Mission Statement 2011-2012

Mission Statement 2011-2012 Bertie Middle School


Mission Statement 2011-2012. Bertie Middle School. What is a Mission? What is your Mission? What is the Mission of our School?. Mission – A strongly felt aim, ambition, or calling----. What is our Mission?. The best in art and life comes from a center Something urgent and powerful - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Mission Statement 2011-2012

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Bertie Middle School

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What is a Mission?

What is your Mission?

What is the Mission of our School?

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Mission – A strongly felt aim, ambition, or calling----

What is our Mission?

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The best in art and life comes from a center Something urgent and powerfulAn ideal or emotion that insists on its being.From that insistence a shape emerges and creates it structure out of passion.If you begin with a structure you have to make up the passion.

Wheatley (2005,p.58)

So, why have a MISSION statement?

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Mission Statements (Do you recognize any?)

• To combine aggressive strategic marketing with quality products and services at competitive prices to provide the best insurance value for consumers.

• To discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients prevail over serious disease.

• We will be the easiest pharmacy retailer for customers to use.• To provide opportunities for all students to achieve their full potential,

become responsible and productive citizens, and embrace lifelong learning in a safe and positive environment.

• To make a difference in the global community by effectively serving children in need. Partnering with charitable organizations dedicated to directly serving children, the company creates joy through the -----Children’s Foundation, product donations, grant making and the work of employee volunteers. We also enrich the lives of our employees by identifying diverse volunteer opportunities and supporting their personal contributions through the matching gifts program.

• We save people money so they can live better.

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Discover more with your team?Article(Teamwork)Understanding Mission

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*Implementing our Mission-----Current Mission Statement

The mission of the Bertie Middle School is to provide opportunities for all students to achieve their full potential, become responsible and productive citizens, and embrace lifelong learning in a safe and positive environment. *Mission statement---what do we believe?*A living statement (How should it look?)*Agreement – How to change?*Post*Gallery Walk

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Facilitator: G. Tyson & M. Sauls

Let’s take a Look at….

The Teacher Working ConditionSurvey

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Take a 2nd Look at the matters that we identified

1. Limit Paper Work2. Minimal interruptions to instructional environment3. Non-instructional time is sufficient (planning)4. Parent & guardians are influential decision makers at the school5. Teachers feel comfortable raising issues and concerns6. Teachers have an appropriate level of influence on decision-making in this school.

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Work with teams to make at least (2) suggestions for each area.

What can be done about it?

What are possible solutions?