Mise En Scene Of Se7en

Mise-en-scene of Se7en.

Transcript of Mise En Scene Of Se7en

Page 1: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

Mise-en-scene of Se7en.

Page 2: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

The mise-en-scene in this shot is very dark and dull, but it also shows the he has a very basic living style and also him having the light on will also show that he is scared of the dark I think this is because of his job because he see bad things all day and it makes him scared.

Page 3: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

This shit is showing that Morgan freeman is very simple and don’t like changes and he is putting in things down on the side just before he dose do bed, the lighting in this shot is very dark and this is because you can only see the shadow really of his hand and it doesn't stand out that well.

Page 4: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

This shot in very similar to the shot before in the lighting way and that but it is also showing him putting the piano tuner on to calm him down and to make him stop thinking about what he sees every day at work, and the sound in the back ground are people shouting and things like that so it is showing that he lives in a bad area as well.

Page 5: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

This shot is the beginning of the of the crdits but also this is were the killer is making all his notes and things like that but it is really important to notice how they have set this up with the lighting and that because if is only showing the middle of the books and not the edges.

Page 6: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

The only reason I chose this one because it is the only one that comes up on its own and it is showing how important the right writing and colour on the black background to get the correct concept of the film and it is only the beginning.

Page 7: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

Theses are the first of the notes that you see of the killer and they are good because they make you to start thinking why and what are all these about are these about his killings and that.

Page 8: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

I chose this on because mainly for the colouring because it is “red” and this shows that there is going to be a lot going on in this film because when you look at red it makes you think danger or death especially on this kind of back ground, but it could also been saying love and things like that.

Page 9: Mise En Scene Of Se7en

As the slide before I chose this slide because of the couloring and the big writing that is coming across the screen and also the killers notes coming though in the back ground but as al they way though the lighting has been dull and that but this is because it gives the movie a good mood and contrast.

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