Mission West Common Mission Board October 22,...

Mission West Common Mission Board October 22, 2015 Opening: We will begin with an invitation for everyone to take a moment and share a joy from their past week. Isaiah 43:18-21 Devotion/Prayer Agenda Items: 1. Motion to approve minutes from MW board meeting August 20- 21, 2015 2. Reports received: Lead Minister/Associate Area Minister for Youth o Questions/Comments 3. Unity Actions: o Report by Charlotte Hoppe 4. Stewardship/Mission West Information Campaign o Review from previous meeting 5. Budget Worksheet: Randa Reeves Closing prayer : Leslie Dalstra

Transcript of Mission West Common Mission Board October 22,...

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Mission West Common Mission Board

October 22, 2015


We will begin with an invitation for everyone to take a moment

and share a joy from their past week.

Isaiah 43:18-21


Agenda Items:

1. Motion to approve minutes from MW board meeting August 20-

21, 2015

2. Reports received: Lead Minister/Associate Area Minister for


o Questions/Comments

3. Unity Actions:

o Report by Charlotte Hoppe

4. Stewardship/Mission West Information Campaign

o Review from previous meeting

5. Budget Worksheet: Randa Reeves

Closing prayer: Leslie Dalstra

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Minutes for Mission West Common Mission Board

August 20, 2015 - Westmont

Those Present: Charlotte Hoppe, Laurie Lewis, Patrick Crocker, Paul Carpenter, Randa

Reeves, Sterling Lentz, Karakay Kovaly, Leslie Dalstra, and Don Wilson.

The meeting was opened with a devotional and prayer.

Financial Report: Charlotte presented the financial report. There was some discussion

about this year’s budget and Charlotte assured everyone that everything would even out by the

end of the year. Don Wilson motioned to accept the report and Laurie Seconded. Help was also

requested for volunteers to work on the proposed budget for next year. Randa Volunteered.

Bylaws: The document was passed out for everyone to look over. The first correction to

be made was on page 4 there is an article V on page three so the one on page four needs to be

a VI. Then on page six the article numbers are also wrong. The IX needs to be X and the X needs

to be XI as there are eleven articles in the bylaws. There is also an extra letter o in the last

article that is just a typo that needs to be removed. The first revision to section two articles two

needed to be reworded since the 501 (C) 3 has been done. The wording should be changed to

read; the organization is a nonprofit, Tax-exempt entity pursuant to Section 501 (C) 3 of the

internal Revenue Code of 1954, as of now.

501 (C)3 update: As of August Mission West has their own EIN. Charlotte talked with

Todd Adams and he suggested doing this process under the Disciples in Texas. Howard Bowers

helped get Mission West recognized as an organization of the Southwest Region and a 501 (C)

3. Now we will be able to separate fiscally.

Report from the CCSW Regional Council: Charlotte and Patrick gave a report from the

regional council meeting. The CCSW Regional Council took action and recognized Mission West

as an official Regional organization, to be listed in the CC(DOC) Year Book and receive 501 (C)3

status under the General CC(DOC) umbrella 501 (C)3 status. The action we need to take is to

nominate or give names to serve on the Search Committee for finding a Regional Minister, and

the Standing Committee for Structure and Design. The Search Committee will have to be

trained in the executive model and also come up with a job description for the Regional

Minister. Both committees will require a two year commitment and the committees will work in

tandem with one another.

Report of 2015 Youth Collaborative Ministries: Karakay Kovaly gave this report. She had a hand

out she passed out with details for each camp such as; Directors, Keynoters, Nurse, Sponsors,

Participating Churches, Grade Break Down, Gender Break Down (including adults), and Staff

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Break Down (clergy/lay leaders). Don Wilson asked if the camps were under or over budget this

year. There was some discussion, but Karakay said the meeting for that information has not

happened yet, but was coming soon. The handout even included an agenda for that meeting at

Cline Lodge at the Glen on September 11th and 12th. The handout also contained information

on dates for youth conferences and extra event that

People attend outside of Mission West along with the dates for those events. Karakay also

talked about a new mission trip opportunity that is coming up this next year. Alex Smith of

Westmont is working on a Young Adult mission Trip for those who are out of high school for the

first year up to the age of 27 with sponsors being 28 years old or older. The tentative date for

this event is May 26th– June 3rd. The location will be Ecuador with Building Cultures Mission.

The dates may fluctuate because of flight schedule. This trip will have one deposit due in Mid-

October another one due in December and then the final Payment due in early May. It will be

structured similarly to DSM.

Report from Communications team on logo and web site: The Mission West web site is

getting a free upgrade on cloversites.com Karakay had three examples on the hand out.

Everyone liked the middle one entitled solstice as the winner so far. The website redesign is a

work in progress. There was some discussion about the logos that were pictured on the back of

the handout. Most wanted Mission bigger than West in the logo, because it is our mission that

is most important. Overall everyone will be happy with what the Communications Team


Preliminary Thoughts/Themes for Stewardship/ MW Information Campaign: Charlotte

would like to and has started developing a piece to graphically represent what the area does

along with themes for Stewardship. One example she gave was the three M’s; Ministry,

Missions, and Mutual Care. She said she also had one with E-words; Efficiency, Effectiveness,

and Energetic. There are many more that would work. The Board then created a list of Mission

West Ministries that we currently do and one’s we would like to see done in the future.

Currently do:

Continuing Education

Pastoral Transition and Nurturing



Summer Missions

Spiritual retreats

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Clergy Clusters

Congregational Support such as Search and Call Process, Crisis and Transitional Support

Would like to see done:

There should be an intentionality to call one minister per board member within a six

month period, just to get to know others and build relationships.

New Church Starts

Story Sharing and Resourcing

Connect Congregational Support Directly

Get Leader to Rid of the Three Area Structure to One

Charlotte would like to see the Board come up with three to four sentences for each ministry

listed and four to six faces that live out these ministries. She would like to make video or short

clips of these people living out these ministries, a narrative budget telling a story and launch the

new Logo with it. Mission West encompasses four States and two time zones so there are many

places where we do church and mission, we just need to be able to show that to people. This

will also help with the Stewardship Campaign.

Future Strategy and Action: Mission West needs to fully evolve to Church to Church

Relationships in which the General Church serves the Areas and the Areas serve the

Congregations. This plan turns the tables upside down compared to the way it has been in the

past. Transparency and accountability have been set as the working governance for structure as

our goal is always ministry. Our best first step is to become one area from three both fiscally

and structurally. We need to present our Regional plan and Mission West’s plan in August.

Area Annual Meetings: Two action need to be taken at the Area Board Meetings.

1. Areas must look for dissolution clause in their bylaws. Bylaws may need to be

changed to reflect Mission West as beneficiary of assets in the case of a

dissolution of the area takes place.

2. Confirm 5-7 members committed to high level of participation.

Proposed Interim Structure: Area Boards must confirm people for positions of;

Moderator serving from Nov’15-Dec ‘16, stays on as past moderator for 2017.

Moderator-elect serving from Nov. ’15-Dec. ‘16, then moves on to Moderator for


Treasurer serving from Nov. ’15-Dec. ‘17.

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Secretary serving from Nov. ‘15-Dec. ‘17.

Voting representative to mission West CMB serving Nov. ‘15-Dec. ‘17.

Voting representative to CCSW Regional Council serving Nov. ‘15-Dec. ‘17.

Member (s) at large serving Nov. ‘15-Dec. ‘17.

Area Boards/Councils need to meet twice each year in well planned and executed

meetings to do Area business and move decision making conversations forward with financials,

reports, conversations, or decisions needed for Mission West. These meetings can be face to

face or electronically done as deemed appropriate by each. Progress needs to be shared with in

two Area meetings 2016 and 2017.

June 2015 Agendas for Area Boards/Councils:

Financial Report

CEA– replace moderator immediately (through Dec. ‘16/past moderator 2017)

Appoint member to attend CCSW Reg. Council August 14-15

Initial Review of Interim Structure

Begin officer/ member recruitment for interim structure—Nov. ‘15-Dec. ‘17

August 2015 Agendas for Area Boards/Councils:

Financial Report

Approve interim structure

Approve interim members - 11/15-12/17 and send it to Oct./Nov. annual


Common Mission Board Members that will be liaisons (common to both boards) for

Area Boards will be as follows:

Don Wilson will be the liaison for the Central Area Board

Paul Carpenter will be the liaison for the High Plains Area Board

Still need a liaison for the Tres Rios Area Board.

Mission West Common Mission Board:

Moderator serving from Nov’15-Dec ‘16, stays on as past moderator for 2017 will be

Leslie Dalstra.

Moderator–elect serving from Nov’15-Dec ‘16, then moves on to Moderator for 2017

has not been chosen yet.

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Treasurer serving from Nov.’15– Dec. ‘17 will be Randa Reeves.

Secretary serving from Nov.’15– Dec. ‘17 will be Paul Carpenter.

1 member who serves as non-voting member/ observer at CCSW Regional Council

meetings serving from Nov. ’15– Dec. ‘17 which will be Sterling Lentz.

The other members who will be staying on the CMB are; Sterling Lentz-CEA, Laurie

Lewis-TRA, and Don Wilson-CEA.

New members coming on are: Penny Biddy-CEA, and Paul Carpenter-HPA. HPA needs

one more representative and TRA needs two more representatives.

Members going off are: Deborah Huffman-HPA, David Theel-HPA, and Patrick Crocker-


A date needs to be set for the three to become one.

We will wait for the new members to elect a Moderator-elect.

Beginning Steps to become one: We need to melt into the DOC body at large using

Resurrection language. Areas have to take a look at their dissolution clauses on funds and

assets. Camps are stand alone as long as they can. Charlotte left time for a few questions. There

was some discussion about what it was that Mission West is doing different? How do we

protect ourselves regionally and not loose representation and resources? Do we need to send a

proposal for the Region to vote on? What are we going to do in the next five years? How long

will we have camper days at Ceta Glen? There are 1300 camper days per year until 2026.

What is the roll of this Board? The main roll of this Board is a lobbying group. What will Board

structure look like after the merger for the three areas? Will we need to update our own bylaws

accordingly? We need to develop a process for geographical location and numbers without

tying ourselves down. We need to become a true non-profit board. We will need to keep the

three area language for comfort and gradually change that language. We need a process to

equip leaders in our own churches.

What is our Mission? Our goal is to streamline and cheer churches on. Are there ways to be

better networked? There must be space created for conversation and best practice

encouragement by sending lay leaders to helpful education events and providing a reliable

electronic structure to achieve our goals. How can Mission West encourage more fishing. The

next task is to get the Area Boards up and working on combining.

Future Meeting Dates: Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 2:00pm Central and 1:00pm

Mountain get on Google Plus fifteen minutes before the meeting time just incase you need help

getting into the conversation. Then Thursday November 19, 2015 at the same time on Google

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Plus again.

Don Wilson motioned to close the meeting with a prayer Sterling Lentz seconded the

motion and all were in favor of it.


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In This IssueCalendar

Next Steps towards Unityfor Areas and MissionWest

News from Boards andCouncils

Help Shape Mission

Seeking PastoralLeadership

Transitioning to a NewWeb Page

MW Youth Meeting

Fall Rally & Fall Retreat

Disguise of the Ordinary

Hope Partnership comes toMission West

Mission First

Tell us about your ministry

October 17 CentralArea Annual Meetingand Come and See:Learn about the NewBeginnings ProcessBrook HollowChristian Church,Abilene, TX

October 20 MissionWest NewsletterComes Out

October 20 TRABoard ConferenceCall

October 22, 2015Lead Minister Report to CMB

Central, Hi­Plains and Tres Rios Boards/CouncilsTake Next Steps Toward Unity in Ministry andMission

While experiencing exciting, energetic and innovative collaborativeministries together over the past year and to move towardmore efficiency, effectiveness and excellence in ministry planningand support ­ all three Area Boards/Councils have decided tobegin to move into the next stage of ministry together as MissionWest.

Very successful camps, conferences, clergy/lay education, andmore ministries have been the result of our Mission Westcollaboration over the past year. Conversations in many of theclergy clusters around all three Areas are supportive of this move.

The three Area Councils/Boards will be doing the needed legal,financial and structural research this fall and winter to propose thenext steps needed to unify the three Areas into one Area forministry within the Southwest Region. Legal identity of each Areacorporation may be preserved. However we hope to take legal,financial and structural steps with in the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) to simplify our structure and unify ourresources for ministry. Approval of all changes by the threeAreas will be sought in the spring of 2016. Approval by the CCSWRegional Council and Assembly will be sought by the end of 2016. More conversation and sharing of information will take place asdefinitive steps become clear.

News from Mission West Common Mission Boardand Area Boards/Councils

Central Area Council met at FCC, Abilene, and by conference call on August 25. Theagenda and supporting documents are availableat missionwestccsw.org. 2015/16 officers nominated, at thatmeeting and to be approved at the October 17, Central Area

Quick LinksTwitterMW FacebookCEA FacebookHPA FacebookTRA FacebookMW Youth Facebook

Churchesseeking pastoralleadership

Youth DirectorAll CCDoC ABQ

ChurchesAlbuquerque, NM

Senior MinisterWestmont Christian

ChurchLubbock, TX

Senior MinisterCommunity Christian

ChurchLubbock, TX

PastorUnion Congregational

UCCFriona, TX

PastorFirst Christian Church

Big Spring, TX

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October 22 MissionWest CommonMission BoardGoogle + Video Chat

October 23­24Regional CouncilMeeting

October 24Reflections ofDisciple History andPolity in ChurchToday, John Imbler ­Abilene For Complete CourseInformation

October 25 MissionWest Newsletterdeadline for Nov.3issue

November 1OrdainedClergy StandingForms for 2016available to complete

November 1 AllSaints Day

November 6­7 LBCR BoardMeeting

November 7Ordination BJ TapleyFCC Lubbock

November 7 TheDisguise of theOrdinary: FindingSpiritual GoodnessHidden in Plain Sight,Stephanie Shepherd ­Chalice Abbey,Amarillo, TX

November 12 HPASouth ClusterMeeting LocationTBD

November 13­15Mission West FallRetreats at LakeBrownwood andBlack River. Onlineregistration

Annual Meeting, are:

Moderator ­ Rev. Mike Hunter, FCC, Midland ­ newVice Moderators ­ vacantSecretary ­ Rev. Shannon Grubbs, FCC, Stephenville ­ continuingTreasurer ­ Rev. John Pennington, FCC, Richland Springs ­continuing

Other Council members include:Big Country Cluster ­ Rev. Don Wilson, FCC, Abilene ­ newLBCR ­ Stephen Hicks, CHCC, San Angelo ­ continuingCYC ­ Rev. TJ York, FCC, Midland ­ continuing.

Mission West Common Mission Board met at WestmontChristian Church in Lubbock on Thursday, August 20 and Friday,August 21. The agenda and supporting documents can be foundat missionwestccsw.org.

Moderator­Leslie DalstraFCC El Paso ModeratorElect­ vacant Treasurer­RandaReeves FCCBrownfieldCentral AreaBoardLiaison­ DonWilson FCC AbileneHi Plains Area Board Liaison­Paul Carpenter FCC LubbockTres Rios Area Board Liaison­ Jimmy CaseNon voting Member CCSW Regional Council­Sterling Lentz FCCBrownwoodMembers at Large TRA Laurie Lewis Monte Vista CC Albuquerque CEA Penny Biddy Brook Hollow CC AbileneHPA vacant

Members completing their service to the Mission West CommonMission board are Debra Huffman HPA FCC Canyon, David TheelHPA FCC Spearman, Patrick Crocker TRA FCC Las Cruces. Thank you for your leadership and service in helping MissionWest do more together than they can alone.

The next two meeting dates are Thursday, October 22, 2015 andThursday, November 19th both at 2pm CST and 1pm MT viagoogle + hangouts & call in.

Tres Rios Area Board met by conference call on September 22. The agenda and supporting documents for the meeting areavailable at missionwestccsw.org. Nominations for new officersand members will be considered at the November annual meeting.

Officers include:Moderator­Rev. Patrick Crocker, Las Cruces (2015)Moderator­Elect­VacantSecretary­Rev. Lana Covington, FCC, Alpine (2015)Treasurer­vacantMinistry Council Convener­vacant

Pastor/New ChurchPlanter

First Christian ChurchSanta Fe, NM

PastorFirst Christian Church

Hooker, OK

Pastor First Christian Church

Plainview, TX

Associate Minister ofYouth and Small

Group DevelopmentFirst Christian

Church, Perryton, TX

PastorFirst Christian

Church, Miami, TX

Youth MinisterFirst Christian

Church,San Angelo, TX

PastorFirst Christian Church

Canyon, TX

PastorFirst Christian Church

Albany, TX

PastorFirst Christian Church

Stratford, TX

Inquiries for moreinformation should be

directed to:Rev. Charlotte Hoppe

Lead Minister,Mission West

Where in the Westis Charlotte? To see where

Charlotte is travelingover the next fewmonths, see ourcalendar page

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November 14 Welcome to theDisciples! Party fornew Samoan Churchin El Paso and TRAAnnual Meeting,Bethany ChristianChurch, El Paso November 25 Documentationdeadline for Januaryinterviews withRegional Committeeon Ministry

November 25­27Mission West officeClosed forThanksgiving

November 26Thanksgiving

November 29 FirstSunday in Advent

December 31Standing forms for2016 Due


CalendarThe Mission West calendaris being added to daily.

Please emailif you would like your eventadded to this calendar.

Members include:Marta McLaughlin­FCC, El Paso (2015)Rev. Keith Lewis­United Church of Los Alamos (2015)Rev. Linda Mervine­FCC, Las Cruces (2016)Diane Goode­West Mesa CC, Albuquerque (2016)Jim Case­FCC, Alpine (2016)

Hi Plains Area Board met by conference call and in person at theMission West office on August 6. The agenda and supportingdocuments are available atmissionwestccsw.org.Officers nominated, at that meeting and to be approved atthe October 10, Hi Plains Annual Meeting, are:

Moderator ­ Dick Snyder FCC AmarilloVice Moderator ­ openSecretary­ Dick Snyder (acting) FCC Amarillo2nd Vice Moderator ­ Dan Anderson FCC PerrytonTreasurer ­ Linda Pitman FCC CanyonAssistant Treasurer ­ Monty Winders FCC CanyonDarlene Ford FCC LiberalPaul Carpenter FCC Lubbock

Would you like to help shape Mission West ministriesand mission?

The governing boards for all three Areas and for Mission West arebusy this year working to unify our structure and governance. Butwhat about our joint Mission West ministries and mission? Youcan share in the creation and action of these ministries! If youwould like to serve on planning and/or action teams for thefollowing ministries and mission, please contact Charlotte orKarakay.

Youth, Young Adult and Children's Ministries ­ camps,retreats, and other eventsSchool for Ministry ­ education events for commissionand ordained clergy and lay leadersShepherds ­ supporting the caring ministry for pastors andcongregationsCommunications ­ newsletters, web site, social mediaFund Development ­ for our mission and ministriesTres Rios Welcome Party ­ for the new Samoancongregation, Nov 14, El Paso

P.S. A lot of work can be accomplished via phone and webmeetings!

Transitioning toNew Web Page

We are working totransition to a newweb page pleasesend a picture of yourcongregation toKarakay for the newweb page byTuesday, October 13.

Mission West Youth Meeting Sept 11­12

Several youth leaders gathered on Sept 11­12 at Ceta Glen to plan and dream what the next steps are for Mission WestYouth & Children's Ministry. The notes from this meeting are on the youth portion of the mission west web site, underthe info tab.

We are very excited about what is in store for our youth and youth leaders in the future. Please save the date ofJanuary 22­23, 2016 for the next conversation.

You will also want to save the dates for the new season:

2015Mission West Winter Rally Session 1 (Grades 6th­12th) Nov 13­15, LBCR (See more below)Mission West Winter Retreat (Grades 6th­12th) Nov 13­15, BRCL (See more below)


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Mission West Mid Winter Retreat Session 1 (Grades 3rd­12th) Feb. 5­7, BRCLMission West Mid Winter Rally Session 2 (Grades 3rd­12th) Feb. 5­7, LBCR YAM (Young Adult Mission) (First year out of High School to 27 years old and 28+ as Sponsors) May 26­June 3* Partnership with Building Cultures Mission Ecuador (dates may fluctuate) Mission West Grand Beginnings June 10­12 Lake BrownwoodMission West CYF & Chi Rho (Grades 6th­12th) June 12­18, Ceta GlenMission West JYF Session 1 June 20­24 Black RiverMission West JYF Session 2 June 26­30Lake Brownwood"8ers" Created to be me, June 26 to July 2, Disciples CrossingCYLS, July 24/25­30, Disciples Oaks, (aka Gonzo) Gonzales, TX

These dates may fluctuate by one day before or after, final arrangements are being made, please check backperiodically for the final dates.

Fall Retreat and Rally for 6th to 12th Graders Nov. 13­15 at Black River and Lake Brownwood

Please share the following information with your congregation, sponsors, parents, students, throughnewsletters, bulletins, video announcements, etc. We are excited to release the 2015­2016 Youth and YoungAdult Ministries for Mission West.

We are pleased to announce that online registration is now open for 6th to 12th Graders for Fall Retreat at Black Riverand Fall Rally at Lake Brownwood.

Both events are taking place on Nov. 13­15, 2015. One at Lake Brownwood Christian Retreat and another at BlackRiver Center for Learning. Registration costs are $90 per person until Oct. 30, starting Nov. 1 registration costs are$115. You can also get all this information in the youth section of the web site under the events and forms tab.

Online registration is now required for all events. When you click on the link for online registration, you will be sent to asecure third party site.

The camper's guardian will be asked to create an account, fill out an online health form, and sign it electronically. Thegood news is that once you fill out the information, you will only need to update it as needed when medical and otherhealth information changes. It is important to note that health forms MUST be complete before the camper arrives atcamp. This is for the safety of the camper and expedites medical treatment in the case of an emergency.

Mission West will invoice your congregation for all of the participants who successfully registered by the deadline.Invoices will be sent to congregations two weeks before the event. Please include a copy of your invoice with yourcheck and make checks payable to Mission West.

The Disguise of the Ordinary: Finding Spiritual Goodness Hidden in Plain Sight, StephanieShepherd ­ Amarillo

Saturday, November 7, 20159 AM ­ 3 PMChalice Abbey, Amarillo

The Disguise of the Ordinary: Finding Spiritual Goodness Hidden in Plain Sight ­­ With a nod to historical practices & alittle creativity, we can find spiritual practices hidden in plain sight ­­ Developing meaningful practices related to dailymindfulness, developing compassion, emboldening actions of justice (in ourselves, our spheres of influence, ourneighbors, our world)

Stephanie Shepherd is a doubter, dreamer, and a hope­full feaster ­­ a pastor and communityarchitect of TheEucatastrophe (The Euc) Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Fort Worth, Texas(www.theeuc.com ). Stephanie is bi­vocational; she's also a recruiter and project manager for aprivate investment firm in downtown Fort Worth. Prior to planting The Euc in 2007, Stephaniepastored and traveled vocational paths in the arts, advocacy and education in Minneapolis andVancouver (Canada). Stephanie is passionate about finding Jesus in the unexpected, feasting in thewhole of life, and the great leveling­field of the Table.

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Registration Information Each event costs $75 per participant. A spouse may register for $15. This includes cost for the program and a lightlunch. Please register no later than one week prior to each event. Contact the Mission West office to register or registeronline at http://www.missionwestccsw.org/#/events/registration . Call 806­358­9590 email [email protected]; mailpayments/checks payable to: Mission West 2717 Stanley St. Ste A Amarillo, TX 7910 Those attending events at ChaliceAbbey who want to arrive the day before can receive a discounted rate at the nearby Holiday Inn Express. Call theMission West office (806­358­9590) and ask for Angeline. For further course questions, please contact Charlotte Hoppeat [email protected]

This class was also offered on March 28th at First Christian Church in Abilene, TX and on April 18th at Monte VistaChristian Church in Albuquerque, NM.

Hope Partnership comes to Mission West alongside Central and Hi Plains Annual Meetingsand in Tres Rios as a stand alone event

In October, two different events, "Dare to Lead" and "Come and See", are presented by Hope Partnership forMissional Transformation that will take place across Mission West. For HPA and CEA this will be in conjunction with area meetings. TRA's annual meeting will take place onNovember 14. Please see the information below and mark your calendars. Registration is available online or bycalling the office at 806.358­9590 or emailing [email protected].

Come and See: Learn about the New Beginnings Process New Beginnings is a process designed to help congregations make bold decisions about their future ministry. Designedprimarily for small congregations, this process has helped hundreds of Disciple, UCC & Presbyterian churches makebold decisions that allowed the congregation to move from "getting by" to thriving in God's mission.

There will be a $5 cost to attend to cover the cost of the meal.

The introduction will give your congregation 6 weeks to decide if you want to engage in the process. Bring your keyleaders to this event and discover.


After the Hope Partnership presentation annual meetings will take place for the Hi Plains and Central Areas.

Saturday, October 10 First Christian Church, 29 S. Bernice Street,Spearman, TX 790819 AM CST gather9:30 ­ 11:30 AM Hope Partnership11:30 AM ­ 1 PM Lunch/HPA Annual meeting Saturday, October 17 Brook Hollow Christian Church, 2310 SouthWillis, Abilene, TX 796059 AM CST gather9:30 ­ 11:30 AM Hope Partnership11:30 AM ­ 1 PM Lunch/CEA Annual meeting

Register Today

Jeff Knighton from FCC Pampa tells us whyhe and 4 members are attending: We in FCC of Pampa find ourselves, as withmany other churches of all denominations,

wondering, "What happened?" when we make our Sunday worship attendance count. Where is everybody? How didwe miss the memo about the change coming, and how to prepare for it? So we find ourselves now praying we can find

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a way to catch up with this century, and rebirth ourselves in a way that meets the needs of our Congregation, and theCongregation we hope to be for many years to come. The "Come and See" offering is, for us, something well worthchecking out, and we plan to be in Spearman on October 10th!

Come learn about DARE TO LEAD THE JOURNEY.

The Journey is a 2 year process thatdevelops NEW kind of leaders for yourchurch. Helping leaders becomeTransformational leaders, movescongregations from old ways of measuringsuccess, towards congregations that make adifference in the lives of people and theircommunities. At the end of the process, thecongregation will have clarity about its futureministry and specific call.

There will be a $5 cost to attend to cover thecost of the meal.

The introduction will give your congregation6 weeks to decide if you want to participatein the Journey. Bring your key leaders sothey can hear it first hand!http://www.hopepmt.org/transform/the­journey/

On Sunday, October 11 First Christian Church, 901 ArizonaAve,El Paso, TX 79902 2:30 pm MT Gather 3:00 to 5:00 pm MT Hope Partnership

Tres Rios Annual Meeting will be held on November 14, 2015 in El Paso, 10:00 AM, Bethany Christian Church, 10453Springwood Dr. Register Today.

A Call to Prayer for Mission First!

Prayer will be a major part of our preparation for a mighty movement of God. So ...Disciples, let us pray! Let's open our spirits to the Spirit of God as we seek to make a difference through MissionFirst! Mission First! prompts Disciples to listen for God's call to mission in the 21st century world. It is also a 2­year pilotof a model for identifying shared mission for our entire Church and working in partnership to fulfill it. At the heartof Mission First! are Mission Gatherings which will take place in 2016. All Disciples are invited to participate andshare their congregation's particular passion within God's larger mission as well as be inspired to action by thestories of others. As we prepare and implement Mission Gatherings, let's listen to the Spirit. Let's pray for a shared sense of callwithin God's larger mission; that we will identify ways to work together that we may never have dreamed ofbefore. Let's seek God's inspiration and leadership as we put God's Mission First! among Disciples. Let us batheMission First! in intentional prayer and action. Beginning in October, you will receive a weeklye­mail prompt for prayer and action. Thank youin advance for your participation through prayer.Click here to learn more about MissionGatherings near you or more information about

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State of the Church's Mission: Mission First Video

prayer teams and other ways to support! Sign up for weekly prayer prompts

Watch the Video from General Assembly

At the heart of this process are MissionGatherings where we hope you and yourleaders will participate in sharing what yourcongregation is passionate about doing in themission field. These gatherings may take placeat your 2016 regional or racial / ethnicassemblies or at camp or other places whereDisciples gather. Sign Up now.

Tell us about your ministryPlease Email Karakay with your ministry stories and experiences by the 7th and 25th of each month to be included in future newsletters which are

published on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. We are bound together through our congregations and the stories they have lived. Please help us share whatyour congregation is doing and learning.

Mission West | [email protected] | www.missionwestccsw.org2717 Stanley St. Ste AAmarillo, TX 79109

Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.

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2015-2016 Camps

o 2015

Mission West Winter Rally Session 1 (G 6th-12th) Nov 13-15, LBCR $90 per person

Mission West Winter Retreat Session 2 (G 6th-12th) Nov 13-15, BRCL $90 per person

o 2016

Mission West Mid Winter Retreat Session 1 (G 3rd-12th) Feb. 5-7, BRCL $90 per person

Mission West Mid Winter Rally Session 2 (G 3rd-12th) Feb. 5-7, LBCR $90 per person

YAM (Young Adult Mission) (First year out of High School to 27 years old and 28+ as Sponsors) May 26- June 3*

Partnership with Building Cultures Mission Ecuador (dates may fluctuate) Mission West

Grand Beginnings June 10-12 Lake Brownwood (4 years old to 3rd G with Parent/GParent

Mission West CYF & Chi Rho (Grades 6th-12th) June 12-18, Ceta Glen

Mission West JYF Session 1 June 20-24 Black River

Mission West JYF Session 2 June 26-30 Lake Brownwood

"8ers" Created to be me, June 26 to July 2, Disciples Crossing

CYLS, July 24/25-30, Disciples Oaks, Gonzales, TX

Next Mission West Youth Meeting is scheduled for January 22-23, 2016 at Ceta Canyon/Glen (Updates on fall retreats, work

together on planning Mid Winter Retreats, Training for Adult Sponsors,)

Events outside of Mission West that may be of interest to you

o Orange Tour Nov 3 Austin, Tx Nov 6 Dallas, TX

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o NCYM (National Conference on Youth Ministry) January 4-7, 2016 Colorado Springs, CO

o Progressive Youth Ministry, February 18-20, Dallas, TX Cathedral of Hope

o DYMN (Disciples Youth Ministry Network) Disciples Crossing, Athens, TX March 29-April 1st

o Orange Conference Atlanta, GA April 27-29

o DSM There will be three trips at different times,

St. Louis June 27-July 1

Hill Country/Central Texas July 4-8



Grade Break Down: Grade Break Down: Grade Break Down: Grade Break Down: 6th: 10 3rd: 5 6th: 10 3rd: Unknown 7th: 8 4th: 9 7th: 17 4th: 5 8th: 3 5th: 10 8th: 11 5th: 9 9th: 5* 6th: 10 9th: 7* 6th: 10 10th: 6 7th: 8 10th: 10 7th: 17 11th: 6 8th: 3 11th: 6 8th: 11 12th: 11 9th: 5* 12th: 5 9th: 7* 49 10th: 6 63 10th: 10 11th: 6 11th: 6 12th: 11 12th: 5 73 80 *(These # maybe off due to 8ers)*


6th: 20 7th: 25 8th: 14 9th: 12* 10th: 16 11th: 12 12th: 16 115




Grade Break Down: 3rd: 5 4th: 9 5th: 10 24


3rd: Unknown 4th: 5 5th: 9 14?


Friday Night 9:00 pm Gathering time 9:30 pm worship 10 pm mission west youth afterhours

Saturday 8:00 am breakfast 8:30 am Meeting 12:30 pm Lunch, we will break when appropriate from the list below 3:00 pm latest time we will finish

What we will cover

o Review Directors Best Practices and Misc. Discussions

Addressing Retreats & Rally's in the Best Practices Booklet- camp directors did not refer to the booklet. Do we

need to have the same type of booklet for retreats and rally’s? Yes, would be helpful for the people coming in not

having directed a camp with mission west before. Heather volunteered to work on it. The rally and retreat

additions would be the time suggested time line for the planning aspect for the retreat. Heather will work on it and

send it off to TJ for revisions.

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Dress Code (swim suits, short shorts, tank tops, spaghetti straps) – clarification of specifications. Parents

complained about needing to buy another swim suit for just to camp to have a one piece. Tankini’s are

appropriate. Leave the dress code to the discretion of the camp leaders/directors not the general adult’s sponsors.

Spaghetti Straps: if they are walking around in a swim suit, then should it matter if they wear it.

Ages for sponsors for CYF & Chi Rho combined events. Where do we put those who want to serve their first few

years after high school that do not meet the 4 year gap between the oldest camper? Can we still have them on

campus and working with Chi Rho alone? – Central suggested 22- unless employed by a church. HPA- worked with

the one year out of high school to work with the Chi-Rho. Mission West- Do we have a process to evaluate from

the director. If they don’t make the 4 years older than the oldest camper break. If they don’t make the cut, send

them to grand beginnings and JYF.

Adult Sponsors/Volunteers-Paying or Not Paying – Most churches pay for their adults to go to camp. Do we raise

the kids cost to supplement the fees for the adults cost? Paula- the idea that the adult fee would come out of the

church rather than the cost coming out of the area. Central- a couple years ago had the adults had to pay for their

rally and be covered for summer camp and must be asked to participate. We are paying the fee no matter what, in

the student fee or the adults. TJ- at least for this year adults are required to pay and the individual churches are

responsible for that.

No more outside visitors to camp period (not even for Senior Night and Installations)? – Heather- not allowing

parents to come for installation would be a joy for the parents/grandparents in this big event in their lives. Central

had issues with kids and parents wanting to attend senior banquet. We have built this community and we now

have outsiders and break the community. The adults need to leave so that the kids can be comfortable with

worship. Senior night closed to visitor on the last night. Installation is open to other kids. What about the parents

who want to come hear their senior students who aren’t being installed. Different camping system. NO OUTSIDE

VISISTORS except for installation on Saturday on pick up.

No cell phone rule, enforcement, is it important that all camps are consistent with no cell phone? – TJ enjoys the

policy of not having the cell phone over the whole week and see’s the benefit of the youth not having to their cell

phones for the week and the weekend. What do we do for the students that need music to fall asleep? What do

we do with the kids who need to be able to have the physical item? Recommended policy- Cell phones will be

collected at registration, adults would be expected to respect the policy.

o Proposal to make 3 areas one mission west, creation of a team to communicate with Area boards, work on

Bylaws, and presentation at January Meeting. – JYF do we continue the separate the HPTRA and CEA JYF rather

than a MW JYF. Accounting would be easier, but logically would it be good for the camp itself. HPTRA doesn’t have

a grand beginnings, CEA hosts grand beginnings and invites HPTRA. TJ suspend area council and form MW council

that would have at least one member from each camp and the council will be doing the work of planning the

camp. (2 meetings a year) 6 council members 1 from each camp and 2 at large members. ( CEA grand beginnings,

CEA JYF, HPTRA JYF, MW chi rho/CYF) The MW chair would be someone who has directed a camp and would be

elected from within. 2 year commitment. Serving in leadership: 1 year is learning and watch. 2 year leading with

guidance. 3 leading fully. The new leadership will start 2016-2017. Karakay will write the proposal, TJ would review

and it will be available before the January meeting for group approval.

o Rotation of Camps for the next three years? - JYF will merge in 2017 to MW.

MW Grand Beginnings JYF JYF MW Chi-Rho/CYF

Y1- 2016 LBCR June 10-12 LBCR CEA June 26-30 BRCL HPTRA June 20-24 CETA June 12-18

Y2- 2017 CETA June 9-11 LBCR MW June 26-30 BRCL June 12-17

Y3- 2018 BRCL June 8-10 CETA MW June 25-29 LBCR June 11-16

(Dates listed are tentative. We are waiting on confirmation from all of our camp grounds, check back later for final dates.)

o Online Registration – Camp Brain, Camp Doc, Constant Contact, and through the website. Camp Doc- $4 per person

with login and password for each person. Camp Doc could allow directors and youth ministers would be able to see

their kids and monitor them. CAMP DOC WAS APPROVED.

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o Motivational Speaker-who would we like to hear and when? CEA has $1000 set aside for this – CYC CEA’s intent to hire

a professional to come in and train children and youth workers. August 6 (preferred) and August 13 (back up). Day

workshop starting at 9 or 10. Someone who will come do children and youth worker training. Alex will contact Dr.

Steven Bonner and ask if he would be interested leading a seminar on Youth and Children leadership in congregational.

o 2014-2015 Camp Evaluation Reports

Please submit a detailed written report to your committee chair, the office at [email protected] and cc

me at [email protected]. Please provide a summary oral report to the group) A template will be provided. –

Mission West CYC will take care of the camp evaluations.


Working with Alex Smith of Westmont CC on YAM (Young Adult Mission) (First year out of High School to 27 years old and 28+ as

Sponsors) May 26- June 3* Partnership with Building Cultures Mission Ecuador (dates may fluctuate)

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Working on Website Redesign

From This

To This:

Newsletter Twice a Month

Quarterly Paper Newsletters Starting January 2016

Logo Design done pro bono by Julie Every, spouse to Matt Every, pastor at FCC Ruidoso with the communications team of Art

Tambur, FCC El Paso; David Theel, FCC Spearman; and Randa Reeves FCC Brownfield. Yellow represents the Hi Plains Area with the

yellow grasses that are prevalent throughout the Hi Plains. Orange represents Tres Rios Area with the mountains and desert found

throughout. Blue represents the blue waters at LBCR and the big blue sky found the Central Area.

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Sep 30, 15

ASSETSCurrent Assets

Checking/Savings1060 · FFB Checking 4012607801 62,970.831120 · FFB Savings 4012607820 35,579.17

Total Checking/Savings 98,550.00

Total Current Assets 98,550.00

Other Assets3199 · Christian Church Foundation

3200 · CCF (CA) 55000750401 39,525.343210 · CCR (CCRF) 55001067402 6,087.10

Total 3199 · Christian Church Foundation 45,612.44

Total Other Assets 45,612.44

TOTAL ASSETS 144,162.44


32000 · Fund Balance 148,872.77Net Income -4,710.33

Total Equity 144,162.44


Central Area Christian Church (DOC) in the SWBalance Sheet

Accrual Basis As of September 30, 2015

Prepared by: Tim Adcock Page 1

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Jan - Sep 15 Budget

IncomeArea Church Giving

4601 · Abilene, BHCC 900.004602 · Abilene, FCC 9,847.594603 · Albany, FCC 1,200.004605 · Ballinger, FCC 500.004606 · Big Spring, FCC 300.004609 · Breckenridge, FCC 1,125.004610 · Brownwood, FCC 2,454.424613 · Coleman UC&P 200.194617 · Eastland, FCC 1,600.004628 · Midland, FCC 4,635.004629 · Midland, MCC 1,000.004637 · San Angelo, CHCC 47.434639 · San Angelo, FCC 3,122.004654 · Abilene, WCC 1,250.004699 · Area Church Giving 0.00 36,000.00

Total Area Church Giving 28,181.63 36,000.00

Area Assembly Income4720 · Area Assembly Income 0.00 400.00

Total Area Assembly Income 0.00 400.00

Camps & Conferences Income4689 · Grand Beginnings Camp 6,905.00 5,000.004691 · JYF Camp 12,145.00 8,850.004692 · Chi Rho Camp 0.00 0.004693 · 8th Grade Youth Conference 0.00 0.004694 · CYF Conference 17,040.00 19,800.00

Total Camps & Conferences Income 36,090.00 33,650.00

Christian Education Income4727 · Leadership Development 0.00 3,000.00

Total Christian Education Income 0.00 3,000.00

Constituency Groups Income4710 · Disciple's Men 0.00 1,000.004711 · Disciple's Women 6,265.50 6,000.00

Total Constituency Groups Income 6,265.50 7,000.00

Covenant Youth Committee Income4651 · Leadership Seminar 0.00 3,000.00

Total Covenant Youth Committee Income 0.00 3,000.00

Other Income4680 · Interest Received 969.53 1,300.004685 · Graham Endowment 1,088.16 1,000.004686 · Comanche CCC Income 0.00 600.004688 · Electra Income 1,900.00 3,600.004696 · Unrealized Gain (Loss) CCF -773.38 0.00

Total Other Income 3,184.31 6,500.00

Restricted Funds Income4801 · Todd Hall Fund Income 0.00 1,000.004802 · Reconciliation Income 1,918.16 2,500.004803 · Pentecost Income 2,517.59 2,500.00

Total Restricted Funds Income 4,435.75 6,000.00

Central Area Christian Church (DOC) in the SWProfit & Loss - Actual vs. Budget

Accrual Basis January through September 2015

Prepared by: Tim Adcock Page 1

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Jan - Sep 15 Budget

Retreats & Rallies Income4701 · JYF Rally 0.00 2,250.004702 · Chi Rho Fall Rally 0.00 3,150.004703 · Chi Rho Spring Rally 0.00 3,150.004704 · CYF Fall Rally 0.00 3,150.004705 · CYF Mid-Winter Rally 0.00 0.004706 · CYF Spring Rally 11,224.00 3,150.00

Total Retreats & Rallies Income 11,224.00 14,850.00

Special Offerings4660 · DMF/Regional Support 3,246.77 3,500.00

Total Special Offerings 3,246.77 3,500.00

Total Income 92,627.96 113,900.00

ExpenseArea Assembly Expenses

5849 · Area Council Expense 0.00 500.005850 · Area Assembly Expense 0.00 400.00

Total Area Assembly Expenses 0.00 900.00

Camps & Conferences Expenses5910 · Grand Beginnings Camp Expense 5,337.75 5,000.005911 · JYF Camp Expense 8,629.92 8,850.005912 · Chi Rho Camp Expense 0.00 0.005913 · 8th Grade Youth Conference 0.00 0.005914 · CYF Conference 18,176.33 19,800.00

Total Camps & Conferences Expenses 32,144.00 33,650.00

Christian Education Expenses5855 · Leadership Development 0.00 3,000.00

Total Christian Education Expenses 0.00 3,000.00

Committee on the Ministry5891 · CAST 0.00 200.00

Total Committee on the Ministry 0.00 200.00

Constituency Groups Expenses5946 · Disciple's Men 0.00 950.005947 · Disciple's Women 4,767.80 5,700.00

Total Constituency Groups Expenses 4,767.80 6,650.00

Covenant Youth Committee Exp5852 · CYC Meetings & Supplies 0.00 1,000.005930 · Leadership Seminar 0.00 3,000.00

Total Covenant Youth Committee Exp 0.00 4,000.00

Office Expenses5835 · Worker's Comp/Liability Ins 1,152.15 1,200.005842 · Postage 0.00 100.005843 · Equipment & Maintenance 2,000.00 2,000.005844 · Supplies 10.005846 · Accounting & Finance Expense 2,250.00 3,000.005960 · Miscellaneous & Contingency 0.00 150.00

Total Office Expenses 5,412.15 6,450.00

Central Area Christian Church (DOC) in the SWProfit & Loss - Actual vs. Budget

Accrual Basis January through September 2015

Prepared by: Tim Adcock Page 2

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Jan - Sep 15 Budget

Restricted Funds Expenses6202 · Reconciliation Fund Expense 0.00 2,500.006203 · Todd Hall Fund Expense 0.00 1,000.006204 · Pentecost Expense 0.00 2,500.006209 · LBCR (1/2 Int from Endowment) 400.83 700.00

Total Restricted Funds Expenses 400.83 6,700.00

Retreats & Rallies Expenses5921 · JYF Rally 0.00 2,250.005923 · Chi Rho Fall Rally 0.00 3,150.005924 · Chi Rho Spring Rally 0.00 3,150.005925 · CYF Fall Rally 0.00 3,150.005926 · CYF Mid-Winter Rally 0.00 0.005927 · CYF Spring Rally 9,878.52 3,150.00

Total Retreats & Rallies Expenses 9,878.52 14,850.00

5998 · Mission West Support 44,699.99 59,600.005999 · Mission West Expenses 35.00 400.00

Total Expense 97,338.29 136,400.00

Net Income -4,710.33 -22,500.00

Central Area Christian Church (DOC) in the SWProfit & Loss - Actual vs. Budget

Accrual Basis January through September 2015

Prepared by: Tim Adcock Page 3

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