Mission1 TB

Teacher's Book Virginia vans Jenny Dooley Express ublishing

Transcript of Mission1 TB

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Virginia vansJennyDooley


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Publishedby Express ubtishing

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O VirginiaEvans JennyDootey, 2000

First di t ion1996Newedit ion 000

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Note: Thereare hree ests n two versions.Each est s providedwitha markingschemebasedon a totalof 20 marks.


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Unit 1 Part 1Part 2Part 3



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Unit 1:Part 1

Unit I

Uni t l -Par t1

Warm-upActivities:Part 1 (p.6)

. (Suggestedanswer)

Sports eg. team,coach,match,pitch, enniscourt,swimmingpool,bicycle ace,basketball ,ootball , tadium,Olympics,medal, rainingprogramme, owing, ootballstripetc.

As an alternativeT draws on the board the following spidergram and wiltes down some words relatedto the topic (sports), then T asks Ss to come up with words related to each sport.


l inesman coacn

team feree match



Olympics pool

Reading Task: Part 1 (p. 6-7)

1 . E 2 . H 3 . 8 4 . 1 5 . F 6 . A 7 . C

Vocabulary xercises: art 1 (p.8-9)

(lfSs havedifficulty explaining he words Tshould help Ssby elicitingthemeaning.Thesewordsaretestedn thenext/essonafter Ss have read aloud the relevantbrt. The sameinstructionsapply to Ex. 2 in all units.)

1. favourites- those expected o wincompete n - take part n a competit ionheading off - going somewhere n particular

tendon - body tissue hat oins muscles o bonepaths - l inesof direction

court racket

cyclist f lagsman

bike races

Tourde France

l inesman

umpire| -/\l#l

trophy coacn

. (Suggestedanswer)The extcouldbe aboutcycling, acing, cycl ing hampionship tcbecause canseecyclists

competing.As an extensionT can ask Ss to reporton the mostpopular races n their country hen comment on thedangers nvolved. .g. RallyAcropolis s held everyyear n my country.Manydrivers ompete n i t. t 's quite

dangerous hough,because hereare otsof inluries.

. a . True b. False c. Fa lse d. True

I b""l*tdt 1- rereree

heightened made more ntensesuspense- excitement nd anticipationbattle royal - grandchallengecalculating able o arrange hings o get whatyou wantstrengths - strongpoints

to dismiss - to reject,not considervictory - complete uccessdesire - wish

objective- aim or goal

ambition - desire o succeedequally - same as

2. f . in isolation 5. in anticipation f2. distinctive 6. obsession3. a l t i tude 7. on the s ide l ines4. h igh l ighted 8 . cu lminat ion

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Unit 1: Part2

3 . 1 .2 .J .

4 . 1 .2 ..t .

4 .

5 .

(Ssshou/dbe encouragedo memorisehese extrelated ollocationsnd expressions.checksn thenext esson.)

. Comprehension uestion AnswerContest

(Suggested nswers)

GroupA 53; WillMiguelndurainestbeforetaking art n heTourde France?

GroupB 53; No,hewon't.GroupB 54..swinningheTourde France nobsessionorRominger?GroupA 54;No, t'snot.

Group 55;Will ndurainakepart nmore hanonerace n hispreparationor heTourde France?Group 55; Yes,hewill.

GroupB 56; DoesRomingerelievehat ndurainiscapable f winningheTourde France?GroupA 56: Yes,hedoes. etc

Grammar heck:Part1 (p.9)(T refersSs to fhe GrammarReference Section hen Ss dothe exercise.Thesame echniqueapplies o all GrammarChecks.)

1 . am going o2. will

3. Shal l 5 . am going o4. wi l l

Unit 1 -Part2

Warm-upActivities:Part2 (p. 10)

. (Suggestedanswer) The article ould be about hesea, ravell ing, igh speed rainsetc.

(Tshould ensure fhat Ss tisten fo the cassettewithbooks closed and anticipate the end of the story.)

. (Suggestedanswer) The storycouldend with a f irebreakingout and the trainbeingevacuated thepassengers eing njuredand trapped n the tunneletc

ReadingTask:Part2 (p. 10-11)

to beat 4. far 7. to takecomplimentary . a lifetime's 8. o dismissto come 6. to win 9. a stepup

brought o an endgot the wrong end olthe stickat a looseend

(Ssdo Ex.5 on their own then T checks answersgivingleliciting definitions for all distractorsandexplainingthe slight differencesbetween the wordsand how theyare used.)

5. 1. train 2. al ike 3. wounded 4. capacity

1. train (v) = to practise sport regularlyn orderto improve,e.g. athletes raindailyinstruct (v) = to teach (instructsb to drive)master (v) = to become expertat sthdiscipl ine (v) = to trainsb/oneselfn a ski l l ,behaviour tc .

2. l ike (prep)= similar fol lowed y a noun)alike (adj)= similaridentical o (adj) exactlyal ike;havingnodifferences. However,

we say: they are soalike hat you can't el l hem apart).same as (adj)= (fol lowed y a noun) dentical

3. damage (v) = to harmsth (damagea car)break (v) = to damage so that sth separatesinto pieces breaka glass,breakyour eg etc.)spoil (v) = to ruin;go off (spoil thebroth,spoila child etc)wound (v) = to hurta l iving hing (woundedsoldiersetc)

4. abil i ty (n) = skittor powerneeded o do sthcapabil i ty (n) = power o do sthskil l (n) = abil i ty o do sth well

capacity (n) = abil i ty o holdan amount/numberof sth

6 . 1 . j

2 . a

oddsand ends 6.put an end to 7.to makeends meetdead end 8.l ightat the end of thetunnel

3 . b 5 . h 7 . 94 . d 6 . f 8 . e

8 . A (Ln1)9. B (Ln 3)

10. B (Ln7-8)1 1 . A ( L n1 5 - 1 6 )

12.B (Ln18-19)13.C (Ln20-22)1a.D (Ln36-38)15.D (Ln38-40). i

1 0 .

Follow-upActivities:Part1 (p.9)

(Two cassettesare availabtewith all reading fefs. fshould encourage Ss to listen o the tapeat home andfollow the linesof each text.Thisactivityshould beassignedna// essons nd Tshoutdcheck Ss'oronun-

ciation n each /esson. t is extremety mportantthatthisactivityshould not be skipped in any lessonand Tshould emphasize the need for Ss to become fluentand pronounce words correctlv.)

Vocabulary xercises: art2 (p. 12-1Sl

1. railway omplex all hebuildingsn a railwaysitebrand-new completelyewimmigration oints pointswhere eopleentering country aveheir ocumentshecked

loudspeakerdeviceo increasehevolumeofsomeone'soicepredictably as onewouldhave uessedundergroundmetro, ubwaycross-channelacrosshe English hannelundoubtedly most ertainly

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Unit1: Part2

2 . 1 . d2.n

3 . b 5 . i4 . e 6 . j

(Ssshou/d be encouraged to memorise these textrelatedcollocationsand expressions. checks n thenexf esson.)

1. halfway 6. a crew2. to dealwith 7. we shot back3. double-decker 8. a firealarm4. the crossing 9. the cry of5 . to h i t

(Ssdo Ex.5 then T elicitslpresentshe differencesbetween speak, talk, say or tell.)

'1 . te l l 3 . speak2. speaking 4. say

speak: to sb/well/badly/Englishtc/foroneself

talk: to sb about sthsay: sth to s b/that/goodmorningetc/one'sprayers/

a few words/so/no more/forcertain/forsure etc

tel l : sb to do sth/sb hat/sbhow o do sth/the ruth/

a l ie/sb he t ime/sbone'sname/astory/sba secret/

sb the way/one rom another/sb'sortune/sb oi

the difference tc.

6. (AfterSs have done Ex. 6 T checks answersgiving

eliciting definitions for all distractors.)


z -

opportunity 3. requirements 5. rugged

steering 4. recruits

A. occasion (n)= a particularimewhen t 'spos-

sible o do sthopportunity (n) : chanceluck (n) = successusu unexpected

fortune (n) = chance/luck suallyaffectingpeople's ivesdrive (v)= to operate ndcontrol he direction

of a vehicle car, rain,bus etc)lead (v)= to show sb the way,esp by going n

front e .9 .heguide edus round hemuseum)

tour (v) = to makea journeyusually or plea-

sureand to see placesof interest e.9. our ofFrance)

steer(v)= to directthemovementof boat/car(to steer a boat, o steer a car)requirement(n) = thing hat s demanded/neededdesire (n) = strongwish o have/dosthrequest (n) = thing hat s asked orinquiry n)= requestorhelp/informationbout

sthhire (v)= to givesb a ob/posit ionhire b,alsohirea hall/boat tc)engage (v) = to arrange o anPloYsbrecruit (v)= to f ind new people o join a com-pany/organisation

D. dismiss (v) = to f ire sb

5. A. smooth (adl)= havingan evensurface,with-

out rough patches

B. even (adj)= level, mooth, lat

C. crude (adj)= in i ts natural tate,not refined

D. rugged (adj)= rough and uneve n

7. a car - get in (to),get out of, drive,steer

a train - catch,miss,disembark rom,get on(to),get

off, ake,drivea plane- catch,miss,get on(to),getoff, ake,board,

d isembarkrom

a motorbike - get on, get off,r ide,steer

a boat- miss,disembark rom,get on, getoff,catch,

steera bus - catch,miss,get on to, get off, ake,drive

a b icycle geton( to) , e t o f f . ide, teer

a ship - disembark rom,get on, get off, board

a taxi - catch,get in(to),get out of, ake,drive,steer

8. 1 . out 4. through 7.af ter

2 . downwi th 5 . over3. along with 6. aheadwith

9 . 2 . r o a r 5 . h o w l 8 . q u a ck 1 1 . sq u e a k

3. purr 6 . squeal 9. ne igh'12. ch i rp

4. buzz 7 . moo 10.bark

Fol low-up ct iv i t ies: ar t2 (p. 13)

(Suggested nswer)S A : l c " e : c : ' a . = . : : a : : : : a - : : ' :

S 8 : W e t c ( e : 3 : ' a , =3 , a : ' : : a ' = a -q u r c K e s la yc ' : ' a , e ^ : e : :

SA ; d u se h eprane e :a -se : - :

meansof transport.

SB;That 's rue. d choose he :a ' : - : - l -you can stopwherever ou wania- : : - . : . '

sceneryet c


SA; 'd l ike o travelby planebecause t s the fastest

meansof transport.SB; Well,actually hate ravell ing y plane. lt scares

me. I prefer ravell ing y car so that I can stop

wherever wantand enjoy he sceneryetc.

SA: Travell ing y boat s slowerand more relaxing

than travell ing y car.

SB; However, ravell ing y car is more convenient

than ravell ing y boat.SA.'Travell ingy motorbike s moredangerous han

trave l l ing y bus.

SB:Yes,buttravell ing y motorbikes alsofasterthan

t rave l l ing y bus.SA; Travell ing y plane s faster han travell ing y

t ra in .SB; However, ravell ing y train s more economical

than rave l l ing y p lane.

SA:Travell ing y taxi s more comfortablehan

trave l l ing y bus.


8 . c

O n

1 0 .

3. 1. expectations2. attractive3. unpredictable

4. fai lure5. Undoubtedly/Doubtless6. requirements



5 . ta lks6. ta lk


B .


2 . A .

B .


3 . A.

B .


4 . A .

B .

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Unit 1:Part3

SB.'However,ravell ing y bus s essexpensiveha ntravell ing y taxi.SA.'Travell ingy bicycle s lesspolluting nd moreleisurelyhan travell ing y car.SB; Yes,but ravell ing y car s moreconvenient ndfaster han ravell ing y bicycle.

SA.'Travell ing y train s more reliable nd pleasantthan travell ing y bus.SB.'However,ravell ing y bus is more economtcalthan travell ing y train.SA.'Travell ingy plane s aster nd more eliableha ntravell ing y boat.SB.'However, ravell ing y boat s lesscrampedandmore eisurelyhan ravell ing y plane,etc.

Grammar heck:part2 (p.13)

1. which 2. where 3. whose 4. who 5.why

Uni t l -Par t3

Warm-upctivities:art3 (p.14)

T draws the following diagram on the board divided intofour sections, hen elicits rom Ss words relatedo naturalfeatu es,people, equ pment and stru tu es bu d nas.

ski nstructor chairl i f ts


Indooractivit ies:squash, ennis,boxing,basketball ,snooker, wimming, ce hockeyet cOutdooractivit ies:ootball ,ugby, ennis, asketball ,hockey,ski ing,horse idinget c

a. No b. No c. yes d. yes

ReadingTask: Part3 (p. 14-1S)

1 6 .E 17 .G 1 8 .D . t 9 .H 20 .A 2 1 .F

Vocabulary xercises:art3 (p.16-17)

head off - set off for somewhereslope - area raisedabove he oroundexcursions- outinos

estate eveloper company hich uilds n emptysitesdepartment tore large hopselling ariousproductsemployee person howorks orsomeonecheck t out - have lookat trefrigeratorappliancesed o keep hings oldheat warmthunique oneof a kindspray coverwithsmall ropsof iquidleisure relaxationpowdery havinghe exture f powdermicrons verysmall nits f measurementasserts claimschairlifts chairs hich ousiton o be carried pah i t lfake - not real

1. steeland concrete2. courtesy3. insu la t ion4. whisked

(Ssdo Ex.3 on theirown then T exptainsleticlfshemeanings of the highlighted words.)

2 . 5. nozzle6. compressed7. misty8. steep

1. conver t2. persuade

3. in f luence4. convince

5 .


convert = change nt opersuade = causesb to believe thinfluence=

affectconvince = makesb feelcertain

4. (Ssshould be encouraged to memorise these textrelatedcollocationsand expressions. checks n thenext esson.)

1 . exper ienced 4. to missout 7 . ski2 . ski ing 5. sandy g. to spread3. to charge 6. entrance 9. scientif ic

1. base 2. internal 3. well-off 4. forbid

(Ssdo Ex.6 on theirown, then T exptainslelicitsthedefinitionof each word.)

1 . tenant 3. nat ive 5. inhabi tants2. residents 4. cit izen 6. dwellers

tenant = personwho pays ent o a landlord o useahouse, oom, latetc.residents = someonewho lives n a placeperma_nent lynative = local nhabitantcit izen = personwho has ull r ightsas a memberof acountry;personwho l ives n a towninhabitant= perSon iving n a place

dweller = person iving n a specif ied lace(usedespecia l lyn compound ouns).


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fUnit 1: Part4



1. speedrap2. Morehasteess peed3. ful l peed4. high peed

1. pants 4. poles

2. boots 5. slopes3. goggles 6. instructor

5. prcked p speed6. at ightningpeed7 f n q n o c d r r n

7. tift

u . Jump

Follow-up ctivit ies: art3 (p. 17)

a) RyosukeUematsu

b) Funabashi, town 30 minuteseastof Tokyoc) $364mi l l iond) Twoe) Restaurant, V, swimmingpool,sauna

D $3s

(Suggestedanswer)Theworld's argest ndoor-skiaci l i ty as beenbuilt nFunabashi, apan,a town 30 minuteseastof Tokyoby train.The resort ost$364mil l ion o buildand hastwo ski slopes one for beginners nd one for moreexperiencedkiers. hemanager f he resort,RyosukeUematsu, ays hat o get he samehigh-qualitynowelsewhere, newouldhave o travel o the mountainsof northern apan.Whilewait ing o ski,visitors aneat,watchTV,swimor sit na sauna.The entranceeers$J5.


Lastsummer visited he resortof Brighton which rson the south coast of England, i f tymiles romLondon.Apart romswimming n he sea, herewereplentyof things to do, l ikego to the funfair,visit heDolph inar ium, a lk a long he pier ,v is i t Br ightonPavil ion, nd ride on Volk's Railway, mini-trainhatrunsalong he seafront. t night herewere manydifferentormsof entertainment o choose rom.Thereare a lot of night clubs, or you can go to thetheatre,or to see a fi lmat the cinema.We stayedattheGrandHote l , uxur iousote lon heseafront ,utthereare alsodozens of smaller hotels or bed and

breakfasts o stay n, whichare cheaper.

Grammar heck:Part3 (p.1Z)

1. needn ' t ave2. needn ' t3. d idn ' tneed o

4. mustn' t5. didn' t eed o6. needn' t ave

Uni t l -Par t4

Warm-up ctivit ies: art3 (p. 18)

. (T d.raws he following diagram on the board divided

into our sections henhe shernvifesSso comeu.pwithas many wordsas posslb/e elated o pertormances.)


Pavarott i opening stage



dress ehearsal

ba l ler inaAcademv Awards


directorNureyev oancer


I ike o ing o hecinema omet imes,f here sa goodf i lmshowing. a lso ikegoingout or cof feewi th myfr iends, r p laying i l l ia rds r v ideogames. tc

. a F b F c T d F

ReadingTask:Par t4 (p. 18-19)

2 6 i 2 7 .G . H . n a n yo rd e r 3 j *

2 8 1 2 9 .8 . , n a n yo rd e r 35 C3 0 /3 1 . , D , n a n yo rd e r32133. , D, in any order

Vocabulary xercises: art4 (p.20)

memorable thatwhichwi l lbe remembered

blend with - are mixedwithdeliveredwith - performedwithvocal coach - singing nstructormanipu la t ing contro l l ingtames - makessth manageableswallows- movessth rom mouth o stomachopaque - not transparenttwinkle - sparkleanguish misery,ormentto pursue - to fol lowanimates- bringssth o lifecoarse - rude/withoutmanners

22. F23. B24. DzJ. t \

1 .


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ExamFocus:Unit 1

2. (BeforeSsdo Ex.2 T asksSsquestionsaboutBatmanas warm-upe.g.Haveyouseen "Batman orever?"Didyou en oy it? Wouldyou like to go and see t? etc. ThenSs do Ex. 2.)

1. cast 5. plot

2. winner 6. sensat ional3. villains 7. breathtaking4. evi l 8. passion

(Ssshou/d be encouraged to memorise these textrelatedcollocationsand expressions. checks n thenexf esson.)

'1.a gift

2 . a memorable3. performing

4. (Ssdo Ex. 4 on their own, then T elicitslexplainshe

meanings of the highlighted words.)

1. toact 3 . toper form 5. toper form2. to play 4. to execute 6. to execute

act : performa part n a playor fi lm;be an actor/ACTTCSS

play = take part n a gameperform : 1) do as one hasagreed o do (e.g.performan operation)2) act and play,playmusicexecute = performa task (e.9.executea plan)

Follow-up ctivit ies: art4 (p.20)

. (Tshould write on the board useful vocabulary or f tmreviews, e.g. the film is set n, the film is called, it teltsthe storyof, it'sa love storylscienceiictionlcomedyetc, lt is well directed, the plot centres on, I canthoroughly ecommend, he plot is ratheruncon-vincing, it'sa masterpiece of its kind, etc.)


The fi lm "Senseand Sensibi l i ty" tarringEmmaThompsonand HughGrantand directed y Ang Lee,is a romantic i lmadapted rom he book by JaneAusten.It el ls he storyof two sisterswho are completelydifferent n character, nd theirexperiences ith hemen they ove."Senseand Sensibi l i ty" anages o recreateheatmosphere f early 19thcenturyEngland,whichhelps he fi lm-goer o understandhe reasons orsomeof he characters' ctions, nd sbothhumorousand moving.Although he Ji lm s not particularlyexcit ing n termsof action, t is dramaticenough okeepyou wonderingwhat'sgoing o happennext.can horoughly ecommend oing o see t fyou feell ikea change rom modern-day iolentand shocking

f i lms.

ExamFocus Useof English:Unit1 (p.21)

(Part 2 is a modif ed open-clozeconsistingof 1Sblanks to be filled in with one word each. Emphasrs splaced on grammar and vocabula4z.Ss read the text

onceto getthe gistof thetext, hen e-readandfill nthemlssrng words. Ss read the textonce more to see f thetext makessense and check for spelling mistakes.)

9. director

'10.captures11.masterpiece'12. contemporary

3 .

4. over f lowing 7. c l imbed5. major 8. to die6. eccentric 9. vocal

1 .

Z .

4 .5


over 6. but 11.bewhich/that 7. thoughts/ones 12. ble/taughtwho 8. themselves 13.byfrom 9. that/which 14.these/suchmo re 1 0 . so 1 5 . i ke l y

(Part3 conslsfs of 10 discrete lfems with a lead-in

sentenceand a gapped response o completeusing a given word. Grammarand vocabularyaretested in this part. Ss read the lead-in sentenceandthegivenword and think how it can be usedgrammati-cally n thegapped response, hen write their answers,keeping the meaning similar to thatof the lead-insentence.Ss haye to keep in mind that they must usetuvo o five words (the given word counts) to fill in thesecondsentence.Ss e-rea theirfinalanswersheck-ing for correct spelling and grammaticalaccuracy.)


1. . . .d id not ind he story . .2 . . . .qu icker t typ ing han . .3 . . . .having ra ined . .4 . . . .unt i l he ch i ldrenef tbefore . .5 . . . .a d iamond ingwhichwas . . .6 . . . .was run overby . . .7 . . . .wonderedwhether hewouldever . .8 . . . .apo log isedor be ing . .9 . . . .s tandbeing aughed . .

1 0 . . . . o b r i n gup a ch i l d . .

Preposit ions

(ThisexercisewillalwaysbeassignedasHW.Tchecksthe answersand in the next esson helshechecks heexercise usually with closed books.)e.g. T: close your books

to be _isolation57; to be in isolationT: to come _an end52; to come to an end etc.

in 6. for 11 atlfor '16.of

to 7 ol 12.by


ono n 8 . n 1 3 . n 1 8 .a twi th 9. o f

'14.in 19.at

a b o u t 1 0 . f 1 5 .o f 2 0 . i n

2 1 . t

22. n23.with24. oflltor25.of/about

1 .

z .

4 .


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Part ):Unit1(p.221

(Part 1 focuseson understandingmain points, oca-tion, roles, unction, attitude,feelings, opinions, nten-

tions etc. /f conslsfs of e ght sho t un e ated extractsof

about 30 seconds each,followedbythree optionmul-tiple choice questions.While istening orthe firsttime,

Ss /ook out for key words related to one of the threechoices, paying attentionto what is heard becausethese key words may be included in the incorrectchoice. While istening to the extractsagarn, Sscheck their answers.)

1 . A 3 . A 5 . B2 . 8 4 . C 6 . C

7 . 4o . u

You'll hear people talking in eight diflerent sltuafions.

For Questions7 fo 8, choose fhe besl answer,A, Bor C.

You will hear a boy talking aboul sporls. Which sportdoes he mostlyplay at the moment?

A volleyballB football

C hockey

Boy; Well, have o say I was mad about ootball or

a whileand I sti l l ike t of course,but I 'vebeenreallyintovolleyballor the past hreeyears. 've beenthinking bout akingup hockey ately, ut my riends

allsay t'sa boringsportand o stick o what 'mgoodat. I 'd really ikea bit of a change hough.

will hear someone alkingabout the weather nLondon at Christmas.What s the weathernormallvlike?A snowyB dullC sunny

Woman: Most people hinkwe alwayshavea white

Chr istmasn England. hat ' l l e heday mean, es,

of course there's snow in Scotland- well, in the

Highlands nyway but o be honesteveryChristmasthat I can rememberhas been your averagedark,miserable ay.There's he odd ray of sunshineno w

and then, but generallyt 's ust gloomy.

You will hear tvvogirls discussrng what to do on

Saturdaynight. Where do they decide to go?

A the local discoB the cinemaC the roller-skatingrink

Anna.'Well, I supposewe could go to the cinema.What'son at the moment?

Fiona:Oh, hat i lmwith Wil l iamHil l . 'd ike o see t,but you'renot k een on him,Anna; Not really.How about the disco around hecorner?Fiona:Maybe. . . . rwecould ven otothenew o l ler -

skatino ink n town.

Anna.'Let'sstickwith havinga good dance nstead.

Youwork in an off ce whereyou overhear he following

conversation.What s the boss worriedabout?A the company's inancialposition

B his speech at the board meeting

C hisdinnerguests

Boss; Well,Mary, 'm ust not surewhat o do abouttonight. I 've got that speech to give at the boardmeeting nd hen 'vegotto rushstraight ome.We'vegot people oming or d inner .Mary: So what's he problem?

Boss.'Wellone f heguests safinancial irector, nda very importantone, and another s a universityprofessor.How can I keep hem entertained?Mary: \Nell, think .... fadeout)

Llsten o thisactor talkinoabout his ife. Wheredid hemeet his wife?A at a shootinggallery

B at a cinemaC on a film set

Actor Yousee, 'd ustaboutcompletedhe i lm Dark

Dance"and, er - well, t was kindof strangehow wemet. We'd been shooting all day and I decided Iwanted o seea movie. twas TallBoys" somebody'drecommendedt.Anyway,ustas he Ji lm tarted hi s

woman sat next o me and sortof - | don't know how

it happened spil ledher coke al l overme And hat'show we got to knoweachother.

Listen o thiswoman alkingabouther car. Why s shehappy with it?A lt is an antiquecar8 /t ls a nice colourC /t is reliable

Woman:Actually 'vehad hiscar or nearly 0 years.

I know t 'sa bitold and here's lotof ruston t. t 'sno t

very asteither, nd t doesn'teven ook hatgood - |

mean, he colour's ompletely ut of fashion, sn't t?But tdoesgetme romA to B and backagain n act

it 's never et me down, andthat'swhy I keep t.

You will hear a reporter talking about earthquakes.When did the one in Mexico take place?

A lastweekB three months agoC lastyear

Reporter;Well, f you think back to last year, you'l l

remember hat erribleearthquakehat struckKobe,

Jaoan.And then there's he more recentdisaster n

MexicoCitywhich shook he capitala weekago andmeasured6.5 on the Richter cale.However, hese

two arenothing ompared o thequake

hathitone ofMexico'sneighboursabout 12 weeks ago, causingthousandsof ... (fadeout)


5 .


7 .

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ExamFocus:Unit 1

8. Youoverhear hisconversation etvveenwocolleagues. Whatare they looking for?A a briefcaseB a reporlC a computer disc

Paul: I know t 'sheresomewhere. put t downwnenI went o helpDougdnd . . .Diane: Haveyou looked in your br.iefcase?Paul: My briefcase sn't here - | left i t behind thismorntng.Diane:Oh, r ight .Oh, no The inal epor t 'sn i t ,isn't t?Paul: I 'mnotworriedabout hat we'vegotcopiesofit. t 's hestuffwe haven't venprinted ut I 'mworriedabout .

ExamFocus Speaking: nit1 (p.23)


(Part 1 /asls abouf four minutes and has to do withsocialisingandgiving personalnformation. s shouldbe able to talk about themse/yes or about twomtnutes-)

part 2

(Part 2 /astsabouf four minutes nd focusesonexchangingpersonaland factual nformation asedon given visualprompts.

Ss are given tvvocolourphotographseach and they have o talkabout themin relation to themselveswithout being interruptedand helped by the T. Theyare also asked ocommentbrieflyon each other'spictures.)


PictureA showssb show umpingwhereas ictureBshows a motor race.Both pictureshave o do withprofessionalompetit ive ports.I 'd prefer o watchshow umpingas I ovehorsesandI think t is veryexcit ing.No,

I don ' t h inkprofessiona lpor tsmen houldbepaidh igh lybecause heyare supposed o promotethe sport hey play,withoutbecominggreedy.Yes, would ike o be a professionalportsman s twould ike o be able o playmy favourite portalldayinsteadof sitt ing n an office. enjoybeingactive.

Picture C is of a masked play whereaspicture Dshowsa cho i rs ing ing.l 'd prefer o go andwatch he play,because hink heactors ookvery unny n theirmasks.Yes, can play he clarinet. practise veryday and Ihavea lesson

once a week.I would l ike to have music and drama lessonsatschool,because think hey'rean importantpart ofeducat ion.would ike o sing n a cho i r , nd act n aplaywith my school riends.

ExamFocus Writ ing:Unit1 (p.Zq)

(T presentshe heoryand t s mportant hatSs shou/dmemoriseall outlines.T checks hemnext esson.Thesame techniqueapplies o all writingsectlonsof fhis

book.)1 . 1 . Mo d e l 4 . Mo d e t2 7 . Mo d e t2 s to r y ) ,

2 . Model2 5. Model2 Model1 ( factua l3 . - 'Model 6 . Model1 repor t )


Traff ic n Londonhas been disruptedall day due tostrikingbus drivers.Traff ic s being monitoredbypol ice, utmanymain oads rest i l l locked, ausinglong tai lbacksand (a number of) accidentsnavealready een eported. hemain easonsforthestrikeare he growingnumberof attackson drivers nd he

bus company's efusal o provide hem with greaterprotectton.The drivers' union has demandeo anincreasen the numberof security taffemployedbythe buscompany.An emergencymeetingwascalledby the bus company'smanagementh is morn ing,which esultednan offer o hold alkswith hedrivers'un ion.BobBrown, eadof hedr ivers ' n ion,warneothat more strikeswould take place f management'spromiseswere not fulf i l led.

Height: short,medium-heightBuild: t iny,sl im,muscular, verweight, lumpFace.'oval, ong, reckled,

ugly,attractive, rinkledEyes;b lue,dark,brown,a lmond-shaped,lant ing,oval,attractiveNose.' straight,upturned, ong, broken, crooked,RomanHair: short,straight, ark,brown,wavy,blond, ongClothes.'shabby, elegant,attractive, ashionable,wr inkled

1 . re l i a b l e2. unstab le3. lazy4. bor ing

5. opt imist ic

6. patient

7. in te l l igent8. generous

9. l i ve ly

10. pract ica l


Malcolm s very reserved; he neverexpresseshisemot ions.Mary s a sensible girl .Shewouldneverdo anythings tu p i d .Jane sextremely elf ish;she never hares nything.The policemanwasveryhelpful,and old me how oget o Buckingham alace.James sso unreliable hatyoucan neverdepenoonh i m o b e o n i me .

Charlotte anbe si l lyatt imesandacts ust ikea child.My son is veryhonest; he always ells he truth.Ann can be unpredictableat t imes you neverknowwhatshe 'sgoing o doMichael s veryserious, he hardlyever aughs




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Exam Focus: Unit 1

It was dishonest of you to blameClarrewhen rtwasyou who had crashed he car,Brian sso pessimistic;he always hinks he worst sgoing o happen.Liz s a sociable person;she enjoys he companyofotherpeople.

Tom is witty and fun to be wlth becausehe alwaysfindssomething lever o say.Daniel salways musingand makeseveryoneaugh.Lucy is a pleasant girl , she's nice and easy to ge talong with.Keith s ratherdull ; al l he talks about is his stampcol lect ion.Her baby s verycurious; she is interestedn every-thing hatgoes on aroundher.Edward s fairlynaive for his age; thereare a lot ofth ingshe doesn ' t now.


Sentences re not expandedupon, writ ingdoes not"f low".Very ew personal ommentsand feelings ncluded.Outl ine or description f personnot fol lowed.Paragraphs re not developed.All adjectives lustered ogetherwith no justif icationgiven or each adjective.Negative ualit ies ren'tsoftenedby using mildlanguage.

a) unfriendly/shy:becausehe wasn'tspeaking oanyone

patient/tolerant: e neverhurries ou or getsangry f he's keptwait ingkind: he often eedsstraydogs and catscareless:often makesmistakes t worknever ude: he lpsa l l he customersn hebookshoo

b) The ourlh paragraph

c) The lastparagraph

(Asan extensionT can ask Ss to writeabout a persontheyadmire ollowing he outline on p. 26 S's Book.)

(Note:staticsuggest no movementat all)

1. sta t ic2. static3. moving4. static5. moving6. static

7. static 13.static8. static 14.moving9. moving 15.sta t ic

10.moving 16.sta t ic11 .mo v i n g 1 7 .mo v i n g12.moving 18.sta t ic

c beautiful,ragrant,resh,colourJul, truck,view,de l ic ious,mel l , roma,peacefu l , i lence,noisyactivit ies.

d. (Suggestedanswer)

I come rom Tavistock, small own n southwest

England. t hasa popula t ion f about3,000people , nd s surrounded y he beaut i fu l oun-trysideof Dartmoor.Tavistocksa quiettown, nd peoplewhoareusedto ci ty i femight ind t bor ing. think hat t s alovely lace o relax.t hasa gorgeousowncentre,with otsof places o eat and a tradit ionalmarketand thereare endlesswalks o take n the sur-roundrng ountryslde.he peopleare ext remelyfriendly,and if you prefercit ies, t is only twentymilesaway rom Plymouth. hink hatTavistocksa charming lace nd fyou ike mal l ownswherel i fe s re laxed,hen 'm sureyou wi l l h inkso too.

9 . Opin ion:ch i ld ish, isgust ingSize/Weight:enormous, ight, i t t le,heavyAge: ancient,modern,ne wShape : round, lat,squareColour :purp le , ed,b lackOr ig in Spanish, r i t i sh , h ineseMater ia l : ubber , tee l ,meta l

10. Old square eather , mal ldark eather ,iny oundmeta l , n terest ingo lour fu l aper , mal ls i lvermetal,newblackplastic, ightweight reyJapanese

(Asan extendon asksSs to describe other objectse.g. g/asses,bag, chair. T wiltes theseon theboard and elicits from Ss releyanl vocabularyglasses; gold-ilmmed,biJocal /enses,bluelintedbag: black, eather,suede,gold, metalsquareschair: wooden, varnished,hand-carved, eather,soft

(Ihen Ss write a paragraph including a descilptionof the objects.)

glasses:When my fatherarrivedhome yesterday,he realised e had lefthis glassesat the off ice.Hecalledhissecretary nd old her o look or a pairof

go ld-r immed,lue{ in ted lasseswi thb i - foca llenseswhichwere nside burgundy ard-p last ic ,embossedcase and were probably yingon hisO CSK.

bag: When my sistersaid she was going shoppingI askedher o buy me a bag hat 'd had my eye on.I oldher twasa black eather agwithbrown, uedepatches n t and small,gold,metalsquares roundthe op.chair:Whenhermotherwent o the auction hewaslooking or a particular tyleof antiquechair.Thechairwaswooden,varnished nd hand-carved it h

QueenAnne egsand a softbrown eather eat.Shebid the highestand was lucky o purchase t.

a . 1 .a long 3 . u p2. Behind 4. covered

5. r ise6. From

b. beautiful, erfect, ragrant,resh,colour.ful,usy,de l ic ious,h ick,o ld ,wood-beamed,eacetur ,no isy.

Para 1: Nameand geographical i tuation f theplace.

Para 2: Reason or choosing he place.Para 3: Particular etai lsabout he placePara 4: Feelings nd final houghtsabout heotace.

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Unit2: Part 1

1 1 . 1 . C 2 . E 3 . 8 4 . A 5 . D

1 C - sa actualeport,ormal tyle, seofpassivevoice, nly acts.

2. E - story,nformaltyle, etailed ndchattydescriptions.

3. B - story,nformaltyle, hattyanguage.4. A - factualeport,ormal tyle, seof passivevoice, nly acts, igh evel f vocabulary.

5. D - factualeport,ormal tyle, igh evel fvocabulary,nly acts.

' t 2 . 1 . 8 2 . E 3 . D 4 . F 5 . C 6 . A 7 . c


Story: The sun was shiningas we got into the plane.Robeftwas making okes. could neverhaveguessedwhatwas about o happen.

We'd been lying or about en minuteswhen herewasa oudbang, ndsmoke egan o pouroutof hepropeller.We werescared, ut Robertpointedout aplacewherewe could and.Theplanewasdiff icultocontrol,and we crashedviolently nto he ground.Robertand I wereknockedunconscious.We wouldhavedied, but lucki lya passer-by aw he crash

and got us out just seconds before he plane ex-p loded.

I 'd never lyagainnow. ncidentsike hat makeyourealise ow valuable i fe s.The manwasawardedamedal or braverywhich he deserved:he could'vebeenki l led s wel l

Report: Two men were njured astWednesdaywhentheirplanecrashed ntoa field n Dorset.Luckily, hey were rescued n an amazing eat ofbraveryust secondsbefore heirplaneexploded.Robert ohnson 32)and SamuelWorthing28)hadbeen in the air Jorabout en minuteswhen Robertnoticedblack smoke pouringout of the propeller.Thecontrolsof the planestoppedworking,and heplanewas orced o crash-landn a nearby ield.LuckilyPhil ipVickes 25)hadseen he ncident, ndwas able to drag the two pilotsout o{ the planesecondsbefore texploded. hi l ipwas ater warded

a medal or bravery."l 'd never ly again now."said Samuelafterwards."lncidentsike hatmakeyourealise owvaluableif ereallys."Robert salsosaid o be na stateof shock.

(T readsthe best compositionsaloud).

Uni t2 -Par t1

Warm-upActivities:Part1 (p.30)


. The pictureshowssome vegetables carrots,lettuce,omatoesetc) and some ruit (apples,grapes,etc).There'salsosome brown breadan dsome spaghetti . he ext could be about healthyeat ing.

. Not much actually. think hatdiabetes s causedbythebodynotproducing nough nsu l in ,hehormonethatcontrols he amountof sugar n blood.Diabeticshave o avoid eating oodscontaining ugarand fat.

a . F b . F c . T d . T e . T f . F

Reading ask:Part1 (p.30-31)

1 . A 2 . C 3 . H 4 . c 5 . D 6 . 8

Vocabulary xercises: art1 (p.32-33)

Unit 2

.1. fat-free

2. daily3. to enjoy

2. (Ss should memorise these text related collocationsand expressions. checks n the next esson.)

4. starchy5. to generate

6. short-term

7. to fol low8. to control9. weight

3. (Ssdo Ex3, then T elicitslexplainshe fourdlsfractorsof eachsentence.)

7. false

8. lean

1. check - to makesuresth scorrecte.g.an answerfor spe l l ingmistakes.examine to lookat sth careful ly .g.underamrcroscooe.control - to regulate thtest - to try sth for a shortwhile

2. reduce to makesmaller nsize/quantity/amount/degreeweaken - to become essstrongshrink - to contractshorten - to makesth smaller n length

3. rise (rose-risen)intv) - increaseraise (trv) - to make higherarise (arose-arisen)(ofproblems, iff icult iestc)to occurgrow up - to becomeolderand more mature

4. manage o do sth - to be successfuln doing sth

1. cont ro l 4 . ach ieved2. reduce 5. remove

3. rise 6. treated

1. 1 hormones2. insu l in3. pancreas

4. d isorder

1 4

5. treatment6. consumpt ion7. f ib re8. cornerstone

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Unit2: Part2


acquire - to ge t

achievesth - to succeed n doingsth aftera lot of effortsucceed (in) - to havebeenable o do sthremove - to take awaydelete - to rub sth out e.g.a l ineof writ ingon the computerextract - to pullout e.g. a tooth/information

take out - to get e.g. a book from he l ibrarytreat - to deal with sb/sth n a particular aybehave- to act a certainwayuse - to take advantage f sboperate- to causesth to work e.g.a machinearti f icial sth that s not naturale.g. ight rom a lightbulb,lowersfake - sth which s made o seem reale.g. a paintingfalse - sth which s not realeg. teethcounterfeit sth which has been made o make people hink t is realeq. monevbony - extremelyhi nskinny - underweightthin - not fat


with no fat

B .

1.off2 . u p

3. away4 . u p

5. out6 . n

7. across 9. over8. after 10.out of

11. away rom12. nto

13. hrough14. p against/ into

2 . d 3 . e 4 . a 5 . f 6

Follow-upActivities:Part1 (p.33)

MEMORYQUIZ (Suggestedanswer)

should eat - low fat butterand cheese; at-freemilk;"diet"foodsand drinks;arti f icial weetener;ruit:vegetables; eans; enti ls; rownbread;brown lour;h gh{ibrebreakfast erealsshould avoid - sweets;chocolate;cakes; biscuits;sugar ;whi tebread;but ter ; heese; h icken kin :cookingwith argeamountsof fat


Havingdiabetesdoes notmean hat

youcannot eada normal ife. t is advisable to controlyour body

weightandweighyourselfweekly. t s highly recom-mended that you eat a lot oJ ruit,vegetablesan dstarchyood. t is appropriate o choose o eatbrownbread nstead f white,as wellas high{ibrebreakfastcereals.You should avoid eating cakes, biscuits,sweetsand chocolateas they usuallycontain argeamountsof sugarand fat.

Grammar heck:Part1 (p.33)

.1. have orgotten

2. to havearrived3. havestayed4. not o ea t5. havebeen working6. be fee l ing

7. havecome8. to h i re9. havebeen

.10.get11. havebeen12. havebeenwai t ing


Uni t2 Par t2

Warm p Activities: art2 (p.34)


. I think hat he two girlswere oo afraid o stayalonein the house,especia l ly aro l ine, o they t r ied opersuadeMr. Helstone o take them with him. Mr.Helstone idn't agree,and left hem at home askingthem o lock all doorsand not to open them to any-one. AfterMr. Helstone ad left,some soldiersattacked he houseand took the two girlshostage.

A possible it le or the story s "Night of Terror.". You can have a burglaralarm nstal led nd special

locks nal lyour oors ndwindowsi t ted.don ' t h inkI would keepa weaponbecause don't know now ouse one.Shirleywas given wo pistols. hen he tw ogirlshad supperand Carolinewas givena knife.They didn't go to bed, but waited or something ohappen.A troop of men approached he housemaking he dog bark.Carolinewas scared o death.Fortunately,he roop eftwithoutattackinghehouseand he gi r lsdecided o go to bed.

Reading ask:Part2 (p.34-35)7. B (Ln3) 11. D (Ln26-28)8 . D (L n9 -1 0 ) 1 2 .B (L n30 )9 . A (L n1 4 ) 1 3 .A (L n41-42)

1 0 . B (L n2 0 -2 1 )

weight heart the target a train Ine'sway the cha nce l u gg a ge the plane money



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Unit2: Part2

Vocabulary xercises: art2 (p.36-37)

1. 1 . guard ian 4. r io t2. fainted 5. tread3. d isturbance 6. resumed

7. incidents8. bo l t

2. (Ssdo Ex 2 on theirown, then T while checking theiranswers elicitslexplains all four distractors for eachsenrcnce.)

1 . A 2 . 8 3 . A 4 . 8 5 . C 6 . D

1. trouble (n) prob lems/d i f f icu l ty

nu isance n) sthannoyinganxiety (n)- feelingof nervousness nd worryproblem (n) - unsatisfactory ituation

2. disturb (v) to makesb feel worriedand upsetannoy (v) to makesb feelsl ightlyangrybother (v) to causeproblems or sb

frustrate v) o makesb angrybecauseheycan'tf inda so lu t ion

3. shiver (v) to shakeesp becauseof cold orIerrortremble (v) to shake rom fear,cold, weak-NESS EIC

stutter (v) to say sth,esp the f irstpartof oword,with diff icultyshudder (v) to shakewith ear

4. violently (adv) creatingphysicaldamagefiercely (adv) with angerstormily (adv) being angry n a loud way

intensely (adv) in an extremeway5. storage (n)- placewhereone keeps hings orfutureuseattic(n) roomunderthe oofof a houseforstoragecel lar n) roomunder heground loor f a houseusu for storageloft (n) spaceunder he oofof a house orstorage

6. walk (v) to moveby put t ing nefoot in f ronto fheotherstride (v) to walkwith ong stepsstrol l (v) to walkslowlyand rn a relaxedwa ymarch(v) owalkwith egular teps esp oldiers)

3. 1. behave 2. treat 3. behave 4. treat

4. (Ss should memorise these text related collocationsand expressions. checks n the next esson.)

6. 1 . out 3 . down o 5. away2. through 4. forward 6. off

7. on8. up

1. to p lace

2. to watch3. growing

5. 1 . behaviour2. possib i l i ty

3. disturbance4. nervously

5. cautiously

4. went 7. to put out5. to fa l l 8 . the need6. to lean 9. resumed

6. amazement7. undoubted ly8. in terrupt ion9. courageous


7 . 1 . d o2 . do3. make

4 . do5. make

6 . ma ke 1 1 . do 1 6 .ma ke7. do 12. make 17. make8 . ma ke 1 3 . ma ke 1 8 . do9 . do 14 . d o 1 9 . ma ke

10. make 15. do 20. make

Follow-upActivities:Part2 (p.37)


I t was 2.30 in the morn ing.Samantha nd Phi l ipMatthewsand their three childrenwere asleep up-sta i rs n the i r beaut i fu lbrand new home, whenSamanthawas woken up by a noisedownstairs.

She nudgedher husbandbut he was astasleep, oshe decided o go down and investigate. he slowlycreptout of bed and down the stairs.

Whenshegot o the bottomof he stairs, he istenedout orthesoundagain, ut t hadstopped.Asshewasturning o go upstairs, he elta breeze n the backofher neck and realised he l iving room window wasopen.Samantha asabout o c lose hewindowwhenshe realizedhe catchhad been broken.That'swhensheknewsomebody adbeen n he house.She anto ca l l the o l ice.Wi th inminutesheyhadarr ived, ndcaught somebody unningacrossa neighbouring

f i e l d .

Thei rhousehad beenburg led, u t he cr imina l ascaughtand taken o court.She was very rel ieved ohear hat he was going o be put in prison.

Grammar heck: art2 (p.37)

(Suggested nswers)

2. promise Shepromisedo br ing he money heowedme henextday.

3. threaten She hreatenedo sackhim f he didn't

work harder.4. a l low - He al lowed er o use h isohonewhenever

she wanted.5. beg - He begged her o go with him.6. remind He reminded er o check he oaoers.7. accuse - He accusedhim of vandalisinghe school


8. apologise - Sheapologised or damaginghis car.9 . deny - He denied tar t inghe ight .

10. suggest Hesuggested oing o Par ishat ummer.11. invite - He invitedher o his partyon Saturday.12. warn - Hewarnedme not o go near he irebecause

I would burn mvself.

(Asan ertension Ss talk about a nastyexperience oftheirown.)

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Unit2: Part4

Grammar heck:Part3 (p.41)

1 . De sp i t e2. In spiteof the fact hat3. a l though4. yet

5 . even hough

6 . t h o u g h7. However8, No matterhow9. yet

1 0 . b u t

Uni t2 -Par t4

Warm-up ctivit ies: art4 @.A2)


. Theywere aken n and outsidehotels.The irstpic-tureshowsan average otelwhereashe secondoneshows he nter ior f a ra ther xpensive ote l . th inkthe f irsthoteloffersbasic acil i t ieswhile he secondhoteloffers uxurious nes.

. FamousHotels TheRitz, heRochester,heBeverlyWi l tsh i re ,he Dorchester ,he Hi l ton:Peopleworking n hote ls recept ion ist ,oorman.por ter , hambermaid,hef ,wai ter . a i t ress,e l l -boy,manager

. I pre fer uxur ious ote lsbecause haveexpensivetastes. t 'sa n icebreak romone'sda i ly out ine.f Iwere ostay na hotelnEnglandora week, 'dchoosea r iend ly ote l ecausetwouldbecheaper o cou ldspendmostof my morrey is i t ingmuseums ndseeing he sights.

(T draws the following spidergram on the board andelicits rom Ss namesof jobsrelated o a hotet.)

suite lounge recreational cook operator

barman poner

barrestaurant manager receptionist


pray oomdin ing oom

. a. There 's o chargeat a l l .b. Long ermhote ls becausehere renoproper f i re

escapes nd heyare ocated nan areanotoriousfor cr ime.

c. Becauseheyaresmal land r iend ly.d. l t is situated n the heartof London.

Reading ask:Part4 (p.42-431

21122. ,B n any order 29.C23124. ,D n anyorder 30/31.D,B n any order25. E 32. E26. C 33. D27.A 34.C28. C 35. D

Vocabulary xercises: art4 (p.44)

1 . 1 . l o n g t e r m2. casual3 . unr form4. su i te5. notor ious

3 . 1 . h i g h -c l a ss2. chambermaid3 . l o b b y4. porter

5 . ch e ck n

6. on a budget7. discreet8. impressive

9. complex10.accommodat ion

2. (Ss should memorise hese lext relatedcollocationsand expressions. checks n the next esson.)

1. to run 4. t ire 7. extra2. central ly 5. a common 8. comfortably3. fa i r ly 6 . reasonably 9. a fu l ly-stocked

6 . t i p7. reservation8. continental reakfast

9. room service10. a i r -condi t ioned

Follow-up ctivit ies: art4 (p.441


Advantages - Excellent ports aci l i t ies- The ooms re orsing le eople no

"sing le upplement" nd hereforegood for single ravellers

- comfortablyurnished oomswiththe i rown bathroom

-safe- central ly ocated

- easy o meetpeople- long erm- you can stay or months

or evenyears- for both men and women

I would choose o stayat the DorchesterHotelbecause he serviceshey provideare he bestavailable. he staffhave o wear a uniformand aretrained o be verydiscreetand professional.Everythings done in a very correctbut fr iendlywayand I cou lddependon everyth ing e ingspot lesslycleanand ngoodworkingorder.The act hat couldrelax n my room watching elevision r enjoyingadrink sveryattractiveo meas ikemy privacy.tmaybea high-classote l u t don ' tmindpaying ecausethe service s so good.

I wouldn ' t ike o stay n oneof he ong ermhote lsnKing'sCross.As it is now an area notorious orcrimerather han an areawithcheap hotels or rour-ists, would eelveryunsafe here.Theaccommooa-t ion s cheapbut a lso d i r ty,damp and dangerous.Drug deal ing s a common eatureand the hotels

rarelyhave ire escapes.Altogethert sounds ike adangerousplace,and I would neverchoose o sravthere.


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Focus Useof English:Unit2 (p.45)

(Part 4 ls a text containing errors. Some linesarecorrectwhereasolherscontainan extraand unneces-sary word which must be identified. Ss shou/d readthrough the text o get an understandingof itsgeneral

meaning. Ihen Ss read the textagarn carefully ine byline to identify the unnecessary word (e.9. artrcle,participle, onjunction, reposition, ense, tc).Ss lckany correct linesand write the unnecessarywords nthe correspondingspace. Ss readthe textonce morelo see if their answersare correct.)

16. events/concertsnd dances17. te lephonemessageine,HelpOutHouse/Shel ter

for homeless outh

18. degree n business


Youwillhearagirlbeing ntervrewed bouther nvolve-ment n a local charity.Forquestions9 to 18, ill n thejournalist'snotepad.

Journalist:As you know, Ms Dunn,we're runningaser ies f a f t ic les n young people 's nvo lvementnloca l i fe , nd we knowyou 're eryact ive n a groupca l l e d . r . . .Dunn; l t 's called Help Out, actually.We try to helpyoung peoplewho haven ' t ot properhomes youknow, unaways ndpeoplewho haveno amil ies ndthat .But t 'smain ly or hoseundere ighteen.Journalist:So it 's o help homeless outh?And how

long has he group existed?Dunn: I was ounded n - er - well, t 'sover iveyears,anyway.Journalist:Right.And how long haveyou been in-volved?Dunn: Only about 2 years not qurte2 years.

Journalist:Okay, ine. Now, what exactlymadeyoudecide o vo lunteer er , o jo in h isgroup?Dunn;Well, t 'ssorlof a ongstory.Yousee, his riendof mine ran away rom home and,er - well, t was alla misunderstanding,ea l ly , utshewas oo proud ogo back.Anyway, henshe 'dbeengone orabout3

weeks hecontacted e ,and went o seeher n h is,th is . . .wel l ,squat suppose, u t i t was disgust ing,f reezing oldand i l thy, nd I convinced er o get ntouchwi thherparents.t a l lworkedouta l l ight , ndI sawyou coulddo someth ingo he lppeople n hats i tuat ion,o l jo inedJournalist:So it was,er, a personalexperiencehatprompted ou?

Dunn;Right , es.

Journalist:Andwhatexactly o youdo or he group?

Dunn; Lotsof differenthings, eally but mainly dofund-ra is ing,r , makingmoney or he group.Journalist:\N ichbringsme o mynextquestion ho w

do you ra isemoney?Dunn: Mainlywe puton events notsalesand hingsso much, utconcer ts nddancesmain ly h ingshatin terest oungpeople .

Journalist:see.Now,are hereanyparticular rojectsthe group is rnvolved n at the moment? Anythingyou 're n he process f developing?Dunn; Actua l ly , es. One th ing s, er , a te lephoneservicehathelps oungpeopleget n ouchwith heirfami l ies,nd heotherway ound, fcourse.t 'sa kindof e lephone essage erviceeal ly . nd hen here 'sthe house HelpOut House, t 's ca l led whichwi l l

p rovide hel teror homeless oungpeople. hat 's nthe earlystages we haven'tevengot a building et- but I th ink t ' l lbe rea l ly ood once t getsgoing.


1. The 4. , / 7. , /

2. ,/ 5. for 8. with3. ca l led 6. as 9. been

1 0 . p 1 3 .11 . / 14 .most'12.on 15. he

(Part 5is a fext containing en gaps, each one corre-sponding to a word The rootsof the mlssing wordsaregiven beside the text and must be transformed toprovide the missing word. Ss read through the text toget an understanding f itsgeneralmeaning. hen Ssread the textand the given words again to determinethe missingword.Ss readonce more to check if theiranswersmake senseand are spelled correctly.)

1. genera l ly2 . luxur ious

3. accommodation4. expensive5. services

1 . f o r 7 .2 . o t L3 . o n 9 .4 . i n ,o f 1 0 .

5 . o n 1 1 .6 . a t 1 2 .


6. reservation7. manager

8. considerat ion9. possib ly

10. cent ra l

Preposit ions

of 13. for 19. atin 14. at 20. oIa t 1 5 .o f 2 1 . o nin 16. wi th 22. for

in 17. at 23. inlolwith 18. for/at

ocus: isteningPart ):Unit2 (p.46)

(Part 2 is a monologue or text nvolving nteractingspeakers. Iastsabout3 m nutes. Ss isten he i st timeand fill n anygapsthey can. Ss istenagaln filling n therestand checking their answers o see if they makesense..)

9 . Dunn10 . He loOu t11. he lphomeless outh12. over5 years13. 2 yearsago14. personalexperience/involvementith riend15. fund-ra is ing/makingoney

1 9

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Journalist: Right.And one last question.What areyourp lans or he u ture? ot hegroup 's, mean, utyour own personalplans?

Dunn:Well, 'm about o starta degree n businessadministration.want i t so I can be more useful nhe lp ing un groups ikeHelpOut . can ' tsee mysel fbecominga soft of high-powered usinessperson.want to keep doing his sort of work,and I think hedegreewi l lbe helpful so that 'smy plan.Journalist:Thankyou,Ms Dunn. wishyou and yourorganisation ll he best or the future.Dunn: Thanks.

ExamFocus Speaking: ni t2 (p.471


(lnPart3 Ssareexamined n pairs.Theyaregivenvisual

prom ptswh ch gene atea discusslonand they alk w thone another. Ss /ook carefully at the visual promptsconcentratingon relevantdetails. The conversationshouldnotbedominated y onestudent.Sshavetotalkonlyaboutthetaskthe nterviewerhasgiventhem.Thispart /astsabout 3 minutes).


SA; I 'd get al l he moneyand ewelleryrom he safeand run owards he fireexitand leave he house. 'dbe too scared o face he burglar.SB; 'd open he windowand shout or he lp .

SA; But isn't i t too dangerous? mean he woulddefinitely earyou and possiblyattackyou.SB; Then I 'd use my rif le hen and face him.The rif lewoulddeterhimJromattackingme and he would runaway.SA. 'That 's good dea, ut cou ldn ' t o it . would ryto call he policeand ask or helpetc.


(lnPart4 Ss talk withoneanother about matters elatedtothethemeof Part3. Ssshou/d/iste totheirpaftner's

ansu/ersand respond accordingly. lt is impoftant toremember hat when one partner s speaking,helsheshould not be interrupted bv the other. Part 4 /astsabout 4 minutes.)


' SA; I 'd havean alarmsystem nstal led, hichwoulddeterburglars rom breaking n.SB; That'sa good idea.And l 'd makesure o bolt al lwindowsand doorswhen eft he houseso hat heycouldn ' t e t n.

' SA.'Yes, eighbourhood atchschemesarea good

ideaanddo workbecausehere salways omeone okeepan eye on your housewhenyou'renot there.SB; Theseschemesare useJul or when you go onholidaybecauseyour property s being ookedafterand you can enjoyyourho l iday.

. SA;Well, hearea ive n spatrol led y policemen llday round.This s because hereare manybanks nthe area.SB.'Youare lucky. can't say the same or my areabecause ive n he suburbs.Of course,mosthouseshave alarm systems nstal led, ut

burglarsare sti l ltempted o t ry breakingn.. SA; 'd ry o leave he housewithoutbeingnoticedby

the burglarand I 'd run o the nearestpolicestation.SB; 'dpickup mygunandattack heburglar. fteral l ,i t is my property, sn't t?

ExamFocus Writ lng:Unit2 (p.+8)

(Specialattention hould be drawn o the ayoutof theaddresses and the use of commas and full stoos:name, title,place of work,numberof street,name ofstreet, town, country, day, month and year. lf therecipient ives n the same countryas the personwhosending the letter then we write only the name of thetown the person lives n (see oufllnes2 and 3 p. 48Student'sBook). f the recipienthowever, ives nanother country, then the names of the two countriesshould appear n the addresses see outline 1 p. 48Sludent'sBook). Wealways eaveone ine blankafterthe address before we start writing Dear... .lf you write to a friend of yours, or to your brotherlsister/cousin lniece,you addresshimlherusing Dearand hislher name e.g. Dear Tom, not: Dear Friend,Dear Marynot: DearSis er or Dear SisterMary) lf you

write o an auntluncle of yours, you addresshimlherusingDear + kind of relation + namee.g.DearUncleTom not: Dear Uncle. lf you write to your mum, dad,grandpa or grandma, you write Dear + kind otrelation (e.9. Dear Mum, Dear Grandma not: DearMumMary,DearGrandmaAnn). nformal lettersfyouknow the name of the recipient (seeModel 1p. 49 inStudent'sBook) you sign using Yours sincerely andyour full name. lf you don't know the name of therecipient hough,you sign using Yours faithtullyandyour full name (seeModel 1p. 53 m Sfudent'sBook).

1 . 1 . | 4 . | 7 . F 1 0 . t 1 3 .2 . F 5 . | 8 . F 1 1 . F 1 4 .3 . F 6 . | 9 . F 1 2 . F 1 5 .

1 6 .F 1 9 .17 .F 2 0 .11 8 .F

(Note: tress hat ook orward o is ormal anguagewhereas 'm looking forward to is informallanguage) .

2 . 1 . Model1 4. Model12. Model1 5. Model23. Model2 6. Model1

7. Model28. Model29. Model2

3. DearSi r ,1. B - reason or writ ing mild (to state he

problem)2. D - firstcomplaint strong(toshowyou are not

satisfied)3. C - second omplaint strong toshowyouarenot



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. Informal (A)

1. I want o te llyou 6.2. about 7.3. say I'm sorry 8.4. I want you to know 9.5. I was rea l ly pset 10.

Fo rma l (B )

1. am wr i t ing o2. with regard o3. apologise4. I would ike o express5. was mostd isappoin ted6. al lowed

letget togethersoonfriendly hatsay agarn

7. meet8. in the near uture9. amicable on-

versation10. reiterate

Paragraph : Reason or writ ingParagraph : Apology(andexplanation)Paragraph : SuggestmeetingParagraph : Apology epeated

4. A - demandoraction strongtoemphasisehatyouwant)

Yours aithfully,James arons

s . 1 . E 3 . A 5 . C2 . H 4 . D 6 . G

7 . 1 9 . F8 . 8

DearMr Thompson,

Paragraph = sentencesE, HParagraphs , 3 = Sentences , D, C, G, IP a r a g r a p h 4 = B , F

Yours aithful ly,J. Peters

6. 1 A (letter f application formal) wish o apply ortheposi t ion f . . , Jee l amwel lqua l i f iedor theoosi t ion f . . . .e tc.

2. D (letter f apology formal) deeply egret...,I wish o offermy sincereapology or ... etc.

3. B (friendlyetter catch up with he news-

in formal ) ow haveyou been. . . ; haven ' theard rom you for ages...etc.

4. F (letter f congratulations informal) 'm sopleasedor you. . . ,Wel ldone . . .e tc.

5. C (letter f invitation informal) 'd love o seeyou. . . ,Why don ' tyou come . .?etc.

6. H (letter f apology formal) regret .., wish ooffermy apology or ...etc.

7. G (letter f givingadvice formal) advise ou totake he ol lowing ourseof action..., recom-mend hatyou. . .e tc.

8. E (letter cceptingan invitation formal) lookforward o attending ..,we would be delightedto attend etc.

Paragraph : reason or writ ing,apologyParagraph : thanks or helpParagraph : explanationor behaviour, uggest

meetingParagraph : apology epeated

T s advised to go through the following tables to see fhe language used and the difference in formal and informalletter writing according to each type of letter. T can ask Ss lo think of any opening and closing remarks for eachtype of letterbefore he does Ex.6 or, after having done Ex. 6, feed Ss wrth more opening and closing remarks.Some usefulopeningand closing remarks or letters re :

Lettersof invitation


Formal ln formal

We would be honoured f you, I wishto cor-dial ly nvite ou to, Yourpresences required

at, You are nvited o attend,et c

I am writ ing o invite ou to, Why don't you comeand spendsome ime,Please ome o, 'd love t lyou could come o, etc


We would be grateful f you could nformus,We hope o seeyou, Pleasendicatewhetheryou wil l be able o attend,et c

l 'd love o see you again, hope you'l lbe able cmake t, Please et me know as soon aspossible, 'm looking orward o, etc

2 1

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Accepting n invitation


Formal Informal

I wouldbe de l ightedo, wouldbe honoured

to, I am writ ing o acceptyour kind nvitation,etc

I 'd ove o come,Thanks or he kind nvitation, ne

partyyou invitedme to sounds ovely, 'd be gladto. et c


I wil l be attending, look orward o seeingyou, etc

I can't wait o seeyou again,Unti lnextSaturdaythen.etc

Refusing n nvitation


Formal lnformal

I twi l lbe impossib leo a t tend, am unable ofit t ntomy schedule, am afraid am unable

to, I have o refuse,Owing o othercommit-ments.et c

I 'm afraid can'tcome, 'msorry o tellyou, 'd oveto comebut , can ' tmake t , won ' tbeable to ome,



I am sorry o miss he opportunity f, I hopeto be given he opportunityo meetyou someother ime,etc

It 'sa realshame, hopewe canget ogether omeother t ime,'msorr rytomiss,Howabout extweekinstead, tc

Asking for information



Formal lnformal

I am writ ing o ask/inquire bout,Couldyou

possibly send, May I request, would begrateful f, Could you please send furtherdetai ls,et c

Can you send me, Tell me iJ,Let me know,et c


Iwouldappreciatet fyou could nformme assoon as possible, look orward o receiving,Itwouldbe ofgreathelp fyoucould axmethedetai ls. tc

Let me know,Tell me soon,Send me the detai ls,eIc

Giving nformation


Formal Informal

I am wri t ing o in form ou about , n rep ly oyourquery,The ol lowing nformations whatwas requested, am pleased o be able toassist ou in your enquiries, tc

Afteryou asked me to, This s what I found out, Ihope this s the information ou were ooking or,This s whatyou asked me about,et c


I hope hat havebeenof somehelp o you, Itrust hat this is the information ou require,Please nform me if I can be of anv furtherassistance. tc

I hope his wil l helpyou, Let me know f you needany morehelp inding ut about , 'm glad couldhelpyou,etc


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Letters ivingdirections


Formal lnformal

I have enclosedsome directions nd a map, Iwould

be delighted fyou

could attend,and toensure ou can f indyourway I wi l lwr i tesomedetaileddirectionsbelow, In case you do notknow the exact ocationof the...hotel/venue,have ncluded ome directions,f you fol low hedi rect ions e low/map e low. . . , tc

In case you don ' t know he way l ' l l g ive you

some directions,Hereare a few drrections, oyou don ' tget ost , ' l l e l lyou how o get here,This s ust a quick note, o tel l you how to ge tto . . . , 'vewr i t ten omedi rect ions,nd drawnamap to help,et c


I trust hat you wil l ind hesedirections elpful,I hope hatyou are able o follow he directionsotven.eIC

I hope hedirections boveareclearenough oryou, I hope hat you can find your way alright,Pleasepay specialattention o the directions,Mydi rect ionshouldn ' t e oo d i f f icu l to o l low,etc

Applicat ion or a job

I am writ ingwith regard o your advertisement,would ike o apply or the postof ,

Iwouldappreciate replyatyourearlrestonvenience, ook orward o meeting ou,Please ontactme regarding ny queries ou may have,etc

Lettersof apology


Formal ln formal

Unfor tunate ly must apolog ise or . . . ,Pleaseaccept my sincerestapologiesfor . . . , owcan apolog ise nough or . . . ,I mustapolog ise rofuse lyor . . . , tc

I hope ouwi l lunderstand hen saythat ,What anI say,except 'm sorry hat..., certainly we you anapology s 1 . . . ,'mso sorry f upset ou nanyway,I ind tveryhard o e l l ou hat . . .and'msorry or . . . ,I can ' tdescr ibe owsorry am andhowgui l ty fee l ,etc


I hope you can forg iveme. . . , imploreyou to accept my apolog ies. . . , o rdscannot expresshow sorry I am, I hopeyouwi l lacceptmy apolog ies,hopemyapologieswere eceivedwithout esent-ment.etc

I hopeyou believeme when I say how sorry am, Icannotexpress ow much regret . . . ,beg you toforg iveme or . . . , here sno excuseor . . .andhopeyou ' l lacceptmy apology, tc

Letters f complaint


Strong Mi td

I was disgustedby, I was appalledat, Howdareyou, I want o expressmy strongdissat-isfaction, tc

I am writ ing o complain, had been ed o expect,I would ike o cancel he order/request,havenootheralternative, tc


I am taking he matter o cou11, ntend o sue,I insist ou replace he item at once,etc

Nevertheless, hope you wil l replace, trust hesituationwil l improve, hope the matter wil l beresolved, tc


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Lettersof advice


Formal Informal

I stronglyecommendhat, wouldsuggestthat, believehe bestcourse f action s,wouldadvise ou o, etc

l f wereyou,Howaboutdoing his,Whydon'tyou,Letme give you

some advice,et c


I trustyou wil l accept his advice, hope thiswi l lbe of help, would erymuch ike o knowif hiswas helpful/has eenof some use,etc

Hope his helped,Letme know how t went, s thisof any use,etc

7. 1. C - reason or writ ing2. A - description f event3. E - description f event4. B - description f event5 . D -c l o s i n g re ma rks

8. (Suggestedanswers)

a. Informal- asking for advice

DearJane,How are you? I'm fine, but I have a bit of a

problemand I 'd be gratefulor some advice.l ' l lbe f in ish ing chool oon and I don ' tknow

what o do. I 'm h inking f becoming nurse ikeyou .

. . .Anyway, hope you ' l lbe ab le o he lp memakea decision.Writebacksoonand etme Knowwhatyou think.

Love,Ju l i e

b. Informal - letterof invitation

DearJaneand Matthew,How are you both? Hope you 're wel l l I 'm

writ ing o inviteyou to a littleget-together e'rep l a n n i n g . . .

We'd ove o seeyou,so etus know fyou'l lbeable o come.

Love,Mikeand Sarah

c. Informal- acceptingan invitation

DearMikeand Sarah,Thank ou oryourkind etternvit ing s o your

get-together.....Looking orward o seeing ou on Saturday.


Janeand Matthew

d. Informal- refusingan invitation

DearMikeand Sarah,

Thankyouso much or your etternvit ing s oyour get-together. owever .....We're eally orry,but hopewe'l lbe able o

meetsome other ime soon.

Love,Janeand Matthew

e. Informal- letterof thanks

Dear Katharine,I hope you are well.You looked ovelyat the

wedding.We'rewr i t ing o. . .. . .Onceagain , hankyou verymuch or your

thoughtfulness. e mustget ogether gainsoon.


Markand Jenny

f. Formal - letter requesting nformation

DearSir/Madam,I am writ ing o inquire bout he French ourse

thatyour schoolwil l be runningnextmonth .. .I look orward o hearing romyou.

Yours aithful ly,Sarah Brown

9. Good - Model 1- appropriateormalstyleand language- well-ordered aragraphs- informationequestedn separateparagraphs

each has a tooic- informationncludedusinoown words

Bad - Model 2

- inappropriateanguage too informal- badlystructured- information lusteredogether; ack


graphing- not al l nformationncluded

10. paragraph1: reason or writ ingparagraph : giving nformationn orderrequestedparagraph : giving nformationn order requestedparagraph : giving nformationn order requestedparagraph : conclusion f letter closing emarksThe letter s informal, iving nformationn reply oset questions.


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ExamFocus:Unit 2

1 . (Suggestedanswer)

DearSam,Iam pleasedo hear hatyouareplanningo apply

for a ob as a waiter n the hotelwhere worked astsummer.Before ou makeup yourmind, hough,

fee lyou should nowwhat heob

is ike .The hoteli tself s only 100m rom he beachand is owned byMrLegrand nd h iswrfe , ho s Engl ish. hewi l lbeable o he lpyou f you are having roublewi thyourFrench,especial ly ince most of the touristswhostay hereare French.

I worked romJune o September ut 'msure hatyou couldask or a two monthcontract fyou prefer.The accommodation rovidedwas very clean,buttheonlyproblemwas hat had o sharea roomwithanotherwai ter ,which I d idn ' t li ke very much. Iworked welvehoursa day,six days a week,whichwas quite iring,and was paid4000 r (about 400)

a monthexclud ingips.All n all ,working or the Legrandswas an enjoy-

ab le exper ience,nd I th inkyou shouldgo aheadand apply. Apart from anything else, i t 's a greatopportunity o practrse our French.

Pleasewriteand let me know whatVoudecideto do.



1.8 Formal e t ter f inv i ta t ion.g .We wouldbehonouredf you couldat tend . . ,Youarecordial ly nvited o ...et c

2.4 In lormalet ter xpressinghankse.g.Thanksa lo t or . . . , loved our present . .etc

3.D Formalet tero f ompla in te .g .wishtoexpressmy dissat isfact iont . . . , am mostunhappywi th . .e tc

4.E In formalet ter iv ingadvice .g .What th inkyou shoulddo is . . . ,Letme te l lyou whatl wo u l dd o . . .e tc

5.C Formal etteraskrng or inJormation .g. amwri t ing o enquire bout . . , wouldbegrateful f you could send me ...etc


1. Formal - request

DearSi r .My name s JamesWaltersand I stayed n your

hotelon the weekendot 22123March hisyear.Duringmy stay lostmy cameraand I believe t s

possible hat I left t in my room.The camera s a large,black Canon a 23x zoom

lensmodel .I would be verygrateful fyou could ookout or t

and send t o the addressabove f you find t. wil l ,of course,be happy o pay or any postagecosts.

Theservice t yourhotelwasexcellent nd I hopeyou can helpme wi th h is prob lem. thankyou inadvance or your co-operation nd look orward ohearing rom you in the nearJuture.

Yours aithful ly,JamesWalters

2. Semi-formal expressing regret

DearMrs Potter.I have ust received our etter nformingme of he

school eun ion n June24th.I am sorry o say hat wil l be unable o attend he

reunion ecause wi l lbe on ho l idayor hewholeofthemonth fJune.Had known bout he eunionnadvance wouldhavemadeotherarrangements,utth is s now mpossib le .

I st i l l eep n ouchwi thmanyof my ormer choolf r iends ndamreal ly isappoin tedhat wi l lmiss heoccasion. However, 'm s ure the party wil l be asuccess nd would ike o hank ou orsendingmean invitation.

Onceagain , 'msorry o miss h isyear 's eunionbut I hope o be therenextyear.

Yours incere ly,

Cather ine mrth

3. Informal- letterof apology

Dear ack,I 'm writ ing o say sorry or keepingyou waitingat

thestation astweekend.When missed he rain wasso upset completely orgot o phoneyou at once olet ouknow.By he ime phoned ouhadal readyeftfor the station. want o apologise or beingsothought less,promise ou t won ' thappenagain.

I sti l l eel otten or not contacting ou,so to makeup, I 'd ike o invi te ou to my house or he Easterweekend.We're havinga big partyand lotsof oldf r iendswi l lbe there. hopeyou can make t .

I 'msurewe canst i l l e r iends nd hope hatwecan seeeachotheragain . t wouldbe s i l l y o fa l loutovermyown stupidity. lease ivemy regards o your

familyand writeback soon.


4. Formal - lefter of complaint

DearSi r /Madam,

I was a customer,along with several r iends,atyourrestaurantastweek,and am writ ing o complainabout he treatmentwe received.

The managerwas extremely ude to us from themomentweenteredhe restaurant,ndwe had o waitalmost half an hour for a table, although we hadbookedone.

Having ordered our food, we were kept wait ingalmostan hour.When t inal ly rrived t was so badlycooked hatwe had o send t back.No apologywasoffered or he appall ing ood,and we thusdecided oleave he restaurant i thout e-ordering.

Th is ncidentu ined urevening, nd am wri t ingnthe hope that some actionwil l be taken against hestaffof vour restaurant.

Yours aithful ly,PeterBrown


J .


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Unit3: Part1

5. Formal - asking for information

DearSiriMadam.I am writ ingwith regard o the guided tours oi

London hatyou offer. would be verygrateful f youcould send me some detailed nformation bout he

toursand whichareasof London hey cover,as wellas t imesof departure or each our.I have n ta l ianr iend is i t ingheU.K. h is ummer

and he is very nterestedn art and history.Do youhave any tours which includevisits o galleriesormuseums? My friend is a student so I would beinterestedndetai ls fanydiscountshatareavailableand also he ful l priceof each our.

I thankyou in advance or your co-operation ndlook orward o receiving ourreply n he near uture.

Yours aithful ly,SamJones

6. lnformal - giving advice

DearSarah.Thank you for your letter,which I have ust re-

ce ived.'msorry o hear bout our ob di lemma, nol 'm glad thatyou askedme for helpwith t.

My advice s verysimple;you need o find a jobquickly,no matter how bad the pay is, otherwrsethere'sa danger hat you may be evicted rom yourJlat. ou shouldconcentrate n earning omemoneyquickly,not on gettinga good job at the momenr.Onceyou havesome money n your pocket, ou canstart ooking or a job that's ight or you. f you can,tf indanyth ing,e t me know mmediate lynd l ' l l endyou some money o get by on.

I hope hat my advicewil l help you.Writeback fyou needany moreand ' l lbe happy o help n themeant ime, ood uck.



Uni t3 -Par t1

Warm-upActivities:Part1 (p.56)


. The photos could have been taken somewnere nEasternEurope, uch as Hungary. would ike ovisit he place n he photosbecause t ooks nterest-ing and probablydoesn'thavemany ourists.

. In terest ingights, r iend ly eople , xci t ing ight i feetc.

. Tourism an benefit countryby encouraging eopteto visitand spend money,which mproves he localeconomy.More obsarecreatedor nhabitants f hecountry,and faci l i t ies

are improved.The possibledrawbacksof tourismare that t may result n areasbecomingover-crowded nd polluted.Some resorlslosealltheir haracter ndcharmas hotels rebuilt oaccommodatencreasing umbersof tourists.

1 . t 1 . 5 4 . c i t y2. d i rector 5. Aust r ian3. Golden 6. theatre

Unit 3

1 .

7. wi ld l i fe8. transportation9. faci l i t ies

Vocabulary xercises: art1 (p.58-59)

prosperity-stateof economicwell-beingaccounted or - made up (a partof sth)foreign exchange money n a foreigncurrencyoptimistic - expecting he best n all hingspouring - providing n largequantit iesto expand - to become or make greater n size,numberor importancelandscapes- all the features f an area hat can beseenwhen ookingacross tinvestment- money o buy sharesor propefty,oe-velopa business, tc, n order o earn nterest, ringprofitor improve he qualityof something.spread - to distribute vera widerarea

concentration - large amount of sth in a small ordefinedareasewagesystem network f underground ipesusedto transportwastewater o treatment centresh ik ing go ingon a longwalk,especia l lyn hecountry

1. exclusive 4. convention 7. ootions2. boom 5. prospects 8. wandering3. b id 6. inJrux

(Ss shouid memorise thesebrt-related collocationsand expressions. checks hem n the next esson.)

1. to preserve2. to encourage3. to lessen

4. culture 7. to explore5. unspoi l t 8 . r ich6. to become 9. to restore

(After shave ompletedhe listeningctivity, asksSs o glvea summary f the extusing hercrt.)

Reading Task: Part1 (p. 56-57)

1 . t 2 . A 3 . c 4 . C 5 . H 6 . D 7 . 8

2 .



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Unit3: Part2

. 1 . s i g h t2. demol ish

3. loss4. vacant

5. stimulated6. marg in

(T can go through the list of words and elicit theirmeaning before Ss do Ex. 5.)

1 . bank2. change3. currency4. notes5. co ins6. creditcard

7. exchange ates8. cash9. t rave l ler 'sheques

10. cashcard1 1 . w i t h d ra w

A. 1 . on good ermswi th 3. in ermsof2. on equal erms 4. onunequalermswi th

B. 1 . come o termswi th 2 . in the ong erm

(Ex.7 should be asslgned as HW.Ss shou/d consult

theirdictionaries n order to find the missrng dioms. Tshoulddo the first vvo n classas a model.)

A. 1. at f irstsight 5. lostsightof2 . wi th in ight 6 . h is/her ights n3. out of sight 7. out of sightout oJmind4. caught ighto f 8 . by s ight

1. renovate (Note: enovate ld buildings; eturnthem o goodcondi t ion)

2. restore (Note: estore n oil painting, statue,car etc; o repairor rebuildsth so that t looksas it originally id)

3. repair - to mend something hat s brokenordamaged

4. preserve to keepsomething n its original tateor in goodcondi t ion.

Follow-upActivities:Part1 (p.59)

Prague shopping, ating n restaurants/cafes,njoybeautiful rchitectueCesky Krumlov-visitcastles, ee heoldestbaroquetheatre n the world completewith stage sets, cos-tumes and a libraryol opera ibretti


wildl i fe, nsooiltnature(Suggestedanswer)

ln Scotland, tourist ouldvisitLochNessand enjoythe beautiful cenery as well as trying to spot thefamed Loch Ness monster.They could also go toStirl ingand visit he castleand the Wil l iamWallacemonument. n Glasgow, he Ad Gallerywould be ofinterest or the famous mpressionist aintings eptthere.


(Sswork n pairs.T checks ound the c/ass henasks

some pairs o repoft back to the c/ass.)SA.' would love o visitNew YorkCityand go to thetop of the EmpireState Building. t 's no longer hetal lest ui lding n he worldbut t 'scertainly ne of hemost mpressive.

SB.'Personally'd l ike o visit he Acropolis n Athensas I'm very nterestedn ancienthistory.SA.'Not me, I love he hustleand bustleof big cit ies.Tokyo must be exhilarating.'d also enjoy he foodthere.

SB:Wel l , 'mhoping o go o Par ish is ummer. hereis so much o see here:NotreDame, he Eiffel ower,the Louvre. 'm sure t wi l lbe a fascinat ingo l iday.

Grammar heck:Part1 (p.59)

7. Since

Uni t3 -Par t2

Warm-up ctivit ies: art2 (p.60)


. The photoscould have been taken at some kind offestivalor celebration. hese people could be cel-ebrating hearrival f springor heir ountry's ationalday etc. Their clothesare tradit ional nd old-fash-ioned rather han modern.


. Well, here's he MayDay estival henpeoplego intothe countrysideor they go to a fair with tradit ionaldancing.The other main celebrations Guy Fawkes

Nightwhen t 'scustomary o l ighta bonfireand etof ff i reworks.

. a) about10,000

b) fiveyearsol dc) baskets, urniture,walkingsticksd) a massive ookbookof inventiveecipese) cheese,mashedpotatoes, ream,butter,garl ic

Reading ask:Part2 p.60-61)

8. B (Ln7) 12.A (Ln 22-23)9 . C (L n1 0 -1 ) 1 3 .B (Ln3 0 -3 1 )

1 0 . C (L n1 5 -1 6 ) 1 4 .D (Ln37 )1 1 . A (L n1 9 -2 0 ) 1 5 .C (Ln40-a1)

Vocabulary xercises: art2 (p.62-63)

1. a b lessing n d isgu ise someth inghatseemsbad,but is actuallygoodjudgement decis ionchestnut a k indof edible utsoaked - extremelywet all the way throughhighlights- the bestparlspanel - committee;group of people who make a

decisionaboutsthregion - areajog - slow unpanly - not entirelysampled t r iedmouthfuls- bitesof sth

1 . s i n ce 3 . f o r2. 'for 4. lor

5 . S ince6. for


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Unit3: Part2

7 .. 1. fragrant2. literally3. downpour4. mashed


2. to own3. to sample*

1. for a rainyda y2. Come a inor sh ine3. as rightas rain

5. recipe6. incorporating7. massive8. vigorously

4. to stare5. to make6. to st i r

7. to consist8. or iginal9. running ff

puree sthmixed r processedntil t screamy 6.texture consistencye.g. lthada creamyexture."jol l ier happierstirred mixedpaddles oarsused or rowing boat

WEATHER cloudy:windy; a iny;humid; reezing;sunny;blustery: oastingATMOSPHERE ol ly: ight -hear ted;o isy; r ivo lous;tense;playf l exhi aratin cheerf l colourf l,nervous; nxious


SCHOOL FAIR - races for parentsand children;dancing;music; ta l ls e l l ing ome-madeamsFUN FAIR - fortune ellers; ides on a big wheel;clownsperforming; tandssell inghot-dogsWINE FAIR wine ast ing; e l l ing f wine;barVILLAGE FAIR - races for parentsand children;donkey ides;potterysales;dancing; ireworksdisplay;music;bar; stal ls el l inghome-madeamsANTIQUESFAIR- auctions; otterysales;old furni-ture;old coins;stampcollections; ld ewellery

Fof ow-upActivities:Part2 (p.63)

Weather rainyday,almostuninterruptedain, unny,downpour,pouringdownAtmosphere curiosity, atchedcalmly, eeply rus-trated,stared n amazement,ol l ieratmosphere,cneersSuggested it le:A CountryFair

Weather - pouring with rain, rainy,sunny, uninter-ruotedFood for sale - chestnutcakes, mashedchestnut,

cheeseand bacon sandwiches, l igotEvents cookerycompetit ion, l igotevening, ance


Well he fair was reallynice,except or the weather.You see, t was pouringwith rainall day long.Anyway, he vi l lagerswere prepared o havea fabu-lousday. Therewas plentyof food: chestnutcakes,mashedchestnuts, heeseand bacon sandwiches.Therewas a cookerycompetit ion. he udges sam-pled sevendishesbefore hey made theirdecision.Then he vi l lagersastedaligot a ocaldish)and afterthat i t was

time for the dance. t was reallva mosrenjoyableevening.



Remembertheund-raisingairmy ennis lubwa sgoing o hold? Well, t was a tremendous uccess.

Hundreds fpeopleturned p- duetothebeautifulweather 'm sure- and because t was aSaturday fternoon hey didn't mind stayingall day.We workedvery hard to make the tennisclub lookattractive,sing lags,putt ingup entsand marquees,and tying balloonsand streamerseverywhere.

John had the fabulous dea of hiringa "bouncycastle" or the childrenand it proved o be verysuccessful.The home-bakingstal l was laden withcakes,biscuits nd sweetsand therewere otsofgames,competit ionsoo, as wellas racesand face-painting or the children.All in al l , t was a verv

(Ss shou/d memorise these Ert-related collocationsand expressions. checks n the nertiesson.)

(*Note:we can say to sample dishes but not: to

sample ecipes)


5 .

4. catsand dogs5. i t never ainsbut i t


1 . AB

Dz. t \

(Ss do Ex. 5 on their own then T elicitslexplainshemeanings of each distractor.)

1 . A 2 . C 3 . A 4 . D 5 . 8 6 . 8

lane (n) = narrow oadsusu n the countryway (n) = direction; oute

alley (n) = narrowstreet,usu betweenorbehindbui ld ingsroute (n) = way Jromone place o anotherrotten (adj) (of ood)spoiled;no longered ib le

B sweet (adj) = tastingof sugarC bitter (adj)= havinga harsh,unpleasantasteD sour (adj)= havinga sharp aste ike emon

3. A harsh (adj)= (ofweather ondit ions) evereB cruel (adj)= unkindC strict (adj)= firm;unacceptingD stern (adj)= grim and serious

4. A gofor a spin (exp;

=to go for a drive oroleasure

5. A moisten (v) = to makeslightlywetB soak (v) : to make extremelywetC damP (v) = to makeslightlywetD dampen (v) = to makeslightlywet

6. A recipe (n) = instructionsorpreparingparticularype of food

B prescription (n) = pieceof paperon whichadoctorwrites he nameof a medicationo beobtainedby the patient.

C receipt (n) : pieceof papergiven o on estatinghow much one has paid or sth

D formula (n)= listof substanceso be mixed omakeanothersubstance


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Unit3: Part3

successful ay. orgot o tel lyou - | won a new ennisracquet n the raff le.

Nextyearyou'l lhave o comewith me. I had sucha good time.



Grammar heck:Parl2 (p.63)

1. qu i te , a ther2. quite, ather3. qu i te

4. ralher 7. rather5. rather 8. rather6. fairly/pretty

Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p.64)


I think he text s going o be about rain/theweatheribad weatheretc.

Snow,hai l ,s leet , a in ,sunshine, loudy,co ld , hot ,warm, reezingetc (/fSs havedifficultyThelpsthembygiving words related to weather and explaining theirmeantng.)My favouriteype of weather s when it is warm an dsunny.You can find out what he weatherwil l bel ikeby listeningo the orecast n the radioor watch-ng t on the e levis ion. oucan a lsophone he

Meteorological ff ice or a detailedweather orecast.Sailor, i lot,air-traff ic ontrol ler, ardener,ishermanetc. NationalRiversAuthority, ol ice,highwayauthorit ies, irports, upermarkets, as and fuel in-I ustries.

ReadingTask: Part 3 (p. 64-65)

1 6 . G 1 7 . A 1 8 . H 1 9 . E 2 0 . B 2 1 . D

Vocabulary xercises: art3 (p.66-67)

observations studies:pointsmadeabout sthdamp - slightlywetmisty having thin og producedby verysmalldropscf water ormed ust above he groundor watercomparative relative; ompared o sth elseunpredictabil i ty inabil i ty o tel lwhatwil l happen osth nextregional- in a certainareaforecasters- peoplewho predictwhat the weatherwi l lbe l ikepowergenerators machineshatproduce lectricitydictate - controldemand - amount needed

capacity- amount hat sth can holdrange - varietyinputs - piecesof information ut intoa computersatel l i tes f lyingobjectswhichsend nformationfromsoace

wirelessoperators people nchargeof communica-tion by radio.flow - rateor patternof the movementof stheg. flow of trafficseaboard- coast;area by the seaaccurate orecise: xact

f . in t r igued2. controversial3 . ins ight4. offshore

1. weather-beaten2. in al lweathers3. weatherpermitt ing

1. opposi te 3. decis ion2. gu ide 4. oyfu l

5. coastal6. resort o7. orbit ing8. eavesdropping

4. weather he storm5. under he weather

5.assume6. correct

DJ . f \


(Ss do Ex. 5 on their own, then T elicitslexplainshemeanings of each distractor.)

1 . A 2 . C 3 . A 4 . 8 5 . C 6 . D

1. A capacity (n) = amountof sth, usu people,

thatsth can holcB mass (n) = amountof sol idsubstance n sthC volume (n) = amountof spacesth containsD capabil i ty (n) = abil i ty o do sth

2. A exact (adj)= absolutely recise

B sharp (adt)= pointed;clever

C accurate (adj)= correct o a specif ic evel(eg accurateweather orecast,accurate abInstruments)fine (adj)= goodprediction (n) = statement bout what wil lhappen n the futureforecast (n) = statement bout utureevents,particularlyhe weatherforesight (n) = abil i ty o planaheadguess (n) = very uncertain redictionweighty (adj)= heavy;serioussignif icant(adj)= havingan important ffecton sb/sthextreme(adj) more han expected; xag-gerated

basic (adj)= simpledirection (n) = movement owardssthguidance(n)= act of tel l ingsb how tobehave,what o do etcinfluence(n) = power o determinehe waysb thinks/behavesmanipulation n)= actof usingor changing bor sth or sel{ish easonsunderstand(v) = to know he reason orsthrealise (v) = to becomeawareof sth

comprehend (v) = understandperceive (v) = to have/getan impressionofsth/sb


4 . 4B

D5 . A



b . A




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Unit 3: Paft 4



8 .

(Ssshou/d memorise hese ext-related ollocationsand expressions. checks n the next esson.)

1. orb i t ing 4. a populated 7. to take2. showed 5. the low 8. a high prof i le3. a wide 6. power g. loca l

Good weather hot ,sunshine, r ight , loud less ky,gent lewind,sunny,b luesky,warmbreezeBadweather g loomy, amp,windy,ightning,tormy,snowy,dark sky, cloudy.overcast

(Ssshou/d memorise hese expressions. checks inthe next esson.Thiscan be done as a competitionn A m A a d ' T d r i z z l a

Group AS1 frnedizzleT. hurilcaneGroup BS1 powerlulhurricane,etc

1 . f i n e2. heavy3. sudden4. brief

5. freezing 9. powerful6 . v io lent 10. est ruct ive7 th ick 11.heavy8 . l oud 1 2 . l i g h t

9. (T should elicitlexplain he highlightedwordsbefore Ss do Ex9. 7'also explains hat AA stands orAutomob e Assoclation.)

1 . sunshine 3. showers 5. fog 7 . s leet2 . temperature . sunny 6. ice B. snow

Follow-up ctivit ies: art3 (p.67)


. Of ten eopleeeldepressed hen heweathersbad.l f hesky sgreyandgloomy nd t 's o ld , oumaybestopped romgoingoutanddoingsometh ing ou 'vebeenplanningora long ime.Somepeople ay hati fyouseecows ying t he opofa h i l l . twi l lbea goodoayThere s a saying "Redsky at night -

shepherd 's e l ightRedsky n the morn ingshepherd 's arn ing"

which means that i f there'sa beautiful unset. heweather he nextday wil l be good. f. however. hesky is red at sunrise,you can expect bad weathersoon.

. (I is advised o do thisactivit.vn c/ass. Tshouldelicitrelevantvocabulary rom Ss and write t on theboard eg temperature,drop, thick fog, heavy rain,snow, strong wind, thunderstorms tc and usefulexpressionssuch as. a good start to the day, theweather akesa turn or ..., og spreads, emperaturescontinue to drop etc. ThenSs work in pairs o wilte theweather orecastwhile T helps hem f necessary.

Then,eachpair readsaloud their orecast.Tcan readfhe "SuggesfedAnswer" n c/ass orSs to see thesfylein this type of writing).


Good morning, 'm SylviaDavis.Aftera good start othe day the weather s going to take a turn for theworse. emperaturesi l ld ropf rom 'Cto acold 2 'C

in he nodh and a thick og wil lspreadacrossborder

regions n the late afternoon so drivers bewareShowersare expected n al l regionsduring he nightwi thheavierain n he High lands nd a possib i l i tyfsnow in the north. The bad weather wil l continuetomorrowwithstrongwindsand hunderstormsn henor thand High lands. emperaturesi l lcont inueodrop o -3'C in he southso wrap up warmlyand havea goodweekend.

GrammarCheck: Part3 (p. 67)

Warm-upActivit ies:Part4 (p. 68)


I th ink hat nvent ion sa coathanger thatasa spacefor h id ingmoney n.InventionB is a new kind of toothpaste hat whitensteeth .Invent ion is a broom hatc leans ery horoughly.Invent ionD is a min i go l f set that can be usedanywnere.InventionE is an oven that stirs he food while t isco o k i n g .

. a ) F b ) T c ) F d ) F e ) F

ReadingTask: Part4 (p. 68-69)

1 . u se d o 6 .2. used o 7.3. are used o 8.4. get used o 9.5. get used o 10.

Uni t3 Par t4

22. Ez J . w

24.Azc . o

1. 1 por tab le 3. ingenious2. raked 4. to swing

2 . 1 . t o h a n gu p2. to take3. to whitenA + A ^ ^4 ^^+a . U t c E t t E U L

used o/wouldn o i r r q o r l i n

d a f I r a a . l t n

used owould/used o

26.C 30. A2 7 . D 3 1 .B28. E 32133.C, D (inany order)29. E 34/35.C, D (inany order)

Vocabulary xercises: art4 (p.70)

5. suspendedrom6. moulded

. /Ss should memorise these text-related ollocationsand expressions. checks n the next esson.)

5. to comply with6. to cope with7. durab ie8. the inest


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9. to last10. to ind icate1 1 . l i f e t i me12. to st i r

13. scrambled14. to e l iminate15. to reduce

a. 1. t ransmi t 2 . made 3. durab le( faxmachine)

b. f . indust ry 2. d ig i ta l 3 . laser CD)

c. 1 . carr ied2. composed3. microch ipsmobi le hone)

a = picture b = picture3 c = picture

Follow-upActivities:Part4 (p.20)


I cou ldn ' t ivewi thout telephone r a f r idge.

The most useful nventions the hideaway afeon acoathanger.t 'saverygoodwayof keeping aluablessafewhi leon ho l iday. he gol fdr iv ing ange n yourbackgarden s he mostuseless dea. t seems o meas hough t wouldbe qui tedangerous nd hatyouwould be betteroff going o a golfdriving angeat ac l u b .

It s made n Britain lthough t was developed y anAmerican.t consistsof 2 applicator raysand awhitening el.Theprice s 9.99. t sused or whiten-ingd isco louredeethand cou ldbe usedby anyone.

(BeforeSs are asslgned this as writtenHW, T shoulddlscuss lt rn c/ass to help Ss write a proper letter ofcomplaint using the appropriate sty/e.RelerSs to Unit2 p. 50 to revise letter writing if necessary)


DearSir,I am writ ing o complainabouta Micromixwhich

bought rom "Scots" astweek.Afterusing he Micromixor he irst ime noticed

that he plastichad discoloured nd that the buttonhad melted. t seemed that the oroductwas com-

pletelyunsuitableor microwave se. returned t tothestorewhere had bought t,expecting completerefund. nstead,your sales representative as ex -tremely ude o me,accusingmeof using t n myoveninstead.He refused o giveme a newMicromix r mymoneyback.

I hope that you wil l be able to olfer me a moreacceptablesolution after inspecting he Micromixwhich enclose. also expectyou to reprimand oursales epresentativeor his behaviour.

I look orward o your promptreply.

ExamFocus Useof English:Unit3 (p.71)

(Part 1 is a modified cioze text containing 15 gapsfollowedby 15 our-optionmultiplechoice quesflons.Ss read through the text to get an understandingof itsgeneralmeaning.ThenSs readthe texta second timetrying to find the answer. Keep in mind that somechoicesare meant o be misleading.Ss shou/d eadathird time to check if theirchoices make sense).

1 . B 4 . 82 . D 5 . A3 . C 6 . D


/ . ud . u

9 . A

1 0 .B1 1 .D12.B

1 3 .A1 4 .B

(A/terSs have done Part 1 T asks hem to listadvan-tages d sadvantages f tou ism.)

1 for2. Ioltor3. for4 about5. forito6 . i n7 . i n8 . o n9. o f

1 0 . w i t h /without

Preposi t ionsp.71)

11. f rom 22. oniabout l12. of against/of13. on/upon,or 23. (a)round14. in / in to /wi th 24. in15. wi th 25.Ior16. by/with/aI 26. n(to)/with17. at 27. withi f . in 28. orlat19. o f 29.against

20. in 30. or2 1 . o t

(Ssshou/d memorise heseprepos tions.Tchecks nthe following esson.)

ExamFocus LlsteningPart )Unit3 (p.72)

(Part 3 is a multiplematching exercise based on aseriesof five shoft elatedextracts f about 30seconds each, from monologuesor exchangesbe-tween nteractingspeakers.Ss /isten,makinga firstchoiceof answers. hen hey tsten gainsearching or

specific words related to the options).

1 9 .D 2 0 .C 2 1 .F 2 2 . 8 2 3 .A

Part 3You'llhear fivepeople talkingabout differentkinds ofshops. For questrons19 o 23, choose from the listAto F the type of shop that s being described.Use heIetters nlyonce. There'sone extra etterwhichyou donotneed o use.

Speaker1 (temale): f you evergo to London, here

are somevery amousstoresyou mustvisit.The irstt ime I yyento Lockhearts, hich s now my favourite,I spental lday here. d idn ' t h ink twaspossib le , u tI spent hours ookingat everything perfume,ewel-lery,clothes. hoes, arpets,oys everything n actI even had lunch there. These stores are alwavs

Yours incerely

? 1

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wonderfulat Christmas oo. You can do all yourChr istmas hopping n one go, and i f you can ' t indwhat you're ooking or, they wil l often help you bytrying o order t. n fact, he storehas a saying: lf itexists,we can get it for you".

Speaker2 (male):When I was young I used o love

going o thesestores. herewereso many nterestingth ings o look at and fee l - ropesand chainsof a l lshapes ndsizes. heyalsoused o havea rowoffrontdoorsof houses orsale. used o go up and down heais le ressing l l thedoorbe l ls s went . . .but ovedlookingat the paint best . 'd neverseen so manydifferent hades of pink before. used to mentallyredecoratemy bedroom.Therewere alwaysa fewplantsbeside he checkout nd my dad wouldsome-timesbuy me some seedsso that I could ry o growsome lowers.Speaker3 (temale): l t 's so useJulhaving hat l i t t le

shopat heendof he oad. do mostof myshoppingin the supermarket, ut thereare always hings hatforget o buy,and of course l ike o buy freshbreadand milkeveryday,and don'talwayshave rme o goto hesupermarket .hemanwhoowns heshop ssonice oo. I actually njoygoing down he road o buya newspaperor some tea or whatever.He alwayssuggestssomethinggood or particularlyreshand Ia lways nd up spending lo t more han intended.He 's usta goodsalesmanhat 's l l ,andhedeservesto be successful.Speaker4 (male):You know how you said hatyouwere ooking or a newsui te or your iv ing oom.. .

wel l . . sawa rea l ly omfor tab lene n"Richardsons" .I th ink t wouldgo nice ly n your oomand hecolouris exactlywhatyou're ooking or. But, he nterestingthingwas hat he saleswoman dvisedme o go o hedepartment tore across he road because t 's t50cheaperhere.Butshedidsay hat fyourexisting ofaand cha i rs aven ' t a l len par t , nd t 's . justhatyoudon ' t ike he coversanymore, hen hey can makeloose-coversor you.That'san ideayou know,Jane,becauseyour sofa really s in good condit ion.Theyhave ovelyfabricstoo nd canmake ampshades ndcurtains o match.

Speaker5 (male): Oooh... HATEshops ike hat-

they'reso touristyand false. n Scotland heyare ul lof tartandish-cloths, i l tsand miniatureLoch Nessmonsters or people to take back home. You canalways earbagpipemusicp laying, nd otherkindsof tradit ionalmusic hat no one really istens o anymore. But, I suppose that i f you are interested nhistoryand culture, hey do tend to stock lots ofinterestingbooks and calendarswith nice scenicphotographstheymakegood presents ctually, nd ,thinkingabout t, hey do normally ellgood sweetsand chocolate expensive, ut tasty nevertheless.

ExamFocus Speaking: nit3 (p.73)

Part 2 (Suggestedanswers)

. In picture A there s a pyramid, o it must be Egypt,whereas ictureB is of a swimming ool n he

Caribbean r somewhere. othplaces

ookveryhot.. I wouldmost ike o visit he pyramidsn Egyptas I amvery nterestedn the historyof this country.

. Whenyou ravel ou earn otaboutdifferent ulturesand nationali t ies.ou also earnabout hehistoryof different laces.

. l f you travel alone you meet lots of new people

because ou arenot restrictedo a group.Youcan dowhatever ou wantwithoutwait ing or someoneelseto decide.However, ravell ing lonecan be danger-ous,and you only haveyourself o relyon.Travell ingina groupon heotherhandcanbefun,as youarewithyour riends.However, ometimes t s diff icult o doexactlywhatyouwant,as here areotherpeoplewhomay want o do differenthings.

. PictureC showssomesortof tradit ionalestivalwithpeople ancing n rad i t iona lostume. ictureDshowsa sign ora concertwhichwil lprobablybe a lotmore serious o watch han he dancers n oictureC.

. I h ink 'denjoy he rad i t ionalancingmore, s don ' tl i keclassica l usic.

. Thedancing n pictureC issimi laro the dancingwedo in my country.Everybodyoins n and enjoysthemselves. omepeoplego to concerts n my coun-

t ry,but only n he big c i t ies.. Nowadaysmost peoplewatch TV or entertainment,

whereas wentyyearsago more peoplewent to thecinemaor the theatre.Peoplesti l lgo the theatreandcinema,but i t 's no longerso impor tantn people 'ssocia l ives.

ExamFocus Wri t ing: n i t3 (p.741

(Ssare advlsed to buya dictionaryof quotationseg TheMacMillan Dictionaryof ContemporaryQuotationsbyJohnathonGreen)

1 . 1 . d2 i)

3 . h 5 . k4 . a 6 . b

7 . 1 9 . c 1 1 . 98 . e 1 0 . i

2. To make contrastingpoints

. Kil l ingendangered pecies s i l legal, everthe-less peoplewi l lnotstop hunt ing hem.

. ln spiteof the fact hatki l l ing ndangered peciesis l lega l , eoplewi l lnot stop hunt ing hem.

. Ki l l ing ndangered pecies s i l lega l , ut peoplewi l lnotstop hunt ing hem.

. Whi leki l l ing ndangeredpeciess l lega l , eop le

wi l lnot stop hunt ing hem.. Despite he act hatki l l ing ndangered pecies si l lega l , eoplewi l lnot stop hunt ing hem.

. Even f k i l l ing ndangered pecies s l lega l ,peoplewi l lnot stophunt ing hem.


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Exam Focus: Unit 3

. Even houghki l l ing ndangeredpeciess l lega l ,peoplewi l lnot stophunt ing hem.

. Ki l l ing ndangered peciess l lega l , t he same

t ime peoplewi l lnotstophunt ing hem.

To l ist points

. Firstly, the governmentmust revise he out-ot

date environmentalawswhichwere writtentwentyyearsago.

. ln the f irst place he governmentmust revise he

out-of-date nvironmentalawswhichwerewrittentwentyyearsago.

. To startwith, hegovernmentmust evise heout-

of-dateawswhichwerewritten wentyyearsago.. Secondly, he governmentmust evise he out-of-

date awswhrchwere written wentyyearsago.. Thirdly, the governmentmust revise he out-of-

date awswhich were written wentyyearsago.. Finally, he governmentmust revise he out-of-

date awswhich were written wentyyearsago.

To add more points on a topic

. What s more, hecityshouldconduct nspections

of zoos.. Theci tyshould lsoconduct nspect ionsf zoos.. Apart from this/that/ lnaddit ion to this, the city

should onduct nspect ionsf zoos.. Moreover he city shouldconduct nspections f


. Besides, he city should conduct nspections fZOOS.

. Thecity shouldconduct nspections f zoos oo.

. ... not to mention the fact that the city should

conduct nspections f zoos.

To l ist advantages/disadvantages

. Oneof he greatest dvantages f regular xercise

is that t leads o a healthier i festyle.. Another great advantageof regularexercise s

that t leads o a healthierifestyle..

One other advantage i regular xercise s hat tleads o a healthierifestyle.. A further advantage f regularexercise s that t

leads o a healthierifestyle.. The main advantageof regularexercises that t

leads o a healthierifestyle.. The rst/greatest dvantage f regular xercises

that t leads o a healthierifestyle.

To express personalopinion

. To m y mind/way of thinking, department tores

offer a greaterselectionof clothes han small

boutiques.. I personally believe departmentstores offer agreater election f clothes hansmallboutiques.

. l t strikesme hat department tores ffer greater

selection f clothes han smallboutiques.

. I feel very strongly that department toresoffer

a greaterselectionof clothes than small bou-t i q u e s .

. I am inclined to believe hat department tores

offer a greaterselectionof clothes than small

bout iques.. l t seems to me that departmentstores offer a

greater e lect ion f c lo theshansmal lbout iques.. As far as I am concerneddepartment tores ffer

a greaterselectionof clothes than small bou-t iques.

To refer o other sources

. Wi th re ference to th is repor t , hat brand of

suncream auses rr i ta t iono s ensi t ive k in

To conclude

. Finally, heuniversityffers wide ange fcoursesand providesmodern aci l i t ies.

. Lastly, heuniversityffers wide angeof courses

and providesmodern aci l i t ies.. Above all, the university ffersa wide range of

coursesand providesmodern aci l i t ies.. A l l in a l l , the un ivers i ty t fersa wide rangeof

courses nd providesmodern aci l i t ies.. Taking everything into account, the university

offersa wide rangeof coursesand provrdes

modern aci l i t ies.. On he whole , heunivers i tyf fers wide ange f

courses nd providesmodern aci l i t ies.. All things considered, he university ffersa

wide angeof courses nd providesmodernfaci l i t ies.

. In conclusion, he university ffersa wide range

of coursesand orovidesmodern aci l i t ies.. As I have said, he university tfersa wide range

of coursesand providesmodern aci l i t ies.. As was previouslystated, he university ffers

a wide rangeof coursesand providesmodernfaci l i t ies.

. To sum up, the university ffersa wide rangeof

courses nd providesmodern aci l i t ies.

To express cause

. Because of the harshwinter,many crops were

destroyed.. Owing to the harsh winter, many crops were

dest royed.. For this reason,manycropswere destroyed.

To express effect

. Lots of factorieshave closed down, therefore,

manypeoplehave ost he i robs.

. Lots of factorieshave closed down; thus, manypeoplehave ost he i r obs.

. Lotsof actories ave losed own;consequently,

many peoplehave ost heir obs.


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ExamFacus: Unit 3

' Lotsof factories avecloseddown so manvpeo-ple have ost he i r1obs.

. Lotsof factories avecloseddown: as a conse-quence,manypeoplehave ost he i r obs.

To emphasisewhatyou say

. Clearly researchhas proved hat eatinghealthyfoodsand exercis ingegular lyeduce he r iskofhear td isease.

. Obviously esearch asprovedhateating ealthyfoodsand exercis ingegular lyeduce he r iskofheartdisease.

' Of course research asproved hateating ealthyfoodsand exercis ingegular lyeduce he r iskofheartdisease.

. In particular. esearchersaveproved hateatingheal thyoodsandexercis ingegular lyeduce heriskof heartdisease.

To express reali ty

. Actually he report tateshatmostcollege radu-atesare n terestedn pursu ingi Masters ' egreein the u ture.

. As a matter of fact, the reportstates hat mostco l legegraduates re in terestedn pursu ingaMasters ' egree n he uture.

. In practice the report states hat most collegegraduates re in terestedn pursu ing Mastersdegree n the u ture.

. The actof the mat ter s hatmostco l lege radu-atesare nterestedn pursu ing Masters ' egree

in the u ture.

To express differencebetweenappearancean dreality

. On the face of i t the bui ld ingooked afe.butaftera detailed nspectiontwas reported o be inneedof majorst ructura lepa i rs.

. Apparently the buildingwas safe, but after adetai lednspectiontwas eportedo be nneedofmalorst ructura lepa i rs

To statean argumentagainst our op in ion. lt is popularlybelieved hat the eachingprofes-

s ionneedsmorequal i f ied ducators.. Peopleoften claim that the teachingprofession

needsmorequal i f ied ducators.

" lt is often alleged that the teachingprofessionneedsmorequal i f ied ducators.

. Peopleargue hat he eachingprofession eedsmorequal i f ied ducators.

. l t i s act hat he each ing rofessioneedsmorequal i f ied ducators,

To state other people'sopinions

. Some peopleargue hat the mayor'sproposaloraise ocal axes s unfair.

. A lot of people think/believethat the mavor'sproposal o raise ocal axes s unfair.

To introduce he other side of the argument

. However here are people who believe hat in-creasing he schoolyear wil l only overworkstu-

oents.. Those who oppose increasing he school yearclaim that i t wil l onlv overwork tudents.

To express balance

. On the one hand working ora large ompany sprestigious, ut i t can be verystressful.

. Working ora large ompany sprestigious,utonthe other hand it can be verystressful.

. John sa hardworking erson, hereasAnn sn ' t .

To give examples

. Forexample, n he pastsrxmonths etai lers av ereporteda 25"kdrop in salesof electronic quip-ment .

To refer to what actuallyhappens

. In effectconsumers pendmoremoneyon uxuryi tems.

To make general statements

. Generally,girlsgetbetterexam esultshanboys.

. In general,girlsgetbetter xam esultshanboys.

. As a general rule. girls get betterexam resultsthanboys.

. On the whole, girlsget betterexam results hanboys.

To make partly correct statements

. Consider inghehigh a te funemployment ,omecompanieshave,up to a point, ried o createmoreposi t ions.

. Consider inghehigh a te funemployment ,omecompanieshave, o a certainextent, r ied ocreatemoreposi t ions.

. Consider inghehigh ate funemployment ,omecompanieshave, n a way, tried o createmoreDosi t ions.

. Consider inghehigh a te funemployment ,omecompanieshave, n a sense, ried o createmoreposi t ions.

To express imit of knowledge

. To the best of my knowledge, residentswereopposed o the ci ty 'sp lan o bui lda nuclearpowerplant n the i rarea.

. Forall I know residents ereopposed o hecity's

p lan o bui lda nuclear owerp lant n he area.

To rephrase

. That is to say, hey disagreewith he manager'sdecis ion.


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ExamFocus:Unit 3

organise heirthoughtswhenconsideringa dlscursiveessayand come up witha well-witten composition.Tcandemonstratets unctionby analysinghe ollowingquestion:The importance of sport.

Discuss. T helps Ss analyse the subjectusing the

discusslonclock andlor gives hem ideas odemonstrate ow heclockworks.AiterSshaveworkedon this, heyare asked to do Ex as followup.

Psychological:Can havebothgood and bad effectson se l f -conf idence,epending n abi l i ty .Rel ig ious: ameswereheld n ancrentimes o hon-our he gods.

Scient i fc : Newdrugsdevelopedo mprove th le tes 'performance.

Artist ic:Sports uchas synchronisedwimmingandgymnastics ncludeartist ic lement.Economic:Sportcan be veryprofitable nd createsrevenueor he spor t ing ndust ry.Educat iona l : por tp laysan impor tant o le n ch i l -dren 'smenta land physica l eve lopment ,each ingthem to work as parl of a team and co-operatewithothers.Social:Sportunites eople romdifferent ocialback-grounds, utcanalsod iv ideheme.g. rowd io lenceat footballmatches.Polit ical:Governments an nfluence port,e.g ban-ning athletes rom competing n certainevents orpo l i t i ca leasons.Moral:Events reoften ponsored y cigarettemanu-

facturerstoromote roducts armfu l to ea l th , h ichcan be consideredmmora l .Historical:Sporthasbeenpartof people's ives rnceancient imes,and cont inueso playa large ole ntoday'ssociety.Geographica l :Spor t not on ly un i tespeople romdifferent ackgrounds, ut rom different artsof thewor ldas wel le .g .whenwatch ingheWor ldCup.Personal : por t hou ld e used o encourage eopleto leada more healthyand peaceful ife.

8. . Aspects in composit ion:

. Socia l - Spor tun i tespeople f romdi f ferentsocia lbackgroundsnd ncreaseseople 'so lerance feach other.

Opposite ointof view: ustas sportunites eopleso i t can div ide hem.. .crowdio lence t footba l lgames.

. Educational Sportplaysa large ole n bothch i ldren 's hysica l nd menta l eve lopment .

Teaches hildren o workas partof a teamandco-operatewithotherswhile mprovingheirphysical

condi t ion.

Opposi te o in t fv iew:Chi ldren hoare ess bleto per{orm n sportsare ikely o feel nadequatecompared o more giftedclassmates, hich mayaffect elf-confidence.


. Economic Spor tcan be veryo ' : ' :a : = : - :creates evenueor he spor t ing : - : : - .

Opposi te o in to f v iew:Large umsc' - : -= , areof tenpaid o organisers f spor t rng ,e- :s io

promote roducts h ichare harmfu : :^ : sheal th .

9 . 1 . 8 2 . C 3 .A 4 . D


Paragraph1: Openingparagraph tartswitha prob-lem hatneedsa so lu t ion.Lastparagraph tatesa strong, irm opinion.Paragraph2: Openingparagraphstatesa strong,f i rmop in ion .Lastparagraph ncludesa quotation.Paragraph3: Openingparagraph

tartswith a rhe-tor ica l uest ion.

Lastparagraph ummariseshe articleand statesa personal p inron.Paragraph4: Openingparagraphbegins by ad-dressing he readerdirectly.Lastparagraph ummariseshe article.

Outl inesused for each topic

. Topic1 - Expressingpinion. seep.78S's Book)

. Topic2 - Discursive ssay. seep.80S's Book)


-Providing olutionso problems. seep.79S's Book)

. Topic4 - Expressingpinion. seep.78S's Book)

Suggested it les for each topic

. Topic 1 - "lncrease n Drug UseThreatensSociety?" r "SocietyThreatened y Drugs."

. Topic2 - "Te levis ionhreatens hi ldren 'sDevelopment , "r "Te levis lon:h i ld 'sFoeNot Fr iend."

. Topic 3 - "WhatCan Be Done To ProtectOurEnvi ronment?"r "Envi ronmenta lhreatCo n t i n u e s . . . . "

. Topic 4 - "TheUpsand Downsof LivingAbroad,"or "ls LivingAbroadA PerfectSolution?"

1O. (Tshouldgothrough each opic and discuss heplanbefore Ss write the compositions.)


1. Living n the Countryside AdvantagesrDisadvantages

Introduction: state opicMain body:advantages: ess raff icand industry, ewerhealth roblems. etter urroundings.ess tress-ful l i fe

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disadvantages: ewerschools/l ibraries/hospitals,lesspublic ransport,essentertainmentConclusion;balanced onsideration

Thereare many points o take ntoconsiderationwith regard o the benefits f l iving n the country.

The biggestadvantageof the countrysides theenvlronment. ess raff icand industrymeans hatthe air is cleanerand people have fewer healthprob lems. econdly,heh i l ls ,rees nd ie ldsoundin hecountryside rovide morebeautiful ett ing nwhich to l ive. Finally,people are thought to befriendliern the countryand there s certainly esscrime. t can be argued hat hese actors ead o alessstressful, ealthierifestyle.

On he otherhand, hecountryhas ewerschools,l ib rar iesnd hospi ta ls.n addi t ion, e t t ingo theseplacescan alsobe diff icultwithouta carsince nere

is esspubl ic ranspor t .Some peoplebelievea furtherdisadvantagesthat iving n hecountrysidesboringbecausehereare ewercinemas, iscos,museumsetc.

Insummary, espite ts ackof publicservices ndentertainments,he countryside ti l loffersa healthyl i festylen an attractive nvironment.Whether r noritappealsto ou dependsentirely ponyourpercep-tion of qualityof l i fe.

2. lmportanceof tourism - discursive

Introduction: statetopic

Main body:-

economicbenefits- envi ronmenta lhanges- culturalasoect

Conclusion: g iveown opinion

Tourismhasbecomebig business ver he ast30years and improvedcommunicationswil l ensurethat t continues o grow.

The economicbenefits ourismprovrdeso a re-g ion are clear .Thousands f peoplework in thetourist ndustry,rom barowners o airportworkers,and in many ruralareas ourism s essential o th eeconomy. However, obs are often seasonalan dsome hriving ummer esortsare nearlydesertedin winter ime.

Tourismcan also dramatical ly hange he land-scapeofan area.Manybeautiful eaches avebeenspoiltby the construction f largehotelsand manyvil lagesbecomeneon-l i t ol iday esorts.Yet t canbe argued that numeroussites and monumentshavebeen restoredwith moneyearned rom tour-ism.

Many peopleenjoy visit ing oreigncit ies,muse-ums and galleries. ravell ings an excellentway ofgainingknowledgeof other countries'historyan d

thereforeourismplaysan mportantole n breakingdown negativenationalstereotypes. adly, many"package oliday"ourists pend heir acation n abeach, arelyevenmeetinga localperson.

In my opin ion,our ism an only benef i t reg ionful ly f i t is properlymanaged. t is also mportantto remember hat here s alwaysmore o see n acountry han ts beaches.

3. Banningcars (expressingopinion)

Out l ineIn t roduct ion: ta te ourop in ionMain body:

Para2 - firstpoint driving/parkingiff icult iesPara3 - secondpoint betterpublic ransport,jobs

Para4 - lastpoint pollutionConclusion:Restate pinionexpressingtdifferently

Theenormousnumberof carson the road odayis causingmoreprob lemshananyone ouldhaveimagined. strongly believe hat cars should bebanned rom city centres.

Huge raff icams and parkingdiff icult ies av ebecomea normalpartof city ife.Thismakesdrivingin a city centrean uncomfortable nd

frustrating xperience. ban on carswould en dsuchannoyingourneys.

Restrictionsike hiswouldalso orcecity authori-t ies o increase ublic ransport ervices. s wellascreat ingobs, mprovedai l , usor t ram onnect ionswould esult n everybody eingable o travel o an dfrom he ci tymuchmoreeasi ly nd quickly.

Theseare importantpoints,but by far the mostser ious eason or banning ars s po l lu t ion. arscause erri f ic amage o both he environment ndto health.

Manyoldbui ld ings reweakened y heconstantrushof raff ic nd n Londonover30%of schoolchil-dren ufferfromespiratoryroblems uchasasthma.

To sum up, banning arswouldnoton lymake teasier o get ntoandoutof a citycentrebutalso eadto improvedhealthand a cleaner,more pleasanrenvrronment .

4. Endangeredanimals- Providingsolutions oprob lems

lntroduction: tateproblemsMain body: - createbigger national arks

- ban saleof animaloroducts- ban hunt ing

Conclusion: esta te o in ion

The naturalenvironmentof many animals ha sbeeneitherdestroyedor harmedduring he 20thcentury.The main reasons or this are deforestationand the expansion f townsand cit ies.

Furthermorehe high pricesoffered or the skinand organsof rarespecieshas ed o an increasenhunting.These activit ieshave led to the possibleext inct ion f a largenumber f an imals.

One solution o this problemwould be to createmore"nature eserves" nd o expand hosealready


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Urtit4. ParI 1

in existence.n theseparksman is proh ib i tedrom

bui ld ing r in ter fer ing i th he an imalsn anyway.

National arkshavebeensuccessfuln manypartsof

Asia and Africa,

Unfor tunate ly,unters n poor countr ies re en-

couraged o breakpark awsby the demand orproducts uch as an imalskins,e lephantusksetc,

Morecountr ies eed o ban he sa leof hese hings.

l f a hunter annot el lhisproduct,ewil leventual lystophunt ing. ichWesternat ions ould lsohelppoorer ountr iespol ice"parks. nsur ing unterscannot i l lor ake nyantmals.

In conclusion,overnments,purred n by the

protestsndpet i t ionsf hegeneralubl ic,

ustdecidefenoughsbeing oneoprotectndangeredanrmals ,

Unit 4

Uni t4 -Par t1

Warm-up ctivit ies: art1 (p.82)


. Trees, rass.wood.mushrooms.orest , egetat ion,

squirrels,eaveset c


. Treesare mportantor : oxygenproduct ion. ro tec-

t ionof eco log ica l a lance.imber ndust ry tc

Forests redamagedhrough: i rpo l lu t ion.c id a in ,

c l rmat ic hanges, xpansion f c i t ies tc .Inorder to revent amageo heenvi ronmenteople

need to be made aware of the prob lemsand the

governmentshouldenforce t r ic ter egula t ionsor

companieso prevent themrompol lu t ingheenvi ron-

ment .

. a - They resickanddying. hey rebe ing amaged.

b - Ai rpo l lu t ion nd cl imate hanges

c - Therewi l lbea reduct ionnwater ua l i ty .twi l l l so

causea cr is is n the ish ing.our ist nd imber

indust r ies.he eco log ica l a lancen Europewi l l

a lsobe hreatened.d - Theywi l l nvest igateorest ro tect ion nd ask or

safeguardso protectheheal th f Europe rees,

Reading ask:Part1 (p.82-83)

1 F 2 . A 3 . H 4 . C 5 G 6 B

Vocabulary xercises: art1 (p.84-85)

1. cont inent areaof landmadeup o l var ious oun-t r ies, .g .Europefactors - reasons or a decisionor actionwidespread- occurring n a lot of places

forestry - the studyand practiceof planting, aringfoi 'and managing orestsignoring - not payingattention o


t imber wood or commercia l se


perfect tateof naturesubstantial vast

safeguards defences

1. backyard 6.

2 . w i d e - ra n g i n g 7 .

3. woodland 8.4. put orward 9.

5. d isco lorat ion 10

conoemneoo Ynpr ls

commitmentsreduct ionsresponded

1. Conservat ion ists 6. a larming

2. endangered 7. Eco log ists

3. Envi ronmenta l 8 . reduct ion

4 destruction 9. Protection5. surv iva l 10. hoPefu l lY

Becauseof freakweathercondit ions,ireand acid

rain hat destroywoodlandsand forests.

(Ss do Ex 5 on their own, then T elicitslexphins he

meaningof each distractor.)

1 A 2 . D 3 . A 4 . D 5 . C 6 . C

.1. A. protect (v) = 16ensure hat sth or sb is safe

from harm

B. shelter (v) = to givesb or sth protectionfrom he weather. ttacketc

C. cover (v) = to placesth oversth else n order

to protect t

D. support (v) = to giveencouragemento st)

for sth2 A. ed i t ion n)= form nwhich book spubl ished

B. issue n)= a par t icu lardi t ion f a magazine,

newspaper tc

C publ ic i ty n) = in format ionboutsth n

order o attractattentionD. repor t n)= paperg iv ingnformat ionboutsth

3. A. region (n) = areanot exactlydefined

B. state (n) = country un by a polit ical

organisationC. place (n) = pafticular ui lding/area/siteD, s i te (n) = p lacewheresth s s i tuated

(egcamp si te)

2 .


4 .

3 .

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Unit4: Part2

4. A. standard (n) = certain evelof sth usu qualityB. amount (n) = quantityof sthC. quantity n)= a certain mount/measuref sthD. quality (n) = degreeof goodnessor worth

5. A. wreck (n) = vehicle,planeetc that has beenbadlydamaged n an accident

B' ruin (n)= stateor processof beingdestroyedC. damage (n) = lossof valuecausedby an

accident, ventet cD. disaster (n) = event hatcausesdamageor

ru in6. A. tip (n) = pointededge of sth

B. top (n) = highestpointor partof sthC. summit (n) = meetingbetween wo or more

importanteadersD. Peak n) h ighestPoin t f s th

6. (Ss should memorise these ext relatedcollocations

and expressions. checks in the next lesson.)

invo lv ing i l ankers redamaging he coast l ine ndanimal i fe here.But a l l h is cou ldchange f peoplebecomeawareof the problems.

It would help f peoplecut down on electricity yswitchingoff the l ight when it is not necessary; otrelying n theircomputer oreverything nd by seek-

ingalternativeormsofentertainmentnstead fwatch-ing TV a l l he ime.

People avealsobecome oo dependent n heircars and should ry to cycleor walk or shorterjourneys.

Stricter overnment ulesare required n order opreventactoriesrompumpingharmful ases nto heatmosphere,h ich est royheozone ayerand auseglobalwarming.

Overall , eople'satt i tudes eed o change. feverybodyanmakea small ont r ibut ion,twi l lmakea big d i f ferencen he end.

GrammarCheck:Part1 (p.85)

1 3 .a b i t1 4 .a ny

l . e ve n2. very

3. very4. too

5. very

6 . mu ch7. most8. fur ther

9. very1 0 . a r

11. ur ther'12.


To see he oceanand ind he heron 's est .

A h e ro n .Yes, he does.She eelsoverwhelmed

ReadingTest: Part 2 (p. 86-87)

1. severe2. to reach

3. detai led4. to produce

5. forestry

6. eco log ica l7. substantial8 . there s a need9. t rop ica l

7 . 1 . s ignof the imes 4. showssignsof2. backbreaking 5 . s ign anguage3. backuo 6. backbone

Follow-up ctivit ies: art1 (p.85)


' reforestation,urn orests nto protected reas,cam-paign o reducepollution nd makeair cleaner, ry oincrease nowledgeon the subject.

' Dangers hat forests are facing: forestsare being

destroyedby air pollution,environmental amage.Europeonly has 1%of itsancient orests emaining.Consequencesof damaging he woodlands: f hewoodlandscontinue o be damaged, t wil l cause areductionnwaterquality, crisrsn he ishing, ouristand imber ndust r ies,nd i t wi l l h reatenhe ecolo-

gicalbalance n Europe.Action being aken by the EuropeanCommunity:aprogrammeof forestmanagement as been organ-ised. Europeanparl iaments to begin investigatingforestprotection:t may also ask or new safeguardsto protectEurope's rees.

, (Thisactivity hould be done afterT haspresentedhetheoryof articles.See S's book p.700 . f can help Sswith ideas before helshe assigns lhis as writtenHW.)

Pol lu t ions increasing ue to the vast amountsof

gases being emitted rom vehicleexhaustsand tofactories umpingoutenormous mounts f smoke norder o supply he growingdemand for electricity.Farmlands beingdest royed y chemica ls nd theincreased seof pest ic ides.n addi t ion, cc idents

Unit4 - Parl2

Warm-up ctivit ies: art2 (p.86)

(Suggestedanswers). Bi rds: f ly ing,ings, eathers,eak, ucks, est , ggs,



. l t sa heron. t hasvery argewings, iveson the water

and has a large ed beak.

b .c .d .

7. C (Ln 1-2)8. C (Ln4-5)9. D (Ln7-8)1 0 .B ( L n2 1 )

1 1 . ( L n 2 6 - 2 7 )12.B (Ln28-30)1 3 .C ( l n41-42)

Vocabulary xercises: art2 (p.88-89)

1. pine tree - a type of tree hat s greenallyear roundexcitement feelingof enthusiasm boutsomethinq

heron - largebird ound by riversnest - placewherebirds ay heireggsadventure excit ing ometimes angerousexperienceglory - feelingof havingachieved th great


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Unit 4: Part2

t r iumph - fee l ing ausedby winn ing,or ach ievingsometh ingfad ing get t ingweakerbark - th ickskin hatcovers ree runksoak tree - type of large re etwigs - small branches

st icky d i f f icu l to remove; l ing ingthorny covered n sharpsp ikeshawks largebi rds ikeeagles,whichhuntan imalsoverwhelmed - unable to act because of strongemot ionsweeping- movinggraceful ly nd withoutefforlmate - partner

7. A. s leepy(ad j )= t i redB. asleep adj )= sleep ingC. sleeP (v) = to be asleepD. awake (ad j )= nots leep ing

8. A. hold on (v)= to takeholdof sth o preventtoryou rom a l l ing

C. cl ing (v)= to holdontosomeoneor sth ightly(c l ing s usedwi tha preposi t ionl ingon/ to)

B. tackle (v) = to attackanotherplayer n a ballgame n order o take he ba l l

D gr ip (v)= to holdsth ight ly

/Ss shou/d memonse these ext relatedcollocationsand expressions. checks n he next esson.)

'1. toweredabove 7. to feel

2 . fast 8 . to grow3. to creepout 9. to reach4 . a i rwa s 1 0 . t o sh i n e5. fad ing 11. to shakewi th6. b lood acing 12 to f ly

(lf Ss have difficulty with the words, T explainslelicits heir meanrngsbefore theydo Ex.5 and 6.)

4 .

3 .

2. 1 weak 5. dazzl ing2. exhaust ion 6. c lumsy3 stiff 7. edge4. dawn 8. v is ib le

Q n a t h

10.brave ly

(Ss do Ex 3 on their own then T elicitslexplainshemeaningof each distractor.)

1 B 2 . C 3 . A 4 . C 5 . D 6 . A 7 . 8 8 . D

1 A ant ique adj ) old (used o descr ibedvaluable bjects)

B. ancient ad j )= belongingo past iv i l i sa t ions,eg Greek,Romanor Egypt ian

C. old (adj) no longernew/youngD. old-fashioned adj) out of date

2 A. arrive in/at (v) = to come o a placeat the

end of a journeyB. appear v)= tocome o a p lacewhere oucan

oe seenC. reach (v) to arrive t/ ina place reachsused

wi thout preposi t ion.g . eachPlymouth)D. go to (v) : to move/travelo a place or

a purpose

3. A. marsh (n) areaof wet andnormal ly eara lake, iveror sea

B. swamp (n) = lanO hat s covered n waterC. Puddle n) = smat tPatch f waterD. moor land n) = h i l ly andcoveredwi th ough

4 A .

B .a


5 A .B .n

D .

6 . A .

B .

grassel ccool off (v) = to becomecolder

ch i l l (v)= to become oldlreeze (v) : to turn nto ce:stop suddenlywhen shockediscared y sthdampen = to make sth wetswing (v)= to movebackwards nd orwardssway (v) = to moveslowly rom side o sidelay (v) = to put sb or sth in i ts placecareful lyperch (v)= (ofbirds) o sit on a branchor sthe lseshake(v)= to move romside o sideor upan ddownquickly ecause f co ld ,neryousness

or angershiver (v)= to shakeslightly ecauseof coldor fr ioht

C. shudder (v) = to t remblewi thd isgust r fearD. move (v) = to causeStrong eelings n sb

suchas sadness. appiness tc

5. branches6. roots

5. peck

6. beak

Fof ow-upActivit ies: art2 (p.89)

excitement.lory.riumph, ravely, lumsy, t i f f , oubt,weak,shakingwith exhaustion, verwhelmed,rozePossibleTit le A NastyExperience/AdventuretDawn

(BeforeSs are assigned this as wilttenHW, T shouldremind them of all techniques involved in writingnarratives mphasisings|//e - See Ss book p. 24.)


. , .a smal l , h iver ing undle f ur .Looking lose ly,

she realised t was a puppy She picked t up and itsnuggled n toher ersey, earch ingor warmth

' 'Comeon, sa id u l ie . hecarr iedhepuppy nto

thehouse.Shedried toffwitha tea-towel nd noticedthat t was wearinga collar,with a tag attached o it.Wr i t ten n the ag was:Sal ly , 171346 100.

' ' l sthatyour phonenumberSal ly?" u l ieasked.

Sal lywaggedher ai l , nd ooked p wi thb ig , rust ingeyes. u l iehadsecret ly eenhoping hatSal ly idn ' thavean owner.so she could keepher.But now sheknew that she would have to take her home. Thewomanon hephone ounded eryn ice, ndshewasoverjoyed hatSallyhad been ound. "We

wereworned ick. " he sa id . We ostherwhi lewalk ing nthe park h ismorn ing."

Af ter hey had pickedSal lyup, Ju l ie e l tsad,butshesooncheered p.Theownerhadsaidshecould

5 .

'1. leaves 3. trunk

2. bark 4. twig

6. 1 . feathers 3. cage2. c laws 4. wings

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Unit4: Part4

r 1



Recent echnologicaldevelopmentshaveenabledscientistso explore he ocean loor,and discovermore about he earth'ssurfaceand formation.Thegeographyof the ocean loor is d iverse. i thmounta in anges, la ins nd val leys.The Alvin researchgroup recordeda volcaniceruption,emperature hanges n the water,chemicalan dgeological hanges.and the recovery f the areaafter he eruption.

The sea bed was covered n fresh avaafter he eruption. nd nothingwas leftal ive.After21 monthsthough, he sea bed was showingsignsof recovery,Giant ube worms had appeared,growing o a lengthoffour eet.

Grammar heck:

1 . o t u rn2. eat ing

3. see ing4. o do

Part3 (p,93)

5. ment ion ing6. to in form

7 o 2 t i n n

8. to have9. looking

1 0 . o


2 .

Uni t4 -Par t4

Warm-up ctivit ies: arl4 (p.94)


. Sing le oom,Double oom,hote l , la t .house. ed and breakfast .a throom tc

' The cottageshave hatched oofsand smallwindowsand are surrounded y treesand plants.My idealcottagewould ook ike hesecottagesand would havea largekitchenand a f ireplace.

. a .True b. Fa lse c. True d. Fa lse

Reading Task: Part 4 (p. 94-95)

21.C 23.H 25.D 27. 30,31.E.F ( inanyorder) 34,35.D,F (in22.F 24.E 26.E 28,29.H.C ( inanyorder) 32,33.A, F ( inanyorder) anyorder)

Vocabulary xercises: art4 (p.96)

1.v i r tua l ly 2 . bay 3. st ro l l 4. winds 5. recreat ion

BeforeSs do Ex2, Tdraws a spidergram on the board and elicits rom Ss various ypes of dwellrngsas well as theirfeatures.

spacrous exPenslve luxur ious


garden pnvate mooernsolttary

reasonably riced


lowcei l ings

economrca l old

gardentradit ional

thatched oof






+ Z

smal l ooms


fami ly-s ized gardenno ind iv idua l i ty

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ExamFocus: Jnit4

Clare: wouldn, tmindgoing o Theplace,but t , l l ean all icket ob, won't t?And won't it be expensrve?David: don,tknowhowmuch t s.ButManwouldbeable o get us tickets. ou couldgivehim a rrngan dfind out,couldn'tyou Clare?Clare;yeah, I coulddo that.

Neeraj:Whatelse s there?Clay: l_know, p ikeLee 'snew i lm .Clockers, ,

is onat the Cameo.We could go therehavea coupleofdrinks,maybe somethinglo eat,and go to the lateshowing.Howdoes hatsoundNee?

 ."?r?i,l f we'regoing o eat out,we coulogo to th e

KebabMahal . t ,scheaper han he Cameoand it ,sbetter ood.C/are:Whata great dea haven't ad ndian ood orqu u 5 .

?yld i_Oh, I 've usr remembered. he Rober tF ishC.eil idh andareplayingat he AssemblyRoomsan dMikehas eftsome ickets t he

door oius. A Ceil idhis alwaysgood for a lauqh.Clare: I saw them durin the festival nd they werebr i l l ian t .t wassucha good night lNeeraj: 'm not al l thatkeenoi them,but t,d go at apush. Particularlyf we've got free tickets. ,m a bi tshortof cash hisweek.Clare: l we're ooking o savesome money. couldwhipus up somespaghet t i .ou know ikemessingaround n the kltchen.Neeraj:No, it 's not that bad. I sti l lwant o go to th eKebab Mahal,whateverelse happens.What aboutyou Dave?

David:Me too.Clare.. o, we'redefinitely oing or an Indranmeal?David & IVeeray..yes.Clare.'Now we've got to choose between goinggtuO.OjnO,oing o thecinemaor going o theCeilidh.David: yes, but why don,t *" 96

"n"Oeat now and

decidewhat o do oncewe're here? ,mstarving ndI d l ike o eat soon.Neeraj:Great dea.Just et me changemy rop.

ExamFocus Speaking: nit4 (p.99)


S4.'Pollutions becominga realproblem or forests.S8.'Yes.Waste rom carsand factories ausesacidraln,which is very bad for the trees.This could be1u:19"dby usingother, essharmful indsof energy.SA;Well, hatwouldsolve he probtem t aciO ain.gutwhat aboutother problems,such as peoplecuttingforestsdown in order o use he wood'for't imber?SB; That could be solved by introducinqstricterregulations, nd growing reesspecial lyoitnatpurpose

ather hancuttingdown ancient orests orwood. But naturaldisasteiscan be a problem oo :whatabout orest ires?

SA.'Sometimesorest iresarenecessary. heycieanthe orest,whichwouldotherwise avebecomeover_grown.But f we had orest angers o supervrse ndcontro lsuch th ings,a lot o f the dangercouto beavoided.SB; I agree.Forest angers

ouldalsomakesure ha tpeopledid not leave itter,or cut down the trees ort imber .SA; Exactly.


(Suggestednswers). SA.' There are many different hings that can oe

re_cycted,uchas old cans,newspapers, nd plasticU O U J ,

SAI Yes,and whatabout bottles,and other ypesofplastic, uch

as shampoocontainers?S/; Absolutely. ecyclings good, because rmeansthat ewersuppliesare wasted.SB; Especial ly aper,whichdestroys rees.S4.'Yes,but thereare otherbenefit ias well.Makingplastic n factorlesproducesharmfulgases,so byrecyclrng lastic agsandcontainers,e help o keeppol lu t ionevelsow.S8.'Other hingscan be recycledas well.Havingacompostheap n yourgarden sa good dea:you canpuryourwasteon t,suchas unwantedood,and twil lget brokendown over time.The result s compost,which s verygood for the plants.

SA;Yes. n act, fyouknowhow t s possibleo recyclea lmost nyth ing l

SA; ndividualsan cut downon householdwastebyrecycl ingmore.SB;Yes,andalsoby ustnotusingso much n he irstplace For example, ou don't al*ays need o ger ap13.1"bag when you go to the supermarket.SA; That's he faultof the supermarketshough.Somuch of what you buy is in packetsnowadays. ha tcreatesa lot of extrahouseholdwaste.SB: Yes,but it s also he faultof the individuats.,v e

seen people n supermarkets uying hreesepararep i l t : : f i i tk

when hey houtd eal ryuue Oougnt neotgconta iner .S;4;Yes.And if peopleweremorecareful boutwhatthey bought,perhaps he food companieswould bem_oreeliable bout packaging.SB; I aoree.

SA; t isvery mporlanto protect he environmentora lot of reasons.fwe do not protect he environmentnow,we wil ldestroy he planet or uturegenerations.58; Y;9 lf we keepusingmotorcars, orexample,heai rwi l lbecomeunbreathable .SA;Also. fwe cont inue roducing FC,s,moreof heozone ayerwil l be destroyed, nd more peoplewil lget skincancer .S8;Thatwi l l l so ause lobalwarming, h ichmeansthatsea evels ould ise,because ce"Oergsit imett.

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SA; Pollution rom factorieswil l lead to acid raindestroyinghe forests.SB.'Yes, hichwil lmean essoxygenbeingproducedby trees.SA; Rubbish s anotherproblem. t is important ocleanup the rubbish hat s po l lu t inghe oceans.SB. . es.And he dangerous i lsp i l l s rombigsh ips,whichare k i l l ing o muchwi ld l iJe .

. SA: think hat herearea lotof hings hegovernmentshoulddo to reducepol lu t ion. or example, heyshould be taking steps o ban motor cars, whichpollute he atmosphere.SB; Yes maybe,but they could neverdo that. Howwould peopleget around?Motorcars are much oopopular or he governmento ban hem.SA.'Peoplecould use electriccars. Of course he ycouldn'tban hem now,but theycould akesteps o

slowly ntroduce ther, essharmful indsof ransport.SB; I think hat he government hould ry and cleanup rubbish n the ci ty.SA;Yes.Theycouldprovidemore itter ins orpeopleto use.Thatwouldpreventheproblem romhappen-ing again .SB; Perhaps hey should pay for a campaign toeducatepeopleabout the dangersof polluting heenvrronment, nd ways of becomingmore environ-mentally riendly.SA; That'sa good dea. f peopleknewmoreabout t,perhaps ometh ing ouldbe done.SB.'Yes.


ExamFocus Writ ing:Unit4 (p.100)

ARTfCLES (While eaching aftictes,T should eticitstyle echniques f om Ss, by revisrn styte rom previ-ous unlts.Ssshou/dbe a sked o memorise he outlineson p.100 of the Student'sBook and refer o themwhennecessary).

1 . 1 . C 2 . E

2. F firstparagraph a strongopinion s statedlastparagraph the article s summarisedTheoutl ine ora "forandagainst" rt icle houldbe used.(Suggestedit le)BoxingBan.

3. E f irstparagraph a rhetorical uestion s askedlastparagraph a personalopinion s statedTheoutl inefora forandagainst" rt icle houldbe used.(Suggestedit le)Computers ersusTeachers.

4. A firstparagraph a strongopinion s statedlastparagraph the article s summariseo(itends with a quotation)

The outl ine or an articlegivingadvantagesand disadvantageshouldbe fol lowed(Suggestedit le)Life n the City.

5. D firstparagraph the reader s addressed

di rect lylastparagraph a personalopinion s statedThe outl ine or an articlegivingadvantagesand disadvantageshouldbe fol lowed.(Suggestedit le) s Air TravelNecessary?

6. B f irstparagraph startswitha problem hatneedsa so lu t ionlastparagraph the article s summarisedTheoutl ine oran article roviding olutionsoa prob lem houldbe used.(Suggestedit le)TeenageAlcoholism.

1. However to makecontrasting oints.2. The maindisadvantage f - disadvantages.3. Moreover to add more points o a topic.4 . In addi t iono - to add moreooin ts.5. On the otherhand- to expressbalance.6. Apart rom - to add more pointson a topic.7 . A l l h ings onsidered to conclude.

Model 1

1. wi thout he basicknowledge f2. To startwith3. shouldbe in constant ontact

4. Thus,anyproblemshatdo arise anbe dealtwithqu ickly.

5. the studentsare kept motivated nd will ing ostudy.

6. i t is the parents' esponsibi l i tyo understand7. This nvo lves e lp ing hemwi th hei rhomeworx8. the so lu t ionies n the morovement

Model 2

1. wi thout nowing2. F i rst ly3. shouldhaveclosecontact

4. so thatany problemscan quicklybe sortedout.5. the kids earnand theirwork is rewarded.6. the parents houldbe moreunderstanding7. Theyshouldofferhelpwith homework8. I believe hat hingswil l get better


5 .

4 . 8 5 .A

2. (Suggestedheadlines)

1. "Hidden angers t the beach"or "Beacnesa danger one."

2. "Waragainstdiseases" r "Newbreakthrouqhsnmodernmedic ine."

3. "Passion Here oday,gone omorrow. '4. "CapeMayResort a hiddenparadise" r "Exotic

Hawai i . "

3. 1. C firstparagraph the reader s addresseodirectlylastparagraph the reader s givensomethingto consider

The outl ine or a discursive rticle houldbeUSEd .

(Suggestedif le)Sport n Schools.

? n


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ExamFocus: Unit4

6. The dynamiccityof Frankfurtn centralGermany

is perfect or hose ooking or an excit ing reak, lt s

located n the r iverMain, n one of the mostscenicpartsof Germany.

Skyscrapersower over he skyl ine. he i ' b r ight

l ights eflectingn heriver. nd he busyhumof raff icisaccompanied y hequiet apping f he r iver s t

f lows tswaysteadi ly nder henumerousl luminated

br idges.You wil l ind t diff icult ot o get caughtup in the

hustleand bustle hat s characteristicf Frank{urt

busy streets.At night he city s transformednto an

exhilaratingentre ull of night ife.

l{you are ooking or a asterpaceof ife.Frankfurt

is the p lace o go: you cer ta in ly i l l not be disap-

Doin ted.

7 .

Purposeof paragraph1 Nameand ocation fplace

Purpose f paragraphs and 3 - Par t icu lare ta i ls f

the DlacePurposeof f inal paragraph Feel ings nd inal

thoughts bout heplace nclud ingecommendat ion.

Static eatures- located

Moving eatures- towerover, lows ts way steadily.

walka long

Purposeof paragraph1 Nameand ocation f place

and reason or choosing t.

Purpose f paragraphs and 3 - Par t icu lare ta i ls f

the place.Purpose l paragraph - Feel ings nd ina l houghts

about he olace. ecommendation

Words where senses are used: smellof pine rees.

crunchof snow.

The out l ine hat must be usedhere s for an ar t ic leprovid ing o lu t ions o prob lems.

Suggested nswer or missingparagraphs:

An effective olutionwould be or he government

to beginbui ld ing ouses nd la ts hatcan be rentedto homelesspeopleat a cheap rate.There s also a

need or hostels o dealwith eenagers unningaway

from brokenhomes.Another uggestion ouldbe o remedy hecause

of homelessness.hegovernmenthouldhelppeo-ple indworkby creat rngobsandworkprogrammes

for he ong ermunemployed. ore up port ouldbegiven o fami l ies h ichare exper iencinginancia l rphysica l nd emot iona l rob lemshrough har i tab lefoundat ions nd governmentundedheal th l in ics.

(T s advised o revrse he use of linkingwords used n

argumentative omposition.Seepage 75 n StudentsBook before Ss do Ex 9..)

f irst paragraph- startswitha problem ha t

needsa so lu t ionlast paragraph- the article s summarised

Articlegivingadvantages nd disadvantages

(Suggested eadl rne) omfor t r he Envi ron-

ment?/ls he car he bestmeansof transport?

first paragraph- startswith a problem ha t

needsa solu t ion

last paragraph- the article s summarised

Articleproviding olutionso a problem

(Suggested eadl ine) he Decl ine f Books

first paragraph- startswith a quotation

last paragraph- a personalopinion s stated

Articlegiving"forand against"arguments

(Suggested eadline)War or Peace?

44 first paragraph addressestheeaderdirectly

last paragraph- endswith a quotation

Articlegivingarguments forand against"(Suggested eadl ine) h i ldAbuse?

5E f rst paragraph makes eferenceo a strange

scenelastparagraph leaves he readerwithsome-

thing o considerDiscursiver t tc le(Suggested eadl ine) nvi ronmenta lisaster

10. (Suggestedanswer for missing paragraphs):

Paragraph1 Overthepastfewdecadest hascome

to l ight hat heozone ayer urroundingheear th s

slowlybeingdestroyeddue to the vastamountsof

chemica ls o l lu t ing he atmosphere. esp i te he

efforts f someenvironmentalontrol roups o raise

publicawareness n this matter, ery i tt lehasbeen

done o prevent ts dest ruct ion. lear ly ometh ingmust be done before t is too late.

Paragraph4 - Peoplehavecausedenoughharm o

the earth. t is now up to the fu turegenerat ionso

improve he situation y ensuringhat heprotectionof he ozone ayer emains priority,hrougheduca-

t i o n .

11. (Suggested nswer or missingparagraphs)

Paragraph1 - Over he past ew decades elevision

has become an importantpart of many people's

l ives.An rncreasing umberof households wn

televrsionso the extent hat only a very smallper-

centage f peopledo not possess set .

Paragraph4 - On ba lance, h i le e levis ion an be

beneficialo a childs education, t can also have adetrimental ffecton their social development. t i s

thereforemportanto ensure hat t s used n modera-

t ion and doesnot rep lace octa l ontact n a ch i ld 's

i i fe .

1 B



8 .

9 .


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ExamFocus: Unit 4

12. 1. AdvantagesiDisadvantages(Suggestedeadline) og Man'sBestFriend?Outl ine: state opic

giveadvantagesgivedisadvantagesgivea balanced onsideration/op in ion

2. Forand against(Suggested eadl ine)Mul t i l ingualids?Outl ine: state ooic

argumentsorarguments gatnstbalanced onsideration.

3 . Expressing pinion(Suggested eadline)RichRewardsOut l ine: sta teopin ion

point 1poin t2restate pinionand reason

4. For and Against(Suggested eadl ine) anon OlderDr iversOut l ine: sta te opic

argumentsorargumentsagainstbalanced onsideration

5. Suggest ions(Suggested eadline)

HeatthyLivingOutl ine; state opicSuggest ionSuggestionbest optionand reason

6. Discursive(Suggested eadline) ashion t the Expenseof TasteOutl ine: state ooic

one pointof viewanotherpointof viewthirdpointof view

giveown opin ion

7. Narrative/Descriotive(Suggested eadIne,;Beautiful ewesOutl ine: nameand locationof place

reason or choosing he placeparticular etai lsabout he olacefee l ings,ina l houghts boutp laceand recommendat ion.

(Suggestedanswers o questions 1,2, Z)

The advantagesand disadvantagesof owning

a pet.

Owninga pet ssomethinghatmanypeople hesedaysdecide o do, mostly ue o he act hat, or most,i t has more advantageshan disadvantaqes.

Oneof he mainadvantages fowningi pet s ha t

rt can providea much-needed enseof companion_ship o thosewho wouldotherwise e l ivinga lonelyl i fe, or example he elderly.A pet wil l alwaysbe afaithful nd oyalcompanion nd a valuable ourceofcomfort,and it is very common for pet owners tooecomeextremely

ttachedo theiranimals;n somecases,more han hey do to humans.This s under_standable, ecausean animalwil l neverquestion tsowner'sbehaviour nd wil lalwaysmake hemfeelvaluedand loved. t was once sald hat

,,youcan tel l

by the kindness f a dog howa humanshouldbe."However.herearecertain isadvantageso own_

rnga pet, particularlyor thosewho live n an urbanarea.This s mainlydue to the fact that there s no tenoughspace n smallapartmentso accommodatea familyplusa pet.Added o this is the fact hat t iscrue l o keepan animalncramped ondi t ions herei t s notab le o runaround ree lv.

AnotherCisadvantagef owninga pet s the factthat tcancosta lotof money.Foodhas o be bought,andvet 's eespaid,amongother h ings.

In conclusion, l though hereare a lot o f advan_tages associatedwith owning a pet, they do notalways utweigh hedisadvantageshatsomepeoptemay ace.As such,prospective wnersshouldcare_ful ly consider he variousaspectsof owning a petbefore akingon sucha large esponsib i l i ty .

2. All chi ldren should be made to learn at least onefore ign anguage.

The quest ion f whethera l l ch i ld ren houldbemade o earn fore ignanguagesonethat asansenover he pastdecadewith he formationof the Euro_peanUnroneadingo c loser ieswi thotherEuropeancountries. hishas ed o a need or better ommuni_cation betweencountries n order to improverera_t i o n s .

It can herefore e said hat hereareseveral er ygood easonsorch i ldreno earn ore ignanguage,the main ne being hat twi l lensurehat heynaveafuture headof hem n oday's ompetit iveob marketwherea knowledgeof languages s a definiteassetwhen

apply ing or ajob.

What s more,knowingaforeign anguagegivesa young persongreater ree-dom to traveland to workabroad,meaning hat heywi l l not be conf ined ole ly o working n therrnomecountry, ut wll lbe able o workanywhereheydesirein Europe.

However,herearealsoseveral rguments gainstmaking l lch i ld renearn ore ignanguage,hemainonebeing hatnota l lch i ld ren ave heabi l i tvo earnlanguages.

While some may have a natural alent for lan_guages,othersmay performbetter n othersubjects,suchas science r mathemat ics.f suchchi ldren re

made o learn anguageswhich hey inddiff icult,hismay ead o feelings f nadequacy hichmightaffecta ch i ld 's cademic er formances a whole .

In conclusion, l lch i ld ren houldbe encouragedto learna fore ign anguage ecause t wi l lundoubt_edlybe ofadvantagetohem.However,hosewhoare

1 .


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Unit5: Parl 1

unable o, shouldnot be made o take up a foreign

language ecausehepressure fhaving o earnmay

ult imately o them more harm han good.

7. "Lewes is always here for you"

The town of Lewes n EastSussex,on the southcoast of England, s one of the most scenic n the

region.Or ig ina l ly market own, t s now headmin-

istrative entreof he regton. ewes s alsohome o a

Norman cast le ,bui l t when the Normans nvaded

England n the e leventh entury.

Visitors o the castlewil l be greetedwith a pano-

ramic view of the surrounding ountryside nd the

Engl ish hanneln hedistance. here sa lsoa smal l

museum with artefacts rom the MiddleAges. Th e

castle s in such good condit ion hatyou can almost

hear he cannonsboomingas battleswere ought.

Leweshas a successful andicraftndustry, nd

vis i torso "TheNeedles," shopping entre , resure

to findsomethingo their aste n one of he manygift

sh o p s .Set deep in the Sussexcountryside, ewes s a

beautiful ld own,and sso close o hecoastthat ou

can a lmost mel l he seaair .

Anyoneookingora quietweekendn hecountry-

side wil l be pleasantly urprisedby Lewes,where

qual i ty hopping anbecombined i th ightsee ingrjust a relaxing trol l hrough he historic treets

Unit 5

Uni t5 -Par t1

Warm-up ctivit ies: art1 (p. 106)


. \Vell , o becomerich one has o work reallyhard or

cng hours.Onecanbecome ichby nvent ingome-

: r rngclever .Or,one could nheri t eal th roma r ich

'elative.Winning he lottery s anotherway ofbecoming ich.

. T writes the word inventions on the board, lhen asks

Ss to thrnkof as manvwords as thev can related o

the topic.

Te lephone

SteamEngine Computer

BoardGames Robots

Electricity Satel l i tes

Fax Machines Microch ips

Mobi lePhone

fhen f asks Ssto think of verbs related o thetopic and

to derive he noun.

invent inventorexperiment experimenter

research researcherdiscover discoverer

(Asan alternativeTdivides he class nto two teamsand

asks hem to think of words related o INVENTIONS.

Each correct answer gets 1 point. The team with the

rnostpoints s the winner.

eg TeamA 51: watch TeamA 52: telephone

TeamB 51:patent TeamB 52: experiment

. (Suggestedanswers)

The telephone - the wheel - TV - the mousetrap -

cardboard drinks cartons - Monopoly.

Wel l . th ink hat he elephones he most mpor-

tant inventron ecauseone can stay in touch withpeople hat ive ar away.The wheel comes second

becausepeoplewere able o shortendistances nd

go to places hatwere oo far o reachon foot.TV is

another important nventionbecausewe can see

picturesromal lover he wor ld , eeotherpeople 's

cultures nd be kept nformed f he latest ews.Th e

mousetrap elpedpeoplea ot,but t 'snow a li tt le ld-

fashionedbecausepeople use pesticidesor more

updatedelectrical evices o get rid of mice.Card-

boarddrinks artons requiteuseful ecauseheyar e

easilycarriedand stored.Monopoly s a successful

boardgamewhichdefinitelymade ts nventor(s)ich.

Lotsof peopleenjoyplaying t.

1. f inancia l 5 . inventors

2. carton 6. amateurs

3. patent 7 . or ig ina l4. thousand 8. market

9. games

10.best -se l ler

ReadingTask:Part 1 (p. 106-107)

1 . H 2 . E 3 A 4 . G 5 . C 6 . 8 7 . 1




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Unit5: Part1

Vocabulary xercises: art1 (p.108-109)

1. ease - lackof diff icultypersistence determinationo continue rvino o dosthinit ial-

f irstt ime-consuming takingup a lot of t imecardboarddrinks carton- box madeof cardboard nwhichdrinksare containedfortune - a lot of moneymarket - advertise product n order o sell trange - varyvital - very importantprofit margin - moneymade rom sth afterexpenses avebeenpaid

board game - game playedwith piecesand/ordiceon a special lymarkedboard

1. consultation 3. amateur 5. overlooked2. patent 4. pursuit

(Ss do Ex. 3 on their own then T checksand elicitslexplains he meaningof each distractor.)

1 . D 2 . C 3 . 8 4 . A

1. A create (v) = to makesth original.B produce (v) = to makesth n largequantit ies.C process (v) = to change aw materials sing


D manufacture v) = to produceon a largescale,esp n a {actory2. A keep (v) = to continue o have n one'spos-

sessiongain (v) = to obtainsth (eg gain expenence)obtain (v) : to get sth (eg obtaina visa)issue (v)= to supplyor provide b withsth (egto issuea visa or sb)discover v)= to inO th egdiscover merica)invent (v) = to designsth new (eg nvent hetelephone)explore (v) = to travel n order o learnabouta place(egexplore he Antarctic)research v)= to studysth nordertodiscovernew nformation

4. A company n)= business rganisationB group n)= number fpeople/thingsut

togetherC team n)= group fpeople orkingogether,

esp nsportor businessD associationn)= organisation

(Ssshou/dmemorisehese exf elatedcollocationsandexpressions.checks n thenext esson.)

1. to make 5. t ime2. the road 6. board3. profit 7. a wide4. dr inks 8. wel

5. 1. light 4. carefully 7.creation2. nventors 5. detailed 8. Fortunatelv3. Development 6. construction

6. 1.economical2. dent ical

3. amateur 5.acceot4. nvention

6. basic7 . 1. rags-to-riches 4. the gamewas up

2. strike t rich 5. nameof the oame3. fairgame

8, 1 . o r2. after3 . u p

4. down on 7. forward o5 . n t o 8 . u p6. through

1. publ ic ised 5. commercia ls2. campaign 6. hoard ings3. advertising gency 7. advertisements

4. promote

Follow'upActivities:Part1 (p. 109)

Characteristicsof a good inyention:originali ty,market or the product,economical o that t wil l betakenup by a company,must be sth hat can bedeveloped,o sell or years o come.

Successful inventions: Monopoly,TrivialPursuit,cardboarddrinkscartons.

Possibleprollems: obtaining patent,an advertis-ing companymust be found o developand marketthe product.


I think hat your unbreakableightbulb s a fantasticinvention, ut withouta good marketingcampaignnobodywil lknowabout t. f wereyou, wouldcontacta good advertising gency,and get hem o promotethe product.Thiscouldbe doneusingboth elevisioncommercials nd postersaround own. Don't orgetthatyou need o get people o notice he advertise-

ments, so it is important o make the advertisingstriking. hequality f the product s mportant, ut nreali ty he advertisings whatcounts he most.Don'toverlook he fact that some people are easily of -fended,so try and make sure hat he campaignwil lappeal o everybody.

(BeforeSs are asslgned it as written HW, f dlscussesall pointsSs shou/d include in their letter.)


DearSi r (s) ,

I wasvery nterested o seeyouradvertisementora waste-poweredar in the paperyesterday.

Could you pleasesend me a copy of your freebrochure?






3 . AB


9. to stand10.best11. o obtain12. inancial



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Unit5: Part2

Couldyou alsogiveme somegeneralnformationabout he car,suchas how manypeople t can carry,and how fast t can go? | would also be interestednknowingexactlywhat kindsof rubbish t wil l run on,and how much uggage tcan carry.Couldyou etmeknowabout he possibi l i ty f a testdrive?

I havebeenvery nterestedn the deaof environ-mentally-friendlyransport or a few yearsnow, andwould hereforeike nformation boutanyotherprod-ucts hatyou offer. fyou couldcontactme as soonaspossible, would be most grateful.

Yours aithful ly,

Grammar heck:Part1 (p.109)

Reading ask:Parl2(p.110-111)

8. B (Lna-5)s. D (114)

10. B (Ln14)

11. A (Ln 4)

2. 1 .waste2. long{erm3. si te4. desi rab le5. transport

4 . 1 .so l u t i o n

2. ambi t ious


4 . 4B

12.A (Ln30-31)13.D (Ln35-37)1a.C (Ln39)

15.B (Ln43-44)

6. packaged7. wrapping8. sorted9. ent irely

10. good nvestment

.1. lots of, few

2. a good deal of, i t t le

3. a lot of, great4. a few, several5. no,much

Unit5 - Parl2

6. much,hard ly ny7. a few,some

8. a l i t t le , ome9. All,Lotsof. A few

10. a few,severa l

Warm-up ctivit ies p. 110)


Thissignstandsfor ecycling. hechildren recollect-ing rubbish rom a beach n an attempt o keep thebeachesclean. This is extremely mportantas weshouldallbe environmentallywareand ry o protectour envi ronment .

(suggested answer)

recycledpaper,bott le banks. recyclingplants,cancrushers, tc.We can recycle hings by: collecting in cans forrecycling, aking old newspapers o the collectionpoint, e-usingplasticbagsetc.

Julie Lewis s wearingan expensive-lookingair of

boots. Theyare madeof manmadematerials.Recycling asbecomeextremely opular n he USAIn recentyears.65 per cent of aluminium cans arerecycled, lusa quarterof paperand 20 per cent ofglass. Taiwan buys used paper and Japan usesAmericanscrap metal o make cars. A successfulschemehasbeenoperat ingn PalmBeachCounty.Rubbish s sortedout. Paper,glassand plastic aresold to recycling irms.Other materials re used tomake soil, o grow fruitand vegetables.Of course,recycl ing an be expensrve.Manufacturersn Germanyare trying to solve the

problemsat the production tage,by lookingat howtheirgoodsarepackaged.Soappowders reconcen-tratedand toothpaste ubesare sold withoutboxes.

Vocabulary xercises: art2 (p.112-113)

1. durable - long asting,hard-wearingambition - strongdesiretexti le - materialsingle-handed on one'sown,without nyone'shelpper capita - per person

scrap metal - metal hat has been discardedlandfi l lsi tes- placeswhere hingsaredisposed f byburying hem under he ground


act of gett ing id of sthalternatives othermethodsof doing sth;options

3. 1 .cupboard 3. g lass 5. invo lve2. plastic 4. question 6. deflate

5. (Ssdo Ex.5 on their own, then T checks answersandelicitslexplainshe meaningof each distractor.)

1 .B 2 . D 3 . D 4 . C 5 . A 6 . 8

A material (n) : sol idsubstance sed o makesth

B substance (n) = solid,powderor l iquidwithparticular roperties

C matter (n) = physicalpartof the universe

D fabric (n) = clothA garbage (n) : sth o be thrownawayB rubbish (n) = stn o be thrownawayC litter (n) = rubbishdroppedoutdoorsD toxic waste (n) = poisonous ubstance

producedby factories, owerplantset cA enclose (v) = to surroundwithsth solid n

order o protector separateB fold up (v) = to make ntoa neatshape by

bendingC package(v)= to puta product ntoa box,ba g

etc or sale

3. extremely

4. electricity

wrap (v) = to put paper, oi l etc aroundsthcouncil lor (n) = memberof localgovernmentcounsel lor n)= sbwhosejobstog iveadviceto peoplewith problems

adviser (n) = sb who givesofficial dviceconcernrng usiness,aw etc

z .


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Unt 5: Part3

D informer (n) = sOwho reports l legal ctivit iesto the police,government tc

5. A sort out (phrv) = to separatentocategoriesB select (v) = to chooseC separate (v) = to divideD segregate(v) = to keepgroupsof people

physically part6. A pattern (n) = particularorm or design

B scheme (n) = planwhich s meant o solveaproblem

C plot (n) = illegalplan, e. o overthrowgovernmenl

D system (n) : way of doing sth

6. (Ss should memorise these te.xt elated collocationsand expressions. checks in the next esson.)

S8.' You're right.The other hing to do is to get thegovernmento impose egulations n products,l ike heydid wi thCFC's n the 1980 's.SA; Yes,and to get the government o take actiontowardscleaningup l i t terand pollutionwhich hasalreadyoccurred.SB; They'vealready one hat n some big cit ies,bu ti t needs o be done n townsas wel l .and n smal lerv i l lages.

(BeforeSs are assigned it as written HW, f discussesthe topic in c/ass.After T hascorrected the students'composition,helshe reads he best ones n c/ass./


Recycling s becoming an extremely mportantissue nowadays.Our planet's esourcesare beingusedup atan ncred ib lepeed t hemoment , ndwe

aredest royinghe envi ronment i th he rubbish ndpol lu t ion roduced y not recycl ing.Firstly,t s uneconomicalo throw away rubbish,

both or ourselves, nd for society n general. f youstart ecycling, ou wil lbe amazedat how muchmoneyyou can save.Somecentresactually ay youfor he rubbish ou br ing n

Recyclingsalsoextremelymportantor he envi-ronment .t 'samazing ow many hings an berecycled, avingboth itter nd he pollution esult ingf rommaking he products.

Also, he morepeople ecycle,he more ecyclingcentreswil l be encouraged o keep heirgood workgoing.Noton ly n h isgood or he envi ronment ,t san interesting nd profitable usiness o get into.

In general, am very much n favourof recycling,and it 's so easy hat here s no excuse or notdo ing t .

Grammar heck: art2 p.113)

1. electricity 4. landfi l l

2 . to run 5. news3. to pose 6. to make

8. 1 . envi ronmenta l lyware2. recycling3. d isposing f4 . a l u m i n i u m5. bott lebanks

7. to power

8. soap9. d isposal

7 . 1. r es t 4. remain 7 . po l lu t ion2. remnants 5. leftovers 8. contamination3. remain ino 6. remainder

6. p last ic

7. decompose8. products

9. envi ronment

Fofow-upActivit ies: art2 (p.1 3)


Recyclingwaste is importantbecause t slowsdown he destruction f the environment. veryonecan help o recyclewasteby taking heir recyclablerubbish,ikebot t les, ansand o ld paper o recycl ingcentres. hatway,your recycledwastecan be madein tonewproducts. oucanalsohelpby on lybuyingrecycledproducts,whichwil lencourage he environ-mentallyriendly ompanies, ndJorce thercompa-

nies o recyclemore.Whengoing o the shops, t 'sagood dea o takean old plastic ag withyou,and re-use t. Thatway you won't needa new one.

(Sswork n pairs.T checks then some pairs eport othe c/ass).

SA; I think hat he most mponantstep we can taketowardssaving he environments to informpeopleabout he dangersof environmental ol lution.

S8; Yes,but t salso mportanto orcebigcompaniesto stop makingand usingproductswhichare bad orthe environment.

SA.' agree,but he bestway o do hat s o get peopleto stop buying productswhich pollute he environ-ment.That way companieswil l be forced o changetheirmethods.

1 . wo u l d i n d2. r ise3. wi l l i se4. wi l lbe looded

Uni t5-Par t3

5. wi l lbecome6. wouldbe7. would not havebeenoolluted8. wouldnot havebeen eleased

Warm-up ctivit ies: art3 (p.114)

. (Suggestedanswers)

Thepictures re of whalesand a ki l lerwhale.Whalesaremammalswhich ive n hesea.Theyareextremelyin te l l igent .th ink t s crue l o keepanimalsn zoos,because heyoftenbecomeboredand unhappy, ndtheirenclosures reoften oosmallfor hem.However.

i t is sometimesnecessaryo keep animals n enclo-sures o makesure hat heyarewellprotected. omeendangered peoeshavebeensaved romextinctionin th iswav.

f . T. T b . F c F d . T e . F

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Unit 5: Part3

Reading ask:Part (p.114-115)

1 6 .D 1 7 . 8 1 8 .G 1 9 .C 2 0 . E 2 1 .A

Vocabulary xercises: art3 (p.116-117)

' l. frustration = stateof annoyance ausedby aninabi l i tyo do sth .constant = continuousadministratols = people unningan organisation

marine = related o the searegional = concerning n administrativere agenerated: made o existadjusting = becomingaccustomed

release = act of sett ingsb/sth re e

commission - groupof expertswitha particularpurpose

2. 1. captivity 3. attached 5. mood

2. aggression 4. native

6. 1. down 2. up 3. o 4.out 5. n

4. captivity 7. natural

5. breed 8. conf ine

6. released

4. wi ld ly 7. re l iant

5. screntists 8. independent

6. breath

Follow-up ctivit ies: art3 (p.117)

(Sswork n pairs.Tchecksthensome pairs eportback

to the c/ass.,)


SA.' n my opinion,Ulyssess ame,and used o being

in captivity. f we releasedhim into the wild, he just

wouldn ' t urv ive.

SB; disagree.Ulyssessobviously nhappy.Hispool

is ar oo small,and he needsa mate.We couldhelp

h im adjust o the outs idewor ld ,and he 'd be muchhappier .SA; I sti l l nsist hat t would be best o keep himhere.

We cangeth ima mate, nd bui ldh ima biggerpool .

He'sso good-natured e'd miss him if he left.

SB.'Yes, uton heotherhandhe'sbeenunhappy nd

aggressiveately,and he could becomedangerous

unless reed.SA; Yes, but think how much money we wil l lose -

Ulysses s our starattraction.

S8; Exactly, quiteagree.He s very amous, o think

of al l the posit ivepublicity ou would get by sett ing

h im ree


(f dlscusses hetopic n classand elicits deas romSs,

then helsheasslgns t as writtenHW. T also

relersSs to the relevant heory on articlesstressrng he

importanceof formal anguageand style.After

T hascorrected Ss' compositions,helshe reads the

besf ones rn c/ass.)

All over he world,animals re kept n zoosand safariparks. Whether or not they should be is a very

controversialopic.Although eoplemightnot realise

it, zoosare not ust here or our entertainment.Zoosplaya very mportant art n savinganimals

thatwouldotherwise avebecomeextinct.n hewild,

some animalsare in danger of extinctionbecausetheir habitat s being destroyed,while others arehunted ortheirfur r ustforsport.Zooshelptoprotect

theseanimals. oosare alsogood,because heyar eeducat iona l .

On heother and, oos emoveanimalsf romthe i rnatura l ur roundingsnd place hem n an envi ron-mentwhich s unnatural. hiscan cause he animalsto becomeboredand unhappy.Regulations re notstrict nough nsomecountries,meaning hatanimals

are often reatedbadly,and kept n smallcages.I think zoos should continue o exist n order o

protectanimalsand to educatepeopleabout hem.

But strongly el ievehat egulations houldbe made

stricter, nd zoos shouldmake more of an effort o

recreate nimals'natural urroundinos.

7 . 1 . recent ly2. cont inu ing3. extinction

3. 1.species2. extinct3.protect

4 . (Ss have to memorise these text related collocationsand expressions. checks n the next esson./

5. experts 9. procedure

6. caoable 10.under

7. to catch 11. desperate8. to cause 12.saletv

5 .

1 . t o p2. to show

3, sudden4. to adjust

1 . D

1 . AB

D2 . 4




4 . 4



(Ssdo Ex.5 on their own, then Tchecks answers and

elicitslexolainshe meaninqof each distractor.)

2 . D 3 . C 4 . 8

flee (v) : to run awa', usu from dangerl iberate(v) = to free rom external imitations

emancipate(v) = to l iberate

release(v) = to al low o leavesign (n)= indicationhatsth s a certainwayor

is happeningsigna l n)= act ionwhich s n tendedo giveamessagesymbol (n) = sth which represents thgesture (n) = sth done to expressone's att i-tude or intentionsincrease (n) = growth n size,amountetcadvancement n) = promot ionn one 's ob

make progress (exp)= to becomebetterat sthdevelopment(n) = gradualgrowthand en-hancementgenerate (v) = to produce,usu electricity

conduct (v) = to al lowelectricity r heat opass hroughcharge (v) = to renewpower,usu of a batterydischarge (v) = to release rom hospital rmil i tarv: eleasewaste

J. f,\


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Unit 5: Part 4

Grammar heck:Part3 (p.117)

'1.by 2. with 3. by 4. with 5. by

Uni t5-Par t4

6. with

Warm-up ctivit ies: art4 (p. 118)

(Suggested answers)

. lce skating,wrestl ing, wimming,polo, ootball , oc -cer ,hockey, owing, k i ing, icycle id ing, obsled-ding,car racing, anoeing, aft ing,motor acing, ail-board ing, a i l ing, indsur f ing,ur f ing, ockcl imbingetc.Wel l , he on ly h ings d idn ' t h inkof weresuper-circuitsand aqua-aerobics.think hat supercir-cuitsmight havesomething o do with runningor

racrng.Rockclimbingalsoneedsa lotof specialequipment.I think hat he mostdangerous ne is rock-cl imbingsincemanyaccidents ccur and lotsof peoplehavebeen njuredor haveevendied n theirattempt oreacha peak.

. a. Chinesemartialartsb. strength, itnessc. swimmingpool

d. stressfule . dancing,movingf. strength, tamina

g. excludedh. thr i l l ing

ReadingTask:Par t4 (p.118-119)

22,23.C,E(in ny rder)24,25. A, D ( inany order)26. B27. A28,29. F, G (inany order)30,31. A, D ( inany order)32. H

33, 34. B, F (inany order)35. G

Vocabulary xercises: art4 (p.120)

1. martialart - self-defenceechniouesupple - flexiblecrime-ridden witha lot oJcrimeboost - increasemental - of the mindacquire - ge t

alternating doing one thing and then anotherimpact -

force with which wo thingscoll idesupplementing adding oconsultation meetinqheld o oiveadviceor makeadecision

medital ion- deep houghtstamina- abil i ty o keepgoing

sheer - total (used or emphasis)peaks - highestpointsof mountains

2. (Ss should memorise these brt related collocations

and expressions. checks n the next esson.)

1. poor ly- l i t 4. ntensive2. mental 5. sheer3. martial 6. o get


away 3. off

back 4.oul

5. competit ive6. responsibi l i ty7 . determinat ion

7.stressful8. nsurance9. cl imbable

1 .z .

3 .A

1 .

z .




away 7. otI

b a c k 8 . u p

Follow-up ctivit ies: arl4 (p.120)

Kung Ful (benefits) earnself-defence, oost yourconf idence, cqu i rementa l isc ip l ine,learermind.Supercircuits: benefits) mproves trengthand(drawbacks)verydemanding itnessAqua-aerobics: benefits)safe, un, relaxing, eepsyou lookinggood, eeling itT'ai Chi: (benefits) el ieves tress,betterhealth,improves eveloJstrengthand fi tnesslce Skating: (benefits)get {i t(drawbacks)expensiveRowing: (benefits) helpsstrengthand staminaFootball or over40's:(benefits) lderpeople andoit because heyare skil ledand experiencedRock Cl imbing: benef i ts)hr i l l ing , xc i t ing(drawbacks)dangerous

(suggested answer)

I 'd prefer o do aqua-aerobics.n my opinion t isthe bestsport because t's completely afe. t 's alsofun and relaxing nd keepsyou fit.

I wouldn't ake up rock-cl imbing ecause t'sverydangerous nd stressful. ou mightgethu11. haringclimbingequipment an alsobe dangerous ecauseit mightnot it you properly, nd t s oo expensiveobuyyourown.

Grammar heck:Part4 (p.120)

1. every 4. al l 7. either2. Nei ther 5 . None3. whole 6. both


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Exam Focus: Unit 5

Exam ocus Useof Engl ish: n i t5 (p.121)


1 .B 4 . C 7 . D 1 0 . 1 3 .D

2 . 4 s .C 8 . 8 1 1 .C 1 4 .C3 .D 6 . 8 L A 1 2 . D 1 5 .

Preposi t ionsp.121)

(Ssshou/dmemoilse theseprepos tions.T checks nthe next /esson.)

' 1 .

t -


5 .6 .

on 7. otltoo{/by 8. ofat 9. on

in 10. with/fori n 1 1 . f o rabout 12. in/on/to

1 3 . o f14.by/about1 5 .n

1 6 . { ro m1 7 . l r o m1 8 .n

ExamFocus Listening: nit5 (p.122)

I A 2 . 8 3 . A 4 . 8 5 . 8 6 . C 7 . 8 8 . B

Part 1You'll hear people talking in eight different sltuations.Forquestions1 to 8, choose the bestanswer,A, B or

1 Llslen to thisconversation.What ypeof fortunelellingdoes fhe womanrecommend?A palm readingB tarot card readingC tea leaf reading

Man: So, do you think shouldhavemy fortune old?Woman:Well, t dependson who you go to. I 've riedjust about everything tea leaves,palmistry, arotcards - but last year I went to this woman, andeverythingshe said would happen actuallydid. Imean,movinghouse,my promotion, ett ingmarried

- howcould she knowall hat ust rom ookingat myhanQ? o I th inkyou shouldgo to her . . .

2. Listen o this conversation.What does the womanblame the man for?A forgetting to write a reportB forgetting to ring someoneC forgetting to have food delivered

Woman: really everdreamed ou'd etmedown iketh is.Man: Me? Didn't r ingeveryone n the l ist?Didn'twriteup the report or the board?And don't forgetorganised he catering,which vou forgot to evenment ion

Woman:All r ight,al l r ight. 'm ust wonderingwh yMr Wi lsondidn ' t know about t . He cla imshe wasnevercontacted.

You are going to hear part of a radio phone-in. Whatwent wrong with the holiday described?A The hotel had not been built yet.

B Theyarrived at the wrong resort.C The hotel was not the one they had booked.

Radio Speaker;And for those of you who have ust

tuned n this morning'sphone-in s aboutholidaysthatwenthorriblywrong.We've ustheard romSarahin Kent,whoarrived t a Spanish esortonlytofindhefive-star otelshe and her husbandhad bookedwasnothingmore hana building ite. fyou havea similarexperience ou'd ike o share, ingus on... fadeout)

Listen to this conversation. Where do the speakersdecide to meet?A the pub

B the stationC the bus stop

Man.'Sowe'remeeting t 9 o'clock at hepub, ight?Woman: Well, I don't know. Are you going homebefore?Man.'Probably ot.Woman:Because 'l lbe out of town all day- | have ogo to that hing about bus stopsat the countyhall...Man: You'regoing by bus?Woman:No, no. ' l l be comingbackon the seven en- it gets n at eight wentyor so, and if you could...Man: Oh, right, ' l l meetyou on the platform hen.

You'llhearsomeone talkingon the phone. Who s hetalking to?A an electricianB a plumber

C a glazier

Man: Erm,yeah, t 's runningconstantly, nd I 'm us t


there'sa lot of wiringunder hereand if it

actually eaks hrough hen I don't know ... (pause)Yeah,yeah, it 's right under the window... (pause)right, ' l l expectyou this afternoon hen...

You'llhearsomeonespeakingal a buslnessmeeting.Whatdoes the speaker want the staff o do?A improve their products

B increase theirproduction

C improve their advertising

Woman:What 'm rying o say s hat we'vedramati-cal ly improved our production,and the productsthemselves, ut the fact is that our image with thepublichas stayed he same.The bottom ine s thatnobodyseems o knowaboutus,so what 'msuggest-ing s. . . fadeout)

3 .

4 .

5 .



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7. Youwillhearawoman talking o agardener.Whatdoesshe wanthim to do?A mow the awnB replant a shrubC clean the oond

Gardener:Whatwas it you wanteddoing hen?Woman:You know hat bush with he white lowers.the - oh what's t cal led?Gardener:The viburnum?Woman:Yes, ight.Well, t 'sso close o thepond hatwhen he lowers al l , t makes he waterdirty,and I'msure t must make t diff iculto keep he awnnice,soI thoughtperhapsanother pot... n the othersideofthe lawn,or the back of the big bed?Gardener:Right ou are.Thewater n hesmallponddoes need to be kept clean,no doubt about hat...(fadeout)

8. Youoverhear his conversationn a departmentstore.What s the man complaining about?A the staffB the prices

C the qualityof the goods

Assistant.'How can I help you, sir?Man: Well, bought hisalarmclock romyou yester-day and l, er -

Assistant;Oh dear,doesn't t work?We'vehad sev-eralcomolaints bout hat model.Man; Well, t woke me up this morningso I suppose

it 'sal l r ight. t 's ust that I was looking n some shopwindowearl iertoday nd sawexactlythe ameclockfor a lot ess,and theyoffer reeservice, o I thoughtyou mightwant o...

ExamFocus Speaking: nit5 (p.123)


(Suggested answers)

. PictureA is of some peopleplayingpolo,which s agame you play on horseback.Picture B is of a carrace.Theyare both picturesof spofts hat are quitefastand dangerous.

. I would ike o playpolo,because l ike idinghorsesand it is fun to play eam games,although t can bequitedangerous. t is much safer han FormulaOneracingbecause t s veryeasy o crashwhile acingacar.

. People njoydangeroushingsbecause f heexcite-ment heyget rom hem.Forsomepeople, knowingthat heycouldgethurtmakesa spod more un.Also,for peoplewho work in an off iceall week dangeroussportscan be an excit ingcontrast o everyday ife.

Takingpart na sporlcan mprove ealth ndhelpyouto relax.

. PictureC isof a sea-cow,whilepictureD isof a polar

bear.Theseare both endangered pecies.

. Yes, herearesomeendangered pecies n my coun-try, We used to have a lot of bears n the north ofGreece, ut now hereareonlyabout 100 eft.Wolves,and some speciesof eagles are also endangered,along with sea-tuft les.

. A lotof species ecomeendangered ecause eople

hunt them. Organisations an be set up to protectthese species rom hunters,and governments anmake t l legal or people o ki l l hem.Another easonsome speciesdie out is that their habitatsare de -stroyed.This could also be avoided by turning heareas nto national arks.

. lt is important o protectal l species o prevent he mfrom becomingendangered. f a speciesdiesout, tcan havedisastrous ffectson the environment, e-cause heanimals hat elyon hatspecies orfoodwil lhave nothing o eat, and wil l also die as a conse-ouence.

. I havenever akenpart n a conservation roject, utI th ink tmustbea very n terest ingh ing o do. twouldbe rewarding swell, o know hatyourwork s helpingto protect ndangered pecies, rto preserve nareaof countryside.

ExamFocus Writ ing:Unit5 (p.nal


A reporthas o J ollow he characteristiceoortformatwith headings. t should be clearlyorganisedand presented nd the tone shouldbe

formal. t shouldnot be written like a letterandthis s something hat T has o pointout to Ss.Thas o prepareSs to writea proper eportas itis l lust ra tedn pp.124-131.

However, f Ss fai l o fol low he characteristicreport ormator their reportsoundsa bit nformaltheywil l not necessari lyai l he FCEexam.

1. 1 . major i ty2. By Iar he largest3 . minor i ty4. largeproportion

5. A smal lnumber6. A signif icant umber7. percent

8. substantial

2 .


1 . c 2 . e 3 . a 4 . d 5 . b


1. . . . hatmoreand morepeopleare rea l is inghedangerof smoking.

2 . . . . hatmanyyoungpeopleunder25 enjoytravell ingo othercountries.

3. ... hat peoplebelievebrand namecolas astebetter.

4. ... hat marriage s something ery ew couplesrush nto.

5. . . . hatmoreand morepeopleare becomingaddicted o computergames.


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Exam Focus: Unit 5

4 . 1 . C 2 . A 3 . E 4 . D 5 . B

5. (Suggestedanswers)

'1. ... he fact hat 7 out of 10 people ravelby train.

2. ... he fact hat670/o f all off icesare smoke-freezones.

3. ... he fact hat supermarket alesof beer haveincreased y 300%

4. . . . hefact that52%ofideo enta lsareorror f i lms.5. . . . he act hat9 outo f 10peoplewearwel l -known

brandsof jeans.

6. (/fSs havedifficultydoing Ex.6, Tshould help thembygiving informationas shown in the suggestedanswer.)

(suggested answers)

1 The purpose J h isassessments. .2. Thissurveywas conducted o...3. Ticketsat 10%discountare offered o students.4. Afax machine savallableforuse) n heexecutive

rounge.5. UseoJ he aci l i t iess avar lab leo al lv is i tors. . .

Facil i t ies re availableor use by al l visitors .. .6 . A swimming ool s providedor (useby)

guests./Providedou'rea guest,you can us ethe swimming ool .

7, Yourbags wil l be carried o your room by thehoteloorter.

8. Thishoteloffersa continental reakfast to tsguests) .

9. l t is advised hat his erryservicebe used.10. The esul ts f the survey how. . .

7. (Suggestedanswers)

2. complainedSomepeople omplained hatbuseswereneveron time.

3. claimed - Manypeopleclaimed hat he servicewasn'tverygood.protested- Manypeopleprotested hat heydidn'twanta prison n their own.explained-

The officials xplained hat he bustimetable ad beenchanged.admitted - Theyadmitted hat condit ionswereverypoor.promised - The policeofficial romised thathewould do everything e could o improvethe situation.

8 . a

b Facts:

- 7)Voof hotelssurveyed ffer hese acil i t ies.- Nearly l l of the hotels urveyed rovide oom

service, aundryserviceand a freemaidservice.

- Only3% of hotels urveyed ffer reeuseof anexercise oom.

- 80V"of hotelshaveoutdooroools and4o/o lhotelshave ndoorand outdoor aci l i t ies.

- All of the hotelssurveyedhavea lounge,barareaand restaurant.

- Theaverageprice or a double room s t85-t 1 2 0 p e rn i g h t .

- Only 14%of he hotels ncludebreakfastn hebasicpr ice.

Genera l isa t ions:

- The majority f hotelsare well-equipped.- Usual ervices reprovidedby mostof he hotels.- Freeexercise aci l i t ies ren'tusuallyprovided.- Swimming acil i t ies re readilyavailable.- Access o foodanddrink s consideredmoortant.- Price-range f Maytown's otels s quitehigh.- On hewhole,heexisting otels rewell-equipped.

9. Model 1 is good because it is divided into sub-headings.The purposeand contentof the report sclearly tated n the introduction. achpoinr ssum-marisedgivingboth posit iveand negativeaspects.Appropriateinkingwordsand the passive oiceare

used.Theconclusionncludes general ssessmentand recommendat ion.

Model2 is bad because tsstyle sverypersonal ndit ncludes rrelevant etai ls. he useoJshort orms sapparent nd it is not objective. he passive oice snot used and thereare no sub-headings. he para-graphsare poorlystructured.

Linking words: the purpose of, although, n fact,consisting f, however, lso,on the face of i t , akingeverythingntoaccount.

Good points

- The campsite s easilyaccessibleo cusromersarrivingby road or rai l .

- lt offersan outstanding iew.- There s a large howerb lock.- There s a bus service o the village.- There s a launderette, restaurant nd a bar.

Bad points

- The site s not protected rom he wind and canbecomequi tech i l ly n he evenings.

- The cleanliness f the showerand oiletblocks snot of an acceptable tandard.

- The bus service ends o be inconvenient.- The restaurant nd bar are expensive.

1 0 . 1 . C 2 . D 3 . A 4 . E 5 . B

4 .

o .

7 .

1 . Mo d e l1 4 . Mo d e l12. Model1 5. Model23. Model2 6. Model1

7. Model18. Model 19. Model2

(T shouldpoint out the good layoutof Model 1 n

contrastwith that of Model 2).


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11. (Suggestedanswers)

1. . . . the hinsuspect n po l ice ustody ouldnothaveattacked me.

2. . . . the ar ad iomayhave een to len t that t ime.3. ...they ould havesome connection o the


4. ...he ould havebeen he personwho broke ntothe i rhouse.

5. ...the obbercould haveentered hrouoh ha tooor.

12. evidence:Theywereabout 22 yearsold.hypothesis: ..so hey could havebeen students.

evidence: ..they ame runningout withoutwait ingto f i l l the i rbag wi thmoney.hypothesis: think hey must havepanicked t hatpo in t . . .

13. Thesmall ownof Brindonwasshakenawakeat3.20 am this morning when a DeltaAirl ines75 7aircraftcrash-landed n the grounds of the localprimaryschool.

Residents f the area rushed rom heirhomes,as f ireand rescue eamsarrivedat the scene.

At present, 15 passengers nd crewhavebeenrescued rom the aircraft.A further82 remain rao-ped nsidedue o the act hat he aircrafts yingonitsside,and mostexitsare blocked.Due o the imeand location f the crash, herewere ortunately ocasualt iesoutside the aeroplane.but there was

serious amage o heschoolandsurrounding rea.Chief FireOfficer,SergeantBen Wil l iams aid,

"Weare usingall availablemanpower o free hecrew and passengers ti l l n the wreckage.Two ofour men are in the craft rying o keep moraleupamong the injuredwhile we work at getting he mout."An extensivenvestigations already nderwayinto the cause of the crash and detai ls wil l bepublishedas they becomeavailable.

Purposeof first paragraph: o summariseheevent- t ime,placeand people nvolved.

Purpose of second paragraph: to describe hemain eventand people nvolvedand give detai ledfacts.

Purposeof third paragraph: o notedowncommentsand make referenceo futuredevelopments.

14.a ModelA is a witnessstatement nd Model B is anewsreDon.

1 . Mo d e lB2. ModelA

3. ModelA 5. ModelB4. ModelB 6. ModelA

b Model 1

- The purposeof the firstparagraphs to set hescene time,placeand people nvolved n theevenI.

- The purposeof the secondparagraphs todescribe he main eventsand people nvolved:

stateshypothesis nd evidence.- Thepurpose f hethirdparagraphsto describe

the Jinal esultof the incident.

Model 2

- The purposeof the f irstparagraphs to summarisethe event t ime,placeand people nvolved.

- Thepulposeof he secondparagraphs o describethe maineventsand the people nvolved nd givedetai led acts.

- The purposeof the third paragraph s to givecom-mentsand refer o any futuredevelopments.

15. (Suggestedanswers)

Paragraph - IntroductionParagraph - LocationParagraph - PriceParagraph - Atmosphere/DecorParagraph - Facil i t iesParagraph - Conclusion

16. (Suggestedanswer)

I was sitt ingwatchingTV when I heard a soundcoming rom the back of the house,so I got up an d

went o see what t was.I walked nto he kitchen nd saw hat he window

was broken.Thensomething eryheavyhit me frombehind. fel l orwardsonto he loorand then ried oturn my head o seewho had hit me.

Therewas a young man with long hairstandingover me, but before couldget a good lookat himhe kickedme in the chestand henagain n the ace.I was ready o passout but he man orcedme to tellhimwhere keptmy ewellery nd wentupstairso ge tit.Whenhe cameback down he hadall my ewellery,p lus 150 which had h idden n my ewel lery ox.

I then passedout, and he next hing knew wasin an ambulanceon the way to hospital.

17. (Suggestedanswers)

1. News eoortOut l ine.Introduction-summaryf eventsand peopleinvo lved.Mainbody - detai leddescription f eventandpeople nvolvedConcludingparagraph inclusion f any com-mentsand referenceo futureeventsordevelopments.Styleshould be formalwithoutsub-headings.

2. News report outl ine s above)


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ExamFocus: Unit 5

3. Assessing ood and bad points.

Out l ine:Introduction contentand purposeof reportstatedMainbody - summaryof each point, givingboth positiveand negativeaspects

Conclusion generalassessment nd recom-mendation.

Styleshould be formalwithsub-headings.

4. Analysing surveyOut l ine:Introduction contentand purposeof reportstatedMain body - information ummarised ndersu i tab le ub-headingsConclusion recommendationsr general on -clusionmade

Styleshould be formalwithsub-headings.

5. Witness tatementOut l ine:Introductionset hescene time,place,peopleMainbody - description f maineventsandpeople nvolved, ypothesis nd evidencestated.Conclusion the f inal esultof the incidentStyleshould be informalwithoutsub-headings.

6. Assessing ood and bad points Outl ine s forno.3)


1. (Suggestedanswer)

HurricaneGeorginahit Jamaicayesterday aus-ingdamageestimated t over$20mil l ion nd makinghundreds f fami l ies omeless.

The hurricane ad been orecastand localsha dbeenwarned,but nobodycould havebeenpreparedfor heextent f hedamage.Astateof emergency asbeendeclaredas he islandhascome o a comoletestandsti l l . ubl ic ervices avebeen hrown ntochaos

as only he northern ranchof NationalBankand wotelephone xchanges emainstanding.

Almosta monthbefore he hurricane itJamaica,localsbeganpreparing mergency helterswithcopiousamountsof dry oodand water.Even houghlocalsknew where the temporaryaccommodationwas,HurricaneGeorgina itso ast hat ewwereableto reach t in t ime.

Jamaicanauthorit ies i l l begin a massive lean-up operationwithin he next ew days, which s ex-pected o take at least hree months o complete.


Juvensat ook on MansitterUnited yesterday oproveonce again hat hey were capableof defeatingthem orthethirdyear na row.Thematch,which oo kplaceat home,waswatchedby a stadium ackedwithan estimated 0,000 oyal ans eager o watch heirIeam wrn.

By half t ime. Rideringwas provingonce againwhatan outstanding layer e s. na matter f wentyminuteshe had scored wo of the most sDectaculargoalsof the season, akinghis eam o the EuropeanCuo Final .

Organisers f the match were delightedwith th efans'behaviour nd thepolicemadeonlyone arrest.Policebelieve hat he calm atmospherewas due tothe act hat heyhadobtained courtorder o ban hesale of any alcohol n the area.

Thismatch ust goes o provehow successful

well-organisedvents an be.Thanks o cooperationbetween he police, stadium staff and fans, footballwas he ocusof the day rather han violence, s hasbeen he case n oreviousmatches.


To : J. ThomasFrom: M. SmithSubject: "AirMadrid" ervices

This report has been written to assess he service Ireceived n a recent l ightwith he airl ine AirMadrid."Pointscovered nclude he treatment received,he

standard f the ood servedon the light,and nJlightentertainment.

TreatmentMostairl ine taff, othon hegroundandon board heplane,were politeand helpful.However,one fl ightattendant's ehaviourefta lot o be desired.Shewasextremelyude o several assengers nd unwil l ingohelpor serve hem.

FoodThe quality of the food served on the f l ight was

outstanding,he only exception eing he dessert.

In-f ight entertainmentTwo fi lms were shown during he f l ight,both beingfamilyentertainmentuitableor allages.There salsoa music hannel vailableorpassengers,ut hiswasnot particularly ntertaining.

ConclusionI think hat MadridAirdoes ofiera fairlygood serviceto passengers,but that staffshould be better rainedin customer ervice.n-fl ight ntertainment as satis-factory,but could be improved.




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Unit 6: Part 1

Uni t6 -Par t1

Warm-up ctivit ies: art1 (p.132)

. (Suggestedanswers)

Although lotof people hink hatGypsies ome omEgypt originally,hey reallycome from India.Thereare gypsies n my country.They ravelabout n largegroups,and ive n entsand caravans. heyoftenge tmarried eryyoung,andhavea lotof chi ldren. eopledo not make them feel welcome. think that theyshould be treatedwith more resoect.and that thegovernmenthould e lp hem o l ive he i r ives n ourcountry.

(T should revise cardinallordinal numbers e.g.2,000,000 vvomillion ... before Ss do the listeningexercise.See OxfordAdvanced Learner'sDictionarvAppendix 4 Numerical Expresslons.)

Unit 6

e. 2 mi l l ion

f. 16th

A. specific adj)= exact nddetailedB. chief adj)= most mPoftant

C. main adj)= principle erson r hingD. characteristicadj)= typical f sb/sthA. handling n)= thewaysthorsb sdealth ithB. treatmentn) thewayof actingowards r

deal ing ith b/sthC. behaviourn)= thewaysb acts owards

n l h o r n o n n l o

D. Posi t ion n) = view:oPin ionA. display (n) = act of showingsthB. exhibit ion (n) = collection f objects hat s

shown o the oubl icC. show (n) = form of publicentertainment

D. performance (n)=

act of performingorentertainmentA. demonstrate v)= to showsthby givingproof/

evidenceB. uncover (v) = to findout sth unknownor sth

kept secretC. reveal (v) = to make known (truth, acts,

secretsetc)D. expose (v) = to make known (usua guilty

personor action)A. attraction (n) = act of attractingsb/sthB. appeal (n) = qualityof attractivenessC. charm (n) = power o attractor fascinate

peopreD. fascination(n) : verystrongappeal

3 .

4 .

Reading ask:Part1 (p.132-133)

1 . D 2 . H 3 . A 4 . C s . G 6 . B

Vocabulary xercises: art1 (p.134-135)

. a . 1176 c. 10th

b. 13th d .'15

mi l l ion

1. 1 . ma in ta in2. modifications3. persecution4. descendant

3. 1. cent ra l2. civi l isation

a. 1 . c iv i l i sa t ion2. cu l ture

b . 1 . r a ce2. match

c. 1 . event2. incident

d . 1 . a i r2. gala

1. racing 4 . to p ickup2. long 5. to moveon

3. to attend 6. to work

6 .

5. conceal6. distrustof7. reveal8. referenceo

6. 3. custom4. tradit ion

3. game

4. contest3. occasion4. ep isode3. festival4. bazaar

2 . /Ss shou/d memorise these fexl related collocationsand expressions. checks in the next esson.)

7. customs8. hesaying

9 . g y p s y

'I. conceal 2. deal 3. attend 4. railers

(Ssdo Ex.5 on theirown, henT elicitslexplainshemeaning f all distractors.)

1 . C 2 . A 3 . C 4 . A 5 . C 6 . D

1. A. error n)= somethinghichswrongB. fault (n)= mistake r a weaknessoften

referringo behaviourr character)C. b y mistake exp)= accidentallyD. oversight n)= lackof successn noticing r

doing th

7. 1. ott 3. across 5. down with 7. uo with2. by/round 4. by 6. into 8. out

Follow-up ctivit ies: art1 (p. 135)

. (Suggestedanswers)

They come from India, heir customsare rarely e-vealed, hey attend airs, hey distrustoutsiders,

they'vegot a uniquenomadic i festyle.

. (Sswork n pairs.Tchecks ound he class henhelshe

asks some pairs o repoft to fhe c/ass.)

SA;A sportsman'sife s centredaround his rainingschedule,which akesup several ourso{ each day.

3. leaders 5. cult ivation4. so le ly

4 .

5 .


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Unit6: Part3

Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p. 140)

. (Suggestedanswers)

All hesepictures epresent uccessand wealth: ots

of money and business eals.Being a mi l l iona i re

wouldmeanyou coulddo many hingswithoutworry-

ing aboutbeingable o afford t.Wealthand success


1. 1. ent repreneur2. lacks3. awkward4. executive5. focus

6. motivation7. Discrimination8. expuls ion9. or ig inated

10. vacancy

(Ss do Ex. 2 on therrown, then T elicitslexplainshe

meaningof all distractors.)

1 . B 2 . A 3 . D 4 . 8 5 . C 6 . A

1. A. early (adj)= before he usual ime

B. theformer ad j ) thef i rsto f twoth ings,laces

etc mentionedC. Previous(adj)= before

D. premature(adj)= before he expected im e

2. A. concentrate on) (v)= to givetotal ttentiono

B. consider (v)= to thinkaboutsth (with he aim

of makinga decis ion)

C. calculate(v)= to udge he amountor cost of

someth ingD. comprehend(v)= to understand

3. A. condit ion (n) = state

B. mark (n) = actionwhich represents

feelingor characteristic

C. angle (n) = particular iewpoint n a problem

or issueD. quality (n) = characteristic,su good

4. A. conference (n) = meetingor seriesof

meetings n a particular ubject

B. course (n) = seriesof lessons n a particular

subjectC. session (n) = periodof time spentdoing sth

D. lesson (n) = periodof t ime duringwhichon eis taught (usuat school)

A. fai l (v) = not to succeed

B. lose (v) = not o succeed ina competit ion)

C. lack (v) = not to haveor containsomethingD. miss (v) = to omit somethingA. prosperous (adj)= successful;money-

makingB. fortunate (adj)= |r"1t

C. welloff (adj)= l isf i

D costlY(adj)=


3. a. 1. damage2. tragedy 3. disaster4. ruinb. 1. earns 2. wins 3. qains 4.beats

Foflow-up ctivities:Part2 (p. 139)

(Suggested answers)

Possible it le:Gettingon Swimmingly

Usefulequipment:armbands,buoyancyaid, loatHow o treat he learner:patiently, on'tbully, tay npoolwith hemPossible problems: learnermay panic suddenly,progressmay be slow

lf youwant o learnhow o swim,youshoulddefinitely

take proper essons.Don't worry f progress s slow,

and rynot o panicwhenyouare n hewater, fyou're

learningn a pool,you ought o weargoggles o stop

the chlorine etting n youreyes. t would be bestno t

to swimunsupervised nti lyou eel eally onfidentn

the water.


DearSue,lwas hri l ledo hear nyour ast etterthat ou have

finallydecided to learn how to swim. Has it go t

anything o do with he holidayDavewanted o takeyou on round he Greek slands?

The irst imeyou go to the pool you wil lprobably

feelquitescared.Don'tworry houghbecauseevery-thing wi l l be f ine.You ought o wear a swimming

costume ather hana bikini.You'l l eelmorecomfort-

ab le n i t . . .andf I were you, I would buy a pai ro f

swimminggogglesso that the chlorine n the waterdoesn'thurtyour eyes.

Youarenotsupposed o swimaftera meal n caseyougetstomach ramps, o twouldbe bestnot o eatfor at leastan hour beforehand.

Incidental ly, ou should contact Shona at the

EastwoodLeisureCentre.She givesprivate essons

to adultswho want o learn o swim and she seems

veryniceand patient.think shecharges18 perhour,

but 'msure twouldbeworth t,asshestays n hepool

withyou rather han shoutingorders rom the side.

Good uck,and try not o panic.


Grammar heck:Part2(p. 139)

can be a good hingas ongas you can copewith he

powerand influence t oftenaffordsyou, and thatyou

don't al lowyourpersonalityo be adversely ffected.

. a . F b . T c . T d . T e . F f . F

Reading ask:Part3 (P.140-141)

1 4 . C 1 5 .H' 1 6 .

A 1 7 .G 1 8 .B 1 9 . 2 0 .D

Vocabulary xercises: art3 (p. 142-143)


1. when,has in ished2. i f , have3. i f ,wi l lphone

Uni t6-Par t3

4 . When,w i l l yo uhe lp

5. l f ,wi l lmeet

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Unit 6: Part 4

4. 1. successful2. musical3. performances4. achievements5. determination6. ability

7. helpful8. compassionate9. famous

10. powerful11. commitment12. dedicat ion

3. around 5. through 7. away4. over 6. down 8. on

6. 1.noneof her business2. business s business3. do businesswith4. got down to business5. mind your own business

7. "l. easy money2. to be rolling n money/tohavemoney o burn

3. to make money4. to get theirmoney'sworth5. to havemoney o burn6. spend money ikewater

Follow-upActivities:Part3 (p. 143)

. The eachers; "Gaining nowledgesallyou need odo well n society."Dr. RaymondBull; "Good ooksmakeearly ifeeasier.Also, people expect a good-lookingperson to bekinderand more efficient."

Professor Cooper; Sixtypercentof successful ntre-preneurseftschoolearly,eitherdue to expulsion rboredom."Michael Breen: "Success oes not happenbyaccident.Successfulpeople are those who, whensomethingdoesn'twork, ry something lse."


I agreewith MichaelBreen'spointof viewbecausestronglybelieve hat thingsdo not happenon theirown and that one should fight one's way throughobstacles nd ryvariousways o reachone's argets.

. (suggested answer)Very ew peoplebecomesuccessfulhrough uc k

aloneaccording o MichaelBreen,a man who runscourseson beingsuccessful.Whilesomepeopleareborn wealthy,makingmoney s often a questionofattitudeand effort.One thing that often singlesoutsuccessful eople s heirabil i ty o concentrate nonethingproperly, nsteadof trying o do several hingsat once.A job welldone gives personal atisfac-tion,which s an essentialactor or success.

Of course,success s alwaysa combinationofthings. t can be due to looks,eff iciency, etermina_tion,or manyotheraspects. robablythemost mpor-tant quality s being ikeable nd able o get on withotherpeople.

The mportanthing o remember,s har uccessdoesnot usthappen y accident. oucan't ustsitaround aitingor t ohappenoyou, ouhaveogooutand eallyook or t

Grammar heck:Part3 (p. I43)All "Southern ravel 's" useswil l be refurbishedhi syear. Twenty brand new models have also beenordered. Passengerswil l be providedwith a highstandard f uxury nd comfoft. hebuseswil lbe usedmoreoftenonce services re mprovedby SouthernTravel.t shouldbe notedby commutershat he newbuseswereexpected o be received y December.Due o a delay, heywil l be deliveredn February.

Uni t6-Par t4

Warm-up ctivities: art4 (p.144)

. (Suggestedanswers)

Well,yes I do read magazines. usually eadmaga-zines about computersbecause l 'm interested ncomputers nd want o be kept nformed f the atestnews about them. Kerpowi might be a magazineabout music. I think MetropolitanWoman is aboutfashion,working women and women's problems.Sparklemightbe a comic magazine,Tech-knowledgeis definitely bout echnology.Gamingmustbe about

sports. Home Maker must be about how to makethings oryourhouse.Finally, lamorous oumustbeaboutbeautyand how to keep it .

. 1 . i 2 . c 3 . h 4 . e 5 . j 6 . a 7 . b

Reading ask:Part4 (p. fia - 145)

2 1 .F22. E23.F24.A25.D26,27.B, G in anyorder

28. E29.C30. B31 32.B, G in any order

33,34. A, C in any order35. C

Vocabulary xercises: art4 (p. 146)

1. gigs - l iveconcertsor performancescompilations - collectionsof songs from differentmusic ianschallenging- needingeffortand determinationroughand umble situation here ouhave o tryhard o getwhatyouwanthandyhints usefulipstrim - neatandattractivedefinitive themost omplete f tskindfixtures sportseventswrite-ups reviewsstacks vastamounts ftreasure-trove a verygoodsourceof sth

5 . 1 . a t2. otl


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innovationsnewmethods/inventionsissue copyof a magazineinspiration motivation;timulus

(Ssshou/dmemorise hese exlrelatedcollocations

and expressions.checksn thenext esson.)1. natural 5. handy 9. to subscr ibe2. comic 6. problem 10. echnological3. forthcoming . to tune nto 11. to enter+. to apply 8. car ing 12. o spend

(Telicits omSsvariousypesofmagazinesndwritesthemon theboard. hen Ssdo Ex.3.)

(Suggested nswers)

D-l-YMagazine household ints, ipson growing


FashionMagazine agony untSportsMagazine review f a match,ixtureistsMusicMagazine the op en,competitionsComputer/Technologyagazine article bout oft-wareSports/Gamblingfixtureists, eview f a matchChildren's omic comic trips, uzzles,ompeti-tionsNaturalHistoryMagazine news tory bouteco-logical isasterWomen'sMagazine household ints, ecipes,agony unt, oroscopesGardeningMagazine tipsongrowing lants

4. 1. down 2. back 3. about 4. out 5 . round

Follow-upActivities:Part4 (p. 146)

. (Suggested nswers)

Kerpow interviewwith popstars

comoetit ionsinformation boutgigs etc

MW make up advicekeep{itchi ldcare advice

Sparkle comic stripspuzzlesand games

Tech-Knowledge newtechnologY

Gaming sportsnewsinterviewswith sports-stars

Home-Maker D-l-Yadvice

Glamorous ou beautyadvicekeeo-{itfashion

/ would ike o buy "Glamorous ou"because like o

keep it and to read aboutnew stylesand trends.

My sisterwould ike"MetropolitanWoman"because

she's ust had a baby and would be interestedn

any advice or new mothers. think that my Grandfa-

therwould buy "Gaming" s he fol lowsall kindsof

sportsavidly.My Motherwould probablybuy "Tech-

Knowledge" ecauseshe's nterestedn the

lnternet nd how t couldbenefither at work. an, my

tJncle,s a do-it-yourselfnthusiasto he might ike o

buy "Home-Maker"or himself nd "Sparkle"or his8

year-old on to encourage im to read.

For a magazineo be popularwithpeopleof my age'

it shouldreally nclude nformation boutstyle,health,echnology nd music.Horoscopes ndprob-

lem pagesnormallygo down well oo .

From: John Tydhurst

To: Mr Wi lson

Subject: MagazineSales StarPublications

lntroductionThe aim of this report s to analyse he resultsof a

surveycarriedout regarding he magazines

publ ished y our company.


As other nationalsurveyshave shown, special isedmagazines remorepopular hangeneral nes.This

is demonstrated y the fact hatof the 2,000people

surveyed, 0%said hey regularly ought

"Tech-knowledge",Gaming", nd "Homecraft", hi le

only20% bought"Homemaker" nd "Kerpow". n

exceptiono this rendwas our children'smagazine,

"Sparkle", hichwas boughtby nearlyhalfof those

interviewed.Age GroupsThesurvey howed hat he 30 - 40 agegroupbought

far more magazineshan any othergroup,at nearly

60%.Secondwas he20-30 age

group, t40%.Ihe

lowestmagazine alesappeared n the 10 - 20 age

group.This sshownby hefactthat'Kerpow"ells he

leastof al l our magazines, t 5% of totalsales.

PricePrice had very l i t t le nfluenceon magazine sales

according o our survey.70% claimed hat hey con-

sidered heirown interestsirst,and pricesecondor

not at all.RecommendationsBasedon the resultsof the survey, would suggest

thatwe concentrate n the more special isedmaga-

zines and considerphasingout the least popular,

such as "Kerpow" nd "Homemaker".

Grammar heck:Part4 (P.1c6)

1. so 3 . sucha 5. such 7. suchan

2. so 4. so 6. such

ExamFocus Useof English:Unit6 (p.147)


1. what

2. got/achieved/gained3. less/from4. about5. wi th

6. arelget/become7. longer8. by/through

9. wa y

10. much/far1 1 . t h a n12. how13. worth1 4 . o n15. yourse l f


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: , am Focus:Unit6

SB; Yes, I th ink women would probablybe morernterestedn th is,as they' re enera l lymore ash ion-conscious.SA:Thesecondmagazinemustbe aboutscience ndtechnology.

SB;lt probably


bout al l thela testnvent ions,ndwhatscient is tsred iscover ing.SA: I think hat peoplewho are nterestedn sciencewouldbuy t.Scient is tsnd peoplewhoarestudyingscrence.SB: Motor ing"magazine i l l e l lyou aboutcarsanddr iv ing, ew cars hat have ust been aunched ndclassic ars hathavebecome o l lector 'stems.SA; Peoplewho are ooking o buy a new car mightbuy h ismagazine s heywouldwanta l l he a testrn format ionboutwhat 'son the market .SB; The magazine Seaways' i l l e l l he readers l laboutboats, achts nd sa i l ing.Obviously.t would

onlybe of n terest to eoplewhosai l rownsomesor tof boat.SA; Th is magazine The Fai ryQueen" ooks ike amagazineor ch i ldren. specia l lyi t t le i r ls .

SB; lt probablyhas ots of fairystories nsidewhichyounggi r lswould ike.SA: th inkgardeners ouldbuy Gardens" agazine.as twi l lbe able o give hem deas n what o do wi ththe i rgardens.

SB:The astmagazineTheEconomist "s obviouslyforprofessiona lsndpeopleworkingnbusiness howant o knowabout inance nd oo l i t ics.

Part 4

SA; l ike eading ooksand magazines. ikebooksaboutadventuresr cr imenovels.S8: ike ashionmagazinesecausecangetan dea

f what shouldbe wear ing.

SA; buymagazineso read or un. ike o spendmy{r-eeime eading hem. don ' t h ink hey' re eryeducat iona lhough.S8: I d isagree.of ten semagazines hen m doingpro jects t school . th ink hey can be veryeduca-t r o n a l .

SA; I get mostof my informationrom he TV. don treally ead newspapers xcept o f ind out whats onTV

S8: I always ead a newspaperas I think it s reallymportanto knowwhat 'sgoingon in he world.

SA: th ink omics rebet ter for h i ld renhanwatch ingTV because t least heyst i l luse he i r maginat iont t le ,and heydo encourage h i ldreno read,

S8; I don ' t h inkcomicsaregood orch i ldren t a l l.th ink hat ch i ldren hould be encouraged o readbooks,and not someth ingwi th so many pictures,vherehey ust ookat he p ictures nd don ' thave o

rse the i r maginat ion.

ExamFocus Writ ing:Unit6 (p.150)


'1. 1 . aud ience 5. scene 9. acted

2. ro le 6 . i l lust ra ted 10.por t rays3. stars 7. masterpiece4. p lo t 8 . act ing

2. f irst paragraph- introduction, ackground, ett ingsecondparagraph mainpoin ts f plot

th i rd paragraph genera l ommentsconclud ingparagraph recommendat ion

1. On the Eastcoastof America2. A l Pacino nd Chr isO'Donnel l3. A youngscholarsh iptudent nswers n adver-

t isement equest ing student ompanionor a

bl indco lonel nd s orced o accompanyhecolonel n a t r io o NewYork.The student a terd iscovershat heco lonelsp lann ingo k i l l imsel fand t s up to h im o preventt romhappening.

4 . Yes, t s h igh ly ecommended.

3. "Shirley"by Charlotte Brontei

Thebook sset na countryown nEngland ur ingthe NapoleonicWars. t te l ls he storyof Sh i r ley, nhe i ress, aro l ine, er r iend nd he men hey ove. tis a historical ovel with elementsof romanceandadventure.

The storydealswi th Rober tMoore, mi l lownerwho is trying o modernisehis factory.A group ofpeople a l led he Luddi tes re ry ing o stop h imasthey know new machinerywi l l mean loss of jobs.

Caro l ine e lstones n ovewi thRober t , u t be lieveshe ovesShi r ley, nd Shi r leyeturns isaf fect ion. eseehersuf fer ingnd nanguish n t i l hef indsout thatShi r ley oes not loveRober t , u t h is bro ther ou is.Lou is sa tu torandas he ssocia l lyn fer ioro Shi r ley,they ry o deny heir eelingsor eachother.Thenovelendswi thRober t eclar ing is ove or Caro l ine ndShi r ley nd Louis e fy ing ocia l onvent ion nd mar-

r y i n g ."Shirley"s a beautiful ly ri t tennovel. t portrays

Charlotte ront'e's el ief hat hedenialof heworldoffee l ings responsib leor muchof socie ty 's uf fer ing.

I can horoughlyecommendhis book as i t i s aclassic f i tsk ind hat n f luenced anvwr i tersn the.19th


Tenses used to describeplot are the presentan dpresent ont inuous,The purpose of the f irst paragraph s to set thebackground.Thepurposeof he secondparagraphs o giveus an

ideaof the mainpoin ts f the p lo t .The purpose of the third paragraph s to givesomegenera l omments,The purpose of the lastparagraphs to recommend"Shi r ley"o the readers,

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Unit 7: Part 1

4. it is beautiful ly ri t ten book reviewit was well acted f i lm reviewit is publishedby - book reviewit stars- film reviewthe roleof ... s playedby - fi lm reviewit is well directed f i lm review

it is a thri l l ing ead- book review

(Suggested answer)

Mrs Harrison'sSecret

This is the latest i lm by veterandirector LarryChereson. et n Victorian ondon, t stars MelandraPrice s servant ucie eavons,whoknowsmore ha nshe should about her employer, he sinisterDoctorHarr ison.

Theplotcentres n Lucie'selationshipith hedoctor ndhissicklywifeMaura. his s Price'sfirstmajor ole nd t sa stunningebut. he sutterlyconvincing s the courageous ucie.She is ablysupported y he estof hecast, speciallyheexcellent rianMalovin s the doctor.His actingseems o getbetterwithevery ole.

Based n henovel Gaslight orror",hescriptwaswritten yJimFreeman,hoprovidesshockingand otally nexpectedvvisto heplotwhich adusallon heedgeof ourseats.

The ilm soneof hebest o come roma Britishdirectorora long imeand s wellworth eeinq.

rowingboat,catamaran.sa i lboat ,a l lsh ips,cargo boats, i feboat,cruiseliner, teamboat,



Unit 7Uni tT-Par t1

Warm-up ctivit ies: art1 (p.152)


' Yes, definitely njoy ravell ing y boat because l ike he sea a lot.Therearecertaindisadvantageshough.Youcan get heldup because he shipcan't depart f he weather s bad.Also,some peopleget seasickand hen hevoyagebecomesa nightmare or them.

Somewords elatedo boatsare:sail ing, oyage, hip,anchor, ort, aptain, rew, easick, hipwreck,ifeboat,

sails,canoe etc. (Asan alternative, can draw a spidergramon the board and eticit he fotlowingwords.)

anchor , a i ls ,mast ,deck,engine oom,br idge, udder ,


captain,sailor,steward, rew,mechanics,passengers,

engineers, urser,doctor, bar staff,cleaners, hef


' TheSailTraining ssociationsa Brit ishcharity rganisation hichgivesyoung peoplea chance o sailon a largeship. t ecently avethit ly-nineoungstersJrom ightEuropean ountrieshechanceto ail n he CuttySarkRace.Theywere t sea orfivemonths. heshiphadproblems ecause f highwindsanda roughsea.Theyoungnovicesailorswere seasick.Despite his, heyoungsters njoyed he work they had to do and the friends hey made.Everyone ad to speaksome English o participate. heyall agreed hat hey had no regretsabout he voyagebut they wereglad o returnand they woke up the Norwegian ort own with heirsingingand cheering.

ReadingTask: Part 1 (p.152-153)

1 .A 2 .C 3 .H 4 .F 5 c 6 . t 7 .8


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Unit 7: Part 2

Vocabulary xercises: art1 (p.154-155)

1. final leg - astparl of a tr ip, raceetctal l ships - boatswithexceptionallyal l mastsuni t ing br ingingogether

h igh winds-

st rongwindsnovice - inexperienced erson n a certain askfairground ride - an attraction t a fair l ike he bi gwheel/rol lercoasterparticipants thosewho take parl n sthdry land - (exp) and,aftera t ime at seacheering- shouting oudly o show approval


. DearSi r /Madam.

I have seen that you are holding your annualcharity aceon Friday13thApri l ,and I am writ ing oaskyou to send me an applicationormso that may

enIer.I am a keen sailor,but I do not have any sail ing

qualif ications. an you please et me know f thiswil lbe a problem?Also,wil lyou supply i fe-jacketsothe competitors r shall bring my own?

Should be el igible o enter he race,pleaseinformme of the t ime t wil lstartand how muchearl ier should be there o carryout checks, inalpreparations tc.

Finally, s I am a s tudent, sthereany possibi l i tyof a reduction n the entrance ee?

I look orward o hearing rom you soon.

Yours aithful ly,

Grammar heck:Part1 (p.155)

2. L t rophy2. destination3. Association4. charity5. contribute

6 . 1 . b e a ch2. show

6. wasawarded7. t rainee8. participaten9. request

10. unpredictable

3. fss should memorise these text-related ollocationsand expressions. checks n the next esson.)

1 . t o g i ve2. to make3. to br ing

4. 1 . par t icu lar ly

2 , sa i l i n g3. Frequent ly4. participants

5. knowledge

6. exper ienced

5 . a . 1 . f l i g h t 3 . t o u r2. ride 4. tr ip

b. 1 . ra ise 2. r isec. 1. reward 2. award

Unit T - Parl2

Warm-up ctivit ies:arl2


. (Suggestednswers)

(Tdraws he followingspidergram n the boardandelicits elevantwords rornSs.

4. to reach5. char i ty6. became

3. request4. rarely

7. to Jace8. at the same9. to raise

1. hasbeen n2. hasgone o3. havebeen o4. have,been o


defendantstenographerclerkbail i f fpol iceofficer

a f inea jai l sentencelethal njectionelectric hair

soli tary onfinementgaschambercommunityservicea Dan

5. has been o6. havegone to7. hasgone o

7. arrangements8. abil i ty/abil i t ies9. en joyable

10 . fu l l y11. adventurous

5. journey

6. voyage3. ar ise3. pr ize

5. opt ion6. Jlatmate

7 1 . o u t 2 .u p 3 . i n t o 4 up 5 . u p o r

Follow-up ctivit ies: art1 (p.155)

. Participants:39 young people from 8 EuropeancountriesNameof ship and race: SirWinstonChurchil l", uttySarkTallShips RaceDestination:Norway N.8. heydidn'tgo to Antwerp)Good experiences:workingas partof a team,seeingNorway,makingnew riends, o-operating,beingable o practise peakingEnglishBad experiences:beingseasick, ravell ingn roughweather, rampedsleepingquaders

arsonistrapistshopliftermuggerburg larmurdererthiefstranglerk idnapper


fraudspeedingshopl i f t ing


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Unit7: Part3

safeand putal l themoney na bag whichhe gaveher.I think he man was quitenervous, ecausehe kepttelling he woman o hurry.The whole ime his washappening he other man was pointinghisgun at al lthe peopleon the floorand tel l ingus not to move.Bothmen seemed o be quiteyoung,althoughcouldn't ee hemproperly ecause was yingon hefloor. did notice hough hatone had short blondhairand was about6 feet al l ,and the otheronewasshortand at withdarkbrownhair. think hat herobbershad plannedwhat heyweregoing o do wellin advance, ecause heybothseemedquitesureofwhat hey weredoing,and knew o strikeat a t imewhen he safewas ul l .

When he bag had been illedwith moneythemenran out and jumped onto a motorbike.They, thendroveoff n the direction f Whitehawk.

Grammar heck:Part2(p.159)

Vocabulary xercises: art3 (p. 162-163)

1. fading becomingess trongreferredo - calledflow- movementf sth,espa liquid


wateryiquidn plants nd reescracks small apsbetweenwo hingswhichhavebeenoined ogethertides the iseand allof hesea evelcomposed f - consistingfsupernaturalof actswhich annot e explainedscientificallye.g.ghosts tcbeblamed n- beaccused sbeinqhecause fsth

2. 'l. waning2. torch3. conf inedo4. superstitious

5. firewood

6. weeds7. widespread8. shr ink9. decl ined

10. arlificial

4. intr iguing5. mysterious6. beliefs

ourselves 5. himself 9. myselfherself 6. yourself 10. hemselveshimself 7. yourselves 11.herselfmyself 8. yourself 12.himself

Uni tT-Par t3

Warm-up ctivit ies p. 160)

(Suggested answers). The picturesshow the moon. I can't see any direct

connectionbetween he picturesand the t i f leof thetextotherthan, erhaps,hat Vil lageLamp" sanotherexpressionor the moon.The moon may havebeencalled his because t helped vi l lagers ee at nightwhen herewas no electricity.Factsabout he moon: There s no ife here.Manha stravelledhere.TheMoonorbits heearth. t seems ochangeshapeetc.

. Well, 'veheardsome supersti t ions,ike f you see a

blackcat t meansbad uck,or i f a mirrorbreaks henyou wil l havesevenyearsof bad luck.As far as themoon s concerned, think { you see he new moonthroughglassyou wil lhavebad uck unless ou turnaround hree imesand bow. t s believedhatsomepeople urn ntowerewolves t ful lmoon.

. a . Lamp d. p ig-k i l le rb. candles, orches e. planted,ne wc. l ight f. water


ReadingTask:Part3 (p. 160-161)

1 6 . G 1 7 . B 1 8 . A 1 9 . H 2 0 . C 2 1 . F

5. (Ss should memorise these text relakjd collocationsand expressions. checks n the nert /esson.)

5. to fol low6. supernatural7 . fu l l8 . the ight

6 . 1. touchwood2. keepour ingers rossed3. blackcat4. ladder5. breaka leg6. brokenmir ror

7. a . 1 . co lumns 2. post 3. p i l la rs

b. 1 . t race 3. t ra i l2. lrack 4. lane

c. 1 . consist 2. compose

d . 1 . l a y 3 . l y i n g2. Lie -

4. laid

e. 1. affect 2. influence

f . 1 . l ogs 2. wood

1 .z .

4 .

3 . 1 .z .

3 .

4 . 1 .z .

supersti t iousunexploredtechnological

distance 3tune 4

5. expand6. disregard

9. to take

3. include

3. boards

pitchdarkin the dark


1. to last2. widespread3. to make4. e lect r ic

'1.l ight heart

2. as l ightas a feather

5. lay6. l ie


4 ,


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ExamFocus:Unit 7

Reading Task: Part 4 (p. 164-165)

2 2 . C 3 1 .B23,24.A, D (inanyorder) 32.C25,26.B, D (inanyorder) 33.E2 7 . E 3 4 .A28,29. , D ( inanyorder) 35.D30.E

Vocabulary xercises: art4 (p. 166)

1. 1. amazing ly 3. v is i tors 5. creat ive ly2. peacefu l 4 . de l ight fu l 6 . cont inenta l

(* continental-styleestaurantmeanrestaurantsservingFrench ood)

2. a . f . in ter -c i ty 3. express

2. goods 4. loca lb . 1 . s ing le 2. re turn 3. season

Manyholidaymakerso to Paris imply o see hesights.The EiffelTower s a must. f you venture othe top, there s a breathtaking iewof the city.TheSacre-Coeur, beautiful ncientcathedral,s alsoworth a visit,whereas he PompidouCentre,at theopposi te nd of the sca le , rves ou a gl impse f

modern-day ar is ian rch i tecture.However , ct iv i t iesuchas shopping houldnot

be overlooked. he ChampsElysOe as he latest ntop ash ions. l thought ends o bea b i ton hepr iceyside, hereare some good barga inso be found.Atnight, oucaneither o to a quietcaf6on he"terrace,"or i fyou 'dprefer ometh ing l i t t lemoreoutrageous,a vis i t o the amous Moul inRouge" .

Personal ly ,'d ecommend ar iso anyone.t hasa certarnmagicabout t thatcannotbe described.

GrammarCheck: Part4 (p. 166)

3. 1. war fare2 pi lgr ims

3. medieva l

4. embarkon

3 . 1 . - - , - , h e2. the, he3. the, - , he4. - - , he, he6 - - - -

6. the, -

7. - - , - , he8. The, - , he, he9. - - , he, he


6 . . / 1 1 . o f7. was 12. /

8. , / 13. to9. sound 14. /

1 0 . ma n y 1 5 . been

Preposit ions

i n 1 3 . non 14. romi n 1 5 .o nfor/on 16. tob y 1 7 .ono f 1 8 .up

Follow-Up ctivit ies: art4 (p.166)ExamFocus Useof English:Unit7 (p.167)

(BeforeSs do the activities,askthem to read the textsof Part 4 and underline he unknown words. T thenetrcitslexptainshese words.)

Lltett Part2

5. out look

(Suggestedanswers)Of the ivep lacesment ionedn the text , he one l dmost ike o v is i t sYork. 'den loywandering bout henarrowwinding t reets,h inking bout he pastandtypesof l ivespeople ed back hen - what obs theyd id ,what heyd idwhen heyweren ' tworking ndsoon. Also, 'd be able o do someshopping nd buysomepresentsor my friendsback home.After hop-prng, 'd move on to do some sightsee ing t YorkMinster , nd, henwalk ound he ci tywal ls o getagoodviewof the wholep lace.

(BeforeSs are assigned hisas wiltten HW T shouldgive them or elicit from them information relevant to

Paris:ocation: n the northwestof France;population:15,000,000 attractions The E ffel Towe , Sac e-Coeu ,the Pompidou Centre, he Louvreetc; shopping: theChampsElysee; ntertainment:afes,MoulinRouge.)


Themuch ovedFrench apitalParis ssituated nthenorthwestof rance, asapopulationf 15,000,000and s a holiday ocationor tourists rom allover hewor ld .

1 . fo i l in 6. away

2. so 7. which/that3 . f rom 8. wi th4. t i l l /unt i l 9. throughout5. var ie ty/ range 10. There

1 1 . o n

12. Iact'13.as

1 4 . o l d15. both

1 . l i k e2. own3 . b e i n g4. ,/

5 . i t

1 . f o r2 . o t3 . over4. wi th5. on6. of

19. at20. to21. by laI22. tor

7 .8 .9 .

1 0 .1 1 .12.

(Ssshou/d memorise heseprepos tions.T checks nthe nextiesson.)

- 2

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Exam Focus: Unit 7

ExamFocus Listening: nit7 (p.168-169)


1 9 .E 2 0 . C 2 1 . D 2 2 . 8 2 3 . F

Part 3You'llhear f vepeople talkingabout their favouritekindof film.For questions19 to 23,choose rom he listA toFthe typeof f lm that sbeing described. lJse he lettersonly once. There'sone ertra btter which vou do notneed to use.

Speaker 1 (male)t reallycan't standall that mushylovestuff. ind tveryembarrassingeally, art icularlyi fyougo outwi th g i r l o r thef i rstime.No,what rea l lyenjoy s otsofgunsand action, ot oo muchviolencemind you, but car chasesand heroes hat you can

rea l lyadmire L ikea l l those old westerns, r eventhoseold copsand robbers i lms.Speaker (male):Violencenany ormreally othersmea ot . 'malsonot ookeenon echnolog ica lh ingsor special effects with computers. t just doesn'tinterestme. I l ike a good storyl ineand believablecharacters. real human interest tory,you know.Somepeople ind hosekindof f i lmsdepressing.But I l ike i lms hat makeyou thinkeven f he story sverymovingand close o real i fe. ike ather enousf i lms eal ly . don ' tgo to the cinema o escape.Speaker (male). ' l ovebeingscared o death. reallymean t.


sset n he utureor the past - just as long as it 's scary, ' l l l ike t. Thevio lence oesn ' tbotherme - | mean,a monsterwi than axe s hardlygoing o comeafteryou n real i fe, she? t 's usta bi t of fun,an escape romreal i ty . l i kemonsters nd all he bodieseverywhere.t 's un.Speaker4 (female): I can't standanythingwhich ssenous nd oo much ike heproblemswe have n reall i fe.What I enjoy s a good laugh.The stupiderandsi l l ie rt s , hemore enjoy t . ovethose ldsi lenti lmswith hecharactersall ing verall the imeand makingfunny aces. alsoenjoycleverdialogue.Reallywittystuff hat makesyou think but also bringsa smile o

your ace.Speaker5 (temale): 'm very nterestedncomputersand the latest echnology. can imaginea future unby machines. ovehorror i lms oo,but my main oveis futuristic tuff - the stuffof the 21st centuryandbeyond.Theway we imagine he worldcouldbe withrobotsand machines nd computers.'m not in ter -ested n real-l iJeramas,and most comedies findqui testup id .


24 .F 25 .F 26 . r 27 .F 28 .T29 .F30.

Part 4You'll hear a conversationwhich takes place in anoff ce. Answer questions24 to 30 by writing T (fortrue)or F (for false) n the boxesprovided.

Louise; .. I thought 'd neverget him off he phone.Now,as you both know, he move s comingup nextweekend, nd t 'sgo ing o akesomeser ious rgani -sation f we'renot o end up in complete haos n henewoffices.Ofcourse tcouldn't ave omeataworset ime,whatwi thal l hesenewaccounts oming n,butit can't be helped suppose.Now, David,haveyouorganisedmoving he computers and the fi les?David:Well, 'vebeen rying o organiset ordaysbutnobodyseems o be availableo do itat heweekend.Louise; But I thoughtyou'd already ound a reliablecompanyand.. .David:When rang hemback o confirm heyclaimed

we'd nevermadea definite ooking. tr ied o get onto heperson 'dspoken o before, utshe'saway,andthey say they ust can't i t us in.Louise; Well, hat's ine - perfect.Now what are wesupposedo do?Paula: Actually,my brother-in-law as a removatsfirm. t 's - they'renot exactlyspecial ists, ut I knowthey' re erygood and. . .Louise;Well,givethenumbertoDavid see fyoucanarrange ometh ing. u t on ly i f they' reproper ly n-su re d ,m i n d .David:And f they'renot available?Paula: 'm sure hey'l lbe able o do it.Maybe heycanput somebodyelseoff.Afteral l , t 's urgent, sn't t?Louise;Exactly.Well, et 'skeepour f ingers rossed.NowPaula areal l hesuppl ieseady o go?Andhavewearrangedor everyoneo packup heirowndesks?Paula:Erm, t 'sallarranged boutthedesks | mean,apartfrom coupleofpeoplewho nsistthey an'tstayon Fr iday nd do the i rs. ut thought cou ldLouise.'No, no, no - you'vegot enough o do withoutthat .Could ou ustg iveme he i rnameswhenwe'vef in ished p here, nd ' l l le t hemknowthathey implyhaveno choice n he matter.No one else s going obe made responsib leor anyoneelse 'sdesk.What

aboutsuppl ies?Paula: I think that's all in order.Some of the boysstayed late yesterday,and when I looked in thismorn ing t seemed l l ready o go.Louise;Well, hat'sa rel ief t east.Oh, nearly orgot.David, avewearranged boutsett ing p hecomput-ersat he otherend? mean. f hey'renot unctioningfirst hing Mondaymorningwe'l lbe completely ara-lysed.The new phone system is in already- I 'vechecked hat but he computers. .David: No need to worry about that. They'vegot awhole eamof people eadyand wai t ing.Louise;Goodl Good Now,am lforgett inganything?Oh no Whatabout he old f i les?Thereare cabinetsand cabinetsul lo f themPaula:MrWil l iams aid hatsincewe hardlyuse hemtheycouldstaybehind ora while | mean,unti lwe'veall sett led n the new olace.


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Exam ocus:Unit7

Louise.'Hardlyuse hem? was ust n hereyesterday

trying o trackdownsomevery mportant ocuments.l ' l lhave wordwi thMrWi l l iamshen.Thoughwhywehaven't ot al l thaton hecomputers ynow sbeyond

me... fadeout)

Exam ocus Speaking: n i t7 (p.170-171)



PictureA isoJa ful lmoon,and pictureB is of a blackcat. Both of these hinosare associatedwith

supersti t ions.

. No, I am not verysupersti t ious,ut I always ouch

wood when I hope hat something 'vesaid won't


. There are a lot of supersti t ions ssociatedwith the

moon. hefu l lmoon,orexamplesat imewhen omepeopleare supposed o turn nto werewolves.n thecountryside,eoplewouldonlyputup ences, r cutlogs for firewood,when the moon was in certainstages.Beliefs an vary n different ultures. blackcat crossing our path or example, s good luck nsomecul tures, nd bad uck n others.

. Breaking mi r ror s supposed o br ingyou 7 years '

bad uck. t is a lsobad luck o walkundera ladder .Finding four eafc lover s supposed o br ingyougood uck. n England, eeing ne magpie s sa id obringyou sorrow,whileseeing wo is meant o bringyouloy.

. PictureC is of a boat,and picture D is of a train.

Theyare both differentways of travell ing.

. I would prefer o travelby boat, because t would be

more excit ing han travell ing y train.Some peopleget seasick, u t I don ' t .

. Thereare otsofways o pass he imewhile ravell ing.Iwould eada book,or ookoutof hewindow.Youcanalsowrite etters o people,or i fyou are ravell ing ithsomebodyelseyou can playgames.

. I think that the train s a very convenientmeans oftravel,because f there is a storm, boats can bedelayed. rainsare alsomuch Jasterhan boats,an dthe journey s much smoother .But genera l ly ,heplane s the most convenient f al l .


(Suggestednswers). SA;Advertisingt football roundss veryeffective

becauseveryonehogoesowatch match ill ee


SB; Yes, but they won't be lookingat advertise-

ments, hey'l lbe watching he match.

SA; Advertisments n newsDapersare effectivebe-

cause eaders f the newspaper aveno choice

but to read hem.

SB; However,many people ust ignoreadveftise-

ments n newspapers.

SA;Promoting productby sell ingt door-to-door an

be effective ecausepeoplecannot gnore the prod-

uct i f i t 's on theirdoorstep.S8; Yes,butsomepeople an get rri tated y hiskind

of advertising, hichmay put them off he product.

SA;Advertising singan aeroplane o fly a message

through he sky can be effective ecause t always

attracts eople'sattention.

SB; However, t is quite an expensivemethod of

advertising nd doesn't astvery ong.

SA: Advertising n buses is effective ecause t i s

seen by a lot of peopleas the bus travelsall overthe own.S8; Yes, agree.Bil lboard dvertisings also

effective ecausea lot of peoplewil l see he adver-

t isementas they passby everyday.SA;Yes,but it can be expensive, tc.


(Suggestednswers). SA; hink he mosteffectiveormof advertisings hat

using buses, rainsand other orms of public rans-

oort.SB.'Yes, thinkyou'reright.The advertisements reseen by largenumbersof peopleand are ikely ocatch heireye.

. SA; I think hata lot of soap powdersare clevely

advertised n heW using amouspeople o promote

tnem.S8: I don't agree. think hat some soap powder

advertisementsren't erygood.People on't hinkaproduct sgood ustbecause famouspersonsays tis. I prefercleverer,more hought-provoking dver-t isements ot ust hosewith beautiful r famouspeopre.

. SA; Good advertising ertainly oes encourage eo-

ple o try products hat hey would not usuallybuy.SB.'Yes,but it only effectspeoplewho can be easilyin{luenced r persuadedo buy hings hat heydon'treallyneed.

ExamFocus Writ ing:Unit7 (p.1721

1 . 1 . C 2 . A 3 . D 4 . B

2. (Suggestedanswer)We'dbeen ooking onvard othisholidayfor ges.

Justmy husband ohn and ,as he kidswerestayingwithmy parents.We boardedearlyon Tuesdaymorn-ing so as to get a good seat on the top deck. Th eweatherwas sunny,but coldwithquitea strongwind.

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Exam Focus: Unit 7

The irst our hourswere ovely.We had a meal nthe restaurant nd then walkedon the deck for tenminutes.We were ustgoing back nto he loungewhensuddenly he enginesstopped.Aftera fewminutes, he captain's oicecame over he loudspeaker ell ingus not to worry.Therewas a sl ight

problemwith he starboard ngine,but the boatshouldbe underwayagain n the next 15 minutes.

Two hours aterwe weresti l ldead n the water. l fwe'restuckhereany ongerwe'l lbe oo late o checkinto he hotel," omplained ohn.To be honest. wasgettinga bit worriedas he windwasgetting trongerand the boatseemed o be movingsideways.

The next hree nightswil lstay n my memoryforever. oodand water an ow and ightsbrokeoutas peoplebecamemore and more tired and fright-ened. hadalmostgivenup hopewhenwe were inallyfoundand owed o someport n Holland.As I left he

lerrya reporter skedme how I felt. saidsomethingaboutwantinga showerand somesleep. was ustsoglad to be on dry landagain.

3. (BeforeSsdo Ex.3 T explains hatthe itleof thearticleispartofaproverb:"AllWorkandNo Play makesJacka dull boy."Thisproverbmeans hat fsomeoneworkstoo hard it can make them veryuninteresting.)


- The article s argumentative, ivingadvantagesand disadvantages.Outl ine:

First paragraph- state he topic of the articleSecond paragraph- giveadvantagesThird paragraph- give disadvantagesConcluding paragraph givea balanced on -sideration f the topic and includea personaloo in ionLinkingwords: the main ncentiveor, herearealsomanydrawbacks o, the mainone (to istadvantages nd disadvantages)Added o this,also(toadd morepoints o a topic)Such as (to givean example)However to makea contrasting oint)

As a result (to expresseffect)


First paragraph:As the economicsituation fmany countries mproves,more and more busi-nesses reexpanding, reating ew obs or manypeople.This has ed o an increasen he numoerof executiveposit ions n many businesses ndthusa surge n henumber f execut ives.ut sanexecutive areeralwavsall that t is made out tobe?

Last paragraph:All things considered,despite

the fact that executiveobs do offera lot of advan-tages n termsof careerand privi leges,t is oftenat the expenseof things hat can be consideredmore mportant uchas amily, riends nd health.It s up to each ndividualo decide f he sacrif iceis worthwhile.

4. DearMary,

I thought 'd drop you a line o let you know howwe're gettingon. After wo days back at work I felt asif 'd neverbeenon holiday how aboutyou?Anywaywe'vehadourphotosdeveloped ndwe'd ove t fyou

couldcome and spend nextweekendat our house.We could ookat he photosand rememberhe goodtimeswe had.

Herearea fewdirections o you won'tget ost.AsyouenterManchester,ol lowthe ignsforToxtethnti lyou come to a very big roundabout.Take he thirdturning or Mayfield nd fol low hat road or about3km. You should hen pass he GrandHote lon yourrightand then immediately fter hat a school.Turnrightat the schooland we're he secondon the eft. fyou get ost ustg iveus a r ingand Georgewi l lcomeand get you.

I hopeyou'l lbe able o make tas we'd ove o see

you again .Give our regards o your fami ly.We'relooking orward o seeing ou soon.


Joan & George

Paragraph1 - reasons or writ ingParagraph - developmentFinalparagraph- closing emarks

5. (Suggestedanswer)


Howareyou? Haveyou got anythingplanned orthe summerhol idays?Wel l ,do you rememberhatgreat anguage ourse wenton lastyear n France?They're unn ing t againandyou 've ustgot o comewi th me th is ime.

The course s held n a gorgeousFrench hateausurrounded y lakesand trees.The own of Nantesis about3 km away.The eachersare al l quali f iedand thereare nevermore han 15students n aclass.Afterschoolwe can swim n the indoorswimmingpool,play ennisor play ootball therewasa tournament astyea|. Everyevening here s ad iscoand a f i lm n he chateaucinema.

We' l ls leep n a dormi toryor 12peoplewhich sgreat unand a goodway o meet he otherstudents,who are romall over he world.Thecost sonly 400so it 's reallycheap.

Writesoonand el l me if you can come with me. Ihopeyou can.We' l lhavea br i l l ian time.



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ExamFocus:Unit 7

6. (Suggestedanswer)

The most wonderfulexperience have ever ha dwas a holiday spentwith a friend n Cornwall. swe werecamping,we wereaJraidhat t might ain,bu tthe weather urnedout to be gorgeous. remember

thatweek so clearly: he walk o the beacheachday; urning hat inal cornerand suddenly eeing hemagnif icent ceanspreadout beforeme l ikea spar-kl ing blue carpet; he hoursspent azi ly ying n thesun,and plungingnto he seawhen t got oo hot . twas marvellous.

On he astdaywe were here, ackand were yingon the beachwhenJack auohedand said. Lookat

that si l lywomanwavingat us "We both grinnedan dwavedback,but she didn't ook very happy.

"Holdon," saidsuddenly, she'snotwaving o befriendly, he'swaving or help "We both an down he

beachand dived nto he water o saveher.Shewas

OK, but she had got crampand would certainly ave

drowned f we hadn'tbeen here We both got ourpictures n the paper

All n all t was an excit ing nd rewarding ol iday.I 'm planningo go again h isyear


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Mission: CE1 TEST1A

TEST1A (Units -2)


Youaregoing o reada magazinerticle boutworkersnDenmark. hooserom he istA-H hesentence hichbestsummarisesachpart 1-6) f hearticle. heresoneextrasentence hich oudo notneed o use.Theresanexample t hebeginning0).

A People o back o work reshand relaxed.

B Thegovernment i l lcoveral l the costs.

C Evenemployees ithdif f icultobs can be replaced.

D Temporary mploymentmaysometimesead o a permanentob.E The plan has not had a greateffecton unemployment.

F The employercan pay more han he fixedrate.

G Denmarkwil lmakea newplana regular ar tof working ife.

H Theprogrammes supported y governmentinancing.

Time o play

Thegovernmentf Denmarkas ound way o motivate orkers ndnon-workers.


An ambitious xperiment ascarriedout in Denmarkastvear.The deawas o giveemployeesyearoffwhi le nemployedeopletemporar i lyook their placesatwork. lt workedso well that thegovernment asdecided o makethisnormal ract ice.

Thepointof heexperiment as o

helpworkers ndnon-workerslike.The workersare allowed ime torelax, njoy heirchi ldren, r im-proveheir ki l ls hi le eing ure fgetting heir ob back when theyreturn.thelps o reduce tress ndal lows hem to learnsomethingnewso they return o work betterandhappier eople. on-workers,or peoplewho havebeenunem-ployedora ong ime, eta chanceto get back o work,at least or a


With high unemployment atesthroughout urope,many coun-tr iesare studying his new pro-grammewith nterest.heunem-ployed eta chanceo re-enterheworkforce, hichgives hemhopefor the future.The temporary e-placementsren't uaranteedobs,buta company ften inds oom okeeo hemon.

Civil ervantlseHytting entyacht-ing in the Mediterraneann nerbreak.Shewanted o learn ome-thingaboutdif ferenteoplen dif-ferent ountries. erofficeound tdifficult o replacesomeonewithherqual i f icat ions,o a col leaguetook her ob to make oom or anunemployederson.

Another roblemhisprogrammedealswith sparental rstudy eaveinpr ivate usinesses.overnmentemptoyersanusuallyind eplace-

mentsor heirpregnant orkers rworkerswho ake imeoff o study,

butprivate mployersind hismoredifficult. hishasbeenmade asierasgovernmentfundingelps om-paniesind eplacements.

People n eaveeceivethequiva-lent o the top rateof unemploy-mentbenefit t300).Thoseon pa-rentalor study leavereceive70percentof the benefit.The em-

ployer n all cases s free o paymore f he wishes.

The unemploymentate n Den-markhas allen, utcritics ay hisis deceptive. hepeoplewho akeover jobs temporar i l y re no tcountedas unemployedor thatyear.However,f theydon't indapermanent osit ion,heywil l be-

come unemployedhe nextyear.Thus, he programmemay seemmore effectiven fightingunem-ploymenthan t real lys.


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Mission: CE 1 TEST1 A p . 2


Fill n theappropriate ord(s) rom he isf.Use heword(s) nly once.

to putout double-decker fire complimentary heart

1 ' l m i l k


Choose he correct tem.

17. Thatplanthasa very dist inct ive exclusive) mell ;no otherplantsmells ike t18. Thepol icewerecal led o control he crowdaftera violent revolut ion r iot) brokeout.19. Rhythm'n'blues usichashad a great nf luence n manyof today's contemporary common)

rock'n ol lar t ists20. Because e was only (ordinary average) n height, e couldnot oin he basketbal l team.21 There s a lotof (vivid vital) nformationtored n the company's omputer ystem.22. fhe unionworkers, psetover heirsalary uts,causeda great disturbance dispute)outside

the Town Hal l .23. Theopposingpol i t ical ar tywon a (tr iumph victory) n the astelect ion.


Fill n thegapswith he appropriate ord(s) rom he ist below:

tread whisked consumption process masterpiece heightened suspense

24. John . . .us to the concefthal las we were ate or he concert .25. The Mona Lisa s LeonardoDaVinci 's reatest

26. Doctorswarn us that he dai ly . . . . . . . . . . . of red meatcan ead o highcholesterolevels.27. I couldhearhis heavy . . .as he was walkingup the woodenstaircase.28. Recover ingroma ser ious l lness s a slowand dif f icult29 . Theemot ions f he aud ience. . . . . . . . . . . when he ina l oa lwasscored.30 . Everybody a i ted n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o r he ury 's erd ic t .


Choosehe appropriate ord(s)o fill eachgap.

31. Youwi l lgo . . . . . neumoniaf you don ' t akeof fyourwetc lo thes.32. l f you don' t study, ou wil l a l l withvour schoolwork.33 . Thecr im ina l f ina l lyave . . . . . . . . . and o ld he ru thabout he robbery34. Theburg la r an . . . . . . . . . . . . whenhe heard he po l ice i rens.35 . He put . . . . . . . . . . . . the deaof bu i ld ing new ib raryn he owncent re .


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Mission: CE 1 TEST1 A p . 3

Section F

Fill n the correct preposition(s).

36. Chr istopher olumbus s famous .. . . . . . . . iscover ing merica.37. Job centres re aimed .. . . . . . . . ecreasing

he evels f unemployment.38. She s conf ident . . . . . . . . .he act hatshe wi l lpassal l her examswithA's.39. Theservants avealwaysbeen . . . . . . . . . her Majesty's isposal.40. Theambulance rr ived n aid . . . . . . . . . the heartat tack ict im.


Choosehe appropriatediom o fill n thegaps.

odds and ends more haste, ess speed set eyes skin deep in the publ ic eye

41. l t 'salwaysbeen said hat beauty s only42. " . . . . . . . . . " , saidJane'smother

as she ore herblouse n a rush o out t on.43. Famouspeopleare always44. He ikedher rom he moment e . . . . . . . . . . . . on her .45 . Grandmotherasa lo to f . . . . . . . . .v inqaround he house.


Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

46. Usingal l hisphysical , he managed o push he car out of the ditch. STRONG47. He was. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .u i l t y s a l l theev idence asaga ins t im. DOUBT48. H isbosscons idered im o be h isbest . . . . . . . . . . EMpLOy

49. Ann'sgrandfather as n hospital ue o a severe eart . . . . . . . . . . . ORDER50. Thehousewasa lways armdue o the h ick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e tweentswa l ls . INSULATE


completehesentencessing hewordsnbold.use wo o fivewords.

5 1 . T o m s t a l l e r t h a n i l la s B i l l s n ' t . . . . . . . . . . . . .o m .

52. Although he swealthy, he s sometimesmiserable.desp i te She . . . . . . . . . . . . her wea l th .

53. " l 'm eavingorAmerica," nnasaid o Wil l iam.

in fo rmed Anna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .eav ing or Amer ica .54. l t is said hat he wi l lbe changingobs soon.

s a i d H e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j o b s s o o n .55. He hates t whenhis r iends r i t ic ise im.

being He hates friends.


Write n answer o one of the uvoollowingquestions.Write ouranswer n 120-180words nan appropriate tyle, iving heoutline irst.

1 You want o entera shorlstory competition. ou must beginyour story with he words: "Thecardrove off and Jane was left alone. The restof the day was littteshortof a nightmare ...."

2 You haveboughtan electr ical ppl ianceroma shop.Writea let terof complaint o theshop manager, omplaining bout he aulty lectr ical ppl iance nd asking ora refund.


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Mission: CE1



(Time: 0 minutes)

TEST 1A (units -2)


1[-_ l 2




' 16



1 7 . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 q

1 9 .

20 .




22 .




3 . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .


36 . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 .



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Mission:FCE 1 TEST1 A p . 2


51 5 1





Section (Writing)


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' s luarEd

pourEr. unl uioq uaipltqco] s)i leu

lersedsue^a ale alaql lels e pilr.. l laq] : leo3 str-l o uooLu-]leLl apnlc-uruec uos puososoql eol] I l tu.le]eq l ur acEld stq a lectput l M eq]6urqleuros pe o] lqbu eq1s€q uo sqceo ]eLll decxa eLuesaLlluteuolstureaql 'suos ol siaqlplulol i uMoppassed I1;ensnale sulle lo sleoo

pla lqs ,1q0ru1ql u lor ]luacsapumos]rsmor.ls e11 tepouuoql os 'eielsqceo peluasatdat telsalrqM ql pue salelsaql o uorunoq lroJse^ 0eq1 q1 o anlq aql uosealsrq l ro l saduls a l tqMpue pal oq]

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11amesaruedLt- loouesuot lesruebto

leuorsseyordot l tc i uanrOte eq l'moure;nciod lo luuono le su le +o

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(segnuruOg arulI)

g I ISSI L JCJ :uotsstw

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qbnoqlle}arcosAtu """" """" aneoltl' te

pua14 aqaas ol uorlPls {en1te: L{} } }uaMoL{s 'ee

reaA aqloue ol """""" '.

""" ' Outppa/v\taql nd o1peqAeql su' talqotdlptcueu4 l ang 'Ze

' lec e Aq " unj seMaL{ snesaq el losot{ l sl uelJg fe

'(s)etcvedtcailoc aq q ruJ

3 uoltcas

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'sauoraplo ueql lanl ssal Llcnui " srec apouJsalel aL{f '62

'Ourdecsauror lsrauosrrduanard l """"""" ' " " " A;arncas . te l lacuoslJd BZ

'aber:reurlnlssacons uena1o "' aql sl lsn.rl


'Uodrrvlcl/v\teCe Z pue I sleururiafslurl acrruas "' V


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o uollcas

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Mt ssion:FCE1 TEST1 B p . 3


Fill n the correct preposition(s).

36.Peopleughto beaware ,..,.hedamagehey re ausingo heenvironment.

37. Hewaskeen ... . . ol lect ingtamps; e hadhundredsf hem.38. Thewitness rovidedhepolice .....nformationelevanto he heft .39. Theywere ......... a t ightbudget, ecauseheywantedo save p ora car.40. Ful l oard as ncluded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hepr ice f hepackageol iday.


Choosehe appropriatediom o fill n thegaps.

bird's eye view jump out of my skin make ends meetthe apple of her eye at l ightningspeed

4 1 . S o m e c e n e sn h eh o r r o ri l mm a d em e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42. He managed o dr ive rom London o Manchestern 3 hours;he musthavebeendr iving, 1 3 .H e rg r a n d s o ns . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . .s h ea d o r e s i m44. Whilsthe was lyingoverAthens, e got a(n) . . . . . . . . . . . of the city.45. Now hather husband s unemployedt is verydif f icultor hem o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Fill n thecorrectwordderivedrom he words n bold.

.16 Hermain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n i fewas o become doctor . OBJECT47 He behaves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;ou never nowwhathe ' l ldo next . PREDICT

aB My wedd ingwas he most . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ay o f my l i fe . MEMORY-19 Thegymnast ics e performed erevery . . . . . . . . . . IMPRESS50 Theywereso rude o us; we had neverexpectedsuch awful from them. TREAT


Completehe sentences sing he words n bold.Use wo o fivewords.

51 Thisbook by ArthurMil ler s ess nterest inghanhisothers.as Th isbook by Ar thurMi l le r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i s o thers .

52 Although hewasvery iredsheagreed o takecareof hersister 's hi ldrenor he evening.despite She ook careof hersister 's hi ldren .. . . . . he was very ired.

53 "Thecar needs o be washed".Phi l io aid.po in ted Ph i l ip . . . . . . . . . . needed o be washed.

54 Hewil lpubl ish is hirdnovel n July.p u b l i s h e d H i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n J u l y .

55. I hate t whenpeople alkbehindmy back.being I hate . behind mv back.


Write n answer o one of the uvoollowingquestions.Write ouranswer n 120-180words nan appropriatetyle,giving heoutline irst.

1 You haveseenan advertisementn the newspaper bout a vacancy or a tour guide.Writea letter of application or the ob.

2 You want o entera shofi storycompetition. ou mustend your story with he followingwords:"Thenhe vanished.A moment ater the cashierwas n the street ookino for helo."


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Mission: CE 1





TEST 1 B (Units -2)


1l- l 2

31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 .


36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 .

43 .



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Mission: CE 1 TEST1 B p . 2


51 5 1

Section (Writing)





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Mission: CE 1


A . 1 . A 2 . D 3 . C 4 . H 5 . F 6 . E

B. 7. complimentary 10. overflowing 13. heart 16. to put out8. double-decker 11. fat-free 14. afully-stocked

9. scientific 12. to watch 15. fire

C. 17. distinctive 19. contemporary 21. vital 23. victory

18. riot 20. average 22. disturbance

D. 24. whisked 26. consumption 28. process 30. suspense25. masterpiece 27. tread 29. heightened

E. 31. downwith 32. behind 33. in 34. away/off 35. orward

F. 36. for 37. at 38. of 39. at 40. of

G. 41. skindeep 43. in hepubl ic ye 45.oddsand ends

42. Morehaste, essspeed 44. set eyes

H. 46. strength 47. undoubtedly 48. employee 49.disorder 50. insulation

l. 51. . . .so/as al las . . . 54. . . . ssaid o be changing..

52. ... s sometimesmiserable espite .. 55. ... beingcriticised y his ..53. ... nformedWilliam hatshewas ...

J. (Suggestedanswers)

1. Thecardroveoff and Mrs Brownwas eftalone.The restof the day was ittle hortof a nightmare.

MrsBrown ookedaround.Shedidn't ecognisehe place the building nd he andscapeooked

unfamiliar. rsBrownstoppedwalking or a moment o decidewhatshewasgoing o do.

Just hensheheard he noiseof motorcyclesn the distance. he noisestartedo get ouderandlouderand all of a suddenwhatseemed ikedhundreds f hugemotorbikes ame ound he corner.MrsBrownwas horrified. herewasnobodyon them.As shestood here n he middleof heroad, hey

started o circleher.Thecircle tarted o getsmaller nd smaller ntiltheywereveryclose o her.Mrs

Brown eltherselfall o theground.

Thenext hingsheknew, hewas ying n bed.Herhusbandwasstroking erhand.Shehad had

a terrible ightmare.

2. DearMr White,I am writing o complain boutan electric ettle bought romyourshop astweek.

When was n yourshop asked he assistanto test t or me and t worked ine,butwhen tookit home filled t withwater,plugged t in,switchedt on and t didn'twork.

The ollowingday I cameback nto ownto return he kettle.Unfortunately,ou were away atHeadOfficeand the shop assistant spoke o said herewas nothing hat he could do and asthe kettlewas on specialoffer he moneycouldn'tbe returned.

I understandhat the kettledoes havea one-year uarantee nd that the guaranteemeansyou

areobliged o either eturn he moneyor replace he kettle.I look forward o hearing romyou as soon as possible.


MarkingSchemeor Test 1 A

SectionA: 6 itemsx 2 pointseach = 12 Section F: 5 itemsx

Section B:.|0

itemsx 1 pointseach = 10 Section G: 5 itemsxSectionC: 7 itemsx 2 pointseach = 14 Section H: 5 itemsx

SectionD: 7 itemsx 2 pointseach = 14 Section : 5 itemsx 1

Section E: 5 itemsx 1 pointseach = 5 Section J: (Writing)

pointseach= 5

pointseach = 5pointseach = 5pointseach = 5

= 2 5

T o t a l 1 0 0 x 2 = 2 0 . 0


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r\rtr Ir4lss/on





17.1 8 .


3 ' t .









1 . E 2 . A 3 .8

to beat 10.to dealwith 11.

to missout 12.

compressed 19.swallowing 20.

discreet 26.courtesy 27.

over/down 32. ott

4 , F


to lean

notoriousto lean


33. off

38. with

5 . D

13. to take14. reasonably

15. the effects

21. take22. coarse

28. bolted29. consume

34. away

39. on


23. swift

30. captured

35. alongwith

40. in

45. makeendsmeet

6 . G

41. jumpoutof my skin

42. aI lightning peed

37. on

43. the appleof hereye

44. bird'seye view

46. objective 47. unpredictably 48.memorable 49. impressive 50. treatment

51. ... s notso/as nterestings ...52. ...despite he act hat ..53. ...pointed ut hat hecar ...


L 54. . . . hirdnovelwi l l e pubt ished..55. ...being alkedabout ..

J .




DearSir/Madam,I recently awyouradvertisementn he newspaperora tourguideand Iwould ike o apply or he post.For he pastsixyears havebeen workingas a clericalassistantn an office,but as I'don'tmeet

manypeople, am ookingora change. would eallyike hechallengehat hispostwouldpresent ndas I'mverygood at relating o people 'm sure hat I wouldbe perfeci or the ob.

I enclosemy currentcurriculum itaeand wouldbe able o attendan interviewwhenever t suitsyou.I eagerlyawaityour responseand look orward o meetingyou.


Oneday Nikkiwassitting t the checkout s shenormally id on a Saturday vening.UnlikemostSaturday venings,hiswasa particularlyuietone and Nikkiwasstartingo get borel. Hereyesstartedwondering round heshopandshe began o thinkof thingsshe couldhavebeendoinginsteadof sitting here.

Justthen erfriendMelinawalkednand heystartedtalkingaboutwhattheyadbeenupto.Theyhadn,tnoticed

he customer ho hadcome n behindMelina nd heyboth umpedwhen heysawhimat thecheckout'Nikkiwas expecting o see him unload his basketof food-onto he conveyorbelt.Whenhesuddenly ulledouta gun,NikkiandMelina creamed. e old hem o lieon the ground.

Thenhe vanished.A moment ater he cashierwas in the street ooking or help.

MarkingScheme or Test 1 B



6 itemsx 2 pointseach = 1210 tems 1 pointseach= 107 itemsx 2 pointseach = 14

7 itemsx 2 pointseach = 145 itemsx 1 pointseach = 5

Section F: 5 itemsx 1 pointseach =Section G: 5 itemsx 1 pointseach =Section H: 5 itemsx 1 pointseoch =

Section : 5 itemsx 1 pointseach =SectionJ: (Writing) =



3 8

Tota f 100x2 =2O,A

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Mission: CE1 TEST2 A


TEST2 A (Units - 4)

It wasworthbreakinghe ce

(T ime:8O minutes)

Youaregoing o reada magazine rt icle bouta youngwomanstudying renchn paris.Sevensentences avebeen emovedrom heart icle. hoose rom hesenterrces-H, heonewhichf itseachgap (1-6) 'There s one extra entencewhichyou do not need o use.There s anexample t he beginning 0) .

Lauravan Bilderbeek, 8,had alwavs wanted olearnFrench n Par is.She'd oved he languagesrnce tudying tat school n he UnitedStates, utwhen her familymovedback o Londonshe was

disappointedo f ind that her high-schoot renchwasn' tqoo9enough or her o takeFrenchA_level.

0 | B I She wanted o pick t up in a reaten-vrronmentather han attending course n Eng_land,so she decided o go to par is.

Herf irst two eeks nPar is erea bit onely, ut thenshemeta couple fAmerican ir lswhoencouragedher o enrolat the Sorbonne. he oved t rom hestart. 1 T_l "At he moment 'm readrnoBaudelaireor my oralexam., '

Shesays erclasssgreatfun, ar t ly ecause f hemixture f nat ional i t ies.ecausehestudents omefromso manycountr ies, owever,here s a temp-tat ion ospeak nEngl ish, hichmostof hemknowwell. 2 fI

Shealso orcesherselfo attendgeneral ectures tthe Sorbonneo improve erFrench. he s espe-cial ly nterestedn heoneson art ,phi losophy ndhistory. hesays tcanbe a bit r ighteningit t ingn

a huge auditor iumwith lots of peopleyou don' tknow,but t 's heonlyway o meetFrench tudents.

3 | | Theyare not alwaysvery riendlyatfirst,butshesays t'sworth heeffort nceVoubreakthe ce.Sheadds hat t 's ucky hatshe'sa bitof anextrovert.

AccommodationnPar issn' t bigproblem, nd heSorbonne asan off icewhichcan helpwith indinglodgings. 4 n Laura iveswitha veryoldwoman nMontparnasse.aurasays: ' ,She,s4andshe tel ls ncredible tor iesabout when sne wasyoung.She can rememberwhen the pavemenrswere made of wood and there were horsesandcarr iagesn hestreets. 5 n And f I l ived

with omeonemyownage, heywouldn' t earounoal l day to talk o me and help me with my home_work . "

She oveswander ing roundpar isin the dayt ime,and f inds that the only problem n par is is theexpense. 6 T-l Barsand clubsareatsoveryexpensive. he akespleasuren going o the cin_ema, hough,where tudents eta huge educt ion.

A At lectures hemakesherself o up and speak o otherstudents.

B Duringheryearout,shedecided o learn t on herown.

C A coffeecan cost more han wo pounds,and even ood in the supermarketsmoreexpensivehan n London.

D Laurawishes earning renchwerenotso slowand dif f icult , ut eels he smakingprogress.

E "Theclasses rest imulat ing ndyou earnabout i teratures wel las phonet ics, , ,Laurasays.

F I get a realsenseof historyalking o her.G Theyoftenplaceyou with a familyso you can practise our French.

H Laurahasmanaged o resisthe emptat ion y insist ing n speaking rench o everyone.


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Mission: CE 1 TEST 2 A p . 2


Fill n the appropriateword(s) rom the list. Use he word(s)only once.

ecological unspoilt traffic to whiten orbiting

there sa need severe easily forms volcanic7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a t u r e 1 2 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a m a g e

8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h a o s 1 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r u p t i o n

9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r o u n d h e e a r t h 1 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c c e s s i b l e1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . t a i n e de e t h 1 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f e n t e r t a i n m e n t1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a l a n c e 1 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o r a c t i o n


Choose he correct tem.

17. Thesunl ight, ef lected f f he br ightwhitebui ldings, as ( l ight ing dazzl ingl.18. l t was so cold I star ted o (shiver tremble)19. lt took us three months o (renew renovate) he old cottage.20. We stayedup al lnight o watch he (dawn dusk).21 Every ightdad (switches winds) he clock.22. \Nhenherhusbandwas kidnapped, anet vir tual ly visual ly)gaveup hopeof everseeing

h imaga in .23. We stood n he (pour ing gloomy) rain,withoutumbrel las, ai t ing or a taxi.


Fill n fhegapswith he appropriate ord(s) rom he istbelow:

bid prosperity fragrant reduction boom swayed vigorously

24 Housepr iceshave isendramatical lyince he economic25. I went o theauct iono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo ra se to f an t ioue ha i rs .26. The roomwas with he smellof f resh lowers.27. He shookher hand and ed her ntohisoff ice.28 . The ree 's ranches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n he w ind .29. The workerswent on str ike n protest vera pay .. . . . . . . . . . .30 . H iswea l th nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .weredue o h isw ise inanc ia lnvestments .

SectionEFill n thegapswith he appropriate ord(s) rom he istbelow:

hailstorm mild drizzle gentle wind cloudburst

I wokeup o greyskiesandwonderedf 'd have o cancelmy r ip o thebeach.However, hen steppedoutside t was (31) not too cold, and the treeswere swaying n a (32) . lt lookedas if I would stillbe able o go. I went back ndoors o fetch my bag, butwhen I came back outside, t hadstarted o (33) . I ranback or my umbrella,hreweverythingnto he carand droveoff. hadn'tgot halfa miledown the road before herewas a (34) . I was glad I hadn'tbeen on my bike;I d havebeensoaked. he heavy ainwas swif t lyol lowed y a (35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;a l lsof frozen ainclattered gainst he windscreen. inally admitteddefeat, urned he car roundand went back home.


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Mission: FCE 1 TEST2 A p . 3

Section F

Fill n the correctpreposition(s).

36. eel ery pt imist ic. . . . . . . . . . . . .he uture.37. Whenmy grandmother

ied, investedhe moneyshe eftme . . . . . . . . . . . .tocksand shares.38. Jack had o leave he armybecause e refusedo comply the regulat ions.39. Eversince was bit tenby a dog as a chi ld havebeen err i f ied.. . . . . . . . .hem.40. I can' taccount the missingmoney; t musthavebeenstolen.


Choosehe appropriatediom o fill n thegaps.

backbreaking in the long term, weather-beaten, n uncharted water, as right as rain

4 1 . " A l t h o u g h i t w i l le h a r d a t f i r s t , t h e t a x i n c r e a s e w i l le n e f i t u s a l l , a i d t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r .42 . Sandrawas l l o rages,bu t now

she 's . . . . . . . .43. Theold man had spenthis i feworking n the ieldsand so his acewas annedand . . . . . . . . . . . .44. Bui ldinghe wal lwas . . . . . . . . . . . . work; he br ickswereheavyand awkwardly-shaped.45 . Wi th h isnewventure theompanys sa i1 in9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;o th ingike t haseverbeen r iedbefore .


Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

46. Mandywas . . . . . . . . . . . . by the etters f support he received. OVERWHELM47. Whenhe leaves choolBr ianwants o study as he's FOREST

alwaysbeen nterestedn trees.

48. when I worked n Malawi, was .. . . . . . . . . wel lof f , or example had coMpAREa jeepand a motorbike hereasmostpeopledidn' tevenown a bicycle.49. We had o usecandles or ight ingwhen he electr ici ty brokedown. GENERATE50. I 'd eatenseveral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f the dessert efore real isedt hadqoneoff . MOUTH


completehesentences sing he words n botd.use two o fivewords.

51. l t wasso hot hat couldhardlybreathe.day lt was . I could hardly breathe.

52. Kathar ine oesn' tagreewithGeorge's ol i t ical el iefs.

of Katharine George's politicalbeliefs.53. Since t was a holiday,we wereoffwork.

to We were a holiday.54. This s he cemetery hereOscarWilde s bur ied.

in This s OscarWilde s bur ied.55. When t had stopped aining,we pitched he tent.

unt i l We waited .. . . .beforewe oitched he tent.


Write an answer to one of the tvvo ollowing questions. Write your answer in 120- 180 words in

an appropriate style, giving the outline first.1 A localnewspaper as nvited eaderso wr i te n with heiropinions n the ol lowingopic:

Violent portsshouldbe banned. Writean article statingyour own opinionson this ssue.

2 Writean article about a holiday esortyou havevisited or a travelmagazine.

9 1

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Mission: CE 1




(Time:80 minutes)

TEST2A (units3-4)


1l- l 2

13 .14 .

15 .

16 .











31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .




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Mission:FCE 1 TEST2 A p . 2


SectionJ (Writing)


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Mission:FCE 1 TEST B

TEST2B (Units3-4)


Youaregoingoread magazinerticle bout ootball anager.even entencesave eenremovedrom heafticle. hooserom hesentences-H, heonewhich itseachgap 1-6).Theresoneextra entence hich oudo notneed o use.There s an example t hebeginning0).

It 'sa Woman'sWorld

3 n To Steph'ssurpr ise he committee

elected eras henewmanager.Witha month o go

before hestart f he ootball eason. teohwatched

dozens of footballvideos and read everything e-

lated o footbal l he couldget her handson. Sheowesa lot o herhusband's at ience. oweverhereal battlewas trying o earn he players' espect.

There was,a mumwho'dnever layed ootbal lnher i fe, el l ing groupof menhow heyshouldplay

footbal l . " teohanieecal lshat he irst ewoameswithher n chargewherea disaster . 4 nButastheseasonwenton,herconf idence rew.Bythe ime he eamhadwon a fewgamesshe oundthat heirat t i tudes ad changed. 5 l- lLinby inishedif th n he Nott ingham unday

league nStephanie'sirst eason. his ear hey'rethird n he eague nd about o get promoted.

When t 'sfreezingoldand heteamoses, tephaniemustf indherself onder ing hy on earth hedoesit .Shebel ieves, owever,hat hevictor iesmake tal l worthwhile. he not onlygetssupport rom herfamilybut rom he menon the eam. 6 l- lWhen askedwhether he has any desire o play,

Stephadmitsshe is quitehappy o standon thesidel ines. he sclear ly ontentwithshowing hata

womancan succeed n a man's ob.

A She eels hat ustbecause he s a footbal lmanager, he doesn' thave o look ikea man.

B Then he currentmanager esigned uddenly.

C Someof the playerseftbecause hey eltuncomfortableakingorders roma woman.

D Shedescr ibeshemas hersecond amily.

E "Hespentmostof he weekend laying ootbal l , "he remembers.

F An interestn footbal l svi tal or he ob.

G Theplayers ealrsedhatshewas not onlyser ious bouther ob, butgood at t .

H She s, n act, he irst emalemanager f he LinbyAthlet ic ootbal l lub.

Steohanie awden s a housewife nd a motheroftwo who has neverplayeda gameof football n herl i fe. eteverySundaymorning hecan be oundather ocalfootbal lround,where heshouts ncour-

agingwordsandyel lsordersat the players.o THI

Although tephanie ears he ypicalfootbal l an-ager 's uniform"f boots,eansanda hickcoatshealsochooses o wearmake-up nd earr ings.

1 [-- l Her eminini tys importanto herandhelpsherpresent n imageshe rshappywith.Butwhen hewalks nto hechanging oom o alk o heteam he men don' t not iceher good looks.Theyknowshe s ncharge nd hey isteno everyword

she has o say.She bel ievest is her sharpwit and good senseofhumourthat elp o get heattent ion f heclub.The29-year-oldalks passionately bout he team: Ikeep hem nformed,"hesays, and 'm notafraidto tel l themwhen hey'vemadea mistake.

lncredibly,wo years go,Stephanrenewvir tual lynothingabout he game of footbal l .Her husbandLeewas the reasonshe got involved. 2 -fI real isedhat f I didn' toet nvolved.d never ee

h r m .

When he i rs to inedhec lub , heused er k i l l s sa qual i f ied ccountanto become he reasurer.


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Mission: FCE 1 TEST2 B p . 2


Fill n theappropriate ord(s)rom he rst.usefhe word(s) nly once.

mat to starehot


blood racing


to lessen scrambled

a populated to restore o7.B.9.

10 .11 .

pre-wargreatness 12.In amazement 13.cont inent 14.

eggs 15.th rough erve ins 16.

moon l igh tspr ingseasy reachof bacteriathe strain


Choose he correct tem.

17. Thatcompanyusedan ( ingenuous ingenious) dvert isingampargn.18. Shewas caught n a (sleet ing downpour)on herway o worK.

19. Manypeople n Afr ica avesuffered ur ing he (drought dryness)and manyhavediedofstarvation.

20. She eels ery clumsy harmful) odayas she hasalready ropped wo glasses nd a teapot.21. Many unanimous controversial)ssues rediscussed n thatprogramme.22. Ihe Biochemist 'sconvent ion commitment) s akingplace hisweek.23. Theydecided o (prolong expand) he business y introducing n mport /exportepartment.


Fill n thegapswith he appropriate ord(s)romthe istbelow:

jol ly eruption wing commitment strol l ing discolorat ion condemned

24. Theseagu l l adbroken (n) . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .nd t cou ldn ' tl y25 ' ThePres identas . . . . . . . . . . . th isnewoutbreak f v io lence.26. Thiswashingpowderwil lprotect ourclothing rom27. Marr iages a l i fe- long .. . . . .hathas o be takenser iously.28. The . ' . . . . f the volcano amecompletely nexpectedlynd r ighienedhe residents f thevi l lage.29. Manypeopleenjoy .. . . . . . . a long he beach n the ateafternoon.30. Therewas a very .. . . . . . . . . atmosphere t the wedding ecept ion.


Fill n thegapswith heappropriate ord(s)romthe tistbetow:

sunshine shower thunderstorm windy cloudless

I twasquite 31) . . . . . . . hen heysetoffon heir r ip o hecountry. hewindwasblowing o stronglythat talmostswept hemoff heir eet.To makemattersworse,darkness tarted allingand they*ere metwitha heavy 32) . . . . . . . . . f rainwhichmade hemstopand thinkaboutgoingback.The rainwasfol lowed y a (33) . with otsof ightning, hich ore heskies, nddeafening oltsof hunder.Theystayed n hecarand hey el lasleep.When heywokeup heywereundera (34) skyandbr i l l iant35) . . . . . . . . , h ichencouragedhem o cont inue heir ourney.

q 6

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Mission: CE 1 TEST2 B p . 3


Fill n the correctpreposition(s).

36. No mat te r owhardhe r ied , e cou ldn ' t ope . . . . . . . . . . . .hes t ress f he ob.

37. The clear ing as he deal i te theirpicnic.38 . He s a lways eryaccura te. . . . . . . . . . . . . .i sp red ic t ions .

39. Thepupi ls, eingvery ond . . . . . . . . . . . .heir eacher. aveher lowers n the astday of classes.40. Theworkersbenef i ted the company's ewpol icy.


Choose heappropriatediom o fill n fhegaps.

weatheredhe storm to come o termswith for a rainydaywater has gone under he br idge backbone

41. He found t di f f icult the act hathe was unemployed.42. She putsa l i t t le omething sideeachmonth43. Desp i teinanc ia l i f f i cu l t iese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nd bus inesss now booming.4 4 . H i sd i l i g e n c ea s e dh i m o b e c o m i n gh e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f h ec o m p a n y .45 . l t ' sbeena long imes incewe saw hem, nd 'm surea lo to f . . . . . . . . . .


Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

46. Sincehere asnot . . . . . . . .ncr iminat ingv idencehe udge ismissedhecase. SUBSTANCE47. His madea lotof people rewhim suspiciously. PREDICT48. Students f Enql ish s a second anouaqe avedif f icultvn understandinq REGION

accents.4 9 . I n h eo l dd a y s , r a d i ow a sc a l l e d . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W I R E50. We went o a fashion howof desioner lothes. EXCLUDE


Completehesentencessing hewordsn bold.Use wo o tivewords.

51. l t wassucha funny oke hat cou ldn ' t e lp augh ing .so l t was that I couldn' thelp aughing.

52. Her atherwouldn' t gree o her r id inga motorbike.

of Her father r idinga motorbike.53. Since t wasveryhot, heywent or a swim.to They went the heat

54. This s he churchwhere heygot marr ied.in Th is s the church . . . . .mar r ied .

55. When heirmother ef t , hey aided he r idge.until They waited before hey raided he fridge.


Writenanswero oneof the wo ollowing uestions. riteouranswern 120-180wordsnan appropriate style, giving the outline first.

1 Yourschool s holding composit ion ompeti t ion. hecompeti t ionules tate hatyou mustwr i teabout he followingquestion:Whatare the advantages nd disadvantages f being an only child?

Writea composit ion or he competi t ion.

2 Writea shortar t ic leabout he dangers f sunbathingor a medical journal.


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Mission: CE1





TEST2B (unns3-4)


r [ - l 2

' 1 ' t .


1 6 .3 .14 .

15 .



19 .


21 .





31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .


36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 .



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TEST2 B p . 2- - -


Section (Writing)


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Mission: CE1








lt .

t .

1 .E 2 .H

7. unspoilt8. traffic

9. orbiting

17. dazzling18. shiver

36. about 37. in

41. in the ong erm

42. as rightas rain

10. to whiten11. ecological

'12. severe

26. fragrant27. vigorously

5 . F

13. volcanic14. easily

15. forms

28. swayed29. reduction

3 . 4 4 . G 6 . C

16. there s a need

19. renovate 21. winds 23. pouring20. dawn 22. virtually

D. 24. boom25. bid

31. mild 32. gentlewind 33. drizzle

30. prosperity

34.cloudburst 35.hailstorm

50. mouthfuls

38. with 39. of 40. or

46. overwhelmed 47. forestry

51. , . .such hotday hat. . .52. ...doesn't pprovef ...53. ...offworkdue o ...

43. weather-beaten

44. backbreaking

45. in unchartedwater

48. comparatively 49.generator

54. ... hecemeteryn which ..55. ...untilthe ainhadstopped ..

J. (Suggestedanswers)

1. There's o doubt hat hebulkof hepopulation reunder he llusionhatwe ive na civilised ociety.f hisis so, henhowcan he continuedoleration f violent portsbe maintained?

There'sittle oubt hata sportsuchas boxing sexceedinglyiolent ndboxers ave uffered eath, rain

damage ndpermanent

isabilityrom he blows heyreceivednthe ring.Martial rtsor rugbycouldbeconsiderediolent, utthefactthat illions fpeoplewatchhese ports nd heymake illions fdollarsmpliesthatsocietymaynotbe ascivilised s t hinks. hepleasurehatpeople ain iom watching ndparticipatingin violent portsurelymeanshatbanninghemwouldbe an uphill, f not mpossibleask.

As ortheparticipants;s ongas heyareable o make ationaldecisionstoarticipaten hese ports, ocietyshouldnot ntervene.heresalso hedanger f drivinghese ports underground",y banninghemwhichwould emove tficial ontrols ndsurelyead o evenworse ncidences f injuryor death.

2. MiamiBeach,Floridastheplayground f thestars. t'sgot sun,pdm trees,goldenbeaches ndheapsof glitzandglamour.

MiamiBeachhasa 7 mile,100yardwidebeltof wonderful hitesand. t is a man-made eachbutlooks otallynatural.Weatherwise,he winter, romDecembero April s the best imebut it is alsobusier nd moreexpensive ecause mericansrom he northdescendor a doseol winter un.Summers muchcheaper ut hotand humid especially henyouareaway rom hebeach.

There s plenty o do inand aroundMiami.Visit he zoos,aquariums nd he 45 foot ighthouseSouth Florida'soldest andmark.Day rips can alsobe made o the Everglades a slow,swamfy riverthat s home o manyhundreds f alligators nd of courseDisneyWorld n nearbyOrlando.

' lf youare ravellingon a budget,be sure o contact BrighamGardens"n Sunny sles a charminghotelwith14gardenapartments ithkitchensor only$25a night.Phone 05-531-1931or details.

MarkingScheme or Test2 A


SectionB:SectionC:Sac{on D:SoctionE;

6 itemsx 2 pointseach = 12

10 temsx 1 pointseach = 107 itemsx 2 pointseach = '14

7 itemsx 2 pointseach = 145 items x 1 pointseach = 5


SectionG:SectionH:Section:Section :

5 itemsx

5 itemsx5 itemsx5 itemsx 1(Writing)



= 5

= 2 5

To ta l 100x2=20 ,0


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Mission: CE1




1 .A 2 .E

7. to restoreo8. to stare

9. a populated

17. ingenious18. downpour

4 . C

scrambledblood racing


s .G 6 . D. 8

1 0 .1 1 .


19 .20.


drought 21.clumsy 22.

discoloration 28.commitment 29.

u13. weathered he storm

44. backbone

16. to lessen

23. expand

30. olly

35. sunshine

45. waterhasgone under he bridge








D. 24.25.

E. 31 .




41. to come o termswith

42. tor a rainyday


32. shower 33. thunderstorm 34. cloudless

37. tor 38. in 39. of 40. from.



t .

46. substantial 47. unpredictability 48. regional 49. wireless 50. exclusive

5 1 .52.53.

. . .so unnya joke ..

...couldn't pprove f her ...

... ora swimdue o ...

... n which heygot ...

...untiltheirmotherhad eft ..54.55.

J. (Suggestedanswers)

1. Thereareseveral ngleshat his ssue ouldbe examinedrom.The irstangleshouldbe rom he child'svision f heworld.

A general ssumption ouldbe hat hechildwouldprobably rowup witha fairly osy ifnotdistorted)iewof the world.

They haveundoubtedly ad a verysecure, ovingupbringing, ithdotingparents. his s acharming nvironmento growup in,but t'spossiblehat his could ead o problemsn later ife.Oneof hemostimportantdeprivationsf being aised sanonlychildsthe ackof ibling ivalry. he essons

we earnrombrothersandisters rehowtobothshareand ompete. hiscanncludesharlngtoysoremotionsas wellsas competingor hem.

An onlychildcouldwell ind heseexperienceslien o themandcould un nto roublewhen orming dultrelationships.t seemsa logical ssumptionherefore,hatsiblings ontributeo a well-roundedharicter.

2. Theworldhasbeenmadeacutely ware fglobalwarming nd he hole nthe ozone ayer n recent ears.Ultraviolet ays rom hesun have eached angerousevels,but despite epeatedwarningsrom he medicalestablishment,eoplepersistn sunbathing.

Apart rom the obviouspain and discomfortof being sunburnt rom spending oo long in the sun withinsufficient un block, thereare some other far more seriousconsequences l sunbathing.Sunstroke,a

conditionof eing nthesuntoolongwithoutheadcovering,an eadtodisorientation,ehydrationandossiblyhospitalisation.heworstscenario orsunworshippers, owever,s he prospectof skincancer.Thisdisease,which s a potential iller,has ncreased larmingtyn recentyearsand due to carelessnessn thesun,showsno signof abating.

Theeffectsof humanbodies eceivingargedosesof ultraviolet ayscould ead o other serious nternaldamage.Thewarningsare here,but it's up to the individualo take heedof them.

MarkingSchemeor Test2 BSectionA:SectlonB:SectionC:


6 items x 2 pointsodch =10 temsx 1 pointsesch =7 itemsx 2 pointseach =

7 itemsx 2 points €dch =5 itemsx 1 points e?ch =

1 21 01 4



Section :Sec{ionJ:

5 itemsx 15 itemsx 15 itemsx 1

5 itemsx 1{Writing)

points oach *points each =points eoch =

points€dch =




Tota l 100x2=20,0

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Mission: CE 1 TEST A

TEST3 A (Units,6,7)


Youaregoing o read nformationbout omputer-relatedroducts.orquestions - 14,chooserom heproductsA-E). ome f heproducts aybechosenmore hanonce.Whenmore hanoneanswers required,hesemaybegivennanyorder. heresan exampleat hebeginning0).





Which product or products would you choose:

if you wantan instruction ook ncluded?

to learnaboutcomputers?

if you want o protectyour system romtrouble?

if you want o work on different rogrammes t the same ime?

if you want o producehigh-standard rintedmaterial?

if you want o use batterypower?

if you want o testyour computer?

ifyouwantsomething ighpr icedand wel l-designed?

if you wanta choiceof sizes?

if you want o work with "Windows?"

if you wanta computeraccessorywhichdoes not needto be connected o your PC?

ifyou wantsomethingdeal or useat home?

if you want veryquick results?













1 0 1

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Mission: CE 1 TEST A p . 2


Win-Tuner nd IniGuard

This air fWindows' rogrammesomes na single

f loppy isk.Oneof hemclaims o helpyou mprovetheperformancef Windows nd heother smeantoprotectyour systemagainstdamage.The kind ofdamagethey eansoverloadaused yprogrammesyou nstal l ,seonce, nd hen ancel.Win-TunerunsthirteenestsonyourPCsystem nd ni-Guard akescopies f Windowsni ilesand several thers ept nthe Windows ystemdirectory. or urther etails ftuning oursystem efer o theeleven-page anual.

SoftvisionWord6 andExcet5 ideosf

Softvision roduces ideos o helppeople earnhowto use software t theirown paceand in theirownplace.Most f hevar ious rogrammesreexplained.Each ideo sovertwo oursong n otal, ut sbrokenup ntoa number f sections. hestartingimeofeachsect ions isted n hecover, oyoucansimply indthe ape,until oureach heoneyouare nterestedn.A presenter rovides ommentary nd answers m-portantquestions s the product s demonstrated.There realsoshotsof hescreen, o hatyoucanseewhat heyaredoingon thecomputer.

capability.hisproductwillworkwithanyPC hathasa standard eyboard ocket.The keyboard tself spoweredby two AAAbatteries, nd s verycompact

about5.5 nches y 11 5 nches o tcan esteasily nyour apor coffee able.


Wearegetting sed o 15 nchmonitors onnectedoPCs hese ays. arger 0 nchmonitors restill ittlebit expensiveor the averagebuyer but they areextremelyandy orgraphicworkor desktop ublish-ing.Viewsonic's odel s a styl ish- lookingieceofequipment hich s very ight,by 20 inch monitorstandards.ven o, tweighs 0kg,soyoushould e

careful here ou place t.The mageon the monitorisveryclearandsteady, isplayingWindows eauti-fully. t can displayup to four times he standardscreen,which means hat you haveroom to keepseveral rogrammes pen and in viewat the sametime.

Smart-Label rinterPro


. spir itspowersmy tieswith


The deabehind hisminiaturerinters hatusersmaywant to print single abels,or may wish for moreprofessional-lookingesultshanpossibleroma ype-

writer.t connectso yourPCandhas tsownexternalmains ower upply. our izes reavailablend heyaresurprisinglyast, akingonlya coupleof secondsforeach abel.

A remote-controleyboardhat sn'tattachedo yourcomputer hould eanattractiveroduct speciallynthe homewhereTVs and videosalreadvhave his

Section B

Fill n the appropriateword(s) rom the tist,Use he word(s)only once.

charitya wide to obtain forthcoming to adjust tostrengthentoovercome to pickup in ow climbable supernatural news

range ofbul let in

to sea lifepeaKS

a ranguagemy fears

....organrsatrono .1- 7

1 R

1 9 .20.

2 1 .22,23.24.25.zo.


....a oatent

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Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 A

Section C

Choose the correct item.

27. Thecatate he(leftover remains) f he meal.

28. Theaudience asdeeply effectedatfected) y hesoprano's oice.29. The peak summit)ime or ce-creamalessduringhesummer.30. Wehada lovely aywanderingound ountry lanes avenues).31. lfyou subscribesubmit) o hismagazineouwil lgeta discount.32. The polluting contamination)f hewaterwasso bad hatall he ishdied.


Fill n thegapswith he appropriate ord(s)rom he istbetow:

amateur commercial disposal coach breed persecution

33. I love hat surfing . on TV because t givesyou a senseof freedom.34. H isa imwas o se tup a fa rm n order o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ed ig ree orses.35 . For he moment e s a (n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i ve r u t he hopes o become pro fess iona l .36. Thesafe . . . . . . . . . . of rubbish s very mportantor publ ichealth.37. In Roman imes he . of the Christians esulted n manydeaths.38. The shoutedat his eamwhen hev ailed o score.


Fill n thecorrectparticle(s).

39. Shealways ooks . . . . . . . . peoplewho she considerso be infer ior .

40. Terryasked me out for a date but I turnedhis offer41 . H is eacher ncouraged im o keep . . . . . . . . . . . . . .heexce l len t orkhe wasdo ing .42. Lizwas carried by his deceitful romisesand trustedhim.43. Afterhis ather ied,John ook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .he management f the company.


Fill n thecorrectpreposition(s).

44. Be quietand ry o concentrate.. . . . . . . .ourhomework.45. Don' tblameme . . . . . . . . . . .he accident;t was purely ames' fault .46. She akesgreatpr ide .. . . . . . . .erexpensive hina easet.47. fhey were efused dmit tance.. . . . . . . . .heclub because heywereunderage.48. Grandfathersked he boys o be quietand eavehim .. . . . . . . . . .eace.


Choose he appropriatediom o fill n thegaps.

a light heart, rolling n money, airgame or, the nameof the game, out of the blup

49. Theprivateives f Hollywoodtars hould otbe ......... ews eporters.50. I hadn't xpectedhem ordinner;hey ustdropped y ..............51. Don't ake hematter ith .......... . . l t 's eallymporlant52. "Success"s ......... ...... ndwe must l lworkhard or t .53. Paulwon he ootball oolsandnowhe's

p . 3


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Mission:CE1 TEST3 A p . 4

Section H

Fill n the correct word derived from the words in bold.

54. I don'twant o go to the cinema.s hereanother ? ALTERNATE

55.t ookhim

omeime o

make.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

n h isW setso heADJUST

couldwatchhis avouriterogrammes.56. After ertain . hadbeenmade, hespacecraft as eady o go. MODIFY57. She sso ................. ...hatonenever nowswhathernext tepwil lbe. PREDICT58. She houghthat is udenessas hemost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h ing hehad GRACE

ever xperienced.


Completehe sentences sing hewordsn bold.Use wo o fivewords.

59. The eachermade him rewritehis homework.

to He . . . . . . . . . . . . . h is homework , y the eacher .60. Somebody uinedhervegetable arden.

h a d S h e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .u i n e d .61. Your oomneeds idyingup.

have You need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p .62. Shecouldn' t ecidewhichdress o buy.

make She cou ldn ' t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .wh ichdress o buy.63. lt is said hat he was a famousathlete.

been He . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . famousath le te .


Write n answer o oneof the wo ollowingquestions.Write ouranswern 120-180words nan appropriate tyle, iving heoutline irst.

1 Asyouwere tandingn a queuena central ank, ouwitnessed robbery.

Write statementor heoolice.

2 Youwork or an estate gent ndyouhave ecently isitedhreehousesora potentialuyer.

Write report oryourboss, escribinghehouses,heir acilitiesndcommentingn heirgoodandbadpoints.

1 0 4

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TEST3 A (units ,6,z)


1E 3tl 5[] 7fl eE lr[ 13

z fl 4 fl 6E 8E roE EE n


15 .


16 .

17 .

18 .

19 .


21 .








27. 29.












39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 .


44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 .



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Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 B

TEST3 B (Units , O,7)


Youaregoing o read nformationboutuseful ccessories.orquestions - 14,chooseromtheproductsA-H).Some f heproductsmaybechosenmorethan nce.Whenmorethan neanswersrequired,hesemaybegivennanyorder. heresanexample t hebeginningO).

Whichaccessory r accessories:

ispopular ithathletic eople? 0

isusefulto isco-dancers? l

isanEnglishnvention? z

comeswitha freegift?3

comes romJapan? 4

is orpeoplewithoutmuchsparemoney? 5

ismade na range fcolours? 6

help hosewithbusy ives? l

arepopular ith ravellers? g

areavailablen maleand emale tyles? llaremade rom ecycledmaterials? 19












This s the idealaccessoryor peoplewho find heyhave oo many oose temswith them to fit in their

pockets.Clipone of our new waistpouches roundyou and keepeverythingogetherwithout he ncon-venience f a bag.Neat-lookingnd ashionable,t'sperfect or travellingwhen you want to keep yourimportant temsextrasafe.And for thoseof you whoenjoydiscos utdon't ikedancing ound ourbagonthe loor,his s hesolution. uyonenowwhile tockslast. . .


Our latest ashion tem s great or thoseof you on a

budget - you get two for the price of one Why?Becausehe lexi-belts reversiblel orday imewear- at work,at meetings tc- it hasa smartdark-brownleather xterior,he perfect omplimento any outfit.Turn toverandhave glitteringold orsilver- urface

which s perfectoreveningwearandcan makeanyoutfit ook antastic. hoseof you with busy iveswillfind thisaccessory articularly seful if you have ogo outstraight fterwork, ust urnoveryourbeltand

you're eady o go


Howmanyhoursof your ifehaveyou spent ookingfor something t the bottomof your bag?You canspend hat imedoingsomethingmoreuseful f youbuy one of our organiser ags lts many pocketsprovideyou witha place or everything o you knowexactlywheresomethings whenyouwant t.Thoseof you who are often rushed or busy will find itchangesyour lives Moreover,with everypurchase

we'llgiveyou a fold-away mbrella ompletelyreeSo orderone now, and tell vour friendsabout hisfantastic ffer oo


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Mission: CE 1 TEST3 B p . 2

Speedometer atch

Athleteswill be thrilledwith this new speedometerwatch romJapan. t doesn't ustenable ou to timeyourexercise, utwillalsocongratulateou on your

results itwillplayyourNational nthem syoucovervarious tagesof your argetdistance Extradesignfeaturesnclude uminousaceandpressure auge,and he model s water-resistant.uyone oryourselfor as an imaginativeift.Our watch s suitableor allages.


Thisnewproductmade n England tops he ain romruining ourday.How?Becauset si ts n yourheadandnot nyourhands Thisngeniousmbrel la eans

that you can carryon with whatever ou'redoingdespite shower r twol Youooen t and henattachit to your headusing he adjustable andand thencont inue s before.t 'sso simpleGardening,hop-ping,walkinghedog, ishing nd housandsf otheractivities re all made morepleasurable y our um-brella at.Andyoucaneven electthe olouryou antas we havea wide anqeavailablewhilestocks ast.

Wrist-Grlp urse

Ourgr ip-your-pursesdesigned special lyorpeople

who end o orgetwhere hey've ut hings rwhoarealwaysooking or heirpurseswhen heyget o he ill

to power to give it stressfulpitiless sudden the road

at the supermarket.t's a simpledevice made ofwater-proofanvaswitha zip astener,t attachesoyourwristswith elcro o hat tcanbe aken ffquicklyand easily.We havea variety f designsntendedocater ora range f ndividualastes, ith arger tylesfor menand a

oetiteanoe or women.


Themini-macs ust he ob orpeople n hemove rwho ike ravellingit oldsaway o the sizeof a tennisbal l ndweighs omore hanonelYou' l l ardly ot iceit's nyourbag,butyou'llcertainly ppreciatet whenit 's aining ompletewithood, ouble-sealedeamsand ul l n length, e guaranteet wi l lkeepoff anyshower.Moreover, t's made from 100% recycledmater ialso whenyou buy i t you' l lbe helping he



As part of our "environmentallyriendly" angewehave ncludedhismagnif icentatch ing.Combiningfashionwith practicality, e haveproduced watchthat s made rom ecycled rinks ansandwhich itson your inger Theadjustable trapmeans hatyouwon' thave ny roubleinding ne o f i tandwe haveproduced tyles o incorporateothmaleand emaletastes. t's an eye-catching ccessory nd unusual

too. Buy oneand be different


Fill n the appropriate ord(s) rom he ist.Use he word(s) nly once.

to successa generatormoodchanges



a destinationcrueltybeliefconscrencelife

the saying poorly-litwidespread to reach

1 6

1 7 .1 8 .'19 .

20 .

2 1 .

Section C

Choose he correct tem.

27. The ittle oy ollowedhe(lane track) eftby he bear n hesnow.28. ThePresident 'secliningealth ada great impact coll ision) n hecountry'stabil i ty.

29. Sheclaimso be a(n) inheritor descendant) f Queen ictoria.30. Expensivecounterfeitartificial)lowers lmostook ike ealones.31 TheNational ank sgoing o (recruit subscribe) ew raineesnOctober.32. Their ogalways ats he(leftovers remnants) fter inner.


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Mission: CE 1 TEST B p . 3


Fill n thegapswith the appropriate ord(s) romthe list betow:

advertisement extinct acquired consultation entrepeneur register

Her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i th he doctor as ted a l fan hour ."Br i l lo"washingup l iquid s bound o win he best . . .of the yearaward.He 'sa rea l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;e hasso manyd i f fe ren tus inessnteres ts .l f manymoreelephants re ki l led, he specieswil lsoon becomeBefore ou o in heswimming lub , ouhave o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s a member .I've recently .. a taste or olives.

Section E

Fill n the correct particle(s).

39. Canyou look hisword in the dict ionary lease?40. Water urns . . . . . . . . . .cewhen t reezes.41. He carr ied hisdut ies s a diplomat erysuccessful ly.42. Please eep .. . . . . . . .he subject f rel ig ion ecause omebodymightbe offended.43. Howdid you come . . . . . . . . . .hosebeaut i ful nt ique hairs?


Fill n thecorrectpreposition(s).

Shouldrefer. . . . . . . . .imasMrSmith rJim?shealways uts heblame hersister hen omethingrong appens.He's eryproud hisbrand ewcar.Herhusband asa realtaste cigars.They torea widevariety wines n hatshop.


Chooseheappropriatediom o fitt n thegaps.

hasmoney o burn, pitchdark, struck t rich, once n a blue moon, screamed lue murder

49. WhenPhilboughthatshop, e reaily .........50. Livingso far apartmeans hey see each other

51. Duringhepower ut twas .......;twas mpossibleo seeor do anything.52. When he aw hespidernherbath ne . . . . . . . . . . .53. You'd hink heila ........rom heamount hespends n clothes.


Fill n thecorrectwordderivedrom he wordsn bold.

The .........f hesecretarialepartmentasundertakenyHisparentsefusedo support imandhe was orcedo liveHe hasn' tgot the .. o work hardenough or a promotion.Everybody ikesDebbiebecauseof her

. and tolerance.Thedayof he Pres ident ' s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .asa dayof na t iona l ourn ing .


46.47.48. .58.



1 0 9

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Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 B p . 4

Section I

Complete he sentencesusrng he words n bold. Use wo to tive words.

59. Hermother ade erdo hewashing-up.

to She .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hewashing-upyhermother.60. Someonetole ismotorbike.had He .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to lenby someone.

61. I think hat he ki tchen eedspaint ing.

be I th ink ha t . . . . . . . . . . . pa in ted .

62. They couldn'tdecidewhether o go out or stay n, hat night.up Theycou ldn ' t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . whethero go out o r s tay n , ha tn igh t .

63. lt was said hat he had been an alcoholic.have He was .. . . .an alcohol ic.


Write n answer o one of the wo ollowingquestions.Write ouranswern 120-180words nan appropriatestyle,giving he outline irst.

1 Youwork sa ournalistora newspaper.rite report bout ire hatbroke ut na blockof latsncentral ondon.

2 Asurvey as ecentlyonductednto eople'seadingreferences.rite reportoryour ossanalysinghe esultsf hesurvey.

1 1 0

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TEST3 B (Unns,6,z)


1E 3fl sE rE eE 11E lsz I 4 E 6fl 8E 10E pE 14


15 . 21.




27. 29.




18 .

19 .



25.6 .

1 7 .


31 ,










39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 4g .


44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 .




51 .



1 1 1

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Mission: CE 1 TEST3 B p . 2


59 59




SectionJ (Writing)

1 61

1 1 2

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Mission:FCE 1


A . 1 . 8 3 . D 5 . C 7 . D2 . 4 4 . E 6 . A 8 . E

B. 15. a wide

16. news17. to adjust

18. climbable

19. to pickup20. to overcome

MrsJancisNortonJeanWhitePropertiesor Sale n Thornburry rea

9, 10 A, D (inany order)1 1 . C

21. forthcoming

22. charity23. in low

12,13C,B (inanyorder)'t4. E

24. supernatural25. tostrengthen26. to obtain





27. remains 28.affected 29.peak 30.lanes 31.subscribe 32. ontamination

33' commercial 34.breed 35.amateur 36.disposal 37.persecution 38.coach

39. downon 40.down 41.up 42.away 43. over

44. on 45. or 46. n 47. o 4g. n

49. fairgame or 51. a lightheart50. out of the blue 52. the nameof the game

53. rolling n money

54. alternative 55.adjustments

59. ...was made o rewrite ..60. ...had hervegetable arden ..61. ... o have heroom idied ..


LastFriday n the29th was n Barloyds ank. 'd gone o pay n my wages. waswaitingnthequeuenearesthe doorwhensuddenlyhreemaskedmenholding awn-off hotguns an n.

Weall ell o the loor.Oneof hegunmen,whohadblackhair,shotat heseiuritycameras otheywouldn'twork.Thesecondone,whowasshortand ratherat,waswatching ll oi us .He keptshoutingn a nervous oice Don'tmoveor l'll shoot".The hirdguy,seemedik; the eader.He wentbehind he countero get he money. think heyhadchosen natFriday eliberatelyecause lotofpeop]g ot heirwages


day,so therewouldhavebeena lotof money n thevault.Afterabout en minutes,he hirdmancameback rombehind hecounterwithseveral agsol money.Stillpointingheirgunsat us, he hreeof them eft he bank.Thebankmanager aisedthealarmand withinminuteshe policearrived.


t .

J .at .

56. modifications 57. unpredictable58. disgraceful

62. ... makeup theirmind ..ffi. ... s said o havebeen ...


lntroduction:As requested,have nvestigatedhe ollowinghreeproperties hichmight nterest ou.Property1 A spacious emi-detachedousewith hreebedrooms,ecenflymoderriisedathroomand argegarden.Althoughdeal n manyways, t is 25 minutesrom he centreof townand s notwellservedby public ransport.

fropgrty 2 A gosy wo bedroom erracedproperty,newlydecoratedandfully-carpeted.t is only

fiveminutes' alk rombusand ailstations, ndclose o ocal hops.Noiseromneighboursanbeaproblemwith erraced ouses. evertheless,hishouse asmanypositiveeaturesncluding ouble lazingnail ooms.Property3 A largesemi-detachedouse,with hreebedrooms nd wo ivingiooms. iwittneedextensiveredecorationnd therefores beingoffered t a bargain rice. t is quiteclose o localfacilities nd on anexcellent usroute.Conclusion At firstsight,Property seemeddeal,but ts distanceromamenitiesouldbe problematic.Properties and3 are bothattractive, ut akingeverythingntoaccount, fully recommendproperty2 as hebestwithinyourprice ange.

MarkingScheme or Test3 A



14 temsx 1 pointseach = 14

12 temsx 1 pointseach : 126 itemsx 2 pointseach = 126 itemsx 2 pointseach = 125 itemsx 1 pointseach = 5

SectionF: 5 itemsx 1

SectionG: 5 itemsx 1SectionH: 5 itemsx 1Section: 5 items 1SectionJ: (Writing)


points eachpointseachpoints each

= 5

E 5E

=2 5

To ta l 100x2=20 ,0

1 1 3

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Mission: CE 1


A . 1 . A 3 . C2 , E 4 . D

B. 15. the oad16. to power17. sudden

5. B 7,I BIC(inanyorder)6. E 9, 10G/A (inany order)

18. poorly-lit19. thesaying20. to give t

21. comic22. o reach23. pitiless

42.oft 4i . by

47.tor 48.of

51. pitchdark

52. screamedluemurder

11,12HIF inanyorder)13,14H/G inanyorder)

24. widespread25. troubled26. stressful






t .

27. track 28. mpact 29.descendant 30.artificial 31.recruit 32. eftovers

33. consultation34. adveftisement

39. up 40. nto/to 41.out

44. to 45.on 46.ot

struckt rich

once n a bluemoon

...wasmade o do . . .


... hekitchen eedso be . .

35. entrepeneur 37. egister36. extinct 38.acquired

53. hasmoney o burn

54' administration55. ndependently 56. motivation 57.generosity 58.assassination



59.60.61 .

62. ...makeup heirminds ..63. ...said o havebeen ..

J. (Suggestedanswers)

1. On Fridaymorningn central ondon firebrokeout n a blockof flats.Most esidents f thebuilding adalreadyeft or workandonlya fewpeoplewere nside t he imeof he blaze. heywereable o escap6w1hminor njuries.

At 9.20am he irealarms oundedat'17-20owerStreet, entral ondon. ireand rescueeamsarrived n

thescene o find lames hooting ut of thebasement indows. he irequickly preado the loorsabove.Residents howere nsidemanagedo getoutof hebuilding y wayof the irsescape. woelderlyenantswerehelpedby rescuerso escaperoma third loorbalcony. he wo enants, ohnand MaryAckerlyweretreatedor heeffects f smoke nhalationt St ThomasHospital ndwere eleased hortly fterwards.

Thebasement,irstandsecond loorsof he our-storeyuildingwerecompletely estroyed. hicksmokefilled he hirdand orth loorsbut hedamagewasminimal

Firenvestigatorsuspectthatthelazewas aused yfaultyelectricalwiringnthebasement. esidentswhowere efthomeless y he ireare aking helter t emporary ousing etup

-bythe RedCross.FirechiefRick

Marshallommented:Thebuildingsn hisareaof ownarequiteold.Extra areandattentions neededwhenreplacinghewiring".

Asaresult f hefirehecity'sBuildingnspectors illbecheckinghe ecently-repairediringnneighbouringbui ldings.

Fashion News Sports Technology Health/Fitness Home/Gardening

Men 3 lo 20"/o 37o/o 11o/o 25/" 40h

Women 327" 15o/o 3o/o 8o/" 25o/o 17o/o

IntroductionThepurposeof this report s to analyse he resultsof a reeent urveyaboutpeople's eadingpreferences. nehundredmenandone hundredwomenwereaskedwhichmagazinesheyprefened eadiig:fashion, ews, ports,echnology, ealth/fitness,r home/garden.Men's preferencesThesurveyshowed hat mostmenprefer eadingaboutsports.This s illustrated y thefact hat37o/" f men n oursurveyprefer eadingsportsmagazines. ne out of fourmenpreferhealth/fitnessmagazines, hileonlya smallminoritypreferfashionnd home/gardenmagazines. wentypercentofmensurveyedprefer eadingnewsmagazines.

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Mission: CE 1


Women's references he esultsndicatehata largenumber f womenprefereadingashionmagazines.A minority refer eading portsmagazinesnd only8o/o referechnologymagazineJ. omewomenare

concerned bout heirhealth. his sshownby he act hatone n ourwomenprefer eading ealth/fitnessmagazines. nly 15%of womenprefernewsmagazines hilea slightlyhigherpercentage referhome/gardeningmagazines.

ConclusionOn hewhole,mostmenprefer portsmagazines,hilemostwomenpreferashionmagaztnes.A smalfpercentagef menandwomen ead echnologymagazines hile t isshown hatboth 21o/of menand womenprefer ealth/fitnessaqazines.

MarkingScheme or Test3 B


14 tems 1 points€€lch12 tems 1 pointse?ch=6 items 2 oointseach=6 itemsx 2 pointseach =5 items 1 points€dch=

1 41 21 21 25

Section F:Section G:SectionH:Section :SectionJ:

5 itemsx 15 items 15 itemsx 15 itemsx 1(Writing)


= 2 5

T o t a l 1 0 0 x 2 = 2 0 . 0

t t c

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"Use of E l ish" Sectioh (pp.1s2.1s61


1 1. . . .weekssince ( last ) layed ..2, . . .s t i l lhasn ' t leaned . .3 . . . .d idn ' t eaveunt i l . .4 . . . .went o the gym was. . .5 . . . .hasbeen earn ing apaneseor . . .6 . . . .

venever eensucha . . .

7. . . . s i t s inceSal ly ot . . .8 . . . . imehe went oggingwas . . .9 . . . .swi tched f f he TV when . .

10. . . .has beenprepar ing inner or . . .11. . . .haven ' t eenhersince . .12. . . .beenon a picn ic or . . .13 . . . .me tsu cha n i ce . .14. . . .s tar tedworkinghere ..15. . . .s t i l lhaven ' t one . . .

2 1 . . . . s n e e d e do ma ke . .2 . . . .so sad hat3. . . .a re ew eggs ef t . .4 . . . . s considered..5 . . . .gaveus very i t t le . .

3 1 . . . .wa s o o l l o g o . . .2. . . .were ather isappoin ted. .

3 . . . . sn ' t a l lenough . .4. . . .eat ing ut o cooking ..5 . . . .had di f f icu l tyin)understanding..6 . . . .wasal lowed o go . . .7 . . . .us a week o pain t . .8 . . . .was made o rewr i te . .9 . . . .you mindspeaking . .

10. . . . ound t d i f f icu l to . . .

4 1. . . .may not havesto len . .2 . . . . i keme o he lp o u . .3 . . . .m i n d f u se o . .4. . . .needn ' t avegivenme

.. .5 . . . .musthaveprepared ..6 . . . .need o spend ..7 . . . .may be going .8. . . . s l i ke ly o accept . .9 . . . .can ' thaveat tended . .

10. . . .we meetouts ide . .11. . . .don ' tneed/need otwear . .12. . . .mustnot walk . .'13.

. . .may be asleep . .14. . . .Ju l iehave o leave . .15. . . .wi l lp robablymove . .

5 1 . . . .o n l yh e c o u l c . . .2 . . . .wishyou had istened..3 . . . . d

ra therShei la ad o ld . . .4 . . . . hadn ' t ost5 . . . .p rovided ou recharge. .6. . . .wereyou I wouldpract ise. .

7. . . . egret e l l ing/havingo ld her / that to ld her . .

8 . . . .wishyou wouldstop alk ing . .9 . . . . cou ldwatch . .'10.

. . .as houghhe were . .11. . . . (about /h igh)imeshe went . .12. . . .had bet ter top n terrupt ing..13. . . .wouldhavebeenbet ter f . . .14. . . .wouldsoonerMarkposted ..'15. . . .wouldnot havemissed . .

16. . . .you wouldstop b i t ing ..17. . . .had bet ter ake ..18. . . .as ongas you have . .19. . . . o r hercourage ..2 0 . . . .u n l e ss ou pu t . .

6 1 . . . .h a dh i s e gp u t . . .2. . . .has he housecleaned . .3 . . . .ma keme co me . .4 . . . . s b e i n gh e l d . .5 . . . . s sa id o havebeen . .6 . . . . ovesbeing o ld . ..7 . . . .w i l lh a ve eenco mo l e te d . . .B. . . . s go ing o be repor ted . .9 . . . .had he lowers e l ivered. .

10. . . .has o be vaccinated..11 . . . .wa sma d e o g o . . .

1 2 . . . .wa skn o wn o b e . . .1 3 . . . .hadw i n eso i l l e d. .14. . . .hashad herpursesto len . .1 5 . . . .ca nb e o u n d . .

7 1. . . .suggested that )heyshould ry . . .2 . . . .accusedEr ikof ru in ing/havingu ined . .3 . . . .beggedme not o te l l . .4. . . .den iedbreakinghe . . .5 . . . .warnedus not o go . . .6 . . . .wonderedwhether he would . .7 . . . .p romisedo takeus . . .8. ... preferredo cook rather

han ...9 . . . . eminded anet o swi tch f f . .10. . . .apo log isedo Sal ly or be ing . .11 . . . .a g re e do h e l pme . . .12. . . .o f feredo he loher . .13. . . . h reatenedo punishme . . .14. . . .excla imedhat he pain t ing as . .15. . . . nvi tedhem o h is p lace . .16. . . .wonderedf lwhetherhe wouldbehave ..17 . . re f sed o washal l hose . .18. . . .suggestedhat heyshould . .19. ...admittedell ing/havingold/that e had old .20. . . .accusedme of losing/havingost . .

21 . . advisedme to take . .22. . . .promisedo lend . .

8 1 . . . .had o feed . .2 . . . .wouldnot have o type . .3 . . . .said hatJordancould e l l . .


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Use of English"Section

4 . . . .He l e n i d n ' t a ve o . . .5 . . . . o ld me that heymight . .6 . . . .wouldbe able o go . . .7 . . . . f h e co u l dg o o u t . .8 . . . .wouldn ' t ave o prepare ..9 . . . .sa id hatshe mustbe . . .

'10. . . .wouldbe able o cancel . .

9 1. . . . he cabinetwhichconta ins . .2 . . . .n o n eo f wh i ch s . . .3 . . . .mostoJwhomwere . .4. ... he hotelwherewe stayed ..5 . . . .who Johnwas alk ing o . . .6 . . . . he eacherwhoseclass . .7 . . . .wh ichwasveryn iceof . . .8 . . . wi thwhom I spent . .9 . . . .o f the i lm,whichwas . . .

1 0 1 . . . . u nb e ca u se f t s . . .2 . . . . n caseSusan s . . .3 . . . .as i t wasgoing o . . .4 . . . . or earhe might /should. .5 . . . . o avo idbeing . .6 . . . .p reventhe chi ldrenrom ind ing . .7 . . . . he reason or h is esignat ion. .8 . . . .and as a resu l t . .9 . . . .preventhe ra in romget t ing . .

10. . . .so as o pass ..11. . . . n sp i teof be ing/desp i tee ing . .

11 1 . . . . n a verysweetway . . .2 . . . .workedharder han . .

3 . . . .dances/can anceas wel las . . .4 . . . . he bestphotograph..5 . . . . s esssociab lehan ..6. ...more he practiseshe better ..7 . . . . o soundsimi laro . . .8. ... he most comfortable ostel ..9 . . . .as manyhoursas . . .

10. . . . s as imaginat ives . . .

Mixed Key"WordTransformations

1 2 1 . . . .h a ve o we e d . .2. . . . sn ' t ar rommy .. .3 . . . . s t /has t beensince . .4. . . .

dra ther ot ake . .

5 . . . .have unout of . . .6 . . . .apo log isedtome) or ca l l ing . .7 . . .put out he i rewith .B. . . .haven ' t eencamping or . . .9 . . . .you heard rom he . . .

10. . . .had had he car serviced . .11 . . . . s sa i d o b e . .

12. . . .was oo t i red o . . .13. . . .has beenable o . . .14. . . .weremade o stay . .15. . . .gaveup eat ingmeatyears ..16. . . . eminded eter o go to . . .17 . . . . u rn e d u t o b e . . .

' 11 8

18. . . .can ' thaveknownabout . .19. . . .you object o my/me ..20. ... necessary foryou) o speak ...2 1 . . .b e i n g h o r t . a me s s . . .22. . . . akesme twentyminutes . .

23. . . .a re orb iddeno take. . .24. . . .dancedexcept for ) . .25. . . .doesn ' t pprove f . . .26. . . .was chosenby . . .2 7 . . . .b e l i e veha th e s . . .28. ...was postponedbecauseof ...29. . . . s not used o speaking . .30. . . .so co ld hat cou ld . .3 1 . . . .n e e d n ' t a veb o u g h t . . .32. . . .so happy hathe could . .3 3 . . . .h e hadg o n e . .34. . . .warnedme not o . . .35. . . .cou ldnot eave he able . .

36. ... must have orgotten ..37. . . .mistookme for . . .38. . . .un less he ights re urned ..39. . . .ago did you eat . .40. . . .had bet terwalk . .41 . . wonderwhether/i fCarl eleohoned ..42. . . .had herweddingdressdesigned ..43. . . . un as fastas . .44. . . .you ookaf ter . .45. . . .pre fer o go . . .46. . . p laywouldbe sucha/p lay o be sucha . . .47 . . . .ma keu p my m i n d . .

48. . . .wi l lhavebeen ixed . .49. . . . s no possib i l i tyf taking . .50. . . .were n yourshoes . .51 . . . . n ca se t r ai n s52. . . .get r idof . . .53. . . .avo ided r iv ing ur ing . .54. . . may havewokenup . . .5 5 . . . .yo u rop in ion f . . .56. . g iveme a handwi th . .57. . . . u rneddown Paul 's . .58. . . .her n tent iono go . . .59. ... bad weatherorevented s from ...60. . . .suggested oing . .

6 1 . . . . s n te re s te dn co l l e c t i n g . . .62. . . .havebeen nvi ted . .63. . . . ooking orward o . . .64. . . . he a l lest adder . .65. . . .used o work .66 . . . s out of order67. . . . o catcha gl impse . .68. . . . n order o arr ive . .69. . . . ook o the i rnew eacher . .7Q. . . .may havemissed . .71 . . . . i keh e r o t al k . .72. . . .aboutgoingout . . .

73. . . .no poin t in)ca l l ingChr is . .74. . . .doesn ' t pprove f . . .75. . . .o ld enough o get . . .76. . . .are no t ickets e f t . .77. . . .A l isonnor Shei la ike ..7 8 . . . . s s i m i l a ro . . .

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"Useol Enqlish"Section

79. . . .as i f l thoughheywi l lgo . . .80. . . .a reon good ermswi th . .8 1 . . . .h i s a meh e h a sn o t . . .82. . . .need o be . . .83. . . .hasn ' tbeendel ivered. .84. . . .put on weightwhi le . . .85. . . .ob jects o me watch ing . .86. ...because was too ...87. . . .gave n and madea . . .88. . . .and hersister re . . .89. . . .pen belongs o . . .90. ... being reatedbadly by ...91. . . .would a ther o t earn . .92. ...agreed hat he film was ...93. . . .wishyou would/cou ld ome . .94. . . .wereamusedby . . .95. . . .suggested that ) shouldwait . .96. . . . o France, herehe spent . .

97. . . .a l lof whichhe soent . .98. . . . s hought o havebeena .. .99. ...has been/is en yearssince ..

100. . . .p ickedup the rubb ish rom . .101. . . .weremade o copy he i r . .102. . . . s a bet ter inger han . .103. . . .s tampcol lect ions wor th . .104. . . .wish couldaf ford . .105. . . .had o havehishouse . .106. . . .makeany senseof . . .107. . . .becomea memberof . . .108. . . . ook her hours o bake . .109. ... was

scaredotlby ...110. . . .wasso heavy hat . .11 1 . . . .wa sn ' t h a rp n o u g h . .112. . . . i rs t ime 'veever . .113. . . . oo expensiveor me .. .1 1 4 . . . .g a veu p smo k i n g . .115. . . .and I l i veclose o . . .. l

16. . . .so i teof the ra inwe . . .117. ...prefers hocolate o ice-cream.118. . . .accused inaof stea l ing . .1 '19. . . .musthavebeenJohn . . .120. . . . s l ike ly o go to . . .121 . . . urneddown my appl icat ion. .

122. . . . t had not been or . . .123. . . .h igh/aboutime he ch i ldren ere . .124. ...came o/roundafterbeing ...125. . . .ought o havecal led . .126. ...carriedon writ ing he test ...127. . . .s ix-hourl ight . .128. ...beforehad I met ...129. . . .have heygot a . . .130. . . .has o lookaf terher . .131. . . . akesaf terher a ther . .132. ... regret el l ingher/regret aving old her/that

I to ld her . .

133. . . .makeup the i rminds . .134. . . .sucha longdr ive hat . .135. . . .Jennywas o blame or . . .136. . . . imeyou had yourha i r . .137. ...out off due to .


1. Don ' tworryabout he dog; t wi l lbe akencareof it.

2. The womanwho just came n she is our boss.

3. The ea oo hot or me to drink t.4. A man whosename t was Georgewas ookingfor you.

5. I will never orget hatman who he was so kindto me.

1. I ovehol idayingt the LakeGenevavery uch.2. She won the lotteryand she boughta {urniture

for her new lat.3. Many people hink that happiness s the most

importanthing n the life.4 . She s crazyabout he Er icClapton 'smusic.5. The many peoplehavevisited his area or th e

pastcoupleof months.

1. Jim saw Mary o take he book from he shelf.2. Mothernever etsme o stayout aftermidnight.3 . Don ' tmakeme to do th is,p lease4. She heard he door o s lambehindher .5 . You must o never ie.

1 . When you wi l l re turnwe can havedinner o-gether .

2. Don't startdoing the exerciseunless wil l tel lyou so.

3. Tracywil l makeall her callsafterwe wil l leave.4. I wi l lgo shopping f I would f in ishworkear ly.5 . l ' l lwa i tunt i l ou wi l l come back.

1. I ca l led o h im twice,but he d idn ' tanswer heohone.

2. Theyanswered o my question mmediately.3. Whenshallwe discussabout it?4. The train reachedat the stationa few minutes

after our.5. Childrenare to obey to theirparents.

6. Mary resembleswith her grandmother.7. I regret or not buying ickets astweek.

8. We entered nto the room and satdown on thesofa.

1. He ives oo much arther romschool han do .2. Markwas wearing he same colour ie as was

Tom.3. He s more al ler hanhis r iend.4. He is not as cleveras is Jane.5. l 'm afraid I cooked many too much food for

ton ight .

1 1 9

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Jse ol English"Secflon

' t f . i t2. tor3 . /4. ha d

2 1 . , /2 . the3. for4 . the

3 1 . mu ch 5 . o f2. so 6. from3 . , / 7 . a4. to 8. be ing

4 1 . h a d 5 . b e

2. about 6. ,/3. i t 7 . ot4. ,/ 8. the

5 1 . t h e 5 . a s2. / 6 . them3. on 7. ot4 . o t 8 . /

9 . can 13. , /10. , / 14. tor11 . o f 1 5 . mu ch12. more

9. tar '13.from

1 0 . had 1 4 . b e i n o'1 1 .

, / 1 5 . , /1 2 . /

9 . / 1 3 . w i t h1 0 . , / 1 4 . /1 1 . t h e 1 5 . /12. have

9. ,/ 13. ,/

10. must 14. were' r1 . , / 15. , /1 2 . ou t

9. being 13. as1 0 . on 1 4 . , /11 for '15.

,/12. , /

9 . B 1 3 . 81 0 . D 1 4 . C1 1 . A 1 5 . A12. C

ErrorCorrection exts 4 Transport

1 . C 5 . B1 . t \ o . u

3 . D 7 . D4 . 8 8 . A

s . /6. one7. the8. ,/

5 . as6. ,/7. to8. a t



1 How to recognisea seasoned raveller

9 . A 1 3 . D1 0 . D 1 4 . B1 1 . A 1 5 . C12. C

1 1 . O n e2. next3 . wi th4. are5. o thers6. should7. which/ that8. them

2 1. tar2. that3 . Due4. been5 . n o6. in to7. wi th8. every/each/per

3 1 . o n2. wide/targe/big3. from

4. some6 i h o

6. Have7 . wh i l e8. yet/sti l l

4 1 . a s2. st i l l3. are4 . t h i s5. but6 . which

7. other8. that

9 . such1 0 . as11. most1 2 . a t13. s ince14. there15. would /cou ld

9. worse1 0 . b y11. way/means12. by/about13. far1 4 . ou t15. not

9. because1 0 . l f11. most

12. where13. f rom14. whatever1 5 . mu ch

9. By'10.

the i r11. f ront12. why1 3 . u p1 4 . Un t i l

1 5 . w i l l

2 The Telephone

1 . A 5 . A2 . C 6 . D' l R 7 r ,

4 , D 8 . C

1 a

2 . D3 . A4 . 4

3 Dreamingof Becominga Lifeguard?ThinkTwice

5 . 8o . u7 . D

8 . A

1 D 5 . D2 . 4 6 . A3 . C 7 . D4 . 8 8 . C

9 . 810 .c' 1 1 .

A12. B

o n'10.

A1 1 . B12. B


14. D'15.B

1 ' ,1 a

1 4 . C1 5 . B


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Revision SeCtiOh (pp.ez. 2161

A. MultipleChoiceQuestions

1 . B 2 1 . B 4 1 . A 6 1 . D2 . C 2 2 . 8 4 2 . B 6 2 . C3 . 4 2 3 . B 4 3 . 8 6 3 . A4 . 8 2 4 . A 4 4 . C 6 4 . D5 . C 2 5 . D 4 5 . A 6 5 . 86 . D 2 6 . B 4 6 . B 6 6 . C7 . 4 2 7 . D 4 7 . D 6 7 . B8 . 8 2 8 . D 4 8 . B 6 8 . 49 . C 2 9 . C 4 9 . C 6 9 . 8

1 0 . B 3 0 . D 5 0 . B 7 0 . C1 1 . A 3 1 . D 5 1 . C 7 1 . B12. B 32. B 52. C 72. D13. C 33. C 53. D 73. C

14. B 34. B 54. B 74. A15. B 35. B s5. C 75. C16. C 36. B 56. A 76. B17. D 37. A 57. B 77. B18. B 38. C 58. A 78. C'r9.

D 39. A 59. B 79. C20. c 40. B 60. A 80. D

32. . . .has endencyo blush . .33. . . .us a deta i led escr ip t ion f . . .34. . . .no doubt he

boyswi l l . .35. . . .unt i l heyhad pain ted . .36. . . . n order o be .37. . . .was bet ter hanwe .. .3 8 . . . .u n l e ss hed o e s . .39. . whatday t . . .40. . . .d id not succeed n persuading. .4 1 . . . s a mo n th i n ce . .42. . . . o l lowinghe publ icat ionf . . .43. . . .would ather tudyengineering. .4 4 . . . . o o ke d o t o . . .45. ...do exactlywhat he captain ..46. . . .be evacuated s a resu l t . .

47 . . everybody part om ...48. . . .does not ee l ikecoming . .49. . . .borrowed is aptopwi thout sking . .5 0 . . . .n o t i keW i l l i a mo b e . . .51. . . .wantanybody lse o d iscover . .52. . . . n case he CD-ROMs . . .53. . . . oo ast or us o . . .54. . . .does not mat terwhich ecipe ..55 . . .hasnot been o . . .56. . . . s he samesizeas . . .57. . . . he except ion f Mr Olson . .58. . . . n caseyou are . . .

59. . . . s est imatedo be wor th . .60. . . .as longas you promise ..61. . . . t s notwor thstaying . .62. . . . s supoosed o be . . .63. . . .manage o defeat . .64. . . .d id not remember nyth ing . .6 5 . . . . s u n l i ke l yh e rew i l l . .66. . . . s responsib leor arranging. .67. . . . ook/made note ..6 8 . . . .o n l ya f e w . .6 9 . . . . s n o p o i n t n . . .70. . f in ished y thanking . .7 1 . . . . u rned o wn . .

72. . . .not n terestedn going . .73. . . .can ' thavesto len . .74. . . . s now n search f . . .75. . . . s verygood at . . .76. . . . f heyweresupposedo . . .77. . . .because had beenpain t ing. .78. . . .wereg ivenvery i t t le . .79. . . .soonas F lora had) ef t . .80. . . . i rs t imeJoannahasever . .81 . . had her heatre ostumes esigned . .82. . . .hatebeing o ldwhat . . .83. . . . s beingdesigned ..

84. . . .was not h ickenough . .85. . . . s st i l lp repar ing. .86. . . .madea decis ion bout . .87. . . .was oo bor ing or us . . .88. . . .on ly had contracted er . .89. . . .mightbe de layed o . . .

8 1 . A82. C83. B84. B85 . D86. A87 . D88 . A89. A90. D9 1 A92. A93 . A

94 . C9 5 C96. D9 7 C98. B99. A

1 0 0 . D

B. Key-Word ransformation entences

1. . . . s unusual orus o . . .2 . . . .as longas you br ing . .

3 . . . . n case t .. .4 . . . .was hard ly nyth ing ianyonen . . .5 . . . .be a bet ter pt ion han . .6 . . . .you mustprovide . .7 . . . . yo uca n n o t o r ro w . . .8 . . . .no point n speaking . .9 . . . .not ikeher o be . . .

10. . . .hada d iscussion bout . .1 1 . . . .a t h eageo f . . .12. . . . imeyou learned/ learnt. .13. . . . ast ime saw Thomas . .

1 4 . . . . s n c l u d e dn ..15. . . .had bet ter ee'16.

. . .was cancel led wing o. . .17. . . .gaveus permissiono . . .18. . . .was oo hot or .19. . . . s responsib leor ooking f ter . .20. . . .wish had aken . .21 . . . s not be ingopened. . .22. . . .do thesecds be long o . . .23. . . .had di f f icu l tyin)persuading. .24. . . .wi l lhave o be given . .25. ... s a betterpainter han ...

26. . . . n caseyou get . . .27. . . . s not easy or Fred. . .28. ... ast heard rom my brother ..29. . . .was nobodyLucyknew . .30. ...one of the tyreswas .. .31. . . . e l l he d i f ference. .


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90. . . .does his arbelongo . . .91 . . matter hathe ells ou ..92. . . .hadbetter ee . .93. . . . sas nterest ings ..94 ...wonderfJacky has) ent ..95. ... he ast imeyouattended..96. . . .objecto meimy sing . .97. ... orbiddenorvisitorso feed ..98 . . . .make p hermind . .99. . . . were nyour hoes . .

100. . . . egret avingakenmy mother 's. .

C. ErrorCorrection exts

D. Composition iscussion

'1. A descriptive rticleabout a place.2. To writeabouta place knowand o havemyarticle

publ ished.

3. The editorof the publishing ompany;peoplewho wi l lbuy he book.

4 . A . C . G5. Para 1. name and locationof olace

Para2: reasons or choosingplaceParas3 & 4: particular etai lsof the place sightsto see, how to spend ree ime,etc)Finalpara: feelings nd final houghtsabout heotace

Note: The name, ocationof the placeand thereasons or choosing t can be included n oneparagraph.

6 . 87 Sight,sound,smell, asteand touch.

B , E , FStaticand moving featuresYes.Narrativeechniques re appropriatef thedescriptions detai ledand chatty.


The Best Place on Earth

London, he capitalof England, s situatedonthe RiverThames. tsvariety f cultures, onderfulentertainmentnd bustl ing treetsmake t one ofthe mostexcit ing it ies n the world.

There s so much o do and see n London.Novisitwouldbe completewithouta trip o a market ra largedepartment tore.FromPortobello oad oHarrods, t is certain hat you'l l ind something obuy. When you get tired of shopping, a strol lthrough beautifulHyde Park wil l help you forget

you are n the middleof an extremely usy city.London s well-knownor tsamazingnight-l i fe.

For he heatre over, he WestEnd s definitelyheplace to go as the choice of seriousplays an dmusicalshows is endless.For those who enjoyeatinggood food, there are li teral ly undredsofrestaurants o choose from and every taste iscatered or.Certainly, nightout n Londoncan bean unforgettable xperience.

London s a city hat has plenty o offer. t reallyis the perfectdestination f you are looking forsomething ifferent. o matterwhatyouchoose o

do, you are sure o havea memorable ime.

A letterof application.To apply or a job.

Mrs SarahFlavell .Para 1: reason(s)or writ ingPara 2'.quali f icationspreviousexperienceFinalpara: closing emarksFormal anguage houldbe usedas his s a letterof applicationo a personwho s unknown o us,sothe languageneeds o be appropriate.B1 8 , 2 A1B would be suitable or mv letter.B . C . E . F


Dear Mrs Flavell ,I am writ ing n responseo the advertisementn

yesterday's dit ionof "LocalNews". would ike oapply or the posit ionof assistant hef.

I graduatedromHopetownCollege f Techno-logy with a degree in catering in June, 2000.Moreover, I have passed exams in written andspokenFrenchand herefore m a fluentspeaker.

In addit ion, have worked for "ChezNous", mycousin'sparty ood catering ompany, or a year.Whileworkingat "ChezNous", gainedvaluableexperiencen catering or largegroups.


9 .1 0 .

1 . 1 .

z -

3 . 1 .2 .3 .A

5 .



t n

6. despite7. to8. ,/9 . out

1 0 . /

11. wh ich12. ,/13. more14. /'15. been

11. l in le12. /13. , /14. ,/15. that

too 11. . /in 12. very,/


had 14. so/ 15. some

5. b i t

2 . 1 . m u c h2. she3. be ing4. to5. wi l l

7 .8 .9 .

1 0 .

b .

9 .1 0 .




4 . 1 .z .








B . 1 .z .

?6 . b e i n g 11 .7. / 12.8 . h imsel f 13.9. qu i te 14.

1 0 . / 1 s .


o .


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t am enclosing a curricu\um v\tae and two re{er-ences. look orward o hearing rom yousoon.

Yourssincerelv.Jan Wright

C. 1. A narrative.2. To entera comoetit ion.3. The udges.

4. The plot ine.5. Para 1: sett ing he scene

Para2: before he main eventPara 3: the main eventPara4: the end of the story

6. Simplepast,pastcontinuous, astperfect, tc.7 . In h i rdperson.8. Yes,because hoseare echniques sed n


9 . 4 , C1 0 . A, B , D , E11. nosooner . . .han, i rs t , ssoonas,whi le , f ter that ,

by the time, inally1 2 . A , C , D


"Don'tbe frightened, verything's oing o bealright,"Tom told his brother, Dave, who wasclingingo hesideof he ifeboat.twasbitterly oldas the waves ossed he boataround ikea toy.

Their ai l ingweekendhadstarted hatmorning

ful lof excitement nd promisebut heneverythinghad gone terriblywrong.Two hours nto heir ripthey had sailed into a violentstorm. They hadmanaged o get the l i feboat nto he water ust astheirboatbegan o sink.Now, heywere ostat sea,with no sign of rescue n sight.

Suddenly,Davepointedwitha shaking ingertoa huge ock,whichwasdirectlyn rontof hem. ,Oh

no We'regoing o hit t l ' he screamed.The boystried o steeraway rom the rock with heirhandsbut heboatseemed o havea mindof tsown.Justas heywereabout o crash, he boys umped nt othe waterand startedswimming ranticallyowardsthe rock.No soonerhad hey reached t than he yhearda helicopter bove hem. We're own hereWe'redown here " heyshoutedat the top of theirtungs.

Later,when heywereon dry and, hebrotherslookedat eachother.No wordsweresaidbut heybothknewwhat he otherwas hinking twouldbea long ime beforeeitherone wentsail ingagain.

D. 1. Informal etter.2. To give nformation/tel l y latestnews to my pen


3. My pen friend.4. Para 1: reason(s)or writ ingParas2 & 3: development what l ikeanodon ' t ike)Final para: closing emarks

5. Informal the letter s to a Jriend.

6 . E , F , Hposit ivepoints: B, C, Gnegativepoints:A, D

7 . 1 B8 . 1 B , 2 A

1 B is most suitable or my letter.


DearPeter,Sorry haven'twritten or so long but I 'vebeen

reallybusy with my new ob. So far everythingsgreatand I really ove eaching.

Firstof al l , heworkingcondit ions reexcellentand the environment s very pleasant.What ismore, my colleaguesare really riendlyand I 'vemade many friends. Secondly, he job itself sextremelynteresting nd challenging nd I enjoy

itverymuch.There's lways omething ifferentodo and I neverget bored.However, here are a few things that I 'm no t

happyabout.Firstly,he salary receivesa bit owbut I havebeen old that wil lget a pay risesoon,so I hope everythingwil l be alright.What'smore,the childrenare sometimes aughtywhichcan bevery tir ing.

All in al l , this has been a great experience.reallyhope you manage o visitme soonand whoknows?Perhaps ou'l ldecide o stay pleasewriteand tellme your news.


E. 1. A descriptive rticleabouta person.2. To entera competit ion.3. The udges.

4. Para 1: placeand time you met him/herPara2: physicalappearancePara 3: personality haracteristicsPara4: activit iesiachievements,tc .Para 5: commentsand feelingsNote: Dependingon the aspect(s) iven n thetopic,certainparagraphsmay be omifted.

5. Tenses: simplepast,presentand futurepast and presentperfectpastcontinuousA varietyof tenses need to be used todescribe past and presentactivities/states.

6. Good and bad qualit ies hould be mentioned norder o make he writ ingmore balanced.

7. Al lqua l i t ieseedtobejust i f iednorder tomakethearticlecredibleand realistic.

8. The anguage houldbe mi ld .9 . 1 C 2 A 3 E 4 D 5 8


' l

beaming 4 muscular2 p lump 5 shabby3 freckled

11. (Ss'own answers)12. (Ss'ownanswers)


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f evisionSecfion


The Most lnterestingPerson I know

l f i rstmetSte l la n a ten-hour f l ight toome. hewas he astperson o board heplaneand t ustsohappened hatshe sat next o me.

Stel la s a very gracefulwoman in her lateforties.She has got strikinggreen eyes and themostbeautiful mile haveeverseen.Stel lahasataste or expensivedesignerclothesand alwaysdresseselegantly.

Stel la has a warm personality nd is a veryoptimisticperson.People eel relaxedwhen theyare nhercompany nd h is sno surpr ise ecauseshealways ookson hebright ideof iJe. owever.shecanbe a bit orgetful t imes.Forexample. heoften orgets eople's irthdays utherclose riendsdon ' tmind.

One of Stel la'sgreatest nterests s cooking.She oves o gived inner ar t ies nd rswel l -knownfor theexot ic ishes hemakes. he 's lso een npotteryand has even sold a few of her pieces olocalshops.Stel la s one of those arepeoplewhoare good at everythinghey do .

Al l na l l ,Ste l lasa ru ly emarkableerson. eelvery ortunate o haveher n my l i fe.

An argumentativeomposit ion, utl iningadvan-tagesand disadvantages.My teacherand perhapsotherstudents.Yes, would.Formalstyle s alwaysused or this

type of composit ion.Para 1:state opicby makinga general tatementPara2: advantages/statementso support he mPara3: disadvantages/statementso supportthemPara4: a balanced onsideration/ooinionB , C , F1 D 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 D


The Advantagesand Disadvantagesof Being a Vegetarian

Nowadays, egetarianismas becomea trendfor people who are in search of a healthier ife.However,t can be said hereareboth advantaoesand disadvantagesor deciding o be a vegetarLn.

Firstly, egetarianseel that there are certainadvantageso be gainedby noteatingmeat.Theyconsidersubstitute oods such as soya, cerealsandvegetables reanevenbetter ourceof proteinthanmeat. t s maintainedhatsuch oodsare owin fat and cholesterolhereforepromotingbetterhealth.Finally, y avoidingmeat,vegetarians e-l ieve heyare noteatingcontaminatedood which

is oftena sourceof many l lnesses.On heother and, omepeopleeel hatbe ing

a vegetarianhas disadvantages.For example.such a diet can be boringand tasteless. lso, hechoiceof oodavailablesoften imitedwheneatingout. n addit ion,not eatingmeatcan often ead o

a deficiencyn ronand proteinwhichcan result nser ious ea l th rob lems. ina l ly , umans volvedas meat-eaters,o by not eatingmeat, hey mightbe atfecting heir verynature.

To sum up, I believe t is a matterof personalopinionwhether r notsomeone

atsmeat.Peopleare ree o decideon theirown eatingpatterns.

G. 1 A transactionaletter giving nd requestingurtherin format ion) .To giveand request ufther nformation.Mr JamesMarks.Yes. t s.That he style (formal r informal)s appropriate.Thatal l he informationn the questionhas beengiven n my own words.Thatal l he questions avebeenasked n my ow nwords.

Thateach paragraphhasa topic.The anguage houldbe formalas Mr Marks sunKnowno me.

7. Para 1 : reason(s)or wr i t ingPa ra s2 &3 : d e ve l o p me n tF ina lpara:c losing emarks

8 . 1 B , 2 AI would use 2 A in mv letterbecause t is a formalletter.Two.Informationnd questions houldbe appropriatelyd iv ided;otherwise ne paragraphwi l l be fu l l o fquest ions

nd he othernot .1 1 . A , B . C . E


DearMr Marks.I am writ ingwith regard o your advertisement

on he noticeboard f heStJamesSchool. wouldgreatlyappreciatet if you could provideme withsome informationabout the private essons orcomputerprogrammes,

I am a 19-year-oldtudentand at he momentam doing my A-levels. intend o studyaccount-ancy at university nd I need o improvemy com-puterski l ls.Therefore, would be grateful f youcould el l me whetherExceland Accessare avail-a b l e .

Moreover ,would ike o knowwhere ndwhenthe lessonswil l be taking place. Also, I wouldappreciatet fyou could etme know f he essonswi l l be held on an ind iv idua l r a group basis.Finally. ouldyou please ell me what he feesar eand if i t is possible o pay monthly?

Thankyou in advance or your cooperation.am looking orward o hearing rom you.


Cl iveBronson

a .

3 .A

5 .

F . 1




91 0 .

i z 4

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H. 1. An assessmenteoon2. To assess he good and bad pointsof a new

campsitewhichhas ust opened n the area.3. The manager of he internationalravelaqencv

work or).4. I shoulduse formalstyle.

5 . A , C , D , F , G6. Introduction:statepurposeand contentof your

reoonDevelopment:summarise achpointgivingbothposit lve nd negative spectsConclusion: enera l ssessmentnd ecommen_dation

/ . A, U, tr . l - . ( t r

8. ln the finalparagraph.9. Yes,becauseassessmenteportsshoulooe

objective.10. Presentenses.

11. . express reali ty:as a matterof fact.actually,in practice

. make contrasting points: neverthelessVet,in spiteof, however

. express he differencebetweenappearanceand rea l i ty : pparent ly.t f i rs t ight, n he aceof it


To: Mr F. Mort imer , anaoerFrom: SusanTaylor , ss ista i tManagerSubject: LakeviewCampsite

Date: 26 November. 0 . . .


The aim of this report s to assess he surtabilrtyfLakeviewCampsite or touristswith children.

Sports Facil i t iesand Swimming pool

Thecampsite's port aci l i t ies resuitableor bothadul ts ndchi ldren. orexample, ounger h i ldrencanenjoyp layingn hecampsi te 's el l_equippedplayground,while eenagers an make use of thecampsi te 'sour ts ndgrounds ndorganiseour-namentsand recreational ctivit ies.

he camp_site'sownersare veryproudof theirOlymprc rz eswimming oo lwhichhas hree iv ing oards ndtwo qualif ied nd experiencedifeguards.What smore, hereareswimming nstructors ho give reelessonso chi ldren.

Bathroom acil i t ies

The actof he matter s hat he bathroom acil i t iesareexcellent nd well-maintained.n addit ion,hotwater savailable n a 24-hour asis.Furthermore,therearechanging oomsand ockersorallcamp_ers. However, here are not enoughshowers or

everybody.As a result,when the campsite s ful l ,thereare oftenqueues.


The estaurantasa widevar ie ty f d ishes nclud-ingspecia lmeals oryoungchi ldren nd here sawide choice of dishes or vegetarians. lthoughsome dishesare ratherexpensive,he pricesar e

generally easonable. astbut not least, he staffarewel l - t ra inednd pol i te .


The recreation oom is large and has a friendlyatmosphere. here s a b i l l ia rdsableat one enaand table ennisat the other.Moreover,here s alargescreenTV in the middleoJ he room. Elec-t ron ic ndcomputer ames orch i ldren resetupin one corner.The recreation oom s open everyday rom 10am to 10pm and t s verypopularwithteenagers.


To sum up, I would recommendLakeviewCamo-site or touristswithchildren. t is a well-organisedcampsitewithgood acil i t ies, ighsafety tandarosand helofulstaff.

E. Speaking ests


(Par7 1 /asls aboul four minutes and has to do withsocialisingand giving personal

nformation.Ss shou/dbeable to talkabout themse/yesor two minutes.)



(ln Part 3 Ss are examined n parrs.Theyare given visualpromptswh c hgeneratea discusslonand theytat withoneanother.Ss ookcarefullyat the visualprompts oncentrat_ing on relevant details.The conversationshould not bedominated by one student. Ss have to tatk ontyabout thetask he nterviewerhasgiven hem. Thisparf asfsabout3minutes.)

Part 4

(ln Part 4 Ss falk with one anotherabout mattersrelated o

the theme of Part 3. Ss shou/d listen o their paftners'answersand respond accordingly. t is impoftantto re_member hatwhenone partner s speaking helsheshoutdnotbe nterrupted ytheother.Part4lasts bout4 mtnurcs.)

(Part2 lastsabout our minutesand focuseson exchano_ing personal nd factual nformationbasedon given visialprompts.Ss are given two colourphotographseach andthey have to talk about them in relation to themseueswithoutbeing interruptedand hetpedby the T.Theyare alsoasked to commenton each other's pictures.)


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Parts 1 & 2 (Suggested nswers). Picture A shows a team of rugby playerswhereas

picture B showsa windsurfer lone.The maindiffer-

ence s that windsurfing an be done alonewhereasrugby s a team sport.

. I would prefer o do windsurfingbecause t is veryexcit ing nd I love he sea.

. To do team sportsyou need to consideryour team-matesand not be self ish.With ndividual portsyouonly have yourself o depend on so you have toconcentratemuch more.

. People hoose o do dangerous portsbecause heyhavea desire or excitementn their ivesand so areprepared o take risks o achieve t.

. PictureC showsstudents itt ing nformallyn a class-

room.Theycouldbe d iscussinghei r essonwhereaspictureD showsa teacher alking o somestudents na formalclassroom ituation.

. I believe hat students earn better when they ar elisteningo a teacher. heyare more ikely o concen-trateand learnsomething han f they ust sit aroundtalking o other students.

. I believe his is only possible f parentsare actuallyteachers hemselves.

. A eacher eeds o be kindandpatient. heyalsoneedto know theirsubjectvery welland possessa skil l nputting l across n an enjoyableway so thatstudents

takepleasure n what hey are earning.Part 3 (Suggestedanswers)

SA: I think that you would definitely eed to take yourpassportespecial ly f you are gong to a foreigncountry.

SB: Well,yes Otherwise ou wouldn'tbe allowed ntothe country.Whatabout luggage?You would cer-tainlyneed o take clotheswithyou,wouldn'tyou?

SA: Oh yes. t wouldbe almost mpossibleo buyevery-thingyou need once you get to your hotel.Well,wouldn ' t akean umbre l la , ou ldyou?

SB: No, nor an alarm clock, but I think I would take a

camera. t 'sgood to takephotosof places ou visit,isn't t?

SA: Of course,but don't you think t would be better obuy postcardsand take good sunglasseswith youinstead.

SB: No, you can alwaysbuy sunglasses ut you mightnotbe able o buy a postcard f everything ou see.At leastyou can photographwhatyou want,whenyou want.

Part 4 (Suggestedanswers)

. SA: My idealdestination ould be one where could

just relaxunder he hot sun all day, somewherel ikeCubaor Jamaica.

SB: Well, would prefer o go somewherecold l ikeAlaska. ive n a hotcountry o t 'salways unny.It would be nice o havea change.

SA: l th inkyouwould issthesun ven fyou ustwentaway for a few weeks.

t z o

SA: I would oveo ust itona beach rgoswimmingallday.

SB: I wouldgo maddoingnoth ing. would ike o dosome kindof activity n holiday uchas skiingorsnow-board ing.

SA: I believe hat holidaysshould be different romwhat we do every day, so that's why I wouldchoose o do nothingbut sit abouton a beach.

. SA: Weneedhol idaystore laxandchangeourrout ine.

SB: Yes,everyone eedsa holiday ndwhenwe havetwo or three weeks break, we can often travel oanothercountry.

. SA: I believe hat there are severaladvantages ntravell ing lone.Firstly, ou can do exactlywhatyou ikewhenyou ike.

SB: Alsoyou are ikely o meetmanymorepeopleas

youwil lprobably eeltheneed o havesomekindof contactwithpeople. t would be impossibleospend a holidayalonewithoutspeaking o any-one.

SA: I think hat ravell ing lonealso makesa personmore ndependentoo.

. SA: Thisdependson whether ou travel na groupornot.

SB: l f you stay with a group in a hotel and neverexplorehe ocalarea, ouwil lnever et o see hecountryyou are visit ing.

SA: Yes,but fyou travelalone, ou are more ikely oexplore ndget o know he ocalpeopleandwayof l i fe.


Parts 1 & 2 (Suggestedanswers)

. Picture A shows people receiving heir food at thecounterof a fast food restaurantwhereaspicture Bshowspeople alking o a waiter.Theyare sitt ingat atable n a restaurant.

. Iwouldprefero go o a peacefulestaurant here canenjoygood oodand be servedby a waiter. think hatfast ood placesare noisyand you can't reallyenjoyyour ood there.

. Peopledon't haveso much time to cook thesedaysand so it is much easier o buy food from a takeawayor a fast food restaurant. lso, teenagersseem toprefereatingburgers o eatinghealthy ood.

. With riends ou can alk, aughand enjoyyour ood na more relaxedway.Youcan'talwaysbe like hiswithyour family.

. Picture C showsa teacherhelpinga student ead abook whereaspicture D showsa young boy working

on a compurer.. I think t is easy o learn rom a computeras you can

take your time doing the lesson and the computernever gets upset i f you make a mistake or don'tunderstandometh ino.

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. I don't hinka computerwouldbe successful t each_ing anguages ecause nlypeopleareable o holdarealconversation nd this s importantwhen earninqa language.

. Computershavemadeour l iveseasier n manywaysby doing he hings hat

a humanbrain sunableo do.Theyarealsoable o storevastamountsof knowledoeand rnformation.

Part 3 (Suggestedanswers)

SA: Forme, he mostseriousenvironmental roblem sthatof pollution n townsand cit ies.

SB: Yes, t is a seriousproblembut I believe hat orestf iresare a bigger hreat o the planet.

SA: But fal l actories erebuiltoutside owns, hen herewouldn'tbe anypollution nd peoplewouldn,t ufferfrom serioushealthproblems.

SB: That's rue,but treesprovideus with valuableoxv_gen so if the alreadydestroyed orestsare not re_planted soon, we are all going to have biggerprob lems.

SA: I agree.So f he actones removedand orests replanted,he treescan balance he damaqecausedby pollutants

SB: Yes. believewe have o start alkingbettercareofour naturalenvironment.

Part 4 (Suggestedanswers). SA' I believehathumanbeingsare esponsibleoral l

the environmental roblemswe havenowaoavs.SB: Yes, unfortunatelywhen plastics and certi in

chemicalswere irstdeveloped, o one saw heproblems heywould cause.

SA: ltwouldbe diff iculto stopusing hese hings,bu twe have o find a way to solve he problemswenave.

. SA: One of the majorbenefitss that hingswon.tbebur ied nder heground.Many hings ikep last icneveroecompose, o they have o be recycled.

SB: And fwe recycleallour paper, hen not so manvtreeswil l have o be cut down.

SA: Sorecycledmaterials an be used o makeotherusefulproducts.

. SA; Globalwarming s changingour planetquickerthanscientists xpected.Forexample,he polarice-capsare meltingand this wil l result n manvlow-lying ountries eing looded.

SB: Notonly hat.The hole n the ozone avermeansthe sun's raysarestrongerand morepeoplearegettingskin cancer.

SA; Yesand animalsare osing heirnaturalhabitats.lf the land s not flooded hen t is dryingup andplacesare becomingdeserts,so animalshave

nowhere o live.

. SA: I hink hat herewil lbe ewer orests nd certainlvno animals.

SB: Yes,and most peoplewil l be l iving n northernparts of the world because he south wil l be adesert.

SA: Becauseof the pollutionmany peoplewil l havehealthproblems, oo .

. SA: I h ink twouldbea good dea o ive n hemoon.At least herewouldn'tbe so many people here.

SB: Yes,buttwouldn ' t eas goodas iv ing n Earth .Theatmospheres not the same and therers no

greenery here.SA: Maybeatsometimen hefuturescientistswil lind

a way to make t look more ikeEafth.


Parts 1 & 2 (Suggestedanswers). Picture A shows a man who is very happy perhaps

becauseof somethinggood that happenedat workwhereaspictureB showsa man

who is standingby af i l l ing abinet nd appearso be veryst ressed.. People rehappywi th he i robwhen heyhave good

salary nd he i r ob is reward ing nd st lmula t ing. Theperlectworkenvironment ouldbe a placewhere

the condi t ions elppeople o produce hetrbestandwherecolleagues re friendlyand loyal.

. I wouldnotsacrif icemy amily or my1obbecauseobscan be replacedbut famil ies annot.

. PictureC showsa man workingout l i f t ingweights na gym whereaspicture D shows a man takino hi sexercise y r id inga bike.

. Both sports help developa good body and makepeople it and healthy Theyalso help deveropmus_

cles.. Some ootball anssee othersbehavingbadlyand so

they do the same. Othersuse violenceas a wav ofexpressingheirangerand aggression.

. Peopleshouldbe shown,perhapson TV or in maga_zines,what he effects reof leadingan unhealthyife.

Part 3 (Suggestedanswers)

SA: I believe hat the satel l i te s probably the mostimpoftantnventionn he 20thcentury.Without his,many other impor tant

echnolog ica l nventronswouldn'thavehappened.Whatdo vou think?SB: Yes, agree, ut he computers a lso mponant s

our l iveshavebecomeeasierby usingcomputers.SA: Yes, but don't forget that without satett i tes,ne

Internetwouldn'tbe possible.SB: Nei ther ou ld he mobi lephone,but I don ' t h ink t

is hemost mportantnvention.also hink hathigh-speed ra ins houldbe includedn the book.

SA: Definitely,s ravell ingn hiswayhasopenedup hewor ld o manypeople .

SB: These rainsalsohelp goods be transportedmuchqutcker, o theyare really mportant o all of us.

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Part4 (Suggestedanswers)

. SA: Reading realbook is much better han readingi t on the computer . urn ing he pagesof a bookcannotbe compared o clickinga key on a key-board.

SB: l th ink hatch i ldren ould ind t more n terest ingto read rom a screen han rom a book.

SA: But readinga book has moreof an "atmosphere'thanseeing t br ight ly- l i tp on the screen.

. SA: The nternet as eal ly hanged ur ives. oucanfindany nformation ou want.you can buy what-ever you need and you can even make ne wfr iends.

SB: Yes,butmanypeoplehave acrif iced normal if eto spendhourson the Net .

SA: Just th ink how i t has helpedpeoplewho are

d isab led r unable o get out of the i rhomes.. SA: I believe hat scientistswil l never accept that

technology has a l imit and as far as they reconcerned here are always going to be newthings o discover.

SB: Lookat c lon ing,orexample.Wherewi l l echnol -ogy stop?Shouldn ' therebe a l imi t?

SA: No. Not f t 'sgoing o he lp mprove ur ives.

. SA: One of the advantageso l iving o longwouldbethatyouwouldgettoknowyourgreat, reat. reatgrandchi ldren.

SB: Alsoyou wouldsee new echnology nd manyexcit ingevents hroughout he years.However,un lessmedic ine as mproved, oumightbe 50but too weak to move or understandwhat ishappening round ou.

SA. Maybeby then, echnology i l lhavedevelopedso much hat we wil lwant o l ive o be 250

Part 3 (Suggestedanswers)

SA: I th ink hat he curr icu lum houldg ive essonshatwil lbe useful o peopleafter hey eave chool, uc has car maintenance. hatdo you hink?

SB; Yes.butg i r lsshouldbe a l lowed o learn bout tas

well.Whatabout eachinganotherpractical ubjectsuchas plumbing?

SA: Thats a good dea.Butwouldg i r lsbe nterestednsuch a thing?They might ind cookerybetter.

SB: No.boysand gi r ls an earn hat rom hei r ami ly.th ink p lumbing s a good idea. Do you th ink hecurr icu lum hould ncludecomput ing, i rst -a id rswimming?

SA: Wel l . h i ldren an earn wimming t he oca lpool .Manychildrenalso earncomputingby themselvesat home. But I think i t would be important o learnbasic i rst -a id .

SB: Yes. hat wouldbe veryuseful.

Part 4 (Suggestedanswers)

. SA: Most of the games children have are not veryeducational. ven he computergames.

SB: Butdon ' tcomputer ames each hi ldren ow oth ink og ica l ly?

SA: Butgamesnowadays re ullofmonsters raliensand that's not veryeducational.

. SA: Learning dead" ubjects t school ikehistory rLatin s not very useful,becausewe hardlyeverneed hesesublectswhenwe leaveschool.

SB: Yes,but we can't l iveour l ivesnot knowing hehistoryof our country or where our languagecomes rom.

SA: I suppose fyou were eally nterested, ou couldalways eadaboutsuch ubjects nyourfreetime.
