MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ForMay 26, 2009 Briefing LateAdd … · 5/26/2009  · 1) Workforce...

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT For May 26, 2009 Briefing Late Add On (1) DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOlJRCE: EXPENDITURE SOlJRCE: PROPOSED ACTION: 1210 Elections Administration 8 - Inside Cameras ($125 ea.) 8 - Outside Cameras ($174 ea.) 1- 16-Channel DVR ($1,595) 1 - Power Supply ($175) 1 - 48 Zone Control Panel ($80) 1 - Auto Dialer ($163) 1 - 17" Security Monitor ($135) 1 - RG-59 Cable 500' ($60) 1 - 16-2 Gauge Wire 500' ($62) 1 - Miscellaneous Parts & Small Equipment ($1,060) 2- 3'x 8' Doors ($293 ea.) 2 - Locks ($200 ea.) Labor - $1,793 $8,512 532.0.2090.94036 (Escrow Funds, Equipment less than $5,000, Elections Escrow) 532.0.2090.94036 (Escrow Funds, Equipment less than $5,000, Elections Escrow) Elections Administration has requested authorization to install a security system at the Elections Warehouse. Items will be purchased from the Elections Escrow Fund and partially or fully reimbursed from HAVA Grant Funds once authorization has been obtained. Recommended by Office of Budget & Evaluation.

Transcript of MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ForMay 26, 2009 Briefing LateAdd … · 5/26/2009  · 1) Workforce...

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MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENTFor May 26, 2009 Briefing Late Add On





1210 Elections Administration8 - Inside Cameras ($125 ea.)8 - Outside Cameras ($174 ea.)1- 16-Channel DVR ($1,595)1 - Power Supply ($175)1 - 48 Zone Control Panel ($80)1 - Auto Dialer ($163)1 - 17" Security Monitor ($135)1 - RG-59 Cable 500' ($60)1 - 16-2 Gauge Wire 500' ($62)1 - Miscellaneous Parts & Small Equipment($1,060)2 - 3'x 8' Doors ($293 ea.)2 - Locks ($200 ea.)Labor - $1,793$8,512532.0.2090.94036 (Escrow Funds,Equipment less than $5,000, ElectionsEscrow)532.0.2090.94036 (Escrow Funds,Equipment less than $5,000, ElectionsEscrow)Elections Administration has requestedauthorization to install a security system atthe Elections Warehouse. Items will bepurchased from the Elections Escrow Fundand partially or fully reimbursed fromHAVA Grant Funds once authorization hasbeen obtained. Recommended by Office ofBudget & Evaluation.

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May 26, 2009


1) Workforce Solutions (formerly Texas Workforce Commission)2009-2010 WIA Plan Modification Summary 4-13



County Clerk: Civil Probate and Criminal Courts Imaging Project 14-16


HAVA Funded Voting System Software Upgrade 17-18


a) Consultant Engineering Services, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite(lDlQ) Contract Renewal 19-21


b) Midway Road MCIP Project 10301, (Spring Valley Road to Dooley)Project Supplemental Agreement 22-32


Background Information for May 26 CDBO Public Hearing 33-35


Lease Extension for Texans Credit Union at Old Criminal andFrank Crowley Courts Buildings 36-37

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Green Oaks Psychiatric Hospital's Function as aPublic Psychiatric Facility .


. 38-45

a) Hardware Refresh for OnBase Imaging Environment. 46-48

b) Replace and Upgrade Core Network Switches 49-50


a) Award Recommendation Bid No. 2009-045-4243 - Purchase ofParking Garage Luminaire Lighting Fixtures 5] -57

b) Balance of Award, Bid No. 2009-0] 9-40] 9 - Annual Contract forthe Purchase of Linen and Textile 58-59


a) Professional Services Agreement between Dallas County andLegal Aid of North West Texas as part of the

VOCA Collaborative Grant .. 60-61

b) FY20IO Department Discussion .


.............................. Handout

a) Information N/A@ Jail Population Report• Budget - Reserve Balance Report - May 29,2009e County Auditor - Dallas County Special and Escrowed Funds• Purchasing:

a) Annual Contract Data Informationb) Annual Contract Extensions

• Health & Human Services - Updates

b) IT Steering N/A

]2) Miscellaneous, Travel Requests, Miscellaneous Equipment, andTelecommunications Requests 62-79

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Speakers . . N/A


Minister's Letter of Appreciation


Parkland Bud2et Hearimzs

June 30, 2009 at II :00 a.m.

August 4, 2009 at II :00 a.m.

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! Of

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Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas exists to ensurecompetitive solutions for through quality people

and PEOPLE through quality jobs.


Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas is recognized locally and nationallyas a best in class workforce system that:

• Offers employers the premier solution for a qualified workforce• Provides job seekers comprehensive solutions to ideal employment• Orchestrates oommunity growth and economic development• Engages essential employers oommitted to furthering the Workforce agenda


The Board of Directors developed the following goals to achieve the overall mission and vision of the Board.

Ensure Dallas County employers have access to a skilled workforce and labor market services tocontinually increaseourcompetitive advantage in the global economy, and to rnaximize economic development opportunities for DallasCounty

Ensure Dallas County peopie have access to high-quality labor market information, quality training and services thatfacilitate finding jobs or obtaining better jobs in the loeai economy.

Ensure Dallas County people have access to literacy. education and workplace skills as needed for employment, edu­cation and career opportunities.

• Be recognized by custorners and stakeholders as the responsive and effective workforce system of choice.


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The Dallas County Local Workforce Development Board, d.b.a.Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas, is the premiere workforceplanning and development agency in Texas. The Board en­sures the development and implementation of a system of ser­vices that complements economic oevelop-nent- as a resourcefor employers to access employees they need, and trainingindividuals to be successfully employed

The Dallas County Local Workforce Development Board is avolunteer Board made up of 25 members representing variousemployment sectors and constituencies as mandatad by slateand federal law and appointed by the Dallas County Judge andthe Mayor of the Cityof Dallas.

The Board manages approximately $84 million dollars in work­force development funds. These funds provide e bread rangeof programs to address local workforce issues with business­directed objectives including job training. workplace education.child care and educational initiatives.

In fiscal vears 2009 - 2010, Workforce Solutions Grealer Dallaswill address critical issues affecting Dallas County: creatingemployment opportunities for the hard to serve populations,providing opportunities to workers to sustain employment, build­Ing a workforce pipeline of needed workers, re-employing dislo­caled workers, supporting economic development opportunitieswith a skilled workforce, and strengthening the overall effective­ness of workforce services through regional partnerships andeffective approaches to address these and other workforce is­sues.

In the upcoming year, the Board will focus on training initiativesand employment activities that target key high growth/highdemand governor's industry clusters as well as key growthsectors within the Greater Dallas Area. These activities willensure that Greater Dallas Area remains competitive by attract­ing new businesses and building/sustaining the existing em­ployment base. As described in the following pages, WorkforceSolutions Greater Dallas has historically worked with key indus­tries and employers in Dallas county and the surrounding coun­ties, we propose to build on the successes and expand theinvestments to a broader range of employers that will promoteeconomic growth which supports the Governor's industry clus­ter initiatives.

The Board continues to work regionally with local employers,city and county government, community organizations, collegesand universities, ISDs, other education providers and neighbor­ing Boards, Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County and North

Central Texas. The Board has successfully coordinated pro­viding employer services through Rapid Response, Em­ployer-focused Summits, Job Fairs, Current Worker pro­grams, Regional Initiatives, Grants and other activities.Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas will continue to partnerregionally to deliver high quality services to residents of Dal­lasCounty and the North Texas region.

Serving Greater Dallas, workforce development services in­clude a seamless delivery of services available to job seekersand employers with specialized services available based onneed and availability of funds. Sources of funds providingworkforce services include: Workforce Investment Act' ChildCare Services' Current Worker Training (Encouraging Em­ployer Advancement program) , Project RIO' Trade Adjust­ment Assistance Employment Services * SNAP E&T * Veter­ans E&T' Temporary Assistance to Needy Families' Exter­nal Grant & Special Initiatives.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act-special work­force initiatives will occur in 2009-2010 beginning with a Sum­mer Youth Work Experience program serving 2,500 GreaterDallas WIA eligible youth. A summary of the other activitieswithin the American Recovery and Reinvestments Act 2009include, Work 8xpensncs-WFSGD will offer opportunities to

under-skilled job seekers. This experience will providethe necessary skills that meet job seekers' needs oflong-term self-sufficiency wage.

• (short and long term) - WFSGDcontinues to explore new training opportunities throughthe ETPS. New innovative training options will be avail­able through class-sized training, and elevation of schol­arship training cap, New opportunities are being devel­oped to offer'just in time" training offerings.

• Customized tr8ining~WFSGD will offer customizedtraining as part of a partnership with training providersand local employers.

e V\'/orkshops-specialized workshops and assessmentsare offered to job seekers in efforts to quickly transitionintoa career.


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player and specifically small employer involvement TheEEA program has engaged numerous local employerstraining over 2,500 current workers within the lastyear,

Future directions

• Increased emphasis on 'ill"~!LTi!':CL,n.' ""."!L!''''''''('',('.!-who may not have the same expanded human re­sources departments as larger companies.

Ne,rormltiOn and Utifization-performance excellence inall services delivered to employers and people.Access-ensuring easy access to workforce services"portable services", Regardless of location, workforceservices are available at multiple locations to suit theneeds of jobseekers and employers,

ccresssn« Job Needs-employers have a choice, Toprovide high quality services to meet the labor marketneeds of local employers by providing trained and edu­cated people.Effective matching-an effective workforce systemthat secures self-sufficient employment and a living wagefor job seekers and trained/skilled job seekers to meet theneeds of local employers. Staff utilize effective tools toprovide effective job matching,

partnerships~in effortsto corn­bine community efforts to meet the needs of veterans, ex­offenders, dislocated workers, low-income youth andadults with barriers to employment-Workforce SolutionsGreater Dallas explores new methods to increase andenhance existing community partnerships as well as lev­erage community resources to maximize resources avail­able. WFSGD will provide a positive influence for thedirection of all workforce activities in the Greater Dallasarea.

choice-ensure that WFSGD is seen as thepartner of choice for both the employer community and forjob seekers. WFSGD will serve as the catalyst to bringtogether employer-led organizations, regional industryinitiatives, economic development organizations, labororganizations, faith-based and community based organi­zations, chambers of commerce, ISDs, & pest-secondaryorganizations,

e Enhanced focus on preparing forfuture career opportunities to meet the needs of tomor­row's workforce.

e Increased coordination of industry initiatives that create ahigh growth occupational

areas through talent developmentI) Model program for special populations to indude: vet­

eran services, special projects for ex-offenders, uniqueprogram designs for class-sized training targeting dislo­cated workers, projects to serve '.'.'" ,,"".C.' ."",

Keeping in line with national and state priorities, WorkforceSolutions Greater Dallas has set the following future direc­tions,Increased Avvareness-to be recognized as the "go toplace" for businesses via increased outre.ach and recruit­ment efforts with outside advertisements, radio spots, com­munity partnerships, chambers of commerce, etc, Methodsto engage local employers are conducted In a variety ofmethods to include, focus groups, Chamber of Commerceparticipation, association participation, job fairs, EEA pro­gram, etc. These activities assist in encouraging local em-


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occupation and Employment (2008) % Civilian Unemployed

Dallas County \l\!OA




02922 Martin l.\Jther J<inq 81'1(jC ceo Selecto Post Code Bndryo Big City Or0' Medium City ctr==Prim. '1wy

Seed. Hwy

ZIP Codes~ Above 13.50CITD 7.20 to 13.50

03.85 to 7.2002.05 to 3.85o Below 2.05DNoDilta

Source: Applied Geographic Solutions 1)) 2008.DernographicsNow is brought to you by SRC

LlC, (0:) 2008 All Rights Reserved

Date; 05/13/09

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50\ln;8: Applied Geogr<'lphic Solut;ofl~ © 2008.DenlOgr<'lphicsNow is brought to you by SRC

L1_C. © 2008 All Rights




CodesAbove 2614.75 to 26

8,30 to 14.754,75 to IUOBelow 4,75

No Dilta

Dallas County \/\fDA


IllJ!' 292.2 Hartin Luther Kin'l ,!r BlvdC Ceo Select '

o post Code Bndry

o BI(1 City OrQ Medium City Orm= Pdrr. riwy

Seed. Hwy

Date: 05/13/09


Basic Variables (2008) Educational Attainment (Pop 25 Plus):By Percent: 0/0 9th to 12th Grade No Diploma

(289) "r-"~?''''jG\


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Dallas County WDA



CodesAboVE 2,0001,500 to 2,000I .oce to 1,500500 to \.000Below SOONo D~ta


... 2922 Martin Luther Kim) Jr_ BlvdC Geo Selecto Post Code Bndrvo 8ig City o-o Medium City C\r_ Prim. Hwy

Seed. Hwy

Source: Applied Geographic Solutions © 2008DemogrilpnicsNow is brought to you by SRC,

UC © 2008 All Rights acsetveo

Date: 05/13/09

Business Summary (2008) Establishments: Total Establishments

1J52. --=-....,.... 1 ~

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1 1

Dallas Workforce Development Area I March 2009




Dallas WDA Texas

elF Employed Unemployed Rate elF Employed Unemployed1,155,915 1,071.048 84.867 7.3 Mar-09 11,820,143 11,028.148 791,9951,156,374 1,071,343 85,031 7.4 Feb-DB 11,776,434 10.993,792 782,6421,146,179 1,092,137 54,042 4.7 Mar-DB 11,577,838 11,075,081 502,757

Historical Unemployment Rates



'litf=;s=;~~:~~·~-~_3.0 J I

Mar-01 Sep-01 Mar-02 Sep-02 1,12,·03 Sep-03 Mar-04 Sep-04 Mar~05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-D6 Mar-O? sec-or Mar-OS Sep-DB Mar-09



Total Claims

Mar-OS Feb-OS Mar-OS

12,492 11.752 6,89566,123 54,990 39,287

Continued Claims for the Week of the 12th






Total State of Texas Claims

Mar-OS Feb-OS Mar-DB

25.623 27,310 12.344269,495 221,097 107,446

Continued Claims for the Week of the 12th



Continued 25,444 23,322 11,247 14,197 Continued 251,071 220,314 107,446 143,625

DaUasWDA Industry Composition3rd Quarter 2008

Dallas WDAAverage Weekly. Wage


0 -a 0 " ~.~ c '-~

~c w a

~.~ c c l0 d 'a

~.~ ~. t

" 2 i;z " 'o w


~rz c • e ~o£ e, c 0;

Z0 " ~

Dallas Change

$1,025.87 (39.44)








3rd Otr 2008

2008 Average

2007 Average









SUPER SECTOR Total Quarter Year 250,000

Construction 84,791 -406 643

Education and Health Services 149.956 51 4,251 200.000

Federal 27,270 363 763

Financial Activities 146,098 855 1,399 CID 150,000

Information 48,351 -917 -114 E

"Leisure and Hospitality 132,385 -618 2,374 0

"-Local i 14.812 -4,201 -2,881 E 100,000

WManufacturing 135,419 -886 ·10,360

Natural Resources and Mining 8.323 193 994 50,000

Nonclassified 997 -64 34

Other Services 39,319 -495 ·286 Q

Professional and Business Services 278.751 -1.147 5,009 0

Stale 20,237 449 2,301

Trade, Transportation anc Utilities 304,497 1,345 -1,189

TOTAL 1,491,206 ·5,478 2,938

Available at httpswww.tracerz.comr

Size Class Employment Composition3rd Quarter 2008


n nn -0:

~ '" 0 0 0 '" o» '" •~ ~

, «n ~ '" '" 0c 0 6 N ~ 2: 0N m " 0 0

" i!3 0 ~


Size Cfass


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2009-2010 Targeted Occupations ListWorkforce Solutions Greater Dallas continually assesses the local business environment in identifying the needs of employers and byestablishing the effective linkages between Job seekers and employers. WFSGD staff remains in close contact with the employercommunity through partnerships with local community organizations, community colleges, training providers, members of the Board,economic development organizations, and the local chambers of commerce organizations. The Targeted Occupations List is revisedas necessary to ensure thatoccupations identified best meet the needs of employers and job seekers.

The targeted occupations list can have a direct correlation to the empioyers and area's economic health. The skills employers areseeking in job seekers constantly evolve due to the areas emerging technological advances. In today's economy, competitive andtechnological changes have pushed many educators, job seekers and employers to re-write the rules of workforce development.Knowledge and skill levels required to be competitive in today's workplace areescalating and changing rapidly. WFSGD staff, educa­tors and employers are working together to ensure that the demand for educated and skilled workers is met by infusing the impor­tance of lifelong learning. 'Lifelong learning will allow workers toeasily transition to new and emerging economies astheyarise.

The Dallas County Board utilized a number ofLabor Market Informational Tools incrafting its Targeted Industries List. A Shift ShareAnalysis was completed to analyze which industry groups had the greatest likelihood forjob opportunities and which Industries had apotential comparative advantage versus national shares of employment. According to the Shift Share Analysis, industries that hadthe creates! likelihood for job opportunities included 561- Administrative and Support Services, 541 Professional and Technical Ser­vices, 238~Specialty Trade Contractors, 621- Ambulatory Health Care Services, and Management ofCompanies and Enterprises.Industries that had a potential comparative advantage included 611- Educational Services, 423- Merchant Wholesalers, DurableGoods, 939-Local Government. 522- Credit Intermediation and Related Activities, and 623- Nursing and Residential Care Facilities.

Further analysis indicated that the top 5 industries in the Greater Dallas Area include: Professional and Technical Services, Ambula­tory Health Care Services, Administrative and Support Services, Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods, and Credit Intermediationand Related Activities. These industries represent areas of which ourtargeted occupations have the highest demand. Forexample,NAICS 5415 Computer Systems Design and Related Services, employ Computer Software Engineers, Database Administrators, andNetwork Systems Integrators. NAICS 6221 General Medical and Surgical Hospitals employs Registered Nurses, Radiological Techni­cians, Surgical Technicians, and Medical Secretaries. These targeted industries also target TWC/LMCI sectors such as Biotechnol­ogy, Life Sciences, and Medical, Electronics and Applied Computer Equipment, and Education, Training, and Personal Development.It also targets the Gcvernor's Industry Clusters such as Information and Computer Technology and Biotech and Life Sciences.

A. variety of factors went into creating the targeted occupations lislwhich included employment numbers, employment growth opportu­nities, replacement ratios, and local industry competitiveness. All targeted occupations on the list either have the greatest likelihoodfor potential employment opportunities or a potential comparative advantage. Listed on the next page are the proposed targetedoccupations for 2009-2010. This iistmay bemodified throughout the year based on the availability of employment opportunities.

Occupations to beadded. WFSGD has collaborated with employers, chambers, community organizations, universities, ISDs, corn­munity colleges to identify potential job openings. The following occupations arerecommended to be added to the list in order tomeet employer needs:, Environmental Technician, Environmental Engineer, Insulation Installer* Construction/building Inspector, Inslallation Workers, Business Operations Specialist

Occupation to beremoved.At this time, we are recommending removing: Emergency Medical Tech., Media Communications Workers and Global PositioningTech. tram the occupational training list. There have been several instances of problems finding employment upon completion oftraining for the Emergency Medial Tech., as well as high turnover. For the Media Communications Workers and Global PositioningTech., the lack of employment and training opportunities necessitates removal.


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1 3



Proposed 2009-2010 WIA TargetOccupation List

Viorkforc!' Solutions Greafer Dalias hac; identifiDO' the hiiufif!ng uaceseo occupations lor Dallas County rnese cccxenons will6ssistDallasCountyemployers by providing" we!Hrained and higher-skifiedworkforce. This Ust m6Yce modifiedas necessary to Gl)wre t,h;:;!trainingcontinues IL; meetthereeosof IheDa!!as workforce

DccupetionatTitle SOCCOOlO Est I Recional Avg W~ge OccupationalTitle SOC Code Est Employment Regional AvgWageEmployment i Employment Employment

Biologic;a11echn;c,an 19':021 30: 450 , 1UD 333012 2,600 5.850 s 17.52aepstereo NUISB' 291111 13 sse 37.300 , 209

Respiratory Therapist 291126 900 1)00 !

E472073 2,850 6,600 $ 14.23

Medica! LabTHtmictan 292012 1,650 2,900 I 13, • 472031 6,950 13,350 I 14.54

DentalHY1J;enis!' 292021 1,250 2,750 S 27" ' 472051 VOO 4,850 s 13.66

Diagnostic ImBgi~g Soeciali.t 292032 400 700 I 24 ' 472111 6,550 12,900 s 17,94

Radioiogfcai Technician 292034 1.850 I 3.2~0 , 19, • 472152 3,95D 7,850 s 19,24

[~~J-+e£;,~ ,,- ,,~, J,.tOO ". . 472211 2,050 3,900 , 14.22

Ph<1rmacy TeGhni:::i~n 292052 2,800 5,850 s 13, Auk Boov ~;ep3i' 493021 1,800 3"mO $ 1.1"2S

Surgie<;1 Fechnician 292055 900 I 1,600 ! 15.31 493023 6,600 14,100 s 17.06

Licensee Plack:.,,1 Nurse' 292061 HOC I 16)50 I 18,95 Diesel'Bus/Iruck Meon" 493031 2.950 5,600 I 17.44

Med;ca! Secretary' 435013 'ftc I 3JOO s 13.91 511011 6.920 I 14,870 s 21.18leta! & Pic.shc WQ'ker.;~!1 cmer 51419S 259 550 s 17.03

">iU\1/i0L 2.4lliZL<, <'Adviirit}(j'N!$'iiUfucliiilrigIErighiri.riIingfSeii11cqridiicli::ii«<> d:~~)~i"eOperaIQ' 515023 2,37G ~.25D , 15.73

"OC ' ~O'W, """,, ~ 1BO~ :::s 15,62

ElectronicEn9irt€e" 172071 "" 5.700 s 1i26l~fC;-'B'lica:Enpoeer" 172141 5)00 s


D,~f;er, Enginee! Teen.. 173000 I ' 305 23,350 , 2398 512011 600 2,500 s n.04173025 110 150 s 21.81 '" 340

Emnneers' 172000 19,95C 35.600 I 3f 59 ",em'" Em"gm9 NIA

~s 16.50

'Eou", 530 920 s 3UO ,>4749.111:> , 24.29

~mw"173023 3,80~ 6,050 s 23-95 .:490OP>:' I'5191Al 3.05~ 3,800 , K76!LlcNCM"cnme Ooeato- 514011 1,200 2,850 , 14,62512022 I 15Al 514041 3.250 7,200 s 16.41

W€!de'f, Cutter' 514121 4,950 10.700 s 14.64

lCom~uler & lnsc. Sysl, Mng' 113021 4.140' , I,no lS

5~!!151021 7 ·S. 119,,0 IS 35.67 a 111021 28,590 48,050 , 57.36reo-cote prccremrner

:: 16 CCOOOIcC"Od'"~,:m'ComputerSurcortTech 151041 7.2~{' , 12,AOO I , 131199 11,410 20,860 , 31.38

ComputerSoftw;;fe Encineer 151031 1.100 11,650 I I 132011 17,130 27,040 , 30.18

ComputerSystemsAnalyst 151051 8,350 If.,150 , 3€.21 ParaiegaliLega: Assistant 232011 3,800 5,5OD I 22.33

natetese Mhnstralor 151061 1,55e- 2,650 S 35m 433031 25,200 45,200 I 15.43

CornoulerSecurity soecesst 151071 4A5D I 7,650 ~~C>5oe,,, 434051 36,200 63,050 s 15.11

ll"~- g bO"i~ moo1J +Jig 4;;.,m; .. . A36014 24,500 47)00 s 13.62

Comovt€'Maint Tech 492011 4.05C; 6,150 $ 17 duciJtlbiilTi:ajii1rl'g~'±0!j{*ifj;-#[email protected]:0,yiJ1l7?Ji:2:0'i'4\iBtit8

GISTechrsceo 1711021 j()( 200 S 25,40 Primary, Seco~dary, Spec.Ed 252000 33,550 87,100 $ 22.07

(~itm~ k~ /-i-;'t, Wi,

Mrnilli,lrOiQ 151071 4,A5U 7.550 s 2930 tocstcs M~nagE' 113071 1,500 2,400 s 36,65

Network DataCom. Analysl 151081 3,250 I 5,500 , 32052I<lTruck Driver, Heavy' 533032 25,350 41,85D S 18.77h' 'ndu,triaiTruckoc.' 537051 7.100 14,150 $ 1426

:siteslor VccupallOrtllllntormalion

'http://tr~cer2com·Wages, job demand, ~nd employers foran ccccpaton

"r,%)/iexasw8oeswm- Occupational employment enc waqedata

'httD:iiw#w.cdu't81~.b,us· Emerging andevolving occupations

"h!ir:fiW'''''''.blsqov/oco· Competeoccuoanones information(wages, employmenl oullook, educalion, etc.)

'htto:/iC8feerinfonetcorn . Occupatonal rankings in 1eX8S


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1 4


09 MAY 19 PM 6:36

May 19,2009




Dallas County Commissioners Court, Ryan Brown, Budget DirectorBob Clines MIS Director, Rodney Christian, LT. ServicesJobn F. Warren, County Clerk

County Clerk: Civil Probate and Criminal Courts Imaging Project

Background oflssue

With the implementation of the new case management system, Odyssey, the County Clerks office isnow able to begin the process of implementing our imaging project. As you are aware, Dallas Countychose Odyssey with the intent to eventually migrate to a paperless, or paper-less environment. CountyCourt staff over the years bave spent countless hours looking for case files that had been eitherincorrectly filed or were being used by other staff or the judge to which the case was assigned..Additionally, pleadings that are filed the day before a trial or hearing will not make it into the courtscase file before that time. It is always necessary to provide the Court with a courtesy copy. Eventuallythe original and copy find its way into the file, thus increasing the size of the file and the amount ofspace it takes on the shelf.

The purpose of this briefing is to present to Commissioners Court information regarding the CountyClerk's recommendations for equipment and associated costs to begin the implementation process forthis imaging project.

Impact on Operation

Now that the County Clerk's office has completed several critical projects the County Clerk is nowprepared to begin the initial phase of the courts imaging project by purchasing the necessary hardwareand equipment. The hardware requirements are included as ATTACHMENT A.

The benefits of implementing an imaging process for the courts are (l) it will reduce the amount ofpaper being used in making copies thus reducing paper cost, (2) reduce the amount of space required tostore case files, (3) eliminate or reduce the amount of time spent searching for files and (4) eliminate orreduce the number of case files that are lost or misfiled. Further, as part of the improvement in ouroperational processes, having the document images available on public access will encourage moreattorneys to file documents via e-Filing through Texas OnLine. This will greatly reduce the amount oftraffic to our offices. However, the ultimate goal is to eventually become a paperless environment.

Records Building 509 Main Street Dallas, Texas 75202-3551 (214) 653-7099

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1 5

Financial Impact

Dallas County has sufficient license for OnBase to cover the number of users that will be required to beon the imaging system for the County Clerk. The cost for hardware is approximately $142,500.00,which includes (22 scanners and 5 workstations) as shown in Attachment A.

The County Clerk recommends that the purchase of the equipment and any software for this project befunded through the County Clerk's Records Management Fund.

Strategic Plan

The implementation of the County Clerks office imaging project is consistent with Dallas CountyStrategic Plan: Vision 1.4Dallas County provides mission critical programs and services to itsstakeholders by implementing standards of operations, innovation and technology. The net result of thisproject is that it will allow the County Clerk's office to be more efficient with regards to RecordsManagement and safekeeping.


The County Clerk recommends implementation of the imaging project for the civil and probate courtsproceed as requested. This project will greatly improve the service this office provides to the legalcommunity as well as create efficiencies in the County Clerk's office.

Recommended by:


arren, Dallas County Clerk


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ATTACHMENT AScanner Hardware Purchase

1 6

Quantity Component Descriotion

Dallas County DallasCounty

2 @ $14,000 ea Kodak i610 Scanners (Hiqh Volume) for Civil $ 28.000.00

1 Kodak i610 Scanners (Hiqh Volume) for Probate $ 14,000.00

9 @$5,000ea Fuiitsu fi-4340c Flatbed Scanners - Civil Section s 45,000.00Fujitsu fi-4340c Flatbed Scanners - Probate

4 @) $5,000 ea Section $ 20,000.00Fujitsu fi-4340c Flatbed Scanners - Criminal

4 @$5,000ea Section s 20,000.00Fujitsu fi-4340c Flatbed Scanner-

1 Commissioners Court Clerk $ 5,000.00Fujitsu fi-4340c Flatbed Scanner - County Clerk

1 Administration $ 5,000.00Dell Enhanced PC Desktop package, including

5 19' monitor. 5@ 1100.00 s 5,500.00

Total Estimated Cost s 142,500.00


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09tlAY1e111 3t "5


May 19,2009



Commissioners Court

Bruce R. Sherbet, Elections Administrator

SUBJECT: HAVA Funded Voting System Software Upgrade


Dallas County purchased an optical scan/direct record voting system from ElectionSystems and Software (ES&S) in 1998. The voting system uses Unity 2.43 software forballot preparation, counting and results reporting. ES&S has submitted and receivedcertification of Unity from the Secretary of State. The newer version of the Unityvoting system software was submitted to replace the older Unity 2.43 software. The statehas notified Dallas County that currently used Unity 2.43 software will be decertifiedeffective July I, 2009. The option of upgrading to Unity qualifies forreimbursement the HAVA grant fund.


It is recommended that the upgrade to Unity be completed during the annualES&S preventive maintenance (PM) that is scheduled to be performed June 22-24, 2009.


The HAVA grant award authorizes the funds available to Dallas County to be spent onvoting system replacement, voting system accessibility and general HAVA compliance aslong as the expenditures are in compliance with the agreement.


Following are the itemized costs for upgrading from Unity 2.43 to Unity

II Integration cost for 4 days = $6,500.00II Onsite software training classes (5 days) = $7,500.00II Onsite hardware training for MIOO's and Ivotronic's (5 days) = $7,500.00

2377 N. STEMMONS FREEWAY. SUITE 820· DALLAS.TEXAS 75207214-819-6300 • FAX: 214-819-6301

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1 8

Total for software upgrades, software training, hardware training and equipmentfirmware upgrades is $21,500.00. There are sufficient HAVA grant funds to purchase theabove requested Unity upgrade.


Approval of the Unity software upgrade to the voting system is in compliancewith the County's Strategic Plan, Vision I, Strategy 1.4 "because proficiencies inprocesses and customer focused systems will allow the county to better serve its'taxpayers/citizens.


It is recommended that the Dallas County Commissioners Court approve the above listedUnity software upgrade.

Recommended for Approval By:

Bruce R. Sherbet, Elections Administrator

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1 9


DA~~·reqW~IrPl.JBLIC WORKS . '.

May 14, 2009


Commissioners Court



Donald R. Holzwarth, P.E., Director ofPublic Works


The subject contracts will expire on May 27, 2009, In order to continue the contractswithoutlapse, it is necessary to brief and pass court order on the same day, if it pleases theCommissioners Court,Jcn

411 Elm Street, 4th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 214-653-7151

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MEMORANDUMTO: Commissioners' CourtFROM: Donald R. Holzwarth, P.E.

Director ofPublic WorksSUBJECT: Consultant Engineering Services

Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)Contract Renewal

BACKGROUNDThe purpose ofthis memorandum is to obtain Commissioners Court approval ofrenewing theone year IDIQ consultant engineering contracts which are designated "Professional Services"per State statute. The use ofIDIQ contracts has been working very well for Dallas County forseveral years. The current set ofConsultant Engineering Contracts were requested via SOQNumber 2007-1 16-3009 and were awarded by Court Order 2008-1054 dated May 27, 2008.Dallas County has the option of renewing the contract for three times.

FINANCIAL IMPACTUnder the Work Order System used for the IDIQ contracts each Work Order is funded from theproject for which the work is done. The use of the IDIQ contract enables Dallas County to get theConsultant on the project more expediently.

MWBE PARTICIPATIONThe Officer for Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises has evaluated the requests forrenewal and her report follows.

DALLAS COUNTY VISIONDallas County proactively addresses critical regional issues, as stated in Vision 4 ofthe Strategic Plan,the contract referenced above proactively provides for professional engineeringservices as need arisesand conforms to Dallas County Architectural/Engineering Procurement Policy.

RECOMMENDATIONWe recommend the firms currently under contract for the Indefinite Delivery-QuantityContract for Consultant Engineering Services be renewed for one year. If CommissionersCourt is in agreement, a Court Order has been placed on TODAY's formal agenda.

. A4!Z2Y:

~ Donald R.HOIZW~{fJ Director ofPublic Works


411 Elm Street, 4 th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 214.653.7151

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Following is a comparison ofthe original MlWBE participation v,s. current MlWBE participationreported by the eight (8) consulting firms that were awarded an IDIQ contract under SOQ 2007-116­3009

Consultant Original MIWBE Participation Current MlWBE Participation

Bucher, Willis, Ratliff Mas-Tek %TBD Mas-Tek %TBDRodriguez Eng. %TBD Rodriguez Eng. %TBDLim & Assoc. %TBD Lim & Assoc. %TBD

SAM, Inc. (Added) % TBDCivil Associates, Inc. Mas-Tek 5% Same, no changes

EJES, Inc. 10%Hayden 10%Pacheco Koch 10%

Civil Structures, Inc. Lina T. Ramey 15% Same, no changesMas-Tek 5%Blanton 10%

Freese & Nichols, Inc. Hayden 10% Same, no changesCivil Assoc. 5%HVJ Assoc. <J.-5%EJES, inc. 10%Pacheco Koch 5%Caye Cook 0-5%Lim & Assoc. 5%

HDR Engineering, Inc. Criado 5% Same, no changesARSEng. 5%Civil Consult. 5%Urban Eng. 10%Caye Cook 5%Gorrondona 5%Mas-Tek 5%

RIN Group, Inc. Lim & Assoc. 18% Same, no changesUrban Eng. 26%

Texas Municipal Eng, Inc. Criado 10% Criado (I assignment) 86.33%AZB 15% AZB {1 assignment) 252{)%Salcedo 10% Salcedo TBD

Urban Engineers Group, Inc. Dal-Tech 20% TBDLina T. Ramey 10% Ramey (1 assignment) 87.6%

Leffie T. CrawfordMN.'BE OfficerMay 13, 2009

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May 19, 2009


TO: Commissioners Court

THROUGH: Maurine Dickey, Commissioner District 1

FROM: Donald R. Holzwarth, P.E.Director ofPublic Works


09HAn 9 1'1112:1.8



The Town of Addison is procuring the equipment and services necessary to construct anAdvanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) that will be used to monitor and control 34intersections (see "Attachment AI" for project location.) The project also includes VehicleImaging and Vehicle Detection System (VIVDS) cameras existing and proposed to be installedas part of this project. Some equipment will be procured under a proprietary purchase agreementand installed by a licensed contractor, while other equipment will be furnished and installed bythe same or separate contractor. Work packages have been identified for the purposes ofestablishing clear areas of responsibilities of the different parties.


The attached agreement is consistent with the Dallas County Strategic Plan in that theproject will result in street improvements which can be credited to Visionsl, 3,4, and 5.


The City will be responsible for $351,050 for this project. The County participation willbe an amount not to exceed $196,000. The City is also expecting to receive federalfunding from NCTCOG in the amount of $465,130 and RTR funds in the amount of$324,000. The total project is estimated to cost $1,336,180. Funds are available in Fund196, Project 8201 for the Project.

411 Elm Street, 4th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 (214) 653-7151

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Commissioners CourtMay ]5,2009Page Two


It is recommended that the County Judge be authorized and directed to execute theattached Project Supplemental Agreement in the amount of$196,000.00 to be paid fromcurrent MCIP funds located in Fund 196, Project 820I. If Commissioners Court is inagreement, a court order will be placed on the next formal agenda for approval.


JJJ2/f?frJDonald R. Holzwarth, P.E.Director ofPublic WO,k.--:no'


Cc: Hamid Baha, P.E.Jcn


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The Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter called "CITY", and the County of Dallas, Texas,hereinafter called "COUNTY", desire to enter into a PROJECT SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT,hereinafter called "PSA", in order to contract for the implementation of the Major CapitalImprovement Project authorized by Commissioners Court Order 2001-1035 dated May 29,2001, whichapproved specified projects including Midway -Spring Valley to Dooley -Traffic Signal Upgrade ­MCIP Project 10301, hereinafter called "PROJECT".

WHEREAS, the CITY has requested that it be designated as the LEAD AGENCY for theproject and will provide the Project Manager; and

WHEREAS, CHAPTER 791 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE and TEXASTRANSPORTATION CODE ARTICLE 251 provides authorization for local governments to contractwith each other for the performance of governmental functions and services, and joint funding of roador street projects.

NOW THEREFORE THIS PSA is made by and entered into by the CITY, and theCOUNTY, for the mutual consideration stated herein.



This PSA is to specifically identify the PROJECT, changes in the rights and responsibilities of each ofthe parties as set forth in the MASTER AGREEMENT and additions thereto as incorporated herein.This PSA will be an addition to the MASTER AGREEMENT and incorporate each of its terms andconditions. All terms of the MASTER AGREEMENT remain in full force and effect except asmodified herein. In the event of any conflict between the MASTER AGREEMENT and this PSA, thisPSA shall control.


This PSA incorporates, as if fully reproduced herein word for word and number for number, thefollowing items:

1. MASTER AGREEMENT authorized by County Commissioners Court Order 2002-1375 dated

PSA CttvotAddison -10301 2·27·2009 10f6

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July 30, 2002, and additions thereto as incorporated herein.

2. Project Scoping Sheet, as shown in ATTACH:MENT "A".



This PSA becomes effective when signed by the last party who's signing makes tbe respectiveagreement fully executed (The "Effective Date") and shall terminate upon tbe completion andacceptance of the Project by Dallas County Commissioners Court or upon tbe terms and conditions inthe MASTER AGREEMENT, Article N. Section 1, Termination.


This PSA is entered into by the parties for public transportation improvements to the traffic signal inMidway Road from Spring valley to Dooley (34 signalized intersections) and as more specificallydescribed in ATTACH:MENT "A", Project Scoping Sheets. This project will facilitate the movementof public transportation to benefit both the CITY and COUNTY. The CITY has and hereby does giveits approval for expenditure of COUNTY funds for the construction, improvement, maintenance, orrepair or a street located within the municipality.


Notwithstanding anytbing to the contrary herein, tbis PSA is expressly contingent upon the availabilityof COUNTY funding for each item and obligation contained herein. CITY shall have no right ofaction against the County of Dallas as regards tbis PSA, specifically including any funding byCOUNTY of the Project in tbe event that tbe COUNTY is unable to fulfill its obligations under thisPSA as a result of the lack of sufficient funding for any item or obligation from any source utilized tofund tbis PSA or failure of any funding party to budget or autborize funding for this PSA during thecurrent or future fiscal years. In the event of insufficient funding, or if funds become unavailable inwhole or part, tbe COUNTY, at its sole discretion, may provide funds from a separate source orterminate this PSA. In tbe event that payments or expenditures are made, they shall be made fromcurrent funds as required by Chapter 791, Texas Government Code.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this PSA is expressly contingent upon the availabilityof CITY funding for each item and obligation contained herein. COUNTY shall have no right ofaction against the CITY as regards this PSA, specifically including any funding by CITY of thePROJECT in the event that the CITY is unable to fulfill its obligations under this PSA as a result of thelack of sufficient funding for any item or obligation from any source utilized to fund this PSA orfailure of any funding party to budget or authorize funding for this PSA during tbe current or futurefiscal years. In the event of insufficient funding, or if funds become unavailable in whole or part, theCITY, as its sole discretion, may provide funds from a separate source or terminate tbis PSA. In the

PSA CityofAddison ~10301 2-27-2009 20f6

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event that payments or expenditures are made, they shall be made from current funds as required byChapter 791, Texas Government Code.



1. CITY and COUNTY mutually agree that the PROJECT limits are as shown in the Project Map,ATTACHMENT "Al".

2. The agreed upon STANDARD BASIC PROJECT DESIGN for the project is as defined in theProject Seeping Sheets, ATTACHMENT "A". Such design shall be the STANDARD BASICPROJECT DESIGN for the PROJECT and specifically does not include PAVING ANDDRAINAGE AMENITIES or UTILITY BETTERMENTS as defmed in the MASTERAGREEMENT.

3. The PROJECT will require the acquisition of road right-of-way within specific right-of-wayalignment which is specifically all real property needed or convenient for roadway purposes asshown in the PROJECT design or right-of-way plans and specifically includes all real propertyoutside of the designed right-of-way needed or convenient to the construction, drainage,interface with adjoining streets or alleys, driveways or other access ways or other PROJECTpermanent or temporary easements which is approved by CITY and COUNTY. Such right-of­way acquisition shall be the responsibility of the CITY, and shall be funded as part of PROJECTcosts.


1. To execute the necessary agreements for the implementation of design and construction of thePROJECT mutually agreed upon and incorporated herein by this PSA.

2. This PSA is CITY approval of the preferred alignment, proposed estimated budget and fundingas shown in the CURRENT COST ESTIMATES AND FUNDING SOURCES,ATTACHMENT "B", and commitment to meet PROJECT funding for each milestone.

3. If the CITY requests COUNTY to add relocation or adjustment of CITY UTILITIES orUTILITY BETTERMENTS, as defmed in the MASTER AGREEMENT, CITY covenants andagrees that it will pay 100% of the costs of these additions.


COUNTY agrees to participate in the CITY-led project as a funding participant. COUNTY will retainright to review plans, change orders and amendments during construction.


COUNTY AND CITY mutually agree to proportionately fund the DIRECT PROJJECT andPROGRAM costs as follows.

PSA City oi Addison -10301 2-27-2009 30f6

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1. The CITY will be responsible for Three Hundred fifty One Thousands and Fifty Dollars and00/100 dollars ($351,050). If the total project costs should exceed this amount, the CITYagrees to amend the project's scope to remain within the current estimated not to exceedamount or be responsible for all additional project costs.

2. The County will be responsible for the current estimated project delivery costs for the PROJECTas indicated in ATTACHMENT "B" which is currently estimated at One Hundred ninety sixThousand and 00/100 dollars ($196,000.00).

3. CITY agrees to encumber an amount adequate for total estimated project costs as determinedprior to the commencement of each PROJECT milestone within 30 days ofnotification.

4. COUNTY agrees to provide funding for the PROJECT costs in a not to exceed amount of OneHundred ninety six Thousand and 00/100 dollars ($196,000.00), reduced by all COUNTY in­house delivery costs of the total project cost. Project costs may include all COUNTY projectdelivery costs including but not limited to preliminary scoping and research, preliminary designservices, special services, primary design services, inspection, laboratory services andconstruction.

5. CITY covenants and agrees that it has included PAVlNG and DRAINAGE AMENITIES,BETTERMENTS as defined in the MASTER AGREEMENT, and relocation or adjustment ofCITY UTILITIES in the PROJECT. CITY and COUNTY agree that CITY, in addition to theabove listed PROJECT costs, shall pay 100% of each item and all additional COUNTYPROJECT COST for the inclusion of such items in the PROJECT or any other items notcurrently listed within the scope.


A. No Third Party Beneficiaries, The terms and provisions of this PSA are for the benefit of theparties hereto and not for the benefit of any third party. It is the express intention of CITY andCOUNTY that any entity other than CITY or COUNTY receiving services or benefits under thisPSA shall be deemed an incidental beneficiary only. This PSA is intended only to set forth thecontractual right and responsibilities ofthe parties hereto.

B. Applicable Law. This PSA is and shall be expressly subject to the Sovereign Immunity ofCOUNTY and Governmental Immunity of CITY, Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practice andRemedies Code, as amended, and all applicable Federal and State Law. This PSA shall begoverned by and construed in accordance with the laws and case decisions of the State of Texas.Exclusive venue for any legal action regarding this PSA filed by either CITY or COUNTY shallbe in Dallas County, Texas.

C. Notice. Any notice provided for in this Agreement to be given by either party to the other, shallbe required to be in writing and shall be deemed given when personally delivered, or two (2)business days after being deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified,returned receipt requested, or registered addressed as follows:

To County:

PSA CityotAddtson-10301

County ofDallasMr. Donald Holzwarth, P.E.

2-27-2009 40f6

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Director ofPublic WorksDallas County Administration Building411 Elm Street, Fourth FloorDallas County, Texas 75202-3389

To City: Town of AddisonMrs. Nancy Straub Cline, P.E.Director ofPublic Works16801 Westgrove DriveAddison, Texas 75001

Either party may change its address for notice by giving the other party notice thereof.

D. Assignment. This PSA may not be assigned or transferred by either party without the priorwritten consent of the other party.

E. Binding Agreement; Parties Bound. This PSA has been duly executed and delivered by bothparties and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the parties, their successors andpermitted assigns.

F. Amendment. This PSA may not be amended except in a written instrument specificallyreferring to thisPSA and signed by the parties hereto.

G. Number and Gender. Words of any gender used in this PSA shall be held and construed toinclude any other gender and words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, unlessthe context clearly requires otherwise.

H. Effective Date. This PSA shall commence on the Effective Date. The Effective Date of thisPSA shall be the date it is executed by the last of the parties. Reference to the date of executionshall mean the Effective Date.

I. Counterparts. This PSA may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall bedeemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument.

J. Severability. If one or more of the provisions in this PSA shall for any reason be held to beinvalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceabilityshall not cause this PSA to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, but this PSA shall be construedas if such provision had never been contained herein, and shall not affect the remainingprovisions of this PSA, which shall remain in full force and effect.

K. Entire Agreement. This PSA embodies the complete agreement of the parties, supersedes alloral or written previous and contemporary agreements between the parties and relating tomatters in the PSA.

The Town of Addison, State ofTexas, has executed the Agreement pursuant to duly

PSA City ofAddis011 -10301 2-27-2009 50f6

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authorized City Council Resolution ,Minutes V Dated th4ay of~ 200c:J,

The County of Dallas, State of Texas, has executed this agreement pursuant to

Commissioners Court Order Number aud passed on the __day of , 200_,








DATE: _3-,2S- 01DATE_=---="-- -I--__

"By Jaw, the District Attorney's Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise orapprove a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties. OUf review of this document was conducted solely from the legalperspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on thisapproval, and should seek review and approval by their own respective attomeyts).

PSA Cuv otAdduon -10301 60f6

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ATTACHMENT AProject Supplemental Agreement to Master A~reement

GoveJrlIJl:ingTransportation Major Capital Improvement Projeds



.City Council approves of the Financing, Construction or Improvelnent on Midway- .

.Spring valley to Dooley Traffic Sigrial Improvements, including 34 intersection (SeeAttachment AI) as part of this project, or as more fully described in the CitvlNCTCOG,Thorouf'hfarel Transportation Plan.


Project Scope

Town of AddisonNancy Cline(9722 450-2878(See attachment AI)(See attachment AI)

The town of Addison is procuring the equipment and services necessary to construct anAdvanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) that will be used to monitor and control34 intersections see "Attachment AI" for project location. The project also includesVehicle Imaging and Vehicle Detection System (VIVDS) cameras existing and proposedto be installed as part of this project. Some equipment will be procured under aproprietary purchase agreement and installed by a licensed contractor, while otherequipment will be furnished and installed by the same or separate contractor. Workpackages have been identified for the purposes of establishing clear areas ofresponsibilities ofthe different parties.

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MCIP# 10301



(JFJEDRAL) $465,130






Page 1of 1

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May 20, 2009



Commissioners Court

THROUGH: Darryl Martin, County Administrator

FROM: Rick Loessberg, Director of Planning & Development~

SUBJECT: Background Information for May 26 CDBG Public Hearing


Under federal regulations, the County must first hold two public hearings before any final decisionsare made as to how its FY2009 CDBG funds are to be used. In accordance with these requirements,the first County public hearing is scheduled to be held during the Court's formal session on May 26.Accordingly, the following information has been prepared for this first hearing.


Dallas County has operated a CDBG program since 1988. During this time, the County has receivedalmost $45 million. Sixteen cities with populations of under 50,000, along with the County'sunincorporated area, presently participate in this program. Of the sixteen cities presentlyparticipating in the program, fourteen ofthem utilize the funding that is available to them. Awardsrange from about $50,000-$100,000 and can be used for a wide variety of projects (streetreconstruction, code enforcement, park renovation, water/sewer line installation, etc.) as long as theyeither eradicate blight, eliminate a community-threatening condition, or primarily assistlow/moderate income people.

In addition to the funding that the County provides these cities, the County also uses CDBG fundingto administerthe program and to operate consortium-wide replacement housing andhome-ownershipprograms.

Beginning on October 1, 2009, $2,162,259 in FY2009 CDBG funds and $774,365 in FY2009HOME funds will be provided to the County. In addition, the County will also have $45,000 inCDBG funding remaining from previous years that can be reallocated. Collectively, the amount ofCDBGIHOME funding that will be available for the period beginning October I, 2009 is about$150,000 greater than what was provided for the current year.

411 Elm Street, 3'" Floor, Room 313 Dallas, Texas 75202-3301Dallas County Administration Building e-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: (214) 653-7601Telecopier: (214) 653-6517

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It has been proposed that about one-third of this funding be allocated in the following manner:

CDBG AdministrationReplacement Housing AdministrationCDBG EngineerConstruction InspectorCommunity Housing Development

Organization (CHDO)Home Loan Counseling CenterIndirect Cost


$165,000$165,070$119,000$ 71,000

$116,155*$324,300$ 66.382$1,026,837

'This allocation is required under federal law and is equivalent to 15% of the County's totalHOME award; this $116,155 must beprovided to special housing non-profits for use in acquiring,rehabilitating, or producing affordable housing.

No new staffing is associated with any ofthese proposed allocations. In addition to these allocations,it is also proposed that the $658,210 inHOME funding that is available after the 15% has been set­aside for CHDOs be allocated in the following manner:

Replacement Housing.Up-Front Cost Assistance


After setting aside funding for the aforementioned administrative expenses and consortium-wideprograms, a total of$1,296,577 in CDBG funding is available for direct use by the CDBG program'sparticipating cities; this amount is about $77,000 less than what was available for the current year.Using the County's CDBG allocation formula, the participating entities will be receiving thefollowing amounts:

Sachse $48,622 Wilmer $98,539Cockrell Hill $111,182 Hutchins $97,243Glenn Heights $71,311 Lancaster $103,726Cedar Hill $88,491 Seagoville $90,496DeSoto $93,677 University Park *Duncanville $93,678 Unincorp Area $92,646Balch Springs $110,209 Fanners Branch $87,844Combine $52,512 Highland Park *Coppell $56,401

University Park and Highland Park have once again returned their awards so that this. funding can be used by other entitles.


Participating cities will have until June 15 to submit proposals to the County as to how they willutilize their funding. The Court will be briefed on these proposals in early July, and the County's

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second public hearing will be held at about the same time. The Court will be asked to formallyapprove the funding for these projects and activities on August 11, and final funding decisions mustbe completed and forwarded to HUD by August 15.

cc: CDBG staffRyan Brown, Budget OfficerVirginia Porter, Auditor


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May 14, 2009

TO: Commissioners Court

THROUGH: Darryl Martin, Commissioners Court Administrator

FROM: Jessie Darrett, Assistant Director

SUBJECT: Lease Extension for Texans Credit Union at Old Criminal and Frank CrowleyCourts Buildings

BACKGROUNDDallas County and Texas Credit Union (formerly Dallas County Employees Credit Union ­DCECU) entered into an agreement, per Court Order 2001-763, for an office space lease forfive (5) years beginning April 23, 2001 until April 22, 2006. The lease originally coveredlocations at the Health and Human Service (HHS) Building at 2377 Stemmons Freeway; FrankCrowley Criminal Courts Building at 133 N. Industrial, 4th Floor; and the Old Criminal CourtsBuilding at 501 Main Street, 1st Floor. The lease was amended per Court Order 2004-532 datedMarch 23, 2004 to release DCECU from its obligation at the HHS building effective May 1, 2004.DCECU was officially transferred and converted to the Texans Credit Union, on April 3, 2006,will all the employee accounts becoming Texans' accounts. Court Order 2007-289 dated April17, 2007 renewed the lease for twelve (12) months from April 23, 2007 to April 22, 2008 andincreased the rent, because of increased maintenance cost, from $4.50 per square foot to thecurrent rate of $5.25 per square foot. The lease agreement was again extended twelve (12)months per Court Order 2008-757 dated April 15, 2008 at $5.25 per square foot for 626 squarefeet of space at the Old Criminal Courts Building (Records Building Complex) and continued theuse of 470 square feet of space at the Frank Crowley Courts Building at not charge. The leaseexpired on April 22, 2009.

The Commissioners Court discussed this matter on March 17, 2009 and Court Order 2009-0733dated April 21, 2009 was issued. This matter is being briefed again because of the need tochange the language of that Court Order.

IMPACT ON OPERATIONs/FINANCIALThe rental rate was $5.25 per square foot, $237.88 per month, for the Old Criminal CourtsBuilding cover 626 square feet of space and in kind services were provided in lieu of rent for the470 square feet of space at Frank Crowley.

Texans Credit has agreed to a lease extension for a one (1) year period beginning on April 23,2009 and ending on April 22, 2009. The rent rate will be $7 per square foot, annually, at bothlocations or $365.16 per month at the Old Criminal Courts Building and $274.16 per month atthe Frank Crowley Building. Dallas County continues to be responsible for the cost of utilities,security and janitorial services.600 Commerce, 9'" Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 214-653-6735George L Allen Sr., CourtsBuilding Fax 214.653.6822

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LEGALThe Civil District Attorney's Civil Section reviewed the iease and determined that executing anew lease as originally planned would require protracted negotiations because a new 2009lease would need a lot of additional language. It is believed that a lease extension/amendmentto the existing 2001 lease would be less time consuming.

STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCERecommendations to continue this lease would be consistent with the Dallas County StrategicPlan, Vision included in this briefing is consistent with Dallas County Strategic Plan, Vision 5.2to promote Dallas County's assets to recruit and retain businesses.

RECOMMENDATIONFacilities Management recommends that Court Order 2009-0733 dated May 21, 2009 berescinded. It is also recommended that the Commissioners Court authorize the County Judgebe authorized to execute a lease extension for a one year (12 months) period with the TexansCredit Union, at a rental rate of $7 per square foot ($365.16 per month) for the 626 square feetof office space located at 501 Main Street, 1st floor, Dallas, Texas and $7 per square foot($274.16 per month) for the 470 square feet of office space located at 133 N. Industrial, 4th floor,Dallas, Texas beginning April 23, 2009 and ending April 22, 2010.

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Dallas CountyDepartment of Criminal Justice


09 HAY i 9 ~"5: I.






May 19, 2009

Commissioners Court

Ron Stretcher, Director of Criminal Justice

Green Oaks Psychiatric Hospital's Function as a Public Psychiatric Facility


Members of the Court have recently received the attached letter from the North TexasBehavioral Health Authority (NTBHA) requesting the Court's assistance in resolving an issuerelated to Green Oaks Psychiatric Hospital. Dallas is one of seven counties participating in theNorthSTAR managed care system for public mental health and substance abuse services. Inthe NorthSTAR system, Green Oaks functions as a public facility, serving as the "front door"access to inpatient psychiatric care. Green Oaks serves over 900 NorthSTAR consumers eachmonth, accepting individuals from law enforcement officers and mobiie crisis intervention staff.A key service provided by Green Oaks is 23-hour observation, which has been very effective inplacing consumers in community-based care instead of longer term hospitalization.

Texas statutes call for private psychiatric facilities to pay the filing fees and court costs foremergency detention proceedings for involuntary hospitalizations. In Dallas County, thesecases are handled by Probate Court NO.3. Historically, this Court has recognized that withinNorthSTAR, Green Oaks is functioning as a public facility and has not required the payment offees and court costs for NorthSTAR consumers. A letter to this effect from Judge Loving isattached. Green Oaks has paid the fees and costs for "private pay" patients, who typically haveprivate insurance or other funds to compensate Green Oaks for their care. Judge Michael Millerassumed the Bench for Probate Court No. 3 in 2007 and has maintained that Green Oaksshould pay fees and court costs for all patients, including those NorthSTAR consumers. Thisissue has resulted in various litigation involving Green Oaks and Judge Miller. The purpose ofthis briefing is to request that Commissioners Court authorize that the court costs and fees bewaived for NorthSTAR consumers treated at Green Oaks.


Value Options is the managed care organization that contracts with the State of Texas,Department of State Health Services for NorthSTAR services. Value Options is at financial riskto provide services to all eligible consumers in the seven-county NorthSTAR service area. Tobe eligible for NorthSTAR services, a consumer must have a diagnosis of a serious mentalillness and have income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Value Optionscontracts with a network of providers that offer a full-range of behavioral health services. Whiiethe provider network includes both for-profit. and not-for-profit agencies, most are private

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companies. Green Oaks is compensated by Value Options for treatment services provided toNorthSTAR consumers. This compensation does not include funding for court fees and costs.

In many cases, the consumer has not yet been enrolled in NorthSTAR upon initial admission toGreen Oaks. Some have never received NorthSTAR services. In other cases, the consumerindicates that there is private insurance, but upon confirmation by Green Oaks, the insurance isfound to no longer be in force and the patient is then enrolled in NorthSTAR. Value Options hasa process for quick enrollment, but in many cases, this enrollment is not completed until afterthe initial Court hearing. Green Oaks is able to reconcile with the Court all payment sources ona consumer specific basis and is willing to pay for anyone who is found to have a "private"payment source.

If Green Oaks is required to pay court costs and fees for all NorthSTAR consumers, the facilitywill be faced with a decision to either stop serving these consumers, or negotiate a new ratefrom Value Options to compensate for their additional costs. Additional funding. for Green Oakswould come at the expense of existing services. The NorthSTAR system is already under­funded and is facing growing financial pressures due to continuing increases in newenrollments. Without the "front door" services that Green Oaks currently provides, significantlymore consumers will be placed in longer term hospital placements. Parkland's psychiatricemergency room is the only other facility capable of providing any level of emergencypsychiatric treatment for NorthSTAR consumers in Dallas County. Parkland has limitedcapacity and would not be able to assume the "front door" role from Green Oaks. While accessto the services provided by Green Oaks is important to all Dallas County residents, theseservices have a particular impact on our criminal justice system. Many of the NorthSTARconsumers are brought to Green Oaks by law enforcement officers as a diversion from jail.Without this "front door" facility, more mentally ill persons would be brought to the Dallas Countyjail.


The laws governing involuntary mental health services is found in the Texas Mental HealthCode, contained in Chapters 571 to 578 of the Health and Safety Code. The general issue ofcourt costs for involuntary commitments is addressed in Section 571.018. The specific issue offees paid by private hospitals is found in Section 571.018(h), which reads:

"The state or county may not pay any costs for a patient committed to a private mentalhospital unless:

1. a public facility is not available; and2. the commissioners court of the county authorizes the payment, if appropriate."

This issue has been referred to the District Attorney's office, civil division. Assistant DistrictAttorney Melanie Barton is researching the issue and. supports the Commissioners Courtauthority to determine that no other public facility is available and to waive court costs and feesfor NorthSTAR consumers treated at Green Oaks. In order to resolve this issue, it isrecommended that the Commissioners Court make this determination effective for prior, currentand future NorthSTAR consumers.


The annual assessment of court costs and fees for NorthSTAR consumers treated at GreenOaks is estimated at $450,000. There has been an indication from Judge Miller that he would


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Recommended by:


hold Green Oaks liable for payments dating back to January 1, 2007, when he assumed thebench for Probate Court NO.3. These back payments are estimated in excess of $1 million.The current reimbursement rate from Value Options to Green Oaks does not include these courtcosts and fees.


The issue of an efficient "front door" to mental health services is consistent with the followingvisions and strategies:

Vision 2: Dallas County is a Health Community• Strategy 2.2: Network with Dallas County Cities and Regional Partners to

Increase Operational Efficiency• Strategy 2.3: Support a Regional Indigent Medical and Mental Health Care

NetworkVision 3: Dallas County is Safe, Secured and Prepared

• Strategy 3.4: Maximize Effectiveness of Dallas County Criminal JusticeResources


It is recommended that the Commissioners Court of Dallas County waive the court costs andfees in Probate Court No. 3 for eligible NorthSTAR consumers treated at Green OaksPsychiatric Hospital. It is also recommended that Commissioners Court make thisdetermination effective for prior, current and future NorthSTAR consumers.

~ )i1-l,/LRon Stretcher, Director of Criminal Justice


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County Judge Jim fosterCommissioner John Wiley PriceCommissioner Kenneth MayfieldCommissioner Maurine DickeyCommissioner Mike Cantrell41] Elm StreetDallas, Texas 75202

Dear Judge and Commissioners:

It IS the mission of the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA) to advocate forimproved care and treatment for people with mental illness. NTBHA adamantly opposes that aprivate psychiatric hospital (Green Oaks) that initiates emergency detention procedures for anindigent person with a mental illness must pay the filing fee and costs. Green Oaks, (a privatehospital) serves the public sector and should not be required to pay. This would seriouslyimperil access to treatment for people with mental illness in the NorUJ-ST/\J.P'- whichincludes Kaufman, NaV3JiO and Rockwall counties.

People with mental illness in the above mentioned counties are served the NorthSTf''\.F'~ systemwhich is very different from the tvl1ItvfR Centers that serve the rest of the stare NorthST.L\R is: B

blended funding, Medicaid managed care system that provides mental health and substanceabuse treatment for children and adults. The goals of the NortbSTiili system are increasedaccess ofcare, improved quality of care, improved consumer and provider satisfaction, improvedcost-effectiveness and improved behavioral health outcomes.

In the NortbSTAR system, the Stale of Texas, Department of State Health Services has acontract with-an insurance company, Valuefiptions, which assumes the risk for all eligiblemdividuals in the region. This eligibility is the same as for residents hving in counties servedlvfHlvlR Centers-i-to be eligible for public menta] health services in Texas, an individual musthave Schizopbrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder or Major J)eprC$SlOD, drug and alcohol addictions .?ndhave an income at or below 200S-~ of Federal Poverty Level The difference 15that, unlike.l'vl1lMRCenters, because ValueOpticns assumes the risk for every eligible individual in theregion, there are no waiting list for services, and DO for new generationmedications. Valuefrptions IS aJ,SQ responsible for recruiting menta] health service providersProviders in the. range in location size Sorce are not-for-profit ag,cn':1.es,some are for-profit compenics, but most are private.

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Commissioners CourtPage 2

One of the for-profit companies that provide mental health services in 'NorthST;\.R system isGreen Oaks Hospital. Green Oaks is the 'front door' to the NorthSTAR system. This publicprivate partnership has significantly Improved access to mental health and substance: abuseservices in the 7··county IC~H)J).

Over 900 indigent individuals per month receive services through Green Oaks PsvchiatncEmergency Services.• Local law enforcement officers can easily and efficiently assist individuals in psychiatric

crisis to appropriate treatment, rather than to county jails at much higher cost to county andmunicipal governments.Streamlined procedures at Green Oaks allow the officers to return to patrol duties inthe cornrnunitv

ft Green Oaks gtvcs immediate access to assessment and services by psychiatric physicians.psychiatric nurses, and social workers 24 hours per day, 7 days per 365 days per vees .

'" Green Oaks provides 23·"hour observation services, and has been a model for similar servicesin the state and nation in reducing costlier longer-term. hospitalization.

Although counties in other mental health regions 1U Texas pay only for indigent commitments topublic facilities and do not pay for indigent commitments to private mental hospitals, it is criticalto understand that in the NorthSTAR system, a private hospital, Green (Yaks, serves the role of apublic facility, .As such, Green Oaks bears a much [Teater burden of indigent care----{)Ver 900 permouth........."than do other private mental hospitals in Texas

Currently, Judge Michael Miller is suggesting that Green Oaks owes :f::'~es back to theinception of :NorthSTAR" Judge Millers predecessor, Judge Joe understood the role ofGreen Oaks in the provision of care to the indigent patients An the NorthSTAR system, and didnot impose fees for court costs or representation by private attorneys or public defenders.

Green Oaks estimates that tIUS cost to the public mental health 'would approximatehundreds of thousands of dollars. Texas ranks near the bottom of all the SUiH~S in per capitaspending rOT public mental health, and the NortbSTf"\.R system ranks near the bortom in fundingof al! public mental health regions in Texas. This would further strip mental health servicesresources from residents of Collin, Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro and RockwallCounties at a time that.• due to the economic downturn, need for services and levels of acuity areat an all-time high.

NTBH.A. vvould like to urge the Dallas County Commissioners make what was intended official,and that is thaI Green Oaks' IC1e in the NorthSTA R system functions as the public emergencyservice rerroacrive to the- inception ofNorthSTAR.

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Co:rmniSS10UCIS CourtPage 3



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05/14/2009 15:42 214-553-7488



August 25, 2000

Facility Financial Officer

Dear Sir or Madam

Recently, 1 a.nd my staff have been contacted by severalhospitals concern~n9 court fees for Northstar Patients.Historically Green Oaks and Timberlawn ICU units, Terrell StateHospital and Parkland, B North, have been considered pUblicfacilities. Those patients are not billed or required to pay forcourt fees. Since Northstar has been in charge of where a patientgoes, there has been frequent confusion, on all sides, about how toclassify cases. Timberlawn has claimed that r have given approvalfor a hospital to have 72 hours to determine if the patient ispublic or private. This is not true. An attorney must beappointed at the time the case is filed. We do the appointment onthe basis of information we are provided at that time. If the casehas at any time been identified as bein a rivate case 1£ w111 bea prJ.vate case unt~l 1t s a JudJ.cated. T e Coun y as a oweunder law 'to rEcover coul,L fees. Ihes~ fees include filing fees,attorney's fees, probable cause hearing officer fees and arrestfees. These fees are $125.00 county fees, $125.00 attorney's fees,$125.00 probable cause hearing officer fees and $120.00 arrest feeif an arrest is required. These fees will also be assessed formedication hearings.

Under Local Government Code 118.055, we are required tocollect fees at the time an application is filed if the OPC is toa private facility. The only facilities considered pubLdc arethose named above. Earl Bullock, the Dallas County CIerI<, hasagreed to waive this requirement if a mental health facilityprovides a letter guaranteeing payment of the fees. This enablesthe facilities to fax cases to our office to obtain Orders ofProtective Custody in a timely manner. This is a convenience forboth the county and the facilities. This policy has been in placefor 16 years. A billing is made at a later date. This is also avoluntary agreement between the county and the facilities. We donot require a hospital to pay the fees. If the agreement is notcomplied with, the Local Government Code is invoked. This meansthat the filing cannot be accepted unless accompanied by courtfees. We do not determine who pays these fees.

Criminal Courts Building Dallas, Texas 75202 214·653·7485

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85/14/2889 15:42 214-553-7488



The last legislature passed Senate Bill 153 on March 28,1999. Thisbill stipulates that a mental healt.h facility must file anaffidavit with the Cleric of the Court ~ertHying that it hasreceived no compensation or reimbursement for the treatment of aperson. This includes Medicare ~~~~nsurance. private pay andme ca or-t.ns t ar-j , Without the affidavit the court fee will not

e wa ved. We appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you,


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19 fH 5:21

May 26,2009





Commissioners Court

Robert Clines, Chief Information Officer

Rodney Christian, Assistant Chief

Hardware Refresh for OnBase Imaging Environment

BACKGROUNDThe OnBase imaging environment was purchased and implemented in 2004 to serve as theCounty's standard document imaging platform. Initially placed into production for use bythe District Clerk's office for use in the Civil Courts, additional conversions to OnBase areunderway.

The existing hardware is 5 years old. The limited processor speed and technology of thehardware limits the capacity to add additional departments to the system.


It is proposed that the current hardware platform for the OnBase imaging environment beupdated with new, up-to-date computer equipment. With new technology andvirtualization software, the current environment of8 servers can be replaced with 4 serversand still have room for growth. As future imaging installations are planned, the newhardware can easily scale upward to support even more departments and users.

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OnBaseRefresh Proposal



Virtual eb

Virtual File Server I


I Virtual Web Serverl I

VMWare ESX Server

VMWare ESX Server

2 - NetworkLoad BalancedDNBase Web


DNBase lmageFile Server

4 Terabyte SANStorage Device­Fiber Attached

2 - ClusteredOracle Database


2 - VMWare ESXServers attached I

to the VirtualCenter



NASServer419GB Storage

NAS Server It .6T8 Storage

2 NASStorageDevices - SCSI

attached1.6T8 Storage


Oracle DatabaseServer

Oracle DatabaseServer


IMPACT ON OPERATIONSRefresh of the current hardware will support OnBase projects currently underway, allowfor immediate increased usage and scale to even larger capacities for future imagingprojects.

STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCEThe approval, purchase and implementation of the requested hardware and software isconsistent with Strategy 1.4 of the County's strategic plan: Improve the CustomerExperience by implementing Standards of Operation, Innovation and Technology.

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FINANCIAL IMPACTThe total one-time cost is as follows:

••Dell E5440 PE2950 Server Web ServerDell E5440 PE2950 Server Database ServerVI3 ESX License VirtualizationVI3 3 r Platinum Su ortPower Path ENTFC4 Disk Arra for CX3·80 4TB Stora e







Funding to purchase the requested hardware, software and support is available from theDistrict Clerk Records Management Fund and the County Clerk Records ManagementFund.


RECOMMENDATIONThe Office of Information Technology recommends that the Commissioners Court approvethe proposed purchase of hardware, software and support required to refresh the OnBaseimaging environment. Funding for this request is available from the District Clerk RecordsManagement Fund and the County Clerk Records Management Fund.

This request was reviewed by the IT Steering Committee on May 19, 2009.

Recommended by:

~~LRobert A Clines, Chief Information Officer

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09 HArIg PH S12~

May 26, 2009





Commissioners Court

Robert Clines, Chief Information Officer

Rodney Christian, Assistant Chief

Replace and Upgrade Core Network Switches

BACKGROUNDDallas County has two primary computer rooms - one in the Records Building and one in the FrankCrowley Courts Building. The majority of all county computer applications and data are accessedfrom these sights. The foundation for accessing these key applications is the network.

Each of these buildings house two "core" network switches that provide redundant connectionsfrom the computer rooms to the buildings and users throughout the County.

The two switches in the Crowley building are not a matched pair, limiting their failover capability.They are also 5 and 7 years old as well and limited in management features and capacity forgrowth.


The purchase of two replacement switches is proposed. The new switches will address the issueslisted above, provide the ability to expand to IaGB through-put (I a times the current level), andprovide the foundation for a redundant network. The useful lifespan for this equipment is expectedto last until the year 2020.

The new switches would be used to trigger an upgrade in three County Buildings:Step I: The new core switches would be placed in the Records Data CenterStep 2: The existing switches in Records would be moved to the Crowley Computer RoomStep 3: The best switch from the Crowley building will be moved to the Administration BuildingStep 4: The two oldest switches will be part of a trade-in to reduce the overall cost of the upgrade

IMPACT ON OPERATIONSThe purchase of the requested network hardware will provide matched, redundant, highlyavailable network connectivity in both core buildings (Records and Crowley). Thisnetwork backbone will support the newer, faster servers and storage devices in the nextgeneration of technology. The two oldest switches will be used as a trade-in to reduce costand keep the most current equipment on the network.

411 Elm Street,3"' Floor, Dallas,Texas 75202Work (214) 653-7339

[email protected](214) 653-6517

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STRATEGIC PIAN COMPLIANCEThe approval, purchase and implementation of the requested hardware and software isconsistent with Strategy 1.4 of the County's strategic plan: Improve the CustomerExperience by implementing Standards of Operation, Innovation and Technology.


FINANCIAL IMPACTThe total one-time costs for this requests is as follows:

Nexus 7000 Switches with dualSupervisor Modules

DIRpricing $ 330,294.40Trade-in value $ 53,000Dallas County cost $ 277,294.40


Funding to purchase the requested hardware and software is available from the MajorTechnology Fund, Unallocated Reserves.


RECOMMENDATIONThe Office of Information Technology recommends that Commissioners Court approve theproposed purchase of dual Cisco Nexus 7000 switches and related hardware and support.Funding for this request is available from the Major Technology Fund, UnallocatedReserves.

This request was reviewed by the IT Steering Committee on May 19, 2009.

Recommended by:

t2~cf?a;(~L~ -«:-7Robert A. Clines, Chief Information Officer

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09 MAY 19 N16:47

May 26, 2009

TO: Commissioners Court

THROUGH: Shannon S. Brown, PurchasingA~FROM: Gloria McCulloch, Purchasing Contract Supervisor

SUBJECT: Award Recommendation: Bid No. 2009-045-4243 - Purchase of Parking Garage LurninaireLighting Fixtures

Background/lssueOn February 23, 2009, the Purchasing Department received and opened seven (7) responses to theaforementioned solicitation from the following firms: Blond Lighting and Fixture, Crawford Electric SupplyCompany, Ltd., Facility Solutions Group, Graybar Electric Company, Ledimation, Mustang Lighting andSupply and Queen Capital Group LLC. The purpose of this briefing is to make a recommendation of award tothe overall lowest and best bidder meeting Dallas County's minimum bid specification requirements.

Operational ImpactThe contract wi!! provide energy efficient replacement light fixtures and mounting hardware for the parkinggarage at George L. Allen. The bid required bidders to submit technical and descriptive literature of theirproposed lighting fixtures for evaluation and samples if requested. Ledimation (overall low bidder at a cost$8,432.00) proposed light fixtures that failed to comply with Dallas County's minimum specificationrequirements in several categories as detailed in Table A.

The second lowest bidder, Blond Lighting and Fixture met and exceeded Dallas County's minimumspecification requirements. As of result, the Facilities Management is recommending this firm's proposedlighting fixture for award.

Financial ImpactThe estimated additional expenditures Dallas County will incur by awarding to the lowest and best bidder isapproximately $10,733.10 for seventy new light fixtures and hardware.

LegallmpaetLocal Government Code 262.027(c) requires the Purchasing Department to notify the low bidder whenrecommending a contract award to other than the low bidder. A letter will be faxed and mailed to Ledimationon May 21, 2009.

Strategic Plan ComplianceThis action complies with Vision 3 of the County's Strategic Plan - Dallas County is safe, secure, and prepared.

RecommendationThe Purchasing Department, with the concurrence of the Facilities Management, recommends Bid No. 2009­045-4243 - Purchase of Parking Garage Lurninaire Lighting Fixtures be awarded to Blond Lighting and Fixture,the lowest and best bidder meeting Dallas County's minimum specification requirements.

509 Main Street, 6th Floor, Suite 623, Dallas Texas 75202-3340(214) 653-7431. Fax (214) 653-7449. [email protected]

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Bid No. 2009-045-4243Purchase of Parking Garage Lumlnalre Lighting Fixtures

Vendor: Ledimation

Product Specifications

Housing: Die-cast aluminum with corrosionresistant powder coat paint, one piece clearpolycarbonate optical housing

Lamp Type: Metal Halide

Lamp Watts: 175

Lamp: E-17, Clear

Line Voltage: 277

Socket: Medium Base

ANSI Ballast Type: M-57

Fusing: 277 volts, single fuse

Wide Downlight Optics: Two piece hydroaluminum reflectoror similar construction.The reflector fills optical housing andprovides minimal uplight distribution withSymmetric downlight distribution.

Gasket/Wire Seal: Silicone gaskets andgrommets thatprovidesprotection against moisture entry.

Mounting Options: Surface and Free SwingingPendant for 4" standard J-box type application

U.L. Listed for wet locations and CSA Certified

Complywith Minimum Specification·Requirements






No - The iightingfixture proposed by Ledimationhas a mogul base socket



No - The lightingfixture proposed by Ledtmationis not two piece construction or aluminum reflectorbut is supplied with a cone shaped lens.


No - The lighting fixture proposed by Ledimationdoes not have the surface mount option that isrequired/or the George Allen Parking Garageapplications

No - The lighting fixture proposed by Ledimationhas no U'L. certification.

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May 8, 2009

TO: Shannon Brown, Purchasing DirectorGloria McCu1Joch-Webb, Purchasing Contract Supervisor

THROUGH: Jessie Darrett, Assistant Director

FROM: @Paul Wright, Maintenance Supervisor, George Allen

SUBJECT: Bid # 2009-045-4243: Purchase of Parking Garage Luminaire Lighting Fixtures

On February 23, 2009 seven (7) bids were opened for the aforementioned solicitation. The apparentlow bid was submitted by Ledimation in the amount of $8,432.90. This bid was well below any ofthe other bids, so Facilities Management contacted, Patrick Lee, a representative of Ledirnation toobtain a sample light fixture to verify if the specifications were being met. Our inspection of theirlight fixture, Ledimation Model HLF-175-HSJ, revealed the following discrepancies to the "Generaland Technical Requirements, Paragraph 1.3" in the bid document:

1. Paragraph 1.3.6 - specifies that fixture have a Socket: Medium Base. The Ledimationfixture has a mogul base socket which very different from that specified and does not meetthe specifications in the bid document.

2. Paragraph 1.3.9 - specifies that the fixture have Wide Downlight Optics: Two piece hydroaluminum reflector or similar construction. The reflector is to fill the optical housing andprovide minimal uplight distribution with Symetric downlight distribution. The Ledimationfixture has no two piece construction or aluminum reflector but is supplied with a coneshaped lens.

3. Paragraph 1.3.11 - specifies that the fixture have Mounting Options: Surface and FreeSwinging Pendant for standard 4" junction-box type installation. The Ledimation fixturedoes not have the surface mount option that is required for the George Allen application.

4. Paragraph 1.3.12 - specifies that the fixture be U.L. Listed for wet locations and/or CSACertified. This fixture has no U.L. certification.

These fixtures have quality that is less than those specified in the bid document and don't meet thebid specifications. Facilities Management does not recommend Ledimation for this project.

The second low bidder, Blonde Lighting and Fixture, bid $19,166.00. This bid includes providingswivel mounting hardware at a cost of $ 1,036.00. The fixture in their bid, Gardo Lighting ModelGPI-175PSMH-277-POLY-F-JB meets the specifications but the swivel hardware is not needed.Facilities Management recommends that the bid be awarded to Blonde Lighting and Fixture in theabout of$18,130.00 for the proposed fixture less the mounting hardware.

600 Commerce, 9th

FloorGeorge L. Allen Sr.. Courts Building

Dallas, Texas 75202 214-653-6715Fax 214.653.6822

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TABULATION SHEETBid No. 2009-045-4243 • Purchase ofParking Garage Lummstre LightingFixtures

VENDOR #1BlondLighting& Fixture


VENDOR#3CrawfordElectricSupplyCompany, Ltd.

VENDOR #4FacilitySolutions Group

Opening Date: 23-Feb-09

620 E. Dewey

San Antonio,Tx 78212Bob Adams210.7]2.9936210.736.4967fax

4601 CambridgeRd.

Fort Worth,Tx 76155Brent Mitcbell817.213.1353817.113.B99 (fax)


Dallas,Texas 7522j)ClilfMahone972.869.3633972.869.3544fax

2525 WalnutHill Ln., #300

Dallas,Texas 75229Nathan Smith214.217.0190214.211.0199fax


NCffiCA Certified Vendor (MfWbe)Dallas County Taxpayer?How were you notified?

NoNoDallasCounty website

Fail to returnall MJWbeNoLetter fromDallas County

Fail to returnall MIWbe

NoLetter fromDallasCounty

Fail to return all MfWbe formsNoBid Lync.

Garde Lighting_OPI ­175PSMH-2npoly-F-JB



Kim POl.AfI50PMH2771DL·WrrS/PB2ISF wlLamp

Kim LightingPGlo4/150PMH277IDL·W/TS/PB2?SFwfLamp

]17.00 $ 22,190.00$316.69 s 22,168.30s]16.00 $ 22,120.00s259.00 $18,130.00$,,'"I. ParkingGarageLuminaireLighting 10Fixtures, as per bid specifications,MountingType: Surface MountPricingto include luminaries,metal halide,lamps; internal277 volts single fuse andwide downlightopticsBrand: KimLightingPGL4DL-W Series orecualSpecify BrandIModelNumber oftheproposedParkingGarageLuminaireLightingFixture

Specify WarrantyPeriodon the proposedParkingGarageLuminaireLightingFixture:

1 year on ballasts,control, 5yean;on luminaire

No comments 1 )T. on fixturesparts andworkmanship- Ballast3 years

I yr.

Specify DeliveryTime Period after receiptof DallasCountyPurchaseOrder

2. Swivel MountingHardwareCover for 70ParkingGarageLumineireLightingFixturesabove,Ball type swivel joint coverPermit 20" swing vertical, Hardware/Fittingmust support fixtures weightingup to 50pow,"Constructionmaterial:Steel and MalleableIron, For use on 3-1/4" and4" OctagonOutlet Boxes, Length2"Brand:Aeneltcn SHe 8436R or ecualSpecify Brand/ModelNumber beingproposed

30-40 days

each $ 14.80 $1,036.00

Cooper Crouse , HindsTPRFHI2

6-8 weels

12043 s 810.\0


4-6 weeks


Raw 895

11.09 s 776.30

5-6 weeks


Steel City SHHFR 1/2 3/4

11.82 s 827.40


Specify DeliveryTune Period after receiptof DallasCounty PurchaseOrder

30-40days No comments 3 days 2 weeks

Grand Total $19,166.00 $22,990.10 $22,944.60 $23,017.40

Specify anyadditionalcomments/cost/etc.included with yourbid proposal, ifapplicable

No Comments No comments No Comments 175watt Probe-StartLuminaireSystem is no longeravailable fromthemanufacturerdue to EISA legislation.It has been replacedwith 150watt

pulse-starttechnologyfixture. Lightcoeur is equal.

Specify Prompt PaymentDiscountTerms 2%10days 1%_15 days 1%-10days,Net 30 days No Comments

Please answer the questions listed below

Page 1 of4

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Bid No. 2009~045-4243 ~ Purchase of Blond Lighting & Fixture Graybar Electric Company Crawford Electric Supply Facility Solutions Group

Parking Garage Luminaire Lighting Company, Ltd.

Fixtures620 E. Dewey 4601 Cambridge Rd. 10444 Stemmons Frwy. 2525 Walnut Hill Ln., #300

Opening Date: 23~Feb·09 San Antonio, Tx 78212 Fort Worth, Tx 76155 Dallas, Texa~ 75220 Dallas, Texas 75229

Bob Adams Brent Mitchell CliffMahone Nathan Smith

210.732.9936 817.213.1353 972.869.3633 214.217.0190210.736.4967 fax 817.213.1399 (fux) 972.869.3544 fax 214.217.0199 fax


Specify the name and telephone number of Bob Adams: 210.732.9936 Brent Mitchell 214.264.4600 Cliff Mahone • Nathan Smith 214.217.0190the account representative who will be and 210.825.7340 972.869.363~,Cellhandling this account: 214.4025910

Does your finn/company have the required y" y" y" Yesinsurance coverage stilted under SECTION 3


agree to comply with these requirements

during the duration of this contract?If, No will your finn be able to obtained the

required coverage within ten (10) days uponnotification ofcontract award?

Information on Provision of Health

Insurance Coverage for Employees

Dallas County may consider the provision of

health insurance coverage for employees in

the bid evaluation process (see page 5,

paragraph 4). Please complete the

information below to assist in thisa) Does your eompeny provide health y" y" y" y" ()linsurance coverage to its employees?

b) If your company does provide health y" Yes y" y" ()linsurance coverage to its employees, does

the company share in the cost a minimum of

75% for employee only coverage and 50%

for family coverage?

c) If your company provides health Yes y" y" y"insurance coverage to its employees, is the

coverage comparable 10 the services

provided by Dallas County as described in

the attached summary plan description? (See

Attachment B)d) Ifyour company plans to utilize V" NA NA y"subcontractors in ·the fulfillment of this bid,

does each of the subcontractors provide

health insurance coverage to their employees

that compares to Dallas County's health

insurance coverage and share in the cost?

Page 2 of4

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TABULATION SHEETBid No. :Z009~045-4:Z43 ~ Purchase ofParkingGarage Luriliuaire LightingFixtures

Openinl'l Date: 23~Feb·09

VENDOR #5Mustang Lighting& Supply

350 w.Miller Rd., Ste. 130

. Garland, Tx 75041Gary Blackshear972.444.9393972.444.9366 fax

VENDOR #6Queen Capital Group LLC

2481 Hilton Dr. , Ste, 4

Gainesville,GA 30501Regina Williams770.532.004670.532.0041 fax


2035 Royal Ln.• Ste. 200

Dallas, Texas 75229Patrick Lee972.679.839Q972.241.0916 fax


NCTRCA Certified Vendor(MlWbe}Dallas County Tlll:pllyer?How were you notified?


NoYo'Letter from Dallas County

NoNoLetter from DallasCounty

Company failedto sign bidYo'NoLetter from DallasCounty &Website

KTh4 PGL4~150PMH277IDL·


PGIAI150MH277lFinish!DL­W/SFIL· Quoting 150WPulse Start per new electricalcode

Ledimarion Model HLF-175·HSJ

I. Parking Garage Luminaire Lighting 70Fixtures,as per bid specifications,Mounting Type: Surface MountPricing to include luminaries, metal halide,lamps, internal 277 volts single fuse andwide downlightopticsBrand: Kim LightingPOLA DL-W Series orequalSpecifyBrand/Model Number of theproposed Parking Garage LuminaireLightingFixture

each $ 289.97 $20,297.90 s 318.00 s 22,260.00 $ 100.87 $ 7,060.90

Specify Warranty Period on the proposedParking Garage Lumlnaire LightingFixture:

Specify Delivery Time Period after receiptof Dallas County Purchase Order

One year factory warranty

4-6 weeks

No comments

z weeks

1 year

4~6 weeks


Appleton 8436R Appleton SHe 8436R

10 days 4-6w"",,,

$21,415.80 $22,960.00 $8,432.90

No comments Local DallasCertifieeedMHE

0% 500/0-21 days. Net 30 days

2. Swivel Mounting Hardware Cover for 70Parking Garage Luminaire Lighting Fixturesabove, Ball type swivel joint coverPermit 20" swing vertical, Hardware/Fittingmust support facturesweightingup to 50poundsConstruction material: Steel and MalleableIron, For use on 3-114"and 4" OctagonOutlet Boxes, Length 2"Brand: Appelton SHC 8436R or equalSpecify Brand/Model Number beingproposed

Specify DeliveryTime Period after receiptof Dallas County Purchase Order

Grand Total

Specify any additional comments/cost/etc.included with your hid proposal, if

Specify Prompt Payment Discount Terms

each $

Appleton 8436R

5 days

No Comments

00/00 days

15.97 $1,117.90 $ 10.00 $ 700.00 s 19.60 $ 1,372.00

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TABULATION SHEETBid No, 2009--045-4243 ~ Purchase of

Parking Garage Luminaire LightingFixtures

Opening Date: 23~Feb~09

VENDOR#5Mustang Lighting & Supply

350 W. Miller Rd., Ste. \30

Garland, Tx 75041Gary BlackShear972.444.9393972.444.9366 fax

VENDOR#6Queen Capital Group LLC

2481 Hilton Dr. , Ste. 4

Gainesville,GA 30501Regina Williams770.532.004670.532:004\ fax


2035 Royal Ln., Ste. 200

Dallas, Texas 75229Patrick Lee972.679.8390972.241.0916 fax


Please answer the questions listed below

Specify the name and telephone number ofthe account representative who will behandling this account:

Does your fum/company have the requiredinsurance coverage stated under SECTION3 • INSURANCE REQumEMENTS andagree to comply with these requirementsduring the duration of this contract?If, No will your fum be able to obtained therequired coverage within ten (10) days uponnotificationof contract award?


Roger Thompson972.444.9393


Regina Williams770.532.0046


Yes· if required

Company failed to sign bid

Patrick Lee· 972.679.8390



Infonnatlon on Pmvtsien of HealthInsurance Coverage for EmployeesDallas County may consider the provision ofhealth insurance coverage for employees inthe bid evaluation process (see page 5,paragraph 4). Please complete theinformation below to assist in thisa) Does your company provide healthinsurance coverage to itsemployees?

b) If your company does provide healthinsurance coverage to itsemployees, doesthe company share in the cost a minimum of75% for employee only coverage and 50%for family coverage?

c) Ifyour company provides healthinsurance coverage to itsemployees, is thecoverage comparable to the servicesprovided by Dallas County as described inthe attached summary plan description?(See Attachment B)d} If your company plans to utilizesubcontractors in the fulfdlment of this bid,does each of the subcontractors providehealth insurance coverage to theiremployees that compares to Dallas County'shealth insurance coverage and share in thecost?













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May 26, 2009





Commissioners Court

"Shannon S. BrgyiJJ!f"PurchasingA~

Mary StephensSenior Buyer

Balance of Award, Bid No. 2009-0J9-4019, Annual Contract for the Purchase ofLinen and Textile

BackgroundOn January 6, 2009, Commissioners Court authorized the partial award ofBid No. 2009-019-4019Annual Contract for the Purchase ofLinen and Textile to various vendors for the period December9,2008 through December 8, 2009. The purpose of this briefing is to make a recommendation ofaward to the lowest and best bidder for item 9a (mattress cover) that meets Dallas Countyminimum specification requirements.

Operational ImpactThe contract is utilized by the Sheriff's and Juvenile Departments to provided linens and textiles tovarious detention facilities. Each bidder was required to submit samples of the proposed productfor evaluation, analysis and testing. The Purchasing Department received six bids for Item 9a(mattress cover), with one (1) vendor withdrawing their bid.

Dallas County's minimum specifications require an 8.1oz., 100% cotton mattress cover. The lowbidder, Charrn-Tex, submitted a 7.5 oz. cover. In addition, after testing by the Sheriff's OfficeLaundry Division, the product was very thin and appears to deteriorate after multiple washings.With the high volume of residents coming through the facilities and the multiple times the producthas to be washed, the mattress cover will not hold up and will result in more frequent replacementsand increased cost. The cover submitted by Tabb Textile Company met specificationrequirements. The user department agrees that the sample provide by Tabb is acceptable to DallasCounty.

Financial ImpactThe estimated additional cost to Dallas County by awarding this item to Tab Textile Co., Inc. is$1,960 based on the per item cost difference of $5.68 versus $5.75 for approximately 28,000covers each year.

509 Main Street, Suite 623, Dallas Texas 75202-3340(214) 653-7690. Fax (214) 653-7449. [email protected]

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LEGAL IMPACTLocal Government Code 262.027 requires the Purchasing Department to notify the low bidderwhen recommending a contract award to other than the low bidder. A letter will be faxed andmailed to Charm-Tex on May 13,2009.

Strategic Plan ComplianceThis action supports Vision I, Strategy 1.3 of the Dallas County Strategic Plan by providing asound financially responsible and accountable governance.

RecommendationThe Purchasing Department, in conjunction with the Sheriff's Department, recommends thatCommissioners Court approve the balance of award ofBid No. 2009-019-4019 Annual Contractfor Linen & Textile for Item #9a (mattress cover) to Tabb Textile Co., Inc. as the lowest and bestbidders meeting Dallas County minimum specifications.

Should the Court concur with this recommendation, a Court Order will be submitted for the nextformal agenda.


C: Virginia Porter, Auditor's OfficeDiane Skipworth, Sheriff's DepartmentMark Pemberton, Sheriff's DepartmentFile

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May 20, 2009

Commissioners Court

(;Ryan BrownBudget Officer

Ronica L. WatkinsSenior Budget & Policy Analyst

~ g~ If::::l_ _h

'"'" <nT­........ <l)r-"0 -,h


Professional Services Agreement between Dallas County and Legal Aid of ~hA'i...,West Texas as part of the VOCA Collaborative grant Q\ f;;fig•• r-):e

C:» 0"'""0 ~"":0






BACKGROUNDCourt Order #2009 0044 approved the submission of the Dallas County District Attorney's OfficeCollaborative Domestic Violence grant funded through the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),Criminal Justice Division, Office of Justice Programs (OJP), and the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA).Dallas County is the recipient of the Collaborative Domestic Violence grant project. The Legal Aid

of North West Texas has collaborated and supported this project for the past two years. As part ofthe project the Legal Aid of North West Texas provides one part-time staff attorney who spends 20hours per week assisting the County with this project. The term of the agreement is from July I, 2008through August 31, 2009. The purpose of this briefing is to notify Commissioners Court of the needto update the Professional Services Agreement between Dallas County and Legal Aid ofNorth WestTexas to allow the Auditor' sOffice to pay the invoices for services already rendered.

OPERATIONAL IMPACTThe Collaborative Domestic Violence Project B is funded under the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)and funds one Legal Secretary, two full-time Family Violence Victim Caseworkers, and one part­time attorney ofLegal Aid of North West Texas. The four staff positions that are funded by this grantprovide services to assist family violence victims with preparing and filing civil documents,providing emergency civil legal representation, and legal advocacy to victims who are complainantson a pending misdemeanor family violence case.

411 Elm Street - 3rd Floor, Dallas Texas 75202-3340(214) 653-6363. Fax (214) 653-6517. [email protected]

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STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCEThis project is consistent with the County's Strategic Plan and specifically impacts the followingVision 1) Dallas County is safe, secure and prepared.

FINANCIAL IMPACTThe Legal Aid of North West Texas has been performing the requested services since July 1,2008;however, their agreement with the County has expired. The Auditor's Office is requiring an updatedapproved agreement in order to pay their invoices. Dallas County has agreed to pay Legal Aid ofNorth West Texas monthly once an invoice is submitted to their office. The total reimbursementshall not exceed $31,215.

RECOMMENDATIONThe Office of Budget and Evaluation recommends that the Commissioners Court approve theagreement between Dallas County and the Legal Aid of North West Texas to reimburse them forservices not to exceed $31,215 and authorize the County Judge to sign off on the agreement.

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May 26,2009


1) FACILITIES MANAGEMENT requests approval:

a) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Jody Rodenberg, beginning May 18, 2009 through July3, 2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorizedin accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at theGeorgel., Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, forinterns Ken Chuka-Obah, beginning May 18, 2009 through July 3, 2009and Alexandra Ray, beginning May 18,2009 through June 26,2009, whowill all be working at the 14th Civil District Court.

b) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern John H. Tyler, beginning July 6, 2009 through August14,2009 and Jeanette Walston, beginning June 1,2009 through July 10,2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the George1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for internsCaitlin Holland, beginning July 6, 2009 through August 14, 2009 andGlenn Orman, beginning June 1,2009 through July 10,2009, who will allbe working at the 160th Civil District Court.

c) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Meredith Brant, beginning May 18, 2009 through June26, 2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorizedin accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at theGeorge 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, forintern Carling Nguyen, beginning May 18, 2009 through June 26, 2009,who will all be working at the 191" Civil District Court.

d) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Tommy Kniest, beginning May 11, 2009 through July3, 2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorizedin accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at theGeorge 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, forintern Brandon Darden, beginning May 18, 2009 through July 18, 2009,who will all be working at the 193'd Civil District Court. .


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e) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sf. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Brandon Carr, beginning May 28, 2009 through August14, 2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, asauthorized in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code,at the George 1. Allen, Sf. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage,for intern Shmyla Alam, beginnin~ June 1,2009 through August 7, 2009,who will all be working in the 194t Criminal District Court.

f) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sf. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Christopher Littell, beginnin~ May 12, 2009 throughAugust 21, 2009, who will be working at the 204 t Criminal District Court.

g) for reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the GeorgeL Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for internBrittany Armstrong, beginning May 18, 2009 through June 27, 2009, whowill be working at the 303rd Family District Court.

h) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Patrick Sheridan, beginning May 18, 2009 through July18, 2009, who will be working at the 330th Family District Court.

i) for reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the George1. Allen, Sf. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for internLaura Locke, beginning July 6, 2009 through August 15, 2009, who willbe working at the 44th Civil District Court.

j) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sf. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Anjulie Pate, beginning May 11, 2009 through July3, 2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, asauthorized in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code,at the George 1. Allen, Sf. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage,for interns Lindsey Goldstein, James Longhofer and James Kitrell,beginning July 6, 2009 through August 14, 2009, interns Chelsea Allenand Justin Smith, beginning May 11, 2009 through June 19, 2009 andintern Leslie Smith, beginning May 18, 2009 through July 3, 2009, whowill all be working at the 68th Civil District Court.


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k) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Lina del Pilar, beginning August 3, 2009 throughSeptember 2,2009, Derik Andrew, beginning June 22,2009 through July31,2009 and Thara Mathews, beginning May l l, 2009 through June 19,2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorizedin accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at theGeorge 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, forintern Lina del Pilar, beginning July 22, 2009 through August 2, 2009,who will all be working for the Civil Court Associate Judges.

I) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Katherine Griffin, beginning June 8, 2009 throughAugust 22, 2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, asauthorized in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code,at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage,for intern David Mead, beginning July 6, 2009 through August 23, 2009,who will all be working at Probate Court No.3.

m) for reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the George1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for internsJarrett Sacks and Kaitlan Moczulski, beginning May 28, 2009 throughJune 26, 2009, who will all be working at the 10151 Civil District Court.

n) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Alexandra Ray, beginning May 18, 2009 through June26,2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorizedin accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at theGeorge 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, forintern Jody Rodenberg, beginning May 18, 2009 through July 3, 2009,who will all be working at the 14th Civil District Court.

0) for reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the George1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for internParker Graham, beginning May 18,2009 through June 26, 2009, who willbe working at the 1920d Civil District Court.

p) for reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the George1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for internAlice Braginsky, beginning June 2, 2009 through July 2, 2009, who willbe working at the I93'd Civil District Court.


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q) for reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the George1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for intern ErinApfel, beginning May 18, 2009 through July 3, 2009, intern PatrickSicotte, beginning June 29, 2009 through August 7, 20009, intern VictoriaHoney, beginning June 29, 2009 through August 14, 2009 and internBrenna Baker, beginning June 29, 2009 through July 24, 2009, who willall be working at the 330'h Family District Court.

r) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George 1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Ane Ene, beginning May 18, 2009 through July 10,2009 and intern Matthew Hale, beginning May 18, 2009 through July 10,2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the George1. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for internsRichard Mann, Bret Vetter and Kent Workman, beginning May 18,2009through July 10, 2009, who will all be working at the County Court at LawNo.1.

s) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for intern Jared Snider, beginning May 18, 2009 through June 26,2009, who will be working at the County Court at Law No.2.

t) for free parking, in accordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas CountyCode, at the George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground ParkingGarage, for interns Olga Bogard, beginning May 11, 2009 through June 5,

.2009, intern Drew Howell, beginning May 11, 2009 through June 10,2009, intern Nicholas Mosser, beginning May 11,2009 through June 10,2009, intern Tricia Horatio, beginning May 18, 2009 through May 29,2009, intern Kimberly Gonzalez, beginning May 26, 2009 through July 3,2009, intern Greg McAllister, beginning June 29, 2009 through July 31,2009, intern Meredith Madden, beginning June 29, 2009 through July 17,2009 and intern Scott Foster, beginning July 6, 2009 through August 14,2009 and reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the GeorgeL. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, interns CoreyTanner, beginning June 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009, intern MeredithGeese, beginning June 1, 2009 through June 26, 2009, intern XerxesMartin, beginning June 1, 2009 through July 3, 2009, intern KevinGrubbs, beginning June 29, 2009 through July 17, 2009, intern CharlieDorsaneo, beginning June 29, 2009 through July 17, 2009, intern EliotRoth, beginning July 6, 2009 through August21, 2009 and intern CharlesGalindo, beginning July 13,2009 through August 21, 2009, who will allbe working at the Court of Appeals.


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u) for reduced parking at the juror rate of $3 per day, as authorized inaccordance with Sec. 74-475.5 of the Dallas County Code, at the GeorgeL. Allen, Sr. Courts Building Underground Parking Garage, for internNelly Yuen, beginning June 2, 2009 through August 29,2009, who will beworking at the Domestic Relations Office.

2) CRIMINAL JUSTICE - requests approval for unpaid internship for RyanBullock during the month of June 2009 and free parking, in accordance with Sec.74-475.5 ofthe Dallas County Code and network computer access.

3) HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES requests approval for the disposition anddeletion from property records of equipment purchased through various DallasCounty Health &. Human Services grants.

(Please Refer to Information Item N o. Sa)


4) ELECTIONS- requests approval:

a) for the use of Facilities space and parking for the dates and times listedbelow:

Function Date Time Location

Early Voting 06-01-2009 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Oak Cliff Sub-Courthousethrough

06-05-200906-06-2009 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.06-07-2009 i2:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m,06-08-2009 and 6:30 a.m. -7:30 p.m.06-09-2009

Supply Pick Up 06-11-2009 1:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Health & Human ServicesBldg. Lobby and BackParking Lot

Election Day 06-13-2009 5:30 a.m. - until Health & Human Servicescomplete Building 8th Floor

b) for security assistance for the dates and times listed below:


Early Voting



06-05-200906-06-200906-07-200906-08-2009 and06-09-2009

Time Location

7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.rn. Oak Cliff Sub-Courthouse

4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m,7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (One Officer)

12:30 p.m, - 6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m. - 8:00 a.m. and4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

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Supply Pick Up

Election Day




12:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.rn.

5:00 p.m. - untilcomplete

Health & Human ServicesBldg. Lobby and ParkingLot

Health & Human ServicesBuilding, 6'" Floor

5) ROAD & BRIDGE DISTRICT NO.1 - requests approval to purchase 40DART passes at $25 each to be provided to clients of the Star program, under the203 rd Criminal Court, who will be working with Road and Bridge #1 'slandscaping project, in conjunction with County Extension's gardening program.The total cost of $1,000 will be transferred from New Program contingency to theRoad and Bridge #1 expense item 00105.2510.05140 (DART Passes).Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.

6) IT SERVICES - requests approval:

a) to purchase one copy / license of Method 123 Project ManagementMethodology software. The upgraded Project Management Methodologysoftware will allow the IT Projects team to boost its project managementmethodology training materials - expanding and improving upon theexisting catalog of templates. Funding to cover the one time cost of $204(which is $499 less the $295 rebate for upgrading) is available in00195.0.02093.2001.0.92014 (Technology Equipment). Recommended bythe Office ofInformation Teclmology.

b) to purchase one copy of Adobe Acrobat Professional 9.0 for use by theTrail and Preserve Program Engineer. Funding to cover the cost of $190 isavailable in 00195.0.2093.2007.0.92014 and 00195.0.2093.2006.0.92014(Teclmology Equipment). Recommended by the Office of InformationTeclmology.

7) TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR - requests approval:

a) for the installation of Mag Locking System and Keypad with releaseswitch in the Property Tax DepartmentIVIT area. The total cost is $825(parts - $535 and $290 - labor). Funds are available in the TaxAssessor/Collector VIT Account. Recommended by the Office of Budgetand Evaluation.

b) for the installation of two teller windows in the Property TaxNITDepartment. The total cost is $1,587.73. Breakdown of cost includesinstallation of two teller windows to match existing windows with fillerglass in middle. The glass is to be Y. tempered safety glass and framingwith clear anodized finish. Funds are available in the TaxAssessor/Collector VIT Account. Recommended by the Office of Budgetand Evaluation.


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c) for Corey Worsham, Property Tax Director, to attend TAAO Course #7(Property Tax Law) on June 14 - 17, 2009 in Austin, TX at a total cost of$776.36. Funds are available in Tax Assessor/Collector VIT Account.Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.

Corey Worsham, PropertY Tax ManagerMileage 199.20 miles .485 cents = $96.61Hotel $95.00 per night x 3 nights = $327.75Food $35.00 per day x 2 full days = $70.00Food $20.00 per day x I partial day = $20.00Registration Fee $230.00Parking $8 per day x 4 days = $32.00

8) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT 1 PLACE 2· - is notifyingCommissioners Court of the change in the court's daily closing schedule. Thecourt is located in Lancaster, Texas and Judge Nash is concerned with securityissues for her staff. Her staff frequently finishes with customers well after 4:30pm. Consequently, requiring the bookkeeper to stay even later to close out theday's transactions. Effective June 1,2009 the court will close their doors at 4:00pm. Anyone already in line at closing will be processed. Closing 30 minutesearlier to the public allows the court staff to finish processing cases and thebookkeeper to close out in a timely manner. Recommended by the Office ofBudget and Evaluation.

9) DISTRICT CLERK - requests approval to obtain 4 clerical chairs from surplusfor use in the juvenile division of the office. Recommended by the Office ofBudget and Evaluation.


10) DIVERT COURT - requests approval for Craig Ross and Johanna Yarbrough toattend the Texas Behavioral Health Institute Training in Austin, Texas on July 6­10, 2009: $2,450 ($900 registration fee) is available in Escrow Fund, DIVERTCourt, Conference Travel Account, FY Budget 2009, (00532.4015.04210.2009).

11) DISTRICT ATTORi'lEY - requests approval for Shelia Greene to train LawEnforcement on Family Issues in Bridgeport, Texas on June 4-5, 2009: $240.25is available in Grant Fund, Regional Training Grant Department, Business TravelAccount, FY Budget 2009, (00466.1342911-09-6001.4010.2009).


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12) SHERIFF'S - requests approval for Kelvin Fowler to attend the Basic JailAdministration Conference in Huntsville, Texas on May 31, 2009 through June 5,2009, in a County vehicle with gas credit and no other expense to DallasCounty. (Previously briefed and approved on May 12, 2009)


a) Tonya Hunter to attend the FEMA EM! Debris Management Training inEmmitsburg, Maryland on June 7-12, 2009: $96.75 is available in GeneralFund, OSEM Department, Conference Staff Development Account, FYBudget 2009, (00120.3340.2050.2009).

b) Robie Robinson, Christine Y. Jacobs, Tonya Hunter, Rodrick Jones andLarry Thompson to attend the State of Texas 2009 Hurricane ExerciseRehearsal of Concept Drill in College Station, Texas on June 15-19,2009,in a County vehicle with gas credit cards and no other expense to DallasCounty. (Previously briefed and approved on April 14, 2009) .

c) Christine Y. Jacobs to attend the Integrated Multi-Agency CoordinationTraining in College Station, Texas on June 23-25, 2009, in a Countyvehicle with gas credit cards and no other expense to Dallas County.(Previously briefed and approved on May 12,2009).

14) ELECTIONS - requests approval for:

a) Danny Clayton to attend the 25th Annual Election Center NationalConference and Professional Education Program in San Diego, Californiaon August 10-15, 2009: $2,633.45 ($399 registration fee) is available inGeneral Fund, Elections Department, Business Travel Account, FYBudget 2009, (00532.94036.04010.2009). Expenditures will be fully orpartially reimbursed through Chapter 19 or HAVA Funds.

b) Bruce Sherbet to attend the 25th Annual Election Center NationalConference and Professional Education Program in San Diego, Californiaon August 10-15, 2009: $2,633.45 ($399 registration fee) is available inGeneral Fund, Elections Department, Business Travel Account, FYBudget 2009, (00532.94036.04010.2009). Expenditures will be fully orpartially reimbursed through Chapter 19 or HAVA Funds.

c) Toni Pippins-Poole to attend the zs" Annual Election Center NationalConference and Professional Education Program in San Diego, Californiaon August 10-15,2009: $2,633.45 ($399 registration fee) is available inGeneral Fund, Elections Department, Business Travel Account, FYBudget 2009, (00532.94036.04010.2009). Expenditures will be fully orpartially reimbursed through Chapter 19 or HAVA Funds.


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15) IT SERVICES - requests approval for Gregg Borders, Nathan Dillinger, CarynFain and Goma Ramachandram to attend the Hyland Software System Training inCleveland, Ohio on June 14-19, 2009: $5,068.41 is available in MajorTechnology Fund, IT Services Department, Business Travel,(00195.1090.4010.0000).

Hi) HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES - requests approval for:

a) Ira Nemeth to attend the Hurex 2009 Roc Drill Training in Austin, Texason June 16-18,2009, at no cost to Dallas County.



Travel Requests submitted for approval after travel had occurred:

b) Robert Atchison, Tammye Berry and Consuelo Cortes to provide technicalassistance and participate in Syphilis Elimination Rapid ResponseActivities throughout the State in varies Texas Counties on January 1,2009 through December 31, 2009: $10,000 is available in Grant Fund,VD Epidemiology Department, Training Fees Account, FY Budget 2009,(00466.08706.02460.2009).

c) Larry McDonald to attend the TDHCA-CEAP Heating and CoolingTraining in Austin, Texas on March 19, 2009: $135 is available in GrantFund, CEAP Department, Training Fee Account, FY Budget 2009,(00466.08301.02460.2009).

Travel Request with reimbursements going over Dallas County Policy maximumreimbursement schedule and Travel Requests submitted for approval after travel hadoccurred:

d) Ira Nemeth to attend the GETAC Meeting in Austin, Texas on May 21-22,2009: $727.50 is available in Grant Fund, PHP Department, Training FeesAccount, FY Budget 2009, (00466.8723.02460.2009).


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Health & Human Service - ImmunizationGrant2-ChairMat$120Within Budget466.0000.02160.2009 (Grant Fund, Health& Human Services, Property less than$5,000, FY2009)The Health and Human Service Departmentis requesting authorization to purchase theabove listed items for the ImmunizationGrant 8710 which were court ordered onAugust 19, 2008 and assigned court ordernumber 2008 - 1555. Recommended by theOffice of Budget and Evaluation

Health & Human Service -LIHEAP2 - Cordless Mouse1 - Dry Erase Board1 - Ream Dispenser$432.92Within Budget466.0000.02160.2009 (Grant Fund, Health& Human Services, Property less than$5,000, FY2009)The Health and Human Service Departmentis requesting authorization to purchase theabove listed items for the LlHEAP Grant .#8302 which were court ordered onSeptember 9, 2008 and assigned court ordernumber 2008 - 1711. Recommended by theOffice of Budget and Evaluation,

Health & Human Service -LlHEAP8 16 Pocket Tool Center1 - HammerlDrill1 - Step Ladder2 - Lithium Ion Battery2 - Measuring Wheel with Stand2 - Printer2 - Leak Detector2 - Aspirator Kit1 - Non-Contact Voltage Detectors 5 Pack

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I - Lamp10 - Water Proof Pouch10 - Vado HD Delux Bundle$6,278.80Within Budget466.0000.02690.2009 (Grant Fund, Health& Human Services, Property less than$5,000, FY2009)The Health and Human Service Departmentis requesting authorization to purchase theabove listed items for the L1HEAP Grant#8302 which were court ordered onSeptember 9, 2008 and assigned court ordernumber 2008~ 1711. Recommended by theOffice of Budget and Evaluation.

Juvenile ~ Letot CenterI ~ Commercial Grade Vacuum Cleaner($271 ea.)$271Juvenile ~ Letot Center, Office Supplies120.5116.2090 (Juvenile ~ Letot Center,Equipment less than $5,000)The Letot Center has requestedauthorization to purchase an industrialvacuum cleaner to replace a broken vacuumcleaner. Recommended by Office of Budget& Evaluation,

Juvenile AdministrationI ~ Mid-volume Fax Machine ($920)$920Reserves & Contingency, Furniture ScEquipment120.5110.2090 (Juvenile Administration,Equipment less than $5,000)Juvenile Administration has requestedauthorization to purchase a mid-volume faxmachine to replace a broken one.Recommended by Records Management.


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1022 Facilities Management8 - Record Storage temperature & humidityFluke meter, no substitutes, Grainger PIN#5YE63 at $23.50 ea. $18816 - Digital pocket thermometers, GraingerPIN # 2DBD4, no substitutes at $0.35 each($5.60)$193Within Budget120-1022-02730 (Facilities Management,Small Tools)Facilities Management requests to purchasethe aforementioned items. Recommended bythe Office of Budget and Evaluation.




00195.1090 Information Technology Services2 - SIM Card (M-0905007) Nokia 2610$0.002 - Voice plan, $9.99/mo for 4 months$79.922 - Unlimited Text, $29.99/mo for 4 months$239.92$319.84Within Budget00195.1090.07213 (IT Services, CellPhones)Information Technology Services requeststwo SIM Cards with unlimited text for theEmail exchange wireless modem alertsystem. The cards are needed to notify theIT Server Team by cell phone in the eventthe County's Email System goes down.Recommended by Communications andCentral Services.


Office ofInformation Technology2 - Dell Memory Upgrades (2GB ea)$170Major Technology Fund, Hardware Refresh195.0.2093.2009.0.92055 (HardwareRefresh)


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The Office of Information Technologyrequests Commissioner's Court approval topurchase two memory upgrades for anexisting PC. The added memory will beused on the Web 1 AIX support PC used formanaging the County's Web environment,Recommended by the Office of InformationTechnology.

Office ofInformation Technology3 - Dell Standard Desktop Computers$3,000Major Technology Fund, Hardware Refresh195.0.2093.2009.0.92055 (HardwareRefresh)The Office of Information Technologyrequests Commissioner's Court approval topurchase three standard desktop computersto replace computers in the County Clerkadministrative office. The currentcomputers are more than 4 years old and donot have the hardware or software featuresnecessary to support the needs of thedepartment. Recommended by the Office ofInformation Technology.

Office ofInfonnation Technology1 - Dell Laptop, Docking Station, Monitor$1,800Major Technology Fund, Hardware Refresh195.0.2093.2009.0.92055 (HardwareRefresh)The Office of Information Technologyrequests Commissioners Court approval topurchase one Dell laptop, docking stationand monitor. The laptop is requested toreplace the 5 year-old laptop used by JudgeHawk. The current laptop is not functioningproperly, has been re-imaged several timesand is still having issues. Recommended bythe Office ofInfonnation Technology.



1022 Facilities Management10 - Dayton WetlDry Vacuum Cleaners,Grainger PIN #1UG91, no substitutes for$11.68 ea.

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$I16.80Within Budget00120.1022.02730 (Facilities Management,SmaIl Tools)Facilities Management requests to purchasethe aforementioned items. These units willbe used for .emergency response &replacement. Facilities department iscurrently out of loaners. Recommended byFacilities Management

1022 . Facilities ManagementI - Polyethylene Baby Changing Station,Grainger PIN #2ELE5. Brand: Koala KareKBIOO-OO Horizontal at $449.25 each$449.25Within Budget00120.1022.02090 (Facilities Management,Property less than $5,000)Facilities Management requests to purchasethe aforementioned items. To be installed atLancaster Sub-courthouse by Skills SupportSection. Recommended by FacilitiesManagement.

1027 Auto Service CenterI - Class 3 Receiver for 2009F150, $182.00Hitch-Class 3 $152" chrome ball $10Pin and Clip for Hitch, $04 way plug connector, $0Labor hitch install Class 3, $40Labor to wire in 4 pin connector, $30Shop supplies, $7.50$284.50Within Budget00120.1027.02090 (Auto Service Center,Property less than $5,000)Auto Service Center requests to purchase theaforementioned items, to be installed on theYouth Village's new truck. Recommendedby the Fleet Coordinator.


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3230 Constable Precinct 3, Adamcik2 - Hardcover Mapscos ($3] ea)28 - Mapscos ($10 ea)6 - CD ROM Mapscos Licenses ($13 ea)$420Within Budget]20.3230.2950.0000 (General Fund.Constable Precinct 3. Books andSupplements. FY2009)Constable Precinct 3 requests authorizationto purchase replacement Mapscos. Rebriefto correct quantity and dollar amounts.Recommended by the Office of Budget and .Evaluation.

3146 Sheriff-Decker Jail(Non-recurring charges)]9 - Cell Phones ($0)(Recurring charges)Rate Plan ($99.99 x ]9 x 1 month)$],900Emergency Reserves]20.3]46.7213.0000 (General Fund, DeckerJail, Cellular Phones, FY2009)Sheriff Decker Jail requests authorization topurchase cell phones and service to allowrepopulation of the Decker Jail until theinmate phone system can be reinstalled.Recommended by Communications andCentral Services.

1027 Auto Service Center1 - Reflective stripping ($],100)] - Spotlight ($200)] Goose neck trailer hitch ($295)] - Goose neck trailer hitch kit ($300)] - In-bed tool box ($595)1 - Spray-in bedliner ($425)] - Harness for trailer lighting ($95)I - Trigger for emergency flashers ($] 00)1 - Receiver hitch ($350)1 - Ball mount ($25)] - Ball chrome ($]2)] - Gooseneck tailgate ($365)1 - Installation ($200)$4,062


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Within Budget120.1027.8620.0000 (GeneralCommunications and Central












Vehicles, FY2009)Communications and Central Servicesrequests authorization to purchaseequipment and install for the replacementtruck provided for the Fire Department. Re­brief to correct expenditure code.Recommended by the Office of Budget andEvaluation.

Auto Service Center1- Push Bumper$360Within Budget120.1027.8620.0000 (General Fund, AutoService Center, Vehicles, FY2009)Communications and Central Servicesrequests authorization to purchaseequipment and install for the replacementtruck provided for the Fire Department. Re­brief to correct expenditure code.Recommended by the Office of Budget andEvaluation.

26Sth Criminal District Court1 - Tandberg Video Conference Unit ­$1,7001 -Data Drop - $115$1,815DDA120.4430.22230.0 (General Fund, 26S'hCriminal District Court, DDA, FY2009)The 26S'h Criminal District Court requestsauthorization to purchase videoconferencing equipment to allow defenseattorneys to utilize the technology from the26Sth and 283'd courts. Recommended by theOffice of Budget and Evaluation.

County Clerk1- Cross-Cut Shredder$310County Clerk Records Management


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120.4031.2090.0 (General Fund, CountyClerk, Property less than $5,000, FY2009)The County Clerk requests authorization topurchase a shredder to replace one that isbroken in the Trust Department.Recommended by the RecordsManagement Department.

Criminal District Magistrate1- Tandberg Video Conferencing Unit($1,700)1- Data Drop ($115)$1,815Emergency Reserves120.4460.2090.0 (General Fund, CriminalDistrict Magistrate, Property less than$5,000, FY2009)The Criminal District Magistrate requestsauthorization to purchase one videoconfcrencing unit and a data drop for the jailinfirmary to be able to utilize videoconferencing technology to assist in themagistration process. Recommended by theOffice of Budget and Evaluation.

Probate Court Investigator's Office8 - Five Shelf Letter Size Filing Cabinetswith locks$574Probate Court Escrow FundProbate Escrow FundOn February 3, 2009, Commissioners Courtapproved 8 - Five shelf letter size filingcabinets with locks a total cost of $3,038,but the actual cost of the cabinets is anadditional $574.' The department requestsauthorization to purchase the cabinets at thehigher cost. Recommended by the Office ofBudget and Evaluation.


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District Attorney - M-090S033 - requests to issue an H41 headset and a MI2 amplifier.Equipment $112.00; Installation $0.00; Recurring Cost $0.00 - Recommended

Juvenile - Detentions - M-090S019 - requests to issue long distance authorization codefor employee to contact outside entities. Equipment $0.00; Installation $0.00; RecurringCost $0.00 - Recommended

Law Library - M-090S022 - requests replacement of three antiquated phones with singleline phones. Equipment $129.00; Installation $0.00; Recurring Cost $0.00­Recommended Funding: 00470.6010.2160

Public Defender - M-090S020 - requests to issue two Jong distance authorization codesfor empJoyees to contact outside entities. Equipment $0.00; Installation $0.00; RecurringCost $0.00 - Recommended

Sheriff - Decker - requests:D-090S012 - installation ofa data line. Equipment $0.00; Installation $125.00; RecurringCost $0.00 - Recommended

D-090S013 - installation ofa data line. Equipment '1:000; Installation $125.00; RecurringCost $0.00 - Recommended

• Funding for the above requests are available from countywide department 1023,line item 72 J0 telecom equipment and department 1023, line item 6250 cablecontract, if otherwise it will be stated in brief.

e Projects are funded by requesting department, if otherwise it will be stated inbrief.

e Cell Phone funding is provided by the requesting department and is stated.

• Pagers are funded from department 1023, line item 7214.
