of the " Golde Kt LE,"now the oldest weekly in the world, devoted to the principles of the Urqer. its design nas ever iecn to present les of our beloved Order prominently before the public, and also such intelligence as to the pro- gress of the Institution as shall be of general in- terest. The department devoted to matters per- taining to the Order, though comprehensive and complete, occupies comparatively a small portion of the paper. 1 he Gazette xd Goliex Rile m the en carrer which gives a full and complete account of the I'roceedinjts or tne urder throughout the Lmted States, and its patrons can depend upon finding in it the doincs of the Order as soon as a report can reach us. We take great pains in this de partment, and are never equaled in it. To general readers and Families the remainder, and by far the larger portion of our columns is devoted. They are filled with choice Tales, Poetry, Travels, Adventures, Miscellany, Extracts from New Works, Narratives, Humor, Anecdotes, and a General bummary of Current Events. Thus complete in all particulars, it wii be our pride to make the Gazette asd Rile an unexceptionable xamily Companion for every Odd-Fello- " Eight Hundred and Ftjty Pages for Ttcp Dollars The admirable and popular form of our makes it when bound at the end of the year, one of the choicest volumes, worth fire times the annua subscription, and an ornament to any Library. A NEW PAPER ENTIRELY.- - '." The Goldek Rile is not made up of the leav- ings of daily or semi-weekl- y city papers, nor is it yet like some . others, the stale ..... remnant of pa-- i i - pers cevoiea to pumng ana tne furtherance of various private interests., t. very line from the first page to the last, is written for or selected from original sources for our columns, and instead of opening the Golden Rule to find matter that has irrowii old traveling the rounds of the press. the reader is certain of finding a store of good things entirely new. OUR TEEMS. One copy, $2 per annum. . Four copies, P1" annum. Nine copies, 12 per annum. ' Twelve copies, $15 per annum. . Address, post-pai- or free, CRAMPTON fc CLARKE, ; 44 Ann-st- ., New York. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. T)Y virtue and in pursuance of a decree of the JJ Probate Court of Marshall county, State of j5iississippi,maaeai me 1 aft April term inereoi.ine undersigned, Guardian of Marraret A. Mitch ell, a minor, will, ou the 17th day of July next, between the hours prescribed by Jaw, proceed to sell, at the town of Wtatt, and at public auction, to the highest bidder, on a credit of one, two aad three years from the day of sale, one moiety or undivided half interest, in section of Land No. two, in Township No. seven; and section of Land No. thirty-fiv- e, in Township No.-si- x both in Range Jio. four West, in Lafayeite county, State of Mississippi : having thereon a Saw and Grist Mill one of said sections being valuable for farming purposes. - - . O" Bonds with good and approved security will be required of the purchaser. rp , ' ' - JOHN B. FANT, Guardian of Margaret A. HitcheTL June 3d, 1853 3 MISS LUCIE KOiirSO.N, Instructor m French, the higher-Englis- h and Ornamental Bran ;caiSSMARYA STF.ARNS.-Gove- me.s and Intni,tyr m Mathematics ,and higher English gtudie. iUSS LFCTLLA READ, Infractor in the . x a. "!?.?7niwni MK. CHARLES STRUCKE, Instructor in Vocaland lnstrunental MuMeofererv kind. ISO. W. C. WATSOX, ESQ., Lecturer on the Evidences of Christianity and Xature o American Institutions. WM. F. STEARXS, ESQ., Lecturer on Eng- lish Literature and Poetry. Terms, per Session cf Twenty-on- e Wefeis. Tuition in the English Branches. First Class $25 00 Second " 20 00 Third ' 15 00 Fourth ' 12 00 Tuition. Greek, Latin, French, and German, each, 12 00 Drawintr, Paintms, and rancv ork, of every description, 10 00 Instruction ou the Piano, Harp, or Guitar 25 00 Use of Instrument for practicing , 5 00 Board,! ncluding all contingent expenses, 50 00 Payments, one hair at the opening or each Session, the remainder at the close. Ko deduction for absence, except in case ot protracted sickness. Apparatus. An extensive Philosophical, Chemical, and As tronomical Apparatus, which cost nfteen hundred dollars, is owned by the Principal, and a full course of Lectures is given to each graduating class. In addition to the above Apparatus, 'vhich embraces a Refracting Telescope and Microscope of exquisite finish and beauty, a Reflecting Teles cope ot seven and a nail leet local distance, be lonM to the Principal, which will be used with the Astronomical Classes . Improvements. About three thousand dollars have been expen ded by the Trustees and Principal within the last eighteen months, in enlarging the Buildings and improving their internal arrangements lor educa tional uses. In the beauty of its grounds, and the extent and number of its Halls, 1'orches Rooms, and various apartments, for the comfort and heaith of Boarding Pupils, it is now unsur passed by any Institution of the State. The Mode of Instruction Is of the most thorough kind. Those who eotnplfte the full course will be enabled to take a high stand in mental culture and Scholarship with the graduates of any Female Institution of our country. Holly Springs February 12, 1852 no42-t- f. XT NEW VOLUME FOR 1852. .o The best and Clieapest Juvenile Magazine in the Lnued IStatet! OX the 1st of January, 1?52, will be published Charleston. S. C.. the first number of the third annual volume of which has leen pronounced by some of the ablest presses and best judges, "The best and cheapest Juvenile Magazine in the L'nited States." The success of this beautiful little work during two vears has been so flattering that the Publishers Lave resolved to continue it and make it perma- nent, and they therefore call upon parents, teach- ers, and all interested in the rising generation to aid them in their efforts to make the Schoolfellow all that its most flattering judges Lave pronounc- ed it. It will be published in the same form as here- tofore and under the same editorial care; and will contain chiefly original articles from the jeiis of STeal, Mrs. V. C. Richards, Mrs. C. W Du Hose. Miss Tuthill, Caroline Howard, Miss C. V. Barber, Clara Moreton, Moria Rosscau, Jennie Elder, "Grandmama Hoary Head," "Mary E." "E. B. C." the Editor, and many other well known writers. Its Pictorial Embellishments will be more numerous and beautiful than before; it will be printed upon finer paper, and no pains will be spaied to make it a most charming com- panion for all good girls and boys. It will be published on the tirt cf each month, and will make a volume of about 400 pages and 100 en graving. ILr At Vne Dollar a ear in Adcanee. Any person sending us ten new subscribers. with the money, can retain one-fift- if twenty or mors, one-fourt- h of the subscription money. l lie i uei ! rc tuiumcs. beautifully bound in gilt muslin, will be furnish ed in connection with the third year tor t our Dol- lars. To clubs, they w ill be supplied at One Dollar for each volume. ' O All orders must be accompanied with the cash; it by mail, post paid, and addressed to Walker, Rich ah ds & Co. Cluirleston. S. C. ILr Editors copying this Prospectus, or making suitable notice, shall receive a copy of the work without an exchange. Tney will please send mancea copies oi meir papers containing it to the uazette. Just Received O DD Fellow's Regalia. For sale at LOUDS, Feb. 19, '52--tf, . District Chancery Conrt cf the State Of Mississippi at Holly Springs. W m. F. Stearns & others I In vacation 985 r May 25th 1852 Wilham Crockett. Tripoli opening the matters of this bill it appearing to the saustaction of the court that the defendant ui this case, William Crockett is a non-reside- nt of the State of Mississippi, and is beyopd the limits there of, so that the ordinary process of law can not be served upon him. It is therefore ordered that tinles3 the said defendant shall appear before the Vice chancellor, at the Court lloom in the town of Holly.-Springs- , on the first Monday of July next, laz; ana plead answer or de mur to the complainants bill, the several allegations thereof will be taken for confess ed and a decree rendered accordingly. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week for one month successively in the Palladium, a news paper printed in the town of Holly Springs, and another copy be posted at the front door ot the Court House in said town. HANNIBAL HARRIS Clerk. Thomas W. Harris, Jr. Sol. for Complts. May 27 I852-2-5-- 5w THE Ii:SSUSa IaOUD. fpHANKFUL for the past liberal patronage of nun iiicuus, iue pleasure in iniorroinginera that, they are now in receipt, and will constantly receive irffs LTa Well Selected Stock of Books of all Kinds. The attention of those desiring SCHOOL BOOKS is respectfullv called to our selection, which con sists of all that are now used by the fisst teach era. uur stock ot ' MZSCXLLANEOUS WORKS, from Popular authors of the da v. have Iron u lected with and canuot be . great care, surpassed . r a i i wt ii i ior vanexy anu siyie. e wui keep constantly on hand every variety of , -- 1 , Stationery, Plain and Fancy; Printer's Ink and Paper, of the Best Quality. Our trade will be confined exclusively to Cooks and Musical Merchandise, and having great facil ities in purchasing, we feel confident that strong inducements can be offered to purchase in our line. z i ' : ? ';; 9f asic ui Slasieal Instruments of all kinds, and latest improvements, can be found at our New Store, next door to . A. Tal bot's Drug Store. Holly Springs, Jan, 9, lS52-41- -tf :1 X- - i' r iLa? La t a true, ana i tWr i t or ilree it.LLitt d boae l- - twt- - tie i!re .ted x 'are. It was ; w asd w sjc tTiTid tl&t a par-- 1 tv tt cgc r-se- aionr i aM3x.aaDe jKez to u. -n-- .rg rv a.a -- -r e ! brs cvrssivi. iii ilik it i'u Uy ; r)ntu!'J9 Jre. 11 r 1 s y: irr po-- ed tohtve n eS--r- i I d a.i to txr-xi- a ncirts siTii tl- - ?lrk5 A'-- j tier is irneal ei- - crisi ia tt 5si:l:wL-jt- i t f lie ost-rC- ". ai cne ai ipcu.a t" ii iTet cut tie e"-- t rntcL, vt S we lave beard cf no " cS-ot- rr ihiz. urn! l-- 5 Ix ;t I' ' weed. tu' rdab?g.st Sew Version. i " rL V. - rt rwdvcarti-s- : ieaB-av'as-- N bcin sat- - - - . . - -- - , . - e . ti FIV -l evrredaij, kaie made . - . ... "- - - - - , - 1 - f - , . 2rr le Lai sJL tie Sucie- - ' tr ia Naa-crt- . Xew- - I Tw l a It Etv. Mr . rLe. i--f VTZlisztbzrz. vzdtr tie sa- - tie -- Vrr F.rl Cir . ; j, -- .- EioctitT Vy c c tie Ct JTirlt Gnaxd. ri,;'y be found destitute,. and he .Vv t 5 -- i: a i Sc.Ith, en- - cf the Watrfi. aVeanrrocsir woun-"- J generally become kt ir.e pTirior meir cnoicesi nowers, just as Uiev begin to open in full bloom and nzr&nst e passor hy fhouM tear &Tm (rom ,he bush and destroy them. Doe rot God sometimes rrather into heav- - tied by a lct fceca sa r-k- aoa a assail- - rr rJ SrVliMie ftiTd are-5- , , i j - i. . McA:er, tbe Cather-a-U- w oi r.;b, eeJ fcia Lsty ia bis jlsce, sot a yxniC2rrs:eT, Kinsei li-ia- r Tiuxizn, t w hxJ Uteres:.! cd tt;ag peace izl aal xtTl-reiv- eJ He hsd a rran with ' ben nlrn l.c was bet ha.1 made so oo;rr or fcosiTIe Jec3C35tralTons. H" tcri arc sild to be sexre it not La llec slcytlr. t!rre, whose turn cccres cext. Ossce ther cscd to ihoot aad be tit ly now they do tt It tastes. I rcc Trader, June o. I TteMoli! Triltiiesavs t!at the rtjltcre. a a petten.1 thar, was intro- - i 11 1th man of the population is in pris-tli-r- vl ia:o Scbih AIalxtn7a more than oa. Every -- lOOtii man of the popula- tes rrars ar. and no crop, not even tka is in exile. The ratio would be com, s i roved ur.I;orn.lv KK.re cer - i tain asd satliiictorv. With the so!i - ; liry eictppbloai-- f lNl,whea a severe; frost caiue u; a ti w beat was head- - f i asa aInKt cstlrely dotroved it, roca:rcflinrr;anceha5!urrea - tdtoit. The nst-Ka- s rareiy shown j .. wsjTt V r.-- t ItfTi L?rtn.-- n lii- I " !! v:t r2In. inderdJ !. iLe crop Kxn entered that the rx.tsre fcas rapd v extended during I t!se last fc?cr cr e veers. 3 ITalefaI Son. fVT, i ' An Indiarubber omnibus is about being i octiie ccEStv, recently a5a,eu. ' ! invented which when jam - full will hold te Leriitsre cl thit 5 tale to ra?s a 1 .two more, hm oxspd oi-ir- cn. w bo are ab,e, j a . - - V tale of ibelr care LdjOess parenU. beardofaiaan who fancied he Z?-- ! Q TSKSJf I -- 3C certain long-eare- d animal, and the p earned oa. worth 30dXKI, env-- ! it w&s he was not much mista-aitataoth- er cot cfthe fcousc, andjte $uaffi t father, whose head was altered wi-J- a the faowi f 91 vears, to trae to be supported at Lbepcic op-press- es cone.

Transcript of Mississippi palladium. (Holly Springs, Miss.) 1852-06-24 [p ]. · advantage in Fluor Albus,...

Page 1: Mississippi palladium. (Holly Springs, Miss.) 1852-06-24 [p ]. · advantage in Fluor Albus, Prolapsus Uteri, Gra-vel, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, and even in consump-tion. In some of these,





J"gfWe take tie liberty now at the opening

THE NEW OFFICEto inform our friends and the public, that we arc

well prepared to doJob Printing with Neatness and Dispatch

Our material are Ati. vxv and comprise a greatvariety of beautiful Type, Ornaments, and Cuts.


V And Respcctfnllf T?.Informs his old ca3tomer9, his friends every-where and the public, that he has purchased theentire interest of Messrs. Forraan & Sawyer, lateproprietors of that most extensive and superb

structure known as the



On Monday" the 16th February, 1852.

Faculty.REV. G. "VT. SILL A. M. Principal and In-

structor n the Ancient Languages, Higher Math-

ematics, and A stronomy.REV. CHARLES S. DOD. A. IT. LecturerChemistry ami Natural Philosophy, and In-

structor in the Natural Sciences, Elocution, andIVtmranshin.

SOUTHERN ADVERTISER rA Southern Journal, published weekly

to advocate Direct Trade, Mancfact-ur- e,

Agriculture, and the DeTclope-me- nt

Ot Southern Resources,I j r I- -J fTts

,ltf-.i- r cirira


zz-i of tVe Lreere ;

Are- - ir r; i ia c--

JxLt t v-Efi- J in & drtin.

i rc-Z- Urf t k. cac.avrs fcttrt.

Fracs Ir I fill Lirt. ..Li

TI.-T- - C- - s.t tca

l.e s-- s 2te c

Th it tt-- fv L --.r z 17Lt rhLzc x?.

la tie i!.-- p.l? 5 tie tlyTLrr a ? s.sufJ scar.

WLt tx cas aTL li-l- t tLef'a to eit.

Tt.re tl rai:! teVr f;u3e.

Ar- - aca?T-3e- ew--

"TLt il sc-- i if tie b!eft.Acl tie ki t-- tie fpltres.


TLrc tic irr-i- e Tears.TL-T- -f tie sfi sirs t.aX dova i

Fr:a 2.e zz3.rz?.Jb '.a.

A'Z iZi xri tL pt rfsxsOf Eis's cts

trri, V:a e ari br-a-at- y

O. fry. sixtiesla :li rr---i siir vioi c ? '

ti.r r rt f tii-- wr. t dead ,

a few Iiy Esce h' r ct.t-.i- Jti rorye

Lt-- JL tdtjxe JJcmo- -'

rw. j

ltercrrrr I if ' ialr. vloisa eil- -

ew w-es- t--y llif Ea-- e 4 Dt-I!- . we ! ara

2i I t . c&r Is j U-- bl i!,Lc?ah the bo--

. .- - ;

TL.lt tLrauil was a?1 M abpd I- - rears ae. sad

n.i-irijTKt-r ti sc ki fcoaseT rx:T3s ;.e fc t :.r.t-- r rft the '

s'hA a.i--t 1 2 cVJ k c UcJar tLeitlon of force, one with another, upon1t frkais af:er cvasi-l-- ; rowers of darkness!

it a C&TTy&I. Itt W rfsTvt itnrri.if nnrl vpnpr.Si by

ril-u- c ws.1 . 1 V --ill'T s f "- -

i their Professions! We have in ouraT..i;i. i re cianwe:, ,. 1 . ...

The Poor Boy 'a CoIJee."The printing See," says the New

York Globe, "has indeed proved a better., to e5ev irour bov fraduated- - - - -0 t j 0- -

Inore usual tad cct:sjicueu3 members ofocktj las matured intelleci aai turnediLto practical and useful channels, awak-;e- j.

more elevated thoughts than anycf the liierary colleges ia the country. on

How many a drone lias passed throughthese eoLeges whh no proof of Lis f loess,oiher than Lis inanimate peace of parch- - j

iment. l...f more inanimate than Lisleatfcer crploraa ; mere ts sometfctcg m tne


ery sXnio-pLt- re of a printing o&ce caka- - j

lated to awraken the rind and inspire tie ia

iV,irsi fr Lnowled're. A bov vho com- -

meters in tiis land of a school will havetalents I rocht oat ; if he has no mind

to he dravn out, the boy himself will becr.xezi cut.

STEAMBOAT.In pursuance to a call published in

ibis paper, a pxjrtion of the citizens of

lasrt Saturday, and after some preliir.i- -'

nary arrangementi;, books were open-'cd.an- d

the necessary amount for buil- -

dieg a Steamboat was soon subscribedsi 1,000 we believe. Capt. Mat-- :

thews, a large stockholder and a gen-,tk-nia- ii

of considerable Steamboatingexperience, has been selected tosuper- -intend the building, and has now gonerVJi tli ward for l!at pui jJbt.

Fulton. Monitor, June 22.

DAN CINQ WITH SPURS.Mr. Kendall, writing from Paris to

ti.e Xew Orleans Picayune, states thata. fight occurred at Louis Napoleon'sgrand ball, between a Frenchman and

Spaniard, because the former torewith his spur the dress of a lady with

jwhoni the Don was dancing. Mr. K.jacds: "It was a poor place to intro-

duce such articles as spurs; yet I pre- -

svme there were at least a thousandpair attached to the heels of the Frenchcxid other officers present,"

KO ANSWER YET!The Nashville American has for some

time kept standing a call for a list ofthe Northern Whig State Conventionswhich have endorsed, as a finality, theCompromise measures of the last Con- -

cress. We have not vet seen an answer.

In our judgment the great error of9lA 4T. nminiKt tiT-n- ti.: in T nlirlelioncK ita'ovsy. distrust and bitternesstlieir stren;ta beinz wasted ia a war--

iare, oi sixr rpox sect, rather than aunited, vigorous and heart v concentra- -

- -- i - ----iate au clergvmen who act worthily of

no aims or no secia- -ictiangs. . .... amuuion,. , , .

r1an f'j2ra. e love tne truly good,'whatever sect he may belong.

Esisct. It Is otnnipotent. Tlie clouds

'this moment beirar. in a few rears maystand forth the admiration of angels !

Who Las not felt the life-givin- g power ofenergy ? It causes the desolate wildernessVt bloou like the rot it whitens theocean navigates rivers levels mountains

paves a highway of iron from one Stateto another, an d wends its war with the ve- -j; of u htnin'j from one end of the?!nd to the other. What is man withoutwvi ftwi , a viva.

Cxurcayia Foetcses It is calculatedthat out of every hundred persons whoLave jrone to California, tfty have beenmined. lortv eo better than they would.Lave been Lad they remained at home,Cve a Lole better, four something better

id. aad one has made a fortune. ThatiTius w t tail pivwiuuu ui tuc vau- -

fnua adventurers.

WealA is not acquired, as manypcrpoR suppose, by fortunate speculationand entcrrmze, but by the dailypractices ol industry, frugality, and econo--

my- He who relies upon these means will

I have seen persons.who gathered

i -- 1 - r w a

en young and innocent children for thesame reason lest some rude hand may detFil them of their beauty.

To be continually subject to the breathot slander, will tarmh the purest virtue,as a constant fmosnre to the atmnsnliprp

gcld ; but, in either case the real value ofboil conunues the same, although the cur

jreccy may be somewhat impeded.

In Italy, Piedmont excepted, every

higher in France, higher still in Hunrary, higher still in Poland, hijrher stillia Hesseor Baden,

Wly is an errand boy like an old horseiFntBPi auetion? Because he'll jro formtat he'll tck.

What Scripture name would achildmention in calling his mma. , Dy'e giveit , Ans 0r (0, 7

A wag reading in a shop window, "table bear sold here," stepped in and askedU the tear was the man s own brum.


Thx Puss. It truth ; re- -! presses error, cm-press- es knowledge, and

. PhilotokeH 'ot Females Friend,FoiT'the cure of Painfi:! sr"j .Tff ordered '

Menf.truation, JliscHlfiagcbr Abortion4 '"and the relief of all thoiO Sympathetic "

! 'r,-- .: "ri.eiou auctuuui aucuuiiub vu iiirjj- -


IN setting forth the merits of this invaluable 'remedy, the proprietor has been actuated by

the certainty resulting from experience, that themost gratifying effects will be found attendant

its use. 'Besides those complaints which harebeen named, the rhiloU'ken may be used withadvantage in Fluor Albus, Prolapsus Uteri, Gra-vel, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, and even in consump-tion. In some of these, auxiliaries mill be re-

quired to perform a cure, and in others, it can actonly as an auxiliary, or a palliative to remove thetemporary suffering.

The Fhilotokcti is not offered as a cure for allthe ills which flesh is heir to, but as a remedy andpreventive lor a certain class oi complaints inwhich it is warranted to do all that is here setforth, or that medicine directed vkh experienceand skill can do.

ID' Remember, that an ounce of Preventiveworth a pound of cure."N. B. Purchasers, to avoid imposition, willl--

careful to observe my written sign iture on tieoutside label of each bottle, to counterfeit hU:h

forgery. T. C. K1SLLY,Proprietor, Ucinburg, S. C.

O" Trice $1 per bottle; $0 per dozen.Forsaleby SCOML Jk MEAD.

1 1 1 Chart res street, N. O.,General 'Wlioksale A gents for the southern S:ats,

to whom all orders must be addressed.ID-So- ld by . ATaisot. Holly Sprinpa. Mis-

sissippi. 46-- 4u

Dr. Rogers' Lirertrcrt and Tar,A SAFE and certa"n cure for conscn.p'ica cf

- the Lungs, spitting of bleed, cerghs. cciJj.asthma, paiu in the side, bronchitis, Loopingcough, and all Pulmonary affections.

Extracts from CertificateWhich can be seen in full Lv callirg on the Acnt

ana gemtig a pauipniet.Mr. Adam Harris, Assistant Surgon U.S. Na-

vy Hospital, N. Y says: Dr. Kogers' l iver-wort and Tar cured a case of the inot distress-ing Asthma of twentv-si- x team standing.


Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, savs :I had the consumption ! attended wi.h "the

most cough, and discharged srvtralquarts of blood from the lung, and all myfriends aud phvsician pave me up to die, vet afew bottles of Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tir re-stored iue to perfect liea!:h! !

GABRIEL WHITEHEAD.Sworn to and subscriled thi 2t"u dav .f No-

vember, 1S46. HENRY E. SPENCER,Mayor tf Cincinnati.

Mrs. Chi!d (resides on sixtst., two doors westof Smith, Cincinnati.) says : 1 had the pulmo-nary consuiiipthiii, attended with a inot-- t distres-sing cough, which reduced me to a mere skeleton,and alihongh under the care of an able physi-cian (Prof. Harrison) I continued to pro- - iiMe,and gave up all hope of recovery ! At this crisis1 was petsuaded to trv Ur. ringers Liverwort andTar, which entirely lieale.1 my lungs and reton-i- l

me to perlect hcauh, by tne use ot a few tHrf:les.Signed, AN.N CHILD.

Dr. Wm. Richards, of Cincinnati, says: Although it may sceia unprofessional, 1 feel constrained to state that I us-e- d Dr. Rogers" Liver-wort and Tar in the case of Cbarle Wade, whowas quite low w itL Pulmonary Conf-uiupiion- .

with tlie happicot effect, after the uual n uiedivshad failed.

Signed, Wm. RICHARDS, m. p.The following is tiri'ten from Elizalwihtown.

Ky. : Your Dr. Rogers' Liverwort a'id Tar t;iviigreat sati-facti- on in this place. Dr. LloWa"i pre-scribes it, and pronounces it one of the best ul-iciue- s

in use. .

E. II. HAYCRAFT, Druggist.Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Tatriot. Gallia coun-

ty, O., writes. Dr. Logers' Liverwort and Trhas been the means t.f snatching my wife frm apremature grave! Signed, 11. WJStMAN.

Mr. Merr. weather, of Dcnmaik, Tenn., write:Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar has met withgreat success. A younjj man of this place,

by every one to be in the last stage of con-sumption! was entirely cured bv its use!

Signed. D. MEliRI WEATHER, Dr'pst.Mr. H. E. Drake, Druggist, of Xenia.O., Ftas:

A gentleman of 1113' acquaintance, who a ap-parently in the lust it,a;;e of consumption, warestored to perfect health by the um? tfif ir. Ro-gers' Liverwort and Tar. The cure as 1 mvtextraordinary tne.

nr. Wilson, (on old school physician of highstanding,) of Patriot, O., writes: I have n

tlie family physician oi Mrs. W iseman for twelveyears, and during that time she hat suffered withdiseased lungs, hich filially settled into Pulmo-nary consumption! She was ntir. lv cured bythe use of nr. Roger's Liverwort and Tar.


That wherever Dr. Eoffers' Syrnp of Lirerwortand 'Tar has been introduced, it 1 sujeredingevery other Cough Medicine before the public.This is wholly owing to its truly wondeilul me-dicinal virtues.

BE WARNED IN SEASON IAnd neglect not that cough which is dally wea-kening your constitution, iiritatinif your lhroaand lungs, and inviting on that drwid disease,consumption, when so soothing and healing aremedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers' Syrup fLiverwort and Tar.Beware of Counterfeits and base initiations!

The genuine article is signed Axr w Rogess,on the engraved wrapper around each bottle.

Price. $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Soldwholesale and retail by

SCOVIL k MEAD,113 Chartres St., bet. Conti and St. Louis, N. O.

Sole Agents for the Southern Slates to whomall orders and applications for Agencies must beaddressed.

Sold by E. A. Talbot. Willis & Dougherty, W.T. Long i Co., Holly Springs, Miss.; MoormanE Ayres, balem ; Koolt, tirigg fc Co., Lamar.

Jew David's or Hebrew- - Piaster,THE GREAT REMEDY,

For Rheumatism, Gout, Pain in the Side,Hip, Back, Limbs and Joints, Scrofula,King's Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tu-mors, Stiff Joints, and all Fxed Painswhatever. Where this Plaster is ap-plied, Pain cannot exist.

THESE Plasters possess the advantage ofup in air-tig- ht boxes hence they

retain their full virtues in all climates.Have yon Frienda goin; to California)By all means advise them to take along a supplyof this plaster, it may save them hundreds ofdollars, if not their lives, as the exposures whichthey have to endure in the mines is sure to bringon disease, which might be easily cured by theuse of this celebrated plaster, for the want ofwhich many have been obliged to quit their la-bors and fall into th hands of the physicians,who, by their extravagantly hifrh charges, soontake away the hard earnings of the bravest la.boring man. By alceping in tents or on theground. Rheumatism, Spinal Disease, Stiff Joints.Lame Back or Side, and all like diseases, are rareto trouble them, and many times entirely laythem up, when the simple application of thiplaster would give them immediate relief, andenable them to proceed with their labors withoetdelay.

It has been very beneficial in cases of weakness, such as Pain and Weakness in the StemachWeak iambs, Affections of the Spine, FemahWeakness, &c. No female, subject to pain andweakness in the back or side, should be withovoit. Married ladies, in delicate situations, findgreat relief from constantly wearing this Plaster

Ihe application 01 me t iaater between thesLoulders has been found a certain remedy forcolds, coughs, phthisic, and lung affections, iatheir primary stages. It destroys innammauoaby perspiration.

Betrare ofcounterfeits and base imiiatw. Veal-e- n

and purchaser generally are cautioned againstbuying "f any but our regular Agents; otherwisetkey trill be imposed upon teith a tcorthleo article, asmany base counterfeits of tMs article are in existence


Tie genuine is oold only by no, and our adoertkedAgents, throughout the nth. No Pedlab rs al-low- xb

to kux it. In future the genuine iri!l harethe signaUre of E. TAYLOR am the new steel-pU- tt

engraved label on the top of each boj te csKaferjritwtiri will he orateeuted as foroeru. - '

' SCOVIL MEAD,- I 113 Chartres St., New Orleans.

Sole General Agents for the Southern States, twhom all orders and applications for agencies,must be sddresssd. .'

Sold by Willi & rosttyt& A. TalbaCfTT. Louj h Co., Holly Springs, Kiss. ; Usormaa4 Ayret, Bslem Rook, Erics A Co., Lamar

tliat snrrotind the lioaseless boy to-da- y areB.8.ocr4USper5(njj gnj 15 myjjgd to a palace.

r. ,v f,f , rr.rTV, Th boy tat Is

We have purchased a" excellent assortment otblank card, and of suitable paper for Circulars,Bill Blanks and other kinds ot Jo&work. comeand try us.

Popular Keinedies for Salebyin


A ixEX'S Xerve and Bene liniment,lY. .Mexican JZustang "

inSims and Ero's Horse "Rheumatic ".Arabian "Fahi.estock's Rubefacient "Hays' .Gretn Slotfntain "Dalley'a Pain Extractor,Davis' Pain Killer,K awes' "

oflTphnmPile Electnary,Jew David's Plaster,Thompson's Eye Water,- -

Mitchell's Eye Salve,Olmstead'sAyers' Chfrty Pectoral,Efctnee Jamaica Ginger,Rands' Sarsaparilla, atTownsend's "Smith's (OOfcinal) doGuysott's SarapariWa and Yellow Dock,Fahnestock's Vermifuge,Jahiiestock Liquid Opodeldoc,Fahnestock't Cough Balsam,Jaynes' Expectorant,Jayues' Alterative,Jaynes' Vermifuge,Jaytw' P;iTUi" Balaam.Jaynes' Hair l)ye,J avnes Hair Tonic,Jaynes' Sanative Pills,Jaynes Ague "Silencer's "llom-t'- s "Peters

And a good supply of Drugs, Chemicals, DyeStuffs, Oils, Putty, tc , Ac.

March 4th, l?a2-45- -tf

AGAIN offer to the Planters of North Mis-sissippi,I my celebrated and much improved

cotton seeds for sale, at the reduced price of fiftycents per b'lhel.

I have now on hand seven different improvements of tlie latest improved, and much celebrated cottons, several of which I imported lastspring, from the best seed farms, and most cele-brated improvers and cotton planters in the south,viz :

The Jetliro, Banana, Hogan, (or Prolif.ic Pomegranate) Drop, Sugar Loaf,

together with theProut and Mag-

nolia.All of these cottons arc improvements over the

common cottons of the couutry. My favoriteshowever, from my past experience, are the SugarLoaf, the Lanana, and the celebrated silk or Je-thr- o.

The Sugar ixaf was originally sent frofnSouth America, by our Consul at alpraiso, tohis brother in South Alabama.

The lianana is believed to be an improvementfrom Mr. Prout's celebrated cluster, and the Je-thr- o

is an improvement of Col Vick, of Vicks- -

burg, from the 1 ettit Uulf seed, but improvedupon and brought into notice by Col. J. V.Jones,of Atlanta, Georgia. A bale of thife cottoii tookthe first premium at the World's Fair in Loudon,last year.

The history of the Sugar Loaf is so well knownfor its prolific quality making a bale or more onevery acre of good land, of a good season, onwhich it is planted! and its early maturity, coming in from two to three weeks earlier than othercottons, and its easy picking qualities, 25 percent, cheaper than other cottons, and its finenessof staple. tc.

The Banana is a very short liiubed cottongrowing in a solid cluster round the main stalk,and is much celebrated for its prolific qualities.The Jcturo is also highly celebrated lor its prolific qualities, and it extraordinary line, long and

this seed, wbatlinade from one bushel last sea-son, I will not sell them at $5 per bushel ; but Iwill GIVE a few to my friends who purchase seedof me, that they may try them for themselves,and next season I will have them at 5'J or 7j cts.per bushel.

1 have paid out hundreds of dollars in the lastfew years for improvements in animals, vegeta-bles, implements, tc, and I do not regret my out-la-v.

1 have not paid out my money for the pur- -ikjsc of speculation, or selling again, but for myown nse, for I have sold but little, but give awaymuch. 1 wiU hereafter keep the best, and soundest of my first and select pickings for myself, andsuch gentlemen as believe in improvement, andcan tee cause to patronize nie, at such reducedprices, that the improvement will double, and inlany instances fta tUL.1) pay them for their

outlay the first eaoc, and if they are not an improvement I want nothing. Any of the abovementioned seeds can be had at my Gin eightmiles south west of Holly Springs, and threemiles uorth west from Waterford. at 50 cts. perbushel, except the Jetliro, which 1 will give tothose purchasing others.

1 could procure letters and certificates enoughto fill a newspaper, in the praise of my cottonseed ; but 1 deem it unnecessary, as some of themost respectable citizens of this and adjoiningCounties, have been planting some of my seednow for two years, and one would always prefertalking with a man and hearing from his ownhps, than to read his certificates. 1 would referto CoL J. L. Foster, Col. Joel Wynn, Col. Arthur,vr. ilalone, Sam i .Pointer, Esq., Jcltnes McKeu- -

non and bcruei's, Esqs., David Hamilton andJohn Bradford, Esq s. ; ortoH Deans, Esqs., Col.It. o. Ureer, K. tsrewu and 1 arbrough, Esqs., andall who purchase seed of me.

Manr of those pent ler.jen I have not n sincethe gathering of their crops ; but

I Know the Seeds gave Satisfactionif they were on good land, notwithstanding thedrouth. I would alro refer those who are not ac-

quainted with the pedigree of those eecds, to theSouthern Cultirator. Augusta, Georgia, the Soilof tlie South, and the Patent Office Reports, forthe history of those improved seeds. 46-t-f

JUHJS UALtUUK.March 15th,'lS:2. .


of the Public square, whereC1J II ioijd

Hats and Caps of allKinds, to suit the dif

ferent seasons of the year, at15 per cent. LOWER inPrice, and 50 per cent.


Fashions, aj of which will be sold Low forCash in had. Come one! Come all!! andexamine my stock, as I am determined to adhereto the motto, "quick sales and small profits.

O" All kinds of oldhata repaired and put mgood order. 22--tf. B. A. Ml LKS.


THE undersigned "Would respectfullyto the citizens of Marshall County

that they have aain associated themselves inme above business, at ineir om imu uSouth side of the snuare in Holly Springs,where ' they are manufacturing every variety of

Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Saddle--

bags,' Girths, Sircingles, andFine Hajircss for Carriages andBnggies, together with com- -plete Wagon harness, Gin andMill Bands, made to order.

Our articles are - newly made out of fresh roa- -materi&l. Much care is taken to nave our worneatly and substantially executedwhich we war-rant...to ffive

- satisfaction. . . .v e keep on hand for sale a goou assortment ox

Saddling Hardware and trimmings ofevert description, Patent aad EnamelledLeather for Carriage trimmings, and alarge, supply of upper, sole, harness, skirting,bridle, mill and gin-ban- d Leather. '

In the sale of our goods we will oner them atlower prices than such articles bare been soldfor, or can be offered at bj ary other establish-ment in the south west, j I - . .

Hides and Tan bark taken in exchange for anyof the articles we selL

NILES & WALLACE. :Holly Springs, March 18th, 1352 tf.

MASTODQH LIVERY STABLE.Situated on the North side of the public square,

Holly Springs, Miss, and extending 132 fret40. from Centre street to Market street. " This

Establishment is in every respect safe, comfort-able ami conveniently arranged and is connec-ted with the Marshall House.

The undersigned has had ten years experiencethe Livery Static business, and flatters hun- -

self, that he will be able to give eutire satisfac- -

tionto all who mav favor hhn with their custom.He has on hand a fall supply of

Superior Ilamfs and Saddle Horses,that are gentle and safe, and at the same time,spirited, qu:ek-movi- n and good travellers. He

is also well provided withCarriages, Hacks and Maggies

style and truality not surpassed by any in thisregion; hidnvers and hostlers are experienced,careful and diligent to please. Travellers andothers can be accommodaled in the best manneron the shortest notice. His stable. is furnishedwith abundauce of provender of the best quality.

Tie deems it unnecessary to say any thing aboutprices, as he is determined to serve "Lis customers

at Uno rates and on at good term a any otherSluble ia this place, and if he don't do it teell,

He Will Charge Nothing!Come one, come all and try him ! Ifyou comeonce you will be well pleased and come again.

ffjr'Breakiiig, Nicking and Docking horses, allpracticed with skill at this Establishment. Also,several good second Land Buggies, for sale, lowfor cash. GABRIEL B. STONE.

DecemberSfh, 1851 33-- tf.

District Chancery Court of the State ofMississippi at Holly Springs.

George N. Stewart andThaddeus Sanford, Trustees fcc,

Brown Brothers tco., and In VacationCleveland Aco.Hyde May 10, 1652ts: j o. BILL,Thomas N. Niles,Augustus Jaggar, et al.

UPON opening the matters and things of thisIt appearing to the satisfaction of the

court that Augustus Jaguar; one of the defendants in this case, is a non-reside- of the .Slate ofMississippi, and is ww beyond the limits thereofso that the ordinary process ot this court cannotbe served upon him.

It is therefore ordered by the courtj that unlesssaid Defendant, Augustus Jaggar, shall appearbefore the ice chancellor of the state of Mississippi, at the court room in the town of HollySprings, on the first Monday in July next, andplead, answer or demur to complainants Bill, the

I II ." .I - - i - l 'IIIseveral allegation merein contained win oeiaKenfor confessed, as to him, and such order or decreemade therein as shall seem to the court equitableand just.

It is further ordered by the court, that a copyof this order be published in the "MississippiPalladium," a newspaper printed in the town ofHolly borings, once a week for one month suecessively, and that another copy of the same beposted upon the lrout door of the court House ofjuarsnau couniy, jiiississippi.

HANNIBAL HARRIS, cut.Trotter, Williamson & Totten, Sols, for compl'ts.

May 27th, I?52.

TALBOT ft 6AUTRELLA RE now receiving their large and extensive

XjL Spring stock of Drugs, Chemicalsr Paints,Oils, Dye Stuffs, Ac, to w hich they invite the at-

tention of Physicians, Planters and the commu-nity generally.

The following articles comprise, in part, theirstock

Linseed Oil, Turpentine,Lard Oil, Spt's TurpentineSperm Oil, . Alcohol,Train Oil, Aqua AmmoniaNeat's Foot Oil, Carb.Olive (Fine; Oil, Eng. Calomel,Old Corn Am.Castor " Quinine,

Gunpc wder Tea,Golden ChopYoung Hyson "Silver Leaf "Ne pins Ultra "Oolong "Broom s .floor, w isp.Pine Cutlery,

Sogars. good brands ; Smoking Tobacco, Scaf-arlat- ti

and Oregon ; Powder, Shot and Caps ; alarge lot of pure white Lead; Glass Lamps, win-dow Glas and Putty

Fine Braudv, (old Otard) Madeira. Sweet Portand London Dock, Port Wines for medicinal pur-poses. -

Pepper, Spice, Ginger,. Afn Cayenne, Indigo, - Madder,

Copperas, Logwood grd Ext. Logwood, fcc.

S0T l'hysician's Furniture, and Labels constant-ly on hand. Terms reasonable. 46-- tf

W'! & DOUGHERTY, are now receivthe largest stock of

Drugs, Pure Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, Cutlery, Cigars,

Tobacco, Chewing and Smoking,'and Port, 3Iaderia,and White

WINE,ever before brought to this market, which theywill sell on very reasonable terms, either wholesale or retail. They keep many articles not be-

longing to the Drug business legitimately.

f" Gi ve them a CaU.JJO Gazette and Jeffersonian copy.March 4th, 1852-45--tf .

ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS.T. LONG &, CO.. keeps constantly onW.,hand asupplv of A. I. LOUSEXBEKNY.

Patented Abdominal Supporters forsale at theirold stand, for " the use and benefit of whichthey will refer all who need them, to the Physi-cians of Sommcrville and country, to wit : L)oc-to- rs

Higgason, Maury, W. B. &, A. B-- Washington mlliams, t inuev. Macon & Juler, all o'this town) ; fc Docts. A L Green, and J S Palmerof this county r Also Doctors Gabbert, andBooth of Afenphis. iowell, and .Turner ofBrownsviZe, and others in New York city; apart of whom heve given their certificates,in which they state that their success in the useof A I Lounsberry's Supporters, is without a pa--

raae:in tne cure oi iToiapsus L ten.Dec Slhlfrol-- '? .1. . -

Just ReceivedTHE Odd Fellows text book, by Taschal Don

an elucidation of the theory of OddFellowship, elegantly illustrated.

ror bale at LOUDS.Feb. 19,1852. tf. ,

New Music t New Music! New Music!!- Just Received,

CJENTIMENTAL Waltz, by Miss Emily L.Loud, Koh-LNoo- r, or -- Mountain of Light

Waltz, ditto.; New Orleans Polka, by Miss Emily ju. Lxua; jnarcne unentale, ,

e, by Thomas Loud.'For Sale at LOC'D S PIANO ROOM.August 15th, 1831 . 17-- tf

Fresh Hops,"TEST received by TALBOT L GARTRELLO Feb, 19, '52-t- f.

. ALSO '

Fine Olive Oil . ,

Cayenne Pepper,'Ground s Race Ginger, " : ' '

Gray's Ointment, ic. Arc

0 LaJUST Received, and for Sale by

TALBOT & GARTRELL.February 5, 165241 tf.




Neatly aad Promptly Executed,E.. " '

,AT .IBS . r;

MJSSCSrPPI PALLAD-UM,- " OFFIC&J Orders Respectiully Solicited,

Holly Springs, January 8th, 1852.


THE importance of such a Journal asthe above needs no exposition. The material and substantial interests of the Southhave been too lornr neglected. The Cot- -

tojt Plant" is established to promote theseinterests, keeping entirely aloof from partypolitics. A complete foreign and domesticcorrespondence has been arranired. Thebest talent of the country w ill contributeto our columns, which will present a me-

dium of general communication, corres-pondence, and information for the friends is

of the measure we advocate. The propersteps have been taken in Europe and

to lay the foundation of a direct for-tiori


trade at the South, and to introduceour coarse manufactures into the Continental European market. One object of the'Cottox Plast' will be, as the organ of di-

rect trade, to stimulate the South to carryout this important measure.

W e call upon the southern merchantsgenerally to send us their business cards,that we may lay them before the country,to enable the friends of Southern Com 1merce, Manufactures, etc., to discriminateproperly in their desire to promote Southem enterprise.

I he importance of Washington city asa point of location for such a Journal, es-

pecially in regard to opening fcreign correspondence and promoting our loreign relations, is apparent. 1 he opportunity of see-

ing here, also, members of Congress fromevery district ot the country, presentsmeans of general not to befound elsewhere.

To the Cotton, Sugar, Rice, and Tobacco Planters, we look confidently for support; and to the menus of 'Direct Tradethroughout the South we sav, 'show yourmith by your works.

The regular issue of the 'Cottox 1'laktwill commence in June next. Advertisements are particularly requested to be forwarded early. Business letters addressedto C. G. Baylor, Washington City, D. C.

Correspondence from all interested inthe cause we advocate is solicited, particu-larly as to the crop, as we with to give cor-rect information on a subject which is of somuch importance to the Planter, and inrepresenting which he has been so often injured.

l'oslmastcrs are requested to act as agentsfor us, and to all who approve our cause,we look for good feeling, kindness, andsupport.

Terms: S2 a year, in advance.

We, the undersigned, Senators and Representatives, cordially recommend the aboveJournal to the confidence and support ofthe South.Thomas J. Paisk, Sampson W. Harris,S. 11. Mallory, W. H Smith,W. Brooke, Thos. II. Averett,Jere. Clemens, A. G. Brown,Wm. K. Sebastian, D. Wallace,D. R. Atchison, J. A. Woodward,Jackson Morton, T. L. Clingman,J. McP. Berrien, E. W. Chastain,S. U. Downs, James L. Orr,Solon Borland, ' Andrew Johnson,Wm. C. Dawson, V. E. Howard,James C. Jones, George S. Houston,Wm. II. Polk, Junius Ilillj-er- ,

E. C. Cabell, A. II. Stephens,A. W. Venable, David Outlaw,II. W. Johnson, James Johnson,L. St. Martin, Wm. T. Ward,Paulus Powell, Joseph XV. Jackson,John McQneen, John A. Wilcox,B. D. Nabers, R. II. Stanton.



LED UKLiterary Miscellany for. all Classes.

Volume"Xri7--185- 2

TIT E commence on the 1st of January, the Six-I- I

teenth Volume of the " Golde Kt LE,"nowthe oldest weekly in the world, devoted to theprinciples of the Urqer.

its design nas ever iecn to present les

of our beloved Order prominently before thepublic, and also such intelligence as to the pro-gress of the Institution as shall be of general in-terest. The department devoted to matters per-taining to the Order, though comprehensive andcomplete, occupies comparatively a small portionof the paper.

1 he Gazette xd Goliex Rile m the en carrerwhich gives a full and complete account of theI'roceedinjts or tne urder throughout the LmtedStates, and its patrons can depend upon findingin it the doincs of the Order as soon as a reportcan reach us. We take great pains in this department, and are never equaled in it.

To general readers and Familiesthe remainder, and by far the larger portion of ourcolumns is devoted. They are filled with choiceTales, Poetry, Travels, Adventures, Miscellany,Extracts from New Works, Narratives, Humor,Anecdotes, and a General bummary of CurrentEvents. Thus complete in all particulars, it wiibe our pride to make the Gazette asd Rile anunexceptionable xamily Companion for everyOdd-Fello- "

Eight Hundred and Ftjty Pages forTtcp Dollars

The admirable and popular form of our makesit when bound at the end of the year, one of thechoicest volumes, worth fire times the annuasubscription, and an ornament to any Library.

A NEW PAPER ENTIRELY.- - '."The Goldek Rile is not made up of the leav-

ings of daily or semi-weekl- y city papers, nor isit yet like some

.others, the stale.....remnant of pa--

i i -pers cevoiea to pumng ana tne furtherance ofvarious private interests., t.very line from thefirst page to the last, is written for or selectedfrom original sources for our columns, and insteadof opening the Golden Rule to find matter thathas irrowii old traveling the rounds of the press.the reader is certain of finding a store of goodthings entirely new.

OUR TEEMS.One copy, $2 per annum.

. Four copies, P1" annum.Nine copies, 12 per annum. 'Twelve copies, $15 per annum. .

Address, post-pai- or free,CRAMPTON fc CLARKE, ;

44 Ann-st- ., New York.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.T)Y virtue and in pursuance of a decree of theJJ Probate Court of Marshall county, State ofj5iississippi,maaeai me 1aft April term inereoi.ineundersigned, Guardian of Marraret A. Mitchell, a minor, will, ou the 17th day of July next,between the hours prescribed by Jaw, proceed tosell, at the town of Wtatt, and at public auction,to the highest bidder, on a credit of one, two aadthree years from the day of sale, one moiety orundivided half interest, in section of Land No.two, in Township No. seven; and section of LandNo. thirty-fiv- e, in Township No.-si- x both inRange Jio. four West, in Lafayeite county, Stateof Mississippi : having thereon a Saw and GristMill one of said sections being valuable forfarming purposes. - - .

O" Bonds with good and approved securitywill be required of the purchaser. rp ,

' ' - JOHN B. FANT,Guardian of Margaret A. HitcheTL

June 3d, 1853 3

MISS LUCIE KOiirSO.N, Instructor mFrench, the higher-Englis- h and Ornamental Bran

;caiSSMARYA STF.ARNS.-Gove- me.s andIntni,tyr m Mathematics ,and higher Englishgtudie.

iUSS LFCTLLA READ, Infractor in the.x a."!?.?7niwniMK. CHARLES STRUCKE, Instructor in

Vocaland lnstrunental MuMeofererv kind.ISO. W. C. WATSOX, ESQ., Lecturer on

the Evidences of Christianity and Xature oAmerican Institutions.

WM. F. STEARXS, ESQ., Lecturer on Eng-lish Literature and Poetry.

Terms, per Session cf Twenty-on- e Wefeis.Tuition in the English Branches.

First Class $25 00Second " 20 00Third ' 15 00Fourth ' 12 00

Tuition.Greek, Latin, French, and German, each, 12 00Drawintr, Paintms, and rancv ork, of

every description, 10 00Instruction ou the Piano, Harp, or Guitar 25 00Use of Instrument for practicing , 5 00Board,! ncluding all contingent expenses, 50 00

Payments,one hair at the opening or each Session, the

remainder at the close. Ko deduction for absence,except in case ot protracted sickness.

Apparatus.An extensive Philosophical, Chemical, and As

tronomical Apparatus, which cost nfteen hundreddollars, is owned by the Principal, and a fullcourse of Lectures is given to each graduatingclass.

In addition to the above Apparatus, 'vhichembraces a Refracting Telescope and Microscopeof exquisite finish and beauty, a Reflecting Telescope ot seven and a nail leet local distance, belonM to the Principal, which will be used withthe Astronomical Classes

. Improvements.About three thousand dollars have been expen

ded by the Trustees and Principal within the lasteighteen months, in enlarging the Buildings andimproving their internal arrangements lor educational uses. In the beauty of its grounds, andthe extent and number of its Halls, 1'orchesRooms, and various apartments, for the comfortand heaith of Boarding Pupils, it is now unsurpassed by any Institution of the State.

The Mode of InstructionIs of the most thorough kind. Those who

eotnplfte the full course will be enabled to takea high stand in mental culture and Scholarshipwith the graduates of any Female Institution ofour country.

Holly Springs February 12, 1852 no42-t- f.

XT NEW VOLUME FOR 1852. .oThe best and Clieapest Juvenile Magazine in the

Lnued IStatet!

OX the 1st of January, 1?52, will be publishedCharleston. S. C.. the first number of the

third annual volume of

which has leen pronounced by some of the ablestpresses and best judges, "The best and cheapestJuvenile Magazine in the L'nited States." Thesuccess of this beautiful little work during twovears has been so flattering that the PublishersLave resolved to continue it and make it perma-nent, and they therefore call upon parents, teach-ers, and all interested in the rising generation toaid them in their efforts to make the Schoolfellowall that its most flattering judges Lave pronounc-ed it.

It will be published in the same form as here-tofore and under the same editorial care; and willcontain chiefly original articles from the jeiis of

STeal, Mrs. V. C. Richards, Mrs. C. WDu Hose. Miss Tuthill, Caroline Howard,Miss C. V. Barber, Clara Moreton, MoriaRosscau, Jennie Elder, "GrandmamaHoary Head," "Mary E." "E. B. C." theEditor, and many other well known writers.

Its Pictorial Embellishmentswill be more numerous and beautiful than before;it will be printed upon finer paper, and no painswill be spaied to make it a most charming com-panion for all good girls and boys. It will bepublished on the tirt cf each month, and willmake a volume of about 400 pages and 100 engraving.

ILr At Vne Dollar a ear in Adcanee.Any person sending us ten new subscribers.

with the money, can retain one-fift- if twenty ormors, one-fourt- h of the subscription money.

l lie i uei ! rc tuiumcs.beautifully bound in gilt muslin, will be furnished in connection with the third year tor t our Dol-lars. To clubs, they w ill be supplied at OneDollar for each volume. '

O All orders must be accompanied with thecash; it by mail, post paid, and addressed to

Walker, Rich ah ds & Co.Cluirleston. S. C.

ILr Editors copying this Prospectus, or makingsuitable notice, shall receive a copy of the workwithout an exchange. Tney will please sendmancea copies oi meir papers containing it to the


Just Received

ODD Fellow's Regalia. For sale at LOUDS,Feb. 19, '52--tf, .

District Chancery Conrt cf the State Of

Mississippi at Holly Springs.W m. F. Stearns & others I In vacation985 r May 25th 1852Wilham Crockett.

Tripoli opening the matters of this bill itappearing to the saustaction of the court

that the defendant ui this case, WilliamCrockett is a non-reside- nt of the State ofMississippi, and is beyopd the limits thereof, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him.

It is therefore ordered that tinles3 thesaid defendant shall appear before the Vicechancellor, at the Court lloom in the townof Holly.-Springs- , on the first Monday ofJuly next, laz; ana plead answer or demur to the complainants bill, the severalallegations thereof will be taken for confessed and a decree rendered accordingly.

It is further ordered that a copy of thisorder be published once a week for onemonth successively in the Palladium, a newspaper printed in the town of Holly Springs,and another copy be posted at the front doorot the Court House in said town.

HANNIBAL HARRIS Clerk.Thomas W. Harris, Jr.Sol. for Complts. May 27 I852-2-5-- 5w

THE Ii:SSUSa IaOUD.fpHANKFUL for the past liberal patronage of

nun iiicuus, iue pleasure in iniorroinginerathat, they are now in receipt, and will constantlyreceive irffs LTa

Well Selected Stock of Books of all Kinds.The attention of those desiring SCHOOL BOOKSis respectfullv called to our selection, which consists of all that are now used by the fisst teachera. uur stock ot '

MZSCXLLANEOUS WORKS,from Popular authors of the dav. have Iron ulected with and canuot be


great care, surpassed.r a i i wt ii iior vanexy anu siyie. e wui keep constantly

on hand every variety of , -- 1 ,

Stationery, Plain and Fancy; Printer's Inkand Paper, of the Best Quality.

Our trade will be confined exclusively to Cooksand Musical Merchandise, and having great facilities in purchasing, we feel confident that stronginducements can be offered to purchase in ourline. z i ' :

? ';;9fasic ui Slasieal Instrumentsof all kinds, and latest improvements, can befound at our New Store, next door to . A. Talbot's Drug Store.

Holly Springs, Jan, 9, lS52-41- -tf

:1X-- i' r iLa? La t a true, anai

tWr i t or ilree it.LLitt d boae l- -twt- - tie i!re .ted x 'are. It was ;

w asd w sjc tTiTid tl&t a par-- 1

tv tt cgc r-se- aionr i

aM3x.aaDe jKez to u. -n-- .rg

rv a.a -- -r e! brs cvrssivi. iii ilik it i'u Uy ;

r)ntu!'J9 Jre.11 r 1 s y : irr po-- ed tohtve n

eS--r- i I d a.i to txr-xi- a ncirts siTiitl- - ?lrk5 A'-- j tier is irneal ei--

crisi ia tt 5si:l:wL-jt- i t f lie ost-rC- ".

ai cne ai ipcu.a t" ii iTet cuttie e"-- t rntcL, vtS we lave beard cf no

"cS-ot- rr ihiz. urn! l--5 Ix ;t I' '

weed. tu'

rdab?g.st Sew Version.

i " rL V.-rt rwdvcarti-s- : ieaB-av'as--

N bcin sat- -- - . . - --- , . - e

.ti FIV -l evrredaij, kaie made. - . ..."- -- - -

, - 1 - f - , .

2rr le Lai sJL tie Sucie- -'tr ia Naa-crt- . Xew- -I

Tw l a It Etv. Mr .rLe. i--f VTZlisztbzrz. vzdtr tie sa- -

tie--Vrr F.rl Cir . ; j,

-- .-

EioctitT Vy c c tie Ct JTirlt Gnaxd.ri,;'y be found destitute,. and he.Vv t 5 --i: a i Sc.Ith, en- - cf the

Watrfi. aVeanrrocsir woun-"- J generally become

kt ir.e pTirior meir cnoicesi nowers, justas Uiev begin to open in full bloom andnzr&nst e passor hy fhouM tear

&Tm (rom ,he bush and destroy them.Doe rot God sometimes rrather into heav--

tied by a lct fceca sa r-k- aoa a assail- -

rr rJ SrVliMie ftiTd are-5- ,, i j - i. .

McA:er, tbe Cather-a-U- w oi r.;b,eeJ fcia Lsty ia bis jlsce, sot ayxniC2rrs:eT, Kinsei li-ia-r Tiuxizn, t

w hxJ Uteres:.! cd tt;ag peace izlaal xtTl-reiv- eJ He hsd a rran with '

ben nlrn l.c was bet ha.1 madeso oo;rr or fcosiTIe Jec3C35tralTons.H" tcri arc sild to be sexre it not

La llec slcytlr. t!rre, whose turncccres cext. Ossce ther cscd to ihootaad be tit ly now they dott It tastes. I rcc Trader, June o.


TteMoli! Triltiiesavs t!at thertjltcre. a a petten.1 thar, was intro- - i 11 1th man of the population is in pris-tli-r- vl

ia:o Scbih AIalxtn7a more than oa. Every --lOOtii man of the popula-tes rrars ar. and no crop, not even tka is in exile. The ratio would becom, s i roved ur.I;orn.lv KK.re cer- i

tain asd satliiictorv. With the so!i - ;

liry eictppbloai-- f lNl,whea a severe;frost caiue u; a ti w beat was head- - f

i asa aInKt cstlrely dotroved it,roca:rcflinrr;anceha5!urrea -tdtoit. The nst-Ka- s rareiy shown j

.. wsjTt V r.-- t ItfTi L?rtn.-- n lii- I"

!! v:t r2In. inderdJ!. iLe crop Kxn entered that therx.tsre fcas rapd v extended during I

t!se last fc?cr cr e veers.

3ITalefaI Son.

fVT, i ' An Indiarubber omnibus is about beingi octiie ccEStv, recently a5a,eu.' ! invented which when jam-

full will holdte Leriitsre cl thit 5 tale to ra?s a1 .two more,hm oxspd oi-ir- cn. w bo are ab,e, j a . - -

V tale of ibelrcare LdjOess parenU. beardofaiaan who fancied heZ?--



3C certain long-eare- d animal, and thep earned oa. worth 30dXKI, env--! it w&s he was not much mista-aitataoth- er

cot cfthe fcousc, andjte$uaffi t father, whose head wasaltered wi-J- a the faowi f 91 vears,to trae to be supported atLbepcic op-press- es cone.