mission of dove

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dove company

Transcript of mission of dove

Our Mission

Increase the sales by 40% in 6 months.

Sales objective

For achieving the sales goals i.e. increasing the sales for 40% means selling more than 2 lac more dove soap in every month which needs a promotional expense of 20 lacs in every month.


Alessandro Manfredi, global brand director for Dove, explains the campaign's philosophy "Dove only uses real women. It has to feel true and make women feel good about themselves. When I see a beauty ad, I don't need to feel I am wrong, I need to buy a product to feel right."

As well as advertisements, Dove's 'real women' marketing now includes a campaigning Self-Esteem Fund, launched in 2006. This has the lofty mission of not only selling moisturiser but changing Western ideals of beauty and embracing more diversity through a variety of local community programmes.

Lucy Wakefield, founder of lifestyle and beauty brand Calmia, says: "It is incredibly hard for women to achieve what they see in magazines. They are overwhelmed by information and often pulled in conflicting directions."

Dove's strategy was originally devised to promote a body firming range, aiming to cut through a crowded beauty market by advocating a different point of view. Dove and its ad agency, Ogilvy & Mather, felt consumers were apt to compare themselves unfavourably with unrealistic images seen in beauty campaigns.

They saw a gap in the market for a brand that flew in the face of traditional beauty advertising, focusing on the superficial values of appearance. Dove was keen to create a community around the idea that women would spend more money pampering themselves if they were shown realistic marketing that made them feel good about themselves.

Dove had already run a campaign using real women in 1988, called 'Conviction of users', which featured people testifying to its attributes in TV ads. This had helped it expand from one product, a cleansing bar launched in 1957, to a range including moisturisers.

But with ambitions to move into new countries and more product categories, Dove's parent business, Unilever, needed to find a new marketing direction. Dove didn't have a consistent global image in every country and people felt more affinity with the individual products than with the brand. It needed something to unite it geographically and conceptually. Unilever also wanted it to produce double-digit financial growth.

"The brand was successful but we felt we were in danger of having an issue in the future if we only relied on product and not a strong affinity with the brand," admits Manfredi.


PRICE PENETRATION STRATEGY: Dove was launched at a very premium price of 100Taka while the other branded soaps were exiting which priced Rs.30-50.Gradually the prices have been reduced and have turned reasonable and are around 80taka.

DIFFERENTIATION OF THE PRODUCT: Dove had been featured as the only soap which is mild with pH between 6.5 and 7.5 and the one containing moisturizing cream.. which render it gentleness and cause no negative effects to the skin & no models were used to endorse the product so that people could get the feel that this was a true beauty soap for common people.

SEGMENTATION: It is a psychographic segmentation which had relied on the fact that on knowing about the negative effects of the soap which people used since long they would quit it and would even pay for an extravagant price for a quality product. In addition an emotional appeal was conveyed to the customers through the campaign called campaign for real beauty which had a message Real beauty can only be found on the inside and every woman deserves to feel beautiful. which made people realize their self esteem and the no models were made to endorse the product depicting that this soap is for common people. .The brand relied on the consumers positive reaction about choosing dove on knowing the facts of the soaps they had been using since long time.

TARGET SEGMENT: The group that prefer premium brand & believe in quality products .

PRODUCT POSITIONING: The brand is positioned as the Mildest Soap. Dove is PH neutral and this makes the soap soft on all kind of skin types. Internationally this brand is positioned as a brand that celebrates the " Real Beauty" . Dove defines real beauty as " beauty is not about how you look but about how you feel". The Dove's official site " campaig forrealbeauty.com" highlights this brand value



Lever and O&M believe in long-running campaigns

1. Position Dove as the best bar, to attract occasional and non-users

2. Reaffirm Doves superiority with existing users

At this point, they were still thinking tactically. they wanted to shake up the market; build Doves business; and return to the 7-Day Test or something similarall within the year. But to do this we needed news. They had no 'new and improved' product to work with, but the answer started to take shape. They knew that mildness was a consumer hotbutton, and that Doves superior formulation was milder than existing bars. Plus, because of its formula, Dove had an amazing product demonstration:

'With a litmus-type test, conventional soaps turned indicator-paper dark, because of alkalinity. It stayed completely clear with Dove. This was a breakthrough demo, even with no product improvement.' 3


Creative ran nationally in English and French, starting with 'Litmus'. Business responded so dramatically that we kept postponing the return to 7-Day testimonials. Our objective was still to pre-empt Oil of Olay bar, but we were now turning our attention to Ivory and Jergens. What had started as a tactical strike was becoming a strategic offensive. Over the next four years, creative rolled out in three phases, with mildness and credibility the strategic constants. There were five commercials, and corresponding print:

The format of the commercials is worth comment. Many campaigns evolve by pooling out a format. Dove did not. All executions had the same strategy mildness and credibility but the format changed to suit the story.6 'Litmus' was 30 seconds of demo. 'Focus Group' was real women. 'Joe Furrier' was an expert testimonial. 'Flex Wash' and 'Arm Wash' were demos again, though different from 'Litmus'. And as the campaign evolved, the business kept growing.


1) Point of Parity (POPs)

POPs are generated by the needs of category membership and are desirable by the consumers. These are to stand up against the advantage of PODs of the competitors and thus build a strong consumer base for the product. Dove soap is available in different sizes in order to fit the consumer budget These parities help to take care the needs of the customers as well as better connect the products and the consumers. The POPs can be summarized as:-

Available in different sizes

Available for different skin types

Almost at the same prices

Focuses on Bangladeshi skin problems

2) Point of difference (PODs)

i) Relevance:

Target consumers must find the POD personally relevant and important. For Dove soap products they position the features as essential to save skin from damaging. Dove Soap has positioned itself as a product of premium quality.

ii) Distinctiveness:

Target consumers must find the POD distinctive and superior. When entering a category where there are established brands, the challenge is to find a viable basis for differentiation. Dove comes with features to provide care for sensitive skin. They create distinctiveness by helping consumers who already have the problems associated skin with unique solutions developed in Bangladesh.

iii) Believability:

Dove claims it is not just a soap its a therapy that repairs your skin & enhances the real beauty in you which give an emotional selling proposition. It does not use celebrity rather makes regular women to be its super model which is just different from the strategy used by LUXwhere they make of bollywood film stars like

Aishwariya ray, Katrina Kaif etc. This helped the Dove soap better relate to the young women and the targeted customers. The PODs for the Dove Shampoo can be summarized as:-

Three times stronger, smoother & softer hair.

Focuses on emotional selling proposition

Its not just a soap its a therapy that repairs your ski & enhances the real beauty in you.

It does not use celebrity rather makes regular women to be its super model.


The brand team decided to use these real-life anecdotes in their TV commercials. The cast were also chosen from real-life characters. They might not be perfect before a camera, but this reflected a much more honest, candid approach, parallel to Dove's brand claim. Target consumers could identify themselves much more quickly and be convinced about the brand message more easily, moving towards purchase within a shorter period of time.

1. The power of clear-cut, continuous brand communication

While in 2000, Dove Cream Bar had a 17% share of total soap market gross rating points (GRPs), it increased this share to 50% in 2001. Not only Cream Bar but Dove Body Silk and Deo also started enjoying much higher levels of brand communication after August 2001, following the shooting of new commercials. Although Dove Body Silk was launched in May 2002, it accounted for 35% of the total body-care market's TV advertising within the first month of its launch. Dove became a trend-setter and expanded total brand communication in every category in which it became active.

2. Premium-priced brand in a recession

In line with its international pricing strategy, Dove continued to be a premium-priced brand throughout the Turkish crisis. However, to show Turkish consumers its sensitivity to the changing economic conditions, it prepared gift packs especially for special days, such as Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. Although it made considerable price reductions in these gift packs, it never announced this in brand communications. Because Dove brand is too precious to become par-priced with any other competitor, it took care that gift packs looked extravagant, to stop any possible brand image erosion. In addition it did extensive free sampling via a daily newspaper, and engaged in heavy in-store activity in supermarkets. However, it made a concerted effort to stay as a 'premium' brand, creating added value for its customers too during recession.

3. Brand communication

All brand communication is concentrated in TV, as Turkish consumers watch at least four hours daily. Research indicates that the duration of daily TV viewing increased by a further 1020% during the recession across different target groups. The Dove commercials' message is clear-cut, easy to understand and hard to discredit. The 'half a face' ad played an especially important role in Dove's market success.


The market share of Dove Cream Bar was 3.1% in 1997, rising to 4.6% in 1998. Subsequently it reached 8.6% in February 2000 and 11% in January 2001. With these figures, it became number-three brand in the toilet soaps market by January 2001. (In January 2001, the number-one brand had a 20% market share and number two 15%.) The new Dove communication started in August 2001 and in July 2002 Dove caught up with the number-two brand, gaining a 15.7% market share. The number-one brand had now fallen to a share of 17%. (It is worth noting that these figures cover the 100g Dove Cream Bar only, whereas competitors' entire toilet soap ranges are included in their shares.) the market shares of toilet soaps in Turkey from 1997 to July 2002. In addition, from August 2001 to July 2002, household penetration increased by 5.8%, indicating new households becoming purchasers. Further, Millward Brown Tracking results revealed that certain brand-related attributes have improved from Q1 2002 to Q2 2002. For instance, 'I am aware of Dove TV advertising' increased from 100 (index points) to 143 within three months. Similarly, unaided brand recall increased by 16 index points, and aided recall by 10 index points, from Q1 to Q2 of 2002.


Dove has a heritage of repositioning the competition, and using real people testimonials. Its been a trusted model for them. Back in the 50s they had real women telling us that, "Dove doesnt dry my skin like ordinary soap". Of course they found their USP (unique selling proposition) of 25% moisturiser in soap, and played to their strength. Today in a world of parity product, it is a lot harder to maintain this competitive edge.

MAINTAINING COMPETITIVE EDGE THROUGH RELEVANT PRODUCT INNOVATION. Women actively seek those innovations that make life easier and more comfortable. Or products designed with a woman in mind

Dove has at least brought their product breakthroughs into our world. Their latest innovation is repositioning the cosmetic segment of the market, known as "anti-ageing". But in the world of Dove it has been renamed "Pro-Ageing".Ageing is a fact of life and one they embrace. No doubt a look at the female Boomer market has driven this positioning. Not only are Boomers the largest segment of the population, but in the USA it is estimated that they will spend $2.1 trillion on consumer goods and services. With many Boomer women at the peak of their careers and earning capacity, it makes sense to secure their loyalty now.

NOT IGNORING THE GROWING SEGMENTS OF YOUR MARKET. Dove are so good at recognizing the power of loyalty amongst their female constituents. They leave no stone unturned. The Self Esteem campaign for young girls. Not only is this a stunning display of social responsibility, but an effective way to procure tomorrows customers. It smacks of Emotional Intelligence, which is palpably non-existent within too many corporate organisations. Unilever fostered a "Leadership In Action" program, where new thinking and ideas were given a hot house to thrive and be acknowledged in. There is no denying that Dove are smothered in authenticity. They have genuinely gone to their consumers to perform an archeological dig of what matters most to women. Even their URL address campaignforrealbeauty.com, was interacted with by 5 million women online. Actively seeking the opinion of the people buying their products meant 5 million people spent time with their brand.

NOT FAKING IT WITH WOMEN. THEY REALLY DO NEED TO LISTEN TO WHAT MATTERS TO THEM. Women much prefer to be consulted with, heard, and then to arrive at a mutual decision. Validation and acknowledgement of their needs. Dove may have the backing of Unilever and deep pockets with far reaching global tentacles



Unconventional strategy

Effective advertising, Free publicity

Continuously evolving the campaign

Strong emotional touch

Cross-selling Possibilities


Insufficient distribution channel

Contradictory in nature

Objectification of women

Women featured were comparatively slim

Use of idealized images in other brands under the same flagship

Contradictory Japanese campaign


Target male customers

Maintain better standards of quality

Unified advertising throughout the globe

Continuous innovation


Involved marketing risk

Copy by the competitors

Undermining the aspiration of consumers

Sustainability of campaign in long run

Risk of being a brand for fat girls(due to their campaign)


Amongst the most prominent competitors are PROCTER AND GAMBLER ,CAVINKARE & NIVEA



P & GS IVORY , CAMAY & OLAY (ALL PREMIUM SOAPS)ARE COMPETITORS OF DOVE. Camay was launched by P & G along with dove which was a product having quite resembling features like dove but which could not do as well as dove in the market .ivory was pre- existing brand which gave a tough competition to hindustan unilevers dove at the time of its launched .P & G is planning for olay bar soap to compete with dove





Doves moisturizing soap acquired a huge amount of success and Dove emerged out to be leading brands thus the other products launched after soap had an added advantage ,less cost was incurred in their promotion and advertisement. Dove has extended its range to a great extent which includes complete hair care range, deodorants, lotions ,body wash etc .With the image of moisturing brand the brand could do equally well in the products other than soaps. HUL acquires 63% share in hair care products. Dove was one of the earliest to bring up the concept of total repair which has been imitated by pantene and others later.

Innovation has pertained in the brand and new products are continuously launched after dove moisturizing dove exfoliating(having granules within to exfoliate skin) and dove refreshing cucumber(for cool effect) were launched followed by dove nutrinum which is 2 in 1 soap and has vitamin E.

People usually have recognized the role of vitamin E in nourishing skin thus the product has been launched.


In Bangladesh, the brand did not had the success of its global counterpart. One reasons are the small " Premium " market and another is the price barrier. Dove's initial price was around 100 taka that put off even the premium customers. Recently it become 87 taka.

Although the "Campaign For Real Beauty" and the mildness are excellent selling points, the brand is still not able to catch the fancy of Bangladeshn beauties. With lot of sales promotions happening with the brand like 1+1 free , there is a possibility of brand value erosion. With the brand now priced at Rs 80, the price has somewhat become reasonable

It has been felt that still the brand does not fit into the " value for money" proposition for the Bangladeshn consumer. It is a truth that Bangladeshn consumer looks for " Value " even in premium products. Dove have a negative point in that the soap usually does not last enough ( partly because of our bathroom habits). This have reduced the value proposition for this brand.

With the emergence of an attractive market in the premium cosmetic market in Bangladesh, Dove have lot of potential to become a key player, it has got the positioning right, now it has to set the " Value" right for the Bangladeshn consumer.

Sales plan for 2014 (March) to 2015 (March)

Vision 3-5 years

To stay in the salient group in the customer's mind ie the top 5 soap seller in Bangladesh. Produce 5millions annually and earn 50 crore taka annually.


Every Customer a strong reference

Objectives 2014

increase sales from 22crore to 50 crore

Increase the distribution to 20% in every major cities, esp in Dhaka and Chittagong. Since Unilever have an overall 120 distribution channel, the number will be increased to 144.


to achieve the goal we need a sales team for the two main cities who will cover the target areas with a minimum of 10000 sell in their location. The 2 lac sell will be divided along the districts according to the demand.

The budget for promotion will be allocated to tv and magazines only.

There will also be a finance department and a monitoring team to monitor the expense on sales. line items for a sales plan budget will include allocations for areas such as labor, increased production, advertising, travel, equipment and supplies.

we will also develop a top-down strategy to communicate goals and objectives of salespersons and other human resource personnel necessary to implement the sales plan. additional sales force training may also be required component to implement the sales plan.

Whether newly promoted into the position or bringing experience to the post, the sales manager can find the job daunting. The sales manager must staff, train, coach and lead the team. He/She must also help close the big sales and be a liaison between the sales team and others in the company, many of whom regard salespeople with suspicion. Being organized and following a plan can help the

manager create order out of chaos.


Step 1

Lay the groundwork. For a manager establishing a sales organization, the planning process begins with decisions about hiring salespeople, writing a compensation plan and laying out territories. When assembling the team, the manager must decide whether salespeople should be direct hires or independent reps. So in this case, since Unilever have a good reputation, we are going to go for direct hires not independent reps.

Step 2

Decide whether to hire seasoned reps or rookies who might require more training. If there are reps in remote locations, they should be more experienced and able to work independently.

Step 3

Establish pay scales. The compensation plan must be sufficiently rewarding to assure that the team will be well-motivated. Assignments might be geographic or by product line. The reward will be higher since we will not have to compete with other companies but also our own products.

Ground Game

Step 1

Organize the territory. A major part of sales management is forecasting revenue. The manager must determine how many prospects there are in the sales territory, how many are likely to become customers, and what the average revenue per sale is likely to be. This will provides a rough guide that can be revised as actual numbers become available. In our 64 districts, we want to go to every possible city within our distribution channel.

Step 2

Work through the sales funnel -- that is, develop a good sense of how many prospects will become qualified leads that convert to customers. It is also important to know how long the sales cycle is. since Dove have problem with stock so we would like to improve it.

Step 3

Budget for salaries, commissions and miscellaneous expenses. The sales organization is typically run as a profit center, so the manager must plan for cash outflow as well as inflow.


Step 1

Monitor weekly reports and make necessary adjustments. The weekly report by sales reps is the managers best tool for monitoring activity. Reports should contain a record of sales completed, prospects, projected revenue, closing probability and time frames. Monitoring weekly reports will reveal who is succeeding and who needs help.

Step 2

Schedule regular training sessions. The top sales reps receive the managers support because they are producing, but the others also need help to keep them on a path of improvement.

Step 3

Set aside time for trouble-shooting. Whether it is to help a rep close a sale or to calm a disgruntled customer, the manager must schedule available time for these activities. The manager must also be a liaison with the rest of the company and defend the team because salaried employees do not understand why sales reps make so much money. The sales team must also be defended if they do not make their numbers.

Sales & Distribution Network of Bangladesh Unilever (BL)

A marketing channel is a tool for the movement of goods from producers to consumers. It plays an important role in decreasing the time, place, and possession gaps resulted due to the separate goods and services from the people who need and use them. A number of key functions taken care by the members of the marketing channel like forward flow of activity from the company to the customers like goods and backward flow from customers to company like order, Payment etc.

Bangladesh Unilever transfers the finished goods to Carrying and Forwarding Agents (CFA). Stockists receive the goods from respective CFA. Stockists then in turn indirectly deal with the Retail outlets from where consumers get the desired product according to their convenience. This is how the BU reaches to consumers. On an average each Stockiest caters to 700-900 retail outlets of the city. CFA can be classified into 2 types:

1) With investment.

2) Without investment.

The without investment CFA are mere the Forwarding agents and act as the transporter to the company.

Then depending upon the type of products, sales, turnover and the number of retail counters a stockist is dealing with, the company has classified the stores into:

Super Value Stores

Smart /FLO

The stockist apart from retail outlets deals with Modern retail outlets like shopper stop, pantaloon etc. The stockist also supplies the goods to CSD Canteens and bills them for the same and the difference in the amount is reimbursed by the company

Sales force behind the Distribution channel

The successful functioning of the distribution channel depend upon having a good and dedicated sales force. In the case of BU (in a particular region) the sales are coordinated by Area sales manager (ASM), Activation Manager (AM), and a Territory Sales In charge (TSI). These people are working on behalf of BU and are a Link between the stockist and the company. The goods moves to the stockists go-down by the companys Truck. The stockist then appoints a (Re Stockist Salesman) RSSM who is required to collect the orders & payments from the retail outlets. The delivery is made by either cycle or through a van depending upon the size of the order. The lead time for delivery from the company is 1 day. The orders are also placed online using the CRM software of Unilever called UNIFY

Evaluation/ Selection of Channel Members

Based on the factors like the investment capacity, number of retail stores covered, appropriate Sales force, infrastructure etc., the stockists are evaluated and are selected by the company. Companys policy is to work in advance payment mode. This is to ensure that the there is no delay in fulfilling the demand of the consumers and sufficient stocks are available to cover the entire range and categories of Dove shampoos.


From 1995 to 2007, DOVE used to target young Bangladeshi population with the projection of its brand aiming at perfect female population. The brand earlier portrayed its main theme for perfect women as role models. Main objective was to form a brand image of leading and best brand for beauty products and other personal care products enriching the skin with glow and maintaining beauty of beautiful women.



In 2008 mission of DOVE changed from increasing sales among beautiful women to concentrating over all age women without any categorization on the basis of looks. Its mission now stated to make women feel more beautiful every day by challenging todays stereotypical view of beauty and inspiring women to take great care of them.


The stage in PLC is augmented product stage where this product has come up with sensitive augmented benefits like- damage therapy for skin and intense the glow of the skin.

Market share:

Market share is less than 20 percent


Message generation and selection: as a result of surveys and research it was found that-

90% of all women 15-64 worldwide want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance (with body weight ranking the highest).

67% of all women 15 to 64 withdraw from life-engaging activities due to feeling badly about their looks (among them things like giving an opinion, going to school, going to the doctor).

61% of all women and 69% of girls (15 to 17) feel that their mother has had a positive influence on their feelings about themselves and their beauty.

91% feel the media and advertising need to do a better job of representing realistic images of women over 50.

97% believe society is less accepting of appearance considerations for women over 50 compared to their younger counterparts, especially when focused on the body.

Nearly 60% of women believe that if magazines were reflective of a population, a person would likely believe women over 50 do not exist.

87% of women believe they are too young to be old.

Message execution:

Message is executed by various advertisement strategies that no more included beautiful and slim models but the actual users- average looking woman. It launched Dove Campaign for Real Beauty (CFRB) as its advertising campaign. It included following as its parts at different time periods to create awareness about the recent changes-

Daughters campaign: this was a sub campaign under CFRB which focused on young teenage girls who are sensitive about the way their looks are evolving with age. In the TV commercials and audio visuals young girls with different looks and different perceptions about their looks (spotty, fat, dull, pale, dark) were showed along with them gaining confidence as they look different and de-relating looks with self esteem or glamour.

Evolution is a campaign: it captured one of the first online- focused spot by any company.

It derived its budget from daughters campaign. It aimed at providing as much exposure as possible to women through online means.

Dove self esteem fund: it included inspiring advertisements during major live events like Super Bowl where women were inspired to value the way they look and the way they perceive their looks.

Study voice: in voice, dove was advertised to gain attention of urban class as a premium product.

Thus main strategy was shifted from concentrating over the product to concentrating over the target customers- women of all ages and size. The message to be spread among them was that each woman is beautiful, irrespective of her age or size.


Major media types used in advertisement campaigns are-

Print media

Tv media

Online media: www.campaignforrealbeauty.com is the website available for woman for their information and cast their votes on the questionnaire given. Online dialogues are also brought up through blogs and discussion boards, research studies about beauty, reading articles and opinions of the users.

Billboards: Dove placed mobile billboards in major cities. Each billboard challenged women's notions of beauty by encouraging them to cast their votes online.

Sales promotion: activities related to sales promotion included

Free trial packs which were distributed along with newspapers to have a larger reach to the population for creating high level awareness.



Table Forecast for the marketing Expenditure

In millions

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Sales of Dove





Media Advertising





Salary (Sales team) and Administrative Expenses





Sales Promotions

33.44 (22%)

31.65 (20%)

32.94 (20%)

34.3 (20%)

Marketing Expenditure as a percentage of sales





Activity Schedule:

Activities Planned

2 crore 20 lacs for a year 2014-2015

Duration of the Activity

Budget in Taka

Sponsoring events in Girls Colleges

Sponsor around 15 events over the year

5 lacs*15=75,00,000

Experience Dove Campaigns at Malls in cities

5 such events in malls spread in various zones in the cities

10 lacs

Launch online skin help portal(Promotion)

Ongoing - Skin experts in Dove should answer the queries daily

50 thousand per month

Advertising Campaign #1 in BASUNDHARA

To be aired for 3 months starting 15th April 2014

9 lacs

Advertising Campaign #2 in Dhanmondi and Gulshan

To be aired for 9 months starting 15th April 2012

1 crore taka

Market survey To find out brand/ product awareness

To be conducted 3-4 months later

5 lacs

Workshops for self-esteem

Every 4months

15 lacs

Financial Projections:

Current financial position calculated:

Average usage per consumer = 2.3 per month

Volume per usage = 230 grams (approx)

Weighted Price per usage of soap= Rs. 75

No. of dove users = 0.3 million

Yearly Revenue generated = almost 22 crore

Proposed Plan:

Market growth over previous year = 5.3%

Yearly revenue projected = 50 crore


In Unilever the hierarchy is very lean, in general the whole setup is centralized, all the matters are to be reported to the head office and all the policies and targets are approved at the higher level. But at the branch level the structure is decentralized. A generalized Organogram of Unilever Bangladesh head office with reference to designations is mentioned below:

General Trade Sales Hierarchy

Organization of the Sales Force:

The organization of the sales force at Unilever is Combination Organization. The structure of most sales forces is combination of two or more of the types of specializations, such as combination of Product specialization and Customer Specialization, or combination of Customer specialization or Geography specialization. Unilever too uses a combination of Product and Geographic specialization.

Because Unilever has a range of products for all of its products, therefore, there are different sales personnel for each of its products. And as evident from the sales structure of the organization, the sales force is also organized by the geographical regions of the country.

Strategic decisions have been taken by RSM whereas Administrative decisions have been taken by NSM. They sell based on what they want to sell strategically and what they dont want.

Divisions in Bangladesh:

Bangladesh is divided in three geographic regions for the sales operations; these divisions are supervised by the General Sales Manager.

Dhaka south and north and the rest of the cities.

In rest of the regions, Unilever sends its outsourced sales Team which is hired through their distributers.


There are many elements that help and interact to determine the type and character of the territory, some of them are;

Number and types of outlets

Type of major channels

Shopper base and profiles (Population Census)

Geographical Spread


General economic conditions

Development of infrastructure

Distribution network

Distribution Philosophy (Unilever may plan to extend coverage till the incremental volume break-even with the cost to serve, it could be COGS or ROI driven philosophy)

Territory distribution in Dhaka:

In rest of the regions, Unilever sends its outsourced sales Team which is hired through their distributers. In Dhaka are about 2500 outlets/Accounts. Sales force in Dhaka for all the Unilever products constitutes of 300 Sales Representatives. They contribute one day to each Product Line. There are about six different Areas in Dhaka and for each area they have an individual Area Sales Manager.


Adding up the volume from each outlet as per catalog can give is the number of calls to be managed in a day based on volume. This gives them the estimated volume per representative in a day. Each sales person has to cater to minimum of 30 POPs in a day. This volume forms the basis for daily target setting and balancing the loads for delivery purposes.




Intensive market coverageProduce higher sales

Excellent customer serviceCustomer Satisfaction

Effective time managementLower cost of operations


Foster motivationLead to less turnover

Performance EvaluationHigher Incentives


Focused ServicesLead to less wastage


Efficient Coveragelower cost of distribution

Territory Bases:

The Bases for territory formation followed in Unilever Bangladesh is Sales Potential. Territories are divided according to the Income groups, the terminology used by the National Sales Manager. When further discussion and as the Interview proceeded, we gathered that the territories are formed according to the sales Potential for each category of products. For the skin Cleansing Products, the territories are formed according to the Income Groups and according to the turnover each Income Group brings in for the company.

The accounts are divided in three types of Income Groups:

Income Group A: Income group A, that bring in a business of more than Rs. 25000 in a month, constitute of about 5000 outlets in Dhaka

Income Group B: Income Group B, that bring in a business of more than Rs. 15000 in a month, constitutes of about 9000 outlets in Dhaka

Income Group C: Income Group C, that bring in a business of below Rs. 15000 in a month, constitutes of about 11000 outlets in Dhaka

An average Sales Person makes about 20-40 calls a day for each Income Group

Calls Made In a weekOutlets In Dhaka

A-Class Outlets2-3 times a weekAbout 5000

B-Class Outlets1-2 times a weekAbout 9000

C-Class OutletsAt least once in WeekAbout 11,000


Routing refers to establishing a sequence of locations a salesperson will visit. When asked, the Area Sales Manager replied that for its Skin Cleansing Products, they follow Straight Line Method. This pattern is often achieved by identifying customer locations that are situated at the outer perimeter of the territory. The sales person begins with a call on a customer located at the outer perimeter and then works back to the home base.

Straight line Routing Method


PJP (Permanent Journey Plan)

Unilever Follows straight line pattern called Permanent Journey Plan, Every DSR has to sell One BRAND/PRODUCT LINE each day, Dedicated DSR Product wise for all Major Accounts and ONE DSR for small towns and remote areas.

Unilever assess the current volume base of territory as per individual route Plan in PJPs for all distributors/sales representatives, (Take monthly averages to identify current base of the outlets). Sales Rep has to cover all the routes in their territory for complete territory assessment.

Based on the current volume calculate and record the gross margin generated on each route.

Calculate the estimates cost of servicing that route and record the available margin per person.

After Sales Rep initial assessment they plan the field coaching days for each sales representative on all his routes. Identify and discuss the potential opportunity with representatives after each full day field contact. Review the situation for all PJPs in the light of skill gaps, market opportunity and brand trends.

Sales Rep discusses the market potential with manager with special focus on low margin per person routes. Plan for revised targets, revised outlets and if any support needed for personal development. Based on assessment of available potential allocate the new targets and monitor them closely for each sales representatives.

Sales Rep submit the performance results with their PJP improvements plan to their manager. Sign off the coaching sheet with their report for future reference/ record in the training log book.

Unilever does not include overheads, warehousing costs, capital cost and other related costs as the objective here is to access the economic viability of the routes. A route becomes self-sustained only when its potential has been fully exploited. This is a form where they have to build the territory do the necessary building investments.

Territory Breakeven Analysis

After allocating the resources they carry out the breakeven analysis for their territory. They estimate the minimum possible volume required to sustain each individual route.

Elements that need to be calculated for the breakeven analysis are as follows:

Salary of all representatives.

Fuel and maintenance cost for all vehicle deployed (driver, patrol, parking and toll. Road tax, repairs, regular maintenance etc)

Communicate gross margin available on all categories as per the product mix estimated territory volume.

Gross Margin (3) - Cost (1+2) = margin per person

# of Representatives

If the Margin per person is around 50% of the gross revenues for the territory then they have a balanced route.

Channel and territory focused plan

Depending on the size of distribution operation and types of outlets, they have a territory whose designed is based on either channel/ category focus or on geographical spread. (Geographical basis of territory is suitable for less segmented markets and rural territory coverage)

Channel focused territories would require more travel time as compared to territories based on geographical only. They need to ensure the effectiveness of the coverage plan and ensure sustainability for regular coverage.

Channel category focused territory PJPs are required where we have the need and resource to provide the viable added services in the group of selected outlets.

Once they have done the analysis based on the above factors, they would be in a position to determine the number of people and vehicles required to service their customer. Based on the estimated volume per route, they can easily estimate territory volume and get a sound basis for forecasting.


Good territory management contributes to the development of:

Strong business partnerships

Achievement of growth targets

Better use of resources

It is important that you know your territory and have a detailed knowledge on outlet mapping to from manageable clusters. You need to understand your responsibility in managing all the resources available. Managing territory is the role of an ambassador in building long term trade relations for the company.

You dont work in isolation and the effectiveness of your work has an impact on the work plan of others. Your efficient execution contributes toward the achievement of broad company objectives.


Ideally sales territories at Unilever are structured in a way that facilitates planning and control of the selling efforts. A strong territory structure has helped Unilever in implementing selling discipline and demarcates the operational span for their distributors.


Unilever defines territory as a customer base in which they operate. All the current and potential outlets that are counted in a geographical boundary represent a sale territory.


Management refers to planning, setting direction and control of sales team involved in providing basic and value added services. The aim is to ensure the implementation and quality performance of tasks in order to achieve predefined objectives.


There are many elements that help and interact to determine the type and character of the territory, some of them are;

Number and types of outlets

Type of major channels

Shopper base and profiles (Population Census)

Geographical Spread


General economic conditions

Development of infrastructure

Distribution network

Distribution Philosophy (Unilever may plan to extend coverage till the incremental volume break-even with the cost to serve, it could be COGS or ROI driven philosophy)


Annual targets are reflected in the targets set for each distributor. The distributor targets would then be allocated to each sales representatives working for that distributor according to his territory potential.

Based on their annual targets they set monthly, weekly and even daily distribution targets as per brand and outlet. They need to incorporate the brand cycle activities in their targets be abide to take full advantage of the promotional support and to ensure regular availability of stocks.


The first step in the planning for achieving objectives is to assess the territory volume through building SMART journey plan. All outlets in the territory are mapped for coverage (Mapping stands for actual mapping on a plot) and potential permanent journey plan (PJP) is the starting point in the working of a distributor sales representative. The number of outlets in a day will determine the potential available and effective utilization of his entire day. Time is one able sales force resource and needs careful planning.

The journey plans are made for each route which than forms a section of the sales representative or his territory. All routes have assigned number of customers for each sales representative. The flow or the sequence outlets is kept in line with the customer needs and the logical next outlet with respect to time and distance. If possible the workload is balanced each day for an effective utilization of time during the week.

PJP is a flying document which needs to be updated regularly. New outlets needs to brought under coverage, changes in road networks require appropriate action etc. they ensure that the routes and journey plans are valid and updated regularly.

Monitoring Selling Activities

To monitor selling activities, Unilever use a device called HHT (Hand Held Terminal). Theres a scanner at the back of the device which is used to track the existing location of a Sales Rep. When a Sales Rep reaches an outlet, a detector, present at the outlet detects the Sales Person and notifies the system of sales Supervisor that the sales rep has reached the location. After this, report of the order gets uploaded in the Unilevers server. This way manager sitting in the office can track the following:


Order Details

Current Location

Time Spent in every outlet

Purchasing Pattern of an account for cross selling and up selling

Premium products are marked red in the device means Sales Rep has to sell this product. Sales Rep also sell product based on the class i.e. they sell soap to C class accounts, whereas sell body washes to A class accounts. Big SKUs will not be allowed to sell in small outlets.

Performance Management

If there are 100 outlets a Sales Rep has to cover according to the given plan then his performance will be measured on completing the atleast 95 outlets. If Sales Rep completes 94 outlets then it will not be counted as an effective coverage.

Time Report can be extracted from the system i.e. how much time he spends in one outlet. Approximately 5-6 minutes are required to serve an outlet. Through this, the sales supervisors ensure a minimum of 3% ROI per month.


Following is the descriptive objective set for each sale representative for better results;

Key elements for managing a territory at Unilever are the basis for running an efficient operation.

Effective use of Territory Management Planning Model to clarify, identify and determine the implementation plan for the agreed objectives.

To appreciate the process for field implementation through building a Territory operation Plan for eliminating time wastages.


Key remedy for a lot of issue is the automation of distribution network. The data is helpful in assessing the customer base coverage and the prioritization of customers for investment of resources. IT has helped Unilever in planning out trade coverage planning in a number of ways, some of them are;

In classifying outlets by channel, type and volume

In calculating the coverage of each Brand with productivity, activity etc.

Building up of territories based on volumes, break-even analysis, focus etc.

Implementation of incentive planning through installing commission system, targets achievements reporting system etc.

Unilever operates around philosophy of fire preventing approach rather firefighting approach.


Unilever believes in learning as an ongoing process and for this purpose they invite all territory managers once in a month to participate in different exercises, one example listed below;


Formulate your territory operation plan based on the tools defined earlier. The format will facilitate you planning and plugging in the necessary details. You must expand and decide the tactics based on SWOT analysis and discuss them with your managers.

Go through your Territory Operation Plan document with your manager. Ensure that it is a line with overall companys strategy and captures all the key areas.

Selling Time

Since theres less paper work now because of the current technology being used therefore selling time is 90% whereas 10% is on other activities.


A good territory design would always deliver optimum geographic area coverage and a balanced workload for all the resources deployed. This would mean maximum sales and profits. It would help in maintaining a good co-ordination and better control among the distributor sale representatives and identification of performance assessment indicator in each cycle. It can be used as an effective tool to build the confidence and higher motivation among the team through transparency and recognition.

A part from the geographical demarcation, the selection of outlet in each channel is a second major factor at Unilever to balance the volume and its very much important to monitor the channels with similar clusters for provisioning of appropriate channel tailored support.

Quality customer services are yet another major outcome Unilever is enjoying from its effective territory design.


The formation of a territory at Unilever is done with a basic objective by measuring performance within smaller outlets or town clusters for providing a focused approach. Starting at a territory level also helps in easily managing the expected results and initiating controls within a relatively smaller area. Basis for territory formulation can be evaluated either by;

Absolute sales volume and growth

Relative market share

Profitability of the distribution operation

Span of control

The biggest challenge for Unilever in territory formulation is the achievement of optimum coverage levels over a sustainable cost structure. Any deployment of resource would demand a thorough understanding of the opportunity areas and competitive strengths.

For a wider coverage, if too many distributors are created/hired, the business base might become fragmented, and in that case Unilever sales force may not be able to provide sufficient after sales service/support to the trade. Also, it may not be economically viable to invest in the growing IT needs that capture valuable POP (Point of Purchase) data in HHT (Hand Held Terminal).


Territory management starts with resource planning to make best use of available resources, and for this purpose Unilever must expand its coverage at an optimal level to ensure regular supply to the trade through available routes to the market.

The way sales force works in a territory and the outcomes is the direct reflection on the professional approach of Unilever sales team. Each territory is a smaller part of the total market and hence involved all sort of managerial duties required in field operations limited to scaled down level. An effective and efficient territory management develops the territory and hence builds career growth for the individual working in the territory.

New venture

With a growth rate curving upward, the Bangladeshi skin care market is going through a major paradigm shift. There is such huge potential that major Bangladeshi manufacturers are now relaunching skin care brands.

The change is visible at two levelsconsumer behaviour and marketers trying to grow the market by introducing new product categories and services.

Men are fast emerging as a separate consumer category in a market traditionally dominated by women. The change in the buying pattern includes men looking for care and styling products that cater to their specific needs. A growing number of men go for shopping on their own with more income in their hands to be spent on personal care products due to demographic features such as the rising number of single-occupancy households, as consumers delay committing to marriage and children.

The proposed plan is to enter into a new market segment i.e. men. There is a huge potential for this segment as inferred from the survey given.

APPROPRIATENESS of mens new market segment:

Skin care is meant for men as much as it is meant for female population.

CFRB can support Men in a substantial way as men are also sensitive about their looks as verified by.

Men consider glowing skin as an important attribute in a shampoo to be cared about more than women.

How to tap this new market segment:

Include men (average looking, not celebrities) into advertisement campaigns.

Create awareness of advantages and rationale for dove products to be used by men.

There is enough value proposition in the product hence there could be a potential opportunity to cater the mens segment.

Dove has already introduced its mens segment in US.


HYPERLINK "http://www.dove" www.dove.in

HYPERLINK "http://www.caanz.co.nz/attachments/how-dove-survived-the-turkish-recession.pdf" www.caanz.co.nz/attachments/how-dove-survived-the-turkish-recession.pdf

HYPERLINK "http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9504E5DF123AF931A15754C0A9679C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all" http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9504E5DF123AF931A15754C0A9679C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all

HYPERLINK "http://www.allbusiness.com/retail/retailers-general-merchandise-stores-discount-club/8763650-1.html" http://www.allbusiness.com/retail/retailers-general-merchandise-stores-discount-club/8763650-1.html

( HYPERLINK "http://www.magBangladesh.com/manarch/news/man43017.html" http://www.magBangladesh.com/manarch/news/man43017.html)

HYPERLINK "http://www.insideretailing.com.au/Default.aspx?tabid=53&articleType=ArticleView&articleId" www.insideretailing.com.au/Default.aspx?tabid=53&articleType=ArticleView&articleId

HYPERLINK "http://www.adbrands.net/us/dove_us.htm" www.adbrands.net/us/dove_us.htm

HYPERLINK "http://www.newmarketingeconomy.com/2007/02/dove_washes_away_its_competiti.html" www.newmarketingeconomy.com/2007/02/dove_washes_away_its_competiti.html

HYPERLINK "http://www.slideshare.net/parthamisra/dove-final-presentation-presentation" www.slideshare.net/parthamisra/dove-final-presentation-presentation

HYPERLINK "http://www.brandstrategy.co.uk/issues/2008/May/Beneath_the_skin/Browse" www.brandstrategy.co.uk/issues/2008/May/Beneath_the_skin/Browse

HYPERLINK "http://www.iab.nl/data/documenten/research/TheNewMarketingMixDoveNutrium.pdf" www.iab.nl/data/documenten/research/TheNewMarketingMixDoveNutrium.pdf

HYPERLINK "http://www.marketingmagic.ca/articles/Dove.htm" www.marketingmagic.ca/articles/Dove.htm

HYPERLINK "http://www.strategymag.com/articles/magazine/20051101/dove.html" www.strategymag.com/articles/magazine/20051101/dove.html

HYPERLINK "http://www.cassies.ca/caselibrary/winners/DoveBeautyBar.pdf" www.cassies.ca/caselibrary/winners/DoveBeautyBar.pdf