mise en scene

Mise en scéne For use in all of our final media products

Transcript of mise en scene

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Mise en scéneFor use in all of our final media products

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Ideas for the male band members’ costumes

Audience research – the male group commented briefly stating they would reflect ‘modern day indie’ and wear ‘chinos’

Talking to our band members, they said they don’t have access to chinos, so jeans might be more suited to the casual look. However, they had simplistic t-shirts, implying they don’t put much effort into their look (indie convention)

Also in my similar artist research, the band members wore casual clothing –sometimes crossed with smart clothing (often Irwin did so)

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Costume ideas for the male band members

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Female in the videos narrative

Lyrics imply she is promiscuous- “Falling out of her top” and “Runs her hands through her hair”

Similar artist research showed the female to be dressed simplistically-nothing with brands or anything that makes a statement

Speaking to Iman, who will play this role, she is happy to wear a dress, however, she opted for a jacket as well because of the cold weather

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Costume ideas for the female in the narrative

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Lighting ideas

Dim lighting – implications of low budget (indie convention)

Different colored lighting for art deco feel? –However we don’t have access to this in our school but we could cover other sources of light with colored transparent templates or use projected light filters

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Low budget implication – one source of lighting that is visible.

Natural lighting

Worried about Ray


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For the narrative:

No branding on the props – not conventional

Coffee – to make the surrounding look realistic

Suitcase/bag – for when she leaves the lead singer in the narrative


In our audience research the female recipients said she visualized a ‘man playing a guitar’ and why I asked why, she said because it sounded like that is what he was playing

When listening to the song, we identified the following instruments: Guitar, keyboard, drums and a lead vocalist (microphone and stand)

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Ideas for props

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Aspect ratio

The height may have to be longer than the width if we are to do a split screen.

Looking at the aspect ratio of our camera, it will allow us to do a split screen with everything within the frame we shot in to still be visible.

We have decided to shoot the footage and edit it to fit within the split screen width/height ratio.

Looking at its expressionist meaning, we could draw upon out intertextualityreference for guidance. In 500 days of summer they had the aspect ratio the same for either sides- this connotes equal opportunity of both sides being possible, however the reality was true. It also creates enigma (Barthes’ narrative theory) encouraging multiple views.

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This doesn’t directly apply to our chosen use of media as we are using digital technology

However, using my research into art deco style, we could make out video colorful

The quality of the videos I have seen were good. This is unusual because if indie music is trying to convey anti-mainstream values they may have grainy prints.

However, this may just be so that the audience can actually see the video.

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Makeup and hair styles

For the female we have decided to use red lipstick as she is implied to be promiscuous. Also the red represents love with is a theme running in the song (identified through the lyrics).

Also curly hair implies she has put effort into her look and dressed to impress. The cast member has curling tongs and red lipstick and is happy with this look.

For the male band members we thought scruffy hair would look effortless and possibly make up to emphasize their voyeuristic appeal.

After speaking to the band members, as we suspected, they were not happy with the make up idea and would not settle for a compromise of a little. We still feel that they would look fine without make up, so are happy not to use it.

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Ideas for makeup and hair styles

Breakeven-The ScriptThe Kooks-Naive

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Symmetrical layout – shown to be conventional

Lead vocalist is usually the closest to the camera for his voyeuristic appeal

The Hoosiers- Worried about Ray