MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the...

MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors Ed Ferrara, MSIA, CISSP eferrara@temple.edu Week 1: Introduction to Fraud

Transcript of MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the...

Page 1: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

MIS 520 – Data Analy t ics fo r IT Aud itors

EdFerrara,MSIA,[email protected]


Page 2: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling


Page 3: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling




Page 4: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling


Fraud:• Isanillegalactoracts(intentionalwrongdoing thatviolatesalaworlaws)• Includestheconcealmentoftheactoracts• Resultsinthe perpetratorsgaining financialbenefit fromtheact(monetizing the

gains- cashoranothervaluablecommodity)

Examples:• Borrowingmoneyusingsomeoneelse’sidentity• Misrepresenttheprofitabilityofapublicly tradedcompanytoartificiallyinflatethe

company’sstockprice• Misrepresenttheprofitabilityofaprivatelyheldcompany,whensellingthe

company,tomakethebuyerbelievethecompanyisworthmorethanitactuallyis• Plantsmallquantitiesofvaluableoreon landforsaletodeceivepotentialbuyers

aboutthevalueoftheland• Usingastolencreditcardtopurchasegoodsandorservices• Oftenseeninconjunction withmoney laundering tohidetheproceedsofthefraud

Page 5: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

Fraud Other ExamplesFraudthatbenefits AnOrganization Fraudthatharms anorganizationImpropertransferpricingbetweenrelatedentities

Stealingmoney,property orfalsifyingfinancialrecordstocoverupatheft

Intentional improperrelated-partytransactionswhereonepartyreceivessomebenefitnotobtainableinanormalarm’slengthtransaction.

Intentionally misrepresentingorconcealingeventsordata

Legallytransferring(assignment)fictitiousormisrepresentedassetsor sales

Submitting claimsforservicesorgoodsnotactuallyprovidedbytheorganization.


Conductingbusiness activities thatviolategovernmentstatutes,rules,regulations,orcontracts

Misrepresentingthefinancial statusofanorganizationtooutsidepartiesbyintentionallyfailingtodisclosesignificantinformation.

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© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 7: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 8: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 9: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 10: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 11: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 12: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

Fraud Costs

© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 13: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

Fraud Costs

© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 14: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

Fraud Costs

© 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. All rights reserved. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certified Fraud Examiner,”

Page 15: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling


Page 16: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

HowDo Cr iminals Th ink AboutMoney?

§ Alargepercentageofyourmoney(wealth)isillegal§ Thegovernmentwillseizethismoney(wealth)ifdetectedand

caught§ Thereforecriminalsneedto:

§ Hidetheirwealth§ Transport/Transferinordertohide§ Transformthewealthfromillegallysourcedfundstolegally

sourcedfunds§ Enjoy

Page 17: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

Fraud vs . Money Launder ing


•Companies orindividuals thatarevictimsoffraudincurfinanciallosses.

MoneyLaundering•Companies orindividuals thelaundermoneydonotincurfinanciallosses


• Lossisonly experiencedifthegovernmentseizesfunds duetoillegalactivity

Page 18: MIS 520 – Data Analytics for IT Auditors€¦ · Physical introduction of bulk cash into the financial system –cash deposits, and cash equivalent purchases –currency smuggling

Money Launder ing

An estimated 900 billion to 1 trillion US dollars of

illicit funds circulating worldwide Approximately

500 to 600 billion US dollars associated with

the drug trade About 300 billion US dollars

associated with United States drug sales.

Odeh, Ismail A. (2010-08-24). Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing for Financial Institutions (p. 4). Dorrance Publishing Co. Inc.. Kindle Edition.




Physicalintroductionofbulkcashintothefinancialsystem– cashdeposits, andcashequivalentpurchases – currencysmuggling

Separatingtheproceedsofcriminalactivityfortheirsourcethroughcomplexlayersoftransactions– usingmorethanonefinancialinstitution –obscuring theaudittrail

Placingthelaunderedfunds backintotheeconomy– enteringasapparentlylegitimatefunds.Accomplished throughreal-estatepurchases, shell companies, andsecurities investments.

Aggregate money laundering is estimated to be 2% to 5% of the world’s

gross domestic product (GDP)

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TheFraud T r iangle

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WhyIs There Fraud?







Access:• Physical• System• Process

Rationalization:• Iamsimplyborrowingthemoney…

• Everyoneelseisdoingit…

• Wearejustmeetingournumbers…

• It’snotreallyillegal…

• Ihavetodothisformyfamily…

• IfIdon’ttheywillbreakmylegs…


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HowOccupational F raud is Committed

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Occupational F raud – Percentage o f Cases


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Occupational F raud – Med ian Loss


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Occupational F raud – In it ia l Detect ion


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Respons ib i l i ty fo r F raud Detect ion (RACI )

Responsible Accountable Consulted InformedInternalAuditExternalAudit


LegalCounselEnterprise RiskLineManagement


Concept Definition

Responsible Thepersonorgroup thatdoestheworkAccountable Thepersonorgroup thatgetsfired ifsomething goeswrongConsulted Thepersonorgroup thatisaskedfortheiropinion andguidanceInformed Thepersonorgroup thatisinformed oftheissue

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Secur it ies F raud§ Pennystockfraud§ Stockpricerisesdueto


§ Usingfalsereportingandmanipulativebusinessactivities

§ http://www.fbi.gov/cleveland/press-releases/2014/penny-stock-fraud-nets-millions

§ http://www.wsj.com/articles/sec-charges-two-with-penny-stock-fraud-1405716923

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Cyber F raud – F inanc ial Serv ice CompanyRationalization Opportunity Motive (Pressure) Means

IfI don’tdothistheyaregoingtobreakmylegsorworse.

Custodianhadphysicalaccesstothebankfunds transferroom.


Poor physical, processandsystemcontrols

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Fraud ’s Impact

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