Minsk, 19th October 20111 The CEI-KEP project “Development of decision support systems for...

Minsk, 19th October 2011 1 The CEI-KEP project “Development of decision support systems for integrated water management in Belarus” best practices, CSI-Piemonte experience in development of information systems applied for integrated water management and possibilities for future collaboration Tatsiana Hubina, CSI Piemonte, Environment Area

Transcript of Minsk, 19th October 20111 The CEI-KEP project “Development of decision support systems for...

Page 1: Minsk, 19th October 20111 The CEI-KEP project “Development of decision support systems for integrated water management in Belarus” best practices, CSI-Piemonte.

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The CEI-KEP project “Development of decision support systems for integrated water management in Belarus” best practices, CSI-Piemonte experience in development of information systems applied for integrated water management and possibilities for future collaboration

Tatsiana Hubina, CSI Piemonte, Environment Area

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Central Europe Initiative-KEP project (Ref. 1206.006A-09)

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The Central European Initiative was founded in Budapest, 1989 as a forum to promote the regional cooperation between Central and Eastern Europe

The main mandate of CEI is fostering political and socio-economic development in the region aimed at avoiding new division lines in Europe

CEI Headquarters, Trieste

CEI has 9 EU and 9 non-EU Member States

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Know-How Exchange Programme (KEP)

Grant facility created in 2004 to support transfer of best practices and transformation experience from CEI EU to non-EU Member States

Main objectives of KEP are:

strengthen economic and social advancement of the CEI non-EU Member States

help the recent EU members in their transformation from recipients to donors (emerging donors) of development assistance

promote principles of foreign development aid and support international collaboration among institutions in CEI member countries

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Project partnership

The Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste (UNITS-DSV)

The Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk (CRICUWR)

Duration: 1 year (1.11.2009 – 31.10.2010)Total budget: 72,000 Euro (50% CEI)

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Project Main Objective:to transfer methodologies for environmental analysis and assessment, helping CRICUWR to elaborate integrated water resources management (IWRM) plans in Belarus

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One of the main activities:

training course/workshop on Decision Support Systems, Remote-Sensing and GIS techniques applied to spatial DSS, modelling in Minsk addressed to scientists, technicians, operators in the environmental management field, elaboration of a case study and working document

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Project follow-up

The project activities raised overall interest by all experts in the possibility of achieving helpful methods and tools for IWRM analysis. In particular, need is shown for open GIS software sources, remote sensing techniques, free territorial data and satellite imagery

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public institutions and other stakeholders (private companies) great interest the project results and recommendations will be useful for the implementation of the Integrated Scheme of territorial planning for the Myadel region, and for environmental and monitoring studies of other water ecosystems in Belarus application of these methods will be made also within the frame of the Belarusian Space System of Remote Sensing here are already some actual application and running projects.

Survey evaluation

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CSI -Piemonte Introduction

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We focus on the development and operation of Information & Communication Technology projects for the public sector www.csipiemonte.it/en

CSI-Piemonte (Consortium for the Information System) is a public consortium grouping a large number of public bodies and it is organized along private lines

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CSI Piemonte founded in 1977

91 Associated Consortium Members 155 Millions € annual revenue 6 sites in Piedmont1. 200 employees


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Since 2005 CSI is actively involved in promoting its international presence both through EU Initiatives and External Cooperation Policy Measures

Awarded projects: 45


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International cooperation in the field of water management Environment

Twinning in Slovak, Poland, Hungary, Romania on water management (quality), support to environmental management decisions, Seveso Directive and IPPC

EuropeAid, Technical assistance in Algeria (Water Resources Ministry)

European Commission consultant (DG Environment)

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Water Resources Information System

The Information System for the Regional Planning of Water Resources allows to monitor water and infrastructures, implementing the centralization in a single archive of data concerning water supplies, discharges from industrial activities, aqueducts, sewers, purifiers

Among the others, the prevention of the floods is one of the key objectives, since Piedmont has been recently struck by river Po floods in 1994 and 2000

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The System for Water Resources Management is used as the main instrument for the implementation of the Waters Safeguard Plan.

The archive is a geo-database; this makes it possible to operate on alphanumeric and geographic dimensions for both data analysis and data update

The components of the system are:- supplies management module- industrial discharges management module- automatic and manual data monitoring module- integrated water services management module- superficial and underground hydrography management module

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SIRI – Information System of Water ResourcesWater supplies

Water discharges from industrial plants

Integrated water service (aqueducts, sewages and purification infrastructures)

Qualitative and quantitative monitoring system

Data from water management plan

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SIBI - Information System on water use for irrigationIrrigation network infrstructures

Anagraphical dataset of irrigation consortium


web application for Regional legislation on water

SIBIWEB web application for data retrieval about irrigation network

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PoPossibilities for future cooperation

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To link scientific research and business / industry?

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Setting-up baseline for permanent partnership and common future actions (FP7 projects, Europe Aid actions, etc.)

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Thank you for your attention !Tatsiana Hubina

[email protected]/en